#digi prepaid
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Do you wish to have greater financial freedom, with Tonewow you install a prepaid simcard in your device and it earns you passive income. To find out how this revolutionary new simcard works watch this video , visit our Facebook pages and follow us on other social media such as instagram, Twitter, tumbler, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Register for tonewow today at our partner RN.biz website to recieve your tonewow simcard today .The simcard that pays! https://rakanniaga.biz/id-1019/ WhatsApp Norazah to discuss today > http://prepaid.wassap.my/ #tonewownow #madamazzastonewow #azza #kualakangsar #perak #digi #4G #Malaysia #topup #tonewow #prepaid #simcard #simkad #thesimcardthatpays (at Kuala Kangsar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btlv_HaFZO0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b04if229unuw
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Hey there! When I was younger, there were some commercials on TV which were made by DiGi Telecommunications. Let's just say that one thing that caught my eyes was the DiGi mascot. Yeah, there's one standing next to me, because I'm one of the loyal users of DiGi Prepaid. If at least one DiGi mascot is seen next to the user (like me, for example), it means the internet connection is well-connected. Of course, you can see on the mascot's body, that some blue marks on it are the signal of the internet connection (specifically for 3G). Nowadays, our smartphones have 4G/5G connections. However, I just wished that DiGi could still feature the mascots in their commercials. I really missed my childhood so much, that I want them back. Enjoy! 📱📶🤳🏻💻 @digitelco #digi #digitelco #internet #internetconnection #connectivity #3G #4G #5G #YellowMascot #Digi #TopUp #Prepaid #Postpaid #technology #21stcentury #telekomunikasi #communications #socialmedia #mediasosial #prabayar #pascabayar #telecommunications https://www.instagram.com/p/CPdGI2ELkTp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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28 bulan tarikh luput ❗❗❗ Inilah kelebihan yang tiada pada prepaid simkad telco lain. ✅Sesuai untuk kawan2 yg jarang keluar bandar ✅Sesuai untuk yang malas komitmen bulanan ✅Sesuai untuk ibubapa dikampung ✅Sesuai kekal no lama (ni kes orang banyak sim) ✅Sesuai untuk murid sekolah ✅Sesuai untuk semua2 lah...😁 Roger2 kalau minat...kita aturr #malaysiabaru #onexox #onexoxsimkadjimatsemenyih #SIMKADPANJANGUMUR #maxis #digi #syntheticwigs #topuo #duit #dia #prepaid #0133946520 (at Kajang, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJrX9OB-nu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ofpj3t84cw1t
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You can now buy Digi data reloads over the counter
You can now buy Digi data reloads over the counter
Topping up data for your Digi prepaid is now even easier. Digi has rolled out Prepaid Internet Reload, a new data reload option that’s available at close to 5,000 touch points nationwide. (more…)
