#did i used to tag things so much? no. but then i went tag diving for specific things and learned the hard way that it's better if you do
vagueconfusion · 4 days
IV and Vessel screams; from the Teeth of God Red Rocks ritual [05/12/2024]
Video taken by literallynoone1289 on tiktok
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macabr3-barbi3 · 2 months
Entanglement (Sub Vox x Reader)
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A request from the lovely @jurijyuu for a tentacle malfunction Sub Vox 💕📺
Tags: Restraints; Light Bondage; Sub Vox; Teasing; Begging; Dom/sub Undertones; Tentacles? Sort of? are Vox's cable/wire things tentacles? the world may never know
Who could have guessed that trying to do something nice for his doll could have resulted in something like this?
Vox had been waiting for you to finish up with Velvette for the shoot that was happening this evening. He knew after hours of the fucked up poses that Vel forced you into to get the perfect shot you would be sore- she had had you hanging by your knees from the fucking chandelier on one occasion, insisting that the slight sway to the fixture would result it a cool shot from your camera (it did; that wasn’t the point). Her favorite photographer, Velvette was always fucking stealing your free time away from him. It was good for business, but bad for his plan of simply keeping you naked in his room at all times for easy access.
He had been laying in the bed, lazily stroking himself just in case you showed up, when the idea struck him to run you a hot bath and light some candles around the room. It shouldn't have been too much longer before you arrived so the candles wouldn’t burn out, and you always enjoyed it when he ‘set the mood,’ whatever that meant. He could probably sell you on fucking before your bath, too- even more deep aches and sweet bruises for the hot water to soothe.
He was too lazy to get up though, so he had snaked out a few of his cables from the back of his head, long and prehensile, a few pairs of them diving into the various drawers in the room searching for the candles and matches and two slithering across the floor towards the bathroom. Had he thought to check the floor for water from his shower a few hours prior before sending two very much electrical tentacles into the room he might have had better luck.
Currently though, his luck was shit. The water found its way into his wires and shorted them out, electrical current traveling all the way through to the base and fucking up the other cables as well; they whipped and snapped across the room in wide arcs and twisting wriggles, and his attempts to grab them from the air and cease the destruction to his room only resulted in his wrists getting tangled up in the mess.
So here Vox had been for the last fifteen minutes or so, restrained by his wrists in the bed and still achingly, frustratingly hard. His cables didn’t so much as twitch when he tries to send some power to them to reverse the entanglement, or when he tugged his arms a bit. His cock does though, and isn’t that something interesting that he doesn’t want to think about right now.
And then like an angel, there’s the sound of the door opening and you coming home. “Baby,” he shouts from the bedroom, and he hears the telltale thump of your camera bag on the kitchen counter. “I could use your help in here!”
“What did you do now? If you cracked your screen off the stand again-” Your voice trails off when you enter the room and see him- he’s sure he looks fucking ridiculous, spread out like he is, and he feels the spread of pink pixels over his screen in a blush.
“I was trying to do something nice for you,” he says, “and got some water in my wires. Everything went haywire, and, well, now I’m here. Be a doll and help me get loose?”
The way you’re watching him is a little disconcerting- not bad by any means, he loved having your eyes on him, just a little unusual. You slide your jacket off your shoulders and toss it on the armchair, sliding your hair out of its bun that you wear to keep your hair out of your eyes while you work. When you go for the button on your jeans he clears his throat.
“I appreciate the strip tease, sweetheart, but there’s more pressing matters at hand here.” He lifts his wrists in demonstration, the wires brushing his skin in a way that makes him suck in a harsh breath, dick twitching in his boxers. “Come on, help me.”
You work your jeans and panties down your legs, his eyes trailing the whole way before settling on the space between your legs. Then your shirt comes off, perfect tits on display as you do a rotation, let him take in the visual of your body in front of him before running your hands down your skin and back up- one hand plucks at a nipple while the other dips down between your legs.
Vox’s mouth is hanging open, pixelated lines of drool coming off his mouth as he watches you, cock throbbing out of his reach. He tugs at his makeshift restraints, a little breathless when it sends a bolt of arousal through his body- seriously, what the fuck? “I am in no mood to be teased right now,” he tells you, but the words are a little reedy and almost whimpered. He clears his throat and tries again- “Seriously, help me.”
You come closer to the bed, climb onto it and settle yourself between his legs. “Come on, Voxxy,” you murmur, and the low, dangerous tone to your voice goes straight to his straining erection despite the use of that fucking nickname that he hated. “Tied up all pretty for me and not even going to say ‘please?’ That’s not how you get what you want.” Your hands run up his calves, up his thighs, and your thumbs brush into the dip of his pelvic bone. Your touch sends electricity crackling through him, static sparking between his antennae. “That’s what you always say anyway- you wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite, would you?” You drag the waistband of his boxers down, and he’s half-mortified when his hips automatically cant up to make it easier for you, his dick slapping heavy onto his abdomen when it springs free.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He can feel the manic grin on his face- confused by the turn of events, by his sweet, perfect doll not simply doing what you were told and, what? Trying to get him to beg? As if- even if it was hot as fuck (and it was, Christ). “Baby, I- ohhhh, fuck-” 
Your head ducked down to lick a stripe up his cock, tongue curling around the head- his hips buck up, try to sink into the wet cavern of your mouth but you pull back with a soft smile. “Say please.”
“Fuck you.” Vox says this affectionately- he was the one in control in the bedroom, this was cute and all, but he wouldn’t plead with you for it.
“Not with that attitude, you won’t be,” you snap back with a wicked grin on your face. And you’re gone again, bent over to lick and suck at the hard length of him with your ass in the air, just the way that he likes.
Again, when he tries to thrust into your mouth you pull off, and he tugs uselessly at his restraints, head falling back against the pillows when you bring a hand up to cup his balls, thumb running gently over the sensitive skin. “Haah- you’re going to fucking kill me.” He’s a little embarrassed by that whiny moan that had escaped him, but you’re not even looking at his face, head resting on his thigh to gaze lovingly at his fucking dick while you stroke and kiss and generally tease him.
Vox thinks he might be losing his mind, just a little. But fuck does he want it, want to lose himself in the wet heat of your mouth, sink deep into your slick cunt and watch you bounce in his lap. He could still do that with his hands restrained, right? He wouldn’t be able to grip your hips the way he wanted to, or get his fingers on your clit and revel in the way that always made you clench tighter around him- but he could make do if you wouldn’t release him.
And there’s the thought that does him in- that maybe you wouldn’t let him go, would keep him tied to the bed with his own goddamn wires to tease him endlessly, unable to do anything about it himself, evidently unable to convince you to do anything for him. He was at your mercy here, the thought making him dizzy with arousal and an unprompted whine falling from his lips when he notices you working your fingers between your legs while you finally let the head of his cock slip past your lips, suction on the tip that makes him see stars.
“P-please,” he breathes out, and you release him with a pop, such excitement lighting up your eyes that he wishes he had given in sooner- you were so beautiful when you were pleased and excited, what would you look like when he gave in to you like this?
You move up the bed, legs on either side of his, and slide your drenched folds against the length of him. Leaning down so your face is next to his, you press a deep kiss to his mouth, slipping your tongue alongside his before you pull back and whisper, “again.” Your hands press into Vox’s chest as you slot him against you, rub the head of his prick against your clit and groan in ecstasy.
His hips jerk at the sensation. “Please, baby,” he says darkly, “let me fuck you.”
“Hmm, not quite what I’m looking for.” You lift off of him, slide back and out of reach again. “Try again?”
“What? Come on, I can’t-” He pulls at his restraints again, and the way your eyes go half-lidded at the sight gets the message through. “You wanna keep me trussed up, is that it?”
“Is it so wrong for the photographer to want to keep a pretty picture on display?” Your fingers twitch between your pretty thighs, grinding tiny circles into your clit while you wait for him to give you what you want. “I wish I hadn’t left my camera in the kitchen; I would love a shot like this. I’d have to get some different lighting…” Your hips stop moving for a moment as you look around the room. “Maybe candlelight would work? I think that would cast a nice glow on your skin, so pretty- fuck, should I go get my camera?”
“No!” The word breaks past the dam of his lips when you use one of his own tricks against him- the threat of ending the pleasure when you’re so fucked out and cock drunk, on the brink of cumming. “No no no, doll, don’t leave- fuck, please, alright? Please touch me, fuck me, ride my cock. I’m fucking begging, I need it-”
A shudder rolls through your body, and finally, finally you sink down on him, a slow, delicious slide that has his fingers clenching uselessly where they’re held, wishing he could hold you, dig his claws in like he usually did.
“I didn’t say stop,” you moan, watching him through narrowed eyes. “Come on, Voxxy, tell me what you want.”
“I want you to stop fucking t͖͖̠̬͛ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅi̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥg̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟ me-” Your hips slow and Vox bites his tongue, rephrasing- and this time, to his chagrin, the stream of words doesn’t fucking stop. “Please, baby, don’t stop- f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔, so fucking good, I w-want- I wanna cum, please, keep going, you f-feel so f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥg̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟ g̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞d̶̵̯̯̼̘ͨ̓-” An honest to God whimper comes out of him, so invested in both of you cumming that he can’t even find the sense in him to be embarrassed by what was happening. His screen is glitching out, his vision broken when he goes full static every couple of seconds, but the glimpses he’s getting in between of you with your head thrown back are going to fuel his jerk-off sessions when he can’t spend the night with you for the rest of his afterlife. You felt fucking perfect around him, your swollen pussy walls squeezing him just right as you rode him.
“Say please,” you command, fingers working between your legs, the back of your hand brushing against his abdomen and causing the muscles to flutter under you. “Ask me to make you cum- ask for permission and I’ll let you cum in me-”
And didn’t that just sound like the perfect end to the evening? He doesn’t even question it, couldn’t stop his traitorous tongue if he tried. “Please, doll, oh my fucking- please please p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ, p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ, let me do it, cum with me-” He feels the tension in his entire body, from his suspended arms to the tips of his goddamn toes- he might actually fully fucking short out, he thinks deliriously, processors overloading in his brain at the sights and sounds and the feel of you sucking him into your greedy body. “- p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧ let me, baby- oh f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔, I’m gonna-”
You hit the peak of your orgasms together, your body jerking in his lap like you’ve been electrocuted while your cunt wrings him like a fucking towel, tensing and rippling around his cock as he spills into the slickness, long pulses of cum as far inside of you as he can get and its not enough- he can never be close enough to you to feel complete so he settles for filling you with everything he has to give.
Vox doesn’t black out, but its a near thing- the explosion of sudden voltage to his circuits actually jump-starts the core of his cable tentacles and they spring to life, his wrists finally coming free and falling to the bed so he’s spread out like some fucked up crucifixion. They’re numb, he realizes, but before he can get to doing anything about that you shift, reaching for them and massaging feeling back into his limbs. There’s some light bruising, but nothing crazy, not any worse than you had whenever the pair of you occasionally delved into bondage. 
The heavy breathing of you both evens out, and you bring his hands to your mouth to press light kisses to them. When you’re satisfied you release him, and his arms wrap around your back. You press a gentle kiss to his screen and rest your head on his chest. 
“You know,” you mutter into his skin, “technically I didn’t give you permission to cum. That’s gotta count for… something. I’m not sure what.”
He snorts into your hair. “Doesn’t count for shit. You cheated, waiting until I was right on the brink to say that shit.”
You hum, and snuggle closer. “You liked it though? Maybe a repeat in the future?”
His instinct was to say no, but he couldn’t deny that he had enjoyed it- you were a dangerous force in control, something he would maybe have to mention to Velvette so she would let you direct your own goddamn shoots. “We’ll talk about it,” he settles on, still a tad embarrassed by his reaction to the whole thing. “I do think you should have to draw the bath now, though- for both of us, since I think you rode me so hard my thighs have bruises.”
“Oh fuck off,” you laugh into his chest, but you still roll off of him and disappear into the bathroom- the sound of running water fills the room while Vox tries to remember how to make his legs work.
“I better not see that camera in here, either!” He shouts, and your responding giggle brings a smile to his face.
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d6volution · 8 months
caine wants to learn more about humans, so why not become one himself? surely, these new waves of emotions and new desires won't become an issue.
tags: human!caine unresolved feelings, sexual tension, lingerie, making out, pining until the end, explicit sexual content, caine is pussy drunk.
minors dni.
Chapter Three.
previous chapter.
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Well, he kept his word. You two did meet the next day, and the day after that. You told him whatever bits and pieces of your time as a human that you could remember. He seemed to listen.. but also seemed a little out of touch... like his mind was elsewhere. Whenever you brought it up, he simply put on his usual act.
"Oh, not to worry dear! I am beginning to understand a bit more about how.. caring humans can be, so if you're worried don't be! I am perfectly fine! In fact, better than ever. I have certainly learned a lot from you." He said, almost sounding impressed.
"I'm glad I could help, Caine." You couldn't help but smile at the praise he was giving you.
Your smile caused him to look away, those funny feelings returning.
"My, my look at the time!" He was glancing at his wrist, which was adorned by the wacky watch.
"Oh, already..?" You didn't realize just how fast time passed when you two were together, "Same time tomorrow then?" You said, hopeful.
"It would seem so," He studied your expression. "Hmm, I can't help but notice that you seem a little ..disappointed." He hope he correctly evaluated your emotions.
"No, I mean— a ... little." You wanted to deny this observation but he could see through you, so it would be no use.
"Worry not my dear! I'll always be around of course, though I've come to realize it is normal to miss people you spend a lot of time aro— mmf?!" Your hands yanked at his collar before he could try and put anymore distance between you, your lips meeting. He talked too much.
Couldn't he feel the tension that was growing between you two? It was palpable in the air. Maybe he just needed a little push.. your tongue even brushed against his closed lips.
You were nervous, but maybe, after getting closer to him.. it was easier, or maybe you were just desperate and simply losing your mind in this digital world.
Your lips were soft and inviting, the heat from your mouth was diving him crazy. He couldn't think.
Caine went stiff, he wanted badly to kiss you back. Squeeze your hips and pull your closer but .. he couldn't. Surely these feelings of yours were simply because you took a familiar form of a human.
They couldn't really be for him right?
His hands slowly lowering onto your shoulders and gripped them gently, pushing you away. "W.. Well, y/n what a very.. bold act of affection!" He was beet red now, almost like he was short circuiting. "U‐Unfortunately you're aware I cannot return these... feelings, yes? It would be.. dangerous."
You were at a lost of words, you acted without thinking and now he was looking at you with pity in his eyes, "I.. sorry, I don't know what I was thinking— .." You took a few steps back. But your lips were still tingling.
"N-No, need to apologize!" He tugged at his collar to let off some steam and without another word he wrapped an arm around your waist and within a blink of an eye you were both in front of your room door.
"There we are! Now go and rest your pretty little head, I.. will be back at a later hour to check on you, how's that sound?" It was an excuse. He wanted to see you again after this. Just.. to confirm a few things after you've settled down from these heightened emotions.
You nodded, still suffering from embarrassment of your feelings and advancements in general being denied. Yet you weren't completely unaware.. you could see it in his eye too, the stuttering and fidgeting it was as if he were holding himself back.
Maybe.. he just needed another little push.
"This.. this certainly isn't right, far from family friendly.. far from appropriate." He was pacing back and fourth inside of his "room." "I could risk abstracting if this gets too far! .. Well, maybe not. Iam the showrunner here.."
Bubble emerged from his hat unannounced, "This all apart of the human experience Caine! Why not give her all the love you're legally allowed to give..?"
That mischievous bubble certainly was not helping. The thought, even coming from bubbles silly mouth made his cheeks dust with a light pink. Everytime he thought about you in such a way he could feel a piece of his resolve breaking off.
He needed to end this, this experiment had provided him with plenty of knowledge but, if continued to play human it would only lead him into heaps of trouble that he was certain of. Before he changed back... he did promise to check in on you.
He arrived at your door, and hesitated to knock. Attempting to groom himself a little beforehand. He inhaled, then knocked.
"Caine..?" You called out from the other side of the door.
"Yes, that's me!"
"C.. Come in." Your voice was muffled by the door, but he heard you clearly and opened it up, stepping inside his eyes immediately got wide. He slammed the door behind him so no one else could see what he was seeing.
You lying in bed with silky fabric hardly covering your body, your skin on display. Your expression vulnerable, yet desperate. Caine felt like he was going to glitch out of existence.
"Y/N! You.. someone else could have seen you like this and it's hardly appropriate! You are aware this show is supposed to be for all ages." He said but his fists clenched and he could feel his pants getting tight.
Not good.
"Can't we forget about all that for one night Caine..? I've.. seen how you look at me.. even earlier, you wanted to kiss me back right?" Your voice was sultry as it was desperate, you crawled towards the end of the bed and the silky fabric was sliding off of your body.
He swallowed and rushed over, attempting to fix it. "W-Woah there!" You took this chance to cup his growing erection.
"Is this family friendly... Caine..?"
The feeling of your small hand caressing his straining dick was enough. It throbbed in his pants and he pushed you onto the bed. Straddling you, his breathing had grew heavy.
"It seems I've been caught red handed, I am supposed to be gentleman like my dear, " His eyes roamed along your half naked body.
"But, you are making it quite difficult. I suppose, as my human test bunny your are willing to take responsibility?" He sounded as desperate as you looked now.
