#didn’t intend that last like oops
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I know for most people the answer is “it depends on the game” but for the purpose of this poll, just choose the system you use most often.
I’m not counting multiple world states/characters as separate save slots. I’m talking about how you save when playing a specific character or world state
Explain your logic in the notes if you feel like it.
*Or near enough that it doesn’t matter
#I’m asking cause I constantly see people say things like#‘oops I didn’t mean to do X and my last save was five hours ago :/’#or ‘oh no I already saved after <consequence for action I didn’t intend to take> :(((’#which is baffling to me. babe what do you mean you don’t have any earlier save files#you’re just rawdogging this shit with no backups??#I need to know if I’m the insane one for having like 50 separate save files or if it’s the children who are wrong
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- The Forbidden Fruit
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader

A/N- I got incredibly carried away with this. Is basically prawn with no plot honestly. And far softer smut than I think you intended it to be but. Here we are. Enjoy.
Warnings- 18+ | implied toxic relationship ( reader is in love with Dutch van der Linde what can you expect here ), smut: affair, Arthur being desperate to please!!!, fingering, oral ( reader receiving ) , unprotected p in v and he accidentally finishes inside oops, like the tiniest amount of cockwarming ( WC-8.9k )
AO3 | Masterlist - requests are open :)
Arthur didn’t involve himself in Dutch’s relationships. He stayed polite to whatever young woman he had hanging off his arm at the time, but that was about it. He’d seen too many girls come and go- usually in floods of tears at being dismissed by the man that had seduced and charmed them into loving him. Just working his way through shiny new plaything to plaything, hiding his unending sorrow for Annabelle under the skirt of some new girl.
Unfortunately you were no different.
In your defence, he supposed, you had lasted far longer than the rest. The only real exception to that being the famed Annabelle herself. But as was almost inevitable, your time in the honeymoon phase was slowly crumbling down around you.
Arthur did wonder if it was simply because of the current stress levels in camp. They had all been on the run for longer than he cared to try and count, but after the mess in Blackwater they had reached new heights of being hunted. It had never been this bad. Nothing had ever gone this wrong. Because before everything had gone to complete shit, he’d actually seemed quite taken with you. In truth Arthur actually had begun to consider the idea that Dutch really did love you. Had finally been able to move on from the weight on his heart of his dead lover.
But no.
Arthur was observing the same pattern as always, it had just taken far longer with you. And that just seemed to make it all the more cruel.
He barely even looked at you most days now. Barely uttered a few words in return to any question you asked.
And the arguing was growing ever more fierce. It was practically everyday.
Arthur didn’t like it. Didn’t like the way Dutch treated you. Didn’t like the way Dutch was treating anyone lately. But you in particular had never been anything but nice to him, kind. Sweet. Incredibly naive but sweet. To Arthur too. Some of the girls Dutch had strung along had been vile, rude and entitled and stuck up. But you? You were a genuinely nice person it seemed. And maybe that was your greatest flaw, for someone like that did not belong with Dutch Van Der Linde.
In fact Arthur had come to like you from a distance. The times he had spoken to you you had been interesting, intelligent. Far cleverer than him and he had always liked that in a woman if he was honest.
But still you clung to Dutch. Though your patience with him of late seemed to finally be wearing thin.
Dutch had never really been one to be ashamed or afraid of airing his dirty laundry within the gang. Whether that be packing on the PDA in camp in a way that often made Arthur want to vomit up his breakfast, or the even more puke inducing sounds of the two of you making up all night long. So arguing was no exception to that either.
And today was no different.
“ you barely even look at me! I’m right here! I always have been, I’ve always been such a good girl haven’t I? I do as you say. And look at how you repay me! “ Arthur sighed as he dropped a stack of bills into the box, successfully recovering yet another of Strauss’ debts for him. You were both screaming at each other again, the tent flaps pulled down as if that would over any form of soundproofing. It was the camp's regular ambience now it seemed.
He did feel sorry for you, he really did. You’d left everything you had for Dutch. Some beautiful, intelligent, well spoken girl. Heiress to her daddy’s mining fortune up north, used to the finer things but seeking some adventure. And Dutch had offered you both. Drowned you in jewels and gifts- though unlike the ones you had once owned the ones he gave were not his to give- Shown you off like a shiny new toy on his arm. Expressly informed Miss Grimshaw that you were not to be lifting a finger, that you would not have to earn your keep with chores like the others.
You earned your keep by looking beautiful beside him, by boosting his ego with your constant devotion to him, by letting Dutch use you for his own source of pleasure and by the sounds of things- that Arthur truly had no choice but to overhear- not getting very much back in return.
“ You know I don’t think I’ve ever met a more selfish woman in my life! “ Arthur sighed and sat down on his cot, debating whether or not to make some attempt to get the sleep he had been planning the entire long journey back to Clemens Point. But his tent was but a stone's throw from Dutch’s.
“ I have needs too Dutch Van Der Linde!” Everyone else in camp didn’t seem to mind it though, most of them preparing to settle in for the night. Whether that be passing out on their bedrolls or drinking by the fire. But Arthur wasn’t sure he could put up with another moment of the damn yelling.
“ oh? You have needs? “ Dutch’s voice was condescending. Mocking “ I give you everything! You are acting like a spoiled child”
“ a child? A child!? “ Arthur stood back up again, deciding he’d fare better trying to sleep on the damn ground rather than next to the likes of you and Dutch. So he headed out towards the edge of camp, hiding himself in the woods by the water. He slumped down against a tree with a heavy sigh and wished he’d thought to pick up a bottle of beer on the way.
But it was no matter. He was far enough away that he couldn’t hear the fighting anymore, but close enough that if he was needed anyone calling his name would be heard.
He looked out across the water, enjoying his rare moment of peace. It was a clear night and a full moon, the reflection bouncing off the water in the most beautiful way. He pulled out his journal and started to sketch it, wishing he could capture its beauty better.
‘ Dutch and the girl were arguing again. Got out of earshot for a bit to try catch some sleep. Thought the water and the moon looked mighty pretty ‘
He scrawled underneath when he was done, tucking it back into the satchel discarded at his side. Javier's guitar had silenced back in camp now and he figured everyone had gone off to bed. But he was quite content there by the water, so dropped his hat over his face and settled in to try and catch a few hours himself.
He was just dozing off when he heard the sound of boots marching quickly through the undergrowth, snapping twigs as they went. And then the soft sound of someone mumbling to themselves. He silently hoped whoever it was would keep well away from him. But the boots grew nearer and came to a halt not so far away. The crackle of a match being lit and a heavy sigh.
“ thinks he can talk to me like that? Bastard. Bastard he is. I’m a lady I deserve better than. Than that “
He cleared his throat lightly to inform you that he was there, but unfortunately still seemed to startle you.
“ Christ! Gave me a damn heart attack Arthur “ he placed his hat down with his satchel with a sigh and looked up at you. In the light of the moon reflecting off the water he could see your cheeks were tear stained, the glow of the end of your cigarette illuminating your face further and showing your makeup in streaks.
He couldn’t lie that it made his heart ache for you. He didn’t particularly have any solid feelings for you, but he did feel sorry for you. It was hard not to feel sorry for the woman seduced by Dutch.
And you truly were a cut above the rest in his opinion. Beautiful as the early morning sun and, when you weren’t screaming at Dutch, as kind and warm as it too. But maybe that was fitting. Because much like the sun you could bask people in warmth, but burn them too. Beautiful and bright but scalding and he found he couldn’t look at you for too long, no matter how many times he wanted too. Simply blinding his eyes with your flaming beauty and having to turn away.
But maybe he was just getting caught up in his metaphors.
“ shouldn’t be out this far from camp “ you simply shrugged, taking another drag of your cigarette “ ain’t no one nice lingerin’ in woods at night miss” even if no Lemoyne raiders were sneaking around the trees, there were plenty of species of wildlife that would happily do a number on you. Chew off a leg or bite you with poison fangs. You didn’t know how to take care of yourself. You couldn’t handle a gun, didn’t have a single survival instinct in you.
Dutch had quite made sure of that, he’d heard you ask once or twice. And had been denied. Charming you with some string of words about how you were far too delicate to be handling a gun. To leave it for the men.
“ you’re lingering in the woods aren’t you Mr Morgan? “ he chuckled and shrugged.
“ and I ain’t that nice. Point proven lady “
“ not like Dutch would care if someone took me anyway. He’d probably be thankful “ your voice was hoarse from the shouting and he couldn’t tell if you were going to cry again or not. You took a long drag of your cigarette before seeming to suddenly remember something, dipping your hand into the waistband of your skirt and pulling out a pack “ sorry my manners. Want one? “ he took one with a nod of thanks “ can I sit? “
You sat down carefully beside him then with a long sigh, tucking your legs beneath you, and leant forward so he could light the cigarette between his lips with the end of yours.
“ thanks “ you both sat quietly for a short while. Smoking and watching the ripples in the water. He didn’t mind it actually, as much as he had been slightly annoyed at you disturbing his attempt to sleep. You were decent company.
You rarely strayed from Dutch’s side, but on the odd occasion you had and Arthur had stumbled upon you having a moment to yourself at the edge of camp it had been quite nice. So he didn’t mind sitting there with you, company. For you both.
“ I think you’re nice. By the way “ you said to break the silence, refrenching his previous comment of bad men lingering in the woods.
“ No offense to you Miss, but you’re in love with old Dutch. I don’t think you’re particularly qualified to be sayin’ whether folk is nice or not “ he said it teasingly in some hopes of making you smile. And it did. A little.
“ maybe not “ he watched you bring your cigarette to your lips again, glancing at your hands. Nails perfectly trimmed and not a single speck of dirt or sign of a scar. Hands that had never had to lift a finger. Ever. It was an interesting contrast to his own. Calloused and scarred and bruised “ but Dutch he… he…Can I ask you something? “
“ Sure “ he said and flicked his cigarette away.
“ Do you think I’m beautiful Arthur? “ you asked meekly. Your face was sad. Lingering innocence yet to be wiped away by life somehow, the kind that only remained because you had lived a life so sheltered. Even with Dutch you were as sheltered as could be “ and don’t lie. Please “
“ I think you’re beautiful, sure “ you turned back to the water again, tossing your own cigarette before promptly lighting another.
“ Dutch doesn’t. Not anymore. Barely even looks at me “ Arthur ran a hand over his face, not entirely sure what he was supposed to say to you in the situation. At all “ I know I know I don’t expect you to agree. You two you’re…you’re like two peas in a pod aren’t you? “ you said with a small laugh, but it held no humour. You took a long drag of your cigarette.
“ me and Dutch it’s… we go back a long way. But… I will agree the way he’s been treatin’ you. Ain't nice. Not when you done nothin’ but be loyal to him for so long “ you turned back to him again and gave a small smile. It was like a wave of relief had washed right over you.
Someone was finally listening.
“ I think he’s got his eyes on Mary-Beth “ you mumbled, red stained lips wrapping around your cigarette again. Much like how he had found himself admiring your hands he now found himself admiring your lips. Soft and plump and stained red in the way they often were.
He blamed it on his fatigue.
“ he’d be a fool to give you up. You’re kind, loyal, hell you might jus’ be the most beautiful woman I know. He’s in a weird place right now. He’ll snap outta it, be back to readin’ you Evelyn Miller in no time. You’ll see “ maybe the last part wasn’t entirely true. But the first part was. And you seemed to bask in his compliments. He wondered when the last time Dutch had said something nice to you had actually been.
“ Thank you “ you looked as though you might cry again. And he really hoped you wouldn’t. He didn’t like to see you cry. And he really wouldn’t know what to say to you then. Once again you turned your attention back to the water and gave a small sigh “ maybe I chose the wrong outlaw “ you said with a small laugh “ always have thought you were quite handsome “
He nearly choked on his own saliva, clearing his throat in hopes to pass it out smoothly. He didn’t know if it had worked.
“ Really? “
“ Hmm “ you mused, tilting your head inquisitively to the side “ but you were oh so hung up on that Mary girl when I found Dutch”
“ Yeah well. Mary she’s- that’s all done with now “ maybe Mary was the reason he seemed to sympathise with you so. Because he too had had a broken heart. Though he was sure his was not as brutal as yours.
“ Guess we both have bad taste don’t we Mr Morgan “ he chuckled and nodded.
“ That we do miss. That we do “ he placed a gentle hand to your shoulder and squeezed in some form of comfort “ don’t worry bout Dutch though. Really. He’ll come to his senses and if…if he don’t then. Any man would be lucky to have ya “ you sniffled and he figured you’d started crying again “ I didn’t mean to upset- “
“ No. No I’m fine. It’s just…you mean it all don’t you? All these kind words? “ he shrugged and then nodded.
“ Sure I do. You’re a beautiful woman. Inside an out “ something seemed to flash across your face, a million and one things whirring away behind your eyes. He’d never been that good at reading people, never one for knowing what people were thinking. And the look on your face was the most confusing he’d ever seen.
The next part happened far too quickly for him to process it. Maybe because he was tired, maybe because he truly hadn’t even slightly suspected you to do it. You flicked away the butt of your cigarette and leaned forward, one hand to his leg and the other to his neck. And kissed him.
He was taken aback and you pulled away before he could make any attempt to figure out what you’d just done.
“ Sorry “ you sighed in slight annoyance, seemingly at yourself, sitting back beside him again. Like it was no big deal. Just something that had happened and had no real consequence “ shit- sorry “ Arthur scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and shrugged with a small laugh. Attempting to play it as cool as you clearly were.
Maybe he’d finally cracked and entered some weird fatigue induced psychosis, hallucinations and hearing voices. And kissing Dutch’s woman.
“ S’okay. No harm done “ he was bewildered. Trying to process the last 30 seconds and coming up completely blank.
“ Just the way you talk about me I- Lord forgive me “ he was certain he must have looked half dense. Still completely confused at what on earth was happening with you. And maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit flustered at having a woman like you kiss him. Even if you were begging the Lord for forgiveness right after it “ no one’s spoken to me like that in a long time and…and I wish they had. I want to be told I’m beautiful again. I want to be kissed. I want I want…I want a lot of things “
Maybe Arthur was a stupid, idiotic fool. Maybe too many gunshot wounds and bumps to the head had finally caught up to him. Maybe he too wanted to act on his ever growing annoyance with how Dutch was behaving. But he found himself reaching out, fingers tucking under your chin to turn your face to look at him. Your eyes were so beautiful up close. Practically sparkling in the moonlight.
Oh he was such a fool.
“ could’a jus’ asked “ a small smile tugged at your lips and you laughed a little.
“ Yeah. Of course. Because you’d have said yes Arthur? “ he shrugged. He didn’t know if he would’ve actually. But now the thought was in his head “ alright “ you whispered and shuffled a little closer to him “ indulge me “
His thumb was absentmindedly brushing over your jaw, looking at you in the light of the moon and wondering how on earth Dutch wasn’t constantly begging for your attention. If he had a woman like you constantly hanging off his every word he wouldn’t know how to act. Would be like a mangy dog trailing around after you for food.
“ I might’ve “ you gave a roll of your eyes but you were smiling still, a beautiful, tempting smile.
You were a temptress. A siren. Luring him in with your beauty to do something terrible. And you were vulnerable. Sad and seeking appreciation. And he was truly debating it.
“ Well…“ you started quietly, looking up at him through your long lashes in a way that made his chest go tight “ there is… still time for you to say yes “
“ we ain’t gonna tell no one bout this y’hear? This it’s… it’s jus’ between me and you. Okay? “ your eyebrows furrowed for a second looking up at him intently, as if trying to figure out if he was joking or not. If he was serious. He wasn’t entirely sure himself, needed you to agree or disagree to put the thought to rest. His thumb continued to brush along your jaw tenderly and your eyes fell closed for a moment.
How long had it been since someone had touched you with such care? That something as simple as that seemed to mean so much to you.
“ I understand “ you whispered, eyes flickering down to his lips again. He pulled you in close, barely an inch between your lips and then spoke again “ you’ll give me what I want? Don’t treat me like him “
“ Anythin’ ya want. You got it. I’ll give ya what you deserve “ you let a shuddering breath escape and gave a small nod before closing the gap between you both again.
He hadn’t kissed anyone in a while, but he sure found his footing quickly. You kissed him like he was your source of air, climbing your way into his lap and slipping your hands into his hair. You tasted of cigarette smoke and something almost sweet. Whatever it was, it was an intoxicating mix. You were like a siren singing your call in his ear, drawing him in and taking him for your own. The weight of you in his lap was almost familiar, welcoming. Just… nice.
He had almost forgotten just how fun it was to kiss a woman. How so many men seemed to shun it as boring, pointless- Dutch obviously included. But Arthur had always loved it. Had spent many a night as a youngster sneaking his way into Mary’s room just to kiss her. To spend hours kissing and talking and kissing some more.
Kissing you was something else. Addictive. Intoxicating.
Eventually he had to pull away, his lungs screaming at him for air. Your hands slipped out from his hair and down to grasp at the collar of his shirt, resting your forehead on his.
“ Anything I want you say? “ you asked quietly, breathless.
“ Anythin’ “ you smiled and lifted your head, a quiet determination settling over you. Your lipstick had smeared and he wondered how much of it was now on his own face.
“ okay… undress me then “ you softly commanded, shifting slightly in his lap “ please. Dutch never- he makes me do it myself, barely even looks I- Please “
He almost laughed to himself about now he immediately thought getting you naked was entirely too risky. As if the entire situation alone wasn’t risky anyway. But he didn’t want to think too hard about that, instead simply channelled his recent annoyance towards Dutch into his actions. Tried to tell himself he was doing a good thing, taking care of you.
You watched his face carefully as he gently untucked your shirt from where it was tucked into your skirt, some silky soft thing that probably cost more than everything he owned in his clothing trunk put together. He undid every pearl button slowly, eyes darting up to your face as he did. Your chest was heaving in long, heavy breaths. You were nervous. Or excited. He couldn’t tell which.
You shivered lightly when he pushed it from your shoulders, now only the soft cotton of your chemise between his hands and your chest. Your nipples had hardened, from the slight night chill or lust he couldn’t say. But he found himself unable to resist the sight, leaning forward and capturing one between his lips through the cotton. You gasped softly, a sound so beautiful it made him groan. You sounded delicate. Innocent. You’d never made such sounds when he’d overheard you with Dutch. In fact a majority of the time you almost sounded in pain.
But this sound wasn’t that. This sound was beautiful. And he wanted to hear more. One hand pushed at your back to bring you closer, the other palmed at your neglected breast in hopes you’d make the sound again. And you did. Gentle, soft gasps as his tongue dampened the material of your chemise, teeth tugging at you gently through the material. Your hand found his hair again, raking your fingers through it and arching your back into his touch.
He couldn’t imagine why Dutch had never wanted to do such a thing. How could he not want to hear you make those pretty pretty sounds? How could he not want to feel you writhing in his lap and yearning to be touched. Maybe Dutch was more of a fool than he had originally thought.
“ Need you to touch me- properly I- take this off “ your sentence was choppy, like you weren’t focussed enough to truly articulate the words you wanted to say. But he understood, pulling your chemise over your head and dropping it to land with your shirt.
He took a moment just to look at you, not even entirely because he knew you’d want him to. Just because he wanted to. He’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t wondered what was hiding under your expensive clothes once or twice. How could he not when he had to try sleep through the sounds of you and Dutch of a night.
“ God damn “ he said softly, hands soothing over your waist as you basked in his admiring stare, taking in the feeling of finally being looked at. Properly.
“ like what you see Mr Morgan “ you asked, voice sultry and low in a way that made his cock twitch in his pants.
“ Dutch is a damn fool “ is all he could say, leaning forward to kiss you again, his hands moving to grab at your chest. You moaned into the kiss as he squeezed and massaged your breasts with his large hands, seizing the opportunity to dip his tongue into the warmth of your mouth. Your fingers in his hair, twisting strands around your fingers and tugging lightly. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Certain he’d somehow taken a stumble through the veil and ended up at heaven's gates.
He wasn’t a particularly religious man, but the way he was prepared to worship and praise you could truly be considered blasphemous.
He couldn’t resist the temptation of getting his mouth on you again much longer, dragging his lips from yours and wrapping them around a pebbled nipple instead. You rolled your hips against him, those beautiful soft moans still falling past your lips. This was what you had wanted from him. To be worshipped. To be looked at as the beautiful temptress of a woman you were. And not merely glanced at and then used like some two dollar whore in a saloon.
He wanted to nip at your skin, bite and soothe it with his tongue. But he knew he couldn’t. Couldn’t risk Dutch seeing it if he felt the need to stop ignoring you for a short while for his own needs. But oh how he wanted to. To mark up your smooth skin with reminders that you were desired. That you could look at as they faded and be reminded that you were wanted.
“ I need more “ you whispered “ Arthur please. Give me more “ another roll of your hips followed by a small whimper told him enough.
“ I know I got ya “ he murmured against your skin, pressing kisses up your sternum and your neck. Nose brushing at the underside of your jaw and working his way back to your lips again “ stand up. Lemme get you out of these damn clothes “ he caught the smile on your face as you stood up, he stayed seated and ran his hands over the fabric covering your hips. Something seemed to blaze in your eyes as you looked down on him. He realised it was most probably you that was usually being leered down on, but not now.
Not with him. Not with Arthur. Arthur looked up at you like the goddess you were, looked up at you with what he knew was a silent pleading in his eyes. Dutch would never ask he knew it. Dutch took. Stole. Used. Arthur didn’t. Wouldn’t.
“ I like how you look at me “ you said quietly, hand soothing over his hair “ you make me feel beautiful “
“ Cause y’are “ he murmured, hands reaching to the ties of your skirt. He wanted to see more. Wanted to see all of you.
You helped him with the slightly tedious task of getting your skirts and undergarments off, but all so slowly. Taking his time. Making sure he appreciated every single layer of clothing you removed for him, right down to unlacing your boots and holding your leg gently to help you out of them. Until you stood there as naked as the day you were born, illuminated by the moonlight on the water.
“ well ain’t you a sight “
Your skin was so smooth. Soft. Not a single scar that he could see. The skin of a woman who had never had to lift a finger. Had never known the hardships that he had. The only true blemish on your skin was the almost completely faded bruises on your hips. Fingertips. Dutch.
He soothed his hands up your legs, pressing soft kisses to the pillowy flesh of your thighs as he went, and stopped as he reached them.
“ He can be a little rough. It’s how he likes it “ you answered before he could even ask. Arthur too had been known to have his rougher moments. But he could never hurt you. Never mark you in anyway other than that of affection and care.
“ I ain’t like that “
“ I know. That’s why I want you “ he pulled you back down into his lap, his large hands splaying over your hips as he took yet another moment just to look. To admire. To thank whatever stupid damn God may exist for placing such a heavenly body in his presence “ I feel a little like the odd one out here though “ you said with a small smile, tracing a finger down from the open top buttons of his shirt to his pants.
He’d been far too occupied with you to even really notice the fact that he was ridiculously overdressed in comparison.
“ Can’t have that now can we darlin’ “ your smile grew and you made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders with a gentle sigh. You ran your fingers through the hair on his chest, nails scratching lightly at his skin and peppering lipstick stained kisses as you went. Littering his collarbones, his sternum.
“ much better “ your hands kept roaming and your lips kept kissing. Hands seemingly wanting to touch him all, scratching lightly up his sides and over his waist, his stomach and his ribs. Slowly moving to slide over his shoulders and loop around his neck. You rolled your hips against him again and whined softly. He was so hard it was growing painful as he stayed restrained by his pants. But he wasn’t selfish. Not like Dutch. And he wasn���t about to seek out any form of pleasure himself until he had you seeing the stars you deserved.
“ tell me what y’want “ he murmured, peppering soft kisses across your jaw.
“ touch me “ you sighed blissfully “ please touch me “
His hand slipped down in between your bodies, brushing past the soft curls between your legs and couldn’t contain the groan of a sound that left him when he felt how warm and wet you were.
“ Christ “ he muttered as your head dropped to his shoulder with a shuddering breath “ he ever touch you like this? “ he asked lowly, already knowing the answer. Why would he? He didn’t get anything out of it.
But Arthur did. Oh Arthur did.
“ no “ you whispered “ no never…please. More “ he tested the waters, pressing lightly against your clit and revelling in the squeak of a sound that it caused you to make.
“ or like this? " You shook your head again, breathing shakily as he dragged his finger through the wetness and drew light circles around your entrance.
“ Arthur “ you moaned his name in the most delicious way as he pushed his finger inside, burying it to the knuckle
“ yeah and what about this darlin? “ he again knew the answer. Dutch didn’t care about your pleasure. Didn’t care about wasting time on something as simple as making you whimper and whine for more “ he touch you like this? “
“ no “
“ think ya can take one more for me? “ you nodded again and he withdrew his finger, gathering your slick on his other before pushing them both past the resistance of your entrance “ that’a girl “ he pumped his fingers in and out steadily, curling and probing at your velvety soft walls to test what you liked.
“ This is so… oh god. This isn’t proper at all “ you laughed slightly, melting into a soft moan. Arthur chuckled, lifting your face up so you’d look at him.
“ Ain’t proper at all? It’s damn right filthy darlin” your cheeks were aflame and you closed your eyes for a moment, grinding yourself against his hand “ look at ya. Drippin all over ma fingers like that. Ain’t proper. Not one bit “ you smiled, a cheeky, devious smile that made him lean forward and kiss you again.
You were so wet it was obscene. He couldn’t tell where the sounds of you kissing stopped and the sopping sounds of his fingers began. You continued to grind down against his palm, practically riding his fingers, his whole hand wet and sticky with you.
And he wanted to taste it. To taste you. To flood his mouth with the slick, liquid gold covering his fingers. It was an almost primal desire, like a desperation as strong as needing air. He needed to. He had to.
“ Darlin’ “ he murmured, lifting your head from where it had fallen to his neck again “ gotta let me taste you. You gotta “ the look on your face only made him want it more. Your skin flushed and eyes blown out with nothing but pure lust and desire. He’d never needed anything more. Nothing else mattered, not the painful hardness in his pants, not the realisation that you were very much Dutch’s girl. He didn’t care about any of that. He just needed to be between your thighs.
“ really? No one’s ever- oh god. Yes. Yes. Please Arthur “ he withdrew his fingers making you whimper and quickly grabbed his discarded shirt and lay it down on the ground. Then he kissed you again as he wrapped his arms around your waist, gently turning you to lay back on the shirt. It still couldn’t have been particularly comfortable. But you didn’t seem to mind, tugging at his hair and lifting your hips up against him as he hovered over you.
He took his time moving down. Leaving a long and slow trail of hot, wet, kisses on your skin. You writhed underneath him, whining softly and twisting your hands in his shirt underneath you. He took extra time with your thighs. Kissing up from the inside of your knee and stopping before he could place his mouth where he really wanted to, then repeating with the other.
“ Arthur “ you whined, still squirming around and desperate.
“ I know. I got ya. Gonna make those pretty sounds for me again yeah? "You nodded, pushing yourself up onto your elbows to watch him as his head sank lower, spreading your legs wider to give him full access to the centre of you “ that’s a good girl “ he spread you open with his fingers, in awe of the way you parted for him. Like petals on a flower, dripping with the morning dew.
But you were far more delectable. A forbidden fruit begging to be tasted.
And oh was it pretty. Even in the dark, in nothing but the light of the moon on the water, it was pretty. Begging to be tasted, touched. Admired.
The sound you made as he dragged his tongue from your weeping hole to your clit was like music to his ears. He didn’t know how he managed to not come in his pants just at the sound of it.
You still kept it quiet, but loud enough for him.
His own, deep, guttural moan escaped from his chest as he licked again. Your taste flooding his mouth in a way so so much better than he could’ve imagined.
He ate you like he was starved. Like a savage predator that hadn’t seen meat for days, like a man ready for the gallows enjoying his last meal. His arms wrapped around your thighs, keeping your legs apart for him as you bucked and squirmed against his face. It was visceral. Carnal. You made him feel like his grip on his own composure and control was weaker than ever, that he was holding on to it with nothing but his fingertips.
“ Arthur “ he dipped his tongue into the welcoming warmth of your cunt, his eyes falling closed for a moment as he felt you clench around him, desperate for more. Desperate for him. And he would give you more, would give you anything you asked of him. But not until he made you come first.
He let go of one of your legs and brought his fingers back to their previous position, wanting to feel you again. To be inside of you, as close as he could get. To make you see stars.
The flat of his tongue found your clit again, certain he could feel you pulsing against him. Desperate and full of desire for him. He felt honoured, privileged. That you were so loyal to Dutch, glued to his side. Never even batting an eye at anyone else. And yet you had broken that for him. Had sought him out because you knew he would treat you well.
Your back arched off the ground as he sunk them back into you, slipping in with a welcome ease. His thick fingers pumped into you at a steady pace, his tongue diverting all its attention to your clit. Lapping and sucking and letting you press his face harder against you as you tugged on his hair.
“ don’t stop please dont- Arthur “ he had no intentions of stopping, none at all. In fact he simply honed in on his ministrations, working harder to push you closer and closer to the edge of the orgasm he knew you had been craving for weeks.
“ Not gonna stop darlin. Ain’t stopping until you come for me. Taste so good, so good “ he murmured against you, curling his fingers and hitting a spot that made you gasp and your body shudder “ there we go, right there “
He flicked his tongue over your sensitive bundle of nerves, looking at you as best he could to gauge your reaction. You were pulling a little painfully at his hair, squirming and rolling your hips against his face. He let you do it. Let you be the one using a man for your pleasure, rather than being the one used for once.
Your sounds were sinful. Melodic. He took it all in. Basked in the noises you made for him, the delicious taste of you on his tongue, drunk on you. On your taste. Your smell.
“ Arthur- Arthur please I- “ you babbled, a slightly smug smile working its way onto his face as he watched your prim and proper facade melt away “ don’t stop “
He hummed an assurance that he wouldn’t, your hips bucking against his face as he did. You were so unbelievably wet, dripping out around his fingers and soaking the hair of his beard. He would never have thought it of you. The way you held yourself around camp, so poised and prim. The accent when you spoke that made everyone else around you sound so common. And yet there you were. On your back in the woods, chasing an orgasm being offered to you by an outlaw. Repeating his name like a mantra.
And not even that of the outlaw you were in love with.
“ Arthur- “
Only seconds later it happened. You held a hand over your mouth as your orgasm hit you, muffling your choked moans, back arching off the ground and walls clamping down on his fingers as he worked you through it. Tongue still working diligently at your clit until you pushed your hand at his head, squirming away a little.
He almost didn’t want to stop. Could’ve happily stayed there a while longer, but moved back, an obscene wet sound in the late night silence as he withdrew his fingers.
He took his fingers to his mouth, sucking the remnants of your climax onto his tongue. Unable to control himself. You watched him do it, mouth slightly agape and eyes half open with some desperate undeniable look of utter desire. He could almost see the way it made you feel, could see you unable to contain the overwhelming feeling of realising you were desired. Wanted.
“ God. You are unbelievable “ you whispered, pushing yourself up onto your elbows and grabbing at his arm. Your fingers looped around his wrist and tugged his hand towards your own mouth. He shook his head with a chuckle, slightly in awe as you took those same two fingers between your red lips.
Your tongue swirled between his digits, plush lips wrapping around them and sucking. Your eyes locked on his as you did. It made his cock ache. He wanted your lips on him, wanted your tongue swirling around his length and milking him dry. He could imagine it if he thought hard enough. The way you hummed slightly in appreciation as you sucked his fingers clean, sent vibrations straight through his bones. Rattling him to the core. But he would never ask that of you. But the thought was one he would hold onto. It made him shift slightly.
“ you ain’t so prim and proper lady “ he murmured as he withdrew his fingers, a string of saliva connecting his fingertips and your lips “ This ain’t very proper of you miss “ Arthur said with a small smile, teasing “ rollin’ around in the dirt with the likes of me “
“ Oh to hell with being proper if it means I get to feel like this “ you said with a small laugh and he kissed you again for what felt like the millionth time. He wondered if you could taste yourself on his lips, smell the heady delicious smell of you on his beard.
He would’ve been more than happy to leave it at that. No matter how badly he wanted to sheath himself inside you and stay there for eternity. His goal had been your pleasure and he had achieved it.
But as he kissed you your hands began working at the buckle of his gun belt, opening it with a skilled ease that made him pull back.
“ Darlin’ you ain’t gotta do that- “
“ shush “ you pushed at him lightly so you could sit up and went to work on the buttons on his pants next “ I want to. I- Arthur take them off “ he made far quicker work of his own clothes than he had of yours and you leant back on your elbows to watch him.
You looked like a pinup girl. Like something he’d seen drawn come to life. Your eyes seemed hungry as you looked at him, dragging down his body and lingering on his rock hard cock. He was practically throbbing with want, the tip an angry shade of pink and leaking precum slightly embarrassingly “ come here. Please. Back down here “
He did as he was asked, crawling back over your body as you eyed him greedily.
“ We really don’t…I mean, If y’don’t wanna- “ his words stuck in his throat as your fingers wrapped around the length of him with a small sigh.
“ I want you to I just…can I ask one thing? “ he couldn’t get the word yes to escape his mouth, your fingers squeezing him softly in a way that made him see flashes of white in his vision. So he simply nodded “ don’t fuck me. Dutch fucks me, make love to me “ you seemed a little embarrassed at the request. But he didn’t think it was embarrassing. In fact he had had no plans to use you as brutally as Dutch. He was almost a little offended you thought he might.
“ Told you, anythin’ you want. You got it “ you smiled softly and pressed another kiss to his lips before laying back down again. He positioned himself over you, caging your head in between his arms. And it truly was incredibly intimate. He wondered when the last time you had had such intimacy was. If you’d ever received such a thing from Dutch.
He spat on his hand and grabbed a hold of his sensitive cock, stroking himself a couple of times to get himself slick. Not that he really needed to, you were already wetter than he’d ever known a woman to be. But the last thing he wanted was your discomfort. He lined himself up with you, eyes trained on your face as he dragged his weeping tip between your folds. You gasped as he caught your clit, still sensitive and alert from your first orgasm.
“ Arthur please “ you whimpered rolling your hips up against him, so desperate to have him inside of you.
“ So God damn wet for me “ he murmured “ such a good girl ain’t ya? “ you whined in answer, fingers wrapping around what you could of his bicep and digging your perfectly trimmed nails into his skin “ gonna make you feel so good I promise darlin’ jus’ like you deserve yeah? “ you whispered out a yes and brought your other hand to the back of his neck. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, still running his cock along the length of your slit. Teasing.
“ Keep looking at me. Please look at me Arthur “ he continued to do as asked. Again. Though his eyes had barely strayed from your face anyway “ I need you so badly “ Eyes locked on yours, he finally pushed into you, he took it slow. Letting you take it inch by inch, watching the look of ecstasy wash over your face. Your eyes fell closed.
He fought to retain his own composure, overwhelmed by the tight, wet, warmth of your walls enveloping him. He could feel every unique ridge and bump that made your cunt oh so perfect, feel every muscle stretch and contract as you adjusted to him.
“ god- oh god “
“ shh shh easy there. I got ya “ he paused once he was seated inside of you, grabbing at your hip with one hand to angle your hips better. Allowing you to comfortably take all of him in. He waited, let you adjust to his size, not daring to move before he got the go ahead from you “ there you go, look at you, takin’ all of me like that. So good f’me “ you basked in his praise, a dopey kind of smile spreading across your face.
“ so much bigger than him “ you whispered with a small laugh and Arthur couldn’t help the smug smile on his face. Kissing you and touching you and making you come on his tongue had been one thing. But having you like this? Having his cock buried to the hilt inside of you, so unbelievably close together. And to then be told that? To know he was about to do you better than Dutch ever had. Ever could. It felt like the biggest fuck you to the man that had been not only mistreating him of late, but also the goddess of a woman beneath him “ I’m good. You can move. Please move “
He didn’t need telling twice. Pulling out almost completely and thrusting back in in one smooth motion. The pace he fell into was just as you’d asked. Loving. Tender. But hard and deep, making sure his hips were flush with yours with every stroke. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulled his face back down to kiss him again.
