#Five hargreaves x Y/n
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fandomtherapy44 ¡ 6 months ago
Five Hargreeves X reader Coffee and Sarcasm One shot!
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Summary: Y/n works at Griddy's Coffee House to make money for school. It's not the best but it's not the worst. But everything gets more interesting when a certain customerďżźcomes in her life changes in best way.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
WC: 1.8k
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AN/ Hey Ya'll so... I hated the ending of TUA if you liked I'm happy you did but to me, it was the worst way to end such an amazing beloved show. I know it works logically with how the show is set up but it's just so dessperseing to think they never existed. And there was a lot more that was wrong with this season. But one of the biggest to me is LILA AND FIVE like WTF. I hate the excuse of oh Five needs a love interest, like no he does not his love story was always getting back to his family and saving them, and for Lila oh how they destroyed two great characters in the last two episodes how she was just was willingly cheat on Digeo and not to mention their kids!? So this is my take on Five and Having a Love Interest. I hope you enjoy it.
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My life wasn’t perfect but good, I didn’t have adventures every day, and I could barely afford to go out of state to see my family every year. Like I said not perfect but good. I worked in a little coffee/doughnut shop named Griddy’s my boss was so sweet that she let me do my schooling on the side and would let me take the extra tips from the pool knowing that I didn’t have all the money when going to school.
“Ugh I can’t do it that guy is a total asshole, Y/n can you take him.” My coworker Becky asked me with pleading eyes. I looked up from my textbook. “He’s really that bad?” She huffs and puffs. “Well no he’s just so arrogant and sarcastic.” I looked back down at my book knowing I had to finish this section. “I would but I have to finish this-”
“You can take my tips from tonight.” That shuts me right up. “Did he already order any doughnuts?” I tied my apron back over my pink polyester uniform quickly. Becky was just able to give that up because she only had this job because she was rich and her parents forced her to get this job to teach her responsibilities even though they still paid for everything she was lucky. She gets a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip. “That’s what I thought, and no.” Correction she was a lucky bitch.
I walked out to this apparently horrible guy and surprisingly he was around my age and wearing a suit, interesting. “Hi I’m Y/n welcome to Griddy’s coffee what can I get you.” he puts down the newspaper and he was one of the cutest assholes I have ever seen. “Coffee black, and try not to burn which I know can be really hard but I need my fix so try okay?” And there is the arrogant and sarcastic part.
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The guy had become almost a regular and came in every night at two am on the dot and in the same suit. He looked about twenty-one but around fifty years old in his eyes. This time he came to the bar. “Ahh so we are venturing out to the bar instead of our corner booth today are we?” I asked him teasing him as he sat down. He gave me his usual roll of his eyes and groan. “Y/n just the usual okay?” I wrote it down even though I had it memorized. A black coffee and one glazed doughnut. “Aye aye, captain.”
I got started on his coffee while he was going through some type of file. I put it in front of him and see what he’s going through. “You are in the CIA, no offense but wouldn’t you be like a kindergartener at our age to them?” He looks up at me a little caught off guard. “I tested very high in ninth grade.” That sounds very real. “Okay, then I should be in the same place I was the highest tester in every grade in eighth grade.” He gets a puzzled look. “Really?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean,” I questioned in defense with my hands on my hips. He realizes what he insinuated by accident. “Not that you are dumb I know you are very smart.” I now think he was just trying to save his ass from hot coffee being poured on him. “How?” He glances down at my textbooks. “You’re studying to be a lawyer a public self-defense one at that so that’s how I know. And even if you weren’t you are working every day for the future which I would know is important. I’m… sorry if I made you think otherwise.” I accepted his apology but he wasn’t off the hook yet. “Tell me your name then.” He was baffled. “What?”
“Yeah if I’m going to be serving you coffee for the perceivable future and you are truly sorry I would like your name.” “I can’t do that I’m a CIA agent.” I picked up his cup and canceled the doughnut. “Ok well have a nice life, sir.” I step away and head back to the back doors. I can hear him sigh and mumble something under his breath. “I can’t believe I’m doing this it’s five.” I turn back with a smug smile. I put the coffee back and lean down to him.
“What was that I couldn’t hear you?” He rolls his eyes and answers me. “It’s five.” “Five as in the number?” Five I guess, huffs. “No Five as in the letter, yes the number.” I go back to my standing pose. “Hey Five you just apologized for being an Ahole so watch it, and I like it ‘Five’. ” I said as I put my hands up like it was a headline. “Yeah yeah whatever.” He jokily waved me off. “So what else can I get you Five.” Oh, I was so going to use his name as much as possible.
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Five and I had been having fun being sarcastic Aholes to each other but we knew not to push the limits. This night I was very stressed because I had a major test the next day and just couldn’t obtain the information. Five walks in on the dot with his usual snarky attitude. “Hey, waitress I can’t wait forever.” Of course, he was kidding, and had only been thirty seconds since he walked in. “Not in the mood Five,” I said without looking away from my textbook.
“Oh come on you know I can’t function without the best coffee in the world.” I gave him a side eye wanting to blow him off but when I looked in his deep brown eyes I couldn’t say no. “Fine, just so you dont act like a cranky old man again.” I go over to pour it when he looks at my textbook. “You have a test tomorrow?” I sigh and walk over shuffling a little.
“Yes, I do, that I’m totally going bomb that it’s not even funny.” He’s confused. “Why, you are one of the best students in that class.” He stated so straightforwardly with no question. It felt… good when he did it was different than when my friends or parents said the same thing. “For some reason, I can’t get any of the practice questions right.” I pointed at the sheet of questions. “I’ll help you study.” 
I was a little shocked I mean we were friendly but I didn’t know we were friends. “Five I can’t ask you to do that I’m sure you have an important CIA thing to do tomorrow or whatever.” He chuckles at my little jab. “You didn’t ask I’m offering, so better fill up that pot and sit down because you are going to pass this test.” I sit down across from him. “Thank you Five.” 
“Yeah yeah don’t say I never did anything for you.” 
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I had the coffee fresh pot made and an extra glazed doughnut laid out when Five walked in. “What’s this- Whoa!” I threw my hands around him hugging him. “Thank you thank you thank you!” He seems unsure but then hugs me back. “I’m assuming that it went well.” I lean back with my arms still around him.
“Top of the class thanks to you!” For the first time, he gives me a genuine smile. “Good.” I then notice the tension between us I awkwardly let go and try to change the tension. “Um, I have everything ready for you. I got to go to do something I’ll be back.” I quickly scurry back to the doors I think about that moment and how it shifted how I saw him. Fuck I think I like Five.
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It had been a couple of months after that moment and that I think I like Five has now changed into I know I like Five. So how the hell was I managing this crush good question, I wasn’t. Every time I looked at him my stomach did flips and would not stop. 
One day I was whipping down a table when a guy walked in and sat down at the bar. “Hi there what can getcha you.” He looks around like he was seeing something nostalgic. “Wow, it looks just like the other one.” He muttered. “What was that?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I’ll talk a vanilla latte and chocolate eclair.” He then looks at the nametag. “Wait are you Y/n?” I look down I mean I think I am. “Right silly question my brother talks about you all the time. You know five.” Five? These two are brothers? “Five is your brother? And he talks about me?” 
“Right that does sound a little silly with how young he looks- I mean is, we are all adopted and my name is Viktor.” He holds out his hand and we shake. “Well, that makes more sense now.” I laugh. “Yeah he talks about how you want to public defense lawyer and how happy you make him so I wanted to thank you it’s been a while since he’s had a good friend.” Right friend what else would we be. “Of course but he can be a…” He finishes my sentence. “An asshole.” “Yes.” We both laughed.
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Before I realized it had been six months since I first met Five and it was also Christmas the dinner was being decorated with a disgusting amount of Santas and jingle bells but I liked it reminded me of home. Five walks in an hour late. “Five you are late is your old mind finally catching up to you,” I smirked. “Ha ha, no I had to do something.” I was turned and there was a present on the counter. “Aww Five are you going soft on me.” “Just open it before the sun rises.”
I pull back the paper and there is a jewelry box. I opened it and there was a handmade bracelet. “Uh, I can take it back If-” He reaches for it. “No no, I love it thank you.” I go around the counter to hug him. This time tighter than last to show him I truly loved it. We let go slowly and he puts his hand on my cheek and we lean in. The kiss was slow but still passionate his lips a little chapped but still soft somehow. We let go and put our heads against each other giggling. I looked up and there was mistletoe. “Well, Five we just turned into a Hallmark cliche.” 
“I’m fine with that I’m just sad I didn’t do it sooner.” “Oh really, how long.”
“After I helped you study and you hugged me, Y/n I like you It’s just I’ve really never had a healthy relationship before to be honest I’m a little scared.” 
“Well it’s the same for me Five but we will figure this out together.” “Can I kiss you again?” I grip him by the tie and pull him down into another kiss. And I can’t help but think all this happened because of coffee and sarcasm.
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To me, that's how you do a romance. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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sleepyyan0nn ¡ 6 months ago
I need somebody to write five x autistic reader b/c I’m desperate- it can be any season five or even any of the fives that are in the deli.
Somebody gotta do a brisket five x autistic reader one as well b/c brisket five is my favorite five.
