#did i never post this???
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flyingfazfoxes · 7 months ago
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Monty was pretty close with Foxy from his time working in Pirate's Cove, so he was the first one he told about the distressing news of him replacing Bonnie.
This wasn't the first time (and hardly the last time) Monty broke down the store backstage.
Foxy doesn't really care but the boy could learn to knock dammit.
ft. Foxy without his coat & stage make up are those exposed shoulders, how scandalous
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banannabethchase · 5 months ago
Lost the Reflex to Resist - also on AO3
Matt and Adam have the rings, Mox has a question, Adam has a story, and they all have a whole lot of interest in each other still.
An epilogue and prologue in one. Thank you to all who have read along with me as I created this weird story. Current canon is HILARIOUSLY off base with this now, but this is set pre-Blood and Guts, so, perhaps, I can hold on to that. Title from I Could Get Used to This by The Veronicas.
Adam curses and pauses to unhook his hair from the ring. “Damn thing,” he mutters.
“Why do you keep complaining?” Matt asks. It’s infuriating how calm and collected he sounds, running near full speed on the treadmill. His cheeks are red and his skin has a sheen of sweat, but he looks thoroughly unbothered as he runs. “You’re the one who demanded we adjust the setting.”
“I didn’t demand it!” Adam says. “I – requested it.” He hadn’t realized that tightening some of the metal around one of the gems would cause the little prongs to poke up the tiniest bit. It’s happened weekly for the past few months. Now he’s training for Blood and Guts, and Matt has to be all mean to him on camera, and, to top it all off, his hair has been ripped out.
“You are being so embarrassing,” Matt says, grinning. “What, are you going to start pouting?”
Adam makes a mental note to ruin Matt to entirety once Dynamite is over.
There is something poetic about Adam not being the one actually pouting on a Dynamite day, but also having it not be Matt, either.
It takes a while before he recognizes the shadow, but after the third or fourth pass, it’s obvious. Mox looks uncharacteristically annoyed, almost Matt-like, once Adam gets a chance to see him after his brief vacation. He’s here on backstage work, helping to plan out future storylines and game plan Bryan’s retirement with him, but he keeps walking by the EVP locker room at least once an hour. He’ll glance in, turn away, and then look back before finally walking off. He then returns within the hour.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” Adam asks, halfway through a little braid behind Matt’s ear.
“Who?” Nick asks. He peers out, nearly throwing his notebook on the floor. Adam nudges it closer to the couch with his foot, careful not to dislodge the bookmark hastily shoved into place. “Who is it?”
“Oh my god, stop acting like Billy would do anything but walk up into the room and sweep you off your feet,” Matt says.
“There is no reason for you to be bitchy when you’re the one getting your hair braided.” Nick throws a middle finger up over his shoulder, and Matt huffs. “Seriously, who is being all weird about our – oh.”
Mox, midway through a pass, pauses in front of Nick, looking interesting. “Am I the weird whatever?”
“Yes,” Matt says, with surprising confidence. “Adam keeps seeing you walk by.”
“Maybe Adam’s watching me walk by,” Mox retorts.
Adam snickers. “Only possible if you were stalking us and too nervous to come say hi, but whatever.”
“I’ll see you at catering,” Mox says, almost too abruptly. He turns on his heel and leaves.
“Okay, now I’m even more confused,” Adam mutters. “Also, the braid is done.”
Matt looks up at him, beaming. “I’ll hide it during my promos and everything. But I want to keep it in.”
Adam manages to feel his heart backflip, even as Nick gags and pretends to throw up in the trash can.
They’re in the middle of a pre-Dynamite snack and a conversation when somebody drops down hard next to Matt and across from Adam at the table.
“Hey,” Mox says, taking an absurdly huge bite of an equally large apple. He crunches noisily, smiling around the mouthful. “What’s up?”
“Close your damn mouth,” Adam says, throwing a napkin at him. All he has left is his Diet Coke, and he takes a sip as he waits for Mox to explain himself. He’ll talk eventually.
“So,” Mox says. He lounges. It feels a little…much. Like an act. “I hear the two of you are engaged.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks. “Who told you?”
“Because we know it wasn’t social media,” Matt says. It’s impressive how he can even take a sip from his water with attitude.
Mox shrugs. “A little birdie let me know.”
Adam nods, swallowing his soda. “You here to say congratulations?”
“Sort of.” Mox adjusts in his seat. “Can I, um. Can I see the rings?”
Adam and Matt stick their hands out, and Mox seems to stare like he’s not sure what he’s supposed to be looking for. Adam gets it. He wasn’t sure either until he checked in with Ruby and Willow. “Sparkly,” he says, nodding. He looks up. “Very cool.”
“You’re acting weird,” Matt says, popping a grape into his mouth. “I mean, you’re always weird, but this is different weird. Weird weird.”
Mox’s face turns into some bizarre facsimile of a smile. There’s a pause. More of a pause. “Does this mean we can’t fuck anymore?” Mox blurts out.