"O.. Of course, Caine.." Your squirmed under his gaze, and he slowly pushed aside the silk lingerie that was comcealing your nipples. His erection was pressed against your thigh and he was unknowingly grinding against your soft skin.
"Just.. for today, I'll indulge in your i.. inappropriate behavior, dear y/n." He swallowed.
"Take them off Caine.." You mutteted and tugged at his the waistline of his pants.
"Oh, no no my dear. After all this trouble you caused I think you deserve a little punishment!" He said with a grin, his resolve was gone. Completely, whatever code was inside of him urging him to obey the rules was temporarily disabled.
"Now, as lovely as that silk looks on you would you mind taking it off?" His voice fell at the end of his sentence. He planned on having you completely in the nude while he stayed fully dressed.
You sat up and he scoots back on the bed, allowing you to stripped in front of him.
He couldn't help it, his dick was straining violently against his pants.. he removed himself from his pants, and started to stroke himself. "Do forgive me dear, I've always said you make my body act so strangely and this is no exception."
You stared at the heavy cock in between his thighs, you could feel the slick between your legs.
"Caine.." Your eyes finally met his, "Please touch me.."
"Well, if you ask so nicely how can I say no?" He grins and climbs atop you again, this time quickly closing the distance between you both and pressing his lips against yours. It was to make up for earlier.
Your body instinctively arched towards his, your hips shifting to feel his cock brush against your bare cunt. You were practically humping at his shaft like a dog in heat. He groaned into your mouth and returned the movement. Both of your sexes rubbed against each other as you made out, breathlessly moaning in between the kiss.
"Feels good.. more Caine.." You whined, your arms locked around his neck and holding him close to you. He smelled like the most expensive cologne mixed with his natrual musk. It was simply intoxicating.
He didn't say anything, his eyes swirling with lust as he lined up his tip with your slick entrance. After slipping a few times he finally plunged inside.
His mind went blank with pleasure and he hardly gave you time to adjust to his size, his hips began to move. "C.. Caine..! hh.. fuck..!" You cursed, and made a not that it wasn't censored.. maybe you really had broken the ringmaster. In one sense.
Your nails dug into his back and as he slammed into your tight cunt, balls slapping against your ass as he fucked you like his very life depended on it.
Your moans didn't go unoticed, your whimpers and whines only fueled his need to fuck you harder. Faster, the bed was rocking beneath you as he seemed to loose all sense of himself while buried inside of you.
He nudged at that spongey spot in your cunt and you saw stars, your back arched and toes curled. Caine was silently taking note of how tight you got all of the sudden.
"H.. How interesting.. it seems like I have much more to learn about you my dear, like how much you tighten around me when I.." He slammed against that spot again, and again. Over and over, til you were in tears.
"C.. Caine..please.. gonna c-cum.. !" You managed to sputter out, but he was way ahead of you. He planned on having you cum together.
"Nngh .. that's .. the plan darling.." He grunts and your body suddenly began to spasm, cunt convulsing and gripping his shaft vicely. His own hips sputtered to a stop as he spilled into you without thinking. The relief washing over his body as numbness washed over your own.
You stared at the ceiling coming down from your high. Caine thrusted a few more times, before pulling out.
"My, my.. what a cruel creator I must have to hide such pleasures from me.. are you alright, y/n? I didn't seem to be completely myself there." He pushed some hair from your face and you nodded grabbing his hand and nuzzling it.
His face was hot again, just as this little display of affection.
"I suppose being human for a little while longer couldn't hurt."
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petitemistletoe · 1 year
S.O.S. She's In Disguise
Part Two to She-Wolf
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader, Sirius Black x Remus Lupin, Potter!Reader
Warnings: smut and angst!
Word Count: 4.8K+
A/N: I had to do a deep dive into Beauxbatons and all I can say is I wish we got more Beauxabatons and Durmstrang content because they're both phenomenally interesting. Also the James Potter in She-wolf absolutely eats up the James Potter in Grudges! There were a few of you who asked to be tagged that you could not be :( so sorry! If I left you off the taglist please let me know :)
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“What do we do?” Peter asked, wringing his hands. 
“You two get Remus back to the shack. I’ll try to carry her to the hospital wing.” James put on his authoritative voice but everyone could tell he was incredibly rattled. 
“Do you want one of us to help you?” Sirius asked but James shook his head, picking you up gently and hoisting you over his shoulder. 
“No, no. Take the cloak and go. Madame Pomfrey should be down here any minute you have to go now.” James was not able to hide the quiver in his voice. 
“Okay. We’ll see you soon.” Peter nodded at James before helping Sirius support Remus back to the shrieking shack. 
You woke up as James was setting you down on a bed in the hospital wing. 
“Don’t try to talk, it’s alright,” James said when he saw your eyes widen, “Madame Pomfrey will be back in a few minutes. I filled her in on everything but you need your rest.”
“You know?” You croaked, accepting the water from James and soothing your scratchy throat. 
“That you’re a werewolf? Yes, I worked that out what you stumbled out of the woods.” James pursed his lips and you could tell that he was trying to hard to keep his voice level. 
“I imagine you have some questions, then.” You said, trying to keep your own voice steady as well. 
“Yes. But you can rest first if you’d like.” 
“No, no. We can talk now.” You sat up straight in the hospital bed and smoothed out the blanket that was laid out in front of you. 
“When exactly did you become a werewolf?” He asked. His nails were digging into the palms of his hands. 
“Last year. Beauxbatons has a requirement for outdoor education for all wizards and witches and I’d chosen the option of solo fitness survival. I failed the first round of solo fitness survival so I apparated to a random forest last summer to practice. I did not pay attention and it was during the full moon and I was attacked by one of Greyback’s pack. I barely survived and when I apparated back home I splinched myself pretty badly. My parents knew they couldn’t take me to a hospital because I would be forced to register myself immediately. My mum called your mum and she was able to stitch me up and then was sworn to secrecy. The medi-witch at Beauxbatons tried to help me as much as she could but she’s never dealt with this kind of thing before. Then your mum mentioned in an owl a few months ago that Madame Pomfrey had some experience in this field so I went down yesterday to try to find more information but there were too many people in the hospital wing so we did not have any privacy. I ran into the woods last night and thought that I’d be able to pull myself into the hospital wing in the morning and get Madame Pomfrey’s help then. I knew that Madame Pomfrey’s experience must have come from a student who was also in hiding but I had no idea it was going to be your friend Remus. I also still don’t understand why you were there?” You took a deep breath as you realized you hadn’t taken one breath the entire time you were speaking. 
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” James looked deflated as he put his hand on top of yours, “I was there because Sirius, Peter, and I are all animagi. We became unregistered animagi to help Remus during the moons. They make his moons easier, having other animals to run around with  and he doesn’t have to be stuck in the shack.” 
“Oh James,” you bit your lower lip hard to stop yourself from tearing up, “Remus is so lucky to have friends like you. The moons can be so terribly lonely.” 
“I wish you didn’t have to go through this,” James said, finally breaking. He laid his head in your lap and sobbed. You just ran your fingers gently through James’ hair until his sobs were reduced to a few sniffles. The curtains were pulled open and Madame Pomfrey stepped in, pulling the curtain closed behind her. 
“How are you feeling, Ms. Potter?” She replenished your water and ran her hand soothingly over your forehead. 
“Tired.” You said with a small smile. 
“Of course you are. Take this sleeping draught. Your parents will be coming by later and meeting with Professor Dumbledore. Will you be staying, Mr. Potter?”
“Yes I will. Is Remus awake?” James asked, standing and shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
“Yes, he is. He’s supposed to rest so make it quick, Mr. Potter.” Madame Pomfrey left after she made you drink the rest of the draught and you drifted off to sleep. 
James made his way over to Remus’ bed where he was engaged in rapid conversation with Sirius. He was only able to catch the tail end of what Sirius was saying, 
“-That explains why you were so attracted to her. It was the wolf instincts and-”
“James!” Remus cut off Sirius off when James pulled the curtain back. 
“Alright Moony?” James asked, taking the seat next to Sirius’. 
“Yeah, yeah. How’s your cousin?” Remus asked.
“She’s alright. My aunt and uncle are coming to meet with Dumbledore but neither of us know what it’s specifically about.” James sighed. 
“Are you okay?” Sirius asked. 
“I just…I don’t get why she didn’t tell me. We tell each other everything.” James shook his head. 
“You didn’t tell her about being an animagus.” Remus offered. 
“That was different.” James thought about it for a moment before looking back at Sirius and Remus, “You two were talking about attraction and wolf instincts. What the hell is that about?”
“I think it’s probably time for me to go back to bed!” Remus said quickly. 
“Alright. I’m going to see if I can catch my aunt and uncle before they see Dumbledore.” James said with a sigh and left Remus and Sirius on their own. 
“That was close.” Sirius said once he heard the door to the hospital wing shut behind James. 
“Definitely.” Remus nodded. 
“How are you feeling?” Sirius asked. 
“Honestly, the best I’ve felt in a long time. The moon was invigorating rather than draining.” Remus sighed again, thinking about the uncomfortable, awkward implications. 
“You should talk to her.” Sirius suggested.
“Yeah…maybe I will.” Remus said with a small shake of his head. 
When you woke up again, your father was leaning over you, rubbing your forehead gently. 
“Hey,” you said softly, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Hello darling, I’ve heard that you’ve had quite a night.” Your father said with a sad smile on his face.
“That’s an understatement.” You said, weakly. You pushed yourself up on your shoulders and saw your mother, your Aunt Effie, your Uncle Fleamont, and James were all sitting around your bedside. 
“Have some more water, love,” Aunt Effie poured a goblet for you and held it up to your lips. You drank gratefully, not realizing until the present moment how dehydrated you had been. 
“Professor Dumbledore will be coming down in a few moments to talk. I’m not exactly sure what he wants but I’m sure he will help with the situation. James shared with us that you know about Remus. Your parents said you do not want to register with the ministry, is that correct?” Uncle Fleamont pushed his glasses up further up his nose as he explained the situation. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “my life will be ruined if I register. I…I don’t want that.” 
“Of course. Then we’ll make that clear to Albus.” Uncle Fleamont said it as if it were the simplest thing in the world. 
“Thank you,” you croaked, “for all being here. I…I don’t know what I do without all of you.”
“We’re your family.” James said, grabbing your hand and giving it a tight squeeze. You nodded and accepted another large gulp of water as you heard the door to the hospital wing open and the deep, calm voice of Albus Dumbledore say,
“Thank you, Poppy. Just that bed over there?” 
“Yes sir,” Madame Pomfrey replied. Your mother stood and pulled the curtain back for Professor Dumbledore to enter. 
“Hello Mrs. Potter, Mr. Potter. Oh, Euphemia, Fleamont, I was not expecting to see you two as well.” Professor Dumbledore bowed his head respectfully as he entered the room. 
“Hello Albus. We thought it best that we come to help with our niece at this time.” Uncle Fleamont said, standing to shake hands with Professor Dumbledore. 
“Of course. Ms. Potter I trust that you are recuperating well.” Professor Dumbledore set his bright blue eyes on you. You nodded. 
“Yes, Professor Dumbledore. I want to apologize for any alarm I may have caused.” You responded. 
“Yes that is something I would like to discuss. I have no problems with the young Ms. Potter finishing her schooling here at Hogwarts where Madame Pomfrey can better care for her. However, Ms. Potter, I am sure you are aware of the ministry’s registry for werewolves.” Dumbledore said. He was speaking perfectly calmly but there was something off-putting about his statement. 
“She will not be registering. Just like Remus.” James said, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. 
“Is that how you feel, Ms. Potter?” Dumbledore asked. 
“Yes sir.” You nodded. 
“I would be remiss if I did not highlight how seriously the ministry takes such affairs. There are severe implications that are in place for witches and wizards who fail to register.” Dumbledore said, placing one of his hands on your bedpost. 
“She is quite sure of her decision, Albus.” Uncle Fleamont stood so he was eye-level with Dumbeldore. 
“You know as well as I do, Albus, that the registry is discriminatory and the way the ministry has treated magical creatures has been nothing short of barbaric.” Aunt Effie said, placing her hand over yours and giving it a light squeeze. 
“I will have Professor McGonagall bring the sorting hat over and then we will set up your schedule and accommodations. I understand, Ms. Potter, that you were Head Girl of your house at Beauxbatons?” Dumbledore diplomatically changed the subject. 
“Yes sir, I was. I was also in Ombrelune house at Beauxbatons. I believe the closest house to it would be Gryffindor.” You said, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. 
“Ah, Ms. Potter, the houses of Beauxbatons do not directly correspond to the houses of Hogwarts. I will arrange with your future head of house for a prefect position for you as we already have a head boy and girl. If you would be more comfortable, you may stay in James’s dorm this evening, as I understand it has been quite a weekend for you.” Dumbledore left without saying much else. Your parents and aunt and uncle wanted to stay for longer but you sent them off, promising to write and telling them not to worry, the Christmas holiday was just two months away. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter joined you and James as you waited for Professor McGonagall to come back with the sorting hat. 
“Here,” Peter said, thrusting a wrapped package into your hand, “it’s a chocolate frog. Moony always says they make him feel better after a moon.”
“Yeah,” Remus nodded, munching on his own chocolate frog, “chocolate makes everything better.”
“Thanks Peter,” you said, patting the boy’s hand lightly, “so I take it you forgive me for the broomstick incident.”
“Never! I don’t care if you are a werewolf.” Peter laughed. But the word hung heavy in the air. Werewolf. You looked down at your lap.
“Nice going Wormtail.” Sirius elbowed Peter hard in the stomach.
“Hey! I didn’t mean anything by it.” Peter grabbed at his stomach and glared at Sirius.
“No, you never mean anything. Do you?” Sirius retorted. 
“Tell us more about the houses at Beauxbatons.” James interjected, sending a look Peter and Sirius’ way. 
“There are three houses: Papillionlise, Ombrelune, and Bellefeuille. Papillionlise is the house of kindness and good nature. Ombrelune, my house, is the house of ambition, curiosity, and logic. Bellefeuille is the house of bravery, sensitivity, and compassion. Everyone wants to be in Ombrelune and we have a little rivalry with the Bellefeuille students.” You explained. 
“Ambition and logic?” Remus asked, “That sounds like Slytherin.”
“There’s no way that you’ll be sorted into Slytherin. She’s a Potter. All Potters are Gryffindors.” James said with a sense of finality in his voice. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin.” A new voice said. It was Lily, carrying a tray of sandwiches that must have been from dinner. 
“Cheers Lily.” You said with a grin, practically shoving an entire sandwich into your mouth. 
“What are you doing in the hospital wing?” Lily asked, “Remus, you’re out of bed early. Feeling better already?” 
“Uh, yeah, well…you see…” James was searching for an excuse but you just shrugged. 
“I’m a werewolf.”
“Oh!” Lily almost dropped the tray.
“You can’t just go telling anyone.” James scolded you.
“Lily isn’t anyone. She knows about Remus and I didn’t want to be a secret between you and your girlfriend, James. Besides, you’ve gone on and on about how smart Lily is, she would have figured it out herself eventually. Lily, I trust you won’t tell anyone?”
“No, no. Of course not. Are you all right?” Lily asked, immediately sitting at your bedside and grabbing a cool soaked rag and placing it on your forehead. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You said with a small smile. You filled Lily in on your new attendance at Hogwarts.
“Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin. One of my good friends is a Slytherin and so is Sirius’s entire family!” Lily said, glaring at James. 
“That’s not much of an argument.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“I can’t protect her if she’s sorted into Slytherin, Lily.” James narrowed his eyes, “Those Slytherins are bigots and you know it.”
“It’s not very safe for Remus in Gryffindor either. The way werewolves are seen in the eyes of the wizarding world is not only a Slytherin problem.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest.
“Respectfully, Evans, stay out of this.” James said, coolly. 
“There are many fine and brave wizards in Slytherin. Don’t listen to James.” Lily told you, 
“If this is about Snivellus again, so help me Evans.”
“Fine,” Lily stormed out of the hospital wing. 
“So much for coming between you and Lily.” You said sheepishly. James was still seething with anger but he took a deep breath and said, 
“I’m going to go for quick walk. Sirius, call me when McGonagall gets here.” James stormed out of the hospital wing as well.
“Is Slytherin really that bad?” You asked Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
“A lot of dark wizards, most of my family included, come from Slytherin.” Sirius said with a sigh. 
“That’s all? A lot of dark wizards come from Ombrelune too but so do a lot of amazing wizards. I can’t believe James is being so silly about this.” You shook your head. 
“I think he just wants to protect you.” Peter said, obviously uncomfortable at the idea of speaking ill about his best friend, “you’ve always been like a baby sister to him and he already hates that Sirius and Lily have strained relationships with Slytherins. I don’t think he wants anything like that for you two.”
“All that is premature, anyway.” You said with a head shake, “I haven’t been sorted yet.” As if on cue, you all heard the voice of Professor McGonagall in the corridor. Sirius whipped out his pocket mirror, one that you recognized from your family vault, and whispered for James to come back. 
“Ms. Potter, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Minvera McGonagall, professor of Transfiguration, head of Gryffindor house, and deputy headmistresses of Hogwarts. Do you have any questions before you are sorted?”
“No Professor.” You said, taking a deep breath as James made his way back into the hospital room. Professor Dumbledore placed the hat on your head. 