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Me in my head - ⬆️
Edit: edit anon here- what I mean by autistic reader is when the reader has autism aka autism spectrum disorder. Idk why I say autistic.. it’s b/c I heard other people say it like that. So I apologize if nobody understands this -v-
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dearabby1990 ¡ 3 months ago
My Dear Delores Part one Five Hargreeves x Reader
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It’s been two weeks since Five has come home. His siblings elated he’s still alive although still trying to adjust to the fact he’s his younger self yet 45 years older somehow. Klaus pours him and five a drink as they both sit in silence in the common area of the house he has a million questions for his brother but knows his temper so tries to think of things to ask that won’t irritate him and might open him up a bit. Hence why klaus now heavy pours each drink as they both start to feel the effects of the alcohol cheeks flushed pink both laughing at how their lives have played out so far “so five was there really nobody else there?.. in the apocalypse with you.. you were all by yourself that whole time?.. I couldn’t imagine” five slips deep in thought one thing coming to mind… her his Dolores although just made of cheap plastic she was all he had during those grueling years keeping him alive with her company “there was Dolores she was my anchor… but now she’s gone and… well it doesn’t matter anymore now does it?” Klaus’ features soften as he’s never seen his brother this vulnerable before “aw brother give me a hug” he reaches for him but five slaps his arms away “get off me you idiot” klaus laughs “oh you love me and you know it” five scowls throwing some random paperwork spewed across the coffee table “I’m just!! I don’t know how to feel right now and there’s so much shit happening I don’t know…” before Klaus can reply to his brother a whirring sound along with sounds of static electricity start to come from towards the fireplace they both stare towards the noise wide eyed yet confused as a bright blue portal starts opening in the middle of the living room at first they see nothing but bright light shielding their eyes as they look forward the faint sight of something swirling towards them klaus is confused and thinks he’s tripping on the multiple drugs he had taken earlier but five starts to come to the realization of what’s coming the mannequin swirling fast towards its exit all of a sudden they see a big ball of white light and a loud bang as sound waves and harsh winds push them back and they hear a loud thud. Both of them uncovering their faces heading to peek over the sofa. Hearing a low groan they both jump back in surprise looking at each other with curious but surprised looks five slowly peeks over seeing a full on woman laying on the floor unconscious “what the fuck is going on?” Klaus comes over to see “who is that?” “I think I… but it’s not possible” he bends down inspecting her pockets pulling out a small white wallet pulling out the identification it read (Delores Hargreeves) his eyes wide as he scoops her up blinking her up into his bedroom laying her carefully under the covers. “I just don’t understand how?” He rubs his chin looking at you with a strange feeling in his chest as he starts to feel warm and comfortable and not understanding why he’s so calm in your presence looking at you he tucks some of your hair behind your ear. He doesn’t understand what’s going on but he’s going to wait for you to wake up to find out. Until then he makes himself endless cups of coffee trying to understand exactly where or when you came from. He has to wait for the rest of his siblings to come home to try and brainstorm. But with the feeling on contentment he has right now because of you being there has him feeling a way he thought he’d never feel around an actual person.
A few hours later you start to stir in your sleep feeling as if you’re head weighs a hundred pounds and as if you’re under water as your hearing starts to clear up and your eyes fluttered open to see him sitting in the corner anxiously waiting to see you fully awake. As soon as he sees you jump up he’s instantly at your side hand gently against your back “hey hey it’s alright you’re safe here” you look at him bottom lip trembling “Mi amor?” You ask he face softens & he smiles (yes my love it is me… i am just wondering how this is even possible) “sì amore mio, sono io... mi chiedo solo come sia possibile” taking his hand “let’s go make some coffee and I'll explain everything" he gently takes your hand escorting you to the kitchen where Mom is preparing dinner "hello mom long time no see" you smile she turns to you "I know you from somewhere" she says skeptically you giggle in return"in another life" you wink at her taking a seat as you pours a both a cup "black please" you wink at him seeing his cheeks turning pink "so... What timeline are you exactly from?" You take a sip of your coffee "think bigger dearest" he looks puzzled "I don't understand?" You put down your cup and sigh "my sister she had the power to turn any object into a living being she says I died in utero and when she saw how well you took care of your partner in your timeline she used her powers to bring me back to be with you but by the time I woke up I was alone. Then I got on the subway and found you we were lost for 20 years we married and lived in a small cottage in 1956 in Sicily we were married in the vineyard I'll never forget that day it's one of my fondest memories then cha cha and hazel found us and you died in my arms I've been hopping from each timeline trying to find you my heart feels empty with you gone my love. It's the kugalblitz dearest you all try to contain it within a sparrow academy member named Chris it'll seem like it's over and it's not the apocalypse will still take everything. Before you died we found a way to stop it which is why the handler sent them after us. To stop us from saving the world. Five the only way to stop it is with my power too and something different to contain it otherwise the world as we know it will cease to exist" you take another sip as he processes the information pulling out his notebook "sweetheart that won't help here take this one" you dig in your bag pulling out a worn brown notebook he skims through it "this is my handwriting.... This... This is it we found a way to fix it your a genius mi amore" he jumps up pulling you in for a hug smelling the lilac and honeysuckle in your perfume making his knees weak "I've missed you so" you say as you press a kiss to his cheek "we gotta tell the others I'll blink us there" you smile taking his hand "together' you nod he powers up and so do you ending up right in the middle of Viktor’s apartment with all the siblings staring at you as if you had 5 heads meanwhile Five adjusts his suit jacket taking your hand to sit down “uh Five… who’s your friend?..” Viktor asks out of curiosity “This is Dolores Hargreeves… my wife” they all look bewildered Luther speaks next “you?? Married? Never thought I’d see the day… but wait a minute Delores is a mannequin she’s upstairs” he looks confused “we’ll explain everything I just need you all to shut up long enough to listen… you think I don’t have a million questions too but that’s not important right now what is important is the fact that she brought me a notebook from a different place in time in my handwriting the calculations are extraordinary and could possibly be the only way we stop this once and for all… but we need her help.. her powers… they’re much more powerful then ours” Alison steps up “powers? She has them too but how?” You step up with a warm smile “I’ll explain quickly dearest don’t worry we have all the time we need no need to get your knickers in a twist love… now Alison my sister and I were meant to be twins I passed in utero when she saw how much love Five had hidden deep inside him she used her powers..
to bring me back and woken my soul to connect with Fives… she gave her life for mine so I could have one… with that I gained her powers with some of my own I can manipulate time anywhere anyway I so chose I can pause fast forward or rewind any moment.. I have the ability to mimic & blink, to bring in adamant objects to life I can fly disappear and do this” you cup your hands as a dimly light red ball forms into your hands “what is that?” Klaus asks “this my dear brother in law has the ability to stun or kill anyone the moment I throw it into their direction… it’s the intention in mind is what happens after I release it” he looks at you wide eyes and smiles “that’s pretty fuckin cool” lila steps next to you “what part are you from at least I’m not the only one now” you chuckle “oh well my mother was born in London and my father is half Irish half Italian” you smile fondly “okay enough.. I think for now we brainstorm a bit recharge and head out and finish this thing” five says with a stern look “okay everyone let’s get some food and get to work five dear may I speak with you a moment… in private?” He looks over to you his features softening and starts to smile “sure come on” he sticks his arm out for you to take looping yours around his own as he takes you back to Viktor’s bedroom as the others talk amongst themselves about everything that’s just happened right in front of them today. “Okay dearest out with it…” he looks at you confused “what?” You laugh “oh don’t be cheeky with me love I know you got something on your mind I can feel it right here” you touch his chest where his heartbeat is pounding up against your hand and his cheeks burn crimson “how??… how many times?” You look at him and pout “oh I hate thinking of this… 64 times it took 64 times of losing you to finally see where you left this notebook it was wedged behind the seat of the station we got off at for our honeymoon…. We went to Ireland you wanted to see where you came from it was… absolutely stunning and that whole month was the happiest I’ve ever been but I don’t want you to think of that now we’ve got this now… all of us no more surprises now that the wicked witch and all her minions are no longer in the way” “it’s still so… crazy that you’re here with me… I just still can’t believe it.. it feels like this isn’t even real like I’m dreaming or something and if I am I don’t ever want to wake up” he says with so much emotion you can feel it vibrating off of him you take in a shaky breath “I’m real I promise love” your lip trembles as a tear streams down your face his hand coming to your cheek to brush it away with his thumb. His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths slowly closing the gap between the two of you. You don’t dare move a muscle wanting him to give full consent his hands cup your face “can I kiss you” he whispers looking into your eyes but it feels like he’s looking directly into your soul “you never have to ask love of course you can kiss me” you whisper even lower he pulls you in pressing his lips against yours slow but sure of himself his lips so soft and warm meanwhile he thinks you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted the scene becoming more desperate your fingers tangled in his hair his one hand on your ass giving it a light squeeze causing you to whimper he pulls back smirking at you “oh don’t be cheeky love.. and as much as I’d love to right now we have a world to save so let’s go get something to eat and get going yeah?” You lean in giving him one more kiss as he grins at you “alright come on I could do with some food right now I haven’t eaten in two days” you all ate pizza while discussing a game plan. Viktor and Lila would help contain the kugelblitz long enough for you to open a portal far enough away from anything important so when it explodes it doesn’t cause a aftershock domino effect. Five is very worried about you doing this as you’ve just got here and he feels so connected to you already but also wanting to know and learn so much more about you and the life you’ve had
before.. the good parts. He’s scared if you’re not strong enough to handle something so dangerous and also important so all he could think to do is make sure you’re well rested and have the energy to take on something so large. He made you lay your head in his lap taking a short nap knowing he couldn’t let you sleep too long though having to time this just right before the cleanse takes full effect wiping out everything in its path. He kisses your cheek to wake you up you look up at him and smile unaware of Viktor Luther and Alison watching from across the room as klaus tosses back a shot not even paying any mind “I’ve never seen him like this before” Alison whispers to her brothers “yeah me neither it’s kinda nice it’s like she reigns him in or something I can’t even remember the last time I saw him smile and I don’t think I’ve ever saw him blush I need a camera for that next time” Luther says chuckling “maybe her being here is a good thing she was married to him in another time so most likely to her they’re all one in the same” their sister states as Viktor agrees. Five stands up “okay let’s get this shit show on the road shall we?!” Everyone gathers around holding onto you and five he turns to you and grins “ready dear?” You nod “ready” you blink yourselves into the sparrow Academy allowing five to do what he does best go with Luther to discuss our plan with the others. It took a bit of arguing and convincing but they agreed to help leading us down to the basement with it has been hiding. The sight of it is pure insanity to most looking you’ve come too far for too long to let this thing win. You turn to the others with a look of determination and then turn to five “everyone get in your positions!” You yell as Lila and Viktor start to power up keeping the kugelblitz from sending another crushing wave evaporating anything it so chooses you begin focusing in a meditation like state as wind starts whipping violently around the basement as if a hurricane were approaching. Everyone looks to you as a purple hue starts to glow around you entirely you feet floating from the floor. Reaching forward you start to pull enough energy from yourself to start opening a pinhole size black hole. Everyone taking cover except those doing their part objects flying all around everyone Five staring at you as your eyes glow purple and you push harder opening the black hole a little bigger just a bit every couple seconds. You start feeling that gnawing feeling of being tired draining as you push harder for this to work out five sees how you’re struggling a bit and doesn’t want to lose his chances at a real life with you this time so he decides to do something he’s never in his life done profess his love for you in front of people and encourage you “come on angel I know you can do this push fucking harder!! I know you want to come home with your family when this is all over us here your family!! I already know I love you so much it drives me absolutely crazy!! I want to grow old with you!!” You push yourself to a limit you didn’t know existed as tears stream down your face closing your eyes really giving every ounce of yourself as it starts to grow exceedingly bigger “you’re doing it love come on just a bit more I love you!!” His brothers and Alison step in “if he loves you then we all love you come on you got this sis just a little bit more!” As newspapers and luggage flies all over the basement floor you scream on the top of your lungs pushing forward as it finally grows big enough to touch the side of the kugelblitz now is where Alison steps in “peace out mother fucker!!” She smiles as she throws it directly into the black hole with a high pitched scream eyes glowing blue before five gives you the word to close it. Making sure it’s fully far enough he shouts “Now angel now!!” You let go as it quickly snaps shut and you hit the floor feeling soaked in sweat and then it all fades to black.
