#Cyberdramon really is a gentle giant
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digi-noir · 4 years ago
Tamers with Pokemon teams set 1
I just decided it'd be fun to try and give all the Tamers kids a pokemon team. This post is going to be teams for Takato, Henry, Rika, Jeri, and Ryo. Set 2 is going to be the rest of the kids: Kazu, Kenta, Suzie, Alice, and Ai and Mako.
The rules are: no doubles (including from teams in the next set) and no Legendaries/Mythicals.
Now my logic here is gonna be on what pokemon I feel fit the characters the best, so the team comp. are probably gonna suck as an actual team. Honestly my logic ranges from flimsy to decent so this'll be fun (also it's been awhile since I've watched Tamers so I might get things wrong). Also for the sake of this project I'm taking Dex entries seriously.
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Takato's was relatively easy in comparison to others, tho the last pokemon gave me a bit of a struggle. I don't have good reasons for half his team lol.
Smeargle- I chose Smeargle for Takato solely because it loves to paint which connects with Takato's drawings. They're drawing buddies.
Bisharp- Yeah, Bisharp is here because it gives me knight vibes that remind me of Gallantmon. Also it's dark/fighting type fits since Gallantmon is a virus type digimon.
Eevee- Honestly, I couldn't decide which eeveeloution would fit Takato the best so I just gave him Eevee. Yeah I don't have much of a reason besides really feeling like Eevee fits Takato.
Deino- Deino is a baby. You know who else is a baby? Guilmon! Also it's fully evolved form Hydreigon reminds me of Megidramon due to it's dex entries saying it will attack anything that moves (BW ep 100 and 107).
Rockruff- Similar to Deino, It's midnight form is thrilled by battle. Meanwhile it's miday form is more calm and cautious, and also being v loyal. So it could either represent Megidramon, like Deino, or be more fitting of Takato's personality.
Dragapult- I really wanted to give Takato a dragon type and Dragapult just felt right? Yeah sorry, I'm bad at explaining things.
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I struggled with Henry the most tbh, idk why it was so hard for me to figure out his team. Probably has the most diverse team of the bunch. Two of these are here partly because I couldn't think of anything else.
Altaria- Altaria is known as a peaceful pokemon, unless it's provoked and then it'll decimate you. Henry is pretty pacifistic, but does fight when needed so I felt Altaria was the perfect pokemon for him.
Mienfoo- Minefoo is called the martial arts pokemon and since Henry practices Tai Chi, I felt it fit. Just... ignore that the martial arts it's based on is kung fu. I couldn't find one that was inspired by Tai Chi so I either missed it or it doesn't exist.
Abra- Yeah uhhh... I don't really know how to explain this one? Just a Feeling(tm).
Audino- Giving him Audino because I feel like it would help him babysit Suzie.
Skarmory- I just felt I needed to give him a steel type becuase of terriermon's evo line tbh. It's pokedex entry says it can go over a hundred mph, so yeah being fast and being able to fly is why I chose Skarmory as the steel type to give to Henry since Rapidmon can also fly and go fast. Tho it is nowhere near as fast as Rapidmon who can apparently go near the speed of light if we take it's desc. seriously.
Leafeon- Leafeon, like Altaria, is described as pacifistic, but will fight if needed. So same reasoning as Altaria.
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Yeah I just gave Rika Pokemon that had connection to aura (Riolu, Meditite, and Gardevoir), were based off of Japanese myths/legends (Ninetails and Froslass) or fit the theme of the team comp (Chingling). Actually I might be the most satisfied with Rika's team out of everyone's.
Ninetails- This one is pretty obvious, Ninetails is the stand-in for Renamon. For obvious reasons.
Riolu- Riolu is here to demonstarte Rika's character growth. In order to evolve Riolu you need to have a high friendship with it, so Riolu will only evolve after Rika learns about The Power of Friendship(tm). Chosen over other pokemon that need high friendship to evolve because of it's connection to aura.
Chingling- Kinda the same reason as Riolu but also because it's based off of shrine bells which are supposed to ward off evil and it's evolved form, Chimecho, is based off wind chimes/bell chimes that are for the same purpose as the shrine bells. Taomon uses tailsman's to attack and Sakuyamon has a mode called Miko Mode (Miko aka Shrine Maiden). So yeah, chosen for connection to shrines.
Froslass- Did I choose Froslass as a reference to Rika being called the "Ice Queen"?? Yes, yes I did. And also because Froslass is based off the Yuki-Onna, a spirit from Japanese folklore, so she fits the theme of the team.
Gardevoir- Gardevoir being a psychic type helped it be placed in Rika's team, since I get the feeling the psychic typing best fits her. Also you can make a case for Gardevoir being partly inspired by a protector spirit (and/or guardian angel, whichever) and therefore fitting the theme.
Meditite- Again psychic type, and also meditation. And meditation has a connection to aura so... yeah. Also it's training it's spirtual power so there. Spirit connection again.
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Look, she deserves buff pokemon, have you seen Leomon? But yeah half buff and half cute team for Jeri, she can pull off the duality. Yeah the reasons here are flimsy, but whatever.
Incineroar, Machoke, and Pangoro- Mostly chosen because they are big and buff, like Leomon. Also Incineroar is good with kids and Pangoro can't stand bullies. So that fits Jeri.
Teddiursa- Cute baby that becomes a big bear, fitting i think. Also being able to learn both fighting and fairy moves.
Mimikyu- It was either Banette or Mimikyu and Mimikyu ended up winning due to it's fairy typing and really just wanting to be loved.
Togepi- Honestly? Just a representation of Calumon. Since Calumon doesn't have a partner I felt Jeri was the best pick here. Could have a symbolic thing where it evolves to Togetic to show Jeri getting better after The Incident (Ya know, assuming we could have an equivalent to that in Pokemon verse).
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Don't give Ryo an all dragon team challenge. Threw some steel in there too becuase ya know, Justimon. You'd think with him being my favorite this'd be the easiest one and one where I had good reasoning.
Garchomp- Garchomp can fly. I did not know this until I read it's dex entry. This is sorta relevant since Garchomp is a stand-in for Cyberdramon in this case.
Salamence- Ironically Garchomp and Salamence sometimes fight each other over prey, so that's fun. But yeah Salamaece is here due to uh... a feeling.
Kommo-O- Also a stand-in for Cyberdramon, because it's said to be seeking strong opponents in order to gain power to defeat the darkness (never clarified). Which mirrors Cyberdramons desire to find the "ultimate enemy" he's supposed to defeat.
Absol- Absol is able to sense when disaster is coming and considering how much trouble Ryo tends to get into it would be a big help. There was another reason but I forgot it... moving on.
Bastiodon- Chosen for steel typing and being gentle despite it's intimidating appearance, like how Cyberdramon is (when there isn’t a threat around).
Aggron- Again, chosen for steel typing and being draconic like. Also despite not being a dragon type, it still kinda acts like a dragon.
Alt. Pokemon: Gallade- Would probably replace Bastiodon or Aggron, I just felt it wouldn't fit too much with it's typing (fighting fits but psychic doesn't). Gallade just fits for Justimon I think.
Anyway I'm bad at explaining things, if you couldn't tell. Rika's team is the only one where I feel 100 percent satisfied with. But yeah set 2 should be out either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Honestly probably tomorrow and who knows? I might do this with the Adventure and 02 kids too. I'd do it with other series too but idk much about the characters.
I was also thinking of doing a reverse of this and give Pokemon characters a Digimon partner, but who knows.
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