#jjk teasers
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voxofthevoid · 4 months ago
JJK teasers for December! As usual, they're 200–300 words from the unedited versions of this month's updates. Work descriptions can be found in the Dec schedule post right above this.
Chapter 1/1 of lipstick chemtrails
She taps that open mouth, once. “You won’t terribly mind if I borrow this, will you?”
Yuuji’s reaction is all in the hips; they fuck the air, the motion rippling through his entire body. Satoru laughs, delighted, and Yuuji groans, the noise too low and lewd to be just embarrassment, and he doesn’t answer, of course, but why would he need to? This story only ends the one way.
Satoru raises a leg, hooking it over his shoulder. At this angle, it leaves the underside of her skirt at eye level with him. His eyes lose all airs of respect, snapping to her cunt and growing molten, a heat that Satoru’s body echoes with a telltale pulse.
She wonders if he can see her panties growing wet.
Satoru digs her heel into his back, tugging him closer, and Yuuji topples into her with a wounded noise, his arms rising to grip her legs. Frantic fingers dig into the meat of her thigh, pushing it closer to his neck, and his other hand finds the same bruise he left the other day, the ache of it sweeter for the way it’s surely an accident.
Yuuji’s breathing like he’s run a marathon, eyes still fixed on her cunt like it might reach out and bite him.
“You look so scared,” Satoru says, laughing again, and it’s mean—she knows it, feels it—but it’s only right when she wants to eat this boy alive. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Sensei will be very gentle.”
She yanks his mouth to her cunt.
Chapter 4/7 of for granted, in vain, i took everything i ever cared about
“I’m done,” Yuuji announces, voice still eerily quiet. His fingers brush Satoru’s cheeks, flirting with skin and fabric as they check whether the bindings are too tight.
It’s gentle, every touch.
“You shouldn’t waste this opportunity, you know.”
Yuuji’s fingers still. “Sensei?”
“All that anger you’re holding back,” Satoru clarifies. “Take it out on me. This is the only time you’ll be able to, without consequences.”
Yuuji’s touch withdraws entirely, but his warmth remains—so close that Satoru can taste it.
“Is that the kind of person you think I am, Gojou-sensei?”
There’s genuine hurt in Yuuji’s voice, but it’s still so quiet; that makes it worse, somehow.
Satoru lets out a shuddering breath, a twinge of shame in his chest. “No. Might do you some good though.”
The bed dips beside him as Yuuji sits down. “If you want to make me feel better, stop being an ass.”
“I did warn you.”
“And I’m still here,” Yuuji says plainly. “And honestly, sensei, my grandpa was meaner than you.”
Satoru laughs, the sound surprised out of him. “Really? He’s starting to sound like a scary man.”
“Not even a little.” Yuuji must lean closer—or maybe it’s Satoru, helplessly soaking in that warmth—because there’s a line of solid heat against his bare arm, with patches of coolness from the water. “It was mostly out of care. He didn’t want me to lose out on life. But I think he also just couldn’t stand any of it—being there, being alone. And he hated me seeing him like that, but maybe he thought I’d get tired of it too, and if he pushed me away first, it wouldn’t hurt the way it would if I left first. As if I was ever going to.”
Chapter 2/2 of you were made in the image of god (i was not)
“I thought about Sukuna,” he confesses. “His soul and mine—we’d have done that, sensei. If he’d stayed in me, if you hadn’t killed me, we’d have rotted together, and what came out of the slime—I don’t think you could’ve loved that. I keep wondering, though, if you’d have tried.”
Gojou knew before Yuuji did what hosting Sukuna would do to him, and he was going to keep Yuuji alive anyway. Did he really know what he was doing?
He couldn’t have. Gojou wasn’t all-knowing. Shibuya proved that, and Shinjuku was worse. But he’s the smartest man Yuuji’s known, and he’d have only become more devastating, right? Maybe he’d have seen it, what Yuuji would become. Maybe he’d have put him down like a dog. That could’ve been love too.
But if Sukuna had said yes, Gojou wouldn’t have been around for that. Nobody else would have made a difference.
It doesn’t matter now. And Yuuji doesn’t regret the choice he offered.
He has a feeling Gojou would even have approved of it—that perversion of his dream.
He gently drags Gojou up, till that face is hovering over his. It’s not very romantic. The head is limp, lolling bonelessly from the neck. The way the hair falls forward makes it look softer and younger, like he’s only Yuuji’s age.
Yuuji kisses him, arching his head up, and when he settles back down, Gojou settles with him—face to face, mouth to mouth, limb to limb.
He pictures the rot. The dead and the living. Worms and maggot. Black slime, crawling with filthy life.
It’d start inside Yuuji, wouldn’t it? This entire time, Gojou has refused to decay, but Yuuji’s soul has been festering for months.
He’d be the killing kiss, the hungry rot.
Gojou can be the devoured one.
Chapter 7/9 of everything burned, as promised
The perks of being able to warp is that his unwitting victims never get the opportunity to escape. Sometimes, said victims are his enemies; most often, they’re hapless allies he’s inflicting himself upon. 
Yuuji doesn’t fall into either category, but he’s certainty Satoru’s victim.
And, after space resolves into solidity around them, Yuuji doesn’t get to react beyond a startled gasp before Megumi and Nobara turn to face them, wearing matching expressions of exasperation.
Those turn into a blend of curiosity and suspicion when they set eyes on Yuuji.
“You’re late,” Nobara snaps, and her voice loses barely any edge when she asks, “And who’s this? Another student from Kyoto?”
Yuuji makes a strangled noise. His fingers are crushingly tight around Satoru’s wrist.
“Reasonable assumption,” Satoru says cheerfully. “But no! Yuuji’s my boyfriend.”
Pindrop silence.
Yuuji seems to have stopped breathing.
Megumi very slowly takes out his phone. “I’m calling the police.”
“Good luck with that,” Satoru tells him. “Now, Yuuji will be taking my place today! The three of you should be able to handle a couple of grade-one curses easy.”
Yuuji’s grip starts to bruise bone. “Satoru.”
Satoru kisses him.
“Hey!” Nobara yells.
Megumi’s silence is even louder.
Yuuji jumps, his hand falling away from Satoru, who takes advantage of it to put some distance between them.
He avoids looking at Yuuji’s face. It’s hard with the Six Eyes being what they are, but Satoru manages.
“Take care of him for me,” Satoru tells them, making fleeting and one-sided eye contact with Megumi and Nobara both. “See ya!”
Chapter 4/24 of (this is also part of the story) how the story changes
“Yuuji,” Satoru rasps, and it feels so strange to be able to speak, his throat and tongue both throbbing and numb.
“Satoru,” Yuuji says gently, “tell me what you want.”
“Your—” It’s not anything like embarrassment that cuts him off, just the indescribable strangeness of talking with that tongue under his own, and then he can’t not look, mouth and throat drying out at the sight of that wet pink flesh stretching out from the leering belly mouth to bully Satoru’s mouth. He’s still staring at it when he says, “Your cock. I want your cock.”
“Good boy.” Approval, syrupy-sweet but scorching, somehow. Yuuji’s fist unravels, letting go of Satoru’s hair to ruffle it playfully. “Then take it.”
The tongue withdraws, but not without licking a wet stripe along Satoru’s open mouth. He gasps with it, mouth a spit-soaked mess inside and out. The taste is still that eerie blend of sweetness and iron—rot but not.
The lips of the mouth close firmly, teeth and tongue all vanishing. Cursed energy flares, and Satoru can only stare as the lips pale and fade, merging seamlessly into that violent scar that started all this.
“You look so disappointed,” Yuuji says, clearly amused. Satoru tries to school his expression, but too little too late; Yuuji pats his cheek like he’s a puppy. “Don’t pout, Satoru. You’ll get distracted if that thing’s there. And you don’t want that, right?”