You had used so much of your energy you passed out. Everyone has helped get you back to the new family home. Everyone had high spirits but after two days the had Pogo administer IV fluids and a feeding tube. Five stayed by your side for the most part but when the siblings released he hadn't really been eating they had to step in getting him out for some fresh air. This is when your sight started to come into frame hazy and bright but it was there you see a figure standing over you curiously you stare at them blinking trying to gain full vision "you're okay thank God!" You recognize right away it's Viktor "where's five?" You say raspy as he fetches you some water "he'll be back soon he went with Klaus to pick you more flowers he's been doing it everyday I think it's sweet but Diego just wanted to see him out of the house we were worried you wouldn't make it for a moment there" you sigh staring up at him "I had to fight my way back to him I didn't come this far just to lose him again I love him so much I couldn't bare it one more time in any timeline" he smiles you look confused "there's only one timeline now it worked it all worked that notebook you gave him fixed everything the way it's meant to be" he smiles proudly you smile eyes shining with tears as they're interrupted by the sound of footsteps as Five enters the room with a bouquet of white roses and a look of relief seeing you awake dropping to his knees "my God you're alright" peppering you with kisses "I'm not going anywhere mi amore I'm here as long as you'll have me" showing off his infamous dimples he smiles with such adoration "I can't believe we did it dearest and now that's settled i don't want to waste a second, I want to experience everything with you we can get remarried and find a new home I don't care as long as it's with you my love" his forehead against yours "promise?" He kisses your lips and smiles looking into your eyes "cross my heart darling"
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mcntsee ¡ 11 months ago
The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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stvrlitsky ¡ 1 year ago
Live, love and stan my jealous fictional boyfriends <3333
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ashdreams2023 ¡ 1 year ago
The new Umbrella Academy season is coming out and we need some Five content with his new look 😍. Anything okay including hurt/ comfort and fluff.
God why am I so slow nowadays but yes of course I love five 😩✋
Five hargreeves x reader
He sat sipping on his hot cappuccino sitting on his table outside the cafe, it was still far from lunch break for employees and he was enjoying the emptiness of the place.
"Hello stranger" Ah it seems like like the quietness has gone all of a sudden, he looks up through his sunglasses and smirks lazily at you.
"You’re late" he says.
You tilted your head "And you changed…how long has it been?" You sat down across from him.
"Three years" He sipped on his cup "I didn’t know what you’ll like so I didn’t order anything for you"
"Three years ha? You’re taller now…also I like the new hairstyle, suits you more than the side bang" you chuckled. He sighed and looked at you, really looked at you.
"I would be lying if I said I haven’t missed your awful teasing" He says cooly.
"You also ditched ditched the shorts for good it seems I thought you were loyal to those things and the long pants were just a bit phase"
Five clicked his tongue "Don’t tempt me I still have a pair stocked away"
"No! The horror of skinny exposed knees!"
"Shut up"
"Love you too"
Eventually you two ordered lunch, the place buzzed with life shortly after, you couldn’t help but admires the changes, if someone had told you this is how he’ll look in a few years you would’ve laughed in their face.
Five, your only five now not dressed as some retired middle age man nor in a school uniform, but now in a nice tailored vest with longer hair that actually looked stylish and not annoyingly gelled.
"Liking the view?" He said in a sarcastic tone.
"Maybe…maybe I want to see what else has changed while I was gone" You smirked playfully resting your cheek on the middle of your palm.
He rubs his tongue around his mouth then pushes his plate away and leans closer on the table "Wouldn’t you like to know?"
"Would you like to show me Mr hargreeves?" You bit your lip leaning closer to him.
Five licked his from upper teeth then leaned back on his chair before grabbing his beverage and chugging it in one go "I haven’t seen you in three years and the first thing you want to do is ruin my look? How classical of you"
You shrugged "can’t blame me can you?"
He sighed before reaching his hand to yours "I missed you" he says bringing your knuckles to his lips "I missed us, I missed seeing your face, hearing your voice and being with you everyday" your heart raced with longing, it was the same for you, you’ve missed him so much but this was a new life, he needed his freedom before going back to you.
"Do you think we can still be the same?" You asked with desperation in your tone.
Five shook "not the same as before but better, better than we can ever imagine…it’s weird saying this after being this old"
"It’s ok old man, I still love you"
"Does that mean I’m given permission to take you back home?"
"Absolutely, but I want dessert first"
"You and your priorities"
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itsnoones-stuff ¡ 6 months ago
Boyfriend tax
(That short read)
Summary // Five loves the boyfriend tax.
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You’re all too familiar with the boyfriend tax, the second you have any kind of food in hand it’s as if Five can smell it, he comes straight over and takes a bite as he mumbles “boyfriend tax” with a grin.
There was a time where you tried to protest, you were standing in the kitchen, just finished making a sandwich but before you do anything Five stood in front of you, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. You knew what was about to happen, trying moving the plate but it was too late, he took it, took a bite and gave you a kiss, trying not to laugh as he ate. All you could do was stand there in disbelief, how did he even do that? “Love you” he chuckles, pulling you in for a hug as you can’t help but laugh. After a moment you ask “why do you always do that?” A small laugh following as you pull away from Five to look at his face, watching as he thought about it, reaching his hand for the plate again. You playfully slap his hand away, laughing as he pouts.
“I do it because of the boyfriend tax” he states proudly “what the fuck is the boyfriend tax?” You ask, more confused than before, Five shrugs “you make food, I test it for you” he smirks, giving you a small kiss catching your laugh. “So the boyfriend tax is you testing my food?” Laughing as the silliness of it all, he nods “yeah, pretty much” a grin still present on his face. You can’t help but laugh, shaking your head lightly as you grab the plate and head to the island, watching as your boyfriend saunters back off into your bedroom, disappearing as fast as he appeared.
You never really mind the boyfriend tax, it was now quick he was to claim it that amazed you, that and the cheek of him.
AuNote // hi guys! Thanks for all the love on my previous posts! Sorry for not posting much, I’ve got a few things in the words I’m hoping to post soon! Happy reading!:)<3
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sagelovesbooks ¡ 1 year ago
Klaus's Freakout
Five: *Kicks the door down in a rush* Y/N: What did you do? Five: Nobody died. Klaus: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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dicejpg ¡ 1 year ago
I've got a sinking feeling - {Five Hargreeves x GN!Reader}
Synopsis: You are very flirty with Five, and he's tricked himself into believing he hates it. He tells you to stop. Then he learns the hard way how much he took you for granted when you meet someone else.
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Note: Five requests would be very appreciated! Thank you to those who sent requests on my last one shot.
(Not Edited)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1.5k
Extra Information: Viisi means Five in Finnish. Five and Y/n were partners in the commission. They look seventeen or eighteen instead of thirteen. This one-shot takes place on the last episode of season one, and the entirety of season two.
The Academy, Five's home, has just collapsed--courtesy of Vanya's new powers--and Five ordered his family to meet at Super Star Lanes bowling alley to come up with a new plan of action.
He grabs your wrist, blinking you with him. You're both in front of the bowling alley in a flash of blue.
Five takes a moment to pace around, not entering the building. The crisp, spring air bites at your earlobes as you hug your sides for warmth
"Hey, Viisi, can we go inside?" You look at him with a grimace and a pleading smile. He whips his head in your direction to glare at you, then strolls inside with a roll of his eyes. You follow in his stead.
The interior is heated, thankfully. Five informs the underpaid worker that his "parents" will be arriving shortly to pay for his bowling shoes. He takes a seat adjacent to Lane 6 and you sit next to him.
"So, how was the farewell with Delores? I know you two were close." You lean back in your seat, getting more comfortable while waiting for Five's siblings to arrive.
He does not look at you. His jaw ticks in annoyance, mistaking your genuine curiosity for mockery.
"Come onnn, I know you're stressed, but this is your sister. I'm sure she's reasonable enough not to end the world." You turn towards him, leaning your elbows on your thighs and admiring his pretty face.
