#did someone actually write that look it over and go ”yes this seems indeed like the most likely scenario”
honeyaiyako · 2 days
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A Gentleman
Summary: After falling for Suo you decided to confess to him but got nicely turned down. Somehow after that Suo didn’t like how close you and Umemiya were getting and it sparked something in him.
A/N: I was drunk asf writing this and I copied and pasted this from my notes so bare with me😭🤣🩷
“That quick huh?”
“What?” You asked curiously.
“All it takes is for someone to be nice to you?”
Still confused you didn’t understand what he meant by his words but the minute you glanced at his that sweet smiles he always held was completely faded.
“Umemiya; you like him?”
You frowned in confusion before answering “yes.” In an unsure way not understanding where he was going with this.
“You two have been spending a lot of time together.” He said bringing his smile back.
“Well yeah I’ve been helping him with gardening, I’ve always been interested in it myself, he’s been giving me pointers haha.” You said awkwardly rubbing the back on your head.
“Really, that’s all?” He asked tilting his head to the side.
“yeah pretty much.” You said smiling back, something about Suo’s question had a sharpness behind them. “He’s really nice I enjoy being aro-.” You words we’re cut off by Suo’s
“You like him in the same way you liked me?”
“W-what I-I, um w-well.” Your face burned red by his question, from what it looked like it seemed as if Suo was….jealous. Or maybe he was just curious. It was confusing cause why did he care in the first place, he’s the one that turned you down? It’s true that anybody could fall for a guy like Umemiya but your heart still indeed wanted Suo even though it’s been 3 weeks since you confessed to him, but you’d be lying if you said Umemiya didn’t help your healing.
“If Sakura were to give you the same attention, would you like him too?” While the smile on your face faded his still remained, you could tell it was fake, almost as if he was irritated. You felt a little insulted, was he calling you easy or something?”
Suo didn’t understand himself, he knew he wasn’t interested in romance right now but it was something about watching you give somebody else what he thought was essentially suppose to be only for him that was irritating. That beautiful smile, that cute laugh, your blushing, and that pretty face wasn’t in his direction anymore. You’ve already been avoiding him since you confessed. It was annoying.
“Tell me “y/n” what’s essential for you to became a woman?” Suo said approaching you, every step he took towards you made you take a step back till before you knew it you were backed into a corner, your back pressed up against the cold wall.
Since the meeting was over the room was left empty, and you figured everyone went home. The two of you were in here alone like this? You were extremely nervous.
Suo grabbed your chin and tilted your face up towards his. His thumb rubbed across your soft lips. “I’ll teach you.”
“Suo what are you-“ the second you spoke his thumb split past your lips and pressed down on your tongue. The taste of tea leaves came from his hand. You don’t know why but you felt so stuck you couldn’t move or protest against his actions.
“We can start your lesson here, has this pretty mouth ever tasted a man?”
A chill went down your body from his question, you’ve had a boyfriend before but that was almost 2 years ago it wasn’t like you could verbally answer with his thumb too busy controlling your tongue. He didn’t want an actual answer anyway it’d just irritate him more if it wasn’t the answer he wanted. If there was someone before him he’d make sure you’d forget all about em when you left this room.
“If So I’ll be the last one you do, who’s better to teach you than me…” he removed his hand from you mouth, a string on saliva connected your lips and his thumb together before breaking away. His hand move downward towards his pants, you could hear him unfastening them. “You still like me?”
Your heart was beating so loud you swore he could hear it. You weren’t dumb to not know where this was going. “If you do, suck me off, show me how much.” His hand snaked around your neck and tangled into your hair. He tilted your head down to see him pull himself out his clothes.
“W-what, but we’re still at the s-school.”
“Which makes it the appropriate place for you to learn. Isn’t this is what you wanted? Me, or you’ve forgotten that fast because your too busy in another man’s face?”
Hips lips pressed soft kisses up your neck up to your ear. “It’s aching, don’t make me ask again.” His words made your knees weak causing you to fall to the floor right in front of him, he was way bigger than you expected, it stood tall throbbing right in your face begging to be touched. Hand still on the back of your head he pulled you close to him till his tip pressed against your lips, he held his aching length to your lips smearing precum across them like lips gloss. He felt hot and hard everything was happening so fast.
“What if someone comes in?“ you panicked
“Then they can watch, now look at me.”
You looked up at him with pleading eyes before you just did as you were told, your eyes got a glimpse of his handsome face that you could see that was filled with lust and it sent a sensation that cause between your legs to throb. Why now, why did he wait till now? His dick pushed past your lips, you could feel the veins that spread across his hardness gliding along your tongue. “Suck it.”
His hips began to move as your mouth suctioned around him. You could hear breathy moans slips from his lips every now and then. His hips move into you harder and harder causing him to hit deep in the back of your throat. Tears rolled from your eyes and drool from your mouth dripped to the floor.
“That’s it, suck it just like that.”
You whined around his length from his roughness, you hated yourself, everything about this was making your whole body hot, it was like you were losing control of who you were and your morals. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you Nghh, your tongue is sucking around me tighter and tighter.”
Your head bobbed into his thrust, moaning each time it stuffed down your throat. It burned but the noises the left his lips made you bare it. “Haahh fuck, you fuckin devouring me like it’s the best thing you ever tasted.” Suo threw his head back and one of his hand held the wall for balance. “Fuck this is so good, such a good slut for me.”
As cruel as his words were, they didn’t hurt like a word like that was meant to, it did the complete opposite. You were yank off his length by your hair, you sat there catching the breath you were limited from. “Suo..” you spoke, not even understanding why you call his name in the first place. He picked you from the floor up by the wrist and walked you over to the desk making you lay on top of it. His hands pulled up your skirt and slowly removed your underwear caressing down your legs in the process. He planted kisses up your neck again, this time he’d make sure to leave mark. “You must’ve had it so tough tryna get over me..little girl.”
You could feel his length grind up against you as he kissed and sucked your neck. His hands wondered all over your body grabbing at your breast and into the creases of your hips. His hands soon went under your shirt to touch your breast directly. Strong hands groping your plump flesh and pinching at your sensitive nipples. Your body squirmed under him there were so many sensations being toyed with that your body you couldn’t keep up.
“Suo, w-wait, please ahh mmhh, I don’t want nobody to see us, we can’t do this heeereee nghhh.”
Completely ignoring your pleas Suo slowly slid inside you, your tight walls sucking in him in as if they were begging for him.
He wanted to tease you some more but he was so desperate to make a mess out of you that he couldn’t wait. Inch by inch he pushed deeper and deeper. His strong arms held your legs open so you couldn’t get in his way.
“Ahhh you’re so wet, so tight.”
You only moaned, you felt him pulled out before slamming back in. And I n that moment you completely became his, your heart, mind and soul. Thrust after thrust your mind became cloudy and your body continued to react. The sound of the desk rattling under you became faded and you completely forgot where you were. Being caught wasn’t even a thought anymore the way he felt became intoxicating, you were in heaven.
Your pussy was gushing around him, swallowing every painful pleasurable inch of he push inside you. The desk was being covered in your juices. Your moans echoed through the room unable to hold them in. His hips moved faster and harder, greedily taking as much of you as he wanted.
“Suo, Suo, Suooo nghhh.”
“You still like me?”
You could barely form a sentence to answer him, you were being completely fucked out.
“Even if you didn’t I know that this pussy loves me, just look at how wet you are. such a slut letting me fuck you wherever I want.” He looked down at you and let out a laugh, this is just how he needed you. “Such a whore.”
Suo grabbed your hips, turning you on your side, one of your legs held against his body wrapped in the his of his arms so he could fuck you deeper. “Fuck, keep making me feel like this mmhh, and I’ll have to teach you about motherhood too.” You felt amazing wrapped around him, gripping and throbbing with his every move, sucking him in as if your body depended on him to live. Your juices dripped down you both. Moans left Suo’s lips just as much as they left yours. He didn’t give a fuck if somebody walked in on you two, he didn’t mind showing whoever that he’s the one that got to fuck you. “I’ll plant something in you that we can both watch grow yeah?”
Tears rolled down your cheeks he was being so rough but it felt so good. “This pussy is so good, I could fuck you here all day, you’d want that wouldn’t you, to be fucked by me none stop?”
“You’re screaming so loud for me, what happened to not wanting to be caught, liar, I know a slut like you would love the attention mmmhh.”
Dirty addictive words slipped from his lips over and over while all you could do way cry and moan. His thrust became more desperate, sloppy and greedy, he was starting to lose his mind. “F-fuck, I’m gonna put a baby in you, I’m not gonna pull up, gonna fill you deep with cum.”
Between your legs tingled, you could feel the sensation build up more and more. Thrust after thrust the feeling grew stronger and stronger. You were throbbing so much. One last deep thrust of his hips had you cumming like crazy. Juices squirted around him and pussy squeezed so tight. “Suooo nghhh so good, it feels so gooddd.” Still not finished he fucked you through your climax.
“That’s it, that’s a good girl, you’re learning so fast, cum all over me.”
Your body became so sensitive after your climax ended you were shaking under him you couldn’t handle it. That only fueled Suo though he loved seeing you breaking, all fucked out because of him. This was the face no one but him will get to see “Poor thing, I’m not even done with you yet.” He pulled you off the desk and to the floor, putting you on all fours and pushing down on your back to give him the perfect arch before lining himself up with you and pushing back inside you.
“Suo please.”
“Ahh what’s the matter it’s too much?”
“Y-yes please I- AHHH!” You screamed when you felt him bottom out inside you. You could hear him laughing. You didn’t know this side of Suo even existed, he was always so sweet, kind and goofy. You thought he was the perfect gentleman. Who would’ve known he was sort of sadistic.
His hips slammed into you over and over the plumpness of your ass bounced against him. The angle felt so different, it hurt so good. One hand remained on your back and another gripped around your hip. “(Y/n) you take my dick so well, this body was meant for me.”
You felt his hand caress up your back up into your hair wrapped in around his fist tugging your head back. the other hand slapping across your ass leaving a stinging sensation. All you could do was cry, it was so much; too much. “Suo I-i can’t take it anymore more pleaseee.” You pleaded cumming once again. “Nghhh fuckkk.”
“That’s it, that’s it.” He knew he was close and at his limit too, a few more hard thrust and he came inside you, pulling your hips deep into him as you milked him dry. “so good.” He let go of your hair, your body gave out and you collapsed to the floor. Suo hovered over you bringing you two face to face. “You did good, I have so much more to teach you.” And with that he kissed you deeply.
AN: I’m not the best writer but I try🤣🩷
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Me and my teacher have been talking about Robespierre and he told me that there are rumors that he might've been homosexual. He then asked me if that would've affected his reputation. Who made the rumors and who is the subject that made people think that Robespierre was possibly homosexual?
I don’t get how Robespierre being homosexual can be called a rumor when it’s really clear as day? I mean, Robespierre openly admits he’s got a boyfriend in this letter to Maurice Duplay:
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Okay, jokes aside, I don’t know when exactly the claim that Robespierre could have been homo first showed up, but as far as I’m aware it wasn’t one that circulated during his life nor one that was among the slanders thrown against him in the aftermath of his death. So if today, the idea of him possibly being gay is not unheard of, I don’t think it was one that affected him and his reputation during his lifetime.
When trying to find exactly from where and when this idea originates, I actually only found somewhat recent works (that said, I know it dates back far earlier than that, I just don’t know who first came up with it). According to Peter McPhee, Jean Artarit presents the following thesis in his Maximilien Robespierre ou l’impossible filiation from 2003:
The psychoanalyst Jean Artarit is at an extreme, offering the insight that Robespierre’s misspelling in an electoral pamphlet of a shoemaker’s name Lantillette as Languillette (“baby eel”) shows a longing to cut off the penis. For Robespierre was apparently a repressed homosexual with a castration complex, a misogynist and pathological narcissist constantly searching for a good father and an all-powerful mother.
There’s also this passage from The Alyson Almanac (1989):
Although Robespierre may have never acted on his homosexual feelings, his strong attraction to members of his own sex is indisputable. His attachment to the handsome Saint-Just, known as "The Archangel of the Revolution,” was the source of frequent rumors.
There’s basically the answer to your question regarding who (most often?) is the subject who made people think Robespierre was homosexual — his nine years younger co-worker Louis Antoine Saint-Just. Although, again, I’m pretty sure the author is mistaken here and that no rumors regarding them being a thing are proven to have existed while they were still alive (right @frevandrest…?)
What makes up the idea of Robespierre and Saint-Just as a couple is mostly a bunch of circumstantials which to be boring fair can be interpreted in a bunch of ways that aren’t romantically and/or sexually linked as well. These include (but are not limited to) both Saint-Just and Robespierre being unmarried (the latter even allegedly shouting ”I will never marry!” in an anecdote, and this despite the fact that we have clues of marriage plans between him and several women, none of which ended in a wedding), contemporaries admitting a certain closeness between the two (examples: 1, 2, 3), Robespierre’s host claiming Saint-Just would go straight to Robespierre’s chamber without talking to anyone else in the family, later allegations of Saint-Just being super handsome (despite the fact that contemporaries just appear to have described him as average looking) and finally the fact that Saint-Just stayed with Robespierre until the bitter end, going out with the aim to defend him on 9 thermidor and dying with him on the scaffold one day later.
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sashi-ya · 5 months
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𝑻𝑶 𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑨𝑳 𝑨 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻. Trafalgar Law x F! Reader
🌨 a/n: so I recently been to Austria, a country I often visit since it's literally like a dream. (plus, my mom knew she was pregnant with me there, so I was used to come back to Innsbruck as much as I could with her). But in any case I got inspired there to write this little fic, that might -or not- be a multi chapter one if you all like it. The place exists and the scam part, happened to me -kinda, the airbnb existed, but not as it was listed :P- but in any case, please enjoy and don't forget to leave some feedback if you want more~ ❄ tw: a very sfw story, that might evolve into something else if you want me to keep writing about their trip 😏 ☃ wc: 2.6k
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Hijacking for the first time, what could go wrong? Maybe everything, maybe nothing.
