#did i post this already?
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snoopylovessoup · 11 months ago
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cheesit-notes · 1 year ago
Ghost x Reader (if you squint)
warnings?: fem!reader, sorry but brief mention of pregnancy (i swear this isnt a pregnancy au thing, just the consequences of actions...), ghost is a red flag and reader is a damn bull, word vomit
a/n: below is just a short drabble about how Ghost x Reader and they’re unhealthy relationship. his characteristics are slightly exaggerated and it's like sorta angsty? hurt no comfort, idk what to call it. sorry for not writing and uploading but imma try to balance and post more from now on :3
Ghost isn’t someone you can up and go date with. he’s a dead man with a target on his head, and as long as he’s still alive, that statement stays true.
he won’t approach you, a civilian unrelated to any of the missions he’s been assigned. so what, you approach him? he isn’t the easiest to approach either. you'd have to be persistent, to the point of annoyance, for even a chance. and even then, what after? he won’t let you close. he won’t let you within arms reach. why? because as long as he’s breathing, anyone who knows of his existence instantly has their safety jeopardized.
say you do get past his emotional barriers and that perhaps he does care about you. it’s not like he’ll say it. maybe his actions will show for it, but even then what good are actions when they’re accompanied by berating words degrading you for simple mistakes.
so you ignore all his signs, all the red glaring flags. even he'd admit he isn't and will never be close to a good partner, not even a decent partner. say you do make the first move. you touch him. you offer yourself. you whisper things in his ear that you shouldn't. and what is he supposed to do? Ghost may be a dead man but he's still a man. he takes you up on your offer.
then maybe you'll have a blissful few weeks that you were dreaming of. but when your stomach hurts, you feel sick in the morning, and, god no, the pregnancy test shows positive. what? you think he'd bother with all that protection nonsense? he's chasing after his high. you and him were nothing more than each other's stress relief. he tells you to "get rid of it" with bitterness lacing his words. will you?
you choose to get rid of it. you're lucky you did before it grew too much, too developed. because then, you risk growing attached to the little thing inside you. Ghost is reluctant to keep going with this- whatever you two had. you convince him. you'll go through this cycle until you can't anymore. he'll think about 'it' and hate it. eventually, Ghost will leave. he'll suddenly cut all ties with you and leave you emptier than you were before. you think you'll find him again if you try? wrong. he can disappear from your world in an instant, and there's nothing you can do.
oh, so you decide to keep it? that makes it easier for Ghost to decide. he leaves. it was already risky, you associating with him. so he breaks off any relation he had to you now that there will be a child that's a mixture of him and you. soon, you and that child will be but a memory buried somewhere forgettable in his mind.
no matter the choice, you and Ghost are not meant to be. don't waste your breath on a dead man.
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ramuneda5149 · 11 months ago
Y'know, there are times...
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... when you just need...
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... to raise your percentage.
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John, drunk: You know what, I love you Arthur and I am happy to call you my brother.
Arthur, also drunk: The feeling is mutual brother.
Tilly, the only sober one: whatthefuckwhatthefucktheyarebeingnicetoeachotherwhatthefuckwhatthefuuuuuck
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zappybatz · 10 months ago
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spooky-circuits · 1 month ago
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Amphibia reference? More likely than you think.
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chereverie · 2 years ago
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mistbunny · 10 months ago
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toorumochi · 11 months ago
Karma: *unbuttoning shirt* God it’s so hot in here
Gakushuu: I know, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?
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urfaveisayandere · 1 year ago
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Bruce Wayne from Batman: The Animated Series is a yandere!
Requested by anonymous!
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fabioquartararhoe · 1 year ago
@.gingerandlimon: spotted in Paris… @.fabioquartararo20 wearing @.kamadparis & @.americanvintage_officiel 💎
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meaniezuchinni · 1 year ago
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Older Louise pencil sketch.
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apersontried · 1 year ago
hi!! im not very active here so oops but i'll still browse around
ANYWAYS i just wanted to post sum,,, idk if i shown this before already since i made it like a while ago but if i did then uhm repost i guess!!
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 8 months ago
Spots leg 🦵 🔥
(Its movie versions bc i felt like it idk)
_race POV-
I whined sleepily when i felt Spot’s arms disappear from around me. He laughed softly and kissed just behind my ear
“Cmon Tony the bell’s gonna ring soon” He informed me. I whined again and rolled over to face him. I opened an eye sleepily and saw him grinning at me. He had himself propped up with an elbow. I whined and pulled hin down on top of me. He laughed
“Tony!” He laughed. We wrestled for a little bit before I settled with my head on his chest and my body curled up next to him. I looked around the room. If you could call it that. There had been two small rooms upstairs the way the Brooklyn lodge had been built. One was for the leader (Spot) and the other was, as Smokes had put it, to fuck in so they don’t traumatize the littles.
