#did all this just to say william is a freak and he brings out the freak in you
mcondance · 8 months
hush baby. william afton. (allusions to daddy issues, general old william using / taking advantage of young reader yk the drill)
william fucks like his age. he fucks like a man who knows what he wants from years of getting. he will get what he wants from you, too.
he drains you of everything you can give him and then, he pushes for more, craving complete control of every thing you feel. its why he picked you, could just see you ending up like this, a slut for his taking, nasty and open to the filthiest things he’s only ever dreamed about.
it’s sad, what you went through to end up like it like this, used and shown no respect in your most vulnerable state, but he pays it no mind when he’s driving into you from behind, towering over your body and stretching your cunt to its limit.
amusement is written over his hardened face, the hilarity of what you allow him to do to you overtakes him as he watches himself breach your entrance over and over again, your cunt having to work to take him like your body knows this is wrong.
but it lets him in, you let him in like it’s right, wince through the pain until it turns to pleasure and he’s battering your pussy with no regard for the pain that’ll resurface the next day.
pain is how he got you, tucked away in your brain, steering you toward a man like him. and pain is how he keeps you, the dull ache of his cock abusing your pussy, the digging of his fingers tucked between where your thighs and tummy meet, the stimulation sending sparks shooting through you.
you’re so nasty when you’ve got a nastier man inside you, when his want to unwind you and use you is reciprocated. drooling on his bed sheets, leaking on his cock, the perverted desire of his heart is realized.
he’s got you singing, speared on his cock and taking it so well. he fucks you like he’ll throw you out tomorrow and you welcome it, soak his cock every time your mind registers the brutishness behind his thrusts, every time he manhandles that spot inside you.
your fingers curl around the column of his headboard, clamping down on them to award yourself some semblance of grounding but it’s in vain, he’s too ruthless and horrific, fucks you too deep with every sob he retches out of your raw throat.
you let him do what he wants, and that’s exactly what he does. you’re all wet cunt and choked moans, a test subject for his disregarded boundaries. his boundaries are your boundaries, the wires crossed and fused incorrectly a perfect path for his will to become reality.
he’s taking advantage of you, it’s what you both know, know what business a man his age has with a girl yours.
but being taken advantage of is how you like it.
every push into you is meant to to hurt, to make those crossed wires fizzle and spark with satisfaction. maybe it doesn’t count as being used if it’s what you want, too. it’s lost in translation, by now, only left with william fucking you exactly how you’d expect him to, how you fantasized about from the moment you saw him.
he’s thankful to have someone like you, someone who’ll let him push and poke and prod and mold into his. he goes crazy every time you bite and choke on your moans, every time you huff and rasp like he’s wounded you but make no move to run from him or to stop. he likes it filthy, and in you, he can have that whenever he wants. he can be what you need, if you let him have you in return. you do let him have you.
you say his name like a prayer, choked and battered and begging for him to twist and turn you inside out just like he wants to. willing to be used, to be fucked dumb and brash.
you like it like this, domination has revealed you as a drooling, moaning, vile mess. it lay dormant, waiting for someone to draw it out. waiting for william to lay you bare and new.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
loser college barista ellie
physics major ellie williams who works part-time at an on-campus coffee shop, because somehow she has time for it? it's really just because she has a terrible sleep schedule and an unfair amount of natural academic talent (undiagnosed something!).
Ellie, who hates the smell and taste of coffee, working in a coffee shop. she'd never admit it, but part of it is because it reminds her of Joel and somehow that keeps her sane amidst her terrible workload. He comes to visit sometimes, and, every single time, Ellie sneaks him free black coffee.
Ellie, who does readings and homework during her shift, especially since she works the slow hours where pretty much everyone is in class. So like, 10am to 3pm.
Coincidentally, those are pretty much the exact times you have a break between your classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And studying in the library gets Exhausting at some point, so you eventually shifted to studying at the coffee shop.
Ellie didn't really notice at first, because, honestly, being a physics major is full time job. She did however think you were very cute every time you came up to get your drink. You always smelled good, a welcome reprieve from the heavy coffee smell she dealt with for hours. The more you came, the more she noticed your clockwork schedule, your signature scent, the twinkle of the door chimes at almost exactly 10:15 every MWF.
Fuck, can you imagine being one of Ellie's regulars? Shout out to the anon who came in to tell me they'd became a regular at a coffee shop bc now this is ingrained in my mind. At some point, when she sees you approaching the shop, she just starts prepping your order.
she calls you by your name and you think she's so suave and attractive, but in reality she's freaking the fuck out on the inside. she gets nervous talking to pretty girls!! especially pretty girls that she sees every day at her work while she's wearing the nerdiest apron in the world.
she slowly but surely develops a debilitating crush on you, literally because she spends so much of her time looking over at you and seeing how intensely you study. you spend hours sitting there, switching between books and notebooks and your laptop, a cute little furrow living permanently between your brows. she takes note of the way your grip tightens around your pencil when you're frustrated, or the way you calm down when you open a book that has nothing to do with your studies. she also notes the longing looks you send towards the pastry case.
she had to be so brave about it, but one day she finally got the courage to bring you one of the pastries you kept staring at. doesn't even give you a chance to protest before she says "it's on the house" and scrambles back behind the counter to beat herself up because Who Says That! What if you didn't want that pastry or any pastry! What if you think she's a weirdo now!
She's literally driving herself insane, but she manages to look over at you and sees the little smile on your face as your bite into the treat. You light up, because it's so good and Ellie was so cute, and honestly that makes it all worth it for her.
I know in the second game Ellie doesn't eat much, likely as a result of all the trauma she experienced, and I think this would transfer over to a modern au in a less trauma-related way. She doesn't eat much when she's on campus for some reason! Which means she usually doesn't take advantage of the one free food item she gets on every shift, although she always take the free drink. Sometimes she'd give them to Dina or Jesse if they mentioned they hadn't eaten that day or were otherwise hungry, but on MWF, that treat is Yours.
What's funny and so loser of Ellie, is that, even when she's giving you a free pastry three times a week, she has yet to have a prolonged conversation with you. The routine is always small talk when you pay for and get your drink, and then pining stares when you sit down to study, a thank you when she brings you a treat, and a little goodbye when you head off to class. that's it. Dina 100% clowns Ellie for it because girl c'mon, you can feed her but you can't talk to her??
no. no she can't.
There's so much about you that just makes Ellie wanna go into the backroom and Scream. Like when you showed up with two friends and you were so vibrant you lit up the room. On your own you were always quiet, beautiful and quiet and relatively calm. But with you friends, you were so bright Ellie had to look away. And god, your laugh! She loves your laugh, and the way you look after your friends, buying their coffees and making sure they eat, helping them study. She already knew you were sweet, but god now you're downright angelic in her eyes.