"No, it's not that." He scoffs, looking at you with a sneer.
You notice that his tie is crooked so you reach out to fix it, like you often do. It's sort of your thing.
He smacks your hand away and you raise an eyebrow.
"You okay Viisi?" You rub your hand a little, surprised. Normally, he lets you fix his tie with no problem. Although, he would grumble about it a little.
"God- No. I'm not okay." He puts his hands in his hair, gripping it slightly with an exasperated expression. "And stop calling me that."
"What?" You breathe with a smile of disbelief. "What's going on? Did something happen- Did I do something?" You lean away from him a little to give him more space.
"Stop, just stop it with the touching and the nicknames. I'm sick of it!" He looks at you with cold eyes. This is very unusual of him.
You cock your head to the side, trying to understand. "Five, I thought- I thought that was our thing! Y'know, the friendly banter and-"
"I know you're desperate for some sort of relationship with me, but I'm here to tell you that it's not going to happen. We were only ever co-workers." He says through gritted teeth, avoiding your eyes. "I'm telling you to stop pursuing me." 'Pursuing' him?
Usually you would brush this sort of behavior off, ignore it. Tell yourself that it's only because he's stressed. He's always stressed! Thinking back, he was never all that nice to you. Even in your Commission days.
You'd tricked yourself into thinking that maybe he thought you were special, or that you were at least his friend. His confidant.
You look at him with eyes full of hurt, which Five has never seen from you. He almost feels something bubbling up his throat, but the feeling dissipates quickly. "Have I made myself clear?" He says evenly.
You only nod, turning away so he doesn't see the tears prick at your eyes.
Five's siblings come inside and you two don't speak to each other again.
A year and seven months later (for you, at least.)
1963, Dallas Texas:
Five anxiously pulls at his tie after narrowly escaping three armed Swedish men. He had just watched his siblings, along with you, blow up in yet another nuclear explosion. It's left him oddly shaken up about how he treated you back in 2019.
He's pacing down the alley-way between the Commerse and Knox when he notices a flash atop the roof. A large camera of some sort.
A brown haired man closes his window briskly. That's strange.
Five teleports inside, scaling up a flight of stairs with cat-like agility. When he knocks on a door, the one beside him answers, revealing a mouse-y looking man in his early thirties. He looks at him with big, expectant eyes.
"What do you want." His tone is dripping with suspicion.
"Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was curious if-" Five gets a door to the face. He huffs, blinking inside after him.
The man, Elliot, jumps, yelping in fear and pulling out a butter-knife from his drawer of kitchen utensils. "H-how did you do that?" He hesitates, astonished.
Five looks at him with amusement. "Don't really have time to explain."
Elliot runs a hand through his unkempt brown hair, gripping the butter-knife in a feeble attempt to protect himself. "You from the Pentagon? Huh?"
"Definitely not."
Five eyes up the kitchen, noticing a coffee pot on the other side of the room. "Is that fresh?" He uses his powers again, blinking himself right in front of the coffee pot.
Elliot screams, whipping his head back and forth between the place Five just was and the place he appeared. "What..." He pants, eyes wide.
"Elliot? You okay?" Five hears a faraway voice from another room. A familiar voice. "Who's with you?" It asks.
You appear from around the corner, presumably from Elliot's bedroom, looking almost two years older.
Five furrows his eyebrows and so do you. He breathes out your name is what you almost register as relief. But, you know better then to think that.
"Oh, Five. You're back." You say casually, nodding and crossing your arms. Five sets the coffee down, unwillingly noticing how you didn't call him by his nickname.
"How long have you been here?" He walks towards you, looking at your slightly different features. You changed your hair, he observes. He says nothing about it.
"A year and a half, I believe." You tap your chin in thought. Elliot glances between you two with interest or surprise.
"You two know each-other?" He puts the butter-knife back onto the counter with a small clatter.
You nod, shrugging. "We were co-workers." You send Elliot a reassuring, genuine smile.
Co-workers. Five doesn't like how the word rolled off your tongue.
He licks his lips, looking away. "You live here?" He asks you, although it was a silly question considering its obvious answer.
You nod with tight lipped smile, approaching Elliot. You fix his hair with your fingers and flip the collar of his flannel back down. "Did he scare you? I told you he could be a bit much."
Elliot exhales a shaky laugh at your words and actions as Five begins to feel a hot, frothy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He changes the subject. "Are my siblings here too?"
Elliot answers for you, looking back towards the teen again. "The other six anomalys- The power surges." He begins to look excited at this new discovery. "They're your siblings?"
Five ticks his jaw, ignoring him. "So they're alive..." He begins to pace around. "I think I stranded them here. Now listen to me..."
"Elliot." You tell him his name.
"Whatever, alright? I got ten days to find them and save the world." He points to you and Elliot. "Now, I need your help to do that."
Elliot is just so happy to be involved, his three year long project finally achieving some major development. He scrambles to find a certain newspaper scrap from his desk drawer. "You know what? I, uh..." He fumbles with it, handing it to Five.
"I always thought that this, uh, mugshot looked like arrival number four."
"Diego." Five reads softly, then he twists around to face you. "You're coming with me." He states.
You hiss awkwardly through your teeth, avoiding his eyes. "Ohh, about that... Actually, Elliot and I were about to play Scrabble. It's Scrabble night."
Five narrows his eyes at you, barking your name. "The world is ending and you're just gonna play Scrabble with this homebody?"
Elliot looks at his dusty wooden floors with a look of dejection.
"Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I'm gonna do." You lean against the door-frame with a bored expression. "I thought you wanted me to stop following you around like a lost puppy."
Five feels strange. "You know what? I don't need this." He blinks away to search for Diego.
When Five returns from the strip club, after a failed attempt of recruiting both Luther and Diego, he decides to test something. His fingers reach for his tie, pulling at it and skewing it. Perfectly crooked.
You couldn't resist fixing his tie, he knew this.
So why didn't you? He finds himself uncharacteristically frustrated about your unresponsiveness.
As he demands that Elliot develop his Frankel Footage, his eyes trail to you occasionally, silently tempting you to straighten his tie.
Your eyes flicked to it once. However, you made no move to adjust it.
Five heaves a dramatic sigh, angrily fixes it, and leaves to look for Vanya.
He messed up before, he realizes. He feels like shit.
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thecordelialetters ¡ 1 year ago
I’ll love you in every multiverse I Five Hargreeves x Reader
WC: 1,791
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Post Apocalypse Au! ( Yes Im writing another one )
Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Summary: The Umbrella’s can understand jumping through time and all its rules, yeah fuck with the timeline and it’ll fuck you right back. But what happens when a portal opens up in the middle of the academy and outfalls a girl who claims to be Five’s wife from a different universe.
Disclaimer: This takes place after season one if Viktor didn’t blow up the moon.
The Umbrella Academy had saved the world from its supposed end. The siblings had lounged around the academy slowly letting reality set that they had avoided their demise. It was the next morning when each of them woke up to check their surroundings, making sure that doomsday wasn’t there.
Five went downstairs for his morning coffee when he saw Allison scrolling for flights on her phone and Klaus checking where was the next place he could buy drugs.
“Leaving so soon?” He questioned.
Allison looked up at him although happy to see her brother, guilty because he was right.
“I have to go see my daughter. After everything that has happened I need her now just as much as she needs me.”
Five nodded his head, understanding where she was coming from, although a little irked she wasn’t wasting any time running away.
A loud zap was heard and wind swirled toward the top of the room. A red portal had opened above the living room. The rest of the siblings (Luther, Viktor, Diego) had rushed down to see what the loud noise was. It was deja vu, like when Five had returned for the first time. In the portal, they could see a fight happening. Figures that had looked like them in a place that looked like their home. A woman’s back came close to the portal, they could see she was in combat but stood observing. Another man who they couldn’t identify, rushed forward and pushed the woman through the portal.
A girl who looked to be in her early twenties had fallen through. Her face was covered in soot, her hair black as night, and her eyes closed in pain. She was wearing a navy body suit that clung to her figure, and blood, not her own, stained the fabric.
The Hargreeves gathered around to observe this strange phenomenon trying to assess the danger. They were so used to people being against them, so why would this time be different.
You coughed loudly before sitting up, and each sibling tensed with adrenaline. The girl looked around the room with blazing blue eyes before she landed on the youngest Hargreeves.
“Five?” you questioned.
Everyone turned to look at Five.
Luther spoke up first, “You know her?”
“I have never met her in my life.” Five retorted.
The girl dusted off her suit before standing. “Well if you never met me, you either will meet me or I’m dead in this universe.”
“The names y/n , y/n Hargreeves.”
“I don’t remember our father adopting anyone else,” Diego said. He raised his knives, carefully ready to strike at any move she would make.
“That’s because I wasn’t adopted into this family. Married actually.” And with this, she held up her left hand, a beautiful diamond ring shone in the light with a gold band beneath it. The diamond was embellished with 2 smaller emeralds on the side, perhaps representing her lover’s eyes.
“Married? To who.” Viktor questioned.
“To him.” She looked back at Five.
“Well not to him, an alternate version of him. We met a few years ago and got married, nice seeing the family again,” she nodded her head towards the siblings.
“So what are you saying you guys are married in a different timeline?” Klaus asked.
“No, not a different timeline, a different universe.” She sat down on the couch.
Your brain felt like it was rattling against your skull, and your body ached. You took a minute to think. Fuck, it was going to be difficult to get back to your Earth, and to make things better you had no idea where to start.
“Alright before you all start firing questions at me, someone get me a cup of coffee, black please.” You threw a jacket that hung over the couch on you to hide the state of your clothes. "Allow me," The alternate of your husband said. Five quickly blinked the two of you into the car and began to drive, leaving his brothers and sisters dumbfounded. "So you and I, are married in another multiverse."
