#different cabinet color tho
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happy halloween! hope everyone watched a scary movie that'll keep you up tonight but was nonetheless enjoyable! i sure did!
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hillwoodhouse · 6 days
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scremogirl · 1 year
Yandere! Childhood friend x Hyper aware! Reader
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Slight⚠︎︎warning. The reader is slightlllyyy narcissistic, you gotta squint to see it. Like always check the end for a note. Enjoy!
It wasn’t more than a day that you you two weren’t together. From third grade all the way to your senior year in high school; he was always there. To think it all started from simply sharing your colored pencils.
Micah was your best friend, you’ve done everything together. All your first were together too. Your first kiss for example.
“I-I don’t know about this Micah, just don’t want things to be weird after this,” you hesitated.
“It’s fineee, I promise. Besides, you're my best friend; nothing could ever be weird between us,” you cringed a little at the fact that your first kiss was calling you his best friend. Not that it wasn’t true, it just wasn't as romantic as middle school you thought a first kiss would be. Your first date.
You held your head in your hands staring at the floor and heaved a big sigh. Your date had just stood you up. This wasn’t the first time this happened either, guys would ask you out and then just end up flaking. When you tried to talk to him earlier in the day he was sporting a big bruise on his jaw and cussed you out. You weren’t gonna let that slide tho, so when you called Micah to come help he hurley apologized and scurried off.
“I promise it’s not you beautiful, besides, he doesn’t know what he’s missing,” it goes silent for a bit before he perks up with a loud gasp.
“I know! How about we go see the movie together? He still let you keep the tickets right?”
You even had your first together. I mean, if that isn't true friendship I don’t know what is. So, why is it starting to feel not so friendly between you two anymore? He’s been acting a little weird as of late. He’s been more handsy lately; arm always around your shoulder or waist. He’s always been like this, and you guys did have sex once, but… this is different. His grip is a little tighter and his hands fall a little lower. He comes up behind you while you stand at the vending machine down the hall from the cafeteria, burying his face in your neck. When you told him to stop because you’re in school and people will start thinking things about you two, he just shrugs and says, “Nothing that they haven’t seen before,” with a dismissive wave of his hand. He even tried to kiss you yesterday when you left his house from a sleepover, claiming that it would keep you safe on your journey home (which is literally and I mean literally, right next door).
You’re not dumb. You know he likes you. In love with you. Everyone knows that. You know that he was the one that beat up your crush. You know why he wanted to have all his firsts with you. You noticed all the panties going missing every time he would visit. You noticed all your chewed pens and leftover food being taken out of the trash. You noticed his hard-on every time you’d wear a low-cut shirt or too short of a skirt. You noticed the box of your stuff tucked away under his bed when you dropped your pen whilst you were over-studying. You saw the photo album pushed into the corner of his basement. You saw the bloody rags and knives in the bathroom cabinet. You saw the way he would look at you when he thought you weren’t paying attention. You liked the attention and the way he made you feel. But, you just couldn’t bring yourself to actually pursue him. He was your best friend and that was that. It’s not that you weren’t open to the idea of the two of you getting together, you were practically made for each other. Courtesy of him studying your insides ;) and outs. It's just the fact you know if you have him the time of day, you wouldn’t have time for anything else. Completely suffocated by his overwhelming love and attention.
That leads you to now. This is the first date you’ve been on since that incident in the beginning of your high school career. You met him in your psych class, thankfully one of the only ones you and Micah don’t share. Sure, you’ve had a couple one one-night stands and summer flings but as it denotes, they were all short-lived. This guy was different, he was sweet, funny, and paid attention when you talked; the whole package. But of course, this wouldn’t last long either. Prom was supposed to be the most exciting night for a senior. A big party with all your friends, dancing, laughing, the whole nine yards. That was until you saw your date tongue fucking another girl when you came back from getting the punch he requested. You sighed. Taking note of the not-so-discreetly placed $100 dollar bill in his suit's pocket. Of course. Just then you feel a tap on your shoulder. As you turn around you see him in all his glory. A y’all figure with his hair slicked back, one strategically placed string in the front. The dark blue suit perfectly matched your dress no matter how much you insisted that it was inappropriate because of your date. Green eyes peering down into yours with a mock of pity and astonishment. The scar on his cheek barley noticeable. He got it in an accident he had when you two were younger. He would always try to make you kiss it better, saying that it eased the pain from literally ages ago.
“How about you and I go grab some dinner instead, hm?” The drive to the diner is silent. You two stuck out like a sore thumb in the cozy setting of the mom-and-pop shop. They’ve come to recognize you both. Ms. Dané, one of the owners of the shop would always question why you two weren’t together yet as her husband would chastise her for being so bold. Though, you could see it in his eyes just how curious he was.
You pull up to the mountain you two discovered on one of your long car rides to nowhere last summer. You spent most of it building a comfy place for the two of you to have your deep and emotional conversations. As you sit on the hill, looking down at the city and taking a bite of your burger, he turns to you. Before he could speak to you, you held up your hand effectively stopping him.
“I know,” he looks at you with wide eyes full of confusion. You take a handful of fries this time, chew, and swallow again before speaking.
“I don’t need you to lie to me.”
“He wasn’t good for you anyways,” he abruptly replies, it came out harsher than he attended it too.
“Besides, what kind of a guy would ask a girl out and then kiss another one a day later?” He huffs out an irritated laugh.
“That’s not what I meant, Michael,” the use of his full name struck a bit of fear in his heart. And pleasure to his pants.
“I know it was you,” he tries to speak but you put your fingers to his lips. Chewing on your burger and taking a sip of your soda to help push it down. The time it takes you to respond kills him, he tapping his leg and picking at the scar on his cheek anticipation. A habit he’s always had when he’s nervous or anxious.
“You know what I mean. I saw the money in his pocket,” He doesn’t wait for an explanation or care how you found out it was him. He pushes his food to the side before climbing over your outstretched legs. You’ve taken your heels off at his point, too uncomfortable to be walking up a mountain with. Micah insisted on carrying you anyways, saying that your dress was too expensive to get dirty but he gravel mud.
“I can’t stand the thought of someone else being by your side. I’m the one who's been here for you throughout everything. I'm the one who laughs with you when you're happy, cries with you when you're sad, and calms you down when you're mad. Not him. Not your parents. Not anyone. It’s always been you and me. Ever since the third grade you’ve been the one I wanted. I love (Y/n), nothing and no one can change that,” at this point his hands have a firm grip on your shoulders. Knees firmly planted into the hard ground beside you, surely his nice pants are fitted and scuffed but right now he couldn't care less. He stares deep into your eyes waiting for you to say something; anything.
For what seems like the millionth time you sighed since you met him, your gaze drops from your half-eaten burger to his frantic ones.
“Okay, Micah,” you say rubbing your thumb along the scar on his cheek. whose whole demeanor suddenly changes, this is the happiest you’ve ever seen him. Well since that day *if you know what I mean ^*. This time he grabs your food and pushes it away. You're a little sad, you wanted to finish the rest of that. You had no time to think, however, as he lays you down in the makeshift fort you’ve created. He lowers his head down, placing kisses on the column of your neck. He makes his way up to behind your ear, smelling his favorite of your perfumes. In his delusion, he can’t help to think that you wanted him to kiss you here. Placing it there to entice him in all the ways he wants you to. He rubs his cock against you, trying to get as much friction as he can. Even though it’s dark out and his suit is even darker, but the fairly lights strings up in the tiny fort help you see the pre-cum staining the front of the soft, thin material of his pants.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that. I promise this’ll be even better than the first. He could never compare to how I’m gonna make you feel,” he runs his hands up your waist, kissing the corner of your lips.
“Besides,” he starts. Eyes lowering down to your dress that has now risen to just above your lace panties
“I’m the only one who gets to see you full and dripping with cum”.
I don’t think I’m gonna turn Micah the into a full OC. If you liked it however, maybe I’ll make a couple headcanons or something. For the most part this was just a one shot. Again make sure to go check out my friends twist on the idea. ^the at is mentioned in the note above. Bye loves!
-Love, Sos❤️
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earfqwake · 1 year
Not sure if you only write for the Adult trio but if not, do you think you could make a version of big brother illumi x sister reader but instead of illumi it's Killua? Like, in the fic Y/n was originally supposed to be Killua's (But it was Illumi who mated with her instead) So could it stay like that? Again idk if you even write for him so it's fine if you can't do it! Thanks <33
Alpha Killua/Brother X Omega/Sister Reader Part 1
okay so like kind of the same basis as the illumi story just different as in reader actually is mated to killua this time, he is aged up and so is reader okay ? okay 🫰
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tw: slight obsession from killua and yes incest !!! don’t read if you don’t want to. brother sister relationship though this part doesn’t contain anything explicit as it’s depicting their relationship growing up. will be multiple parts because i have a lot to say.
Light can’t exist without Dark.
When Kikyo Zoldyck found out she would be having twins she crossed her fingers and prayed to a god she didn’t even believe in that this would be the one, the heir of heiress of the family. Imagine the families surprise when two white haired babies were birthed on July 7th. Even Silva who rarely showed emotions other than stoicism was pleased at this moment in time.
Well Y/n, their new baby girl had half white hair and half (Y/H) colored hair but still this was the first time in the lineage Zoldyck history something like this happened. Though all that mattered is that Killua was born, both a male and with a full head of white hair. Since birth the two were inseparable, only fully calming their cries when they were near eachother.
At dinner they sat next to eachother always and if they didn’t the other would be visibly more upset. They napped together in random spots around the mansion always being found in the most peculiar places. Under Silvas Desk, Inside the kitchens cabinet, Underneath the staircase. And they shared a room by choice, until Silva forced them to have separate rooms at the age of 8. He needed to end their codependency as soon as possible. That didn’t stop them from sneaking into each others beds most nights.
Must have been fate, that such a blessing had occurred. Or so they’ve been told time and time again, but no one could break their bond that’s for sure. The pairs parents decided that they were more than likely going to end up as soul mates, promising strong pups no doubt.
Even though they were too young to have understood, Killua was relieved to hear this. No one would be good enough for his little sister, even tho he was only minutes older than you he never failed to remind you. He didn’t care much for other girls anyways none of them were as special as you.
They were polar opposites, Yin and Yang, but they fit together perfectly. Y/n was the sweetest most sensitive person, even though she was strong she had such a big heart. Too big of a heart for an assassin to have. A heart that Killua vowed to protect, he was his sisters keeper. The latter was more assertive and dominate than his sister, always leading them into trouble and taking the fall should they ever get caught.
“Where are they off to now?” Mumbled Kikyo as she frantically searched the forrest around the mansion for the twins. Only to find them running circles around Mike the enormous guard dog who didn’t seem to mind their company. Kikyo almost fainted when she saw your pretty blue gown now dirty from playing outside with your brother. You were her only girl so she was terribly overprotective of you.