Ellie is Enamored!! Infatuated!! Crushing so so so hard!!! and she doesn't know how to flirt with you :( what will she do!! (probably go to Dina about it) (but that's for another post <3) (that's all folks!)
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barefoot-joker · 1 year
Birthday Yandere!William Afton X Reader
I smiled as I walked down the sidewalk to my older sister’s work. She had forgotten her lunch because she was helping our younger brother get ready for school. We had all woken up a bit late, so we rushed Isaac out the door before Trish headed out. I’ll admit it was rough with my sister at work, my brother at school and me taking care of the trailer; we never really got time off to spend with each other. That’s why I was happy to bring Trish her lunch, it would finally give us a chance to chat for a minute or two.
It took me a few more minutes to walk the rest of the sidewalk before reaching the parking lot. Before me stood the only pizzeria in town: Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. It was quite the spectacle even now and was very popular for children’s birthday parties. Trish and I had taken Isaac there for his birthday and he absolutely had a blast. I mean what was there not to love? It had an arcade, pretty good pizza, and singing animatronics! I had never seen anything like that before, it was just so fascinating. 
I opened the front door and a little bell went off as I did. Standing by the host desk, I waited for someone to direct me to my sister. “Oh, hello there, Y/n! It’s a pleasure to see you again!”
I looked up to see Henry, one of the owners. Henry was such a nice man. He would watch Isaac and I while we waited for Trish to finish her shift sometimes. He just looked like a teddy bear with his chubby appearance, blonde curly hair and beard, and those black thick rimmed glasses. “Hiya, Henry! Trish forgot her lunch, so I was just delivering it.”
“Oh yeah, of course. She’s a bit busy right now. We had a lunch rush. If you would like, you can wait in the arcade and I can direct her when she has some free time.”
“That would be great. Thanks, Henry!”
“Of course!”
“Mr. Emily, could you come here please”, a female called.
“Excuse me, Y/n.”
Henry walked off to go help, so I headed to the arcade. The blinking lights and loud sound effects was a bit calming to me. It was also fun to see kids be excited over 8-bit pixels. As I watched kids run around, I felt a dark presence looming behind me, almost suffocating. I looked over my shoulder to see a slim figure. I couldn’t quite identify who it was until I fully turned. 
Of freaking course.
The man’s skin was a bit pale, and his brunette locks looked unkempt. While he was slim, he still had a broad figure in the shoulders and the scent of cigarette smoke was slight on his white button up. “Miss Y/n, what a pleasant surprise. It’s so lovely to see you.”
Those gray eyes stared down at me, searching my face for some sort of reaction. I felt a shiver go down my spine. “What brings you here? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Or are you just trying to ignore me?”
A smirk played with the corner of his lips and I couldn’t help the gulp that went down my throat. I absolutely hated running into Mr. William Afton. He creeped me out and made me so uncomfortable. “I was bringing T-trish her lunch. S-she forgot it.”
I didn’t even bother with his other questions. If I had, who knows how Mr. Afton would have responded. “Ah, such a great sister! You know, you remind me of my dear Elizabeth. She does her best to protect Evan from Michael. She makes me so proud.”
Something sinister flickered in his eyes and I took a slight step back. “T-thank you?”
He stepped closer, his breath brushing against my face. Even that felt terrible, the brushing feeling like small claws digging into my flesh. Just as he was about to say something, Trish walked in. “There you are, Y/n! Henry said you’d be in here.”
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Thank God Trish came. She noticed my scared expression and grabbed my hand. Leading me away, I could feel Mr. Afton’s gaze dig into my back. “Thanks for saving me back there, Trish.”
“Of course. Mr. Afton can be a bit creepy at times.”
At times? How about all the time.
To make sure we were far enough away, Trish had walked us over by the host stand. “Now, what is it you came here for?”
“You forgot your lunch at the house again,” I lifted up the brown paper sack.
“Oh Y/n, thanks so much! I completely forgot about it!”
“I know, but you’re a busy lady.”
She gave me a kiss to the cheek. I smiled and looked beyond her shoulder. My eyes widened at seeing Mr. Afton peering through the doorway. His eyes stared at my sister down with such disgust. If looks could kill, she’d be bleeding profusely on the checkered floor. “Well, I’d better get back to work. I’ll see you and Isaac later, okay?”
She gave me a kiss on the forehead before taking the sack lunch, quickly sauntering off. I could still feel Mr. Afton’s gaze on me, so I left quickly out the front door. 
It wasn’t until 9:00 pm till Trish came home. By then I had retrieved Isaac from school, helped him with his homework, and gotten dinner ready. The three of us sat around the small dining table, munching on some chili. Isaac told us about his school day and Trish told us about work. I just sat quietly. “You know Y/n, your birthday is coming up here in a few weeks. Do you know what you want for a present yet?”
“No and you don’t have to worry. Just being with you two will make me happy.”
“But Y/n”, Isaac replied, “it’s your birthday! You deserve the world!”
I lightly smiled. They were always so sweet to me, but I really didn’t need anything. Quality time with them would be just enough. “At least think it over, okay? Isaac and I want to get you something.”
Trish set her hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze. 
“Okay.” I only said that to please them.
After we finished eating, we cleaned up dinner. The rest of the night we played a couple rounds of cards before heading to bed.
The next couple of weeks went by normally. Trish and Isaac kept asking about what I wanted for my birthday and I always gave the same response. A couple of times I had to go to Freddy’s to give Trish something. During those visits Mr. Afton was being creepy again. 
His silver eyes seemed softer around me compared to the harshness they held for his employees.
His hands would linger on my shoulder, his touch light and gentle.
I never seeked him out but he always found me in the restaurant. It felt like we had a red string of fate connected to us and he tugged until he was near.
He even suggested I work at the pizzeria, but I immediately turned him down. No way was I going to work alongside him and his creepy behavior.
He just made me feel sick.
Time flew by and soon enough it was my birthday. The morning was spent having my favorite breakfast before we headed to the park. We walked around a bit and just had fun. At some point Trish had to leave to get something for later tonight (probably a cake), so Isaac and I headed back to the house. We played some card games, board games, watched TV and read together.
The hours ticked by and while we had fun, we hadn’t heard from Trish. I was starting to get worried. Freddy’s wasn’t too far from our house and she always called when she was on her way home. No, something must have happened.
“Isaac, I want you to stay here. I’m going to go look for Trish.”
“But I want to come with!”
“Somebody needs to be here in case she calls. Can you do that for me?”
He nodded. “Good. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
I gave him a kiss to the forehead and quickly threw on some shoes. Heading out the door, I went as fast as I could to the pizzeria. Please let Trish be okay! Please!