Adam pauses, focusing very hard on not choking on his soda. “Dude?!”
“Sorry,” Mox says, and he lowers his voice into a whisper, like that’s the only issue. “Do those two rings mean I can’t fuck you two anymore?”
Matt blushes furiously and covers his face with his hands, and Adam takes a few breaths to keep from exploding.
“The volume wasn’t the problem,” he hisses, with teeth gritted. “It was the content.”
It’s the wrong thing to say.
Mox’s grin goes sharklike, and Adam immediately regrets calling Mox out.
“Don’t –”
“What, you don’t want people to know you share your – well, I guess he’s your fiancée now, isn’t he.” His grin grows wider as Adam feels at least a few eyes settling on their conversation.
“Mox,” Matt says quietly.
Mox shuts up immediately when he gets a look at Matt’s face. “Shit. Sorry, man. Didn’t mean to overstep.”
“I’m not the one you should apologize to,” Matt says. He nods at Adam.  “He’s the one who didn’t like that.”
Mox is almost sheepish as he smiles over at Adam. “Sorry, man,” he says, and it’s almost like he’s trying to whisper but isn’t sure how to.
“You’re good,” Adam says, and he takes a long sip of his soda. May as well make Mox sit in it. “Weird way to start a conversation though.”
Matt snorts.
“What are you laughing about?” Adam asks.
“Better than starting the first ever conversation with somebody by insisting they’re their brother.”
Adam groans. “I thought we were over that.”
“Oh, Nick is,” Matt says. “I think it’s funny. I’m going to make fun of you for it probably forever.” He studies Adam’s face, smiles, then looks down at his ring. “Definitely forever.”
“What?” Mox asks. He turns to Adam. “The fuck did you do?”
Adam drops his face in his hands, groaning. “Please don’t.”
“I won’t!” Mox says, and when Adam looks up, his hands are up in surrender. “Just. Sounds like a good story, is all.”
Matt snickers. “It’s a great story. Adam, if you won’t tell it, can I?”
“In private,” Adam insists. “I can tell from the Axe smell that one of the Gunns is lurking over my shoulder.”
“Goddamnit,” Austin grumbles.
“I told you to stop wearing that stupid body spray!” Colten punctuates it with something that sounds like a slap.
“I can do in private,” Mox says. “You two want to get breakfast tomorrow?” He pauses, eyes narrowing. “Though I’m getting the idea that this won’t be a breakfast appropriate conversation.”
“What in the eff is a breakfast appropriate conversation?”
Mox licks his lips as he looks at Matt. “Talking about what I’d like to do to you the next time the three of us are alone.”
Matt, surprisingly, sighs. “Keep it in your pants, Jonathan.” He stands. “I need to go check in on the sign in sheet, make sure nobody was held up by any weather at the airport.” He walks away with a confidence Adam is a little bit worried about.
“You asked him to marry you and now he’s got then nerve to talk back,” Mox says, leaning back in his seat.
“Technically, he asked me to marry him first.”
Adam’s yawning, half asleep from highly disrupted intended 8 hours of sleep because Matt saw a new position he liked mulling around online, when they sit down at the booth in the diner.
They’re midway through cups of coffee when Mox sits down, grinning. “Sorry about being weird yesterday,” and he doesn’t look sorry at all. “Got a tendency to look like a fuckin’ weirdo when I’m horny.”
“Please,” Matt says, rolling his eyes. “That was nothing.”
“I don’t know,” Adam muses. “That was pretty weird.”
Matt rolls his eyes. “Mox, I need you to know how much Adam effed up the first time we met.”
“Can’t have been that bad,” Mox says, nodding to the two of them. “Seems to have ended okay.”
“He mixed up me and Nick and insisted he hadn’t met me.”
Mox blinks. “Damn.”
“Shut up,” Adam grumbles. “I was, like, mid-twenties and confused and stressed. Leave me alone.” He’d hoped it would be at least a few minutes before he got called out. Half of him had hoped that Mox had forgotten.
“Don’t think I will.” Mox grins as he steals a home fry from Adam’s plate. “Talk.”
“No!” Adam says. He looks at Matt. “Matt, make him stop.”
“Ooh, I like this!” Matt says, and it’s really unfair how excited he seems. “Adam, tell Mox.”
“I don’t want to!”
Matt levels him with – they’re not boo boo eyes, exactly. There’s something a little more persuasive in them, something that actually half makes Adam want to do it. Just to see where those eyes go. “Please?” he asks. “I like hearing your version of how we met.” And there go the true boo boo eyes.
Adam sighs. “Goddamnit,” he grumbles. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll talk.”
He hangs up the phone, wondering if he just got himself fired. He’ll make up the NCI training another weekend. He has two weeks before his training expires. Principal Carver is probably just stressed out. It’ll be okay.
He walks up to the door, trying to look more confident and assured than he feels. “Hey, man,” he says, nodding.