Killua, like always hid you behind him as his mother threw a fit, because god forbid kids try be kids. “It was my fault mother, Y/n didn’t want to leave the garden but I took her out with me.” Which truthfully wasn’t a lie, you tried to warn Killua that Mama wouldn’t be happy but he said he’d leave you behind so you ran after him with teary eyes. But you had fun so a little punishment was worth seeing you smile.
Though he couldn’t always evade you from being punished he always tried. It meant the world to you that he would be willing to protect you no matter what. You wanted to be brave like him and you tried to, but your heart was just too soft. Hiding your tears and frowns didn’t work with Killua, he couldn’t just ignore it like the rest of his family.
When he would sneak into your room routinely sometimes he would catch you sobbing. Either because your punishment was too harsh, or you felt bad for having to kill your target. Your body sore from being attacked during a day of training, tears fell from your eyes as you sensed him enters your room. “I don’t want to do this Killua.. I’m trying to be strong for Mama and Papa but it hurts.” And he’d hold you and soothe you until you slept peacefully. Only then could he shed tears for you.
And he knows he shouldn’t like it, but you always cried the hardest for him and him alone.
“Onii!” She’d cry out and hug him after seeing the cuts and bruises he would have on his body after hours of pain resistance training. He didn’t cry much anymore, but it sure did hurt, though he’d never admit it to you. Hugging her closer, he couldn’t help but give you a tired smile. “I’m fine Y/n, see.” But she only whimpered and stayed in his embrace she knew he was lying. “Such a crybaby..” He sighed as if it troubled him, yet nuzzled his head into her soft hair.
Killua didn’t like seeing his sweet little sister cry, training was hard on her. At age 12 he begged his parents to opt her out of training, if he were to inherit the family business he didn’t want his sister to have to kill and possibly be killed that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Silva and Kikyo denied him this request, so he and Y/n ran away together to take the hunter exam.
It sent us on such a journey, meeting many different people and making friends ! Real friends, we were never allowed to make any friends back on Kukuroo Mountain so imagine their surprise to see a boy their age also taking the exam. Y/n was infatuated with Gon, calling him her friend, staring at him, laughing at his jokes and it made Killua feel a bit jealous. Before Gon he never had to share Y/n’s attention before other than with his younger siblings.
“What’s the matter Onii?” Y/n questioned during the second phase of the hunter exam, they broke off from walking with Gon and the others because Kil grabbed her and rushed off into the fog without saying. He said nothing and just focused on navigating through the fog with a firm hold on her hand. Even if he was upset he wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to you.
“Are you mad at me…? What did I do wrong?” Tears starting to form in her eyes. Chest tightening at the idea of upsetting her brother. Sighing he glances at her before staring ahead again. “It’s stupid… I just don’t want you to replace me with Gon.” Voice barely a whisper he confessed his feelings to you, only you could make him vulnerable.
You hug his arm and smile up at him noticing the slight blush on his serious face. “Don’t worry Killu-nii, he’s our friend, but you’ll always be my best friend okay? It’s always going to be me and you, we came here together and we’re going to leave here together!” How could he be so naive, she’s just so sweet and she always put Kil first. Smiling Killua nodded and when they met up with the group there were no more issues with jealousy. Y/n would never leave her brother.
And eventually they both arrived back to Kukuroo Mountain after parting ways with Gon, both holding Allukas hands. During their trip the pair having learned nen and being capable users were certainly much stronger than when they left.
Ironically Y/n developed a nen ability that made her able to use her tears to heal others, mainly for the sake of Killua who she couldn’t stand seeing injured. His heart was floating when she explained the reason why she developed this secondary ability. And selfishly enough he didn’t just let her heal just anyone with her gift, if he didn’t feel they were worthy of your time or tears they could rot in hell for all he cared. Y/n trusted Killuas judgement though and didn’t question how he assessed who she should or shouldn’t heal.
The twins were great fighters naturally but with the added ability of nen they were a unstoppable duo, just as Silva had predicted. Yet Killua saw the dangers of nen with his own eyes witnessing what it did to Gon.
Again he came to his Father directly with the same request that fell upon deaf ears last time. This time around however, Silva agreed only if Killua were to become an assassin and continue the family business. A steep price for your safety but he needed to know you would be safe.
It hurt him more than any method of torture to see her sad but deep down a small part of him loved that she cried for him. She was someone who cared and always showed it, making sure to kiss each of his visible cuts. “There all better, right Kil?” She’d smile at him and he went weak for it every single time.
At puberty is when you find out your sub race, whether you’re a alpha, omega, or a beta. Killua obviously was an Alpha. Stubborn and a born leader, if he wanted something he was going to have it. And you? No doubt your an Omega, naturally submissive in nature listening to your parents and following after your brothers every word. Always nurturing and caring for him and your younger siblings. So it went without question when you both presented as your said roles.
The two of you were walking side by side in the forest surrounding the mansion straying very far from your home. “See I told you didn’t I, Y/n.” He said with a toothy grin his canines nice and sharp. I nod and smile sweetly at my brother, “I didn’t doubt you Killu-nii !” He called long before we could confirm what we were.
Recalling all the times he would tease you, “You have to be be an omega! Why else are you such a big baby!” Only eliciting a pout from me and he laughed poking my cheek with his finger. “I think it’s cute, don’t worry when we’re older I promise to take care of you and your moody feelings, I’ll be a good Alpha.” His voice sounded serious like he was trying to convince me and he only laughed again as I hid my smile and blush.
“Wait up, Kil!” I ran briskly after him as I shake myself out of that memory. He was much taller than me now, and stronger. And he grew his hair out into a long messy mullet, looking more and more like Papa as we got older. (He only grew his hair out because he got jealous when you would braid and play with Illumis long hair, but he’ll never admit that. Ever.) You changed too, your curves becoming more prominent especially with the training you did. Your beauty only increased as time passed your mother making sure to always keep you dolled up.
And boy did Killua enjoy it, always telling you how pretty you are and being sure to do small things for you like brush your hair or pick outfits out for you.
Grinning mischievously Killua only goes faster, disappearing into the greenery surrounding you.
I huff and puff as I search everywhere for him in the area we’re in. “Come on Kil! I’m not going to play with you right now.” But he doesn’t budge from his hiding spot probably thinking it’s funny. Fine two can play at this game! I pretend to be upset and sigh turnin around to head back home alone. “Fine I give up. I’m going home now Kil.” I barely get three steps back in the direction we came from when I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.
I jump slightly and weakly attempt to escape his arms feigning as upset but he won’t budge. “Where do you think your going hmm? I was only joking Y/n don’t be such a crybaby about it.” He snickers when I go lax in his arms holding me there for a moment before spinning me around so he can see my pouty face. “Y/nnnn? Don’t be like that, you do this to me all the time.” He drawls out my name as he looks me over.
Leaning closer to him I give him my sad eyes and he squishes my cheeks. “Such a baby.” He mumbles looking at my lips before looking back into my eyes. He drawls forward so our noses are touching gives me a bunch of small pecks on the lips. Furrowing his brows when I don’t reciprocate his affections he mumbles on my lips “ I‘m sorry Y/n.” Sweet moments like this are regular between you especially when you’re far from home like this.
I smile and feel my cheeks heat up under his hold on me. And he knows he has me right where he wants me. My arms extend as I place them over his shoulder loosely. Instantly he accepts this by pulling me in closer, his hand on the small of my back. Placing kisses all over my cheek he still speaks in a low tone, “You forgive me?” I nod my head basking in his affections but still not reciprocating his touches. His voice sounds desperate as he pulls me back far enough to get a good look at me again. “Why aren’t you kissing back then?”
i smile sheepishly and pretend I’m going in to kiss him but flick him on the forehead. Now it’s his turn to pout as I laugh and slip from his grip running through the forrest. Smiling himself he chases after me, “Hey! I knew you were faking it you big baby.” Secretly though he’s relieved that your back to your normal cheerful self, and you’ll be sure to make up for it when he catches you.
Your laughter rings throughout the forest as Kil catches up to you giving you a wolffish grin and pulling you in closely waiting for you to finally give him a kiss. 🦋
Zeno watched the two leave the mansion, shaking his head before facing his son Silva. “It’s only a matter of time now before they give into their instincts. You shouldn’t let that boy run around with her without supervision or we will be expecting pups sooner than later.” Silva only sighed watching as they disappeared into the forest line, his father was right. Regardless of how stern he was Zeno had a soft spot for the little girl and so did Silva.
Not that it wasn’t anticipated by the family that the two were doting on each other already. But it was too soon for you two to fully mate you had to wait until you were 18. Only then would you know if the two of you were truly meant to be together. He would have to get you on heat suppressants in the mean time and have Killua sent away during ruts. Taking necessary precautions, you two weren’t little kids anymore.
𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)
…she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc…”
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head… Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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spacexseven · 2 years
ohhhhh tuna you minx now im thinking about wet and pathetic subordinate au dazai.
it honestly never occured to him that he'd actually miss you if you were gone, you were nothing- less than nothing. just a rowdy grunt barely worth glancing at, destined to become nothing more than a forgotten name at the bottom of a filing cabinet and a bouquet of flowers anonymously sent to your family, if you even had any. you were just fun for him to play around with, that was all. he didn't even remember your name! or blood type! or favorite color or the way you pronounce certain words or your exact height or your eye color or your entire dating history or the fact that certain herbs (herbs that his book of dark magic SWORE were foolproof for love spells!!!) made you sneeze. none of this was information that he retained. nope. none of it at all.
but to be quite frank, the idea of suddenly no longer having unfettered access to you wasnt something he ever thought of before. in the port mafia's eyes, he pretty much owned you- you were officially packaged and licensed as a tool he could use as he wished, you leaving was never a worry! until it was. doesnt matter the reason- maybe mori picked you up for his own training or just moved you to a different unit, or you could've had to go on leave for a while and everyone is mean and wont give dazai your address, or maybe youve recently had a brush with death- as soon as the idea that you actually ARENT his property and its very possible that he could lose you sets in he FUCKING. PANICS. you cant go! youre HIS!
like you said, it goes from just a desire to get you back under his thumb to an overwhelming desperation for your love and acceptance. a mixture of overanalzying every single time you were ever kind to him and stalking you to the point where he knows everything there is to know about you makes him realize he's HOPELESSLY in love with you. he needs you more than he needs air. he'll DIE if you don't come back to him! he loves you more than anything! he'll do a lot of things to get even a second of your attention, even if its negative, he just needs you to talk to him, have your eyes on him. he'll cut it with the bullying at this point tho. as much as it hurts to be ignored, you being afraid of him makes him feel like hes imploding. if you instinctively move away when he reaches out for you he might actually tear up. speaking of which, falling to the floor in sobs and reaching for you like a child is not beyond him, he has absolutely no shame when it comes to you.
he'll only escalate the more you try to push him off or let him down easy, so honestly caving and giving him a chance might be your best bet. sure, he's incredibly unstable, dangerous, and you have absolutely no fond memories of him at this point- but on the plus side, you have an executive at your beck and call! hes FINALLY gotten into your good graces, and hell do just about anything to stay there- and hes actually pretty sweet when hes all lovey like this. I mean its less of a worshipping thing than you might want, hes still VERY certain he knows better than you and needs to take care of you now that you're officially his which causes some. issues. but oh well! better than letting him run rampant.