“Another Potter,” the sorting hat murmured in your ear, “in all of my years I have only ever sorted Potters into Gryffindor. But you, you are not like the other Potters. You are ambitious. You are curious, always seeking more and more. You have secrets, more than most of your contemporaries. You seem to be the perfect fit for Ombrelune. You know the origin of the name Ombrelune, don’t you?” 
“Uh…no I don’t.” You said, fiddling with your fingers. 
“Ombre is shadow and lune is moon. You hail from the house of shadow moons. Quite ironic, isn’t it? Considering your currently monthly situation,” the hat chuckled, “alas there is no equivalent to Ombrelune so I will have to say SLYTHERIN!”
There was an eery silence that broke out over the room. Professor McGonagall took the hat back and cleared her throat. 
“Congratulations, Ms. Potter, on being sorted into the fine house of Slytherin. Your head of house is Professor Slughorn. I believe tomorrow during breakfast you will be assigned a companion from your house that will show you everything you need. I’ve been told that you’ll spend this evening with your cousin?”
“Yes, Professor McGonagall, that’s correct. She’ll spend the night in my dormitory.” James said quietly. 
“Alright then, have a pleasant evening.” And with that Professor McGonagall marched away. 
“So the conversation is no longer premature.” You said with a weak chuckle, “I’m a Slytherin.”
“It really isn’t that bad James,” Remus said. 
“I can’t protect you in Slytherin.” James said with a sad shake of his head. 
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“It’s been a long night. Why don’t we go to bed and revisit things in the morning?” Peter offered. You all nodded and headed back up to the dormitories for bed. 
Remus had a restless night. The moon was over but he still felt on edge around you. Of course, things made a lot more sense now but he didn’t want to make an advance for a number of reasons. He didn’t want to burden you, he wasn’t really sure of what he was feeling himself, and he did not want to bring down the wrath of James Potter. It must have been four in the morning when he turned again from his side to his stomach to his other side and then settled on his back. 
“Alright Moony,” Sirius’s sleep laced voice cut through Remus’s thoughts, “what the hell is going on?”
“Can’t sleep.” Remus sighed.
“I figured,” Sirius propped himself up and glared at Remus, “considering you’ve woken me up at every toss and turn.” 
“Sorry. I’ll go downstairs and have a smoke.” Remus pressed a kiss to Sirius’s forehead before making his way downstairs. He wasn’t expecting to see you leaning at one of the open windowsills, angling your blunt out the window so the pungent smoke made its way outside instead of back in the common room. Remus cleared his throat and you turned at the noise, giving Remus a small smile. 
“Hey Remus. What are you doing up?” You asked. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Remus said with a sigh. 
“Me either.” You handed Remus to joint, which he took gratefully, “Is it always this hard? This soon after a moon?”
“I usually sleep better after a moon, because I’m so exhausted from it. Having you here, though, it’s been different.” Remus realized that he had smoked half of your joint without thinking. He handed it back to you with a sheepish smile. 
“Me too. It’s been easier, having you with me. I guess that was the goal, though, right? Being able to connect with others who could understand my…being a werewolf.”
“Yeah, it can be lonely sometimes. I’m glad to have you here with me.” Remus realized that your eyes had been trained on him the entire time he spoke. You closed the distance between the two of you, crawling into his lap and pressing your lips against his. 
Remus was caught off guard at first but then he kissed you back just as hard. It was intense, hungry, teeth clashing against teeth. You kissed down Remus’s neck and bit along the way, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh. Remus winced at the pain from your sharp teeth but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you to stop because he loved the feeling. You pulled his thick jumper off and ran your nails down the front of his chest, tracing his scars. He felt, awkward, ashamed at first, but you took off your own shirt and he saw the pale, magical scars that lined your own chest. He took a moment to kiss down your chest, kissing your breasts and around your nipples. Finally, he took your right nipple into his mouth and bit down harshly. You moaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure and shock but nodded at him to continue. 
Remus’s hand went down your pants next, tearing your panties off. He held them up to his nose and sniffed harshly. 
“You smell delicious. Good enough to eat.” Remus said, running his tongue over his sharp canines. He pulled your pants all the way off and shoved his face between your legs. You had never been eaten out like this before. Two of his fingers were deep inside you as his tongue made a repeated assault on your clit. His teeth would bump your clit occasionally, sending shockwaves through your system and you had your fingers buried in his hair, yanking the tendrils so tightly that you were near the point of ripping them out. You came on his face, your legs spasming, and you released a howl. That sobered you and Remus right up. You pulled up your pants and chuckled nervously. 
“I, uh, I’m going to go back to bed.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Yeah, yeah. Have a good night.” Remus was cursing everything as he watched ascend the stairs and couldn’t help but think about how it might be better that you were going to be sleeping all the way in the dungeons. 
The next morning was a bit awkward as you made your way down for breakfast. The place was alive with rumors swirling about the new girl at Hogwarts. You sat down at the Gryffindor table next to James. Lily gave you a warm hello and then sent an icy glare James’s way before sitting down next to Marlene and Mary. You desperately wished you have spent the day with the Gryffindor girls but the boy you saw a few days ago made his way over to your table. 
“What do you want, Snivellus?” James glowered at Snape.
“I’m your cousins assigned companion.” Snape returned the glare. 
“It just keeps getting better and better, huh.” You said with a small smile. “Alright Severus, I’m all yours.”
Snape barely let you out of his sight for the next month. You were more than adjusted to Hogwarts after the first week but Snape wouldn’t leave you alone, much to James’s chagrin. The marauders joked that Snape must have some twisted crush on you but you weren’t so sure. It felt much more sinister than that. The moon was this evening and you felt like you could crawl out of your skin. It didn’t help being close to Remus. Everything about Remus felt like your nerves were exposed, especially being so close the moon. Tensions were still high between James and Lily, the couple were barely speaking and when they did, it only devolved into a fight. 
You were lucky enough to have potions with Gryffindor but the lovely Professor Slughorn had assigned Snape to be your partner. Your spine felt like it was doing somersaults and kept shifting in your chair uncomfortably. 
“Are you alright?” Snape whispered in your ear as Slughorn prattled on and on about whatever the day’s lesson was. 
“That time of the month, eh?” Snape asked. 
“What?” Your blood ran cold. 
“Forget I said anything.” Snape said with a smug grin. Icy sweat ran down the back of your neck. You pushed it out of your mind. Snape didn’t know. He couldn’t know. Right? You were lost in thought as you walked with the boys up to lunch. Snape had made some rude comment to Lily which caused James to jump in front of her and draw his wand. 
“You take that back, Snivellus.”
“Or what, Potter?” Snape asked, drawing his own wand. 
“I don’t need you to defend me, James.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Shut up, mudblood.” Snape spat. You felt yourself surge forward but Remus held you back. 
“Don’t. You’re emotional because of the moon,” he whispered in your ear.
“Get away from us, Snivellus. Take your disgusting plague somewhere else.” Sirius looked down his nose at Snape.
“Oh I’m the disgusting one?” Snape laughed, cruelly, “You would know all about unsavory actions, wouldn’t you Black? Lupin?” 
“Take that back.” Sirius was very pale. 
“Everyone keep moving,” it was that boy, the one who looked like Sirius. You knew by now his name was Regulus and he was indeed Sirius’s brother. Regulus was a prefect for SLytherin and it looked like he would be making head boy next year. 
“I don’t answer to you, Reggie.” Sirius said with a hard look on his face. 
“Just go. Before I take points from Gryffindor and Slytherin.” Regulus gripped Snape’s arm hard before Snape could fire off another comment. Everyone made their way to lunch in a much more sour mood than before. 
The moon descended upon you and Remus that evening and things had been great. But for the second time, you woke from a moon at Hogwarts with an uneasy feeling in your chest. James wasn’t there, which was odd, but Sirius was. Sirius looked down at you and Remus with a nervous smile and said, 
“So I messed up.”
@sceleratuspoeta, @hotchnerswife, @8crazy-freak8, @the-marauders-psyche, @spiderman-stilinski, @valencia-rou, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @padf00ts-l0ver, @nevillescomslut, @simpfoegeorge, @willbedecided, @harry-pottah-as-an-otter, @knmendiola, @moonlightwonderlan, @wolfy-kat, @im-a-simps-blog, @mangodamochiii, @justmadethistoreadotherblogs, @princessmiaelicia, @eviethetheatrefreak, @screamqueen1996, @the-slytherin-library-12, @chi1d-0f-the-m00n, @avee09
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neet-elite · 21 days
↳ EVENT 35. Sebastian (Aphrodisiac)
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Pairing: Sebastian / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 1,736 Warnings: aphrodisiac, established relationship, creampie, no refractory period, baking gone wrong Prompt(s): 13 — aphrodisiac Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: i loved the set up to this prompt, its so cute and fluffy and when paired with the aphrodisiac tag its just... mwah, chefs kiss. love contrasting themes so much!! tysm for taking part n for giving me this prompt !!
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"I'm telling you, this is what came up when I searched... Uh, you know." Rather than admit that he couldn't pronounce the name of the apparently elusive ingredient, he opted instead to vaguely gesture towards the counter where it sat, half mixed bowl awaiting its addition dubiously. He's not sure why, but he gets bad vibes from it. And then, immediately following the instinctual feeling, he scolds himself for acting so silly. But seriously, while he just adores your baking, he wishes you would settle for simpler recipes sometimes. Not everything has to be so grand— plain old chocolate chip cookies would suffice every now and again.
And yet, part of why he loves you so is because of how adventurous you are, so he can't complain about the nights events too much.
"I don't doubt you! I just... I've never seen something like this before... Is it even edible?"
"Fuck if I know," He sighed, scratching at the back of his neck out of nervous habit. He had to search high and low for this mysterious ingredient, don't you know? Resignation plain on his face when you regarded him with suspicion, like it was his fault the recipe called for something named so challenging. "You might as well use it though, what's the worst the could happen? It tastes bad?"
At least that earns a giggle out of you, his own mood brightening up the second he sees your wide smile, the playful pat on his arm reminding him to ease up a little. He's no baker, so the unknown offending item irked him to some degree; it's funny though, how despite your effortless attempts to help him relax, he was right in the end, wasn't he?
All it took was a noncommittal "I guess so!" from you before the ingredient was dropped into the mixture, his tummy rumbling in response.
He could never have guessed exactly how hungry he'd become, though.
It all started so simply. Innocently, even, as most bad things typically do. Playful kitchen banter, late afternoon spent together in shared enjoyment, and the promise of sweet treats to boot! Light-hearted like any other Saturday night at the old farmhouse, just how he likes it with you.
So... He can't be blamed for the way things have turned out, right? You wouldn't dare, not when the night had began with only pure intentions, especially on his end. He put so much work and effort into attaining you that ingredient! Just how did he end up on top like this?
His memory is a little fuzzy, and he's not sure why, but—
You'd dropped the bowl, remember? A splat of it pooling on the kitchen tiles under your whines of frustration, the remaining half coating your fingers and apron. He'd helped you at least undress from your apron in between fits of laughter, the cute blush you wore in response to his teasing makes him feel all fuzzy even now.
It's a shared ritual to clean the remnants of the baking bowl together, fingers sticky to make sure none of the mixture goes to waste. So it's no surprise that he licked one of your fingers clean, humming in satisfaction before shoving your hand to your own lips with expectation, wide eyes begging you to taste too.
"It's good!" He praises you, barely allowing you to finish tasting yourself before diving back in for some more off your hand, tongue flat against your palm to lap as much up as he can. "Right? Shame the floor gets to eat more..." He'd playfully sighed, following you like a little lost puppy as you intended on showering to clean up. He was even planning on joining you.
... Right? That's how it went, didn't it? Something like that anyway, he can't quite gather the strength to focus on anything other than the sounds he fucks out of you. Ah, the cute drawn out whines you sound for him bringing him back out of his self indulgent thoughts, glassy eyes glued to your pretty face, how dumb you look with it under him. Like— like a slut. And he can't quite take in his surroundings further either, spotting only the way drool drips down your chin, the way your tits bounce to hypnotise him, God— he's drooling too, all over you on the floor, cock buried balls deep in your too tight little cunt with greedy thrusts like his wellbeing depends on getting his cock wet, sweat collecting on his forehead as a haze overtakes his senses and he's rendered a mere slave to how good your pretty pussy makes him feel. Which is unreal, by the way. A fire in his tummy, burning up to his lungs from how fucking hot you make him feel, sensitivity taking hold of him in the best way possible.
Looking down at you through fluttering shut lashes, his head feels dizzy, spinning from how difficult it gets to breathe when you squeeze his cock like that, little hole wrapped so fucking tight around him that he feels like he's gonna choke on the moans he continuously fucks out of himself. Stroking your insides eagerly, fervently from how desperately he feels like he fucking needs it, his voice coming out all shaky and feminine with how high pitched he gets; "Wish— fuck, I wish I could stay inside of ya all day, feel that fuckin good, babe—"
And he knows you can't respond, his saliva dripping down to your shoulder from the way he hunches over you, got your legs forcefully locked behind his back, doing his best to balance on his feet as something within him urges him to be as close as possible, to fuck his cock as fast and as hard into you; losing control around you has never felt so fucking good, right? His tip leaking all over your insides, enough to leave you gushing for him, pounding your juice out of you with every sloppy thrust— he can barely contain himself. You just make it so easy for him to get carried away with it, his lips bitten and bruised from how unfairly good he feels, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as your hips lift with him, his hands slipping against your ass as he attempts to keep you pinned under him, but he's fucking into you with such newfound purpose that he ends up having to chase after you. Floorboards squeaking under his heavy thrusts, loud smacks of wet skin on skin from the way his balls simply ache to spill inside of you.
Truthfully, he's not in the right mind to realise how hard he's fucking into you either, your sobs and wails of pleasure encouraging him to continue, the sickly sweet taste of the baking mixture still present on his tongue urging him to fuck more of those pretty sounds out of you, the unnatural burn in his tummy forcing him to keep thrusting, even if he can scarcely keep up with himself. Pussy drunk expression surely plastered on his face because he can't even hope to hide how he truly feels, not with the heady haze clouding his judgement, spilling moan after moan directly down your ear to perfectly match the wet squelch of your angel cunt sucking him off so well, and fuck— he's so fucking sensitive it almost hurts to keep thrusting. Squishy insides massaging his cock just so well, he can't help but to curse and groan and hiccup by your ear, unwittingly gasping at how fucking easy it is to glide in and out of you right now.
Wettest he's ever felt you, dripping down your ass to turn his thighs all tacky. And even that alone riles him up further, flips some sort of switch off in his addled mind, his jaw turning tight as he huffs fervently through gritted teeth. Pretty little cunt got him acting up, yeah? Turning him all rabid, God, fuck— You just feel to good. Leaving him a gasping mess above you, body pressed as tight as possible to your own so that you've got no chance of escaping his heated humps, sweet saliva dripped onto your neck from how eagerly he pants for you.
"Can't get enough of ya." He smiles against your neck, and he means it. Drilling his hips against you, fucking you at such speed that even he's left more than a little breathless, he means it. The feeling of your cunt squeezing him in response leaves him trembling, shuddering into you with messy little humps as he attempts to hold himself back, unintentionally focusing on the way your body rocks under him, how you move in tandem with him so perfectly. "Don't— shit, don't fuckin'—"
Don't do that, he tries to say. A barely there scolding for how tight you get, as if begging for his seed already. And he doesn't want to stop yet, not when you have him feeling better than ever; he's never felt so heated before, fucked himself silly inside of your tight little hole as you continue to clench and squeeze, moaning his name so prettily like that. Truly, his warnings are useless. The feverish heat within him spilling over as his pace changes to slower, deeper thrusts to let you feel every throbbing inch of his over stimulated cock spilling into you. Shoving thick ropes of cum inside, painting your cunt all pretty white as some of it spills with his continues thrusts, red hot tip begging for a break from how well your pussy accepts his load, a shiver of painful pleasure rolling down his spine when you eagerly attempt to claw his ass back inside before he's even finished milking himself, leaving him to wince and sputter against you.
Though, whether he'd like to or not—he does, inevitably, want to—his hips continue to stutter against your ass. Filling you up so full in a show of pure, unadulterated, carnal desire. Lust swiftly refilling his cock as if he didn't just experience the strongest orgasm of his life, toes curling in the sheer pleasure your sticky hole continues to provide him.
It's stupid how seamlessly he continues like nothing even happened. No thoughts, head empty, thrusting into your cum filled hole, he wants to cum again. Treating you with such disregard as whatever force is behind his continued thrusts demands, he can't think straight.
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kaizoku-gary · 9 months
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 coming soon
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Pairing: Buggy x afab/female reader
Genre: fluff, smut, angst.
Word count: 1315
Warnings/Tags: oral sex (reader receiving), gentle sex, unprotected sex, soft Buggy.
Summary: After spending the night together, Buggy and you struggle to acknowledge the strong feelings growing between you. But no matter how much you deny it, you can no longer live without each other. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, you must separate sooner than expected, and you're left overwhelmed by the fear that this could be the last time you see each other.
A/N: I swear I wasn't planning to write smut.
Read it on AO3
@slaggylemon Enjoy :)
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The sun shining through the window woke you up. It took a few moments for you to realize where you were. There's a first time for everything, and you could already cross out 'waking up next to Buggy' from your list.
The pirate was lying on his side, soundly asleep. His face paint was all over the place, but he still looked delightfully handsome. It struck you as odd to see him so calm and vulnerable, and you felt the sudden need to touch him, to caress his face, to cuddle him and spend a cozy morning in his arms.