A two-month long trip all around Europe has found you on a little village of Austria. Your boots are cold, but luckily they are snow proof ones. Your skin all bumpy, your cheeks irritated. It’s been snowing all night, and despite the sun rising for now, some clouds in the sky menace with more white blessing to fall upon your shoulders very soon.
Those little mountain streets around the Alps are wonderful, they surround mountains going up and down and in a spiral way. But those are wonderful, as long as you can drive a car with heating. And you don’t have one right now.
The crunchy sound of the snow beneath your boots mix with the melody of a glacial river running in between the mountain and the road. It is certainly beautiful, the little rocks and stones being bathed by such pure and cold water, the rests of dry leaves and some moss growing on an everlasting shadow casted by tall, enormous peaks.  Everything is worth taking a picture, but you should prioritize your battery life this time around. The GPS is sometimes wonky, being that high can affect the service.
Many cars have passed by, but none of them have stopped. Little lorries carrying logs pass, cars completely drenched in dirty snow and that mix of salt that roads have during winters.
However, just when your hopes for finding someone to at least give you a ride to the next village were about to run out, the yellow shine of an old VW ban flashes before your eyes.
There, behind a curve -a very dangerous one if you ever went to the mountains- something smells like smoke and a tall man of white furry hat swears up to the skies.
You walk towards him, carefully. Who knows what is happening? Who knows who that man is capable of? There is one thing you are sure, however, and it is that this man is absolutely mad at his old van.
When peaking behind a dark wooden tree that’s now covered in spots of white snow, you discover the annoyed man is a young -handsome- one.
His van, a little rusty but still cute, seems to be having problems to keep going and the smoke coming from it shows it very well.
“Sir? Sir! Your van is catching fire!” you announce, realizing the smoke is indeed a very serious issue.
The guy of chocolate skin and tattooed hands turns around to look immediately at you and then to the back of the van. Those 70’s vehicles had actually their engines right in the back instead of the front.
And Indeed, you were right. Apparently the climb had been too tough for the poor old VW and its engine couldn’t take it any longer.
He quickly opens the back door, maybe searching for a fire extinguisher while you grab fistfuls of snow in an attempt to put down the incipient flames. Quickly enough, and with not many damages to count, the fire stops, and the only thing left is a big black spot on the back of the caravan.
“Thank you” he says, as dry as hopefully your socks. “No problem. What happened? Did the engine over heat?” you ask, curious despite his “I don’t want friends” face. “Yes; these hills are no joke. This never happened to my Polar, but there is always a first time…” he sighs, assessing the damage with a sad expression.
Apparently his van has a name; “Polar”. That’s very cute, and his eyes too. A golden shine in them looks even beautiful with the pristine white around. His tattoos do as well. You wonder about his name, and what is he doing on the road, but you are not sure if it’s proper to ask. However, he asks first.
“What are you doing here? do you have a car?” he mumbles, his voice is as attractive as he is. His eyes scan the place, but nothing catches his attention.
“No, I am actually hijacking. No one stopped so I started walking before the sun starts going down. I definitely got scammed; the Airbnb I was supposed to stay in didn’t, in fact, exist.
He grunts, almost silently. Apparently he is not happy with what happened to you but that’s it.
“Well, that’s so unsafe. I am sorry I can’t give you a ride right now. Apparently none of us have been blessed with good luck today” he says, walking around his vehicle with long legs covered in spotted jeans.
You nod. Your tongue is aching to ask about him, but you clearly catch the hint… he doesn’t want you there.
“Yep. Well, I wish you luck! I must keep going” “Same to you, be careful”
He doesn’t even look at you, something that makes you -somehow- very sad. In any case, you start walking away. There is no point in staying there… even if you have great mechanical skills that could help.
And as you do, you also have a very, very loud consciousness voice screaming at you on how could you leave him with no solution if you know it…
“Sir, you should check your water level…”  you shout, a few meters away from him. The sound of your voice echoes in the huge natural immensity of the Alps and his golden eyes finally fall upon you.
He stops moving for some seconds, lost in you. You, as well, wait for him to say something else. Something like “stay with me” or “don’t go”. A total stranger you want to hang up with. A total unknown woman he wants to protect.
“You know how to fix this?” “I do…”
Or so that was what you thought.  
No more than a couple of minutes took you to help him out. VW vans are noble machines; they are durable and easy to fix despite their particular design. And soon, as a part of your payment, the man that you learned is called Law and you drove away through intricate roads and huge snowflakes.
“Where are you going, (Name)-ya?” he asks, handing you an old cover from an old comic, Germa 66.
“I was supposed to stay for a couple of days in Bad Goisern, and then I thought of visiting Salzburg. I am on a long trip through Europe. What about you?”  you ask, cuddling with the blanket. A certain blessing for your freezing hands.
He nods, checking the breaks before going down the hill.
“I am too. I just graduated medical school and I thought of taking a little vacation before my residency starts. I’m going to be a surgeon. A cardiac surgeon” he tells, full of dreams he fails to cover up behind a tough guy expression.
You celebrate his success, and the next couple of hours become a ping pong of questions and answers. A smile on your face that leaves your cheeks hurting accompanies you until the sun hides and the little lights on the mountains start to scatter.
You didn’t want to go down in the first village, nor the second, nor the third. Law, didn’t want you to go down his van either. You named Salzburg, and he promised you to take you there.
But the night found both of you, and apparently your mechanical skills weren’t as good as you thought the would… Polar decided to stop, in the middle of nowhere during a dark, very dark winter night.
You close your eyes as the sound of rusty gears fail and Law’s annoyance grows stronger than ever. When Polar finally loses all of the power, Law manages to agonizingly park on the side of the road and a huge sighs escapes his lips.
You peak through your left eye; his DEATH tattooed fingers squeeze the wheel, and you know he will snap at any moment. But he doesn’t…
“I’m sorry. I thought- I-“ you try to give a plausible apologize, even though you had nothing to do with it.
“No. It is not your fault… it is mine- As we didn’t stop, I have completely forgotten to fuel Polar up” Law says, absolutely mortified for such stupid mistake. Apparently you were enough distraction to keep him from the basics of road tripping.
You breath alleviated and try to stop your upcoming laughter. Your grimacing did nothing to hide it, and a big burst of laughter took over the van and everything around.
Law looks at you pissed, but a soft smirk garnishes his lips. You can’t stop, perhaps it isn’t that funny… but you feel so happy right now. And you have no idea why, since you are literally stranded in a very dark wood with temperatures below 0C and snow pooling on top of that van.
“Welp, it’s ok. We should wait until tomorrow, then” you say, knowing the risks. “You- you prefer spending the night in here? aren’t you afraid of dying?” he asks, surprised.
“I am, in fact, scared of dying. That’s why I know very well I can’t walk during a snowstorm in the middle of the night in the Alps. Plus, you are too sweet to be considered a threat” you joke, searching for some chocolate inside your backpack.
Law narrows his eyes, deepening his frown. Apparently being called “sweet” and “not a threat” is not something he enjoys.
“I could cut you open and took all of your organs out during the night” he says, serious as hell. “Go for it. Don’t forget to steal my heart, doctor” you laugh, taking your jacket off.
Law is flabbergasted; he has never confronted someone like you before… but he is beginning to like it now.
A bar of chocolate that you had kept in your backpack for too long lays too close to his nose. You shake it, offering its sweetness to him.
He takes it but doesn’t eat it. Instead, his hand gets pressed against the window behind you. Law has pinned you against the door of your side. He is not a very muscular man, but he is indeed very tall and lean… if he wanted, he could do anything to you.
Your eyes widen, big as the moon. You swallow, thinking maybe walking through the forest might be a safer option.
“L-Law… I- didn’t mean to-“ you tremble, asking yourself where did you put the Victorinox blade you bought in Switzerland… it should be enough to defend yourself, right?
You notice his chest is also tattooed as his clothes open just a little. His arms, are too. His scent, despite the danger, smells deliciously tempting…
“Don’t trust strangers that easily, (Name)-ya” he whispers, a few centimetres from your lips. Letting you go after and biting the chocolate bar as if nothing has just happened.
You remain there, frozen up with your eyes widen and your lips softly trembling. He is, in fact, very right. Law is indeed a stranger, after all.
When oxygen finally begins to reach your lungs and brain again, you move and blink the dry eyes away. Silently you sit back, properly. You aren’t able to say anything, somehow you have run out of words.
You squeeze the blanket he gave you, covering you as much as you could, making yourself as tiny as possible on that old leather seat.
“Are you ok?” he asks, so nonchalantly.
“Ye-yes, I’m… ok” you mumble back, almost sticking yourself to the passenger door. “Is it ok if I go to sleep? I’m tired”
Law nods, confused. Maybe he was just joking around, but it did scare you big time. He goes down the van and opens the back doors. You look at him disappearing in the darkness until a very little glimpse of silver light coming from the moon filters through the doors.
But, soon after, fairy lights illuminate the back allowing you to discover a very cozy space behind the front seats.
“I am glad I installed this independently from the fuel tank. I have a little power generator for the back. It’s not a hotel bed, but it does the job” he says, showing you a precarious mattress covering the entire floor of the vehicle.
You smile softly, it looks cozy and pretty. The walls are full of random posters and maps, and there is even an old picture of a younger Law with three more guys wearing fancy hats with something written in the snow. You take a closer look at it, to discover it says, “Pirates of Heart” and you giggle. What a peculiar gang name.
“Law, this is really cute. You even have a lot of blankets and cushions!” you chime, easing a little bit.
“My best friend Bepo decorated it for me, I only helped him with the lights” he says, a little embarrassed.
You jump right back, leaving your backpack in the front seat and forgetting everything for the moment. What a reckless lover girl.
“I am going to sleep in the front seat, don’t worry. Use as many blankets as you need” he informs you, closing the back doors and leaving you there. You most probably were to say “no, stay here” but you simply couldn’t.
After all, this tattooed doctor is a gentleman. Right?
You let yourself rest for a bit on that improvised bed, with your sight blurring while looking at the fairy lights. The scent of the blankets and pillows is the same as him, something you secretly enjoy without even knowing. You catch a glimpse of the reflection of him sitting in the front through the back windows, at how he takes his hat off revealing a dark shade of onyx spiky hair.
For the next half an hour, or maybe less, you both become silent. The only sounds are the huge slaps of snow falling from the sky against the van and the subtle whistle of the wind filtering through the doors.
It is cold, but it’s probably colder in the front as Law is only using his Germa 66 blanket to cover up…
“Law? Are you awake?” you ask, shyly.
“Mh? Yes... why?” he asks back, with not much emotion but a soft tremble on his voice. He is probably cold, very cold.
“I feel bad for you; you must be freezing. There is plenty of room back here, you could sleep here. It’s ok with me” you say, taking advantage of not being in front of him.
Law takes a few minutes to move, but he ultimately does. He hops to where you are and sits there crossing his long legs. He is not wearing his black leather boots, so you can see Sora’s socks.
“Cool socks” you say, sitting right in front of him watching his cheeks go blushed. “Here, cover up. You are freezing, doc”
Both of you cover up with heavy blankets and fall into the mattress at the same time, facing each other.
Maybe, it is too strong to deny it. The attraction is natural, and you both can’t stop it… Exactly like the wind and cold reaching your skins.
“I am still cold” you mumble.
“I read in one of my books that the best way to keep the warmth of our bodies is to share it… skin to skin” he whispers, unable to take his eyes away from your lips.
“Is that so?” you breathe, coming closer to his embrace, allowing his arms to surround your frame and your hips to join with the other’s.
His forehead slowly touches yours, the bridge of your noses do as well. Your fingers, playfully but slowly, crawl to the crook of his neck. While his, squeeze your waist with delicate dominance. A leg that snake into the other’s, crossing, tangling…
Lips coming closer, so close. Breaths warming up, going faster and bumpy. Hearts that indeed had been stolen, the first kiss of two strangers, meeting for the very first time like two snowflakes join while falling from an endless sky
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤWill they continue their journey together? 🦢
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I just realised that if MC were to make a Pact with Barbatos, then that would make him the 8th Demon they made a Pact with. And we know in Nightbringer that the reason why Barbatos is irritable towards Solomon is bc Barbatos found Solomon's list of demons he wanted to make pacts with and Barbatos was listed as 8th on the list. He was mad that he was placed 8th. He can never escape the number 8, lol.
Also, do you think it's possible to make a Pact with Diavolo? Since he's also a Demon, but then again, I don't think Barb would let that happen. From a political standpoint, Diavolo would never be allowed/agree to form a pact with someone since that would mean "submission," and he's the future king of Devildom.
I wonder if there's a pact equivalent for angels? Guardian Angel, perhaps?
Personally I'm still rather irritated about that entire thing with being 8th on the list. I don't care that it makes Barb look bad, I care that it's bad writing. It just doesn't make sense for them to have that go on continually the way it did just to have it be a joke in the end. I'm still upset about it!! That being said, I console myself by headcanoning that Barbatos didn't want to tell MC and Solomon the real reason for his anger and thus made something up on the spur of the moment. Alternatively, I will accept that he's a troll and was deliberately messing with Solomon all along. Just because I think that's funnier than him genuinely being upset about being number 8 lol.
However, you are correct in that if MC made a pact with him at this point, he would indeed be the 8th demon. On that note, I don't think Barbatos would care as much when it comes to MC. (I'm still not convinced he actually cares in Solomon's case either.)