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種類別電子マネー等キャッシュレス決済一覧 交通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式)(交通系ICカード全国相互利用サービス対応):ICOCA、Kitaca、Suica、モノレールSuica、りんかいSuica、SUGOCA、TOICA、nimoca、ICAS nimoca、でんでんnimoca、めじろんnimoca、PASMO、はやかけん、manaca 交通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式)(交通系全国相互利用サービス非対応):ICa、ICい~カード、ICバスカード(北見バス)、Asaca、ayuca、icsca、ICOUSA、itappy、いばっピ、IruCa、Iwasaki IC CARD、ecomyca、emiCa、近江鉄道バスICカード、OKICA、odeca、 熊本地域振興ICカード、KURURU、SAPICA、CI-CA、DoCARD、ですか、でんてつハイカード、ナイスパス、長崎スマートカード、なっち、NicoPa、NORUCA(福島ICバスカード)、passca、PASPY、hanica、Hareca、��まわりバスカード、 RapiCa、らんでんカード、りゅーと、LuLuCa等 交通系IC型電子マネー(ポストペイ式)(交通系全国相互利用非対応):PiTaPa 流通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式):nanaco、楽天Edy、WAON IC型流通系独自電子マネー、ハウス電子マネー、地域電子マネー等(プリペイド式):鎌倉湘南チェック(終了)、クロネコメンバー割、CoGCa、Cmode(終了)、スターバックスカード、たねィ(終了)、d CARD PREPAID、とかしきチェック(終了)、 ドトールバリューカード、ナムコイン、PASELI、Pidel(終了)、HIROCA、ペコマ、machica、ゆめピット等 IC型流通系、クレカ系等電子マネー(ポストペイ式):iD、American Express Contactless、eLIO(終了)、QUICPay、JCB Contactless、Shell EasyPay(小型キーホルダー状の特殊形状)、 Speedpass(小型キーホルダー状の特殊形状)、Smartplus(終了)、VISA TOUCH(終了)、VISA payWave、MasterCardコンタクトレス等 磁気ストライプ型独自電子マネー(プリペイド式):いい菜プレミアムカード、エーカ(アカシヤ)、EZOマネー(EZOCA)、エフカマネー、カフェ・ド・クリエカード、鎌倉屋Kカード、ぎゅーとらコロカカード、CooCa、KFC CARD、 けんバリューカード、コストコ・プリペイドカード、KOMECA、サブクラブカード、スターバックスカード、Smile Money、西友ショッピングカード、タリーズカード、ちょこっとカード、Tマネー*、TC CARD(トラベルカフェ) DEAN&DELUCA MEMBER'S CARD、道とん堀カード(終了)、肉マイレージカード、NISHIMURA CARD、ハッピーカード、BiMO、Bibica、FADICA、フィールさくらカード、ふらんす亭プレミアムカード(終了)、プレシャスカード、 フレッシュネスカード、MAiSEN CARD、masaca!!、majica、mamaca、マリカ、丸亀製麺カード(終了)、ミスタードーナツカード、MiiCA、miyoca(終了)、めいかマネー、モスカード、uniko、ゆめか、吉野家プリカ、 Lacuca、RARAプリカ、litta、リバティハートカード、Lueca、レッドロブスターカード、WORLD COFFEE CARD等多数 QR決済、バーコード決済:atone、Amazon Go、Amazon Pay、Alipay、&Pay、WeChat Pay、EPOS Pay、au PAY、エンタメコイン、Origami Pay、Kyash、銀行Pay、銀聯QRコード決済、JAPAN TAXI WALLET、J-Coin Pay、Shop & Go、 Smash Pay、7ペイ、d払い、トライアル、pixiv PAY、ファミペイ、pring、Pay ID、Payどん、PayB、PayPay、PAYMO、メルペイ、ゆうちょ Pay、LINE Pay、楽天ペイ、ローソンスマホペイ等 クレカ:三井住友VISA等多数 デイヴィッド:スルデヴィ等多数 クレカもどきとして使え���磁気ストライプ型電子マネー(プリペイド式):アクアカード、ANA VISAプリペイドカード、au WALLET、エポスVisaプリペイドカード、おさいふPONTA、オリコプリペイドカード、ココカラクラブカード、 JTB旅プリカ、ソフトバンクカード、Tカード*、d CARD PREPAID、三井住友VISAプリペイド、LINE Payカード等 プリペイドスクラッチ型電子マネー(ギフトカード式プリペイドカード):iTunes Card・AppStore Card、Amazonギフト券、Amazonショッピングカード、nanacoギフトカード(終了)、Vプリカギフト等 仮想マネー:e-wallet、おさいぽ、WebMoney、エコチップ、オフラインデビット、GAMECHECK、C-CHECK、G-MONEY、セキュリティマネー、ちょコムeマネー、Digi-Coin、NET CASH、NetRideCash、PASELI、BitCash、モリタポ等 仮想通貨:イーサリアム、イーサリアムクラシック、オーガー、Jコイン、NEM、ビットコイン、ビットコインキャッシュ、ファクトム、モナコイン、ライトコイン、Lisk、リップル等 銀行振込等決済代行サービス:ペイジー、Paidy等 *Tカードのクレカもどき電子マネーの機能は同じTカードに搭載されてる独自電子マネーの「Tマネー」とは全く別の機能
なんで急にどこもかしこも電子マネーで買い物推奨し始めたの? :お料理速報
149: 名無し募集中。。。 2019/07/03(水) 10:35:10.14 0 日本て昔からそうだよな 野放図な乱立で勝手に囲い込みまくって互換性失わせて それ自体で決定的に普及を妨げてる