If anyone had spotted you they’d have easily mistaken you both for a lovesick couple having a private moment to yourselves. The entire thing intimate and passionate. No one would assume it was an affair in motion, hidden away in the woods by the shoreline in fear of your lover finding the pair of you there.
But it was what you wanted. What you had needed. And he felt privileged to provide.
He pulled back from your lips to watch you again, enthralled by the way your face relaxed and twisted in the pleasure he was providing you. You continued to spill those angelic sounds from your throat, growing breathier and higher pitch as he continued to drag his cock against the sopping, sensitive heat of your cunt. He had to focus hard not to finish in seconds. So much build up paired with being practically celibate for months was truly doing him no favours, but he focussed. He wasn’t letting this end until you came once more. You deserved it.
“ Keep those pretty eyes on me “ he murmured as they fell closed again “ that’s it darlin’, look at me there ya go “ everytime he spoke the slightest word of praise you practically beamed, so desperate to hear it. To be told you were good. Beautiful. So different to Dutch constantly yelling at you about how annoying you were, how much your mere presence bothered him these days. So he kept it up.
“ Doin’ so well for me. This pussy it’s perfect, ain’t that right? C’mon tell me “ he urged, still fighting off his ever looming orgasm. The sounds alone was enough to make him want to burst. Sweat slicked skin on skin, the wet sounds of your cunt dripping around the swollen intrusion of him. And those sweet sweet moans of yours.
“ yes “ you whimpered “ it’s perfect “
“ That’s a good girl “ he increased his pace ever so slightly and your hands slipped from his arms to his back, dragging your nails down him to try to pull him impossibly closer to you.
He moved a hand down between your bodies, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts, grunting and choking back his own moans as you squeezed him. Like your body never wanted him to leave, gripping his cock with your cunt and making it ever more harder to hold back. He couldn’t help but have a look, glancing down to see the way you stretched around him, mesmerised at the way you took him in so deep.
“ tell me I- oh. Tell me I’m beautiful “ you whimpered, sounding almost like you might cry. From pleasure, from upset. He didn’t know. But he continued to do as asked.
“ you’re beautiful “ he murmured picking up his pace a little more, his sweat slick skin slapping against yours. He was desperate to see you come again. Wanted to see your face up close this time, watch your eyes roll back and your kiss swollen lips part in ecstasy “ so beautiful darlin. Doin’ so well f’me, takin’ me so well “
“ don’t stop, don't stop “ he dropped his head to your neck whispering every word of praise he could think of into your ear, your body arching up against his and whimpering and whining with every word.
“ ain’t ever looked prettier than this “ he whispered, his own voice becoming breathless with the effort “ shit- look at ya, takin’ my cock so well. So pretty darlin’ “
Your second orgasm seemed to shock you as much as him, clawing at his skin to hold him close as your body trembled beneath him, biting at his shoulder to muffle your moans.
He didn’t mean to finish inside of you, had fully intended to pull out. But the way your cunt had squeezed him, the sounds you had made as he pushed you over the edge for the second time.
He muffled his own groan of pleasure in your neck, fingers digging into the dry earth beneath you, spilling load after load whilst fully sheathed inside of you. His entire body tensed, a pleasure he hadn’t felt in an incredibly long time. His heart was hammering in his chest, blood rushing loudly in his ears as it seemed to drag on forever.
And then he came to his senses.
“ m’sorry. Shit. Sorry “ he panted as he tried to compose himself and pushed himself up onto his hands to pull out. But you yanked him back down, arms wrapping around his back again and legs tightening around his waist.
“ no. Please. Stay. Stay right there. Just a moment would you “ he had come to realise in the past.. how long had you two even been out there? However long it was, he’d come to realise he was terrible at saying no to you. Could never possibly even dream to deny you of anything you wanted from him. And so he slumped back down onto his forearms, dropping his head against your shoulder for a moment. Your chest heaved beneath him and you caught your breath, fingers tracing gentle strokes along his spine. He felt he could stay there for hours.
“ You doin’ okay? “ he asked, pressing a light kiss to your jaw when he had composed himself a little more.
“ marvellous Mr Morgan “ you whispered with a small smile “ truly. Marvellous “ he couldn’t help but kiss you again, the long lingering kind meant for two lovers.
After a few minutes you both finally moved, re dressing in silence and then sitting back in your original position against the tree. He handed you a cigarette, lighting it and placing it between your lips.
He wondered what he looked like. Wondered what evidence you had left on him. Had he sweated off the lipstick prints on his chest or were they still there? He knew you had scratched his back up good and proper and would have that reminder there for a few days at least.
“ Thank you. Mr Morgan '' you said quietly after a few silent moments of smoking, blowing out a long stream of smoke “ I mean it I- i'm not sure what I’m supposed to say “
“ Don’t say anythin’ “ he said with a small wave of his hand, appearing as blaise as he possibly could but in reality knowing he wasn’t about to forget that night anytime soon “ its fine. Really. Anytime y’need me, for anythin’, you know where I’ll be “ you smiled and he watched your body relax a little more.
“ you know, i might just take you up on that “
He sincerely hoped you would.
Update: I currently have ZERO intentions to ever write a second part to this. I have been asked so many times since uploading this originally that I’ve lost count. But I have absolutely no ideas or inspirations for a second part at any point in the near. Or far. Future. It was always meant to be a stand alone like all my one shots are. But tysm for the love <3
#ask and ye shall receive#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#rdr2 community#rdr2 fanfic#x you#background Dutch van der Linde x reader#fluff#dutch van der linde#Arthur Morgan smut#john marston#javier escuella#Sadie Adler#arthur morgan rdr2#van der linde gang
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Title: Blood and Feathers
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Pairing: Rosinante/Corazon x Fem!Reader x Doflamingo
Warnings: language, non con, dub con, size difference, reader is cheated on (not by the brothers), reader is stalked/abducted, reader is double teamed, vaginal sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, animal instincts/behaviors, blood, violence, toxic relationships, breeding kink
Synopsis: Set in a modern!AU. You are an avian veterinarian dealing with a recent life upheaval. Years ago, you also had a traumatic experience with creatures mainstream science still denies as even existing. But memories of that night were soon buried, relegated to your dreams alone. Or so you had thought.
A/N: This oneshot was inspired both by @tuquidflamingo‘s gorgeous Harpy!Doffy fanart for Doffytober2024 Day 24:Mythical Here, and @froggiewrites’s terrifyingly sexy Siren!Doffy fic Mating Call Here. I needed more bird!Donquixotes after seeing those works and could not restrain myself. This was originally intended as monster/horror themed for Halloween as well, but I’m way late to the party (as usual 😅).
Fic Masterlist
“You poor darling. The boys haven’t been very nice to you have they?” You frowned to your newest patient. A female dove, slightly fearful in your grip as you held her gently from behind in a small towel within your hand.
The hallmarks of overbreeding were evident to you in all the missing feathers near the back of her head.
Some single minded Lotharios within her previous enclosure had plucked her practically raw while doing their overeager business on her from behind no doubt.
“Remember. Men are all the same, sweetheart. They only care about one thing.” You mumbled, not particularly worried of how bitter you still sounded while you felt her chest and keel bone next. That bone’s prominence signaling her being rather underweight to your additional concern.
Not that you’d been eating much either, or maintaining a healthy mindstate at all. Just like hers, your life had also gone quite to shit recently.
Just two days ago you’d come home early, only to find your boyfriend of the last few years balls deep and moaning within the newest assistant from his law office.
And you’d thought he really was going to have a heart attack when he’d finally seen you standing there.
But his new young lover had only smiled, cool as anything.
“Oops.” She’d said, still on top of your fiancé and almost sweetly staring over her shoulder at you.
Her long fingernails had left trails of raised scratches all over his chest and sides. Which you’d seen so distinctly as he’d sat up in a panic to plea to you.
Of course, there would have been no way he could have hidden that evidence later even if you hadn’t caught them in the act.
As you’d dragged suitcases out and begun throwing what you could into them, he’d had the gall to swear to you too that it was both his first and last time with her.
He’d even tried to blame her, as if he’d had no say in it all.
But you’d just taken your engagement ring off and thrown it so hard it’d ricocheted off of the wall and rolled to God knew where.
To whatever void your trust and self confidence had now plummeted into most likely.
Yet the apartment lease had only been in his name. So in just that single afternoon, you’d gone from daydreams of a winter wedding to officially homeless and with mascara running down both sides of your face. All with strangers staring at you on your march of shame back through the parking garage.
You didn’t even tell anyone afterward. Because you’d had no one close enough to you to tell.
You were living out of a hotel room now. Nowhere to land as of yet as you’d still went to your normal veterinary job uptown during the day. And to this volunteer time at the avian rehab center just outside of the city each night.
The only consistently listening ears for you now were sick and troubled birds. Either domestic seizures from hoarding and animal cruelty cases like this dove, or sometimes just wild raptors and waterfowl that’d had an acute turn of bad luck.
You’d seen it all at one point or another. But every day was different. And yet only more of the same all at once.
Until tonight, when it absolutely wasn’t.
You were here alone. Staying much later than you normally would, because the company of the birds was still better than hearing your neighbors arguing through those thin hotel walls that were now all you had to go back to.
Besides this dove’s occasional cooing, and your own words of continued self pity, you also had a constant rotation of true crime podcasts, murder mysteries, and tales of the supernatural droning on from your phone still on the counter.
It was very fitting for a rainy, cold night like this one.
And in a bit of a playful holiday segment in between those longer tales, it was then some of those two sentence horror stories.
The narrator had just read one of your favorites in their best Vincent Price impersonation.
“The last man on Earth sat alone in a room.
There was a knock on the door.”
You smirked of course. Your imagination flooding with all that unnamed man’s possible fates and an idea that he may actually deserve them now, before the lights abruptly went out above you.
Both you and the dove had startled with that plunge into darkness. But under the dim glow of the battery backup lights which came on after, around the fire exit signs, you quickly silenced those additional horror teases from your phone.
“Maybe they missed a power bill again.” You’d told the dove softly as you’d returned her to the temporary holding cages.
Funding was always tight for a non profit like this. People just weren’t as giving when sick vultures and irritable corvids didn’t end up as marketable as sad kittens on the donation commercials.
But, this could also be the universe’s sign for you to give in and go home.
Wherever the hell home was supposed to be now.
You’d pulled your exam gloves inside out, trashing them before washing and drying your hands.
A coat, purse, and umbrella were all you had to gather before walking into that now near pitch black hallway.
There was only the slight squeak of your shoes on the linoleum floor for those few precious seconds of normalcy you’d had left.
And then came the first metal bang.
Like a knock.
And the next one which followed it.
Echoing through the darkness before you.
Something heavy and urgent was slamming against the metal door which led to the rear parking lot.
The parking lot that backed up to the woods. Where your car and thereby only way back to the city now was.
Even then, the logic in you still refused to fully slip however. Though your heart did beat far faster in your confusion.
You could hear many birds beginning to rustle in their cages in other rooms, bothered by the new noises as well.
You wanted to comfort them, but you knew they wouldn’t understand.
Did you even understand?
You still had your phone of course. You could call the police and just wait here, locked inside if you were actually that afraid.
But outside of the city limits like this, response time would be awful unless you’d be lucky enough that a random patrol car may be nearby.
You didn’t want some judgmental cop showing up thirty minutes from now, to look at you like you were a complete idiot if you said just being in the dark with strange noises was enough to have you needing rescue.
Your hand was already in your purse though, fingers around the beveled case of your phone as everything went silent again.
And then you heard the door pull open.
That door was an exit only. If another volunteer had forgotten something or come back this late for any other reason, they’d have taken the side path up to the front and unlocked the front door instead just as you had a couple of hours ago.
There was no key to the back door. It was always locked on the outside.
Unless the latch had just been broken off.
Which would explain the banging.
Your heart was moving into your throat by then as you’d sidestepped into the nearest room in the dark.
It was this facility’s single operating room.
And by some grace above you didn’t run into anything. You squatted with your back to the wall as you fumbled to pull your phone fully from your purse.
You couldn’t remember if the emergency dispatch in this area was setup to accept text messages like they could in the city.
If you spoke into this silence to call someone, it’d be the equivalent to screaming though.
Your hands were shaking as you typed instead.
And it was additionally cruel really.
Because your mind hadn’t yet overwritten years worth of habit, even as much as he’d hurt you.
You found yourself texting your ex.
<break in. call police. the rehab. help>
Your fingers moved faster than you thought you’d ever commanded them to then. You’d hit send and watched as that message changed to delivered.
And then…
You heard that stupid trill of his phone from the hallway.
That custom alert you’d heard far too many times to count as his phone had always gone off at all hours from important clients in the duration you’d been together.
Your brain stuttered.
And you heard a female’s laugh.
“Oh, that is embarrassing…” Said the somehow familiar female voice. It was equal parts amusement and mockery now. “She’s still here alright.”
And then a man whose voice you did not recognize, called your name outright before you could think any further. “Please, (Y/N)…there’s no reason to make this harder than it has to be. Please just come out. We’re not going to hurt you.”
But the woman quickly disagreed with him. “No. He said we could do this however we needed to. We’d still be outside in the rain if it was all up to you.”
“Be silent. I’m trying to listen.” The man retorted, yet with his voice lowering to match her own irritation.
“Hmm…no. Not needed. I already smell her.” Came her even sharper response after just another moment.
And you heard something clicking on the tile at that, faster than you could believe as it ran closer.
“Monet!” The male voice was right behind it though, dropping into a range more akin to a snarl before a shadow came bursting through that open operating room door towards you.
You knew her name.
In the emergency lighting you only had a moment to see a glimpse of her once beautiful face too, contorted into a ferocity more akin to a rabid animal before she lunged down to meet you at your still crouched position.
Her slender hand had closed around your airway as if it were all second nature.
Fingernails too sharp to be real dug in as she forced your back onto the ground.
You were choking. And staring up into the now wild eyes of your ex-fiancé’s young assistant.
The girl he’d fucked right in front of you just two days ago.
But then she was gone. Swatted away as if she were nothing in one audible hit.
Your throat was still stinging, scratched but not wholly cut as you tried to sit up in a renewed rush of adrenaline.
“Just take her car and go goddammit! You’re going to tear this place apart if you can’t control yourself! This is exactly why I wanted you to wait outside!” That male voice now had a clear source as well. He stood easily over the both of you. Still with his hand that had struck her splayed out like a claw.
What had to be light blond hair hung messily in his angry eyes as he took your purse and threw it at her.
“Take her car back to her hotel! Keep her phone, and make sure she didn’t call anyone!”
It was like he was scolding a child now, as if she had already been told a thousand times how this all should be.
But she was panting, smiling at him even as she did.
“I just want a taste…for all of our trouble.” She breathed.
And he stepped further between the two of you.
“I said no.”
She hissed through her teeth, but you saw him straighten up in response. His lean body seeming to tighten even more in the dark.
“Go!” And that order was truly a snarl from him that time.
Her eyes widened and she clawed the floor, briefly on all fours before scurrying back up.
You could not see her feet clearly in the shadows, but you heard them.
That same clicking sound that had come from the hall before she’d run in.
Like talons moving across the ground.
You didn’t realize how much you were still shaking either before that man’s rock solid grip had grabbed you next.
You were pulled up by your arm.
And Monet was already gone with your purse, meaning she had your keys and phone as well.
She’d had your ex’s phone too.
Was he even alive any longer?
A sound of desperation left you as this tall man forced you down the hall and to that exit door they’d first broken in through.
You’d known it all had to be purposeful then.
When the power had been cut, the two outdoor security cameras would have gone down as well.
No one would ever see him dragging you out of this door and into the rainy night.
They’d likely waste days interviewing people at the hotel instead once Monet returned your car there.
People you’d never even made eye contact with long enough for them to remember your face would just shrug and say they hadn’t noticed anything unusual.
No one would ever find your body.
“Walk.” His voice was still harsh as he’d hurried you outside, across the parking lot, and immediately down a muddied path into the woods.
It wasn’t clear which direction he’d even taken you in after just a few minutes.
In the dark, the trails all looked the same. And you could only watch as his clothes hung on him, dripping in the light rain.
The forest had gone silent save for that rain and the two of you. As all animals often quieted when an apex predator moved through.
He was oddly barefoot too, striding across the wet and fallen leaves. Just in pants and a t-shirt which now stuck across his broad chest.
“You really don’t remember me at all, do you?” He asked suddenly.
And you were still floundering mentally, trying to keep up with his long legs in the darkness.
“My real name is Rosinante.” He said in lack of any answer from you though. “We’ve met before.” And his large hand squeezed your arm tighter.
He sounded like his frustration was only growing. His next words were especially accusatory. “If I’d had any idea you were still this close to the mountains…why didn’t you leave?”
His grip hurt, and you were stumbling often now, just trying to keep up.
“I don’t…I don’t know what you want.” You stammered, sounding so pathetic that it easily could have been a stranger’s voice in your ears then.
“I didn’t want him to find you!” He shot back. And at last his relentless pace began to slow. “I thought you moved away! Why the hell would you come back here!?”
And only then was something finally beginning to click within your memories.
Because it was that desperation in his voice.
Even if that tone was so much deeper now than the boy’s it reminded you of.
“…Cora?” You asked, your eyes wide while you stared up at this frightening man.
But he looked like something had just broken within him as you’d called him that. He’d stopped walking entirely, and you saw the true pain which crossed his face.
A lean, handsome face, with messy blond hair and rainwater dripping down in a way that could have easily been mistaken for tears.
Tears just like the young blond you’d found crying alone in the forest one summer.
The teen who’d said he didn’t know what to do any longer. And that he’d missed his parents so much and he just couldn’t keep pretending.
You’d thought he was a runaway. But he’d seemed so close to your own age, you hadn’t ratted him out to your aunt and cousins you’d been staying with in the mountain cabin that summer.
You’d snuck him food instead, and for those few months that summer break, you had hiked out to visit him every day at your and his secret rendezvous spot.
Eventually he’d said you could call him Corazon, or Cora for short. It meant “heart” in Spanish. The native language from wherever he had really fled from. And a nickname his late mother had given him.
Her little heart.
But he had a big one. Because he was so kind to you. Something you hadn’t been used to. And you’d both loved exploring and talking together for hours on end.
He’d even taught you a special whistle and song he’d said had also come from his mother and original home.
And so often at night you would hear that sound as you’d snuck from your bedroom to see him over and over again.
He’d known you loved birds by then. That you had dreams of going to school to learn more to help as many of them as you could someday.
But when you’d follow that special sound to find him at night, he’d also point right to where any owl or other raptor you’d missed during the day was hiding that he had found.
Just so that you could see them too.
But near the end of that summer, you’d told him you’d have to be going back to the city soon. School would be starting again. You hadn’t finished high school yet. But you’d definitely come back next summer before going to college. You’d promised him that.
He’d seemed so sad regardless though, and that had hurt you too.
He’d even disappeared for a few days. You had gotten worried.
But on one of those last nights, you’d heard that special sound again.
So of course you had rushed to it.
But Corazon hadn’t been there.
A laugh had come from above you instead in the darkness.
One you could never forget just before you’d thought part of a tree had somehow fallen down on you.
Because your breath had been gone, a heavy weight impacting your chest with a crack of your ribs.
You couldn’t even scream. The splayed claws that had first struck your chest, had then spread for thin legs to straddle you as your back had hit the dirt.
And then it had bitten you.
Straight through your shirt and over the top of your shoulder.
Your arms had come up uselessly as those fangs had sunken in.
Yet one of your hands had raked against thick, soft feathers, while the other had caught into spiked blond hair.
Utterly nonsensical in those contrasting parts between human and animal as its wings had encircled you.
But the creature had groaned at your every touch. With its long tongue then lapping at your blood running from the flesh it had broken.
All while bony hips in torn capris pants had begun to move purposefully against your pajamas.
You hadn’t known what to do.
You’d just remembered feeling warm.
But so afraid.
And confused.
And then a furious screech like no bird you had ever heard, came diving down like retribution from the sky.
Loud enough that your attacker had had to look upward. His young face framed in your blood within the moonlight while he’d grinned to the heavens.
He’d been terrifying.
He’d also been beautiful.
But the two monsters had collided. Wings had scraped the ground, flapping violently while talons had tangled, striking each other’s bare torsos over and over as they’d rolled away from you.
The sounds had been fully inhuman, hissing and screaming with splatters of their blood then mixing with yours already on the ground.
Yet you’d been frozen amongst that raw violence.
“Go!” The one with the solid black wings had called out hoarsely though. While it’d tried to even briefly pin down the other one that had attacked you. That slightly larger creature whose wings had been both a dark pink and black.
The one that had still had pieces of your skin within his scowling maw.
“Please! Go and never come back!” The finality and heartbreak in that plea from your strange protector had also been seared into your memories that night.
The same voice that was now years older, with eyes that much sadder as Corazon still stared down at you in the present day.
“It is you.” You spoke in quiet shock. “You’re okay.”
“Why would you come back!?” He demanded again though, regardless of your sudden realization. “He saw your face in all those damned pictures Monet brought to him! He’s been trying to get leverage on everyone from the district attorney’s office all year. Information about their spouses, their kids, and…”
He sneered. His teeth had grit together. And you’d never seen that expression on Corazon.
He was so angry with you.
“You were really going to marry that spineless piece of shit from the D.A.’s office!? He sold you out in a heartbeat! Where you worked, where you were staying…everything. Doffy didn’t even have to touch him! He works for him now!”
His brother Doflamingo?
Corazon had told you long before the attack back then that he’d had an older brother.
The one he had really been running from when you’d first met.
But Doflamingo had caught up to you both in the end.
Even if you hadn’t fully understood it then.
Because you hadn’t known what Corazon truly was.
“I did move away, Cora. I got sent to freaking therapy because my family thought I was acting out for attention!” You blurted defensively.
They’d blamed you for sneaking out. Everyone had told you over and over that it’d only been a rabid bobcat, or a coyote, something like that that had gotten a hold of you that night.
The rabies shots that followed had been an awful regimen. But the shouts that you were just a delusional teenager making up stories about boys with bird wings had been even worse.
It’d been like being branded somehow.
A permanent outcast.
And truly, you had been marked. The bite scars on your shoulder were still why you’d never wear a tank top or a swimsuit in public.
Yes, right after veterinary school you’d settled for the first man who hadn’t utterly despised you. Your standards had been that low.
But he’d still wanted to chase money and status, and to take his law degree back to the most populated part of the region to accomplish that.
So it was either break up or follow him back towards this place you’d once run from.
Yet how could you know any of this would ever actually find you again? That had been years ago.
Why would they even still remember you?
“You really don’t get it. Do you?” Corazon answered to that disbelief still on your face. “I swore to Doffy that if he let you go that night, I’d never run from him again. That I’d submit and serve him just the way he’s always expected the whole world to.” But he made another sound of disgust, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I really am. But I can’t stop him again. There’s nothing else he wants that he doesn’t already have this time.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say I have everything I want.”
Your eyes had still been trained on Corazon, so you didn’t miss the way he immediately bristled at the new voice.
Cora stood at his full height then too, looking up to the branches above with hatred etched on his face.
And the monster laughed in response.
Just like that night as your insides twisted for the sound.
But also like Cora’s voice, that laugh was deeper now too.
Even more menacing.
They had both grown up.
And now you were all together again.
You moved behind Corazon instinctively as Doflamingo leapt down from the branches overhead.
He landed, letting those massive wings spread as he straightened up.
It was a purposeful display of power and size you were sure while he grinned wide.
The whites of his fangs reflected the remaining moonlight almost as much as that single glowing red eye of his. The other eye had been scarred, taken from him long ago.
“Do you know how rare it is for me to come play in the mud with the rest of you any longer?” Doflamingo taunted, crouching a little then to better see you around Corazon’s tall frame.
Yet just like back then, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on that creature either. It was all tan skin, stretched tight over bones and muscle as you could see his every breath.
He was only in dark pants that looked as if they were once the bottom of an expensive, tailored suit.
The mockery of the perfect male form really. Almost human in his silhouette, save for those grand wings where arms should have been, the tail feathers which ran out from the small of his back, and the thinner, scaled over legs coming from the bottom of his pants cuffs. With splayed feet ending in razor sharp talons which now sank into the wet ground beneath him.
His weight shifted, as if he didn’t much like that feel of the dirt either. “I’d prefer meeting in my penthouse on East 22nd these days.” Doflamingo taunted as proof of that observation. “But…I thought this reunion might get a bit messy. And we did just have new carpets put in.”
“I told you I’d bring her to the lakehouse though just as you’d asked. Why are you out here already!?” Corazon barked abruptly anyway, yet you could hear that edge of renewed fear already beginning in his voice.
Doflamingo’s head tilted slightly, that amusement only growing in response. “Well, I was feeling nostalgic. How long has it been, Rosi? Since you and I really got to catch prey together?”
“We’re not doing anything like that!” Cora growled immediately.
“Feh. Quit pretending, little brother. And quit hiding who you really are.” He scolded Corazon outright that time. “This is what you want too, and we both know it. You wanted it that night as well. I was only trying to show you where to start.”
“You were going to kill her!” Cora breathed out. His hands had tightened into fists.
“Not necessarily,” Doflamingo still corrected, condescending as anything. “Actually, I doubt I would have. Don’t you remember why?” And an even deeper cruelty began to seep out with those words.
Something Corazon apparently understood that you did not.
“Shut up!”
“Oh, stop it. We were young, yes. But not in nature’s eyes. She wouldn’t have smelled that way if-“
“I said shut up!”
And Doflamingo laughed again. “You should have been guarding her better then. Instead of running away to hide just because she was ready that night. She came right to me after all…”
“Because you tricked her!”
“You taught her our call…why wouldn’t I use it?”
The special sound.
And Doflamingo did it suddenly then.
His expression changed.
You could mimic it, but not the way they did. It came up from deep within their chests. Like a music note in its pleasantness to you.
You’d ran from your bed many a summer night to find Cora making that sound for you deep within the woods.
And you’d never really wondered why no one else in the cabin had seemed to notice or wake like you did.
Like this song was only meant for you.
It made your body feel warm again. It made you want to follow.
“Stop it!” Cora’s anger snapped you from your daze.
And only then did you realize you had begun to walk towards his brother.
Doflamingo frowned as Corazon had pushed you back behind him once more.
“You are the shining beacon of utter futility, Rosinante. As always.” He tutted, pausing only a moment longer as he readjusted his rain dampened feathers with some frustration.
The weather had changed to more of a hanging mist now. And you knew it was still cold out here. But you didn’t feel it much anymore.
You were still trying to process what Doflamingo had tried to say.
She wouldn’t have smelled that way if-
Had they been fighting over you because…
“Come on, Rosi. I’ve been more than fair here. Stop stalling and change already.” Doflamingo warned a bit more impatiently then, pulling those pink and black wings back closer towards his bare torso.
As if he was just now noticing the cold himself.
“But why does it have to be her!? You could have anyone…just…pick someone else, Doffy!”
And even as a grown man now, you could still hear so much of that boy within Corazon.
Doflamingo evidently heard it too. “Quit whining!” Was what he snapped back. “I’m tired of seeing you mope around! Gutless and useless…this isn’t solely for me. Over and over you tell me how selfish I am. How cruel I am. And yet I put something desirable out for you, practically force feed it to you, and still you complain!”
“Because she has a right to choose her own mate!”
“What? Like that coward she was already living with? You’d let a rodent like him usurp what’s yours!?”
“She’s NOT property! She…she’s-”
“She’s tired of listening to this drivel.” Doflamingo sneered.
And it was all begun there in an instant.
In one lunge and kick, the elder brother had cast his physical lesser decisively to the side.
Your shield was gone.
And you were slammed against the then splintering bark of a tree as that wet maw opened right against your face.
The pain of the hit had made your body try to gasp. But it was as if Doflamingo had known that was exactly what you would do, with his tongue ready to make that his invitation as he forced his way in.
That tongue was warm and long as his wings closed around you.
You were trapped against the tree.
With the sheer heat of his body making you hypersensitive for every place he now pressed himself against you.
This was real.
This was going to happen this time.
And you tasted something metallic on his tongue as well. A mix of blood and earthiness, warm and purposeful as his fangs bumped against your own far duller teeth.
He had made sure your mouth stayed open long enough as you felt something heavier than his spit slide into it.
“Swallow.” Doflamingo whispered, with his wet lips then still against yours while you felt that odd mixture hit the back of your throat.
You knew exactly what that was.
And what it meant to accept it.
Corazon called your name from somewhere so close as he’d stood again. But there was nothing else he could do.
You didn’t want Cora to be hurt either though. You didn’t want to ever have to leave him alone with his brother again.
But this was the price of staying.
And you were finally willing to make that deal.
Even if it now pleased the devil himself.
Doflamingo did growl in satisfaction too, his face briefly nuzzling down against yours once you had breathed in again, signaling your throat was clear.
He’d just fed you for the very first time.
A familial intimacy reserved only for those most dear.
“Change and hold her for me, Rosi.” Came the command to his brother which followed.
But you couldn’t look away from him.
Doflamingo had straightened his back again. That red eye gleaming down at you.
“My little Corazon has missed you for so long…but I think he still needs convincing to let that out. So let’s help him. Together. You do want to help him…don’t you, my sweet?” And Doflamingo’s voice was taking on a bit of that special resonance again.
As he stepped back away from the tree, you did follow without being stopped this time. His soft wings grazed your sides.
It felt so very good.
You wanted to bury yourself within the affection of those wings and never rise to see the light again.
But Doflamingo lowered them as he led you further.
Enough that you could now fully see Corazon again.
Corazon with that stricken look of devastation, as if he were watching your death in slow motion right before him. With his eyes even damper now than the weather could possibly be blamed for.
That stab of pain within you for your realization of what he was actually enduring carried even through Doflamingo’s spell on you then.
Your lip quivered. “It’s alright, Cora…” You pleaded softly. “Just do as he says…I’m okay.”
And Doflamingo chuckled.
The heartbreak between the two of you only seemed to fuel him further.
“See? She already forgives you. So show her what you really are. Let’s finish this.” Doflamingo ordered his brother even more darkly.
You both understood the threat behind those words if either of you should dare disobey him.
Cora’s spirit was visibly crumbling.
Which made you feel all the more desperate to touch him, to comfort him.
You had missed him so much too, almost having started to believe that that part of your life really had been some sort of self induced hallucination over the years.
That you hadn’t experienced your very first feelings of romantic love with some blond, teen runaway in the woods one summer.
That you actually were just crazy.
“It’s okay.” You reiterated to him. And Doflamingo allowed you to reach for Cora.
The younger brother did take your outstretched hand for a moment too. He squeezed it tightly in his larger one as his eyes offered you a last look of misery.
But that grip was already changing.
He had seemingly accepted your choice.
Corazon’s pale skin began to darken along his arms. The shirt he wore which had already been badly torn from Doflamingo’s earlier kick, he now used his other hand to rip off completely.
That fabric was discarded like trash as he then stood before you in only pants, the same as his brother.
And the prior lack of shoes made all the sense in the world as you saw the skin of his feet scaling over and those talons forming against the ground as well.
But the thing that captured your attention the most were the feathers as they began to bud. Piercing through the then fully darkened skin of his arms one by one as cartilage loudly popped and bones shifted.
Corazon’s arms elongated in time with his legs, that wingspan taking shape as he finally let go of your hand to spread those emerging flight feathers before they could touch the ground.
They were all solid black, yet with a rich shine as each moved into its place. His new tail fanned out behind him as well, hanging over the back top of his pants.
He was gorgeous, like a god even.
But with glowing red eyes, fangs, and all as you noticed the submissive way he still kept his head down regardless once the transformation was complete.
Like his brother too, Corazon’s bare torso which remained, was all sinew and purpose. Every muscle so clearly defined as he breathed in deeply in his anxiety for your judgment.
But he was no monster to you now.
He was a miracle of nature.
“I like the real you.” You told him gently.
And you saw that true surprise flicker through Corazon’s eyes.
Yet Doflamingo’s impatience had to interrupt.
With his equally long bird’s legs, the remaining distance was crossed in a single stride by him. Doflamingo pushed your smaller body roughly against his younger brother’s.
“Now, is everyone comfortable here?” Doflamingo grinned once more as Corazon caught you instinctively against his wings.
Both of them had to keep their legs bent, squatted really just to keep from towering over you in their true forms.
But neither seemed to mind the inherent size difference either.
By the predatory gleam in Doflamingo’s eye, he surely didn’t.
And before you could fully acclimate, your back was now against Corazon’s abdomen while Doflamingo pinned you from the front.
You were caught between them as wings flared and you heard Cora’s fangs hitting together above your head as he snapped at his brother in reflex, not wanting him this close.
“Hush.” Doflamingo’s lack of any real anger in response this time only highlighted the implied power difference which still remained between them. “I’ll put you back to the ground in an instant if you wish.” He reminded.
Yet it was all overwhelming to you already. Just the combination of their body heats and scents mixing together even before you felt that first movement of Doflamingo’s hips against yours.
“Put those dextrous little fingers to good use, sweet girl.” He ordered then, shifting his hips again to try and rub the waistband of his pants against your hand. “The stronger male always gets first rights of course.”
And you felt Corazon’s body tense with disgust. As if he was going to try and fight for your sake anyway.
Which you still couldn’t allow.
Because you knew he wouldn’t give up until Doflamingo had made him into a bloody pulp.
Corazon still cared for you that much.
Just as you cared for him enough to prevent that fate.
“It’s alright. I do want this.” You said as loud as the brief rise of your own bravery would allow.
Corazon took a harsh breath.
But Doflamingo just pushed what was now an obvious bulge harder against your hand in response.
“Smart little thing.” He taunted as your fingers first made it to the button of his pants.
It was all you could do to keep your hands from trembling though as you undid that button and lowered the zipper to free what was growing for you beneath.
You didn’t know what to fully expect of course when dealing with someone that was neither fully man or beast.
Yet your intuition told you not to hesitate. That hesitation would only risk his violence returning. Doflamingo wanted you to touch him immediately as your fingers ran down that muscular V shape which dipped from his navel to his pubic region.
He wore no underwear. But there wasn’t any coarse hair there either to protect him. Just the slightest bit of downy underlayer as the pads of your fingertips found and massaged through it.
It was more wispy fluff than actual feather, soft as anything you’d ever felt as he leaned his head back in clear pleasure.
Of course, you couldn’t avoid the thick base which emerged from that softness either.
Further hardening so quickly as it kept rising up once freed.
His long cock bumped against your stomach in no time, thick and twitching once already.
It looked familiar enough, save for the damn size of it that you didn’t know how the hell you wouldn’t be injured by.
“Everything off. Now.” Doflamingo growled abruptly though. Foreplay not seeming to be a priority for him in this moment as you were then ordered to disrobe.
And Corazon had gone silent now.
You could still feel the tension of Cora against your back before you began to undress.
Your own humiliation certainly didn’t matter to you by this point though. That would be the least of your problems as pieces of your clothing hit the wet ground one after another.
Coat, shoes, shirt, pants, and underwear were all quickly put out of the way. Until it was just you and all that you were in the cold night air.
“Don’t cover her. I want to see it all.” Doflamingo warned his brother immediately though as Corazon’s wings had tried to shift against you.
And the little bit of room that Doflamingo had allowed you in order to undress was swiftly taken back as he now pressed you skin to skin as soon as he could.
“Yes…this is what we should have done years ago. If my little brother hadn’t been such a prude with a stick up his ass.”
Corazon growled lowly to that.
But notably, he made no move to stop his brother this time as Doflamingo kept rubbing his cock against your skin. The head of it had begun to weep. Yet Doflamingo’s gaze had now focused onto that prominent scar on your shoulder.
The one his own fangs had previously given you.
“Did Rosi ever tell you that our kind can’t procreate on their own?” Doflamingo questioned teasingly then, seemingly at random as his tongue ran out over that scar, almost with a reverence while he licked your shoulder until it glistened with his saliva. “You see…if you breed two winged parents together, all they’ll have is miscarriages. But one winged parent and a human…”
“Doffy.” Corazon warned with his own wings still staying protectively close. “That doesn’t matter right now. Just don’t hurt her.”
“It’ll matter eventually.” Doflamingo contested with a lustful smirk.
And your knees were feeling weaker as the boys did this routine again. Falling into that lopsided codependency they had for one another, bickering even with you pressed right between them.