- 🩹
hello again!! so sorry it took me Forever to get to this im very very sorry
cw: yandere themes
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when he hears that you might be shifted off elsewhere, dazai only pretends not to care, convinced that nobody would dare take you away from him. after all, who would want to make an enemy out of dazai? and even if you're gone, who cares?? he has tons of other people to pick on, tons of other things to do than mourn your absence.
it doesn't matter that the car he takes out is starting to look very empty with just him, doesn't matter that the driver's seat feels foreign to him after being accustomed to your presence. it doesn't matter that he has to start sitting on tables with just one chair in cafe's, doesn't matter that he still asks for your order as well and it definitely doesn't matter that the cat outside the base you always feed stops coming by anymore. it's not like he feels lonely, too used to another person by his side, not like you were of any use to him, anyway—all you did was drag him down!
you weren't anything special, nothing memorable about you, not the scars you earned after months in the pm, not the way disdain painted your face when dazai entered the room, not the way you said his name, and definitely, nothing stood out about you! he definitely didn't have a whole list of things written down about you, which included your favorite games and what groceries you got and what hobbies you had or even the number of interactions you had with each pm member (he also definitely did not cap the limit at 10 in a week, after which that person wouldn't be seen around you again).
but then it occurs to him that nobody else had the right to do that to him. regardless if you're in critical condition or sent off on some secret investigation, dazai is furious by the implications. the idea that you weren't ultimately under his direct command, the fact that someone else thought to meddle, it frustrates and infuriates him to no end. he panics, he throws a tantrum, but in the end, dazai's still not sated.
as dazai finally gains a crumb of self-perception, it finally occurs to him that he's in love with you, and he has no shame in letting the world know about it. he panics, wondering if you'd ever like him, but he pushes that to the back and focuses on what he can do. which ranges from stalking you to clinging onto your leg when you ignore him to even breaking into your home and nursing you. there comes a point where he is genuinely convinced that he might drop down dead if you ignore him any longer, mostly because he doesn't know how to deal with the pain of heartbreak and the guilt and the depression all sinking onto him at once. he has no shame in this situation, and no care for self-preservation, unlike chuuya. nothing matters more to him than you, and he won't stop at anything until you give in. and i agree that the more you reject him the crazier his attempts are going to get. the next thing you know, all of yokohama is going to wake up to him screaming about how much he loves you.
a lovesick dazai is an unstoppable dazai. while he appears like a fool in his attempts to win you over, he still maintains a cruel demeanor towards anyone else. if it makes you happy, he's ready to wipe out yokohama, or even just the person who cut ahead of you in line. just as long as you promise to stay by his side, of course. he's finally found a semblance of happiness, and he's willing to do anything to keep it. for the most part, if you're able to deal with him as a boyfriend despite his past with you, he's surprisingly not that bad. since it's dazai, there are still some glaring problems with the whole relationship, but for the most part, he takes on the role of an extremely doting boyfriend who just wants to keep you safe. and unlike chuuya, dazai doesn't ever let you know what dirty work he does to keep your relationship going—all his hard work would be for nothing if you were scared of him again, after all.
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
can you pls write hcs for yan withered foxy? istg hes so underrated;-;;
Your right dear reader! It's strange how unpopular Withered Foxy is compared to his variants. Well, that is if you remove all the fan-made comics with Withered Foxy as a protagonist (っ´ω`c) Either way, I think it's because a ton of people see the original characters to be the same as the withered but broken and traumatized ⊙︿⊙ I personally see them as different entities tho. Anyways thank you for requesting lovely reader!! \(♡´౪<♡)/
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❤ Years of loneliness and neglect have left Withered Foxy in total disarray. He can’t remember the last time he left the dark, dusty service room. He could always roam around, but what’s the point when there is nothing out there for him? Normally, he’d recline and reminisce about his short time on stage, but lately, it's been harder with how restless he has grown. That is until he hears two employees talking beyond the door. Something about a new guard being hired? 
❤ Like every other Foxy, he appears reserved. Your first couple of nights will be him stalking you from the shadows of the hall. As he observes, he likes to fill in the gaps about what you could be like. You smile at a drawing a kid has made of him. Do you have a soft spot for children? Or maybe you're a fan of his? Either way, the more he watches it fills his head with delusions. Ones where maybe… you were meant to be his.
❤ Only when given an opportunity will Withered Foxy start talking to you. He’ll inquire about you; ask you who you are, why you chose this job, and such. Oh, how sweet you are to him. So patient even though you were alarmed by his presence. You’re so amusing to him; perhaps he should look after you more. After all, there are things worse than him in this pizzeria. He’ll make it his duty to visit you every single night.
This man has two sides to him: 
❤ Very weary. He doesn't feel the motivation to do anything besides seeing you. He’ll shuffle his way to your office and talk about anything on his mind. Even if you don’t talk back, the thought of you listening to his ramblings about the good ol’ days comforts him greatly. If you're interested, he’ll even recite his classic pirate stories. He's very hesitant when he realises he's talked for too long, regardless of how much you assure him that you enjoy listening to him. He’s mindful of his off-putting appearance, so unless given permission, he won't come any closer. To show him you are not afraid, you can reach out to him. Beware as this can unlock some unwanted clinginess. 
❤ The other is frantic. Impulse drives him to become more animalistic. When the only thing pledging his mind is you, what else do you expect from him? Instead of his casual greeting, he hides in the dark, ranting about you belonging to him only. Before you can process, he's already launched himself onto you. He grips you with every ounce of strength to make sure you don't leave him again. He holds you tightly until you bruise, and if that doesn't stop you from struggling, he’ll mark you instead. The last thing on his mind is the agony you feel. Only to be with you, no matter the cost. What's worse is the way he “compliments'' and patronizes your helplessness. He goes on about how beautiful the color red is on you. How, if this were anyone else, you would have been killed in seconds. Of course, he could never because he loves you~. The Flashlight is your only hope of getting you out of this madness.
❤ Once he resets, it takes a second for panic to set in. The poor fox does anything he can to make up for whatever he’s done. He doesn't know what he's supposed to bring, so he's breaking the first aid cabinet and rushing everything he finds to you. With all the overwhelming emotions you give him, he can’t control his mood shifts. He doesn’t want to wound you; yet, he doesn't want to leave your side either.  
“You know yur ol’ Foxy adore ye too much to hurt his treasure~” 🥰
“This is your fifth time biting me” 😐
❤ Withered foxy is both possessive and jealous. The mere thought of you seeing someone else sends him into panic mode. Anyone he deems to be getting too close he’ll maul into pieces. Even his withered friends are not safe from his scowls whenever they get too buddy-buddy. He wasn't the first animatronic to greet you, but you gave him your heart when you welcomed him with that beautiful smile of yours. To him, that’s the equivalent of marriage. 
❤ The only other animatronics he trusts to leave you with is Balloon Boy and JJ. Withered Foxy resents the Toys with a passion. Despite this, he still has a soft spot for BB, as he cannot bring himself to hate children, and they make a good team. Same for JJ except he empathizes with her being left behind. They sometimes follow Withered Foxy whether he wants them to or not. On rare occasions, he leaves BB or JJ in charge of watching you when he’s away. If you're good with children you could use this opportunity to your advantage. 
❤ His paranoia always gets the best of him. He’s the type to have a dream about you cheating on him and get angry at you for it. Heaven forbid he finds someone showing any type of romantic gesture too. He will gut them until they are nothing but mush in front of you. He won’t beg or talk you into staying. He’s dragging you into the parts and service to trap you in a suit. If he doesn't, regardless, you’ll still be stuck in the parts and service room. Resisting or begging won’t help much with him thinking you don't know any better. Maybe you would've been better off being killed in a suit.
“If there be one thing a pirate never shares between his crew it be his treasure! And you, me jewel, shall be with me forever~ ”
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rileyh20 · 3 months
Sodapop x male reader for @massivecreationdinosaur!!!
They don't have any specific order, I'm just putting down what I think!
Some of these are part of the fic request I'm making on Soda x male reader
I usually don't do x reader or inserts or stuff like that, but since we are friends and I wanted to go out of my comfort zone, here it is!
This will not be normal, but either way I hope this is good for a first time x reader thing!
Sodapop x Male Reader:
You met Ponyboy before Soda, having Ponyboy tutor you in school
You and Soda got together after a few months of you two being friends + you taking care of him while he was sick
Ponyboy would be the first one to know about your relationship (He would act disgusted, but he’s happy for you two)
You sometimes get jealous when girls hit on Soda, and you two make-out heavily after (In private when you can)
You’re one of the only people Soda actually tells his problems to
You were one of the people to comfort Soda the most when Johnny and Ponyboy ran away 
You also were one of the people who yelled at Darry for hitting Ponyboy before Soda told you to lay off a bit
Ponyboy gave you the talk about not hurting Soda or else, then gave you the most terrifying glare you’ve ever seen from him
Steve was the next person to give you the talk, but he was more joking than Ponyboy was-
Darry didn’t give you the talk, but he gave you a stern look as a warning
You guys don’t get to sleep in the same bed at night usually (Cuz of Ponyboy), so you make up for it by clinging onto each other for most of the day
Sodapop is really protective of you, so people don’t mess you as much when they realize you two are close (They don’t know you are dating tho cuz it’s the 60s)
One time you got jumped and Soda had a meltdown, it wasn’t as bad as if it was Ponyboy getting jumped, but he was terrifying
Sometimes if either of you two have bad days, you guys just cuddle up with each other in silence
Soda sometimes teaches you about the cars he’s working on at the DX
Soda and you have a time at the end of the day or week where you both talk about the drama at work or school, etc
You and Soda will sometimes slow dance together when you two are alone
After you and Soda got together, you slept at the Curtis house more often
You love when Soda dyes food different colors, and defend him when his brothers say they need to change the lock on the cabinet that has the food coloring
Soda sometimes comes to you crying about how worried his is for his brothers, especially after canon book events, and especially Ponyboy
You and Soda sometimes like to prank people (Two-Bit also joins at times)
Both you and Soda hate Ponyboy hanging out around Curly, and Angela
That's all I have for now, and I hope you enjoyed them!
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caillousweave · 6 months
Sorta, the band part is more of an extra side thing, it's more of a modern au but they also happen to be in a band.