I threw open the front door and skidded to a stop in the middle of the dining room. “Trish! Trish, where are you?!”
Suddenly, the eerie tune of Happy Birthday carried through the halls. I whipped my head around when I heard footsteps, my eyes widening when I saw a yellow rabbit headed right for me. I tried to move but as soon as I did the bunny grasped my hand, tugging me down the hall. “H-hey! Let go of me! Trish! Trish!”
I was dragged down a dim hallway, yelling at this thing to let me go. It opened a door and suddenly we were in a backroom of the restaurant. I was slightly pushed into the room, the door locking behind us. Even though I was frightened of what the rabbit would do, I forced myself to look around the room.
I really wish I hadn’t.
The room had been decorated for a birthday party. Streamers and balloons hung from every possible place; a birthday sign hung on the wall; a small table with a festive cloth sat in the middle with a birthday cake. The candles were lit and sitting next to it was my sister. Her head was tilted towards her chest and her hair blocked her face. “TRISH!”
I ran over and lifted her head up.
My eyes widened.
My breath caught in my throat.
My hands shook.
I let out a shrill scream.
Across Trish’s neck was a deep cut, thick blood running down the front of her shirt. Her eyes were glassed over and she looked like she was in pain. A dark chuckle made me look at the yellow bunny and that’s when I saw the blood stains. “Y-you! How could you?! Show yourself!”
And so it did. The thick gloved hands unclipped the grotesque cartoon head and pulled up.
I could have died right there. 
Standing in front of me with a wide grin was Mr. Afton.
“Speechless? No matter. There will be plenty of time for us to talk, my dear.”
“W-what do you mean? Why did you kill Trish? She never did anything to you!”
He looked offended at that comment. “Of course she did. She kept us apart. Can’t you see? We belong together. After all, I put so much effort into this relationship so far. I’d hate for my flirtation to go to waste.”
I gasped. 
No way was this murderer and I meant to be together!
I ran for the door but Mr. Afton pulled me into a tight embrace against his costume. I screamed and struggled in his grip. He just held tight. “I see you are not in the mood for a party right now. That’s okay. We can have our own celebration at home.”
“Sorry about this, love.”
My head was thrust at the wall and suddenly pain shot through my skull. The room was spinning and soon I blacked out.
I groaned as my eyes slowly opened. My head was just pounding and the cool cloth on my head was nice. “Finally starting to wake, my dear?”
I peered to my left and saw Mr. Afton sitting in a chair next to the bed I was on top of. He was out of the horrid costume and was now sporting a dark purple dress shirt and dark gray striped pants. “W-where am I?”
“Home.” He let his fingers stroke the top of my forehead into my scalp. 
I whined and tried to move away but the mad man was quick to grab me. He held me down and in my blurry state I tried to get away. “There’s no point in escaping, my love. You are mine and I am yours. We’re going to be together forever.”
“N-no! I don’t want that!”
“You’ll get used to it, my dear.”
“Mr. Afton-”
“Call me William. After all, we're past the formalities phase.”
With that he leaned down and gave my cheek a kiss. I threw my head to the right, not wanting to look at him. However, his fingers wrapped around my chin and forced my head back to him. “I’m being very generous, love.”
That woke me up. 
“Generous? Generous?! You made advances towards me when I made no indication I liked you. Y-you killed my sister for God’s sake!”
I thrashed around and William had to hold me down tighter. “Let go!”
“Come now, darling. Behave. It’s still your birthday, don’t you want to celebrate?”
“Not with you! I hate you! I hate you, William!”
A deep smirk set on his face and his eyes softened. “I love it when you say my name.”
He leaned down and kissed my lips. I struggled against him and bit his lip. He pulled back and licked lip, the blood going into his mouth. He smiled wide.
“Happy Birthday, soon to be Mrs. Afton.”
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tokiwarcube · 3 months
Since it's getting hot out, I'd love to see how different members treat their s/o who's prone to (or just experienced) heat exhaustion after a long date at the beach or something! Nothing is more brutal than the sun!
Fun fact! When I first started this request, it was hitting beyond belief. 14 hours outside in the hot sun? Perfect fit. And then the day after I put pen to paper (or I suppose, fingertips to keyboard), the area I was working in experienced a freak storm. Anon what did you do to the SUN... Either way, rq below the cut! <3
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Nathan Explosion
Liquid Death? Infinite darkness umbrella? Burning Hatred Gatorade? Sunscreen? Did you put on sunscreen? Nathan makes checklists habitually, and if nothing else, he is fantastic about reminding you to stay hydrated. He himself isn’t too good at drinking water, but when you’re at stake, suddenly he’s the number one advocate for hydration. Although in the event that you do get struck down by the overwhelming power of the Sun, he’s at a bit of a loss for what to do. He hates doctors, but it’s really the only thing he can think of to do beyond what he was already doing. He also hates taking orders, but as with most things in life, you are the exception to his rule — just let him know what to do, and you’ll have royalty treatment for as long as it takes.
Pickles the Drummer
His ass refuses to get in the sun as is (he burns far too easily, and let’s be real, most of the drugs he abuses makes him even less tolerant of the sun than most.) And he’s not great about drinking water either. (Vodka’s basically the same thing, right?) So chances are if you’re getting heat exhaustion, so is he. Which is a horrific situation to be in! So the two of you definitely have to look out for each other, making sure to take shade and water breaks often. Although in the event that you’ve both come down with it… well, the Klokateers take pretty damn good care of you.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Skwisgaar is another one who, frankly, hates the sunshine. He sees so reason to chase after sunbeams. He thinks beaches are fun, but honestly, he’s usually only there to get wasted on the sand, and maybe watch a sunset or two. He’s just as prone to heat exhaustion too, as he’s just not used to the heat. He burns like nobody’s business, and if he had it his way, he’d be living at a perpetual 60F, if not lower. But unlike Pickles, he actually knows how to manage it — neither of you will be falling victim to the Sun today! And it turns out that when he’s not complaining, he actually likes the beach after all! His long limbs and perfect golden hair make for quite a bit of fun in the open ocean… just make sure to wash the salt water out of his hair at the end of the day.
Toki Wartooth
Toki could live in the sunshine for the rest of his life and be as happy as a clam! Or I guess in this situation I think he’s a bit more akin to a cat, with how readily he’ll post up in the sunshine. For him, Summer is all about the rays, the long days running on sandy beaches, and plenty of colorful drinks and treats. Although quite frankly, he sucks at remembering everyone else’s heat tolerance. But he does, however, notice when you start slowing down, and takes action pretty fast so long as he knows what to do ahead of time. Water, gatorade, and cool wash-clothes are his go-to. Heat exhaustion is never fun, but at least you have a nice view when you rest your head in his lap at the end of the day. The cool washcloth pressed against your forehead brings a much-needed chill after a long, fun adventure on the beach, and while you can't say you're all too excited to have faced the wrath of the sun... you still had a fun time.
