#different but as textured as hectic
sylvanpriest · 3 months
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cathedral gum
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twisted-king · 5 months
OOOO IDEA, how about the OB boys with a s/o who has an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) that they somehow convinced Crowley to allow them to have (because they literally need the animal). And the esa comforting them after their OB 🥺
Literally kissing you on the forehead rn.
Sorry about the exlusion of Jamil, idia and Malleus.
No ideas about Jamil, not sure how Idias would fit in... and Mal mal isnt finished
This is angstier than I thought it would be <3
TW: Panic attacks (Isolating + silent types), narcolepsy
Feel free to correct me if i got a certain experience wrong, I am a studying Psychology major so it would help me with my understanding of anything!
Remeber: ESAs and Service animals are different!
Overblot gang with an S/O with an ESA
First things first:
Lets say you're in second year, so you're dating the OB boys before the OB.
Going to keep the particular support need vauge, but it is panic related, reader is sensitive to loud noises and textures feeling wrong.
You 100% convinced crowley to let your ESA to stay with you because:
he is sooooo kind
you wouldn't let a poor defenseless panic-prone human in an ALL MAGIC BOYS SCHOOL alone would you????
Now with that out of the way:
Riddle Rosehearts
Animal: British Shorthair (cat)
I'm gonna call this cat Queenie
Riddle's Overblot wasn't really something you were ready for in any capacity.
Your usually kept together boyfriend was suddenly some... angry, monsterous thing.
This wasnt the Riddle that got you high quality noise cancelling headphones for unbirthday parties, the same Riddle who you spent so much time learning and growing with. Your dutiful boyfriend who was learning how harsh his punishments were with you...
That Riddle wasnt here right now.
Queenie circles you, nuzzling into your legs.
But its too late, you've shut down. Its hard to move, your heart feels like it doesnt have a beat but the hurt of an ever beating heart remains present.
Your breathing quickens, your knees buckle in from under you.
the dull thud of of your body hitting the slightly overgrown grass of heartslabyul is the last thing you hear as you slowly drown further into your panic.
Riddle, on the other hand, Just came to from his OB, staring at his dormmates worried and horrified faces. He feels weak, he knows what just happened, and he feels HORRIBLE....Oh god.
Are YOU okay??? where are you? Where is his S/O
That's when he spots you, your tear striken face, Queenie laying on top oof your chest, your hands shakily petting her back in sporadic, unrythmic strokes as her face snuggles further into your chest.
What has he done?
Riddle feels awful.
He promised to never be the cause of any panic for you. He wanted to be a safe space for you.
But his need for order seems to have taken over and ruined yet another important relationship in his life.
Despite his fatigue, he hesitantly appraches, keeping about 2 meters away from you. He knows you don't want anyone too close by right now.
When you show signs of calming down, He's there, silently and patiently sitting across from you.
"Do... do you want to talk about it..?"
You respond with a shake of your head.
He nods, you two remain in silence. One preparing for a potentially life-changing talk, the other rocking about as they cradle their cat
Leona Kingscholar
Animal: Corn Snake
His name is Zazu (shhhh)
Leona liked things quiet, and calm.
Thats what made you two work, at least according to him.
But, you knew and Malleus and Magift was a sore subject for him, you were kind of ready for his yearly temper, it caught you off gaurd last year, but this year you felt like you could really stand by his side!
Besides, a year in this hectic world with Zazu really helped stabilize your mood!
Until it wasn't.
A roaring stampede instead of a crowed, screams of terror instead of cheer, and your boyfriend, slowly turning your friend, Ruggie, into sand.
It was too much, too many shoves, too much noise, your friend almost died
You hold Zazu's little head gently, the soft, smooth texture of his scales your only vice as you duck under the bleachers of the magift stadium.
It's there and only there, all alone with your snake that you're able to break down and cry.
Leona groaned as he came to, he knew this was a stupid plan and a stupid decision. He could have just trained everyone properly, spend some actual time with you. He could have- Wait... where were you?
Despite his drained energy, he needed to know where you were. He put a hand up, stopping the chatter of his former victims, attemping to listen in for any sign of you.
He hears the soft mumbling of your attempts to talk to yourself
"Can't even trust em enough to tell me, I knew i should have stayed at home, this is why no one will accept yo-" hisssss
Okay, he had to do something
He rushes across the nearly empty stadium, suprising everyone (Except Ruggie maybe, he's kind of used to Leona)
"Herbivore?!" he stands outside the stands you're under
"I don't... I don't want to see you right now... I don't want you to see me."
"Babe- I... alright. Can I be with you right now?" "no." "I'm coming in anyway."
and he does.
He enters the darker space to find you huddled ong the ground, gripping onto your sleeve with one hand, the other coiled but zazu, who seems to lay still across your shoulders.
"I'll just be here." "Why?" you mumble "For you." he states
That makes you chuckle "You sap.."
Hisss <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Animal: Mop dog
Mop dog named Max...uh... Maxie
Okay so, unfortunately Azul did NOT like Maxie at first
But he got used to him because you two are a package deal
You knew Azul had insecurities, and his own...moments
You and Azul had a comfortable routine, you and him are both realtively particular, he needs a level of order in his life, and his comfort zone is very well kept. So you two kind of fell into a step.
Despite your realtive bliss spending most days in his office or the backrooms of the Lounge. You knew his business was his passion.
You also knew he tended to get a bit... ambitious.
You and Maxie knew to stay away during midterms, it was bound to get chaotic. And Azul gets kind of... gift-bomby around this time... it isn't the most comfortable.
Things typically died down a few days after midterms, so you decided to visit your boyfriend.
On the complete wrong day.
You took Maxie with you, ready to greet Azul after his busier week but instead you find...
Leona? with a pile of sand around him by Azul's vault... Oh no.
Maxie softly appraches a sullen Azul and nudges his leg with his paw.
Something seemed to snap because all of a sudden the sneaky yet loving Azul Ashengrotto you knew was... huge eight tentacles and crazed.
He shoves Maxie away, sending him to the ground (mind you, he's a pretty big dog)
He shoved your dog.
He's stealing things, he's refusing to be "worthless" "weak" "stupid and clumsy"
Everything you've always secretly felt you were... oh no...
Maxie rushes toward you.
You slowly place yourself on the ground.
You've fainted.
Azul comes to, he sees Ace, Deuce, the Prefect... Leona... and you? when did you get here? on the ground... Maxie gaurding your sleeping form.
He... overblotted.
How could he be so stupid?? everything seemed to be in pla e did he not count something or- WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Azul approaches you and Maxie, he dismisses the prefect and gang, solely focused on you.
Maxie opts to lie on top of you, promptly waking you up
"oof... what... what happended"
"I'm... so sorry" "Oh. right."
Maxie greets you with kisses, happily nudgeing your cheek accompanied by his happy barks. You sratch his head "I'm ok... down boy."
Azul apologetically stares at you, hesitant to say more.
You look up to him, sighing against Maxie. Your eyes narrowed "I thought we agreed." "I know I just... I can't help it." "Therapy." "I'll apply tomorrow afternoon, I promise."
Vil Schoenheit
Animal: Poodle
Her name is Georgette
Vil and Georgette get along realtively well. She doesn't shed, you keep her well groomed, and you're usually more on task with her around.
You like to joke that Vil reminds you of Georgette. He claims he is much more refined than your dog. She doesn't seem to like it much either.
He likes taking you out to set with him. He trusts you to behave and know's you feel safe both around him and whenever Georgette is around, he respects that.
Vil pets Georgette like an evil mastermind sometimes? So maybe that should have been a warning sign.
The VDC was fast approaching, Vil is under a lot of stress; he's been a harsh coach, his popularity stays at the same place consistently, he's FINALLY given the opportunity to beat Neige "once and for all"
VDC happens, you're helping the Prefect overlook how things are running. Overlooking the practices.
Vil does absoltely beautifully! and for once, Georgette agrees.
Neige does this old nursery song, and you're more than confident Vil will win.
You leave the prefect to handle the rest while you head to the stalls to buy a drink for Vil.
He deserves a treat after all <3
When you come back, everything seems fine but, the stadium is empty though...
And suddenly everything is falling around you
You take Georgette and quickly duck behind one of the seats.
Vil's distorted voice echoes throughout the stadium, you cannot quite see him but you see the giant MONSTER lurking behaind him.
When he comes to..
Vil is downright ashamed. He knows trying to poison someone is wrong. He knows he doesn't get to decide whether or not someone lives... Especially not for a glorified popularity contest.
And that's when he spots Georgette's thankfully obnoxiously large bow peeking out from behind one of the seats.
That is when he knows he has to check in on you. You are never far from Georgette.
"Darling? Meine Geliebte, are you alright.." You're huddled with your poodle. Rubble is strewn about around you. Your eyes remain shut as you mutter to yourself.
"It's ok, it's fine. you're safe. I-it's okay.." Georgette's fur is soft, you continue to trace little patterns into her well groomed coat.
Vil sighs to himself, relived you're at least ok, but he's worried. You have Georgette for a reason, and he knows just how much progress you've made to gain the confidence to live your daily life and he may have just destroyed that.
He remains by your side
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mywritingonlyfans · 1 year
Your girl. // Alex Turner X Reader! (Smut)
prompt: alex feeling a little insecure about being right for her and her assuring him.
words: 3K.
warning: it's mainly riding him, bites, choking, cockwarming, and some more... well, it's my regular soft/sexual smut.
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He wasn't angry with you, but he seemed distant, lost since he returned home. The cigarette dangled lazily between his fingers, and he was far from actually smoking it, the ashes accumulating excessively before falling into the air. His arrival and immediate move to the balcony made you wonder if he might be avoiding you, although it wasn't hard to tell he was uncomfortable within himself. "Al, babe," you held the dress, struggling to unzip it completely. "Could you help me with this?" A furrowed brow and a heavy sigh. He was irritated, yet he discarded the cigarette before coming over to you. You found it endearing how he kept the smoke away from you, always managing to disappear with it whenever you approached him, as if instinctively protecting you from it.
His cold fingers brushed your skin, tracing the zipper of the dress and slowly undoing it. He pulled the fabric gently, pressing his lips to the exposed area and kissing softly, immersing his nose in your scent, eliciting a smile from you. It was a familiar routine, like something done without conscious thought, yet something both of you enjoyed immensely – it was involuntary for him. "You know, I've started buying more zip-up dresses just to get those kisses when you need to take it off," you remarked with a playful grin.
You nestled between the sheets, free from the dress and feeling lighter. Alex wasn't any different; he was covered from the waist down and bare-chested, his arms up in the air. You curled up against him, seeking comfort as if you were two pieces of wood generating sparks, which elicited a laugh from him. He still felt like he was in another world, but being there with you was enough. You wanted to ask, wanted to know how to ease his mind, but you didn't want to pry and potentially make things worse. He lay there, looking tired, perhaps it was just his social battery that had drained, though you didn't quite believe that. When he closed his eyes, holding you tighter, you let it be; maybe he just craved silence after the hectic day you both had. You wrapped one leg over his waist, burying your face in his neck, letting his warm scent lull you to sleep. Thin sheets were the only barriers between you in the warm night, and being able to feel the texture of his skin and his arms around you made you feel relaxed and oddly secure. It was the purest sense of feeling at home.
Your eyes slowly opened, as if in pain. What was warm and comforting had turned cold and irritable; Alex wasn't there. You wrapped yourself in the sheet, huddling a bit before noticing the balcony light on. With lazy steps, you made your way there. He, too, had the sheet covering his lower body, a cigarette in his hand. The scene amused you, its dramatic flair matching his, and he noticed you there, not shivering from the cold but from the lack of clothing. He seemed even more exhausted, with swollen bags under his eyes and flushed cheeks from scratching, a sign you had learned to interpret as him overthinking. He had been fine in the morning; you knew he had become like this due to something at the party.
"May I?" You gestured towards his lap, and he chuckled so sweetly that you began to wonder if it was all in your head. Maybe it was just insomnia, right? He nodded. "It's okay if you want to be alone, babe," you persisted, but he assured you it wasn't necessary. Once again, it was just layers of sheets separating you both.
Before you could even rest your cheek against his chest and have him wrap you in a tight embrace once more, he took one last drag from his cigarette, even though it was barely lit, and stubbed it out, placing it aside before planting a kiss on your head. As your hips moved in a slow, tentative yet persistent rhythm and his strong hands held you close, he chuckled, making you laugh a bit too and apologize. He claimed it wasn't necessary, and as you looked at him, your excitement faded; you knew he was still bothered by something.
"Al, babe, what happened? Did I do something wrong?" Your eyes were concerned, so far calm, and Alex felt guilty about that. The problem wasn't with you. "Not you, princess." You nodded, and he pressed his forehead against yours after kissing your nose. "It was something from the party, wasn't it?" You tried again; he needed to talk about it, to stop you from feeling like it was your fault. Still, it was something so minor that he didn't feel like burdening you with it. "It's..." He paused thoughtfully, swallowing hard before continuing, "it's kind of a trivial thing."
You gazed at him, letting him know that your full attention was on him, and lightly kissed his nose. "It's clearly making you sad, so it's not something unimportant." Your fingers intertwined with the curls at the nape of his neck, and your body nestled closer to his. He relaxed in the not-so-fancy chair, surrendering to the comfort of having you in his lap. Even with the sheet, it was obvious you were naked, and his luck seemed endless that you felt so at ease with him. It was unsettling because he was aware that you loved him, yet he still occasionally spiraled into anxiety over the thought of losing you.