Me and my tiktok mutual have been working on this au and I've decided to share some of our ideas for it :D I wanna eventually draw something for this au!!
I'm gonna go by character, though keep in mind we are very biased so some characters have a LOT more then others (still this is gonna be a longg post)
But first some general things: their band is called "Team Fortress 2" bc that's the game no way!! They chose to make it 2 bc they thought it was cooler then just Team Fortress. They all go by their canon names (except Spy and Pyro) but I'm gonna continue to refer to them as their classes, even tho they aren't mercenaries in this au and don't have classes but shh ok
Plays the guitar (can also play drums but insists on being the lead guitarist)
Barely goes to practice, only started going more because Soldier forced him to (they live together)
Practices for performances the day of/a few minutes before performing (or to try impress someone)
Lives in an apartment
Can read, but it takes him really long and he has to sound out ever word (people think he's leaving them on read when really he's just trying to read their message)
Has a motorcycle
Works as a delivery boy for Heavy's family restaurant (more on that later) except the food always arrives cold bc it takes him so long to read the address
Doesn't question the food that "randomly" appears in his fridge, or the raccoon in his apartment (again more on those 2 later)
Has a collection of weirdly shaped guitars (he brings a different one to every practice/performance and it's chaos bc they all sound different)
Streams games on twitch sometimes
He's still scared of Pyro (still)
His room/apartment is a mess, like dirty clothes on the floor kind of messy
Plays the trumpet (and most wind instruments, but in the band he plays trumpet. Does it match the rest of the band? No, but he insists on playing trumpet)
Soldier forces Scout to go to practice, like he will physically pick him up ("WE HAVE PRACTICE MAGGOT AND BY GOD WE ARE GOING TO GET THERE ON TIME. NO ONE WAITS FOR YOU IN WAR AND I CERTAINLY WILL NOT WAIT FOR YOU" - Soldier probably)
Changes jobs a lot not because he gets fired but because he just feels like it
Insists he's homeless but he sleeps at Scout's apartment and basically lives there, just sleeps on the couch though he doesn't have a room (Scout offered his spare room but he declined saying he was homeless and not staying there long. He still hasn't left 2 years later)
Brought a stray raccoon he named Lieutenant Bites to Scout's apartment
(Along with Scout) begged Medic to learn how to care for raccoons for Lieutenant Bites
Thinks the food that appears in Scout's fridge is some spirit bringing food for them (he doesn't care, he still eats it)
Plays drums
Unemployed, sometimes helps Engie at his workshop
Wears the same thing they do in game, everyone else has a sorta simplified/weapon-free version of their outfit (or the same, depending on the character) but they wear the same thing as in game, gas mask and all
Lives with Engie, their room is super colorful and childish
Has a big cabinet in their room full of lighters (they collect lighters)
Like to paint/draw on the walls of their room, invite people to draw with them but everyone is too scared to enter their room so the only one who really does it is Engie, who isn't scared of them
No one knows where Pyro came from, they showed up to practice one day and killed it on the drums so everyone just accepted them into the band, and then Pyro followed Engie home and just stayed there
No one knows Pyro's name, but they answer to Pyro so everyone just calls them that
Most of the other members can't understand what they say, Engie can
Goes to Medic anytime their stuffed animals are damaged and begs for them to be healed
Makes friendship bracelets for the band but no one wears them at first (they eventually do, after being threatened by Pyro)
Main vocals (has the voice of an angel)
Brought his family to New Mexico (from Russia ofc) and his family opened a sandwich restaurant
Their restaurant also doubles as their house so his room is just above the restaurant, his room is pretty clean
Works at the restaurant
Sasha exists we are currently discussing on whether she will stay the same or become like a trombone
Is also scared of Pyro
Plays the keytar (and a bagpipe bc he's Scottish but in the band he plays keytar)
Lives in his mansion, it's fairly clean, but his room is messy
Lives with his mom
Works several jobs
Basically just him in the comics tbh didn't change him much
He has a horse though, sometimes he brings it places instead of his car, no one knew he had a horse till they all went outside and saw a horse in a parking spot
Wears Pyro's bracelet before they threaten everyone
Tech support for the band
But has his own solo career making country music
Other then that he owns a workshop and takes commissions making things (engineer is one of the only classes that can actually be translated into an actual job)
Loves his daughter-son-child-thing Pyro (he adopted them despite them being a grown adult)
His home is small but he keeps it (mostly) clean, unlike his workshop, which is a mess
Also wears Pyro's bracelet before they threaten everyone
Plays piano
No one knows like anything about him, he prefers not to interact with the other members much
Married to Scout's mom
Scout's dad
No one knows his real name (except Scout's mom)
Still has his watch and can go invisible
Every week he does Scout's groceries (while invisible) bc he hates him but he does still care about his son (does it invisible so Scout doesn't know it was him)
Backstage help/helps setting up
Makes German accordion covers of songs
Always has like 5 doves following him around (Disney Princess fr)
Experiments on roadkill (his house smells awful)
Lives in a small house by himself with all his birds
Has a shed for his birds (mostly for the winter when it's cold, other then that they just roam around his garden freely
Crashes weddings to save doves
As well as being a human doctor he also knows how to care for birds (yes he is a doctor)
Doesn't like big lights so his house is lit with candles and lamps, it's very dark
His neighbors hate him (the cops are constantly being called to his house)
Likes to go to abandoned hospitals and research facilities to steal chemicals and stuff
Learned to sew so he can patch up Pyro's stuffed animals
No one wants to go in his house bc they think it's scary (except Pyro they don't care)
Plays bass (also does background vocals)
Lives in his camper van, it's fairly messy
Sells "drugs" (doesn't actually, they're just vitamin gummies he says are drugs)
Scavenges for things (definitely dumpster dives)
Hunts for his food
Whenever he has bad luck with hunting he eats leftovers from a chuck e cheese (stole this from a 4chan thread I saw on tiktok)
And that's all for now, let me know if you have any questions or wanna add anything :33
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puhpandas · 1 year
Just sorta been thinking, why didn’t the Mimic just control Cassie, if it’s the one who controlled/possessed/whatever Gregory and Vanessa? Clearly it’s capable of it.
Luring her there I get, it didn’t have anything to control her yet. But once she got the VANNI mask and the chip? It could screw with Helpi no problem - and Helpi literally talked to her without the mask. So why not just.. possess her? I mean, it didn’t look like a slow process in VR, and that was just after recovering from being fractured code. It’s whole now, isn’t it? Hell, Cassie trusted it - she thought it was Gregory.
The only reason I can think of is that maybe beating Princess Quest weakened it? But that just freed Vanessa. And nothing about MXES was supposed to keep it weak, as far as I remember. Just keep it trapped and prevent people from freeing it.
Or maybe we’re dealing with two different beasts? Maybe Glitchtrap(or Burntrap) and the Mimic are different. People hate when I propose that idea tho lol.
But I mean.. the Burntrap ending he acts SO different than the Mimic ever does. He doesn’t talk. He’s got the purple motif, and I’m pretty sure when he’s trying to seize control of Freddy through the screens Freddy’s eyes even glow purple.
I dunno lol. Sorry for rambling in your inbox. My point was to ask your thoughts on.. all this I guess. Mostly the Cassie thing though.
i think that the virus has been completely destroyed, including glitchtrap. i think somehow by completing princess quest (ggy or not, it would have either been the only cabinet infused with the virus or the last surviving one) gregory completely snuffed out the virus. it doesnt exist anymore.
i might explain why the mimic didnt just immediately taje cassie over, since it literally cant. which also works if you consider the idea that the mimic will be manipulating Cassie the old fashioned way to get her to do its bidding. if the mimic fabricated gregorys betrayal, maybe cassie will be vulnerable enough for it to take advantage of free will wise
and as for the purple motif thing, i personally think that the color purple only applies when the mimic is still acting as afton, which was its entire time as glitchtrap. after gregory destroyed glitchtrap and therefore the mimics current identity at the end of sb, now all it is is itself. and its color is red/orange so that applies to the things it controls (helpi, its own eyes, vanny, maybe the camera in the elevator)
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luselih · 5 months
Another new tumblr page! Welcome welcome!
I was wondering your thoughts on some of the Bleach captains with a very petite s/o? Think like… 4’8 - 5’2 , teeny tiny lil things. Someone who “looks” frail at first glance. Is someone smaller their type? Would that factor into any pursuit? 👀 You can go into NSFW territory if you like, but I’d be happy with SFW too!
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miniature love(r) || gotei 13
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summary/ask: bleach captains with tiny/petite s/o! (height underneath 5’2 / 157 cm tall)
content warnings | manga spoilers!!, separated in sfw/nsfw, sfw- mostly fluff (a little bit of angst) and my personal opinions of them having tiny fem s/o, teasing, kissing and physical affection, mentions of kids and domestic life, i think that’s it for this part, nsfw - so smut of course (minors dni), fem! reader, neutral skin color reader, yapping too much about kinks ,size kink go BRRRRR, oral (receiving), different sex positions, wlw!!, overstimulation, breeding + pregnancy + kids mentioned, mentions after care + more…
a/n - #1 i am actually using tumblr last 3 years but i just recently got back into writing lol and you got my european ass to convert those feet’s and inches to centimeters, 😦 i am like 5’8-9 feet ( around 175 cm-ish tall ) so please if i didn’t get a good point in this writing im sorry 😭, didn’t write for old man Yama, sorry not sorry honestly, he’s best grandpa tho <3
#2 also to say i wrote for captains in that picture (start of tybw lineup) if you are interested in past/future captains please send me a request! i don’t mind doing them later on~ Toshiro is aged up (grown up/him using his complete bankai)!
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Suì-Fēng is interesting one since she is not the tallest one (as tall as 150 cm (4'11")) definitely so she is leaning more into taller or at least average sized ones. However i don’t think she minds someone around her height, they can get each other struggles and solve then like you climbing on her shoulders to get a food from a high cabinet in a kitchen or gets in a tiny space together comfortably, yeah i think she is content with it!
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi would like to have someone dandy on his side, dressing you up in fancy clothes and accessories. Having you as his dress up doll at home~ (sorry this is dry, i don’t like his characters that much lol)
Retsu (Yachiru) Unohana isn’t that tall either being 159 cm (5'2½") tall but her terrifying aura so there is no one pick on you and definitely not her in entire Seireitei so that’s nice <3 However i see her personal preference is someone taller but she also doesn’t mind having “a puppy” following her in free time ;)
Shinji Hirako, this little shit of a man would tease you till a day you die, picking on you as you are just trying to do your job or just passing by, he would put just get your paperwork and lift it that his lanky ass could reach and stuck his tongue out at you, eventually giving in and giving it back with a playful grin and a kiss on a side of your cheek as a apology, saying he won’t tease you again and then teasing you AGAIN not even an hour later 🤦‍♀️
Byakuya Kuchiki would honestly prefer someone who is tiny imo, that has already been proven right since he was with Hisana who is most likely same size as Rukia so there is no doubt. As a head of a clan he likes the feeling that his dearest could rely on him in anything, call it whatever you want but it brings him a sense of something he lost once and he is not planning to lose it again.