“I’m not—”
“You will,” Yuuji cuts in, graceless and merciless. “You already are. I thought you wanted my cock?”
Chapter 5/5 of your resistance, prophetic self-destruction
“What are you sorry for?”
Yuuji almost laughs. Where isn’t he sorry for?
“Everything,” he says, the syllables catching on his throat. “Shibuya—I killed so many people. And Kugisaki—I was there, and I couldn’t—I didn’t do a damn thing to save her. Fushiguro too—it’s my fault, sensei. I’m the reason Sukuna took him.”
Yuuji’s mouth feels raw in the aftermath, everything hot and numb.
Gojou is quiet for long enough that the silence becomes splintered, digging into every inch of Yuuji.
“A cursed spirit killed Nobara,” Gojou says. There’s no inflection in his words; his eyes are chips of ice. “And Sukuna killed those people in Shibuya. Sukuna hurt you and used you to hurt Megumi. He’ll pay for it, I can promise you that. But first, how many times will we have this conversation, Yuuji?”
They have, haven’t they? After the detention center, after Junpei.
Each time, Yuuji thought he understood it, accepted it.
Yuuji was a fool.
“You don’t understand,” he says, lips still numb, eyes fixed on the follow of Gojou’s throat. “The binding vow—the one Sukuna brought me back to life for. I remember now. I was…such an idiot. Fushiguro isn’t here because I am.”
A pair of knuckles brush the underside of his jaw, gently tilting his face up and into Gojou’s gaze.
“We dragged you into this world, Megumi and I,” Gojou tells him, every word dangerously soft. “And then left you to learn its horrors on your own.”
It’s not exactly self-recrimination that colors Gojou’s voice; Yuuji would know. He can’t tell what else it is either, but it makes him bristle. “That was my choice.”
A smile like a knife’s edge splits Gojou’s mouth. “Oh, I remember the choices I gave you. Choose your hell, wasn’t it? Do you regret it, this hell?”
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kythed · 8 days ago
roomate!geto x reader
it's 1am, and geto suguru is freezing. he's got a hot water bottle, a comforter, and two thick blankets, yet he's still shivering like a naked mole rat in midwinter.
why am i so fucking cold? geto thinks, feeling ridiculous as he rubs his legs together like a giant cricket. he wonders if he's inexplicably lost fifty pounds in the night and his body is shutting down. or maybe the apartment has been magically transported to a remote arctic wasteland.
"suguru?" the door creaks open, and geto sits up, squinting at your face, illuminated by the hallway light.
"oh, hey," he says, pulling his blankets up to his chin. "you okay?"
"yeah," you say, slipping into the room and closing the door behind you. geto reaches over and flicks on his bedside lamp. "i think our central heating switched off. it's, like, unbearable."
you look small and vulnerable in the yellow lamplight. so different from your usual put-together state. geto raises an eyebrow at your penguin-patterned pajama pants, and you flush.
"a gift from my grandma, asshole," you say, straightening your tank top. geto tries not to dwell on how thin and semi-see through it is.
"mhm," he says, flashing you what he knows is a charmingly ironic grin. he shifts under his covers. "yeah, it's cold. i honestly don't know how i'm gonna fall asleep again."
"well," you say, glancing down at your feet. you're uncharacteristically bashful. "i was thinking, maybe—and it's totally okay if you're not comfortable with this—i was wondering if i could sleep with you? just for the body heat. my room is, like, super cold and—"
"you wanna sleep with me?" geto repeats, just to see you squirm. he knows he's being a little mean. but he can afford to be, especially when he already knows exactly what his answer is.
"not like that," you're quick to say. you blush harder. "i mean, obviously. obviously i would never—"
"aw," he says with a melodramatic pout. "never ever?"
the two of you have teased each other like this before. joking that you'd get married if you were both still single by 40, bringing each other as plus-ones to various work events and telling coworkers you'd been together since high school—but somehow the teasing felt very different when you were both in various states of undress.
"maybe if you got a haircut," you say with a small smile, rubbing the chicken skin on your arms. geto feels his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. "anyway. please? can i sleep here? just for tonight."
"sure, kid," he says, pulling back the covers for you. he knows you hate it when he calls you that, but tonight you don't protest. "c'mere."
you slip in, instantly curling up against his side. geto feels his whole body thrum when your ice-cold skin presses up against his. his body automatically wraps around yours, tugging your waist closer, slipping his arm beneath your head. he's never been this close to you. it feels wrong, but it also feels natural.
"better?" he says, lips brushing the back of your neck. he feels you stiffen a little at his warm breath.
"much," you say. you pull his arm tighter around you and nestle into the curve of his body. "and just so we're clear: no funny business."
"i wouldn't dream of it," he says, voice low. you smell so good. so you. he feels something instinctive, something evolutionary in himself say this is it, isn't it? "as i've said many times before, you utterly repulse me. we could never be more than roommates."
"never ever," you say, and as you do, you bring his knuckles up to your lips and press a warm, soft kiss on them. geto bites back a gasp. he's suddenly very aware of his t-shirt and shorts being the only barriers separating his body from yours.
"get that haircut, suguru," you whisper, so soft he almost doesn't catch it. "then we'll talk."
"okay," he whispers back, then, closing his eyes, he settles into the bed, with you in his arms. slowly, slowly, his breathing falls into step with yours: inhale, exhale. inhale... exhale. (just before he drifts off, he makes a mental note to call the nearest salon tomorrow.)
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oddinary4bts · 11 months ago
Chasing Cars | teaser (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: alcohol consumption, curses
☆word count: 1.1k
☆a/n: teaser time babyyyy!! I hope you guys love it :') thank you to @moonleeai and @jessikahathaway for beta-ing, you guys are the best <3
☆series masterpost
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
The hour is late. Jungkook is tipsy, far more than he thought he’d get tonight, but then again, Taehyung is not in a better state, and Sera, Jimin’s girlfriend, had to force him to go home before they got too drunk.
They’re all supposed to help Taehyung’s little sister move in tomorrow, Jungkook included.
“Man,” Taehyung lets out, and Jungkook looks away from the game of Smash they’re playing - that he’s majestically losing - to focus on Taehyung.
“What?” he lets out.
“Can’t believe Y/n will be here tomorrow,” Taehyung answers.
“Can’t believe you’re forcing me to live with a girl.”
Taehyung chuckles. “Don’t worry, Y/n is chill.”
Jungkook doesn’t doubt she is, considering how well he gets along with Taehyung, and Taehyung’s made it seem that he gets along well with his sister. He imagines Y/n’s just going to be a mini Taehyung, which frankly could be fun to have around.
But he doesn’t know anything about her other than the fact that she is Taehyung’s little sister.
“You know,” Taehyung adds as the game finishes. “I meant to tell you something.”
Jungkook cocks his pierced eyebrow in question. “Yeah?”
“Just wanted to say that if you touch my sister, you’re fucking dead.”
Jungkook bursts out laughing, shaking his head, but Taehyung remains entirely serious. Like he meant what he just said - could he?
“You’re joking right?” Jungkook asks as his laughter fades away.
“No, I’m dead ass,” Taehyung insists. “You breathe in her direction, and you’re dead.”
“Damn.” Jungkook widens his gaze, and then picks up the beer he’s been slowly drinking since Jimin left. “Understood.”
Hell, Jungkook knows that he sleeps around. Taehyung does the same - he can’t help but understand Taehyung when he says to stay away from his sister. And he thinks it’ll be easy. Y/n’s probably just going to be a clueless baby college kid, and though Jungkook doesn’t mind going for younger, he’ll have plenty of new faces to explore once Frosh week starts next week anyways.