But this whole situation was confusing, to say the least. Buggy and you were used to intense fucking sessions and parting ways after both of you had scratched the itch. If any of you were too tired to function after, you'd sleep on the couch, then leave before the other woke up. It had always been like that, and none of you seemed to care until now. What changed and why it did? You didn't know. Still, it scared you to feel this way for someone and be at their mercy.
Watching his chest move with every breath, you recalled those endless nights spent missing him, praying for him to come to you at least once more because the pain of not seeing him again could kill you. Even if you tried to deny it, you had fallen for him long ago.
Then you remembered the way he held you last night like he was clinging to a capsized boat in the middle of the ocean and the tone of his voice when he asked you to stay. Buggy was at your mercy too and maybe this whole thing wasn't as bad as you thought.
Hesitantly, you reached out to put an arm around Buggy's waist and bring your body closer to his. You needed his warmth because anxiety was freezing you. Fighting back the impulse to kiss him was futile; there was no way you would resist those lips, and without a second thought, you reached forward until your mouths touched.
Gentle as you were, you couldn't avoid waking Buggy up. Still sleepy, the pirate hummed with delight, responding to the kiss and trapping you in a tight but gentle embrace; from there on, time went slower.
Buggy let his mouth travel across your skin, peppering it with soft kisses. He took his time to explore your body; his touch was feather-light, nothing compared to the rough fondling from the other nights you shared. It was hard to believe this was the same man you knew.
A while later, Buggy dived between your legs, using his fingers to spread your folds before wrapping his lips around your clit, eliciting the most lascivious noise from you while his detached tongue twisted and curled inside your wet walls. That was another first, and you were enjoying every second of it.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, and your hips bucked against his mouth. You were eager for him to bring you higher and higher, and the pirate just let you take control and use his face for your own pleasure.
Shortly after, you came against his face, with your eyes closed so tight you saw flashes of light dancing behind your lids. Buggy didn't stop sucking on your clit until you pushed him away gently.
"Good morning," he finally said while kneeling between your legs, his voice dry and hoarse, and his lips curved in a self-satisfied smirk.
"Good morning, yourself," you panted, gazing at his already rock-hard erection. "Need some help?" you invited him, spreading your legs wider.
Buggy presumed you would be sore from last night, but when your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him to your entrance, he lost his line of thought. "Are you sure?" he asked, and you rolled your hips against him.
The pirate sank into you slowly and leaned down to press his lips against yours. A trembling sigh escaped him when you put your arms around him and pulled him closer. Your bodies moved in sync, hips rolling in sensual rhythm, hands kneading and grabbing, tongues exploring each other's mouths leisurely. There was no rush, no need to hurry the climax. Neither noticed it instantly, but you were making love for the first time.
"Buggy," you whimpered as your second orgasm hit, and you dissolved into pleasure, arching your back to him. The pirate pounded into you once more before filling you with his hot seed, your name never leaving his lips.
Exhausted and high on endorphins, you hold onto each other for a while, not wanting to let go, refusing to get back to the real world, to the pain of being away from each other.
There, in your arms, Buggy felt safe, weightless, stress and problems muffled. Still, he fought back the cozy feelings flooding him, terrified of letting his guard down; the last time he loved someone this hard, his heart broke into pieces and never healed. In his world, there was no place for love or happiness. He only knew disappointment and betrayal.
"Buggy?… Are you alright?" you asked after hearing the pirate sigh heavily a few times. Something was wrong, and you could sense it.
"Yeah…" Buggy replied, pressing a kiss on your forehead until the tear that ran down his cheek mixed with his sweat, going unnoticed.
Suddenly, the transponder snail on the bedside table rang, bursting your bubble and forcing Buggy to pull away.
"What!?" the pirate snapped, holding the transmitter close to his mouth.
"Sorry, Captain. We spotted a Marine ship approaching. With this wind, they'll be here in thirty minutes. The crew is ready to sail when you give the order," announced the man on the other end of the line.
Buggy felt his blood boiling and almost sent one of his hands to choke the poor bastard who dared to disrupt your peaceful morning. He was going to hit those Marines with all he got and make sure every soul on that ship would suffer a horrible death.
"We set sails in ten minutes. Prepare the canons and tell the crew to ready their weapons. We won't flee this time. I want that fucking ship burnt to the crisp!" Buggy growled, ending the call, his body burning with anger.
When he finally turned to look at you, his eyes were empty, tired. His hand cupped your face as he told you to leave, hatting every second after that call ended. "Things will get ugly, and I don't want you to get hurt," he explained, stroking your cheek one last time. "You can take a quick shower and grab some of my clothes, but please hurry up."
It all happened so fast it felt like a bad dream, an ugly joke from your mind. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as you rushed to Buggy's private bathroom and cleaned yourself up as fast and well as you could with cold-as-ice water. The pirate never stopped apologizing and checking on you while he prepared for battle and cursed under his breath.
Ten minutes were gone in the blink of an eye, and there you were standing in front of each other, hands reaching out for a last embrace.
"See you next time, y/n," Buggy whispered against your lips before kissing you, making it last as long as he could while holding you tightly.
"Take care, Buggy," you replied, holding back your tears, missing him already.
There, it dawned on you both that this was your first goodbye. At least the first that felt like one, the first to crush your hearts and leave you with the realization you weren't crossing paths in a long time. And while you blew Buggy a kiss before leaving, both prayed for this not to be the last time you met.
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More a/n: This ended up being longer than I thought. I hope you guys liked it :) I'm currently working on a next chapter, btw ;)
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lynzishell · 2 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire 💛Atlas & Asher🩵
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✨TYSM for the tag @raiiny-bay, @zosa95, @dandylion240, @sirianasims, and @hannahssimblr 🤗💖
Of course, I went overboard with this, so grab your favorite beverage and let's dive right in, shall we? ☕💕
-what common/uncommon fear do they have?
💛Atlas: [Pointing to Asher] Water. 🩵Asher: You can’t just leave it at that. It’s not like if you set a glass of water on the table, I’ll run screaming. I have a fear of drowning, so I don’t like to be submerged in water. You’re never going to catch me out swimming. Probably not on a boat either, while we’re at it. Not taking any chances. 💛Atlas: Fair enough. But you won’t even put your face under the water in the shower. 🩵Asher: That’s because it reminds me of being submerged in water. Anyway, this conversation is making me sweaty, and there just happens to be water on the other side of this fence, so let's change the subject. Next question.
-do they have any pet peeves?
🩵Asher: Oh, Atlas fuckin’ hates mindless small talk, like the kind you use just to fill the silence, or because you awkwardly feel like you need to talk to the person next to you. Seriously, he’ll like you a lot more if you just sit next to him in silence for an hour. 💛Atlas:  Very true. And yet, your record for silence is, what, twenty minutes?  🩵Asher: Maybe. But I don’t make mindless small talk. 💛Atlas: Yeah, I do like listening to you ramble on about your latest obsessions. You get all animated and excited, it’s really cute. 🩵Asher: You’re really cute.
-what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
💛Atlas: Uh, I don’t know, what’s in our room besides the obvious? Probably too many electronics. 🩵Asher: Right, between the computer and the switch and my drawing tablet and our phones... 💛Atlas: And your sketchbooks and pencils. How many pencils does someone need? 🩵Asher: I don’t have enough; I’ll tell you that much. Count yourself lucky that most of my art supplies are scattered between Lex’s place and my parents’ house. One day I’ll get it all organized in one place, but that day is not today.
-what do they notice first in a person?
🩵Asher: Hm. That's a good question. What did you notice about me first? 💛Atlas: Your hair, obviously. 🩵Asher: [laughs] 💛Atlas: But no, I would say your eyes. I’d never met anyone with such pure gray eyes before, they’re striking. Your eyes are very expressive too. And you make eye contact with people more than anyone else I know. Like, whenever I talk to you, I always feel like you’re really listening. 🩵Asher: [smiles] I am.
-on a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
🩵Asher: Oh god, mine is probably like a 5, and Atlas’s is probably a fuckin’ 8 or 9. 💛Atlas: I would’ve said 7, but we can go with 8.
-do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
💛Atlas: I think my first instinct is freeze, but then probably flight. Depending on the situation, I’ll walk away or hide away. 🩵Asher: Mostly. But with James, you definitely went to fight. 💛Atlas: That was different. I don’t care if people hurt me, but I’m not going to let them hurt the people I love. Ash is definitely more of a fighter than I am.  
-do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
🩵Asher: I don’t come from a big family, it’s just my parents, me, my sister, and my niece, but we are very close. But honestly, family isn’t just about relatives. Chosen family is just as important. When I say my family is the most important thing to me, I don’t just mean them, I also mean Atlas and Lex and Dawn and Phoenix and Aspen too. And Jasper, obviously. 💛Atlas: Exactly. If we’re talking about relatives, I come from a very large family, but I will never see or speak to any of them again, except for Dawn, of course. A few years ago, I never would’ve considered myself a family person, but Ash’s family taking me in changed all that. I’d definitely say I am now. 🩵Asher: I love that.
-what animal represents them best?
💛Atlas: Oh, that’s easy. Ash is just like Jasper, his border collie. Playful and energetic, friendly, intelligent, hardworking, and he loves to snuggle. 🩵Asher: Hm. I think for Atlas, I’d say a deer. 💛Atlas: A deer? 🩵Asher: Yeah, like, you’re quiet and cautious, a bit anxious with a tendency to hide, but you’re also beautiful and sweet. 💛Atlas: You make me sound more like a bunny. 🩵Asher: No, definitely not a bunny. Have you ever come upon a big buck deer? They’re majestic and intimidating, and they’ll kick your ass if they have to. They’re… survivors.
-what is a smell that they dislike?
💛Atlas: Ammonia. 🩵Asher: No one likes the smell of ammonia. 💛Atlas: I know, but when I was a kid, at the end of every school year, we’d have to clean our desks with this ammonia spray. Twenty kids spraying ammonia in an enclosed room. It was awful. I’m sure they had the windows open, but even still, that smell is seared into my brain, makes me want to gag just thinking of it.
-have they broken any bones? if so, how?
🩵Asher: Okay, story time! So, when I was ten? Eleven? Something like that. Anyway, I was dancing around in my room, as one does, and I tripped on a book, one of many scattered around my disaster of a room, and tried to catch myself as I went down. Bad decision. I’ll spare you the details, but the pain I felt in my wrist was horrible. I literally saw stars. And then I almost puked when I looked at it. So, of course, I started screaming for my mom. She came running in, and I told her that I’d broken my wrist. And what did she do? She yanked on it and snapped it back into place! Because apparently, I’d just dislocated it. But, fuck, it hurt. If a broken bone is worse than that, then I hope I never break one. 💛Atlas: I broke a toe once. Stubbed it on the corner of my bed when I was in college. I wasn’t good about taping it up or anything either, so it healed a little crooked.
-how would a stranger likely describe them?
🩵Asher: For Atlas? One word: quiet. How they interpret that quietness varies though. Some people think he’s really shy, others think he’s just aloof. But he’s actually neither. He’s introverted and pensive, sure, but he’s also very warm and enjoys chatting with people if it’s a more meaningful conversation, y’know. Like, when we first met, we would talk for hours and hours. 💛Atlas: That’s true, but you’re such an easy person to talk to. I think that’s what people would say about Ash. He’s just very relaxed and friendly and has a way of putting people at ease. He’s good at connecting with people and getting them talking and making them laugh.  
-are they a night owl or a morning bird?
🩵Asher: Probably night owls, I’d say. Atlas prefers starting his day later and working late, if he has the option. 💛Atlas: Yeah, but these days, it feels like I’m working all the time. But even still, Ash starts his day earlier. I don’t know. I think he’s somehow both. He has no issues with mornings, but he also gets a burst of energy in the evening and sometimes it’s hard to get him to come to bed. 🩵Asher: To sleep, anyway. 💛Atlas: [laughs] Right.
-what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
💛Atlas: Ah, Ash hates vinegar and anything pickled. And he loves warm spices like cinnamon and cardamom. 🩵Asher: Oh my god, and Atlas is fuckin’ backwards when it comes to this. He likes bitter flavors to a strange degree, like super bitter beer and strong coffee and he’ll only eat chocolate if it’s the super dark stuff, otherwise he hates it. He doesn’t like sweets. No sugary drinks or candy or even pastries.
-do they have any hobbies?
🩵Asher: We both love gaming and dancing. Otherwise, I like to draw and spend time with my dog. My favorite is taking him down to the beach to play fetch, he loves it there. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and I don’t know, I like to stay active because I feel like I’m constantly at a desk otherwise. I used to rock climb a lot, but since we climbed Mt. Komorebi, we took a break and never really got back to it, so I pretty much just run and work out at the gym occasionally. And I like to sing. 🩵Asher: Seriously, I wish you could hear him. He has the most incredible voice. 💛Atlas: Aw, thank you.
-boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
💛Atlas: Ash would love it! He’d be so stoked that everyone showed up for him like that. 🩵Asher: And Atlas would probably dump me on the spot if I ever did that to him. 💛Atlas: I don’t know if I’d dump you, but… okay, yeah, I probably would.
-do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
🩵Asher: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Atlas wear any jewelry. 💛Atlas: No, I’ve tried, but I could never get used to it. I’d always end up taking it off by midday. 🩵Asher: I can see that. I wear earrings, but that’s it. I used to wear a necklace that an ex gave me, but I threw it out when we broke up. I wanted to throw it into the ocean, but I didn’t dare to walk out on the dock [laughs] so I tossed it in a dumpster instead. 💛Atlas: I didn’t know that. Which ex? 🩵Asher: Elias. 💛Atlas: Ahh. Yikes. 🩵Asher: Yeah. Anyway. Next question.
-do they have neat or messy handwriting?
💛Atlas: I think we both write fairly neat. 🩵Asher: I think so too. Yours is all sharp angles, but it’s not sloppy. 💛Atlas: Yeah, and you have a strong preference for uppercase letters. Sometimes it’s rushed, but it’s never messy. Actually, I’ve never thought about it before, but I really like your handwriting. 🩵Asher: I like yours too.
-what are two emotions they feel the most?
🩵Asher: [points to Atlas] Anxious. 💛Atlas: All of the time. 🩵Asher: And, hm, we can only pick two? I’d probably go with either introspective or focused. 💛Atlas: That’s probably right. For you, I’d say, passionate or inspired and then maybe playful or energetic or something like that. Okay yeah, passionate and playful.
-do they have a favorite fabric?
💛Atlas: Probably cotton, I guess. 🩵Asher: Yeah, same. I don't know. Never really thought about it, to be honest.
-what kind of accent do they have?
🩵Asher: I don’t know. Do we have accents? I mean, I guess Atlas gets a hint of a drawl when he drinks, it’s pretty cute. 💛Atlas: I do not. 🩵Asher: You do! I never told you because I didn’t want you to get self-conscious and try to stop. 💛Atlas: It’s a good thing I don’t drink often, I guess. 🩵Asher: Whatever. I love it. 💛Atlas: And I love you. 🩵Asher: I love you too.
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And I love them too!! 🥹
Okay, whew! What are the chances anyone actually read all that? I really can't just be normal about these things, can I? Oh well... Now it's your turn!! I'm gonna tag @madebysimblr, @crownsofesha, @xldkx, @honeyjars-sims, aaaaaaaaaaand @igotsnothing 🤸🏻‍♀️💖 Answer them normally, or have a little fun with it, or ignore me completely, that's fine too (no it's not) 🫶🏻
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
More Hatchetverse Theory: Sycamore High and the Timberwolves are connected to the Hatchetmen and the Tree-People
Starkid's Hatchetverse has retriggered my hyperfixation, and by golly if you think I'm not gonna share every unhinged theory...you're wrong. I’ll tag them “#hatchetverse theory” to make it easier. So let's dive in.
One thing I haven't seen anyone talking about is the fact that, based on what we know about canon, Sycamore High School likely shouldn't exist.
Hatchetfield is a "tiny town". There doesn't seem to be a reason for them to have two high schools, especially when Sycamore seems to not even have enough staff and students for most extra curriculars and programs (in TGWDLM, Paul mentions they don't have a theater program).
So why does Sycamore High School exist? Well, one thing I noticed was that SYCAMORE High as well as its mascot, the TIMBERwolves, have tree related pun names. And what a coincidence, trees happened to be big in the hatchetfield universe, particularly when it comes to the hatchetmen and their hatred of the LIB and magic/“the gift” in general. They did plant a forest of magic tree people after all. And, since they hate the LIB so much, they likely wouldn't want their children attending high school at one of the black altar locations, which just so happens to be Hatchetfield High. That gives them a motivation to build an alternative school.
Sounds like a pretty solid theory to me, but then there's also the fact that the residents also seem to have an odd attitude towards Sycamore High. It's not hated by Hatchetfield High with the same level of hatred they give the Clivesdale Chemists, but they still don't like Sycamore, and the students hate the idea of transferring there. Which seems odd. You'd think it would be the other way around since Hatchetfield High is the school with the black altar. Unless being around a black altar makes the students hate Sycamore, and I could probably do a whole different rant on how the LIB's influence is messing with the perceptions and behavior of the people of Hatchetfield, particularly at the altar locations or when someone uses or has used the black book, but maybe I'll save that for later.