Sajin Komamura is TALLEST one 288 cm (9'5½") so as i said he would be probably more found of someone taller or average sized…however! that’s doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy having you around, in both of his forms he would carry you bridal style at late night hours or when Seireitei is empty so you two could have your time without having a fear of being judged or made fun of because of your appearances.
Shunsui Kyōraku, this man hoe likes every woman. He is a proud women lover. He loves any shape, size and complexion in women, he would absolutely adore having you close to him anywhere, especially in his bed late at night as he brushes your wedding rings together :)
Kensei Muguruma is on a more neutral side since i can see him wanting a tall and strong s/o he can fight and train with, but something in me is telling me that he’s a traditional man, he likes to be needed and wanted, be able to stood out in front of you proud, strong and straight to protect you.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya would finally be relieved that there is another person that is small, he’s so mf tiny that you are just maybe slightly taller than him anyway, in his true bankai form he’s around Byakuya’s height so he just might indulge himself into telling you a slight teasing comment, yeah i think he would like someone tiny to match him-
Kenpachi Zaraki would have a smaller s/o without a need for you to be smaller than an average woman in height, he’s like tall-tall, strong and intimidating compared with every race anyway. However i do have a feeling that he would like to have someone so dandy and small like Yachiru since she is a practically a part of his soul so he is found of tiny and cute things. Since his little Yachiru left ( :( ) you had become one who would sit on his shoulder as you two have to go anywhere, imo he probably wishes that one day if you two had a little kid together that it would be little girl who is his eyes is a little Yachiru who you two take care of, but this one have a little eyes just like yours and he likes that very much <3
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, this is weird one because i can see him not really having a type? He barely likes anyone, yet your tiny ass got underneath his skin and now you are here for him. Following him as you two raise Nemuri together, you 3 now looking like a real family!
Jūshirō Ukitake :( gosh i love him so much, anyway he is so nice with you, since you both are physically not very strong, it would make it easy but he fears he couldn’t protect you in time because of his fragile body :( yeah, can definitely see him with tiny s/o <3
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Suì-Fēng - i think she loves classic scissoring as you two play w each other’s clits, can’t go well with that one and also, just sit on her face when she’s angry and don’t you dare to put only 10 percents of your body weight on her, fucking sit on it like a chair and let her spend her big mouth on a good job between your legs~
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - into Dacryphilia, absolutely loves when you get all pretty and dolled up especially in tiny dress, Pretzel Dip or missionary as you cry from overstimulation, looking so ruined and perfect just for him <3
Retsu (Yachiru) Unohana - man, if you haven’t died when she showed a 8 inch strap up your vagina and fucked you like she hate your guts you are good 👍 anyway, she fucking loves when you ride her or when she puts you in a mating press, absolutely filthy as she splits in your mouth you just because. ( she had a secret breeding kink but shush 🤫 don’t say you heard it from me, also i got some trans!Unohana thoughs, anyone interested in hearing it? comment down please!)
Shinji Hirako - he’s such a meanie in bed too ☹️, i mean he would literally yank you back by your ankle and continue giving you head with his pierced tongue, gosh the overstimulation is crazyyyy with him. Absolutely loves snuggling after it and his hand sliding on your side gently as it went to tease your kitty cat AGAIN-
Byakuya Kuchiki - he must be in love w you if he brings you to his bed so missionary or any position where he can see your face and kiss it is a must, he makes love with you and genuinely only fuckes you if he is jealous or mad, probably have a savior kinks/hints of it sometimes + soft kisses down your back as he praises you after 🥹
Sajin Komamura - (human version) when you two have sex he can’t help but to have a need to make you his because of wolf genetics in him so pretzel dip or prone bone are his favorite positions to make your tiny mind mindless as he might just cums inside if you especially in spring 🤭
Shunsui Kyōraku - loves cowgirl/any version of it so he doesn’t have to do too much at least at the start, see you bouncing on top of his cook as it’s tip bullies your cervix is a fever dream, pressing against your lower back or tummy just for your pussy get a death grip on his dick, isn’t fully interested in pulling out so pregnancy is inevitable sooner or later my dear 🫡
Kensei Muguruma - he is a simple man so he goes doggy or full nelson, fucks to fucks and myb slightly into bondage?? absolutely makes you squirt by fingering you, hate sex??? he absolutely demolish your poor pussy if you flirt w Shinji or Rose, he will kiss your forehead after it tho <3
Tōshirō Hitsugaya - (grown up version) doesn’t have that high of a sex drive but he adores you so he indulge into your horny cravings of him, loves spooning or Scissoring (just mlw) so he can kiss your shoulders or forehead as he for sure makes you cum couple of times at end of the night, secretly loves cookwarming but shushhh 🫢
Kenpachi Zaraki - actually fuckes you in every position possible and everywhere you can imagine, loves stand and deliver (The Bicycle position) as he is chocking you while pounding into your tight kitty, your bodies only stability is his arm that you are gripping for dear life and yes, he isn’t pulling out since he say so <3
Mayuri Kurotsuchi - doesn’t have that high of sex drive but he would absolutely make you deepthroath his length if you are bratty enough, probably some doctor/patient roleplay, people of Seireitei are scared to see his genuine smile if they see a little girl with both of your features??
Jūshirō Ukitake - my sweet man can only had cow girl/variations + missionary sex position with you so he doesn’t finish too soon, absolutely PERFECT with his fingers and has a praise kink so absolutely praise the living shit out of him as you make love underneath the moonlight all night long so he can be happy <333
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some furniture I was lusting after at bob's today
(like specifically space-saving/multitasking furniture for a tiny living/dining room)
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sergeantxrogers · 3 years
| dysthymia |
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“I don’t know what to do without you, I don’t know where to put my hands. I’ve been trying to lay my head down but I’m writing this at three AM.”
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Just a shit ton of angst and sadness, my dudes, happy ending tho
Note: This is part 2 to the way i see things. Yes, this was partially inspired by Mitski’s Francis Forever, yes, the lyrics are included in a specific part, and no, I don’t regret it. Happy reading xx
A cool hand rested flat against his back, hot and burning with embarrassed panic. He heard the whisper of his name, the hand lifting slowly to allow its fingertips to run down his spine, then up again. 
The motion distracted him, calmed him, let him open his eyes and suck a deep breath into his aching chest. You shushed him, fingers travelling over the planes of his back, his shoulders, his arms, the nape of his neck, until his breathing slowed.
He shuddered against your touch, goosebumps running after your fingertips, up and down his spine, through his scalp. Turning away from the wall he had been burning a hole into, his blue eyes caught yours as you leaned on your elbow, smiling as you cocked your head at him.
“Better now?”
He nodded. Absentmindedly, he reached his hand out in front of him, aching to touch you, to caress your cheek, place a kiss to your forehead. He reached out, out, out, and you were only getting further away. He frowned, panic resettling in his limbs as they went weak. He called out to you, his rasping voice getting lost somewhere in the heavy air between you. He called, and reached, and his breath quickened, hand grabbing at nothing until he finally-
Bucky awoke with a jolt, a tear tickling his temple as it escaped his eye and rolled into his hairline. Chest heaving up and down as he tried catching his breath, he looked to his right, just like in his dream, expecting to see you staring back with worried eyes and gentle whispers. He was a fool for thinking he would see anything different than the emptiness that’s been there since your accident. 
A damn fool.
With a broken sigh, he wiped his tears away in frustration, the heels of his palms digging into his eye sockets so hard he saw colors. Then again, anything was better than the cold vacancy of his room in your absence.
He rolled over to his side, burying his head deep into the pillow- your pillow- next to his. The smell of your shampoo filled his senses, dizzying him. Faint, and faded, but still there if he concentrated hard enough, so he couldn’t yet bring himself to put it away. Bringing his heavy hand over and around your pillow, he pulled it closer into himself, clinging onto it harshly. Bucky didn’t even notice the tears dampening the cotton pillowcase until he shifted his head and felt the cool wetness on his cheek. 
It was still dark out, but that was no surprise. It had been two weeks since you left the hospital and went back to your house, the home you remembered, and three since the day Bucky’s world crumbled. Every night since then, his mind would trick him into forgetting, into obliviously thinking you were still with him, beside him. Until he woke up, and he felt the dread creep up on him again.
A shaky, tired sigh left his body as he curled up into himself, clutching the pillow in his fist and burying his face into it so hard he couldn’t breathe. 
He didn’t know what time it was when he fell asleep again, but the last thing he heard were birds chirping outside his window.
It was the little things that made it hard for Bucky to breathe: seeing the Minnie Mouse mug you bought when the two of you went to Disney World together sitting in the cabinet right next to his plain black one. Finding one of your missing pink socks when he rummaged through his closet for a shirt. The scattered colored pens under his desk that you used to annotate your books. Even something as trivial as coming across your favorite movie on the TV could make Bucky shut down for the rest of the day. 
Sipping on his bitter coffee, he sat at his kitchen island, staring blankly at the specks of gray in the white granite countertop. His apartment was too quiet these days. He had forgotten what it was like before he would spend his entire days with you: if you weren’t sleeping over, then you were there first thing in the morning to share your morning coffee with Bucky. Now, he didn’t know how he managed to live every day alone in the silence before you, how he didn’t lose his mind a long time ago. 
If you were here now, you would’ve been talking his ear off about some new project your favorite actor was working on, or the brand new lotion you bought because the last one still kept your knuckles rough. A small smile crept its way onto Bucky’s face as he imagined you sitting across from him, full of energy, even that early in the morning. He never even noticed how much you affected him: you rambled on and on while he sat in silence and listened, eyes following your every excited gesture. It was almost like you balanced him out, shining light into his darkness, pulling while he pushed. Without you, his scales were uneven, tipping over until eventually, they’d fall altogether, taking Bucky down with them.
Pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of cars honking outside, Bucky threw a glance at the clock on the stovetop, small, green, digital numbers staring back at him as they blinked 9:23 AM. His heart gripped in on itself at the thought of seeing you again. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you at all. In fact, he saw you every other day, taking a cab all the way to the suburbs, the 40 minute ride always filled with an awkward silence and uncomfortable small talk with the driver. It cost him a lot, more than he’d like to admit, but it was worth it. You were worth it.
You, on the other hand, had no idea of his troubles- of the overpriced trips he took to visit you, or the happy face he would force upon himself before knocking on your front door, or the restriction he needed whenever he felt the urge to touch you, hug you, kiss you.