The security guard, who can’t be much older than Adam himself but is about two times his size, looks him up and down. “Entrance is around front.”
“Yeah, I know,” Adam says, frowning. “But I just came out of this door.”
“Why?” the guy asks. He’s frowning harder than Adam is. “Kid, if you want to come to the show, buy a ticket.”
Adam tries to steady his breathing. De-escalation. He’s good at this. “I’m in the show,” he says, as calmly as he can get it. “I’m competing in the wrestling show. Like, I’m on the card.”
The guy frowns. “The wrestlers don’t come out this way. Am I gonna have to call the cops?”
Adam panics. There’s no de-escalation when the other person is getting in the way of your paycheck like this. “No, I swear,” he says. “I have – look, I’m, my name. My ring name is Adam Page. I work here.”
The body guard, examining him with disdain, shakes his head. “Nice try, dude,” he says. “I haven’t heard of anybody named Adam Page in this company.”
Adam is running out of time.
“Hey, man, what’s the issue?”
Adam turns around to see one of the Young Bucks – Matt, he thinks – walking up to him.
“Oh, thank god,” he says. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Matt stares at him, and Adam thinks this may be the worst first impression ever. It’s not cold, exactly, outside, but Adam feels the panicked sweat cool on his skin as he waits for him to be let in. “Alright, where are you on the card?”
“Oh, right. First names. I’m Adam Page.” He sticks out his hand, but Matt doesn’t respond the way he expects.
“Yeah, I know who you are,” Matt says, frowning. “You already introduced yourself.”
“I did?” Adam stares. “No, I didn’t. I met your brother, though, Nick.”
Matt’s frown deepens. “No, you met me,” he says.
Nick walks up from behind Matt, and it’s only then that Adam realizes their eyes are different colors. And that he definitely only met Matt. “Are you messing with us?” Nick asks. “We look nothing alike.”
“You do look alike!” Adam says. “I – are you twins or something?”
“Oh, my god, do you think making fun of us is going to get you pushed?” Nick’s eyes are angry, and Adam is…scared.
“That – that is not what I’m doing!” He tries to keep his voice under control. He immediately fails. “I swear, I got you two mixed up. I’m not great with faces.” He tries not to wince at just how pathetic he sounds. “Please. Don’t get me fired.”
Nick’s blue eyes – he’ll never forget it, Nick is blue and Matt is brown – burn with fury, but Matt seems to have a little sympathy behind his. “You didn’t mean it, did you.”
Adam shakes his head so hard he whips himself in the fact with is hair. “I didn’t. I promise.”
Matt looks at Nick and stares. With a sigh, Nick looks at him for an uncomfortably long beat before rolling his eyes toward Adam. “God, I know, but it’s annoying.”
Adam wonders, briefly, if he missed a whisper or something, but it doesn’t seem like it. Nick turns back to him before he can wonder more. “Fine. We’re good. But if you do something like this again, I’m kicking your ass.”
Adam nods. “Yeah, I get that. You’re Nick, he’s Matt, and you two aren’t twins.”
Nick rolls his eyes and walks away, but Matt has the barest hint of a smile.
“Let him in, Garth,” he says, stepping aside. “He may be a bit of an idiot, but he’s with us.”
Adam wants to get that hint of a smile to something full blown, and, even more so, he wants it aimed at him. He wants it more than he’s wanted anything other than being a world champion.
He’s jobbing, of course, but it goes well and there’s some people who really like him and start chanting. Adam, Adam, Adam. It still takes a few beats for him to remember that he’s the Adam they’re cheering for. But it’s nice. Even when it’s only one or two people, it’s nice.
He’s watching the main event from behind the curtain when he hears footsteps behind him. “Kid,” calls the booker. “Get in here.”
Adam knows he knows this guy’s name, but it’s been a crazy night and he’s tired. “Is everything okay, sir?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” the guy says, waving him off. “We got an idea for you. How’s Japan sound?”
“I – it sounds lovely?”
The guy looks at him with half a sympathetic smile, half something a little bit more condescending. “I’m tapping out of this conversation. Bucks?”
Adam freezes. “Bucks?”
Matt and Nick – brown and blue, he’ll never forget it – walk in. “Hey, man,” Matt says, looking far less icy than Nick does. “We got an idea.”
Twenty minutes later, with grunts of approval from the booker and careful explanation interjected with firm and mildly caustic clarifications from Nick, Adam is signing an agreement to try some dates over in Japan.
“We like you for Bullet Club,” Matt says. “You could be…” He trails off, and tilts his head to the side.
“Interesting,” Nick interjects. “And you could protect us.”
“From what?”
Matt’s lips quirk. “Well, in case we need somebody a little bit bigger to take on some of the people who are working against our interests.”
Adam thinks that, in any other situation, he’d mention it sounds like they’re hiring him to be a bit of a mercenary. But teaching doesn’t pay well, and Ring of Honor as it stands pays even worse.