You displayed patience, exactly what he needed, a few more minutes under your soothing touch until his mind felt lighter. "I think it's just me, insecurities and all," his voice sounded weak and drawn-out, his hand covering his already flushed face.
You breathed in, forming a smile. Was it wrong to find that cute? "No way, Al." You lifted his chin to meet your eyes, and then noticed the welled-up tears, silent but somehow even more distressing. "Alex, babe, you should have told me," you whispered, not quite sure where to take this conversation. You held him in a tighter embrace as he struggled to fight back tears. "I think it's just my own insecurity, it has nothing to do with you. I don't want you to think that way." He shook his head, and you let your fingers trace his chest, following the path from his chest hair to the necklace around his neck.
"That's good, Alex. You can always talk to me; I wouldn't think any less of you for it, just as I don't now." You used the edge of the sheet to wipe his face. In return, he nuzzled your collarbone, gently biting it until he heard your relaxed sigh. It was intimate and timid, but it was exactly what both of you needed. He held onto your waist, his touch delicate, and reached for the upper parts of your breasts. Your hands lightly tugged at his hair, making him look at you so you could understand him better, until your mind was flooded with how vulnerable he seemed, how easily he could be hurt, and it made you feel a little guilty.
"I'm afraid of suddenly not having you, as if you'll slip through my fingers. I hate not having enough time for you, hate 'earing the sadness in your voice over the phone when you miss me and I can't do anything about it. You were so happy tonight with me, and it ‘urts to think I'll be without you for so many months soon. I know you deserve someone better, someone who fits you more, but I don't want that someone to not be me." He let out as if he was expelling all the toxic air from his lungs, his eyes even sadder than before. The fluidity of his words told you that this had repeated so many times in his mind that there was no space left for punctuation when he voiced it out.
You were speechless, your own eyes misting over. You didn't fully grasp it, but you knew you would try and make it better. He buried his face in your chest amid the sheet still covering you, his soft hair and light body surrendered to your embrace. "You've never failed me, not once. I don't want anything else... I don't want anyone but you." You felt helpless, unable to completely fix or improve the situation. Even your words trembled as they left your lips. You kissed his head, holding onto his arms and letting him stretch out comfortably on the bench. His body was relaxed, and he was a bit vulnerable, yet he still looked at you with affection. His head might be in a daze, but he trusted you. You felt more at ease, seeing that he felt comfortable after sharing this with you, even though it had burdened him. You chuckled softly, and he mirrored your laugh, soon melting as your lips brushed against his, warm and tender so far urgent.
You leaned against his shoulders, lifting your hips and then adjusting to him. The fabric was still a barrier, and your intention was simply to tease him; he gasped into your mouth. "I wish your mind would be kinder to you, Alex." Your voice caught in your throat, and he slowly opened his eyes as if he hadn't realized he had closed them. He seemed a bit sulky, his face and hair still disheveled from sleep. You were equally lazy. Your fingers danced along his jawline, your eyes meeting at the same level, then moving to his broad shoulders, your nails lightly grazing his pale, soft skin. The thought of the future marks you would leave, combined with your rubbing against him, heightened the butterflies in his stomach. He already felt breathless.
Alex was easy to handle, though you might not have noticed that this was true only with you. He was well aware. His pink lips parted as if to say something, but a soft moan cut him off as you pressed your hips between his and moved up and down. There was a mix of characteristic morning excitement and the view he had of you. You could feel him well, his entire length, as you excited yourself while lubricating him. Mornings often felt more needy, and both of you knew how to play into that, but this time it was your turn to take advantage.
His hands went to your waist, gripping it, understanding better than to disrupt your rhythm. He agreed that it was about what you wanted to do with him. Your palm followed his, the sheet slipping down a bit, granting him a better view, though not completely revealing everything. The tips of his fingers traced you slowly, appreciating every detail. He looked at you, his face flushed, and it made you smile. You kissed his shoulder and neck while making him harder and more aroused.
He held you even tighter, your chests touching, every inch of skin connected. You entwined your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling firmly and feeling yourself getting wetter as you saw his hair standing on end as you brushed your nose against him and dragged your teeth along his skin before biting him firmly and leaving with wet kisses. The low groan and his eager hips were so satisfying for you. "Trying to kill me?" he looked at you with clear desire in his eyes, his lips slightly swollen.
And you kissed them, his smile soft as he felt your touch. Your warm tongue met his until breath became scarce, and he was left with a series of your kisses and nose nuzzles. In the final one, you gently sucked his lower lip, biting it hard, and he whimpered, gripping your thigh in approval. You chuckled, a bit smug, and it indeed made him feel good, seeing you so confident. "Not really, more like showing you just how much I'm your girl." He nodded, even rosier now. At that point, you were perfectly aching, pulsing, with your head throbbing for him. Alex noticed how your knees were spread around him, focused on the movement centered at the same spot repeatedly.
"I know you are," he said, low and tender. You pressed your hand gently against his chest, pushing him back so that his head was supported. "Can you say it?" He ran his thumb over your lips, finding comfort in your sweet smile. You lifted your hips quickly, although to him it seemed in slow motion due to his neediness, and kissed him with the same intensity as before. You straddled him calmly, patiently, painfully, as his sighs were overtaken by you. He slid easily inside, and soon you felt comfortable, filled completely. "Tell me I'm your girl, Alex," you were breathless, that much was clear, and you paused, needing to adjust for a few – he was quite a thing to be taken. He chuckled, a guttural sound that vibrated through his chest, a bit too addictive considering you were so close to him. Your fingers traced his neck, almost begging for more, and he held you to stabilize you, not that you were going anywhere. He was so lost in you that it was difficult for him to form coherent sentences from the words that left your mouth.
"You're mine, babe." His raspy voice was a breath, his eyes still shining with desire. "You're my girl." He chuckled lazily, your eager hand tightening around his prominent veins, making him sound a bit breathless at the end. He was so hot and entirely yours. "I like that,"
"Do you, babe?" He gently guided his hand along your leg, his thumb reaching your clit and moving in slow circles. You moaned in relief, helping you endure him better. You let your forehead touch his, peppering his face with affectionate kisses. Gradually, you pressed tightly against him, adjusting your hips to favor your movement. His broad hands roamed around you, feeling your lower belly fill as your rhythm grew more forceful. Holding onto the sheet wrapped around you, he kept you close and firmly pressed against him. His body trembled, his eyes closed, clearly surrendering to the sensations, yet he couldn't take his eyes off you, your breasts following the rhythm, and how entangled you were with him.
He was losing control of his breathing, and you weren't faring much better. He kissed your collarbone, trailing the tip of his nose along your skin and stopping just below your breast. Repeating what you had done minutes ago, he bit into your flesh with desire, then planted heated kisses over the marked skin as your moans escaped quietly. Your nails dug into him, and by now, his hands were defined by the lines of the sheet he gripped so tightly. "Fuck, babe," he groaned, mouth slightly open, his head thrown back on the support. Tears growing in his eyes.
You leaned over him, resuming your attack on the sensitive skin of his neck, a territory you knew well. You allowed for friction against your clit with each movement of your hips, noticing him growing more restless. Your own body was involved in spasms, and you maintained the pace he wanted. You gave him what he needed, letting him have you fully, and brushed the messy hair from his face, granting you a privileged view of his features. His grip on you tightened, and as you grew more breathless, he corresponded appropriately to your stimuli. It didn't take long for your bodies to collapse against each other, your face buried in his neck, muffled moans escaping your trembling legs and weak knees. He held you even tighter, peppering your forehead with more kisses, lost in your breathless state nestled against his chest.
The sounds of your breathing mixed together, still leaving him a bit dizzy, but in a good way. He pulled the sheet over both of you, and as he unwrapped the mess, he saw that he had torn the fabric at some point. His cheeks flushed as he heard you laugh. He held you in his arms, your bodies connected, and brushed the hair from your face. Your voice was still dizzy as you said, "I must be really good at this," he chuckled softly. You were cradled in his arms, attached to his hips. He pushed the hair away from your face, and your throat was still dry. "You truly are," he affirmed, a loving gaze fixed on you.
A soul-warming silence enveloped you, comfortable and cozy. You could feel him growing solid hard within you once again. He didn't have much energy left, and you were almost falling asleep from exhaustion. This was evident in how gently you clung to each other, avoiding any sudden movements. Taking comfort in this, he stayed inside you, warm and somewhat snug. Your delicate hands encircled his waist, his arms covering you and keeping you pressed against him while the sheet did a good job of covering your bodies. You looked at him briefly, wrinkling your nose as you heard the hoarse groan escape him with your abrupt movement. Whispering, you said, "I hope this was enough to quiet your mind a bit. I don't like seeing you upset." You buried your face in his neck again, intoxicated by his scent. He observed you, realizing how foolish he was, yet there you were. "You're perfect, my dear," he said, feeling your laughter and how at peace you were wrapped around him. You were clearly a rational part of him, and he had no reason to deny that. Yes, you had quieted the noisy voices tormenting him.
"I'm your boy, all yours," he breathed into your ear, burying his nose in your hair and planting kisses on you until you fell asleep, so then the intimacy of the moment may allow him to drift into slumber while holding you.
taglist: @ohladymoon @indierockgirrl @bloo-wisteria @bellaturner @cosmoschaotic @nikisfwn @andrews-lovr @nela-cutie @ilovealexturnerlots
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Orbiting: pt.3,5°
[icehockey!jungkook x figureskater!reader] [1.4k filler, it was supposed to be a drabble, but oh well; fwb to lovers; less plot, more smut, but basically, this is how Jungkook and Y/N came to their fwb agreement; slightly drunk sex, unprotected sex but irl plz don't be silly and wrap his willy; not proofread, heh.
You didn’t expect your night to end up like this.
Thursdays were yours and Jungkook's torturous days. Waking up at 4 a.m. and every second, minute, and hour that followed was spent practicing on the ice—you nailing your skating routines and Jungkook running through hockey plays. Some days, you practice on different ice rinks, each on opposite ends of the town, the other days, like today, you share the big dome rink close to your apartment.
By tradition, Thursday nights with Jungkook are spent letting out steam—here is what you do as follows: 1. Rant about how hectic the day was 2. Eat an unhealthy amount of junk and sweets 3. Share a bottle of soju, or two, or more while a movie plays in the background. When the day has you beat, ideally, Jungkook makes you his infamous highball drink, and in return, you cook him extra strips of samgyupsal. A win-win.
But tonight, it seems you and Jungkook have explored a new way to let off steam.
What started out as a night full of frustrated rants turned into frantic rutting against your best friend's thigh.
You remember watching a rom-com film, and a soft porn scene came on the screen, and your inebriated brain struggled to filter your thoughts that they just spilled out, “If you weren't here, I might have touched myself over that.” Followed by downing a shot as if your words hadn't short-circuited Jungkook's own brain and went straight to his dick.
“Gguk,” you struggle to speak, lips caught between Jungkook's teeth as he playfully bites and pulls.
He's become a little more cheeky. But you wouldn't deny how seeing this side of him makes you yearn for him. Here you are, wrapped around each other's arms, but you want him closer. He's so close, yet so far. This is uncharted territory, restricted even. And you can reason that you're too far gone to just stop and cockblock yourself, but the truth is, you're being selfish. You want Jungkook. You want him all to yourself.
You lean your forehead against his, the close proximity has you feeling how Jungkook steals your breath; he breathes you in as you breathe out. You lower your eyes to look at his parted mouth, and you smirk. His lips are swollen and stained with the color of your lipstick.
“Make me feel good, please,” you scan his face, from the mole on his chin to his eyes, and pull the most seductive look you knew worked on guys.
At your beck and call, Jungkook crawls down on your body, stops at your crotch, and noses at your pussy. His hunger grows as you take over his senses—his sight focused on your arching back as he touches every skin his hands never caressed until now, and the taste of your arousal with the ripe smell of your pheromones flood him.
“Mmm, so sweet,” he hums, “I love it.”
You’ve never felt fiercely desired. You want to believe that this is more than lust. But before you can overthink and float away, Jungkook brings you back to the ground.
He doesn't bother to remove your panties. In fact, today, Jungkook discovered he has a thing for lacy underwear. Or maybe it was just having you under him, so responsive and alluring. He eagerly lays his tongue wide on your clit and laps like a thirsty kitten, the rough texture of the lace intensifies the pleasure.
With each pant and whine of Jungkook's name that leaves your mouth, his tongue dives deeper and harder inside you. The sounds you make are music to his ears that he doesn't want to stop. The call of his name grows pitchier by the second. Before you can warn him, you reach orgasm in strong spurts and the sight has Jungkook almost cumming as well.
“Shit, Y/N,” he exhales, “That was so hot, baby.”
Your body acknowledges the pet name before your brain can overthink it. You reach for Jungkook's dick, tongue wetting your lips, ready to take him, but he stops you.
“I'm close,” he shyly admits, “And if I'm cumming, I want it to be from your pussy.”
Hand still wrapped around his leaking cock, you keep stroking as you guide him to your cunt. Soft squelches are heard as you rub his tip to your pussy lips.
Jungkook groans, “Stop teasing.” He removes your enclosed palm around his dick and intertwines your hand with his as he briskly pushes it to the bed.