It was a toxic bond they shared and were so determined to now add you to.
Just like Doflamingo had first tried to back then.
But even he had gained some maturity in the time between. Evidenced by the way he first teased the head of himself at your already surprisingly wet entrance instead of just plunging straight inside.
Whether that wetness was your body’s attempt at self preservation or your own willful desire, you weren’t yet sure.
But it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. That was clear as he finally began to slowly push his way in.
And when you made that first sound of pain, stretching too much almost immediately, Doflamingo actually paused.
The feathers of his wings ruffled. Somehow the brothers were now tolerating each other enough to not react when their wings bumped one another either.
Yet Corazon’s chest hummed against your back as you felt him bend to put his lips against your neck, near your ear in response to your pain.
“Relax…I’m here.” He promised, even then still trying to protect you.
And you exhaled, feeling that inner warmth once more. Corazon was using that special tone again, resonating through you as you rested your head back against him.
Cora was soothing you as his brother began to push again.
Your were fully walled in too. Corazon’s chest to your back, against him with your thighs spread for his brother. And Doflamingo in front, taking that offering, his legs bent enough for your hips to line up as he slid in deeper and deeper.
And both their wings were to your sides. They were holding you up together as Doflamingo at last bottomed out against your cervix.
You felt like he could have split you in two if he had wanted to.
But Cora’s song just continued, calming and satisfying as you stared up at Doflamingo while he let out a surprising whine with you clenched so tightly around his extraordinary cock.
“Oh…oh, fuck she feels so good.” Doflamingo breathed next. “Keep her calm…I have to move. Keep her just like this.” He was still instructing Corazon even as his sharp hips began to slowly, ever so slowly, slide back and then forward again. The skin of his cock was dragging against your insides.
And you shuddered. Everything felt like more than you could possibly take.
But Doflamingo’s initial whine soon became moans. He was falling apart even faster than you as his wings closed tighter around you and his movements increased.
His feathers kept shifting, his pupil was dilating.
Yet as he almost grimaced in what appeared to be an abrupt brush with overstimulation, you had your very first inkling that they did not get to use these true forms often.
This was a rare intimacy.
Maybe even completely unique for them.
The opportunity to be with a partner in their actual bodies. With all the heightened senses and raw feelings that must entail.
You were barely even a participant, and yet you were overwhelming Doflamingo as he slouched forward with his hips still pumping.
His chin was resting on one of your shoulders then, while Corazon’s was resting on your other from the opposite direction.
“I can’t even…hell, I can’t…” Doflamingo nearly laughed in disbelief.
And you felt him tremble all over as he thrust briefly harder, much rougher then as you cried out a little. But only for three or four more deep hits before his hips stilled abruptly.
The heat inside was immediate, spilling out into you as Doflamingo held himself in as close to the hilt as he could be.
But he was too big to be flush against you, just doing his best as he buried his face beside yours and you already felt his excess seed running out down your thighs to drip onto the ground.
The forest was so quiet again. Save for Doflamingo’s uneven breaths.
“Dammit…” He cursed quietly, sounding an odd mix of both placated and highly disappointed. “I need to try again. That wasn’t enough.”
But you were still aching, regardless of Doflamingo already softening within you from what he perceived as a premature release.
“No. You already came. It counts.” Corazon’s voice returned then and there however. His wings were trying to push Doflamingo’s further away.
And those wingtips were far more prehensile than a normal bird’s once Cora decided to just pull you away from his brother instead by your waist not long after.
It made a lewd sound when Doflamingo’s wet cock slid out of you with that sudden increase in distance. Then hanging soft in a mess of both your fluids between his legs.
He glowered at Corazon as your warmth was removed from his body once more.
And you feared they would now fight again.
Doflamingo did briefly bare his fangs.
But Cora had turned you to face only him then as he moved his wings to push against the side of his own pants next.
You weren’t even done dripping from his brother yet. But you saw the full desire now in Corazon’s eyes.
He’d had to watch everything.
And he had needs too.
Ones you were sure he had been too afraid to ever tell you up until tonight.
“Here.” You reached out, helping Cora as you tugged at his pants to slip them the rest of the way off of his hips.
Fair was fair.
What you did for one brother, you knew you had to do for the other.
Even if Doflamingo was now finding the concept of waiting for his second turn much more difficult than he’d originally envisioned.
Corazon was wearing boxers. Ones that already looked a bit too tight for him just as you felt Doflamingo step back behind you.
Cora clearly bristled, not appreciating that. But you did your best to deescalate them again.
They had their own hierarchy and rules as all flocks did you were sure.
Doflamingo was the leader of them all without question. But his own neediness and vulnerabilities were far more apparent to you now.
It was a bold risk, and you didn’t move too quickly. But you did reach behind you then to massage your hand along Doflamingo’s hip and thigh. Acknowledging him at your back, and rewarding even his few moments of patience with physical touch.
Maybe that affection had surprised him.
He’d stilled again either way, and that was all the time that Corazon had needed to slide his own underwear down enough to uncover himself.
Your face felt flushed at the sight.
Because Cora was already rock hard. Perhaps not the full length of his brother, but no less intimidating for you.
With Doflamingo still right there however, Cora didn’t hesitate. He wouldn’t lose this opportunity.
You gasped as Corazon pressed himself right into the wetness his brother had already made within you.
Your insides stretched and filled tight as anything all over again as Cora breathed your name and began immediately rocking his hips.
Doflamingo was then growling behind you in jealous response, so your hand had to move back between his legs to stimulate him too.
You were fondling the older brother’s still softened shaft as he twitched it wantingly in your palm.
While the younger brother quickly fell into a deep rhythm inside of you, pumping your bodies together as nature had always intended.
It didn’t even feel wrong.
Because they both needed you.
And you needed them.
Or you would now.
And as Corazon scraped inside you just right, steady and sure, your orgasm was quickly building even while Doflamingo began to stiffen again within your hand.
You just stroked him harder in rhythm to his brother’s thrusts.
You could see the future already.
There would be babies.
Multiple babies.
One mother, two different fathers.
Nature was like that sometimes. Especially with a rare species that needed all the help it could get.
It’d just be easier to share the resources. To have two strong mates protecting you instead of only one.
Doflamingo was already getting ready to cum again too. You could hear it in his panting as he fucked your hand so roughly then.
But it was the combination of Cora’s steady pumping and Doflamingo’s desperate movements that finally sent you over the edge.
You felt your channel spasm around Cora, who repaid that pleasure immediately with a hard shudder as he released his own seed in powerful shots to mix with what you’d already received from his brother.
Corazon did get it all in, just barely though before those pink wings were grabbing you backward abruptly.
Yet again you were pulled off of a wet cock that had just finished as Doflamingo slid himself right back into your now fully swollen folds from behind.
His wings pushed you, then making you bend forward at the waist so he could fully mount you from behind this time. You didn’t even have the chance to recover from the orgasm you’d just had before Doflamingo was pounding you so hard against your ass.
You were panting too, trembling for the contrast of his soft wings holding you up on the outside while he utterly wrecked you on the inside.
“Come on…I need you to cum on me too…I’m not stopping this until you do.” Doflamingo threatened you. Evidently not at all missing your visible orgasm had with Corazon inside you moments prior.
Yes, everything was always going to be this way too you were sure. Doflamingo would have to have the final word, the final touch. He might share only with his brother. But everything still had to start and end with him.
He was the dominant male of this territory.
“Doflamingo…” You tried his name in some very minor bid for mercy. You couldn’t think straight enough to will another orgasm back out so soon.
But you had to.
You glanced back up towards Corazon, who still seemed a bit dazed from his own release.
But his eyes did meet yours, even as his brother now fucked you raw from only footsteps away.
Yet, it wasn’t the full sadness from earlier in Cora’s stare any longer. You saw real lust for you still so heavy in those red eyes then. That look which said he would also love to do this to you if you’d only ask him for it.
Corazon would do anything you wanted him to going forward.
And that thought was enough to bring the coil of warmth into your stomach again.
You were going to be fine. You would survive.
You’d never have to sit in a room alone again either and worry about who or what future awaited you on the other side.
Because your monsters were already here. And they had chosen you.
You moaned loudly. Both of these men in your mind, together again while that pleasure sent your body into ecstasy one more time.
You came with that cry for Doflamingo as he orgasmed gladly in return to flood your poor channel yet again with his seed.
Your abused cunt was dripping and your body shaking before Doflamingo pulled you fully back against his chest, wrapping his warm wings around you protectively.
His voice was a bit uneven, matching his rough breathing now. “Let’s go home then. All three of us. Tonight and forever.”
And Corazon smiled slightly at last to that rare sentiment. A remarkable expression in its own right.
Because maybe Cora was finally realizing as you had that the worst was not truly the worst.
Doflamingo wasn’t going to let anything happen to you now.
This deal had been made and the ink was already dry.
Cora used his feathers to awkwardly pull up his underwear and pants before he idly began collecting your clothing for you soon after.
“You’re going to need bigger beds then, Doffy. Both at the lakehouse and the penthouse.” Corazon said quietly as he looked back to the two of you who were still recovering.
Doflamingo smirked, not disagreeing this time. “That’d be much easier than arguing whose bed she’ll get in each night, wouldn’t it?”
You’d lay with them both of course.
But Doflamingo nipped your ear for good measure too as his feathers rubbed more possessively across your abdomen.
“Yes. We’ll have quite a nest going on soon enough.” He grinned wide in anticipation of this truth. “Little ones never like to sleep alone either after all.”
Thank you for reading! ❤️🎃
A/N: The two sentence horror story quoted in the beginning is “Knock” by Fredric Brown.
#rosinante x you#rosinante x reader#corazon x y/n#corazon x you#corazon x reader#doflamingo x y/n#doflamingo x you#doflamingo x reader#doffy x y/n#doffy x you#doffy x reader#doflamingo smut#doflamingo fanfic#one piece smut#one piece fan fiction#one piece x y/n#one piece x you#one piece x reader#op doflamingo#one piece doflamingo#doflamingo one piece#doflamingo#donquixote doflamingo#doflamingo op#doffy one piece#op doffy#doffy#rosinante corazon#donquixote rosinante#one piece rosinante
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Please Don't Eat Me!
What do you do when your longtime boyfriend turns into a werewolf right in front of you? Take off running of course!
❥ Pairing: werewolf!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader ❥ Genre: fluff, angst, smut ❥ AUs: werewolf!au, college!au, established relationship!au ❥ Rating: M (18+) ❥ Word Count: 12.3k ❥ Warning/Tags: heavy angst, explicit language, explicit smut (way more than I intended), bratty reader, soft dom Jungkook, whiny Jungkook, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), fingering, male masturbation, missionary, riding, creampie, multiple orgasms, overstimulation ❥ A/N: This was supposed to be posted on Halloween…oops. ;)
*Disclaimer all characters and events portrayed in my works are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.*
Copyright © 2024 Spicybutterfly
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for reading!♡
The unexpected shrill chiming of your doorbell made you jump where you stood. Startled, you dropped the tube of a pretty pink lip gloss you’d just finished applying. It hit the tile floor beneath you with a firm smack before rolling away underneath the counter.
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself, bending down as far as you could to feel the floor for your lipgloss tube. Your black, skin-tight shorts didn’t allow for much movement. Neither did your long-sleeve, baby-blue top.
“A-ha!” You cheered victoriously as your fingers grazed the plastic tube. Thankfully the cap was already twisted closed, so there wasn’t a sticky mess everywhere. Swiftly, you grabbed the lipgloss.
Just as you were standing back up into your previous position you felt two large hands work their way into the waistband of your shorts pulling you flush against a solid, muscled chest. You shrieked, jumping again, this time in excitement. Instantly, you recognized that firm chest anywhere.
You watched through the mirror as Jungkook began to stamp feather-light kisses along the side of your neck, nosing at your skin in between. Goosebumps bloomed all over your body from the ticklish gesture. He finished off his task with a big wet kiss on the apple of your cheek.
No one would expect such soft gestures from your boyish boyfriend. Standing at nearly six feet tall, routinely dressed in all black, with a sleeve of tattoos and both ears adorned in piercings; Jungkook was the epitome of hardcore. That is on the outside at least.
No one was a bigger softie than your boyfriend. Your favorite nickname for him was ‘Koo’ for a reason. He was your big sensitive baby.
You loved how he was never ashamed to show how much he loved you. He wasn’t the type to shy away from affection no matter where you were or who was around. There was no such thing as personal space when you were with Jungkook.
“Koo,” you whined, doing your best to not mess up your makeup as you wiped away the wetness on your cheek.
A mock gasp left your boyfriend's lips. He frowned, pulling his hands from your shorts to wrap his arms around your middle. “I thought you loved my kisses.”
After putting down the tissue in your hands, you turned to face him. Leaning up on your tiptoes, you pecked away the pout on his lips. “I do love your kisses,” you grinned at his dissatisfied face. “Just not when they’re gross and wet.”
His big doe eyes stared at you with a gaze so intense it had your body radiating with warmth. You remember when you first started dating you could barely even look at him. But not anymore. Gone were the days when you shied away from him, too timid and inexperienced to return his gaze. Instead, you peered right back at him, hoping he could feel the same love and yearning you had for him as he did you.
“Hey,” he breathed, his big brown eyes drinking you in. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
It has been a few days since the last time you’ve seen your boyfriend. To many that would seem like nothing, but to you, it felt like an eternity.
Since you two had started dating, being away from each other was an uncommon occurrence.
You two had met through extraordinary circumstances. To make a long story short, he hit you in the face with a volleyball during gym class. You’d sustained a nasty nosebleed as a result.
He was nearly in tears as he babbled out a flurry of apologies to you, but all you could focus on was how his muscles flexed underneath his gym shirt. You’d promised to forgive him if he’d carry you to the nurse’s office, and take you out for bubble tea after school. You’ve been inseparable since.
With your nails, you scratched lightly at the nape of his neck - his favorite spot. Jungkook hummed in response, relishing in the feeling. You felt his arms unravel from around your middle, his hands making their way towards your hips. Effortlessly he lifted you from the ground, placing you on the bathroom counter behind you. You yelped as your skin made contact with the cold granite. Jungkook didn’t even give you a second to react before he fit his body between your legs, leaning down and slotting his lips together with yours. Your eyes fluttered shut, as you let yourself sink into the feeling.
Before Jungkook, kissing was always a subpar experience for you. You wouldn’t say you hated it, but it was certainly not your favorite. You don’t miss the icky feeling of having a wet tongue unexpectedly shoved down your throat, your breasts roughly fondled (you’ve always had sensitive nipples), or your lips bitten to the point where blood was drawn. Like during a game of Spin the Bottle in seventh grade when your neighbor, Tony bit your bottom lip so hard it was bruised for the next two weeks. No one wanted to sit next to you at lunch. Damn you, Tony.
The buildup that came from kissing Jungkook was your favorite. There was just something so intimate about the way he always took his time with you. Like a dessert that needed to be savored because you just couldn’t get enough of it.
Today though was different. Today he was fervent.
Your hand traveled from his neck to his hair, your fingers gently tugging at the dark brown locks. Jungkook moaned into the kiss, pulling you closer so that your fronts were pressed together. Wrapping your legs around his hips, you pulled him in closer until you could feel the thickness of his bulge against your core. Your slick panties stuck uncomfortably to your sensitive skin.
Your mouth opened in a sigh at the feeling of his thick bulge nestled against your heat. Jungkook used this opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips. You welcomed him instantly as the wet muscle caressed your own, begging for any sort of attention. Playing along with him, they embraced each other, dancing together in a routine that was all too familiar to the both of you.
Pulling away with a gasp, you gulped down a few deep breaths of air. Gently you pushed your needy boyfriend away by his chest as he tried to chase your lips. His eyes were focused but somehow also dazed. As if in a trance, he attached his lips to your sweet spot between your ear and shoulder.
“Koo,” you whined, your hands gripping the front of his button-down shirt. The cotton fabric bunched in your palms. You jerked as he began to mouth at the smooth skin. Your breath quickened as his teeth raked over the sensitive area. God how you wanted him to just pull his dick out and have his way with you right here. Unfortunately though, you already made a commitment to be somewhere and you’d be damned if the world didn't get to see how good you looked in this costume.
“Baby we can't,” you gasped. “We’re already late.” You doubt Jungkook heard a single word you said. Instead, he took the time to languidly suck your skin into his mouth. With your eyes rolling back, your mouth gaped open around a silent moan. The thumping between your legs was too insistent to ignore. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to ease some of the pressure.
After a minute Jungkook pulled away, finally satisfied with his work. His lips were slightly swollen from his ministrations. Out of breath, you slumped against the mirror behind you with a thump. The new bruise forming on your neck was tender in the best way.
“There,” he whispered breathlessly. “Now we’re ready to leave.”
Why the hell hadn’t you worn a jacket? Or even a cardigan at least. The thin material of your top did nothing to shield you from the nippy October weather. You cursed yourself for not grabbing something to put on your arms.
After being dropped off by your Uber, you and Jungkook decided to wait outside for your friends to arrive. They were supposed to only be a few minutes behind you, but obviously, that wasn’t the case because you’d been standing out in the cold for nearly fifteen minutes. God only knows what the hell they were getting into.
Gripping Jungkook's arm, you shivered as another gush of wind rushed through. Your boyfriend leaned down to kiss the top of your forehead. “Cold?”
You nodded, nestling up into his warm body. He gladly accepted you, wrapping his arms around your body. Instantly, you melted into his warmth. “Freezing,” you corrected, the chattering of your teeth subsiding. “Baby, let's just wait for them inside. Who knows how long it’s gonna take for them to get here.”
“Hobi just texted, he said they’re about two minutes away.”
You rolled your eyes. “I guess I’ll just suffer.”
Jungkook’s body shook as he laughed above you. “It’s not so bad. At least you’ve got your own personal space heater.” You smiled, leaning your head down to rest against his chest. The rhythm of his heartbeat eased your nerves. Honestly, if you were sitting down you could probably fall asleep, which was a cherished rarity these days. After taking a gap year, you forgot about how taxing the school workload could be. A healthy work, home, and school life balance was nonexistent to you.
Frowning, something dawned on you. You peered up at Jungkook. He stood unaffected to the cold, watching as his fellow peers stumbled out of their cars towards the house. You flinched at the presence of another chilly breeze. Jungkook didn’t move an inch.
“How are you not cold?”
Looking down at his phone, Jungkook typed something out before pocketing the device. He shrugged. “I’m wearing pants.”
“But you’re wearing short sleeves.” Jungkook watched as an orange maple tree leaf fell gracefully before you. It joined a pile of fallen leaves undisturbed on the ground. “I’m also wearing socks.”
You sputtered. “Wha- Jungkook, that doesn't even make any sen-.” Just then a loud beep of a car horn interrupted you. You let out a shriek as you jumped, snapping your head towards the obnoxious sound. You were ready to flip them off before you saw the driver behind the wheel.
Your annoyance melted away at the sight of Hoseok’s impish grin. In the passenger’s seat was Lila, your best friend, and Hoseok’s girlfriends. She had her arm sticking out of the window, beaming as she waved at you. As soon as they parked you both made your way towards them.
“Hii,” Lila squealed, trotting towards you. With your arms wide open, you captured her in a hug, both of you squeezing tight.
“What took you so long”, you pouted, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I was dying out here.”
“I’m sorry,” she winced, pulling down her purple mini-dress. “I swear we were on the way, but then Hobi lost the ascot for his costume so we had to improvise. Speaking of,” she smiled as she did a 360 spin. She stopped with one hand on her hip and the other flinging a chunk of orange hair over her shoulder.
“What do you think? Do I look like Daphne?”
Your best friend was already gorgeous, but she looked stunning in her getup. Her usual long jet-black hair was now a muted orange. You assumed it to be a wig because it wasn’t that color when you two were on Facetime a couple of hours ago. There was a purple headband tucked neatly at the top of her head. The mini dress she was sporting did wonders for her modelesque physique. You always told her she could be a Victoria Secret’s angel.
“You look so hot!”
Smiling, she struck a pose, pointing the toe of her purple platform heel. “Thank you! You don’t look too bad yourself Officer Judy Hoops,” she smirked.
You waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, this old thing?” Turning around, you wiggled your hips from side to side, making the cute little bunny tail shake behind you. “Found it in my closet.”
“Those too?” Smiling, she bit her bottom lip pointing towards Jungkook. He stood a few feet away conversing with Hobi. You assumed she was talking about the fox ears perched on his head. His costume was simple yet so effective. Who knew a green button-down shirt and a pair of khaki pants would make you want to drop your panties at any moment? You didn’t have a furry kink (that you were aware of) but damn he was the hottest Nick Wilde you’d ever seen.
“We borrowed those from my mom.”
Laughing, your friend shook her head. “How the hell did you get them to wear those? It took until today for Hobi to agree to Fred.” She pouted, “Your boyfriend is better than mine.”
You would never say this out loud but you agree. Not that you have anything against Hobi. He was one of your closest friends and you loved him dearly but your boyfriend was just better (this was completely unbiased of course).
You rubbed your hands up and down your chilled arms. “It took a lot of convincing for him to dress up with me,” you lied through your teeth.
“Oh please,” your friend waved a dismissive hand. You have that boy wrapped around your finger. He’d do anything you asked.”
“Good,” you smirked. “That’s how I like 'em.” You were only joking though. The whole town knew you were just as whipped for Jungkook as he was for you.
You shivered at the feeling of a swift passing breeze. “Please let’s go inside, I'm freezing.”
“Agreed,” she asserted. “Plus I can’t wait to see what their kitchen looks like. I heard they have marble countertops!” With your eyebrows raised you nodded, unable to contain the corners of your mouth curving upwards. You didn’t really care about the kitchen, you just needed to get out of this cold and into some heat.
You both made your way over to where the boys were standing. Lila greeted her boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek. Her pink lipgloss left a shiny stain on his skin. He smiled down at her, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
“Hobi, why don’t you love me as much as Jungkook loves _____,” she pouted. His eyes widened as his mouth dropped open.
You slipped yourself underneath your boyfriend’s arms, instantly engulfed once again by his warmth. “Ready,” he asked, his warm breath tickling the apple of your cheek.
You hummed, “If we’re out here any longer I think my nipples are gonna turn into ice cubes.”
Jungkook smirked. “We can’t have that now can we?” His thumb traced soft circles onto the exposed skin between your shirt and shorts. Languidly, you shook your head, peeking up at him. “Maybe you could find a way to warm them up?”
You blamed your horniness on Jungkook, he just had that effect on you.
He licked his lip. “I’m sure I could find a way.”
“Alright people,” Hobi called, breaking you out of your little moment. “ Let’s get fucked up!!”
“Not so fast, baby.” Your boyfriend gently pried the purple-tinted shot glass away from your eager lips.
“You're going to make yourself sick,” he chided, bringing a delicate thumb to wipe away the ticklish trail of vodka dribbling down the side of your chin.
You swallowed down the rest of the clear liquid, accepting the familiar burn that followed. Immediately your face scrunched up in distaste. Though vodka was your drink of choice you’d never get used to that burning taste.
Jungkook placed the glass on a nearby table. He chuckled at your grimace, leaning down to brush a kiss on the tip of your nose. “That’s what you get,” he grinned. “Where’d you even get that from?”
“Lila,” you sang, licking away any remnants of alcohol on your lips.
Sticking your tongue out at him, you lightly pushed at his shoulder. “Whatever,” you muttered, swinging your body to the beat of the song. The floors beneath you vibrated with how hard the bass blared through the speakers. The playlist they had going wasn’t really your cup of tea. It reminded you of something they’d play in at a Renaissance Fair. You hadn’t recognized a single song in the couple hours you’d been here. But that didn’t bother you, you were raised in a household that could get down to anything.
Swaying your hips from side to side, you gripped the tie around your boyfriend’s neck. Your vision was slightly fuzzy around the edges, no doubt from the several shots and one full drink you’d inhaled once you’d arrived.
“Dance with me?” You purred before taking a step towards your boyfriend. You stumbled, seemingly tripping over an imaginary object, nearly falling face-first to the ground.
“Woah,” Jungkook grasped your hips, steadying your involuntarily swaying body. Your fingers grasped his arms tightly. In your chest, your heart thumped as they made contact with the veins in his arm. God, he was so hot.
“I think that’s enough for you for tonight.”
Your eyes widened, slightly glassy. “But m’ not even drunk!”
He hummed unconvinced. “Yeah, but it won’t take you long to get there.” Jungkook pulled his phone from his pocket, checking the notification on the screen. “We have to leave soon anyway. I’ve got somewhere to be.”
A frown adorned your features before your tipsy mind could even think of stopping it. “You do?” This was news to you. “Where are you going?”
He avoided your eyes, opting to stare at the bunny ears perched on top of your head. He shrugged. “Somewhere. It’s no biggie.”
“Can I come too?” You hated how needy you sounded. You weren’t a clingy girlfriend at all. If anything, Jungkook was the clingy one. It's just for the past few weeks you’ve barely spent any time together and whatever time you did spend as a couple you were the one to initiate it. Just like tonight. Getting him to wear matching costumes might not have taken a lot of convincing sure, but getting him to come to this party did. He really put up a fight to not come here with you, only finally agreeing when you mentioned you would come with one of your guy friends. Possessive little shit.
Jungkook reached out a hand to caress your chin. “Not this time, baby. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No, it's fine,” you assured, fingering the blue tie resting against his chest. You didn’t dare look him in the eyes. “We can leave now if you're ready. I think I’ve had enough for tonight.” Your gaze remained downcast as you swallowed away the lump in your throat. You didn’t need to see his face to know he was frowning.
“You sure, baby? We can stay a little longer. I know you really wanted t-.” Before he could finish you shook your head once more, pushing his hand away from your face.
“I’m kinda tired anyway.”
You knew you didn't believe you. He damn near knows you better than you know yourself. You just weren’t in the mood for another argument. Lately, it seems as if that’s all you two ever did. Flirt, argue, fuck, argue some more, fuck again, and then right back to flirting.
You pulled your hands away from him. “Let me just say bye to Lila.” You didn’t wait for him to respond, instead, you left him standing there in search of your friend.
Begrudgingly, you made your way through the sea of sweaty bodies, scanning the crowd for anyone sporting a purple mini-dress. Smoke emerging from the hidden fog machine made it difficult to see clearly. The tipsy crowd surrounding you cheered, as the intro of a familiar song began to play. ‘Listen to this track bitch!’ Of course they’d play the good music when you’re about to leave.
Your journey was halted by a tall, burly body dressed in a football uniform stepping in front of you. You jerked, taking a step back to allow space between you two. The urge to roll your eyes consumed your whole being as soon as you recognized who it was.
Elijah stood before you, with a cold beer clasped in his right hand. The arrogant asshole didn’t even bother to put on a proper costume.
He yelled your name, grinning widely. You didn’t have time to react before he was wrapping himself around you in a one-sided hug. You cringed at the feeling of his sweaty body pressed against yours. His left hand rested dangerously low on your lower back. You pushed him away with a hand on his chest, separating yourself from him.
“Hey, I didn’t know you would be here!” That was a lie. He’d heard you and Lila talking about attending this party earlier today in class. He’d even expressed how he’d be coming too, even though no one asked.
“I could’ve sworn you heard me say I was coming earlier.” Your mind wasn’t sober enough to care about sparing his feelings especially since he just wouldn’t take a hint. I mean, how many times do you have to reject someone for them to understand?
“Oh, right,” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “I forgot.” You nodded, unamused. “Anyway, I’m glad to see you.”
You couldn’t say the same.
“Like my costume?” He flexed his biceps, the muscle jumping at the action. There wasn’t a stirring in your belly like your boyfriend did it. In fact, it had quite the opposite effect. “Your football uniform doesn’t count as a costume.”
“Ehh, the ladies love it, so who cares.” What ladies was he referring to? You would never know.
He tilted his head towards a group of people dancing, or as your grandmother would say, gyrating in the living room. “Wanna dance with me?” He shimmed from side to side, biting his bottom lip. You couldn’t decide if he was in pain or if he was trying to be sexy. You’d had enough of this conversation.
“Elijah, I have a boyfriend. You do know that, right?”
He nodded, shrugging his shoulders. “What, your boyfriend doesn’t let you have friends?” You scuffed. What a played-out line.
“I have to go,” you deadpanned, moving around him. “So, I’ll see you later,” you heard him call behind you.
You didn’t bother to turn around. “You won’t!”
If you were in a bad mood before, you were certainly in an even worse one now. The audacity of him! When would he get it through his thick skull that you did not like him?! He better be thankful that you wouldn’t allow your boyfriend to beat him up. He’s been itching to do that ever since he found out about Elijah’s persistent crush on you.
You weren’t surprised to find your bestfriend in the kitchen. The culinary student always seemed to wind up there whenever you were at some sort of event hosted at a house.
She stood at the counter, swaying he hips to the beat of the song as she made another biter-tasting drink. Because her back was facing the doorway she didn’t see you come in.
“Hey,” she chirped, turning around. “You ready for an-,”. At the first sight of your facial expression she frowned, putting down the red solo cup and a bottle of Tequila. “What’s wrong?”
“We’re leaving,” you rubbed your lips against each other. The motion was a bit dull as most of your lipgloss has either dried up or been licked away. “Apparently Jungkook has somewhere to be.”
Lila frowned, her eyebrows nearly touching. She tapped her phone awake. “At 2:30 in the morning?” You didn’t respond. “ _____, that’s sketchy.”
“I know.” Your voice shook as you tried to explain. Maybe you were more drunk than you thought.
“And he won’t even,” you took in a deep quivering breath. “He won’t even tell me where he’s going.” You blinked up at the ceiling, attempting to keep your tears at bay. “He always does this to me. Everything will be good and then out of nowhere, he gets distant. Then I don’t hear from him for days.”
Your fingers picked at a stray hair on your sweater. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Oh honey,” your friend engulfed you in her arms. “How long has he been doing this?”
You pulled away, wiping away the tears you didn’t realize were now flowing from the corners of your eyes. “Since we’ve been dating.”
Your friend gasped at your admission. “_____, it’s been three years!”
“I know!” Bringing both hands up to cover your face you groaned aloud. Certainly, no one could hear you with how loud the music was.
How ridiculous this whole situation must seem- crying over your boyfriend in a stranger’s kitchen dressed as a police officer bunny with Kendrick Lamar blaring over the speakers all while barely sober enough to stand. Gotta love being in your early twenties.
“So then he needs to fucking explain himself! Or at least tell you where he’s going.”
“I-,” Before you could finish your phone vibrated from your back pocket. Pulling it out you down at the device. You couldn’t refrain from rolling your eyes at the contact name on the screen. “I should probably go.” You turned the phone around, showing your friend the screen of Jungkook calling you.
She scuffed as you shoved your phone back into your pocket. Lila pulled you into another hug. “Please keep me updated. Don’t let him walk all over you like this. You need to stand up for yourself.”
Oh trust, this was definitely going to be addressed and it would most likely lead to another stupid argument.
You found Jungkook standing exactly where you left him. His jaw was clenched, both hands resting in his pockets. With the way they bulged, you could tell they were clenched into fists. What was his problem?
His eyes were fixed on you the entire time, never looking away. Jungkook exhaled before speaking. “Why do you smell just like him?”
“Huh? Like who?”
“Elijah,” he asserted.
“How do you even know what he smells like?”
“Doesn’t matter. Is that what took you so long?” Wait was he seriously mad at you right now? “Why are you being so rude to me?”
Jungkook didn’t respond. He stuck his hand out for you to take. “We should go. Our Uber is outside.” You didn’t spare him a single glance as you walked right past him towards the front door, him hot on your heels.
Thank god this Uber had a functioning heater. You swear you were starting to feel the beginnings of hypothermia biting at your toes. You’d never take a jacket for granted again.
The atmosphere inside of the car was awkward and stuffy. Though not because of the heater or the Uber driver’s questionable taste in podcasts. Without a doubt, he was certainly an attendee of those anti-women’s rights rallies that are always held downtown. A major downside of living in a small, religious town. He wasn’t getting rated five stars.
Neither Jungkook nor you have spoken a word to each other since you left the party. There was nothing left for you to say to him. Jungkook remained firm on not giving you any details about his plans. No matter how much you probed for the answers he remained vague.
So you gave him the silent treatment.
You knew it was juvenile but you couldn't help but feel that maybe he deserved it. After all, why should you respond to anything if he can’t even answer a simple question? Maybe now he would know how it feels to be ignored.
Beside you Jungkook sighed deeply, breaking the awkward momentary silence in the car. You heard him shifting in his seat, his knee brushed against yours as he turned his body towards you. You could feel him staring at the side of your face but you were still too pissed off to even acknowledge him.
He placed his hand on your knee, caressing the exposed skin. “I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier. I was wrong and you didn’t deserve that. I’m also sorry we had to leave early, I promise I’ll make it up to you, baby.”
Whatever. You huffed, rolling your eyes as you continued scrolling through reels on Instagram. You stopped on a video tutorial of how to wax your brows at home. You were long overdue for a maintenance day.
“Are you seriously not going to talk to me?” Silently, you skimmed through the comments.
From the front seat, your driver cleared his throat. You would feel bad for making him uncomfortable in his own car if it wasn’t for the bullshit, misogynistic podcast playing in the background. Just because the volume was low doesn't mean you couldn’t hear it.
You ignored your boyfriend as he called your name. Jungkook scuffed, shaking his head. “Unfuckingbelievable,” he growled.
Your neck nearly snapped with how fast you turned towards him. If Jungkook was a stranger, the look on his face would have scared you. His eyebrows were pulled together into something furious, and the way his lips were downturned almost appeared…painful. You’ve never seen him look so angry before. But you knew your boyfriend and you knew he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on you. So your attitude remained.
“Is there something you need to get off your chest?”
The tension in his brows loosened. Restlessly his tongue probed the inside of his cheek, replacing the frown. The anger in his features was still present, just not as intense as before.
Subconsciously your eyes followed the indentation. Something stirred inside you. You might be furious but you weren’t blind. He looked sexy as hell when he did that.
“You are such a fucking child sometimes,” he hissed. Reaching up, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair, snatching off the fox ears in the process.
You frowned, scuffing. “Excuse me?”
“You know, I am so sick of your shit!” Jungkook's voice rang out within the car. Stunned you gasped. You’ve had arguments before but Jungkook has never talked to you like that. He’s never even raised his voice at you. Where was all of this coming from?
“Throwing a fucking tantrum because I didn’t tell you where I’m going. What, do you need an alert for when I’m taking a shit now too? Would that satisfy you? Newsflash _____, I don’t need to tell you everything about my life. You’re not my fucking mother.”
A heavy silence hung in the air.
The car halted at a red light. The tires screeched loudly at the sudden stop. The both of you jerked forward in the backseat. Instinctively you reached your hand out to prevent your face from smacking into the passenger’s seat in front of you. At the same time, Jungkook's arm shot out across your frame, halting you from moving any further. Your eyes burned with unshed tears. With your phone gripped in your hand, you gnawed at your bottom lip to keep it from wobbling or any unwanted sounds from escaping.
A quick look through the car windows showed you were a short distance away from your house. To your right, you recognized the trail that led into a small densely packed forest. You’d taken this trial countless times before as a shortcut from your house, to the inner city, and back. Only that was in the daytime when it was bright and sunny and there were people out. Now it was ten minutes till three in the morning. You’d seen not one single person out on the streets since you made it back to the outskirts of your town. You were for damn sure there was no one in the forest either.
At least you hoped.
Against your better judgment, you pulled the lock back on the car door before throwing it open.
“Um, ma’am?!” You heard your Uber driver yell as Jungkook called after you right before you slammed the car door shut. Your body was instantly overtaken by the cold again. Why the fuck didn’t you wear a jacket?!
The sound of your shoes smacking against the pavement as you trudged across the quiet street, was booming. You approached the eerie trail with a quickness, hoping Jungkook wouldn’t follow behind you. That hope was quickly diminished however when the slamming of a door and a car speeding off came from behind you. You marched further into the thick forest, following the worn dirt trail. The dull street light at the start of the trail only offered a few meters of illumination. During the day you didn’t need to worry about how you would see as the sun was always out. Now replaced by the moon, darkness loomed over the tall trees and thick shrubbery that bordered the trail.