“Yeah,” he says, signing with a flourish. “Yeah, I’m in.” The dates are mostly weekends, which will make it a lot harder to do that make up NCI training. He’ll be tired when he works.
It will be worth it.
When all the ink is dry, Adam stands and shoots his friendliest smiles at the others in the room. “Thank you. For this opportunity.” He clears his throat. “I, uh. I gotta shower. I’ll see y’all later?”
Matt’s eyes sparkle a little bit. “Yeah,” he says. “Okay.”
Adam’s in the locker room showers alone. He’s been killing time, meeting people, trying to wait for everyone to leave before he showers. He’s not nervous, exactly. But this many people gets him anxious, and he thinks he deserves a little more time before he has to be comfortable completely naked in front of strangers.
There’s another reason, though. He can’t fight the image of Matt’s face, smiling just a little bit at him, as he strokes his dick. He’s gotta make this quick. The venue’s probably closing soon. But this is his best way to keep his anxiety under control when he’s got to drive, and there’s a lot running through his veins right now that won’t let him relax.
He exhales, moving his hand more quickly, when the curtain rips open. His eyes fly open, and he moves his hand from his dick, but it’s too late. He’s pretty sure the writing’s on the wall.
But Matt, and it’s him, of course, is looking at him, eyes dragging up and down Adam’s body, lingering on his cock. And he licks his lips.
The adrenaline of the night must be really getting under his skin, because he grins at Matt until Matt looks at him. He’s still here. Neither of them have moved. Not really. “This why you asked me to join Bullet Club?” he asks. “You trying to get in on this, baby?”
Matt’s mouth drops into something akin to a pout and his cheeks flush. “I – that’s not why I asked,” he whispers.
“But you didn’t say you aren’t trying to get on this,” Adam says. “And you haven’t left.”
Matt exhales and it’s shaky. Adam wants to taste the hesitation and tension in the air. “I haven’t.” He swallows. “If I get in this shower, are you going to make fun of me?”
“Why would I make fun of you?” Adam asks. He hopes Matt can’t hear how hard his heart is hammering.
Matt shrugs. “Because maybe you think I’m Nick.”
Adam barks out a laugh before he can stop himself. “I definitely don’t think you’re Nick.” He pushes hair damp hair from his face so he can get a better look. “You have brown eyes. You make ‘em look all sad sometimes when you’re trying to look cute.”
“I do not!”
Adam raises an eyebrow. “You’re doing it right now. Like you think I don’t want you in the shower with me.”
Matt huffs, looks over his shoulder, peels off his shirt and sweatpants, and steps in. “Fine,” he says. “I’m here.”
Adam swallows. “You, um. You are.”
Matt’s expression shifts. “Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?”
Adam has plenty of ideas. But there’s one last question he has to ask. “Is this a regular initiation to Bullet Club or something?”
Matt tilts his head to the side. “Do I look like the kind of guy who propositions someone for a business deal?”
Adam considers it briefly. “You know what? No. Not for a business deal, at least.���
“I – fine, okay. That’s fair.” Matt stands on his toes and leans in until Adam’s back hits the wall. His hands go up automatically, flat and damp against Matt’s warm back. His skin is even softer than it looks. His eyes are softer, kinder, and more playful than he’s ever seen in the ring or on television.
He swallows. He won’t let himself get too invested in this man. He’s not that stupid.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” he whispers. He hopes the answer is yes.
Matt pushes up a little farther, and their lips touch. It’s not electric like a shock. It’s more like the warmth of a light on in the kitchen when you get home, and Adam thinks he’s already in trouble. He shouldn’t be thinking about home while his arms are around a guy he just met.
He forgets how to think about anything when Matt slips his tongue into Adam’s mouth. Their dicks bump against each other, fleetingly, and Adam hears the most interesting little whimper that he catches in his mouth from Matt.
He pulls back and Matt slides his lips down the side of Adam’s neck, nipping lightly. “Jesus,” Adam mumbles. “Okay, yeah.” He slides his hands down and grabs two solid handfuls of that ass, something he definitely has looked at when he thought he wasn’t allowed to, and moans. “God – it’s fucking unfair that you look like this.”
Matt pulls back and beams. “I knew it!” he says, almost too gleeful. “I knew you were looking at me.”
“Inviting you into my shower didn’t give you the first hint?!”
Matt shrugs. “Lots of people want to eff me when they first see me naked.”
Adam blinks at him.  “Sorry, did you just censor the word fuck?”
“We don’t swear,” Matt says. “Me or my brother, I mean.”
“It’s we’re that you’re bringing up your brother when we’re both naked.”
Matt shrugs. “If I give you a blow job, will you leave me alone about not cursing?”
Adam thinks that, if Matt gives him a blow job, he might straight up fall in love. But that is a terrible thing to say. “Probably not,” he says, but right now he’s grinning down at Matt who’s rolling his eyes and smiling up at him. So maybe that’s the right thing to say.