A moan is pulled out of you as he plunges himself inside you. He eases in so easily, but there's a burning stretch that satisfies you as Jungkook pushes his cock further. Like magnets, your legs are hooked around his waist as soon as he bottoms out.
“Shit,” you both curse. You wipe at the accumulating sweat on his forehead. His bedroom eyes chase your eyes, and when you lock gazes, it's only then that Jungkook pulls out his cock and then plunges back into your wet walls with a hip roll. The bed squeaks as he thrusts into your pussy. Breaths are once again exchanged until Jungkook feels his climax coming; he kisses you roughly, tongue and all, and releases himself.
You're awakened with hot and heavy air blown on your neck. Turning around with a groan, your sight lands on a sleeping Jungkook, his mouth parted as snores leave his lips.
The events of last night catch up to you and you harshly sit up from the realization. The sudden jerking of blankets wakes Jungkook. It takes him a moment to re-orient himself where he is and you see it on his face when realization hits him.
“Morning,” he greets, “So, last night was wild, huh?”
You're stunned. “Is that all you have to say?”
No, it's not, Jungkook thinks. In fact, much like you, he's panicking internally. Last night, you got carried away and went over the line. But he knows that if he mirrors your reaction, there's no saving your friendship. He's considering if he could take this moment to confess, but judging how you're pacing the room now, he thinks now is not the time. He just might lose you for good only because his dick did the thinking last night. He knows how you think, Jungkook admitting how he feels now might be misconstrued as a last resort than an honest profession of love.
“Uhh, I'm not gonna lie, Y/N, that was one of the best sex I've had in a long time.” Correction, it was THE best sex he's had ever. It was with you.
“Are you really okay with what happened?” At least now you sat on the bed. Jungkook feels the chill of the morning and he thinks it's easier to pull your body for warmth than pick up his clothes across your room.
But your needs come first. And what you need right now is reassuring words to quash whatever roaming destructive thoughts you have running wild in that pretty head of yours.
“Y/N, if you're uncomfortable, we can forget about it. I mean, was it so bad for you?” The last question came out as a jest to ease your nerves and it seemed to have worked.
A snort leaves your nose. “No. It felt... good.” Too good, you think.
“Yah! Just good?” Jungkook uses this chance to pull at the duvet, but your grip is unrelenting, so you topple over his chest, giggling.
You roll your eyes. “Fine, it was one of the best sex I've had, too.”
“Just think of it as us helping each other release our... frustrations.”
You grimace. “Classy.”
Jungkook chuckles. Your grip on the blanket eases and he slips inside the comforter for warmth.
“You know,” you trail off, waiting for him to look at you. “I don't mind, uhm... I mean, with the competition coming close and you know, uhm, frustrations pile up... I think it's good if we can help each other more than just this one time?”
Jungkook knows what you're asking, but at the same time, he also doesn't know what you're asking.
“You want like a friends with benefits thing?” The last word came out hoarse from his mouth.
“Only if you're comfortable,” you were quick to assure him. Of course, Jungkook would love to have a repeat of last night, but he's not sure if agreeing with this setup will push him into the friendzone or if it will finally let you see him differently. Still, he agrees.
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spookwyrdie · 3 months
Sweet Spot {part 4}
{part 1}{part 2}{part 3}{part 4}{part 5}{part 6}
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Baker Felix x Florist reader
summary: At the reception, you're in the spotlight in a few different ways. Felix seems to be a little too good at this fake dating stuff, making everyone at the wedding believe you two are madly in love. While you try to figure out your own feelings, your ex certainly doesn't seem to handle it well. // genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut // word count: 5.9k // warnings: adult dialogue, sexual themes //a/n: Thank you for being patient my little cherubs! Life has gotten hectic, but this is a bit longer of a chapter than I expected. 💘 if you're not on the taglist and would like to be, please reply to this post or send me an ask!🥰
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
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The weather couldn’t be more perfect for this reception. A cool breeze flutters through the cream table cloths in the reception area. Felix has his hand on your lower back as you walk in, looking at the small place cards to find your names. You can tell by the dueling decor of the reception that the bohemian switch was recent. Your arrangements bring that artsy, free spirited vibe with the traces of twine, lace, and grasses, but most of the decor follows the standard wedding trends. The drapery is pressed and pristine, the tableware was white with gold detailing, and everything is shiny. It definitely isn’t unattractive, but you know that it clashes a little in terms of taste.
The table setting for the bride and groom was front and center, currently empty while the wedding photographers took advantage of the golden hour sunset in the vineyard. At one end of the table sits a large light green, tiered cake. The theme of the cake is very floral - there are small bunches of pointy, textured leaves surrounded by a pattern piped on meticulously to look like macrame, adorned with small round sprinkles like scattered pearls in the frosting. It’s a gorgeous cake, complementing the floral decorations you had worked so hard on, as if you and whoever the baker is were on the same aesthetic wavelength.
“I’ll grab us some drinks, go sit down,” Felix says, trailing his fingers across the small of your back before leaving. You feel the loss of heat from his hand immediately and miss it. 
“Something sour for me please!” you call after him as you wander over to the table where you and Felix will be sitting. 
“Y/n!” a voice squeals behind you. Johnny’s younger sister comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your shoulders with a giggle. “It’s been ages! You look fantastic.”
“Lily! Look at you!” you said, spinning around to greet her. “You look like a whole-ass adult now!”
When Johnny had introduced you to his family, Lily had loved you right off the bat. You told her all about the flower she was named after and for a birthday gift one year, she made you a small ceramic garden pot with a pattern of lilies. One thing that Johnny could never take from you was the fondness his family still felt. When the two of you broke up, you were determined to keep in contact with some of them, mostly checking in on them from afar on social media.
“You have to sit right next to me!” she beams at you. Nudging you with her shoulder, she says, “You are also required by law to tell me about the pretty blonde boy you’re with.”
You beam at her. “That’s Felix, we’ve been dating for a few months. I’ve known him for years now but we only recently started dating. It still feels brand new.”
“Between you and me,” she says, leaning in with a whisper, “I like Jenny but I was really hoping for you to be my new sister-in-law back in the day. Johnny’s an absolute ass for losing you. But I’m glad you found someone! Especially someone who looks like they walked out of an elven forest.”
“Who walked out of a forest?” a deep voice questions behind you. Felix smiles down at the two of you, drinks in hand. He sets down a mojito in front of you, the mint and lime perfectly muddled together.
“You, obviously!” says Lily, excitement tugging at her lips as she gestures towards Felix’s appearance up close. “You’ve got a whole Legolas thing going on.”
Felix chuckles as he sits next to you, scooting his chair close enough that his knee touches yours. There’s a shiver that runs down your spine the longer you feel his body heat seep into you at this simple touch. 
The wedding party starts to walk in as the music swells from the DJ’s booth. It’s like a second wedding processional, the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk in, this time a little more loose and casual. 
Felix drapes his arm around you and places his hand at the back of your neck, thumb resting right at your hairline. You look over at him and smile. He’s so good at this, it almost feels natural. The way his hands easily find your body, the way you lean into his touch, it’s like you two instinctively orbit around one another. You fell into this so easily, it’s easy to forget that after the wedding is done, it’ll be over. 
It’ll be over. 
You clench your teeth together hard at the thought, dejection filling your veins. In an effort to drown the bittersweet feeling, you knock back the rest of your mojito, the mint cooling your throat.
Jenny and Johnny make their way in, smiling and waving at everyone as the DJ announces them. Johnny’s eyes scan the room and he falters for a moment when he spots you. At the same time, Felix starts to massage the tense muscles of your neck, fingers gently trailing up into your hair with a light scratch. You lean in to the comforting touch, your eyes glazing over, fully forgetting Johnny’s sharp gaze. The cool sensation of the mojito does nothing to quell the warmth building in your stomach. It’s a bold feeling, a confidence simmering in your body under Felix’s kneading hands. Fuck it, you think. If this is the one night you get to be with Felix, you’re not going to let the opportunity slip through your yearning fingers. If there’s a night to let the delusion take control, tonight is that night. You put your hand on his thigh, squeezing into the muscle of his thigh, mirroring his motion on your neck. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him readjust in his chair, lurching slightly in his chair.
After the couple sits down at their table, the food is served. The vineyard must have a special deal for big events like this, because the food is also fairly boring. The focus is definitely on the wine pairings over the actual dinners served. There’s bland chicken, sauteed summer squash, and some kind of starch. What they lack in interesting food, they make up for in wine selection. A sommelier flits around the room with the medallion shaped tastevin around their neck.
You’re not even paying attention to the meal to be honest, with the way that Felix has shifted his chair so close that his thigh presses up against yours. He seems like he’s attached to your hip, obsessed with the way you brush your fingers up his leg absentmindedly. Even when he’s just chatting with the rest of the table, he finds a way of touching you somewhere, his body needing to be in constant contact with yours as much as possible. Your hand finds its way onto his body just as often, wanting to soak up as much of this feeling to burn into your memory.
A hush falls over the room as the toasts begin. The bride’s mother makes a teary eyed speech about a new chapter in life, the best man makes a thinly veiled sex joke, and the maid of honor gently threatens Johnny’s life if he’s not able to keep Jenny happy. There’s a strange tone the maid of honor has when speaking about Johnny, a sarcastic sneer marring her face that feels a little too genuine to brush off as a joke. Jenny keeps nervously sipping at her champagne, a rosy hue painting her cheeks, eyes downcast. 
Felix’s arm is resting on your shoulders, pulling you into him more and more as the speeches go on, to the point where you have to wrap an arm around his waist to stay balanced. He smells so good, the slight perfume from the glass of wine on his breath and his fresh scented cologne mix together, swirling around you. Every time he chuckles at one of the toasts, it rumbles through you, a feeling more than a sound. Before you know it, you find yourself leaning your head onto his shoulder, tracing your nails over the embroidery of his shirt - your hand having slipped under his suit jacket a while ago. 
As the speeches drone on, Felix leans down towards you, face inches from yours, and murmurs, “Have I told you how good you look this evening?”
You look up at him, focus shifting back and forth between his dark eyes, he’s so close. “You may have mentioned it once or twice.”
“Well, allow me to mention it again,” he chuckles, as if the two of you are sharing a secret. He whispers even lower, “Did you see the look Johnny gave us when they walked in?”
Felix hums. “Distracted?”
“Yeah, someone was massaging my neck so well, it made me forget where I was,” you say, a coy smile playing at the edge of your lips.
“Well…” Felix responds, his whisper at ASMR levels in your ear, making your skin tingle. “I could see why he’d be jealous.”
“Time for the cake!” Jenny’s voice squeals out, her volume rising as much as the color in her cheeks. She and Johnny stand as one of the event staff workers brings them the cake cutting knife and the photographer hovers around, flashing pictures as they both grasp the knife. 
They slice into the bottom tier of the cake, the green frosting giving way to a dark chocolate cake inside. They each take a piece on a small plate to feed to the other, Jenny laughing as she takes her fork and boops Johnny right on the nose with the frosting. Everyone in the crowd giggles as Johnny stares at her with a gob of green on his face, cheeks reddening.
The giggles turn to a collective gasp as Johnny takes his small plate, picks up his piece of cake, and smears it all over Jenny’s jaw, smashing it into her face. She yelps in shock as Johnny cackles. 
“Hey babe!” he cries, teeth glinting in the flash of the camera. He points to his chin, mocking her. “You got a little something right here!”
Jenny just stares at him, taking in the situation. No one is cheering or laughing other than Johnny, the room is full of uneasy murmuring. Slowly, Jenny begins to laugh, diffusing the tension only slightly, as she begins to wipe the cake off of her face. Her laughter doesn’t meet her eyes, you can see that much from where you’re seated. Felix looks at you with wide eyes, silently asking you what the fuck just happened. You shrug, just as shocked as he is. 
As the maid of honor rushes up to fuss over Jenny and her makeup, the DJ grabs the mic. He laughs nervously before trying to redirect everyone’s attention. “Alright everyone, line up for some cake! No need to use your face, we will provide you all with forks!”
A cautious titter runs through the room as people get up to join the line for cake. Felix smiles at you, biting at his bottom lip with his teeth. “Want to go get a slice?”
“Sure,” you say as he pulls you up from your seat.
“I won’t smash it into your face, I promise.”
As the two of you wait in the line for cake, Felix gets giddier, smiling wide and bouncing on his toes a little. You watch as different people in the crowd grab their plates, take a taste, and have a strange reaction. Some gasp in delight, mutters of wow echo around you, while others take their bite and their faces twist, bewildered at what they’re tasting. You have absolutely no idea what to expect when you get your plate as a staff member hands you and Felix a slice. The green icing and dark, moist cake look gorgeous, at the very least. You start to lift your fork to your mouth.
“Wait! Don’t take a bite til we’re back at the table,” Felix says suddenly, an impish look on his face. “I want to see your reaction.”
You cock an eyebrow at him, but oblige his weird request. You sit down, just the two of you, and you look at him, silently asking if you can finally take a bite. Felix is watching your every move, smiling with his bottom lip captured between his teeth. He looks like he’s about to unwrap a Christmas present. You lift the fork to your mouth once more, sliding it between your lips.
Mint... and chocolate? Your whole face scrunches up, it’s like toothpaste invading your dessert. One of your least favorite combinations, whoever popularized mint chocolate deserves jail time in your eyes. It dawns on you, looking up at Felix suddenly.
“You made the cake for this wedding?”