I think Barbatos wants MC to do whatever feels right for them. Though I kinda wonder if he would even agree to a pact with MC if MC asked him for one. He certainly trusts MC, since he gave them a piece of his grimoire in NB. But there's still so much we don't know about him. And I'm not sure what happened with Solomon, but it seems like there were extenuating circumstances surrounding their pact situation.
As for Diavolo, MC does ask him to make a pact with them in season 3 of the OG.
SPOILER: Season 3, OG, specifically Lesson 59-7
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Personally I think it's pretty great that he laughs at you at first lol! But yes, while I'm sure Barbatos wouldn't be too excited about this idea, it seems that Diavolo is going to shut it down himself anyway. He knows he can't just hand control of himself over to a human. It's bad enough that MC has pacts with the seven lords and all that, they'd basically be the ruler of the Devildom if they had a pact with Dia, too.
As for the angels, I can't remember anything about them having an equivalent. Mammon talks about guardian angels a little bit in NB. But otherwise it's not really discussed much. (That I can recall.)
But even if that is an equivalent, it's not really the same situation, I would think. Since a pact means that a human can control the demon in question whereas a guardian angel is just looking out for their human. In the latter situation, the human might not even know they have a guardian angel.
But it would certainly be interesting if there was a version of the pact for angels. What would that mean for the human part of that equation? What would that even look like? There's not enough description in the game to go on, so I think you can headcanon it however you like.
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I actually thought that Adrien and Gabriel's relationship seemed like it might have been possible to salvage in the early seasons. What do you think?
@tallwriter Starting a new post since this one was getting super long as this is a different topic.
The problem with Gabriel Agreste's character is that they very clearly wanted to write a sympathetic villain - you can tell that from how the show handles his death - but sympathetic villains don't work if you make them cartoonishly evil. You have to handle the situation with nuance and delicacy, especially when one of the main heroes is the villain's son.
Gorizilla is not a perfect episode by any means, but it does showcase how Gabriel should have been written if they wanted him to come across as complex and sympathetic. In that episode, Gabe thinks that Adrien is Chat Noir and, because there's no way to magically force Adrien to reveal himself or confess his secrets, Gabriel has to come up with a situation where Adrien would be forced to transform of his own free will (since that can't be overwritten with a ring or something crazy like that). Which is how we get Adrien hurtling to his death while his father looks on:
Adrien: Always! (jumps out of Gorizilla's hand, and over the side of the building) Yeah-ha! Hawk Moth:(from his lair) No! ... Hawk Moth:(from his lair) If indeed you are Cat Noir, then transform, son. Please. (Adrien continues to fall downward, resolutely remaining as he is) Come on, son! (Ladybug looks down at Adrien, then raises her head, eyes closed.) Ladybug: Cat Noir, help!! Hawk Moth:(from his lair, to Gorizilla) Drop Ladybug!
This is good writing. Yes, Gabe's plan was kind of dumb (you live with Adrien, dude, just bug his room), but if we accept that this was the only way to go about a forced reveal - and that does seem to be the writer's logic - then we see a situation where Gabriel put his son above winning. A situation where he's still very much the villain, but he's not a dastardly, cold-hearted one. He does love his son.
There are actually several of these moments in the first three seasons. Some involve Adrien and many more involve Nathalie. It's why season five's claim that Gabe put beating Ladybug above everything else rings hollow. He never actually did that outside of Evolution (S5E1). He's almost always been loved-ones first when it really counts, a thing that Ladybug uses against him in the final when she tries to crush Emilie. The whole "Ladybug obsession" thing truly feels like something they just made up for that one episode to justify Nathalie "turning sides" aka doing nothing useful beyond maintaining the status quo (hey, they needed someone to keep the senti plot from having consequences and it wasn't like she was doing anything useful anyway!)
The problem is that this "loved ones first" mentality is only used for big dramatic moments, often as a way to keep Gabriel from winning. It's not Gabriel's main characterization even though it needed to be if you want season five's ending to feel even remotely earned. Going into that ending, we should have all thought that Gabe was a messed up dude who truly did love his son. And, if Gorizilla, Style Queen, and Ladybug had all been examples of his standard characterization, then we would have thought that.
But that's not who the writers told us Gabe was.
Instead, his standard characterization paints him as petty, controlling, and manipulative. Which is wild because there was no reason to do that! Gabe could - and should - have been played as stern and removed, but generally loving when he's outside of the mask. In other words, Gabriel Agreste could be well liked while Hawk Moth was hated.
The crazy thing is that this is such a simple change to make. You either removed the episodes where Gabe's awful parenting is the source of the conflict (ex: Bubbler) or you just make a few minor changes to show that he's conflicted about his actions.
For example, take Chat Blanc, the episode that ruined so many elements of this show! In that episode, Gabe is a total bastard. He happily sacrifices his son's happiness to make an akuma in the form of Marinette and then, when Adrien's secret is revealed, does Gabe have any sort of conflict about traumatizing his son? The kind of conflict we'd expect after episodes like Gorizilla? Nope! He straight up delights in showing Adrien Emilie's... corpse? Comatose form? Whatever! Gabe then akumatizes Adrien with a smile on his face.
That gets the writers a solid F for consistent characterization. It's why I highlighted "almost" in red when I mentioned Gabe's motivation. Because in Ephemeral and Chat Blanc, the writing ignores the sympathetic stuff that characterizes the dramatic moments and goes straight for the worst-father-of-the-year, love-to-hate-him, please-let-him-die-now characterization that we get in most episodes.
If you were writing Chat Blanc's Gabriel to fit his intended complex, sympathetic mold, then you would probably drop the breakup plot or you'd have spent all season setting Marinette up as the perfect akuma target, changing the breakup into something that Gabriel felt that he HAD to do instead of opportunistic evilness. You'd also have Gabe drop a line like, "I'm sorry, Adrien. You'll thank me later" before the Chat Blanc akumatization. Or at least don't have him grinning! Do something, ANYTHING to show that Gabe sees using his son like this as a necessary evil and not a fun time! You know, like how he was begging Adrien to transform during Gorizilla? Almost like Gabe had stopped caring about winning and started just wanting his son to live.
Would these changes make Gabe less of a fun cartoon villain? Yes, but that's the point. Cartoon villains are cartoony. They're over the top. They have no nuance. Sympathetic villains don't work with those characteristics.
The normal way to get around this in a cartoon setting is to have secondary antagonists who can be played as cartoonishly evil. And, confusingly, Miraculous has those characters. Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila have been here since season one (Kim could also have stayed a bully and been added to that list, but he's not a teenage girl, so I get why they didn't do that /s.) Felix has been around since seasons three. Nathalie has been an active villain since season two. Any or all of these characters could be the cartoonish, nuance-less villain while Gabriel stays sympathetic.
Instead, they play Gabe however they want to play him in any given episode, making it so that he's impossible to understand from an audience perspective. I personally like the sympathetic take and think that those are the show's best episodes because I like complex villains. It's even how I write Gabe in my stuff because I go for less cartoony takes on canon.
I don't think a redemption was needed, but a sympathetic villain doesn't require one. All that term means is that you can understand the villain and be sympathetic to their plight. Redemption is optional. In fact, the goal is often not redemption, but an understand that, "there but for the grace of the gods go I." I mean, we've all lost loved ones. Wouldn't the power to bring a loved one back tempt you, too?
If they wanted to go for evil, cartoony Gabe, then they needed to drop all of the complexity and go for a Disney villain type character who gets a Disney villain death a la Scar or Mother Gothel. Don't give Gabe the wish. Let him fall to his own hubris by falling into the water of his secret layer and lading as a puddle of ash while a sad Ladybug looks on, having just failed to save him.
If you want to see an excellent look at how cartoon Gabe could have worked, then I highly recommend @zoe-oneesama's Scarlet Lady comic, which is just nearing its end after a multi-year run. I think it's fair to say that Zoe and I largely agree on canon's flaws, she just fixes them by leaning into the cartoon side of things, creating a hilarious story with lots of heart. Canon could have absolutely gone that way too and worked out wonderfully! The issue is not a lack of nuance, it's that they tried to add nuance without ever fully committing to it, making a story that is the worst of both worlds. While a more serious nuanced reboot would be my ideal dream, a reboot that scraps all of Gabe's nuance and just makes him go full evil would be just as satisfying and Zoe proves that.
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kennysimp101 · 5 months
The party: Kenny x reader 🔥
A/N: I needed to write a Kenny smut for my sanity CAUSE THAT MAN IS SO FINE AND THE EDITS OMG. Anyways a lot of it is plot and then smut because I love the plot more than the actual nasties. But if you want more smut smut, let me know.
“This party is gonna be a mess” is what you think while getting ready. Your older brother Ethan decided it would be fun if you went with him to his friend's party at the Beta Squad house for hitting 7m. Little did he know, you had been flirting and meeting up with one certain member of Beta Squad. Kenny and you had been talking for a while, till he decided to ghost you. When Ethan first told you about this party, you immediately wanted to say no, but then you thought it would be a good chance to either talk to Kenny, or to fuck with him. The second option seemed to just be more fitting, so you wore a hot-ass dress, got all dolled up, and waited as Ethan and Faith came to pick you up. You had one plan which was, to get a bit tipsy, flirt with someone else in front of Kenny, and see what happens. 
You got in with Ethan and Faith and talked about your day till you reached. You rang the bell and AJ opened the door. “Y/N!!! I'm so happy you made it, it's been a while” he said as he went in for a hug. “It's been a while indeed,” you say knowing very well why you haven't been over at the beta squad house in a while. You go over to the makeshift bar where you run into Talia, your best friend. “Omggg heyy girl” Talia comes over already kinda tipsy. “Hiiiii” You say as she hugs you while almost tripping. You pour yourself a vodka cranberry as you talk to Talia. “I didn't think you would come, yk since Kenny and all,” she said. “Ehh I don't mind, I'm over it “ You very much were not over it. “Oh please, I've seen the way you look at him, it's like you just want to suck him off right that second” She rolls her eyes. “TALIA WTF” You smack her arm, shaking your head. “You know I'm right,” She says and downs her drink, stumbling over to Simon. You sigh and get up, looking around to see people… to see Kenny.
“Hey y/n, good to see you” you hear and turn to see Sharky. “Hey Sharky, oh” you look next to Sharky and there he is. Kenny. He looks so hot. His arms, his chest, his face so kissable, you just want to… your trail of thought is cut off as Sharky starts talking “Y/n you good??” “Ye ye, the vodka is just hitting yk '' you reply, realizing you've been staring at Kenny, making you turn red. But he hasn't said anything to you. Not even a hi. “I'll catch you later Sharks,” You say, embarrassed but too tipsy to give up just yet. You drink a bit more, talk to your friends, and then go over to the dance floor. You see Deji and join him. “Hey Y/N” He shouts as you join him. “Hey Deji” You shout back. “Having a good time?” “Ofccc it's a great party,” you say as you get an idea in your head. “How about I make it better,” Deji says as he smirks. You see Kenny, staring at you from the corner of the room. This was the moment. “Sure,” You say as you put your hands on Deji’s shoulders and dance with him, basically just grinding against him. Things were getting heated. Suddenly Kenny comes over and pulls you towards him and whispers in your ear “My room in 10” and walks away. You are red, that turned you on so bad. You step away from Deji saying sorry and walk and sit near your friends. The longest 10 minutes of your life. As soon as it's over, you get up and go to Kenny's room, knowing your friends were too drunk to care. 
As soon as you get in, you feel someone push you against the door, locking it. “Wtf were you doing with Deji down there,” Kenny says. “Huh?!? Who are you to tell me who I can or cannot dance with” You say, who is he to say anything to you after ghosting you. “Yk very well that was not dance, yall could have been fucking at that point” “And this bothers you why?? Last I checked, you were the one who ghosted me” You were upset but somehow you couldn't be with this man. You look up at him and he looks genuinely into your eyes “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ghost you, I just thought you weren't interested” he said. “I'll show you how interested I am,” You say as you pull him by his collar and kiss him. He kisses you back and his hand trails down your sides, grabbing your waist.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he grabs your thighs and wraps them around your waist. He carries you over to his bed, not disconnecting the kiss as he sits and places you on his lap. You tug his shirt and he removes it as his hands go under your dress. You move your hips while sitting on his lap, feeling his hard-on as you grind. “Fuckkk” He groans, grabbing your ass tighter. You move your lips to his neck, leaving hickeys while you unzip his pants, remove his boxers and take out his dick. You go back to kissing him as you stroke his dick, feeling him whimper into your mouth. You push him down onto the bed, as you slide your panties off and slide his dick in. “Omg fuckingg hell” you moan at this feeling. You place both his hands on your waist and yours on his chest, moving up and down at a painfully slow pace. “Y/n pleasee” He whimpers as he thrusts into you to try and get more friction. You speed up as he grabs your waist so hard it would have definitely left fingerprints. “Fuck Ken I’m about to cum” You say. He hmms back as both of you cum. You ride your high and then get off him, going into his arms. You put one hand on his chest as you lay on his arms and he plays with your hair.
“So, wanna go on another date?” He asks. “Omg yes, you oblivious dumbass, boxing has definitely knocked some off your brain cells,” you say shaking your head. Both of you cuddle until you fall asleep. 
A/N: I hope yall liked it. Its been a while since I wrote smut so idk how it went. I realise I dropped a bit of angst (I'm a whore for angst what can I say) but ye.
Next up is some talia x fem reader or tobes x reader so we shal see
Love yall <33
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stardustgalaxy · 2 months
Even more DMC headcanons~! Y’all seem to really like the ones with the reader/you involved so… why don’t we go more with that then?
(Just a whole bunch of nonsense thrown together, y’know?)