“We’re gonna have to get up in like five minutes Ton” he said, petting my hair
“Then we will- I want my cuddles” I replied, huffing. Spot rolled his eyes and kissed me lightly. I wiggled a bit so i was sitting up a bit more and then i saw his leg. 
Now Spot being Spot had a lot of scars. But i knew about almost all of them. I say almost all because his pant leg had gotten pulled up during the wrestling and i could see his left leg. The skin was sort of mottled, with raised lines scattered around it as well. It took up the entirety of his lower calf, and looked like it went higher up. How had I not noticed it before??
Spot looked up me, confusion evident on his face. The blond poked my cheek with his finger and I looked at him
“Yeah?” I asked
“Jus’ let it be” He replied, pulling me down “It’s old I promise”
“Wha- How'd you get it?” I asked him, He went silent for a moment, running a hand through my curls. He eventually just shrugged
“Was a long time ago- don’t matter” He finally replied. I wanted to argue, but the bell rang and Spot rolled out of bed. The sounds of the other Brooklyn Newsies waking up could be heard. I followed Spot and started to get dressed like we had many other times. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed alright, if a bit upset. 
“You alright Seanie?” I asked him, kissing the top of his head.
“Yeah Im okay” He replied, kissing my cheek before going downstairs. I slipped on my shirt and followed. It was a pretty familiar sight that greeted me. The littles were up and bouncing off teh walls as always while York was attempting to change his shirt with Graves clinging to him. Smokes was trying to herd the littles while Dice was laughing uncontrollably. Knobs had his arms wrapped around his partner's waist while he tried to get a little more sleep. Dice rolled their eyes and shook their boyfriend.
I looked at Graves as we were walking back. York had agreed (albeit very grudgingly) to help Dutchy with the littles so Graves had gone selling with me. I glanced at him as he walked alongside me. The two of us got along wel, we had similar personalities ourselves, and our boyfriends also had similar personalities.  We got back to the lodge fairly quickly as we hadn’t gone too far selling. 
It had been ominously dark and cloudy all day, so most of the newsies didn’t want to go too far in case they got caught in the rain and developed a cold. That was never any fun at all. We entered the lodge to find it mostly full. The littles (which Brooklyn had a large amount of) were all either playing a game of stick tag or just plain rough housing. Knobs was lying face down with his head in Dice’s lap. Dice running a hand through the other’s sandy curls. I didn’t pay much mind to the other couples or the poker game going on.
 I watched as Graves went over to York, who was absentmindedly pushing a few marbles around on his bunk, and flopped into his lap. The older boy rolled his eye affectionately and kissed him lightly. I went upstairs in search of Spot. He was lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He half-sat up when I entered and he smiled slightly. I grinned and snuggled against him, he put an arm aro I grinned and snuggled against him, he put an arm around Me and I hummed happily
“Looks like it’s gonna storm” I said to him, taking his other hand and playing with his fingers. He laughed slightly 
“Yeah it does” he frowned “I seriously hope it doesn’t though, I’m too tired to calm down everyone” I gasped, feigning shock
“Did you just ADMIT you’re tired????” He cuffed the back of my head and after a short internal debate I moaned. He gave me a withering look and I broke down in a fit of hysterical giggles. He frowned slightly
“It’s not that funny Antonio”
“It is” I hummed, snuggling against him more. The arm that was around me started to play with my hair. I hummed and snuggled more into his side. Spot started to whisper in Spanish to me and I -surprisingly- found myself getting sleepy 
I guess I must have fallen asleep for a bit because when I awoke next I was alone in Spot’s bed. He must have tucked me in because I was wrapped in his blankets. I snuggled down into them, they were warm. As I slowly woke up I registered the sound of pouring rain. I groaned and stood up, looking out the window. It was cloudy, with rain falling everywhere. 
There was a loud boom of thunder that made me jump. I padded downstairs to the main room. The clock said it was only 7:18, but it was summer so it was usually still light out by now. Dice, Dutchy, and Hotshot were all playing a game of cards. Hotshot and Dutchy seemed unbothered by the thunder and lightning, while Dice would jump anytime there was a thunderclap. Knobs sat next to Dice, his chin resting on Dice’s shoulder.
Smokes was talking to the majority of the littles, presumably telling them a story. Ace was holding tightly onto his boyfriend’s waist, not appreciating the storm. I watched as Smokes put a blanket over Ace and pet his hair. Graves was sitting in York’s lap. The larger boy had his arms around Graves’ middle and his face buried in Graves’ neck. Snoddy was comforting a few terrified littles, patting their backs and such. 
As i looked around i didnt see spot. I looked at Dice, who was nervously fiddling with the small pouch they kept their dice in. 
“Dice?” I asked “You seen Spot?” 
“He went upstairs while you were looking around” came the reply. I blinked, laughing slightly at the mix-up.
“Alright- thanks” I laughed. Dice nodded in response and returned to the game. I glanced over at them one more time and I noticed Knobs was holding their hand, the other arm around their waist. I smiled softly as i went upstairs. 
