#didn't think i would make another post about this so soon but wtf?
soraya-snape · 3 months
Just saw someone say they don't like Snape "because of how he treats children as a grown adult, his creepy behaviour growing up towards Lily, his devotion to voldermort until Lily was in danger, and his blood supremacy and prejudices (eg: how he treated Remus)."
And complain that people say they only dislike Snape because of "misogyny, or societal beauty expectations etc.".
But they still love the marauders and Regulus Black.
The marauders, who bullied Snape simply for existing, and others just for fun. OK, maybe they weren't grown adults, but they were old enough to know that bullying, sa and attempted murder are not OK.
James, who literally threatened to hex Lily for defending Snape and tried to blackmail her into dating him (extremely creepy and not romantic in my eyes).
Regulus, who had a picture wall dedicated to Voldemort as a teen and was a devoted blood supremacist. He only defected (as a death eater, not as a blood supremacist) because Voldemort hurt his property.
Both the marauders and Regulus were extremely prejudiced towards others. Regulus, obviously muggle-borns and probably Gryffindor (or anything that didn't fit with his Slytherin and death eater mentality) and the marauders towards Slytherin. Especially James, who he started bullying Snape for that exact same reason. He also said something along the lines of "Oh I thought you were alright." in a disappointed way towards Sirius when he learned his whole family was in Slytherin. (Like he knew that boy for a few minutes and was about to jump to conclusion and change his view on that 11-year-old boy because of the Hogwarts house his family was in!) and considering their main victim was Snape probably also people who were poor. (Oh, and Snape didn't treat Remus badly because he had a prejudice against werewolfs but because he was a bystander at his bullying despite being a prefect who should have stopped it and maybe even took part in it.)
So I guess people are right about this person because they like characters who did the similar, same or even worse things. The only real difference being that the marauders and Regulus are conventionally attractive/ have a hot fancast. And I'm not even going into (more detail about) how some of their points about Snape are completely out of context, or extremely exaggerated.
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linzerj · 8 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
The IDF has been releasing a lot of incriminating intel on the Shifa hospital in Gaza being used by Hamas. There's footage of a drone going into a terror tunnel underneath it.
There's pics of the weapons found there. There's the results of an investigation into the fate of 19 years old Noa Marziano, who was kidnapped by Hamas, lightly injured in an IDF strike, which killed the terrorist who was guarding her, another terrorist took her into the basement at the Shifa hospital, and killed her there, then Hamas tried to stage "evidence" that she was killed in the IDF strike. And most recently, there's CCTV footage showing Hamas bringing in hostages (one man from Nepal and one from Thailand) into Shifa, with the terrorists being armed, and all of this was done in broad daylight, and right in front of the medical staff.
Of course anti-Israelis, including the Hamas, said it was just bringing hostages in to get treatment.
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But here's the thing, Shifa is on the Western side of Gaza, while Hamas breached the Israeli border in the east. On the way between the border and where this hospital is located, there are plenty of other medical facilities on the way. Any of them would be preferable if the goal was to give the hostages medical treatment as soon as possible. But they took these kidnapped men all the way to Shifa instead. Because that's Hamas' headquarters.
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I've known for years, like most Israelis, that Hamas is using medical facilities like hospitals and ambulances for its terrorist activity. This evidence does not surprise me. But I think it didn't really sink in for me until yesterday, just how many people knew and kept silent. I'm not even talking about the Gazan medical staff. They live under the constant threat of Hamas, I don't blame them. But the UN, the Red Cross, all of those "noble" NGO's operating from Gaza (and getting a lot of donations to do so), all of those foreigners with access to Gaza, who knew the situation on the ground, and chose to lie, and continued to do so even after the Oct 7 massacre... WTF is wrong with these people? By keeping quiet, they endangered both Israeli civilians (who Hamas could continue to target with impunity when operating from inside medical facilities), and Palestinian ones that Hamas endangered by using them as human shields.
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Who is going to hold these people accountable? Who is going to make them pay for their complicity in endangering so many people, millions altogether, on both sides of the border, so that they never dare do this again?
Have ANY of them come forward, apologized, taken responsibility for their long complicity? I've heard of no such thing. In fact, I assume that they will only raise the volume of their accusations against and vilification of Israel, to drown out the voices asking these questions.
In this tweet you can hear an interview (starting at around 35 seconds in) with one of the few foreign doctors, who had worked at the Shifa hospital, and who after Hamas' massacre, did not come forward with his testimony about what he'd seen and experienced while he was there, but did agree to have it recorded once he was asked to. If Hamas is finally taken down, we might get to hear more of these, and I guess... better late than never.
In the midst of all of this, Israel has helped evacuate babies from the Shifa hospital to ones in Egypt, and the equipment to established a second Jordanian field hospital has entered Gaza today.
Israel continues to be attacked by Iran-funded rockets from the south, from the north by Iran-funded Hezbollah, as well as from Syria, by the Iran-funded Houthis in Yemen, by independent terrorist attacks, and online from cyber attacks, by Iran-funded and even Iranian hackers. I kind of tend not to talk about these that much, because they're on going. It's happening every single day, and Israel, in the middle of the fight to destroy Hamas, has to also defend its people on these fronts.
The anger and hurt over the denial of rapes that happened as part of Hamas' massacre continues, and more people are trying to speak up against it:
This is 15 years old Itay Cohen.
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He's a triathlete, and was in the middle of a training session, cycling in the south, when Hamas terrorists shot him. He was taken to a hospital without any family by his side, because his parents were locked inside a bomb shelter in their kibbutz. Itay took a bullet to the head, and lost his eyesight, but somehow survived. So did his parents. He vowed he won't stop training, despite his new disability. This terror attack has changed countless lives, from among the survivors as well.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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theflyindutchwoman · 6 months
Hi I’m back.
But mad now.
No one was in that room supporting her after the shooting.
Angela and Nyla treated her like shit, looking at her like she’s less then. Acting like her failing to make detective was actually her own fault!?