✨Let’s take a journey backwards into how Dante managed to ask you out in the most on brand way possible! He did and didn’t ask you out, but running on the assumption you’ve been friends/known each other for a while he’ll just kind of give you something expensive (let’s be honest, it’s a bracelet with a red gemstone embedded in it) and ask you this: “Can ya hang onto this?”
“Sure, but, why…?
“Isn’t it obvious? So I’m always able to find you, (Nickname)?”
✨Vergil, alas, is much less suave with his ways of asking you out, but the fact you managed to get past the icy shell of protection and get along with Dante, he’ll do something a little more romantic… by giving you a questionably expensive set of books to write in/a book has already been filled with his thoughts of you~! Man sucks with speaking, but writing is his expertise!
✨Nero, oh you sweet summer child, is the more bold of the trio! He’ll get cold feet, freak out about things going sideways, and then absolutely melt when you kiss him on the cheek when he hands you a bouquet of your favorite kind of flowers. And yes, there is indeed a single bright blue rose in there that he’ll carefully place in your hair~ Kyrie is 100% the one who suggested he do the bouquet with the rose.
✨Lady asking you out is by far the simplest of the entirety of the DMC crew, even Trish is surprised considering they both enjoy the more lavish (yet simple) sides of things. Lady is most likely the one to ask you out with you two on your classic lunch once a month, a tradition you started and she come to enjoy happening~ 100p extra if you turn the tables on her and ask her out instead, with a charming smile on your face and a quick peck on her lips!
✨It’s a wonder how Trish managed to find herself falling in love with someone, let alone you since you’re… well, you. She can’t describe it! But you’ve hung out together long enough, and if you’re a fellow hunter also slayed a few demons together, and so she figured she might as well ask you out on a date first! What she wasn’t prepared for was for you to show up looking nice with a single flower in your hand, gently placing said into the suit she decided to wear that day and saying such simple words. “You may not think much on it, but a woman as elegant and electrifying as you should wear this as well...”
✨Now for the ACTUAL headcanons:
💜Nero has a low resistance to spices, though it’s gotten better now that he moved out of Fortuna City
💜Dante, on the other hand, has a stupidly high resistance to spices and gets a little disappointed that the “spiciest thing around” is just a tickle on his tongue… have mercy upon his toilet
💜Vergil finds the concept of eating to be difficult, his sense are a bit skewed from his time split apart into two as well as time as Nelo Angelo, and thus he has the worlds slowest burning metabolism! He can go without eating a full meal for like… weeks. He will snack on small things like gummy bears and animal crackers, just so Dante and Nero get off his back about him skipping some sort of fuel. He’s gotten better at eating more consistently tho.
💜Lady has this ONE particular shade of lipstick she absolutely adores and was crushed when her favorite shop ran out of that shade, nearly punched a hole in Dante’s wall when it came to be discovered her favorite shade was discontinued due to unfortunate events… (demons)
💜Trish actually has a sour tooth! Contrary to what others may think, she prefers sour things over sweet, savory, and spicy! Go ahead, give her a sour patch kid or a warhead, she’ll snack on them all day if she could~!
💜Kyrie, believe it or not, has a secret love for some rock metal and it’s entirely Nico AND Dante’s fault! She also has a once a week little brunch hangout with Vergil to help him get more acclimated to “semi normal” life, as she is the only one who didn’t attempt to suffocate him in his sleep. (i.e gave him a scolding in a way that reminded him of Eva, so he felt comforted in a way because of it)
And that’s all the headcanons and I guess insert moments I got! Tune in next time for when I share these again… tho, I wonder if y’all would want me to make a separate lil blog for this
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f1letters · 2 years
paris | eo31
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours"
summary: maybe their family and friends didn't understand all the secrecy of their relationship, but why risk ruining what they had when they lived happier than ever inside of their own bubble?
warning: the absolute fluffiest fluff ever, secret relationship, platonic!reader x mick schumacher, brief mention of alcohol, no big warnings - just here for the ✨vibes✨
pairing: esteban ocon x reader
word count: 3.2k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, which includes memories from the past.
french words used: mon trésor = my treasure; mon amour = my love; je t'aime tellement = i love you so much
omg?! cat posting a HAPPY FLUFFY STORY?! yes yes yes, I know everyone, but after last week I think you guys deserved a little sweet, lovey-dovey story haha! what can I say? I love estie bestie haha! I hope you enjoy this one, I loved writing it! (but it's actually 1:30 AM and I have to wake up in like... 5 hours! haha)
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"Your ex-friend's sister
Met someone at a club and he kissed her
Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago
Some wannabe Z-lister
And all the outfits were terrible
2003 unbearable
Did you see the photos?"
No, I didn't, but thanks, though
Paris is unquestionably a city for lovers, said Mary McAuliffe.
And it is indeed the city for all lovers. The romantic lovers, head over heels in love with each other. The soon-to-be lovers, so shy and so scared to reveal their feelings. The inseparable lovers, so consumed by their adoration that they can't seem to keep their hands away from each other. The secret lovers, lost in between discreet touches and memories built in confidence.
Paris is the one place where your heart seems to beat even faster, where your eyes seem to glow a little more, where your head seems to be completely and utterly focused on the idea of love.
Y/N and Esteban were no exception to the rule.
No matter how many times the couple visited the French capital, the two seemed to become magnets, unable to let go of each other, whenever they went to the city of love.
The young woman was combing her long hair in front of the large mirror in the hotel bathroom, towel around her wet body, after taking a shower. 
With her eyes locked on her reflection, Y/N didn't even notice her boyfriend's tall frame walk through the door until the driver wrapped his arms around her waist from behind while resting his chin on top of her head.
She smiled at him through the mirror and Esteban responded by placing a soft kiss on his girlfriend's cheek, sending shivers down her spine.
It was amazing how he managed to have the same effect on her since the first day they met two years ago.
It was her best friend's birthday and a bunch of people were gathered at his house, ready to sing happy birthday to the boy. Everyone was taking their seats around the table, Y/N opting to stay tucked away in the corner of the room as she wasn't a big fan of people in general.
"You're Y/N, right?" A familiar face asked her, as he leaned against the wall next to the girl.
"Yes, that's me." Y/N smiled, feeling her cheeks flush as she looked at the Frenchman, immediately feeling an attraction to him. "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are..." She laughed nervously.
"Esteban, I'm a friend of Mick's." The driver introduced himself, extending a hand for the young woman to shake, with a smirk on his face. "I saw you here and recognized you from the pictures. He constantly talks about 'his best friend Y/N' and I had to approach you."
The two stayed there, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds, smiling from ear to ear, until they heard the other guests start singing. They turned towards their German friend, but, in reality, the two maintained their focus on each other, keeping their gaze on each other from the corner of their eyes.
After Esteban expressed his interest in Schumacher's best friend and after much insistence on his part that he had good intentions, Mick ended up giving in and began to arrange more outings involving his two best friends.
Months passed, with Esteban always persistent in trying to build a stronger bond with the girl in the hopes of asking her out one day, but Y/N got ahead of him and she took the first step.
"Este?" She got the driver's attention, as the two of them fell behind the rest of the group on top of the snowy mountain.
"Yes, trésor?" Esteban answered, looking in her direction, the nickname rolling off his tongue as usual.
"What if we had dinner this week?" The girl suggested, a confident smile plastered on her face.
"You mean..." The man hesitated nervously, thinking he might be misunderstanding things.
"A date, yes. Me and you. This Saturday night. My place." The girl explained, reaching her gloved hand into the boy's coat pocket, where she managed to grab his.
Esteban couldn't help but think to himself: my God, I'm falling for this girl already.
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
No, I didn't see the news
'Cause we were somewhere else
Things between them evolved quickly, and the two simply became obsessed with each other overnight.
However, Esteban's fame scared Y/N a bit, as she had experienced a lot of the attention that came with accompanying Formula 1's blonde prince to his races and witnessed first-hand some of the hatred that other drivers' girlfriends, that she got to know over the years, got.
And that's why the couple decided to keep their relationship private between them and the people closest to them, even though many of them didn't understand all the secrecy.
No one knew but their friends and family. Even on the driver's team, no one knew who she was in specific, although there were some rumours and speculation due to the noticeable chemistry between the two of them and their occasional escapades to his driver's room when they thought nobody was looking.
The same can be said about the fans. Y/N was a familiar figure in the paddock, especially to Haas' fans as she was a usual member of the German driver's entourage over the years. But that didn't kill their curiosity about who she was, and what connection she had both to Mick and to other drivers with whom she was seen around the circuits.
But the couple couldn't care less. They were happy. The happiest they've ever been.
Esteban gently smoothed his girlfriend's hair away from her neck and placed a romantic kiss on it, making her giggle as he tickled her with his beard.
"Hurry up, mon amour." He told her, continuing to caress her as he spoke. "We have to go. Paris awaits us."
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
I was taken by the view
The girl dressed quickly, without much effort, keeping her outfit comfortable and discreet: some black sweatpants of her own, an army green hoodie stolen from her boyfriend, a winter Nike jacket on top and a black beanie on her head.
Her partner's look mirrored her own, both opting to blend in with the crowd as just two normal lovers in the city of love. There was no fame, no attention, and no fans.
"You look so cute in my clothes, mon trésor." Esteban complimented the girl, pulling her beanie down further, playfully covering her eyes with it. Y/N slapped his hand away from her face, adjusting herself to the new one, while the Frenchman laughed and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You look beautiful, as always."
Her little heart warmed with her boyfriend's words. He never went a day without making her feel like the most special person in the world, even when she was standing in front of him in sweats, with messy wet hair, and no makeup at all.
"Shall we? I thought you said Paris was waiting for us." Y/N joked, recalling her boyfriend's words. "Enough compliments, let's go, babe."
The girl's fingers intertwined with his and Y/N pulled the driver towards the room's exit as she walked backwards towards it.
Like we were in Paris
Like we were somewhere else
Like we were in Paris, oh
We were somewhere else
After leaving the hotel, the couple stumbled down an alleyway, hand in hand, hidden from the rest of the world, but always with happy smiles on their faces.
Y/N told him all about the latest gossip at her work, the new music she discovered on her Spotify, and her most embarrassing teenage stories with Mick.
And Esteban just listened. His favourite sound was her voice, especially when she told him the smallest details of her routine in an attempt to make him not feel left out due to the distance between them most of the time.
At that moment, they walked through the crowd and not a soul cared who they were. They were just... them. A couple in love among hundreds of others.
A few minutes later, they found a small, empty restaurant and when they saw an older couple dancing in the centre of the room, they decided to stick around, assuming they were the owners and would probably not recognize the driver.
The two entered, smiling at the couple, and sat at the booth in the most reserved corner of the room, picking up the menus to decide what to eat.
The night continued in the best possible way. The food was delicious, the restaurant remained just for the two of them and the old couple continued to sway gently to the French music blaring from the radio, making Y/N, the ultimate hopeless romantic, smile with her eyes half tearing up as she lay her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.
Y/N and Esteban didn't have a care in the world, since Paris always managed to keep their romance just theirs.
Privacy sign on the door
And on my page and on the whole world
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
Levitate above all the messes made
Sit quiet by my side in the shade
And not the kind that's thrown
I mean, the kind under where a tree has grown
After finishing their dinner and paying for their meal, the couple left the small establishment and decided to return to the comfort of their hotel room, which was not far away.
The young woman's hand found its home again in the hold of her boyfriend's hand. The girl's gaze sparkled as she studied every detail of the street they passed: the lights, the shop windows, the people, and the flowers on the balconies.
Meanwhile, Esteban couldn't help looking at her as if she had his whole world in her hands. No matter how much time passed, he was so madly in love with her that he almost felt like he might stop breathing at any second.
The driver pulled her closer to him, letting go of her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders and let out a sigh at the feel of her body touching his. "Je t'aime tellement, mon amour." He said almost instinctively.
Y/N looked at him, with the most sincere and genuine smile, ready to return the driver's declaration of love when the two were interrupted by an unexpected intruder.
"Hey, you!" Upon hearing this, the two immediately moved away, fearing that their cover had been revealed, and the girl continued to walk forward alone while Esteban paid attention to the small boy who approached him. "You're Esteban Ocon, aren't you? You're my favourite driver ever!"
Clearly, little Louis - as he introduced himself before he enthusiastically told his idol all about the races he'd seen - hadn't been up to speed with the latest gossip from the world of Formula 1 and the couple had overreacted, but they were both used to react like this in the rare instances when Ocon was recognized during their secret dates.
Y/N started to slow her pace when she discreetly looked back and saw her boyfriend bending down to take a picture with his fan. 
In a matter of seconds, Esteban took the place beside her and the two continued on their way to the hotel, although now there was some distance between them.
It was difficult at times, they admitted. Especially for a couple who couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. But they knew their sacrifice was for the greater good, so they could have the privacy they valued so much.
Almost as if they were communicating telepathically, the two looked at each other simultaneously, though no words were spoken, and Esteban gave her a half smile, making her body relax with the comfort it conveyed to her.
The date might have ended, but the night was still young: it didn't matter where they were because, as long as they were together, they were having the time of their lives.
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
No, I didn't see the news
'Cause we were somewhere else
As Y/N walked into their hotel room and started to take off her coat, Esteban gave her a smirk and placed the privacy sign on the outside door handle.
"Now it's just you and me at last, mon trésor." The boy said, approaching his girlfriend and giving her a peck on the top of her pink lips.
The two removed the outfits they were wearing and changed into more comfortable clothes, prepared to continue their night just enjoying each other's company. Esteban put on his pyjamas, and Y/N put on hers, which basically consisted of a pair of dark blue shorts and an Alpine t-shirt from the previous season obviously stolen from her boyfriend's closet.
The girl walked over to the room's mini fridge and took out a bottle of cheap wine that she had bought for them.
"Just pretend it's champagne, Este." She joked as she poured two tall glasses for the two of them to drink from. "Not all of us can be Formula 1 drivers, I'm just an accountant."