So he promises Taehyung he has nothing to worry about, and they play a couple more games before they head to bed.
Jungkook wakes up early the next morning, the sun shining right in his face the most efficient alarm he’s ever used before. He wants to go to the gym before helping Taehyung’s sister, and though he hates being awake so early, he immediately forces himself to get up lest he falls back asleep.
His workout goes well, and he’s pleasantly sore when he heads back home. He’s lucky - he manages to park not too far from the apartment. He’s walking home, gym bag in one hand and his phone in the other, when Taehyung texts him to ask where he is.
Jungkook types ‘Fuck off’, pressing send as his attention is solely on his phone.
Until said phone flies out of his hand as he collides with a girl he didn’t notice, and Jungkook watches in horror as the device falls in a flower bed.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” you say, and you immediately dive into the flower bed, retrieving Jungkook’s phone. 
You hand it to him, and Jungkook just stares at you, mouth agape. He’s aware he’s staring and that he probably looks stupid, but he’s dumbfounded.
You’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot.
“Don’t worry about it,” he answers quickly when you cock an eyebrow, your cheeks slowly turning red. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“At least it didn’t break,” you say, and you flash him a quick smile.
It does things to his heart that Jungkook barely comprehends - it’s like his heart is going miles a minute, yet it’s soothing, warm, much like the pavement feels in the summer when the sun has just dipped below the horizon.
“Right, yeah,” Jungkook answers, and his cheeks burn.
His cheeks fucking burn, and he wishes he could just disappear, dive below the ground until you can’t see him anymore. You just keep on smiling, eyes never disconnecting from his, and he wonders if you, too, feel like he does.
Shit, he thinks he might even hear bells in the distance.
You glance away, and it’s like he’s falling forward while not moving at all, and all he can do is pathetically clear his throat, as if that’s going to offer any help.
“I see you’ve met Y/n!” Taehyung yells from behind you, and Jungkook freezes.
Jungkook freezes, and then something burns in his lungs, like he’s under the surface struggling for futile oxygen he knows he won’t find.
You are… Taehyung’s sister.
You’re Y/n.
His best friend’s little sister.
The one thing Jungkook can’t have.
It makes him feel cold, his heart suddenly dropping in the Arctic sea amongst the icebergs. 
“We literally ran into each other,” you say, looking back towards your brother.
And Jungkook sees it - your hair is the same shade as Taehyung’s, your face has the same shape. The smile though - your smile is different from Taehyung’s, and maybe that’s why he was fooled.
Fooled for a few seconds which felt like an eternity.
You walk away then, heading to the open back door of a car. You grab a box, and Jungkook puts his phone in his pocket, eyeing a bag on the backseat.
“Do you want me to bring this in?” he asks.
Only because he wants you to look at him again. His heart flutters in his chest when you do, and he forces it down with a swallow as you nod once.
“Yes, please!”
Jungkook nods too, and he grabs the bag before following you in. His right foot lands on the first step leading to the apartment when Taehyung stops him with a hand on his arm.
Jungkook frowns slightly, meeting his best friend’s gaze.
“I’m serious, JK,” Taehyung says through gritted teeth. “You fucking touch her, you’re dead.”
And Jungkook knows right then and there that he’s fucked. Entirely, thoroughly, immensely fucked.
Because he already wants you, and he hasn’t even talked to you for more than twenty seconds.
“Don’t worry,” he reassures Taehyung, and he hopes Taehyung can’t hear how fake he sounds.
How is he supposed to resist indulging in you when he already knows you’re all he’s ever wanted? 
He really is entirely, thoroughly, immensely fucked.
Read chapter one here!
What did we think? Are we excited to read?? Let me know here!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
Taglist: (strike-through means dumblr isn't letting me tag you)
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celestie0 · 9 months ago
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kithtaehyung · 2 years ago
seven days (m) (teaser) | jjk
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POSTED HERE JULY 22ND, 2023!!  upcoming series: seven days (m)  pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x reader(f) genre/rating: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; roommates to lovers au  summary: you dump yet another guy that wasn’t up to your “ten day standards,” which leaves your cocky ass, very off-limits roommate to tease your single status yet again. but the teasing is always expected. what’s not expected, is the bet that you make without thinking. the bet that even though you give ten days, he wouldn’t even last seven. warnings: cursing, alcohol/vape mentions, parties, he wears glasses sometimes😔👍, chains bc it’s tradition atp lmaooo, cocky!jk, feelings🤕, big big big jk, flirty!jk, baddie!reader😌, multiple explicit scenes🫠, jk constantly in grey sweatpants and nothing else :))), full lists to be revealed each chapter! notes: …so this song called seven dropped and— notes 2: but really there was a fic that had been in the wips for a minute, and i just so happened to have a burst of energy to expand on it so here we are! making it a series to allow myself time to dedicate meaningful energy to each scene and not rush them💕 est. chapters: prologue | mon | tue | wed | thurs | fri | sat | sun | seven days est. running dates: july-september 2023 taglist: sign up here (i check every entry so read the rules!) teaser: below the cut if you want a taste 🩵
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“Sure did,” Jungkook puffs before stepping away, taking all the tight space with him and letting you breathe again. “But all I’m saying is, you gotta lower your standards or—” 
“Or,” he continues, giving you a look, “Not complain if they’re too high.” 
“Well, thank you.” With your nose grazing the sky, you point out, “I’d like to think they’re just right.” 
“What even are they anyway? All you’ve said is something about ten days.”
“That’s basically it,” you murmur, resting your arms on the island as to not have your chest in full view. “If I still like someone after ten days, I know I’d be fine dating them for real.” 
There’s silence when you finish. When you finally look, the gawk you’re getting in return almost makes you laugh. “What?”
“You mean those days are only a trial run?” 
You do break into laughter this time, burying your face in slight shyness. “And what about it!” 
“Are you serious—?” Jungkook rounds the island so that he can speak directly at your hidden features. “Has anyone even gotten past all ten with you?”
You pause, breath fanning the granite top beneath you and wisping around your face. When you lift your gaze above your arms, you keep it trained on the countertop instead of his curiosity, 
He doesn’t say a word. 
“Not since my standards changed.” 
And you think that’s the end of this conversation. Because what else is there to say? You know your expectations are impossible but you think this is a hell of a lot better than—
“I could do it.” 
“What.” A glare is shot. “Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?”
“You? No.” You shake your head. “You wouldn’t even last seven.” 
“Try me,” he challenges, and you still can’t take him seriously despite the fire in his eyes. “I’ve lasted a lot more than that as your roommate, right?” 
“But that’s—this is���this is different! Be for real, Kook.” You vacate the island and head to your room, having enough of his teasing for one morning. 
But you get stopped at the doorway, a bare chest and chains blocking your vision and sending your mind into a frenzy. When you flick your gaze to his face, he simply says, with the straightest expression,
“I am.”
tbc. :))
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🦋 soooo how do we feel !! | wanna be tagged? 🩵
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a/n: yeah idk what happened to me. one moment i was saying i wasn't gonna get bitten by the seven bug, and the next.. well. this happened lol. anyway! taglist is on a form so that i can easily keep track of who to tag. pls make sure to either tell me ur age in the survey or to have it on your blog bc i check all entries when tagging. prologue is already written and will be up soon! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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koocycle · 2 years ago
over wine | jjk | teaser part one
↳ synopsis. designer dresses, spa weekends and rare wines are no longer enough to keep your marriage afloat. with your husband gone from home and a marriage standing on shaky grounds, you stumble back to your neglected career in the hopes it’ll fulfill the void in your life. you’re ready to take the risk this time, whether that is with the emerald cut diamond around your ring finger, or without.
over cocktails and dior-bowed roses.
