#digeo hargreeves
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jpnriikicore · 6 months ago
── it’s always nice to see you
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paring digeo hargreeves x fem!reader, word count 1.5k, genre fluff, summary clingy drunk diego visits reader, authors note takes place in season one ( masterlist )
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it’s a cold winter morning. you stirred awake when you heard rustling that sounded like they were coming from outside, so you got up and walked over to your window. you frowned when you saw the one and only diego hargreeves who was clearly drunk stumbling around in your front yard.
you sighed rolling yours eyes, your feet patted as you walked downstairs and making your way to the front door, so you could stand on your porch and lecture him.
you turned on your coffee pot before unlocking your door to lean against your doorway. your arms crossed and your eyebrows raised at his state on your front porch.
diego asked, grinning innocently and innocently with his arms behind his back. he had a small blush spread across his face due to him being under the influence of alcohol at the moment, but the blush deepened quite a bit once he saw you. he stared at you with a lovesick gaze but tried to hide it.
diego asked, grinning innocently with his arms behind his back. he had a small blush spread across his face due to him being under the influence of alcohol at the moment, but the blush deepened quite a bit once he saw you. he stared at you with a lovesick gaze, but tried to hide it.
"what are you doing?"
you asked, your feet patting against the hard wood floors as you pour your hot coffee into a mug.
“i was… uhm…”
he trailed off for a moment, trying to think of an excuse for what he was doing at your house at this hour, but unfortunately couldn’t think of any good excuses.
“…iwas just uh, patrolling the area, is all.”
you blowed on your coffee as you walked back over to your screen door. he lied bluntly, making eye contact with you and tilting his head innocently. he was a pretty obvious liar when under the influence.
my free hand reached out to push open the screen door gesturing with my head to come in.
“come in, hargreeves.”
diego raised an eyebrow at the sudden shift in your attitude, but shrugged slightly and obliged by your request to come into your home. he walked inside quietly and peered down at you, standing before you and towering over you.
“why did you ask me to come in?”
he inquired curiously, fiddling with his fingers as he continued to peer down at you. he really wanted to take a sip of whatever liquid you were drinking. he hoped it was alcohol.
your teeth bit up on your top lip.
“you and i both know your not here patrolling the area."
“w—what!? i totally am!”
diego lied bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. he refused to admit defeat, even while he was drunk. he huffed quietly and looked away from you, a pout was now present on his face.
“…fine, you got me.”
he admitted defeat begrudgingly, running a hand through his hair as he groaned internally at his defeat. he truly just couldn’t hold his liquor.
“…i just… missed you…”
your shoulders shook as a chuckle escaped from your lips. you sat your mug down as you leaned againist the kitchen counter.
"i can tell."
“…how do you know?”
diego asked curiously, tilting his head innocently and curiously. he was confused on how you figured out that the real reason that he was here was because he missed you, considering you have a… not so happy history with one another. at least… not until a few weeks ago.
"when you get drunk you get clingy and you get these love sick puppy dogs eyes."
that…hit extremely close to home for the drunken diego. his cheeks instantly heated up even more upon hearing that. while sober, he was never clingy. hell, he didn’t even like pda or showing a lot of affection.
…but it was completely different with you.
he cleared his throat and took ahold of the collar of his black long sleeve, tugging at it and pulling it away from his body slightly. that should’ve given him a little more airflow, right?
"c’mon let’s sit."
you spoke pushing diego into the living room onto the couch. this wasn’t your first time taking care of him while he’s drunk.
diego huffed quietly in annoyance when you shoved him into the living room but obliged by your request nonetheless. he made a beeline for the couch, sitting on the couch and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. he peered up at you inquisitively, raising an eyebrow and humming quietly.
”…can i have some of whatever you’re drinking…?”
he inquired, tilting his head a bit innocently. he wanted it, for obvious reasons.
"it’s coffee."
you spoke, kneeling down to take off his shoes.
“…aw mannn…"
diego groaned quietly as he was disappointed that it was not an alcoholic drink. he then looked down at you taking off his shoes and was even more flustered because of it.
