#didnt turn out exactly how i wanted it but w/e lol
foundcas · 2 years
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suptober 22 hosted by @winchester-reload
a late entry for day 12: crossover [911 lonestar x supernatural]
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gorgugplushie · 4 months
(paceplace) / honestly ttcc writing is very messy i agree. i love the game to bits and dissecting it but the flaws in it are as enriching to pick apart as it is frustrating to discover. it really, truly does break my heart that toons aren't as appreciated as the cogs and i wish there were toon characters you could focus on in the same way the mgrs are. the NPCs you meet along the taskline are charming and i adore every single one of them but as much as i personally like them i don't think its enough to capture people's attention in the broad sense.
irt my qualms w/ how ttcc handles its game i think one of the many main issues boils down to the fact that they're disorganized. their issue w/ how lore has been distributed has been addressed twice by the team itself iirc (once in th same tweet where they confirmed fire\\setter as canon and once in their writers backstage post from around a yr ago). their writers backstage post helped give a little more perspective on why the lore was scattered around Like That.
as all over the place as the lore is, i do feel it's important to mention that they said in their backstage writers post they plan on eventually migrating all of their social media comics to the website so things like the rain\\diver comic is very likely to still be canon they just haven't added it in yet. idk why they don't add it around the same time its posted on social media my guess is maybe they're still trying to organize all the lore or redo some of it since its so all over the place (a couple of the comics we have rn on their website that are considered canon has info that was technically retconned) but yeah. i have hope that the way they handle their lore and (hopefully!) their taskline when they get around to rewriting it will improve in the later updates. i try very hard to stay on top w/ clash's lore esp since i have ppl come to me w/ questions regarding clash's story, characters, etc. but sometimes it is Very headache-inducing so i sympathize w/ how confusing/frustrating it is to a casual player. or just any lore-enjoyer tbf. i swear on my life i almost went crazy trying to make a timeline with btl
anyways you don't have to answer this if you don't want (i gen. apologize for the wall of text i really tried to get straight to the point w/ what i'm saying. and even then there's still a lot i wanted to say) but i'm really glad to see discussions on it. oftentimes criticism gets mistaken for hate and it shuts the entire convo which Peeves me. even if w/e's being criticized turns out to fall flat its better to address or talk about it than it is to not, imo.
Yes, exactly! I agree with all the points you've made here.
It's so strange to me that ttcc doesn't really lean into more how the cogs affect the toons, or toon society for all that matter, its a wonder people are so baised with cogs because we really dont get anything about toons. Their less part of the game and more set peices for this war, which sucks!
Theres obviously alot more room to write about toon lore and it would be easier to implement it in game, yet it gets brushed aside to further characterize the cogs and thats sad bc alot of the toons are cute and unique! Ttcc has great toon designs!
I also have to agree with the way the lore is handled, id even go as far to say big updates themsleves are handled in a frankly. Unprofessional manner. I mean, compare the update live streams done in jokey powerpoint slides to ttrs panles where they talk about progress on the updates. We really get little to no inside information until it's already ready to drop. Sure the game updates more regularly but all these updates are starting to feel like filler and padding. I at least can hope that hammerspace and mix and match at least come with some toon lore?
Its a shame that alot of what drew me into this game ends up weighing it down : (
Also yeah lol i didnt main tag this for a reason i do want to keep the discussion open! But all great points!
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eye emoji at ur oc tags i am looking so hard what da hell is going on over there
hehehe excuse to infodump abt them hell yeah! okay so i partially answered this here and also before i forget i actually have a sideblog dedicated to the campaign theyre for over at @the-curse-investigation-team ! and for anyone who needs context for this ask i posted this earlier (putting the rest under a read more bc this is gonna be long)
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ANYWAYS so i mostly talked abt the curse earlier, but basically theres a curse on the monsters (they're good!!) of this town that make them get sick and rampage and not have control of their monster forms if theyre shifters. it affects one person every new moon and the person ends up dying from the curse just from how sick they get (or previously they were killed/euthanized but that stopped since there was recently gained hope that the ppl could be cured of the curse. my character, worms, originally got turned into a monster/worm-shifter bc he got attacked by a worm shifter that was effected by the curse and worms bit him in an attempt to get it off of him (he was panicking okay he wasnt exactly in the best position to be making decisions). when he woke up he was in a hospital bed and found out that bc he called for help the worm ended up being killed and now he has ✨survivors guilt✨. so even tho he's told theres nothing he can do to help he keeps researching the curse and trying to save those effected to no end (his working theory is that if the cursed monster stays alive til midnight of the new moon then the curse will stop effecting them but no one will listen). finally things change when two non-monsters (scott, a manager from the local gary gators [think rainforest cafe x chuck-e-cheese and yes this is based on fnaf shhhh] who?? has a phone for a head??, and sonya, a college student who has powers given to her by a something or other but rly doesnt want to) get roped in. they figure out that worms' original theory doesnt work but they figure out sonya can dispell the curse, but at that point its too late. next month rolls around tho and the curse gets dispelled from that person and we now have the first person to live through having the curse!! but its still gonna show up every month so now we gotta figure out its source and keep dispelling it and tracking down who has it each month.
as for the best friend, his name is/was emmett and they met in elementary schooland knew each other up into their early 20s and they bonded over both being trans (with emmett being a trans guy and worms being nonbinary) along with many other things. emmett got bullied a lot in school and worms v much gave him scary dog privilege and got the bullies to back off whenever they were around, or at the very least caused problems for them lol. they were super close, to the point where emmett developed a romantic crush on worms (but didnt ask him out or say anything bc worms is aroace and he assumed they wouldnt want to be in a relationship w him [he didnt know that qpps were a thing]) and worms developed a queerplatonic crush on emmett (but didnt say anything bc emmett isnt aro and "deserves to have a nice romantic relationship with someone who can reciprocate" [emmett would love to be their qpp if he knew it was a thing]". v much and they were both idiots energy. anyways they lived together for a while after worms got kicked out and before emmett left for college in emmetts parents house. right after emmett had moved back to their hometown after college he disappeared; long enough that he was assumed dead. it was insanely hard on worms. it turns out emmett is now scott, the phone head guy i mentioned earlier. freddy fazbears gary gators decided they needed a new manager (all of which are ppl kidnapped and turned into partial animatronics with their memories mostly wiped and v v traumatized. scott doesnt remember worms bc, like i said, memories wiped, plus worms changed his name which doesnt help (he used to change names all the time and then landed on worms after the wormening). worms does seem very familiar to scott though and finds them very comforting to be around and has a crush on him again. worms doesnt know scott is emmett bc different voice (voicebox) and can't see his face (phonehead). scott does remind him a lot of emmett though and finds himself falling into old habits with him and developing queerplatonic feelings for him, both of which he feels a bit guilty about.
also side note but worms's grandpa-figure (pops) turns into a bear and is dating mothman :)
but yeah sorry this is long agshshs lmk if you have any questions!! tho stuff abt emmett/scott i may or may not be able to answer since hes my friends player character not mine (same goes for sonya).
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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sanchoyo · 3 years
ok some Free Range bnha thoughts. I think I left off around 300 when I paused reading it week to week so I started at 290 to Refresh. obviously, spoilers below the cut , but I'm not saying anything that hasnt been said b4 probably. just My Thoughts. turns out I wasn't like, 80 chapters behind but roughly 30-40, which is. A lot less thank GOD. but yes these are my thoughts (mostly typed as I went, borderline liveblogging lol) as I just binged and caught up completely ✌
-afo needs to Not Be a BodySnatching DICKBAG!!!! love spinners lil moment of wtf. youre not who im following </3 same bestie get your boyfriend and run!!! or pick up ur sword and Stab afo. whichever.
-I really have mixed feelings on the whole todoroki situation that im reserving to talk in depth about until the manga finishes because, im not sure if this is true but ive heard its near its end, and I'd like to see how they tie it up and 'resolve' that situation before being too harsh. but for now: rei was brave to go in the hospital room and talk to endeavor. I think bb touya is SUCH a sad situation. I just feel bad for all of them UGH. my kids now.
-the talk w the ofa users in dekus mind had me kinda laughing, it looks like a kingdom hearts cutscene w the THRONES. also deku quitting school, oof. the series is called my hero ACADEMIA NOT MY HERO DROPOUT!!! (i can make this joke as a dropout. deku 🤝me dropping out I guess) Nana asking if he could kill shigaraki HURT I KNOW SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO EITHER BUT STILL. READING IT HAD ME LIKE NOO!!! NO!!!!! very happy with dekus answer tho. good egg. u better not. trusting u deku. dont
-first ofa user Pretty. they said his name and I immediately forgot it <3
-dekus vigilante look is SOOO SICK THE EYES MAN!!! obsessed. also all might basically acting as support/sidekick is SOOO good. making him eat n stuff. Dad Alert.
-im glad they brought back some of the villains in the jail break!! it was a rly nice way of showing dekus progress, like the muscular fight was so hard for him way way back when and he just basically took him out super fast/easily now..the Progress!!! I love to see it.
-lady nagant top 10 girlbosses. hawks wishes he was her. chad nagant vs virgin hawks etc etc shes what I wanted his character to be (im not...super disappointed w hawks bc I never 100% believed hed go bad fr like some ppl did, but I loved the fanworks that explored it, and shes basically the Defected Ex Hero I wanted...and shes VERY PRETTY and I am very much a lesbian, so I love her. Her colors too!! are cotton candy colors!!!! and shes got the Guns (literally and also Muscles!!!) she looked afo in the face without flinching and was like oh why Should I Help u U Bastard, no fear at all. even if she ended up working for him or whatever for a few chapters. still A Queen <3 a very small screentime queen but. women in shonen mangas. u know.
-class 1A literally Fighting To Get Deku to Come Home and Bathe. is touching and very sad. the power of friendship plots always GET ME. URGH. BAKUGO!!!!!!! APOLOGIZING!!!!!!! ITS FINE THIS IS F I N E "SAVING PEOPLE IS HOW WE WIN" GOD THE CHARACTER DEVOLPMENT!!! BAKUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
-I know we've seen it before (or partially) but thirteen has an incredibly cute face. it has to be said
-NAME a more iconic duo than uraraka and that bigass megaphone
-ragdoll SPOTTED. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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-and the guy from the very first chapter!!! this dude has always been the real mvp. hes stll being nice and supportive. king. give him a spinoff
-im glad they explained why kurogiri(and, bc we havent seen them, im assuming also gigantomachia and compress?? are also there or somewhere thats kept private??) werent in the jailbreak (that they carted them off elsewhere) I was wondering abt that...
-all the callbacks really makes this arc feel FINAL. my god, even the woman all might saved from kamino is back!!! I knew abt stain coming back (tho I didnt know exactly what hed do) but seeing HER got me for some reason. anyway. gay icon stain . also feminist ally stain (slitting the 'woman collector' guys throat) we have no choice but to stan
-tsukauchi stubble???? ok??? its a look I guess. is all might into it
-'shigaraki tomura will be a Complete Vessel in three days time' NO THE FUCK HE WONT!!!! STOP THAT. THATS ILLEGAL
-...has spinner just been stuck in a cave with afo. stuck with him, sassing him. this is hilarious to me for some reason god I would be at my fucking limit. spinner stay strong you amazing wonderful funky guy. wheres the rest of the league. LOOK at spinners face, hes so done with this I cant. this is the Most Important Thing.