“Hiii seanie” I grinned as i walked into his room, closing the door “I thought you was downstairs” I said as I turned to face him. He nodded, not replying. I shrugged it off as him being tired and I flopped onto the bed next to him. He glanced down at me, he had that expression on his face where you KNOW something’s bothering him, but you can't figure out what. 
“You okay?” I asked him, pressing a small kiss to his lips. He shook his head, pulling me against him and buryinghis face in my chest. I pet his hair
“Is it the storm? Too loud?” I asked. He shook his head again. I started to run my hands through his shaggy hair. He needed to get it cut soon, I knew he didnt like when it got too long. It wasnt like super long anyways but he wasnt a fan of it.
“S m leg” He mumbled, leaning into me more. I squeezed him against myself, rubbing my hand up and down his back
“Does it hurt?” I asked him softly. He shook his head and started to shake slightly. It took me a minute before I registered that he was crying! I kissed the top of his head, running a hand through his hair again
“S- I-” he managed, his voice shaking along with him “I look like a fucking  monster Ray!” He managed, squeezing me. I continued to run a hand through his hair, enjoying how soft it was. 
“no you don’t spotty” I assured him, stroking his hair and holding him. he continued to shake and he let out a small sob. 
“s-s-s-” He stammered out, shaking violently. Thunder boomed and he yelped, jumping befor hiding his face in me.
“shhh shhh” I murmured “it is okay spotty. You don’t look like a monster”
“i-i-i-“ Spot sobbed “i do Ray- stupid fucking fire fucked up my fucking leg” he whimpered 
“what fire?” I murmured to him, confused. He just shook his head and continued to shake. I carefully picked up s blanket and attempted to pry him off of me. He squeaked and hid his face more
“shh its okay im just gonna put a blanket around ya” i murmured to him, petting his hair. He sniffed and nodded, wiping off his face with the back of his hand. I wrapped him in a blanket and held him against me. he sniffed and looked up at me. I hummed and wiped the tears off his face.
“s-s” he let out a choked noise, face scrunching up as he attempted to speak “fires the reason- reason m here”
I froze for a second. He hadn’t ever talked about why he was in Brooklyn when he was so clearly an immigrant. i kissed his hair
“how so?”
“killed Pa” he mumbled ��an Charlie an Austin an Julia” his voice rose in pitch as he spoke, i could see him getting more and more visibly upset. I hugged him against my chest tighter. he hid his face more. I rubbed his back
“i hate to ask” I said gently 
“s fine” he mumbled
“what do you mean?” I asked him softly. I had completely forgotten about the storm until that moment. There was an almost blinding flash of lighting.The thunder was extremely loud, loud enough to the point where you can feel it in your chest. Me and Spot both jumped, I let out an involuntary squeak, and shouts could be heard from below. Spot latched onto me and spoke shakily
“I- there was a fire” he said slowly “an pa an Charlie an Julia got caught inside” he shook “me, ma an Austin got outside- but Austin didn’t last much longer” he sniffled, burying his face “m’leg got caught’fore we made it out an thas why s all scarred up”
“okay” i kissed the top of his head “thank yiu for twlling me” I had plenty of questions for him, but he wasn’t in a condition that i wanted to ask him questions in case i uoset him more. I just set him down on the bed and he whined, wiping his face clumsily as he shook slightly. I didn’t know if he was cold, scared, or upset. I rolled him up in the blanket and he laughed slightly, smiling a bit. i grinned and tucked the now- burritoed Spot under another blanket. he pouted slightly and stuck out his tongue 
“at least come lay with me” he huffed. he was shaking less. maybe he was just cold. He seened ti have calmed down fairly quickly. I laid down ynde the blankets next to him and pulled my boyfriend against my chest
I carefully wiped off his face, kissing his cheeks where the tears had been. 
“you’re very pretty” *i murmured to him, wiggling until i was comfortable “and cute and perfect”
he just rolled his eyes in response, but he smiled a bit more and nuzzled against me. another thunderclap made ups both jump, but it wasn’t as loud as the last one.
“Try and get some sleep” I murmured to him
“okay” he replied, closing his eyes. I carefully kissed his eyelid and he snickered a bit “feels tickly” he informed me. i giggled and squeezed my burrito of a boyfriend
“I love you Sean Patrick Conlon” I hummed “you’re my pretty boyfriend” I kissed the top of his head and i saw what small amount of his face i could see redden
“Love you too Antonio Edward Higgins-Conlon” he giggled slightly. I huffed
“stoppp i knoe what you’re laughing at!”
“eDwArD” he giggled softly. I rolled my eyes and huffed
“Patrick isn’t exactly cool either”
“eDwArDo!” he snickered. I rolled my eyes
“shut up Conlon” I huffed, then looked at him, realizing something “did you call me Higgins-Conlon?”
“maybe” he replied, snuggling against me. I hummed and kissed him again. he smiled
“love you Race”
“I love you too Spot”
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sayyestoheavensayyestome · 9 months ago
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