He’s giggling now, eyes disappearing into little crescents. “Yes! I told you mint chocolate was a controversial flavor.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” you exclaim. “Is that why you showed up so early?”
“Yeah, this was the delivery I made in the morning,” he says.
“So you’ve known Johnny and Jenny this whole time?”
Felix wipes his eyes from laughing at your reaction to the strange cake combination. “No, no - only Jenny. Johnny never came to any of the tastings, I didn’t put two and two together until today that we were working the same wedding.”
“So he was up my ass about the floral arrangements while he couldn’t even be bothered with any of the others?” you muse. What was it with Johnny constantly trying to undermine you? He neglected other wedding planning responsibilities while making sure he found the time to critique you. Then he stressed Jenny out by implying you’re incompetent. Is this the only reason he invited you?
“I guess. He really seems like an asshole, Y/n. How long did you guys date?”
“Just over four years. It was during college, we broke it off when we started drifting apart. Y’know, career stuff, different future plans.”
“Was he always this much of a dick?” Felix asks, taking a bite of his own cake. 
“Not really, when it ended, it sorta just fizzled out, but he wasn’t angry or rude when it happened. We agreed that whatever spark had been there previously had fully died. It got weird after we broke up when we tried being friends, so we became the kinds of friends you only see at big group functions.”
“He seems bitter. You don’t deserve any of that, whatever it is.”
“Maybe he is, I don’t know,” you say, pinching your brow. “Remind me in the future to never work at an ex's wedding ever again.”
“If it were up to me,” Felix mutters under his breath, looking away, “you wouldn’t have any future exes.”
Just then, the mic turns on in the DJ booth, whining from the feedback for a second, drowning out any other conversation.
“Alright party people! It’s time for our two lovebirds to have their first official dance as a married couple!” The DJ says in a corny radio announcer voice. Jenny and Johnny shuffle to the dance floor, their smiles a little too tense to look natural. The DJ cues up their song, some slow ballad. You can’t even tell what it is because the way Felix laces his fingers with yours, squeezing gently, has your heart rate doubling.
Johnny and Jenny start their dancing, swaying back and forth. They’re not looking at one another, their movements stiff and a little awkward. Johnny steps on Jenny’s train, leaving a gray mark on her dress. She starts whispering angrily at him, their expressions fill with irritation. As the song ends and everyone politely claps, despite the awkward tension between the two. The DJ gets on the mic again.
“The bride and groom have requested that we open up the floor to all the couples in the crowd. If you’re in love out there, grab your partner and come to the floor!”
Felix grins wide at you and grabs your hand, pulling you out of your chair. You balk at him, following as he drags you to the dance floor. You join the other couples as another slow dance cues up. Johnny’s parents are there, arm in arm. His mother catches your eye and gives you a wink. 
Felix pulls you into his arms, clasping your hand in one of his and the other wraps around your waist. He brings your knuckles to his lips, placing a feather-light kiss on them. Your heart skips a whole beat, pounding extra hard as it catches up - you didn’t know it could do that. That’s something that only happens in romance novels.
He spins you around slowly, eyes locked on yours, his gaze soft and eyes sparkling. You’ve literally never seen a more beautiful person in your life, your breath catches in your throat just looking at him. The room fades away, you barely even notice the other couples that dance around you, the only person that matters is the one radiating sunshine in front of you. Warmth seeps into you where your bodies are pressed up against one another and you imagine the rhythm of your heartbeats match in this moment. 
You don’t even notice when the song changes and other people join in on the dance floor, filling all the extra space on the floor. Lily comes up and bumps you with her hip, smiling at the way you jolt in surprise. 
“You two look really good together!” she shouts over the upbeat music that blares through the speakers now.
She turns to Felix, who is still holding onto you, affection etched in every crevice of his face.
“We have a very fond place in our hearts for Y/n. You better take care of her, Legolas,” she says, playfully threatening him with a poke to the shoulder.
Felix laughs, pulling you closer, taking your hand and placing it over his heart. “I plan on it, you have my word.”
Satisfied with his response, she saunters away to dance. Felix takes your hand and spins you around, breaking the thick tension between the two of you. It’s so easy to get swept away by him, you almost let yourself believe he genuinely returns your feelings. He presses your back against his front as a sultry song comes on, swaying against you. He nuzzles into your neck, sending a shock of arousal through your body.
“I like putting you on display like this,” his voice nearly growls in your ear. 
Throwing caution to the wind, you decide to lean into the flirting, emboldened by the growl in his throat. Consequences be damned when he’s breathing into the sensitive skin of your throat.
“I like when you put me on display,” you respond.
He leans away from you, throwing his head back as he groans. You smile as you innocently grind your ass into his hips. His hands shoot out, grasping at your hips, fingers digging into the flesh. “You’re gonna get us both in trouble if you keep doing that.”
You laugh as you grasp his hand, spinning away from him like a ballroom dancer, yanking him towards you. He stumbles into you, laughing as he nearly tips over. Your arms wrap around him in a big hug as you both end up a giggling mess as you sway on the dance floor. 
Eventually, you find your forehead pressed against Felix’s, calming down but still beaming at him. 
“Hey…  I want to say thank you,” you murmur. Your voice is low, but he’s so close so you know he hears you.
“I’m a really good dancer, I know,” he replies, chuckling. “No need to thank me.”
You smack him lightly on the shoulder with a huff of laughter. “No, I’m serious. Thank you for being my date tonight.”
“Of course,” his voice dips low again. 
“You don’t have to keep up the act though, I think we’re believable enough,” you mutter, looking down at your feet.
Felix reels back at that, pulling his head away from yours to look at you. There’s a confused frown on his face. “Who’s acting?”
You avoid his eyes. “I just don’t want you to feel pressured to keep up a fake identity. You’ve definitely impressed everyone with the boyfriend treatment.”
“I’m not feeling pressured to do anything, Y/n. I’m acting this way because I enjoy doing it.” he mutters back intensely.
You roll your eyes. “Be for real, Felix. I know you don’t feel that way about me.”
“Who said I don’t feel that way about you?”
“Don’t lie to me!”
“Who’s lying?!”
“Shhh!” you whisper. Your voices weren’t raising too much to be heard over the music, but you still wanted to be cautious. “I don’t need you getting my hopes up like that.”
“Y/n, I swear…” Felix says, clenching his jaw, looking away from you while he composes himself. His hands find your waist, gripping into the fabric of your dress, looking you deep in the eye. “You want to talk about getting hopes up? You want to talk about long nights chatting and trying my baked goods even when I had work at 4 AM? Or brushing up against me and holding my hands while I help you with floral stuff? Being there for me when I need you, knowing you will drop everything at a moment’s notice to help me? Today is the first time I’ve ever felt like you might actually feel something for me after years of being obsessed with you.”
“What?” You halt in your tracks on the dance floor, shock freezing you in place. He leans back into you, pressing his forehead against yours with a sigh.
“I have loved you for ages now,” Felix murmurs, his eyes fluttering shut. “I’ve just been waiting for you to notice.”
You are silent, a thousand different emotions quaking through you as you listen to Felix confessing. Anger that he didn’t do it sooner. Fear that he might be lying. Shame that it took you this long to figure it out. But overwhelmingly you feel elation, your heart soars into your throat. Words escape you, knowing that there’s only one real way you can respond.
You grab him by the lapels and pull him into you, connecting your lips in one quick motion. His lips are plump and malleable, molding over yours as he gets lost in the feeling. He gasps, stealing the breath from your mouth, when he realizes what you’re doing. Pulling back slightly, he checks to see if you really want this, if your desire matches his. All he sees is your fierce gaze, dripping with lust as you lick your bottom lip, waiting for his response. This will change everything, but you’re ready to trust Felix as you fall. 
His hands cup your cheeks as he swoops back down, capturing your lips again. Plush and warm, your lips gliding against one another, pulling his bottom lip into your mouth and nibbling lightly. You don’t care that you’re in view of everyone else at this reception, right in the middle of the dance floor. All you care about is the way Felix licks your bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss. You surge into him, tongues entwining, falling into him further as you both battle for dominance in this heated moment. Arousal sears through you as you press your pelvis into his as your hands clutch the material of his jacket. You lose track of time and space, all that matters is Felix and his constellation of freckles.
You hear someone cheer, some applause, even a wolf whistle. You detach from Felix long enough to realize that the attention is on the two of you. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you pull away slightly from Felix, sheepishly smiling at those around you. You notice Bobby and Peter off to the side, beers in hand, as the source of the wolf whistles. You’ve never been so happy to be so embarrassed.
The reception continues, the two of you continue to dance and steal kisses throughout the evening. There’s a kind of magic between the two of you on the floor, one that other people notice. After all the stress of the planning, prep, and setup, you feel all that melt away as Felix encircles you once more, singing along to some of the songs in his deep voice.
The night continues, most people are a few drinks in at this point. The dance floor is getting louder and messier. Shoes have been kicked off, faces are red from exertion, voices are slurred. You have been so wrapped up in Felix to do anything other than flitting around the dance floor, depending on the song that’s playing. You catch up with your friends and some of Johnny’s family members that you’re fond of, introducing Felix to them. They offer him warm welcomes and knowing smiles.
 Jenny and Johnny are nowhere to be seen on the floor, staying behind their table for most of the evening. Jenny ventured onto the dance floor a few times for her bridesmaids, but for the most part, there’s a bit of a dark rain cloud over the newlyweds. Jenny leaves her new husband at the table and goes to whisper in the DJ’s ear.
The feedback from the mic squeals again as the DJ starts a new announcement. “Who’s ready for the bouquet toss?!”
You feel bodies move past yours, gathering into one area as Jenny stands at the front, ready to chuck the bouquet behind her head. One of your least favorite parts of any wedding, knowing how hard you worked on the bouquet. You and Felix stand off to the side to give the grabbing hands more room. Felix can’t be bothered to look at anything or anyone else in this room, staring at you with hearts in his eyes as he holds you at the waist.
“Just a heads up, I’m really bad at throwing!” Jenny says, with a grin as she turns around. She goes to fling it over her head towards the crowd, but it doesn’t go in a standard arc up and over. Somehow, physics worked differently with this bouquet. She tosses it over her head, it shoots out to the side, hitting Felix in the face.
He scrambles to pick up the bundle of flowers as it topples to the ground, spluttering through some of the pampas grass that got stuck to his mouth. The laughter that comes out of you is a deep belly laugh, you double over. Felix waits above you as you take a few moments to stop cackling in his face before he hands you the bouquet with a peck to your cheek. Even though there are a few disappointed faces in the crowd, you get another round of applause as you hold up the bouquet.
The mic squeals again, the constant interrupter of the evening, as Johnny grabs it suddenly out of the DJ’s hand. His eyes are bright and his cheeks are a ruddy shade of red, he’s definitely had too much to drink tonight. 
“Yeah! Everyone give it up for Y/n!” he slurs into the mic. “Our florist and my ex!”
There are a few scattered claps of confusion from the crowd, unsure of what’s happening. 
“We’re celebrating love tonight, me ‘n Jennyyyy,” he draws out the last syllable of his wife’s name, trying to sound cutesy. “Y/n, we’re so happy you finally found someone. We were starting…. to get worried!” 
He takes a few gulps of air to calm his hiccups, you start to feel the color rise in your cheeks.
“Cuz…y’know. That clock…. Tick-tock, tick-tock!” He waggles his finger back and forth like a swinging clock pendulum. “And you chose the baker! Give it up for the baker everyone! He made the cake tonight…”
You and Felix just stare in shock at Johnny’s impromptu drunken rant. Your heart drops into your stomach. Why is he doing this to you? 
“Y/n, why’s he so pretty? Too pretty for a guy, amiright? When… you first showed up with him… I thought! You had gone lesbian!” He guffaws into the mic. Peter, Bobby, and some of the other groomsmen start to make their way towards him from the back of the crowd, trying to get to their friend before he makes a bigger ass out of himself. Johnny takes another sip of his drink, “FUCK YOU GUYS, that’s funny! Hope you guys are happy, because I’m REALLY FUCKING HAP-”
Jenny yanks the mic out of Johnny’s hand, arguing with him in a low voice. Peter and Bobby come up to him, trying to grab him by the shoulders to take him out to the vineyard for some air. He tries to wrestle out of their grasp, shouting “HAPPIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!” as they force him out of the reception.
At the same time as Johnny’s outburst, you’ve already turned on your heel, marching out of the reception through the main hall. You have no idea where you’re headed at this point, you just need to get away from all the chaos. Even though he was drunk, that gives him no right to insult you like that! Who the hell does Johnny think he is? Your face burns as the anger and embarrassment crash through you.
“Y/n, wait!” Felix catches up to you, grabbing your hand to get you to slow down. 
You’re panting, trying to get as far away from the reception as possible, but you stop at Felix’s gentle grasp. As you turn, he pulls you into a tight hug.
“I could go beat his ass for you if you want. I have like… a lot of medals in taekwondo,” he says. Your heart rate starts to slow at the deep pressure he wraps around you. Somehow, you manage a small chuckle as all of the anger pumping through starts to dissipate. 
“No, don’t do that,” you murmur into his shirt. Your eyes prick with tears, but you’re too mad to cry at the moment. “Just get me out of here.”
“Will do!” he says, pulling you in the direction of the main lobby. As you get to the door, he stops short. “Wait! I have to go grab you something! It’s important!”
Felix jogs away towards the kitchens, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You take a couple deep breaths, the summer evening air gentle and breezy still. It makes you so angry that Johnny needed to make himself feel big by trying to cut you down. 