William Murderface
A southern boy himself, William is no stranger to the brutality of the Sun. He’s spent quite a few Summers under the sweltering heat, and while he won’t say he loves it, he certainly respects it. (He won’t say that, of course. He’s tried to take a handgun to the Sun a few times, which surprisingly, have yielded no results yet.) It’s basically second-nature to him to manage the effects of the heat before they ever even come on — good clothes, frequent water-breaks, etc. (He never orders water, nor does he carry it with him, and yet he always manages to end up with a bottle. He says water is for pussies, just before taking a sip.) And when he finds out that the Sun affects you a bit more than most? He’s very good at nonchalantly encouraging you to take care of yourself a bit. Nudging a bottle your way, looking for more shaded resting areas to set your stuff up in, etc.
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sugarywishes · 22 days
In your AU, what do you think originally made William do what he did? And more pressingly, how did his motivations and goals change over time, as he got spring locked and eventually burned later on? I am very curious, especially with all the different interpretations around. And I wonder if it was a small thing at worse made worse by Evan's and/or Elizabeth's deaths, or if he was long gone even before they occurred...
May I just say, I absolutely love every question you throw at me, it gives me time to flesh out my rewrite of FNAF a lot and I really appreciate it! Answer below as usual. Also I guess, spoilers for my rewrite?? (As if I haven't been constantly yapping about this)
His original motivation was indeed Evan. He was his most treasured valuable, and losing him was horrible for everyone, and also having your family slandered by everyone in the community and getting fired made things even worse. It made William become more unhinged than he's ever been before, and he kills Charlie as a result (it was accidental drunk rage)
Anyways he totally freaks out at this and drives away before anyone could see him. He tried his best to forget abt it and avoid the restaurant and Henry but he went back to the location eventually to take cash (cause yk he doesn't have money so he resorted to steal some because Henry never took Will's keys, and also he didn't change the locks) and then he notices something off about the puppet animatronic, it seems almost too alive. Out of curiosity, he checks the old Golden suits in the back and sees that Fredbear's suit seems weirdly twitchy for being inanimate. And he notices that a weird dark ooze spills out of the robots so he takes some of it to investigate more in his basement
Some library scouring here, some personal experiments here and he dubs the substance Remnant and deduced that maybe enough of this could maybe bring Evan back to life (so his plan was to pull a Victor Frankenstein, holy shit) so he originally killed the MCI to collect more remnant to eventually use for Evan's corpse to hopefully bring him back, it successfully brought back a rat he was testing (but he failed to see that the rat kept decaying even when it was still 'alive') So who's to say that Evan just wouldn't become some sort of zombie or something?
But he starts getting a little too into the killing children thing. When he killed the first three, he did it out of a necessity and didn't really have any feelings when doing so. But after Fritz and Cassidy he started to enjoy it (and as i said in the Cassidy post he didn't have to kill her but he did because he wanted to) it was the first time he's felt joy since before Evan's death. It actually kind of grossed him out, so for a while, he stopped killing. (Internal conflicts, he'll eventually completely embrace this horrible part of him, and also because it's to show that he could've just not done that but yk thats the consequences of his actions so...) But he still thought it wasn't enough remnant (it's an excuse for him to keep killing!)
But as I said before he likes doing things the easy way, and he thought maybe if I make robots to kill kids I just get remnant faster and uh oh. Liz dies. And he doesn't really like the fact that the children that he does tolerate somewhat keep dying so he ditches that idea. It also makes him even more crazy!
This moment kinda awakens a fear of death in him (as if he hasn't been surrounded by death by KILLING KIDS) so now he starts killing the DCI/KCI kids to get some remnant for himself (and also cause he likes killing kids) to live longer to 'keep working on his Evan project' (which he has been sidelining), then yk then he dies. And in my other posts I said he doesn't remember much of anything in his human life when he becomes Springtrap, so in his memories he killed kids just cause he thought it was fun and he wanted to be immortal. Same thing applies to Scraptrap and Glitchtrap (at least until he sees Gregory and it awakens the locked away memories he had of his family, but that's a story for another time!)
He's always had the potential to be evil (as it think everyone has that) but it took a while for him to fully become the monster he is deep down. Or something like that idk how to sound cool in text lmao
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h3nry-3mily · 8 months
Henry thoughts but I feel like my HC for him is so jank in comparison to others bc he's like. Not The robotics guy he doesn't do the engineering despite that actually being a pretty major thing when it comes to canon
And the REASON it's like that is literally just bc my Henry HC is held together with duct tape and hope since I made a lot of it up after just looking at the game lore
But yeah have some Henry (and William) thoughts:
-William handled robotics while Henry made them less nightmare fuel, Henry's talents lended themselves to character design and development. The less involved Henry is the weirder the animatronics get, which is why you can go from something cute like Freddy and Co to some freaks of nature like the human animatronics in SL
-he knows the basics though, he can preform maintenance and repair them fine but he wasn't great at building them from scratch or developing them on his own. He had lots of IDEAS but not the ability to bring them to actualization
-also had a springlocking Incident, ironically due to William's own accident making him worry for the other's safety. Thankfully it was while he was testing the suit for maintenance and not when he was in public and performing
-springlocking messed one of his legs up pretty bad, hence the use of a cane. Decorated it to make it a little more fun looking bc he kinda hated it plain. He can walk without it and preform in fredbear but it'll start hurting pretty bad if he's not careful.
-he very firmly denies having a favorite of William's kids (it is evan. He won't say it but it's evan.)
-trans!! Fat hairy trans man who's content with his body as it is! He got his tits removed but they're still kinda there just because of his build but he doesn't mind, he knows he'd look doofy if he had a fully flat chest.
-him and his wife got along well but they never really loved each other very deeply. Henry never really got over his thing with Will in college and being with his wife never made him feel the same way as that so he kinda just had those feelings on the backburner for like, years, and now he's kinda fucking weird because of it.
-t4t with wife, works out because half the reason either of them got married was they wanted a kid. Henry carried, decided he fucking hated how being pregnant felt, and proceeded to get his whole damn uterus removed as soon as possible after having charlie. She was the light of both their lives though and I don't think they let their own lacking romantic feelings affect how they raised her.
-while he was generally pretty warm and inviting interacting with guests he did not fuck around when it came to the legal and business side of things. Refused to let anything bad happen to his company, it was his child almost as much as his ACTUAL child, hence all the comments about liability and the like that come up throughout basically every game. You will not get him in trouble with your silly little injuries, no sir.
-he always enjoyed drawing springbonnie and fredbear together. Years in the future even after finding out what William did he still doodles them on occasion.