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種類別電子マネー等キャッシュレス決済一覧 交通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式)(交通系ICカード全国相互利用サービス対応):ICOCA、Kitaca、Suica、モノレールSuica、 りんかいSuica、SUGOCA、TOICA、nimoca、ICAS nimoca、でんでんnimoca、めじろんnimoca、PASMO、はやかけん、manaca 交通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式)(交通系全国相互利用非対応):ICa、ICい~カード、ICバスカード(北見バス)、Asaca、ayuca、 icsca、ICOUSA、itappy、いばっピ、IruCa、Iwasaki IC CARD、ecomyca、emiCa、近江鉄道バスICカード、OKICA、odeca、 熊本地域振興ICカード、KURURU、SAPICA、CI-CA、DoCARD、ですか、でんてつハイカード、ナイスパス、長崎スマートカード、なっ ち、NicoPa、NORUCA(福島ICバスカード)、passca、PASPY、hanica、Hareca、ひまわりバスカード、 RapiCa、らんでんカード、りゅーと、LuLuCa等 交通系IC型電子マネー(ポストペイ式)(交通系全国相互利用非対応):PiTaPa 流通系IC型電子マネー(プリペイド式):nanaco、楽天Edy、WAON IC型流通系独自電子マネー、ハウス電子マネー、地域電子マネー等(プリペイド式):鎌倉湘南チェック(終了)、クロネコメンバー割、CoGCa、Cmode(終了)、スターバックスカード、たねィ(終了)、d CARD PREPAID、とかしきチェック(終了)、 ドトールバリューカード、ナムコイン、PASELI、Pidel(終了)、HIROCA、ペコマ、machica、ゆめピット等 IC型流通系、クレカ系等電子マネー(ポストペイ式):iD、American Express Contactless、eLIO(終了)、QUICPay、JCB Contactless、Shell EasyPay(小型キーホルダー状の特殊形状)、 Speedpass(小型キーホルダー状の特殊形状)、Smartplus(終了)、VISA TOUCH(終了)、VISA payWave、MasterCardコンタクトレス等 磁気ストライプ型独自電子マネー(プリペイド式):いい菜プレミアムカード、エーカ(アカシヤ)、EZOマネー(EZOCA)、エフカマネー、カフェ・ド・クリエカード、鎌倉屋Kカード、ぎゅーとらコロカカード、CooCa、KFC CARD、 けんバリューカード、コストコ・プリペイドカード、KOMECA、サブクラブカード、スターバックスカード、Smile Money、西友ショッピングカード、タリーズカード、ちょこっとカード、Tマネー*、TC CARD(トラベルカフェ) DEAN&DELUCA MEMBER'S CARD、道とん堀カード(終了)、肉マイレージカード、NISHIMURA CARD、ハッピーカード、BiMO、Bibica、FADICA、フィールさくらカード、ふらんす亭プレミアムカード(終了)、プレシャスカード、 フレッシュネスカード、MAiSEN CARD、masaca!!、majica、mamaca、マリカ、丸亀製麺カード(終了)、ミスタードーナツカード、MiiCA、miyoca(終了)、めいかマネー、モスカード、uniko、ゆめか、吉野家プリカ、 Lacuca、RARAプリカ、litta、リバティハートカード、Lueca、レッドロブスターカード、WORLD COFFEE CARD等多数 QR決済、バーコード決済:atone、Amazon Go、Amazon Pay、Alipay、&Pay、WeChat Pay、EPOS Pay、au PAY、エンタメコイン、Origami Pay、Kyash、銀行Pay、銀聯QRコード決済、JAPAN TAXI WALLET、J-Coin Pay、Shop & Go、 Smash Pay、7ペイ(未導入)、d払い、トライアル、pixiv PAY、ファミペイ、pring、Pay ID、Payどん、PayB、PayPay、PAYMO、メルペイ、ゆうちょ Pay、LINE Pay、楽天ペイ、ローソンスマホペイ等 クレカ:三井住友VISA等多数 デーヴィッド:スルデヴィ等多数 クレカもどきとして使える磁気ストライプ型電子マネー(プリペイド式):アクアカード、ANA VISAプリペイドカード、au WALLET、エポスVisaプリペイドカード、おさいふPONTA、オリコプリペイドカード、ココカラクラブカード、 JTB旅プリカ、ソフトバンクカード、Tカード*、d CARD PREPAID、三井住友VISAプリペイド、LINE Payカード等 プリペイドスクラッチ型電子マネー(ギフトカード式プリペイドカード):iTunes Card・AppStore Card、Amazonギフト券、Amazonショッピングカード、nanacoギフトカード(終了)、Vプリカギフト等 仮想マネー:e-wallet、おさいぽ、WebMoney、エコチップ、オフラインデビット、GAMECHECK、C-CHECK、G-MONEY、セ キュリティマネー、ちょコムeマネー、Digi-Coin、NET CASH、NetRideCash、PASELI、BitCash、モリタポ等 仮想通貨:イーサリアム、イーサリアムクラシック、オーガー、Jコイン、NEM、ビットコイン、ビットコインキャッシュ、ファクトム、モナコイン、ライトコイン、Lisk、リップル等 銀行振込等決済代行サービス:ペイジー、Paidy等 *Tカードのクレカもどき電子マネーの機能は同じTカードに搭載されてる独自電子マネーの「Tマネー」とは全く別の機能
【画像】セブイレ店舗さん、未だ現金支払いしてる情弱たちをヤバいほど煽るwwwww : 無題のドキュメント
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bKash software is a web-based software control over your online mobile recharge or Flexiload business, that can be used to recharge mobile of 35+ Countries Operator like GP, Robi-Airtel, Banglalink, Teletalk, DiGi, Maxis, Celcom, U Mobile etc along with Utility bill pay and many more. The main advantages of this software are to extend their services and business networks through resellers. The resellers are registered users, they send their recharge request from the remote place via Website & Android Apps. Recharge is carried out automatically by the system after receiving the requests and responses are sent back through the web request. bKash software is only one place providing this type of software with easy recharge process, our expert has more experience developing mobile recharge software/ Flexiload Software. We have lots of clients over the world like Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain etc All of Middle East.