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pairing. husband! jungkook x ex-model! fem reader
teaser word count. 2k
estimated word count. 35k+
au + genre. rich couple! au, established relationship! au, married couple! au, semi sugar daddy! au, suburban couple! au, angst, fluff and smut.
teaser warnings. mild cursing, suggestive and mature themes
send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
series masterlist
released on thursday, july 6th 2023.
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Jeon Jungkook must be easy to love.
You figure he is, because anywhere the well-dressed man goes, curious eyes follow. Though you find it hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that makes the man so lovable in the eyes of your friends and neighbors. Your husband owns a great sense of fashion, in his defense. If we’re talking 10-minute trips to the only supermarket available in town, where the man makes sure his hair is slicked back and the first few buttons of his blouse are undone, then yes, Jungkook might have hit the bull's eye. It’s noticeable on people’s faces no matter where his feet carry him. Take the red-haired divorcée across the street for example, whose skirts get shorter each time she comes out to get her mail. Or take the head of the community garden every Saturday morning, who stoops a little lower each time she plucks another stock of radishes from her dirty, little yard.
Long story short, the man who got voted to grow the ‘’reddest tomatoes the neighborhood has ever seen’‘, is considered one of the hottest men on the block. Not like it ends there when he carries his good attitude with him no matter the day. As a beloved one who drives off to the office no matter the rush he’s in, Jungkook makes sure to slow the speed down and send a sweet wave to the elderly couple at the end of the street. After business hours, he would find lost mail in his letterbox, wrong packages at his porch, and missing kittens hidden in the trimmed bushes of his backyard. Yes, great guess; Jungkook in formal attire makes sure they find their way back to the rightful owner before it turns dark out. A smile on his face that’s sweeter than the candied apples he gifted Kim Namjoon’s 7-year-old the other day.
Yes, Jeon Jungkook from number 09 is the neighborhood’s heartthrob.
What is there not to love about your beloved Jungkook?
Perhaps his despicable wife?
‘‘You might want to lose the attitude before she comes back.’’ It is the first thing your husband says that is directed towards you, breaking the tense silence like nails scraping against a chalkboard. There’s a large gap between the both of you on the rather firm sofa and the silence you grant him does little to calm either of you down. The two-seater isn’t a very broad piece of furniture on itself, though it seems bigger when each of you is seated at the opposite arms. Glued to them like teenagers who got into a fight in the lunch cafeteria in between classes. You watch Jungkook slump down his seat in the corner of your eye, an arm resting over the edge in a way that makes his Blancpain watch shimmer prettily around his thick wrist.
‘‘Attitude?’’ You end up asking, glossed lips pursed together.
‘‘You know what I’m talking about.’’ He says flatly. Jungkook sounds like he couldn’t bother any less, but truth be told, the tight pause in his defense betrays him. His eyes fall to your folded arms and travel lower down your bare, crossed legs after. ‘‘You look like you don’t want to be here at all.” The Versace dress he got you hugs your hips just the way it’s supposed to and rides higher up your thigh with every minor movement you proceed to make. Ruby red polyester clashes with the neutrals in the room and you definitely seem like you don’t belong in such a formal setting, but fuck, he would have you bent over Mrs. Kang’s desk with your dress hunched around your waist if he weren’t supposed to be an angry fuck now.
You scoff at his foolish accusation. “Please, Jungkook,” a humorless chuckle dies down on your tongue when you can’t find it in you to fake it. “I was the one who had to beg you to clear your schedule for today’s appointment in the first place.”
“Then act like it. Don’t just sit here and sulk.” He bites like he had his response ready and set. Sharp eyes meet yours. “You’re acting like a child, pouting like it’s gonna get us anywhere. Seulgi is here to help us sort our shit out. At least let her do her damn job.”
Jungkook’s head slowly lolls to the back of the ivory-colored sofa when it’s off his chest, a puff of air leaving his lips like today’s session got him exhausted before it could even make its start. His eyes fall to a close as he pinches the bridge of his nose. The sight of it only makes the tight knot in your stomach grow and you can’t seem to tear your eyes off the heated man, a snarl on your lips you wish he’d notice.
“I told you, I want a second opinion.”
“And I told you, we’re not going through the hassle of finding another therapist when we got a fine one just under our nose.” Jungkook’s jaw tenses and he slumps down the sofa some more. “Give her time. She’s analyzing our relationship.”
His words trigger something inside you. They make you sit on the edge of your seat with heat rushing to your head, the Valentino Garavani mini bag falling off your lap and onto the cushions at the movement. “How much of an analysis does she need when we visit two times a week?” Your eyes fall on him. “Open your eyes, Kook. She always asks for my opinion and uses it against me a minute later. She is always on your side. We need a second opinion.”
“Just fucking drop it.” He mumbles to himself though he swears it’s for your own good. Also because the waiting area is only a door away and he doesn’t want to walk out of the heated office with judging eyes on him like last time. The walk of shame back to the car must have been the highlight of your visit. “I’m not gonna run around town and find you a straight, male therapist who’s blindly gonna agree with you the minute you flash him half a boob. Wasting our money like it’s nothing.”
Jungkook regrets saying that as soon as it’s out. He didn’t have to say that, he figures. Though when he’s met with silence and catches the roll of your eyes on his side, the pang of guilt disappears as soon as it came. You didn’t come here to argue here with him. Quite the opposite, considering your surroundings. Though it is getting hard to block that road when you aren’t one to bite your tongue either. “Of course you won’t. You love it when people suck on your dick.”
He should have seen that one coming. And he knows either one of you needs to stop barking back if you want to see any progress throughout your sessions with Mrs. Kang. Jungkook could be the bigger person if he wanted to be, but his egoism is rocket high. ‘’Say that again?’’
You fall to the back of the sofa as well, mirroring him with your arms crossed tight against your chest. “Seulgi is sucking you dry and you’re eating it up.” You mutter with gritted teeth. “Always picking your side, always defending you. . . you’re loving it and you can’t get enough.”
Jungkook says nothing and just listens to your quiet, angry mumbles at first. To him, you’re almost whining the words out like it’s going to get you anywhere. And maybe it would if the circumstances would be any different. If you weren’t forced to kill time in an empty office waiting for your couple’s therapist to return with your preferred coffee and biscuits. Kang Seulgi knows the deal by now; you like your spiced chai latte and he likes his shot of espresso so bitter that it sits on his tongue for the rest of the session.
He continues to watch you. Examine you, in some way. The sound of your rambling drawing out the more he loses himself in his own world. Issues roll off your tongue like you’re reading them off a long, unending list, and he feels like you’ve argued about these same things over and over again. Too many times for him to keep his focus when your breasts are pressed together so prettily in that dress.
You’ve had it for a while, Jungkook then recalls. A couple of years at most, but he remembers the day he bought it for you like it was last week. Initially, you told him no; you didn’t need him to buy you a dress for a price so ridiculous. He could buy you an extra large salmon bagel for lunch and you’d be the happiest woman in the room, is what you tried to convince him of. Though your eyes glimmered with adoration the minute you entered the store and held the designer piece in your hands. Moments after swearing you only wanted to see it up close and get a good feel. He remembers loving that glimmer in your eyes.
He wanted to see it more often, so Jeon Jungkook got you that Versace dress like it was nothing. You yelled and shrieked at him through the entire checkout and earned some nasty glances from the saleswomen, but he didn’t mind. He could take a hit from you. If a simple swipe of his card meant he’d see that look more often, then yes, Jungkook was willing to sell his soul for you.
“Are you even listening?” He doesn’t notice the corners of his lips slipping up until you tug him out of his daze. The apples of his cheeks show as quick as they die down.
“Yeah,” Jungkook groans and sits up straight. “I hear you. You’re just not making any sense, babe.”