-A solid cook, I think he liked making things and then bringing leftovers over to the aftons
-physical affection above all else, he loves hugs and would pick up the kids in his arms on the regular. Mike got tired of it as he got to his mean teen phase, much to Henry's disappointment.
-got the songs from fredbears stuck in his head all the time, would hum them to himself pretty often
There's more but I can't think of anything to add rn
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vastunknownsea · 7 months
okay, so I got the (one sided) crack ship outta the way (SkaterDawg) (Olivia and Adam) so now it’s time to get (not) serious
there aren’t many character options, only six teens and a few adults. I don’t know anything about adults so ima just ignore them for now (although Park’s and Dolly’s interactions in the show are mighty sus if you ask me just saying) (but I don’t ship it really)
two of these six are taken already (Maya and Frank) so that just leaves Moppington, Olive Oil, Dawg Bro, and The Mechanic. Or engineer whatever.
Three of these options low key don’t seem like they’d even care for relationships, but who cares! Shipping there must be. So let’s see every option!
Olivia and Stanford;
Can’t really see them tbh. Their cringe fail may cancel each other out, but their dynamic seems more like a platonic, “here’s my friends, plus that one loser I know” or like … something. Just not romantic (in my eyes anyway)
Olivia and Adam;
(SkaterDawg)(I already did this stuff but eh)
💀 he calls her Karen dawg
Stanford and Adam Williams;
(Uhhh… )(WillFord?)(that sounds so goofy 😭)(MopDawg)
💀 a disaster waiting to happen, Stanford will lose brain cells around him
Stanford and Ava;
(IStanAvaPatel)(who doesn’t)(mopmech)(im tired of ship names already)
Eh, it could work, I guess. Most likely option to happen tbh. Tho I very much like the idea of them just staying friends, they would be cute I guess. Low key highkey all that shizzle. Classic bff becoming love interest stuff. They would commit crimes together (they already have) will break into abandoned places (or not abandoned) as date ideas and play video games (Ava always wins)
Olivia and Ava;
(SkaterMech?)(HeroMech?) (Ava is kind of a mechanic right?)(eh she’s an engineer but wordplay or whatever)
This one would be the most interesting in concept, I think. Classic “my ex-boss’s daughter be kinda…” thing. Or, “my dad controls your paycheck” “ha, not anymore,”
both their social battery’s will run out ten minutes into the first date. They both find Clark annoying and will bully him together. Ava would harass General Park relentlessly as Olivia just begs her to stop exposing every single general to exist (she knows all of them personally) Ava could fix those daddy issues like the amazing engineer queen she is 🤩 plus the undoubtedly goofy robo (or alternate version of HF1) Olivia will bring back with her from da shadow realm.
Their Veritas association with one another would cause some bumps in the road, though. Maybe, maybe not. (Olivia def scared the crap outta Ava in that episode 💀)
Ava and Adam;
(DoubleABatteries) (I don’t freaking know)(MechDawg)(I don’t like it)(possible) (impossible)
💀 I don’t dare to entertain the idea they don’t even know each others names. Possible if they get to know each other in season 2, since the other two will be presumably gone. Nerd jock dynamics? Same as Stanford but Ava would most likely retain her braincells
Frank and Maya being the goats per usual
What do y’all think? My own opinions are jokes obviously but now I’m interested to hear other people’s thoughts.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Boggles the Mind
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Crossing fandoms here! I reached out to Choices beloved @/artbyainna on IG and asked if she would be willing to try a commission for Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us. The brilliant woman said anything that gives her reason to ogle Pedro Pascal is a-ok in her book - and this gorgeous creation is the result! Ainna, as always, is a freaking gift!
I wanted to capture a simple, fun night shared between the two after arriving in Jackson. I hope the art warms your heart as much as it did mine, and I hope the silly little fic below brings you a smile or two.
Fandom: The Last of Us Featuring: Ellie Williams, Joel Miller, Tommy Miller Warnings: None, just cursing Words: 944 Summary: Joel and Ellie have been making good use of that Boggle game, but who is the victor in this contest?
She had really gotten a knack for this. Not only could Ellie keep her eye on the timer while furiously scribbling away on the shred of paper resting on her knee, but she was now even able to sneak a peek or two at her competition as she did.
Her increasingly frustrated competition.
“That’s it! Stop writing, Joel!” she hollered, smacking his arm for effect.
Joel winced silently, attempting to block his paper from her view, but Ellie was too quick. Stretching her neck, she peered at his answers while furtively holding her own list close against her chest.
“HA!” She roared, raising her fists in victory. “Fuck yes!! I won again! Pay up, old man!”
Joel’s eyes narrowed, and his lips twisted in bemused annoyance. Deep down, he loved how this old game lifted her spirits, but sometimes…
“Now, how do you figure that? We haven’t even tallied up the scores yet. Hell, I haven’t even seen your answers!”
“No need,” Ellie goaded with pride. “My list is at least twice as long as yours… so even if I have to cross half of mine out, I still win. Now quit stalling and pay up!”
“Give me that,” Joel blustered, grabbing Ellie’s list from her lap. “Half of these words are curses! They don’t even count.”
“Uh, Joel… we’ve been over this already,” she sang. Putting on a sour face and lowering her voice several decibels, she turned her head and mimicked Joel.
‘Uh, Ellie… remember our conversation about curses not counting?’ she teased.
“Uh, no, Joel… because we never had the conversation…."
'I think we did. I distinctly remember us discussing it.'
"Well, then we’re going to have to have Maria send you to the infirmary because I think dementia may be settling in sooner than we anticipated.”
She reached over and snatched the two sheets of paper back from Joel, who softly chuckled despite himself.
“So, shall we tally up?” she winked.
Joel watched as she quickly crossed out duplicates and added up points on the margins of the page.
“Shit! No wonder you keep trying to get curses taken out… I know like ten times more than you do. I can see how that’s embarrassing.”
“That’s not true!” he insisted. “I know plenty more than you. I’m just… I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
Ellie’s head shot up, her brows all but reaching the top of her forehead.
“Really? That’s why you have fucker and fuckface… which I would argue is two words and therefore doesn't count… on your list, Mr. Trying-to-be-a-Gentleman.”
Tommy had silently entered the room and was pouring himself a drink, his lips pursed in an attempt to contain his laughter. Ever since Joel and Ellie returned to Jackson, he felt like he had his own personal sitcom at his disposal. But he wasn’t quiet enough, and Ellie jumped at the opportunity to reel him in. 
“Tommy! What do you say? Is fuckface one or two words?” She implored.
“Oh, no way,” Tommy simpered. “I am not getting in the middle of this one.”
“The hell you aren’t!” Joel insisted. “Come on! You're my brother… back me up!”