Online and Offline Auto / manual Flexiload software. • A complete and Easy billing module for reseller & administrator. • Instant and automated flexi recharge option from your own server. • Simple & graphical Interface for Fast Loading, Faster user creation, login protection. • Supported direct payment, Income/Transaction Logs & Statistical Reports& updating for more payment gateway • Instant messaging system for all stakeholders with Internal messaging solution • Online and Offline Auto bkash software can be customized according to your needs and use. USER FEATURES:
Mobile Recharge ( Prepaid / Postpaid ). Ucash ( Online Money Transfer ). Mbanking ( Mobile Banking System ). Credit Management. All Transaction Report. All Raw Report. Profile Settings. Secure PIN System ( For Transaction Security ). And More…
All User Feature’s. Create User Account. User Management. Add / Remove User Balance. Edit / Update User Account. Edit / Update User PIN. User Transaction Report. And More…
Check Pending Request. Update / Approve Recharge Request. Update / Approve Ucash Request. Update / Approve Mbanking Request. All Transaction Report. Full Transaction Ledger. profile Settings. Create Reseller Account. Create User Account. Admin, leblel 5 Add / Edit / Update Reseller & User Account. Add / Edit / Update Reseller & User PIN. Add / Remove Reseller & User Credit. Reset Reseller & User Password. and More… GSM/GPRS/SMS Wavecom 8port modem, for Bulk SMS System or Flexiload System Device Brand: Wavecom ( Original)
Key Feature: 1.Just like 8 single-channel equipments work at the same time 2.insert 8 SIM cards(big or small) 3.connection with the computer through a data line be integrated with Serial 8 4.Each channel with separate power switch 5.Each individual module be demolished 6.industrial chassis, elegant shell 7.GSM frequency: 900/1800 MHZ 8.8 SIM card(big/small) slots 9.Wireless access to interne 10.Comply with GSM phase2 standard 11.Dual-band/Quad-band(optional) 12.RS-232/USB interface(optional) 13.8 SIM Card supported (Big/Small) 14.Optional data,voice function 15.send and receive English SMS in bulk
We provide Full management Flexiloads Software With Bkash Software.It is a a web based mobile phone balance transfer accounting software. This application maintains transaction related information for customer/vendor. At the same time, manages the accounts owned by the client. Admins are responsible for maintaining information of customer/vendor. Users of the system can login based on their access level. 5 types of access level currently defined into the application.