However, if you really wanted to take this theory to the extreme, it could be part of the reason why Paul "doesn't like musicals." Musicals and music are the primary way Pokey expands his influence in Hatchetfield, at least in TGWDLM. That might be one of the reasons Sycamore doesn't have a choir or theater program: not just due to lack of students, but strategically to keep Pokey's influence out. Paul went to Sycamore High, which isn't a black altar (and indeed, might even be designed to counteract or resist the LIB), therefore he's more put off by music and musical performances in Hatchetfield, though he doesn't really know why.
I also suspect this isn't the only instance where the name of locations around town have significance. This has already been seen several times, particularly with the black altar locations.
For example:
The Starlight Theater: has a star theme similar to "the Church of the Starry Children"
CCRP (COVEN Communication Research and Power): Literally has the word "Coven" in it.
Lakeside Mall: Used to be the old mill (which would be located near water, also "mall" and "mill" are one letter off).
And trust me, I have my theories about Clivesdale as well, but again, maybe that one is better for another time.
I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom!
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bteezxyewriter12 · 8 months
Desire/ 3
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 3.5k
Includes- Voyeurism, pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, marking, missionary, sex from behind, stomach bulge, choking, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, sort of fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @hotteokhatyu
Gif Credit- hwanswerland
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Seonghwa Masterlist
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Seonghwa POV
Keeping her legs open, I slurp all over her throbbing clit, moving my fingers in and out of her cunt
She moans my name, her hand gripping my hair hard
I don't fucking know what this is with us but we keep ending up together
She came to the dorm again to hang but as soon as we went to my room and the door closed, we were all over each other
I asked her to please let me eat her out since I didn't do it last time and here we are with me between her legs, sucking her clit, fingers fucking her cunt, her juice and cream all over my face and my neck
And I've seriously never been more content in my life
Her cunt squeezes my fingers as I push through the tightness, driving them right into her spot
She shakes with each suck, getting closer to her orgasm
I'm waiting eagerly for it, waiting for the sweet taste of her cum
It's like I crave it
I really don't know what's wrong with me but I'm not worrying about it
The next tug of her swollen clit has her crying my name, coming all over my fingers
I suck her through it, massaging her spot to keep her coming, my eyes lifting and watching the stunning sight before me
I wait until she finishes before I pull my fingers out, wrapping that hand around her leg and spreading her legs wider
I bury my tongue in her hole, licking up all her delicious cream, moaning from how utterly good she is
"Seonghwa, will you tell Yunho that I'm right- oh my god!"
I glance up to my now open bedroom door, Yeosang, Yunho and San staring at us with disbelief all over their face
I don't give a fuck right now
Ignoring them, I continue what I'm doing, running my tongue up and down her soft wet pussy
"Are...are they going to stop?", Yeosang whispers
"I don't....I don't think so", Yunho answers
He's right
We're not
I honestly don't give a fuck if they watch
I just want her
She's all I'm concerned about
"What are you guys watching?", Wooyoung's voice asks, "Oh. They at it again?"
"Again?", San asks
"Yeah", Wooyoung answers
"Oh yeah", Wooyoung confirms, "He walked in on me and her and I asked if he wanted to join. He did"
"No fucking way!"
I don't stop, diving my tongue into her tight pussy, feeling her clench around my tongue, sending shivers up my spine
"Yeah. They went crazy. She rode him like I've never seen before. I don't think I've ever made her cum as much as he did"
"You...watched?", Yeosang whispers
"Oh yeah"
I know he's smirking as he's telling them
"I told them what to do and they did it"
Silence follows, the only sound in the room is from my tongue licking her pretty cunt and her soft moans
"I...wow", Yeosang finally says
"Yeah. It was fun. They don't care about other people watching them"
I mean it's not something I want every time I'm with her but once in awhile I don't care
And right now I couldn't care less
"Seonghwa", she moans, my tongue slipping in and out of her pretty hole
"Goddamn look at him go at it", San comments
"Oh yeah, he loves eating her out. Couldn't get enough last time", Wooyoung answers, "To be fair she tastes completely good so I don't blame him"
"Goddamn", Yeosang gasps
Sliding my tongue up, I flick her clit few times before I suck on her again, her loud cries drowning out their talking
I alternate between sucking her clit and tongue fucking her hole, her pussy clenching harder every time my tongue goes in
"Seonghwa", she moans loudly, her hand snaking in my ponytail, her fingers twirling in the strands, gripping hard
Her hips move in time with my tongue plunging in her cunt, fucking my face and I can't stop the loud moan I let out
Every thrust of my tongue, I lick crazily inside her, living for the pulses her cunt does around my tongue
"Goddamn, she's fucking his face so goddamn hard", someone says
Who, I don't know, I'm not paying attention
Sliding my tongue up out of her hole, I suck on her clit a few times, then slip my tongue down back inside her
Her hand not in my hair, grips my wrist so tightly, my name the only thing she cries
Fuck, I could listen to her call me forever
Sucking hard on her throbbing bump, she screams loudly, her body arching as she cums
I instantly slip my tongue in her hole, letting her cum all over it, her sweet cream all in my mouth
I swallow over and over, groaning, wanting every last drop
Her legs shake hard around my head and I fucking love it
I keep licking as her orgasm ends, making sure she's clean
"Good god she's hot when she cums", Yunho exclaims
He's right
She is hot
Moving away from her soaking cunt, I press a kiss to her lower stomach
"Hwannie", she whispers
I feel the overwhelming need to kiss her and I'm not stopping myself
I trail kisses up to her stomach, taking my time sucking on her soft gorgeous skin, leaving my marks all over her
So everyone knows who made her feel so fucking good
I leave a trail of purple bruises on her sexy body from her stomach, up to the skin in-between her breasts, along her collarbone and on her neck
And she moans the whole time, her body trembling under me, her hand pulling my ponytail out, fingers running through the strands
She still has the marks I left all over her last week, some still a light purple, other fading
They're so pretty on her and I'm proud she wants them on her
Hovering over her, I get her legs around me, then lean on my hand, next to her head
"Gonna wear your pussy", I murmur and she nods
"What? What did he just fucking say?", San exclaims
Her arms reach out for me and I go willingly, laying on top of her, her arms around my neck, my forehead against hers
Her fingers slide back in my hair gripping tightly
My god, I never knew how pleasurable it would be to have my hair played with until her
I absolutely love it
"Do you care if they're here? Watching?", I ask
"No", she whimpers, "I don't care. I just want you"
Happily, I guide my cock to her entrance, slipping my head in, then grip her thighs hard as I push in
"Hwa", she moans, her body arching against mine
"Baby", I groan, pushing into her inch by inch, the pleasure fucking incredible
She keeps my head against hers, both of us breathing hard against each others mouths
It's so fucking hot, so erotic, turning me on
I slide in more, opening her tight wet pussy around me, finally bottoming out, my length snugly deep inside her, her cunt throbbing so hard already
"Hwa", she whimpers, her eyes opening, meeting my gaze
She so fucking beautiful it's insane
"Kiss me", she whispers
"Always jagi", I answer, "Always"
Pressing my lips against hers, I fall into her kiss, stars explode in my vision, just like the first time I kissed her
Her kiss is amazing, like I'm in heaven
She deepens the kiss, licking my lip and sliding her tongue in, right against mine
Moving my arms around her body, I pull her against me, starting to move, thrusting into her waiting pussy over and over
Pleasure fills my body as I kiss her, one of her arms against my back, the other deep in my hair
As I pound into her, my pelvis rubs against her clit, making her moan in my mouth, arching her body right against mine
Her skin is so perfect, I love feeling her against me, love feeling her shake, tremble, shiver
The harder I fuck her, the more wild our kisses become, our tongues down each other's throats, our hands gripping each other hard
"Jesus Christ", Hongjoong gasps, "What the fuck is going on? Why are you watching them?"
"They're letting us", San answers
"Actually they're way too into each other to care", Wooyoung answers
He's right
I'm too into her to care
She moans loudly, her pussy squeezing the life from my cock, right there
She breaks the kiss, the sounds coming from her are so fucking pretty
I press kisses to her neck as I fuck her, wanting her to cum so badly
It feels so fucking good and fuck, I'm addicted
After last time, I'm so addicted
"Cum on my cock. Want all that cream on my cock", I murmur, moving my kisses down, groping her boob, latching onto her nipple
Sucking hard, she falls over the edge, screaming my name, her cunt locking on my cock, completely drenching me
Bliss pours all over me, moaning on her nipple as I feel how absolutely tight she becomes
"Seonghwa. Oh god, Seonghwa!"
I keep my dick all inside her, letting her cream all over me
So fucking good
As soon as she finishes, I'm up, pulling out and flipping her over on her hands and knees
Slamming my cock right inside her, I split her tight cunt open, both of us crying out in pleasure
"Oh fuck", I hear one of the guys say
Looking up, I find them watching us, this position letting them see us clearly as we're both facing them
She clenches my cock tightly and I'm too far gone to care about them watching
Holding her hips, I pull back then plunge into her, this position letting me hit so much more deeper
"Seonghwa!", she shrieks
I move my hips so fast, I'm even surprised at how fast I'm moving
I just can't stop
I need her pussy spasming around me, I need to fuck her wide open, need to make her drench me
Need to make her scream
Opening her legs more, I thrust into her as hard as I can, her screams of more and harder driving me insane
The pleasure is so fucking astounding, nothing I've ever felt with anyone but her
I'm so hot, sweat all over me
I run my fingers in my hair, pushing it back off my face, then grip her hips hard as I destroy her spot on my cock
"This is better than porn", Jongho gapes
"Wanna give them a show jagi?", I murmur
"Ddd...don't stop fucking me", she whines
"I won't baby. I promise"
"O...ok", she gasps, her hands twisting my sheets so hard her knuckles are white
Leaning over her, I wrap my arm around her and pull her up with me when I straighten, exposing her body to them as I continue to move inside her
"Oh my fucking god!", Hongjoong gapes
"She's...sexy", Yunho gapes
"Perfect", San says in shock
"I didn't know I liked abs on a girl", Yeosang whispers
She is perfect and right now she's mine
They can watch but they can't touch her
Her head tilts back on my shoulder, her labored breathing in my ear
"My god look at her stomach bulge everytime he fucks into her", Yeosang gapes
"Fucking insane", San says
Wooyoung is just watching and smirking
Slowly moving my hand up, I wrap it around her neck, her cunt squeezing my shaft in a death grip
"Like that jagi?", I whisper
She nods, "Yes"
"Want me to choke you?"
"Yes Hwannie"
I can do that
I definitely can do that
Squeezing her throat, her body stiffens against me, her pussy dripping so much, so fucking tight
Letting her throat go, she whimpers so cutely
"Good baby?"
She nods
I kiss her cheek, "Good girl"
Shoving my cock up her cunt, I stay buried in her, my hand not around her neck, slides down to her clit
I press my fingers onto her throbbing bump, rubbing circles quickly
"Oh my god", she whimpers, sliding down a little, her legs shaking
"Stay up jagi", I tell her, pulling her back up "I'm gonna make you cum. Make you squirt for me. Do you want that?"
"Yes Hwa. Please baby, yes", she whines, her hands holding onto my arm, her nails digging in my skin
"Anything for you", I promise
Choking her, I play hard with her clit, her body arching and shaking, bliss showering over me as she cums
I feel so much liquid drench my cock, my legs and I know she squirted
"Oh my god she's squirting!", Jongho yells
"Gushing so much", San says, his eyes on her cunt
"So pretty", Hongjoong murmurs
Yeah it is pretty and it feels out of this world
Letting go of her neck, she shatters the silence, screaming my name, "Seonghwa! Seonghwa! Seonghwa!"
"That's it baby girl. Such a good girl for me"
When she finishes, she slumps against me, breathing hard
I run my fingers in her sweaty hair, leaning down, pressing my lips to hers
I just have to kiss her
I have to
She responds, kissing me softly, slowly turning in my arms, hers wrapping around my neck
I move mine around her waist, her sweaty body against mine
I get lost in her kiss, lost in her and I don't want to be saved
Slowly, she pushes me back, both of us moving until I'm on my back and she's straddling my lap
When the kiss ends, she pulls away, smiling softly at me, her fingers pushing hair out of my face
"Gonna ride you Hwa"
I nod, "Please jagi"
She gives me a gentle kiss, her hand guiding my cock to her hole
She slips down easily, bottoming me out in one move, her cunt so wet
Breaking the kiss, she sits up, her sexy body hitting me in the face
She moves my hands onto her hips, then starts to bounce on me
Pleasure fills me, my cock pushing through her tightness
I watch the gorgeous sight of her riding me in awe, my eyes not tearing from her for a second
This is definitely my favorite position
I can see her beautiful face, seeing pleasure there
I can see her body clearly, see her boobs jiggle, her sweat dripping down her body, see her cunt taking my cock, creaming it
I love watching her move on me
"Seonghwa", she moans, eyes closed, hips circling when she bottoms me out, using my cock to open her up more
"They're seriously not done?"
"I told you. The fucked for a long time when I was there. They can both go for a long time", Wooyoung answers
Her eyes open and lock on mine as she starts bouncing on me
Her hands move along my stomach as she moves, her eyes not moving from mine
A small smile forms on her face as she leans over, her hand cupping my cheek
My heart pounds in my chest just from this small touch
My heart flutters and all I want is to kiss her again
As if she reads my mind, she comes closer, her lips against mine
I kiss her back hungrily, wanting her lips against mine every second of everyday
I'd love nothing more than to kiss her all day
All too soon the kiss ends and she sits back up, riding me hard
"Christ she's so good at riding", Jongho awes
"Yeah. She works out her legs at the gym so she can ride cock for a long time", Wooyoung divulges
"Fuck, I wouldn't mind her riding me", San says
Absolutely not
No fucking way
She's mine
"God, are the rest of you guys dying? I'm so hard, it's uncomfortable", Yeosang mutters
"You can jerk off to them", Wooyoung says, "I did when I was watching them"
"Yeah. They don't care"
I'm too busy watching her ride me, watching her cream coat my cock with every bounce to give a fuck about anything but her
"Hwannie", she groans, her bounces big, hard, her cunt glued to my cock, "I'm gonna cum Hwa. Fuck, I'm coming", she cries
I watch her body cum, watch her hole clench my dick, cream my dick, watch the ecstasy in her face, listen to her call my name, all while feeling intense pleasure myself
"Hwa", she whispers as she finishes and I fucking need her right now
I need to feel her body against mine, need her in my arms
Taking her wrists, I pull her on top of me, her skin against mine
She buries her face in the side of my neck, her arms wrapping around there too
She begins to bounce on me again, this new angle having her taking me deeper
"Hwa", she whimpers, "So good Hwannie"
"Yeah jagi", I murmur, grabbing her ass and helping her bounce on me, as I thrust up into her, "My good girl. Such a good pussy, taking me so deep inside"
"My god, look how much she's creaming his cock", Mingi whimpers
I don't even know when he got here
That's how much I'm not paying attention to them
"Baby loves my cock deep in her cunt huh?", I ask, the pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing around me so intense
"Love being full of my cock?"
"Full of my cum?"
"Fuck, Yea Hwa", she whispers, clinging onto me
I'm so hot, sweating so much, my sweat mixing with hers and I wouldn't have it any other way
"Do you hear how wet you are for me?", I ask, squeezing her ass hard, "How loud your cunt is?"
She nods, the squelching sound reverberating in the room
The other sound is the guys jerking off to us but I ignore that
"Do you feel how hard I am for you?", I ask, thrusting up into her cunt as she comes down, "I swear jagi, I've never been this hard before. It only happens when I'm with you"
She moans softly, her lips pressing a kiss to my jaw, sending shivers down my spine
"Have you even been this wet before?"
"No Hwa. Just for you", she murmurs, "Only with you"
Hearing her answer makes me happy
Happy that I have such a big effect on her as she has on me
"Let me fuck you jagi", I tell her, driving my cock into her loud pussy again and again, "Let me give it to you"
She stops moving, my hands still on her ass as I jack hammer my cock up into her, crashing into her spot over and over
"So much cream", one of the guys moans
"Hear that baby? You're creaming my cock so much", I whisper, "I can feel it jagi, feel it dripping into my lap, feel it run down my cock. I love that feeling"
"Love feeling your cock inside me Hwa. Want your cum filling me. Please"
"I will baby. You first then I'll fill your pussy"
I'm so lost in the pleasure, my body electrified with it and I love that it's her making me feel this way
"Yeah Hwa. Don't stop. I'm..", she says breathlessly
"I know jagi. You're close. I can feel it baby. I know when you're gonna cum"
I've fucked her enough, given her enough orgasms to know when she's going to come
It's any second now
Ploughing into her, she clenches rapidly, hard as she moans my name in my neck, shaking in my arms
I feel more squirt all over me, drenching everything and I'm shocked I made her squirt twice
"Holy shit she's squirting again!"