“…why are you taking off my shoes?”
he inquired curiously, tilting his head innocently. he was more than sure that he could take off his own shoes, but he let you do it regardless.
"i don’t like shoes on my rug."
diego looked like he was about to protest against what you said but then decided not to since he was not in the mood to start an argument with you. a soft sigh escaped him as he nodded quietly.
“…that’s reasonable.”
he mumbled under his breath quietly, looking away from you. he felt flustered from your close contact and your gentle nature, but he wouldn’t dare to tell you that.
"so, what did you realize this time?"
you asked, walking over to set his shoes at the door before returning to the couch to sit next to him.
diego sighed quietly and ran a hand through his hair. he was silent for a little bit, thinking to himself and trying to articulate all of his internal feelings for you into a sentence.
he paused for a moment before finally taking a deep breath and sighing quietly. he looked away from you, not having the courage to look you in the eyes while confessing this to you.
“…i think I’ve developed a…small crush on you.”
diego nodded sheepishly, blushing uncontrollably and fiddling with the sleeves of his long sleeve in a flustered manner. he peered down at his sleeve silently before slowly lifting one of your hands and intertwining it with his as a small way to show his love to you.
“…yes, i have.”
he confirmed quietly, a soft and yet wobbly smile formed on his face as he peered at the intertwined hands.
"i would kiss you, but i think you drunk a little too much tonight."
diego frowned, tilting his head innocently and giving off the best puppy dog eyes he could to try and sway you to give in to him. It usually worked on you, but would it be the case tonight.
you pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“I will give you a real kiss in the morning…if you’re still here and remember this conversation."
diego was overjoyed that he got the kiss on the cheek, but was clearly displeased with the fact that that was the only form of contact you’d give at this moment.
“can’t I get a kiss right now?”
he inquired, frowning quietly as he peered at you innocently. he could get really clingy and affectionate when he was under the influence, and he really wanted to give you all the love he could.
diego grumbled quietly under his breath as he was clearly disappointed with your response. he then wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a gentle hug and resting his chin on your shoulder with a soft sigh.
“…does this satisfy you…?”
he questioned softly, gently rubbing soothing circles on your back as he hugged you close to his chest.
you pressed your lips against his.
diego’s eyes widened a little bit, clearly not expecting you to just randomly kiss him in the middle of hugging him. then again, the two of you have kissed each other randomly, so it’s not that unexpected.
he deepened the kiss, humming quietly and closing his eyes as he pressed his lips against yours. he slowly backed you onto the couch a little bit. It was clear that he really wanted more.
you gasped in the kiss as he backed you onto the couch.
diego deepened the kiss further as he gently placed you down onto the couch. he pinned you against it, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing your chests together.
he then gently pulled away from the kiss, panting quietly and resting his forehead against yours. the kiss deepened from an innocent, affectionate one to a passionate and loving one within seconds.
his pupils were blown wide, clearly wanting so much more than a simple kiss.
"it is always nice to see you."