"Correct." "You look to be about my age, how come I haven't met you yet here." Surely he would remember someone as beautiful as you. "Well it's as I said, my version here could be dead or you might not have met her yet. That being said although 18 out of the 20 multiverses I have visited, we are together." "And the other two?" "In Earth 216, we are strangers, never have crossed paths, and never will. We simply live our lives with other people." Five's eyebrows furrowed. For some reason even if he didn't know you, he didn't like the idea of you with someone else. "In Earth 894, we were madly in love but our egos destroyed us, and we were never the same since." Five could tell there was more to that story but didn't press any further. "So tell me about us, how did we end up together." "I was Diego's friend first, he and I met in the police force. Diego kinda took me under his wing as I was the youngest graduate out of the academy. Perks of having a high IQ." Five raised his eyebrow at that. "Anyways, he invited me over after your father's funeral. " "Long story short, you fell in love with my charms and I was the only one who could tolerate you. We got married not too long after. It was a small wedding but it's my most precious memory. Our families had gathered together at the church no too far away from here. You cried on our wedding day by the way." Inciting a side glare from Five.
"But...that's where we had some problems." "Do you remember when I fell out of that portal?" Five nodded his head remembering seeing a fight in the alternate dimension. "Well, apparently some of the 43 are not too happy about their powers, nor happy about living among the common people, they believed themselves superior and it became chaos." The two of you arrived at Griddys. Five walked over to the side of your door and opened it for you. "Thank you, darling." You said with a smile. Five's heart spiked at the nickname. He shook his head at the feeling, obviously, it's just what you were used to calling YOUR Five. The two of you sat at the counter and ordered your coffees and sweets. You signed before pulling out a small stack of photos from inside your suit. "This is us and your family." The photo was a picture of you and Five on your wedding day. Five had never looked so happy. Beside him was Luther who he assumed was his best man, next to him was Viktor, Diego, and a man who looked like you. You must have caught his staring, "That's my brother Damien." He nodded and looked beside you. You were wearing a long white dress with intricate lacing, the dress was strapless with a square neckline and had a small slit on the side. Your veil was flipped over your head and flowed down your back. Beside you, was Allison as your maid of honor and two other women who he assumed were your friends. You weren't looking at the camera but at him. The next picture you gave him was a close-up of the two of you. You were the one taking the photo. His alternate self was older and had longer hair and facial hair, but he faced your side kissing your cheek affectionately. "This is my favorite photo of you." You handed him another photograph but this one didn't have you in it. This one was a picture of just Five and in his arms a little girl. She looked like you. Five gulped, a million questions ran through his head. Could this... could this have been his future if he didn't make that stupid jump? You said that not all multiverses are the same, you and him could never meet in this one. But that didn't stop his heart from hurting at the thought of missing out on a life of happiness because of his arrogance. "Before you jump to conclusions, she's not ours. She's my niece that we were babysitting. You just looked so sweet with her. You had always told me you wanted kids before but I wasn't ready." You had looked away sadly. In your home, Five always wanted to settle down and raise a family of his own, but you felt like you weren't ready. Now you regretted not because you weren't sure if you would ever be able to get back home. The two of you sat in silence drinking your coffee, both thinking about the what-ifs. "So...how did you end up here. I've been able to time travel but I've never thought about the possibility of multi-dimensional traveling." "As I said there was a fight between us, your family, and some of the 43. They called themselves the Ascendants. Believe to be the superior race." You took a deep breath before continuing. "The Ascendants had a man who could travel the multiverse with his own power, no special gear or machine need. We had planned to capture him but miscalculated. He was ready for us and he aimed to take out me, his biggest threat."
You took another breath before looking into Five's eyes. "I can warp reality. It is essentially in the name. I can manipulate reality itself, altering the fabric of existence according to my will." "But not without a cost," you continued. "Each time I control something, and the bigger it is, the more of my life force I use." Five sat in silence. This was a lot of information to take in. "So what now. How do I help you get back home." "I have...no clue. You were always the smarter one of the two of us. You were the one who had built the machine, of course before it was destroyed when Viktor took out the house." You sighed. It was going to take a lot of research and time to figure it out. "Well, I'm newly retired and have nothing on my plate so let's start at the library." He hopped off the stool and made his way to the door. "You coming?" He said turning to look at you. You smiled, he was a great man. Even if this Five wasn't your husband you loved him no matter what. You ran up looping your arm in his making your way out of Griddy's. ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ Pt 2 of this story is out now!
Author's note: I got tons of drafts just full of ideas I've had and never gone through with. I've been rewatching the MCU films and Spiderverse so that was kinda my inspiration for this one. If you like my work check out my other Five stories here! I also always appreciate comments and feedback! It definitely keeps me going. She's my Angel Pt1. Shes my Angel Pt2.
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notakugelblitz ¡ 7 months ago
FERNANDO • Five Hargreeves x Reader
as everyone seems so sad since the release of season 4, i thought this could help :’)
it takes place during season 3, during Luther and Sloane’s wedding. as you spend your last moments with your siblings in law, you start to have some regrets about the life you could have had with Five.
NO WARNING, all fluff 😊 2341 words
i got inspired by ABBA’s song Fernando and it’s so Five x Y/N related I love it (well this is how I interpret it)
english isn’t my first language so sorry if you spot any mistake
enjoy ☂️
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It was only a matter of hours now. You were all staying at the Hotel Oblivion, the last survivors. The Kugelblitz was growing and yet, Sloane and Luther had decided to marry.
While the boys were having a bachelor party before the ceremony, you were wandering the corridors aimlessly.
Ever since you arrived in 2019 with Five, his family quickly became yours. They welcomed you so warmly and trying to save the world twice clearly forged something big. But when you met the Sparrows, the hate that they felt against them seemed rather excessive (apart from Luther of course). Probably due to your age, you felt more mature about it. Seeing Sloane and Ben loosing all of their family pained you grandly.
You even found in Luther’s future wife a friend, which was a surprise but you enjoyed her kindness quite much. Your feet led you to Sloane’s room so unhesitatingly you knocked at her door which was half opened. She answered and smiled as she spotted you.
“Y/N ! Come in !” Sloane said to you, her soon-to-be former Sparrow Academy sister, in a cheerful fashion as she closed the door behind her.
Then she turned to face her once the door was firmly shut. You smiled, noticing the dress Sloane was sewing herself.
“It looks flawless.” you said, pointing at the white dress laying on the bed.
Sloane smiled gently at your comment and walked over to it, caressing the dress lovingly with her hand.
“Thank you … I just hope it fits me.”
“I’m sure it will. Nothing you wear unfits you.”
You chuckled a bit falsely, feeling a pain in your heart but yet you managed to smile. It was the best day of Sloane's life, and probably her last, after all.
She seemed to notice the sadness in your eyes and immediately became concerned as she took a closer look at you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong ? You look … sad.”
You sighed and grabbed a vase, sitting on the chair as you took the flowers out of it. You started to tie the stems altogether to create a crown.
“I am not sad. I am just … seeing you all excited for your wedding … I’ve been there too … ” you let out.
Sloane smiled and sat down on the bed opposite you, watching you make a crown out of the vase’s contents.
“Yes, I am but … I get the impression that you didn’t enjoy yours ?” she said slowly, a hint of suspicion in her voice as she tried to make sense of your comment.
“Oh no, I loved it !” you exclaimed suddenly. “I had the most wonderful wedding. And I believe yours will be just as perfect.”
She smiled genuinely as she heard you say that you enjoyed your wedding.
“Well … I’m relieved to hear that ! For a moment, I thought you’d been married to an arsehole or something !”
“Five is an arsehole indeed, but he is a great man, I can assure you.” you laughed.
You then approached her to check the size of the crown on her head.
Sloane smiled as you placed the flower crown on her head carefully. Feeling the weight of it, she looked in the mirror, gently caressing the flowers and admiring the work that had been done on it.
“Thank you, Y/N. It’s beautiful …”
You looked at Sloane’s reflection and surprised yourself with a sort of mothering smile. It suddenly brought you nostalgia and sadness at the same time. Sloane checked over her shoulder, noticing your change of mood, a look of concern once again present on her face.
“Y/N … are you sure you’re okay ?”
You pinched your nose and sighed, trying to avoid some tears from falling. You couldn’t believe how weak your were but the tiredness and the end of the world wasn’t making it easy.
“Five and I married when we were 56. Secretly, as it was forbidden by the … by our employers,” you started to explain.
You checked on her, wanting to know if she was ok with you opening up like this. Her eyes saying like “Go on, I’m listening.” and her hand grabbing yours relieved you suddenly.
“I am 58 now. I just wish I had met him sooner …”
You looked down at your feet. It might sound weird for Sloane as you also had the appearance of a teenager. But still she kept holding your hand, gently rubbing the back of it with her thumb as you spoke, trying to give comfort in any way she could.
“Is that why you’re sad ? Because you wished you’d had more time with Five ?”
“When we got back here, we thought of a well-deserved retirement..” you sighed deeply. “But then he decided to save the world again because he’s addicted to it. And I wouldn’t blame him for that, he spent his life doing so. I just …”
You bit your lips, looking down at her hands, young and soft.
“And you just … want to be able to grow old with him … like normal people who marry and have a family …”
You looked up at Sloane, surprised that she’d understand that easily. You slightly opened your mouth because of the astonishment but shook your head.
“I know that everyone expect me to say that I have no regrets because I had time, unlike you … no offense of course. But coming back in 2019, both of us teenagers again, I thought … it sounds stupid, but I thought we had another chance, you know ? To grow old normally, without any Commission nor Kugelblitz.”
“I get that … you feel like you’ve been robbed.”
You nodded and looked up at her, cupping her cheek with your free hand.
“I shouldn’t bother you with that. Let’s enjoy this night, shall we?”
Sloane seemed to freeze.
“Would you like to be my maid of honour ?” she lets out suddenly.