Recharge Bangladesh mobile (GrameenPhone, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, Citycell & Teletalk) online 24/7, trusted by thousands of users worldwide sending to their family and friends. We accept VISA, Mastercard, debit card, bank transfer & more through PayPal. Fast, secure and on time Bangladesh Mobile Recharge (Flexiload, Ezeeload, I top up, YouiLoad, TopupBDMobile).
Our fully auto international flexiload system is now compatible and available with high configured Laptop of renown brands.
Also it is available Benefits:
Power backup for 24×7. with high configured Desktop Computer and 5 GSM EDGE Modems. It is a super duper exclusive offer for hassle free online mobile recharge business.
No unexpected PC restart problem.
Fully portable setup by Mobile, Laptop and EDGE Modems.
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Cost of Living in Malaysia: Guide for International Students
The low cost of living in Malaysia is one of the country's most appealing features to international students. In comparison to other student destinations around the world, Malaysia provides a fantastic experience at an affordable price.
International education is indeed costly, with living expenses accounting for a significant portion of costs. Before flying to Malaysia, you should learn about these costs.
Malaysia, even as an emerging hub for international students, remains a low-cost destination. Here's a quick rundown of Malaysia's living expenses:
You'd be surprised at how cheap food is in Malaysia. Malaysian food is reasonably priced, from fast food to fine dining, traditional dishes to exotic cuisine.
There are numerous food stalls (some on campus, some in malls) that offer student discounts on meals. A full lunch would typically cost between $1 and $3.
Malaysia also has mid-range restaurants that serve hearty meals at reasonable prices. A sumptuous dinner can be had for as little as $5 to $10.
If you prefer to prepare your own meals, supermarkets have all of the ingredients you need. These shops also sell imported goods, allowing you to play around with seasonings and other international flavours.
One of the most convenient ways to buy goods is through the internet. Everything from basic groceries to clothing and even digital items like mobile internet is available.
Malaysia is home to three e-commerce behemoths that serve millions of customers: Lazada, Shopee, and RedMart. If you have vouchers, you can even save money on your purchases if you meet the store's requirements.
If you enjoy high fashion and exquisite couture, the Pavilion KL is a great place to shop. The shopping centre is crammed with boutiques from high-end brands and well-known designers.
Mobile and Internet
WiFi hotspots can be found in certain Malaysian cities. These offer free internet access, though they may be slower than home WiFi.
Digi, Celcom, and Maxis Mobile are Malaysia's three major telecommunications providers. They provide mobile services such as texting, calling, and mobile internet surfing.
You can choose between prepaid and postpaid mobile plans. All companies also provide a variety of mobile packages at various prices.
Laundry is frequently overlooked in cost calculations, but it should not be overlooked when creating a budget. Laundry is necessary to keep your clothes clean and tidy.
A 10kg wash would normally cost $3. If you want to use the dryer, it will only cost you $1 for a 30-minute cycle.
If you're on a tight budget, you can hang your clothes to dry in the sun. Drying your clothes in Malaysia's humid and generally warm weather would cost you nothing.
During your stay in Malaysia, you should also set aside some money for unexpected expenses. You never know when you might need them.
The cost of living in Malaysia is relatively more affordable for international students.