The way Nolan fucked up and ends up on fucking tv!? While Lucy “makes a mistake” at a scene and gets taunted!?
No one our girl is spiraling lately. The only person she has right now is Tim. He has been unwavering in his support.
I’m so mad 😤 and then I’m also nervous because next week it seems like they’re making Tim abandon Lucy!? And like wtf is that!? He better explain himself and not join the dark side. He’s all we have for her right now (unless we include Tamara but she’s MIA)
Who do we talk to about giving my baby a better support team and friends!? Jackson would never.
See, I don't know if it's because I saw that hospital scene first - I forgot about the time change so that's the only scene I caught live - but I didn't think they were treating Lucy that badly (or maybe I expected worse). She was the suspect of a shooting, she had to be isolated. That's standard procedure. We saw some of it in 1.08 when Nolan shot someone, killing him in the process. Talia had to secure the scene while he was waiting in the hallway alone. Same when Grey showed up. It's in Lucy's best interest that they follow the procedure to the letter so she can be cleared.
But that doesn't mean people weren't there to support her. Nolan and Aaron showed up for her. They were just waiting outside. Grey was asking how she was doing. The reason why Tim was able to go directly to her is because he wasn't involved in the orginal case or the pending IA investigation. And as soon as they got an update, Grey and Wesley immediately went to her to ease her mind. Now, Wesley's reaction seemed a bit harsh, but in my opinion, he was just trying to warn her of what could possibly happen in the worst case scenario so she could prepare herself. He didn't insist on doing the interview while it was still fresh or anything. Maybe he could have been more empathetic instead of matter-of-fact, but Grey and Tim's reactions balanced him. Especially Tim! I love that final scene of the two of them so much.
I'm going to circle back on the Angela and Nyla thing in another post (I have a couple of asks on that topic as well). But I will say that between the Pentagram killer + the shooting, I'm sure they were both very busy. And again, they couldn't be seen talking to Lucy either. But the look of horror and terror on their faces when Lucy fell down in that alley was rather telling.
Now, there is a part that pissed me off as much as you and that's Nolan getting on TV after messing up… The double treatment is so jarring. I miss the days where making a mistake had some consequences for everyone. The man is like Teflon, nothing sticks anymore.
Anyway, back to Lucy…. I don't think she's as alone as she thinks. She feels isolated, that's clear. I'm going to write about this later once I gather my thoughts a bit more but there was a small moment that I think illustrate this difference of perspective : at the hospital, when she was alone in that room, she saw Grey and Wesley look at her before turning away. We, as the viewer, know that Grey was asking how she was holding up. But I can see how, for her, it would look entirely different. She's in a bad place mentally and it's all piling up. And like you said, it's going to get worse before it gets better, with Tim going MIA. That said, this last scene at the hospital makes me believe that he will have a good reason for not telling Lucy. Most likely because it concerns a classified matter or something like that. I just can't picture the man who was rushing through the hospital to get to her, will suddenly disappear on her when she needs him the most. There has to be more to that story. But yes, moments like these really remind me how much I miss Jackson 😭 You can truly feel his absence. Lucy needs friends.
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an-asexual-infp · 6 months
A BRCU theory :
I just started watching Brandon Rogers shows (in the wrong order because I didn't there was one, srry) and I have so many thoughts! I like the lore even if I don't understand all of it, I can't help but overthink about a lot of things like : 1) The "logic(s)" behind the hearts being pulled out so easily and some characters being able to live without one (it gives us many pretty funny scenes but wtf? XD) 2) Why Bryce doesn't mention the Elmer clones in her own show ??? 3) How does Brandon being a canon character in his universe works 4) Who made the cloning Elmers possible ? (probably Gloria) (And how did the baby stayed a baby all this time ?) 5) THE TIME TRAVEL (I have theories for all of these, I may or may not post them too)
But there something pretty "minor" like : the "shit" notebook.
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I love the concept behind it BUT !
Since I watched "Blame the hero" just before, I couldn't help but immediately think about another similar notebook :
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And here comes my theory : I think that there are linked, because there pretty similar : There are both spiral notebooks with the covers covered in glitter and their titles are written in pink. NOW here's the thing : the "Shit" one's purpose is to make everything written in it happens has demonstrated in "Sam & stuff" ep 19 and "Blame the hero" ep 2. But what about the "Love" one ? I think it's purpose is to make everything written in it NOT happens. Why ? Because (in "Blame the hero" ep 3) when Bobby wrote his plan to get revenge on Bryce as soon as he get addopted it does NOT happen. He stays in his cell for 40 years ! And he didn't really got his revenge in the sense that he was never satisfied and that Bryce didn't seem THAT mad about it all compared to her other vendettas.
I wonder how he got it too... Maybe the "in universe" Brandon gave him this notebook but why? To prevent bad things ? It would be funny if Bobby actually made it and it accidentally became a "magic" object. I really love the irony of these titles, by the way XD
But HEY! It's just a theory.... A BRCU THEORY! Thanks for reading!
Notes : I'm not fluent so I'm sorry if I made any grammatical mistakes. My favorite characters are Bryce and Elmer (Sam and Blame are growing on me too). Would you be interested in others theories ?