You also had no idea why he visited you so often. You knew that the two of you were best friends, allegedly, but you always felt something was in the air whenever he came over, like there was something he wasn’t telling you. Nevertheless, you still found yourself looking forward to hearing his knock on your door.
Like right now, as you shot up from your spot at the window as soon as you saw the yellow cab pull up. You made your way down the hallway with a spring in your step, giddy as Bucky’s fist made contact with the polished wood of your front door. He hadn’t even dropped his hand before you opened the door, a wide grin on your face, and you ushered him in, stepping aside.
Bucky smiled quizzically at you.
“What’s got you in such a good mood?”
You smiled slyly, hands behind your back. Shrugging, you avoided his eyes as the two of you walked back to your living room. 
“Nothin’ special,” you answered, trying and failing to hide the grin in your tone.
Bucky narrowed his eyes at you, stopping dead in his tracks as he tilted his head.
“Y/N... what did you do?”
A suppressed giggle slipped out as you caved, hands held out in front of you in surrender.
“Okay, fine. I biked to the grocery store yesterday. But-!” you shook your head as you saw Bucky open his mouth, “I was safe, I promise!”
Bucky closed his mouth, heaving a sigh through his nose as he stared at you.
“Did you have a helmet on?” he asked softly.
You nodded.
“Knee and arm pads, too?”
Your shoulders slumped, and you rolled your eyes. “I’m not 10, Bucky.”
His brows shot up in disapproval, and he rested his hands on his hips. “You’re not, but that doesn’t mean you have to risk it.”
“That wasn’t a risk, Buck-”
“Yes, it was.”
“No, it wasn’t. A scrape on my knee wouldn’t mean anything, not after all the shit I’ve been through already.”
Bucky fell silent, dropping his head for a moment before lifting his eyes back to you again. “I know. I’m sorry.”
You gave him a small smile and patted his shoulder. “It’s okay.”
“I’m just worried about you, ‘s all.”
“I know, I know.”
Turning to throw himself down on your leather sofa, he noticed you had already pulled up the next episode of The Crown on the TV. You were so excited when you came home from the hospital and asked him to watch it with you, so he agreed.
He hadn’t had the heart to tell you that you already watched it with him months ago. 
“You good, man?”
The question of concern snapped Bucky out of his distant thoughts. He looked up from the speck of dirt he was studying on the ground to see a man holding the door open. One of the residents; Bucky thought he recognized him from the fourth floor, though he couldn’t be sure. 
Clutching his keys in his hand, he gave the man an awkward smile. “Yeah, sorry, just distracted.”
The man nodded to Bucky before leaving as Bucky’s hand shot out to keep the door open. He hadn’t noticed he’d been standing at the front door of his building for a while; too preoccupied with the events of the day to bother putting his key in the lock, turning it, tugging the heavy door open.
He held himself together in the lobby, in the elevator, down the hall, but when he shut his apartment door behind him, he fell apart. Allowing himself to cry was the only thing he felt was healing him: better to feel pain than nothing at all, and long gone were the days of feeling nothing. The Winter Soldier felt nothing, but Bucky wasn’t the Soldier anymore. He was a man, and he deserved to feel. You taught him that. 
His keys slipped out of his grip, clattering to the floor at his feet as his chest tightened. A visceral sob ripped from his throat, his tears already soaking his cheeks before he even noticed them slip out.
Bucky’s legs went weak, and he lowered himself to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest as he dropped his head. He could hear Alpine’s faint meow calling for him but it was almost impossible to hear anything above the roaring in his ears, the crying making him light-headed. He thought back to the lunch you had with him that day, him helping you in the kitchen to make sure you were fine, even though you insisted he didn’t have to baby you all the time. The amount of times he felt the need to hug you tightly while your back was turned, or grab your hand while you stirred the pot and place a kiss to your knuckles, was staggering. 
It was unbearable, the knowledge that you only thought of him as a friend. After everything he had done, after he had been through hell and back, you were the person who saved him. Especially after Steve left, though Bucky couldn’t blame him anymore; it was tiring, holding grudges against dead people.
You never shied away from him, even after knowing everything he had done, everything he used to be. No matter how much Steve, Sam, or his therapist tried, they could never help Bucky the way you did. It was almost like your presence was an oxygen mask, and Bucky was short of breath when you weren’t near him, so he grappled and begged for you when you were in his sights. 
Bucky was never going to be the man he was before the war, before HYDRA, before Thanos. He’d made his peace with that a long time ago, in Romania, in fact. But having you along the way definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that whatever the Soldier did- was not his fault.
He remembered the days just after he got news Steve was gone, when the world was eerily calm after Thanos. The days when he felt like he was living in a well, dark, tall walls surrounding him, up, up, up with no end, and he would stand at the bottom in the cold wetness begging for rescue. And of course, the day he met you, it was like you peaked in over the well’s edge, reaching in a hand to help him out. 
It was Bucky’s turn now. It was his turn to reach down into the damp, echoing well of your mind and pull you out, no matter how long it took. Because he didn’t know if he could make it on his own, not without you. 
He just wished, more than anything, he could crawl back into your mind, underneath your skin, wrap his consciousness around yours and save you. 
Bucky had stopped eating. 
You, of course, didn’t know the direct cause and reason. You only noticed, as the days and weeks passed, that he had been losing weight, the hollows of his cheeks sinking in deep and the bags under his eyes growing dark. You thought it was just something personal going on, and didn’t want to pry. You had no idea he was falling apart at the seams every time he smiled at him. 
Bucky, to his credit, tried. He really did, but he couldn’t seem to stomach anything if you weren’t there with him, which is why he only ate one meal every other day: the one you would have with him when he visited. 
Occasionally, you would catch him staring at you, a sad gleam in his baby blues, but he would snap out of it once he got caught, turning his head to the side and clearing his throat to change the subject.
You cursed yourself for the butterflies in your stomach, threatening to rise up in your throat and spill over your lips whenever his hand brushed yours or he spared you a smile. He was your friend, and it was just wrong. You didn’t want to ruin what seemed like a perfectly good friendship, but you couldn’t shake how comfortable you felt around him. How his laughter and subtle touches felt so familiar to you. 
Bucky was falling into a never-ending pit of despair because of you, but you couldn’t have possibly known that. You wouldn’t ascribe yourself such importance to him, anyways.
You also didn’t know about the letters. 
You didn’t know how Bucky would sit at his desk every Friday night (the very same desk where he still found your pens, sticky notes and hair ties), writing a letter to you. Weekly letters he had started the moment you left the hospital, because he had a sinking feeling like he would forget you too if he didn’t have something to remind him, keep him in check. 
He wrote them by hand, of course. An old man like him, he had no idea how to open a new document on his computer, let alone save a file to keep forever. 
Sometimes, Bucky wished he had someone to show them to. Steve would’ve been ideal. Steve would’ve known what to do, and how to get over it, for lack of a better expression. 
Bucky wished he could show Steve the letters, if only to relieve the pain in his heart and the tears in his eyes a bit whenever he signed one with his name and sealed it in a crisp envelope. 
But Steve was gone. His therapist was definitely not an option; as much as he understood that it was her job, and he appreciated it, Dr. Raynor would have tried convincing him to bring you in too, to “jog your memory”. So he avoided talking about it with her, just as he avoided talking about it with Sam. Sam was close to you too, before the accident, and Bucky knew he had his own problems to take care of, without the added on stress of Bucky’s trauma-dumping on his shoulders. 
In situations like these, where he found himself stuck with no way out and no light at the end of the tunnel, Bucky always talked to you, pleaded at your feet for your help. He couldn’t do that anymore. You were the source of the problem this time, so, he did the best he could with what he had, and wrote you letters.
But, after three months of writing letters, visiting you, going out for friendly lunch with you, all the while secretly begging and praying that you come to your senses, Bucky had finally given up. 
It didn’t look like it was getting any better, and at this point, he was just vying with destiny for something to change.
He wasn’t going to tell you, initially, but that was when he still thought there was a chance you would magically remember his love one day. But he needed to let you go. As much as it hurt him, and as much as he hated it, Bucky knew he was holding on to a false hope that things might change. 
While he sat on the floor of his bedroom, letters sprawled out in front of him, your name written on them in his messy handwriting, he made up his mind.
Nervously wiping down the same spot of your kitchen counter, over and over again, almost polishing a hole into it as you peered out the window waiting for a yellow cab, you felt a twinge of disappointment grow in you.
You threw down the rag and huffed. Bucky was two hours late. It wasn’t a big deal, right? It’s not a big deal, you repeated in your mind, trying to convince yourself that the traffic in the city was just that unpredictable. You couldn’t lie, though, you had grown fond of Bucky and his visits, and the times he would take you out to the city, showing you his favorite bakery, his favorite coffee shop, his favorite restaurant where you met his favorite old man, Mr. Nakajima. 
You sighed heavily, pushing the rejection aside as you left the kitchen. Shoving your feet into a pair of slippers, you decided it would do you no good sitting around and sulking in your house, and instead you walked down the steps of your front porch, and down to the mailbox sitting at the edge of your lawn.
Your neighbor, Mrs. Allen, waved to you from her own front yard, elbow deep in the dirt of her small garden, some type of blue flower in her other hand. She had dirt smudged across her plump, smiling cheeks, the knees of her capris caked by soil and turned green from the grass she was kneeling in. You waved back half-heartedly, giving her a small smile, and your eyes glanced back towards your own yard. 
Mrs. Allen’s constant upkeeping of her garden reminded you to plant a few roses, too, every time you saw it, and the fact always slipped your mind. Maybe next time you go to the city, you’ll convince Bucky to take a look at the flower shop with you.
Your mailbox squeaked when you opened it, and you rarely ever got mail these days, so you were surprised when you saw a pile of letters sitting inside. Your brows furrowed slightly, a confused pout on your lips as you slipped them out, closing the mailbox.
The one on top was blank, save for your name scribbled in black ink in the middle. You took a look at the next one, and it was the same. And the next one, and the one after that. In fact, all 12 letters that you counted looked exactly the same on the outside. 
Somewhere down the street you heard a dog bark, and the sounds of a child yelling its name, followed by a laugh. Somewhere else, the sound of a sprinkler. All of it drowned out as you opened the first letter, careful not to rip it too much, with suspicious curiosity. 
Eyes scanning the writing on the unfolded page, your name at the top, your fingers started to shake, ever so slightly, trembling the piece of paper with them.
My dear Y/N,
You left the hospital this week. 
That was a relief, I was worried you’d be stuck there for a while. I miss you though.
I don’t know what to do without you. I don’t know where to put my hands. I’ve been trying to lay my head down but I’m writing this at three AM. It’s torture, you know, watching you come back into the world you almost left, and come back to everyone except me. I feel like I’m selfish, because sometimes I find myself thinking I’m the only one who deserves you coming back to him. 