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Salam🙋🏻🙋♂Kami ingin memberikan setiap downline 10 koin WOW dan 10 koin lagi untuk setiap pendaftaran baru . 1 WOW = 1 USD (lebih kurang) 🤩 WOW! #tonewow #prepaid #digi #4G #Malaysia #SIMCARD #tonewownow #kualakangsar #perak #madamazzastonewow #wow #wowcoin #cryptocurrency (at Perak) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFQzFaFReu/?igshid=m76ub6lzbrn3
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Digi users get free unlimited internet for 61 days
Digi users get free unlimited internet for 61 days
Digi subscribers are in for a big treat this month and the next. In conjunction with National Day, Digi is throwing in free Unlimited Internet for 61 days as part of its “Internet Gemilang” campaign. The offer is available for all existing and new Digi customers on selected Postpaid, Prepaid and Broadband plans. (more…)
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🗼 CELCOM Coverage 💰 HANYA RM48/30 HARI ⚡ 70GB Highspeed Internet 💬 Unlimited Chat + Social + Music 📞 UNLIMITED CALL TO ALL NETWORK . #halo #halotelco #internet #data #unlimitedcalls #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #jimat #murah #unlimitedinternet #unlimiteddata #telcoplan #malaysia #putrajaya #maxis #digi #celcom #umobile #tunetalk #toneplus #toneexcel #onexox #prepaid #postpaid #youtube #mediasocial #mediasosial #telefon https://www.instagram.com/p/CHFKYsqlf-k/?igshid=18co9kulseurb
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💛TONEWOW💛 PREPAID 全新上网配套&通话配套 PACKAGE1️⃣ TDS10 RM10/10 DAYS 👉25 MINUTES📞 All-Net Voice 👉0.5GB🌐4G+ HiSpeed Internet 👉1GB🌐 Basic Internet PACKAGE2️⃣ TWS30 RM30/32 DAYS 👉750 MINUTES📞 All-Net Voice 👉10 SMS All-Net 👉5GB🌐4G+ HiSpeed Internet 👉3GB🌐 Basic Internet PACKAGE3️⃣ TWS50 RM50/32 DAYS 👉Unlimited📞 All-Net Voice 👉64GB🌐 Social Internet 👉10GB🌐4G+ HiSpeed Internet 👉15GB🌐 Basic Internet(64kbps) PACKAGE4️⃣ TDS120 RM120/32 DAYS 👉Unlimited📞 All-Net Voice 👉96GB🌐 Social Internet 👉40GB🌐4G+ HiSpeed Internet 👉20GB🌐 Basic Internet(64kbps) #TONEWOW #DIGI LINE 😃可以联系到我😊 wasap.my/601164608771/tonewow😃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvLHs-sdye/?igshid=17lajna83wazu
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The Ultimate Guide to Buy Salon Software in 2020
Day to day operations in hair salons, parlors, independent stylists, and hairdressers can be managed via scheduling tools to increase efficiency. Modern consumers expect fast and efficient results with choices e.g. web-based offerings, online bookings for salons, apps, payment integrations, etc.
People rely highly on online reviews and social media/ brand images on social platforms like Facebook, Insta, google reviews, yelp, etc. Automating all the monotonous tasks helps salons manage their backend accounting, efficiently stock products, and generate reports to analyze business success.
Features of Salon Software
To make a successful entry into salon software, there are some basic features that are a must. Before you jump into investing your money, keep a note of the below- mentioned points:
To track a track of all the bookings and manage the schedule of the staff accordingly. Apart from that, you can automate reminder notifications via text or emails for customers to reduce the missed appointments rate. You can even use this to schedule social media posts and campaign information websites with an option to book appointments even from these pages.
Payment Integration to Increase Sale:
Payment integration is an important aspect when it comes to must-have features. Salons should accept multiple forms of payments like credit cards, wallets, debit, net banking for your products and services. Coupons and loyalty programs for recurring customers. You can even add products and services as add on during checkout in your salon booking app and website.
Inventory Management:
To keep a tab on all the hair and beauty products that you sell off the selves, inventory management can help. By keeping a tab you can keep track of what products are running low and order accordingly.
Employee Management:
You need to streamline and create an efficient schedule to have stylists and hairdressers on staff during peak times. It is also helpful if they have to cover any scheduled appointments. You can track work hours and analyze the performance.
Customer Management:
You can keep a track of your client’s past appointments, transactions along with their service preferences, psychographic and demographic attributes, etc. all these will help you get an ideal persona for potential customers that you can target.
Salon Point of Sale
POS helps to process payments, upsell products and services, track client transactions, and promotion/campaign management effortlessly. All these things are a part of monotonous everyday tasks. Salon POS systems are more or less like a cash register for salons. It can help analyze what users might be interested in and therefore increase the revenue when people buy additional products. Multiple payment options are an important part of good salons, clients prefer multiple choices and options when it comes to payment. Based on the client’s previous purchases SOP pairs items that clients are more likely to buy or might invest be interested in.
Client Database
The ability to store detailed client information like visits, payment details, transactions, emails, phone numbers, types of services availed, an online appointment for salon inclination, location, staff preference, etc. Examples: A recurring customer that gets a haircut every 3 weeks gives the stylist enough room to cut any style that suits the client. Salon software will even allow you to upload before and after pictures of your clients.