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bexktaegeun · 2 months
Hello Hello
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hello, introducing my bby! kwon taegeun! it was split between him and another muse! hopefully i can bring her later! now onto my baby! below i'll have his about linked and under the link! i'll have some basic info about him AND some lose plot ideas! if you see something you like or you think he'll fit or if you just wanna plot! let me know! 
also quick edit! open for water bomb event plotting!
was born on august 18th 2005 in daegu
his fathers second child from his girlfriend who dumped tae with him
he finally settled down in his 3rd major relationship and second (rich) wife
he was cared for growing up and spent a lot of time with his grandparents on his dads side 
grew up with his step-mom as his mom and her family were nice-ish but it was clear that tae was seen as separate 
but still, he grew up with money so like...that's good right? 
a lot of missed in events in his life but it was made up with toys and money, he was well fed, sure his parents didn't care when he wanted to go off and become a trainee but they never forgot a birthday
he tried to bring it up once and was guilted in silence so he never brought it up again
as soon as he found out about taeha, he started to look for her
it was what pushed him to come to seoul, along with wanting to become a trainee
he's sad boy, he feels lonely at and fills the void with friends or parties or just being around people 
he downplays his parents treatment
actually, would downplay anyone's treatment of him because he's convinced himself he's lucky
is lying to taeha about how much contact he has with their dad and that he's funded by his dad, she thinks its all coming from the grandparents 
does love attention when he gets it
wants to be beloved by everyone and anyone, just to fill the void a little 
maybe, if he becomes super beloved his parents would notice him more
maybe his birth mom would seek him out? 
loves his older sister and loves having an older siblings
kinda buys his friends, he does want them but he doesn't want them to leave so he spends money 
easily taken advantage of and will excuse mistakes
in his last year at school
is taking dance/vocal/rap lessons, likes to run the streets to hang out, is on a dance crew and has gotten into working on music
pours all of himself into that because he wants it back 
when he's not dancing....he...has a random interest in wood-working? well, when your a kid who has money..skys the limit
also as much more normal interest: mysteries, food (baking but doesn't mind cooking), coffee black, enjoys sour candy and foods, he wouldn't call himself a gamer but he does play harvest moon and cooking momma
loves over the top dramas 
biromantic king! 
 i haven't said which high school...so some high school friends or friend?
you have a super expensive meal out and he totes cover the bill when you can find your wallet
rivals? street cats? both of you are dancers and often compete and try to out best each other like fighting cats 
use him! i mean it! if your muse is hard on money, he's an easy target because he'll give within reason and gift even more 
he has one or two npc friends that def just use him for things and he makes excuses and your a new friend OR old friend and your like wtf? they don't care about you but he just wants to be wanted
a past summer romance...like last summer with a female muse but she broke it off when school started, it wasn't anything serious but tae has been crushed. sure, he's getting over feelings for another and SURE you both agreed it was just some summer time fun to appear at parties together or just have something for the gram but it's kinda weird when ya'll share a friend group but tae pretends like you aren't there. (to mention, nothing really would've happened it was like one month romance of cute dates, maybe some kisses and a lot of posting each other or hanging out together. maybe it was time for you muse to buckle down on school) 
dance/vocal/rap/producer muses if you have plots or crews he could join
he's taking spanish and english lessons (fucking random but he meets people) 
also has picked up the guitar and drums if you wanna do something around that!
uh, he has a small website in which he sells some of his crafts, so maybe for that! it's wood works, paintings, carvings and etc! 
any muses who have part-times jobs and have places that would be hiring! his grandparents are legit concerned about how he views money and has told him to get a job, so he will
With that! I thank everyone for the welcomes! If you see something you like, message me or if you think he could fill your plot! Just like this and I'll come to you!
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Les Miserables 1978: My Review
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I want to stress this before I go any further. I enjoyed watching this film but not as much as I enjoyed the 1925 epic.
The Good Stuff
It was a good watch and if i hadn't known the story, seen the musical, or watched other versions of the film then I woudl possibly have enjoyed it more than I did. Good acting, great costumes, and it was lovely to see some well known legends and actors who were familiar to me from programmes I watched in my childhood.
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At first I wasn't sure about Richard Jordan as Valjean but he grew on me as the film progressed. Now when I see watch Les Mis and see Valjean doing something awesome I want to be wowed by it and at times it was possible to predict what was going to happen. Like when he saved that dude who fell down the side of the walls outside the prison and was left dangling there. I knew he was going to use that opportunity to escape. I just didn't realise that he would be successful in that escape because that's not what I remember in the book. He was a little bit of a wet blanket for me.
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Anthony Perkins acted the part well though I did side eye a few scenes where he seemed a bit too much of a wet blanket. After seeing Philip Quast perform The Confrontation with Colm Wilkinson, I prefer Javert expressing a bit more anger and disgust when talking about being born in prison and so on. Overall he played the part well I'm just not sure that he was well suited to the role physically. He was too slim and as previously stated he has brown eyes (my boy Javert had blue eyes), his sideburns weren't bushy enough for my liking and I know I'm being a petty bitch but Javert's sideburns are important imo. He didn't look imposing enough however the were times when Perkins totally pulled off the stance and attitude of Javert for instance standing still with arms folded (like Napoleon) and the suspiscious gaze. He wasn't quite as authoritarian as I would have liked him to be. It's a shame because Perkins was such an awesome actor. He could have really pushed things a bit further. But he didn't. As for the suicide scene, NO COMMENT except for, where in the fuck did they buy that mannequin from and couldn't they have thrown it from a higher point. It looked like a mannequin falling into the paddling pool at the local swimming baths, if you know what I mean.
Missing Characters
Yep I've got a massive bee in my bonnet about this, no Eponine, No Patron Minette, No Enjolras, WTF??
Re-writing The Canon Story.
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I'm going to keep this short. The were chunks of the story missing, things that happen in the book that imo are important to the story as a whole. Also some things they kept from the canon story but changed somewhat. Like Marius and Cosettes relationship development (the stalking) and how Javert meets up with Valjean after he rescues Marius. Thenardier not being in the sewers when Valjean was carrying Marius through them. Valjean's death, half of Fantine's story was missing. Parts of the canon story that normally choke me up and make me weepy, didn't.
My Final Verdict
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I enjoyed watching it. Imo it's ideal for Sunday afternoon viewing when you want to watch something you don't need to think much about because you're still hung over from Saturday night wine time and your brain isn't working. I didn't love it, but. I didn't hate it. I might watch it again in the future but I don't know. I got screenshots and will post them soon. I'm glad I watched it. But it's not a version of Les Mis I can watch over and over (like I do with The TAC). The 1925 epic is still the top film for me at this point.
I'll watch another Les Mis movie very soon. Poll coming up shortly to halp me choose which one.