I keep looking into your eyes, wondering if you’ll ever remember me. Of course, you remember me, but not in the way that matters. You don’t remember what I meant to you, but that’s fine. I have faith that you’ll come back to me, the doctor just said it would take some time. 
Your last night in the hospital, while you were sleeping, I sat by your bedside, and your nurse brought you your dinner. And I saw the Jell-O on the tray, and I laughed to myself because I know how much you hate orange Jell-O, and you always preferred cherry. But you woke up, and ate every single thing on that tray, including the orange Jell-O. I guess you just forgot how much you hated it. That’s when I realized things really weren’t the same anymore. I love and miss you, you know.
Come back to me, 
You hadn’t realized your grip had tightened on the page until you tore your eyes away from his name at the bottom, relaxing your fingers and attempting to smooth out the wrinkles. A cool chill ran through your body despite the warm spring day as you read and reread his words, over and over again. Conflicted. You were conflicted. He loved you? He... missed you? 
Impatient, and in dire need for more answers, you ripped open the second letter, teetering in place still standing by your mailbox.
You swallowed heavily as you skimmed over the second letter, catching glimpses of events told in black ink and heavy font: I remember when Sam took you out on the boat for a whole day and you came back home upset that you smelled like fish - made me run you a bath the minute you stepped foot into our place.
You skipped over a few sentences, to the bottom.
You were so tired that day, doll, and you were heavy as lead when you fell asleep on me but I didn’t move a muscle. There was no place I rather would’ve been.
Your breath quickened as you pictured the scene, almost like a dream fading through fog. 
Your trembling hands grabbed hold of the third letter, dropping the rest of them in the grass, but you didn’t even notice as you tore open the envelope, eyes frantically drinking in the writing.
You begged me to start watching The Crown with you today, and you looked so pretty with your puppy eyes that I just couldn’t say no. Doesn’t matter that we watched it together already. 
Watched it together already.
The words echoed in your mind as the letter slipped from your fingers, floating to the grass below. You felt like your throat was closing up, and you brought a hand up to it as a memory flashed before your eyes, bursts of you and Bucky sitting on a couch together, your head on his chest; him throwing his head back in laughter as you punched his arm; soft breaths leaving your lips as his own trailed across the planes of your neck; wiping his tears away in the dark, pushing his hair back out of his face, whispering sweet nothings into the night.
A stuttering gasp ripped from your throat, and you stumbled when your knees went weak. A hand shot out to grab the mailbox for support, your other hand gripping your throat as tears filled your eyes.
Through the pounding of your heart in your ears, you heard a woman’s voice calling out for you somewhere in the distance, but you were too out of focus, staring at the letters sprawled at your feet.
You whispered his name, barely audible to anyone but you, as a soft hand rested on your arm. You looked up, wide-eyed, at Mrs. Allen, with her dirt-caked forehead and concerned eyes. She was saying something, but you couldn’t read her lips, couldn’t hear her, as only one word was running circles through your mind.
“What, sweetheart?”
Mrs. Allen’s voice was muffled, worry dripping through even in its muddled state, and you shook your head, tears tickling your jaw as they rolled down faster and harder.
“I need- I need Bucky,” you managed to breathe out, stammering and limbs weak. You lifted your head to look up at her again, blinking away the tears.
“I need him right now-”
The incessant buzzing of his intercom had Bucky resting his glass of water down on his coffee table. He stared at the intercom by his door for a moment, hesitant. He never had visitors, and he hadn’t called anyone over that he knew of, so he had no idea who it could be. The buzzing continued, and he lifted himself from his couch with a grunt. 
Pressing the little button allowing him to hear the person on the other side, he stayed silent, waiting for them to speak first.
What he had expected least of all, and what had his brain turning to mush, was your frantic voice crackling through the speaker.
“Buck- Bucky, oh thank God-”
“Bucky, please, let me in, please, I-” you cried, tears gathering in your eyes again when you heard his voice. You rested your palms flat against the stone wall of the building, head dropped down as you pleaded.
“Please, Bucky, I remember, I-”
You were cut off by an loud buzzing, and a click. The door was unlocked.
You scrambled towards it, fumbling with the handle until you finally managed to pull open the door, all but running through the small lobby. You muttered a frustrated shit when you caught sight of a white paper on the elevator doors: OUT OF SERVICE. Turning your head left and right, you finally saw the sign and arrow for the staircase, and shot towards them. 
Busting through the metal door of the stairwell, you ran up the stairs at breakneck speed, the scuff of your shoes on the tile echoing throughout the empty walls every time you grabbed onto the railing and turned.
Bucky Bucky Bucky Bucky was all that was in your mind as you read the floor numbers as you ascended: 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 4th floor. You knew Bucky was on the 8th floor. You just knew it.
You were running out of breath by now, your legs burning, and the only thing keeping you going was the red-hot adrenaline pumping through your veins. You didn’t know if it was the tears blurring your vision, or just the sheer determination to get to his floor that distracted you, but you felt yourself collide with something hard on the 5th floor.
You were stopped dead in your tracks, letting out a grunt, and you would’ve fallen on your ass if two hands hadn’t shot out to grab your waist.
It was a chest. You had hit a chest. And when you lifted your eyes to see who it was, you could’ve sworn you heard, felt and saw all the stars in the universe collide, the planets align, volcanoes erupt, twisters hit as you melted underneath Bucky’s blue eyes, also filled with tears.
“Baby...” he whispered, softly, like he was afraid it was a dream, or a cruel joke.
You burst into tears immediately, arms wrapping themselves around his neck as he tightened his hold on your waist. Burying his face into your neck, you felt it get wet as his tears fell freely, his fingers clutching and grasping onto the back of your shirt.
“Oh my God,” you murmured into his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut. You hiccupped with each heavier breath you took in, and you felt Bucky’s arms shake with how tightly he held onto you: for dear life.
“I thought I lost you forever-”
You shook your head frantically, reaching a hand up to caress the back of his head. “N-never, you could never-”
“I love you.”
“I love you more, I swear I came as fast as I could, I’m so sorry,” you said between sobs, and he let out a shuddering breath.
“I thought you were never coming back to me,” he whimpered into your skin, and that brought on a fresh wave of tears.
“I’m here now, I’m here, my love,” you whispered, grabbing onto his shoulder in an attempt to ground him, and yourself.
Bucky collapsed then, bringing you down with him in the middle of the cold, empty stairwell of his apartment building, where each cry, whisper and word of affection was amplified. 
He rocked you back and forth, side to side, never loosening his grip, and you let him. You let him, because he almost lost you, and you almost lost him without even knowing it.
Back home, each of his letters was stacked neatly on top of each other in a pile, on your bed.
@dreamsley​ @a-ngeli-que​ @mormonprincess​ @agirlinherhead​ @s-katergorl​ @ace-27749​ @leyannrae​ @tailsoflightning​ @acidwidow​ @angelofthorr​ @gallysonegoodlung​ @creatingjana​ @gitasor​ 
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miekasa · 3 years
any spare levi headcanons tonight????? 😁😁😁😁
Sure, why not, he is the love of my life after all. These are pretty random, and fit in some sort of generalized modern boyfriend au. Hopelessly domestic, as that is the nature of nearly everything I write for Levi, anyway. Also still terribly obsessed with the idea of him with a motorcycle, so there’s that.
He owns at least six black blazers. They’re nearly identical; slight differences in texture and cut, one with lapels, one that’s boldly all leather that you swear you’ve never seen him wear. They’re kind of his go-to staple, other than a sweater.
That being said, he doesn’t exclusively wear all black. His closet leans towards more neutrals, sure, but he’s not allergic to color. You might not catch him wearing neon orange on the average day, but he’s not averse to a nice shade of green, any shade of purple that suits his mood, even a softer pink.
He has towels and rags he sets aside especially for you when he comes over. He always washes them and put them back in place when you leave so that they’re ready to go for next time.
Claims to not have any attachment to the shows/dramas you watch, but he’s totally backseat watching. Halfway into every single series, he starts sitting down when you turn it on, and scoffs at dumb decisions the characters make.
He splurged on one of those frame TVs that look like a painting when they’re idle. It was a good investment in his opinion.
He doesn’t hate Starbucks drinks—there’s worse things out there in terms of quality of tea. What he despises about the establishment is the way they call out names for you to pick up your order. He’s learned that mobile order ahead is the way to go.
Has slippers for around the house, so consequently, you have slippers for walking around his house. He keeps both pairs (and a few extra for friends and guests) tucked neatly beside the door for easy access; yours always go next to his.
Does not understand the purpose of a robe. Buy him one tho and he will suddenly find an excuse to wear it: making breakfast, lounging around watching TV, doing some light cleaning and dusting. It’s comfy, alright, he can admit that much.
The little puppy you got him that he swore he was not going to warm up to now gets the royal treatment. The best doggie goods and treats, top rated shampoos, cutest drying towels, even a miniature couch he constructed just for the pup. They’re best friends, there’s no breaking that bond now.
Speaking of the puppy, affectionately named Captain, Levi can be found walking him every day shortly after work. They have a few different routes, but they always pass by the local vendors/market, who enthusiastically anticipate their appearance every day. Some of the older ladies running stands have even taken to bringing a few treats with them for Captain—after bundling up some goods for Levi, too, of course.
Captain also has a special doggy backpack Levi uses for when he’s on his motorcycle. If you follow anybody on TikTok in his area, you’re bound to see at least one video of the pup while Levi’s out riding. He’s become viral on social media without even knowing it.
(When you show him a video someone posted of him and Captain with well over 100k likes, and a million views, he only rolled his eyes. But remembers that particularly day; remembers the folks had a kid who politely asked to pet the dog, so he let him. He also maybe asks you to send the link to him).
On the subject of the motorcycle, there was a good few weeks he wouldn’t let you on it. Always found an excuse, a smart reply that was punctuated with gentle push on your forehead and calling you too clumsy for it. Later, you found out it’s because he’d ordered you a helmet; didn’t want to risk you riding without one.
He always keeps it in the storage compartment should he make a stop to pick you up while he’s riding; and he usually wears at least two layers to have a spare to wrap you in before you get on.
When he cooks, he always makes sure there’s enough for leftovers and/or to give you some later. He also bakes frequently, and at least once a week, he stops by with some kind of treat for you—“Trying out a new recipe, let me know if you think it’s missing anything.”
On the subject of food, he won’t police what you eat to annoying extent; he knows that not everybody has the time or will to make pasta from scratch like he does. But, he will smack your wrist if you consider ordering fast food when you’re over at this place. Give him 30 minutes and a single pan, he’ll make something much better than whatever you can find on Uber Eats.