Jungkook often finds several ways to make you roll your eyes and tighten your jaw, though he rarely makes you fume with steam blowing out of your ears.
Today is one of the days where he makes you fume with steam. He can tell by the way you avoid his eye in the hopes you won’t go all feral on him. Or how your glossed lips pettily press together, the Dior Addict lip oil one step away in your lip-combo routine from cussing him out until your voice goes hoarse.
You huff quietly, clearly holding back. “How am I not making sense? You’re not listening to a word I say.”
“I listen. You just have a hard time understanding me.”
It’s a thing you guys do, the finger-point thing. And it is something you do a lot. It’s a thing where either of you hopes that the other backs up when you point for long enough. A healthy relationship doesn’t work like that, is what Seulgi told you during your last session. As if you didn’t already know. But old habits are hard to get rid of, and certainly when it comes to you two, where someone else has to lose in order to win.
You didn’t think of her words as useful and made sure to voice the complaints about your newly found couple’s therapist the entire ride back home. Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure what to do with your critical feedback. The entire session, he was just waiting for Seulgi to hand him that step-by-step handbook to a successful marriage, which he hoped was attached to her clipboard. But he knew she wouldn’t have made it so easy for you even if she had it. Not with the amount of money he pays her per session. Because if we’re going to be honest, then no, Jungkook didn’t get Seulgi either. But he was willing to learn from her and understand her. Unlike you, who just sat there and might as well have filed and groomed your nails while you were at it.
Maybe you’re scared of whatever is yet to come, he ponders. Maybe you think you’re better off than whatever the future has planned out for you and Jungkook. He doesn’t know, and he can’t figure you out either.
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full version, date of release july 6th 2023.
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taglist: @codeinebelle @cxcotin @hrts4kook
please send me an ask to be added to the list.
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shadowkoo · 1 year ago
Bad For You - Teaser
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→ Summary: Jungkook wants what he can’t have and it’s driving him nuts. He’s never thought of Natasha more than Namjoon’s annoying little sister, but that’s all changed now that she's returned from university. Especially now that she plan to stay at his apartment until further notice. Having Tasha around takes his mind off the importance of this season, something he cannot have happen since last season ended so badly. A distraction like her might either become the biggest mistake of his life, or perhaps the best one.
Natasha know better than to sleep with the up-and-coming, all-star, fan-favorite hockey forward for the Denver Dragons. And it’s not because he’s just as much a player off the ice as he is on it. More importantly, he’s her brother’s teammate, best friend, and the guy whose place she's crashing at. He’s been off-limits since the day she met him, but it didn’t stop her then, and it sure as fuck isn’t going to stop her now…
↠ jungkook x o.c. | dual 1st person pov | 224 words | 18+ ↠ genre: smut, hockey au, professional athlete au, brother’s best friend au, forced proximity, age gap, forbidden relationship
→ Teaser Warnings: Jungkook is hot and bothered, and takes a steamy shower where he masturbates to past memories 😏
→ Official Teaser for Bad For You, Fic 1/7 of the All About You series
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I undress and turn on the hot water, letting it fall onto my chest as my head falls back. I have one hand extended out to the wall, which I lean on for support. The other trails down my body, down toward my throbbing dick.
It won’t take me long to get off. Not when I'm so worked up.
I rub my thumb over my tip a few times before starting to pump my length.
Thoughts of Natasha cloud my mind. Like how she tasted that night. Like how she panted in my ear and begged for more.
My hand moves faster and I grit his teeth.
So maybe I lied. Maybe it wasn’t only a kiss. Maybe my fingers were also deep inside Tasha's tight little pussy.
The memory alone sends me over the edge. The grip around my thick member tightens, and I toss his head back as my load shoots into the drain below me.
Masturbating to the thought of my best friend's little sister isn’t a very proud moment in my life. It’s a shameful thing I'll hardly admit to doing more than once, even if that’s not the truth.
I breathe deep and closes my eyes. I'm fucked for sure. Natasha's not even back in my life yet and I'm already losing control. How on earth am I going to survive?
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©shadowkoo 2024. All rights reserved.
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margotw10bis · 1 year ago
Better Than Him.JJK [m] TEASER
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roommate!Jungkook x reader
Genre: fake-dating; romance; smut; one-shot
Words: ?
Synopsis: When your boyfriend cheats on you and decides to bring his lover to the wedding you invited him to, you take vengeance by pretending you have a new boyfriend: your hot roommate.
Warnings: nothing for the teaser
After a quick drop at your hotel rooms to change into swimsuits, Namjoon has proposed to walk around to enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding the hotel. Of course, you asked Jungkook if it was okay for him or if he preferred going to the gym. You don't want to impose him any activity because he has been kind enough to accept this whole fake-dating thing. However, he stated that he wanted to see your surroundings and he doesn't regret one bit.
It's beautiful. Tall trees frame the narrow path to the waterfall. The sound of the water, the birds and the faint breeze in the leaves are magical. The little lake created by the waterfall seems to come from a fairy tail.
Jungkook stays close to you, playing his boyfriend role perfectly. He urges you to be careful and holds your hand. You clearly feel Taehyung's eyes burning your back but you do your best to ignore it, especially when Siyeon wears the smallest and more translucent dress ever.
When you are right next to the lake, you throw an eye at your 'boyfriend' but you gulp when you spot the playfulness in his doe eyes. You immediately understand what's going on in his childish brain and you point a warning finger at him.
"I swear to god, Jungkook, if you do that..."
"Do what, baby?" He replies, with a faked innocence
That's vicious because the pet name takes you aback and you don't have time to react. Jungkook slyly wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, making your squeak. He is walking dangerously straight to the water so you secure your legs around his torso, just prevent him from acting upon his idea.
"Don't you dare!" You threaten him
"You said you wanted to go for a swim" He teases, pretending to drop you but immediately holds you tighter
"Jungkook!" You scream, burring your face in the crook of his neck
His airy laugh is contagious. You're happy he's happy. You were afraid this weekend would be an absolutely chore for him but he actually seems to enjoy it.
Honestly, if you didn't know that you're fake-dating, you would be completely in love. But maybe your weak heart shouldn't react as much... It's certainly a side-effect of having your heart broken by your cheating boyfriend and not at all because Jungkook is kind and handsome and sexy and everything that describes 'perfect'.
"I won't let you down" He swears and seals his promise with a kiss on your forehead before putting you down carefully
However, your little bubble explodes with your ex's annoyed and annoying voice. And you understand that Jungkook just put on a show because Taehyung was there. You put far, far, far away the feeling of disappointment.
"Can we go to the beach now? Everyone is waiting for you" Taehyung growls
You shrug your shoulders while you pass by him and Siyeon, not forgetting to grab your roommate's hand.
Tell me if you want to be added to the taglist for this story :)
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klonoadreams · 6 months ago
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I'M FUCKING DYING, his ass got isekai'd post JJK, just as it's fucking ending
I'm losing my shit, y'all we gonna be memeing the shit out of the Halloween event in TWST. And you better fucking believe I'm making it a joke for Yuu (ewe), even if her fucking ass never read JJK. I need it for the memes.
Join the white haired squad with Rollo, Jack, and Floof. God damn, white hair does seem to be the rarer hair color in this world, lmao.
anyways, can't wait to fucking SCREAM
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dollwrites · 1 year ago
𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 ೃ⁀➷ 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫
𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 ∣ MINORS DNI!! this is a teaser for toji’s debut in my snap my choker !! drabble collection that is exclusively for my patreon members <3 the snap my choker !! collections are accessible through either tier ( $3 or $5 a month )
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“W-wait—!” breath after breath you try to suck in, but every single one is stolen from you as Toji’s hips buck back and forth, filling your mouth with hard, strong cock. the swollen tip batters the entrance to your throat in a relentless, rapid-fire punch that has your eyes watering. with both hands against his thighs, you try to rip your head back and ask for a moment to get used to the way he fucked your face.