Special mention for the late, great Sit John Gielgud. No particular reason for this other than him being an absolute legend and wonderful actor.
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alitgblog · 6 months
volume V thoughts bc once again fusebox has got me intrigued
first of all omg wtf
I usually end up reading a few spoilers before I play bc I'm bored at work but don't wanna play the volume until I get back but I had such a busy day at work I didn't do that and wow ok I gotta avoid spoilers more often I was shook
so excess baggage was okay. like yeah makes sense we want the couples to be tense again before voting the couple superlatives thing, but also such a throwaway. (and also I talked about this in my post about last volume, but we have so many challenges in a row!! why)
since my MC did initially flirt with Oakley a lot more than Jin, I do think it's funny Oakley talks about how cool MC's secret is (like it's annoying fs but also something I've seen happen on love island to create small drama but then ultimately it's just talk so it's nice to have that happen here).
Also i was worried Oakley was gonna turn on us or flirt with us and abandon Emel, so I'm very glad he was just asking for advice. (I'm a big Oakley and Emel fan, what can I say?) I'd be okay if that led into a different storyline where you could pursue Oakley later, but with how fusebox has been making the seasons lately, once you pick you've made your choice and I do miss in for example s2 where even if you don't pick Lurik when they first become available you have a chance the next recoupling and it feels like it changes your route.
Jack is still mad at MC??
Couples game was fun. I wish fusebox formatted it so you discuss with your partner and then make a choice before everyone revealed their answers instead of people talking and explaining before the player picks their answer. Like we know the characters already, just let me pick and we can see who agrees.
Oakley's evening wear outfit 😍 best dressed boy fs
I of course could never bear to see Oakley and Emel go, but I surprisingly actually missed Sophie and Jack as soon as they left but like in a me missing Allegra and Miles/Jasper when they left. Like yeah they were irritating but they brought drama and I understand where Allegra/Sophie is coming from (and I support women's wrongs lol)
Jin going through his main character of S6 arc??? No but fr I can't imagine why the public would vote him out so he's either hiding something that's gonna come out when he gets back or he was voted most popular and is gonna come back soon. I hope it's not casa because (1) that already happened in s6 and (2) I want the chance to flirt around with new characters in casa lol. I've seen a few theories around and I have no idea which is true but if I could throw in another idea which is post casa, MC is finally with a bombshell, Claudia/Theo, or a casa boy and things seem good but Jin and Luna show up together as returning islanders and MC has to choose between Jin and her current LI.
It's so interesting for drama, like ik I'm here for it. But a lot of people like loyal routes so I hope yall are doing okay
I was like half hoping we could walk out with him even though of course fusebox isn't giving us that option but like I wish he said something like hey you just got here, enjoy your time at the Villa and I'll wait out there for you no matter what happens. just to explain why MC wouldn't leave. that being said, their goodbye was so sweet.
One thing that's different in the game than the show is the number of islanders present at once, which makes sense its hard to keep track of all of them (though they've done it before in s2), and it just is weird bc now the people in the Villa are MC (single), Claudia and Theo (who don't like each other), and Emel and Oakley (only one couple).
despite my complaint about the challenge thing this is great pacing/timing for a new islander. it's just a shame the screwed over Tyler coming in so soon after MC. I can't remember if I already wrote this in my last post but I almost wish he came in with MC and got a better chance.
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prismatoxic · 1 month
I know you've been having oc brainrot recently, (which, fucking epic btw I just now found out about those guys and they're really fucking interesting too) I was just wondering if you had anything sitting in your brain about promises to keep specifically, something about them that you just can't stop thinking about? Or a thing you really enjoy about their dynamic? Even something completely unrelated to chilaios that you always think about. I'd rlly love to hear abt what makes you tick!
this is such a nice ask wtf
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glad you like the sillies, they fill my brain with worms. but as for ptk and/or chilaios...
i do still rotate ptk in my mind fairly frequently, and was actually re-reading it recently so try and get back into the headspace for it. (i got to chapter 4, i have to get back to it soon.) i do have a variety of disorganized thoughts about it
i've been deliberately drawing out the sex stuff, obviously. to tell you the truth i'm not someone who's beholden to realism; i chose to have them actually work their way up to penetration, and actually realistically negotiate the daddy kink, because i thought it fit the tone of the story and would draw things out in a satisfactory way. it also gives me time to explore the different ways their inexperience manifests, show them learning each other's bodies and desires, and explore chilchuck's view of his own body and his relationship to his gender via sex over a longer period of time.
which brings me to another part i put a lot of thought into--chilchuck's gender! i am a fan of a lot of interpretations of him, both cis and transmasc in ways other than what i've been writing. i have plans for at least one fic where he's post top surgery and on T. but i chose to make him pre-everything in ptk for a few reasons, and i'm honestly really pleased with the portrayal. some things i haven't gotten to mentioning yet are that half-foot names are considered unisex (not a headcanon i always go with, but i am fond of it), and he did voice training after he came out. it was more accessible than, like, hormones, at least back in kahka brud, and then he ended up pregnant anyway which delayed doing anything. eventually he decided he didn't really need any of it, anyway. (sorry to deprive everyone of tdick chilchuck 😔.) i like exploring his dysphoria, where it exists versus the many places where he's moved past it, his relationship to sex as a trans man and his concerns about a gay cis man wanting him... while i do insert some of my own experiences into the narrative, chilchuck's transgenderism does manifest in several ways mine doesn't, and it's really fun to figure out what makes sense for him.
speaking of things that are fun to figure out: worldbuilding!! i was told early on that the casual inclusion of "the dungeon age" as a phrase was a really genius method of suggesting the state of the world without exposition, and it very much went to my head, lmao. i do exposition every so often, but only when someone in the conversation doesn't already have the information. so laios explaining monsters and their history, and chilchuck explaining the social structures around half-foots and the differences between kahka brud and the northern continent, are easy ways to try and build on the world i've made--make readers see my vision--without it seeming too out of place. i do hope i'm doing that well, i worry about it when i'm not being subtle, lmao.
other than that--i've set up several plot threads i intend to follow through on later. i really enjoy calling back to earlier things, big or small, and using them in ways people might not expect. (like chekov's plastic wrap from chapters 3 and 10. sorry, chilchuck.) i also thought of a new one while rereading that i think will slot into the narrative nicely. it's going to be a fun ride!!
i hope any of this was interesting :')
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iviarellereads · 3 months
The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 2 - Saidin
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Dragon fang icon) In which someone's not doing so well.