The two brought their lips to their drinks, feeling the pleasant taste of alcohol spread through their mouths. Y/N walked over to the window on her side, where she could see the view of the Eiffel Tower, and Esteban wrapped his arms around her, placing his large hands on her stomach and resting his chin on top of her shoulder.
The Tower shone like the brightest star in the sky, hence why Paris was known as the city of lights, and the two maintained the comfortable silence that settled in the room, both taken by the view.
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
I was taken by the view
Tired, Esteban sat down on the edge of the wide double bed, pulling his girlfriend with him. The two giggled while the Frenchman lay down against the headboard and the girl took the place on top of him, straddling him with one leg on either side of his lap.
Y/N took her hands to his neck, letting her fingers intertwine in his hair, and her mouth joined his in a serene kiss, full of love, comfort and peace. 
The connection between the two was simply inexplicable and completely out of this world.
The young woman took the place beside him, removing herself from the top of it and lying down on the mattress, with her head now on his shoulder. Both were looking at their cell phones: Esteban looking for the results of the football matches that had taken place that day, and Y/N checking her Instagram feed without much attention.
Until the girl's phone alerted her to a new message and, after reading it, she fell into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, leaving her boyfriend more confused than ever.
"Mon amour, are you alright?" His voice revealed the smile plastered on his face.
"You won't believe what Mick sent me." Y/N moved her cell phone so that Esteban could read what was sent by the German.
From: Micky
Have you seen the news? Apparently, we are dating AGAIN! 🙄😂
Attached was an image that contained a particular comment left on the last photo posted by Mick, where you could see the two friends in the middle of a snowball fight.
'@f1fan: Mick and Y/N are FOR SURE together, they've been dating for years!! You have to be blind to not see it! 👀'
"Oh my God, are you cheating on me with Mick of all people?!" Esteban pretended to be hurt, with his hand over his heart as if she had broken it. "I expected better from you, Y/N."
The two simply laughed at the rumours, thinking to themselves how comical it was that people were so certain about her supposed love affair with her best friend when she was lying in the same bed as a completely different driver from the grid, who was, in fact, the one who truly owned her heart.
Like we were in Paris, oh
Like we were somewhere else
Like we were in Paris, oh
We were somewhere else
Y/N recalled all the times those closest to them had criticized their choice to keep their relationship a secret and couldn't help but ask about it again.
"Do you think our family is right?" Y/N asked, resting her chin on the Frenchman's chest so she could see his expression. "About how we shouldn't hide our relationship. Do you ever regret it? I mean, not telling the world about us?"
"Honestly, mon trésor," Esteban replied, pushing the hair that hid his girlfriend's face behind her ear. "As much as I would love to scream until my lungs give out that I am the luckiest man alive and that the sexiest girl on this planet is mine, nothing would make me change our relationship."
"So no, I don't regret it." He continued, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Mon amour, we are in Paris. No one here to judge us, or to try to tear us apart. Just you and me against the world, come what may."
I wanna brainwash you
Into loving me forever
I wanna transport you
To somewhere the culture's clever
Confess my truth
In swooping, sloping, cursive letters
Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight
In my mind
"You know," Y/N pulled her body closer to his, circling his neck with her arms and leaning fully on the driver's torso. "I swear I just want to brainwash you into loving me forever sometimes."
"I think I should be worried about those words," Esteban teased, earning a gentle pinch from the girl in return. "But to be honest, I think I'm going to love you forever either way, so no brainwashing needed."
"God, we really are corny." Y/N laughed, laying her head over the Frenchman, being able to hear every beat of his racing heart. "No wonder why Mick hates us so much."
We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
No, I didn't see the news
'Cause we were somewhere else
In an alleyway, drinking champagne
A few minutes went by, and the two fell asleep in each other's arms, again surrounded by the silence within those four walls that protected them from the rest of the world.
Their relationship may have seemed wrong to others, but Y/N and Esteban both knew that their love was the surest thing in their lives.
Their hidden connection completed them, made their stomachs flutter, gave them the motivation to wake up in the morning.
In the bottom of their heart and in the depth of their soul, they kept their best secret hidden from all the evil, all the jealousy and all the judgment.
And maybe they would never tell a soul in the world about their love.
But in the end, they would always have Paris.
'Cause we were in Paris
Yes, we were somewhere else
My love, we were in Paris
Yes, we were somewhere else
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taglist: @dan3avacado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @flannel-cures @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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gunilslaugh · 5 months
Write Next Door
Goo Gunil
Summary: Little did you know the guy you were exchanging notes with and your next door neighbor were the same person. (non-idol au)
Warning: none
AN: The title is supposed to be a pun since you're writing notes to your next door neighbor in case it didn’t make sense.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Hi whoever else sits at this desk :)” It was a silly little note, but it made you smile. Truthfully you weren’t having the best day. You had a test this morning that you don’t think you did particularly well on. Then your project partner in another class decided that they weren’t gonna do their part of the work or show up to class. Even though the note was a small thing it still managed to bring some light to your dreary day. So much so that you found yourself picking up your pencil to write “Hi :)” where there was a blank space on the little paper before folding the note back up. You placed it back where you found it on the underside of the desk where there was a slight gap between the wood of the desk and a metal bar.
The next morning you were leaving your house feeling exhausted due to staying up late to finish your project. 
“Are you feeling ok?” You heard a voice beside you. You turned your head to see your neighbor Gunil. You didn’t know Gunil all that well, but talk from time to time. Enough for you to deem him as a nice guy. Who also has a workout addiction. 
“Yeah I’m ok thanks. I just stayed up last night doing a project. That I have to present today,” you sighed. 
“I’m sure you’ll do well,” Gunil encouraged you. Giving you a supportive smile. 
“Thanks,” you tell him. 
When you later arrived at class your hand subconsciously went to feel to see if there was another piece of paper under the desk. To your surprise there was. You grabbed it and unfolded it. “I didn’t think anyone would actually respond, but I’m glad you did!” Just like the last note this one also made you smile. You flipped the note over to the backside to write your response. “I was having a bad day, but your note made me happy :)” You folded the paper and put it back under the desk. Feeling a bit excited to check for another note tomorrow. 
On your way back home you happened to run into Gunil again. 
“You look happier. I take it your presentation went well,” he said.
“It did, but that’s not-nevermind,” you dismissed. Deciding that telling Gunil you're happy about receiving silly little notes might seem a bit weird. 
“No, tell me. Don’t leave me hanging,” he says. 
“Ok fine. In one of my classes there’s this person who’s been leaving notes under the desk. I know that probably sounds silly, but I don't know they make me happy for some reason,” you tell him. Gunil stays silent at your words because he has been leaving notes under the desk in one of his classes. He left the first one more as a joke. Just something that was meant to be as good fun. He can’t lie though reading the little “Hi :)” someone, who he now thinks is you, responded with made him happy too.
“What did the notes say?” Gunil finally speaks after realizing he hasn’t said anything. 
“The first one said ‘Hi whoever else sits at this desk’ with a smiley face and the second one said that they didn’t expect anyone to respond, but they were glad I did,” you answered. Gunil got his confirmation you were indeed the one who responded to his goofy note. It makes his heart flutter. Honestly Gunil always had a bit of a crush on you ever since you first spoke to him. Now you turn out to be the one he’s exchanging notes with. What are the chances of that? 
“That’s cute. They seem like a friendly person.” Yes, Gunil was putting in a good word for himself. He thinks that he’s going to use these notes as a way to confess to you. 
“Yeah they do,” you agreed. Gunil was excited to read your response tomorrow. 
Gunil couldn’t make his way to his desk fast enough. Handing racing to grab the paper lying underneath. 
“Are you that excited about your note thing?” Seungmin teased him. Gunil doesn’t even bother to respond as he eagerly unfolds the note and reads your response. It felt sad to hear that you were having a bad day, but he was glad that he made you feel better. Gunil smiles like an idiot as he rips a piece of paper to write you another note. “Seriously, why are you being weird?” Seungmin pressed. 
“The person responding to my notes is y/n.” Gunil happily tucks the note under the desk
“Y/n? Oh you mean your crush y/n?” Seungmin questions. 
“That’s the one,” Gunil says. 
Later when you arrive at class your hands find their way under your desk. It’s quickly becoming a habit. You smile when you feel the piece of paper under your fingers. There’s a feeling of excitement as you unfold the paper. “I hope I can bring happiness to all your days y/n :)” Your eyes widen as you read your name on the little paper, rereading it again to make sure you read it right. How did the person know who you were? Should you be scared? You feel a bit hesitant this time as you write your response, “How do you know who I am?”  
The next day you were a bit worried as you held the folded paper in your hand. That worriedness faded away as you read the response though. “Cause I am your secret admirer <3” The person who you were exchanging notes with had a crush on you? “Can I know who you are then?” you wrote back. 
The following day you were met with a note that said “You’ll find out soon!” However, that was also the last note they left you. It’s been three days and the underneath of your desk remained note free. You began to think this was all a joke. Maybe one of your friends was just messing with you this whole time. 
You arrived home and found an envelope sitting on your doorstep. You stared at it curiously before picking it up. It had your name written across your front. You ripped the envelope open to reveal a note inside. “Your secret admirer is…” you read out loud. 
“Me,” you heard a voice behind you. It’s a voice you recognize. You turn around to see Gunil standing there with flowers and a note. He hands you both. You smile as you smell the flowers and read the note. “I like you <3 Do you like me too? Check [  ] Yes or [  ] No” You laugh grabbing a pen from your bag. You teased Gunil a little bit, acting like you were thinking about it before checking the yes box and handed the note back to him. Gunil’s face lights up as he sees your response. 
“Yes!” He pumped his fist excitedly, making you laugh. You think Gunil being the one who was sending you notes all this time was the best possible outcome. 
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lovelynim · 1 year
Genshin Impact - Thoma x Ayato
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A/N: I was pretty much struck by inspiration out of the blue and decided to write this. I also missed writing for Thomato so why not. ehe.
Summary: Thoma decides to help Ayato with his bath, but things easily go out of hand.
Word count: 1610
Warnings: There isn’t anything explicit, but… well, Ayato is naked, it’s a bath, after all. Ah, yes, there is also tickling.
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"Don’t take this as a complaint, but wouldn’t you agree that I’m way too old for having someone helping me in something like this?” Ayato slightly turned his head to the side, just enough to let the other notice the subtle grin on his face. 
“Allow me to disagree, my lord,” Thoma said happily, gently taking his hands over Ayato’s shoulders and helping his master take off his clothes. Once he had placed his coat away, Thoma walked back to him, kneeling in front of Ayato to continue to help him undress. “Actually, if you asked me, my lord, I’d say it’s only proper for a servant to help their master even in the simplest tasks.” 
Ayato let out a soft chuckle, taking his hand to his face as he covered his lips to muffle the side and cover his grin. “Oh, Thoma, you are embarrassing me,” he lied, watching the blonde test the water with half-closed eyes.
“Then bear it with me a little longer, my lord,” the housekeeper said softly, gently taking Ayato’s hand as he guided the clan’s head into the bathtub.
Once Ayato’s body was submerged, Thoma stepped back, taking out his gloves and red coat. Now, stripped from the heavy clothes, he walked towards Ayato again, feeling welcomed by the smile on his master’s face. 
As the sound of his bare feet tapping against the bathroom’s flooring got louder, the clan’s chief knew the blonde was already close to him. He leaned back into the tub, letting his head fall back as he looked up, his eyes meeting Thoma’s. Ayato grinned, letting out a sigh. 
“Is something wrong, my lord?” Thoma asked, picking up some products he left near the tub earlier.
“This is bringing me memories,” Ayato replied, leaning his head back forward, “from back when we were younger.”
“Ah, indeed,” the blonde muttered, putting some shampoo on his hands before starting to massage the back of Ayato’s head, "the other servants used to scold me because I would get things wrong so often back then," Thoma chuckled.
With his eyes closed, Ayato laid his head back into Thoma's touch. "But now you have mastered every possible task. Seems like you turned the tables on them, in the end,” the clan’s leader pointed out, holding his breath when Thoma poured some of the water over his head to rinse his hair.
“I’m flattered by your words, my lord,” the fixer muttered softly, placing his hands on top of Ayato’s shoulder, starting to move his fingers as if giving the man a massage. “But I still have plenty of other things to lea-”
Ayato’s voice suddenly broke through their conversation, scaring both of them and splashing some water out of the tub as he jolted. He was distracted by their talking and Thoma’s touch that he failed to notice when the blonde’s fingers roamed a little closer to his neck.
Thoma’s thumbs brushed against his skin so gently that sent a whole wave of tinglish shivers down Ayato’s back, making his squeal in surprise. 
“Did I hurt you, my lord?” The fixer said in a hurry, with clear worry in his voice, while moving his hands away.
Ayato sighed, already blaming himself for that exaggerated reaction. “No, Thoma, I just… got distracted for a second,” he muttered the made up excuse, rubbing his neck to try get rid of the ghostly feeling that remained in the spot.
“Very well… please tell me if anything is bothering you”, Thoma nodded, now taking place by the tub’s side. He slowly reached for one of Ayato’s arms, gently moving the sponge over his skin and, at that exact moment, the clan’s head could tell this would be tough.
Just like in every other task, Thoma made sure to do a meticulous job. Dragging that unbearably soft sponge over Ayato’s skin over and over until he was sure he was done with it and moved to the next spot.
Meanwhile, Ayato put up his best efforts to not melt in a puddle of giggles. Having Thoma touching his neck and his back so gently was already leaving him at the edge of cracking up and, after battling the urge to laugh for a while, he was pretty sure the housekeeper was able to notice the way his muscles suddenly tensed up whenever the sponge roamed close to one spot or another and, yet, made no attempts to speed up the process or change the way he moved his hands.