Crunching leaves filled the silence around you as Jungkook finally caught up with you. “Are you insane? That was so ridiculous?!”
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Jungkook gripped your hand, turning your body to face him. That nasty glare was present on his face again. Your heart skipped a beat.
You snatched your hand away, “Don’t fucking touch me!”
You turned to complete your walk back, but you weren’t done. Your anger was back in full force and you demanded answers. Facing him fully again, you pointed an accusatory finger at him. “How dare you? How dare you fucking speak to me that way, Jungkook?! All because I asked you a question? A question that I as your girlfriend deserve an answer to.”
He chuckled bitterly, rolling his eyes. “Cut the theatrics, _____. I’m over it.” He checked the time on his phone again. “Let’s go. It’s getting late.”
You scuffed, shaking your head. “No, I’m not going anywhere with you.” Was he insane? With the way he was acting, he was lucky you didn’t dump his sorry ass right there.
His jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth. Bringing both hands up, he gripped his brown locks so hard you thought he would tear his hair out.
“Why do you have to make things so difficult?” He groaned out bent over at the waist. Jungkook stood up straight again, staring you dead in the eyes. A cold chill ran down your spine. “Let’s. Go. I have somewhere to be.”
“Where?” You were standing toe to toe with him.
“It doesn't matter, we need to go. Now.”
“I’m serious, _____ we-.”
“Fuck you Jungkook, I’m not going!” Too focused on being stubborn, you missed the way Jungkook’s body twitched involuntarily. With his eyes closed he sucked in a deep breath. “Baby, you have to g-.” Another twitch. “No! I’m not going until you tell me.”
He called your name again. “Baby, please you need to- you have to-”
“I’m not! Where are y-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You jumped, and your eyes widened in shock. The distant squawk of crows flying away echoed in the background. Stunned, you watched silently as Jungkook collapsed to his knees, panting. Both of his hands gripped the ground in front of him, his knuckles white with how tight he was holding on. You flinch as what sounded like bones snapping filled the chilly air. Piercing groans and gasps of pain escape Jungkook's open mouth. His body twitched and jerked in various directions.
The feeling of your heart hammering in your chest made you feel nauseous. What the fuck was going on?!
With one final gasp of air, he stopped, and you were once more surrounded by that haunting stillness. You wrapped your arms around yourself again. You didn’t even notice the cold anymore.
You took a cautious step towards your panting boyfriend. “Koo,” you called, your voice trembling. You took a few more crunching steps until you were right in front of him. “Baby? Are you okay?”
Slowly he lifted his head, revealing himself to you. You gasped, your breath hitching in your throat. With eyes as wide as saucers, you brought both of your hands up to cover your mouth.
Long, sharp fangs replaced the canine teeth in his upper and lower jaws. His beautiful, brown boba eyes - one of your favorite parts about him- were gone, in its place were piercing deep golden eyes that were locked on you. Thick dark brown fur began penetrating through his skin, covering the rest of his blemish-free face to the rest of his body. Gone was your boyfriend as you knew him, in his place was something inhuman!
In a steady voice, a cross between human and ferocious, he whispered out a gravely, “Run.”
You didn’t have time to think or to even scream in terror. Before your mind could even register you were fleeing down the dirt path towards your house. Your feet pounded the uneven ground beneath you. The light from the streetlight has now completely faded. The only illumination came from above you, the brilliant face of the moon exposed. Jungkook screamed out once more, a thundering shout before it ended in what sounded to you like a wolf’s howl.
The heavy thumping of footsteps picked up from behind you. What sounded like two eerily turned into four, running at a speed that was inexplicably fast. You heard the beast growl right behind you. It was so hot on your tail that you felt like it could reach out and grab you at any moment. Just up ahead you could see the end of the trail. You could cry in relief.
Your comfort was only short-lived. Before you could take another step forward, the front of your right shoe got caught on a sizable rock. It felt like your world was moving in slow motion as you were totally knocked off balance. Reaching both arms out in front of you, you braced yourself for your inevitable fall. Your body hit the solid ground with a hard smack, your right ankle twisting painfully in the process. You were so close. You were almost free.
Only then did you scream.
Clutching your right ankle, you gasped down deep breaths of air. Sharp pain traveled hotly throughout your body. “Fuck,” you wailed, your vision blurry with tears. The blood rushing in your ears made it hard to hear anything, the world around you almost wholly muffled. The presence of a wolf was unknown to you until you heard it huff out an exhale. The horrifying creature stood at least eight feet tall on all fours. It was covered entirely in thick burnt umber fur. Drool leaked from its opened mouth, like gooey honey oozing off of a honey dipper. Its piercing golden eyes were trained solely on you. The creature slowly made its way towards you.
You gasped, scooting backward on your feet and hands until the pain in your ankle was unbearable. The burning in your lungs was incessant with each breath you sucked down. Before you, the wolf huffed another exhale. He was so close now you could feel its warm breath tickling your face. Its teeth were bared like it was ready to bite. Leaning its head down, his long snout nosed its way between your neck and shoulder. Pushing your head up, it sniffed harshly at your skin. You closed your eyes, just waiting for the moment it decided to attack.
“Plea-se,” you begged, your voice cracking at the end. You heaved as your entire body trembled in fear. “Please don’t- don’t hurt me.”
The wolf leaned away from you. There seemed to be a glint of recognition in his eyes. You had to be losing your mind.
He huffed again, sitting back on his hind legs. You wanted to scream as it released another deafening howl. Then, just like magic, it was gone as if it was never there in the first place.
Your boyfriend sat naked in its place. A look of horror was written all over his face. He brought both hands up to cradle your face. You jumped at the sudden action. For a split second, he looked slightly wounded but then the concern was back.
“Baby! Are you okay?!” Gently his thumbs whipped away the tears staining your cheeks. Each of your hands wrapped around his wrists. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
“I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?!” He checked you frantically, looking for any signs of injuries. You were speechless, the only thing you could do was heave breathlessly into the cool open air.
“Baby please,” he pleaded. “Say something, breath!” There was a steady ringing in your ears. Jungkook’s mouth was closing and opening as if he was speaking to you, but you couldn’t hear anything. Everything was silent. The corners of your vision were obscured by an approaching darkness. You blinked rapidly to try and keep yourself alert until it consumed you completely.
Drowsily, your eyes blinked open. Your vision was still fuzzy around the edges as you took in your surroundings. The room was dark but familiar. It didn’t take you long to realize that you were inside your bedroom. Somehow you must have made it home. You looked down at yourself. And changed clothes? Except your bra was still on. It was uncomfortably snug on your skin. There was a reason you never slept with a bra on. With ease you unhooked the clasp, placing it on the bed beside you.
You threw the thick blankets and duvet completely off of you, body all too warm now. There was an incessant pounding in your head. Groaning, you brought your hand up to clutch at the aching spot. There was a dull ache in your right ankle.
“Baby,” a delicate voice called from the corner of your room. It was Jungkook. “Are you awake?” Suddenly, the memories of what happened came rushing back to you.
Your boyfriend turned into a fucking werewolf right in front of you and nearly attacked you.
With a hammering heart, you scooted backward until your back came in contact with your headboard. He approached the side of the bed you were on cautiously, sitting down gently in the open space in front of you. His big brown orbs were back but were now swimming with sadness at the sight of you drawing your knees into yourself.
He nibbled at his bottom lip. “There’s some pain reliever and a glass of water on your nightstand.”
A moment passed before you reached for the pill bottle and water. You didn’t take your eyes off of Jungkook the entire time. He looked disheveled. His previously neat hair was a mess like he’d been running his fingers through it constantly. His eyes were glossy and red-rimmed. You doubt he’d gotten any sleep. Gone was his Nick Wilde costume. You assumed it was destroyed during the transformation. He was now sporting a plain black tee and matching sweats.
You didn’t realize how parched you were until you were gulping down the rest of the room-temperature water. A few dribbles of water escaped your lips, trailing down your chin. With the back of your hand, you wiped your mouth, catching your breath. Jungkook took the empty glass from you, placing it back on the nightstand. For a while, the room was still. Neither of you decided to break the silence first. To be honest, you didn’t know what to say.
“Are you afraid of me?”
The immediate short answer was no. There wasn’t anything in this world that could make you afraid of your boyfriend. He was the absolute love of your life. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you intentionally.
You were however afraid of what he was capable of. He was a literal werewolf! If he wanted to he could tear you into pieces. What if he didn’t recognize it was you? What would have happened then? You couldn’t help those questions swimming through your mind. “I don’t know.” His head dropped down as his eyes closed.
It was silent for another moment. “Since when?”
Jungkook shook his head confused. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
You continued. “Since when don’t we tell each other everything?” You swallowed thickly, referring to earlier in the night. You couldn’t help the emotion that trembled through your voice. “Why would you keep this from me, Jungkook? For so long.”
He looked away from you. His eyes danced around the room before he responded. “I don’t know, I just-. I wanted to keep you safe.”
You couldn’t help the fury building inside of you. “You call that keeping me safe! You almost killed me!” Using both of your arms you gestured towards your bedroom window.
Jungkook shook his head frantically. “I wasn’t going to hurt you. Baby, I would never! I knew it was you. Please believe me I would never hurt.” His eyes pleaded with yours, begging for you to believe him. And you wanted to so badly, but he’d already hurt you just not physically.
“It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” He shook his head. “I was trying to leave. I was- I was going to drop you home and then I-I was…” he trailed off looking everywhere except at you.
“You were going to shift,” you finished for him. Wordlessly he nodded.
The room was silent again with the occasional squeak from your ceiling fan. In front of you, Jungkook sighed.
“You know,” you started, your boyfriend looking up at you. “This whole time I thought that I did something wrong.” You scrunched a chunk of your duvet beneath your fingertips. “I just couldn't understand what was wrong. I mean you were so hot and cold with me, it was jarring.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I thought that maybe you were getting tired of me or something…maybe even seeing someone else.” Sighing, you slowly released a breath you weren’t even aware you were holding.
It felt amazing to finally get that off your chest, to finally express how you were truly feeling, and to have him listen.
Your gaze was trained downward. You weren’t looking at anything specifically, you just wanted to avoid his eyes - something you hadn’t done in years.
Jungkook gasped quietly. “_____, I would never,” he pleaded, his eyes borrowing into yours.
Rapidly you nodded your head. “I know,” you sniffled. “I just…I didn’t know what to think. You left me in the dark Jungkook.”
Firmly, he grasped both of your hands in his. “Baby, look at me.” Your gaze remained downcast. He gently squeezed your hands in his, urging you to look at him. “Please.” When your eyes met his, your breath nearly hitched. He was looking at you with a soft longing. The pure adoration for you swimming in his eyes was undeniable. Gone was the anger and frustration. This was your Jungkook.
“I would never-,” he shook his head. “I could never. Baby, you mean everything to me. You are my entire world.” Gently with his thumbs, he wiped away your salty tears. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I scared you and I’m so sorry if you ever felt I didn’t love you because that is the furthest thing from the truth. You are the love of my life; the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so infatuated with you that I don’t know how to live without you.”
The tears blurring your vision threatened to spill as you listened to the words of your boyfriend. “Please understand that none of this is your fault. This is all because of me. I failed to communicate with you properly and I’m sorry. _____, I’m sorry.” Jungkook stared at you, desperately waiting for you to respond with something, anything.
You said nothing. Instead, you cradled his face in your hands, bringing his lips to meet yours. You believed him—of course you did—and hoped he could feel everything you wanted to say.
You pulled away with a faint smack. “Is this okay?” you whispered, desperately searching his eyes for an answer. Taking a page from your book, he remained silent, swifty reattaching his lips to yours. His usually pillowy-soft lips were slightly chapped but still felt like heaven against yours. Immediately, all the stress and worries began to wash away.
He responded eagerly to the kiss, scooting closer to you and wrapping his arms around your middle. Effortlessly, he pulled you into his firm lap. Your hands curled into his cotton shirt instinctively.
You pulled your hands from his shirt to tangle one in his hair, the other scratching gently at the nape of his neck. Jungkook sighed against your mouth, his breath tickling your chin. His mouth moved against yours tenderly,
For a moment, you two savored the kiss, basking in each other's warmth and presence. Content sighs and soft moans escaped the both of you filling the air around you.
Your mind was blank and fuzzy; filled with nothing but Jungkook. The way he smelled- clean with a slight hint of cologne, how gently he was kissing you, how much he loved you, the way his body fit perfectly against your own.
The kiss was so innocent, soft, and gentle, yet your panties grew slicker with each second that passed. Beneath you, you could feel that your boyfriend was just as affected. He had been grinding his semi against you for several minutes now, pressing your damp panties into your sensitive, eager bud. It was so delicate, you were sure he had to be doing it subconsciously.
Slowly you pulled away, opening your eyes. As he gazed at you, the dreamy look in his eyes sent pleasant tingles throughout your body. How this boy still managed to give you butterflies after years of being together is beyond you.
“Koo,” you whispered, finger curling around a lock of his luscious hair. You couldn’t take your eyes off of his kiss-swollen lips. Slowly you ran a thumb over his bottom lip as you bit your own.
“Hmm?” His hands continued their journey up and down your sides. Mind still clouded with all things Jungkook, it took a moment for your brain to formulate your thoughts into a coherent sentence.
“I want you.”
His breath hitched as his hands stopped momentarily. You could see his features darken right before you. A glint of mischievousness shone in his eyes. With an arched brow, his hands continued their journey. “Yeah? Are you sure that’s what you want, pretty?”
You shuttered at the nickname. “Please,” you begged, all shame and self-respect now completely thrown out the window. “I want you to fuck me.”
You took his hands into yours, guiding them to your supple breasts. He wasted no time, instantly fondling the squishy mounds in his large palms. You sighed as his thumbs deliberately brushed against your hardened nipples, begging to be released from the confines of your cotton shirt.
You purred, “I need you, baby. Don’t you want me too?”
The look in his eyes was damn near feral. “Always,” he rasped, pinching the stiffened peaks between his thumb and pointer fingers. You gasped, your brows pinching together in pleasure. “I always want you. Fuck, I can never get enough of you.” He pressed his mouth upon yours, pulling you into a searing kiss. Teasingly, he pulled away leaving you to chase after his lips.
“Koo,” you whined, gripping his shirt to reconnect your lips. He tsked, capturing both of your wrists into his grasp.
“Don’t be greedy,” he tutted, leaning down to kiss away the pout on your lips. “I always give you what you need.” He let go of your wrists, and with his other hand, you felt him tug at the bottom of your t-shirt. “Take this off.”
Without a second wasted you peeled the fabric from your body, casually tossing it somewhere beyond your line of sight. With your bare chest now exposed to the cool temperature in your bedroom, goosebumps blossomed all over your skin.
Jungkook leaned down to nose between the valley of your breasts. You giggled as he sniffed at your skin, brushing his hair away from his face “You’re such a weirdo.”
You felt him smile against you. “Can’t help it, literally,” he chuckled inhaling deeply. “Plus you always smell so fucking good.” You hummed, fingers raking through his hair. It must be a part of his wolfie instincts.
Your eyes fluttered shut as he began to pepper kisses all around your breasts, always just missing where you needed him the most. Once he was satisfied with his work, Jungkook finally wrapped his lips around your awaiting nipple. Your mouth dropped open around a moan as your head lulled back. He groaned at the feeling of your hand tightening in his hair. His skilled fingers tweaked your other nipple, ensuring it received the same amount of attention.
“Fuck, Koo,” you shivered, your free hand reaching down to grip his length. He always took such good care of you, you wanted to make him feel good too. Now completely erect, it stood at its full potential, tenting his sweatpants. He was rock hard and so damn thick you couldn’t wrap your hand around him completely. Even through the material of his sweatpants, you could feel the prominent veins running along his shaft. He certainly wasn’t wearing any underwear. Your mouth watered.
Jungkook scowled, just as if he had eaten something delicious, groaning around a mouth full of your breast. He released your nipple with a wet pop. “Feels good baby,” he rasped.
Within the next second your back collided with the plushness of your mattress. You shrieked, hands shooting out to steady yourself.
“Can’t wait to be inside you,” Jungkook smirked from above you. He then pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it somewhere behind him. Slowly, your eyes raked over your boyfriend, taking a moment to fully appreciate the view before you. You never thought you had a type, but god Jungkook was everything you never knew you needed in a man.
Tiny sporadic beads of sweat gathered along his skin. They looked like diamonds dancing in the moonlight that peeked through your curtains. His body always ran warmer and after the events of tonight, you understand why. His sleeve of tattoos decorated his skin beautifully, a far better accessory than any piece of jewelry could ever be. Concealing a moan behind a bitten lip, you watched as the muscles in his beefy arms jumped as he pulled down his sweatpants, freeing his length. Your pussy fluttered at the sight; it was just as beautiful as the rest of him.
The first time you and Jungkook had sex you were afraid he wouldn’t fit inside of you. He was so long and thick it almost seemed unreal. Though with the proper prep, you were able to take him, and let's just say no one had ever made you cum from just penetration before.
His dick rested on his tummy, standing tall and flushed. He was so hard it almost looked painful. His mushroom tip glistened with pre-cum. You desperately wanted to swallow it all up.
You sat up on your elbows, your own eyes clouded with lust. “May I have a taste?”
You almost moaned aloud as Jungkook gripped his dick in his hand, giving himself two long strokes making sure to flick his wrist at the tip. You caught a glimpse of his beautiful scowl before his head dropped forward, his abs flexing in pleasure.
“Fuck,” you heard him chuckle breathly giving himself one final squeeze. He shook his head. Slowly he lifted his head, his wavy bangs falling over his eyes. Your heart lurched in your chest. He pulled you to the edge of the bed, settling in front of your open legs.
“Me first,” he smirked and you knew you were fucked.
No one in the world could eat pussy like your boyfriend. He was the definition of an eater, always so eager to deliver the most pleasure possible. Sometimes you thought he enjoyed it more than you did.
After delivering one successful orgasm to you with his mouth, he had you teetering on the edge of another.
The echos of his efforts bounced off of the walls around you. He worked his fingers diligently inside of you, alternating between thrusting and scissoring them apart. The soppy sounds flowing from your cunt had you flushed all over. But you were far too close to cumming to be embarrassed. Languidly he swirled his tongue around your clit whilst both of his digits massaged your inner walls thoroughly. Your walls fluttered around his fingers, sending another gush of your arousal to coat his hand. Unshed tears began to gather along your lash line.
“Jungkook,” you mewled wetly, eyes slamming shut as your back arched off of your bed. You licked at your lips, now dry from how hard you breathed through your open mouth. “Koo, baby I’m so close!” Jungkook moaned around you, sending a delicious stream of vibrations through your pussy.
A steady smacking rhythm from below you caught your attention. It sounded wet and sloppy. Was he…? You gasped looking down to confirm your wicked thoughts. Through your blurry vision, you were rewarded with the sight of Jungkook fisting his veiny cock to the same rhythm he was fingering you. With each upward stroke, a trail of pre-cum dribbled from his tip onto his fingers. Oh how bad you wanted them in your mouth.
His tongue laved up slowly through your folds, the wet muscle flicking at your clit gently in the end. “So fucking good,” he muttered against you, almost to himself. Just as he reached down to fondle his balls, he sucked your clit wholly into his mouth.
Your hips canted up, pushing yourself further into the pleasure. Firmly holding you down, he croaked his fingers up, directly massaging the spongy area that had you seeing stars. Still attached to you, Jungkook groaned as your fingers tangled tighter in his hair. He pulled away from your pussy, his reddened lips and chin glistened with your arousal. “That feels good, pretty?”
You nodded rapidly, as your breath hiccuped. “Uh-huhh~! Gonna make me come, baby.”
“Yeah?” His wrist was now snapping against you, fingers curling with precision to repeatedly stroke against your g-spot. “Make a mess for me baby. Show me how beautiful you are when you come.”
There was an incessant pressure building and building in the pit of your stomach. Your mouth dropped open in a silent moan as your face scrunched in pleasure. Your back bowed as Jungkook delivered one last stroke against that spot, so good that it sent you right over the edge. Your walls fluttered around him, sucking his fingers in with a vice grip.
You came with a strangled shout, a slurred mess of what was supposed to be his name as your toes curled in the bedsheets. “Fuck! Koo-uhn!”
But he wasn’t done with you yet. His insatiable hunger couldn’t be sated until you were writhing, gasping for breath underneath him. He wanted you to be so dizzy with pleasure that you couldn’t remember your own name. He wanted to ruin you. He wanted it- no he needed it. He needed it so fucking bad.
Somehow, he sucked at you harder, pushing your hips into the bed. Your body trembled, completely helpless to the overstimulation you were receiving. Inside, his fingers didn’t slow their pace, still plunging into your sopping cunt. His tongue, soaked with his saliva and your essence, rubbed figure eights into your aching clit. You hiccuped out moan after babbled moan, no longer able to properly articulate a single word.
“One more pretty, give me one more. Please? Can you do that for me?” This man was trying to kill you. You were literally being eaten alive by your boyfriend, the irony.
Like ferocious waves crashing onto a sandy beach, your orgasm wracked through you. The air was completely knocked out of your lungs. You were unable to make a single sound, as your mouth fell open. You thought you must’ve looked like a mad woman with your eyes rolled back and your back arched completely off of your bed. Though to Jungkook, you couldn't look more beautiful. With your hair fanned out around, heavy breasts jiggling as you gasped for breath, your skin glimmering from a thin sheen of sweat, the blissed-out expression on your face - you were a sight to be marveled at.
Jungkook didn’t pull away until you were whimpering, pushing at his head, as you feebly scooted away from him. Gulping breaths of air, you slumped onto your mattress, now slightly damp with sweat. Tears leaked from the corner of your eyes as you stared up in a daze at your bedroom ceiling.
Gently, he pulled his fingers from your thumping core, slowly dragging them up through your folds in the process. He popped his fingers into his mouth, his tongue licking away your arousal coated on his digits. With a lewd smacking sound he pulled them from his mouth. He positioned his body over you, fitting himself in between your open legs. You shivered as the head of his dick nudged your pussy.
“Good girl,” he whispered, caressing your thighs down to your butt. “Was that okay? It wasn’t too much was it?” You hummed, still sated from your three succeeding orgasms. “M’ good baby,” you exhaled, your breath starting to even out. “That was amazing.”
Jungkook smiled and your heart fluttered. “Yeah?” He squeezed a handful of your right cheek. Without warning, his hand collided with the fatty meat of your ass, a loud smack resounding in the room. “Love this ass.” You yelped, flinching at the sudden brisk pain. His hand stroked over the sore spot. “You should let me eat that too.” Your eyes widened. You weren’t completely opposed to that idea.
“Mmm, you’re a munch.” Jungkook snorted, leaning over to peck your lips twice. “Only for you though.”
“Damn right.”
You opened your eyes to gaze up at him. He looked at peace. There was a faint trace of a smile on his lips. His orbs were scanning you, drinking you in.
“Still want this dick?”
You nodded, caressing over his chest and neck. Your hand fell as he stood on his knees hovering over your body. You bit your bottom lip as he reached down to squeeze the base of his dick. He huffed, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment before reopening.
“Yes, please. I need it, baby. Can’t wait any longer.” You were not too proud to beg. If your boyfriend didn’t get inside of you soon you were going to lose your mind. Future you will certainly cringe at how needy you were being though.
He guided his tip through your dripping core, slowly dragging up and down and then back up again to circle your achy clit.
You hissed as your legs fell open wider. “Are you sure?” with a free hand he pushed away the hair falling over his face. “I would think three orgasms is enough, no?” There was a pleased smirk on his face. He was enjoying this little game of teasing you.
“Koo,” you whined, hooking your legs over his hips to draw him in closer. Your breath hitched as his tip caught on your entrance.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled. “How can I deny you when you beg so nicely?”
Smoothly he slid into you inch after gratifying inch. He filled you to the brim, the stretch was so good you could come on the spot. Your walls avidly accepted him, sucking him in without much resistance at all. You could feel every thick, prominent vein running along his cock. Your brows pinched together as your head fell back onto your pillow.
“Fuck,” Jungkook drawled out as your warm pussy gripped him tight. “How do you always feel so fucking good, hmm?” Sinful moans rolled freely from his tongue, the heat and wetness of your cunt had his head reeling. He was teetering on the edge of an orgasm without even getting to properly fuck you yet.
You squirmed underneath him, before canting your hips up to grind on his dick. “Jungkook,” you huffed, frustration clear in your voice. He raised his eyebrow, letting you work yourself on his cock for a moment. Without a single word, he slid out of you almost completely, tip barely still snug in your walls. You almost complained at the absence of him until he slid back into your pussy filling you deeper than before. You could cry in relief.
“Fuck,” you yelped, hands scrambling to find something to hold on to before they settled on his shoulders.
“My greedy baby,” he purred, voice dripping with lust. He gave you two more long strokes. You gasped into the open air. “You just needed to be fucked right? All you needed was this dick?” You nodded, bottom lip tucked between your teeth. “I need it, baby please.”
“Don’t worry pretty,” his smirk was sinful, almost devilish. “I’ll give you what you want.” The two of you fell into a heated, frantic rhythm, incredibly desperate to feel one another. The wet smacking sounds of your bodies colliding could only be described as sonorous. Above you, you watched as Jungkook worked his hips into you expertly, never failing to hit every sensitive spot you didn’t even know existed inside you. You were so worked up, that you knew it wouldn’t take long for you to reach your peak again.
Tiny beads of sweat were beginning to run down the sides of his face from his excursion. His scowl was present again, mouth wide open to allow unabashed moans to fall freely from his lips. He always moaned so sweetly.
He hit you at an angle so deep, that you both moaned in response. “Uhn, Koo! Love the way you fuck me, baby,” you trembled in his hold.
“I love it more baby,” he grunted, grinding his hips into yours.
Grabbing your hand into his, he brought it up to his lips to kiss the back of it. Halting his movements for a brief second, he leaned down to capture your lips between his, drawing you into a filthy kiss. His hips picked up again as your lips slid against each other, panting into each other’s mouths rather than kissing. When he pulled away there was a string of saliva connecting you both.
He gasped, closing his eyes at the feeling of your cunt squeezing around him. “I love you so much, baby. God, I can’t get enough of you.” Your heart swelled in your chest. How could he still be so sweet while pounding you into oblivion?
“I love you too baby,” you gasped. ��Love you so fucking much!”
“M’ not gonna last,” Jungkook whined, fingers digging into your hips. You weren’t surprised, while you were three orgasms in Jungkook hadn’t relieved himself once.
He positioned your legs over his shoulders being careful of your ankle, driving his cock into you deeper. His heavy balls slapped lewdly against your ass. You yelped, your breath hitching as the thick head brushed over your g-spot. “Fu-Koo! Right there!”
He swiveled his hips, his cock rubbing over the spongy area, that had shivers running down your spine. You could feel your arousal leaking from where you were connected, trailing down your ass. It gathered into a filthy pool of sweat and arousal beneath you. There was no saving these bedsheets.
“Want you to come again, pretty. Need to see you come again.” You were so sensitive- too sensitive, you weren’t sure you could even come again. But you wanted to so badly, you wanted to be good for Jungkook.
Jungkook licked the pad of his thumb, and brought it down between your bodies, rubbing figure eight into your bundle of nerves. You were so wet it slipped a couple of times before he could get into a perfect rhythm. He was now snapping into at a pace so maddening you could barely breathe. That heavy tension in the pit of your tummy returned building and building as he fucked you quicker and deeper. Your eyes began to burn with unshed tears.
“Baby, m’ so close! Gon-ah! Gonna come,” your words slurred together.
Jungkook chuckled huskily above you, his breath hitting your face at the same pace he was fucking you. “So damn pretty. Come for me again baby.” He turned his neck to peck kisses into your sweaty calf. “Cream all over this dick.”
It didn’t take much for you to come again, just a gentle brush of fingertips across your nipples had you reeling. Your back arched as you froze, your vision blurring. There was a loud ringing in your ears. A gush of release rushed out of you once, twice, and then a third time. It felt euphoric.
You screamed, your spent walls spasming around your boyfriend. “Fuck Jungkook, fuck!” You collapsed onto your bed; your bones feeling like jell-o. You laid there motionless as the ringing subsided in your ears.
Jungkook groaned from above you. “Look at that, baby.” You could hear the smile in his voice. Still blissed out, you struggled to open your eyes. Finally looking down at what your boyfriend was referring to you gasped. There was a sizeable wet stain on your mattress, right under your ass. Your thighs and Jungkook's groin were also wet. Too wet to be sweat.
He smirked, “You made a mess.”
You felt yourself flush, unable to respond. Your mouth opened and closed, and then opened again in search of a response.
Jungkook chuckled above you, snatching you up in his arms. “You’re so damn hot,” he growled, sitting you on his cock. You winced slightly, overstimulation running through you. Sensitive but still good.
Fervently, he thrusted up into you, trapping you within his hold. You wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning your head down onto his shoulder. The damp skin was salty as you scraped your teeth across the area, your fingers tangled in his hair. Jungkook shivered as he grounded his hips into yours. He panted wetly beside your ear, airy moans and whines trembling out of his mouth. He was so, so close.
You were too exhausted to say anything, instead stamping wet kisses across his neck to his throat, letting him have his way with you.
Still sensitive from your intense orgasm, your pussy clenched tight. “Ah!” He cried out, bouncing you harder on his dick to meet his thrusts.
“Are you close, Koo,” you purred, biting his earlobe while your nails grazed his neck.
He cried out as his eyes shut. “Pussy’s too fucking good.”
“Cum for me baby. Want it inside me.” You clenched your hand in his hair, pulling his locks, forcing his head back.
He gripped you tighter, thrusting deep. A broken wail of your name tumbles from his lips as he cums. You swear you could feel him swell inside you. He whines high in your ear as thick ropes of his semi-transparent seed paint your walls. You hum detaching yourself from his throat. He now sported a mark matching your own. Leaning down, you slotted your lips together with his, kissing him slow and deep.
Encased in your boyfriend’s arms, you felt warm in all the best ways. After fucking the daylights out of you, you cleaned off together, washing away all the vulgarity of your previous activities. Though Jungkook did most of the work as you were so drained you could barely stand up.
When you finally tumbled into bed, all clean and comfortable, Jungkook entertained any questions you had about his ability. No matter how ridiculous or nonsensical they seemed.
You'd found out that he was born a werewolf - the first time he'd shifted was his thirteenth birthday. He would be considered an alpha in the werewolf hierarchy, though he wasn't the pack leader, that was his father. Unlike what is commonly believed, werewolf mates weren't predestined, they were able to choose their mates themselves. That one made your heart beat a little faster.
From behind, Jungkook kissed your naked shoulder. You hummed, still gazing at your hand clasped together with his. You could barely keep your eyes open, the urge to sleep overtaking your body by the minute. You had another question though.
“When you shifted in front of me it seemed…” You searched for a word. “Involuntary. How come?”
“Usually when I shift it is voluntarily, completely up to me.” You nodded still listening. “The only time it’s not voluntary is when there’s a full moon. Like tonight. Heightened emotions also make it more difficult to suppress it.”
“Ohh,” you muttered. That made sense. “That’s why it seemed painful? You were trying to avoid it?”
It was silent for a moment. There was one more question burning in your mind.
He hummed in acknowledgment. “I have another question.”
“Sure baby.”
“When you um,” you cleared your throat. You felt Jungkook move behind you, sitting up to gaze at your face. “When you uh, came. How come it wasn’t…,” you trailed off, too embarrassed to finish.
“How come it wasn’t what, sweetheart?” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“How come it wasn’t you know, a lot. Like it the stories.” You’d always read that whenever werewolves ejaculated it was a substantial amount, but when your boyfriend did, it was average. Granted, those were fanfictions and this was real life.
It was silent. When you turned to face him, you were greeted with his smug grin. “What stories might that be?”
“St~op,” you whined, swatting at his chest. He chuckled capturing his hand in yours, kissing it twice.
“Well, if you must know, you little minx,” you playfully rolled your eyes. “That only happens when I’m in my rut and I’m assuming you know what that means since you’ve read the stories.”
You hummed. “So I’m guessing that whole knot thing is to amp up the stories too right?” You tried to hide the relief in your voice. Jungkook settled back against your pillows making himself comfortable. “Oh no. That part’s very real.”
Your eyes widened. “What?!”
Thank you for reading!♡
Copyright © 2024 Spicybutterfly
All rights reserved.
Distribution, copying, reposting, or translating of any kind is not permitted. I will take legal action against those who attempt to steal my work.
#jeon jungkook#jungkook fanfic#werewolf jungkook#jungkook x black reader#jungkook x reader#jungkook fluff#jungkook angst#jungkook smut#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts angst#bts smut#bts
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Chapter 5— How Could U Love Somebody Like Me.

a/n: we finally find out who mysteriously girl is and what happened in barca. now it’s just time for Leah to find out…and lord knows how that hot head will take it 😅
content: Top!Leah, Bottom!Reader, impact play, fingering (both receiving technically), nipple sucking, Jealous!Leah, mutual masturbation, orgasm denial, squirting, some bratty!reader just like once or twice,
warnings: public sex…like y'all get caught in 4k HD. hide the mother fuckin cameras !! walked in on while fucking oops, locker room sex, dom & sub relationship
synopsis: Leah's been giving you the silent treatment, so you recruit Keira for help.
word count: 5.0k
Series Masterlist: here.
!! 18+ MINORS DNI !!
It’s been a whole week since you’ve last spoken to Leah. She's been avoiding you like the plague ever since the incident. Alessia let you stay with her for a few days until you felt well enough to go back to your own home. She didn't push you for any details, but you could tell she had a million questions. You appreciate her for keeping them to herself while in your presence. Practice has been awkward, especially with everyone’s whispers behind your back. It's all becoming a little too familiar in the worst way possible. Keira has been an angel in disguise during all this. She might be Leah’s best mate, but you two have a special bond that you cultivated while at Barca. She understands why you act the way you do– she might not like it or agree with it, but she does understand. She doesn’t judge you, but she also lets you know how much you’ve hurt Leah…and that was never your intention.
She won’t even look at you. So now you find that you're one with your gaze fixated on her, and begging for just a glance in your direction. For the past three days you’ve studied her from the sidelines. She hasn’t smiled once since your arrival back, not even a crack of a grin. Her face has stayed stuck in a frown and twisted up in vexation. It feels like a fifty pound weight sitting on your chest, and you aren’t sure how to fix it. You know you have to apologize and explain everything to her, but you haven’t even accepted it yourself. How can you explain something you refuse to process?
“You want to stop for a coffee? I know you didn’t sleep much last night,” Keira snaps you out of your reeling mind. It's not that you're glad she got hurt, but she wouldn't be here if she hadn't. You know it's only till Barca gets here to play, and then she'll be back to Spain with the team. But you're still grateful for the next few days you get to spent together— even if that means you'll eventually have to face her at the game…and you know you can't do that alone.
“Uh yeah. I could use a pick me up this morning, thanks Kei.” You look at her and give a little half smile. It’s gone just as fast as it appears though, “Can we talk about something?”
“Of course, y/n. You know I'm always here for you…even when you’re being stubborn and pushing me away,” she ends it with a small laugh. “Especially then, actually.”
You start to pick at your fingers. It's an old bad habit you've picked up from when you're stressed. You find that you've lost all your confidence as your voice comes out as softer than intended, "Did you know?"
"Did I know what?" Keira's face scrunches up in genuine confusion at the question. You take a deep breath as you try to steady your heart beat and fight the constricting feeling in your throat, "About Alexia…"
The silence that ensues fills the car like a toxic gas, sucking all the air out of your lungs. You can't stop the tears from filling your waterline now, and the blurring of your vision confirms that. Suddenly the busy city life outside the window becomes your soul focus. It's not until Keira pulls into the parking lot of the cafe that you realize your lungs are burning from their lack of fresh air. "Hey— breathe! Breathe, y/n. It's okay, you're okay," She's throwing her seat belt off and turning you towards her in no time. "That's it. Take a deep breath, there you go."
She's got one hand on your shoulder and the other one locked inside your grip. She lets you squeeze it as hard as you need, anything to get you to ground yourself. After a few guided breaths you can blink the blurriness from your vision. It takes a few more to calm you down enough to speak. The midfielder feels her heart break a little from the pure brokenness of your next words, "Did you know, Keira?"