PERSPECTIVE: Perrin guides Leya to Moiraine’s rough hut. She goes there immediately, and Perrin moves closer to the cookfires. Min says that Leya is going to die soon. She wishes she saw more happy things, but all happy futures seem to have gone away. There's some discussion, and she remarks that it's odd how Perrin cares so much about the Tuatha'an, they're utterly peaceful but she always sees violence around them.(1)
Loial finally hears them over his focus on his book and asks about the Tuatha'an. Min tells Loial about Leya's arrival, and what she sees. He gives another lecture about ta'veren and how they shape the Pattern around them, and they're privileged to get to stay with three ta'veren even if Mat's in Tar Valon by now. Min grumbles that it's not like she had a choice.
Rand exits Moiraine's hut, and the Shienarans all bow, but he disappears into the woods. Perrin says he'd better go talk to him. Perrin finds Rand in the same spot he's sulked for months, muttering the "twice and twice shall he be marked" part of the Dragon prophecies. Perrin just sits nearby until Rand asks if he thinks Mat's alright. Perrin says they must be in Tar Valon by now, and asks if Rand wishes he were still a sheepherder. Rand says he has a duty, and there's nobody else who can do it. People are declaring for the Dragon, and they're fighting, and searching, and dying, and praying for the man who should be leading them, but here he sits, safe in the mountains, all winter. Moiraine is right that if he joins any one small group, they'll be overrun by Whitecloaks or Domani or Taraboner armies in an instant, but he still feels guilty.(2)
Perrin asks why he argues with Moiraine if he knows she's right, and Rand says he has to do something or he'd explode. Do what? Perrin asks. Rand explains that Moiraine says he'll know what to do next, the Pattern will force him to it, but she never says how he'll know.
Rand gets so angry that the earth starts to quake beneath them, until Perrin snaps him out of it. Perrin's like, wtf, dude? And Rand says sometimes he can't help but to reach for saidin, even as sick as the taint makes him feel. But sometimes he reaches out and it's like catching air... what if that happens during the Last Battle?(3)
Perrin asks him what he did this time, then, and Rand says he didn't mean to do this, he just had to send the power somewhere before it burned him up. Perrin says there are enough people out there trying to kill him without him doing the job for them. Now, come on, it'll be dark soon.
Rand says he wants to be alone, but stops Perrin once more to ask if he dreams when he sleeps. Perrin says he doesn't remember much of what he dreams anymore. Rand says the dreams are always there, and wonders if they sometimes tell true things.(4) Then he falls silent, and Perrin goes back to camp.
(1) I bet he'd say they invite it by being such eager victims, given the chance and the vocabulary to do so. Do you think the narrative agrees? Do YOU agree? (2) I think a certain sense of responsibility toward the people who would declare for you like that is healthy, but I also think overburdening yourself with guilt over other people's actions and choices hurts you both. (3) Is it just me, or does it seem like more is going on with Rand here? It's interesting, because whenever he's been conscious to this point, we've generally only seen him from inside his own head. Now, we can only see what Perrin sees. How much does that affect how we interpret his behaviour? (4) Egwene's dreams seemed to be telling truths. Why not Rand's? Whether or not he's being played by one of the Forsaken again.
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msviolacea · 4 months
Okay! Random thoughts and observations about Star Rail 2.2! Spoilers, obviously!
tl;dr - not as coherent as 2.1 was, story-wise, but SO MUCH LORE. SO MUCH. But honestly most of the below is random nonsense and shitposting.
I didn't think Xipe was the kind of god to go Catholic, but apparently they have confession? Huh.
Bravo to Hoyo writers for pulling off the "it was all a dream" gambit in a way that actually works.
I was willing to possibly buy that we were just getting a slightly disappointing easy-out right up until a) the IPC went "nah, we don't want the planet anymore" and b) Ratio and Screwllum were vaguely happy to work together. At that point, it was like "ahhhh, we're in a DREAM dream y'all."
Poor Sunday, radicalized by being an overly protective older sibling. Relatable, tbh. You know, except for the making yourself a giant supervillain mecha god. Though that's tempting some days, I won't lie.
On the other side of things, it did feel like a disappointing cop-out after spending SO MUCH TIME on his story in 2.1 to just be told "yeah, actually Aventurine just got rescued off-screen."
HOWEVER, kudos to Argenti for surfing into Penacony, immediately finding the forbidden dreamspace and rescuing an IPC ambassador, then rolling up to take 2nd place in an idol competition before fucking off to find more beauty or whatever. King shit. Bravo. Come back soon.
Speaking of the HSR husbando game, BOOTHILL. Who thinks pointing a gun in your face is a way to say hello and has a Plan C that's just "... guess we'll take hostages!" Stay forever, you insane space cowboy.
On a slightly related tangent, I loved the flashback exchange between Firefly and Blade, showing their relationship to each other as Stellaron Hunters. After all the Luofu nonsense, it's fun to see Blade as a weird older brother figure.
Another related tangent to the above: since I also watched some of the most recent Genshin patch on YT this week, shoutout to Daman Mills for having the "deep raspy voiced tragic murder hobo" to "ridiculous androgynous magician twink" range. [insert Patrick Stewart "Acting" gif here]
But back to Firefly, I think she had a nice showcase here, though I wish they'd given her more focus in the last bit instead of sorta-kinda-maybe-probably not killing her offscreen via a short Acheron speech. I assume she'll be back, given that she's dropping as a playable character next patch, but still. There was just a lot going on in this patch and not enough time to do everything they really needed to do.