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-'the one who SPINS this tale' look I know its a line from afo but that RULES and hes right. spinner is SO important. stan spinner or Die
-god, the league members basically being promoted to being cult leaders/borderline WORSHIPPED 'hold them sacred, endow them with divinity' thats SO RAW I'm!!!! losing it like they all came from nothing now theyre SYMBOLS. my god. spinner doesnt even seem happy about it, none of the league members they were showing looked remotely happy. Makes U Think...
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hot. next question (wait is it weird to simp when hes partially afo. hm.) (also that HAIR GROWTH!!!!!! NEVER CUT IT NEVER NEVER NEVER.) it spontaneously grew after I typed that, so consider ME pleased
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-YESSS MR WORLDWIDE COME TAG AMERICA WE LOVE U HERE. ABSOLUTE JOY. sorry about the fact ur fused with afo rn and will possibly have uhh. identity related crisises and traumas from this later but. glad u look like ur havin fun :')
-damn america getting his ass. im so sorry :( (but also, kicking afo ass which is a good thing?? SOO conflicted I dont want tomura to die but afos gotta GO)
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-again, hot, which is conflicting bc afo is very much also present, but, cmon, its tomuras body and face....n probably at least 25-50% tomura still...:/
-im...glad?? they delayed the complete fusion?? but owchie. at what cost to my boy :(
-the scene with afo patting shigaraki (who is thrashing around on the floor) parallels the scene of that happening when afo had taken in shigaraki at first and he was on the floor crying and wanting to kill those random alley thugs!!! that has to be intentionally calling that back, right? the imagery is very similar. again, loving the callbacks
-I rly thought they were gonna make invigirl the traitor and i was like ok who Cares abt that tho. then they did a lil switcharoo and made it MY BOY AOYAMA?? MY SWEET SON WHO I SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH??? WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW DID I NOT GET SPOILED ON THIS?? I remember the cheese stuff and being like haha good red herring. FUCK!!! NO!!!! hes such a good boy im WEEPING. HE WAS ORIGINALLY QUIRKLESS TOOOOO NOOOO!!! baby. babyboy. hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and omg invisible girls FACEEEE SHES SO CUTE. but god. aoyama. and dekus reaction to his whole story and still reaching out to him I AM. EMO. the drama of it alllllll . hes literally one of my fav student characters in this class and HAS BEEN FOREVER bc I love his whole knightly costume and SPARKLES and this just made him SKYROCKET FURTHER ON MY LIST OF CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. hes so so so good. I need everyone to take a moment to just. Appreciate him.
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-THIS is what absolute perrfection looks like. look at her!!! her belt is a cat. cat girls always win and save the day.
-toga sucks her own blood as a ?? comfort thing?? thats. should I say cute?? would it be weird to call that cute. would it be weird to say dabi burning her house down was also very cute, and nice, because she said it too, so like. very nice of him. top 10 reasons hes not Totally Lost: hes Nice to His Friends :)
-spinner being the...new symbol/leader in redestros place is SO???? UGH. UGHHH. HES ALWAYS BEEN A FOLLOWER AND NOW HES JUST BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS TO BE MADE A SYMBOL, OR WHATEVER, I GUESS. very sad and I feel like him saying 'it doesnt matter what I think, this cant be stopped' are u implying u want to stop it. u can. u gotta. reach out to him man u HAVE TO BE THE ONE!!! its the bakugo/kiri kamino situation all over again. even if deku has to guide u it HAS TO BE U!!!! STOP FOLLOWING AND THINK FOR URSELF!!! U CAN DO IT!!!!!! 'anyone can become someone elses hero' YEAH HES GONNA. U BET HES GONNA. I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!
-....YOU NAMED YOUR STRONGHOLD TROY???...ALRIGHT. SURE. THATS FINE AND NOT WORRYING. I mean we already KNOW the war is gonna Go Down But. cmon man. CMON.
-togachako REAL
-shouto is too good for this world he wants to go to dinner w his big bro :( DABI COME HOME 2K22
-im sure ppl have figured out theories about this before but, something about the way they phrased it when they were wondering why afo needed tomuras rage (and why he was always smiling, implying smth is Fucking Wrong with Him, besides all the Murder and Crimes) had me like. hm. are we.. actually going to get more afo backstory at all or an in depth explanation for that? I'd kind of like to, even if I think its fine if we don't because we Get The Gist and idk how much the creator wants us to sympathize/understand his character beyond the ~evil demon king~ (and thats not me saying he needs anything beyond that, tbh not every villain needs it and esp not the big bad in a lot of cases) but. this story, esp in this last arc has us AND the main characters sympathizing with the villains a Lot and exploring why theyre like that, and it makes me wonder if theyll extend that to him at all, or just, keep trying to Get His Ass. And we do know togas quirk is the reason shes Like That, so it doesnt feel like a stretch to say afos quirk is why hes Like That also. (NOT ME SAYING HE NEEDS ANYTHING LIKE REDEMPTION DEAR GOD. AFTER WHAT HES PUTTING MY BOY THRU. ARGH. deku would have to be a SAINT. which he is, but...) actually, proof of this is also just. him going after star and stripes quirk KNOWING tomuras body wasnt finished, even saying it was a risk but basically being like. 'well..but... I WANT it. even if i know its dangerous to get it Right Now. But I want it Right Now.' as a reason KJDSHKJASNJ its very likely thats the case. quirks being a very literal nurture vs nature exploration I guess?
-very glad I typed all the above out WHILE reading bc if I wouldve waited, I wouldnt have had a coherent thought. its almost 5 AM but I am...caught up. And about to look at leaks before I sleep >:")
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
i really wish the writers of lucifer hadn't turned chloe and maze's friendship into such an afterthought! like ok:
- when they start in season 2, both of them are in pretty isolated places socially. chloe, already a pretty introverted workaholic, is just newly divorced and has exactly one (1) friend: lucifer. maze has finally split off from lucifer and has two (2) friends: linda and trixie, but for the purposes of this comparison linda really is maze's one friend. maze has just accepted that she's not actually going back to hell, that this time on earth isn't really just a lunch break before they go back to the real world (hell) and so she now has to figure out how to build a real life in LA.
- basically, both maze and chloe are kind of in similar positions in terms of being isolated and really only having a singular overwhelming relationship with someone as opposed to having a network they can rely on so that all their eggs aren't in one basket. you can see where this backfires on both of them throughout the series when linda spends the week not talking to maze after seeing lucifer's face, and when lucifer runs off to vegas and suddenly chloe is stuck with all these feelings she can't express (and crucially can't talk about to him, her best friend.) ofc lucifer and maze's relationship transcends friendship just based on their immense history and is its own weird thing that i also kind of wish they had given more thought to, but w/e.
- enter: maze and chloe's friendship! i think for both maze and chloe, the other person is as "far" as you could get from themselves, but is fascinatingly still someone they can like, respect, love, and be loyal to. for a good while (and this is something i REALLY wish they had maintained) chloe, maze, and dan are basically raising trixie together which takes so much respect and trust that the other person is someone you want having a hand in influencing a kid you love! i think what's interesting is that, unlike lucifer who is trying to answer existential questions about his place/purpose in the universe, maze is really just focused on the people she cares about and having a good time (which is rooted in her doing meaningful work as a bounty hunter.) chloe is someone who pursues duty to the point of self-sacrifice, and obviously her friendship with lucifer helps her loosen up, but the pedestal he places her on/reverence he sometimes feels for her prevents him from really popping that bubble in the same way maze does. also chloe and lucifer's relationship gets SO much more complicated around the time maze enter's chloe's life so the role that lucifer once had to shock chloe out of her comfort zone kind of goes to maze once chloe has to draw some personal boundaries with lucifer.
- i think the key to maze and chloe's friendship is that they're both people who desperately need someone who embodies the other person's best trait. while this tendency isn't always healthy, maze is fundamentally someone very loyal to those she believes deserves it. obviously she's also betrayed people a billion times but at her core she's deeply committed to those she cares about which is something that i can see chloe find really appealing. at this point chloe has spent so much of her life in this weirdly precarious position where, since her dad's death she hasn't been able to fully trust anyone or open up to them. obviously she loves dan, but its clear that even when they're still "good" he doesn't trust her instincts or potential like he should, and when he spent those months gaslighting her the issue for her even beyond the fact that he shot malcom would have been that he didnt support or trust his wife. the appeal of lucifer is that from the beginning he identifies that she's smart and moral with good instincts. he trusts her, and strangely over the season she begins to trust him too! and then he runs off to vegas, etc etc lol. maze's primary loyalty probably isn't to chloe, but we see that to the best of her capacity she wants chloe to be happy -- she gets the prison warden killed, she "tries" and then really does listen to chloe venting about lucifer, attends the parent night chloe was stressed about, sets aside her grudge with lucifer to find chloe.
- in turn, chloe's best trait is her ability to accept people as they are and see their potential. of course she doesnt really have that many friends, but the people she is attracted to are all works in progress (dan is obvious, as are lucifer and maze lmao, but there's also ella who confesses something very personal and scary to chloe and gets a hug in return, and even charlotte who chloe's had clashes with both as charlotte and Mom for years but still gets the benefit of the doubt.) maze does have to change when she comes to live with chloe and trixie, but we see trixie grow up heavily influenced by maze in ways that makes it clear that chloe must genuinely like maze, or those influences like the handshake and the passion for gore and the knife training wouldnt have been allowed. we know that the reason maze is so loyal to lucifer is that he was the first person to ever accept her for who she was unconditionally, without shame or judgment. we see that for lucifer chloe is that person, especially because she sees his potential for growth just as she sees maze's. because she doesnt have preconcieved notions of what they're supposed to be she only sees them as people going through a difficult period of growth and supports them as best she can: reminding maze that they're friends, worrying about her in canada, trusting her with trixie who is the most important person in chloe's life.
- of course, chloe and maze have lucifer and linda but narratively lucifer and linda become so much MORE for chloe and maze. the show sunk linda/maze lmao but linda's clearly the adult maze cares most about just as lucifer is chloe's. and for both in s3 this person they each place so much of themselves into suddenly hurts them and they both spiral. i think there was real potential for chloe and maze to become each other's support and develop into a really steady, enduring friendship in contrast to the chaos of their individual romances (you will NEVER convince me that triangle was about amenadiel rather than linda lmao.) even post s3, they don't really address that maze really hurt chloe by pushing her towards pierce, and that chloe hurt maze by lying to her. i really think there could have been a lot of growth from maze going back to living with chloe and trixie after making full ammends and chloe realizing that actually, yes she can deal with this and it isn't that scary and then the tragedy of her maybe missing her shot with lucifer becomes more stark. we see chloe and maze teaming up in the first episode of 5A but then they blow that up too! i get that chloe needs space and its clear they're both using the other as placeholders for the people they really want, but there's no reason that they couldnt have come back together later and re-established their friendship on screen. obv they wouldnt work together after lucifer comes back, but to me this is where i believe they should go back to living together. without that, maze's connection to trixie in terms of what they can show on screen becomes tenuous and chloe's home life just becomes less interesting/worthwhile to see bc it'd just be her or maybe her with trixie. without that, it feels like we just see a lot of chloe either at work or in relation to lucifer (bc thats the best bang for your buck in terms of interaction!) we do get to see maze with linda, which is nice, but idk just feels like a step back from early s3 when maze felt more embedded in a community of people who liked, accepted, and cared about her wellbeing.