”Stop pulling away, little girl.” Toji grunts, a rumble of pleasure in the back of his throat more akin to the growl of a hungry animal than a moan from a man being pleasured. “Not done yet.“
read more on patreon !!
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caelesjjk · 2 years ago
entangled | jjk&kth - teaser
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⟶title: entangled
⟶au: marvel au
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ genre: romance, smut, love triangle
⟶wc: 1.5k for this
⟶banner: by meee, and yes I’m insane and made a new one
⟶warnings: mentions of blood, kissing, a boob grab and an ass grab, but no actual smut for this, Jungkook calls you Data
⟶ summary: Jeon Jungkook is Spider-Man.
He saved your life twice. But he’s also been your sweet lab partner in college for the past two years and now someone who is more than just a friend.
You care about him…maybe even love him. But something tells you that you aren’t quite sure what love even is. How could you when you have feelings for someone else as well?
Kim Taehyung is the handsome stranger you’ve seen around campus and somehow ended up dancing with at Club Onyx. You were upset that Jungkook had stood you up once again and Taehyung made you feel like you were on top of the world.
What you didn’t know that night, is the dark secret Taehyung is trying desperately to hide, but the closer the two of you get the more difficult that becomes.
⟶ authors note: hello darklings. I know a lot of people have been waiting for this fic, and you’ll have wait just a bit more. But in the meantime, I offer this little teaser to hold you over. A little glimpse of spidey kook. First chapter will be posted in just a few weeks!
Also, if you asked to be on the taglist just now that I tried messing with it for a long ass time and got annoyed lol. I may try again for the actual fic.
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“What are you doing here anyways?” You shove against his broad chest and feel his arm release your waist. He sighs, following you inside your apartment.
“I know you’re upset I missed the study session…” Jungkook starts to explain, but you twist back around to face him.
“If my friends hadn’t seen you around campus now and then, they would think I made you up, Jungkook. You never show. It makes me look pathetic.” You cross your arms over your chest and wait for the next excuse.
“You aren’t pathetic, Data. I’m just…” Jungkook winces when he reaches for you, a hand moving down to his ribs in pain. “Sorry, it’s healing it’s just slow.”
“What’s healing? What happened to you?” You let the fight go for a moment, closing the space between the two of you and moving his hand out of the way.
Beneath his fingers is a large cut, bloody but half hidden by his suit. It looks angry and inflamed. What could’ve made a cut like this?
“It’s nothing. I’ll heal up in a couple hours.” He pulls your hand away, blood stained on the tips of your fingers.
“It won’t matter how quick you heal if it gets infected. Come in here.” Your hand wraps around his and you pull him into your small bathroom. You steady him against your bathroom vanity and move to grab your first aid kit from the cabinet above your toilet. “Take that off.” You gesture to his Spider-Man suit.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jungkook teases, gingerly working his top half out of the suit. He hisses through his teeth as he peels the suit away from his ribs and lets it hang at his hips.
You are not the universe's strongest soldier.
Your eyes drift over all the dips and curves of muscle. A perfectly sculpted chest and abs you could literally eat off of are scrambling every sense you have in your head. You need to focus. Stay focused on the task at hand and not his ridiculously toned body.
“You okay, Data?” He asks, humor in his voice. That horrid nickname he had given you in your first year as lab partners is feeling more endearing these days. You clear your throat.
“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? Just tending to Spider-Man’s wounds in my extremely tiny bathroom.” You try to laugh but it doesn’t sound genuine.
You take out some bandages and gauze and get to work cleaning him up. But even as you tape down the gauze, you can visibly see the wound getting smaller. Super powers were really something else.
“Data.” Jungkook’s voice brings you back to reality.
“What?” You sigh.
“Please come here.” His hands reach for your hips and you give in, letting him pull you until you’re flush against him, suddenly nose to nose. “That’s better.”
“I’m angry with you.” You whisper, heart pumping a bit faster in the close proximity.
“I know that you are. I’m really sorry…I swear I wanted to be there.” You look down to see him slip his gloves off his hands and sit them on the countertop before they’re coming up to cup your face.
“Then what happened? You need to tell me.” Your hands wrap around his wrists.
“There’s something out there, Data. A…monster that we can’t figure out. He’s strong…and fast. Nothing I’ve ever seen before.” His thumbs brush the corners of your mouth.
“What does it want?”
“It keeps breaking into the Lab across the River. It’s looking for something. But no one at the lab is being very forthcoming with information.” His forehead presses to yours, “but Mr. Kim is working on that part.”
Seokjin Kim, also known as Ironman. He was a mentor and a good friend to Jungkook. He had helped Jungkook navigate the new world of being a superhero and also gave him a job to help him pay for school.
“Hasn’t Mr. Kim told you to call him Jin over and over?” You tease, hands coming up to rest against his chest. Jungkook laughs quietly, pulling you closer.
“He has. Guess it just slipped out.” His hands move down to palm your ass.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” You raise an eyebrow in question of his actions.
“Just feels like I haven’t touched you in so long.” His warm mouth finds your throat and he presses kisses to the skin.
“Two days is a long time?”
“It is when it comes to you. Thinking about how much I want you gets so distracting.” He nuzzles into the crook of your neck making you giggle.
“So what I did for you two days ago wasn’t enough?” You let your hands slither down from his chest and over the planes of his stomach.
“Never enough.” His nose skims over your jaw until you’re back face to face and his lips are devouring yours. “I’d like to pay you back.”
“How?” You moan when you’re cut off by his tongue sliding into your mouth.
“Let me show you?” Jungkook pulls away from the kiss, taking your hand and leading you out of the bathroom.
Thinking he means to lead you to your bed, you start to pull him towards it but he seems to have other ideas, walking you back out onto the balcony. He releases your hand momentarily to slide his suit back up over his shoulders.
“What are you going to show me out here, Jungkook?” You start to feel suspicious.
“Do you trust me?” He jumps up onto your railing with ease, still holding your hand in his.
“Not if it involves you swinging me around off the side of buildings.” You start to pull your hand out of his, but his web shooter from the other wrist shoots a web at your torso, using his inhuman strength to pull you up onto the railing into his arms.
“I would never let you fall. Never. Just close your eyes for a few minutes. I promise it’ll be worth it, Data.” He touches your cheek gently, and even though you want to throw up every time he does this, you close your eyes and wrap your arms as tightly as possible around his neck and legs around his waist. “Ready?” He whispers in your ear, one strong arm wrapping around your back.
You don’t verbally answer, just nod once before burying your face into his neck.
And then the ground is no longer beneath your feet and the sickening feeling of free falling is very apparent. You try to breathe, squeezing yourself around Jungkook as you listen to the whooshing sound of his web shooters discharge and swing you between the tallest buildings in the city.
“You’re doing amazing.” Jungkook kisses your cheek, “just another minute.”
You keep your eyes squeezed shut until the curiosity becomes too overwhelming, making you dare to open your eyes just the slightest bit. You see the sun completely setting on the horizon, orange and purple hues slowly disappearing beneath the river. As long as you don’t think about how high up you are, it really is beautiful up here.
Jungkook shoots a web straight up into the air, letting it connect to the side of one of the tallest buildings, slowly pulling the two of you up until he’s reached the highest ledge, tapping your thighs so you know it’s safe to put your feet down.
“Why are we up here, Jungkook? You know the heights..” he kisses you before you can finish the sentence.
“Can we try something?” He smiles, and it’s infuriating. You’re too weak for this spidey boy. You sigh with exasperation.