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fandom-nursery · 11 months ago
Diego agere headcanons
Regresses young and is almost never older than 4 
Probably one of the most frequent regressors out of his siblings 
He has been regressing since Ben died and has gotten a pretty solid handle on it during the years he lived alone. It's usually pretty easy for him to either put himself in or keep himself out of his headspace 
He loves the feeling of being little and he knows for sure that it’s something that has really helped him over the years 
Little Diego gets a bit clumsy in his movements but he is usually able to do most of the things big diego can even if he doesn't do them quite as neatly 
His stutter usually comes back big time when he regresses and he prefers to babble or hum rather than talk 
Little Diego is an absolute angel. He is inquisitive and always eager to help out 
He does nap however he needs someone else to be in charge of making him go to sleep. If he’s regressed on his own he won’t realize he's tired and then wont take a nap until he gets super cranky and frustrated and has no choice but to give in to exhaustion 
He loves physical touch when regressed and could happily spend his entire day curled up in someone's arms 
He really likes the baby toys where you put the different shapes into their correct holes. He also loves stories and has a big collection of children's books. He gets excited about superhero cartoons as well and likes to mimic the fighting poses of the hero’s on the screen 
Big puffed rice lover. He also really enjoys convenience store foods like pop tarts and twinkies. Thinks he never got to try when he was growing up 
He owns a lot of bottles, sippy cups, and those no spill snack cups 
He does have some toys. Some of them were gifts from Eudora that she got him while she was his caregiver and one of two are things that he bought himself. He has one or two lego sets and a couple hotwheels. He also has a lot of baby toys that make fun sounds or light up and an army of stuffed animals
When he said goodbye to Grace and left home she gave him a package with all of his baby things that she had managed to save and keep from reginald including the blue baby blanket he was swaddled in when he was brought to the academy. They are all very dear to him. Additionally, after Eudora's death the things that she had gifted him became precious. He was devastated when their time travel took him away from them for so long 
He has to be dressed in loose soft clothing while little or he will whine and cry. If he doesn't manage to change before slipping fully into headspace then Diego will perform the toddler act of aggressively pulling off all of his clothing while acting like they are strangling him. Little diego also has so much beef with shoes for literally no reason 
He has several pacis that he rotates through. He really can’t sleep without one in while regressed 
He wears diapers or pull ups the majority of the time while little 
He suspects that Grace knew about his regression when he first started doing it. 
He tells Klaus (and by extension Ben) about his regression first and five finds out pretty soon after. Allison also figures it out pretty quickly. He tells Luther about his regression after finding out that Luther also regresses. He tells Viktor after he comes out in an attempt to try and start to rebuild trust between the two of them and as something of a peace offering. Lila clocks him as a regressor right away due to the fact that she also regresses but he didn't find out till much later. 
Diego has always needed and wanted a caregiver. For a long time that was Eudora until their relationship fell apart. After that he and Lila made a deal to watch over one another while they were little. Eventually he started to allow his siblings to watch over him as well even eventually letting sparrow Ben watch him 
He called Eudora mommy. After her death he couldn’t bring himself to use that title for anyone else. Lila is occasionally mama and he will usually use a butchered version of his siblings names when talking to them 
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fandomtherapy44 · 6 months ago
Five Hargreeves X reader Coffee and Sarcasm One shot!
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Summary: Y/n works at Griddy's Coffee House to make money for school. It's not the best but it's not the worst. But everything gets more interesting when a certain customercomes in her life changes in best way.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
WC: 1.8k
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AN/ Hey Ya'll so... I hated the ending of TUA if you liked I'm happy you did but to me, it was the worst way to end such an amazing beloved show. I know it works logically with how the show is set up but it's just so dessperseing to think they never existed. And there was a lot more that was wrong with this season. But one of the biggest to me is LILA AND FIVE like WTF. I hate the excuse of oh Five needs a love interest, like no he does not his love story was always getting back to his family and saving them, and for Lila oh how they destroyed two great characters in the last two episodes how she was just was willingly cheat on Digeo and not to mention their kids!? So this is my take on Five and Having a Love Interest. I hope you enjoy it.
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My life wasn’t perfect but good, I didn’t have adventures every day, and I could barely afford to go out of state to see my family every year. Like I said not perfect but good. I worked in a little coffee/doughnut shop named Griddy’s my boss was so sweet that she let me do my schooling on the side and would let me take the extra tips from the pool knowing that I didn’t have all the money when going to school.
“Ugh I can’t do it that guy is a total asshole, Y/n can you take him.” My coworker Becky asked me with pleading eyes. I looked up from my textbook. “He’s really that bad?” She huffs and puffs. “Well no he’s just so arrogant and sarcastic.” I looked back down at my book knowing I had to finish this section. “I would but I have to finish this-”
“You can take my tips from tonight.” That shuts me right up. “Did he already order any doughnuts?” I tied my apron back over my pink polyester uniform quickly. Becky was just able to give that up because she only had this job because she was rich and her parents forced her to get this job to teach her responsibilities even though they still paid for everything she was lucky. She gets a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip. “That’s what I thought, and no.” Correction she was a lucky bitch.