Really, though, he doesn’t mean to obnoxious about the homemade food thing, it’s more habit for him. Growing up, he had to learn to be resourceful, so buying fast-food isn’t ever at the forefront of his mind. Cooking for you also turns out to be something somewhat intimate that he enjoys, so just let him.
Once bought an Apple Watch because he liked the look of them, it wasn’t insanely expensive like other high end watches, and it could connect to his other devices, so why not? A week later he returned it, the ping of his notifications were in one too many places for his liking.
You tried to convince him to keep it—“At least for when you’re jogging! It can track your activity and calories!”—but he clicks his teeth. He’ll survive without keeping track of them.
He learned the hard way that jogging with Captain is no good. His legs are too tiny and Levi ended up carrying the puppy the entire time. Captain is more of a walk dog… or ride on the back of his bike dog.
If you changed anything in his phone settings—like the ringtone for you contact, or the sound his keyboard makes—he wouldn’t go back in and try to figure out how to reset it. Unless it was something obnoxious, like adding an autocorrect shortcut to say something lewd.
He doesn’t really listen to music when he’s just walking. When he’s on a run, that’s fine, but he somewhat prefers to just… hear the environment around him when he’s on a stroll or a break from work. The only reason he’d have headphones on in public is to take a phone call, but even then, he’d prefer to wait until he’s somewhere more private.
He likes having you over at his apartment and has contemplated asking you to move in. He doesn’t want to rush anything, though, so he’s content with your sleepovers for now. (Though he really cannot fathom that you call them “sleepovers” like you’re 14. Please).
He speaks to his mother at least once a week, and she always asks about you. Levi tells her that you’re fine, gives her small updates about you, but Kuchel really just wants to know when the wedding is. He pretends to be busy whenever she starts asking and conveniently ends the call.
Occasionally, he’ll stop by and take you out for lunch. Depends on how much time he has during the day for himself, but he always enjoys sharing a meal with you.
Whenever you’re out with your friends drinking, Levi will pick you up. Even if you already told him that you’d Uber home; as soon as you text him that you’re going to leave soon, he’s already on his way.
He makes pretty good cocktails himself. Teases you for running his alcohol supply dry when the truth is he has more of your favorites in his cabinet than his own. He secretly likes the way you flirt with him when you’re tipsy.
You don’t always cuddle on top of each other when you sleep together. You can just lay by each other and that’s enough; but sometimes, you catch Levi turning towards you in his sleep, reaching for your hand. His body seems to search for yours subconsciously, and you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his sleeping face when you put your hand within reach.
Do not try to pay for dinner when you’re out with him. He’ll pull the “I’m going to use the restroom” move and pay the bill behind your back if he needs to. Open your own doors, maybe; pull out your own chairs, sure if you want; but not this.
He flosses very diligently every night. Mostly because he fucking hates the dentist, so if he takes the extra steps and is extra careful with his teeth, he doesn’t have to go as often, right?—Wrong, it’s the one time the roles are reversed, and you and Hange have to wrestle him into the doctor’s office.
On the flip side, if there are any doctors you routinely avoid and/or forget to schedule check ups for, fear not, because Levi will do it for you. He’ll drive you there, too—the only caveat being, that he usually doesn’t tell you where you’re going until you’re almost there. You think he’s doing the mysterious man surprise date thing and then boom, he’s pulling up to the ophthalmologist. Good luck.
He’s purchased a physical, paper copy of the news on every one of your anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. He keeps them all neatly tucked away in a drawer. Sometimes, he looks back on them—sees what was happening in the world around you on that day. Maybe someday he’ll cut them up and bind them together in a book for you.
He doesn’t like having headphones in when you’re home with him, and preferred if you didn’t either—unless it was for work or school. He welcomes you to use his speakers and play your music aloud; he likes listening to what you listen to. If you look closely, you can catch him humming along or tapping his foot when he really likes a song.
Saves pictures you send him in an album in his camera roll. Occasionally can be found scrolling through them—particularly if you’ve been away on a trip, or he hasn’t gotten the chance to see you because of conflicting schedules.
He takes relatively short showers and doesn’t have a strong preference for the water temperature, so he lets you shower first. Unless you want him to join you, of course.
It’s not hard to tell when Levi wants you. He becomes noticeably more touchy, even if that margin isn’t too wide by anyone else’s standards; and he rarely tries to hide it. It only happens in the privacy of your apartments; but he’ll come on to you—leaning a bit further into conversations, a hand on your knee, a kind of cloudy look in his eyes.
Sometimes he forgoes the attempts at being subtle, just kisses you out the blue, carefully backs you up against the wall, puts his hands on your hips. He can be awfully direct when given the opportunity.
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rileyh20 · 3 months
Soda x Male Reader chapter 1 finished!
No tags, but I'll have HC's that go with this fic under the cut!
You met Ponyboy before Soda, having Ponyboy tutor you in school
You and Soda got together after a few months of you two being friends + you taking care of him while he was sick
Ponyboy would be the first one to know about your relationship (He would act disgusted, but he’s happy for you two)
You sometimes get jealous when girls hit on Soda, and you two make-out heavily after (In private when you can)
You’re one of the only people Soda actually tells his problems to
You were one of the people to comfort Soda the most when Johnny and Ponyboy ran away 
You also were one of the people who yelled at Darry for hitting Ponyboy before Soda told you to lay off a bit
Ponyboy gave you the talk about not hurting Soda or else, then gave you the most terrifying glare you’ve ever seen from him
Steve was the next person to give you the talk, but he was more joking than Ponyboy was-
Darry didn’t give you the talk, but he gave you a stern look as a warning
You guys don’t get to sleep in the same bed at night usually (Cuz of Ponyboy), so you make up for it by clinging onto each other for most of the day
Sodapop is really protective of you, so people don’t mess you as much when they realize you two are close (They don’t know you are dating tho cuz it’s the 60s)
One time you got jumped and Soda had a meltdown, it wasn’t as bad as if it was Ponyboy getting jumped, but he was terrifying
Sometimes if either of you two have bad days, you guys just cuddle up with each other in silence
Soda sometimes teaches you about the cars he’s working on at the DX
Soda and you have a time at the end of the day or week where you both talk about the drama at work or school, etc
You and Soda will sometimes slow dance together when you two are alone
After you and Soda got together, you slept at the Curtis house more often
You love when Soda dyes food different colors, and defend him when his brothers say they need to change the lock on the cabinet that has the food coloring
Soda sometimes comes to you crying about how worried his is for his brothers, especially after canon book events, and especially Ponyboy
You and Soda sometimes like to prank people (Two-Bit also joins at times)
Both you and Soda hate Ponyboy hanging out around Curly, and Angela 
You actually meet Soda at the DX, since you and Ponyboy stopped by one day and Soda started flirting with you cuz that’s what he does
You are only a few months older than Soda, so you’re also 16
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
What does the inside of the SINY crews bedroom look like. I'm guessing Dom has a lot of comic book posters in his lol.
Oooh love this ask!
Dom - yep he's got comics/movies/musicals posters, all nice prints and framed and very aesthetic™️; his style in general is very cozy/homy with rustic touches and warm, pleasant colors, dark wood. He's got a bookcase full of books and comics, his walls are a moss green, his bed frame dark wood, he's got some action figures and Star Wars lego on his shelves.
Megan - her room is all pastel colors; pastel blue walls and vintage/retro furniture that ranges from different light shades of blue, green, pink and violet. Lots of plushies and pillows on her bed, bed that has a vintage metal frame. She also found a trunk at a flea market and placed it in front of the bed as extra storage space and because it looks nice. Has a desk with her pc setup, and got one of those pastel, retro blue mechanical keyboards that she's very fond of. She also has a small vintage vanity table she got for cheap and that Zoey helped recondition for her.
Cameron - there's almost no part of her walls that isn't covered. They're were probably some off-white to begin with. They're filled with band/movie/cartoon posters and art prints. Her bed is pushed against a two walls, her cozy nook and lined with her plushies. Very grungy/dark style but with the occasional pop of pink. Has a pick up and boxes of vynils and a desk which is her workbench. Also, has a bean bag in the form of a seal. She's also got all sorts of knick knacks she's gathered over the years, like Gothic candle holders with unlit candles, small statues of bats or black cats, grinning pumpkins, or anything that looked steampunk.
Grey - has a studio apartment so he's living is also his bedroom and his kitchen is open space so it's all just one big room lmao His dream home would be a warehouse home tho, giving industrial vibes. The studio apartment does have a brick wall which kind of swayed him to take it! He's got an extendable couch that doubles as bed, a deep red, old style sofa that's very comfy to curl up in with the cats, furniture is dark browns, grays, some of them that have a sort-of worn out look. He's got a bookcase, a drawer with his clothes, a smaller cabinet full of only magic-related stuff, a narrow desk, a small treecat house, two cat beds and lots of cat toys strewn about. As for decorations, some steampunk inspired ones.
Eva - when she gets her own place, a one bedroom apartment, she goes for dark purple walls, dark woods, lots of purple and violets and with a very lush and glam feel. Chandelier. Vanity table. A full body mirror with a fancy, antique frame, fluffy carpet, framed art prints that are art nouveau or Toulouse Lautrec. Has some house plants and flowers.
Zoey - very bohemian, cozy, colorful. She has lots of plants, especially crawling/climbing plants on her bedroom walls. The walls are a pleasant off white/cream but mostly covered in paintings, pictures, plants or shelves anyway, her furniture is in light woods, she's got colorful plant pots, oranges and yellows are rather prevalent, colorful carpets, framed paintings she's done or photos she took during her travels, usually framed in golden or frames in vibrant colors that matched the picture. Shelves with books and knick knacks like statues and postcards or other souvenirs from where she's visited.
Bill - by his standards, his NY apartment is rather minimalist lol Half of the wall space in his bedroom is just floor to ceiling windows with a wonderful view to the city. His huge bed is set again the window, so when he wakes up he can just turn around and enjoy the view. Opposite there's a huge TV, along another window wall there's a white lounge with a glass coffee table. He's got a cat bed and a cat tree house for his cat. There's a white drawer with golden accents, and full body mirror with a gilded but simple frame and a door leading to his walk-in closet. The color scheme is white, light woods and golden accents. He's got some vaguely artdeco golden decoration on the wall. And a very fluffy white carpet.
Morgan - very English cottage feel. He's got a soft, floral wallpaper, the bed has a dark wood frame, he has a wooden, vintage bookcase with books of course but also decorations, such as the small bird cages he made, either with bird statues or flowers spilling inside, or empty. The general colors are blues, greens, reds, pinks. He's got a small green, vintage writing desk and a wooden closet.
Vesper - Vesper's bedroom, in their dimension, is very lavish. The ceiling is high and painted like the starry night sky, as are the walls. They have a great, golden chandelier, huge bed, double doors. They have ornate, gilded mirrors, and lush settees; soft carpets, carved tables, and floor to ceiling windows that open into their garden.
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