"So that's who you were seeing, huh?" Keira finds herself being the one to take a deep breath before she grabs both of your hands in hers. "Why didn't you just tell me, y/n?"
"Because I knew you would've told me it was a bad idea," a single tear ran down your face as your voice cracks, "and I didn't want you to be right."
Keira wipes the tear from your cheek before she pulls you into a hug. "Oh darling, come here."
You let your pent up sorrows finally leak out of you, and Keira is there to hold you together as you do. You stay like that for a few minutes until your loud sobs turn into sniffles. Just as she thinks you might've fallen asleep in her arms, she hears your horse voice start speaking again. "Everyone could tell she wasn't over Jenni, but I let my heart get in the way. She told me from the start it was casual, but it didn't feel that way. Especially not near the end. Just friends didn't do the things that we did or said, but she couldn't admit that…" A disgruntled sigh leaves your lips, "Or maybe I just couldn't accept that I was a placeholder to her. I saw the world in her, but she saw me as reminder of who she lost…who she really wanted beside her. I think I always knew that deep down, but I uh..I thought she could learn to love me overtime I guess. It's not her fault. I played myself, and I couldn't handle the fallout…so I pushed you away, and I ran out like a coward because I was too embarrassed to face the judgment from everyone else. I'll never be able to apologize enough for that."
A new wave of tears start rising up to your eyes, "And I never meant to hurt Leah in all this. I know you've been here for me, but she's your best friend. I know you probably want to smack me a few good times, and you totally can! I just want to fix things with her, but I don't know how. I'm not ready for a relationship yet— not by any means…but I miss her, Kei. I miss being her friend."
"Well, I can promise that she misses you, too. Step one to getting Leah to accept an apology is getting her a gift, then follow that up with some ass kissing, and after you've completed those steps we'll discuss the next ones." You can tell there's something she's holding back. It's written all over have face.
"Out with it, Walsh! Be mean if you have to— I told you that you can hit me," Keira can't help but roll her eyes with your dramatics.
"Good God— I'm not going to hit you, y/n!" She lets an exasperated breath slip out of frustration. "I just don't think there's ever been a time when you and Leah have been just friends." You go to cut her off, but she presses a finger to your lips— silencing you like a mother does her child. "Deny it all you want, but I know the truth. I never suspected you and Alexia from a mile away, but you and Leah? You can't fake that kind of connection, and you can't let it get away from you either. So stop letting yourself sabotage it like a complete wazzock! Both of you are so stubborn and stuck in your own ways! It's bloody maddening! We are going inside this cafe to get us some coffee, and you will get Leah's tea order for her. She'll probably still be a jerk even after you give it to her, but that's when you start the ass kissing part of the plan. Got it?"
She finally allows you to speak as she pulls her hand back,"Got it, Mum."
Keira lets out a defeated sigh as you guys exit her car. You can't be serious just this once, can you? Nope. Always have to deflect with humor when you're faced with the truth. At this point she just hopes you two can make up so she can get some sleep. Leah talks nonstop about you every. single. night. It's impacting her sanity at this point. She NEEDS you to beg Leah for forgiveness or she just might snap. She doesn't even need you two to start dating…just make the fuck up. This is just as much for herself as it is for you. A mutually beneficial plan.
"Have a nice day and good luck with Leah!" Keira calls out the window.
You laugh before turning your head around, "Thanks Mum, I'll make sure to stick to the plan!" And then you're off to head into the building. Thank god Keira picked you up so early, because it looks like only one other car is here…and that just so happens to be the blonde defender's Audi.
The beating of your heart accelerates with every step you take, and it rises till it drowns out your hearing. Just a steady thump. thump. thump. thumping that has you worried you might pass out. You're trying to think of what to say to her, but your mind is completely blanking. As you see the door of the changing room you are 85% sure you might throw up as soon as you see her. So you take a few seconds to calm yourself down, remembering Keira's words as you close your eyes and take deep breaths like earlier. When you reopen them you bite the bullet and walk in, and for the first time in a week…she looks at you.
It feels like your heart stops in your chest, and the words on your tongue suddenly get trapped inside your throat. Your eyes search hers, and then your mouth is moving before your brain can catch up. "You look like you haven't been getting much sleep."
She doesn't scoff or turn away like you expect. Her eyes just soften a bit as she speaks, "I can say the same for you, y/l/n."
Ouch. Still on a last name basis? To be fair you haven't even gotten to step one of the plan yet, so let's allow room for some grace.
"I got you a tea!" You blurt it out like an idiot, jutting your hand out towards her with a blush dusting across your cheeks.
"You sure it's not for Russo? I mean, we're both blonde and apparently just your typ—" you cut her off with a kiss.
She freezes at first, and that makes you panic. You go to pull away as you start apologizing, "I-I'm sorry, Le—" but it's her that cuts you off this time. She kisses you with more force behind it, her hands searching out for your middle. But they stop just as she's about to touch you, hovering her hands as she pulls away to look you in the eyes. "Do you think you deserve for me to touch you?"
You can feel the heat radiating off of her body. A frown etches its way onto your face as you bite your lip, "No…but I can earn it."
Leah takes the cup from your hand as she sets it on the bench behind her, quickly turning her attention back to you. She decides to take a seat on the opposite end, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she does. "Come here," she licks her lips after she says it. You walk in front of her, leaving some space until she tells you what to do next. That must be the wrong move though, because then she's reaching out and pulling you to stand between her thighs. "Now get on your knees."
You swallow the lump in your throat as you follow her instructions, setting your knees on the cold floor as you stare up at her. She lets one of her hands rest on your cheek, "Open your mouth, y/l/n."
When you follow her orders, she shoves her index & middle fingers into your mouth. I mean Keira did say you'd have to kiss ass, and if this is what she meant? Oh you'd do it all day long. You gag at first, tears gathering as you try and relax your throat around her digits. She doesn't let you get used to the feeling, removing them after about 30 seconds. You don't expect what she does next though. Leah slides her own hand down her shorts, using your spit as lube for herself. She bites her lip as she starts rubbing circles into her clit, watching you squirm as the reality of the situation starts to settle in. You stay locked in a state of shock until she slips her fingers inside her pussy, moaning out a mix of curses and your name. You start to lay kisses on her inner thighs, but you're quickly stopped by her free hand gripping your hair. "You touch me again without permission, and I'll leave you here like this. Wet, untouched, and unsatisfied. So sit there and watch like a good girl. Prove to me how sorry you are."
"Yes ma'am," the grip on your hair gets tighter, and a small smirk flashes across your face from the action.You make sure to stay on your best behavior after that. Even going as far to sit your hands on top of your thighs so you aren't tempted to disobey. She looks absolutely stunning like this. Her chest starts to heave up and down as her fingers speed up inside her shorts, and her sounds of pleasure echo off the walls around you. "Take your shorts off," she says it breathlessly.
You hesitate a little, head snapping over to the door as your fingers linger on your waistband. "I won't ask you again, y/n." You look back at Leah,"Take. Your. Shorts. Off." She exaggerates with a tug to your scalp after every word, sending jolts of electricity flying through your body. Your hands finally start shoving the useless piece of fabric down your hips and you let them pool around your ankles. "Nuh uh— all the way off," Leah rasps out above you.
Your cheeks turn a dark shade of red as you kick them off and wait for her further instructions. Your heart is speeding back up now, endless possibles about what's to come flashing through your mind. "Spread your legs," she moans unexpectedly at the sight. The wet spot on your cotton panties is what gets to her first, but soon enough she's groaning out at the little pretty pink bow that rests at the top of them. You always know just how to get her going, and wearing those? Bold choice. Truth be told you left your flat with a purpose this morning. Leah was going to see you wearing these one way or another. If she wouldn't forgive you here, then you were more than ready to send her a desperate video of you trying to get off in them later tonight.
You forgot about her hand in your hair until you're being yanked forward. "Who the fuck are you wearing these for, huh?"
You can't help the smile that slides onto your lips, "You didn't really think I only showed up with one gift to apologize, did you?"
The look in her eyes is almost unreadable, but you can recognize hunger buried somewhere in her intense gaze. "Slide 'em to the side and start riding your fingers for me," and it isn't a suggestion. The demand radiating off of her voice is what coaxes you to comply so fast. You readjust yourself to sit back on your knees, but this time your legs are spread out enough to give her a show. You let one of your hands run down your body, moving the soaked piece of cotton to the side. You're so wet that Leah can see your pussy glistening from the way it reflects off the lights. She bites her lip as a loud moan escapes her, muffling it a bit as her hips start to grind into her thrusts. "Don't be shy— ride em just like you did before," she says it with a knowing smile flashing across her lips.
You somehow blush even harder, the memory invading your mind as you look away from the girl in front of you. She'd had you like this only one time before— in Ibiza. It was on the fourth night, Leah had thought you were flirting with the waitress. So she'd made you ride your fingers and a dildo on the floor in front of the bed. She had been perched on top of the sheets with a wand vibrator attached to her clit, and an endless amount of orgasms. She of course had denied you the whole time, only granting your throbbing pussy to cum with her tongue buried inside of you.
It's only when you snap out of your foggy haze that you sink down onto your fingers. She gives a soft tug on your roots this time, instructing your eyes back towards her. "You look away one more time and I'll leave you tied up like this for the whole team to find. All pretty and dressed in some frilly little underwear— all for your Captain," you can't tell if she's just teasing you or not…but is it bad that it kind of turns you on just as much as it terrifies you?
You take that as a sign to start riding your fingers faster, and the sweet sounds of your pleasure mixing together fills up the room. Leah's thighs are shaking at this point, her eyes locked onto the sparkling of wetness covering your fingers and running down your wrist. It's mesmerizing to her. The way your body literally leaks for her, crying out for her touch in a beautifully messy way. Leah curls her fingers just right, a wave of heat crashing inside of her stomach. It's all becoming too much for her. It's been a whole week of her trying to ice you out, and make you feel a little bit of the pain you caused her. Is that healthy? No. Do either of you really care? Not even a smidge.
'M'sorry! I'll be good, Le. I promise," you moan it out as your cunt clenches down on your own fingers. You keep your eyes trained on hers, and the telltale signs of her orgasm are present on her face. "I wish it was your fingers inside me instead. Yours are so much longer and thicker," her pace starts to get erratic as you keep speaking. "I can't stretch my pussy like you can— no one can." And that's all it takes for her back to cum and the sexiest groans to tumble from her lips. She tugs on your hair so hard it keeps you locked into place. So close, yet you can't see anything. This is like torture. But still, the sight has a new gush of wetness leaking out of your cunt and dripping onto the floor below you. Leah fucks herself through the aftershocks of her orgasm, letting her breathing return to a normal rate as she keeps watching your movements.
She licks her lips before she speaks again, "If you can make yourself cum like that, then I'll fuck you before the girls get here."
"B-but I can't! I need you to do it for me," it comes out as a pouty whine. The burning in your legs isn't even that bad, but you just want her to touch you already.
She laughs before releasing your hair as she stands up, going back to changing. "Then I guess we're done here. If you can't prove how sorry you are," she bends down as she slides her shirt off. A hand comes up to pinch your cheeks together and bring your face closer to hers, "Then you don't deserve to cum at all," her grip tightens as she speaks, "So take your fingers out and get dressed, or shut up and give me a show."
You whimper out at the aggressiveness in her tone. There is no way you are backing down now. You are determined to earn her forgiveness, even if it means your legs will feel like jello for two days afterwards. So you bite your lip as you start grinding down onto your wrist, sinking your fingers deeper as you use more of your body weight to drop down onto the thrusts. Leah must take some pity on you, because after a while she starts rubbing your nipples through your shirt. It's the added stimulation you didn't know you needed.
Within seconds you're leaking even more sweet noises from your mouth, a newfound energy cursing through your veins as you chase after your own orgasm. "Good girl, darling."
It's those three words from Leah that sends you over the edge, your legs shaking as they give out underneath you. She can't still be thaaat mad if she's dropped the last name only rule. She catches you as you fall forward, helping you regain your balance as you stand back up fully. She lets you lean against her as you regather your bearings. One of her hands comes up to rub soft patterns into your back. The comfortable silence doesn't last long though, "I hope you know I'm still mad you missed our date on Thursday,"
"Oh my god!" You shove her away with a playful smile on your lips, " It was not a date, Leah! See this is exactly how we ended—" she cuts you off with a kiss once again. Silencing any and all complaints you may of had on your tongue. She's the first to pull away, but she barely moves back. You can still feel her breath dancing across your lips as yours catches in your throat. "You might not be my girlfriend, but you're still mine." She backs you up until she's guiding you into the showers, a blur of hands stripping you both with every step you take. Her hands run across your naked abdomen as she cages you onto the shower wall. "Mine to touch, mine to kiss, and mine to fuck." One of her hands moves to turn the water on, and she makes sure it doesn't touch you at first. You are the words biggest baby when it comes to water temperature. If it's not hot enough to boil you alive, then you'll whine and cry about how it's 'too cold'.
A mischievous look crosses your features just as Leah brings her face back down close to yours. "Then prove it," you use her words back against her. That causes her to smash her lips to yours, her nails digging into your hips as she pulls you closer against her body. The kiss is brutal; full of tongue and teeth as she gropes the most sensitive parts of your body. You get so lost in the feeling of her lips that you swear the rest of the world drowns out. You let out a yelp of surprise when she flips you around all of a sudden. The cold tiles pressing against your nipples has a shiver running through your body, even more slick collecting between your thighs. Leah presses some kisses to the back of your shoulder, leaving little bites every time she pulls away to give you a new one.
One of her hands slides down from the back of your neck all the way down to your ass, and she lands a heavy slap there. It causes you to jolt against the wall, your face squishing as you do so. She rubs softy to soothe the skin after, "Did you touch yourself?"
"No ma'am," you answer her truthfully. And before you can process it, she's landing another spank onto your other cheek. The loud smack getting muffled by the water.
"Does she make you cum like I do?" You crane your neck to look at her, confusion settling into your features. There's a feral look overtaking hers. She doesn't even give you time to respond before she's slapping your ass again.
You jolt once more, a small moan slipping past your lips from the impact. "W-what? Who are you even talking about, Le?"
"Oh," Leah scoffs. "Don't play dumb with me, y/n." Another spank is landed upon your ass. "Did you let Russo touch you?"
You can't help the laugh that escapes your mouth in that moment, and you also can't help but to tease her as well. "And what if I did?"
Next thing you know your face is being smushed into the tiled wall in front of you. One of her hands is keeping you pinned there while the other slides down to your ass again. She leaves two more slaps— one for each cheek. And then her hand disappears in between your legs. Leah rubs them through your folds a few times before she slips two of her fingers inside you. You gasp out at the feeling, arching your back as she starts a rough pace from the start. "Then I'll just have to remind you who you belong to, darling." She bites your earlobe as she says it, pulling it with her as she lets her lips fall back down to your neck.
You moan out at her words, your pussy clenching around her fingers. "I can feel her sucking me in, baby. Like she's begging for me to ruin her." And you know she isn't talking to you. Oh no. She's talking to your cunt.
She picks her pace up now, your ass jiggling every time her wrist connects with it. She's thrusting her fingers in all the right places, curling them at just the right time, and most of all…They fill you up so fucking good. No one knows how to use their fingers better than Leah. She mastered the art of finger fucking like her life depends on it. A skill nonetheless— and one that you very much appreciate.
"Who's the only person who can fuck you this good?"
She pulls out and lands a spank to your ass before running her fingers through your folds, avoiding your sensitive clit at all costs.
 Her voice comes out a little rougher than before, "What's my fucking name?"
"Leah!" You chant it like it's a prayer. Her name the only thing slipping from your lips as she shoves her fingers back inside you, adding a third one to the mix. It has your mind spinning and your thighs drenching from the debauchery taking place. She's turning your brain off with the pleasure, her hand on your back sliding around your front as she starts rubbing at your clit. Her breasts press against your back now, the new angle awarding you both with a sudden wave of pleasure flashing through you. Your legs start to shake and just as you're about to cum….she's pulling out. Your eyes immediately fill with tears and your mouth drops open to beg her for forgiveness. Hell you can stand the silent treatment, but you can't handle this. Orgasm denial should be classified as a type of torture when it's coming from Leah.
"Don't be a brat!" She chastises you as she turns you around, a hand coming up to brush some hair from your face. "I just wanna be looking at your face when I finally make you cum. Too beautiful to not fuck you from the front."
Your hands come up and land a light slap to her shoulder, a blush crossing your cheeks from her boldness. "Leah!"
she smirks at you as she leads you under the now hot water, her hands searching across your body as her lips find your nipples. You arch into her mouth, your hands tangling into her hair as you let the water add to the sensations. It just fuels the fire already roaring in your belly, burning and screaming to be let out. "Please Le! Lemme prove how much I've missed you," you take her hand into yours. Leading it down to your pussy, "How much we've both missed you."
She doesn't waste time— smashing your lips together as she slides the same three fingers back inside of you. It's like her body is made for yours and vice versa. The perfect puzzle pieces that always match up. She takes one of her legs and spreads yours a little more, causing them to shake once again as her pace increases. You start to wobble a little bit, but Leah's quick to wrap her empty hand around your middle to keep you upright. "I've gotcha, love. Just stand there and take it like a good girl."
You nod your head as best as you can, words all but lost to you in this state. It ends with you biting your lip trying to keep your sounds to a minimum. Even if the girls aren't here yet, you're sure some of the staff is here by this point…and you really don't need them to know what you sound like when you cum. These thoughts must be evading Leah though, because she's growling at you when she notices. "Let me fucking hear you," the fingers on your clit return now. Adding much needed stimulation to your poor neglected bundle of nerves. It doesn't take long for that knot in your stomach to build back up again. You can't help the way your eyes close this time, praying she doesn't stop because of it. But you always get a little disoriented when you haven't cum in a while, plus Leah's a little distracted by something else right now.
"Oh look, babe. We've got an audience," you can hear Leah's smirk as she says it.
Your eyes snap right back open at the words, scanning your surroundings as your hazy mind tries to make sense of this situation. It couldn't have been worse timing though…because you squirt all over Leah's hands just as you lock eyes with a shell shocked Alessia. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as high pitched whines ring throughout the air. Leah just fucks you through your orgasm, little spurts of liquid dripping down her wrist still. And Alessia is getting a front row view to all of this….
Oh. Fuck.
#bmb.daph#woso fanfics#woso smut#woso x reader#woso writers#woso x y/n#leah williamson smut#leah williamson x reader#leah williamson fanfic#leah williamson imagine#leah williamson x y/n#leah williamson x you#l.williamson 6
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Sweet Like Chocolate - Baek Kang-Hyuk x Fem!Reader

Follow up piece to:
War-Torn Love Keeping Hope Alive
Synopsis: When your services are required in the trauma centre, emotions between you and Baek Kang-Hyuk bubble over.
Baek Kang-Hyuk had photos of every patient he’d ever saved. Their frames adorned every inch of every wall in his office, spread across every spare surface of his windowsill and desk. There were twenty years’ worth of stories in those photos, each one representing a life he had saved. There was only one person he’d never managed to take a photo with, the one life that had meant the most to him out of everyone: you.
Your face had plagued both his nightmares and his dreams for the last two years, visions of both saving and losing you that kept him awake at night. Kang-Hyuk had searched so desperately for you, but never had he imagined that he would find you more broken than you were that day he found you on the roadside. The woman he knew was no longer there, replaced by a sad, scared, bitter shell. He knew the old you was somewhere deep down inside, and he kicked himself time and time again at his decision to let you leave on that helicopter without him. If he’d been with you, he could have made sure you got therapy, that your scars were properly tended to and cared for. You were his patient, and he had failed you.
After that day in your office, he made sure he took the long way round to the trauma centre each day, just so he could pass by your office. Your conversation had shattered him, had left him heartbroken at the way you viewed yourself. You were still so beautiful to Kang-Hyuk, still as perfect as you were the day he’d first laid eyes on you. He could tell the fight in you was still there; it was evident in your sheer determination to avoid him at all costs.
You didn’t want Kang-Hyuk’s pity, you didn’t want to be something he needed to fix. He’d always had this incessant need to help every single person he came across, his desire to heal broken people almost an obsession. You wanted to let him help you, wanted to open yourself up to the man you’d fallen in love with, but you were so ashamed. You were ashamed of the way you looked, of the way your damaged leg felt like something that wasn’t part of you anymore. You were ashamed of how bitter you’d become, viewing the world with a constant sour taste in your mouth. You were ashamed that you didn’t want to let Kang-Hyuk love you, when it was quite clear he’d never given up hope when it came to you. You did your best to avoid him, for both your sake and his, but nothing lasted forever, and eventually you had to face the music.
The trauma centre was already wildly understaffed, and the essential paperwork required for each case was in desperate need of sorting. Your name had been pulled, requested by Kang-Hyuk himself, to go and assist in bringing the paper trail up to speed. You’d argued profusely, but once Kang-Hyuk had made up his mind, there was no turning back.
You found yourself standing outside his office, your arms folded across your chest as you waited for him to answer your knock. Your blood was boiling, a deep raging simmering inside your veins. How many times did you need to make it clear that you didn’t want his help? Did he really think that trapping you in his stuffy office with a mountain of casework was going to make a difference? “Come in!” His voice sounded through the thick wooden door, and you pushed it open a little harder than you’d intended, sending the door crashing back into the pristine white wall behind it. “Oops,” you muttered, marching over to the spare desk that had been set up for you. Your eyes immediately went to the wall in front of you, covered from floor to ceiling in pictures. In each one of them Kang-Hyuk posed with a different person, from all walks of life, each one beaming into the camera. He’d told you about his polaroids, about his need to capture the image of every life he’d saved. He’d told you that losing a patient was the single worst feeling he experienced, and each one hurt more than the last. He kept photos of all the people he’d saved to remind himself on dark days that he had made a difference.
There was one frame, directly behind his desk that didn’t have a photo in. It was a dark brown frame, and in place of a photo was a chocolate bar wrapper. You were instantly transported back to the refugee hospital in Afghanistan. That night, you and Kang-Hyuk had shared that bar of chocolate, savouring the sweet, rich cocoa as it melted on your tongue. That was the first night he’d kissed you, his hands gripping onto your waist as you held each other in the darkened hallway. You hadn’t been able to eat that brand of chocolate since, the memory of that night too painful for you. If you closed your eyes, you could still feel his lips on yours, could still taste the chocolate on your tongue. If you focused hard enough, you could still remember how his breath felt against your neck, how his voice sounded when he whispered your name.
Kang-Hyuk watched you as you took in the frame, saw the tears spring to your eyes as the memories came flooding back. He could still remember how you tasted that night, the chocolate mixed with your shea butter lip balm. He could still remember how soft your skin was, how sweet your moans were as his lips caressed the soft contours of your jawline and neck. That wrapper was the only thing he had to connect himself to you, the one physical piece of evidence he had that his feelings for you hadn’t been a dream. “You kept it,” you whispered, your eyes not leaving the frame. “It was the only thing I had of you,” Kang-Hyuk replied, pushing his chair back and gingerly making his way towards you. He didn’t want to scare you away, but he needed to close the gap between you, needed to be as close to you as you’d let him.
You could feel the energy between you, the atoms in the air almost vibrating with the tension. It took every ounce of your strength not to reach out and touch him. You knew you both wanted it; both wanted to close the gap and pick up from where you’d left off. But your embarrassment and shame were too great, the damage not something you wanted Kang-Hyuk to see. “I never got a photo of you,” he smiled, “so I used the chocolate wrapper in its place. It was stupid-“ “It’s not stupid,” you told him, “I think it’s sweet.”
He sighed, perching on the edge of his desk as you looked at you. “I regret leaving you every day,” he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. “I never should have left your side. I never should have let you get on that helicopter alone.” “Kang-Hyuk,” you smiled sadly, “we both know you couldn’t have gone with me. There were too many others who needed saving. You did the right thing. It’s my fault I didn’t get the help I needed.” “But I should have been there for you,” he cried, slamming his fist down on his desk in frustration. “I would have told you every day how beautiful I think you are. I would have made sure you never doubted yourself.”
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered, “this is all on me. I didn’t get help; I didn’t try and fix myself. I looked in the mirror, hated what I saw and didn’t bother to try and change anything.” Tears spilled down your cheeks, a shuddering sob wracking your body. Kang-Hyuk pulled you into him, his arms closing tightly around you. He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head, whispering sweet nothings until your tears had dried. “I never stopped loving you,” he said, “not once.” “I know,” you sniffed, your mascara stains smeared across his white lab coat. “I never stopped loving you either. I just stopped loving myself.”
His hands cupped your cheeks, wiping away the smudged makeup under your eyes. You wanted him to kiss you, wanted him to take away the last two years’ worth of pain and self-torment you’d put yourself through. Kang-Hyuk learned forward, his lips brushing against yours. That one small, delicate touch was enough to send a spark of desire through your body, every cell of your being alight for the man who had saved you. “Kiss me,” you whispered, your desire for him almost overwhelming.
Just before his lips touched yours, his phone rang, breaking the delicate intimacy of the moment. “I have to get this,” he groaned, pressing his forehead against yours as he fought between his love for you and his duty to his patients. “I know,” you smiled sadly, clinging to his chest as he answered the call. “I have to go,” he whispered, a few seconds later. “There’s been a crash, they need me on site…” “Go,” you told him, “We can talk when you’re back.” “Wait for me,” he pleaded, “I have so much I want to say.”
Looking back at the desk he’d set up for you, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you joking me?” you smiled, “have you seen the mountain of paperwork you’ve given me? I’ll be here for days.” You watched him leave, listened to the sound of his retreating footsteps echoing off the linoleum floors. You would make sure you stayed this time, promised yourself you wouldn’t run and hide. Time and time again, Kang-Hyuk had shown you that he wasn’t going to give up on you. You never should have given up on yourself, never should have allowed yourself to sink into such a deep, dark hole.
You were tired of living inside a shell, of hiding away from the world. You couldn’t change what happened to you, couldn’t change the decisions you’d made since that fateful day. But you could change what happened next. You could decide to let Kang-Hyuk back in, to pick up where you left off. He still needed that Polaroid of you, the picture of his most precious patient to hang on the wall.
And you needed to allow yourself to open up, to let back in the man who had never given up on you.
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hey, how are you? can i request a Lamine Yamal fluff. Thank you🙏🙏
hii! im great thanks love <3 here is a fluffy lamine fic

pairing: lamine yamal x reader
type: fluff
warnings: none
It had been Lamine’s idea, and you weren’t sure if it was sheer confidence or just an excuse to spend more time with you. “Let’s make dinner together,” he’d said. “How hard can it be?” Famous last words, you thought.
The kitchen was set, ingredients were prepped… but Lamine had a very loose definition of “prepped.” Veggies were barely chopped, and measuring cups? Forgotten. Still, he looked at you with a proud grin. “Alright, chef,” he said, flipping a dish towel over his shoulder. “What’s next?”
You laughed. “I don’t know, you’re the one who wanted to cook. Show me what you’ve got.”
“Oh, you’re in for it now,” he smirked, picking up a tomato. He tried to dice it but ended up smashing it instead, juice splattering across the cutting board—and on you.
“Lamine!” You yelped, looking at the red stain on your shirt, and he looked at you with wide eyes before bursting into laughter.
“Oops?” he offered, not looking sorry at all. He reached over with a paper towel, but then you snatched a handful of flour and flicked it at him. It landed square on his shirt, a perfect little cloud of white against his dark clothes.
“Oh, so that’s how we’re doing it?” he challenged, grabbing a spoonful of sauce and pretending to aim it at you.
“Don’t you dare,” you warned, backing up with your hands out.
“Or what?” he taunted, grinning like he was already planning his next move.
You lunged forward and took control, wiping a little flour on his cheek. He laughed, pretending to look horrified. “I’m calling a truce!” he said, holding up his hands in surrender.
You both settled into a rhythm, laughter filling the kitchen as you tried to actually focus on cooking. Between Lamine’s attempt to sauté vegetables (which ended with one flying onto the floor) and his determination to “perfectly season” the sauce (which ended up a little spicier than intended), dinner was becoming an adventure in itself. But somehow, even with the chaos, it was fun.
Finally, you both managed to plate the pasta, and Lamine looked at the messy countertop with pride. “See? I knew we’d be amazing.”
You raised an eyebrow, giving him a playful look. “Maybe ‘amazing’ is a strong word, but we didn’t burn the kitchen down, so… success?”
He chuckled, taking your hand as he led you to the table. “I think it’s the best meal we’ll ever have,” he said, his eyes warm as he looked at you. And for a second, with the soft glow of the kitchen lights and the way he was holding your hand like you were the only person in the world, it felt like he was absolutely right.
As you dug into your “masterpiece,” both of you exchanging exaggerated praise and laughter, Lamine leaned over, brushing a quick kiss to your cheek.
And as you clinked your forks together in a toast to the “chef,” you knew this chaotic night would be one of your favorites.
#football#football x oc#football x reader#football x y/n#football x you#lamine yamal#lamine yamal x reader#lamine yamal x you
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Back to Life
human!alastor x human!gnreader
Part 1 of 5+
summary for part: you had just been for a walk in the woods, and now suddenly you’re standing over a historical looking guy with a chipper attitude and… a gun? thankfully he’s here to help you in your bloodied and confused state, but as things play out you can’t help but notice nothing is like it was before your fall, and all you have to trust is the odd grinning man
summary for series: One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper in, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
warnings for part: short first chap, lowercase intended; i’m feeling quirkyyy, multiple parts-i put other things aside because my brain is STUCK on human alastor sorry lads ;-;, blood, descriptions of injury, kinda strange stylized writing, i’ve got like a whole story thing planned compared to the other ones-this one’s got a whole plot line. no descriptions of reader- of any kind, no pronouns, i looked up a shit ton of 1920s outfits & speech just for a couple lines lmao, OOC alastor my reasoning behind that is he’s not in hell yet so he hasn’t had that kind of demonic development yet, he’s still a psycho tho and we love him for that, also mommas boy <3, he uses 1920s slang a lot lads, throughout the whole series
warnings for series: homicide, morally grey reader, eventual smut, cannibalism, reader will eat a guy, unknowingly, alastor be doing witchcraft magical madness but it’s never in depth explanations, alastor is a mommas boy and it will be hounded on, annoying 1920s slang, alastor is more accumulated to the era he’s in so he may be OOC 100 years in hell would change a guy, varying descriptions of injuries and blood in detail, takes place in 1927, alastor is 27 oop born in 1899 tho, nothing here is canon, just loosely follows, reader is in their 20s at least; no younger, alastors mom is nameless mostly, maybe later on she’ll have a name; she’s 48, alastor has daddy issues bc same, mimzy may be added later depending,
you remembered seeing a deer while wandering through the woods, you were taking pictures of the scenery when you saw this curious looking deer.
it stood tall with large antlers, a beautiful reddish brown coat, you’d never seen a deer so close. brining your camera up slow you went to snap a picture when your phone crashed, you weren’t even able to get the buck in frame before your phone fizzled out.
the deer started to walk away, but you so badly wanted these pictures. slowly you followed behind, cautious of the leaves and sticks below your feet. you followed it over a fallen tree, through bush and branch. finally you entered an area filled with more foliage, closer trees that blocked off sunlight, more bushes and fallen trees, wild flowers, moss and random mushrooms.
you watched as the buck disappeared behind thick bush, and that’s the last conscious moment you remembered. you woke at the bottom of the hill, when you opened your eyes you didn’t know a thing.
it was like you were a blank slate, everything was as it was; there was no confusion, you were simply in the woods with no worry or question as to why. you laid there, your head lulling from side to side observing the tree covered sky above, the sunlight that shot through the trees highlighting the particles floating through the air.
there wasn’t a sound at all; the animals feared something near. inhaling deeply, you willed your head up, wincing and groaning in pain. suddenly life as you knew it came back to you, you weren’t just a mindless being in the woods, you were you, and you were out here taking pictures and then, fell?
you still weren’t sure what had happened just that you followed a deer and then… fell asleep and woke here. your body ached badly, specifically your forehead, your back, neck and shoulders. it seemed the brunt of the fall was your head, lifting your hand you touched your forehead feeling a flap of skin that wasn’t there before.
looking down at your hand you weren’t surprised to see some blood, in fact the top you had worn had been covered in it. “hello dear, funny place to snooze if ya ask me.” a voice joked, startling you. however your body was too tired to startle, so despite your heart rate increasing, and the jump you felt in your bones, your body remained eerily still, your head slowly turning toward the sound.
standing above you was a man with a soft smile, he wore circluar glasses and the strangest outfit. he wore a coat chestnut brown- a lumberjack coat; strange looking pants that puffed out at the hips, with boots that the pants cinched into them. his hands were covered by gloves, and tiny brown coloured coiled curls popped out from his hunting cap, and on his shoulder a leather strap that allowed a large shotgun to sit on his back.
you were taken aback by his looks, his outfit looked vintage, historical too, and he was, well, gorgeous. “you’re bleeding quite a bit dear, how’s about we getcha up and outta here, hm?” lending his hand to you, the man gave you a charming smile with lidded eyes. you felt something was off about the man, a lingering feeling that something beyond your understanding was telling you to run, get away.
instead you whimpered, pathetically so, and placed your hand into his, letting him hoist you up. he wrapped your arm around him, while he looped his own arm under you, helping you walk. it was hard to do so, your ribs hurt with every breath you took, your head felt like it was floating above your shoulders, your cheeks watered making you swallow constantly, and though you were shivering your body felt ablaze on the inside, like hot coals were lit under your skin.
the man looked down at you, you could see from your peripheral vision he was inspecting you, but you were too pained to care. “how’d you find yourself at the bottom of the hill my dear, someone try to bump you off?” his voice was way too chipper for your current mood, and all you did was mutter a confused ‘huh’ at him, thankfully he laughed that off.
“listen, i’ll take you to my joint my mothers over so we can getcha all patched up, but you’ve gotta spill whatever happened to you if that’s quite alright.” despite the sturdiness in his voice, asserting what was going to happen with expectations, he tone was somewhat kind. dryly you mutter out ‘name?’, your voice raspy and unlike your own. the man chuckled before he responded in a smooth tone. “alastor dear, pleasure to meet you.”
#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel imagine#hazbin hotel oneshots#alastor hazbin x reader#hazbin hotel alastor x reader#alastor x reader#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor hazbin hotel x reader#alastor the radio demon#hazbin hotel smut#hazbin hotel alastor#human alastor#human alastor x reader
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being in love. [A.I.]

loosely based on lyrics of the song with the same title, by Wet Leg.
roadie! reader x Ashton
in which you realize your feelings for your boss are a lot more detrimental than you thought they were.
this was supposed to be short and i went overboard. oops! enjoy my first post :^)
CONTENT WARNINGS: tension/slight mental angst, mentions of weed smokin', sex in a somewhat public place/exhibitionism, teasing, fingering(f!receiving), dirty talk, degradation, straight up p in v, insinuation of a creampie, porn with plot basically, filth, filth, FILTH (there is something seriously wrong with me).
You couldn’t fucking stand him.
As much as you wanted to believe that statement, your heart, mind, and soul found every which way to make you believe otherwise.
The days you spent with him dragged on. His over the top personality was like a vacuum cleaner that sucked every ounce of life out of you.
And yet, despite your annoyance with his ability to charm his way towards your demise, the days without him felt like a lifetime.
Since the first time you and Ashton hooked up, all you were able to think about, after the fact, were the things that you really shouldn’t have been.
Almost every night without missing a beat, you’d lie awake in bed; staring off at the ceiling through your post-show exhaustion and reminiscing on the hours you’ve spent with him. Sneaking off between down times and show times. For a quick and casual fuck.
You’d think about his terrible jokes, the little speckles of brown lost between the hues of green in his eyes, or his ability to make you feel like nothing in the best possible way.
You thought about them. You thought about him. All in hopes that one day, you’d think about him so hard that he would just vanish.
It was reverse psychology, you thought, a way to turn that fluttering feeling you get when you’re around him into something a little less existential, and more like you had both originally intended.
Something more casual.
You didn’t like the fact that he had this effect on you. He was about as brutish and irritating as the day is long. When it was just the two of you, you wished more than anything that he would stop being so damn’ sweet and charismatic. The thought of him calling you nicknames and whispering sweet nothings in your ear made you want to curl up and die.