Keep a Tab Open
There are some regular clients that want to keep a balance in their account. It gives them enough flexibility to prepay for services that are surely going to avail in the coming months. It also gives users the freedom to choose more freely, refer their friends, and get everything charged on their account/tab. Salons will have prepaid amounts i.e. advance money and clients get the ease of availing services without payment headaches. Salons can even run a subscription program for these loyal customers.
Gift Cards and Loyalty Rewards
Salon gift cards are basically its own currency that users can only avail of their services and products. Getting new clients is easier than making them come back again. Loyalty rewards like “every 5th haircut will be free” encourages clients to come back. The same is the case when they have a 2000 INR coupon and the haircut is just for 1500 INR. My Digi Salon can help you plan all these things in advance based on your target audience.
Online Booking with Salon Software
Customers are attracted to ease and flexibility when it comes to availing services. Be it buying a car, online transactions, booking appointments for salon, or ordering food, they want everything online. Directly booking appointments from websites, social media platforms, etc. gives the clients the freedom to book appointments flexibly. Apart from this online booking offers a lot of benefits to the salons over traditional booking because salons can manage easily.
Customers get the freedom to book 24×7 and your staff doesn’t have to answer the phones or wait for it. You can increase your schedule by 30% as cancellations drop quite significantly. This is because it gives customers the choice to adjust appointment times with just a click and without talking to any executive or waiting for confirmation.
Check Out These 6 Amazing Benefits of Salon Booking Software
Payment Processing with Salon Software
The best salon software gives you the option to integrate and accept payment via credit card along with other online payment options like UPI, Wallets, Net Banking, PayPal, Apple Pay via their mobile phones. During these hard times where social distancing is necessary, people are more inclined towards online transactions instead of Cash. Accepting multiple payments gives your customers plenty of options to choose from. The user experience improves and so does your brand image. Via salon apps and online accounts, you can even keep payment info on file that helps in quicker payments for the next transactions. You can add the option to add additional charges for cancellations and no shows with the salon application.
What Fees Should My Salon Expect?
You need to agree with a software vendor due to which payment processing is usually an additional cost. Generally, a 2 to 5% charge for each transaction is paid to the processor. My Digi Salon can help you learn how to maintain relationships with payment processors to get discounts and the best hardware compatible with their gateways. My Digi Salon can help you accept multiple payment methods.
What Type of Salon Software Do You Need?
The salon size greatly affects the salon booking software that we should opt for. The most important questions that you need to ask while selecting any software to get a robust solution are:
The number of stylists you have on your team.
How many people should have access to the software?
What level of automation is required?
Do you need a hair salon application?
Are Credit card processing and other gateway integration required?
Platform Renter
If you believe that you are a one-man show and do not need a salon app however you want to give an online booking system try you can try My Digi Salon app. This comes under the platform renter business, you can check all the pricing on our website www.mydigisalon.com. You can get a free trial of 10 days. It is a simple low-cost monthly basis option that can save large expenses. You can have your salon listed for online bookings, integrate social media, schedule posts, and track revenue from just one place.
Small Salon
For Small salons, online scheduling, automated reminders, inventory tracking, and managing a staff of not more than 5 people can be streamlined with My Digi Salons. You can double your revenue by cutting down on monotonous tasks such as keeping a manual track of appointments, your staff being on call all the time, canceled booking, etc. Moreover, you will also need to store data and my Digi salon helps you maintain it without any additional server cost. You can analyze your customer behavior based on past experiences and upsell or retarget potential customers.
If the customers get access to online booking for your salon with multiple payment options and social media presence from their mobile devices, it will help uplift your salon brand image. A strong online presence is needed to Increase your revenue and you can do that easily by investing in My Digi salon today.
Mid-sized to Large Salon
When it comes to high scale hair salons, the appointment booking system is necessary. It requires a lot of manual labor to complete inventory tracking, scheduling, and other work traditionally. Reporting and scheduling the shifts for staff is the most important task for managers and salon owners. In order to optimize that, My Digi salon can help these larger salons by helping them decrease the monotonous tasks, streamline the process, automate communication and schedule postings. You can do everything from one single place without any hassle. Large salons already have a brand image to maintain and they can not take any risk. So it is recommended to prepare everything beforehand for maximum client satisfaction. Salon software will help you maintain the service quality across all your branches as your staff will be more focused on work rather than back-office monotonous daily tasks.