Ayato could feel his lips twisting into a smile, his teeth greeting and his hands clenching as hard as he could. Why did it feel so damn ticklish?!
“My lord?”
“Y-Yes, Thoma?” He snapped back to reality. Thoma looked like he was waiting for something, but Ayato couldn’t even guess what it was. “Sorry, can you repeat it?”
“Your arms,” Thoma pointed out, “can you move your arms up a bit?”
Those words made Ayato’s heart sink inside his chest. Part of him was already blaming his past self for agreeing with this madness, while the other tried to come up with an answer. But, in the end, he simply followed his servant’s instructions.
Ayato was at his limit.
“T-Thohoma… p-plehease,” Ayato giggled, pressing his eyes shut as he tried to squirm as little as possible when Thoma started to move that damned sponge against his side.
“Yes, my lord?” Thoma said, hiding a chuckle under his breath, already well aware of what Ayato was going to say.
“C-can’t yohohou go any f-fasteheher? Or nohohot b-be so gehehentle?!” Ayato whined through another stream of giggles, splashing some water out of the tub and soaking part of Thoma’s clothes in the process.
“I’ll try my best, but it might still feel a little ticklish. Try to bear it with me, yes?”
“Eheheasier s-sahaid than doho- AHaha, Thomahaha!” Ayato’s words were cut by a sudden squeal when the housekeeper gave him a little “help” and held his arm by his elbow, managing to move his other hand all the way from his ribs to the underside of his arms.
“I can imagine, I’m just as ticklish, my lord,” Thoma said, as if comforting Ayato in some way, even if the clan’s head would take that more as something more like a tease.
The following minutes felt like an eternity. The blonde couldn’t help but laugh along with his master, even if it meant to have more water splashed on his clothes, messing the bathroom more and more.
Ayato’s face was already tainted with a bright shade of red, completely contrasting his natural cold colored palette. After putting up such a battle, he barely had energy to fight or to mind the light feeling when Thoma moved to his legs. He was laying his head back, catching up his breath and wearing a slight smile on his lips. It would all be over soon, he told himself.
“See? It wasn’t that hard, my lord,” Thoma said, trying to get his master to talk to him again, even after “torturing” him.
“Speak for yourself, Thoma… I’m getting you back for that later,” Ayato muttered between short gasps and the servant knew very well that it wasn't a threat, but rather a warning about what would be waiting for him later that night.”
“I’m looking forward to that, my lord,” it was Thoma’s bland answer before he pulled Ayato’s ankle out of the water, making the other man eye him. Without further notice and without giving his master the chance to say something, Thoma brushed the sponge against Ayato’s foot.
“AHA- T-ThohOHoma, ahah, w-waHAhait!” Ayato tried to pull his leg out of the fixer’s grip or twist his foot away from the sponge, but both were to no avail.
“No can do, my lord, I can’t allow myself to delay your schedule for tonight, can I?”  The blonde spoke innocently, repeating the moves and even getting a little rougher to tease his master, all while Ayato’s cackles filled the bathroom.
The clan’s head held on the tub’s edges of his dear life, falling into a helpless giggling mess that did not resemble the image of his reputation at all.
More and more water splashed out of the tub when Thoma began to slowly abandon his duty, beginning to use his fingers to tease and tickle the soap covered skin = which only made things easier for him.
“AhahAhah, n-no moHOHore, ThoOHohmaha!!”
“I’m almost done, my lord,” Thoma cooed, scratching the middle of Ayato’s foot and sending his master into a renewed fit of laughter.
By the time he was done, there was probably more water on the floor than inside the tub. Ayato could still feel the ticklish sensation running up his legs. Despite the tiredness from the ticklish assault, he could feel his body much less tense than when he had finished his work. 
He smiled, tilting his head to the side and watching the housekeeper picking up a dry towel. Ayato’s smile grew even larger once he noticed that Thoma was also smiling.
“Give me a moment, my lord, I’ll take you to your room and call someone to help me clean this mess,” the housekeeper muttered, wrapping the towel around Ayato’s body after helping his stand back on his feet and get out of the water.
“There is no need, Thoma…” Ayato spoke softly, looking down to his servant to meet his eyes, “you can’t delay my schedule, can you?”
The blonde chuckled softly, standing in front of Ayato and shaking his head. “No, my lord, I can’t.”
“Then let’s get going… we can deal with this mess later.”
“Yes, my lord.”
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heknowshisherbs · 1 year
alright, yes, i confess, i'm actually in love with dewey finn (NO!) yes indeed
pairing: musical!dewey finn x reader warnings: drinking (and getting sick after), cursing word count: 3,070 author's note: hey y'all! this was the first fic i posted on the og heknowshisherbs, so it only felt fitting that it's the first fic i post on the new blog. i'm getting back into the swing of things so please forgive me if the formatting on my first few posts is a little fucked. i hope you enjoy!
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Y/N: bRIIANNAN briainanan RBIANNA gota teelll u sooemthing Dewey: ? Y/N: brianana in eeed you to ansnwer EM noW Dewey: …U do know ur texting Dewey right? Y/N: hOWEDYOKNOW THAT whaxts im mltkaing abouyt Dewey: Y/N I have no idea what ur saying Y/N: nreedsu oyu toknow that il ove dwey som mocuh. i wanna kissihis satupid faccw Dewey: Are you drunk? Y/N: onnlyly if oyuwo wants me roi 33343333333333…….;;.;.d.d' Dewey: I’m coming to get you.
    That string of texts was the reason Dewey Finn found himself in his car, on his way to a dive bar, at 03:47. Y/N had tried to get him to come that night with her and her friend, Stella, but he told her he was working on music which was half true. He did need to write some songs for the kids, but he mostly tried to avoid the bar because he didn’t want to be there when she inevitably went home with another random guy. As long as she was safe he was happy but it made him incredibly jealous and he didn’t feel like stewing at the bar all night, so he said he wouldn’t go. He hadn’t heard from Y/N at all up until he got those texts; he didn’t need to see her to know that this was probably the drunkest she’s ever been. She was always kind of a lightweight and even at her drunkest she was (for the most part) aware of her surroundings, but these texts made absolutely no sense. He was afraid someone would pick her up and just leave with her because she wouldn’t be able to defend herself or even say no.
    When he pulled up to the Roadhouse it was still pretty packed, which wasn’t all that shocking for a Friday night. He arrived at the nick of time— someone was leaving. He immediately took their spot which, luckily, was right next to the door. He ran inside and started searching for Y/N, praying she was still there.
    Calling out “Y/N!” elicited no response, but once Dewey finally found her it became clear that he got no response because she most likely didn't even know her own name. She was flopping around the bar, babbling nonsense to random people. Some humored her for a bit, while others ignored her; Dewey was just glad nobody had tried to take her home.
    He gently reached out for her hand, and she almost toppled over after attempting to turn around. Y/N collapsed into his arms and looked up at him with a crooked smile, “Plleased to meeetcha!” Even blackout drunk, he thought she looked radiant.
    “Come on, Y/N, we’re going home, okay?” He tries to lead her towards the door, but she messily snatched her hand away.
    “‘M nOT going home with a sTRANGER!”
    People started glancing over at him, and he began to panic; the last thing he needed was to get arrested while on his obligatory best friend wellness check, “Hey, hey, hey! It’s me okay, it’s Dewey.” Her face remained blank, she knew nothing but booze. “Dewdrop? Y/N, I promise I’m not kidnapping you, I’m just gonna put you to bed."
    The word ‘bed’ seemed to help Y/N register what was happening, and she threw her arms up in triumph. “M geTIN LAID!” she cheered, which earned her confused looks from anyone within a seven foot radius. Maybe she didn’t register what was happening after all. Either way, it was enough to make her go with him willingly.
    If anyone else had been working that night there is no way in hell Dewey would’ve been able to leave with her in that state, but their favorite bartender, Kara, was on and she knew that the pair were best buds. Dewey locked eyes with her to confirm that he was taking Y/N home. Kara just shook her head, shouted “good luck!” over the bar, and turned back to the customer she’d been talking to.
    Dewey helped Y/N throw an arm around him so they could walk to his car, but they only made it about twenty feet before it became painfully clear that she couldn’t make it that far. He scooped her up and walked outside; she, all the while, was babbling about something Dewey couldn’t decipher. Her speech was so slurred at this point he wasn’t even sure there were actual words coming out of her mouth.
    He gently laid her in the backseat and buckled her in as best he could. She’d started nodding off at this point, which was probably for the best. It worried him slightly because he wouldn’t be able to check if she was breathing for the whole ride home, but he laid her on her side and hoped that would be enough.
    It was only a short ride to his apartment and, in that time, all he could do was pray she didn’t vomit until they made it inside. He lived on the third floor and knew there was no way in hell Y/N was making it up the stairs, even with help, so he had no choice but to carry her again. It was difficult to maneuver the narrow hallway and, while she didn’t feel all that heavy to him, he’d definitely gotten his workout for the next month out of the way.
    He stumbled through the door, almost dropping Y/N in the process. He quickly got her upright, and before either of them had time to register what was happening, she’d vomited all over her dress and the floor.
    Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Dewey really wanted to keep her in her clothes; they were best friends and she’d seen him in his underwear loads of times but this was different. Dewey gently sat her down on the ground before running into his room to rummage through his drawers and find a pair of pajama pants and an old shirt.
    When he made it back to the kitchen, Y/N was passed out on the floor, and she’d thrown up again from the looks of it. He closed his eyes, let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and made his way over to her. Once he was sure she was still breathing, he tried to slip the dress off as gently as possible. It wasn’t too difficult to do, and once it was entirely off he was grateful she chose to wear that leather dress that always made his heart stop; as disgusting as it sounded, her vomit wasn’t able to seep through the fabric so her bra and panties remained clean. He felt much better about helping her change now, and it was only a matter of time before she donned Dewey’s slightly too big clothes.
    He cleaned the mess, ran over her face with a wet rag to get any remaining vomit off, and sat on the floor with her for a moment to gather his thoughts. She looked so peaceful. He ran a hand through her hair and smiled to himself. 
    Dewey had loved her for a while, and he’d always wanted to tell her how he felt, but things just weren’t that simple. What they had going was good, he couldn’t let his feelings get in the way. He’d resorted to pining from afar and supporting her romantic endeavors endlessly, no matter how much it hurt.
    “Nngh…” she mumbled a bit in her sleep, before her eyes slowly opened. “Don’t feel good. Doooooo not.”
    “Are you gonna be sick again?”
    “Mmmmm…. I dunno.”
    'I dunno' was not a good enough answer for Dewey to consciously let her sleep in his bed. Even with a bucket next to her, there was no guarantee her aim would be spot on, and he didn’t want to take the chance. Cleaning your best friend's vomit off tile flooring was one thing, but cleaning a vomit soaked carpet was another thing; even Dewey Finn has limits.
    He helped lead her to the bathroom and sat her next to the toilet, silently thanking whatever deity had given him the motivation to clean his bathroom that afternoon. Upon sitting down again, she immediately vomited, and all Dewey could do was sit behind her, hold her hair, and wish he could make her feel better.
    After about an hour she’d finally stopped being sick, and an hour after that it was almost 08:00 and he could feel drowsiness overtaking him. She’d been asleep on his chest for quite some time and he hated moving her because he knew he’d never get this opportunity again. He bunched up a clean towel and put it on the floor for her to use as a pillow before leaving the bathroom. In an ideal world, he would’ve stayed with her but his bathroom room was far too small for that.
    Then again, in an ideal world they’d be together.
    He laid in bed for about ten minutes before he decided he’d feel better if he was closer to her in case she needed anything. He took a pillow and blanket, and laid himself down on the floor right outside the bathroom door and let the sound of Y/N's soft snoring lull him to sleep.
    When Y/N woke up, her eyes were practically glued together with a layer of crust and makeup from the night before. Her head was pounding, and the first thing she did once her eyes were fully open is stick her head right back in the toilet and vomit. Once she's convinced there’s nothing more to puke up she disregarded any logic or sense of cleanliness and pressed her head against the cool toilet seat. It’s only then that the fog clears— just slightly, but enough for her to register where she is. She recognized the unusual, mismatched tiling on the floor to be Dewey’s, but had absolutely no idea how she ended up on the floor of his bathroom. He wasn’t even at the Roadhouse last night.
    She wracks her brain for what could have possibly happened the night before but her mind is entirely blank. She remembered leaving her apartment, taking two shots, and then the rest of the night is a blur. How did she get to Dewey’s place? Did Stella drop her off? She noticed her phone sitting on the counter and shakily reached for it, hoping it could give her some answers. It was 14:37, and the only notification she had was an unanswered text from Stella, who asked where the hell she went last night. Evidently, she hadn't dropped Y/N off at Dewey's place. She quickly responded with “i’m fine, lyk later. puking” before checking her conversation with Dewey. 
    She couldn’t decipher a single text message she sent him, and from the looks of it, he’d been in the same boat. All she was able to gather is that she trying to reach Brianna; it wasn’t until she reached the jumbled message reading "il ove dwey som mocuh” that she realized what she’d done. This brought on a whole new wave of nausea and she quickly found herself, again, retching into the toilet. 
    She decided then and there she needed to leave as soon as she could. She was still a bit drunk so driving was definitely out of the question (she didn’t even know where the hell her car was), but she didn’t live too far and assuming she could stand up she just might be able to walk back home without Dewey ever knowing. She’d leave him a note. Using the edge of the bathtub for support, she shakily stood up. It took a while, and the nausea came back and slapped her in the face as soon as she did, but she remained standing without vomiting for a few moments. Y/N decided it would be okay to try to leave. She made a break for it and opened the door as carefully as she could hoping that Dewey wouldn’t hear it when all of a sudden-
    Y/N froze. Looking down from the crack in the door, she could see the top of Dewey’s head— he had been right outside the door all night. If her situation hadn’t been such shit, she’d have found it endearing, but right now all she was worried about was their inevitable confrontation and the potential concussion she just gave him. She slammed the door shut.