Matt’s mouth around him is beyond anything Adam could have imagined. There was definitely a part of him that assumed this was some sort of prank or way to get him in trouble. But Matt’s the one on his knees, making interested little sounds on the sides of the slurping noises. And Adam is willing to get embarrassed if it also gets him this.
“Jesus,” he murmurs. “I – can I?” He gingerly puts his hand on top of Matt’s head. He’s about to pull back when Matt’s hand whips up and grabs his, shoving his fingers into Matt’s hair.
Matt pulls back, grinning. “You can pull it, too, if you want,” Matt says. There’s a sparkle in his eyes that suggests that, maybe, he’s the one who wants it.
“Yeah, okay,” Adam breathes.
He doesn’t pull. Not very much. He doesn’t want to overstay his welcome or overstep. But he’s in his mid-twenties and he’s got a hair trigger on his best days, and this isn’t going to last.
“Matt,” he says. “Matt, okay, it’s been so long since – anything, and I –” He chokes out, moaning, as Matt literally swallows him down and Adam is gone. Absolutely gone.
He whimpers, half embarrassment and half overstimulation, and Matt pulls back. There’s a brief cough then a warm hand on Adam’s arm.
“I take it that was good?”
Adam opens his eyes to see Matt smiling at him, but there is the barest hint of hesitation in his eyes. “Baby,” Adam tests, and Matt straight up melts, “that was incredible. Can I – you?” He doesn’t think his brain is going to go back to normal for a while, but he reaches downward and Matt nods frantically.
“Oh, yes. Cool. So definitely yes.”
Adam grabs Matt by the hips and turns him, pressing him up against the wall. “Can I kiss you?”
Matt doesn’t answer, just throws his arms around Adam’s neck and pulls him in. Adam moans into Matt’s mouth and slides his hand down. The water makes it just slick enough to work as he strokes Matt’s dick. Matt pushes up against him and throws a leg around Adam’s waist. There’s no hesitation in the way he touches, the way he moves, the way he demands to have more of Adam.
Time washes away with the shower water and Adam can tell Matt is close by the way he turns his head and begins panting, his head thunking against the wall of the shower.
“Adam,” he whispers, coming all over Adam’s hand. and it’s the first time Adam Page has ever truly felt connected to this name.
“Wow,” Mox says, and it would sound impressed if he wasn’t in the middle of a yawn. “What a way to hit your first week of work, Cowboy.”
“Shut up,” Adam grumbles. It’s his fifth cup of coffee and his bones are starting to feel like they’re shattering from the insides. “I was nervous and young.”
“And embarrassed about everything,” Matt says. “Don’t forget that part.”
Adam rolls his eyes and leans in, kissing the side of Matt’s head. “Thanks, babe.”
“That’s cute,” Mox says, taking a sip of his sugar with a hint of coffee in it. “So, I forgot this all started from a question I had.”
Matt tilts his head and looks at Mox. “A question?”
Mox nods and takes a long draw from his coffee. “Yeah.” He glances at Adam like he’s checking for permission. Adam makes him wait a moment, just for his own fun, and then shrugs.
“Go for it, man.”
Mox’s smile is lazy, like he’s really relishing the opportunity to make Adam and Matt wait, which doesn’t work super well since Adam just pulled that move. Mox can do his best – making Matt wait is Adam’s second favorite past time. “You two are engaged now.”
Matt beams and glances at his hand. “Yeah.”
“Jesus, look more stupid about it. I dare you.”
Adam kicks Mox under the table. “Be nice.”
“No,” Mox says with a grin. “Anyway, you two are engaged. Getting married and probably doing the whole white wedding and shit.”
Matt and Adam nod. Matt grabs Adam’s hand and squeezes. “And?” he asks.
“Does this mean I can’t fuck you two anymore?” It’s said more casually this time than at Dynamite, like he’s had time to consider it. Adam’s not sure if he likes it; if it means he’s come to terms with the idea that he can’t, that’s a little disappointing.
“What would make you think that?” Adam looks over at Matt, who’s got the most innocent, blank look on his face, like he didn’t ask almost the exact same question the night they got engaged.
“Don’t give – okay, I’m just asking.”
Adam fights his own smile as Matt tilts his head to the side. “Why?” Matt asks. “Do you want to again?”
Mox’s eyes flicker to Adam’s, who has remained very carefully blank. “Yeah, Mox,” he asks. “Do you want to fuck us again?”
“Oh, no, I don’t know if I like this,” Mox mutters. “I’m not a big fan of the two of you ganging up on me.”
“You liked it last time,” Matt quips, and Adam breaks. He laughs and his coffee shakes on the table when he bangs his hand on it.
“Okay, Jesus,” Mox says. “We gonna do this?”
Adam shrugs. “I’m in. Up to you, Matty.”
“Of course I’m in,” he says, scoffing. “Well, I guess, technically, you two are in.”
Mox and Adam groan, and Matt giggles.