You arched an eyebrow and smirked.
“I mean … you’re the only friend I’ve got here and … Ben is a dumbass. And a boy.”
“Yeah right … I’d be honoured.” you chuckled.
Without warning, Sloane hugged you tightly, resting her chin upon your shoulder. This felt good actually, and you got a bit moved knowing that you both needed it. At this moment Sloane’s wedding became your last most important mission. You wanted to ensure that it’ll be the night of her life and all the happiness she could feel, the same you felt back then, shan’t be disturbed.
• • •
The Hotel Oblivion had never been as beautiful as it was now, with the Hargreeves being the last survivors on earth. Celebrating a wedding a day before the end of the world had something rather beautiful.
You were standing by the aisle, beside Sloane, as you were her maid of honor. You looked at her and Luther with a kind of nostalgia, smiling a bit sadly while Klaus was pronouncing some vows.
As Klaus’s speech continued, Five kept his eyes on you. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia himself as he took in the moment. All the people he loved most were here with him, yet he knew deep down that these would be the last moments they’d get to spend together like this. The thought was more than a little concerning to him, and the hand holding his glass subconsciously clenched into a fist.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone went their separate ways, some dancing on the dance floor, some at the buffet. You headed directly to the bar where all the alcohol was, serving yourself a glass of whisky with the same nostalgia and sadness in your eyes.
Even though you had moved to the bar, it was as if Five’s eyes had never once left you. So he grabbed another glass and joined you at the bar.
“Are you just planning on staying here all night ?” he asked, taking a seat next to you.
Just by his tone, it seemed as if he was trying to hide his concern under his usual snarky demeanor.
“Aren’t you ?” you asked, pouring some whisky into his glass.
You sighed and lifted your glass to raise a toast with him, your smile a bit off. Five raised his glass as well, clinking it against yours.
“You’ve got a point there.”
He took a rather large gulp of the drink before setting the glass down. Five glances at you as a look of concern crossed his face again.
“You’ve got that look on your face. You alright ?”
You sighed and drank your glass bottoms up, then filled it up again. You then turned to see Sloane and Luther dancing happily.
“Do you have any regrets ?” you asked monotonously. “I mean… we never had the time to really enjoy a happy married couple life, you know ?”
He turned his head towards you and raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Are you being serious right now ?” he quipped.
“That’s what you’re worried about ? Really ?”
“Did we, Five ?” you asked, looking right at him with pain in your eyes. “I mean, yes, we got married, but for what ? Working two years at the Commission with your name after mine and then coming back in 2019 to save the world and have no fucking break.”
You sighed and drank your glass again, bottoms up, not disturbed by the strength of the alcohol.
He sighed, running a hand down his face as he spoke.
“That … that’s not a very fair question. It’s not as if we could’ve helped it.” he started off, trying to reassure you as he picked up his glass and swirled the alcohol around. “Things just happened that we had to deal with. Like you said, we were more focused on stopping the apocalypse than ... anything normal couples would usually do.”
“I dreamt of a retirement, Five. I truly did,” you let out. “Reappearing here with damn teenage appearances, I… I thought we had a second chance, you know ? Having a whole life for ourselves. But no.”
You sniffed and poured yourself another glass. A look of hurt and concern spread across his face even more at this. He knew how badly you had wanted to experience life like every normal people did and all that came with it, and seeing you admit how disappointed you were … it was crushing for him.
He put his hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it as he tried to find the right words to say to console you.
“You know it’s not too late, right ?” he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet.
“We only have a day left, Five. Don’t mock me.”
He grabbed you by both shoulders and turned you to face him, gripping them tight.
“I am not.” he said defensively, his voice regaining its hard, blunt tone. “You’d know that if you’d just listen to me for a minute. What I’m trying to say is … you want to experience being a normal, young adult ? Fine. Well, there’s nothing stopping us now, is there ? So stop sulking and start enjoying this while it lasts.”
You looked at him with surprised eyes, rather shocked by what he said. You didn’t have the words, mouth slightly open. The music stopped and another song started : "Fernando" by ABBA. You felt shivers down your spine hearing it. It was the song that played during your first dance … well, it played on the car radio, and you danced somewhere on the side of the road on your way back from your little clandestine marriage back in 1977.
As soon as he heard the opening beats of this special song, he couldn’t help but smirk and internally snicker, already anticipating his next move. He grabbed your hand with a slightly tight grip and started to pull you to the dance floor.
“Five, what are you doing ?” you gasped, leaving your glass on the table.
You were still a bit shocked but let him pull you anyway.
“Oh my ! Five is going to dance !” Lila exclaimed.
“Awwwww, that is way too cuuuuute !” Klaus chuckled.
“Gross.” Ben added.
Five glared at the others as he dragged you towards the dance floor, ignoring their teasing. However, the death glare changed back into a smirk once he got onto the dance floor and pulled you into his arms.
“Just shut up and dance with me,” he quipped.
“But you never dance …” you whispered.
But you didn’t say a word when he placed your hands on his shoulder and in his palm.
“You’ve been wanting to have your time to enjoy yourself as a married couple, right ?” he asked, his voice quieter now. “So then … why not spend our last night doing exactly that ?”
You huffed, touched by his words. It seemed like the end of the world had opened his eyes somehow, and enjoying every last minute with the people he loved felt more important now, ever since he met his old version saying that he shouldn’t save the world and all that awful stuff …
You smiled at him widely.
“Thank you …” you almost whispered.
His heart felt both heavy and warm at your words. Heavy in the fact that he was suddenly very aware of how limited their time was … but warm in the fact that it seemed like you’d finally come back to your senses.
“Save your thanks and enjoy yourself for the night, okay ?” he replied quietly, a small smirk on his lips. “The only reason I’m doing this is so you’ll stop moping and complaining, just so you know.”
“Yeah, right.”
You chuckled, knowing that he was doing it for himself too.
“Though we never thought that we could lose, there's no regret.” you quietly hummed along.
Five spun you around, and he couldn’t help but laugh a bit, enjoying himself much more than he thought he would. Seeing him smile like this, being truly happy after a long time, moved you a bit. Those dimples, his glimmering eyes …
As you hummed to the lyrics of the song, the smirk on his face widened, and he began to sing along.
"If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend, Fernando."
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little-forest-goblin ¡ 5 months ago
Soft touches, silent roads
Warnings: Smut MDNI 18+
Contains: oral (f and m receiving), p in v, dirty talk, light choking (very brief) praise, mostly soft dom five (There is a little roughness), face fucking, cum eating, creampie (i hate the word too), car sex, bad writing, grammatical errors
Synopsis: You and five were at graces birthday party. You and him haven’t seen each other in a long time so there is a lot of unspoken things between you and him especially the unspoken love and desire between you and him that was never addressed properly. (The events of the fourth season never occurred)
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The birthday party was all out which was really sweet of Diego and Lila. The kids were having so much fun which was even sweeter. Lila’s family was very kind too. It was odd seeing the family after a long while. Especially poor Klaus who was a raging germaphobe and extremely sober. which the sober part isn’t a bad thing but the germaphobic tendencies is a little bit odd. No matter you’re just glad he is getting himself mostly together. Luther was what he called “A professional dancer” which obviously was not true but you know what…good for him. There was Allison worried and scared that everybody hated her. Viktor was kinda off to the side since he didn’t really want anything to do with any of us which you guess kinda makes sense after the shit we’ve been through. you cant blame him completely for not wanting anything to do with us but its nice to know he cares still to show up. Ben was sulking about just getting out of jail and about his “Business”. You really just hope he will get his shit together. Then lo and behold there was five. The one man you were nervous to talk to. The one that made your heart race and your face flush. You haven’t spoken to him in a long time. Life caught up to you, you were healing from trauma and getting your own shit together. That being said he was always on your mind no matter how hard you tried to push him or the thoughts away. It was always a haunting thought in the back of your mind. A space just for him that was rent free. You looked over to him and to your surprise you caught him looking at you. His own eyes went a little wide with nervousness and looked away sipping his beer and looked back into the ball-pit where luther tried to scare him and ben. You felt your face flush and you looked away.
After a ruined back and a piñata issue it was time for everyone to go home. Sadly your car was being the biggest asshole of the day cause it decided to break down the day before. You had to take a uber which was scary at this time of night. You walked out the doors and leaned against the wall of the building. You went onto your phone to look for an uber when five came out he saw you and came on over “Hey” you looked to him your face flushing as you saw those piercing green eyes “H-hey” he chuckled and leaned against the wall his arms crossed “What are you doing? Aren’t you gonna head home?” you sighed and shut pff your phone putting it in your pocket “My car broke down yesterday. The hunk of junk had to be a paid actor cause that was to perfectly timed.” he smiled “So what gives?” you sighed “Im getting an uber. It may not be the safest but i need to go home somehow.” he nodded. it was silent for a minute as he looked at you his eyes traveling down then up at your face again trying to stay calm but if you looked close you’d notice he swallowed a nervous lump in his throat. “You can ride with me” you look at him wide eyed “Wait what?” he looked at your eyes “Yeah you can ride with me. I don’t want you getting hurt or worse.” you bit your lip nervously “no no its okay i-“ five cut you off before you could say anything else “No i insist come on” he took your hand and gently led you to his car almost seeming eager. Your hand in his, skin against skin sent electricity through you and a shiver down your spine. You almost wanted to kick yourself cause it was such a simple touch. How the hell are you getting so worked up over such a simple god damn touch! is…is he getting worked up too? Is he feeling the same? You let him lead you to his car. He opens the passenger side for you “After you, princess” he smiled you chuckled and got into the car “My, what a gentleman!” he laughed and closed the door and got into the driver seat.