“Tomster,” Ellie chided. “Can you maybe grow some hair on them and answer… we can handle the truth.”
Joel shot his younger brother a look of persuasion. “You heard the lady. So, one word or two?”
Tommy took a moment to think, then cleared his throat before answering.
“I believe fuckface is a noun. Therefore, it is one word.”
“Yes!” Joel hissed, savoring his tiny victory as Ellie dramatically rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah… whatever, I still kicked your ass. Final score, 17 for me, 9 for you… even with fuckface!”
“Let me see that!” Joel snapped, taking the papers back from her hands. Tommy looked over his brother's shoulder and met Ellie’s gaze with a grin.
“Looks like she beat you fair and square, hermano,” he ribbed as Joel crumbled the papers.
“Ha! YOU LOSE! Pay up, old man… pay up!”
“What are you two wagering, anyway?” Tommy asked.
“The cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli we found at that abandoned convenience store last week.”
“Chef,  Chef Boy…” Tommy muttered. “You two realize you’re not scavenging out there on the lam anymore… right? You act like you’re not getting three delicious,  homemade squares daily. Don’t even let Maria hear you talking like this.”
“Hey, with all due respect to the fine, and I do mean fine, cuisine you offer up here in Jackson… there is a certain… je ne sais quoi about Chef Boy that cannot be denied.”
“Je ne sais?” Joel stumbled. “What… we’re talking French now? You got any French words on that list because they sure don’t count!”
“Nope! I kicked your ass in plain old English,” she grinned, a smile so bright it warmed the man’s heart.
“Okay, fine!” He relented and retreated the canned delicacy from his jacket, tossing it Ellie’s way.
She caught it with one hand and beamed. “Yes!” She whispered as Tommy looked on with amusement.
“I can’t believe you’re stealing an old man’s ravioli,” Tommy teased.
“Hey, that’s slander! I’m not stealing. I won this fair and square! Besides,” she smiled at Joel, “he knows I’m going to share it with him anyway.”
“Then what’s the point of all this?!” Tommy squawked.
“Bragging rights,” the two answered in unison.
“Rights that I clearly have,” Ellie giggled.
“So what do you say, Joel?” She asked. “Want me to heat these up for a midnight snack.”
Shanking his head with a smirk, Joel leaned over and gently kissed her forehead.
“Go ahead. I’ll be waiting for you right here.”
Just gonna tag a few of my fellow TLOU fans; I hope you enjoy it! @icecoffee90 @a-crepusculo @danijimenezv @bex-la-get @writer-ish @annfg8 @kyra75 @missameliep @inlocusmads @cariantha @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks and, Bree, I'm tagging you for Pedro, not TLOU lol @jamespotterthefirst
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• “Much Ado About Everything”•
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Summary: London current days. You finally decide to start a basic acting class as hobby, you would never believe where this experience will lead you and especially the luck will bring you in the near future. Both in your career and love. But life isn’t all puppy dogs and rainbows…
Relationship: Pedro Pascal x (f) reader (y/n)
Warning: None for this chapter, maybe some cursing.
Tags: cursing, mention to anxiety.
Words count: 1,330
Notes: This is the first time I’m writing after almost 15 years. I’m sorry for any error or mistake, English is not my first language. I was inspired by something that is actually happening to me adding a bit of fantasy. I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)
~ Chapter one ~
You couldn’t believe this was happening. “Just luck” you thought staring blankly to nothing.
Last year you forced yourself to do something for you, something to enjoy and entertain yourself: signing up to acting classes. You always loved cinema, the core of it, how movies were made, scripts, pre and postproduction and you always had an interest in acting but you never believed you could be any good. This time, something changed: “It will be just as a hobby. I’ll meet new people, hopefully make some good friends and sharing the same interests!”. So you did. The course went by quickly, you moved from basic to intermediate, from character building to stage techniques.
You were loving it!
At the end of the year, your teacher organised and prepared all the students to stage a play:
“Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespear.”
You were Beatrice who falls in love with Benedict.
On the same day of the premiere, Marcus, your teacher spoke to all of you with good news:
“I took a step forward and I have invited few friends from the industry to come and see the play.
I know you were expecting something more intimate and low key, but one of them is a talent scout and one... a Hollywood actor.”
The tension in the room spiked up and you all started chatting and trembling with anxiety.
“Alright alright, calm down! I didn’t want to tell you and spoil the surprise! I thought you were going to be excited; I didn’t think I was going to cause destress! Just enjoy the evening, don’t think about anything I said, do everything you did during the rehearsal and especially… HAVE FUN!”
Your friend Martha started whispering to you “Who do you think the actor is?” “I don’t know, I don’t want to even think about it, or I’ll freak out. Plus, if I have to be entirely honest, I don’t care about the actor but more about the talent scout. If this person is here I guess they are looking for someone for a minor part or something like that!” You said while creaking your fingers.
The play was a success and all of you seemed to have forgotten what Marcus said at the beginning.
The theatre was small and there were probably around 100 people among friends and family.
You were all happy and satisfied with how it went, especially Marcus.
All of you rushed to the backstage hugging, laughing, screaming, releasing all the tension tat was built up for months! Marcus entered the room and behind him two people following him. He joined the hug and congratulated each of you.
“I can’t express enough how happy I am with how this evening went! Everything was perfect: except for you David farting on stage during the scene!” everyone laughed. “Hey! That was intentional! It was to break the silence and save the moment!” David said ironically.
But it was true, you were not that happy because the silence during the scene was caused by you forgetting the line. You panicked, but David “gas release” gave you the time to look at Marcus to give you the line while the audience was laughing.
“Yeah… sorry guys!” you said crossing your arms and looking at your feet.
“Don’t be silly Y/N! It could have happened to anyone; the most important thing is that we found a way to improvise and save the moment as a team… even though it was David’s fart!” Martha said squeezing your shoulders. You laughed but It didn’t make you feel better though.
“It’s not like you fell, broke a rib and had to continue acting like nothing happened while in total and visible pain! Believe me, that is the worse, talking from experience.” It was the voice of one of the two people behind Marcus. None of you really paid attention when they entered the room behind him, you were all too excited, but in that exact moment you all looked at where the voice was coming from and there he was: Pedro Pascal.
Jaw dropped and eyes out of the orbit. You all knew him of course, but none of you could believe he was there, I mean, a shitty play from a minor theatre company. Marcus must have had very good friends in the past.
Pedro winked and smiled at you to make you feel better. You were out of words. “So don’t think about it, no one noticed it, you were great!” he added, and you blushed. “You were all great guys! Qudos to all of you!” he said looking at everyone to break your clear embarrassment to the compliment.