“Is he here yet?” Matt asks, peeking out the window. “I feel like he should be here by now.”
“I sure as hell hope not.” Adam is halfway through dusting the fan, a task that should be done monthly but is lucky to get done ever, and glances around. There’s still things he wishes he could get done.
Matt looks at him and sighs. “He’s Mox, Adam. He’s not going to care if our blankets aren’t folded perfectly or something.”
“I care,” Adam says, and he can hear that he sounds a bit whiny.
“You sound like me,” Matt scoffs. “And even I know that’s not a compliment.”
Adam channels the annoyance into productivity and manages to get the couch looking at least a little presentable and the laundry put away before he hears Matt say, “He’s here!”
Adam’s in a mild flurry for a moment, unsure of where to put himself, and settles for pouring a glass of water for himself and chugging it while Matt gets the door.
He can hear them chatting amicably as they walk in.
“Yeah, Adam built most of it,” Matt says. “Ranch style. Old man is always worried about his hips.”
“You are both turning forty in the next year,” Adam says. “Also, hi, Mox.”
Mox nods at him. “Hey.” There is an overnight bag on his shoulder, but he’s fidgeting.
“Do you want to get food?” Matt asks. “You must be hungry from the flight.”
“Nah,” Mox says. “Got something at the airport.” He looks around. “I like the place. You did good designing it.”
Adam can’t fight his smile. “Thanks, man. I always wanted a ranch, you know? And, with AEW, I was able to build my own.”
Their conversations are easy as they hang out around the kitchen island, but Adam watches Matt get antsy. He’d showered for a full hour in anticipation and Adam, honestly, is excited to see how the evening unfolds.
Mox is halfway through a story about Seth Rollins and a rest stop, when Matt holds up a hand.
“Wait,” he says. “I have a question.”
Mox glances at Adam, then back at Matt. “Um. Yes?”
“Is this because you have a plan, or are we just beating around the wrong bush?”
“Was that a sex joke?” Adam asks.
“Shush,” Matt says. “Because I’m, like, really happy you’re here and I don’t want you to think we’re using you, but I got real thorough in the shower and I’m sort of antsy.”
Mox’s eyebrows shoot up. “Antsy, huh?” He grins, something Adam absolutely recognizes. “Always so desperate for it, isn’t he.”
Minutes later, they’re all naked and on each other. Mox is on his knees behind Matt, mouth and tongue working at Matt’s body like a goddamned expert, and Adam is swallowing all the moans from Matt’s lips he can.
Matt turns away, panting. “He’s really – he’s good at this, Adam,” he says. “Fuck, Mox, oh my god.”
“You made him swear!” Adam says. “Oh, this is great. Keep going.”
There’s a slurping noise and then Mox says, “Can’t. Fuck, my jaw is killing me.”
“Bed,” Matt says. “Bed, I want – I want you both at once.”
Adam shrugs. “Sure, we can do that. Done it before.”
 Matt shakes his head as he crawls on the bed, hands and knees.
“Oh,” Mox says. “Oh, I get it.” He looks over at Adam. “You ever heard of spitroasting?”
Adam sighs. “Oh, of course. Fill all his holes or whatever.”
Matt squeaks.
“You like that idea?” Mox asks. He crooks a finger and beckons Matt toward him. “Want me to fuck your mouth while Adam fucks your pretty little ass?”
Matt nods, transfixed on Mox, as he crawls onto the bed and leans down to lick at Mox’s cock. “That’s exactly what I want,” he murmurs, and Adam wonders if that’s more to himself than to the other two in the room. “Please?”
Mox nods. “Course, baby. Anything you want.” He’s incredibly gentle, pushing only the very head of his cock into Matt’s mouth. It’s a beautiful sight.
“See?” Adam murmurs, pressing a kiss to Mox’s shoulder. “I told you you can still fuck us.”
“Shut up,” Mox says. But there’s no malice in his tone, no anger. He rolls his shoulders as Adam runs his fingertips down his back, with just a little hint of nail. “You keep that up, Cowboy, were gonna have an issue.”
Adam laughs. “Maybe I want to have that kind of issue.”
Matt pulls off, looking petulant as always. “Aren’t you supposed to be fucking my mouth or something? This feels like you’re distracted.”
Mox groans. “Fucking hell, Matt.”
“I’m just saying,” Matt says, and he turns the eyes on. “I wouldn’t be talking and annoying if you kept your dick in my mouth.”
Mox looks at Adam. “How the fuck do you put up with this?”
Adam sighs. “Love, I guess. I find it pretty cute.”
Mox shakes his head slowly. “And I thought Eddie was down bad for Yuta.” He strokes Matt’s hair a little bit. “Alright, open up, pretty thing.”
Adam watches Matt beam as he does as Mox says and it’s just as good a view the second time.
“Alright,” Adam says. He kisses Mox’s shoulder before he can think better of it, and walks around the bed to stand behind Matt. “Gonna finish getting you ready now, baby.”