-Putting you on the spot like that and attempting to insult you was the perfect cherry on top of this shitty event for you. You had worked so hard to make their floral arrangement look good, roll with the punches when there were huge changes at the last minute, and take it on the chin when he tried to insult you again and again. Attempting to insult you by bringing up your fertility, sexual orientation, or commenting on anyone’s gender was laughable to you, that wasn’t the issue though. Your issue is that Johnny continued to be the worst version of himself in an attempt to be spiteful towards you. He ruined multiple people’s night, including his new bride, by shining his horrible spotlight on you.
Felix jogs back with a small paper box and fork balanced in hand. He grabs for your hand with his free one as he continues down the hallway. He peeks his head into one room, the groom’s dressing room, finding it empty. Pulling you inside, he whirls around and shuts the door. On the nearby vanity, he sets the box down, opening it gently.
“I made you something,” he says, handing you the box. You peer inside and it’s a slice of speckled cake with a light yellow frosting. “I knew you weren’t going to like the mint chocolate one, so I made sure to grab a slice of the earl grey with lemon before I left this morning. I remembered it was your favorite from that batch I made last week.”
Your eyes water at the gesture. Felix always  remembers all the small details. He cares for you in a way you don’t even think about until it’s been sitting in front of your face for ages, plain as day. Of course Felix returns your feelings, he’s been so obvious about it now that you know! He would ruin his sleep schedule to stay with you, coax you to bed when you were too stubborn to do it yourself, bring you your favorite treats on your worst days without you asking - almost like he knew intrinsically what you needed. All the signs have been there for years that he wants to be more than your friend, your insecurities were just clouding the view. 
“Felix…” you murmur. Setting down the cake, you bring your hand up to his cheek, caressing your thumb over his cheekbone before placing a chaste kiss onto his lips. You pour all of your unspoken feelings into this kiss. Pulling back, you say, “I’ve loved you for so long, I got too comfortable in the unrequited feeling. I always talked myself out it.”
“I know you’ve had some…baggage with dating in the past,” Felix says, gesturing to the outside, as if pointing to Johnny. “So I’ve been waiting for you to catch on at your own pace.”
You smile at him, like dawn breaking on your face. “I’ve caught on.”
He leans down to kiss you again, hands cupping your face gently like delicate porcelain. The crisp, clean scent of his cologne wafts over you, and your hands clench in the fabric of his shirt as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss.
“Wait, wait,” he murmurs against your lips. “I want you to try the cake first.”
You huff out a laugh. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously,” he says, biting his bottom lip with a smile.
With a feigned sigh, you pick up the box and fork, stabbing into the fluffy cake. You take one frosting heavy bite. It’s just like you remembered - the herbal flavor complementing the tender white cake with the tang of the lemon curd and frosting burst in your mouth. It’s a beautiful combination of sour and sweet. Felix watches your eyes flutter shut at the taste.
“Fuck, Felix, that’s delicious,” you say.
“Y/n, you’ve got a little-” Felix starts, tilting his head towards you.
“Oh my god!” you lick your lips, trying to get the extra frosting that escaped. Felix’s eyes are glued to your mouth, watching your tongue slide over your bottom lip. You thumb over the area, trying to wipe any excess off. 
“Did I get it?”
“No, not like that,” Felix says as his eyes darken. 
He grasps your chin in one hand, lifting ever so slightly, as his other hand drags a finger through the frosting of the cake, picking up a dollop, and smearing it on the side of your lip. 
The touch is electric, eyes locked onto his as he brings that finger to his mouth again. He licks the rest of frosting off of it, gaze never leaving yours for a second, watching your eyes dilate with want. “Let me help.”
He drags your face towards him, his tongue lapping at the frosting he’s smeared on your lip, pulling your mouth to his. This kiss is different, all the chaste feelings are gone. All that’s left is pure lust, a deep desire to claim the thing you’ve both wanted for so long.
@binniesbabe @jeonginsleftcheek @ivydoesit23 @stayatinykatsy @mong---mong
@palindrome969 @dottydarling @chiaki-nanami-aesthetic @minnieprincess85 @jabmastersupriseee
@birdfool @jaquisos
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Ok ok I just read your NoirXFlorist and I am so in love. A personal HC I have is that Noir’s giving love language is acts of service and so ⬇️
-Imagine Noir being colorblind, but he wants to help at your shop and since the easiest way to differentiate between flowers is color he learns other ways to tell the difference- scent, texture, size, shape, or just memorizing where a certain type of flower is most often stored, because he wants to help. -Also, if any heavy lifting needs to be done, he rushes to do it before you even get the chance, even if it’s just a box. “No, no, I got it, doll.” “A lady of mine shall not do any heavy work, not while I’m here.”
anon are you trying to kill me with cuteness and fluff.
(i wish i could credit you anon, you and your big beautiful brain 😭😭😭🫂🫂 also reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <;:D)
(part 1)
so imagine:
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it was a real hectic, busy day at your floral shop; people came flooding into your place more frequently, and while it was good for business, you were completely and utterly overwhelmed.
you managed a small establishment, and business was going well recently, but you were the only one working there, of course a pair of hands and a couple of fast feet can only do so much work.
peter'd have come in all chipper and point out the long line of people coming in, and then he'd see your tired, overworked face still smiling and wrapping up bouquets so darn fast.
he'd be in awe, of course, and fall in love with your hardworking and capable self, but he'd be super concerned as well for you so he'd pull you to the side as the influx of people died down for a bit and ask you with a concerned smile if you were okay.
"dear, you good? looks like you had to run several laps back there." he joked lightheartedly as he put his hands on your shoulders. "i know i'm not exactly the most helpful guy out there for this job, but if it gives you any comfort, i can help. i'm around you and the flowers all the time, i... i kinda got everything down about them." he said in a slightly cocky tone, but of course, it was to impress you with his new confidence since you first met him as a bumbling fool who was head over heels in love with you the moment you showed him just what kind of hidden beauty was lying in wait for him to discover.
you hesitated telling him you were okay and that he didn't have to bother himself to help you, because you were seriously considering getting some help at the very last minute to complete your clients' requests. "well... i'm actually kind of drowning over here, pete. i'm worried i can't do this on my own." you admitted.
peter smiled as he put his hand to your cheek. "don't you worry about a thing, i've got you. i meant it when i said i know everything there is know about the flowers here. i may not be able to tell which flowers are what color, but you of all people know a flower's color isn't the only thing worth nothing." he said with a small wink at you. yes, he'd been practicing that wink, he waited for the right occasion to use it on you.
it made you smile widely as peter agreed to help, and you had a lot of faith in him that he'd be able to ease your burden. you had shown peter the ropes before after work hours, it was another option for a date between you two. you loved how fast he picked up at tying the bouquets together, ringing up change, and memorizing the descriptions of the flowers; it really warmed your heart that he took interest in these things and was determined to show you he could do these things for you if you needed him to.
he got to work immediately, hoping that him having to interact with the customers would come as natural and easy as learning everything there is to know about the flowers; but humans are no flowers, they're significantly much harder to please, so that thought kind of scared him. but you were counting on him, that was all he could think about--you counting on him, you needing him right then and there.
you couldn't believe how different peter seemed when he was talking to the customers, helping them out as you tied up the bouquets. he appeared like a door to door salesman, and you meant that in the nicest way possible.
he seemed more upbeat, cheery, and... you dare say, a lot more charming. you two soon switched shifts, he was on tying and ringing up the bouquets, and you were the one helping out the customers pick flowers.
you were a little worried because you knew peter didn't do so well when having other people wait for him, it sort of intimidated him. you never taught him everything he now knows during work hours, it was just you two--and as pleasant as it was for both of you, you were still concerned how he'd be doing applying that practice in a real scenario.
but lo and behold, peter did it all in a jiffy. he didn't even need to use a calculator or do the math on paper, the minute he saw the flowers, counted them, and took note of other things--he could instantly give them their total, with tax. he was extraordinarily fast, too; he was extremely agile yet delicate with handling the bouquets, they were flowers, after all; they needed room to breathe, a single mistake can end in them being crushed, so of course, he was mindful of that, too.
soon, the day was ending; the sky had red, orange, pink, and purple strewn out over the horizon as the sun set. you and peter just finished up the last round of orders, and the floral shop was nearly empty by the time you were finished.
you both breathed out a breath you both didn't realize you were both holding in this entire time. the two of you laughed since you did it at the exact same time. "thank you for helping, peter. really, i... i don't know what i'd've done without you." you said as you went over behind the counter and stood next to him.
now this is when the shy, flustered peter parker comes back to you. he smiled at you widely and blushed profusely; leading all the way up to the tips of his ears, an innocent and pleasing mix of red and pink dancing on his cheeks.
"it's no biggie." he muttered, trying to sound as confident as he was earlier, but his defenses broke down when he caught you leaning closer to his face, your nose mere inches away from his own. he chuckled. "well... maybe it is kind of a biggie." he said as he put his hands on your arms and rubbed them lightly.
"well, thank you, again, pete." you repeated as you put your hand on the back of his. soon, peter noticed a truck coming by and a man coming down the truck with a clipboard in his hand, a few other men bringing boxes about and laying them by the door of your floral shop.
"oh, wait right here, pete." you said as you went over to talk to the man. peter watched as you signed the papers on the man's clipboard, thanked him, and... they left without helping you carry those boxes!
peter was enraged just the slightest bit as he watched you, your poor, overworked self, carry them into the floral shop without contempt for those men who didn't even bother to help. immediately, peter rushed to your aid, flung the door open, and took the box you were trying to carry away from you and into his arms.
"peter--!" you exclaimed as he took the box with ease. "i've got it, don't worry, really! i've already asked for your help today, this... i got this." you tried telling him, but he refused to listen and took box after box into the floral shop.
he smiled up at you and adjusted his glasses with one hand, carrying a box in his other hand. "no, no, i got it, doll. don't you worry about a thing, a lady of mine shall not do any heavy work, not while i'm here." he said as he flashed you another wink, he was getting better at it, you had to admit.
you blushed at his gallantry and general altruism towards you. you decided to reward him for all his hard work afterwards. he finished carrying the boxes and putting them aside. he turned to look at you as you walked into the floral shop, blushing a bit as you kept admiring how sweet he was towards you and for all his help.
"i really can't thank you enough for today, peter. it's far beyond what i originally asked you to do." you said as you took his hands into your own, and he blushed yet again. "of course. anything for you, my darling." he murmured, still admiring how soft and warm your hands were. you giggled. you opened a box to unveil a flurry of flowers of every kind in it, and you placed a flower behind his ear yet again.
he chuckled. "my, you never get tired of doing that, don't you?" he asks. you shake your head playfully. "it looks beautiful." you remarked. "it does?" he asked, a little joyful at that compliment. "well..." he said as he took a flower from the box that he thought was the prettiest and tucked it behind your ear, too. "i've always wanted to do that. and now... oh goodness, you're a complete and total beauty on your own, and now... oh, call an ambulance, love, i'm having a heart attack!" he said as he leaned over to brush his nose against yours, smiling and chuckling to himself all the while as his eyes stared intently into your own big, beautiful ones.
"i truly, truly love you, dear." he tells you as his lips are just centimeters away from your own. "and i love you, truly, pete." you reply as you close the distance between you two, kissing him as the sun sank down into the horizon--you two greeting the night with a loving kiss shared between you two.
maybe he should come out to help you more often, after all, such is to be done when you're planning to become one's husband, no?
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @fictarian @pixqlsin
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techtow · 7 months
The Joy of Books and Reading: A Friendlier World in Every Page.
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Books, oh sweet companions of the soul! The mere mention of the word "book" opens a door to a world filled with adventure, knowledge, and endless possibilities. In this simple and friendly article, let's embrace the charm of books and reading, explore some delightful book quotes, and discover the warm community of Litblr.
The Magic Within the Pages
A book is not just a collection of pages bound together; it's a magical portal to different realms. Whether it's getting lost in a thrilling story or learning something new, the experience of reading is a journey that everyone can embark upon. So, grab your favorite book, find a cozy nook, and let the adventure begin!
Books and Reading: A Timeless Duo
The pairing of "books" and "reading" is like a classic love story that never goes out of style. It's the simple joy of flipping through pages, feeling the texture of paper, and immersing oneself in the enchanting world created by an author's words. The companionship of a good book is a treasure that stands the test of time.
Quotes That Speak Volumes
Ah, the beauty of "books quotes"! There's something magical about stumbling upon a quote that resonates with your soul. Whether it's a line that tugs at your heartstrings or words that make you ponder life's mysteries, book quotes have a way of staying with you long after you've closed the pages.
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Litblr: Where Book Lovers Unite
Enter the world of Litblr, a warm and friendly community where book lovers gather to share their passion for reading. Under the hashtag #Litblr, people from all walks of life come together to discuss their latest reads, recommend hidden gems, and simply revel in the joy of books. It's like a cozy book club where everyone is welcome, and the only membership requirement is a love for the written word.
Wrapping Up in Bookish Bliss
In a world that can sometimes be hectic, there's solace in the simplicity of "book" and "reading." It's a journey that takes you places without leaving your seat, an adventure that unfolds with every turn of the page. So, whether you're a seasoned bibliophile or a casual reader, remember that the world of books is a friendlier place, waiting to welcome you with open pages.