- i think one of the issues is that chloe and maze's friendship might have seemed like a knock off of their "main" relationships with lucifer and linda bc they have similar dynamics with them, but idk! there's a sense of fun that we get from their friendship that we dont really see from the main pairings because those are so serious and passionate and the main mechanisms by which the 4 grow so there isn't as much room for the lighter stuff. i know i said that chloe sees the potential for growth but she's not really pushing maze to talk about her feelings. she's doing the dishes maze won't, smiling at maze and trixie's handshake, shrugging off the fact that maze is throwing knives at their rented walls. maze and chloe create space for each other to be seen as themselves, good or bad, in ways that linda and lucifer can't for whatever reason. they don't really push each other, just let the other person be. it wouldnt be the ideal dynamic if they were the only person in each other's lives, but i think its vital to have someone in your life who can, in chloe's case, gently push you outside of your comfort zone and in maze's case offer acceptance, friendship, and trust.
idk this is just going in circles as i repeat the same points over and over and over but i really wish they had put more thought into sustaining the maze and chloe friendship throughout s4 and s5 because it would have brought out notes in both of them narratively that i think are lost otherwise. also its just sad for trixie that someone who was basically part of her family who she was living with is just...not there anymore and that's never addressed. : (
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sothischickshe · 3 years
For the fic writer asks! 4! 10! 19!
thank! u!! <3
4. What part of the story do you usually start with first?
for the writing down part? pretty much always the beginning! (although sometimes i've been wrong abt where that beginning was haha)
10. Chapter fics or one long piece?
it dEpEnDs, but probs erring more towards one (long or otherwise lol) piece (and/or mayyybe shortish series?).
i mean to start with, there’s so much i want to write (waaaaah), that if i can work out how to knock something out in a one-shot, that is a Win, ha. (also i very much like finishing things! like ha! you’re done! fuck you!! which is obvi easier with a one shot cos it’s just...done.)
but also, having written a few multi-chapters early, i think i got a bit scared off them lol. like i don’t regret what/how i did (them) bc i learnt a lot from that process! but, as someone who lovvvvvves discovering and finessing things in the edit, it was kinda frustrating to learn (and learn harder) that those do work a lot better with a Plan (bc i kept finding that i was having to State Things To Establish Them, rather than having had the wisdom to establish them via pattern or w/e).
but also & perhaps mostly, i think i found the existence of something hanging overhead which needed finishing quite a Pressure, as well as wanting to ensure the conclusion was Worth It. and i def think, even if i wasnt aware of it, i was much more Concerned with other ppl’s opinions, whereas now if someone didnt like an ending i’d probs be like...yea ok, nobody asked bye.
& with the serieseses as well as filing her nails, ive had a lot of fun with combing through the previous parts to find Clues I’ve Left Myself in order to continue the story in a way which makes sense & i think that’s helped me trust my instincts in terms of characterisation as well as including random shiz that might not have an immediate payoff.
i feel like developing a writing process is in many ways: working out what stuff you like/wanna do in the planning stages, and what stuff you like/wanna do in the editing stages, as well as how that might differ for different (types of?) stories...?
ultimately, i think oneshots are def (for me at least) a better ground to learn things and try things out cos you only have (lol lightbulb) one...shot... to make it work? like you gotta wrap everything up & make sense of it all etc (unless you’re going to add more obvi ha but im reasonably Resistant to that concept for a Reason lol). and i think writing quite a few of those (and ending up turning sOmE into serieseses) has made me feel more confident in my pacing and indeed planning! (and i think the serieseseses and indeed filing, which has barely any plot, has taught me how to offset a lack of planning-for-multipartness better...? i ALSO think developing a writing process in many ways is: working out how to lean into weaknesses and utilise them as strengths, ha)
so im not like anti multi-chaps and/or series, and i might return to (plottier) multi-chaps one day! i think if i can get the incentive fic to around ~25k max, it’s a one-shot. anything significantly longer than that and it’s probs gonna HAVE to split into either chaps or a series (i fear it will be Big, o no). the band au im pretty sure is going to have to be multi-chapter (unless i can work out how to do it in like 700 words lol).
also i fundamentally reject the ‘long’ in ‘one long piece’. i love writing short things!!! n i feel like i havent written a proper short story in ages, sniff (maybe i can indulge those vibes with the dean pov cr*ckfic hmm hmm hmm)
but yea... in conclusion, i think it does depend on the story!
19. Do you write the same things you love to read?
yes, and also no,
i think what i write is reasonably broad (and i do write things i want to read!), but what i love to read is broader? (i mean to start with i love reading original fiction and i dont write any lol)
i suppose it depends on what this MeAnS exactly... if we’re talking about fic povs or ships or tropes or lengths or formats or styles, then i think my tastes are probs broader than what i write, if we’re talking fandoms then at least atm, reading and writing tastes match up, if we’re talking like tropes/warnings im reticent abt, then my reading is probs a lil broader than my writing but not by a huge amount? 
ultimately i think ive got quite broad tastes, and i think that’s reflected in both my writing and reading, but also i dont like being bored, and i think that is too....?
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subidol · 6 years
Jaemin NSFW A-Z
A- Aftercare
Na Jaemin is amazing at giving aftercare. Firstly, he’d just cuddle with you for a few minutes, stroking your hair peacefully. If you didn’t fall asleep already, he’d definitely get up and make you a hot drink. He might run a bath for the two of you, where he’d already decorated the bathroom with petals and candles. It’d be so cheesy but thats Nana for you. Then to settle you back to sleep after a long round, he’ll sing you to sleep quietly, kissing your forehead every once in a while.
B- Body (Your favourite part of his body and his favourite part of yours)
Well, i can’t exactly guess your favourite part of Jaemin’s body, but i sure as hell love his arms.
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Like...how dare he attack you like this?? They may not be the most muscled arms in NCT, but they are nicely toned and you just adore laying your head on them, and giving his shoulders and biceps kisses. His favourite body part of yours is most likely your cheeks (face cheeks lmao); he loves squishing them and kissing them, pinching them, you name it. But he also loves your breasts, whether they’re big or small, because he wants to reassure you that he loves them. Also uses them as pillows ehehe.
C- Cum
When you’re comfortable, and on the pill, he prefers coming inside of you since he feels it is very intimate. However, he knows how risky it is so he will only do this every once in a while. He’d be really tidy though. His pullout game is strong lol. 
D- Dirty Secret
Secretly up for having a threesome/foursome with either Jeno or Jeno and Renjun. But we all knew that, didn’t we? Only if you were up for it though.
E- Experience (how experienced they are)
Obviously, Jaemin is an experienced flirter, but hasn’t has much experience with sex, since he’s only just legal. My belief is that he’s probably had blowjobs, fingered a girl, etc but never gone too far. However, i believe he’d be a natural in bed. Freaking perfect at eating you out, cockwarming, and doing all the right things to turn you on. Thrusts like a god. 
F- Favourite Position
It depends on the mood, but he likes it when you ride him, since he gets a nice view of your face and breasts bouncing up and down. He does enjoy missionary though, since Jaemin likes to take control over the situation so you don’t have to worry about anything. He will never try positions you weren’t comfortable with. If you were up for it, he’d try anything new if that’s what you wanted cause he’ll literally do anything for you.
G- Goofy
Jaemin is like a lightswitch; one moment hes all giggly and cute, but as soon as you get into bed he’s as serious and sexy as ever. He doesn’t want to ruin the hot mood. He’ll be really romantic though- constantly asking you if you’re okay or if you want him to go slower or faster. 
H- Hair
He keeps it messy, but not too uneven. His hair tends to stick to his neck when he sweats, so just like he would practice a choreography,his hair would be all over the place when you’d get intimate, too, which you didn’t mind.
I- Intimacy
Jaemin loves being romantic and sees sexual acts as a way to bond passionately as well as expressing how much he trusts and wants you. He’s the type to lay rose petals on the bed or in the bath. Might even leave you cute little notes leading to the bed, where he’d be laying, waiting for you.
J- Jack Off
Nana probably masturbates quite a lot, since he’s a hormonal teenager, what else can i say. Honestly, he’ll just think of you as the one who is feeling him up, as he touches himself. Probably does it after fan meets, performances and practice, which makes him feel really turned on after hours of hard work.
K- Kink
Hmm...Nana seems like the type to have a thing to be dominant (not that he wouldn’t like being submissive) but not to the level of bondage, daddy kink, etc. Idk, he just seems too sweet and caring to ever tie you up or degrade you, even if its what you really wanted. He seems like the type to adore body worship and leaving hickies/scratches. He’d love leaving hickies on your neck, but would make sure not to go too rough unless you said so. No matter what, Nana lives for scratches on his back. Gripping his hair and raking your nails down his backis HIS THING OKAY. HE FUCKING LOVES IT COME @ ME.
L- Location (Favourite place to have sex)
The bed- it’s the most comfy, and all Nana cares about is your comfort, what a sweetie. I think he’d never have sex in public, but might finger you underneath the table or something. Loves bath sex too, since the water’s warm and has a nice aroma, which hightens the mood. 
M- Motivation (Turn Ons)
Seeing you in frilly clothes. I feel like he’d be attracted to lighter coloured clothes on you, like white and pink? Definitely gets him hard. Will like it when you play a  little hard to get, since he adores teasing you. Plus, if you rake your hands through his hair, squeeze his thigh and biting his ear, etc...you’re getting him worked up with those dangerous fingertips. When he really needs you, he ends up sexting you. A lot. Especially in class so be prepared lmao.
N- No (Turn Offs)
Strange kinks. They aren’t romantic. Things like foot fetish. Erm..yeah he isnt into it. He doesn’t like degrading, whether receiving or giving. He wouldn’t understand why you’d want to call each other such horrible names.
O- Oral
Jaemin, when receiving, is a whole hot mess. With his head thrown back, sweat covering his body, and his arm over his eyes, he looks fucking delicious.When hes giving oral, he literally will do anything to hear your cute moans, which often leads to him making you feel extreme pleasure. This boy is perfect at giving and putting on a show when receiving.
P- Pace
If you’re not the one setting the pace, then he prefers to keep it steady. Not slow exactly, but not speedy either. He wants to make sure you feel him, and he stretches you in all the right places. He loves slowly kissing you as he thrusts, but will end up bucking his hips and going faster when he’s building up to his climax. It’s not hard to tell when Jaemin’s close to an orgasm. He’ll mutter out things like ‘I love you, Princess.’ or just will simply let out a string of moans and pull you closer.
Q- Quickies
Jaemin’s the type to really crave quickies. Anytime really. However, if you’re not a fan of them, he’ll give himself major sexual frustration, and will eventually beg you to suck his cock later when the two of you are alone. But they’ve happened in recording studios MANY times before. 
R- Risk (His comfort zone)
He does enjoy doing it in front of other members, but doing it secretly, like underneath the blankets or something. Anything like knife or blood play is a big NO. He will NEVER take the risk. As i’ve said before, Jaemin likes cumming inside of you. He won’t ever do it without your permission though.
S- Stamina (How many rounds)
Jaemin thinks that one round is enough, but he’ll do other stuff with you after. Make out, spoon, give you hickies and will then give you a bath or watch tv you you. He likes to make the first round last, and for it to be as perfect as possible, which wouldn’t be a problem since hes amazing at sex.
T- Toy (His favourite sex toys)
Doesn’t mind vibrators being used on him, but finds it addicting when they’re used to torment you. Especially when you’re studying. He’d turn it on ad off repeatedly, getting you hot and bothered while in your lessons.
U- Unfair (How they tease you)
Nana is a whole tease. He’s a brat, okay? He’s a playful, teasing bratty switch who most of the time gets challenged for dominance because you plan on giving him a hard time for all of his flirting and relentless teasing. He does shit like wear sleeveless shirts on purpose, and biting his lip waaay too many times. Winks often and generally gives you the ‘I know you want to fuck me’ look. Also, Jaemin has a habit of getting you jealous by flirting with fans- you fucking hate that.