I walked out to this apparently horrible guy and surprisingly he was around my age and wearing a suit, interesting. “Hi I’m Y/n welcome to Griddy’s coffee what can I get you.” he puts down the newspaper and he was one of the cutest assholes I have ever seen. “Coffee black, and try not to burn which I know can be really hard but I need my fix so try okay?” And there is the arrogant and sarcastic part.
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The guy had become almost a regular and came in every night at two am on the dot and in the same suit. He looked about twenty-one but around fifty years old in his eyes. This time he came to the bar. “Ahh so we are venturing out to the bar instead of our corner booth today are we?” I asked him teasing him as he sat down. He gave me his usual roll of his eyes and groan. “Y/n just the usual okay?” I wrote it down even though I had it memorized. A black coffee and one glazed doughnut. “Aye aye, captain.”
I got started on his coffee while he was going through some type of file. I put it in front of him and see what he’s going through. “You are in the CIA, no offense but wouldn’t you be like a kindergartener at our age to them?” He looks up at me a little caught off guard. “I tested very high in ninth grade.” That sounds very real. “Okay, then I should be in the same place I was the highest tester in every grade in eighth grade.” He gets a puzzled look. “Really?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean,” I questioned in defense with my hands on my hips. He realizes what he insinuated by accident. “Not that you are dumb I know you are very smart.” I now think he was just trying to save his ass from hot coffee being poured on him. “How?” He glances down at my textbooks. “You’re studying to be a lawyer a public self-defense one at that so that’s how I know. And even if you weren’t you are working every day for the future which I would know is important. I’m… sorry if I made you think otherwise.” I accepted his apology but he wasn’t off the hook yet. “Tell me your name then.” He was baffled. “What?”
“Yeah if I’m going to be serving you coffee for the perceivable future and you are truly sorry I would like your name.” “I can’t do that I’m a CIA agent.” I picked up his cup and canceled the doughnut. “Ok well have a nice life, sir.” I step away and head back to the back doors. I can hear him sigh and mumble something under his breath. “I can’t believe I’m doing this it’s five.” I turn back with a smug smile. I put the coffee back and lean down to him.
“What was that I couldn’t hear you?” He rolls his eyes and answers me. “It’s five.” “Five as in the number?” Five I guess, huffs. “No Five as in the letter, yes the number.” I go back to my standing pose. “Hey Five you just apologized for being an Ahole so watch it, and I like it ‘Five’. ” I said as I put my hands up like it was a headline. “Yeah yeah whatever.” He jokily waved me off. “So what else can I get you Five.” Oh, I was so going to use his name as much as possible.
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Five and I had been having fun being sarcastic Aholes to each other but we knew not to push the limits. This night I was very stressed because I had a major test the next day and just couldn’t obtain the information. Five walks in on the dot with his usual snarky attitude. “Hey, waitress I can’t wait forever.” Of course, he was kidding, and had only been thirty seconds since he walked in. “Not in the mood Five,” I said without looking away from my textbook.
“Oh come on you know I can’t function without the best coffee in the world.” I gave him a side eye wanting to blow him off but when I looked in his deep brown eyes I couldn’t say no. “Fine, just so you dont act like a cranky old man again.” I go over to pour it when he looks at my textbook. “You have a test tomorrow?” I sigh and walk over shuffling a little.
“Yes, I do, that I’m totally going bomb that it’s not even funny.” He’s confused. “Why, you are one of the best students in that class.” He stated so straightforwardly with no question. It felt… good when he did it was different than when my friends or parents said the same thing. “For some reason, I can’t get any of the practice questions right.” I pointed at the sheet of questions. “I’ll help you study.” 
I was a little shocked I mean we were friendly but I didn’t know we were friends. “Five I can’t ask you to do that I’m sure you have an important CIA thing to do tomorrow or whatever.” He chuckles at my little jab. “You didn’t ask I’m offering, so better fill up that pot and sit down because you are going to pass this test.” I sit down across from him. “Thank you Five.” 
“Yeah yeah don’t say I never did anything for you.” 