"That's so much", Mingi groans
"Look at that tiny hole gush around his cock. Fuck"
"Hwa!", she yells, "Fill my pussy Hwannie! I want your cum"
"Jesus Christ!", one of them moans
I thrust a few more times when out of this world ecstacy rips through my body, blinding me, my brain shutting off
The only thing I can do is feel her cunt milk my cock as I shoot my cum deep inside her and scream her name
"Joanne! Fuck, Joanne! Baby!", I scream, my body shaking under her
I feel her kisses all over my face as I ride the waves of bliss, hear her call my name softly, almost lovingly
When it's over, I lay there not being able to move
That was the most intense orgasm I've ever felt
Moreso than the other ones I've had with her
She kisses my lips and even though I'm exhausted, I kiss her back
I will never not kiss her back
She moves off me, both our bodies turning to each other, our lips never leaving each other's
I hear the door to my room close and I'm assuming the guys left but fuck I'm not stopping kissing her to check
Even though we just had intense sex, we kiss for a long while, just holding each other
And as I kiss her I feel the feelings I can't deny anymore, coming through
I want her
So much more than what we're doing
I want to be with her
I...I think I'm falling in love
No...no...I am in love
With my best friend
I don't want to think about what that means right now, don't want to freak out, not while she's here, in my arms
Right now I just want to feel the love
I just want to kiss her
And I do
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yanderemommabean · 9 months
You know a concept stardew fans seem to not bring up? How wonderfully pathetic Yandere Clint would be. Like he is such a pathetic and insecure guy but I have a feeling he can become dangerous if in the right circumstance. Like we know he’s a blacksmith and you’ve even mentioned he’d make cuffs/chains. So what if he decided enough was enough and chose to take his beloved for himself.
I can already imagine how it happens; After so many years of pining for Emily, he’s grown tired of being alone and can’t work up the nerve to talk to her… But then a charming new farmer arrives and he can’t help but fall head over heels! He tries to deny his love for the farmer since he doesn’t want his years of loving Emily to feel like they went to waste, but the farmer seems to naturally grab his attention. He starts using his crush on Emily as an excuse to ask for the farmer’s help, but in actuality just wants to get close to them.
But naturally, the farmer has both men and women fawning over them and Clint feels threatened by this. He closes up out of fear of rejection and is terrified that he’ll end up pining for the farmer just like Emily. He doesn’t want this and decides that his only course of action would be to take the farmer away from everyone else.
(Sorry if you’re not up for discussions of stardew valley, I just remembered seeing one of your posts during my dive into the tags)
Omg??? I can’t believe I never considered this option. I’m not the biggest fan of Clint but he hasn’t really done anything for me to hate him, so this really puts him in a new light!
He really does just want someone to love him and once he finally gets someone to show even a shred of attention to him, he makes sure to hold an iron grip. He doesn’t want to hurt the farmer, not ever, but sometimes in order to have what you want you have to do some…questionable things.
Such as spreading rumors that you up and left once the bus was fixed, finding the town horrible and the people obnoxious. The whole town is left broken hearted and bitter about it but Clint seems more or less unphased. Swears he’s just not that attached to you and you leaving was sad but won’t hurt his life.
They all go with that lie too. They don’t question the banging coming from his shop because well, he’s a blacksmith, heavy clanging and banging is apart of the job. They don’t pay attention to certain marks and scars along his arms either, probably just apart of his job too, accidents happen.
Gunther started poking around a bit too much but a brutally busted display and some broken museum artifacts made him stay in his place. He didn’t know who did it, but his job and reputation isn’t worth the risk.
All of this while you’re locked in a new addition to his shop, beneath his bedroom, nice and locked up where no one can take you. It’s nice that you’ve learned to stop screaming for help, your poor throat used to get so sore!
It’s nice to have all this alone time with you too. Most of the town stays away from his shop, not really needing anything unless they want to sell some odds and ends. Just you, and him, and all the time in the world.
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
Mating Season - Siren!Todoroki x Reader
Part 1
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Oral (fem receiving), marking, Siren anatomy, arousal venom, biting, two dicks, neck dick, oviposition - not good with terminology to let me know if I’ve missed anything!
Tags: @bookandstar @sadnessiscoldtea
Notes: This is sorta a part 1.5 rather than a part 2 so it's short and rushed but here it is xD
Today was a beautiful day to visit the ocean. Although even if it weren’t, I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to visit Todoroki. He’d been especially needy lately and the last thing I wanted to do was stay away from him when he’s like that.
Walking down the path I entered the beach with a picnic basket in hand. It was hot as hell and people were finally starting to leave as the sun went down, giving us much needed privacy.
Taking a seat on the rocky area, I let out a few clicks and chirps, letting Todoroki know I was here as I set up the picnic, humming to myself. 
It wasn’t long before his head popped up and he sent a few welcoming trills back, making me smile lovingly at the creature.
“Hi, Love.” he hummed, pulling himself up to sit on the rock with me. 
“Hey. How you doing?” I begged, offering him some sandwiches to try. He looked at the thing curiously before looking back at me.
“Better now.” he purred, making me giggle as I leaned in to give my mate a kiss. However, he immediately deepened it, pulling me to him, picnic forgotten. I squeaked as he pulled me on top of him and wrapped his tail around one of my legs.
“Sho!” I squealed, “Now?!”
The only response I got was him roughly tugging at my bikini bottoms.
“Need you so badly, Love.” he whimpered into my neck, nipping and sucking as he did. It was then that I realised I felt him, hard as a rock, surprised that he was so ready for me without any work. I moaned when I felt him catch my clit as he grinded against me, making him purr and flip us over.
Immediately he pulled off my bottoms before diving in for a taste, making me squeal and moan, thighs clamping around his head. He went straight for my hole, trying to get more of my fluids before attacking my clit aggressively, licking and sucking with the occasional nips being added in. I found myself clawing at his hair as I grinded against his tongue just as greedy for it as he was.
I was getting close already, causing me to whine and moan like a sinner. However, that’s when I felt something thick, covered in slick and big press against my entrance.
“So good for me, Love.” he muttered into my pussy, “Gonna fill you up.”
Confused, I looked down to see his pupils shot. He looked absolutely feral as my fluids dripped from his mouth, sharp teeth protruding slightly from his mouth as he panted, long, slimy tongue licking his lips. There was also something that looked like his dick protruding from his neck, which made me frown.
“What’s that?” I begged. However I didn’t get a response other than the object slowly shoved into me, the clasper-like heads pushing against my gummy walls, causing me to stretch. I gasped, back arching as he entered me.
“Sho…!” I whined as his cocks wiggled inside me.
Before I knew what was happening, he sheathed himself in me entirely and continued his attack on my clit with his mouth, thrusting his throat as he did. I immediately gripped his hair again, bucking to meet his thrusts as my walls fluttered around him oh so temptingly. It was enough to make him wanna nut then and there, but he held on, determined to make his mate cum before he did.
And it wasn’t long before I did, between his ministrations with his mouth and the pulsing of his cocks. Screaming loudly, I came hard, which only caused Todoroki to speed up his thrusts as he fucked me through my high and chased his own, leaving a bite on my pubis. It was then I felt his venom relax and sensitise me, which only made me moan louder.
“(F/N)” he moaned into my aching cunt before bucking deeply into me, past my cervix and filling me to the brim with his eggs and seed, causing me to whine, feeling a bit of the pain but more of the pleasure.
Todoroki purred as he took in our mixed scents and rubbed my belly before slowly pulling out. Before I could even recover, he climbed on top of me, giving me a good look at his neck penis as it retracted back into his throat.
“What is that?” I begged curiously, slightly delirious, earning a chuckle.
“We only use that one during mating season.” he explained as he went back to assaulting my neck and grasping at my breasts.
“It’s mating season?” I begged, mind slowly coming back to me, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought you could smell it?” he paused, looking up at me, making me frown and shake my head.
“That’s what that is!” Todoroki chuckled, pulling at my bikini top so he could suck and nip at the sensitive bud, causing me to gasp.
“You’ll need to stay with me for a few days.” he warned, “I can’t be apart from you.” I nodded.
“I can do that.”
Todoroki immediately purred, nuzzling my cheeks and neck, which I returned. Pulling him in for a kiss, I wrapped my arms and legs around him, causing him to moan when I caught the tip of his clasper. I smirked.
“Feel good when I do that, huh?” I teased. Todoroki growled at me, only to whine when I rocked my hips against his cocks again, slicking up my pubis, “I’ll take that as a yes~”
“More.” he growled, biting my shoulder harshly, causing me to yelp. Simultaneously he shoved his cocks in, down to the hilt. I gasped out as he sucked on the wound all whilst pistoning in and out of me at a rapid pace. I could hardly keep up as he ploughed into me, completely intoxicated by my scent. Both dicks wiggled their way inside me as he fucked me raw, making sure to hit my g-spot with each thrust.
“S-Sho!” I screamed as I came, fluids flowing out of me as I squirted on his cocks, earning a deep, guttural growl as he picked up the pace.
Snarling, Todoroki shoved himself so deep inside me that his cocks wiggled inside my cervix, making me whine. He immediately bit me again, causing the nice venom to flow through my veins again as he came inside me, causing a bulge in my stomach.
I whined at the sensation as Todoroki began to chur against my neck, feeling my stomach up as I recovered.
“You should eat.” he suddenly spoke, “You’ll need the energy.”
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brokebonewritings · 1 year
Sinking Waters
Matt Murdock x reader
Tags/Warnings: 18+, language, mentions of alcohol/drugs, fluff, light angst
Summary: Matt and Foggy invite you out for a night. You wondered if Matt would ever make a move on you or if you would keep being mistook as a couple. Song: The Pink Phantom by Gorillaz
Word Count: 2K
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Your dorm room had filled with a haze as you blew the white smoke from your mouth. The blunt you held between your fingers had only been lit a few minutes, and it seemed like half of it was already smoked. 
This was the only nice thing about not having to share a dorm with anyone. You could sneak things like this in with no one snitching. Occasionally the kid from your Civil Procedures class would come smoke with you, along with his roommate.
His roommate. Matt Murdock. He was definitely a looker. Oh and Foggy was cool. Franklin Nelson. They both were definitely a dynamic duo. You all had become fast friends, finding lots of things in common.
A knock at your door pulled you from your thoughts. You dropped the blunt in the ashtray and went to open the door.
“Who is it?” You ask, hand on the doorknob.
You laugh as you open your door, Matt and Foggy stand there with the dumbest grins plastered on their faces. Foggy had his arm wrapped around Matt’s shoulder while the other man gripped his cane. 
“Why do I feel like you guys are coming to kidnap me.” You say as you give Foggy the side eye.
“We were wondering if you wanted to come to a bar with us?” Foggy says casually.
“A bar?” You stared at them blankly. “Like for drinking?”
“I sure hope so.” Matt says lightly.
“Sure, let me finish my blunt and grab my coat real quick.” You say moving aside. They happily walk into your dorm room.
Matt sits at the empty desk chair while Foggy sits on the bed. You walk back over to the window and pick up the blunt and take a long inhale. The smoke no longer affected your lungs as you let it all out.
The three of you joke as you finish, and put on your winter coat. Within 20 minutes, you all are walking off the Columbia campus and into the busy streets of Harlem. It was a much different dynamic
You let Foggy and Matt the way to this mystery bar. They were both pretty trustworthy of a fun time. However some of the places you’ve trusted them with were absolute dives. This looked like one of those places. 
“Josies?” You mutter.
“Don’t like how it looks?” Matt’s voice responds questionly.
“Murdock, what did Foggy tell you this place looked like?”
“I told him it’s the sistine chapel, let's get moving people.” Foggy said before Matt could respond.
Opening the door, all three of you step in one by one. It was definitely a dive, but it was charming. You and Matt found a table and waited for Foggy to bring over the drinks.
“How many times have you actually been here, Matty.”
As he folded his cane up, he replied. “A few times, I think the owner likes Foggy.”
You turn your head towards the bar to see Foggy pseudo flirting with the waitress. He had a charm to him, and she definitely found it funny. Giggling, you turn back to Matt who was also chuckling.
“Okay but I gotta know, how did you even find this place?”
“Foggy stumbled upon it, and then forced me to come.” He starts. “It isn’t the sistine chapel, is it?”
Snorting in amusement, you shake your head. “It’s definitely not, but it’s not a bad place either.”
Three glasses were slammed on the table in front of you. Looking up you see Foggy looking triumphant.
“Lady and Gent. I have brought the gift of free alcohol, won by yours truly.” He announced.
“No way, how?” You ask
“Like I said, the owner likes Foggy.” Matt replied.
“Ha ha, you’re just jealous that the bartender actually thinks my jokes are funny.”
“Sure, man, let’s go with that.” 
You hand Matt his glass before taking your own. The golden liquid looked refreshing in the chilled glass. Okay so maybe it wasn’t a dive, but still. You take a long drink before setting the glass back on the table.
Before you knew it, you all had gone through a few drinks. Foggy gets up once more to retrieve more drinks which meant more time alone with Matt. Weren’t you so lucky tonight. Or not.
“Hello, handsome.”
You and Matt look up from your conversation to see a girl standing in front of the table.
“Can I help you?” Matt responds.
“Well I was just wondering what such a good looking man like you was doing here.” 
You stared at the girl before turning back to Matt. His jaw was slightly slack, like he didn't know how to respond. Which didn't happen often.
“My friends and I were just having some drinks. You know, enjoying each other's company?” He states. She turns to look at you before looking back at him.
“Oh sorry I thought you were single.” The girl nervously said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
You side eye Matt trying to gauge his reaction, but he looked stunned. He cleared his throat before responding.
“Oh no, we’re not together.” He starts and this makes your heart drop just a bit. Of course you weren’t together, you had only known each other a few months. Why were you getting your hopes up then?
“In that case, maybe I could get your number?” She says, smiling and twirling her hair.
Looking around to avoid listening to anymore of the conversation, you see Foggy coming back towards the table. He looks confused as to why you’re staring at him, until he sees the girl.
Finally reaching the table, he greets you and Matt again and sets your drinks down in front of you. The girl finally satisfied with her winnings leaves before Foggy could introduce himself.
“I think I need to use the bathroom.” You said as your heart beat loudly against your chest. Getting up, you walk to the back hallway in search of the bathroom. Of course once you entered you weren’t surprised by the state of it.
Two stalls and a makeout session. Classic. You enter the empty stall and lock it. Waiting. For what exactly, you had no idea. Time to pass, maybe.
After five minutes, you exit the stall after pretending to flush the toilet. Lo and behold, Matt’s new plaything was standing at the sink. Stalking over to wash your hands, you feel her eyes burning holes in your skull.
“It’s a little sad that he can’t see huh?”
You freeze. Was she talking to you? Dingus. Of course she was talking to you.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah I mean like, he’s cute, but like if he can’t see then what’s the point?”
“Why did you ask for his number then?”
There was a pause. Your voice was filled with something other than curiosity. You continue.
“Maybe the point is that he’s funny, smart, and considerate?”
“Uhm right. Anyways…” 
Apparently she deemed the conversation to be over as she turns and exits. You stand silently for a moment, taking in the full conversation. It was the first time you had defended Matt’s honor. 
Finally you make your way out of the bathroom. Looking around to remember where you all sat, you notice Matt staring in your direction. Or rather his head was turned that way.
You caught yourself staring, even after his head turned away. Did he know you were coming back? Another crazy thought. You make your way back to the table and find three shots of fireball waiting for you.
“What’s the catch?” You say as you arrive.
“Hey! Welcome back!” Matt said slightly slurred. 
“Oh my god, Foggy, what’s wrong with him?”
“I think Fireball is his kryptonite, dude.” He replied with a laugh.
“Yeah I’ll drink to that.” You say before slamming each shot back.
Never before had you seen him drunk. Not even tipsy. How in the world did he manage to get like this? After a few more drinks, both you and Foggy cut the other man off. Deciding it was finally time to get back to campus.
The walk to get Matt back to the dorm was long and silent. It was the first time you had seen him get as drunk as he was, but you and Foggy had no qualms of taking care of your friend.
Once you had finally gotten him in bed and settled, Foggy had asked to walk you back to your own dorm. You agreed and said you would wait outside.
Waiting along the long concrete wall you pull out your pack of cigarettes and light one. The night had been eventful to say the least. Your crush always seemed to pick other people. Not that you have actually tried to make advances.
You turn your head to see Foggy step out into the cold. Throwing your cigarette on the ground, you turn to face him as he walks up.
“I get the feeling that girl ruined your night.” He states bluntly.
“Why does this always happen? Every single time we’re in public, he gets hit on!” 
“Why does it matter?”
There was a long pause. Foggy gasps before grabbing your shoulders and shaking you.
“You like him!”
“Foggy, stop!”  You grab his wrists. “It doesn’t matter because he’ll never like me back!”
“Oh common, you don’t know that!”
“No it’s true! I’m too timid to even ask him on a date.”
You both stood quietly. He was processing what to say, and you were waiting for his response.
“Then, maybe, I don’t know.” 
“Nice, Fog. Really insightful there.”
“Okay, look. Yes, the guy is attractive but maybe just be his friend?” He starts. “He has enough women swooning over him.”
Nodding, you understood what he was saying. He continued to speak.
“Maybe things will evolve if you just be his friend. That’s how a lot of relationships work out anyways.”
He was right. Lots of relationships sprouted from friendships. It would be a way to get to know each other.
“You’re right. Sorry I snapped at you.” You say.
“It’s alright, I know I can be a lot sometimes.” 
“Not at all, You’re very charming and any girl would be lucky to date you.”
“You’re too kind. Now, let's get you home.”
With that he offered his arm out to you and you gladly took it. You realize that you’ve finally found some friends who cared about you. Nothing like people back home.
New York had some strange characters. Nasty one, yeah, but also some that are fun to be around. Just like Foggy, and just like Matt.