    “Uh, I’m out of the way now if you wanna come out...” She wanted nothing more than to remain hidden in the bathroom but he knew she was awake, and there was nothing to do now but go out and face him. 
    Once the door was open, she finally got a good look at him. His hair is sticking out in more directions than she can count and the bags under his eyes are dark. Y/N can only imagine what he went through last night trying to get her here. He was wearing his favorite AC/DC shirt and sweats, which clued her into the fact that she wasn't wearing the dress you left home in last night. She fiddled with the fabric at the hem of the shirt before looking up at him “Dewey, did we-?” 
    She didn’t want to imply anything, but she had no other logical explanation for where her clothes could have gone. Her voice sounds gravelly and her throat feels like sandpaper but that’s something he’ll just have to get past. 
    Dewey's eyes widened in panic, and he ran a hand through his hair “No, no! God, no!” He nodded towards a plastic grocery bag tied up by the door, “You didn’t even know who I was when I picked you up, I would never… I was just gonna let you sleep it off in my bed but when we got here you threw up all over yourself. I-I didn’t see anything, I promise. I just couldn’t let you sit in your own puke all night… sorry.”
    “No, oh my God, Dewey, don’t apologize!” Y/N felt awful, she must have put him through hell last night. Sure, he was her best friend, but that went far beyond what she’d ever have expected him to do for her, “I’m so sorry you were stuck dealing with me last night, you can literally pick the movie for every movie night we have ever again. I’ll help you clean up once my headache dies down a little.”
    He smiled a little bit, “There’s nothing to clean up, it’s okay. You should eat.”
    “I’m not hungry.”
    “I know, but you should still eat,” he made his way towards the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice, “You can have some of this and I’ll make you toast. I’ll make you more food if you’re hungry later but for now we should see if you can even keep that down.”
    “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Thanks.”
    As he’s getting the glasses for their orange juice, she felt her panic start to rise. She knew they needed to talk about the text, but he hadn’t brought it up.
    The silence is deafening, and it all but consumes Y/N as she watches the orange juice fill the glass, and before she knows it, there’s toast in front of her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to even consider eating without vomiting until she got this over with. “ImsorryIdrunktextedyou.”
    “’s okay,” he mumbled between bites of toast, “You could barely function as a human being, I didn’t really take anything you said to heart. I’m not entirely convinced you knew who I was. ‘M just glad you’re okay.” Dewey smiles up at her, eyes twinkling, and her heart melts.
    “Dewey, I-”
    “Y/N, I’m not kidding. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re my best friend, I promise I didn’t take any of it seriously.” Dewey could all but hear his heart shatter, and he just prayed she couldn’t hear it too.
    She bit her lip. Jesus fuck, she just wanted him to understand without having to say it out loud. “I um… I know you don’t think I knew what I was saying and uh... for the most part I didn’t, but that text, um, t-the text was um. I feel like that when I’m sober too.” 
    Y/N struggled getting her words out, and although she knew Dewey was trying his hardest to keep his reaction hidden, his nostrils flared. He never notices he’s doing it but she always did— it's a nervous tick of his. Normally it’s really cute, but right now it just made her want to curl up in a ball and never face him again. "N-Nothing has to change, it’s just… I don’t know. Fuck!” 
    With a loud groan, her head was in her hands, blocking out the light (and Dewey), “I just. Don’t want to lose you as a friend.”
    No response.
    “D-Dewey? Are you gonna say something?”
    “I-” he faltered and she prepared herself for the worst. “How long have you felt this way?”
    “O-Oh, uh… a year. M-Maybe longer.” Y/N finally looked up at him and he was just staring at her, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. She scooted herself away from the counter and mumbles a quick “thanks for taking care of me last night” before making her second break for the door.
    She only got halfway through the kitchen before she was whipped around and found herself in Dewey’s arms. Shit. He was practically crushing her, and she genuinely couldn't tell if everything felt more intense because she was so hungover or if he was really using that much force. It was probably a bit of both.
    “I love you too,” he mumbled into her hair. 
    Wait. What? 
    “Fuck, Y/N, I’ve loved you for so long and I thought I didn’t stand a chance. And then I got that text and I just— Jesus, when I got to the Roadhouse and saw how trashed you were I didn’t think there was any way you could’ve known what you were saying but… you mean it?”
    She inhaled deeply, forehead still pressed into his chest, “Of course I do, you doofus. How could I not?”
    He squeezed her just a little bit tighter before placing the gentlest of kisses on the top of her head, “I’m really glad you got drunk last night.”
    She laughed quietly, a short huff of air out of her nose that warmed Dewey’s chest through his shirt, “Me too."
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Are you gonna do part 2 to Homage? Of course if you are busy or just don't feel like it take your time and rest :) i just really like the fic and your writing! You're amazing!
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Summary: Reader introduces Hunter to what pancakes are.
tw: none.
a/n: Sorry that I skipped a request to do this one, I just got inspiration for this one first.
wc: 0.8k
Master List
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“So palismen can choose their familiar?” I asked with wide eyes. “Do you think I could get one if I went to your world?” 
“Yeah,” Hunter nodded. “Theoretically.”
Hunter was at my house, explaining the magic that was in the demon realm. When I offered to hang out with Hunter, I didn’t actually expect us to hang out on our own. Luz was very adamant and set the entire thing up to be fair. It was kind of awkwards at first, us both sitting in silence. I brought up the topic of magic and he’s been going on explaining everything in great detail. It was really interesting.
“I’m…sorry,” He said sheepishly, looking down at his palisman. “I know my voice is annoying.”
I looked at him confused, “I don’t think so. I…I think it’s nice.”
He looked up at me with wide eyes, “Oh.”
Feeling embarrassed? I’m not exactly sure what I was feeling, but it made me want to change the subject. 
“So does your palisman have a name?” I asked. His palisman was a little red cardinal that had a scar over its left eye. It fit him. 
“Uh, yeah,” Hunter replied, picking up the cardinal. “His name is Flapjack.”
“Flapjack?” I asked in surprise. I felt a smile curl onto my lips, “Like a pancake?”
“Pancake?” He asked in confusion. His magnta eyes searched mine, like he’d magically find the definition.
“You guys don’t have pancakes?” I asked, flabbergasted. He shook his head slowly, reminding me of a kid who just got scolded. “Omg I need to…you need to try one. I think we’ve got a pancake mix.” 
I stood up from my bed, walking quickly to the kitchen. My mom paid us no mind as I searched the cabinets. I heard Flapjack chirp and Hunter hush it, but I ignored it. My mission was more important. Mission, introduce Hunter to the wonderful world of pancakes and breakfast foods. I let out a victorious ‘yes!’ as I indeed found the pancake mix. I checked the expiration date, just in case. I mean I don’t really cook often and my mom’s too busy too. 
I quickly gathered the other ingredients, not like there were many more, and got the batter ready. I put a pan on the stove and set it to medium heat, now waiting for it to heat up as I got out butter.
“Are you sure this is safe?” Hunter asked. 
“Yeah,” I nodded, buttering the pan. “It's a pancake mix, so most of the ingredients are already mixed for you. That’s why I just had to add milk, to make it a batter.”
I poured the batter into the pan once it was hot enough. While it cooked, I grabbed a few plates. Flipping the pancake, I cringed at how it was burned. So I’ll scrap this one and flip it sooner, noted.
“It smells really good,” Hunter muttered. 
“Just wait till you taste it,” I smirked. “This is easy to make, even for someone who never cooks, like me.”
The next few pancakes were the perfect golden brown, and I internally pat myself on the back for how good they looked and smelled. I divided the pancakes between both plates and set one in front of Hunter. I then went to the fridge and grabbed the syrup. Can’t forget the best part! I rushed back to the dining room table and sat next to him. 
“Okay, so try a pancake without the syrup, and then with it,” I said eagerly. Hunter nodded and hesitantly cut into his stack and took a bite. I sat on the edge of my seat, curious to what he thought of it. It’s not everyday you get to introduce someone to something. Hunter’s eyes widened as he chewed, glancing at me then back down at the food. 
Swallowing, Hunter spoke up, “This is amazing!”
“You think that’s good?” I asked with a smug grin. “Now try it with some syrup!” He did just that and he seemed even more floored. I grinned, proud of myself. Now he needed to try some homemade pancakes. I ate my pancakes as well, content with the outcome of this little expedition. 
Flapjack hopped over to me, and I raised my hand up to pet it. Just in case it didn’t want to be pet. It twittered happily as I brushed its wooden feathers. Even though it was wooden, it was still soft. 
“Who's a cute little guy,” I cooed, petting the birds back. I heard Hunter choke, and I looked up in concern. He sputtered as he swallowed the rest of the water he was drinking, his face bright red. “Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” He nodded, not meeting my gaze, but showing off a shaky smile. Flapjack hopped back over to Hunter, then flew up into his hair. “Hey!” The bird just chirped and made a little nest in his hair. Adorable. 
I rested my arm on the table, put my head in my hand and stared at Hunter, “So, want to learn how to play Mario Kart?”
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thatfreshi · 9 months
"Unsavory Purposes" (Uni AU P. 4)
No, I didn't write a filler part. How dare you ask me that? I would never write fluffy filler bc I want all my little guys to be happy. Anyways, Gale intro finally!!!! Also we get to see the only other ship I have planned for this fic series...
You, Shadow and Lae get breakfast after shooting the shit for a couple hours. The smell of eggs and potatoes fills the air as the three of you reach the bottom floor of the dorm. It's bustling with people, all trying to get somewhere. It's Sunday, and classes start tomorrow, so people are scrambling to get their textbooks before they go on backorder. The three of you part ways to put together a plate, and eventually come back together at a booth next to a window.
"Ugh, I was enjoying having a break. Back to the grind for me I suppose."
Shadowheart sighs, moving cheesy eggs around on her plate.
"You love it, don't act like you're not a workaholic."
Before they can start arguing again, a stressed man comes over to talk to Shadowheart.
"Is it true? Did Astarion really tell your entire floor to come to me if they have an issue?"
"Oh Gale, it's sweet that you're even asking. Of course he did."
Gale puts his head in his hands.
"I'm going to kill him. Mind if I sit Shadow?"
"Not at all. Tav, this is Gale, artist extraordinaire, TA for Ms. Mystra."
"Yes, it is indeed I. Thank you for the wondrous introduction Shadow."
Finally, someone's major here has piqued your interest.
"Oh, what do you study?"
"All kinds of things, but my thesis is going to be a series of paintings."
Lae'zel rolls her eyes.
"The arts. So silly, what a waste."
She stabs her eggs with her fork.
"Why, are you thinking of majoring in some kind of art?"
You shrug.
"Honestly, I don't really know yet."
Shadowheart almost spits out her water.
"You... you don't know your major? This place is going to eat you alive."
She and Gale laugh to themselves, but it doesn't bother you. She's not wrong after all, it's odd that you haven't picked a major at this point. There are just too many good options.
"Well, you could be like Lae'zel and study something boring like history."
Shadow playfully nudges her arm, to which she grumbles.
"I didn't come here for a degree idiot, I came here to run."
It's silent for a moment, before Gale solemnly speaks up.
"How is it by the way? Your leg?"
She almost seems sad, but quickly shifts her expression.
"It's fine."
And that's the end of that conversation. Gale doesn't pry any further, but it clearly has him concerned. You realize you actually don't know what's wrong with her leg, other than that it's stiff when she walks. Before you can ask what happened, Shadowheart interrupts.
"Holy shit. Who is that Gale?!"
You turn inconspicuously to where she's looking, and you see the skater from last night, Karlach.
"Oh, she just transferred. Karlach. Apparently the best wrestler we've had in years."
"She looks like she could carry me to safety..."
You smirk.
"Shadow, you're staring at her."
She quickly averts her gaze, blushing.
"Right. My bad."
It's too late though, because the wrestler is now walking towards your table.
"Hey there! Sup Gale?"
"Nothing much Karlach. The dorm treating you well?"
"Oh hell yeah. I just thought I'd come over because your friend was staring at me, didn't know if she needed something."
The woman's voice is a little playful, almost as if she knows Shadow was staring for... unsavory purposes.
"No- I... I'm sorry. You're fine, I don't need anything. I mean, I need some things, like food and water and-"
Gale turns to her, mouthing something along the lines of 'shut up.'
"Well, alright. Good to see you Gale! Off to get some breakfast."
Karlach then winks at Shadowheart, before sauntering off. You're in shock from the massive flirting that just happened in front of you, and Gale is as well. Lae'zel is ignoring it all, still stabbing away at her eggs.
"Shadow... how did you even manage to pull that off."
"I have no idea because I certainly panicked! But dear Goddess do I NEED her to crush me."
You and Gale laugh.
"What! I'm serious, she could destroy me with those thighs and I would thank her."
"You're going to scare off your new friend Shadowheart. Tav, I apologize on her behalf. She doesn't know how to act around buff women."
"It's alright! I think it's sweet. You two would be cute."
"We would be, wouldn't we..."
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angelst4re · 2 years
good morning to you
can you write something with jamie bower where the reader is a famous actress and she is on a talk show and there are some serious rumors that she is in a relationship ( because someone caught her after the oscar ceremony where she had won beat actress, kissing a blond tattooed boy ) with either Vinnie Hacker or Jamie Campbell Bower and so like she was is under a lie detector and it’s end up so fluffy and she confirms that she is with jamie since 1 year.
Hi my love!! I love this idea soo much because I saw a picture of Vinnie Hacker on pinterest yesterday and I actually thought it was Jamie... please let me know if this has happened to anyone else!!