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I had the coffee fresh pot made and an extra glazed doughnut laid out when Five walked in. “What’s this- Whoa!” I threw my hands around him hugging him. “Thank you thank you thank you!” He seems unsure but then hugs me back. “I’m assuming that it went well.” I lean back with my arms still around him.
“Top of the class thanks to you!” For the first time, he gives me a genuine smile. “Good.” I then notice the tension between us I awkwardly let go and try to change the tension. “Um, I have everything ready for you. I got to go to do something I’ll be back.” I quickly scurry back to the doors I think about that moment and how it shifted how I saw him. Fuck I think I like Five.
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It had been a couple of months after that moment and that I think I like Five has now changed into I know I like Five. So how the hell was I managing this crush good question, I wasn’t. Every time I looked at him my stomach did flips and would not stop. 
One day I was whipping down a table when a guy walked in and sat down at the bar. “Hi there what can getcha you.” He looks around like he was seeing something nostalgic. “Wow, it looks just like the other one.” He muttered. “What was that?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I’ll talk a vanilla latte and chocolate eclair.” He then looks at the nametag. “Wait are you Y/n?” I look down I mean I think I am. “Right silly question my brother talks about you all the time. You know five.” Five? These two are brothers? “Five is your brother? And he talks about me?” 
“Right that does sound a little silly with how young he looks- I mean is, we are all adopted and my name is Viktor.” He holds out his hand and we shake. “Well, that makes more sense now.” I laugh. “Yeah he talks about how you want to public defense lawyer and how happy you make him so I wanted to thank you it’s been a while since he’s had a good friend.” Right friend what else would we be. “Of course but he can be a…” He finishes my sentence. “An asshole.” “Yes.” We both laughed.
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Before I realized it had been six months since I first met Five and it was also Christmas the dinner was being decorated with a disgusting amount of Santas and jingle bells but I liked it reminded me of home. Five walks in an hour late. “Five you are late is your old mind finally catching up to you,” I smirked. “Ha ha, no I had to do something.” I was turned and there was a present on the counter. “Aww Five are you going soft on me.” “Just open it before the sun rises.”
I pull back the paper and there is a jewelry box. I opened it and there was a handmade bracelet. “Uh, I can take it back If-” He reaches for it. “No no, I love it thank you.” I go around the counter to hug him. This time tighter than last to show him I truly loved it. We let go slowly and he puts his hand on my cheek and we lean in. The kiss was slow but still passionate his lips a little chapped but still soft somehow. We let go and put our heads against each other giggling. I looked up and there was mistletoe. “Well, Five we just turned into a Hallmark cliche.” 
“I’m fine with that I’m just sad I didn’t do it sooner.” “Oh really, how long.”
“After I helped you study and you hugged me, Y/n I like you It’s just I’ve really never had a healthy relationship before to be honest I’m a little scared.” 
“Well it’s the same for me Five but we will figure this out together.” “Can I kiss you again?” I grip him by the tie and pull him down into another kiss. And I can’t help but think all this happened because of coffee and sarcasm.
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To me, that's how you do a romance. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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ciainahere · 6 months ago
A Second Chance
Viktor Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Viktor reconnects with one of his past lovers
>>>Part 1
A/N: hey ya'll.......
"CIA IT'S BEEN WEEKS" IKIK IM SORRYYYY. i've been so busy with school and dance like yall... I HAVE NO FREE TIME. infact. i have hw im supposed to do to being doing rn... ANYWAYS enjoy!!!
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"Can i get a-" "Shirely temple" Viktor already started making Y/N the drink before she finished her sentence. "Thanks." Y/N looked down at her hands, the silence between them was tense. Everyone could feel it. Viktor set down the drink carefully in front of Y/N. "So are you going to Digeo and Lila's kid party?" Y/N asked taking a sip of her drink "You remembered that?" Viktor looked at her confused, then remembered how much Digeo and Lila's kids loved Y/N.