However, they COULD have cut the idol competition, because that added absolutely nothing to the plot and only really existed because someone clearly went "huh, how do we fit more puzzles and trash fights here?"
We also needed more Robin. She was awesome, don't get me wrong, but again, I would have given up the stupid idol competition in favor of maybe getting more time to play her and not just Sparkle-as-Robin running around giving people ... doomsday buttons?
Speaking of which .. wtf? Like, those went NOWHERE. Maybe they're for later payoff, but given that she was explicitly telling people to use them during the concert ... it was weird.
Dan Heng: Listen my past life just cold clocked me over the head, I need time to process and not deal for a while, Imma stay out of Dream Disneyland and chill. Also Dan Heng: so, my friends are in trouble AGAIN, not like this isn't a "must be Tuesday" occurrence for the Astral Express crew, but my first instinct is to use this very important button to call the saner of my previous life's ex-boyfriends to bring an army to help.
Like, I'm CERTAINLY not complaining about the Jing Yuan cameo, even just as a dream, but that was a very quick response, Dan Heng. I see you. (PS: as long as we're giving VA shoutouts in this post, shoutout to Alejandro Saab for Jing Yuan's everything.)
Little detail I didn't catch myself, but saw someone online point out today - Welt gave the IPC the ammunition they need to take out the Dream Master. Early in the patch, he points out that the poker chip Aventurine gave us is actually a transmitter and recorder, and takes it with him to meet with Robin and Sunday and the Dream Master. At the very end, we see Aventurine playing with the chip, and Jade mentions that they obtained a recording "from your Trailblaze friend" that would help them on Penacony/with the Dream Master. So shoutout to Welt for ... well, deciding that space capitalism is preferable to crazy assholes who are trying to use innocent people to revive a god? I guess he's seen plenty of nonsense in his time, tbh, so I'm going to trust his judgement.
Speaking of Welt, Acheron's name drop was not the only Honkai Impact 3rd direct reference. It was an interesting touch for them to include Welt's "real"/original name in the credits sequences. Don't know if it's anything more than just an easter egg for HI3 folks, but still. Interesting.
Harmony Trailblazer is actually pretty strong. I'm definitely going to build mine.
All in all, I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the last patch, but it's the difference between like a 9.5/10 and an 8/10. Coherent self-contained stories mean a lot to me, but the lore and character stuff that was in this patch was A+, and I'm still digesting half of it.
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
Have you seen this buckbucky edit yet?
1) UNFORTUNATELY (said with love). that edit made me cry like a mf, my soul is too soft for those two to stay dry eyed through stuff like that. but god it was BEAUTIFUL.
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2) ohh 100000%. it's in my post–war buckbucky playlist, it fits john's pov so well. it's so angsty, working through mental health issues in the aftermath, learning how to communicate with gale and ask for help when he needs it, just wanting to be by his side 24/7 but feeling undeserving of his love and also being afraid of how much he loves him and how much gale loves him back </3
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3) omg no don't be sorry!! i am someone who listens to a little bit of everythinggg don't sweat it. i gave it a listen and YOWCH that hurt wtf?? it does fit bucky in that time so well, our poor sweet boy. :( also i still feel so bad that my only curtbucky fic is an mcd angst one LOL i need to fix that soon <3
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4) another one i hadn't heard but nooo it absolutely is. all the angsty pine–y songs fit him so perfectly </3 he just wants to feel someone love him the same way he loves!! but also: 'i know i should be angry, but i can barely feel a fucking thing' is very plane–wing–scene :(
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5) NO. NOT FUN. i have such a hard time listening to that song as is but thinking about it with post–war john in mind has literally made it 10x more painful and now this edit 😭 i tried to make an angsty edit to it a few weeks back but i started crying every time LOL phoebe just hurts too damn bad when you pair her with mota stuff. i adore her <3
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6) SGDKJG honestly a wild day for us. she cracks me up like no one else <33 but OOO okay so i'm a strange one alright i grew up adoring anything fantasy/sci–fi, ate every novel and movie and show up, but in the past few years i've sort of lost interest in that vibe? which makes me really sad! but i've just been enjoying more slice of life stuff in terms of media i consume.
so i think if dune had come out when i was in like high school, i would've been obsessed, but even if it's not my go to genre, i still thought they were beautiful movies, perfect casts, managed to hold my attention as someone who can barely sit thru movies 99% of the time, the sound design was incredible, 10/10. no complaints.
but listen.... at first i was like "yummy feyd" as a joke. i serious'd very very fast. like i knew i'd be attracted just bc, i mean, c'mon, it's austin lmfaooo, but my brain chemistry was genuinely altered. i haven't like properly fleshed out any au–type of brainrot because i honestly didn't retain enough info about the dune universe (again. i am not a good movie watcher, i do not do well just sitting down and paying attention to one thing for three hours lol) but i do think some sort of crossover where john is in the dune world would be interesting!
let's be real, most of us would probably just wanna see john and feyd fuck nasty so. not sure it needs much elaborating on LMFAO and i'd be surprised if someone doesn't end up writing a fic like that– wouldn't be surprised if there already are some!
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anonanon230 · 1 year
Hey all i'm about to say some things about Danielle that maybe you guys may not like. Truth is i've been here from the beginning when station 19 started. I was her biggest Fan from the beginning and knew immediately that she was one of the stars of the show. She did something very unique with the lives and being so close to the cast that was different from any show I had ever been a Fan off. She really gave the station 19 fanbase something so special in those earlier years.
So if you don't like what i'm about to say, just skip this and don't read on.
We all are aware of her relationship with Kevin. And the fact that the timeline just does not make sense. The sad truth is, she and Kevin 100% had an affair whilst he was still married. If we look at all the posts and their interactions and timeline it is quite obvious that's an affair happened. Whilst he was teaching her how to direct she was literally sleeping with him and the man was married.