“Guys, this is Lynda Erkiletian, she is a talent scout looking for new faces for an upcoming project. And of course… I guess he doesn’t need an introduction: Mr Pedro Pascal, my dear friend from NYU.”
Everyone thanked and approached Lynda and Pedro sharing compliments and questions. The night ended going out to a pub till. You were all impressed by how Lynda and Pedro were so easy going and approachable. You went back home drunk, lying on your bed with a big smile and thinking what an incredible experience you just had.
The next morning you woke up in complete hangover and with a mix feeling of happiness and sadness for realising that the course ended, and that the experience was already just a memory. Back to reality, it was Sunday and from tomorrow you were starting over your boring office job.
You filled your mug with some hot strong coffee and you sat on the kitchen chair contemplating the absolute nothing. Zooming out, you were remembering every bit of last night with a smile and absent eyes.
The moment was interrupted by your phone buzzing. You look at the screen: It was Marcus.
You answered with a cracked voice: “Hello teacher!” “Hello my dear, how’s this morning going? From how much you drank last night and your voice I bet you are in pain!” laughing.
“Jesus Christ Marcus, keep it down, my head is exploding!” you said placing your hand on your forehead.
“Well, if your head is exploding now, wait until I give you the news… you’ll be bloooown”
“What’s that? What did I do? What happened, SPEAK YOU DEVIL!” you never liked being left with anticipation and guessing.
“Let’s just say that you gave a very good impression to Lydia and Pedro last night..” you could hear his smirk over the phone.
“What you mean? They barely spoke to me after the play.” You were confused as they spent the night talking to Martha and David thinking that they were the “chosen ones”.
“True, but apparently it was done on purpose as they kept an eye on you during and after the play to see what kind of person you are without giving a hint or pressuring it.”
“Shut up.” You said. “What?!” Marcus replied. “I was drunk, a fucking idiot, Marcus! I thought they were into Martha and David so I didn’t bother at all!”
“Well… I guess that’s what they were looking for and they liked you for who you truly were last night!” he said, and you couldn’t think of anything to say, your mind was already spinning and your heart racing.
“Anyway, before you start throwing up, they want to meet you for dinner tonight and Lydia wants to talk about a small part in a movie with Pedro, if you are interested. I’ll be there with you, don’t worry. I’ll give you the lines if you freeze again!” he laughed.
You couldn’t believe that was happening. How could it be? You?! You never took this course seriously; it was just a hobby. Yes you liked it very much but you never thought it could become anything else than just a nice experience.
“Just luck” you thought hanging up on Marcus after a quick “ok”, leaving your phone on the table you kept staring at nothing.
In shock.
A lucky shocking moment.
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romancefranaticstay · 9 months
Professor Jin
Short backstory• Y/N is a student at the university. You love studying, reading books, going to the library. Your a bit of a loner, but you still have many friends to carry on your shoulders. One day you get a new professor, and everything change’s.•
Category• smut, fluff
Warnings• a little bit smut, tiny bit swearing
•Song recommendations•
•Because I am working on Cheaters get Heated part 5, I wanted to make this in the mean time. Enjoy!•
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Goodmorning, it’s a beautiful morning, even tho it’s sucks.
You take your stuff and walk out of your appartement, on your way out you see ur black cat. He’s is lazy, just laying around and eating. You wear a black coat, stylish. You walk towards your black car and you drive towards the university. You look at the clock, o my lord it’s 7 am? How could be 7 am? You drive into the parking, and your walking fast towards your class. Your not scared to be late, but it’s not a good first impression. You knock on the door 3 time’s and open it.
You yawn, and try to get out of bed. You almost fall back asleep but ur alarm goes off.
You almost fall out of bed. You aren’t even happy today. You stand up and look at the time. It’s 6 am. Gosh you hate mornings, you walk over towards your desk, with all your books and notebooks. It’s a mess. You take your backpack and just throw everything inside. What should you wear today? You take some baggy pants, a white collar and black shoes. You look in the mirror. It isn’t formal, but it’s alright. Then your brushing/styling your hair. Perfect.
‘I am sorry I am late, si-.’ Wow, is that your professor? He looks so young, this can’t be. Wow, the silent is to long, just say something.
‘Take a seat’ he looks at his clipboard ‘Y/N.’
You walk towards your friend Jungkook who is sitting by the window, in the back of the classroom.
‘Psst, hey.’ you say ‘we have a new professor?’ ‘He looks way to young, to be honest.’ Jungkook says. Professor Jin starts explaining Korean culture, but you only can stare at his lips, wow. His face is just so, you can’t even explain. Time goes so fast when your staring at a miracle. ‘No Y/N you can’t find your teacher hot, or cute. It’s weird.’ you say to yourself. You see many girls sitting infront, giggling and blushing. You don’t want to be that type of girl. They are all whispering and if he looks at them they all start over again. Even Jungkook’s crush is sitting there. You feel kinda bad for him.
‘Why would they all stare at him? There is no way someone can be with a teacher?! That’s just weird.’ he gossips to you.
‘He is blehh.’ he says with a weird expression, you laugh.
‘You two in the back’ mr Kim says ‘what you two laughing about?’ You two froze, but Jungkook make’s the entire time weird faces towards you. Both of you try to hold our laughter, but it’s just to hard. So both of you burst into laughing. You are almost crying because of laughter.
‘Because you two have so much fun in the back, why don’t Y/N sit here infront of me?’ professor Kim says.
‘I can go infront.’ Jungkook propose.
You just stand up and walk towards the empty seat, it’s the closest seat. You actually can smell him, wow. After class, the professor glances at you while ur walking with Jungkook outside. ‘You know that mr Kim was looking at you the entire time, what a freak.’ he did? You felt a bit special by hearing that. Before you could walk any further you hear someone saying your name.
‘Miss Y/N, could I talk to you for a second?’ you turn around and it’s ur teacher, mr Kim.
‘I need to go with you?’ Jungkook asks. ‘I am gonna be fine.’ you say, and you walk towards ur teacher. He opens the door for you, to enter the classroom. When he is inside he locks the door. When you hear the click, you turn around. You want to ask why he locked the door, but he cuts you off. He kisses you wild, and pins one hand above you and the other hand he holds.
‘Mr Kim, what are you doing?!’ you asks.
‘I remember the first-kiss-time-kiss-i saw you.’
‘You mean 2 hours okay?’ you breath heavily.
‘Past year.’ he says while still kissing you. He puts his hand behind your head and he hugs you tight. He is so wild, you two accidentally fall on the floor. But that doesn’t stop him. His hands go everywhere. Suddenly someone knocks on the door. You two get off eachother in shock, and you try to calm yourself down. He helps you stand up and breaths heavily. You run towards a seat, and you do like you thinking hard.
He opens the door and there stands a lady.
‘Hello, professor Kim, can i talk with you?’