So much that they called her their aunt every time he brought her over. "Of course i did! I love those kids like my own." She giggled reaching inside her bag. Seeing her smile was comforting to Viktor, he hadn't seen her smile since that day. "Here. It's a gift for the birthday girl" Y/N handed Viktor a small jewelry box that had a spinning ballerina inside. "You should come" Viktor blurted out still looking at the box.
"Viktor. You can't even look me in the eye and you want me to come to your niece's party."
She was right. Viktor refused to look at her. He knew if he did those feelings would come back. He didn't want them to, he didn't to hurt her.
Like he hurt Sissy.
"V.. Look at me." Viktor's heart fell at the nickname. He looked up struggling not apologize for everything and try to win her back. "It- uhm. They would love to see you.. They miss you.. so do i" The last part wasn't meant to me said, but Viktor couldn't help it. All he could remember was the moments they shared. And how she loved him. "You miss me?" Y/N whispered looking into Viktor's eyes, she was scared to find the same coldness that she found the last time they talked. "I do." Viktor smiled sightly hoping that she missed him too. Y/N blushed looking down at her hands trying to hide her smile. "God i hate you and that smile" Viktor giggled, feeling more comfortable he step forward. They were both staring at each other not knowing what to say next. But the silence was comfortable.
"Do maybe want to.. hang out." "Viktor you left-" Viktor interrupted her "I know i did. And i won't sit here and act like i didn't hurt you but.. i just.. I don’t know…” Y/N looked at Viktor wondering why she felt so bad for him.. he’s the one of left. He’s the one who broke her heart. So why did she still love him.
“Okay. Friends.”
A/N: Ik this is short but I felt bad for keeping yall waiting😔 I’ll try to update on weekends but DONT EXPECT ANYTHING😜
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jjtheresidentbaby · 9 months ago
Diego moodboard??? pleaseee
you didn’t specify what classification so I went with little!diego
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- little diego hargreeves moodboard -
♡ caregiver digeo moodboard here
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masterlistmaker · 2 years ago
Special Agent Lokitty Masterlist- The Umbrella Academy Works
Works are sorted by ship/reader
Diego Hargreeves x reader
Got you (male!reader)
Second best
Digeo Hargreeces x sister!reader
Missed you
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real-tua-facts · 4 years ago
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Did you know: You’ll need a calculator for this one! Multiply Diego’s number ranking (2) with the amount of episodes there are in season 2 of TUA. Divide it by 5, then subtract 3. If you calculated it correctly, you would’ve gotten the amount of times Diego was stabbed by his dad.
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fuckreggiehargreeves · 5 years ago
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Sparrow Academy Patch(?)
funky boxes(?) at the top
a bird
knives (axe? hammer? sword?) crossed.
eye on a red background
legitimately no clue what that last symbol is. mask? black hole?
words. doesn't look english? not the same ones as the umbrella academy one.
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coffin-up-a-lung · 4 years ago
Sometime after how ever many apocalypses Five had to stop that the show is planning, he sat down with Luther and Diego who were watching the movie ‘Cast Away’ with Tom Hanks.
He was horrified with how accurate the film was. He found himself far too emotional at the point in the movie where Chuck lost Wilson. Diego might’ve noticed at some point, so after he dragged Five away to talk about it. Five ended up talking about the importance of Dolores to his brother, how she was like Wilson in the movie.
Maybe Diego pulled Luther to the side to ask about Dolores, where he confessed to threatening Five with her in s1 of the show (when he held her out of Five’s window while Five held the gun). Diego was understandably angry with Luther, which led to some whisper-fighting in the hallway.
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fiveyahargreeves · 6 years ago
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Am I the only one who thought of this?
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jpnriikicore · 6 months ago
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── digeo hargreeves
it’s always nice to see you
main masterlist
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reggie-endless · 6 years ago
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Am i the only one who had notice this?¿
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breanime · 5 years ago
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glocksikes · 6 years ago
when all the brothers stepped in to donate blood for allison warmed my heart
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pizzacast · 6 years ago
Imagine the crane sibling having their own dance number, like the Hargreeves siblings.
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rrreputation · 6 years ago
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I made something unholy on my phone at work today...
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