You and him have been driving for some time. At some point during the night drive home it began to rain. You looked to him his hands gripping the steering wheel. it was almost white knuckled how hard he was holding it. You swallowed as your eyes traveled over the veins in his hands. they were prominent and an indicator of what hid under his suit. you looked to his face his eyes slightly squinted to look out the glass windshield past the rain and slight fogging. his lips and nose those piercing green eyes and hair that made your insides flutter. You always were weak when it came to this man. he glanced to you and back to the road. “Whats with that look for?” you blushed lightly and looked back out the window “nothing.” the rain started to come down harder and tension built until the glass fogged up to much and the rain poured a little to hard. “Fuck it” he pulled into an empty lot and parked the car. you looked at him confused “woah hey wha-“ he unbuckled and turned to you “Don’t say it isn’t nothing. I don’t want it to be nothing. I know it isn’t nothing.” you looked him in his eyes. his eyes looked a little desperate almost pleading. You wanted to say it you knew it wasn’t nothing but something in you still wanted to deny from fear of scaring him away “Five i-its nothing i’m being honest” he shook his head “Don’t say that…it isn’t. Me and you have always beat around the bush. When i’m with you i cant help it but to beat around the bush cause i’m afraid to lose you. I don’t want to scare you away but god damn it y/n i cant do it any longer. Y/n i love you. You are in my mind no matter how much i try to push it away. I cant pretend that i don’t love you cause i do. Y/n i love you and i was too afraid to say it but now i’m not. i’ve gotten my shit together for the most part and me beating around the bush is not something i wanna do anymore.” you looked at him incredulously. He just professed his love to you. after so long of lingering stares and touches that lasted a little too long all coming to a sorta close. you swallowed “Five i have also loved you…i’ve loved you even as i kept distance for 6 years i was in love with you as we danced at the wedding at the end of the world i was in love with you as we saved the world in the 60’s and i have loved you before. I was also too afraid to say it.” he looked at you with eyes that held love and adoration. His face came closer to yours both of you so close his breath fanned across your face you swallowed and kept eye contact with him. he looked from your lips to your eyes “Y/n?” you kept your eyes locked with his “Yeah?” “can i kiss you?” you felt your breath hitch “God yes” he didn’t need to be told twice. His lips were on yours kissing desperately. his hands came to either side of your face holding you close. your hands came around his neck one along his back and one traveled into his hair giving a slight tug making him groan. He lightly bit at your bottom lip and tugged gently. you whimpered softly and he growled at that lovely sound you made. his hands went from either side of your face and at the top of your arms feeling the skin under your sleeves. his lips traveled from your lips to your jaw and to your neck. his kissed almost reverently until he started to nibble and suck to create a dark purple love bite. you let out shuddering breath and you licked your bottom lip wetting it a little “f-five…fuck” he detached his lips looking up at you with a hint of concern “You okay? does it feel okay?” you nodded “Feels good…so good…” his eyes darkened and growled softly “Such a good girl made just for me” he kissed and sucked your skin. after some time “I need you now baby please. Let me have you” he looked up at you with a hint of pleading but there was room for you to say no and back away but thats not happening “Yes”
you and him had got into the back seat. he swallowed as he gently pulled your shirt over your head. he let out a breath ans he was speechless for a minute. you got a little worried and self conscious thinking maybe he was changing his mind. your hands where going to go around your body to cover but his hands where quick but gentle to pull your hands away “no…no, don’t cover…you’re gorgeous i wanna see you, love” you felt relief flood through your body. you let him guide your hands away from your body. his hands pulled you closer and held you to him and kissed the side of your neck as he undid your bra letting your tits loose from the prison you call a bra. he growled a little “Fuck look at you. perfect pretty girl. can i touch them baby?” you nodded and he shook his head his hand traveled to the back of your neck pulling you closer “Ah ah baby i gotta hear you say it okay? use your words for me, hm?” you swallowed nervousness and excitement coursing through you “Y-yes…please touch me” he hummed in appreciation “Good girl” his hands came away the back of your neck and to your tits squeezing and kneading softly feeling there shape. he leaned down and kissed the top of one of your breasts and bit down and sucked pulling the skin in to make a love bite, marking you as his own. You moaned and blushed deeply. he soon pulled off and let go of your tits his hand traveling around your neck “Lie back in the seat for me baby. i gotta have a taste of you” you nodded. your cunt was soaked through your panties you could feel it the wet patch there was probably noticeable. He traveled down kissing down the valley of your breasts to your stomach all the way to the waistband. His fingers curled around the waistband looking up at you for permission. you nodded and he wasted no time pulling it down revealing the pretty black pair you on. his chuckle was mixed with a light growl “Oh baby did you wear these just for me?” you and him both knew that this was not planned before hand so no but god damn it were you gonna entertain it “Y-yeah…wore them just for you” he hummed in appreciation and kissed your clothed clit making you jump a little “Knew you would. You’re such a good girl. always so sweet” you blushed and let out a shuddered breath. his fingers curled around the bottom of your panties and pulled them down off your legs and let them join the pile on the floor. he wet his bottom lip as he stared “O-oh baby…this is what you’ve hidden from me for far to long?” he kissed you clit reverently sending a shock of pleasure before he started to really get to it. his tongue licking at your slit and up to your clit. his lips wrapped around your clit and focused his tongue and attention there. you moaned and shivered. your hand traveling into his hair looking down at him only causing you to get more worked up. “o-oh fuck five god damn it” your head fell back as you panted. he chuckled sending another shock of electricity “That good baby?” you nodded. your thighs shook and threatened to close around his head. before they could his hands wrapped around them. keeping them opened “Ah ah baby keep them nice and open for me, good girl” he devoured you like you where the most delicious meal and you felt that cord within you tighten and threaten to snap. your moans came out louder and he knew you where close. his thumb came to your clit and rubbed gentle circles while his tongue focused on your slit. you felt your orgasm crash down on you and he licked away your cum with eagerness “mmm sweet tasting girl. perfect for me” he came up for air panting. his chin had your slick down it. he wiped away at it and leaned down to kiss you. his tongue and your taste together was divine. you moaned softly. you felt his hard cock through his pants. you pulled back “let me help you…please?” your hand traveled to palm him and he let out a stuttering breath “Only if you really want to baby.” you looked him in his eyes “i want too…please let me” he smiled and kissed you one more time and sat up and let you move to in front of him in the backseat.
you and him had moved the front seat chairs up so you and him could have room. He let out a shuddering breath as you unbuckled him from his cloth prison. once his boxers were pulled down and away his cock was up against his stomach your eyes widened a little in surprise cause he was bigger then you expected. i guess what the world didn’t give him in height gave in length. he chuckled “surprised?” you nodded a little more eagerly then you wanted it to be “Yeah… i am actually. im not say i was expecting it to be small i just thought you’d be average or something” he chuckled and his hand came to your head pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail “Doll, im hurt! uou had no faith in me?” five feigned hurt with a mock pout. you chuckled “im sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you” your lips went to his head. he groaned “Fuuuck, doll.” your tongue flattened and you took more of him. his hand was in your hair helping you bob your head. he groaned and his head rolled back “just like that baby mhm so good your taking me so good” you whined and looked up at him. he looked down at you and his cock twitched “Fuck baby you cant look at me like that i’ll blow my load to fast” you giggled a little till he pushed your head down more and groaned. he face fucked you bobbing your head for you. “Fuck just like that doll flatten that pretty fucking tongue!” he growled his eyes dark and his pupils blown wide. “Thats it take it like the good sweet girl you are. Good girl” he moaned and his head fell back against the seat. his balls tightened he came down your throat. you went wide eyed swallowing it down. he pulled out panting. he looked down at you his hands untangling from your hair and tucked your hair behind your ear and away from your face “You okay baby?” you nodded wiping away tears “Yeah i’m okay.” he smiled and helped you onto his lap and kissed you softly. “I was a little rough baby i’m sorry” his thumbs gently swiped away any remaining tears.
After he let you calm down and get together holding you closely you laid on the backseat. you and him had let the backseats down. you looked up at him as he shrugged off his suit and vest undoing his tie and throwing it to the pile. he sat back a little looking at your naked splayed out body. his hand pumped his cock a few times “Fuck sweetheart your gorgeous.” he crawled over you lining his cock with your waiting entrance. you swallowed. “Five…can you hold me while we do this? i wanna be close to you” he looked up at you and smiled. his arms went around your body. one around your waist the other around your shoulders. he kissed your neck and slowly pushed in “f-fuck baby your tight” he pushed all the way in. your breath seemed to stop for a minute your lips parted in a silent moan. he stayed still letting you get used to him “Its okay baby just breathe” thats when you remember to breath breathing in then out letting your body relax. once fully relaxed he started to move in then out slow and sweet thrusts wanting to savor you and the feel of your walls squeezing his cock. soft moans and shudders of breath came from both of you. “God i love you y/n its been to long of us dragging this out. I should’ve told you before” you shook your head you arms around him and his back “Its not just your fault- ah -i..i should’ve said something too” you and him moaned as the pace picked up a little but stayed mostly slow and sweet. your hearts beat in sync with each other just as it is should. your pants filled the car and his groans filled your ears. the windows of the car fogged up and the soft patter of the rain against the car gave a soft atmosphere. “Fuck baby i wish i could stay buried inside you forever” he let you go a little but stayed close his pace not stopping. he lifted on of your legs to his shoulder to get a deeper angel. the head of his cock kissing your g-spot perfectly causing your moans to come out louder. he felt your walls start to tighten around him indicating how close you where his thrusts went faster “Its okay baby i got you i got you cum for me…cum with me, fuck your such a good girl cum with me” his moans came out louder with yours. his hands found yours and held them intertwining you and his fingers. the cord within your stomach snapped and as soon as he felt your walls tighten his cock twitched and he came with you his cum pouring inside you filling you up. He groaned and slowed his pace going slow to fuck you through it but not to overstimulate you. you and him panted, a thin layer of sweat glistening on your bodies. he looked down at you and smiled softly moving some of the hair from your face that stuck to you away “You okay baby?” you nodded “yeah…yeah I’m okay…are you?” he smiled and chuckled “More then okay.” you looked up at him admiring him for all he was. he noticed your look and leaned down and kissed you softly and you happily kissed back. he pulled out of you causing you both to whimper a little. he pulled off looking at you “Come on lets get redressed. If you wanna we can come to my place and we can get cleaned up and relax the rest of the night” you smiled “i like that idea”
So both of you got redressed after he found some wet wipes to clean you up a little. you helped each other get redressed and soon drove home where you and him took a proper shower (Might’ve had a little round two in there) and relaxed for the rest of night laid in bed in one of his sweaters and watched a cheesy rom-com while cuddling under the sheets till you fall asleep.