In conclusion, let's celebrate the magic of books, the joy of reading, and the wonderful community that is Litblr. After all, in the realm of books, every reader is a friend, and every page turned is a step towards a friendlier world. Happy reading! 📚✨
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catchyhuh · 9 months
Sometimes what people wear as pajamas is a weird indicator of personality so... What’s your opinion on their pajamas?
it took less than a second for me to go “how do pjs indicate personaliOhhh wait yeah that does make sense” as I realized I was folding up multiple adult size cartoon character onesies for my own pajama drawer. let’s get into it BUT UH DISCLAIMER i mostly talk about patterns in canon i’ve noticed with just… tiny personal thoughts in here. less headcanons more breakdown. NOW let’s get into it
two modes-- soft, fuzzy button up set, or just his underwear. somewhat depending on weather, DEFINITELY depending on mood. i mean you don't wanna get COLD and he got those nice purple heart pajamas with an actual, legal purchase, so it'd be stupid to waste them ALL the time!
there could be a joke here about how he’d probably just sleep naked if the gang weren’t constantly groaning in annoyance, throwing pillows at him begging him to put on some damn pants, but the reality is… he can’t really sleep like that. it’s uncomfy :( he tried :) but it’s uncomfy :(
you aren't ready for this. or you are. you likely are, given i had to choose between like 3 different pictures i have of him in fits like this
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and i’m dead serious. big ass ankle length nightgown with matching cap. no, really. these are his actual pajamas. they’re comfy to him. i can’t fathom why, maybe the fabric is just equal parts breathable and warm, maybe he did this once for the bit and realized it was the best sleep he ever had, WHATEVER, these are his pajamas, and no amount of teasing by now will stop him from changing into these before going to bed
i have to respect them for committing to this bit, because you think, oh, he’s the coolest. he wouldn’t have lame pajamas. no he does. very lame. hilariously so. arose such a clatter type shit. nighty night scrooge
now, she would LIKE to say big, fluffy, fancy nightgown… but the texture feels bad scrubbing against your skin all night, so she usually just opts for a simpler nightgown. or, like lupin, just her underwear. obvious fanservice aside she’s clearly comfy bundled up like that so you show em how its done fujiko
no matter how cold it gets, she can never really sleep in pajama pants. shorts, maybe, but anything that reaches past her knees feels restrictive, hence why she normally just goes for the nightgown. she doesn’t even kick in her sleep idk why it’s such a big deal!
i had to look through a bunch of stuff because i was like. wtf. what DOES he wear to bed. he can’t just be wearing his usual clothes all day and night, it would be uncomfortable. so i’ve come to the conclusion that these virtually identical clothes here are just made of a softer material, designated as goemon’s jammies
or he just. sleeps in his underwear. it really is comfsorry the mental image of the camera panning across three beds where they’re sleeping in their underwear vs jigen still rocking the victorian fit is killing me a bit
have you noticed he sleeps with his hat on more than jigen does. isn’t that fucked. jigen has a special sleeping hat but the alleged NON-hat-obsessed guy is the one sleeping in it. due to his… hectic routine, he never really has a default type of pjs. either he just sleeps in what he was already wearing (c’mon, man) or he’s packed like, some pajama pants, or (take another shot because this series loves this gag) just hits the hay in the heart print boxers. jigen really is a scientific outlier.
USUALLY if he’s bothering to actually change, it’s just the undershirt he’s already got on and some comfy pants, the kind you can get at like walmart for five bucks, so if he’s forgotten to bring them it’s no biggie. damn anon was right this IS a personality indicator!
as we have oft discussed, yata is a man we have all met at one point in our lives. so, yata has the basic boring man pajamas. t-shirt that’s too big for him but he forgot to return it, and seasonal pajama pants. the pants always seem to mismatch the season, he wore the snowflake ones during summer, and now he’s wearing the halloween ones in winter?
the shirt itself is also mundanely mysterious. nobody can really place the logo on it, and he doesn’t really remember where he got it from either. it doesn’t bother him too much until it’s pointed out to him
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windmermaid-blog · 1 year
Request #1: Emma Sano
Sooo sorry I took so long, dear Anon!
Life has been hectic lately, I won't moan and whine here but I wanted to let you know I didn't forget.
I keep testing the semi realistic hair with new shades, I already did blond with Shion but in this case it's a cooler shade with totally different pencils.
I also tried to give a bit of texture to the plushie, and I wanted to make it a bit turned to the right to give it a bit more movement breaking the symmetry, though maybe I got a biiit carried away with the foreshortening...
Anyway, I hope you like it! 😊
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liyawritesss · 2 years
Eu tenho um pedido muito fofo sobre Mha Que tal um Bakusquad (ou apenas Sero Hanta) xs/o fem com um cabelo comprido como Rose Quartz? e até a perculiaridade é fusão!! (´。✪ω✪。)
ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴡ/ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏɴɢ, ᴠᴏʟᴜᴘᴛᴜᴏᴜꜱ ʜᴀɪʀ
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Characters: Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: How would some members of the BakuSquad react to your voluminous hair?
Warnings: none
A/N: The translation of this request which the requestor so graciously clarified is basically how would the members of the bakusquad react to reader having very long and thick hair like that of Rose Quartz from Steven Universe. Hopefully this clears things up a bit!!
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Ashido Mina
Mina absolutely adores it. At first she genuinely thought it was a wig, or at least it had something to do with your quirk, but after learning that it was indeed all you, she turns sheepish, not very proud of her previous behavior regarding the matter.
If anything she might ask for your help in taking care of her own curls - she sees how healthy and shiny your hair is and she absolutely has to know your secrets!
You’ll have braiding sessions - your hair is perfect for her to practice boxbraids and other styles on - and wash days in the dorms are now even more hectic, because Denki can’t keep his curious self away from your products and suddenly you're down a bottle of shampoo and Denki’s laughing in the corner thinking shit’s funny.
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Sero Hanta
Hanta, like Mina, originally thought it was a wig of sorts, or was somehow related to a quirk you had, so he wasn't all that impressed. But when he learns that it's all your hair, he becomes overly intrigued by it.
He's constantly asking questions about how you'd get it to such a length, how come it's so volumes, can you actually use it during battle in pair with your quirk? Very curious boy. Also, with your permission, likes to compare the difference in texture between your hair and his.
If he begs enough you'll probably teach him how to braid with your hair. Although he doesn't do a variety of styles, he does like to do the various little braids here and there, and he also likes to add on beads to them. The little sounds they make when clicking together when you walk brings a smile to him cuz yeah, he did that!!
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Kaminari Denki
Denki's fascination with your hair is….very childlike. As in, he won't stop touching it, gawking at it, if he could the boy would stuff his face in the voluptuous curls just to get a feel for them. When denki's intrigued, he knows no boundaries
Though you did have to tell him good time to stop touching your hair without permission (and the way you did it kind of scared him into asking a little too much sometimes). So he'll randomly in class just lean in to your ear and ask if he can touch your hair
His fixation with your hair is the same as his fixation with Ojiro's tail. It keeps him grounded and focused when paying attention to material being taught in class. It's also just a stimulation thing for him to channel out his unknown bolts of energy.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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greentrickster · 8 months
So something good that started in my life last December was that I stumbled into a bit of luck and now have a deal with a nearby geek culture shop to sell plush mages I make. This was extremely fortuitous, because I created the design and concept back in 2017, had made about ten before forcing myself to stop, and, other than gifting one to a friend, still had them all, and was planning to find a holiday donation bin for a charity that accepted handmade stuff, because I was tired of them taking up space in my room. Like literally the only reason I still had them was because life was hectic and I kept forgetting to go check for where any local donation bins were.
This is very exciting, the owner's super nice and helped me set some stuff up so I'm selling on consignment, which means I only get paid when someone actually buys one, but I get a bigger cut of the money when they do.
My dudes, I have an income again.
It's teeny-weeny and irregular, but I have one, and, almost more importantly, a bunch of them sold during and right after the holiday rush, so I get to make more, and it's giving me something to actually do besides working on my mental issues and trying to fill my time while I gain the mental health and stability to get, you know. An actual job. I'm currently making a few more to put in the store, then I'm going to focus on making extra stock to have available for when the local anime convention (and it's stale, stale vendor's hall) arrives this spring.
Not only that, it means that I can make as many of these things as I want for now! And while it takes about a day to make one mage, I'm flexing hard on my status as a professional ADHD haver by having three or four on the go at once, but in different stages of completion. So if I feel like sewing I can one on this one, but if I want to do some pinning I can work on that one, and the third one's ready to finish stuffing and assembling whenever I feel like it, now I want to take a break to watch anime, oooo~ sewing mood again-!
Like, this is in no way I can turn this into an actual career, just because, like I said, it takes about a day to make one from scratch, going at a pace that's both productive and physically healthy for me and also, given that they're about twenty inches tall, made of primarily minky fabric, and being done by hand, that means that I am selling them for nowhere near what they're worth, because people wouldn't be willing to pay that much. Like, the minimum wage where I currently live is (a ridiculous) $7.50 an hour. If I made one of these guys in six hours, that would mean they'd need to cost $45 just to cover my time, never mind materials and the fact that this is skilled labour, and that is not the price on the tag, let alone my cut. They look deceptively simple for all the tricks and techniques that go into one (never mind the fact that minky is expensive fabric, the craft safety eyes I use are special-ordered and very good quality, and, oh yes, these little fellows are machine washable). I literally cannot make a livelihood doing this.
But, like I also said, it's giving me something creative to do that isn't just more reading, writing, and gaming. I love doing all those things, but this is a kind of physical activity that I've needed in my life, and making something physical is so different than writing, with the wonderful bonus that minky fabric is one of my favorite textures! As long as I'm strategic about my acquisition of materials, I'm not going to be losing money on this, and while it's something I think is going to end up paying dividends more in my mental health than in my wallet, I will be earning money for this. I'm getting paid to make plushies to my heart's content (or until I run out of materials for the moment) while watching anime/youtube and working on my mental health, and, for now, that's not only enough, it feels really good!
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OVERHAUL FRIDAY 02/03/23 - New scans and about the editing process.
Hey everyone and welcome to this month's update!
The project is going by smoothly, however the tempo has calmed down a bit after our very hectic December schedule and the preparations needed to release our translation of Multiple Bullets. We are making good progress of all the aspects of the work, be it the scanning, editing and translation.
The entire manga has already been scanned and so we're scanning all the extra content we can get our hands on, including the entire manga from the magazines. One day we'll be able to release everything and making it easy to access for everyone.
Editing is going smoothly. The workload of editing and cleaning the pages has been split between two people instead of one, which helps with the amount reserved for a single person. Two volumes have already been cleaned in full and are ready for the new translations. We'll show some examples of how exactly that process looks and how much we actually do, as the whole point of the cleaning and editing is that you're never supposed to even notice it's there.
Only a couple of chapters have been retranslated, but it is also one of the last steps of the project. Since I'm the one doing both the editing, some cleaning and the translation, I have to switch between the different pieces of the project and usually do each of them in waves.
Other ideas are being tested as well, like new ideas for how to make the shouting bubbles more interesting and organic. We're also still looking into sound effect translation, but it requires another person on the team, as the three of us in it already have our hands full.
Images below!
Now to the interesting part!
Here are some crops of the new Overhaul 2.0 scans, showing off the crisp and clean details.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 01, Chapter 05 Dancing Revolver, Page 141.)
Here the chapter name was removed and parts of Vash's legs and coat had to be redrawn. When the Overhaul text will be added we'll do our best to avoid having the text cover the art again, wanting to preserve it. It has always been the goal, even in 1.0, that the art should remains as untouched as possible, while also being easy to read and follow.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 01, Chapter 06 Sin, Page 172 + 173.)
Here's an example of the work we put into completely removing the seam between the pages. Usually the two page spreads have each page scanned separately, and even if these pages are laid down completely flat, some of the art will still be missing in the middle. The goal is then to clean up the art, remove tears in the paper and leave the reader none the wiser. It's also super nice to have these big pieces of art without any damage distracting you from enjoying it.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 03, Chapter 01 Reservoir Dogs, Page 4 + 5.)
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 03, Chapter 01 Reservoir Dogs, Page 12 + 13.)
With these two page spread examples it can be hard to completely make out what exactly has been worked on, which again is the point, but here's comes a few examples of pages that hasn't been cleaned yet.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 03, Chapter 03 No Escape, Page 54 + 55.)
This one has the editing and balancing done, but none of the cleaning.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 03, Chapter 06 Families, Page 140 + 141.)
And this one has none of the editing or cleaning done. You can really see the rough paper texture in this one, as well as the different lighting on the two pages, indicating them being scanned separately.
Now for a couple of colored pages before we're going to call it a day with this update's examples and teasers.
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 01, Chapter 04 Hero Reborn, Page 100.)
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(Above: Trigun Maximum Volume 02, Chapter 04 Wolfwood, Page 90.)
It's been very helpful to the team that we've changed up our posting schedule and we hope it works out for you guys too. If there is anything you feel like would help improve the communication and transparency between the Overhaul team and everyone out there, do not hesitate to contact us and let us know. And if there's any content you'd like to see, also feel free to simply let us know and we can hopefully show it during another update.
And what do I like to listen to while editing and cleaning?
I spend a lot of hours listening to my favorite bands while working, so check one of them out!