“I’m already very wary of saying yes.” You look away from the ledge towards the top of the building.
“Let me make you feel good…up here.” His cheeks heat a little when he asks.
“Is this some kind of weird adrenaline thing? Why would you want that?” Your voice cracks and you sputter, disbelief heavy in your tone.
“I think it’ll be intense…feel so good.” His lips move down and his teeth nip at your jaw.
“It’s insane…” you melt into his touch and the way his mouth sucks at your neck.
“If you don’t like it, I’ll take you home. And I’ll get you naked in your bed instead.” He pulls your shirt over your head, fully knowing you’re about to give in.
“Bed sounds so good right now…”
“Please, Data…just try it.” He tosses your shirt to the side, cupping your breasts and kissing the tops of them.
“What do I have to do?” You feel too good to let the fear ruin the way he’s making you feel.
“Lie back on the ledge, with your arms above your head and your wrists crossed.”
You let him lead you down onto the ledge, every nerve in your body is hot and on the edge. Jungkook makes sure that you’re settled before he stands back up straight, looking down at you while you slowly move your arms above your head the way he asked.
“You’re perfect, Data.” Jungkook stares at you a moment longer before he aims his web shooter and traps your wrists together against the concrete ledge beneath you.
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voxofthevoid · 5 months ago
Teasers for this month's planned updates! They're 200–300 words each and also unedited. I'm also queuing this up while exceptionally sleepy, so if anything's mixed up, welp in advance.
Chapter 6/9 of everything burned, as promised
He turns around. Yuuji doesn’t flinch.
Satoru crosses the distance between them, slow enough that Yuuji has plenty of time to retreat. He doesn’t, of course. He doesn’t move at all, not even when Satoru comes to a stop within breathing distance of him. He does tilt his head up, meeting Satoru’s eyes through a few inches of heavy air and thick fabric.
Brave, beautiful fool.
Satoru curls a hand around his throat.
Yuuji still doesn’t flinch.
Under Satoru’s palm, there’s a soft, steady pulse. No fear, no arousal. Only a flesh mirror of the dead-eyed serenity on Yuuji’s face. Satoru tightens his grip, and Yuuji’s eyelids flutter slightly. It’s almost beatific.
Satoru considers it.
The finger is there, waiting, and Yuuji is here, also waiting. Maybe Satoru was also waiting—for this day, this date. There’s a seductive appeal to ending this on the twenty-fourth of December, a day that’s already witnessed so many endings and beginnings. It’d be poetic.
Satoru could confine all his grief to one single day.
Fingers brush the inside of his wrist, the touch unspeakably gentle. It grows bolder, firmer, but Yuuji doesn’t pull Satoru’s hand away from his throat. He only holds it, with a care that says he’s afraid Satoru might be the one to break.
He says, “It’s alright, Satoru.”
Satoru lets him go as if burned.
Chapter 3/7 of for granted, in vain, i took everything i ever cared about
He tugs his hand gently free from Yuuji’s grip, raising it to the boy’s face. His knuckles brush the edge of a jaw. His thumb finds a mouth—and the scar thickening the edge of it. 
“This,” Satoru says, “is new.”
Yuuji swallows thickly. “Yeah.”
Satoru’s hand easily spans the length of Yuuji’s face. Hot puffs of breath warm his palm, Yuuji’s breathing speeding up. Satoru’s fingertips curl into another line of scar tissue, cutting violently across Yuuji’s brow.
“Do they hurt?”
“No,” Yuuji whispers, lips brushing Satoru’s skin. “I don’t feel anything.”
Satoru slides his fingers into Yuuji’s hair; it’s as soft as ever but a little longer, filling his fist a little easier.
Yuuji makes a gutted noise.
“Say, Yuuji, are you angry at me?”
“Wh—” He can practically hear Yuuji try to compose himself. “No. No, why would I—”
 “For all the promises I couldn’t keep.”
“I don’t know—”
But he does. And Satoru can tell the moment Yuuji realizes it—a sharp exhale that shudders through the whole of him.
It wasn’t just his teen self that offered Yuuji safety. Satoru did it first.
He drags his nails along Yuuji’s scalp, down the back of his head, and grips the delicate flesh of his nape.
Yuuji bows his head.
“No,” he says. “That’d make me…one hell of a hypocrite. And just—no. I don’t hate you. I don’t want to hate you. I just wanted you back.”
Chapter 11/18 of (let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered
“Did you really bring me here for the curse?”
“Oh?” Gojou turns his head fully to face Yuuji, his eyes hidden under his sunglasses but the sharp arch of his eyebrow no less expressive. “And why else would I do it, you think?”
“This,” Yuuji mutters, gesturing widely at the ocean, the sands, the people, themselves.
Gojou’s smile grows teeth, as familiar as it’s haunting. “You’re sharp when I least expect it, you know.”
“Why?” Yuuji asks, and he’s not talking about Gojou’s dig at his perceptiveness.
“I figured I owed you an apology,” Gojou says, “and some uncomplicated fun.”
“This is a lot of trouble for just an apology,” Yuuji points out, tugging at his hair; the dye stains his fingertips, but he knows from his early-morning shower that there’s enough of it in his hair to keep up the disguise.
“You don’t expect much from me, do you, Yuuji?” Gojou asks, with a surprising lack of petulance or accusation. “Or do you just not expect much from life?”
“My expectations are fine,” Yuuji says stiffly. “Answer the question.”
“You didn’t ask one, technically,” Gojou says. “But fine. Call it sentiment. Some of the best times of my youth were spent on this beach.”
“Oh.” Yuuji stares out at the ocean—the deep-blue water and the burnt-orange sky. He looks at the people laughing in the water and sprawled in the sands, before his eyes return helplessly, inevitably to Gojou; he’s sitting hunched, arms loosely hugging his knees. Yuuji can see the knobby line of his spine pressing up into skin. “That sounds…nice.”
Chapter 3/24 (this is also part of the story) how the story changes
He starts with the scar on Yuuji’s left, tracing the underside of it with a single finger. It really does look so violent. And he doesn’t think it’s his imagination, the way Yuuji’s cursed energy seems to pulse in a frenzy at the almost-touch. Then Satoru does touch it, sweeping two fingers swiftly along the curve of it.
Yuuji makes a strangled noise.
Satoru cups the matching scar on Yuuji’s right side with his other hand, teasing the tissue with his palm. Yuuji’s reaction is a lot more restrained this time, probably because he braced for it, but his breath still shudders in the space between their bodies. Satoru tightens his grip, squeezing the scars the way Yuuji squeezed his pecs earlier.
“Satoru.” It’s a low, throaty growl—pretty sexy.
“Sensitive?” Satoru asks innocently.
Yuuji’s hand curves along his left hip, nails digging into skin. But that’s all he does.
“There are things in me,” Yuuji says very softly, “that want out.”
Satoru swallows, a pleasant burn. “Seems unhealthy. You should let them out.”
“You…really haven’t changed.”
“I resent that,” Satoru says. “I’ve matured and shit. I’m legal too, but I guess that doesn’t make much of a difference to you.”
“It’s the least of my sins,” Yuuji agrees placidly. “How long are you going to stay like this? Little Satoru seems neglected.”
Yuuji snorts, reaching for Satoru’s dick with his free hand. But like before, he doesn’t really touch it, only the pad of a finger tapping the wet slit. “Calm down. You’re proportional all over, we both know that.”
Chapter 4/7 of i can offer you a black-lit paradise
Itadori isn’t cleaning him up anymore; he’s just eating.
“Breathe, Megumi.”