V- Volume (How vocal they are)
He struggles to be quiet sometimes, especially when you kiss and suck his body, near his arousal. Whines like hell when you scratch down his back and kiss his jawline. He tries to make his moans pretty and loud, since he knows its a turn on for you. Nana isn’t afraid about letting you know how good you make him feel. Always breathes heavily after his release, which is even hotter.
W- Wild Card (Author’s Choice)
Jaemin wouldnt be nervous having sex at all. The only time he might slightly panic is when it’s your first time. He wants the experience to be as pleasurable as possible, but then again, he is very confident, so there’d be no need to worry. He’d be extremely honoured if he was your first, and would prepare the entire thing leading up to it. He’s so sweet and gentle.
X- X-ray (Their Package)
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You’re fucking welcome. I don’t own the vid.
Y- Yearning (Sex Drive)
Jaemin has a high sex drive, what can i say? He craves for your touch 24/7, and constantly thinks of fucking you at the most random of times. Touches himself twice a day when you’re not around, watches porn like any other boy, and looks at pictures of you. It takes a lot of courage for him to NOT fuck you in the dorm rooms.
Z- ZZZ (How fast they fall asleep after)
Nana falls asleep so fast. He has such energy before and during sex but as soon as he reaches his climax, hes exhausted from all the stimulation. All he’d want to do is cuddle with you after. Make sure you get him up at the right time though...or another member will. Eek.
Hope you enjoyed!
fuck this took ages
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emo--chanel · 5 years
I've given up trying to keep my head wrapped around all the timey wimey-ness in doctor who - it just gets more & more ridiculously convoluted with each passing series & I'm ancient lol - but I have some thots on spyfall.
Buckle up mateys!
(spoilers ahoy!)
maybe whatever tf is going on now is related to parallel/pocket/bubble/whatever universes or something. Evidence: • the sassy glowy alien said that it's time to "take this universe" which suggests they're from another (pretty straightforward no? maybe too straightforward 🤔 also side note: what other glowy humanoid things have we seen before that appear/disappear out of the blue & have a habit of turning people into human shells? cybermen. and who has been involved with cybermen in the past? THE MASTER. 👀👀👀 but the alien laughed so ~myth busted~ lads aw), and • when the map thingy was decoding it split into a number of identical earth maps which could be another hint at parallel/multi-verse stuff idk & the doctor actually did start to say something about "multiple earths" before O interrupted & brought the convo back round to the alien spies 👀
if we are dealing with parallel/pocket/multi verse stuff I think maybe the master could be from one of those other universes & probably pre-missy bc all I'm getting atm is glorious chaotic John Simm energy from this new regeneration & it doesnt rlly make a lot of sense for him to be acting like that after everything that happened with missy... but then again this is doctor who. when is it ever in the business of making sense? lol. spyfall part 2 should clear it up tho. heh 🤞🏻
do we even know exactly what happened to John Simm!Master after he disappeared with the timelords in the End of Time part 2? maybe this has something to do with whatever version of the master we're seeing now. I have a feeling we have been told/shown what happened tho so this theory may not quite match up but who can keep track of these things anymore haha not me. For the most part I havent watched any episodes more than once since series 8.
also, when has canon ever stopped anyone incl the actual writers anyway?? lmao
I love Yaz & Ryan & Graham and continue to want only the best for them 💖
everybody's party outfits were On Point™! & the whole Bond vibe thru this episode was sweeeeet!! 🤙🏻
i think that strange little humanoid form in the little glass case in barton's office has to have some significance in all this bc it was way too much of a coincidence to have Ryan draw our attention to it immediately after the glowy alien had just been trapped in the big glass case. I MEAN?? come on.
back to the parallel universe thing, the glowy alien also said that they're from "far beyond the doctor's understanding" but the doctor knows about parallel universes.... HOWEVER the master also told the doctor that everything she knows is a lie so! 🤷‍♂️ ...I dont know where I was going with this..
I am 100% here for Sacha Dhawan.
not really here for the tardis console room tho, it kinda looks like yellow snow sculptures... (I want round things). It didnt look like that last series right? It's changed right? I'm really not exaggerating when I say I cant remember shit 😂
the master taking one look in the tardis like "shut. up. *smh* ridiculous" fucking sent meeeeeeajsjjsksjdsd
also also also!! O's cheery amusement during the ~doctor arrives~ scene & the whole "that's terrifying! wow why would they be doing that??" 🤔 & the lil smirks & fuckign bottom lip bite when he asks Graham if he wants to sneak a peek at all the dirt he's gathered on the doc - knowing that this is in actual fact the master going mrburns_excellent.gif the entire time is HILARIOUS.
I think the doctor knew where she had been teleported to, at least it seemed like she recognised it. Unless her reaction was less "oh shit nononono not here! anywhere but here!" and more "oh shit I'm here on my own nononono fam is still stuck onboard a crispy plane falling from the sky! oh no oh fuck!"
now stay with me on this one ok? Stay with me. I think that maybe the weird endless gigantic DNA strand field place Yaz & the doctor were transported to could be... inside a tardis. How bout that? Ppftfftchcc nah never mind. dumb, stupid, unlikely, dumb. It's probs just whatever universe the master & glowy aliens have come from.. which could be insIDE A TARDIS!! 🤡
does any of this have anything to do with that timeless child stuff from last series???? guess we'll find out!
speaking of which, I want to see those floaty bandages again! I liked those. Why? They were kinda cute. I know not.
Sacha Dhawan is amazing!
💖 Sacha Dhawan 🙌🏻👑
- you guessed it - DHAWAN!
I saw something earlier about some theory that the master isn't actually the master but that O is just some dude pretending ?? lol and I just wanna say that if it turns out to be correct I'm burning this whole place to the ground 🙂 dont fucken test me chibnall I've killed for less 🙂🔥
So anyway
I am excited about this series bc its doctor who & I love it & I dont actually have a life so I will always watch.
But I'm also kind of tired.
Which makes me feel bad bc I love the cast! I love the new fam! 😭💗
But.. yeah. Whatevs, y'know? I'm just here to go along for the ride & fill voids trying to simulate the happiness & wonder I felt some 10+ years ago ahahha depression
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poetic-beats · 5 years
You'll be ok. If you feel your not, You can talk to me. Take care of yourself.
Thank you so much <3  I am just overwhelmed by everything right now.  Like my partner having no job by January. My mental health. My physical health like this year so far I’ve been told I have CNS dysfunction and FGID. I am being tested for Celiac. Oh and they found cysts on my ovaries then they tested and said it wasn’t what it could’ve been and now because of issues I’ve had my female GP who handles my contraception which is due up in January wants me to have another uhh thing to check the cysts and have another blood test because turns out I could actually have it..and it could affect my chances to have children naturally - I know what it was like for my mum she has the same condition and so if i have it I’m scared even though things are different now they know more and have better options its still like D: It is like seriously though I’ve got two new things wrong with me although they havent yet like found the cause of the CNS dysfunction all the specialist could say is I hit some markers for Fibromyalgia but not enough but in her medical professional opinion I do have some form of CNS dysfunction but just not likely fibromyalgia my mum took me to see this specialist first purely because she has Fibro herself so she thought well lets start with an appointment with a rheumatologist who would like be able to check for fibro and a few other condtions. So I kinda need to like now see I think the next step is a neuropsychologist but like I’ve been so stressed and ill right now trying to fight for my mental health treatment/therapy so I’ve not been like exactly thinking about making appointments for the CNS stuff. But it is impacting me it makes me get involuntary like twitches/jerks it feels like a jolt like a little electric jolt i guess down my body but not painful as such but it just makes my body go like suddenly my arms jerked to the left or Ive thrown the food in my hand across the room because my arm/wrist/hand w/e has suddenly twitched or w/e but sometimes i get the like electric like w/e feeling its hard to explain it like across my whole body from my head to my toes and at that point it can lead to me just sort of on and off twitching a bit more like less aggressively but more often in a space of time i usually end up sleeping it off so idk really I pretty much just always pass out asleep when I get that kind of feeling. And like I wanna do stuff to like help ease his worries about money and the burden on him to support us financially and support me emotionally. But I’m not fit to work like not even a minor part time job really because I’d be so unreliable with the way my body is. I am also affected by sensory issues and other things so it’s just not I couldnt realistically right now engage in work for someone.  So I am trying to do like online things but I don’t...I...just I am getting kinda overwhelmed by that too. Cos I dont know where to start what to do. Like I do but I dont you know? I mean...idk...Ive sold 3 pairs of sloth socks which was cool in the past like 2 weeks or is it 3 now since like i started like really seriously uploading to redbubble like before that I kept like uploading then removing my designs trying out different sites and so on I was trying to figure it out but I do now have it kinda figured out so that’s something. But now its like I’ve gotta get people to my freakin’ redbubble and its hard cos how an earth do i drive people to check out my store from the millions of others on the site. But also like I dont wanna like.. Idk I feel like and even though I have explained my situation on here I still kinda feel like I try to do it in a like not serious asking for help way in that i dont want it to come off as idk like I dont wanna be that person where its like i dont wanna be coming off as oh please help me feel sympathy towards me and feel sorry for me or pity me bs. I dont wanna be like appearing to be all I’m in desperate need pls help signal boost or buy to support me. Cos I’m not you know I have my parents to help we’ll be moving back in hopefully before xmas where I won’t have to pay rent. For me this is more about you know when my parents aren’t there I need to have an income for me and my partner hes disabled too...so full time jobs for the both of us is not likely especially if his EDS (edlher danlos syndrome) gets worse ya know?  So I suppose my worries arent like of imminent threat of anything but more like in the future we’ll be fucked if i cant set down the foundations now for the potential for a long term income from various online strategies. But just even thinking about the future and that far ahead fucking terrifies me.  Not only because of all this but because I never really thought about the future I didnt see one for myself as far as I was concerned I’d be dead or I’d be just...idk I couldnt even imagine a future or if I thought I’d make it I wouldnt really care you know because I didnt have like that light in me to want to live so it wasnt like I wanted to survive and thrive and i couldnt see a ‘happy ending’ for myself and now i can and I want to make that come true but of course its a bit hard to envisage a nice happy future with Kade when literally everything depends on having money to eat and have a roof over our heads etc and its just..UGH
I feel like trash too because I feel like my worth is valued by my output/labour and at the moment my output isn’t really bringing in cash right now so my output wouldnt exactly be deemed as ‘good’ idk its just weird its not like an I feel worthless thing like depression low self esteeem shit its more just a sort of social cultural consensus/belief that is ingrained that we are not really worth anything unless we’re contributing to society i.e working , paying taxes and buying things to reinvest in our economy etc etc..everything is about how much a human is worth in value of £ssss to big corporations and governments and rich people and idk its just like...they do have a point you know i cant just sit around and not do anything to contribute..because..then i feel like you know im not ‘sick enough’ to warrant that so im just in this limbo i guess completely self enforced by my mind which just makes it all the stupider but it is what it is. Venting this out has helped clear my mind some cos i mean at least its now out there in this void than just bouncing around my brain. Its why i write poetry too I guess idk why I just feel a release less tension SOMETIMES not all the time but sometimes it can help ease even if only slightly the chaos of my mind to just get it out there whether by chatting in person or writing it out like this just having it out there venting to someone or on a blog where people will read knowing like its not isolated within you still its relieving sometimes. So thanks for messaging me!  I hope you are having a good day so far! Idk timezones or where u r so it could be early there for you maybe your day is just starting..who knows! Its 2:37pm where I am right now though so I need to work  or try to...(yet again me feeling if i dont work constantly I be like failing at life) lol
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Wheel Of Fortune
EXO Park Chanyeol x Reader + others Characters: EXO Summary:  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Chanyeol was head over heels for you but he was 100% in denial that you liked Kyungsoo. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK FOOL. RUN IF YOURE NOT HERE FOR THAT, jealousy, bottled emotions, fluff ending, etc.