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jenjennhi · 6 months
Hiii can u pls do a face tut pls I’m begging you
heya! sorry this took some time, i just moved and it's been really hectic @@
and thank you for the question! i'll use stuff for bela and shadowheart as an example for ya for the two styles i usually do
warning, i am not a teacher and i'm still experimenting and learning so uhh some of this might be scuffed but is how i do it :>
also noting that i use csp or photoshop depending on my mood and what brushes i want to use but the same technique works for either and i use 2 brushes for the main bits and additional brushes if i want to add texture
1 - so after i have the sketch roughed, i usually put it on a multiply layer and add a background layer under it (i leave it white or almost white if i'm just doing a doodle or sketch) and i start to figure out the lighting and shading under the outline layer
the lighting is usually pretty rough and i'll start to understand what i'm going for as it starts to shape up but i try not to reduce the brush size too much so i don't get too muddled
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(at this point i'm going thru my mantra of "trust the process" and breathing into a paper bag and kicking and screaming about how i want to quit)
2 - once i have the lighting somewhat how i want it, i start tweaking the color and i do it by using adjustment layers and manually painting. this part is kinda like cooking and tasting as you go, if i feel i want the image to feel colder/warmer i'll adjust accordingly but i will tell you how i did it for both examples below:
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for bela, i actually painting above the shading/lighting layer and used "soft light" and "hard light" blending modes for the hair and skin to fit more with how i wanted it to look. i used color balance and curves for the background to get it to more of a purple/blue and darker
for shadowheart, i actually put the color below the shading/lighting layer and left the color as is and swapped the blending mode for the shading/lighting layer to "multiply" and then did adjustments using curves and gradient maps using "hard light" and "soft light" too and i think i had a "color burn" just for fun
this is my fav part of the process bc i just experiment and mess around with different layers. i usually have a vision for how i want the color and lighting to look but there's always room for new ideas! so i just mess around for a while here till i'm happy!
3 - rendering time! um i don't really have much advice here except i just start going in and rendering in closer detail. and remember references are your friend!!!
bela render progression:
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shadowheart render progression:
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i sometimes end up changing the drawing quite a bit during rendering but that's okay bc as you go into detail, you will notice discrepancies from the pre-render stages
for the style i used with shadowheart i just paint over the outline pretty much with some bits of it left it and i blend more to smooth it out more. for the style i used with bela, i add back in any outlines i painted over that i wanted to keep
and at the end of the day it's your art and how you express it is what's always gonna be the best so trust your gut (and references) but also it's okay to take creative liberties and go with the "cool rule" :3
and keep practicing!!!! i def feel i've gotten better with drawing faces compared to a year ago
i hope this helps and if it didn't ":3 i hope you had fun reading
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dailykyun · 2 years
I.M, an artist who is calm and fluid like cool jazz.
The meeting between Rolling Stone Korea and I.M took place in Seoul on the last day of October. I.M, a member of MONSTA X, recently signed an exclusive contract with Sony Music. When asked by the editor about his recent status after the contract, he replied, "I've been focusing on my solo album recently, so I'm taking time to focus entirely on myself," raising expectations for future solo activities. I.M, who likes Chet Baker, had a loose and romantic atmosphere. To listen to I.M's voice, which speaks his musical convictions in a calm and low tone It won't be easy not to fall for him. Let's listen to I.M's story with "Everything Happens To Me," which he often listens to these days.
1. [RSK] Hello, I.M. Nice to meet you! Before we begin, please introduce yourself and say hello to our subscribers.
Hello, Rolling Stone Korea. I'm I.M.
2. [RSK] How have you been these days?
I'm working on music, organizing my schedule, and working out.
3. [RSK] I heard you recently signed an exclusive contract with Sony Music. Is there a reason why you chose Sony Music?
Sony Music showed me enthusiastic interest and detailed plans. I was grateful for their sincerity.
4. [RSK] This season was busy for some reason, and I feel like I have to look back on the past year and restructure many things. Do you like it when things are busy and hectic, like right now?
Well, apart from preference, this period seems very hectic. There are many events and awards ceremonies at the end of the year, so it's busier than ever. I think it's a very busy time. (laughs)
5. [RSK] Let's talk about I.M's past. You lived abroad, such as Israel and the United States. How did this experience affect you?
I was influenced by the way of thinking because I was exposed to various objects, environments, and people. So, I came to think not limited to one thing, and I came to think, “That could be."
6. [RSK] I bet it was a struggle to adjust here in Korea after living abroad for so long.
Actually, I came to Korea when I was in the second grade of elementary school, so I'm totally Korean now. (Thinking hard) I'm a little confused now. (Laughs) Oh, I remember learning Korean at that time when my dictation test score started at zero.
7. [RSK] When did you first decide to do music?
I was in my room and all of a sudden I thought, "What if I made a song?” That's how I started. It was about seventeen or eighteen.
8.[RSK] Are there any differences between when you're active in a group versus you're working solo?
When you're in a group, you have to consider the needs of the public. I have to make a collection of various parts, but when I do a solo, there are a lot of things that come from my personal emotions, so I think I focus on myself.
9. [RSK] I heard that your dad played a musical influence in your life. Is the reason as to why you like jazz music?
Yes, that's right. I woke up listening to classical music and jazz when I was young. The home audio system was well-equipped at home, which seems to have affected me a lot. My father plays music whenever he is at home.
10. [RSK] I heard that you like Chet Baker's "I Fall in Love So Easily." What are the reasons for liking Chet Baker?
I'm not a quick talker. The song I'm making isn't a fast tempo either. Since I have a calm atmosphere when I'm alone, I naturally thought that jazz and I were similar in texture. Listening to it makes me feel at ease.
11. [RSK] Do you still enjoy listening to <I fall in love so easy> these days?
I like "Everything Happens to Me" these days. I like Hisaishi Joe's "HANA-BI".
12. [RSK] The solo album, starts with "Duality," which was composed and written by you, as you are active in producing songs. Where do you get your inspirations when you're write a song?
I think it comes out a lot when I'm alone. Observing things around me or putting myself in a virtual situation to make a song. And I watch movies too. When I can't think of any inspiration, I drink.
13. [RSK] You told me about the movie, is there anything you remember recently?
I watched “The Accidental Narco, Narco-Saints.”
14. [RSK] Do you usually enjoy crime genres such as “The Accidental Narco, Narco-Saints”?
Well, I think old movies catch my eye. The colors at that time are low-definition, but it's pretty. I like colors like “Joe Black's Love.” I also watched "Mood Indigo.”
15. [RSK] Emotions are probably one of the inspiration factors, so which of those emotions inspires you the most?
There are times when I write songs with joy, and such as depression, loneliness, and sadness as materials. It's hard to choose a particular emotion, and I always write with a sincere heart.
16. [RSK] What is the process of linking this inspiration to your projects?
Well, it's kind of random. For example, you sing a melody in the word you see in front of you and find a similar rhyme there and use the rhyme. I think it's a little hard to unify this process into one. It's something that comes out of nowhere. I write it down in my cell phone's memo. I write it down on my memo app, or make something while making the melody line. It's unspecified.
17. [RSK] You must meet a lot of people as an artist. What type of people do you vibe well with?
Well, it's a hard question. Someone who vibes well with me… I like people who are not shallow. I think being humorous and being shallow is another. It's hard to get close to someone who's not showing serious thought.
18. [RSK] As we get older, we experience our love ones leaving our sides. How do you deal with losses and breakups?
"Time.” Is it too obvious? Actually, I've been in the entertainment industry for 8 years, so the people I worked with are leaving, and the fans who have liked me for a long time go to other people (laugh). But as time goes by, the position seems to be filled in any form. It's a shame if you can't see them forever, but if you can see it again, it's not now. You can see it anywhere.
19. [RSK] What kind of artist do you want to be remembered by the public?
I don't think I've ever thought about this while making music. Well, I think I'm getting a lot of my color on my work. When people around me listen to my work, they say it's like me. So I want to continue working like this.
20. [RSK] Could you give a little bit of spoiler to fans who are waiting for your new album?
That's true of any work, but even if I was satisfied at that time, I could see a lot of empty spaces afterwards. In terms of that, I think the next album will be better. Hint will be... ‘something better?’ (laughs)
21. [RSK] Thank you for your long interview with Rolling Stone Korea. It was a time to get to know I.M better. Lastly, please tell us how you feel about the interview and any last words that you would like to share.
I hope it's a time where you get to know me a little bit. I'm confident in what I'm going to make, so I want to tell you that stay tuned, and please look forward to it!
♡ Translation: dailykyun. Please take out with full credit.
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dustedmagazine · 10 months
Lea Bertucci — Of Shadow and Substance (Self-released)
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More so than any of my other music, I don’t feel that these works belong to me,” Bertucci writes. “There is something about them that is beyond myself as an individual and provides, if anything, a brief glimpse into what it is to be human in what feels like these waning days of the Anthropocene.”   
Based in New York, Lea Bertucci is a multi-talented artist, using electronics with live instruments in performances and installations. She specializes in multi-channel audio work in active acoustic spaces. Bertucci’s latest LP, Of Shadow and Substance, uses live instruments — strings, harp and percussion — expanded with electronics. The album’s motto is: “dissonance, drone, and dynamics.” It’s a perfect summation, but digging deeper, there’s much to be revealed.
The sense of surround is limited by stereo reproduction, but Bertucci renders the music as close as one can get with reverberant atmosphere and swooping lines. Both of the pieces are tuned in just intonation with sweet thirds but a limited amount of in tune fifths. The first track, “Vapours,” is performed by Quartetto Maurice: Alina and Georgia Privitiera, Francesco Vernero, and Laura Bertolino. It is quasi-improvisational, and the quartet was encouraged to visualize two senses of the word “vapors:” vapor appearing in the air, and the hysterics of women (an archaic expression). The outer sections focus on the first idea, with a hectic portrayal of the second in the middle sections. The hardening and elsewhere expansion of sounds with electronics never makes the acoustic nature of the instruments seem indistinct.
“Of Shadow and Substance,” the recording’s second piece, is a reference to an episode from the TV series The Twilight Zone. It was commissioned by the ARS Nova Workshop in Philadelphia. A different ensemble performs here — double bassist Henry Fraser, cellist Lester St. Louis, harpist Lucia Stravros, and percussionist Matt Evans. Of the work, Bertucci says, “This piece measures the accumulation of events over glacial periods of time as a metaphor for social and environmental shifts. It is a meditation on time travel, asking the listener to consider the way events from the past propel themselves into the future.”
The way these disparate strands are united involves the telescoping of motives. The strings move through full multi-stops to harmonics and scordatura. The reappearance of each of these textures gives one the sense of aforementioned time travel. Halfway through, bass octaves in the strings accompany bleeps that could populate another early TV series, Star Trek. Aphoristic harp phrases and periodic percussion provide another layer. Upper register harmonics, bowing behind the bridge, and electronics are accompanied by rustling harp and percussion. The juxtaposition of this high selection of sounds and the imposition of low bass notes and reemergence of regular bass drum beats has brought the piece around to a jigsaw puzzle of a recapitulation. Percussion moves to eighth notes and a pure fifth appears above the bass, reframing the verticals to shimmer with overtones. High harp pizzicatos and morse code electronic sounds move to the foreground. A just flatted seventh in the cello provides still another trajectory through the overtones and delicious dissonances against the drone bass. The last section reestablishes pure fifth and octave in the strings while sine tones accentuate the resulting harmonics. A long denouement ensues, moving towards an inexorable niente.
Bertucci’s work continues to develop. Of Shadow and Substance presents two facets of “drone, dissonance, and dynamics” that speak with eloquence, treading lightly but palpably on extra-musical concerns.
Christian Carey
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sm-writes-chaos · 10 months
HHMHH Holiday Special (sort of)
A bit of Christmas fun, with some trauma lurking.
Set after the first book, I made some excuse to have them try to celebrate holidays that don’t exist in their world. (Some things are different, if you have any questions for what happens in the aftermath of the first book feel free to ask cause I don’t explain much in this) —
“Why do we need this thing?”
Norah stared at the metal object on the table. It had seven tubes branching from a stand. The tubes were hollow to a certain point, allowing something to sit there.
Norah was crouched on the floor, hands on the table and looking up at it from the nose up, surveying it like it was an enemy. 
Alphair hurried over candles in hand, he was rushing around the room preparing things. Many foreign objects had been in his house lately, including remnents of past holiday celebrations. Some heart cutouts peeked out of a kitchen cupboard, paper made into an egg shape and painted laid in the corner, and leaves cut into a strange shape were wilting in another.
Alphair reached the table and set the candles down, which rolled in every which direction, one falling and landing near Norah’s feet.
“I told you, if we’re going to go to another universe then we need to learn about them.”
“You seem more excited to celebrate a bunch of random holidays.” Norah grumbled and picked up the stray candle, setting it on the table straight up and daring it to fall down again. Over the course of the past months Alphair had been dead set on trying every Earth holiday. He soon got overwhelmed by the majority of them though, so Norah and Rufus had to convince him to stick to the ones in the place they were actually going, America.
The holidays didn’t correlate with their calendar so Alphair often did two at once. That’s when things got really hectic.
Alphair couldn’t help but smile, “don’t you remember when we looked in last? Their last month has the brightest and most colorful celebrations yet!”
Norah recalled looking into the pot, looking into another universe required a lot of magic they didn’t have, so the image was fuzzy, but all Norah could remember was flashing lights and ringing bells. A total nightmare. 
She grimaced, “red, blue, and green as far as the eye could see..”