Halfway back to your dorm room, you look up at Foggy. He was going on about how one of his professors had the hots for him. You giggle, and lean into his shoulder. Feeling him tense up a bit, you look back up.
“You okay?” You ask.
He nods at you and looks up towards the sky.
“You know, Aristotle said ‘Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.’”
“Since when did you pay attention in Philosophy?” 
“I’ll have you know that just because my eyes are closed, it doesn't mean that I’m not listening.” He chuckles. “Anyways, the point is it’s clear that you and Matt were made for each other. You just gotta wait.”
“That might have been the most comforting thing you’ve ever said.” You smirk. “But thanks. You’re a great friend, Fog.”
“And you know how you thank great friends?” He says stopping in front of your building.
“By offering them to come inside and smoke a joint.”
You begin to loudly laugh, and he joins you. Not caring about the passersby staring at you both. Nodding you invite him in and give him a little extra for later on. 
After he leaves, you sit alone in the dorm. It’s dimly lit by the small lamp you have and the lights from outside. Being with one of the guys you realize how comfortable you feel and less lonely. 
Foggy’s words linger in your mind, “You just gotta wait.”. It was easier said than done, but you listen. You wait. The whole semester. Through graduation. Years. Until…
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saezurumurmurs · 3 months
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A BL Platform For Everyone
NB: Please reblog this for visibility!
A little over two years ago, me and my BL crew were in our little chat sharing recommendations. 
Cat had an impressive spread sheet, Marcie and I had iCloud Notes, and it was pretty much chaos.
I looked at it and said out loud, "There has to be a better way for us to keep track of our reads and share recommendations. There has to be right?"
Cat said she wished someone would build a BL app with everything already there. Me, a developer of almost thirty years, paused while a floodlight (not a light bulb) went off in my head.
“Well I could maybe build one… cause like, I build stuff. How would that be?”
By the end of the conversation Cat had invited me to build an app for BL. 
Four weeks later, in late February of 2022, digitaljuicy.com was online. 
In the last couple of years, I’ve been listening to the fandom, paying attention to feedback, poured over analytics, read your responses to the Reader’s Survey and continued to craft a platform with all this in mind.
What I have been building is 100% for us... there is nothing but BL and it is an attempt to encompass ALL of BL. Not just the bits and pieces.
But for two years I've been struggling. Struggling in many ways, but specifically to get what I wanted out of the platform. I tried and failed so many times.
In September of 2022 I tried to raise venture capital to build the platform I wanted for us. I pitched it to accelerators and true blue venture capital.
Juicy is what is called 'pre-seed'. Which means were still so new and evolving, under-resourced and while there was interest, there was no joy. No funding was raised.
In December 2023, I realised it was time to rethink Juicy. i have been on the deepest dive for months rebuilding Juicy from the ground up and preparing the framework for the mobile app.
I’ve built something I want to use… and wild, I’m building it and using it as a fan at the same time. I'm at the point where it's impossible not to want to share.
And what kind of platform do I mean? At its most basic level:
You can track your reads, watches and plays
You can review and recommend the titles to the community, your friends, strangers on Twitter, your friend you're trying to corrupt outside the fandom. Your poison.
Timelines for you, for titles, for episodes, chapters… just about everything. I mean everything: The creators, the publishers, the studios, the actors... you can leave reviews and status posts on EVERYTHING. No algorithms, no force feeding... just discovery, recommendations and honest reviews by this community about our community and the industry we feed.
Collections! Lists of stuff you're reading, dropped, want to read, want to buy, love or hate, all pretty and organised and shareable..
A growing database resource of titles, tagged up to its eyeballs with a minutiae of data.. with reading an streaming links and anything else we find that we think is relevant.
But it is also a lot more than this.
I wanted it to be more than what it was. I want to turn Juicy into a mobile app, add some more functionality and more specifically, platform all of BL for its non-Asian fandom.
We get left out of so much, I feel like we need our own thing. 
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I was tired of being banned on social media for sharing content. How you gonna ban me for saying a 2D fictional character needs to be shot with shite and strung with cobweb? But they did… and I know it’s not just me.
What about the creators? How do they interface with the non-Japanese or non-Korean fandoms? On which misogynistic hell site?
What about the publishers and merchandisers? What about the little Etsy sellers? Why does BL have to hidden away in the databases of mangaupdates, anisearch and anilist? Why does every single manga tracker out there seem to have pitiful listings for BL? 
Is it because we’re a female or queer audience? 
Look at this lil video I made:
Either way, I’ve long felt it’s time for us to do our own thing. So I’ve been building it. Pixel by pixel. Feature by feature on my own.
Juicy has been a small chat group, but I’m the only developer. We’ve always been clear about what we wanted to build: A platform for the fandom, the creators, the publishers, the merchandisers… my goal is a one-stop platform for BL and I am damn close to presenting this new iteration.
This was and remains the core of what I’m building: The largest English platform for BL on the planet. The functionality is one thing, but building a database like that is not a one-person job.
So now I need your help.
First to keep the servers online, so I can continue to build and develop and finally, finally release the mobile app. I can't tell you how much I want that.
I’m close to pushing the new Juicy 3.0 out, and I’m very in love with the work I’ve done since December. It’s a new look, and it works 1000 times better than the previous iterations of Juicy.
I just have hit a wall financially, and need your help and support to get it over the line.
Juicy's ass is fat and I been carrying her mostly alone for two solid years. 
I’m going to launch a Kickstarter for this project in a bit so I can hire another developer  to help with the trickier bits and fine tune the mobile app, but for now, I felt a Patreon would at least help us keep the servers up and maybe, just maybe allow us to afford a few crucial bits that will elevate your experience as a user.
And because I’m a developer, and I can do some pretty kinky shit with APIs and such, if you support this Patreon campaign, you will get some nice feature perks on the platform automagically. You won’t have to pay again to access these perks in-app later.
As many perks as I can cook up anyway, not the least of which will be access to some of the nicer functions and features I’ve already built into the platform.
When the mobile app launches, you will get it first and for free! Plus we’ve been talking about a lot of other ways we can make the platform fun beyond what I've done already.
I plan to monetise the platform in various ways, but in a profit sharing model. You contribute to the database, you contribute content, you get a share of whatever the platform makes. This is already built into the system. This will be open to anyone willing, but to Patrons first.
Finally, I'm limiting the number of people who can subscribe via Patreon to 1000 people. Once we hit that number, the rolls will be closed to new membership, and everyone directed to the platform to pay for any services or merchandise.
My goal for this group of Patrons is that you become an exclusive and tightly knit inner circle.
My hope is that you will help me actively shape what Juicy will become. Your votes and say will carry weight. Your feature requests considered and if possible implemented first.
You will get access to exclusive merchandise, exclusive giveaways and promos (like free stuff), and exclusive programming from the team.
With your help we will produce an exclusive podcast for Patrons only discussing all things BL and Juicy (honestly our conversations are generally wild and hilarious... it will be a rollick for sure), along with other content for Patrons only. We've even planned watch parties and other fun shit... I swear, we want you all to be our greatest ambassadors so we are planning as many treats as we can.
Your access on the platform will be specific to your Patreon subscription and your treatment will be VIP for the life of your subscription.
Finally, the way my auADHD are set up, I have no interest in the dramas of the BL fandom, so this is never going to be about gatekeeping access to anything. It’s about making more access possible. You can help bring us all together and make us stronger as a group.
So do you think Digital Juicy sounds like something you’d like in on?
Okute Sea
Saezuru Murmurs
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nerdishpursuits · 5 months
Can you elaborate on your tags about reading jk Rowlings original post?
Just that I admit that at first, when the JKR discourse started back in the day, I didn’t actually go and read the essay she published on her blog, which is the one that started the entire thing. I did go and read it, eventually, because I tend to like forming my own opinions on things. Personally, I didn’t see any evidence of transphobia. Same with her tweets. Sure, she’s a sarcastic troll some days because she’s, probably, tired of this topic. She was arguing there is such a thing as biological sex and people transition from one to the other in order to embrace living authentically. And that kids should be kids as they have no way to consent. They need to be left alone, or helped to make informed decisions they’ll not regret later in life. Perfectly fine and I’m very much supportive of that.
Everyone should love and live as they please, and no one has the right to ostracize them for it. What she called problematic was the complete denial that biological sex exists, hormone blockers in kids who can’t really consent, self IDing as a woman without actually transitioning and some trans activists saying a biological woman’s experience doesn’t matter. I don’t see that as being transphobic. Just logic and concern.
Over the past few days my partner and I went on a deep dive on this topic and found there’s plenty trans people agreeing with JKR. We’ve seen videos of trans women competing in women’s sports and winning, then commenting they don’t care at all about the medals and winning, but simply enjoy having a good time with their friends at the gym. Why compete in the women’s weight lifting category if you don’t care about winning then? Aussie surfer Bethany Hamilton was dropped by her lifelong sponsor in favor of a trans woman who previously competed, and won, in the men’s division. Swimming, wrestling, roller skating even etc. There’s trans women out there claiming they’re the ones who know what a woman is because they’re forced to think about it, whereas a biological woman is simply born and therefore, inferior. Others who claim they experience period cramps or that their genitalia is superior to a biological woman’s etc. As far as I’ve seen. JKR and other trans people have spoken out against these kind of situations, comments and claims. That’s why I think that cancel culture is so toxic. We need to look at the whole picture and stop claiming things are black or white or the damaging adage of if you’re not with me you’re against me.
I think a very loud minority, who doesn’t represent the entirety of the trans community, might actually be doing more harm than good. Not just to the trans community, who deserves nothing but acceptance and support and love, but the rest of the LGBTQ+ community as well. Pushing a narrative too fast, and forcefully, isn’t helping. It’s actually turning people against us and it’s frustrating and depressing. Denying actual biology and elbowing your way into biological women’s spaces won’t win you their love. Calling them birthing people won’t win them over. Calling them lesser won’t open doors either.
There’s a ton of material to be found on YouTube, there’s podcasts, articles etc. Personally, I think people need to sit down and talk and debate and be diplomatic. I’m not saying JKR isn’t without her faults but I do think she’s been demonized for speaking her mind and voicing her concerns about women’s spaces and kids. It’s as if people can’t have a healthy debate anymore. We need to cancel those who don’t agree with us. It’s the all or nothing mob mentality and, personally, I’m sick of it. This is a nuanced topic and should be treated as such. But now you can’t even be a centrist anymore. You have to be for or against and nothing in between. How about we look at what’s right or wrong, for both sides, and decide accordingly. Why this inane ideological war that radicalizes people who should be having a productive conversation instead.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Of Seas And Skies pt.2
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Previous chapter: Of Seas And Skies pt.1 (REQUEST)
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: Wanna address sth rq, cause some twats want to complain abt me not using the right tags. Yeah, I gave the reader a name in this one, only cause I want for people to completely dive into the story. I don't like using 'Y/N', imo it ruins the whole thing. And let's be honest to ourselves, an accurate name is much better than having to torture ourselves with the thought of a Targ,named Emily. (nothing personal to the Emily's out there, mine isn't any better). Another thing, cs I'm getting some strong vibes said twats are feelin pissy abt this as well- yeah, I describe the reader as being mixed. Like, sorry that I described how a kid that comes from a black man and a white woman, looks like. But bffr, it was in the damn request that she's Laenor's and Rhaenyra's.
P.S. So, it doesn't rlly follow the req. Only realized it after I was done writing this. Too late now, I'm way too fkn lazy to do anything about it.
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A large shadow was flying over the waters of Blackwater Bay. Valaena could barely see where they were going- both from her angry tears and the rain that had been pouring down on the capital for hours.
Quicksilver let out a shriek as he dove down. He could feel her anger run in his own veins. But there was more. Sadness and heartbreak. She was hurt. Betrayed. The dragon spread his wings before they could hit the water, then flew up.
Thunder roared somewhere behind them, not that far away. Quicksilver let out another shriek, this one concerned and scared.
"Dracarys!" Valaena yelled out again. This time her dragon followed the order. With what came out as a sigh, he opened his strong jaws as wide as he could, fire spilling from them.
The two went through the cloud of flames, both dragon and rider shutting their eyes tight as they did.
"Valaena!" A voice came from behind them. Then a flap of wings.
"Adere!" The woman shouted, urging Quicksilver to pick up the speed.
Another lightning struck, the light bouncing off of silver and golden scales. Both dragons roared, as if agreeing that this was no time for either of them to be so far up in the skies.
"Valaena, please! Get down!" Aegon shouted, but his wife didn't react. Instead, she and Quicksilver flew higher.
"Keligon, Sunfyre, keligon! Se jelmio iksis tolī kostōba!" Aegon said.
He was right. The wind was howling, turning the rain against them. Sunfyre wouldn't be able to catch up to them.
"Adere!" He heard her voice come through the clouds, a crazed laugh following close after.
Suddenly there was no rain. No strong winds. Valaena and Quicksilver had crossed over the black clouds and were now on the other side. It was so quiet.
Then a roar, louder than anything either of them had ever heard, tore through the silence. The clouds bent and rolled, making way for Vhagar's large body.
"Princess!" Aemond yelled at her. "We have to get down now or we'll never make it out! The storm is getting worse!"
Quicksilver growled at the sight of the much larger beast. He dove down, passing right between Vhagar's claws.
The sound of the rain beating down mercilessly at the water came through once more. The darkness was back.
"Isse se iēdar, Silver!" Valaena said as she wiped the rain from her face. Another laugh tore through her lips.
Quicksilver looked down at the waters of Blackwater Bay once more, his heart beating fast. His wings were folded back, as close to his large body as they would go.
It all happened in the blink of an eye. One second they were high above, the next they could make out the angry waves, foaming like rabid dogs. The dragon tried to spread his wings, but it was too late. He hit the water, surfing on it for a bit before they sunk.
"Valaena!" A voice shouted out.
Then everything went quiet again, the water surrounding them.
The Princess coughed, salt water spilling from her mouth and down on the sound. Then she noticed the blood. A large head wrapped around her body, weak growl coming from it.
"Are you alright?" She asked, hand running over the silver scales. "This is coming from me and not you, right?"
Quicksilver let out another growl, confirming that the blood was in fact, hers.
"Good, good..." She said, trying to get up. Her feet gave out, right one bending at a weird angle. "Help me, before they find us."
Valaena wrapped a hand around her dragon's neck as she got up. It felt weird, her hand. Numb. But it also hurt. She coughed out the last bits of water. As she quieted down, her eyes scanned around.
"The cave!" She pointed towards the bottom of the rock that was close to the beach. "We have to go in!"
Her eyes turned to look up, taking in the two shadows above them. Vhagar and Sunfyre were floating close to eachother. It came to her, Prince Aemond and Aegon were probably trying to catch a glimpse of Quicksilver's body in the water.
"Come on." She said as she turned around, limping towards the entrance.
Quicksilver followed, eyes darting to the bone that was protruding from her leg. He squinted as they entered the void, eyes trying to get used to the darkness.
"Aegon...It's been two days now, boy. She's gone." Otto said to his grandson as he shook his head.
"No! She's still out there! I can feel it!" Aegon protested.
"No one could survive such a fall, son..." The King whispered before he placed his golden mask down on the table.
"They would have washed up on the shores, my King." Alicent said, eyes going over to meet those of her older son. " We cannot give up on them this easily!"
"Alicent! They're gone! Both of them!" Viserys yelled with whatever strength was left in his decaying body. "How do I tell Rhaenyra, tell her her only daughter is now laying at the bottom of sea..."
Without anyone noticing, Aegon had snuck out of the small council chambers. He made his way down. His feet were getting heavier with each step. Soon, he collapsed. He sat down on the steps.
"It's your fault." Aegon whispered to himself.
"It is." Aemond's voice came from behind him. "If it weren't for you and your whores, our niece wouldn't have moved away from your quarters..."
Aegon closed his eyes.
"If she hadn't caught you with one of those whores, she wouldn't have ran out of the Keep and into that storm. Now she's somewhere out there, most probably gravely injured. Waiting for the Stranger to come and get her..."
His head shot up. Aegon turned to look at his younger brother, who was standing a few steps above him.
"You think she's still alive?"
Aemond let out a hum, eye turning to look out the window and into the dark sky.
"There was no blood. Their bodies haven't been found yet. Yes, I believe she still is. For now." His eye turned to look back at Aegon. "But we're wasting time. Time we don't have."
Aegon nodded, then stood up. The two brothers started walking down the steps.
They walked to the Dragon Pit in silence.
"She was right, you know. You've been neglecting Sunfyre for way too long. He would've been able to make it through the storm, if it weren't for you keeping him locked in here..."
"That's enough!" Aegon came to a halt. "You think I don't fucking know it?!"
His whole body was shaking violently. His pale face had gone even paler in the two days since the incident. Was it from guilt or withdrawal, no one could tell...
"How long do you think it would be before our sister finds out, hm? And then what? What do we do when Rhaenyra and Daemon come for your head?" Aemond placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Think about it. Her only daughter might be laying at the bottom of Blackwater Bay, for all we know, the fish feasting on her body."
"We will find her." Aegon spat out as he shoved him away.
"I truly hope you are right, brother. Otherwise this whole city will burn down to the ground and us with it..."
A loud thud came from above their heads, pieces of stone tearing from the building. One fell down close to the two princes, then rolled down the steps.
Three eyes looked up. There, on top of the Dragon Pit, stood Quicksilver. Valaena's Quicksilver. He looked as if nothing had happened.