Lie Detector- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
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warnings: none! :)
note: this reminded me of the time charlie heaton and natalia dyer did a lie detector test so i kinda took some inspiration from that because they're adorable!
You and Jamie had done such a great job at keeping your relationship private, even after starring in the same movie and going on press tours. However, you knew tonight was going to change it all.
“Y/n,” The host welcomes you.
“Oh, and Jamie! How are you doing?” They ask as you both sit down. 
“Great, excited to be here.” Jamie speaks for you both. 
“So, we had you come in a couple days ago to do a lie detector test! We’ve done this in the past with some of your co-stars so it was exciting to see the both of you do it, let’s watch it!”
“Wonderful, so… we’re going to be taking a lie detector test today, one of you will be hooked up to the machine whilst the other asks some questions, then you’ll switch. I expect you’ve seen this before?” 
You nod your head, Jamie chuckles. You knew what was going to happen. It was all going to unfold… 
“Who would like to go first?” 
You look at Jamie with a grin and he sighs, 
“Fine, I’ll go first,” he smiles as he stands and gets into place. 
When everything was ready, you began to ask the questions. 
Your questions to him were fun and easy, such as asking if he really likes acting, if he’s going to be in the new season of stranger things, if he wants to get married, etc.
And then it was his turn to ask you the questions.
“Growing up, did you always want to be an actress?” Jamie asked, 
“Yes, it was always a dream of mine, I never thought I’d really do it though.” You answer.
“Who was your first celebrity crush?” He asks, his eyebrows raised.
“Uhh, I don’t remember!” You giggle, yet the lie detector said you were telling the truth.
“Do you remember your first impression of me?” Jamie asks, watching you smugly. 
“I thought you were pretty cool, I liked your tattoos… made me want to get one.”
“Awh, do you still think that?” He asks,
“Of course,” you smile. 
“Okay, last question, this is a pretty big one… are you ready?” 
You knew what was coming, you took in a deep breath and nodded your head. 
“There’s been some rumours going around about your love life, half the internet thinks you’ve got something going on with Vinnie Hacker, the other half seem to think it’s me? Can you tell us the truth about this picture?” Jamie can’t contain his laughter as he slides the photo over to you. You take a look at it and then look up at Jamie again.
“Well, this is a picture of me and my boyfriend. If you look close enough you’d notice that that tattoo on his upper arm matches one that you have… so I hate to break it to the people that think it’s Vinnie Hacker but this is infact me and Jamie Campbell Bower,” you can’t help but blush as you confess the truth, knowing the impact this will have on social media within the next hour. “We kept things secret for over a year so when this photo was released we knew it was just a matter of time until everyone found out!” 
“Surprise!” Jamie shouted to the camera before bursting into laughter.
“So…” The host began as the video ended, you had your face hiding in Jamie’s neck as he spoke, “The truth is finally out! The rumours about the picture were true?!”
“Indeed they were,” Jamie smiles, “I feel so relieved now, it was really hard keeping it a secret!”
“Yeah, Jamie can’t even keep birthday presents a secret! He always ends up telling me what he’s bought weeks before my birthday!” You laugh as Jamie looks at you, pretending to be offended
“Excuse me!” He gasps, “I only spoiled one of them, at least I kept the rest a secret!”
You roll your eyes at your boyfriend and rest your head on his shoulder, smiling at the relief of no longer having to keep your relationship hidden.
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Riften 'Guard': Before I let you into Riften, you need to pay the visitor's tax.
Gaia: Hm? A tax?
Riften 'Guard': For the privilege of entering the city.
Gaia: *looking up at the stone walls of Riften* ... I hardly think Riften is worth a visitor's tax.
Riften 'Guard': Are you insulting my city, lass?
Gaia: I would never, sir. It's just that, of all the cities I have been to, which amounts to a total of four so far, I would say the only one actually worth a tax would be the likes of Whiterun.
Riften 'Guard': Sounds like an insult to me. Either way, no tax, no entry.
Inigo: How exactly did you get into Riften last time, my friend?
Kaidan: She, er.. Found another 'entry point'. Charged through Black Briar Meadery.
Riften 'Guard': You what-
Gaia: I see no issue. I was not trespassing, I visited during their opening hours.
Lucien: And got us banned.
Kaidan: The mead isn't that good anyways.
Gaia: There is no reason for Riften to enforce a tax on its visitors. I am convinced this is what humans call a 'shakedown'.
Riften 'Guard': Call it what you want. Give me the gold or leave.
Gaia: ... No, I don't think I will. Goodbye. *turns and walks away, the others following*
Taliesin: Wow. That was pathetic.
Gaia: I am not skilled in Speechcraft. I am told my voice is very monotonous, so it is hard for me to persuade people.
Kaidan: I've heard you change the pitch of your voice to convey other emotions, though.
Gaia: That is not supposed to happen.
Taliesin: Do you at least have another plan to get in? You said we have business here.
Gaia: ... How fast is your running speed?
Taliesin: ... That depends.
Team Dragonborn: *thrown out of Black Briar Meadery by Indaryn*
Indaryn: AND STAY OUT!
Kaidan: Well that didn't work.
Lucien: Lady Black-Briar is going to have us on her hit list at this point.
Gaia: You said you can run fast.
Taliesin: Not when I'm being chased by Riften guards in an enclosed space!
Inigo: We need another plan. I do not want to give even a rusty Septim to that arrogant gate guard. He did not even smell like a guard.
Lucien: Guards have a smell?
Gaia: Rerouting... The only way I can see forward is to give him the money. None of us passed his Speech check.
Kaidan: Still lost on what that means.
Taliesin: Oh shut up, you tried to scare the rat into submission and made him angry.
Xelzaz: *walking across the Riften docks, writing in a journal, not noticing the team sitting on the floor yet*
Kaidan: At least I didn't scream like a wee lass when a guard grabbed me.
Taliesin: I did NOT scream like a little girl, you brute!
Gaia: Your vocal pitch came very close to that of a child.
Inigo: Indeed. I thought someone had accidentally kidnapped a child.
Lucien: Do you think we could scale the walls without anyone noticing?
Gaia: No. Regular patrols are routed along the top every hour.
Inigo: Damn.
Xelzaz: *trips over Inigo's tail and falls over* Ow!
Inigo: Ouch! Hey, watch the tail!
Xelzaz: Oh dear, I am so sorry! I'm afraid I was rather lost in thought, I didn't see your... er.. *frowns, looking at everyone on the ground* You.. What are you all doing down here anyways?
Gaia: We were forcibly removed from the premises.
Xelzaz: Why?
Lucien: We tried to bypass the visitor's tax at the gates and enter through the Meadery.
Xelzaz: Ah, you must mean that rather irritable guard. Yes, I encountered him too.
Kaidan: Yeah, well, we don't want to have to give money to someone like him, so we're trying to find a different way.
Xelzaz: That seems like a horrible hassle to go through to save a few Septims.
Lucien: Ahaaa, well, to put it bluntly..
Gaia: Our combined funds are approximately 86 Septims. We would be broke if we gave him his tax.
Xelzaz: I see... Might I offer a suggestion?
Taliesin: I think at this point they would do anything but pay him. Go on.
Xelzaz: I recently brewed a fresh batch of Telvanni Bug Musk. I would be glad to offer it for your use to enter the city.
Inigo: Telvanni what-
Lucien: Telvanni??? Like House Telvanni of Morrowind??
Xelzaz: Ah yes, I suppose I neglected to introduce myself. I am Xelzaz, a Lawman of House Telvanni.
Taliesin: ?? But you are an Argonian. I didn't realize they allowed non-natives to ascend the ranks of House.
Xelzaz: It is a bit uncommon, but not unheard of. I happen to be rather competent in my selected fields of study.
Kaidan: Those being?
Xelzaz: Alchemy and magic study.
Kaidan: Ah, of course.
Gaia: Kaidan does not like magic.
Xelzaz: Hmph. Like all Nords, it seems.
Kaidan: I'm not a Nord.
Lucien: It is rather ironic, though. Taliesin and I both use magic as a primary combat resource.
Xelzaz: I'm rather partial to fire magic myself.
Kaidan: Egh, even worse.
Gaia: I believe we were talking about this 'Bug Musk'?
Xelzaz: Ah, yes. It will make you more attractive to other people. In turn, they become more agreeable and are more willing to do things for you. Such as, say, overlook a visitor's tax?
Lucien: Oh, brilliant! We'll take it!
Xelzaz: *pulls the bottle away from Lucien* Ah, forgive me, but I'm afraid this comes with a bit of a favor on my end. Call it bargaining, if you will.
Gaia: Yes, I assumed there would be a catch to this. What is it you require, then?
Xelzaz: See, I am actually on my way to High Rock to meet with a superior of mine. I could have travelled by boat, but this is my first time leaving Morrowind in quite some time, so I am looking to travel before I arrive at High Rock. Therefore, I am looking for a 'guide', of sorts. Someone who may know the land better than I.
Taliesin: All that for some bug musk?
Xelzaz: The musk is not all I would offer. As I said, I am a very competent alchemist, as well as a chef. I can cook and make potions, and I am also an avid fighter.
Kaidan: Well, it wouldn't be the first time we were hired as tour guides.
Gaia: Correct.
Lucien: Ahaa..
Taliesin: It seems like the best choice, right now.
Gaia: A new path has been revealed. Probability of Success: 92%. We accept.
Xelzaz: Excellent. Here is the Telvanni Bug Musk. *hands the bottle over to Gaia* All you have to do is apply some to your wrists and neck. The effects will last for an hour.
Gaia: Thank you, Xelzaz.
Xelzaz: My pleasure. If I may, what was it a moment ago when you spoke the probability of success? Your voice changed.
Gaia: I am a Dwemer Gynoid. Not human, or elf. A machine. My name is Gaia.
Kaidan: Oh, you've finally ditched that Greeting Protocol thing?
Gaia: I felt it caused some discourse to onlookers.
Taliesin: I think Calcelmo just about fainted when you told him you were a machine.
Xelzaz: A Dwemer Gynoid? How interesting. Your appearance is uncanny to that of the recorded appearance of Snow Elves.
Gaia: They were the model for my design, yes.
Inigo: Does this mean we can get off of the floor now?
Kaidan: Yep, up and at 'em. Time to go and get that guard to let us in this damn city.
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fandomsandshipping1 · 7 months
For a Friend
Alright I've got more writing but this time it's for someone. It consists of Peggy and August standing up for @askthelovenest's S/I, Mrs. Alicen Mallow.
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“At least you were able to climb the social ladder by marrying the marshal.” China Princess smugly stated. As Alicen turned away, someone cleared their throat behind China. Standing there was a very displeased looking, blue and white fairy winged, woman.
“I believe the only one who’s done any climbing, has been the marshal. Lady Alicen seems a far greater upgrade from-” She frowned, looking over China with a look best described as disgust. “-Whoever you are.”
“Whoever I am?” China demanded. “I am a princess, thank you.”
“A princess?” The woman let out a light laugh. “And you think that is supposed to impress me? I have never heard of you.” She added, with a slight lift of her head.
“Hey Auggy? What’s going on?” Another, slightly shorter, woman, who was strangely wearing a suit, came over.
“Your friend has dared to step in for her.” China gestured back at Alicen. The suited woman frowned.
“And who are you?” She asked. China frowned.
“I am China Princess.” She replied. The suited woman thought for a little, before shaking her head.
“Never heard of you.”
“Never heard of me?” China scoffed. “How have you never heard of China Princess?”
“Look, chick, I’m dating a man who defended royalty as pretty much a living. Compared to them, you’re nothing but a cheap, likely plastic, little doll.” The suited woman stated. “Especially if we’re also comparing you to Mrs. Alicen Mallow.” She added. This caused China to let out an offended gasp.
“How dare you.” She spat. “I won’t take this lip from commoners.”
“Commoners?” “Auggy” replied, with a sharp laugh. “I am a queen, actually.”
“Well I’ve never heard of you.” China huffed.
“Then we must be in very different circles.” “Auggy” replied.
“Yeah, especially if you’ve never heard of August MacBeth.” The suited woman agreed, before glancing around the crowd. “Do you have a date here, then? You must be a plus one from some lower circle.” She added, causing China to look more offended.
“A plus one!” She huffed. “If anything you’re the “plus one”.” She stated.
“Actually-” August reached into her purse and pulled out not one, but two, invitations. “-We were invited.”
“Unlike you, I’m guessing.” The suited woman added.
“Oh! You impudent-” China was cut off by a very sharp frown from August, a crackle of lightning dancing across her fingertips. A low rumble of thunder could be heard from somewhere, even though the weather was supposed to be clear.
“I would recommend you not to finish that sentence. There is only so much vileness I can tolerate from someone.” The woman stated, her voice and face both stormy and dark. “And, for your sake, I recommend you leave lady Alicen alone, understood?” She asked, her eyes cutting, cold, and dark. China took a step back.
“Fine.” She frowned before leaving. August then looked over at the suited woman.
“You had very good timing, Peggy.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, then looked at Alicen. “You okay Alicen?” She asked.
“Yeah but… you two didn’t need to step in.” Alicen replied. August softly frowned.
“Yes, we did. You, Lady Alicen, are one of our friends.” She stated.
“Yeah! And that means we’re going to step in if someone’s giving you problems!” Peggy agreed, with a sharp nod. “Hell, I’d have kicked that tiny trashy little fake antique’s ass, had it come to that.” She added, causing August to sigh and shake her head. Alicen couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Thankfully it didn’t have to come to that… I do appreciate the sentiment though.” This caused Peggy to grin.
“Hey, that’s what friends are for, isn’t it?” She stated.
“Indeed.” August agreed. “Now, we still have a lot of time left, so let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”
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