But the vital organ pumping blood through your veins begged to differ.
Whenever he was around, the pounding of your heart against your ribcage was so deafening, you were almost certain that he could hear it.
It felt strange to wake up, to lie down, to close your eyes and think about anything else. You couldn’t even eat without the thought of him stirring up nausea in your stomach. It was almost as if nothing you did could satisfy you. Nothing you did was right.
Because any time without him felt so wrong.
There were moments in which you wondered whether or not he could feel it too. You'd catch him staring at you from across the dressing room, his eyes lingering down your frame for a millisecond longer than normal.
But you're never quite able to figure it out. To figure him out. He was a thousand piece puzzle, and you were stuck looking for the last piece between the couch cushions.
"Yo, earth to Y/N. Did we lose ya' again?"
Your trance is broken by the sound of Calum's voice. You had been so wrapped up in your own pity-party that you had completely forgotten that you were in the middle of a conversation.
"Jeez, are we really that boring?" Luke laughs out, leaning back in his seat, "I thought our conversation about green tea was quite compelling."
"Sorry, sorry..." You try to snap yourself out of whatever God forsaken rut you've dug yourself into, covering up the awkward silence with the clearing of your throat. "...I guess I don't like green tea as much as I thought I did."
"I'm with Y/N on this one. Green tea is fucking disgusting." Michael comes to your rescue with his reply, which practically had you kissing his shoes as a thank you for saving my ass.
"You guys clearly have no taste. It's simple." Luke shrugs, taking a sip of his ice water. "I know if Ashton was here he'd be on our side, right Cal?"
Calum nods his head, "Speaking of Ashton... where the fuck is he? He said he'd meet us..." he pauses his sentence to look at his phone, "...like, an hour ago."
The pit of your stomach lurches at Calum's observation. He was right. Ashton had said he'd be down in the lounge... after he took a quick shower.
But then again, a quick shower was one of those double entendres in you and Ashton's world. Was he waiting for you? Did you misread his subtle glance after he walked right past you when you tried to hand him his water?
Or maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe you’re just overthinking things.
Maybe he just looked at you because he's your boss and you're his roadie; who he just so happens to fuck from time to time.
That's all it was. That's all it ever will be.
"I can go look for him?" You blurt, immediately wanting to smack yourself in the face for sounding so small.
"You don't have to do that, Y/N. He'll find his way down eventually." Michael sighs.
"He's like a ghost, dude... He disappears for hours. Doesn't answer his phone. Then suddenly, POOF, he appears out of thin air. It's fuckin' witchcraft, I think..."
Calum's comment earns a roaring laugh from the rest of the guys, but you weren't at all laughing. You were too busy debating walking out of the door and hoping they wouldn't notice you were gone.
"I don't think I believe in ghosts..."
Another dumbass conversation ensues.
"Are you kidding?! Since when did you stop believing in ghosts?!" Luke seems genuinely offended by Michael's admission.
And yet, you were stuck there. Wanting to rip your hair out as a giant cloud of sex-driven frustration rained down on you.
"Speaking of ghosts," you can't help but interject, speaking a little louder than you had originally anticipated, "I think I’m gonna go look for Ashton. He's probably off haunting the bar down in the lobby…"
"Well, if you insist," Calum says, saluting you, "good luck, ghost hunter."
As you exited the lounge with no issue and let the boys be boys, you thought to yourself.
Hm, getting out of there was a lot easier than I had anticipated.
But what you hadn't anticipated was the sheer speed in which your feet would pound against the floorboards once you started off down the hall. For you knew just where to look for him.
You were on a mission. A mission to find Ashton, in hopes that he could be the one to free you of the confines of your frustration. In the best way you both knew how.
Once you made it to the elevator corridor, you had to take a moment. To collect yourself and think... what the fuck are you doing?
Did you really think that fucking Ashton would get your mind off of the romantic connection you so desperately craved in him? Did you really think this was the best idea you've ever had?
The answer was no. You knew that this whole ordeal would dig your metaphorical grave ten feet deeper. But you honestly didn't have the energy to care. This witch hunt has turned into merely a way to get off.
Just like God intended.
You step into the elevator, already knowing your way around this hotel like the back of your hand after only being stationed here for a few days.
As the elevator made its' trip up to the rooftop, your senses were heightened. The elevator dings sounded like sirens and the climbing of floors was pushing down on you, making you feel as though the oxygen in your lungs was being forced out by the altitude change.
Your symptoms couldn't be explained by anything other than Ashton, as much as you hated to admit it. It was typical for you to feel this way whenever you answered to his beckoning call.
Just a quick and casual fuck. Quick. And casual.
You tried to focus your mind on those two words. Forcing your conscious out of habit and tricking yourself into believing them.
But as soon as the elevator door slid open, those two words were nothing but dust in the wind.
All you could see in the darkness of the twinkling summer sky was the curve of Ashton's shoulder, highlighted slightly by the patio lights. He was looking out past the glass that surrounded the rooftop, off into the New York City skyline.
You froze up upon seeing him, barely managing to step across the elevator threshold without vomiting all over your shoes.
There were remnants of smoke lingering in the air around him, a familiar, earthy smell touching your nose upon piecing your two senses together.
Before you could tell your brain to step forward, Ashton's head turns to face you. You finally get a look at him, a good look at him.
And fuck, did he look divine.
His hair was partially wet, rogue curls hanging lowly on his forehead with that post show gleam still laced throughout his features. He scratches at the stubble on his chin, a droplet of water dripping down his temple upon doing so.
"Y/N," he leered, the blank expression that once painted his face now lifting into a smirk.
"Ashton," you reply; although small talk is the last thing you wished to be having at the moment.
"Where've ya' been?" he asks, leaning his arm to rest against the back of the couch he was sprawled out on.
"The lounge... The guys are down there waiting for you, y'know." You try to divert the attention away from yourself. But you knew for a fact that you were the only thing on his mind right now.
His eyes scan your body. Up, and down. Up, and down. Like he was stuck in some sort of trance. "Well, that's funny, isn't it. Because I've been up here… waiting for you."
You fuckin’ knew it.
"And how was I supposed to know that?"
He pauses, thumbing at his chin, "I'm not sure, actually... 'Thought you would've had me figured out by now."
It was taking everything inside of you not to run over there and smack the shit out of him for being such a snarky asshole. But you were well aware of the dynamic between you two; this type of banter wasn't out of the ordinary.
"You just gonna stand there and stare at me, honey?" Ashton remarks, calling you by that nickname that makes your stomach hurt and revealing his hand from behind the couch; a lit and half-smoked joint plucked between his fingertips.
Without another word, you walk over to him, slowly starting to display more and more of his body laid out on the couch.
He had on a loosely fitting Hawaiian shirt, one of the ones with only half the normal amount of buttons, and a pair of grey sweatpants. To contradict the tone of the outfit and make it totally clear to you where his head was at when he put them on.
The Hawaiian shirt hung off of his shoulders, revealing his collarbone decked out in beaded necklaces and braided silver chains.
You wanted more than anything to take those chains between your teeth as he hovered over you, pinning you down and fucking into you like you were the last two people on Earth.
Sidetracked, Y/N. You’re getting sidetracked.
When it came to hooking up, you and Ashton had discovered a natural rhythm. A routine, of sorts, consisting of unspoken demands and a whole lot of Ashton holding the reins.
No need to give orders, or ask for more. You both knew what you wanted and exactly how to get it.
But that routine so deeply instilled in you had seemed to vanish as soon as you stepped in front of him.
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as you teetered from side to side, just admiring Ashton in all of his residually high glory. You wanted to say something, but couldn't bring yourself to say anything else but these two words:
"Fuck me."
His eyes widen in shock. Amusement, even. The joint between his fingers dwindling down to the roach and leaving ashes in the wind as he lets out a quiet chuckle.
"Y/N, I—"
You cut him off abruptly, "It wasn't a fucking question, Ash."
You didn't mean to come off so bossily, but at this point you were willing to do anything to forget about the weight that came with having alleged feelings for him.
Even if that something was letting him fuck you until you cried.
"Right here?"
"Yes." Your heart was racing.
"Right now?"
"Yes." Reminiscent of a heart attack.
And then he does something that makes you even more frustrated than you were before this entire ordeal. He looks at you, without a care, and just… shrugs.
“Works for me.”
You hated that. Oh, you fucking hated that. That cocky, ‘devil-may-care’ attitude. It gets you so worked up that you consider winding up your fist and cracking him the jaw.
But you don’t end up going through with your desires to hurt him at all. Instead, you’re pouncing at him. Scrambling to straddle his comfortably spread legs as he pulls you by your cheeks into a heated kiss.
You sigh upon feeling your lips on his, Ashton just as well. The both of you tend to melt into each other’s palms when your lips connect; which is another reason as to why your head was all fucked up and sideways in the first place.
As the kiss between you grows more primal, you find yourself taking out your frustrations and feelings on Ashton’s bottom lip. You sink your teeth into the soft flesh, tugging it down gently towards his chin.
His hands fumble for the button of your jeans, grunting lowly as he struggles to get it undone.
"Fuck— Get these… Get these damn things off…" The remark flies past his lips, and yours, in a disgruntled huff. You do as you’re told, momentarily disconnecting from him.
When you rise to your feet, being held up by weak, unreliable knees, he looks up. That face of amusement was still painted on, mocking you.
Was he still thinking about your desperate demand? Or was he just enjoying the view?
"Someone’s a little greedy tonight," he says, blowing out a breath and running a hand through his fresh, now sweaty, curls.
"I don’t wanna hear shit from you. You’re the greediest motherfucker alive." You tease back at him, undoing your zipper and shimmying out of your jeans.
"I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you, Miss ‘I never know what I want and I need Ashton to tell me’.”
"I knew what I wanted tonight, didn’t I?" His threats were empty, but you were loving it. You loved to tease, loved to be teased.
"That is true,” he sighs, looking down at the roach he had flicked onto the floor. He stomps it out with his steel-toed boot. "But that’s, what, one time—? Out of the however-the-fuck many times we’ve slept together?"
“You’re making this a lot more complicated than it has to be, Ash. Fuckin’ live a little.”
You were now in your t-shirt and underwear out on this rooftop, telling Ashton to live a little while you’re practically caving in on yourself in embarrassment.
"But, honey... why out here? Why right now?" he asks. Genuinely. Almost sweetly.
You didn't want to admit the real reason as to why you were acting so curtly. The embarrassment of sounding desperate and needy was doing numbers on you already.
"Does there always need to be a reason why?"
You cross your arms over your chest, feeling overexposed. But Ashton’s eyes scan down your frame as if there’s no shame left in the world.
"My apologies for seeming hesitant... You know full and well— I’d do you any time, any place.”
"Is that so?” you quip.
"I don’t think you realize how often I think about having you bouncing on my dick while I’m out on stage performing, so— yes, that is so.”
The way he admits this all so casually makes your stomach turn. You knew he was dirty, but not this dirty. You just assumed he knew that there was a time and place for all of these thoughts.
And the fact that he was thinking about you at all wasn’t making this any easier.
"Well?” Ashton snaps your mind out of the gutter. Ironic.
"Well what?"
"You just gonna stand there in your underwear?"
Oh. Right.
After a moment of blundering awkwardness, you walk towards him timidly, feeling as if your soul was freeing itself from your body as he extends his arms out to hold you.
You make your way back into his lap, digging your knees into the cushions comfortably beside his thighs and letting him run his blistered palm down the side of your face.
His bloodshot eyes find yours like a magnet. Your breath is trapped somewhere in your larynx as his hand continues its journey to your neck.
You felt like you were about to burst at the seams, the tension and friction building between you was like a bottle rocket, ready to set off into the sky.
And with that, exactly on cue, your heart is racing, as he cups your throat between ring finger and thumb. Your rattling ribcage was telling him all he needed to know when the pads of his fingers began to squeeze gently.
You close your eyes, "Ashton..."
"Y/N..." He repeats matching your hushed tone, swallowing the lump in his throat as your noses brush together.
His nose grazes yours with fragility and tenderness, his touch as light as a feather. But you couldn’t stand the space between you two. The clear disconnect between your lips and his.
He seemed to be lingering longer than usual. You found yourself wondering what the hell was going on in his head. Since you had clearly told him what you wanted a long time ago.
"Why aren’t you kissing me?" you ask quietly, still so close to his face that his features had gone blurry.
"Could ask you the same question, honey." His breath fans across your face and suddenly you’re reverting back to your old ways. Back before you were so— demanding.
“Well, not to be clichè, but— you’re meant to take the lead here, Ash.” You say it as if it were obvious, but he disagrees.
"Clearly not tonight."
Now, you were stuck.
You came up here to find him for one reason, and one reason only. To fuck him… to get your mind off of him.
But that all sounded a bit complicated, though. Didn’t it?
"Y/N…" He says your name again, reminiscent of pure honey dripping off of his tongue.
God, what is with him and saying your name?
"Is there something on your mind?"
You cock your head, "Would you still fuck me if I said no?..."
Ashton’s eyebrows shoot to his forehead.
"…Even if I wasn’t telling the whole truth?"
He backs away from you, giving you a better look at the confused expression laminated across his face.
"You’re a real card, aren’t’cha?”
His confusion melts into a smile, as he removes his hand from your neck to match his other at your waist. "You know I’d never force anything out of you, Y/N. But— just so you know… Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."
You can’t help but roll your eyes at his terrible cliché, finding your hand lost in his unruly curls. "You’re such an old man."
He winces, "God— please… Don’t put that picture in my head… It’s killing the mood."
In the brief moment of silence and sweetness shared between you and him, it was taking everything inside of you not to scream at the top of your lungs.
You wanted to scream; Ashton Irwin, I am in love with you. Ashton Irwin, I am in love with you… over and over again.
Until it didn’t mean a thing.
"Not gonna lie to you, honey— M’gettin’ impatient." Ashton lets out a deep sigh, his eyes snapping you out of a downward spiral.
"Right, right. I’m sorry—"
You cut yourself short by reconnecting your lips to his. You missed this feeling, even after only a few minutes; something inside of you dies every time you pull away from him.
He pulls your waist into his torso, pushing you down and grinding you against the already hardened length in his sweatpants. The wildly thin material left no room for the imagination, as it was now creating friction against your wet panties.
"Fuckin’ hell, Y/N—" Ashton mumbles through your lips, and you just sigh. You sigh into him like putty in his hands, creating a rhythm of swiveling hips and only furthering the fireworks that were occurring in the pit of your stomach.
He removes one hand from your waist, blindly finding the waistband of your underwear like it was some mindless, natural instinct.
Muscle memory is a damned thing.
Detaching your lips from his, you whine. "Ash, please—"
You wince internally at how needy you sounded. How desperate and completely disheveled you’ve become at his touch. Yet the blistered pads of his fingers continued to trace slow, taunting patterns along your bikini line.
But as your breathing becomes more erratic, Ashton reads you like the book he already knows so well. Front page to back, cover to fucking cover.
He dips two fingers down into your underwear, attaching them to your sensitive bud.
You writhe above him, but he keeps you grounded, anchoring his hand on your waist with his forehead pressed against yours.
His eyes flutter closed in delight. "So fuckin’ wet for me, yeah? This’ all for me, honey?"
It felt like he was mocking you. Of course it was for him. It was all for him. Anything you ever did was for him. Any feelings you’ve felt, thoughts you’ve had, stories you’ve told… they were all for him.
You can only bring yourself to nod.
"Good, good…" he sighs, breathlessly, "Gonna’ take me so easy tonight…"
He continues his rhythm. One finger circling your clit while the other ghosts over your entrance. Heavenly sighs fall from your lips. You want to close your eyes, you want to enjoy the sensation as it were.
But you just couldn’t look away.
"Look at me, Ash."
A bout of confidence rolls through your veins and you aren’t quite sure where it was coming from, but you had no complaints. Your foreheads being pressed together was making you antsy.
His features were still blurry through glossy eyes, which you didn’t really like. You wanted to get a good look at him before you tried to dismiss these feelings, and pretend as though he meant nothing.
Nothing at all.
He does as he’s told, and backs away from you. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he took in every single feature, etching, God knows what else, on your face.
"You know how fuckin’ beautiful you are, Y/N?— Always so good for me… like an angel… heaven sent."
Those words unleash something inside of you. Tears begin to brim at your lower lash line and you’re suddenly reminded of the feeling that you are so desperately trying to forget.
Existing in this world with him felt so strange. You truly believe he was sent down to Earth to smite you and haunt your memories.
And hearing him call you an angel didn’t help a damn thing.
The words you utter next come out just above a whisper. Your throat feels gravelly, and dry. Like you hadn’t drank water in years.
"Fuck me, Ashton. Just— fuck me, please—"
"M’gettin' there," he grunts, ignoring your plea and still chipping away at your decorum with his bare hands.
You let out a loud, high pitched mewl as you feel his two fingers now inside of you. He always took his time when it came to pleasuring you, always making sure that you’d be the one getting off first, even if he didn’t get the chance to.
Now, you’ve found yourself thinking in depth about just how thoughtful he is.
Jesus fuck, give it a rest.
"You know how much I adore those sweet sounds you make. But you’ve gotta be a tad bit quieter for me, alright angel?"
Oh god, you thought, this nickname better not become a recurring thing. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to fathom the thought of him thinking of you so highly.
"Okay, oh— fuck, Ashton"
Your brain was moving at a mile a minute. While trying to be quiet and simultaneously losing your head in the process, a smirk slides across Ashton’s face. He picks up on the signs, he notices your movements on his lap becoming more and more frenzied.
You knew you were close. He knew you were close.
Oh, of course he fucking did. He knew you like the back of his hand.
"Ash, I’m close… Please—" You begged empty pleas, finding stability with your hands clasped around his neck as you jerk forward with that fluttering feeling.
"I feel it comin’. Bein’ so— so good… C’mon— give it to me."
His two fingers thrust in and out of you while a third circled your clit. You wanted to scream, but he told you to be quiet. You wanted to kiss him, but you couldn’t pull yourself away from the purely concentrated, almost sadistic look in his eyes.
"That’s my girl… that’s my fuckin’ girl…"
The sounds of your wetness boom through your head along with the sounds of his praise, slowly meshing into a garish ringing in your ear. The butterflies once encased in the pit of your stomach had set free, fluttering along your body as Ashton’s rhythmic fingers come to a slowdown.
"Fuck!" You cry out, as your body collapses into his chest.
You could feel his ribcage shake with laughter, as he takes that free hand of his to rub your back. Your head is tossed over his shoulder as you manage your breathing.
"…Is that all you’ve got in you tonight?"
You could barely hear his voice over the ringing in your ears, as you heave like this was the last breath you’d ever take. He then removes his fingers from inside of you, causing you to jolt, still sensitive from the electricity coursing through your veins just moments before.
"N—no…" You stutter into his neck.
"You sure?"
Your head was still spinning while you tried to cool down. The temperature of your bodies entwined was like a hot stovetop, setting your skin ablaze. But you couldn’t find it in you to lift yourself up from the crook of his shoulder.
You liked it there. It was comfortable. It felt natural.
After a few moments of silence and messy breathing, you lift your head up.
"All good now?" He asks, running a hand down your waist.
"I think so... Almost knocked me out with that one Ash, not gonna lie."
All he does is laugh, before hovering the two fingers he had used to unravel you with in front of the both of your faces.
"See this?" He examines his fingers, still glistening with your secretions, "Is this what I do to you?"
Your jaw falls open slightly, "Wh—"
He takes a moment to think to himself, pushing his lips to the side while you just watched in complete awe.
"…I wonder if my honey girl tastes as sweet as she looks?"
You don’t even have a moment to blink before he takes those two fingers into his mouth. He sucks whatever’s left of you off of his digits, before pulling them out with a pop.
"Mmm," he hums, "Just as I’d imagined… Sweet as fuckin’ honey"
Something inside of you snaps, and you’re suddenly reattaching your lips to his. He moans into you, taken aback by your actions with his hands fumbling to grab your ass and grind you down into him.
"I need— I need you…" You mumble into his lips, not long before he juts his tongue out to run it across your bottom lip.
His stubble scratches against your palms as you grab ahold of his face, trying to ease him into you as if it were even humanly possible to get him any closer.
"Need me t’fuck you, honey? You— you want me that badly?" He asks quickly, sounding out of breath already from the sheer friction of your hips grinding against him. You nod rapidly, and he dips down to kiss your neck to let you know that he heard you loud and clear.
“Please, Ash…" You couldn’t help it, your mind was still reeling, "I need to feel you—"
Your words come out airy and forced, like somebody was squeezing them out of you. But you couldn’t stop yourself no matter how hard you bit down your tongue.
"...Fuck me like I’m worthless… Fuck me like I mean nothing to you at all…"
His head pops up from the crook of your neck, a sardonic look in his eye.
"Say that again for me?"
"…Fuck me like I mean nothing to you, Ashton. Fuck me like I mean nothing at all.”
You couldn’t describe the way his face changed. The way it morphed into something that you weren’t at all used to. It wasn’t sarcastic, no. It wasn’t the usual cheeky grin, either.
You were afraid that you had just dug your grave even deeper this time.
"Stand up." He demands shortly, which brings goosebumps across your arms.
"Stand up?" You repeat, like a goddamn lovesick puppy.
"Stand the fuck up, Y/N."
You do as you’re told, wearily, lifting yourself off of him and rising to your feet. You watch in anticipation, crossing your arms over your chest as he remains sitting.
The dynamic between you two had shifted drastically. It was clear that Ashton was still in charge, only this time, it felt absolutely terrifying.
You wished you hadn’t said anything at all. You wished he had just let you ride him, as you were planning to do. But your emotions gotten the best of you. The thought of caring for him so deeply had actually brought you to spiral out of control.
What you had been longing for, all this time, was about to come true.
With that, you planned to do everything you were told. Each and every single order barked at you was to be followed. You wanted to see what it felt like. What it felt like to feel nothing for a change.
"Walk to the balcony." Another demand. You hesitate, still dealing with a subconscious battle of self. Your heart and brain were going at it like two bulls in the ring.
"Are you— are you gonna come with me?" You find your gaze glued to the patio, feeling as small and as meek as ever.
"Meh, I’ll make my way over eventually."
Fair enough.
You walk over towards the balcony; left only in your thin, grey CREW v-neck and a pair of frilly, sage green underwear.
The fact that Ashton didn’t comment on the color of them made you feel a bit discouraged. Green was his favorite color, after all. You at least thought he’d take a moment to appreciate it.
God knows that moment won’t be happening now.
You start to near the glass railing that surrounded the rooftop. But despite your back being turned, you could completely feel his eyes searing bullet holes into your flesh. A chill ran down your spine, uncomfortable with the feeling of being watched, yet enjoying the fact that it was by him.
"Keep walking."
You were getting so close to the glass that it actually started to feel cold, despite the lingering August air.
You also weren’t sure where his head was at. Him having you walk towards the balcony that was completely out-turned and visible to the street below almost felt like he was trying to humiliate you.
But that feeling was quickly washed away when you felt his footsteps behind you.
"You have any idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into, honey?” He inches close to you, close enough to feel the warmth of his body radiating onto your back yet still too far away to touch you.
You swallow the lump forming in your throat. “No… I-I don’t think so…"
You were telling the truth. No, Ashton, you had not a clue what you had just gotten yourself into. The absolute wormhole that you had just unlocked for yourself.
A new way to feel about things. A new way to feel about him.
Another wave of chills runs down your back as he takes the back of his hand and runs it down your shoulder. You wince, wanting nothing more than to turn around and kiss him.
"I didn’t think you had it in you."
"What?" Your voice comes out high pitched. Almost… nervous.
"To order me around like that. To finally buck up n’ tell me how to have my way with ya’… It’s honestly— kind of impressive."
His hand strokes down your arm once again, but this time, you just sigh.
He thinks this is just roleplay.
Little did he know that all of this nagging and bossiness had come from the truest, most integral parts of your soul and your longing to forget about the way your heart beats for him.
"You think so?" You try to gain back your sparkle with a witty reply, "How else can I impress you, Ash?"
All of these words exchanged between you two were said facing away from one another. You hadn’t the energy to care, nor the energy to make this anymore meaningful than it was, or was not, supposed to be.
You’ve finally decided to let go.
"Well, you can start by bending over." He snaps back. He’s always been so quick with his words.
To follow your mantra from before, you do as you’re told, bending over slightly and exposing your bare asscheeks to him. You lean your arms over the glass railing, your wrists going limp in doing so.
"’Like the view?" You ask, sparing him a glance over your shoulder in hopes to get a little more of a rise out of him.
"The view won’t mean much while I’m using you, honey."
Your face grows pale, a rush of static that felt like pinpricks crawls across your body. Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Ashton.
The excitement and rush of it all is now, finally, catching up to you. You were about to have meaningless sex with the person that means the most. In a way, it did feel like roleplay.
Except your role was pretending like you didn’t give a fuck about him.
"Gimme’ your wrist." You hear Ashton bark another command from behind you, along with the shuffling of fabric. Before you could even offer your wrist to him, he’s taking it upon himself to reach up and grab it.
He swiftly pins one of your arms behind your back, making you gasp and teeter on your feet.
"Ashton…" You try to say, but are immediately silenced by his other hand hooking a finger to the waistline of your panties.
"Don’t say another word, Y/N. You’re in no position to talk right now."
Your breath gets caught in your throat, now with your one free hand anchored to the railing. It was all a waiting game, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t extremely turned on by him and his newfound unpredictability.
"I have a job for you." His voice rings in your ears, as he bends down above you to be parallel to your curved back. "…Think you could follow some orders f’me? Just for tonight?"
Just for tonight, you thought. Just for tonight.
You nod at his question. It was the only thing you were capable of doing, anyway.
"You’re gonna take my cock… But I don’t wanna hear a peep from that dirty mouth of yours. One fuckin’ sound and I swear… I’ll send you back downstairs with mascara running down your face and nothin’ to fuckin’ show for it."
You nod again. You were a nodding, blubbering mess.
"Think you could do that for me? Think you could be good enough for me to let you cum again?"
You nod, once again.
"And you told me what you wanted, right? Told me loud and clear how you wanted me to treat you? Out here— where there’s a small chance somebody could walk in on this?"
His pelvis presses against you as he taunts, and you’re left feeling even weaker in the knees.
This time, it wasn’t a nod. It was more of a sob.
"Good, good to know…" He softens his tone, lips now centimeters away from your ear.
"…Now bend the fuck over n’ let me use you like you’re nothing."
In a flash of vibrant colors swirling around the backs of your eyelids, you feel Ashton push your panties aside. He runs two fingers up your damp slit, bringing your face to a pinch.
You were still so sensitive after letting him have his way with you the first time. But you couldn’t fathom going another minute without the feeling of him buried inside of you.
"Please—" You whisper, but only to yourself.
You didn’t want to know what he’d do if he’d heard it.
His next movements were methodical, and slow, like he was a puppeteer playing with your strings. His hands dance along the sides of your hips, moving up to rub the small of your back.
He puffs out a breath, seemingly taking you in from behind.
"You're a fuckin' vision, Y/N... It's too bad you don't want me to treat you that way."
His ceaseless taunting was making your vision go shaky.
But you needed to keep reminding yourself... you fucking asked for it.
"Gonna let me use you, honey? Like my own personal doll... that I can toss around n' rough up... Mmm, 'bet you've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?"
"Ashton..." You can help but let his name tumble from your lips. But in a flash, his hand is cracking down on your bare asscheek, creating a loud clap that you swore could be heard for miles. You let out a yelp, but quickly clamp your lips shut.
Your skin burns from the contact, your mouth going bone dry.
"What did I fucking say about that mouth of yours, Y/N? Not a fucking peep."
As he guides himself up and down your slit, collecting your juices on his leaky tip, you choke back the tears in your eyes. You still wanted nothing more than to turn around and kiss him, which was just a damned thing.
"So wet f'me... God, I'm in heaven."
It was almost as if each string of sentences that came out of his mouth were traveling in through one ear and right out of the other. I suppose this was your karma for being so demanding.
But this is what you wanted, wasn't it? Even though Ashton's means of 'fucking you like you're worthless' still came with bouts of praise, he couldn't help it. He was only human. Testing the waters for the both of you.
He traces one last drag along your folds, pushing your panties aside with his tip before suddenly slamming himself into you. You gasp at the sudden feeling of him, your body lurching forward towards the railing as his grip on your wrist grows tighter.
"Jesus fuck—." He groans through bated breath before starting his rhythm of pounding into you.
It starts off slowly. The feeling of him filling you up as your walls clench around him must've felt like heaven to the both of you, for he let out a long, dreamy sigh. The hand that was once toying with the hemline of your lacy panties was now planted on the small of your back, using you as leverage as he slammed his cock deeper with each stroke.
Ashton hums, the sounds of slapping skin now engulfing the air around you. "Fuckin' love this pussy... Like it was fuckin' made for me..."
The air in your lungs started to dissipate, practically leaving you begging for mercy at his expense. Your body jolted with each of his deep thrusts, still trying to stay quiet and do exactly as he had demanded of you.
His grip on your wrist had begun to feel raw, surely to leave you with some kind of marking, reinstating the absolute chokehold he has on you.
"Ash..." You whisper again, as he's grunting and whining from behind you.
"Whose fuckin' pussy is this? Whose fuckin' pussy is this?" He asks the question and you whimper, unable to gather any syllable of a sentence on your tongue.
Suddenly, he releases your wrist, picking up his rhythm of fucking into you. Your arm drops to your side like a ragdoll, as you scramble to balance it next to your other on the railing.
The hand of his that once held your wrist captive had traveled down to meet his other, gripping your waist and digging his blistered fingertips into your flesh.
"Fuck... fuckin' shit, Y/N... Takin' my cock so well..."
Using his hands anchored to your waist, he starts to pull you into him, slamming your hips into his pelvic bone and hitting that sweet spot with every. Single. Stroke.
"Fuck, you’re heavenly…. My sweet, sweet girl…"
At this point in time, you could care less about the semantics of this all.
Although the point of this was for Ashton to have his way with you without a single feeling attached, it seemed as though he couldn’t really help it. He was a blubbering mess of compliments and praise, a true gentleman through and through.
But that was something to think about while you lay awake in bed tonight.
For now, you just decided to live in the moment.
Ashton’s rhythm had grown sloppy. He was awfully close to making you finish for a second time, with each buck of his hips— meanwhile it was taking every last bit of your consciousness to keep yourself quiet. The pit of your stomach squeezed with each primal sound that fell from his plush lips.
"M’gonna cum soon, honey… ‘Gonna fill you up, yeah? Would you like that? Want me t’fill you up?"
Unsure of whether or not to verbalize your consent, you nod. Like a bobble-head on a broken spring.
"That’s my girl. That’s— my fuckin’ girl.”
Despite Ashton’s imminent orgasm, you could only think about two words.
My girl. My girl. My girl
They were flashing around your mind like the billboards in the Manhattan streets below. Each thought of those two words produced vibrant colors behind your eyelids, stars now fogging up the blackness as he slams into you a few more times.
"Gonna' cum, honey... G-Gonna' fill you up, m'kay? Fuck..."
With one final pound into you, the pulsing throbbing of his cock had come to a slowdown. You both let out a collective gasp, as the heat ignited between your bodies had meshed into a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest.
Ashton collapses onto your back, the front half of his body slicked with sweat and pressing into you. Your breathing had begun to sync up collectively, only for him to pull out of you and make your entire body jolt.
"Fuck, Ashton."
You were finally able to speak again. You had gotten your words back, as well as your confidence. And the feeling of his presence behind you was all you needed to get you there.
He huffs, finally lifting himself off of you. But you lag behind, taking a moment to collect your breathing as he pulls his sweatpants up.
"Jesus Christ, honey. You're a goddamn dream." He chuckles, stepping back and allowing you the space to turn around.
And that you did. Finally faced with that dream he was on about.
Sweaty, messy curls glued and rearranged to his forehead. Glossy, hooded, fucked-out eyes. The fabric of his Hawaiian shirt soaked with the mixing of your sweat and his.
He looked obscene. He looked ethereal. You wanted to tell him how absolutely picturesque he was in that moment. You wanted to give him every gorgeous compliment you could think of.
But you didn't. You couldn't.
So you said this instead.
"...It'd be a dream if you could grab my jeans."
"Don’t be impolite, Y/N. What's the magic word?" He teases, motioning towards your jeans that had been discarded in a pile on the patio.
"Oh, so now you want me to talk, tough guy? After you just fucked the goddamn life out of me?"
He shrugs, "I wouldn't say I fucked the life out of you... If that was the case, you wouldn't be standing upright."
You huff, frustrated, but loving every second of it.
"Just– grab me my damn jeans, Irwin."
He does as he's told, begrudgingly walking the short few feet to grab your jeans as you stand, cross-legged, bare-assed, with your back against the glass.
"Your majesty," he bows, holding your pants out on his arm like a knight with your crown.
"Thank you."
As you put on your jeans, Ashton watches you. With those whiskey, honeypot eyes. Scanning down every inch of you as you put one leg in, then the other.
"If it were up to me, I'd send you back down pants-less."
"Yeah, right." You scoff, reverting back to your old ways of a thumping heart and a pain in your chest, "You know how much trouble I'd be in?"
"Trouble by who? I'm your boss, aren't I?"
You puff, pulling up the zipper of your jeans, "You don't act like it."
"Want me to start then?" He quips.
"...No. Absolutely not."
Ashton tosses you a smile, not long before he's holding out his arms.
"That's what I thought, honey," he motions for you with his hands, "Now c'mere."
Without even thinking, almost as if it were rehearsed, you spin around, falling backwards into his arms. He wraps himself around you, broad biceps squeezing your shoulders like a butterfly in its' cocoon.
The Manhattan night sky was twinkling with lights and stars. You stare out into it, and he does too.
As you stand cradled in his arms with the lingering of pitiful, degrading sex still in the air, you sat in your thoughts for a moment.
What happened tonight couldn’t have been a mistake. You had been speaking it into existence for so long, that it finally became a reality. From the way he so passionately kissed you, to the way he so effortlessly dropped everything to fuck you like you were worthless. Just like you had asked. Just liked you had intended.
But you knew, despite everything that happened tonight, that not a single thing would change.
Your heart would still flutter out of your ribcage whenever he walked by. You’d still answer his calls late at night, or spare him passing glances in the concert halls.
You’d still come to meet him, no matter when or where. All with that same, God awful weight on your chest.
It all made you feel terrible. Everything about him made you feel terrible.
But you were willing to get used to that feeling.
To be completely honest with yourself…
You kind of liked it.
It felt like being in love
#ashton irwin#ashton#ashton 5 seconds of summer#5sos#5 seconds of summer#oh this is filth#what have i done#5sos fanfic#ashton irwin smut#5sos smut
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My Lord (Prince Hal x fem! Reader Oneshot)
Summary: After you dance with another man, Prince Hal, your royal intended has a confession to make...
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ (fingering, p in v sex, doing it on a desk), historical inaccuracies for the sake of vibes, grammar and spelling mistakes, angst and fluff.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at “Kiss me again, my dove,” and ends at "You pressed foreheads, feeling his warm breath and how soft his skin felt- comforting, gentle. "
Word Count: 3K
A/N: From @muddyorbsblr's request! It ended up being longer, oops. But enjoy!
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
Despite your fine dress and the rich wine flowing, you felt somber at your betrothal ball. Not that the ball itself was a sad event. No, you were not merry from everything around you. It was all merry with the throne room decorated with flowers and jigs being played by the musicians. Your melancholy was due to your intended.
Of all the good lords and gentlemen on this green isle, only one was destined to be the next king. And that was who you were going to marry. Your parents were thrilled when the king agreed to the marriage. They smiled and embraced you as an artist hugged their painting. They managed to sell you to the highest bidder.
His Majesty Prince Henry the Fourth of Lancaster. The highest bidder indeed.
Or Hal, as the taverns ruffians called him. Hal. Riotous, dishonorable, pranking, thieving, tavern hopping, wench chasing, sack drinking Hal. Beautiful, princely, decadent Hal. Every time his brothers had to tell their father the truth of Hal’s layabouts…the king would turn red with fury. Not that you were surprised.