A/N: this was TOO FLUFFY tbh. i wanted to hurt myself but it turned into fluff but oh well
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let’s start at the beginning
your parents were introduced by mutual friends and started talking on the phone
okay kidding that’s too far
so you worked at SM
and is the maknae of a seven member coed group that debut a year after BigBang and a year before SHINee
(so 2007)
which considering the fact you were younger than Sehun by a couple of months meant you debuted at 10
just roll with it cos ITZ MY VERY SPECIFIC PLOT DMMIT
the members were all exactly one year apart and the members from eldest to youngest,, the sequence was a guy (@ 30 yrs old), a girl (29), a guy (28), a girl (27), a guy (26), a guy (25), then you (24).
since you were basically a sunbae at SM even tho u were a smol child you wanted to show your support to your hoobaes
So a day before their debut as a whole group, you, along with the eldest member of your group, who was the leader, visited EXO in the dance studio and gave moral support
You were A BIG FAN and it showed
not that you were hiding it in the first place
your leader was HIGH KEY embarrassed by you, but low key thought it was kinda cute how excited you were for this song
so dUH EXO dances growl for you
Luhan’s voice
Baekhyun’s attitude
Sehun’s resting bitch face
and Junmyeon thought you were adOrAbLE
“I think she malfunctioned,” your leader gave a face and pushed you on the shoulder to see if you were still breathing as you let out a silent scream
Jongin was too out of breath to fight you
but lol u know what
they did dance again for you
after that your band and exo were pretty much in one group 
like hella tight 
you were bsicly conjoined twinss
You could be at an award show and your table would be abandoned because you decided to sit with exo or vice versa
like you + your group to them:
“thtAS MY CHILd!”
“~~~that was sooooooo sOFYT”
“myY HERT!”
“OPPA *cries in korean* PLESS!”
‘iN fRonT oF MY sALaD”
“PA$$ THE H01Y W4T3R”
you @ baekyun
baekyun @ you
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them to you + your group:
“first of all fuck, second FUCK”
“HE did t h a t.”
“i cant beLIEVE THIS STADIUM IS SO QUIET” *ears are actually bleeding*
“how does this have 300M views????? ONLY 300M I--”
“my soul has been touched”
“this is TOOOOOOOO much ma lord”
“ASDFRTYUJM ive been shot”
ya dig
it’s not verbal abuse if they can’t hear you cause of the bass and the fact your on stage performing
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but like
you guys did everything together
like who else in SM mattered
SHINee who?
you reassure Minho everytime unless you wanted to die that day
BUT YOU OBVI you had MORE THAN ENOUGH ROOM TO BE AN EXO-L and an elf and a cassie and a so-won and DONT FOrget a vip and a---
you get the point
as you were close with everyone you had a special bond with every individual
my ot12
and as much as you say you are equally close with everyone
errbody knows that be bull the size of russia
yall caNNOT dENy that you and chanyeol have the same crack powder on your philtrums
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this moment must never die
ya boy be mindin his own business then
you and chanyeol be makin D.O. cray af
rest assured he HAS thought of how he’d kill both of you
ANd that’s why chanyeol loves you
like he decided he liked you the moment you lost your breath laughing when he threw a rubber duck at Kyunggsoo’s head, making it squeak in the most demented way no one thought possible
but he knew he loved you when you helped him lighten up on one of his dark days
you had that kind of effect on people
i mean all you did was sit down with him, both of your backs leaned up against each other’s, head occasionally leaning against the other’s head or shoulder, and played some nothings on the guitar and ukulele
but that was more than enough
you were there with him
and that’s what mattered
But literally the moment he accepted his feelings for you
he began to notice something he felt 100000% dumb for not seeing before
the way you laugh when Kyungsoo says a lame-ass joke
the way you always hug him from behind
you did that with literally everyone you were close with sure, 
but Chanyeol noticed you did it with him more 
and he 3
there was also the way you were just always winding up next to Soo when he was around, like he had some sort of magnet on him
and how you just liked poking his cheeks, begging him to show his dimples
which were really faint like gurl--
why daheq did you like his close to nonexistent ones?????????
okay you liked poking Lay’s dimples more
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and suho
and chen
anD FINE--
yeah you did poke his too
literally anyone who remotely has dimples tbh
ads;ajsd;lasjdkas #jelly
so chanyeol decides to ask someone about it
so he obviously goes to his wisest hyung
but the day he  wants to talk to Suho, YOU WERE ON A DATE WITH HIM
like a date but not a date date he could tell
so he goes to Baekhyun for some fucking reason
and he’s like “omg u like her i couLDnt FUCKING TELL FROM ALL THE HEARTS IN TH AIR”
instant regret
but like Baek did give him some advice
like 5% was advice
the other 99% was him screaming to just be a man and tell her
so chanyeol is like, “STFU.... also she likes kyungsoo so fml”
and for a hot second Baekhyun has nothing to say
“idek dude. this is why i flirted with her openly”
Chanyeol punched him for saying that
but he decides he’s going to tell you after like 231109 years
cos Jongdae said you don’t like Kyungsoo and that he’s sure of it
Chanyeol asked how he was sure and he was just all like
“she had a crush on Sungmin hyung before and DID NOT act like that at all.”
That made Chanyeol a lot more hopeful
So he just went for it
and asked if you wanted to get lunch
and then after eating, you guys walked back
and he just sort of blurted it out
you just looked at him and chuckled, “Thank you. I like you too, Yeolie.”
bitch are you for real rn
before Chanyeol could clarify, your walking slowed, “I’ve known for a while now.”
w h a t
“Minseok oppa told me.”
?????????? uhm HOW DID HE KNOW
Chanyeol’s hands were waterfalls atm, “Why did he tell you?”
Your face starts burning red and chanyeol cant help but think of it as a bad sign
“I told him I liked him...”
“... and he said he can’t reciprocate because he knows you like me, and that he can’t do that to his dongsaeng.”
cool story bro
you liked someone in EXO that was NOT him
cool cool cool
wait did that mean chanyeol was this obvious
wait did that mean chanyeol ruined your chances with his hyung
wait was this why you cried that one time
 Chanyeol frowned and called out your name, proceeding to apologize
“Wae? why are you sorry? did you tell minseok to say that to me?“
he couldn’t feel mushy and weird at what you said
“YA dont tell me youre going to be weird around me too. It’s bad enough Minseok oppa distanced himself a bit.”
Chanyeol couldn’t help but be angry, sad, protective, and annoyed all at once at what you just admitted to him
“I’ll tell him to stop.”
You pouted, “you don’t have to tell anyone anything, chanyeol.”
“yes but you don’t deserve to feel awkward around anyone.”
“yes but that was minseok oppa’s choice.”
“yes but he was only doing that because he’s my hyung and he’s dumb.”
“yes but-- 
and so you walked forward fast and tried to ignore chanyeol
Chanyeol, with his freakishly long legs caught up with you though
he caught your arm
“What tf are you doing?“
“Ew dont talk to me its awkward. im awkward. your awkward.”
Chanyeol laughed. “yaaaaa, why do i like you?
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jul-bilant · 6 years
prince seungcheol
he was always the buzz around the whole kingdom *i mean y wouldnt he?? have you sEEN the guy????*
he’s always going around town, supervising incase any dumbass decided to sell drugs around the block or smth
(he once caught one and he didnt kno seungcheol was the prince and offered him marijuana and got arrested bc of tht and bc seungcheol got offended lmao)
and whenever he passes by, theres always gonna be some thirstyass girls staring at him like
or like
*runs up to him* “cAN I BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND??”
and tbh seungcheol just deadass rejects her but like,,, politely bc pRINCE MANNERS
and thats why he has two bodyguards with him at all times outside the palace now
anyways;;; prince seungcheol’s rlly rlly rLLY polite and well-mannered
he’s also a smart boi like
8 yr old seungcheol can solve 10th grade algebra, write a whole 10+ paged essay abt cytology and find the cure for cancer
kidding lol *nOT*
but srsly, this boi is smarter than yo algebra teachers like bi h
and he’s also sort of leader-like, so people already know he’ll be a great king one day
but he also has a kind heart and cares for everyone he loves and the whole kingdom
a 5 yr old girl once tripped over a rock infront of him and he took her to a bench, bought a bandage and aided her scraped knee ;-;
you can tell im soft for seungcheol hhhh
anyways, he’s been stressing out for a while because his coronation as king is nearing and it’s in a few months since his father died a year ago
and he needs to find a suitable partner
thats where you come in
you’re a maid in the palace
the maids have a thing where they check on seungcheol every two or three hours to see if he’s hungry, needs smth, or anything like tht
and this time, you were assigned to check on him
tbh you’ve never been assigned because it’s always the head maid that checks on him or that one maid thats always been the head maid’s fave
but not today
it was 10 pm and you went to see if seungcheol needed anything so you go to his study room
but before you knock, you hear something from inside his study room
it sounds like crying
and you know for a fact that thats seungcheol’s voice thats crying
you were at a loss of what to do, so it took you a while to do anything, but you decided to go down and tell the chefs that he was hungry just so you could bring him his favourite food to cheer him up
when you went back to the study room, you knocked
but he didn’t answer
it was quiet now, no more sobbing
so you opened the door
and saw seungcheol with his head down on the desk
you quietly wheeled the food towards his study table and put the tray on the other desk near the couch
you carefully approached seungcheol out of curiosity
his cheeks were stained with dried tears, but other than that, he still looked as handsome as ever
you grew concerned and took of the blankets from the bigass closet near the prince’s room and draped it over him
i mean, you were already there so why not lol
the next morning, seungcheol awoke to the smell food and a blanket around him
he grew confused but shrugged it off, he expected one of the maids to do these things
but he smiled knowing someone cares
meanwhile, the head maid came up to you and told you that you’ll be the maid who’ll regularly check up on seungcheol from now on since she was, quote-on-quote, “busy”, and her favourite maid had to retire for god knows what
you didn’t know why but you felt a sense of happiness and anxiety at the same time
so in the afternoon, you go to check on seungcheol as he’s in the study room, sorting out papers
when you enter the room after knocking, seungcheol kinda stares at you
not in the bad, offending way, nah m8
but like
‘holy shit this woman looks better than a grilled cheese sandwich’
which roughly translates to “prince seungcheol is making googly-eyes at maid y/n” ty v much
and he blushed a bit but hid it well when you approached him
“good afternoon, prince seungcheol.. i am maid y/n, i’ll be the new maid who’ll check on you from time to time from now on..” you inform him
he smiles
s m i l  e s
“thank you for informing me, miss y/n,” he replied
“may i ask you a small favor?”
you were like
‘w8 boi whut-’
but you just replied with an “ok”
“please tell the maid who draped a blanket over me and brought me food last night 'thank you’, and tell her it’s from me.” he smiled
you contemplated on telling him whether or not it was you,
which would be odd for other people, since they would of cOURSE take the chance and say that they did
but you had a sense of not taking credibility in most cases bc you like being humble and shiet so you nod and telling him you’ll inform her
“thank you, it means a lot to me..” seungcheol smiles
a few months after, you hear his royal adviser, which no one rlly likes tbh (tht includes seungcheol), scolding him because he has yet to find a partner
so you go check on him in his bedroom after knocking, and he let you in
you two had, undoubtedly, grown close
which is weird bc he doesnt really make friends w/ workers in the palace, much less be best friends with them
but thats what happened
he basically tells you everything from his dreams, to when his father passed, to how his cat scratched the curtain of the theatre room and etc.