The dragon climbed down, then jumped. Aegon and Aemond turned to stare at the beast. Quicksilver let out a low growl as he came closer, his eyes going from one brother to the other. Then he bowed, one wing dropping low.
"Does he..."
"Get on the fucking thing!" Aegon interrupted him as he circled around the dragon.
"You found her just in time, my Prince." The maester said as he tore the leather of the woman's pants. Then he let out an involuntary hiss at the sight. "Gods be good..."
The doors of Valaena's and Aegon's quarters slammed into the walls. In the entrance stood no other than the Rogue Prince, a crazed look on his face.
His eyes landed on Aegon. Daemon reached him with a few steps then picked him up from where he was sitting on the bed, nails digging into Aegon's shoulder.
"It wasn't enough that you got my daughter, but you also had to try and kill her?!"
A blow came to his face, shattering Aegon's nose to pieces.
No one made a move to stop him. Not even Aemond and Ser Criston. They watched in silence as Daemon took him down to the ground, kicking him in the ribs with everything he had.
"Jace?" A weak voice came from the bed. "Luke?"
Her brothers, who had been frozen in place at the entrance, bolted. They stopped on each side of the bed, then Lucerys crawled on all fours towards his sister. Both boys were crying, not even bothering to hide it from the others.
"Val?! Val, are you alright?!" Jacaerys asked as he sat down next to her and reached for her left hand.
"One hand broken, bone coming out my leg..." Valaena snorted, squeezing his hand with hers, as the other ruffled Luke's hair. "I've had worse."
"Valaena!" Aegon yelled out, tearing himself free from his uncle's grasp. By now, he was covered in blood. It was coming out of his mouth, his nose, his split brow. One eye was staring to swell and close, pale skin turning deep shades of purple and blue.
"You come anywhere near her and I'll kill you myself!" Jacaerys shot up, hand still holding on his sister's. Lucerys didn't move, eyes trained down on his Valaena's face.
"She's my wife!"
"And our sister! The one you almost killed by playing the jester!" Jace yelled back as he tried to make his way towards his uncle, but Valaena wouldn't let go.
"Have you no shame? None at all..." Luke whispered through sobs, his small hands wrapping around Valaena. "Leave! All of you!"
Aemond and Criston looked at eachother, then nodded. They went over to Aegon, each wrapping a hand around him as they pulled him our of the room.
Despite his protests, Aegon was dragged out. He watched as Valaena wrapped her arms around her brothers, the three of them weeping like children. Then Daemon hid them from his eyes, bloodied hands wrapping around the door handles.
"I have every right to be in there!" Aegon yelled out before his uncle could close the doors shut.
"The love I have for your father is the only reason I'm not killing you, nephew." Daemon spat down on the ground, then his face dissappeared behind the wooden doors.
"How long, Grand Maester?" Valaena asked as she played with the strings of her tunic. "I wish to go out, all this waiting is driving me mad."
The old man sighed with a smile as he wrapped her hand close to her body.
"Soon, Princess. Your arm is healing fast, but your leg... I think it'd be another fortnight before you can walk."
Valaena leaned back, head slamming into the headboard as she did. She had spent the last two months walking around with crutches and another- bedridden.
All she wanted was to get out of the Red Keep and fly on Quicksilver with Jace and Luke. Her family had abandoned their home on Dragonstone, so they could keep close while she healed.
"It takes time, Princess." The Grand Maester said as he patted her on the other shoulder. The two had grown close, the old man being one of the few people aside from her family, to spend time with her.
In the first month since Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond had brought her back from that cave, the Grand Maester found himself bringing all the books in his possession to her. The Princess Valaena was the one who'd requested it. She'd already read through everything she had. Twice.
"I know, I know...Still, I want out." Valaena said, eyes rolling.
"You do go out..."
Before she could say anything else, the Grand Maester continued.
"I understand, child. But I can't let you do it. You might break it again, and then you'll have to spend twice as much time as you've already done, in here. We don't want that now, do..."
A knock came from the door. Valaena looked away from the maester.
"Come in."
Aegon hesitated for a bit, then opened the door and walked in. His eyes met those of the Grand Maester. He nodded, the man taking the hint.
"Princess! I will be back later this evening..."
"More books?" She pleaded with her eyes.
"I'll see what I can do about it. Though there's barely anything left in my private library, that you haven't read already."
They both chuckled knowingly. Aegon narrowed his eyes, then cleared his throat.
"My Prince! Princess Valaena!" The Grand Maester said as he shook the woman's good hand, then headed for the exit.
The room went quiet as he shut the doors behind his back.
"So...How have you been?"
She didn't answer, but instead threw her legs over the bed and got up. Aegon quickly made his way towards her, arms wrapping around her waist. Valaena let out a hiss, lips curving inwards as she snarled.
"Do not presume to touch me. Ever again..." She pushed him away with one hand, the other resting on the headboard.
Aegon pulled back, head dropping down. He watched her pick the crutch that was resting on the wall.
"Our presence has been requested, later this evening. The King is to host another dinner before your mother and brothers leave for Dragonstone."
She nodded as she wobbled past him. Aegon's hands shot up, then quickly dropped once he noticed the way she was looking at him.
"I will see you later then. Go." Valaena said as she sat down on one of the chairs in their chambers, waving him off.
Aegon opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He'd spent the last few months showering her with all kinds of gifts- books, jewelry, dresses. Nothing helped. The cold look in her eyes stayed the same.
"You wish me to escort you?" He finally asked, after swallowing the lump in his throat.
"Why? You wish to take someone else with you? Perhaps one of your whores?" She hissed out, not even looking up from the book in her lap.
"No, I meant...I haven't been with..." Aegon tried to explain, but Valaena interrupted him.
"That will be all then."
Aegon was sitting in silence, eyes glued to the plate in front of him. The room was buzzing, his family chatting and laughing. Even Aemond was in a relatively good mood. He was talking to their sister, Helaena, who was sitting between her two brothers.
Valaena was on his right, just as she had on the night their betrothal was announced. She had turned her back to Aegon, her full attention turned to Jace and Luke.
Aegon eyed the wine decanter again. He wanted to pour himself a glass so bad. No, what he wanted was to down the whole thing. But he'd promised. To himself. To her.
Daemon was staring at him from across the table, hiding a smirk behind one hand. He'd spent every free moment of his time back in the capital, tormenting his nephew. In his eyes, the young prince deserved it all. He was the one who had almost killed one of his daughters, after all.
"May I offer you a glass, nephew? Yours is rather empty, don't you think?"
The room fell silent, the tension growing with each second. Aegon looked up at his uncle, but kept silent.
"You are no stranger to it. After all, that's what brought us all here. Let's pour you one." Daemon said as he got up and reached across the table.
"I don't drink. Not anymore."
The Rogue Prince let out an ugly laugh. He rolled his eyes.
"You? The most prolific whoremonger and drunkard of our house? What will you tell us next, nephew? That you've stopped paying visits to your precious whores?"
"Yes. I don't..."
Aegon looked over to Valaena, then his eyes went back his hands that were resting on his thighs. His nails were digging in so deep, he was sure there'd be marks covering his legs soon.
"Daemon, please don't do it..." Rhaenyra said as she looked up at her husband. "Not now..."
"Why? His reckless ways almost cost us our oldest daughter's life." Daemon hissed, eyes never leaving Aegon. "Only a fool would be stupid enough to believe him."
The King sat up, head turning towards his brother.
"Brother, that's enough!"
"You know... if it were up to me, I would have had Valaena wed Jacaerys, dear nephew, as I'd already been planning..." He pressed forward, the glass in his hand slamming against the table. "Instead, in my hopes that we would be able to fix what had been broken, I let you have her. And it still wasn't enough for you."
Before he could finish, both Aegon and Valaena rose to their feet. The Princess tried to walk away, but without her crutch, she found herself having to lean on her husband for support.
"Must we keep digging our fingers in a wound that has yet to heal properly?" She said, angry tears streaming down the warm brown skin of her face. "It's already done."
Valaena tugged at Aegon's sleeve, silently asking him to get her out of the room.
He almost missed it, eyes trained on her face. The Prince shook himself out of the trance as he felt her fingers wrap around his. He pushed her chair back, then led her away. Neither of them saying a word as they walked away, leaving the rest of their family to stare at their backs.
As soon as the guards shut the doors, Jace and Luke started screaming at Daemon. Soon followed the voices of their mother, the King and the Queen.
Valaena hopped away on one foot, arm wrapped around Aegon's neck. She couldn't bare to listen to them yell at eachother again.
"Wait, what?!" A shriek left her mouth as her good foot was lifted of the ground.
Aegon didn't say a word, but instead wrapped his arms tighter around the woman's waist. His other one wasn't even touching her feet, too afraid he might cause more damage to the broken bone.
Valaena tried to protest, even get away from him. Aegon only held her tighter to his chest and walked away, towards their chambers. Her chambers.
After they'd found her in that cave, the Prince took all his possessions and moved to the a smaller room, right next to their chambers. He didn't want to cause her any more pain than he already had, even if he craved to be as close to her as humanly possible. So he stayed away, only ever coming to visit her now and then.
Soon, they reached the doors. The two knights that stood guard, opened them and closed them just as quick.
Aegon walked over to the bed, then sat down. He let out an annoyed huff, his head falling down to Valaena's shoulder without even realizing.
"What did you mean by that?" She asked, slightly flinching as his forehead made contact with the bare skin of her shoulder.
Aegon let out a confused hum, not even bothering to look up at her. He took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of her perfume. Lavender and thyme, it came to him.
"You said you don't drink anymore. And also..." Valaena trailed off.
"Why?" She asked, pulling away to look at him.
The silver haired man looked away, his face turning just a few shades pink. If they weren't so close, Valaena would have missed it. But she didn't.
"You deserve more." Aegon muttered. "More than I've ever been to you."
The Princess hummed, finger reaching to brush away at the short locks of hair that were covering his blue eyes.
"Do you remember how close we were before? You, me, Aemond, Jace and Luke? How we used to run around the castle, wielding those training swords? The jokes we played on Aemond? Then how they'd send us off to find him and apologize?"
Aegon nodded.
"What changed?"
"Everything? We did? The world around us too?"
Valaena shook her head.
"No. They did. They turned us against eachother."
Aegon looked up at her, hand wrapping around her wrist.
"They did this." She pointed towards him. "They did this too."
Her good hand turned towards her.
"It was them that made me believe you are my enemy. And still, I tried..."
"I'm sorry..."
"Why?" Valaena asked, voice going back to its usual coldness.
"I...I don't know. It's always been like that. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"But you did. There I was, ready to forgive and forget all. I went against my own wishes and desires..."
A shudder ran through Aegon, eyes going down to stare at the floor.
"I agreed to the match. I tried to make you see me as I am. To see you as you are. I gave you my everything. So why?"
Two fingers hooked under his chin and then pulled up. Eyes of blue skies met those of dark waters.
"I was scared." Aegon admitted. "Of your actions, your feelings. I thought you were trying to trick me at first. To make me fall down, be at your mercy. Then you'd lodge one of those daggers in the back of my neck."
He took a breath in as the world around him came crashing down. He wanted to stop, to push her away again. To pour himself a glass, then another and another. To forget. But the words kept spilling out.
"Then I thought you might actually love me. And that scared me even more. I don't think I know what's it like."
"To love?"
"To be loved." He let out a sour, short laugh. "I don't think anyone has. Ever. Not even my own parents. Father just pushes me to the side and mother... Well, you know how she is."
His breath hitched as her good hand wrapped around the back of his neck. The grip he had on her waist tightened even more.
"So you did to me what they've been doing to you? You pushed me away?"
His chin went to rest on her shoulder, Aegon desperately trying to hide his face from her.
"What changed?" Valaena asked.
"The way you looked at me that day...When you stormed in here and saw me with her." Her nails dug in his neck at the memory.
"That's what I felt when I saw you and that silver beast hit the waters." Aegon smiled weakly. "It broke me. It doesn't come close to what you must have felt, but..."
"It doesn't." She interrupted.
"But it crushed me." He ignored her words. "The moment you came flying down past me. Aemond screaming from above that you're falling. Then you dissappeared."
He was now rocking back and forth, his grip getting weaker.
"And just like that, you were gone. And all I wanted to do was follow. It took everything in me to not jump off of Sunfyre that day. But I knew I had to find you." His voice betrayed him. "Because I had finally realized that you did it only because you truly cared. You weren't lying or trying to trick me."
Valaena didn't know what to say. She sat there, in his lap, letting him sob into her shoulder. His tears running down her skin and soaking into her sleeve.
"You might as well be the only person that had ever showed any kind of affection towards me, without me giving something back. And I pushed you away, because I'm a coward..."
"You truly are." She said after a few seconds of him breathing heavily. "And an idiot too..."
Aegon was shaking like a leaf. He expected it. Maybe more. Maybe a slap or a punch to the face. For her to break his nose, just like her father had few months back. He deserved it all.
Instead, she unwrapped her hand from around his neck and placed it on the side of his face, pulling at it so he could face her. His eyes went down, the shame too great for Aegon to ever look at her. A soft pair of lips touched his forehead. Then they pulled away.
"Don't leave me." He begged. "Please. I know I'm a piece of shit and I don't deserve it. But please, don't leave me."
"I have had every chance to do so. Why would I leave now?" She asked.
"Daemon. He said...You and Jacaerys."
"He only said it to spite you. He knows just as well as everyone else, that both me and Jace would sooner put the knife to our hearts..." Valaena rolled her eyes. "Not to mention, I already have a husband."
"One that has done nothing to deserve you."
Aegon finally felt brave enough to look her in the eyes. As he did, a thunder roared somewhere outside of the Red Keep. Just as it had on that cursed day.
"I am so sorry, Val...I will spend the rest of my life regretting what I did to you."
The woman looked away and towards the open window. Then a soft laugh came from her, white locs shaking as she did.
"It has been ears since the last time you called me that."
Aegon started laughing too, the picture of Valaena sitting in his lap and laughing ingrained is his mind forever. It was the first he'd heard her do it in years. He pulled her closer, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.
"Would this be a bad time to start?" He asked.
"No...It wouldn't." She replied, arm wrapping around him once more.
They sat there like that, with him smiling like a madman as they listened to the rain. Two roars came from somewhere above their heads.
"Is that...?"
"You were right. It's not fair for me to keep him locked in there." Aegon muttered.
Valaena laughed out again, then she rested her head against his.
"It's getting late. We have to get up early, to send out my family." She whispered.
The smile fell from Aegon's face. He nodded his head, then helped her stand up.
"I will see you on the morrow then." He said as his hands left her, the voice inside his head screaming at him to go back to her.
Before he could walk away, Valaena reached out for him.
Two pairs of eyes met. Ones the shade of clear, bright skies, and the other- of the darkest, most dangerous seas.
He was ready. To dive in those dark, dangerous seas. To let the water fill his lungs, until he could feel nothing else,but the burning sensation of drowning.
She was too. Ready to fly up at those clear, bright skies. To feel the cold wind in her face, until it gets so cold, her heart freezes and shatters into million tiny pieces.
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shaunashipman · 2 months
Being 100% serious, I was a hardcore b.ddie shipper before bucktommy happened. I was all in on the theories, the slow burn of it all, etc. I loved them. And when bucktommy first happened I was ready to dive in with multishipping bx to me that's just. What you do. When there are two/more ships that you like. You ship both. You ship all of them together. It's like playing with dolls, yknow?
But then the toxicity started. And fortunately I have amazing mutuals so I didn't see the worst of it until I went into the tags. And I am being so completely serious when I say that watching the toxic b.ddie stans rip bucktommy apart, harass the actors, harass Tim Minear, going out of their way to be the most aggressive, annoying people in fandom. It killed my enjoyment of the ship.
I dont ship b.ddie anymore because of the way these people have behaved. Because of the way that side of fandom has been overtaken by bitterness and hate and thinly veiled homophobia. I cannot find enjoyment in that ship anymore because of the way people have turned it into the new destiel.
Tim likes writing the buck/Eddie friendship, and I love seeing it on screen, but it would not surprise me in the LEAST if the stans cause another cast separation like the destiel fans did. (Iydk: destiel fans harassed the actors to such an extent that they actually severed ties irl; for years, they refused to do con panels together or pr together bx the fans were so obsessive that they actually sparked rumours about the ACTORS cheating on their respective wives* with each other.)
(*Do I think it'll go that far here? I hope not, but given that people are shipping Ryan and Oliver already, it wouldn't surprise me if they did.)
Sorry this got long. I dont normally just drop into ppls asks to whine like this but I just have to say it to someone who isn't going to crucify me for not shipping b.ddie anymore. Maybe if the fans calm tf down I'll go back but for now... b.ddie to me are platonic soulmates. That's all it's gonna be to me.
I hope your day is going better than mine.
I'm always good with rants in my inbox so long as ppl are respectful 🫶
I'm really sorry the other stans have ruined your enjoyment of the ship, that is one of the worst feelings in fandom. I too used to ship buddie, as a purely fanon ship, but now I don't even want to read fics, and seeing gifs of them gives me such a visceral no response, which sucks because a lot of the gifsets are gorgeous and as a fellow gifmaker I know how much effort goes into them
I do hope things will calm down and you can enjoy it again; unfortunately I fear if bucktommy are still together at the end of the season 🤞 and there isn't a clear shutdown on buddie from TPTB, that it's only going to get worse over the hiatus
in the meantime
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