Megumi breathes on instinct, and then he snarls, prying his hand off his mouth to try prying Gojou’s hands off his chest, except it doesn’t matter how roughly or meanly he tugs, they don’t budge. He rakes his nails over veiny knuckles and bulging forearms and even tries to lever the fingers off one by one, and all it does is make him feel like a child, grappling with beasts shaped like men.
The entire time, Itadori goes at his ass with a madman’s fervor—another kind of beast.
He’d eat you alive, Gojou said.
If Megumi let him.
Except Megumi is letting him, his lips sealed against any protest that might slip out, and what’s Itadori meant to think about his writhing and squirming when Megumi’s shoving back against his mouth half the time, like he’s eager for the tongue taking him pieces?
His hands clench on Gojou’s forearms, the angry scratches he left already fading.
Thumbs slide over his nipples, a humiliatingly absent motion.
“It feels very good, doesn’t it?” Gojou asks softly. Megumi doesn’t even worry Itadori will hear him, not when he seems to be trying to shove his entire face into Megumi’s ass. “Do you like his mouth?”
“Stop it,” Megumi grits out. “Just stop talking.”
“That’d be boring,” comes the answer, predictable and infuriating.
Chapter 4/5 of your resistance, prophetic self-destruction
Under his lips, Chōsō’s flesh is starting to knit back together. Yuuji licks at it, blood wetting his tongue, and Chōsō squirms on his cock, scrabbling at Yuuji’s shoulders as if that will give him any leverage. Yuuji bites deep into the healing flesh.
Chōsō gasps his name like a curse and a prayer.
“Well,” says a voice that is distinctly not Chōsō’s, “this isn’t what I was expecting.”
Yuuji freezes, but so does Chōsō, and that’s a bad idea given the position they’re in. His dick doesn’t care that Yuuji’s veins just iced over; the blood fattening it up is as hot as anything, as the blood still slicking his mouth.
He lifts his face from Chōsō’s mangled shoulder, staring over it at the dark room. The only illumination is the faint moonlight from the open window, but Yuuji’s eyes adjusted to the darkness long back. He can see all too well the figure slouching in the darkness by the door—the still-locked door, which sure as hell didn’t open and close without either Yuuji or Chōsō noticing it.
But when has a paltry door ever stopped Gojou Satoru? How many times did Yuuji wake in his dorm room to find a body looming over him, a mouth stifling his shout before it could rend the air and probably bring Fushiguro running?
“Gojou-sensei,” Yuuji chokes out. “What are you doing? Why are you here?”
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mw4n · 9 months ago
Should ¥XX,000,000 Make Fushiguro's Shit Worth It? - taster
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༄ synopsis - Being Toji Fushiguro's in-house private solicitor may pay well, but recently you're reconsidering if the pay makes all the stress (read: Toji himself) worth it. At this point, with all the less-than-legal actions Toji commits on the regular, you're practically a certified mob lawyer. 
"Mr. Fushiguro, it's-" you squint at the clock on your nightstand. "-4 in the morning."  "Get here now." The deep growl in his voice makes you scramble out of bed - and something pool in your stomach. "Right away, sir," You chirp. Much more obediently.   "Good girl." He purrs back.  ?!?!? The disconnect tone on your phone plays for a full minute as you sit frozen.
༄ series tags - toji fushiguro x reader; lawyer! reader; no curses; yakuza/organised crime; violence; explicit content; dilf! toji; tags to be added
<< N/A || ch. 1 OUT NOW >>
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( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── \(˚☐˚”)/
“You know, you really shouldn’t smoke.”
High-heeled shoes clicked against the floor of the rundown bar, a sagging tote filled to the brim with court documents unceremoniously plopping onto the barstool next to Toji Fushiguro’s lone frame. The bartender didn’t even greet you, knowing you weren’t here to drink but just to fetch Toji. 
A hand intercepted the fresh cigarette in Toji’s hand. So fresh, he hadn’t even had the chance to set down the lighter. 
He turned to you, raising a brow. The incredulous look on his face increased by two more points at the sight of the cigarette now in between your lips. You inhaled the nicotine, tugging the cigarette from your parted lips to blow the haze out with a tilted head. The tenseness in your face relaxed as the sensation of the drug entered your system. 
You rarely, if ever, smoked, but the recent events really did call for it. 
“You’re smoking my cigarette.” You had been working with Fushiguro long enough to know when he was actually annoyed, and this was nowhere close.
You rolled your eyes, snuffing the cigarette out on the ashtray next to Toji. “With all the stress you give me, I need it more than you.” A pause. Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say. “And you shouldn’t smoke anyway, you’re the one with the kid.”
“I could put a kid in you, easy enough.” Toji smirked.
Externally, you looked as unperturbed as ever, ignoring his quip to rifle for his document in your tote. That was what you were here for, afterall. Externally, you were the image of a perfectly professional lawyer. 
Internally, you had just creamed your underwear. 
[ FULL out now ]
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elysianightsss · 1 year ago
Limerence teaser two
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T E A S E R 2
limerence / lim-ê-rêns / (noun)
“Obsessive romantic attraction towards another person”
Summary: In which the owners of Jujutsu Incorporated, the Ôgami brothers, are suddenly interested in you.
Pairing: Alpha!Sukuna x reader, Alpha!Itadori x reader, Alpha!Gojo x reader, Alpha!Geto x reader, Alpha!Nanami x reader, Alpha!Kenjaku x reader
Status: Ongoing.
Genre: werewolf au, soulmate, polyamory relationship, angst, fluff, omegaverse, a/b/o dynamics.
Warnings: smut, violence, mentions of knotting, heats, ruts, insecurities, some descriptions of reader’s body, mention of possible ED, omegaspace, domdrop, swearing, blood, depression, suicidal thoughts, possessiveness, obsessive thoughts, Alpha tendencies.
Masterlist | Jujutsu Incorporated | Chapter one
…..You’d never imagine yourself pressed up against Sukuna Ôgami’s bedroom wall, his lips attacking yours in a fierce display of want and need. Desperate to have you in anyway he could possibly get you, his wolf clawing closer to the surface and he needed to get a handle on it.
Sukuna’s hand in your hair goes stiff for a moment, tugging harder causing a little gasp to slip from your swollen lips. He grins pulling your hair until your chin is jutted out, his lips inches away from yours. You can feel his hot breath hitting your face, it sets your nerves on end, your body becoming ridged.
“Such a pretty little omega.” He breathes finishing the sentence with a soft moan, “and all mine.” He can’t wipe the smile of his face when saying those words, because you were his. Yes he may have to share you with his brothers but he can live with that, these little moments when it’s just the two of you makes it all worth while.
Sukuna rubs his nose against yours softly in an eskimo kiss, it makes a smile of your own grow a giggle bubbling in your throat, a light feeling burning in your chest. Is this what happiness is? Maybe happiness is a truly fickle creature but here she is finally, and you say welcome. You won’t mention how late her arrival is. But you will say, you’re ecstatic about her finally showing up…….
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s4toruss · 3 months ago
A Moment Forever - Teaser
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Pairings: gojo satoru x fem! reader
A/N: First of all - HI! Im back. No word count and no tags yet as this is still in editing!! It´ll probably come out somewhere around christmas? not certain tho. Anywaysssssssssss
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The sun is kissing your skin golden and the salty breeze is swiftly playing with your hair as you lay there, on a white pool chair by your hotels pool with huge sunglasses sitting on your nose. There were grains of sand sticking to your skin and the sound of laughter, along with the distant tune of a summery melody, filling your ears. Whilst your friends chatter away your eyes keep on scanning the area, from time-to-time glancing at one of the many entrances leading back into the hotel. And when you finally spot a white tuft of hair shimmering beneath the hot Mediterranean sun, your heart skips a beat.
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0kats-uki0 · 4 months ago
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Teaser of new Choso x Reader, titled Vampires blood lust
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