There’s an excited little sound from Matt as Adam traces his finger along Matt’s skin. His fingertips play along the soft, round muscle. Adam will have fun with taking his time. Matt doesn’t seem too distressed by the wait, but maybe that’s because he’s kind of already getting what he wants. And he’s already so slick with spit. Adam’s finger slides into him easily, no lube needed, and grabs the bottle with his other hand.
“Good work, Mox,” he says. “He’s almost ready.”
“Yeah,” Mox says, smug. “I’ve been told I’m good with my tongue.” He winks.
Adam rolls his eyes. “No need to be a prick about it.”
When Matt’s ready, Adam smacks his ass gently to get him in place.
“Ready, baby?” Adam murmurs, teasing at Matt’s hole with his dick.
Matt nods around Mox’s cock, then pulls off. “Yes. Yes, I’m ready. Let’s go.” He wiggles his ass, and isn’t that the prettiest sight Adam’s ever seen.
Laughing, Adam slowly pushes into Matt, taking his time. Matt, on the other hand, has more immediate ideas. He shoves back against Adam, leading to a surprising little yelp from Adam himself.
“You good there, Cowboy?” Mox asks, and Adam absolutely hates that little smile on his face.
“I’m good,” Adam says, running his hands up and down Matt’s hips. “I – just surprised is all. Matt here is being annoying.”
Matt rocks back, taking all of Adam’s cock inside of him, and throws an incredibly glare over his shoulder. “Annoying?” he asks. “You’re the one who’s being all weird and slow and precious about it. You are supposed to be spitroasting me, not acting all cute about it.”
“Get my dick back in your mouth and shut up, you little brat,” Mox says, but even the most obtuse of people could see just how fondly he’s looking at Matt. “Christ. I can’t believe I wanted to fuck you again.”
“I can,” Matt says, and sinks his mouth around Mox again.
It’s not long before Adam and Mox figure out how to help Matt go completely boneless with a little bit of a constant rhythm. It’s not fast and it’s not aggressive, which is kind of unexpected for how Adam knows Mox behaves in general and how Matt likes, but Matt seems as happy as he’s ever been to be nothing more than used as he rocks back and forth between Mox’s dick and Adam’s.
Adam keeps looking at Mox, because he feels Mox looking at him, but then Mox will look away. It’s kind of weird but kind of funny, all in one, and he realizes a second too late he’s laughing.
There’s a weird little shift, Mox yells, “Hey!”, and Matt turns around to glare. “Sorry, is something funny?”
“Not – yes, but no. I was thinking about – Mox keeps looking at me.”
“He’s looking at you?” Matt asks, incredulous. “Sorry, we’re having sex. Is eye contact crossing too much of a boundary for you or something?”
Mox snickers. “You tell him, princess.”
“You’re just as bad, weirdo,” Matt says. It doesn’t sting, Adam thinks, because Matt leans back in and wraps his mouth around Mox again.
This time, when Mox looks at him, he holds eye contact. It does something weird to Adam’s whole body – electricity, desire, and still a hint of that hatred that got them all here in the first place.
His hips start moving faster and he realizes he’s not going to last long when he can hear the way Matt moans around Mox’s cock.
“This,” Adam pants, “is stupid and I fucking love it.”
“You’re stupid and I fucking –” Mox’s eyes widen. “Anyway.”
Adam’s so startled he comes. It’s a new thing for him. Rather unexpected. But it’s beyond good, startling even, and Adam grips Matt’s hips as hard as he can.
“Fucking Christ,” Mox groans. He pulls back and looks down at Matt. “Can I come on that pretty face, Matty?”
Matt whimpers and nods, and Adam gets just enough time to lick his hand and get a hand around Matt before Mox is cursing and painting Matt’s face.
“Oh, my god,” Matt whispers, and he pulses in Adam’s hand. Adam watches as Matt licks Mox off of his lips.
“Fucking – get up here.” Mox cups Matt’s face and pulls him to kneeling and kisses him, getting both of them messy. The movement pulls Matt away from Adam, which is a bit of a shame, but the sight may be worth it.
Mox pulls away with a grin, face a mess. “Couldn’t resist, man,” he says, his smile turning lazy. “Especially if this was gonna be the last time?”
“Who said that?” Adam asks. He stands, giving Matt room to flop on the bed. He’s beaming. “You’ll disappoint him if we don’t do this again.”
Mox’s expression goes softer than a man who brought a Death Jitsu hoodie to their hookup should be able to pull off. “So, you’re not gonna kick me out?”
“Did you think this wasn’t a sleepover?” Matt mumbles. His eyes are closed. “We have a king bed. If you get annoying I’ll kick you to the foot and I won’t feel bad about it.”
Mox glances at Adam.
“You think I’m gonna make you leave?” Adam asks. “We both invited you to hang out. It wasn’t like he had to argue to convince me.”
Mox smiles again. “Yeah, okay.” He opens his mouth to speak, but then his stomach growls so loudly even Matt perks up.