Even if the scoundrel you were going to call your husband had been kind to you these past few months. He would be by your side. And trying to win you over or get you to smile. Flirt with you- he did to hundreds of women at this point! No doubt! Your inner giddiness was mixed with a silent rage and you weren’t sure which would pop out first each time he got your hand and kissed it gently. Hal was beautiful. A handsome, handsome man who wore his doublets tight on his lean frame and walked with a swagger, his auburn curls freed about his head. There was a charm to his manner, and feelings were in you when you looked at him. Feelings you didn’t like. Feelings you didn’t dare name.
For that, you remained polite. Never forward. Nice, but nothing more. For what else could you do? The world of court could be deadly and dangerous. The world’s eyes were on you. You couldn’t afford to make a reckless move.
Despite the garden walks and meals, there was that sliver of distrust. If you didn’t see him, he could be on the floor of the filthiest bar in Eastcheap passed out on the floor from drink. Or in a room with two tavern women in positions that would make a sailor blush.
And the last picture of him in bed with other women- it made you want to scream and sob and throw your goblet at the wall until it smashed into a hundred bits and then pick your skirts, march to the other end of the room, and slap him hard across his beautiful face.
You took a deep breath.
It was just your imagination. Nothing actually happened. One inhale, then another exhale. The walls were grey stone, the candlelight yellow, and the music from a flute was playing something fast.
Why were you like this, you had to remind yourself! You didn’t like him! Why should that matter? You had to remember how much you didn’t care and didn’t like him.
He could have every woman in England on their knees for him every night and you would not care. You would go about your merry way and when you didn’t have to squeeze out a son, you would enjoy the monetary benefits of servants, fine dresses, horses, gold, jewels, money to buy whatever thing you wanted, and the freedom to do as you pleased as queen.
You held your chin up. Only glad it was a lovely party. All were taking gentle sips of wine, sampling the roast boar, listening to lutes, and laughing over nothing. You felt like doing none. In a whole crowd of people, you felt alone, isolated, and cut off. Like a foreigner trying to make a friend but never knowing how to speak the language. They gathered and talked…and here you were. The most wanted and yet also the most unwanted.
Taking a deep breath, you continued to walk in to try to get your mind off of things.
There were dances as well. But you felt as if your soles were made of lead. For all were celebrating your marriage to this scoundrel.
This beautiful, delectable, leather-clad scoundrel. Looking at him across the room, something inside you churned. And you were frightened to name it.
He was in the corner, talking to his brothers. You turned your eyes down. For the party was in swing and in a way, as if they forgot you were its purpose. They wanted to laugh and gossip and drink. Forget their worldly cares and be merry.
You brought your eyes up to search for him. Your heart beat a little harder seeing Prince Hal at the other end of the room. How delicious he looked. His tight leather jacket was the color of the wine. He preferred rougher, bawdier parties- that was why he was frowning as his father went up to talk to him. And here you were, just to be tolerated as his bride. It seemed queenhood was a lifetime away, as was your marriage. For all of this fuss over you both being joined, you couldn’t help but feel separated.
Taking a deep breath, you put both hands on your cup and took another sip, resisting the urge to gulp down your wine and let the alcohol take its effect.
As you walked in, the Lord of Warwick went up.
“My lady- here is my nephew, Thomas! He’s going to appear at Court more often!” the lord introduced.
You curtsied and gave a smile.
The Lord of Warwick’s nephew with his own blonde hair and blue eyes and skin that tanned. He was a polite, warm friendly boy. For having just met him, he left a good impression on you. The uncle even stepped aside to let you talk. Then Thomas held out a hand.
“They’re having dances. Would you give me a dance, my lady?”
“I would love to,” you replied.
You enjoyed his company as you danced. He was very good too- Hal himself had no “strength in measure” and was inches from always stepping on your toes the grand total of two times you danced. Passing between couples, joining, parting, and reasoning hands to the lute music. You felt at peace.
Little did you know Hal’s eyes were on you.
They were on you every time you the whole evening.
Prince Hal scowled. He was practically red with anger. The second the dance ended, he marched up to you. Thomas looked sickly pale and you felt your stomach drop. You never saw Hal himself have any anger and part of you was terrified. They always say it’s the ones who are never angry you watch out for.
“My lord, what is the matter?” you asked after your curtsey.
“I would like to speak with my lady intended,” Hal ordered.
Thomas handed you over quickly.
Amidst the ball, Hal grabbed your arm. Fie, his hand- large, beautiful hands taking a whole of your arm and dragging you to the hallways and through a door. Jesu, was he going to hurt you? Hal never once did anything that would harm you. He seemed too mischievous and cheerful to seem capable of raising his hand to a woman, much less you. There was a fierceness on his fast that made your heart race. You didn’t know if you were feeling lust, terror, or both at once.
The room was a study. The night sky shone outside, though there were lights from the torches and candles. None were inside-perhaps at the party. With tall bookshelves and desks, it would have been a comforting room had your heart been beating wildly against your ribs.
He looked at you up and down. He saw your dress, how it formed you well, and hugged you in the right places. A warmth flushed over you, and you realized you were panting a little to deepen your breaths. But his face was still angry. Beautifully, beautifully angry.
“What, what is the matter?” you asked. Hoping to get this over with quickly.
“Quite a bit, that is the matter!” Hal replied, ruffling his curly hair.
You gestured at the door.
“My lord, they will notice we are gone. We have a party to attend to…”
Hal reached up a hand that he held in the air. You looked back at him. His voice remained soft, matter of fact, right to the bone.
“My lady, we have to discuss young Warwick. The way you were dancing at him, smiling at him.”
“Oh, him!” you said. You had deduced it. He just had to say it himself.
“Yes! The look he was giving you like he would be falling before your feet any minute! Your smile at him! And you were encouraging him, and I-”
“Are you jealous, Harry?” you interrupted, blurting out the obvious.
He turned a little pink.
“Yes, well- what if I am? Should I not be if a gentleman dances with my lady?”
“A lady can rarely turn down another man. My mother told me it is impolite to refuse a man’s offer to dance!” you reasoned.
Hal leaned closer to you.
“You have promised yourself to me, not him! You’re engaged to me!”
He paused and his mouth hung in mid-air. You saw his eyes were shining bright, he was…on the brink of tears. The jolliest scoundrel in all of England and…he was crying. When you imagined him with other women earlier…was that the very feeling he was having as well?
You closed the distance to him, you offered your hand and he took it.
“Hal, I am sorry. I didn’t think you would be upset or even care that I danced with him…” you consoled.
He brought up a hand and wiped a tear off with his palm.
“I forgive you, my lady. Only….That the way you were beaming at him, and not at me, I…I don’t even have words for it and- YN- it makes me angry because…because…I wish it were me you were smiling at…me and only me. That one smile. Then I’d know for sure that you’d love me and we could be find a way to-”
You gasped.
“What did you say?!”
Your face was closer to his, your voice even softer. He paused. His tears stopped.
“You…you love me?”
He flushed, hung his head low, and then back up.
“I do, my sweeting. I love you so much. I don’t know how else to say it or what speeches or things to give. If I am under your spell, I never wish to be out of it. I don’t ask you to love me back at all…I only ask you…you… pity me.”
His face was right before words. Your own mouth began to speak of its own accord. The music was softer, and distant, as if the ball was a world away.
“Hal…even with everything in Eastcheap, I…I… I…I cannot help but…but want to see you, and speak to you, I think of you and wonder what you are doing when you’re away. And I…I worry about you. I want you happy- more than happy, safe.”
He closed the distance and kissed you. The first kiss you ever had other than chaste pecks on the hand. You shuddered at it as he wrapped his hands around you, one hand crawling up your back. He knew his way around a woman’s body. And he knew what would make your knees tremble. You melted into his arms, collapsing into the kiss, into the embrace. He tasted of wine, of freedom.
He let go. But it was as if something awoke that was long asleep. You let him keep his hands on you, to feel your body beneath your dress—one on your hip, fingers inches away from the most private, precious of places on you. You kept on babbling despite yourself.
“All the battles your father sends you on and… and…I was worried, worried you would die…worried something would happen to you- and then, the Eastcheap visits….I was worried…worried you and Doll would.”
“There were no whores. Not since we’ve met,” he replied.
You kissed him again, and you leaned closer to him, wrapping your arms to feel his back. Dizzy and drink on him. You heard his moan.
He leaned back on a chair and had you straddle him. You gasped, feeling your legs come apart. Places between you were starting to dampen and it was just over where his most secret places were. You were never this close, this intimate with each other
“Kiss me again, my dove,” he commanded.
You kissed him again, his fingers crawling, up your leg. He found your hip and then moved you. You moaned from the friction, the touching and brushing of your bodies.
But you wanted it, you didn’t stop him.
His hands were over you, greedily touching since you were all his now-his betrothed, his wife, and soon his queen- and he would make sure you never forgot it. He gave you a last grind of your hips.
His hands desperately searched your clothes, trying to find the seams. But you were aching, going up for him, needing him.
“Hal- Hal!” you whispered
“And what if I do? I can’t bear it- the longer I’m with you, the more desire overcomes me- You drive me mad- I can’t, I can’t take it, my dear, my love-I-I have to ravish you, here-now-”
“Yes, you may…”
He slid aside the papers and books so the desk was clear. You swallowed, getting incredibly wet but excited with his flushed face. But his eyes determined, an animal after his prey. And nothing could tear him from his prize.
He kissed you, prompting you to sit. He undid a bit of your bodice, pulling it down, finding your breasts. The cold air touched it as his pupils darkened over the sight of you.
“You’re exquisite, darling, and you’re not his, you’re mine-”
Once they were revealed, he fondled them, thumb grazing over the hard nipples. You moaned appreciatively. All while he kissed your neck.
“Say it, say you’re mine,” he whispered.
“I’m yours,” you replied.
He then freed a hand. It moved up your leg.
“All of this, this beauty, it is all mine-and I’ll drive you there, until you cry out for all of them to hear.”
slid a finger inside and you gasped, feeling it stretch you. You gasped as he curled up- surprised his long finger could go so deep, and find a spot that brought so much pleasure and pain as he discovered the little nub inside you.
“My- my lord!”
He kissed your neck again, then looked at you, smugness spread on his lips.
“Yes….yes, call me that.”
He gathered your skirt up and then undid his codpiece and released his pants, standing at full attention. You gave a small gasp at the sight of his size. He looked at you darkly, a new tone in his voice- deadly and commanding, a king to his whore
“You will be good and make it fit, every bit of it. And you will call me my lord.”
His hands made your legs come wide apart, he moved you up. He was slow, entering you, so you got used to it. You let out a moan, tugging onto him.
“Yes…take it…like a good girl…take it.”
He forced your legs further apart, sheathing you in with a grunt. You let out a sound, your insides penetrated, clutching onto him, feeling your bare breasts against his leather. Your blouse fell lower, exposing both. He then gave a first, sloppy thrust. Then he was seated inside you.
“My lord!” you cried out.
“There-there- I will make you scream it louder,” he growled.
Then he began thrusting—his moans in your ear. You dug your fingers into his shoulders and grabbed your hips, keeping tight. The desk made a sound as you did. It began slowly.
“My-my lord, oh- gods- yes, there, my lord-gods-gods blood-”
It then picked up, your breasts bouncing and your heart racing. All you knew was him, felt was him. You were moaning even louder. It was a desperate, animal. Pounding his hips into yours.
He released one hand. It found your nub between. You gasped. He then strummed it with each deep, forceful, desperate pounding.
“H-My-My lord I-I-there-oh-oh god-I’m-I’m going-going to-to die, but- don’t-don’t-don’t stop-”
“You’re close, you’re-you’re close, darling-call me that-yes-now-fuck,yes-yes-
“Say it, say it when you cum-I’m-I’m going to cum-cum inside- cum, fie, lady- fie, it’s on me now- cum, fie, lady -cum!”
He picked it up incredibly fast, you held onto him, your pleasure spinning out of control.
“Yes- close, close- come on now, give in- let go-”
With a grunt, his seed shot into you and the release of pleasure broke inside you. You didn't say his title but gasped. The light had hit you and made everything duller, things spun, and you felt as if you were in oblivion.
In a final whisper, you only whispered once more “My…my lord…” Your nails dug into him- your lord, your intended, your prince, and your husband. A marriage not sworn but already consummated.
He pulled out, and then cupped your face, “as you are my lady.”
You pressed foreheads, feeling his warm breath and how soft his skin felt- comforting, gentle.
He helped you off and then readjusted your dress so all was well. Making sure the blouse covered you up and that your skirt was in place.
“Are you not hurt?” he asked.
“Not a bit.”
He wrapped a protective arm around you, leading you out.
“Here…we must return to the party…I will fetch us some wine.”
“And…you can have the next dance, my lord,” you said.
He smiled at you- not a naughty smile, but a kind, genuine smile that burst with love.
“As you have all of mine, my lady.”
His smile shone brighter than any candlelight. He gave you a last kiss before you were on his arm, returning to the party.
#smut#carrie writes#prince hal#prince hal x reader#tom hiddleston#tom hiddleston characters#angst with a happy ending#the hollow crown#prince hal fanfiction#prince hal x you#prince hal x y/n#prince hal smut#prince hal imagine#prince hal the hollow crown
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something cute for robby please. a meet cute where reader and robby meet during the waterpark ep or running into him after his training. where they both think "oh sh!t she/he's cute." like the trend on tiktok where it goes "they say shooters shoot," i need me a robby keene ☹️ it ain't a joke no more i'm afraid
eeee this is so cutie and flirty i love
you’re at the waterpark, soaking up the last rays of the day with your friends, when you feel a splash from behind you.
you turn around, and there he is—robby keene, dripping wet, his eyes locking with yours for a moment, the kind of look that makes your heart skip a beat.
“oops, didn’t see you there,” he says with a grin, his voice dripping with that laid-back confidence, water dripping from his hair and sliding down his neck, and for a moment, you forget how to speak.
you blink, biting back a smile as you feel your cheeks flush. “uh, it’s fine,” you manage, your voice coming out a little breathier than you intended.
you glance at him again—he’s even better up close. his dark tank clings to his lean, muscular frame, and the way his abs flex as he moves is enough to make your pulse quicken.
robby stands tall, shoulders broad, with that effortless, cocky vibe that makes him impossible to ignore.
his skin glows in the sunlight, like he’s just walked out of a dream, and you can’t stop your gaze from lingering.
he leans in just a little, smirking as if he knows exactly what’s going through your head. “good thing you’re not mad about it,” he teases, eyes flicking over your face, lingering just long enough to make the heat rise even higher in your chest.
you swallow, giving him a playful look. “well, you definitely owe me a drink for that,” you reply, your lips curving into a teasing grin. “maybe some… ice cream?”
robby chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement, and there’s this flirty energy between you two now, like you’re both daring each other to make the next move. “ice cream, huh?” he says, his voice lowering, a little too smooth. “might just take you up on that. if you’re lucky.”
you feel the playful challenge in his words, and the chemistry is undeniable. “lucky, huh?” you reply, your eyes narrowing teasingly. “we’ll see about that.” there’s a charged moment, both of you standing just a little too close, the air between you crackling with that unspoken tension.
robby’s gaze flicks down to your lips, then back up to your eyes, and you can’t help but feel that thrill of possibility.
“maybe i’ll see you around,” he says, his voice a little softer now, almost like he’s offering you a promise.
you smile, turning to walk away, but not before looking back over your shoulder, catching the way robby’s watching you, that mischievous grin still playing on his lips. “maybe,” you call back, your heart racing, knowing you’re not done with him yet.
and somehow, you know it won’t be the last time your paths cross.
cobra kai taglist: @karmaswitch @mamasfavourite @justchillin13 @timotheechalametswifeys @jeonkoowife @yoyouourmum @astreiz @adv3rc1ty @yslbaeee @amnesique @yaya-1loveart @izzyelise11 @larussoslostdaughter @elemental-of-magic @robbykeenesposts
if you’d like to be added to this taglist, dm/message me OR comment on any of my posts to be added!
#robby keene fluff#cobra kai#robby keene#robby fluff#velvrei#trending#smut imagine#smut#writing#velvrei smut#velvrei fluff#robby cobra kai#cobra kai robby#cobra kai robby keene#cobra kai new season#robby keene x reader#robby keene x you
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Tell us more about your Adler/Star pairing please 👀✨
Sure! Thank you for asking! As usual this ended up longer than intended oops
So originally a few months back a friend mentioned how there should be more Signalis rare pairs and one of the ones she ended up mentioning was Star/Adler. For some reason this one stuck with me and kinda marinated in the back of my mind until I started to flesh them out more.
They both are stationed at my totally normal radio outpost B-92 Becquerel, because of Becquerel’s smaller size this station’s work hierarchy is set up differently than S-23 going like:
KNCR-B9201: this Kranich is the main head of the facility, she takes the place of a Falke unit and has a lot of other things going on that are not really relevant to this post besides the fact she is eternally tired because of them and therefore dismissive of certain issues that she shouldn’t be.
The three “heads”: these guys oversee the three main sektors of the facility with each being, Radio/military, Research, and Civilian/other. That last category is run by our Adler!
ADLR-B9201 or Grey is a newer unit being commissioned after the death of the previous Civilian overseer gestalt, Grey handles most of our usual expected Adler paperwork and bureaucratic duites, but he thinks due to the other two guys being “lackluster” in their own ways Adler often finds himself having to pick up whatever technical work they “didn’t end up doing in time”. Grey wants to run the place nice and organized, but his gestalt coworkers and boss seemingly having better things to worry about they don’t care he has a larger workload than everyone else. He stresses over performance and often wishes he worked as a normal Adler unit with a more clean cut ladder, but here? To many variables and people he has to get along with.
Thing is that it’s partially his own fault, he wants everything ahead of schedule and obviously that’s not happening, and if he would just work at a more normal even pace and communicate with the rest of his coworkers a large number of his problems with his work environment would be fixed, or at least lessened. Basically he’s the last guy you’d want to work with, very controlling and wanting to completely change the place he works at rather than adapting to what already had worked there before.
This bleed into his personality making him just a ass to be around, “pissy little bitch” was what I called him for months, he was whiny and short tempered especially when things didn’t go his way. And this is where Star comes in.
STAR-B920?: Eloka is a pretty average star, higher ranking than most but not to the point I’d call her high ranking yk? Above average…! Eloka also likes to push buttons and see exactly what she can get away with. This is partly why she’s in the middle of B-92’s Star ranks, she’s pissed off the ones above her so much they wouldn’t dare promote her more than they already have but also they recognize she’s more skilled than the newbie’s and weaker stars. She doesn’t care for hierarchy like most Starlings, and therefore finds it entertaining to break their rules.
Eloka has a record for getting herself in a mess, with other Star, with other Protektors, with relationships, hell she probably has gotten stuck in the Ara vents or on the rooftop a few times. She’s pretty silly. So when the new Adler got stationed and she heard about his poor temper you know exactly what she started doing, fucking with him!
Pretty quickly this turned into a game of “how quickly can I get Grey mad today?” Typically with insults. She also gave him the nickname Grey rather than referring to him as Adler, which he saw as a disrespect of his authority, she gave it to give him because of his atypical grey chest plate. Now you may be thinking, if she’s causing so much trouble for a higher up wouldn’t she be decommissioned? Well this is where it goes back to the other two heads, basically they would all have to agree to the decommissioning of a Protektor and Kranich would then order it. So even if he wanted to and probably threatened to at first they both knew that was an empty threat. It wasn’t constant picking but slowly became more consistent.
At first they really hated each other due to this strange routine they developed for obvious reasons, but slowly Grey started to grow more used to it and became less explosive in his reactions and he actually started to like her interpretations, and she started to also get used to this pattern. The pranks got lighter and rather than her fucking with his office she’d rearrange the files in a less disastrous way, tripping him lightly, ruffing his hair etc. He still found these mildly annoying but when they didn’t happen their days didn’t feel complete.
Both were oblivious to their growing affection but started to be with each other more and more, Eloka finding reasons to be in his office and Adler finding reasons to be less of a dick and controlling because he actually had something else in his life now to focus on and was kinda forced to chill out. She also started to find his grey chest plate cute. and a small bet was started by the stars and eules on who would ask the other out first, some units put their bet on Eloka because she had a history of girlfriends before and was usually the one to ask them first, where others argued that because she usually was so blunt with women why hadn’t she done so with him yet?
I’m not sure who wins the bet yet, but I do have it that Eloka was flirty with Grey from the start originally for fun but later actually meaning it sometimes [he still is bad at picking out when it’s serious or not] he also started to return the small pranks and insults back now, and the flirting that came with that. After they actually get together I imagine it would remain mostly the same as before, but with them now exploring their new relationship.
I also feel like Eloka would talk to him about guns a lot, and him talking about his stress at work. I have a scene in my head of her just in his office talking to him while kicking her feet like a teen girl lol. This could lead to him getting more into weapons, but I also like the idea of him getting into computers as well. He’s still a workaholic but not as much of an ass so improvement for sure.
Other thing to note: I don’t think Adler’s need a Falke specifically to function, I think they need structure. The reason it’s painted as them needing a Falke is national propaganda. Adler’s I feel work very well with clear hierarchy which is why I made grey specificly hate the one he’s in. Also why you shouldn’t have multiple Adler’s in one place most of the time, they don’t work well in teams. Even for Adler’s like S-23 we see him have issues with the Kolibri’s in his notes, who I see as being on equal footing to Adler but handling different parts of the facility than him. Adler’s also don’t strike me as leaders, they are helpers and need someone or something to follow, and for a country like the nation why not make sure he follows your literal man made goddess? Someone made to embodied your ideals?
Oh yea no Falke at this station lol
If you read all this text ily
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like old times
lee!blitzø, ler!fizzarolli :)
i love them so much i am so glad theyre friends again actually. theyre besties and i love them. this was not proof read so if theres mistakes then OOPS !! (haha u get the reference ? get it ?? cause. cause oops is a helluva boss episode. and its the one where fizz and blitzø made up. haha. yeah)
this fic is intended to be viewed as platonic.
Blitzø would never admit it aloud, but he couldn’t be happier that him and Fizzarolli are friends again. It felt like a piece of him had gone missing, then found it’s way back to him.
Blitzø decided to have him and the I.M.P team take a day off, allowing them to do as they please for entertainment that day. And for Blitzø, that meant inviting Fizzarolli over.
The jester admittedly was confused, but honestly, so was Blitzø. How was he even supposed to word that message? “Hey, wanna hangout?” It sounded odd to him, at least since it had been, what, 15 years?
Or maybe he was just really, really socially awkward.
He settled for calling Fizz and, very awkwardly, inviting him over with strings of words that just barely made sense; Something Fizz fully intended on teasing Blitzø for later.
Fizz barged into the door of the I.M.P headquarters, making a strong entrance as always. Blitzø nearly flipped out of his chair.
“You invited me to where you work, really?” Fizz looked around as if unimpressed. “Do you ever leave this place?”
Blitzø blinked. He does, but he lives in a raggedy old apartment, shared with Loona. He invited Fizz over to the I.M.P Headquarters both because he was embarrassed about the apartment, and he didn’t want to disturb Loona.
“Don’t worry about it. Anyway, I just wanted to catch up since it’s been, what, fifteen years now? And the last time we did get to talk about life, we were dealing with a bunch of psycho’s trying to kill us..”
“Oh, so you can explain your reasoning here, but not on the phone, huh?” Fizz smirked, earning an eye-roll from Blitzø.
“Hey, if you came to be a dick, the door’s right behind you,” Blitzø crossed his arms. Fizz only walked further into the room, adjusting the sleeves of his light-pink top as he did so.
The jester moved to circle Blitzø for a moment, “Nope. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me today, Blitzo.”
“The ‘o’ is silent, clown! Do I have to drill a paper with it in writing through your ears in order to get it through your head?” He flicked Fizz's forehead, though the action and his tone showed that he wasn't actually upset. Usually, he would be, but things were different nowadays; He couldn’t find himself to be genuinely upset with the jester.
Fizz laughed. "Nah, I just like messing with you." He bent forward a little to be on Blitzø’s level, only teasing him further. Blitzø poked Fizz in the chest.
"Thin ice, buddy. Thin. Ice." He glared, making direct eye contact with the jester. Fizz only smiled.
"Guess I'll have to tread carefully, huh?" He gently pried Blitzø’s finger away from him.
Blitzø crossed his arms over his chest. Maybe a harmless little joke to get back at Fizz, but what?
Scare him.
Blitzø and Fizz spent about fifteen minutes discussing life, AKA Blitzø was prying into Fizz’s personal life about him and Asmodeus. Then Blitzø spoke.
“I need to grab something from the company van outside, give me a few minutes.” Then he got up and left. Fizz raised an eyebrow as he watched the shorter imp leave.
It was only partially a lie, given what he ‘needed’ wasn’t actually important. However, it was necessary for his little scheme to get back at Fizz.
Once the door to his office was closed, Blitzø ran out of the building to his company’s van. When he got to the vehicle, he started to dig through the mess of trash on the floors and seats. He mumbled something about needing to clean it, or get Moxxie to do it.
Then he grabbed it.
An airhorn.
Fizz had mentioned using an airhorn to startle Asmodeus awake, why not use the same to scare the jester? A taste of his own medicine.. sort of.
Once Blitzø had the airhorn, he ran back into the building. He looked through the window to see inside his office, Fizz wasn’t facing the door. Perfect. He made sure to shake the airhorn before entering.
He opened the door slowly and carefully, making sure to shut it the same way. You couldn’t even hear the click. He tip-toed over to Fizz, then blared the airhorn right behind hip.
Fizz fell out of his seat, and Blitzø fell right next to him, except it was because he was laughing so hard. The jester had fallen out of surprise.
“What the fuck!?” Fizz couldn’t help but crack a smile; He couldn’t be mad, he did the same to Ozzie almost every day. He mumbled, “oh, you son of a bitch..”
Blitzø was too caught up in his own laughter to notice how Fizz had stanced himself.
And then he pounced.
The squeal that came from Blitzø was one Fizz would never, ever forget.
“You think that’s funny, do you? Huh? Fine then, I’ll give you something to laugh about!” The jester exclaimed as he immediately dug his fingers into Blitzø’s sides. The imp immediately started to kick and thrash, loud laughter emitting from him against his own will.
“FIHIHIZZ! Fuck, not THIHIS!” Blitzø grabbed onto Fizz’s robotic hands, but it didn’t do much to stop the jester as he just continued to scribble his fingers along Blitzø’s torso, the killer laughing helplessly beneath him.
“Ah, just like old times, right Blitzø? You’re still so insanely ticklish!” Fizz chimed, switching to vibrate his fingers along Blitzø’s ribs. “This will never get old. Ever.”
Memories of Blitzø’s childhood with Fizz flooded his mind; They almost always had tickle fights in the free time they had growing up. They both loved it, and they were honestly pretty open about liking it to each other.
Only to each other.
“Y’know, I remember you always seemed to love it whenever I’d go riiiiight here..” Fizz trailed his fingers down to Blitzø’s stomach, eliciting high pitched giggles from the shorter imp.
“Fihihihizz!” Blitzø whined, and Fizz couldn’t help but tease further.
“N’aww, still your soft spot, huh? Tickletickletickle!” He briskly scritched and clawed at the skin, simultaneously keeping the touches gentle just to worsen the sensations for Blitzø.
It was then Fizz noticed a soft sound, something hitting the floor. He glanced to the side to see Blitzø’s tail wagging, and he had to pause for a moment to compose himself.
“Aww, Blitzø! You’re tail still wags when I do this!? Fuck, you’re making me regret hating you for fifteen years,” Fizz joked. He moved his hands down a little and drilled his thumbs into the space right above Blitzø’s hip bones, relishing in the shriek that came from the shorter imp.
“FIHIHIZZ!” Blitzø’s hands latched onto Fizz’s wrists, and he started to thrash under the jester.
“Still a bad spot, huh? Guess you’re not so different compared to when we were kids!” Fizz grinned.
Soon, Fizz stopped tormenting Blitzø and sat beside him as he composed himself. It was pretty adorable.
“You’re an ass, you know that?” Blitzø huffed, glaring at Fizz with faux annoyance.
“You know you love it~” Fizz teased, delivering a few pokes to Blitzø’s sides before backing off again. He couldn’t help himself.
They both sat on the floor for the rest of the day, talking about whatever came to mind or messing with each other.
They both really did miss times like these, they missed each other, and both couldn’t be happier that they’d be able to experience it again.
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Ones dyk what would be amazing one where Lucifer and the reader were married and stuff and they were at a hotel w the gang and they wanted to play a movie or sum shi and when Luci plays the tape he plus a sex tape by accident I’d kill for tha
| I love this idea so much oml! |
Warnings: Nswf, filmed.
Taglist: @fandomsbookclub @leathesimp @michelleszn @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @sirenetheblogger @jawline-of-steel
You were no saint, obviously considering Lucifer was your husband, and being your husband meant that it was often that he would see your anger.
However everyone else? They thought you were as kind as can be. You couldn’t hurt a fly.
Lucifer loved the kind personality you had, but sometimes he would wish you’d rage at the person who actually pissed you off instead of his ducks.
When he heard you slam the door to your shared room he knew you were in a bad mood. Rightfully so, this bitch on the side of the street tried to spill coffee on you.
“Can you believe how disrespectful some people can be?!”
Lucifer swallowed thick, you were hot as hell when pissed off, (pun intended.) “Well we are in hell sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes at your sweet loving husband. He was often the one who made you see things clearer.
You grabbed his dress shirt, gripping the soft material tightly, and pulled him to you. First giving him a soft loving kiss.
That’s how it always started, a sign of care before any sex was initiated. It was a ritual that started from the first time you two had sex.
You broke off the kiss and replaced it with a rougher one. You were ravenous as you started to peel off Lucifer’s shirt. He was much better as he ripped your dress.
You two started twords the bed, hand tangled in hair and rubbing over each others bodies. The two of you singing out at the feeling.
You pushed him onto the bed and climbed into his lap. Lucifer went to unbutton his trousers but you stopped him. “Have I gave you permission?”
“No, my love.” He breathed out in a small voice.
“Since when did you not ask for permission?”
Lucifer whined as you started to grind on him. He wanted to be inside you, he felt like he needed to. “I’m sorry, please.”
You laughed almost cruelly as you brung him to a state of pure begging. Now most believed Lucifer was the more dominant in the bedroom, and some days he can be, however most days you were in charge. And you weren’t as kind as people think sometimes.
Even if Lucifer felt a need to cum as you continued to grind on him, he didn’t. He loved how different you could be in the bedroom compared to normal. He would never want to disappoint you by not doing exactly as you say.
There were times Lucifer believed he was made solely to please you, and he loved that idea.
After the hotel was rebuilt you were tired. You had spend the last few weeks fixing up this place and all you wanted to do was relax.
Everyone was in the living room — even Alastor, he didn’t die — except for you beloved husband. “Hey Luci!” You called out, your voice slightly loud, but not that much louder.
Like clockwork Lucifer appeared right behind the couch you were on. “Yes, my love?” He started to slightly massage your neck and you smiled up at him as if he was the sun.
“I wanna watch a movie. You remember some of those movie tapes we have at the house? Think you can put some on?”
Lucifer refused to get a new tv, and you never asked, so the two of you used a slightly older tv that took RV tapes.
“Of course.” He leaned down and gave you a kiss before forming one of the black tapes in his hands. He walked to the tv and pressed play, walking back to you.
“Have I gave you permission?”
“No, my love.”
“Since when did you not ask for permission?”
You eyes widened at the sound of Lucifer whine echoing throughout the room. You looked to the other people around you.
Charlie looked scared for her eternal life.
Alastor had a look of pure disgust and he got up and left. Good on him.
Husk groaned in annoyance and jugged back a bottle.
Vaggie was rubbing Charlie’s back while she had an external crisis.
And angel? He was loving this! A wide smile and all.
Lucifer, he looked proud as proud can be. He had one tiny wave of embarrassment but after? He was thrilled. Alastor had seen, so in Lucifer eyes, this was a big fuck you to him.
You the Tv camera slightly glitched as Lucifer pinned you to the table. That’s when video you noticed that camera. “Luci, it’s recording.”
Lucifer was to busy thrusting in you to care, and you soon lost interest in the camera as well as you begged Lucifer to let you cum.
Regular you rushed to the TV and took the tape out. You were embarrassed beyond words.
Now every time some random would be a bitch to you angel would tease as he saw you walking to you and your husbands shared room. “Try not to take to long okay? I wanna show you MY best film.”
Safe to say despite how sweet you still acted, everyone knew you had a side — that was most likely the reason your in hell — that still exists.
It’s short ik, but I just didn’t think this would need to be too too long! I hope you enjoyed!
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You Drive Me Wild - Nikolai x OC It's October 1990, and Nikolai is a soldier, guarding the Soviet embassy in Copenhagen. It's a dull assignment, with dull comrades, the only bright spot of his station the days away from the embassy, when he can get to know this new city and her people. It's one of these nights when a woman he's been dreaming about walks into a smoky bar, and into his arms at last.
Contains: Alcohol, smoking, age-gap relationship, plain text is "translated" Russian (Since it is Nikolai's perspective), English in italics, pining, low-key hero worship, oral sex, unprotected (oops) sex. (Let me know if I missed something!)
~7.3k - MDNI!! - Intended for mature audiences
Read on AO3
Copenhagen, October 5th, 1990
Copenhagen was… Alright.
Nikolai had gotten a cushy sort of assignment, thanks to Natalia’s connections, guarding the Soviet embassy. Mostly all he had to do was stand around and look threatening, check identification at the gate, occasionally follow the ambassador around to some function or another. It wasn’t complicated. It wasn’t exciting. It just… was. Days bled into each other like cheap watercolour paint, edges blurred and indistinct. The routine chafed at him. He had gotten too used to freedom, running wild between Leningrad and the farmhouse out in Kyrelia, skipping school and occasionally helping his uncle with work, which was more likely to end in real action than anything he did at the embassy. A high-speed car chase through fields of rye was good fun, and a knife-fight in a back alley was better.
Still, there was a certain thrill to getting out of Russia— A few runs across the border into Finland hadn’t given him much idea of what life was like outside, and he was eager to taste what the West had to offer him. He spent every moment that he could off base, practising his languages, picking up pretty brunettes (English and American ones, when he could), listening to music that hadn’t been approved by any government agency, played in basement bars, laced with anger and heavy guitar, the air heavy with smoke and the smell of sweat. He would have spent too much of his meagre salary going out to bars around the city, if he didn’t so often wind up with more cash in his pockets than when he left, betting on games of pool and poker and winning more often than not.
He had a few favourite establishments, ones with a higher turnover rate of tourists. It was harder to shark the same people twice, but cocky American tourists provided good hunting for a fresh-faced soldier who was oh so good at pretending to be a simple country boy. It was their own arrogance that lost the games before they had even begun. Nikolai had no qualms about using that American bluff and bluster to his advantage. This particular bar was near some of the embassies and plenty of hotels, and he’d already made a hundred American dollars playing pool with chain of unlucky marks (So typical of Americans to carry their own currency in another country). He sat at the bar considering his next move. He felt no particular urge to play any longer, or to return to his comrades, sitting at a table on the other side of the crowded establishment. Perhaps he would try his luck with the table of leggy blond women in the back corner of the smoky bar. One of them had been throwing smiles his way for the past half-hour. Pussy was pussy, even if he did prefer brunettes with thick, muscular thighs.
“You should play another round of pool,” Ivan, one of his fellow embassy guards said in his ear, half crashing into him from behind, knocking Nikolai into the bar and nearly spilling his beer. “There is a beautiful woman who’s about to beat a couple of Germans, you could have next game.”
Nikolai made a disgruntled sound. “I’m done for tonight,” he said, draining the rest of his beer. “You play her.” He had neglected to return to the table with Ivan and the others for a reason. He was tired of the usual posturing and boisterous behaviour already, and they had really only started in on their night. They often made fun of him for calling it early, or not trying to keep up with them, but it was always his turn to feel superior in the morning, when they could hardly open their eyes.