There’s no hard and fast rule to successful salon business, however, hair salon appointments bookings, scheduling content and digitizing tasks can help you increase your chances. To know more about the services you can avail on My Digi salon visit our website https://www.mydigisalon.com/, a complete salon booking management app.
Originally published here: https://www.mydigisalon.com/blog/salon-software-buyer-guide/
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Written by Jen-Li Lim Switching from a postpaid plan to prepaid, or looking for a new telco? Maybe you’re looking for an introductory mobile plan for your children, or one that provides the best value for money. Recently, a slew of new unlimited prepaid plans by Celcom, Maxis and Tune Talk were released in June. They all offer unlimited data quota – but which deserves your money? To help you decide, we’ve compared them against each other. We’ve also thrown in a few other prepaid plans by Digi, RedONE, Tune Talk and Unifi in the same price range that focus on giving you more data. Overall comparison Here’s how these plans stack up: Click for full size Next, we’ll take a deeper look at different aspects of these plans: 1. Data It’s a good time to be a consumer. Celcom, Maxis and U Mobile unveiled their unlimited prepaid plans in June, and Digi joined the fray by releasing a new prepaid plan with – well, not quite unlimited data – but it does give you unlimited access to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you’re a heavy data user, the unlimited plans by Celcom, Maxis and U Mobile are a pretty good deal. However, although these plans are advertised as ‘unlimited’, telcos usually impose a Fair Usage Policy (FUP), which means that your available data is unlimited…if you do not abuse it. Under the FUP, your telco may have a data quota in place – if you use up your quota, you will still have internet access, but at a reduced speed: Celcom: no hard quota limit, but your bandwidth may be limited, suspended or terminated if there is abuse Maxis Hotlink: 50GB for monthly passes U Mobile: no publicly disclosed hard quota 2. Speed and latency Opensignal found that Maxis had the top download speeds and lowest latency (a lower latency score means that you’ll experience less lag when playing multiplayer games or streaming videos). But if you’re subscribing to the unlimited plans by Celcom, Maxis or U Mobile, you may not experience these speeds. Your data speed will be capped at 3Mbps or 6Mbps. For context, Google recommends 2.5Mbps for streaming 720p videos on YouTube, 5Mbps to stream 1080p videos and 20Mbps to stream 4k videos. So, depending on your needs, it’s up to you to decide if the trade-off between unlimited data and speed will be worth it. Just remember that you may not always see the maximum promised speed due to a number of factors that interfere with the signal. In most cases, you may be seeing around 80-90% of the capped speeds under optimal conditions. 3. Coverage Overall, Celcom has the best 4G coverage in Malaysia. RedONE and Tune Talk users benefit too, as their telcos ride on the same Celcom network. This divide is more noticeable when it comes to rural and densely populated areas. Opensignal found that in less populated areas, Celcom users could connect to 4G services 74.3% of the time, while U Mobile users could only connect 40.6% of the time. So while U Mobile’s plans are generally good value for money, they may only be worth it if you stay in an urban area. 4. Calls and texts Remember when we mainly used our phones to make calls and texts? If connecting to people through a good ol’ fashion phone call is important to you, consider Celcom, Maxis and U Mobile. Tune Talk has the most expensive call rate in this comparison, charging 22 sen a minute (or RM3.30 for a 15-minute conversation) for calls to non-Tune Talk users. 5. Other features Among the plans, Digi’s and Unifi’s additional features seem the most useful. The choice between either would depend if you are a heavy or light user. Otherwise, if you want to rack up miles points, you can earn Tune Talk points on your top ups, and convert them into AirAsia BIG points. Which prepaid plan should you choose? Based on this comparison, we think that Celcom’s and U Mobile’s plans offer good value for money if you want unlimited calls, unlimited data and hotspot availability. U Mobile has decent coverage in urban areas, but if you need better coverage or if you live in a rural area, go for Celcom (the Opensignal app is useful for determining which telco has the best coverage in your area). On the other hand, for users who want internet access without a 3Mbps or 6Mbps speed cap, Digi’s Internet Cili Padi looks like a decent alternative that currently offers 9GB (6GB + 3GB promotional data for its recent launch) of high-speed internet. But ultimately, while we’ve offered a few suggestions based on assumptions on your usage, the best plan for you will depend on your specific budget and needs. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=428626330554993&version=v2.9"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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