“Wanna get pizza?” Matt asks. He stretches his arms above his head, clearly making a show of it. “I’m feeling pizza tonight.”
“Pizza it is,” Adam says. “You better not get some sort of weird, gross order.”
“I don’t!” Mox says, rolling off the bed. “My order is perfectly normal.”
One bedsheet change, a pepperoni, mushroom olive, and anchovy pizza related argument, and three separate pizzas later, the three of them are dozing off, just chatting.
“I hope that answers your question,” Matt mumbles, snuggled up with his back against Adam’s front with his head on Mox’s chest.
“Question?” Mox grumbles. His eyes are closed in the low light from the window. He looks younger.
“If we could still sleep together,” Matt says. His voice is even less clear now, and Adam knows he’s seconds from falling asleep.
“Yeah,” Mox chuckles, smiling. Adam kisses Matt’s temple and reaches out to touch Mox’s hand. Mox doesn’t flinch. “Yeah, it does.”
Mini Playlist: Hey Cowboy - Devon Cole Faceplant - LOLO Feed the Beast - Arizona I Could Get Used to This - The Veronicas
As my actual real life has been chaotic, I've had to wait longer than planned to edit, revise, and post this. But I'm glad you have stuck with me with all the hooplah. I hope reading this fic brought you as much joy as writing it did for me. To conclude the final Matt Experiment, thank you <3
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pupplaylogan · 11 months ago
logan shoving the end of janus' crook up his holes. :3
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
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bring back zooterkins, the best 17th-century swear word
I don't normally do Just Characters Swearing, but. ...this kind of wrote itself and then wouldn't leave my head. it comes from both a piece of character-writing advice that has always stuck with me, and also my conviction that Leona is 1000% funnier as a character if his dialogue has to stay G-rated. let Kalim say fuck, but don't let Leona say bastard.
(I'm sorry)
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krowtesque · 3 months ago
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quibbs · 9 months ago
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i have no idea if this is funny or not
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months ago
Bruce owes Danny money. He does Not want to pay up.
So! Danny had to run away from Amity Park when his parents discovered his Powers. But every time he tried to stay in a single place in America, they somehow managed to find him.
Turns out, they were working with the GIW to track him using the GIW's resources and the Fenton's Genius to find him everywhere he ran to. Eventually, Danny figured he had had enough and ran to Europe where the GIW had no Jurisdiction.
After wandering for a while, Danny was found and recruited by the League of Assasins. He was powerful, skilled, and connected to the Lazarus Pits, so they approached him with a job offer.
They would hide him from the Fentons, who had began to search for him in Europe independently, and in return he would work for them as an Assasin.
Considering his situation, Danny agreed.
He began training to be an Assasin, supplementing his Ghost Abilities with the abilities of an Assasin to become even more Stealthy.
While training under the League, Danny met another recruit simply known as Bruce. They trained together for years, even going on a few missions together gathering intel, and using disguises to hid in plain sight.
On one of these missions, Danny lent Bruce some money with the promise to get paid back when they returned to the League. That same night, Bruce left the League of Assasins and never came back.
Bruce was sitting in the Batcave going over a case with Tim, Jason was off to the side cleaning his Guns, and Dick and Cass were holding an acrobatics competition in their Obstacle Course, with Damien, Steph, and Duke cheering them on.
Suddenly an Eldritch Emerald Light sprang to life in the center of the Batcave, and everybody dropped what they were doing and sprang to action.
Slowly, a glowing green figure emerged from the Light. He appeared Eldritch in Nature, as if he existed in multiple layers of reality at once and looking at him gave them minor headaches. Then, the figure spoke up.
Recognizing Danny, Bruce took a moment to compose himself before responding.
"Fuck Off."
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ursiday · 4 months ago
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🐺🦇 AU
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ideotape · 2 months ago
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when you saved me from a bad dream, i was drifting through time and space, but i landed on a moonbeam! take me outta this place!
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sapphire-to-the-rain · 3 months ago
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unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe / blonde.
+ zoomed in versions :))
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ginger-rat · 7 months ago
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The rad away isn’t working like it used to
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chloesimaginationthings · 4 months ago
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Happy one year anniversary to this FNAF post,,
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nyaslashthreat · 2 years ago
shout out to when i told my dad about goncharov and he figured out it was fake because i told him "1973 martin scorsese film with robert de niro" and he said that wasn't possible because the godfather came out in 1972 and the godfather part II came out in 1974 and they wouldn't have had time to make a movie in between. a perfectly good jest, foiled by this man's weird and vast knowledge set
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brainrotcharacters · 7 months ago
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the easy grip on the knife. the leg over the seat. the hand over the other seat. the sassy "come get it" move. you know the bitch is smiling behind that mask even as he said the line.
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daeyumi · 1 month ago
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Alucard [2021]
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clownowo · 7 months ago
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its ok he didn't really mean it please get off the floor
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