I'm not hating on her like I said. I have been here as a big fan of the show and of hers since the very, very beginning. It is quite obvious that even her fellow castmates have realized this and have pulled away from her. She used to be so close with Barrett now it's like they don't even know each other.
We as a fan base, can even see this. And it is so sad that such a talented actress who we have loved and been supporting since the beginning has changed so much. Just because she has started a relationship with somebody.
We obviously want her to be happy and as her fans that should always be something that is at the forefront of how we show support. I just wish that she would have handled this whole situation a bit better.
Even if you had to look from the posts of 2022 to 2023, things have changed so drastically between her her interaction with the fans and her interaction with Stefania.
We can certainly see that her interaction with the other cast members is totally different than it ever was But unfortunately, she cannot change that or cannot show it when it comes to Stefania. Because their relationship is basically the reason why they're both still on the show.
When you look at the Con that recently happened a few months ago. It was such a huge difference compared to last year. Danielle really behaved like a completely different person. She was separated from the rest of them and just did not show that same loving nature that she had previously before she started dating Kevin. You could see such a void between her and Stefania. It was so evident in the panels.
Truth is, I feel very sorry for Stefania. Because there is a great chance that she is not as close to Danielle as she was, but she cannot show it because of the show and the fan base. She probably has her own feelings and towards what she knows Danielle did, in terms of having this affair with Kevin.
I will always be a huge fan of Marina and station 19 that will never change. But even I am beginning to realize that perhaps it might be better if the ship ends at some point just so that Stefania can have a chance to have a better on screen relationship with somebody else. She's such a talent that should not be held back. I think she will flourish if she moves on from Danielle.
I mean even when it comes to Kevin wtf they are literally together ALL the time. The man won't let her breathe. Is he going to be on set with her when they start filming??? Like c'mon there needs to be some distance.
Mark my words we are likely only going to have Danielle for another season or 2. Pretty sure she's gonna leave very soon to have kids and move on from the show. Which is not a bad. I'm not hating on her growing her family but geez this whole thing could've been handled better.
I just miss the Danielle that we used to have. The one that interacted with the fans but still kept her personal life to herself but didn't remove herself completely cos she was in a relationship.
Stefania handles it so much better she has so much respect for the fans. I really commend her for that. She understands us far better and if with her growing fame she hasn't changed.
Just wish the same could have been said for Danielle.
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pendulum-sonata · 1 year
10, 12 and 25 if you want to do the new ask game.
Oh hey there!
Gonna have to put this under read more because it got long :P
10.- Worst part of fanon
Man, this is tough choice, and I feel like depending on how the fandom behaves my feelings on which is the worst one changes periodically, but I have top 3 fanons that I hate, in no specific order:
The dimensional counterparts are as whole the protagonists of Arc V: I feel like I don't need to elaborate much on this, but I will anyway just because: Yuya is the protagonist, Yuzu is a deuteragonist and REIJI not anyone else is the Tritagonist, anyone who thinks any of the counterparts have some sort of claim over these spota just for being a counterparts earns an automatic eye roll from me, do me a favor and stop giving them credit for things that were done by Yuya or Yuzu.
Shun/Ruri/Yuto/anyone from the xyz dimension/resistance were the best or most badass characters!!: People who have followed me for a while know my stance on this, but yeah, no, not only this isn't true, like in the slightest, Yuto's saving grace was being absorbed by Yuya early on and as such deified by fandom, Ruri was ultimately used for Shun's brother manpain, and Shun who was arguibly the most "developed" had such a sloppy, contradictory and derailed development that people need to reshape him into another person to actually fit the image they have of him, no, I'm will neither elaborate or change my opinion, sorry, but also, not sorry.
Yuya is the worst YGO protagonist EVER!!!: No, this one pisses me off so much for how dumb it is, that I won't even try to rip it to shreds, because that would imply it's an actual argument and not just a hater statement. If you "like" Arc V but hate Yuya, then you didn't understand Arc V at all, period.
12.- The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Seriously people it's so weird that people have had something against him since day 1, took at face value the antoganist mask he wore in order to keep his true intentions under wraps and called it a day when it came to his character, he's like the antithesis of Shun in the fandom, because not only will people straight up make up things to make him fit the distorted negative image they have of him, and more than a couple times I've found people actually crediting his acomplishments on Shun of all characters (like calling him yuya's rival, wtf??) which puzzles me so much, I even forget to be angry about it.
Why should more people like him? Um, because his character is the perfect foil/rival for Yuya? The rational to his emotion, the caution to his impulsiveness, the one with his feet on the ground to his dreams and ideals and a long etcetera, but they're also two boys who suffer from abandoment issues and the weight of expectations placed on them who were forced to grow up too soon and become friends through cooperation and mutual trust rather than some dick measuring contest.
Because he's refreshing take on a cliche character in the franchise, and the traits that would make him so get turned into true traits and flaws; he's a teenage genius alright, but he's still 16 so his ideals can still get in his way, he's callous and calculating and it makes Yuya antagonize him and distrust him, he's very guarded but he's also responsible and intensely protective of the people who work with him.
I could go on, but yeah, people should like him more, he deserves it.
25.- Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I was gonna rant about one, but after realizing I have too many and this post is already too long I'm just gonna put this list:
The ending is shitty (this includes 99% of the individual complains of it)
The Synchro arc is filller (this one is just a boring take at this point)
Sawatari should have won a duel (say it with me: winning duels does not equal character development)
Yuzu is useless after season 1 (...🙄)
The egao is like a cult (I seriously hope you never encounter a RL cult recruiter, you wouldn't recognize them tbh...)
x character should have been carded (no they shouldn't, shut up)
Ray is a mary sue/deus ex machina (...go sit in the corner and read what those are okay?)
Reira was fridged (Wtf???)
Reiji should have been evil and working with Leo (refer to my previous answer...)
They ruined [inser legacy character here] (you're legacy character is fine, chill)
Yusho is the worst dad evar!!! (Did you miss the other dad training child soldiers??)
Pendulum summon sucks (Again, did you even like Arc V?)