“Ah, come on, Kolyan. I can’t speak German or English. She will look at me like I’m a fool if I try to speak to her.” Ivan relied too heavily on Nikolai when it came to women. He made no effort to learn other languages, putting him at a disadvantage talking to local and tourist alike in Copenhagen, where Danish, English, German and even French were the best bets for communication.
“Maybe she speaks Russian.”
Ivan scoffed. “Unlikely. She looks American.”
Nikolai rolled his eyes, but turned to look, rewarded with the sight of a round ass wearing a pair of blue jeans bent over the table. A brunette, with shiny, slightly curling hair pulled into a high ponytail, wearing a leather jacket. Judging by the looks on the faces of the two blond giants across from her, she was about to clear the table. And she was just Nikolai’s type, by the shape of her.
He ordered two shots of whiskey, and when he turned to look around again, the woman had circled to the other side of the table. Nikolai’s heart stammered to a stop for a moment, bounced against the bottom of his stomach, and lurched back into motion as it landed hard in it’s usual place.
She sank the eight ball, grinning like a wolf, her red-painted lips stark contrast against her white teeth. “Sorry, boys. That’s game,” she told them in that pretty English accent of hers. “Better luck next time.”
Nikolai slapped a few krone on the bar and picked up the shot glasses, sidling up to Helena, setting them on the water-stained wooden edges of the pool table. “Lena,” he said, puffing himself up a bit. He had no need to pitch his voice lower now, or pull himself ramrod straight to give him the extra height. He was undoubtedly a man now, with a days worth of stubble on his chin and enough experience with women that he would not turn pink or stammer when she looked at him. She would have to see that. “Have a drink with me.”
Her attention snapped away from the Germans and to him, eyes devastatingly sharp on their first pass, until recognition softened her features with a smile half a heartbeat later. “Kolya?” she asked. “What are you doing here?” She didn’t wait for an answer before she seized him around the neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
Nikolai wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her in a tight circle, breathing in the smell of cigarettes and sweet, spicy perfume. He was a lot taller than she was now, and she fit into his arms better than a dream, with weight and substance. The last time he had seen her, three years that felt like a lifetime ago, they had been the same height.
“I’m a soldier now,” he told her as he set her back down on her feet, his hands lingering on her hips just a moment longer than necessary. He had no desire to let her go, but he did. “Stationed at the embassy. Aunt Talia pulled strings. It’s an easy assignment.”
“They made you cut your hair.” She rubbed a hand over his head, her hand sliding down the back of his neck before she let it fall back to her side. “It’s too bad. The long hair suited you.”
Nikolai nudged her gently, picking the shots up again and handing one to her. “I’ll grow it back once I’m my own man again. For you.”
He loved the way her eyes creased when she smiled. “Good.” They knocked their glasses together and downed them at the same time. “You still smoke?” she asked, inclining her head towards the door. “I was about to step outside.”
“You can smoke in here.” A bluish haze hung in the air above their heads, swirling whenever someone opened the door to admit a fresh gust of air, and many patrons of the bar had lit cigarettes in their hands, smoke drifting upwards with every exhale.
“I know. But it’s loud. I want to catch up.”
He would never argue against taking a moment alone with her. “As you wish.” He gestured for her to walk ahead of him. He could feel Ivan’s eyes on the back of his neck, so he shot a quick, gloating glance over his shoulder at his open-mouthed comrade, and then dashed ahead to open the door for Helena.
They stepped into the cool night air, and Helena pulled a pack of smokes out of her inner jacket pocket and thumbed one up enough that she could pull it out with her mouth, and offered the pack to Nikolai while she dug her lighter out of the front pocket of her jeans.
“You’re here on business?” Nikolai held her wrist steady as he plucked a cigarette from the pack, fingers moving fast enough that he hoped she wouldn’t notice that he took one that had the slightest smudge of red lipstick on it. He might be a man, but he didn’t harbour any illusions about his chances with Helena. An indirect kiss was the best he could hope for.
Lena tucked the pack into her pocket again, nodding. “Yes. Finished up now. I’ll be leaving tomorrow.” She lit her own cigarette and held up the lighter for him, her other hand cupped around the flame to protect it from the chilly breeze that rolled down the well-lit streets.
“That’s too bad. I have a few days off. It would be nice to spend some time with you.” He braced a hand on the wall behind her as he leaned in, meeting her eyes evenly. Did he just imagine that little hitch of breath? The spark of interest in her dark brown eyes?
She looked away, flicking the lighter closed. “I could maybe stick around another day.”
“Maybe another two?” he asked playfully. He was still looming over her, not touching, but close enough to share heat. She didn’t move away.
“We’ll see.” She braced her left elbow against her hand, setting the cigarette to her lips, her eyes everywhere but on him. Perhaps her stance was protective, hesitant, but still… Something had very obviously shifted between them.
Her wedding band was missing.
After three years of pining and chasing any woman that reminded him even a little of Helena, it was a cold-water shock to the system to imagine that the real thing was suddenly attainable. Fate had smiled at him, led them to each other on a chilly autumn night in a city big enough that they could have easily sailed right past each other, not even knowing that the other was near. Nikolai was no longer a child, he was tall and strong like a man worthy of her ought to be, and she was as beautiful as he remembered, sloe-eyed and ageless, and she was not wearing a wedding ring.
Still, his chances balanced like a knife tip on a finger. It would be easy to move to fast or too slow, to ask the wrong question or provide the wrong answer. Helena might still think him too young. He could stumble and show his limited experience, let the facade of confidence slip, allow the knife to tumble, sharp and glittering, to the ground.
He resisted the urge to touch one of the escaped wisps of hair that framed her face, curling in the damp sea air. "Do you ever wear your hair down?" he asked, pivoting away from the inclination to ask about her marriage. Maybe that would be a conversation for a few drinks later.
"Not really," she said, finally looking up at him again, tucking one of those escaped curls behind her ear. "Why?"
"Just wondering. I think I only even saw it down once. It is always business with you. Practicality."
"Nothing wrong with that."
"Certainly not. It is just curiosity."
"Hm. Of course.” The look she gave him was strange, fond but slightly suspicious, like she knew that there was something unsaid underneath his casual tone, but hadn’t quite figured out what. “How is the family?” Her turn to pivot, turning the conversation away from herself and back to predictable waters. “Last time I spoke to Talia she said she was expecting another baby."
Nikolai nodded. "Yes. Due soon. Maybe inside the month. And little Aleksei just turned three. Getting bigger every day. Talking endlessly, asking a thousand questions every day. Wants to know the whys of every little thing. How is your son? Ten now, yes?"
"Yes. He's a smart boy. Very capable. He's an expert marksman already. Hits a dead eye on a moving target eight times out of ten."
“He’s got no real sense for flying though. Taken him up a few times, but he doesn’t like heights. Poor kid.”
Nikolai laughed, struck, not for the first time, at the absurdity of her being a mother at all. She had patience, but little softness, more a captain training a recruit than a mother teaching her son, more concerned with toughness and survival than anything else. She was a hawk nudging her fledgling out of the nest and hoping he would fly. “He is only ten years old, Lena,” he reminded her. “You cannot expect him to be an expert in all things.”
“Well, I suppose not. He’s a pretty good driver, at least.”
Ivan tumbled out the door, followed by Iosif and Pyotr, the three of them laughing. Like Nikolai, they had gotten their stations in Copenhagen due to connections, but unlike Nikolai, they didn’t take an ounce of it seriously. Nikolai was no nationalist, but he did respect the training. He knew he could outrun, out-lift and out-shoot all three of them. And when it came to thinking, he was many miles ahead as well.
“Kolyan! We thought you left us behind,” Pyotr said. “But no, you are just out here with a beautiful woman.”
“Helena,” Lena supplied, giving them a half-wave with her nearly spent cigarette.
“Pyotr,” he replied, giving her a wide smile. He was tall as Nikolai, and blond and handsome in an annoying, self-aware way. “Ivan, and Iosif,” he added, pointing to the others in turn. “You don’t look Russian.” They were all so surprised when someone could speak more languages then they were born with, as though their own ignorant refusal to learn to communicate was the norm.
“I’m English,” she said. “A friend of Kolya’s family.”
Iosif gave Helena a look that lingered too long everywhere but her face. It made Nikolai want to punch him repeatedly. “You’re very beautiful,” Iosif said bluntly. “Can I buy you a drink?”
She smiled at him, the wolfish one that was all bared teeth and thinly-veiled threat, and dropped her cigarette to the damp ground, stepping on it to ensure it was fully out. “No. I buy my own drinks.”
“Kolyan bought you a drink,” Iosif protested.
“I don’t like you as much as I like him,” Lena said, shrugging. “There are no debts between us.”
Of course she would say so. She didn’t tally favours against friends, no concern for balanced books when the scales were tipped her way. He didn’t operate like that— Couldn’t afford to let favours accumulate interest, liked to collect sooner rather than later, keeping his own ledger clear. But it was staggering, how much he owed her. For the gifts, his flight lessons, the dust up in Leningrad where he had gotten injured, cornered and nearly killed, and she had taken down two men with her boot knife and bare hands. “Not quite,” Nikolai said softly. “My life is yours.” Perhaps it was nothing to her, just another day in a life filled with violence, but he would certainly not forget the sight of her covered in someone else’s blood, rushing to his side the moment both bodies hit the floor.
She shook her head, looking up at him. Her dark eyes looked starry, the way they cast back the orange light of streetlamps and the pink and blue neon sign from across the street, but it was hard to fathom what she was thinking, behind all that reflected colour. “No, Kolya. You owe me nothing.”
Nikolai tossed down his own cigarette and tapped his first knuckle against the bottom of her chin, leaning in a little closer. “It is really not a matter of owing, Helena,” he purred. “It is a matter of knowing where I stand.”
Her lips parted slightly, a hint of colour creeping into her pale cheeks.
“If there is a story there, we’d like to hear it,” Pyotr said smoothly, interrupting the moment with all the grace of a bucking bull smashing through a window. “Come, let Kolyan buy you another drink, tell us why he owes you his life.”
“It is better if I tell it,” Nikolai said. “She will discount her actions, because she is as modest as she is beautiful. But it is up to her if we join you. Tonight she is my general.” He dropped his arm to her shoulders, pulling her in close. She made no move to push him away, and her body fit right in against him like she belonged there. Like she belonged with him.
“They’re your friends, Kolya. Up to you.”
In all truth, he didn’t want to share any of her attention with them, although he did feel a certain pull to show her off some, even though she was not really his. “One drink,” he said. “We won’t stay long.”
They crowded back into the bar, and Helena touched Nikolai's chest lightly. "I'll be right back," she said, taking off for the back corner of the bar, weaving through clumps of other patrons. It was getting busier, and a band was tuning up their instruments on the opposite side of the establishment, the noise already sending ripples through the haze of smoke. Pyotr followed him to the bar while Ivan and Iosif laid claim to one of the few remaining tables.
"You always have good luck with women," Pyotr complained while they waited for the bartender to take notice of them. "You should leave some beautiful girls for the rest of us, no?"
"If you learned another tongue you could speak to some of them yourself," Nikolai said. "You and Ivan should try. Iosif has been learning English. He's fucking terrible at it, but it's worth the effort. He gets dates."
"Your Helena speaks Russian. And German?"
"And French. Maybe more than that. She does business in many countries."
“Business? She does not look like a business woman.”
Nikolai shrugged, burying his irritation under nonchalance. “Perhaps you have a narrow mind.”
Once they had their drinks in hand, they found the other two soldiers, and crammed into the booth with them. With four bulky men in the space, it was hard to imagine squeezing Helena into a proper seat. Nikolai wanted to kiss Ivan and Iosif on the mouth for creating a scenario where he might be able to coax Helena to sit on his lap. They were not good for much, but at least they were good for something.
Helena reappeared at his shoulder, and Nikolai twisted to look up at her, surprised to find that she had taken her hair down from its ponytail. She looked a little wilder that way, a little younger, dark hair loose around her shoulders, curling at the ends.
"Why don't you sit with me?" Pyotr asked, patting his knee invitingly. "Pretty thing like you ought to have a man take care of you, yes?"
Helena gave him an unamused look and hooked her arm around Nikolai's shoulders, dropping onto his thigh without any further ceremony. Nikolai wrapped his arm around her waist happily, his big hand sitting on the junction between her hip and thigh. He resisted the urge to dig his fingers in and feel her properly. "Don't get any ideas, Kolya," she told him, an attempt to be stern, although he wasn't sure either of them really believed that she meant it. "I'm far too old."
"Not so," Nikolai said, hoping honesty would help his case. "I've been with older women than you." He preferred women to girls his own age.
Surprise flickered across her face. She was rarely surprised, but the expression suited her, her soft red lips parting slightly, her beautiful eyes, usually half closed, opened wide. Ivan and Iosif were laughing, Iosif jostling Pyotr with his elbow for getting rejected so definitively.
Nikolai pressed his advantage, leaning in close, his words only for her. "Perhaps you will tell me later why you have no ring on your finger."
She turned her head slightly. They were so close that their noses almost brushed. "Kolya..."
"Lena," he returned, nudging the tip of his nose against hers, satisfaction pooling in his belly at the was she inhaled, like she thought he was going to try to kiss her. And then he turned away, picking up his beer and nudging hers toward the corner of the table slightly.
Yes, things had certainly shifted between them.
There was something gratifying about having her there, and not just because her warm body was pressed close to his, but to have someone to exchange a look with when Pyotr said something out of touch, or when Ivan made a terrible joke. They tended to think alike, him and his sparrowhawk, and every time they looked at each other it was confirmation of the chemistry that Nikolai had long been painfully aware of, and Lena was just beginning to realize.
When she finished her beer, she stood up, heading outside for another cigarette. She didn’t like to smoke indoors— Nikolai suspected it was more a reason to take a step outside to gather her thoughts than it was for any type of propriety. Pyotr had offered her two as they sat around the table, and she had politely declined each time.
“I won’t be back,” he told the others, grinning wolfishly at the sour look on Pyotr’s face. “Try not to get into too much trouble without me. You will not be able to talk your way out of it.”
He found Lena around the corner, tucked into an alley to get out of the wind. The weather had a habit of shifting without warning, and there was a smell of ozone in the air, promising rain, although the sky above them was still dark and clear.
She looked at him, but didn’t speak, simply held out her pack of cigarettes to offer him one. He lit it with his own lighter this time, nodding his thanks rather than breaking the silence. If she had something on her mind, it would be better to wait her out. So he smoked, standing a step away, watching her. He could never get tired of looking at her anyway.
Finally, she spoke, an accusation, but delivered lightly. “You’ve been flirting.”
He nodded. The allegations were more than true. He was only glad that she could not charge him for the thoughts he’d indulged in, not simply that evening, but for a very long time. “I have.”
“Because I want you.”
She dropped her spent cigarette to the ground, frowning. "Kolya, you're too young. You should be with someone your own age."
Nikolai dropped his own cigarette and threw caution away as well, stepping forward, crowding her up against the rough brick, and cupped her face, allowing all the admiration and want that he'd tried to bury for years to rise to the surface. "I am nearly twenty. I am a soldier. Old enough to die for my country, but not old enough to want to make love to a beautiful woman I respect and adore?"
She gripped his wrists, but didn't pull his hands away. "I--"
"No. Even before you were not happy. You deserve more, from a man who will do anything for you. Let me be that man, Lena. At least for a day or two, hm?" He pressed his lips to hers and drew back, searching her eyes for a reaction. Her grip on his wrists loosened and fell away, her palms settling against his chest instead. Not pushing him away, but not pulling him closer either.
They looked at each other for a long moment, indecision writ in bold script across her face. Good sense would have her send him away, but it was not a night where good sense reigned supreme. They were alone, in a world that had shrank to fit just the two of them, everything else forgotten and distant.
Her eyes dropped from his and settled on his mouth. "Oh fuck it," she said, and they crashed together desperately, her hands gripping his shirt.
Heat blazed in his chest, like a sputtering engine roaring to life. She opened up to him without him having to do any prodding, he could taste smoke and the clean burn of alcohol on her tongue as it moved against his. This was passion, not the clumsy, anxious pawing between two inexperienced people, like he was more used to, but the inevitable reaction of two people who knew exactly what they wanted. He threaded his fingers through her silky hair, angling her head slightly so he could deepen the kiss the slightest bit more, licking eagerly into her mouth. She made a soft sound, arms twining around his neck so she could press her body closer to his. He let his own hands settle on her waist. As much as he wanted to touch every inch of her, he didn't want to come across as too excitable or get carried away by his desire. He needed to make Helena melt first. His own pleasure was a guarantee. Even if she stopped him there, he had held and touched and kissed her now, and he had come many times to paltry imaginings of less.
Lena broke them apart, breathing hard, her dark eyes bright and slightly unfocused, like she had never been kissed like that. Like his kiss had left her more unsteady than the drinks, her red lipstick smeared across her mouth. “I’m staying close by,” she told him, running her thumb across the corner of his mouth, coming away with more red pigment. “Do you want—”
He cut her off with another kiss. He didn’t give a fuck if there was lipstick staining his own mouth. It was just evidence that she really had kissed him. “If you’re asking if I want to get out of here, the answer is yes.”
“Should you tell your friends?”
“No. I make it a habit to leave without saying goodbye. Especially if a beautiful woman has been sitting in my lap all evening.” He grinned, catching her hand as he stepped back. “Where are you staying?”
They walked to her hotel slowly, Nikolai stopping to kiss her at every opportunity, a little worried that she might, at any moment, come to her senses and send him on his way. He had wanted her so badly for so long, he did not wish to stop until they had tangled up together in bed, and perhaps not even then. Perhaps he could convince her to spend more time with him. Perhaps when he had served his time in the army he would be able to follow her wherever she went.
It would likely take some convincing, but he was up to the task. In that moment, he was up to any task.
She unlocked the door to her hotel room, her expression turning pensive. "I'm not divorced yet, we’re just separated for now. Maybe this is--"
"Lena, I am not asking you for the rest of your life." He didn't add that he would take it, if she offered it to him-- That he would take anything she offered him, no matter how big or small. "I only want to show you what you mean to me."
She pushed the door open to let him in. "I don't-- I don't even know if we will get divorced."
"I don't care." He did. He cared a lot, but if he said that aloud she would halt things, tell him it was for his own good.
"Of course not. It's just a crush you want to work out of your system, right?" She smiled wryly, shedding her leather jacket and tossing it over a chair.
"Sure." He tossed his own jacket down on top of hers and hauled her back into his arms. "Do you want to talk about this man that never deserved you? Or do you want to forget him?" He rubbed his thumb over the jagged scar on her arm, where it cut her RAF tattoo in half, his touch following it up to where it disappeared under her rolled up t-shirt sleeve and back down again.
She drew in a shaky breath, as unsure as Nikolai had ever seen her. "He cheated on me. Said it was because I was gone so much. Guess I can’t blame him for that. Just never was able to stay home. Too much to do. Not built for domesticity.”
“You cannot help being what you are,” Nikolai said.
Lena laughed lightly and wound her arms around his waist, her hands slipping under his shirt and curling against his back. “Are you going to tell me what I am, Kolya?” she asked, tilting her head back to look at him.
“A sparrowhawk. A fierce little hunting bird. A warrior, perhaps, a traveller, certainly. Never the kind of woman that belongs tucked away in a kitchen somewhere. Your husband is a fool if he cannot appreciate you as you were made to be.”
“He wants to work it out,” she warned him. “We've got so much tangled up together it might be the only thing that makes sense."
“Perhaps. Perhaps if you must, you should allow him to chase his lesser women, so that you can spend your time with a better man.” He grinned at her and moved in for another kiss. He had said everything that needed saying, laid out what cards he thought would aid him, and kept the rest tucked away for later. She all but melted in his arms, lips parting reflexively for him.
This time, he made no effort to restrain himself, letting his hands roam, moaning into her mouth when he finally got a handful of her backside, fingers gripping a little too tight from enthusiasm. What curves she had were incidental, from her broad-hipped build rather than much softness— Even motherhood had granted very little softness to Lena, she was packed muscle and callouses and fire, totally unlike any of the pale imitations he had found himself chasing over the past few years. Lena would always be a soldier first, it would take some effort to remind her that she was a woman too.
Nikolai stepped forward, making Lena move backwards until her knees hit the bed, and broke the kiss so he could kiss down her neck, sucking a little too hard just below her ear, making her hiss. She gripped the collar of his shirt firmly, hauling him back a bit. “Easy,” she said, laughing. “Leave the hickies for the college girls, Kolya.”
He flushed pink, although the embarrassment from his mistake did nothing to dampen the mood, blessedly. “Sorry,” he said, knocking his forehead against hers. “You’re very hot.”
Lena grinned in response and tugged his shirt off over his head, tossing it to the side. She ran her hands over his chest, eyes following hungrily. “So are you.”
Nikolai had been hard since they started kissing outside the bar, but her words, somehow all the more genuine delivered in her own tongue, coupled with the look she gave him made him twitch, blood fully abandoning his head to travel south. He pulled her shirt off too, and kissed down her chest, cheering internally that he managed to unhook her bra on the first attempt, rather than struggling with the clasp like a schoolboy.
Her nails grazed over his head encouragingly when he reached her small breasts, lapping his tongue across one nipple and palming the other. She made a breathy sound, and then a groan when he tested his teeth against the sensitive nub. He groaned too, some primal part of him getting off on the fact that he was making her feel good, that she was letting him touch her, that she was enjoying the feeling of his hands and lips and tongue and teeth on her skin. He felt twenty feet tall.
Lena reached for his belt, undoing the buckle before his syrupy-slow thoughts could catch up. He broke away from her breast and caught her wrists before she could do more than undo the top button of his jeans. He was fairly sure he would spill all over her fingers if she put her hands on him. “Impatient,” he chided her, pushing her onto the bed. He sank to his knees, positioning his body between her thighs. “Ladies first.”
Her laugh was always music to his ears, but it was honey sweet now, pooling somewhere in his chest as he cut her off with another kiss. He couldn’t risk her seeing the feeling in his eyes— He knew it was too close to love, that she would realize that this meant more to him than it did to her, and she would send him away to protect him.
He ducked his head and sank back on his haunches, pulling one of her boots into his lap so he could undo the laces and pull it free. She leaned back on her elbows to watch him, her head tipped to the side thoughtfully. Her gaze burned, but he didn’t look up until he had set both boots to the side, sliding his hands up her firm thighs to the waistband of her jeans. “These need to come off now.”
“Now who’s impatient?” she asked teasingly, but she pitched her hips up so he could peel the denim off of her legs anyway, the heat in her eyes undeniable.
Nikolai ran his hands up her legs reverently, dropping a kiss on the inside of her knee, torn as ever between restraint and enthusiasm. He pushed her legs open a little wider, attention fixed on her cotton-clad cunt.
Lena gave him a sly, fox-like smile. "You want to taste me?" She asked, hooking her thumbs through the waistband of her panties.
"More than anything," he breathed.
"Then get to it, soldier," she said, pushing them down.
"Yes ma'am." Nikolai pulled them the rest of the way off, and tried to be subtle about shoving the (wet!) cotton in his pocket. She probably saw, but she was gracious enough to not mention it. He wasted no more time, pulling her to the edge of the bed as he peppered the inside of her thighs with kisses, eyes focused on her pretty pussy, framed by slick darkened curls. His cock throbbed as he dipped his head down, licking a broad path along her slit, groaning at the heady taste of her. He threw one of her lean legs over his shoulder and fixed his mouth to her clit, lapping his tongue across it, gripping tightly to her hips when they bucked up against him. A moan fell from Helena's mouth, prompting him to repeat the movement.
He found a rhythm quickly, spurred on by her gasped instructions, or her hand nudging his head into just the right position. He had found that the benefit sleeping with older women was that they weren’t shy about asking for what they wanted, but Helena took it a step further and simply took, grinding against his tongue, using the leg over his shoulder to pull him closer, the other planted on his thigh so she could push him just slightly away, reminding him to breathe. As if that was important, when the sharp taste of her was heavy on his tongue and her moans were thick in the air.
“Two fingers,” Lena gasped, nudging him back slightly to make sure he was listening. “Inside, please.”
Nikolai obeyed, leaning back to watch her face, replacing his tongue with his thumb. Her soaked cunt pulsed around his fingers, her hips canting toward his touch desperately. He curled his fingers just so, and she keened, fisting the sheets as if she were worried that she would levitate off the bed and away from his hands. “Will you come for me?” he purred. “You look so beautiful. Taste so sweet.”
His words made her gush, her walls clenching tight around him. “Fuck— Kolya!” Her whole body shuddered, pulling taut, tension snapping when he suctioned his mouth to her swollen clit once more, moaning against her as she came, as if her pleasure was his own. It nearly was. He was so hard, and his jeans so tight that he could imagine coming just from the pressure and the sweet sounds she made, although he tried not to think about that.
She unhooked her leg from his shoulder and pushed herself into a seated position, cupping his jaw to pull him closer. “You’re pretty good at that,” she panted, pressing a kiss to his mouth, unphased by the slick that coated the lower half of his face.
Nikolai got to his feet, letting his teeth graze against her bottom lip before he straightened up fully, separating reluctantly so he could kick off his boots and finally rid himself of the rest of his clothes. “I’m good at lots of things,” he promised.
Helena moved toward the head of the mattress, watching him, face flushed pink high on her cheekbones and hair a mess already. Her dark eyes dipped down his chest, thighs pressing together when he finally freed his cock. He wanted to imprint the image of her looking at him like that on the back of his eyelids, so he could see it every time he blinked for the rest of his life. Her dark eyes were hot and hungry, for him. That morning, this was a distant, far off fantasy that lingered in the back of his mind, and now she was here, laying naked before him, every inch of her lean, muscular, scarred up body on display, and she wanted him.
“Are you going to stand there all night, or are you going to come over here and show me what else you’re good at?” she asked.
“I am just appreciating the view,” he laughed, climbing onto the bed beside her. “It’s one I’d very much like to remember.”
“Flatterer,” she accused, curling into his arms for another kiss.
He hummed against her mouth, agreeing, pulling her on top of him, legs on either side of his waist. He was glad she was as eager to lock lips as he was— He could never get tired of the spit-slicked slide of her mouth against his, the swipe of her tongue against his own, like she was as desperate to devour him as he was her. He reached around her hips to take himself in hand, precum easing the glide of his first few rough, desperate strokes.
“Koyla,” she whined against his mouth, angling her hips back.
“You want me?” he asked, tapping the head of his cock against her core, grinning when she inched backward, chasing it when he pulled back again.
“Yes,” she panted. “Please.”
Who was he to deny her? He rubbed himself against her dripping folds again, and she pitched herself backward, taking him to the hilt in one smooth movement. He groaned, fighting off the urge to come just like that, at the first molten clench of her cunt around him, fingers digging into her hips to hold her still while he adjusted.
Lena fought his grip, grinding her clit down against him, desperate for friction and movement. Nikolai lost the battle shamefully quick, an orgasm pulsing through him before he could do more than pant out her name, holding her down against him as he came inside her, eyes screwed tight.
He pulled in a shuddering breath, wincing. “Shit. Sorry.”
Lena just laughed, not an ounce of judgment or disappointment in the sound. “You need a minute?” she asked, pushing back up onto her knees, their hips still pressed flush together. Her cunt pulsed around him, and, blessedly, his cock responded with enthusiasm, staying hard. She rocked back and forth, hands braced against his chest as she fucked herself slowly on him, drawing each movement out excruciatingly slow, a teasing smile on her lips. She squeezed around him again, and he could help but groan, rutting up into her reflexively.
“No. No, I will keep going. Sorry.” He pulled her down against his chest and rolled them so that he was on top. Coming too early once was bad enough, he couldn’t risk it happening a second time. He folded her legs up and thrust into her slow, making sure that she felt every inch of him drag across that spongy, sensitive spot that he had found with his fingers earlier.
Lena hooked her legs around his waist, pressing her palms against the headboard to give herself some leverage to meet his movements, encouraging him to pick up his pace. He followed her cue, pistoning into her soaked pussy harder and faster, his balls slapping against her ass, coupling with the wet sound of his cock moving in and out of her and the little whimpers that left her lips with every thrust. He dropped down to his forearms, feeling tension building inside him again, trying to keep his reaction in check, and the change in angle made her cry out. She let go of the headboard and clung to his shoulders instead, burying her face against his neck.
“Kolya,” she gasped into his ear. “I’m close.”
He knew that the best thing he could do was keep to the same rhythm, so he continued the relentless pace, shifting his wieght to one arm so he could reach between them, rubbing a tight circle around her clit. He legs squeezed tight around him, her cunt fluttering around his cock. She bit down on his shoulder, groaning against his skin, nails digging into his back. His own release came quickly, the tension snapping as he spilled inside her for the second time. He rutted against her until her cunt relented, loosening around him.
“Fuck,” he said, pressing his forehead to hers, breathing hard. “You’re so beautiful. Next time I need to see your face, yes?”
That teasing, fox-like grin returned. “Next time?”
“Give me, five, ten minutes,” he panted. “I’m good for it.”
She laughed, pushing him over onto the bed and curling into him, her head on his shoulder, her legs tangled up with his. She made a soft, contented noise, running her fingers through the sweaty curls of hair on his chest, her expression turning dazed and thoughtful as she relaxed in his arms. He smoothed her hair back from her face, kissing the top of her head affectionately.
"You flown a helo yet?” she asked. “I could take you up tomorrow, if you want. There’s one on the ship." The change of subject was abrupt, but he knew her well enough to recognize her tactics when she got too close to an emotion.
"I would like that.”
“Good. Me too.”
Nikolai sighed, tilting Lena’s chin up for another proper kiss. He would spend every moment he could by her side, for as long as she would let him, in the air or on solid ground. “Will you be in town again soon?” he asked hopefully.
“I haven’t even left yet,” she said, laughing.
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
She bit her lip, cheeks turning pinker, her eyes filled with something shining and hopeful and sweet, something that settled under his ribs, curling up in his chest and purring like a contented cat. “I wish I didn’t have to.”
“Next time, stay longer.”
“I will,” she promised. “And yes, soon.”
He didn’t expect more than that. Couldn’t, knowing her. But it was enough.
Maybe Copenhagen wasn’t so bad after all.
#call of duty modern warfare#cod fanfic#x OC#Nikolai x OC#Nikolai mw#here be smut#MDNI#Sparrowverse#I can't look at this anymore or I will go insane#Please let me know if you need more content warnings at the beginning#This is the first actual sex scene I've posted and I hope it's appropriately sexy
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JJK Teasers: September 2024
Still doing this, though I kinda forgot about it last month after the initial post. Oops. Once again, here are ~200 (unedited) words each from the JJK updates intended for this month.
Ch. 10 of (let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered
“Who’s Suguru?”
Gojou mouth clicks shut; his eyes being hidden doesn’t stop his whole face from radiating shock. Yuuji curls his hand into fists on either side of his body and waits, viciously patient. Yuuji imagined this a lot. These last three weeks, without even a single rambling message to indicate Gojou was still alive, Yuuji has had plenty of time to cook up all sorts of scenarios. What else could he do? The first week, he trained until he passed out, but that kept taking longer and longer and longer, until twenty-four hours passed with Yuuji’s mind still stubbornly online, and he’d wondered, once or twice, if that was Sukuna’s doing somehow, and then he’d somehow started wondering if Gojou was ever going to come back, if Yuuji was going to rot in this gilded cage until he starved and died, and then he’d thankfully passed out on the ground, waking up freezing and miserable the next morning without a cold or even a bruise to show for his stupidity.
After that, he tried to keep his imagination constrained to conversations. Sometimes, he screamed. Sometimes, he apologized. He knew he wouldn’t do either.
When he slept, the dreams were almost a solace. The blood and the bodies were warmer than his bed.
Even Sukuna’s amusement was just dull background noise after a point.
“He…was someone I used to know,” Gojou says finally, the silence only louder for the breaking. “It’s not important.”
Liar, Yuuji doesn’t say.
He asks, “When you fuck me, are you thinking of him?”
Ch. 3 of i can offer you a black-lit paradise
“Taking it slow isn’t always a good thing, Yuuji,” says Gojou. The overlapping fingers on Megumi’s hips turn bruising, making him hiss. “But I guess you wouldn’t know that. Here, I’ll show you.”
“Wait—” is all Megumi manages to say before he’s forced down.
White-hot sensation tears through his body, concentrated pulses of it lashing at his asshole and clawing up and up and up, till he’s choking on a supernova. Gojou’s cock feels like a solid spear of fire, the flesh around it scorched raw.
“—was too much, sensei,” he hears, the voice soft and close. “Are you okay? Fushiguro?”
“M’fine,” Megumi grits out, prying his eyes open only to be immediately assailed by cow-eyed concern. “Stop it.”
Itadori blinks. “Stop what?”
“Stop,” Megumi says carefully, trying to focus past the screaming hurt in his lower half, “looking at me like that.”
Itadori blinks again. “Like…what?”
“Like I’m going to break!” Megumi snaps.
For a moment, Itadori looks taken aback. Then he grins, inexplicably. “That’s just like you, Fushiguro.”
“A bit of dick isn’t going to change who he is.” Gojou’s the one who answers, the words soaked in mirth. “And you should know that very well, Yuuji.”
What the hell does—
Itadori laughs, ducking his head a bit. “I do, I do. Sorry, Fushiguro. Didn’t mean to make you self-conscious.”
Ch. 3 of your resistance, prophetic self-destruction
“You look so miserable, you poor thing,” Gojou murmurs, voice so soft that Yuuji can’t tell whether it’s mockery or sympathy; he wants nothing do to with either. “What do you want from me, Yuuji?”
“I don’t know,” Yuuji lies. But his mouth’s got other ideas, adding in a mortifyingly small voice, “I like you, sensei.”
“Do you?” Gojou asks, tone painfully neutral. “Or do you just want to fuck me?”
Yuuji raises his eyes from the wetly clumped white hair at Gojou’s navel to glare at his face. “What kind of a question is that? Why the hell can’t it be both?”
Gojou just looks unreasonably amused. “Sure, it could be. But at your age, it’s very easy to confuse this”—a tap his chest, right over his heart, and then a hand delving under the water to curl around Yuuji’s limp dick, squeezing once—“with this.”
Yuuji hates his body reacts even to that cruel touch.
“Stop that,” he snaps, curling both hands on the edges of the tub so he won’t do something stupid like try and strangle Gojou. “I’m dumb but not that dumb.”
“Oh, you’re no fool, Itadori Yuuji,” Gojou says, tongue curling softly around the syllables of Yuuji’s full name with a gravity that never fails to fill his spine with molten lead. “But you are very young and full of life—and planning to die that way, aren’t you?”
Yuuji’s whole body goes cold. “What?”
Gojou’s still smiling. “Don’t you want you die, Yuuji?”
Ch.2 of (this is also part of the story) how the story changes
“Gojou-san?” Nanami calls.
Satoru and Yuuji are in perfectly respectable positions, standing close together but with a good foot of space between their bodies, when Nanami and Shouko reach the bottom of the stairs.
They both promptly freeze.
Beside him, Yuuji makes a noise.
“Kento-kun, Shouko-chan,” he practically gasps, “you’ve grown so much.”
Satoru turns to stare incredulously at Yuuji.
He gets his hair yanked and told he’s grown a bit, all with a gently mocking air that no amount of fondness could hide, but these two get—
Well, apparently, they get Yuuji pulling them into a hug they’re too stunned to reciprocate—or resist.
Even with the Six Eyes, Satoru can only barely see Yuuji move. Isn’t that wonderfully terrifying?
Yuuji releases his frozen victims fairly quickly, but only so he can take Nanami by the shoulders. He and Yuuji are nearly the same height—a fact which seems to delight Yuuji.
“You’ve really changed!” Yuuji says, and unless Satoru’s ears are betraying him, that’s pure glee in his voice. “You’re wearing a suit. And your hair. This is adorable.”
Adorable, Satoru mouths to himself.
Shouko’s wide eyes meet his for a fleeting second before she returns to staring at Nanami and Yuuji in evident fascination.
And Nanami—
Nanami looks catatonic.
It’s that blank-eyed stare over a distinct blush that snaps Satoru out of it. “Yuuji, you’re breaking him.”
#jjk teasers#goyuu#jjk#jjk snippets#my fic#fic: how the story changes#fic: prophetic self destruction#fic: a blacklit paradise#fic: every version of the story
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