Hey there guys! i hope you like it! its my first time writing a smut. I was nervous writing this sorry for any grammatical errors or if it seemed rushed (i hope it doesn’t). I love you and stay safe y’all ❤️ 😘
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total-lunareclipse4 ¡ 7 months ago
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🌜One sided hate🌛
pairing: five hargreeves x reader
summary: you work for The Commission, but so does your coworker who you hate. After a sweet gesture during your special day, you begin to wonder if maybe you’re the problem.
warnings: none I can think of
word count: 1.9 k
There wasn't anything extraordinary about today. You'd felt the same as always when you had woken up by the alarm blasting from your phone, and when you'd gone to turn it off, you'd realized that you didn't have any messages. Not that this came as a surprise to you, you hadn't even felt disappointed like years prior. The type of life you chose to lead was a very solitary one. Having a family wasn't compatible with working for The Commission, and friends got tired of associating with you when your work caused you to miss every important event in their life. Also, there was the fact that you didn't even stay in one place for long periods of time, traveling through humankind's history as if you were going from one country to another.
As you got in the shower, you dreaded going to work today. Usually, you were very fond of what you did, but today you were going in to do paperwork. Whenever a mission was over, you had to spend the next couple of days writing endless detailed reports about everything that had gone down for your supervisors to go over. In some cases, you would be called in and scolded for doing something reckless that had put in danger the integrity of the organization. That had only happened to you once, but the pain in the ass you had for a coworker had not let you live it down. He was the perfect employee, your boss adored him and everyone in the office was constantly kissing his ass. Not you, however, you did not care how good he was at what he did, you were also pretty damn good about it and didn't need to put others down to prove it.
Distracted by these thoughts, you lost track of time, realizing that you were now running late. Annoyed that you were going to have to miss breakfast, you quickly headed for your place of work. Upon arriving, you were quick to get inside, trying to hide from your boss so she wouldn't realize you were late. However, as your luck would have it, she was waiting for you by your desk.
With her red lips pressed firmly in a tight line and her pale arms crossed over her chest, she gave you a frown before speaking;
“Agent, a word.” She started walking towards her office and you had no choice but to follow. Once both of you were inside the room, you closed the door and sat down reluctantly.
“After today, that makes what? Three times you've been late this month?”
Four, actually. But you weren't going to correct her.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, wishing to be anywhere but here.
“No excuses today?” One of her eyebrows shot up.
With a sigh, you replied, “No, just a promise not to let this happen again.”
She looked taken aback by your change in attitude, being used to the endless rants that explained why you had been late that day. Some of your best stuff had been used during these meetings, realizing that you were most creative during the early hours of the morning.
“I love this job, and I'm good at it. I won't be late again, I promise.” You tried to keep your sentences as short as possible, wanting this conversation to end quickly.
Your boss rested her chin on her hand and waited a few seconds before speaking again.
“Look, I'm gonna be honest with you here. You have one of the best success rates, however, being a good killer doesn't necessarily make you a good worker. You need to take this job more seriously. Be on time, dress more professionally, hand in your reports when they’re due. Next time I won't be letting you go with just a warning.”
You tried to ignore her comment about your clothes, since you thought you usually looked very professional. There was a lot of thought put into your outfits. But this wasn't the time to argue with her.
“I'm sorry. Like I said, it won't happen again.”
“Good. Close the door on your way out.” You gladly took this as an opportunity to get out of her office, but when your hand had reached the handle, you heard her call after you.
“Wait, before I forget,”
So close, you thought.
“Have Five go over your report once you’re done with it.”
“What? Why?” your words carried a little more aggression than you'd intended, something that didn't go unnoticed by your superior.
“Because I'm telling you to do so.”
You debated if this was a discussion worth having, deciding that it indeed was.
“But he has the same rank as me, why is he supervising my work now?” You could tolerate putting in some extra work now that your job was sort of on the line, but answering to Five was something that you thought you could not tolerate.
“You have the same rank, yet, he’s never been late.” You knew this was a sign to drop the subject before she regretted not firing you in the first place.
You opened the door, resigned to leave.
“One more thing,” you heard her say, “don't ever question me again.
“Yes ma’ am,” you replied and went to sit over at your desk.
This was proving to be the worst birthday ever.
Once you were all settled in, you decided to start moving some files around, figuring that if you wanted to be taken more seriously, you had to start by cleaning up your place of work. That’s when you first noticed the little brown bag and the paper cup with your name written on it. Upon closer inspection, you realized they happened to be your favorite drink and pastry. There was also a note attached written in very neat handwriting that read: “Happy birthday, enjoy breakfast on me.” On the bottom left corner were three doodles you figured were a poor attempt at drawing balloons.
You looked around the office, but none of your coworkers seemed to be paying you any attention. Against your better judgment, you took a sip from the beverage, thankful that you were going to be able to eat some breakfast afterall.
Around noon, you were almost ready with your report, and you decided to take a quick lunch break as a reward for your work. You headed for the snacks machine, almost having forgotten about the terrible morning you’d had. However, things seemed to be going bad again when you noticed a particular coworker standing by the machine.
Taking a deep breath, you chose to rise above and walked over to get some food. You noticed he was whistling your favorite song, apparently not having realized you were there.
“Goodmorning,” you said as to let him know you were there.
Without turning back to look at you, he bent over to pick up the soda that had fallen from the machine and replied,
“Actually, it’s the afternoon.” Already annoyed, you looked down at your watch to realize he had been right. It was exactly twelve PM. You chose not to say anything, waiting for him to leave so you could buy your lunch, but instead, he opened his can with a loud POP and leaned against the machine.
“Did you like the breakfast? I wasn’t sure if that was still your order,” he asked.
You were shocked by the revelation, expecting the gift to have come from anyone but him. You had so many questions, and a couple of insults too. Regardless, the only thing you could mutter out was a poor attempt at being grateful.
“Yeah, thanks,” you spoke dryly.
“I know you never have any breakfast so I thought it an appropriate gift.” He took a sip from his soda.
“You couldn’t possibly know that,” you spat, annoyed.
He gave you a half grin, an insufferable look that said please, who do you think you’re talking to?
“You’re always late, usually looking like a hot mess. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you don’t have time to eat breakfast. Not saying that I’m not a genius though.” You hated that he was making assumptions about your life like that, however true they may be. He didn’t know the first thing about you.
“And humble too,” you replied, anger taking over your tone.
He furrowed his brow, as if confused by your response. Did he seriously expect you to act any differently after he called you a mess?
“Have I done something to offend you?” He asked.
You let out a loud puff. Where could you start?
“I don’t appreciate you treating me like garbage just because you’re on the good side of our boss.”
He let out a laugh, an actual audible laugh that made you want to strangle him.
“Buying you breakfast on your birthday is treating you like garbage now?” He always managed to twist your words to leave you looking like the bad guy.
“That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what were you talking about? Enlighten me please, when have I ever been rude to you?”
This was your opportunity to show him how insufferable he had been over the years, however, after giving it some thought, you couldn’t come up with much.
“Like that time I got told off for making a mistake during a mission and you made fun of me afterwards.” You felt silly saying it out loud. It sounded so childish.
“That’s what this is about? I was just playing around, that’s what friends do!” He laughed again, taking another sip.
“We’re friends?”
“We aren’t?” He asked. His brows furrowed in a confused looked.
Suddenly, you realized all of the anger you had held against him over the years was nothing but one sided and utterly pointless, given that Five actually thought you two were friends.
“No, not to my knowledge,” your tone was soft, no longer mad but a bit embarrassed by your past attitude.
Five took a good look at you, inspecting you for a moment. He seemed to be making a choice in his mind, which he shared with you when he spoke again.
“Tell you what, let me take you out for dinner tonight, as a way to celebrate your birthday properly. We can actually talk and get to know each other then. That way you can make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to be my friend.”
You pondered about it for a few seconds, unsure if to trust the guy who you'd considered your enemy for as long as you’d worked here. After a little bit, you came to the conclusion that eating dinner with a coworker was better than sitting alone in your apartment feeding on leftovers, even if that coworker was Five Hargreeves.
“Fine, let’s have dinner.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Yeah sure, whatever,” you smiled. You figured you could try to be a little kinder to him after years of unjustified rudeness.
He smiled back and began walking away, once he was a few feet away from you, he turned around to face you again.
“And hey, don't forget to have that report on my desk before you clock out today,” he said with a wink before leaving you alone.
The anger came back, making you feel the urge to punch that stupid grin off his face.
Maybe all was not forgiven.
author’s note: I’ll probably do a part two if this goes well of them having dinner!
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itstheghostofmypast ¡ 1 year ago
Five: If there is one thing I'm thankful for it's-
Diego: Your family?
Klaus: Bloodshed?
Luther: Alcohol?
Victor: Coffee?
Y/N: Guys...can we please exchange our vows without interruptions?
Ben *hands Five a gun* arent you glad I'm your best man?
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mcntsee ¡ 10 months ago
I need someone to explain to me WHY y/n picks outfits like we are playing EPISODE and RAN OUT OF GEMS!?!!?
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briefkittenearthquake ¡ 1 month ago
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