If you genuinely believe any of these, well, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but not only I don't wanna talk to you, if you shove it in my dash or the main tags constantly, you earn a free ticket to my block list.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
I gave the migraine to end all migraines and rn I just want to sleep on Hyrule's lap as he runs his hands through my hair 😩.
But that's not what I'm here for dang nabbit! I want to talk about mini soulmate Fierce Deity.
His is interesting because while everyone else is mortal and walking, he...isn't. so would player/reader then also have to be a deity themselves, is Fierce being assigned multiple, or is it like a reincarnation thing (booo 🍅 🍅). I think it would just be another god because I don't like the other two and I like the idea of Fierce and a random person that's actually a god but doesn't acknowledge it or Fierce and this absolute unit of a soulmate just oozing with Divinity (Fierce only acknowledge them as his god(which is ironic bc they're on the same- nvm)).
I also think it makes for a interesting dynamic. What dynamic you may ask? Player and Time🙂. Because Time is in possession of the FD mask, you best believe as soon as time catches sight of player he's on edge, only to silently shit bricks once he catches sight of the fierce deity on your shoulder. You're just chilling with Hyrule while time tries to find a way to break the news about you soulmate that wouldn't end with him going home in a coffin (that's nonsense player adores him and FD being a mask is not his fault), and that's if he even tells them, he's a strong fighter, and has enough secrets to fill a river, what's one more? A good chunk of the trip is player casually stalking behind time with mini!FD going off, while time desperately tries to hide the mask (in his bag) from your line of vision.
(Also side note, I saw a post about JoJo drawing the FD mask differently than the original, and idk wtf it is about the extra markings but man I am BLUSHING. I could not keep my composure around that man, adding on that if he was my soulmate? I'm on the floor, just give me a moment.)
Anyway, player eventually figures out wtf happened and is like "why were you scared of telling me??? That's like, an easy fix" and just snaps the fucking mask if half like they didn't just release a supposed benevolent being of war onto the world (Someone go check on the old man please). And out pops fierce, who takes your hand, gets on a knee, and vows to always serve you, both as an appreciation for freeing him from his prison, and as a duty to his lover/other half, if you'll have him of course💛 ~📦
Okay so I had to double-check (Yes I remember which exact comic it was please shut up) and OMG I love the difference in design.
Okay, but the panic and hysteria that comes from Time almost makes Player feel bad but the appearance on their soulmate calms them- smiling at the mini of them sitting on his shoulder yawning and cuddling into him when he kneels to say his vow?
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lovelydiamond-cake · 2 years
caramel arrow x rye?
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Tk scenario!!
Caramel Arrow wanted to have a small wrestle match with Rye. Just to test out her upper strength.
It really just ended with Rye in a pile of laughter.
"What did I say we were doing?"
"And what did you do?"
Rye, unfortunately, was lost in laughter to answer this time.
"You squirm like crazy! It's hard to get a hold of you!"
In all honesty, Rye is never aware of how aggressively she acts during workouts with her girlfriend. She gets very eager and becomes aggressive with Caramel halfway through.
Which poses no issue for Caramel at all; being the first watcher in Cacao's Kingdom, it goes without saying that she can handle the aggression of her own girlfriend.
But, that didn't mean she wasn't going to get punished for her aggressiveness.
"Come on! Answer it I know you can do it!!" She encouraged, watching the blush on Rye's face spread rapidly.
"Are you sure? I barely started!"
"Aww but so soon?"
"Jeez I don't know if I should.. Maybe this can be a training session! We can see how long i can keep a grip on you while you thrash around like crazy!"
The struggle to try and get out of Caramel's grasp was incredibly difficult. Which says a lot for the usually energetic Rye cookie. She even threw a couple kicks here and there. But it didn't stop the first watcher, simply switching Rye's position to face down as she sat on her butt, trapping her arms under her knees.
"You are a kicker aren't you? You know that won't stop me!"
Her squirming got a bit hostile once being but in this position, it made the watcher wonder if her girlfriend could actually take it any longer..
Well that doesn't make sense, you could last way longer than this..
Caramel thought as she eased her attack onto the cookie, just to check in her.
Which, after a bit, found out it was a bad idea..
Rye quickly jumped up and pinned Caramel to the floor immediately attacking her sides causing the watcher to scream out in hysterics.
"You thought you could take me down that easy huh?!"
"Well it's too late now ya softie! Should've thought about that before- huh!?.. WO- AHH"
Caramel (learned this trick for Crunchy Chip), surprisingly managed to grab a hold of the energetic cookie and place her into a vulnerable position. Easier for her to aim for Rye's ribs and kiss her neck, knowing well that it'll break her.
"If you wanna challenge? Then I'll give you one!" She said with a smile on her face.
"I'm sorry what was that??"
Thank ovens they had nothing scheduled for tonight. They'll be doing this for a while, after all.
Ship Tk Headcanons!! (Cause I couldn't write another small story and I really want to post this!!)
Oh the wrestle all the time and Rye had no shame in it, which always leads to what you just read
Sometimes, Caramel Arrow comes home real late all exhausted and stuff and she just pass out on the bed.
And for some reason Rye thinks its a good idea to trace every single one of them knowing very well that each and every one of her scars are sensitive
And Caramel Arrow does literally everything to try and stop her, but it never works
The most sensitive of the two has to be Caramel, but Rye has the louder laugh
You can think that you got a good spot, but in all honesty she just has a really loud laughter
Caramel loves to tease her laugh all the time just for the fun of it and it surprisingly embarrasses the cookie
She also loves to tease Rue in her snorts
She will make it very clear she heard her lover snort
Accidental tickles happen all the time with these two
They could be cuddling and all of a sudden Rye would feel Caramel's hand brush against a sensitive area
And all of a sudden they have a tickle fight
They have a lit of tickle fights actually..
Since they both have long and tiring jobs, coming back home just to hear each other's laughter brings warmth to both their hearts
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I hope you enjoyed!! And thank you for the ask!!
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