so naturally, you started liking him
but of course, why’d the prince like a maid like you????
yall were just best friends
(like any other ff pfft)
you sat down on his bed, a concerned look on your face as he was on the verge of tears
“whats wrong?” you asked, even if you already knew what dampened his mood
“Mr. Song is pressuring me into getting married again, but this time he told me other things..”
you watch as a tear or two falls from his eyes
its really painful to watch him cry
“its okay… you dont have to tell me if you dont want to..” you reassured seungcheol but he just shakes his head
“no.. i think you deserve to know”
and he told you about how his adviser called him a worthless prince for not being able to even court a girl, telling him that if he was this indecisive, the kingdom would fall, and other hurtful things like that
at this point, he was crying the whole waterfall somewhere in the deep woods near the kingdom
“cheol.. i’m sorry you had to endure that…”
without thinking, you gently pulled him into your arms, pulling him into a warm hug
both of you were surprised, but didn’t waver away from the hug
for a second you thought 'omf why the fu c  k did i do that’
but you just shook the thought away, telling yourself that your best friend is in emotional pain and you did that for moral support
(which wasnt the only reason but you wanted to deny the others hhh)
but seungcheol on the other hand was lo si  n g his shit
on the inside, of course
he’s like 'omg omg omg she’s hugging me mOM-’
but thats where it dawned on him
he likes you
the next day, you knocked on the door of his study room
but it was silent, just like that one night when he cried himself to sleep
so you opened the door,
but he wasnt there
you panicked a little, thinking about where on palace grounds he couldve gone to
so you checked his bedroom, the kitchen, the theatre room, the throne room, the royal gardens, everywhere
but aside from finding his cat scratching the theatre room curtains, they were all empty
you asked the head maid where he was and she answered you with a shocked expression before replying
“you mean to tell me you didn’t know he was in the neighboring kingdom, meeting up with his arranged fiancee?”
arranged or not, it still hurt to know that he was with the woman who he was going to marry
and that was not you
the head maid gave you the day off, since seungcheol wasnt here for the day
you dressed casually, a white, plain, sleeveless dress that goes to your knees, instead of the regular, convervative, longsleeved maid uniform you were obliged to wear when you had work
you took a walk around the palace grounds, eventaully stopping when you reach the rooftop balcony
the moon was already making an appearance, the night ready to take over the sky
you stay there for the time being, finding the night sky, stars and a few blobs of clouds enticing to the human eye
moments later, you find yourself holding back tears
you let out a few stray tears drip down your cheeks as you sniff, not bothering to wipe them away
you were surprised when a blanket was wrapped around you, and a familiar pair of arms pulling into a hug
“its cold, you shouldn’t be out here at this ti- ….why are you crying?” you heard him voice out the last part in a soft whisper, contrasting his normal tone of speech like how he talked a few moments ago
“n-nothing… its dumb..” you tell him, dismissively
but he wasnt having it
“come on, i’ll listen to you.. tell me whats bothering you to the point where you’re crying..” seungcheol wiped a few of your tears away
“i’ll be fine, cheol.. and.. aren’t you supposed to be in the neighboring kingdom until tomorrow?..” you asked
“yes.. but there was no reason to stay if i rejected the marriage.”
w h a  t
“you- what?!” you turned to him, dumbfounded
he chuckled
“yeah, i rejected the marriage. i have my eyes on another girl..” he confessed, not breaking the eye contact you both shared
“…quite literally..” he grinned
“she was there for me through everything, comforted me at the toughest of times, and brought me food and a blanket when i fell asleep at my study room..”
so he knew
you blushed, knowing exactly what he meant
he approached you slowly, and once he had you in his field of reach, he cupped your face and pulled you closer to him
“would you…” he paused
“…marry me?”
you smiled a gentle, assuring smile
“..of course.”
and in a fit of smiles and small laughs, seungcheol kissed you
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ k.sy | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen hoshi x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!soonyoung, fluff
collab with; @kpop–fics
tags; @lunarjihoon
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kwon soonyoung
as an assassin slash mafia
speedy gonzales 2.0 
this boy could sprint !!! 
usain bolt is shaking in his shoes 
he can literally do a mission in 5 minutes ,, while an avErAge human being would take like
a day
he just does things really quickly and cleanly so lik e wow
“in and out, it’s easy”
well that’s his motto
and seungkwan always just stares @ him and starts drooling like
!! d id i hear in & out !!
or rather, hoshi - his code name,
is always appointed to missions where speed was needed 
eg a car chase, or a single-handed stealing mission etc etc
like zoom zoom bithc i am baCK WITH DA GOODS
today was the first ,,, challenge ,,, hoshi faced
ok not really the first but he was worried about it
though he didnt show it i mean cmon it’s soonyoung lmao he has his egoooo
situation was that-
a convict had escaped with some hella important ,, stuff ,,, 
and seungcheol, their boss, freaked out like 
he really freaked out
and hoshi just
“no need to yell damn i’ll go fetch them” 
he didn’t think much of it tbh
bc he didn’t know he was gonna have to drive around the whole city
following the convict’s car
hoshi hated driving bc omg it wAS SO SLOW
one had to stop at red lights
and like,, signal when you’re turning
like fuk yall and ur bs i’m gonna drive how i  w aNT
so that time he just ended up wheezing through the whole city road and thE WHOLE GROUP ALMOST GOT CAUGHT
so hoshi was banned from driving for a while
but that didn’t last bc not a lot of members could drive lmao
but hoshi still prefers running
he was really fast ya’ll dont understand his speed and stamina o goody
ok but back to the mission !!
so there he was 
silently following the brand new car in front of him
he doubted if he could keep up 
the car he was using wasn’t exactly,,, new 
it was making some rumbling sound and would randomly emit some foul-smelling smell lol
and he kept complaining to the rest over the radio
hoshi kept having thoughts of like 
is this car gunna explode on me
and then he would just
“would it be faster if I just sprinted?” 
smh soonyoung
but ofc he keeps driving 
bc no he’s not leaving the car @ the side of the road
with all the firearms in the trunk
not a good idea lol they’re just gonna rot in jail if that happens
so yes hoshi just drives
great decision!!! 
his worries weren’t for nothing after all 
his car just,,, gave up
in the middle of the road 
like it spluttered and choked like hoshi’s victims and juST SHUT DOWN
like how ??? dare you ??? on me ?? the almighty kwon ????
and on top of that 
he was literally in the middle of nowhere
he was @ a hella straight road ?? with trees around ?? and nothing else?? 
he panicked as he saw the car in front of him drive further and further
the convict was kinda dumb tbh lol he hadn’t noticed hoshi after so long
but !!!!!
luckily for hoshi
unluckily for you 
you were just on a road trip with your new car
and you decided to pass through some deserted roads
“less traffic, more exploring!!!”
lol say goodbye to exploring y/n
so when you saw a human waving like crazy on the side of the road 
of course you stopped 
like a normal human being would 
and he just,,, 
got in 
like he literally just opened the door to your passenger seat and hOPPED RIGHT IN
like boi excuse me ???
whats going on???
this is MY car ??????
“just drive and follow that dark red car!”
you were like ???? what is happening 
hoshi suddenly just grabs your steering wheel and u were gonna yell at him
“just drive if u don’t want me to do it!”
he was basically threatening you
like ok am i ur hostage or something now ??
he just glares @ u and u couldnt do anything like hE WAS GLARING AT YOU
so with ,,, pretty darn shaky hands,,, u just started driving down the road
with him randomly raising his voice to speed up
and with u flinching every single time he does it
ok honestly hoshi doesn’t mean to scare u
he was just urgent as hell and wanted to catch up with the car
when he sees how tight you’re clenching on the wheel he kinda melts 
and side glances you
“sorry. i won’t hurt you, i promise. i just need to borrow your car for a little.”
u don’t speak and just hum a little like u were still kinda shook
“…im serious”
awkward silence
awkward silence #2.
“so… what did he do?” 
no answer
like damn guy idk who you are or what you do but the least you can do is try to explain or something- 
“i can’t say.” 
i see how it is
undercover mission?
with me as scapegoat?
no but whatever was going on 
you honestly didn’t want anything to do with it 
all that secretive stuff 
not your thing 
you were just an ordinary student
you were too young to diE
but the red car you were tailing suddenly came to a stop
and so u naturally slowed down too
you thought u could get this guy out of your car now
the person from the car in front of you just gOT OUT
and before you could hide,,, a bullet grazed your shoulder after it shot a hole on the glass in front of u
u started screaming of course,,, and tried to duck under your dashboard 
but no your seat was too far front there was no space
you could hear the windscreen shattering more as the bullets hit it
and u were ofc bleeding
and the guy beside you pulls out a gun from his own pocket and u start screaming even louder
“shut up and just stay in here!”
he gets out of your car, staying low 
& shot the other guy
and u knew he hit him bc the gunshots stopped
you were still hunched down awkwardly in your car
and hoshi comes back in and looks at your arm and just became really guilty
“you alright?”
you had to deliberately breathe to know you are still breathing
and you slowly nodded like yes im alive
“get onto the passenger’s seat. i’ll get you to the hospital.”
“what about that guy??”
“he’ll come around. he isn’t dead. doesn’t matter now.”
you stare at him like !?!?
but he just starts driving
“btw i’m soonyoung.”
u hesitate.
you see soonyoung smile a little but u ignored it lol
& your arm was bleeding but not a lot but it was really bleeding.
soonyoung quickly drove u to the nearest hospital and the entire ride was pretty quiet
and comfortably so
u were tired ;;;
when u guys got to the hospital, they just helped you bandage it up and stuff
and soonyoung was like
“hey, y/n”
“sorry for getting you involved. i owe you.”
you wanted to just shout no bc u didn’t want to have anything to do with this business anymore 
but the words got stuck in your throat
so it ended up as soonyoung just sending u home
and for the next few weeks, u kept seeing him around
he was really keeping his promise
it was all the simple things actually
eg. he would come to u while u were grocery shopping ,, and just take the basket from you
and then follow u around
you realize that he actually isn’t a typical murderer or anything
he was actually ,,,,
really nice ,,,,,
and u 2 started spending a lot of time tgt
nd luckily for soonyoung 
his team members never found out about the few escaped targets
they were dense as hell ahaaa
he would have to explain why he was so distracted nowadays 
and only he knew 
that was because of your cute face that kept popping up in his head every now & then
he liked u oK
i mean you two spent a lot of time tgt
after that
so like
naturally :)))
it happened :))))
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m0onbean · 7 years
Astro Reaction To You Having Tattoos But A Sweet Personality
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here you go <3 (this is in bullets)
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when he first met you he thought you were an angel
sweet personality, cute laugh, ummm you're adorable ok???
he always thought you were cuddly teddy bears, kittens and puppies, unicorns, you know...
then when you went on the stage with your rock band he would be like
W O A H 
I  T H I N K  I  F E L L  I N  L O V E
so like backstage when you get off the stage he's in awe at your performance
he compliments you incessantly like "omg you were so good" and "sTEP ON ME YOURE PERFECT"
and you just laugh cutely and he's like (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
and then you two go on a date bc you think jinjin is rlly kyoot too
and on the first date you decided to show him your tattoos
you show him your favorite one which is a rose on your shoulder, a dragon on your neck, some quotes hidden on your body, and basically everything that means a lot to you and is your soul
and at first he's taken aback bc he never thought you to be such an edgy person
but now that he knows he feels closer and more in love than ever
he's t o u c h e d you showed them to him and he's even considering getting a tattoo now too
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so you two would be at an airport catching a flight
you would be sitting next to eachother, waiting for the next takeoff
and then he would notice a small tattoo sticking out from your sleeve
and instantly he would be like ?????THATS SO COOL?????