“Yeah..” Alphair said wistfully, not catching on to Norah annoyance. Though she sometimes wondered if he did, and acted annoying anyway. Either way her gripes had no affect on him.
Knock knock!!
A loud knock cut in from the front door. Alphair excitedly got up to answer it.
“Rufus must be back!”
Norah was curious to see what Alphair had sent him off to get, though she knew it could be nothing good.
Alphair opened the door and snow fell inside.
“Alphair I told you not to open the door too fast.” Norah scolded and went to get a broom for the snow. Rufus stood panting at the door, steadying something big against the house. He grinned smugly and patted whatever he had.
“Got what you asked for, a pretty good one at that.” His tone suggested he thought it better than ‘pretty good.’
Alphair gasped at whatever it was, “it’s perfect bring it inside!”
Rufus looked relieved to be out of the cold and hauled the thing inside.
Norah had heard their conversation and finally turned with the broom, “woah woah woah what’s going on here? Take that back outside right now!” She ordered but none of them listened. Rufus had brought a tree inside, a tree tracking dirt and snow inside.
“Why Alphair why?” Norah whined to herself and prepared to clean the mess up.
Rufus set it by the big window in the living room, satisfied at his work. He went to go close the front door and fetch his ax which he’d left outside for a moment.
Alphair admired the tree, “close..not quite the texture but otherwise perfect!”
Norah shivered from the cold wind that had gotten inside, it being just as curious to see the tree that had been brought inside.
Norah urged the wind to shoo and it soon dissapated into warm air again from the fireplace.
“Alphair, this is getting ridiculous.”
“This is the final piece Norah!”
She looked over at Rufus but he just shrugged, not knowing either. Alphair turned to face them and announced this months holiday/s.
“In the last month of the year,” he started. Norah breathed a sigh of relief, after the sixth month they’d be done with this holiday nonesense. “We shall be celebrating Christmas and Hannakah!”
Norah was sure he botched the pronounciation of their names but was glad these would be the last. It wasn’t like she complelty hated holidays, but this was too much. Alias didn’t have many holidays, and Norah now saw why. They were exhausting and she was suddenly grateful for their scarceness. 
Rufus cheered, “alright! So what’s the tree for?”
Alphair nodded, “I thought it very strange at first but it’s actualy kinda cool. No idea why you have to bring it inside but it’ll be nice to see everyday. So apparently we decorate it with shiny balls, lights, and uh other stuff.” 
Alphair hadn’t been able to gather much information on each holiday, but he’d gotten just enough to celebrate them.
Norah rose an eyebrow, “why would we put stuff on a tree? Wouldn’t that harm it?”
“I mean, we’ve kinda already cut it down.” Rufus pointed out.
Alphair flinced a little, he was the big nature guy in the group so Norah thought he’d be against this.
“This tree in particular has very strong roots, it should be fine if we keep it inside for a couple days. For foregiveness I’ll plant three more.” Alphair still seemed unsure of it but he was still excited to start decorating.
“Wait just how long is it going to be in here?” Norah asked. She wondered if the tree could make any more of a mess while it was here.
“Since Christmas is on the 25th and we well, don’t have a 25th, I’ve decided to hold Christmas on the 12th!”
It was currently the first day of the sixth month, Alphair made Norah and Rufus get up early to organize the junk he’d made and collected, so it was still the morning. Twelve whole days with a tree in the house, great.
Norah pointed to the metal object on the table, being forgotten in the presence of the tree.
“And what’s that for?”
“That’s for Hannakah, we’ll light a candle every night for seven nights. I think.”
Norah perked up at the word ‘light.’ 
She realized they must put a candle in each tube every day and light it, possibly weirder than the tree but it sounded funner.
Norah put a determined look on her face, she was going to have to fight her way through them to light those candle but she was going to win. 
Rufus looked concerned, “uh Norah you better not be starting a fight, I said no more fights indoors.”
Norah blinked and shood her thoughts away, “oh don’t worry, if you stay out of my way then a fight won’t be necessary.” She turned away and sat at the table, still staring at the candles. She hadn’t had a good chance to use her powers lately and she was dying to use them. The stupid Westwend council just had to get involved and ban her from using it in the forest. She had to take a stupid test and get stupid permission to use her own powers now.
Rufus din’t know what she meant and didn’t want to so he turned his attention towards Alphair, who was digging though a large box he’d set next to the tree.
“I got the best things I could find.” He said, reffering to decorations. He pulled out a plethora of things he’d collected from all over, strings of vine with flowers wrapped around, his mom’s scarves, toys, and various sticks and leaves. 
“Putting leaves on a tree, definitly gets me in the Christmas spirit.” Norah said dejectdedly. She wondered how long it’d take Alphair’s mom to notice her scarves were missing and were suddenly on a tree, actually, how would she react to a tree being inside? Norah was definitly getting in trouble for this. His mother was currently at Westwend, doing whatever wizards do. She’d been too afraid to ask, despire her pleasant nature a powerful wizard is still intimidating, no matter how much good food she makes for you.
After reluctanly putting a few sticks and leaves half hazardly on the tree, it had been covered to Alphair’s satisfaction. Rufus seemed pleased as well. Norah admitted to herself that it didn’t look too bad, the tress smell made for a nice aroma in the house. Maybe she could convince Alphairs mother to not punish them with the prospect of a good smelling tree.
An almost regular day passed, with the occasional interuption of Alphair. Norah practiced making small flames in her hand despite being told not too. She could practice in the clearings by Libertas, but she was hesitant to return there. Even though Antonio was gone and the people that remained more or less tolerated her, she couldn’t get herself to go anywhere near it.
Alphair snuck up on Norah while she was lost in thought and placed something over her head, making her full horn rip through slightly. With a new weight on her head Norah whipped around to glare at the trouble maker.
“Alphair you tell me what you put on my head this second.”
Alphair laughed and looked pleased with himself, “only the best invention ever.”
Norah felt the top of her head, it was fuzzy. Made of a material Miss. Marmel often used to craft softer rugs for indoor use. She felt along the hat and found that it extended past her head, there was a long piece that met to a small ball just as fuzzy as the rest of the hat.
“Don’t tell me you made Miss. Marmel make this ridiculous thing.”
“You haven’t even seen it.”
Norah realized she hadn’t torn it off yet, it was surprisingly warm and Norah had been in the cold for a while. Only her hands being warm from her fire.
She quicky took it off to inspect it, her head felt cold again.
It was a long hat, though not tall. The long part only wilted at the side of her head. It was bright red, a color that was striking, not something she normally wore.
“What.” She muttered.
Alphair pulled another one seemingly out of thin air and put it on his head.
“Cool right?” He made a pose to show it off, his was green like the forest. 
Norah sighed and put it back on, “Just until I get to your house because I’m freezing.” She put it back on forceibly, matching the hole she made earlier with her horn so it could stick through. It was nearly nighttime, a good time to head back.
Alphair tilted his head, “y’know you can call it your house to.” Norah thought he looked a little offended.
“It’s not my house, it’s yours. Merely a temporary living space.” She started to walk back, not checking to see if he was following as always. Alphair begrudgingly went back with her. Norah could almost feel the hurt in his steps, maybe that was the wrong thing to say.
She turned back momentarily and stopped, “listen, it’s just..I can’t call it my home. Not yet at least.” Norah didn’t know how much she belived the last part but she tried to be a little hopefull for the possibilty of calling somewhere that welcomed her her home. It work though, Alphair lit up and smiled.
“I get it, though I hope you stay for a long time.”
Again, hope. Norah let herself believe that. It’d been a year already, and Norah couldn’t think of anywhere else she’d want to go.
They soon reached Alphair’s house and stepped inside, relieved at the warm fireplace that greeted them. Rufus was tending to it and stopped to greet them as well, a ridiculous hat on his head too.
He was waiting impatiently for Alphair to reveal what was next.
Alphair clapped his hands together and admired the candle holder.
“This my friends is a menorah, I was able to learn that today. And now that it’s getting dark we can light the first candle!”
“Yes!” Norah excaimed out loud.
They stared at her.
“What? I’m not allowed to be excited about something?”
Alphair smirked.
“Oh nothing.” Alphair picked up one of the candles.
Rufus prodded Norah with his elbow, “it’s just you’ve never been excited about any of the other holidays.”
“Whatever.” She mumbled and stared at the candle.
“So who wants to light the first one?” Alphair asked but he was pretty sure he knew.
“Me!” Rufus and Norah excaimed at once. Norah reached for the candle while Rufus raised his hand like he was in school.
Norah glared at him, “I’m lighting it.” She swiped the candle from Alphair’s hand.
Rufus frowned but recovered, he’d get it first tommorow.
Norah set the candle in the far right tube, it fit perfectly. She took a deep breath and held her hand over it, trying to channel her emotions while also not setting the whole place on fire.
She felt the fire start to brun up inside her when the door opened.
Cold air whooshed in and the door creaked loudly, a voice quickly cutting through the wind.
“Why is there a tree in my living room?!” Alphair’s mother had returned.
Norah made a slight shriek and the fire blasted from her hand, making a straight line for the kitchen.
The very flammable kitchen.
The fire absorbed itself into the wooden counter of the kitchen and quickly spread to the other parts.
Alphair’s mother had no time to worry about the tree anymore when she saw the fire and shrieked alongside Norah. In moments like these, Norah couldn’t believe she was one of the most powerful wizards alive.
Norah stepped back and stared at the fire. Rufus jumped around looking for something useful, but almost everything he saw was flammable. Alphair rushed to his mothers side and acted like nothing was wrong.
“Uh welcome home mom let me take you’re coat..”
She sighed before gaining composure again, before the fire got too big she slipped off her coat and handed it to Alphair. A wand appeared in her hand, seemingly from nothing. It was long and twisted beautifully at the top into what tooked like claws around a green gem. 
She made one quick gesture towards the fire and it dissapated. The smell of burning wood filled their noses and Alphair’s mother looked at the burnt counters distastefully.
Norah wanted to shrink. 
“Ms. Fenrir, it-”
“I told you to call me Daress, it’s quite alright,”
“Uh it’s alright calling you Daress or the fire..?” Norah asked but thought questioning her was some secret rule she was breaking.
“The first one.” She frowned a little. “You can’t use your magic like that Norah, you have to be more responsible.”
“Responsible, right.” Norah nodded and looked away. A year ago the only thing she was responsible for was surviving, now there were all these rules. She’d realized over the months how disorganized Libertas had been, a shoddy village that was bound the fall apart eventually. 
“Alphair.” Ms. Fe-Daress called. He shot over there and looked at her nervously with sorry eyes.
“It’s Hannakah.” He said like it was a good enough explanation.
“You should know well enough to not let Norah light anything on fire.” She said lightly, she was verging on joking though she always tried to stay semi-serious. Norah made a ‘mm’ noise, not agreeing but a bit ashamed. Thought the tension in the room lifted a bit once Daress smiled. She didn’t seem to mind Alphair’s holiday expedentures, she often looked amused by them.
Rufus had made his way back to the table, in his tense ‘in the presence of an important person’ stance. Norah pushed him lightly for it. 
He spoke up, “Norah meant no harm really, I’ll make sure to make a rule about it right away.”
Norah groaned, “you don’t even live here Rufus, stop making rules.”
“I believe she’s right Rufus, that won’t be necessary.” She smiled kindly at him.
He looked embarrassed but relaxed a little. Alphair smiled once he was sure his mother was in a good mood.
“It’s a menorah and we have to light a candle every night!” He pointed to it and hoped his mother would like it.
“I see, so that’s why you asked me to relay that important order to Gergon?” 
“Yep!” He confirmed. She inspected the menorah carefully. Norah had already learned from Alphair that Gergon was a blacksmith in Westwend, the best he said. He always made special things for Alphair if he asked.
Alphair looked impatient, “soo can we light the first candle? Please?” He made a pouty face.
Daress thought for a moment and sighed like she had no choice, but was smiling.
“Fine, but I’m lighting it. No objections.”
They agreed, mostly because they’d get to see her magic in action again.
She brought out her wand again, which Norah hadn’t even noticed had vanished after she’d extinguished the fire, and with a tap the first candle was lit. They admired it for a second before wondering what to do next. Norah realized they still had a lot to exlain with the tree, not to mention these hats that Norah had forgotten she was wearing.
Rufus realized it too and was suddenly very eager to get home, “well great seeing you Ms. Fenrir it’s getting dark so I should be off!” He waved and handed his hat back to a dissapointed Alphair. Once he was out the door Daress laughed.
“Well, it seems he’s left all the explaining to you two.”
Alphair smiled nervously and looked behind himself at the tree, “ah well you see-”
After a long talk about not touching her scarves his mother allowed them to keep the tree, including all it’s decorations.
“Thanks mom!” He hugged her and put his hands on his hips victoriously. Norah smiled for a split second before a feeling of sadness washed over her. She felt more a spectator, peering into someones life. She thought Daress had noticed her mood shift because she quickly tried to change the topic.
“Now, where can I get one of those hats?”
I love Alphairs mom. Anyways enjoy what I did, in the meantime after you can imagine a grand adventure where they help Santa lol that’d be funny (I’m def not writing something like that)
Couldn’t help but be a bit serious, it’s in my nature. I cannot be silly without serious, and serious without silly. One cannot exist without the other. I would love to draw their shenanigans but I’m afraid I cannot. anyways, hope you liked it
Not really a snippet but perhaps you’ll enjoy
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