and MJ being MJ this boi would not hesitate to ask "so what's that on ur arm lolz"
and you being sweet/chill/nice you would smile at him and pull your sleeve up
and it reveals *insert whatever you would have tattooed*
and he'd be like :-O that's so cool! and would examine it carefully
and you'd be like NOW WAIT THERE'S MORE and pull up your other sleeve and bAM ANOTHER TATTOO
he would be like nOW WAIT A MINUTE and be super amazed anD be     S H O O K  E T H
and you found it funny how obsessed he was with them
and hearts would be flying out his pupils because you're perfect: sweet personality but badass tattoos
and you would explain to him that you were also in a rock band and you performed and you were traveling for your next performance
and coincidentally you two were going to perform at the same place so you exchanged numbers and decided to meet up more often 
and MJ may or not be squealing in excitement bc he's head over heels for you
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so you would be walking down the street casually heading over to a cafe to get a drink
a guitar case was slung over your shoulder and you were wearing a muscle tanktop showing off your tattoos
to say the least, you looked BADASS and cOOOLL
literally everybody was staring at you as you walked by because you had such a c o o l aura
and suddenly you bump into a hard chest and ur like wTf and stumble back
but these arms catch you mid air and you look up and see the most beautiful human being in the world
AnD that human was eunwoo and he was shaking in his boots and how he literally knocked you over and how he was intimidated by you
(but of course there was nothing to be scared of)
and you'd be like C H I L L but you'd find it adorable so you forgave him kindly and giggled
and ur laugh was music to his ears
and he'd be like O H S O R R Y
and you two would have a conversation that was filled with his apologies
then he would hesitantly ask what your tattoos meant
and you'd be like oH ok and show him all of the visible ones and explain each of them
and he'd be drowning in the meanings bc he thought your tattoos were not only cool but really meaningful
and then he would ask if you were in a rock band bc of that guitar in your hand and you'd be like yUp
despite his schedule he would walk with you to the cafe and you would show him videos of your performances on your phone and he'd be ♥‿♥
and he would attend all of your concerts and although he doesn't prefer rock music he loves it now bc of you
then you two started dating after a while bc he fell in love with everything about you
and whenever you two would just cuddle he would trace his fingers your tattoos and admire them which warmed your heart up
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this boi has always considered getting a tattoo but was scared that it would hurt
so he always wimped out but felt a lingering feeling whenever he would look at the tattoo shop down the corner
and then the members would legit have to drag him there and yELL at him saying "YOURE A BIG BOY YOU CAN DO IT OK"
so there he was standing awkwardly outside the shop rethinking his life choices
and through the window he saw you laying down on the chair literally so calm as the artist drilled ink into your skin
and like you didn't even flinch or blink throughout the process and patiently waited
and moonbin would be like gODDAMN she's such a badass y can't i do that :-(
so he would watch the whole process in awe and when it was finally finished he was enraptured with you
and so you walked out the shop with your fresh, new tattoo glimmering on your arm
and he would quickly stop you and be like "HOW ?!"
after explaining his fear to you you'd comfort and soothe him
you would tell him it's ok to be scared and that the first time always hurts but after it's done everything is amazing and it's worth it
so after much consoling & pep talk you lead him into the shop and hold his hand as he screwed his eyes shut
and although he would flinch sometimes, he was silent & focused on staying still
his hand was tightly attached to yours and you would squeeze it several times to let him know he was fine
and after it was all done his face was literally glowing and he'd never felt so relieved before
and you'd smile at this cute boi and he would be super grateful that you stuck with him throughout this adventure
so being the slick boi he is he asks "can i get your number so the next time i get another tattoo you can provide moral support"
and you'd be like oKAY YOU ADORABLE MESS
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so rocky entered this dance competition where he had to dance with a selected group
and his group decided to sort of do this "badass" concept where they would do backflips, jump off a car, set things on fire, you know
and so for their costumes rocky's group all didn't have tattoos so they decided to get those temporary ones
so when rocky entered the shop to find those cool temporary tattoos of dragons and stuff he spots you looking around
and he notices that sick tattoo you have inked on your arm and a couple other ones on your leg and neck
so he goes up to you shyly (this cute, awkward boi smhhh) and he's like "oh um eXcuse me ?? yah can you show me which store you got that tattoo from? they look rlly realistic and i need some realistic ones for something"
and you'd be like ???????????????lol they're real
his cheeks would be blushing so hard and he'd be yelling at himself in his brain 
and you'd be like in your head LOL HE KYOOT and since you felt bad for his misunderstanding you ended up helping him find a cool tattoo anyways
because you were in that shop to get design ideas in the first place
and as you two shopped together rocky would feel more comfortable around you
you weren't exactly badass, tough, and scary which rocky liked
and by the time you two stepped out of the shop y'all would be laughing together and engaging in fun conversations
rocky would be telling stories of how he fell on stage in once of his dances and he became a meme in his school after that
and so you notice he's getting quieter as you two realize that the sun was setting
and he would finally be brave enough to say "would you... like uhhh... want to watch my performance lol its ok if you dont want to though its understandable i just thought-"
aNd you'd be like uhhh???? they're not! i'm in a rock band so i love any type of music performances
and he'd be like O rlly?? bITCH I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU EVEN MORE
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this cute ass kid was one day like OHOHOHO IMMA GET ME A TATTOO
but all his friends would try to convince him not to and be like UMMMM OH HELL NO SANHA 
but sanha never understood why not? he always thought of it as art creations and not anything rebellious
and plus they looked super edgy and cool anyways and sanha wanted to be c o o l 
so despite what everybody thought the tall beagle marched to the tattoo shop and flung the door open and was like SUP GUYS
and all the artists would be like gEt oUt where are your parents
and poor sanha would walk out the door with his head down bc he really really wanted to get a moon tattooed on his arm (WINK WINK MY SANHA SERIES BONFIRE YOU CAN FIND IT ON MY MASTERLIST)
but you were there to witness it and you were like w h a t let the kid live
and so you'd grab his wrist and it was one of those kdrama moments where sanha would dramatically turn around and it's raining and you're like "no... don't go" and he'd be like "i have to my love" and you're like "we can work this out"
and the people in the store are legit like wtf is happening
and although everybody was scolding at you for letting him back in who cares?? the boy is 19 and is the size of a palm tree let him get that moon if he wants that moon
but of course you would ask him if his parents gave him permission and he'd be like "well..."
so you weren't really a tattoo artist there but you were just helping out since your dad worked there
and as sanha patiently waited for his artist to get ready he would stare at your tattoos and ask permission to look at all of them
and now sanha was H Y P E D bc he was sooo ready to finally do something he's always dreamed of doing
and you had to keep him from bouncing in his seat
and after it was done sanha would be like ZOOWEEMAMA I F E E L   L I K E   I   C A N   S A V E   T H E  W O R L D 
and everyone would still be eyeing him weirdly but whatever you thought it was cute
and he'd thank you a bajillion times for helping him
and you'd be like okok you kid
but then you noticed that sanha started visiting the shop more regularly even though he wasn't getting a new tattoo
like he'd stop by, show you his tattoo multiple times, talk with you, talk with the staff, and bAsically become the store's new son (UGHH SO CUTE)
and whenever he'd stop by and stay for a few hours he brought everyone coffee and everybody actually loved him now
and they even offered to get him a free tattoo for all he's done and hE'D BE LIKE O M G  UM YES 
and now you and sanha were bFFs because since you two were the same age the chemistry was perfect and you were never bored around him
and the staff would  be like J U S T  D A T E 
and you two would get matching tattoos as a symbolism and are BASICALLY DATING BUT YOU TWO ALWAYS DENY IT AND FACES TURN PINK
y'all cute ok?
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Woozi for lawyer!au Hehe thanks! 
This was one of the more popular choices when yall voted! I was sure that woozi aus weren’t that popular but my street musician au blew up?? as did this au when people voted??? ever since i made this blog you guys have never ceased to amaze me I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS PIECE FROM YOUR FAV MOM!!!
warnings: a Manly Jihoon that turns into a Blushy Jihoon with bad jokes
Ok yall im in mock trial so this is some real legit stuffz but i don’t know everything so it’s obviously not completely accurate!
This au got quite a lot of votes, a lot more than i expected
Here we will explore the concept of Manly Jihoon
Let’s get moving!!!!!
You’ve been in your current law firm for a few years now
You ain’t even an attorney you just file papers rip
You’re like i am s O D ON E with this job hahahah :)))))
Your office job is like the typical ones you hear about that make you wanna yawn bc they’re just sO B OR I N G
Additionally to your office job, you’re also lowkey a personal assistant for the one and only,,,,,,
You guessed it
Lee Jihoon
The bEST of the best attorneys ever to exist, at least for the defense
We’re talking about high-scale crimes that you would only imagine happening, like big scandalous murder cases in mystery novels and movies
And he always,,,,, aLW A YZZ,,,, wins the case no joke
The last case he worked on took literally months and the trial for it w A S O IN TE N S E HOLY CRAP
You: wow i would so not wanna be that witness on the stand rn
The guy spits out objections left and right and usually the opposing attorney would be almost up to par on his level but we all know jihoon is gonna miss u with that bs
He indirectly tore apart the attorneys on tOP OF SHREDDING APART THE WITNESSES W O W
Bc of this you know exactly how intense and firm jihoon is when it comes to his work
The day he asked you to be his personal assistant may or may not have made you wanna pee in your pants
The most intimidating guy just asked you to be around him more often than you were supposed to, which is never???? um u have an office job????
“Look you seem to be the most trustworthy person here. Like i don’t even trust soonyoung and he’s my fellow coworker for this case” yes it’s bc he trusts you nOT liKE He hAS A CR us H On yO U NO OFC NO T
“See what i mean??? Always eavesdropping smh”
Soonyoung: ok,,, if that’s how you wanna play jihoon,,,, you think you’re such a hOtShOt,,,,,,
Since he’s perfectly aware he’s asking you to do something out of your way that is not part of your job he is willing to actually pay you
You’re lowkey thinking about just being his assistant bc the pay he gives you is lowkey higher than your actual salary rIP IM SORRY READER YOU DESERVE BETTER
For the most part you fetch him his daily coffee and help him file more papers jesus
But this guy is busy 25/8 so you’re on your feet a l o t
“y/n where’s the file i told you to create for brian?”
“y/n can you hand me the case book”
“File this in with the evidence”
“Take a look at the errata and cross these sections out”
You are doing a lot of the tiny things jihoon just doesn’t have time to other than the bulk of the case
You’re like oh de ar,,,, this is my office job 2.0 but i’m moving around more
You’re a little overwhelmed bc you’re experiencing firsthand how serious jihoon’s job is and it isn’t just about objecting to the opposing side
Figuring out how to word your questions so you don’t get objected to is by far the hardest part
Sometimes he would even ask you for advice just for some insight from an outside party
You don’t know every single thing about the law so he explains some of it to you but he’s actually like o H My gOD THEY’RE SO CUTE
“Jihoon what does hearsay mean?”
Jihoon: *combusts* “lol well it’s pretty simple,,,,”
When you’re too busy filing papers and doing other tasks, you are completely oblivious to the little glances he spares your wa Y JESUS
He would be like o m g how does one make crossing things out look sO G O OD
You look up and he pretends he’s reading the case book i fucken see u jihoon
But you don’t and you just resume your work
The biggest case he’s ever worked on is gonna be put to the test
The trial for it is the next day and jihoon is usually the epitome of calm and collected
But when you show up to his office with his coffee he doesn’t even notice you coming in and is running back and forth
“Jihoon??? I have your coffee if you,, still want it,,, you look a lil busy”
“Oh y/n thank you just set it down over there on the table”
As you put it down on his desk you glance around the room and it looks like a tornado came in and turned the room upside down
You don’t wanna pry and be in his way but you’re also like where is the relaxed jihoon from yesterday????
You’re like um,,, is,,, is everything ok??
And he stops for a second to catch his breath and you’re like pL S DON’T YELL AT ME
Shockingly he just sighs
“I reread the case book last night and i caught something pretty strange,,,, and i’ve been trying to dig up more about it in the other witnesses’ testimonies to find anything that slipped”
You’re like oh jesus that sounds stressful but i will be here to help you!!11!!
jihoon is trying to keep his fanboy in check but hOW CAN HE IF YOU’RE BEING THIS CUTE
“Ah..haha… that’s very considerate of you. Actually,,, maybe you can help me”
You must have been gawking at him with your mouth open bc he’s like is it that shocking i need help
You shake your head “n-no!!! Tell me what it is GO LISTEN TO THIS BY SF9 BYE and i’ll do it”
And he’s like ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i knew i liked you for a reason -- i mE A N OK PLS GO THROUGH THE TESTIMONIES FOR ME
And you spend a few more hours helping him out
You’ve never seen jihoon this frazzled and it kinda makes you freaked out too bc if he ain’t calm how can you be
You guys finally finish and he lets out a huge breath of relief
“I think,,,, we did it,,,, they can’t weasel out of this!!!”
“That’s good i’m glad i was able to help!!!”
“Yes we make a good team :)”
And yO U’RE LIKE OH,,,,, OMG
“Wow i’m offended????? Is that what you think of me???????????”
“nO I WAS JOKING I Love how passionate you are about your work and really admire you for always being able to set your mind to something and doing it”
Jihoon is shook to say the least
No one has ever said that to him despite his huge success as an attorney
People compliment him on his work yes but it’s superficial and only empty words
Everyone is always reluctant to actually talk to him bc he’s always so cold and work-oriented
He can see the floating halo above your head
It takes him a while to say something bc now it’s his turn to stare
There’s a strange air of intimacy and you’re trying to control your cheeks from flaring red under his gaze
You suddenly notice how long his eyelashes are--
“Did,,, i say something funny?”
“No,,,, not at all,,,,, thank you. That means a lot to me.”
Alert the reader is melting emergency alert
“Would you,,, like to come watch tomorrow?”
You really want to but,,,, your office job,,,,, stacks of papers are piling up on your desk
He senses your hesitance and is like i’ll let your boss know it’s to help me out
You’re like uh does that actually work
“He loves me ok this firm would be in the ground let’s be real”
You: well he ain’t wrong
“Ok well,,,, as long as it’s alright,,,,,, I have to see it through the end with you!!”
Jihoon: i am def gonna need 2 win
The following night comes too soon and you’re in the audience with bated breath
As soon as jihoon announces himself the atmosphere instantly shifts
The opposing attorneys seem to be unfazed and it’s a harsh battle between defense and prosecution
Jihoon brings up the newly found loophole and you can see the witness be like o cr a p gudbyez
And the attorney tries to save their witness during Redirect but even you thought their reputation was ruined
Jihoon is All Smirks for the rest of the trial
As it comes to an end after many many hours, the judge finally speaks about the verdict
You wait for him outside of the building as the people are dispersing
It takes a while for him to emerge out from the doors but the second he does you’re like
He knows he’s used to hearing this but for some reason he turns sO BL US H Y
Instead of replying with his usual “oh thank you, I know” he’s avoiding your gaze
“Oh,,,, it was,,, nothing,,,,”
And you swear you can see hints of pink on his cheeks
You decide to tease him for a bit bc i mEAN THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY
“Omg jihoon,,, are you blushing????”
“*clears throat loudly* SUFDFSDJLFJF NO WHAT I DO N OT BLUSH we’re going to the nearest pizza parlor”
And he starts tugging your arm and you’re like wH AT I DIDNT EVEN AGREE TO THIS???
He mutters “well the least we could do is celebrate” aND YOU CAN SEE THE TIPS OF HIS EARS SUPER RED
Even in the dark you can see his embarrassment written all over him
You’re like “well this is cheesy aHAH SEE WHAT I DID THERE”
“We’re not going anymore”
“,,,,but not as cheesy as me using this as an excuse to ask you out”
“Well i mean -- wAIT WHAT”
And he’s looking at you expectantly and you’re just trying to Register What Happened
“Oh,,,, well,,,, i wouldn’t mind,,,,,,,,,,”
And he smiles ever so slightly my heart
“How greasy of me”
“Ok who’s the one making bad puns now”
413 notes · View notes
kpop--fics · 7 years
Collab with @theliqht !!!
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kwon soonyoung
as an assassin slash mafia
speedy gonzales 2.0
this boy could sprint !!!
usain bolt is shaking in his shoes
he can literally do a mission in 5 minutes ,, while an avErAge human being would take like
a day
he just does things really quickly and cleanly so lik e wow
“in and out, it’s easy”
well that’s his motto
and seungkwan always just stares @ him and starts drooling like
!! d id i hear in & out !!
or rather, hoshi - his code name,
is always appointed to missions where speed was needed
eg a car chase, or a single-handed stealing mission etc etc
like zoom zoom bithc i am baCK
today was the first ,,, challenge ,,, hoshi faced
ok not really the first but he was worried about it
though he didnt show it i mean cmon it’s soonyoung lmao he has his egoooo
situation was that-
a convict had escaped with some hella important ,, stuff ,,,
and seungcheol, their boss, freaked out like
he really freaked out
and hoshi just
“no need to yell damn i’ll go fetch them”
he didn’t think much of it tbh
bc he didn’t know he was gonna have to drive around the whole city
following the convict’s car
hoshi hated driving bc omg it wAS SO SLOW
one had to stop at red lights
and like,, signal when you’re turning
like fuk yall and ur bs i’m gonna drive how i  w aNT
so that time he just ended up wheezing through the whole city road and thE WHOLE GROUP ALMOST GOT CAUGHT
so hoshi was banned from driving for a while
but that didn’t last bc not a lot of members could drive lmao
but hoshi still prefers running
he was really fast ya’ll dont understand his speed and stamina o goody
ok but back to the mission !!
so there he was
silently following the brand new car in front of him
he doubted if he could keep up
the car he was using wasn’t exactly,,, new
it was making some rumbling sound and would randomly emit some foul-smelling smell lol
and he kept complaining to the rest over the radio
hoshi kept having thoughts of like
is this car gunna explode on me
and then he would just
“would it be faster if I just sprinted?”
smh soonyoung
but ofc he keeps driving
bc no he’s not leaving the car @ the side of the road
with all the firearms in the trunk
not a good idea lol they’re just gonna rot in jail if that happens
so yes hoshi just drives
great decision!!!
his worries weren’t for nothing after all
his car just,,, gave up
in the middle of the road
like it spluttered and choked like hoshi’s victims and juST SHUT DOWN
like how ??? dare you ??? on me ?? the almighty kwon ????
and on top of that
he was literally in the middle of nowhere
he was @ a hella straight road ?? with trees around ?? and nothing else??
he panicked as he saw the car in front of him drive further and further
the convict was kinda dumb tbh lol he hadn’t noticed hoshi after so long
but !!!!!
luckily for hoshi
unluckily for you
you were just on a road trip with your new car
and you decided to pass through some deserted roads
“less traffic, more exploring!!!”
lol say goodbye to exploring y/n
so when you saw a human waving like crazy on the side of the road
of course you stopped
like a normal human being would
and he just,,,
got in
like he literally just opened the door to your passenger seat and hOPPED RIGHT IN
like boi excuse me ???
whats going on???
this is MY car ??????
“just drive and follow that dark red car!”
you were like ???? what is happening
hoshi suddenly just grabs your steering wheel and u were gonna yell at him
“just drive if u don’t want me to do it!”
he was basically threatening you
like ok am i ur hostage or something now ??
he just glares @ u and u couldnt do anything like hE WAS GLARING AT YOU
so with ,,, pretty darn shaky hands,,, u just started driving down the road
with him randomly raising his voice to speed up
and with u flinching every single time he does it
ok honestly hoshi doesn’t mean to scare u
he was just urgent as hell and wanted to catch up with the car
when he sees how tight you’re clenching on the wheel he kinda melts
and side glances you
“sorry. i won’t hurt you, i promise. i just need to borrow your car for a little.”
u don’t speak and just hum a little like u were still kinda shook
“...im serious”
awkward silence
awkward silence #2.
“so… what did he do?”
no answer
like damn guy idk who you are or what you do but the least you can do is try to explain or something-
“i can’t say.”
i see how it is
undercover mission?
with me as scapegoat?
no but whatever was going on
you honestly didn’t want anything to do with it
all that secretive stuff
not your thing
you were just an ordinary student
you were too young to diE
but the red car you were tailing suddenly came to a stop
and so u naturally slowed down too
you thought u could get this guy out of your car now
the person from the car in front of you just gOT OUT
and before you could hide,,, a bullet grazed your shoulder after it shot a hole on the glass in front of u
u started screaming of course,,, and tried to duck under your dashboard
but no your seat was too far front there was no space
you could hear the windscreen shattering more as the bullets hit it
and u were ofc bleeding
and the guy beside you pulls out a gun from his own pocket and u start screaming even louder
“shut up and just stay in here!”
he gets out of your car, staying low
& shot the other guy
and u knew he hit him bc the gunshots stopped
you were still hunched down awkwardly in your car
and hoshi comes back in and looks at your arm and just became really guilty
“you alright?”
you had to deliberately breathe to know you are still breathing
and you slowly nodded like yes im alive
“get onto the passenger’s seat. i’ll get you to the hospital.”
"what about that guy??”
“he’ll come around. he isn’t dead. doesn’t matter now.”
you stare at him like !?!?
but he just starts driving
“btw i’m soonyoung.”
u hesitate.
you see soonyoung smile a little but ignored it.
& your arm was bleeding but not a lot but it was really bleeding.
soonyoung quickly drove u to the nearest hospital and the entire ride was pretty quiet
and comfortably so
u were tired ;;;
when u guys got to the hospital, they just helped you bandage it up and stuff
and soonyoung was like
“hey, y/n”
“sorry for getting you involved. i owe you.”
you wanted to just shout no bc u didn’t want to have anything to do with this business anymore
but the words got stuck in your throat
so it ended up as soonyoung just sending u home
and for the next few weeks, u kept seeing him around
he was really keeping his promise
it was all the simple things actually
eg. he would come to u while u were grocery shopping ,, and just take the basket from you
and then follow u around
you realize that he actually isn’t a typical murderer or anything
he was actually ,,,,
really nice ,,,,,
and u 2 started spending a lot of time tgt
nd luckily for soonyoung
his team members never found out about the few escaped targets
they were dense as hell ahaaa
he would have to explain why he was so distracted nowadays
and only he knew
that was because of your cute face that kept popping up in his head every now & then
he liked u oK
i mean you two spent a lot of time tgt
after that
so like
naturally :)))))
it happened :)))))
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