‘I am actually talking with a student, so-.’
You cut him off, this is just embarrassing.
‘I can go’ you stand up and go to the door ‘i will talk to you tomorrow mr Kim. Have a good day sir.’ you actually want to run, but you can’t be suspicious. You walk slowly through the hallway, while you feel mr Kim’s eyes burn into your back.
•this story will have a next part•
•i don’t want to rush through this story, but maybe today or tomorrow it will be finished!•
•I promise!!•
No copying! No translating! No remaking!
Please respect that!
Part 2 will be out soon!
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murdaughter · 11 months
important vanessa emily things below the cut
extreme tw for child death and child abuse given that em is the daughter of a serial killer and just in keeping with f.na.f lore
-so in my canon, vanessa's mother dies somewhat mysteriously when she's about six years old. i personally don't feel the need to expand upon the, like, where and how of it, but vanessa definitely saw something to incriminate william
-it was definitely something at night, where she was like groggy and confused and for that reason it's very easily written off by teachers, therapists, etc.
-vanessa tries to report what she saw but given that in her canon timeline it was the 1970s (she was born in 1973, making her around 27 at the time of the movie) no one took her very seriously. even in a contemporary timeline, the lack of evidence does her no favors
-things calm down, mainly because william realizes he cut it WAY too close. he also realizes he needs to regain vanessa's trust, especially as she gets older
-we'll say that vanessa was around 10 when freddy fazbear's pizza opened up (which would be a grand opening in 1983), and the murders happened around 1985 (which i believe is like canon to the timeline?? idk man)
-because it was a new business venture (and as vanessa would later learn, a trap) william spent most of his time there, which meant vanessa did too. it became an oasis. her dad seemed happy there, and all the staff liked her and looked out for her. nothing seemed wrong, so to her nothing was wrong
-while she still harbors an underlying fear of her father, he has been working very hard to erase it, and by the time fazbear's is open (i'm not including the diner in my canon bc i simply dont have the bandwidth ahh im sorry) vanessa has largely compartmentalized her fear of her father, considering it just like general teen angst
-but when the 1985 murders happen, vanessa is very, very aware
-i'm undecided on whether she witnessed them because this blog is still in its infancy and i need to do more research on ptsd in general but also like what van's trauma would look like specifically as the child of a murderer, etc
-but either way, vanessa knows about the murders within days of them happening (if not The day of) and william knows she knows
-he then becomes an extremely unstable presence in her life, alternating between manipulation, outright threats, and gaslighting. as a result, vanessa is extremely loyal to him and to freddy's out of sheer fear
-its rare that vanessa is at the pizzeria very late, but she has been there after hours and has encountered the animatronics when they are possessed by william's victims
-vanessa quickly figures out how to communicate with them. like we see in the movie, they aren't really violent unless provoked/under william's influence, especially when it comes to kids.
-it's not the healthiest thing, but vanessa actually develops relationships with the kids, and starts to take solace in them. sometimes, she regards them as siblings.
-the bite of 87 closes the place down right when vanessa is entering high school. she has a weird reputation because of it (she definitely goes from being somewhat popular among classmates just because she like has the hook up to like kind of a pariah just because people are freaked out)
-obviously the murders are never connected to afton but there are very likely rumors and that shit does come down on vanessa in school, especially once the place shuts down
-vanessa has a few outcast friends but again, there is a lot of fear that if she gets to involved william might hurt them too
-once she graduates, she goes to state school (idk if fnaf has a canon location but! i'll pick a state eventually probably) but she is very much under william's thumb the entire time
-william brings her into the fold once she graduates college, as he has learned that it's difficult to keep the security guards alive
-vanessa just straight up is not a cop. she's trained in first aid and knows how to use a gun, but this is all by william's design. all her gear is stolen and/or forged and she has had some close calls
-aside from still being deeply afraid for her life, vanessa is almost entirely dependent on william financially, and he does basically pay her as a full time employee keeping the guards in line, etc.
-vanessa has looked for ways out very frequently but often feels too afraid to pursue them or is otherwise intimidated out of it by her father.
-the events of the film go down in my canon as they go down in the movie
-vanessa eventually Does wake up from the coma, and as william is dead (that's right!! he's dead im not letting that bastard survive lol) the case gets opened up and all that
-im gonna look into whether or not she would go to jail for life lmao. realistically she totally might. even though vanessa is a victim of lifelong abuse and threats against her life she is still an accomplice to a lot of crime so? idk man
-BUT for convenience and rp's sake, vanessa undergoes the trial, faces public ridicule and vitriol, and eventually comes out the other side as emily laughlin. the legal name change doesn't protect her from all of the fallout of the pizzeria, but it does help)
-she becomes a barista and tries to keep her head down. shes dealing with a huge amount of trauma and is just generally all over the place, as she's never been given the opportunity to live her own life before.
-she definitely has a continuing relationship with mike (whether that's romantic or platonic is open to whatever) and of course abby, though they are probably her only links to Being Vanessa. i'm still deciding if the ghost kids remain, but i'm thinking with afton dead, they're able to pass on. which on one hand is beautiful, but it's also another loss for emily.
-all in all, emily is definitely very damaged from her ordeal, but at once is very eager to connect once she feels someone is trustworthy. her relationship with mike definitely has a lot to do with that, as he has proven to her that people Can Be trustworthy
-anyway that's my story and im sticking to it! pls love my baby i care her very much ok bye
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anonymous1038 · 1 year
The Stars Burn Bright
@ila-appreciationweek day 5
Mariza and William Bright once had a son.
A son that was as kind and sweet as them. Happy, full of energy, the greatest son anyone can ask for.
Eighteen years later, he died.
The police and Mayor Green say that his death was caused by Noah Marshall, but they knew that something else took their son away. Something sinister, something he told them about before that fateful night. They couldn’t bring themselves to believe that a friend of their son’s would murder him, despite the hard evidence presented to them.
Something that lived in the woods. A spirit named Redfield. They once believed he was the real reason why he died.
Jasper had told them that Jane’s death was due to ‘unfortunate circumstances’. They didn’t believe it, but they decided not to pry, believing that one day he’ll open up to them about what really happened, and how the Marshalls lost their daughter.
And he did, at the end of freshman year, during homecoming.
“...Redfield snapped her neck. She was the only one who wasn’t scared...and he killed her...”
Mariza remembered hugging her son tight, while William was stroking his dyed hair. They told him over and over again that he doesn't have anything to be ashamed of, and that it wasn’t his fault Jane died.
Their words weren’t enough.
They remember the day they managed to get back to Westchester. A day after homecoming. Mariza was in hysterics, panicking over her little boy’s safety and if the police had arrested him for Cody’s death. William was the only reason why she hadn’t flown off the handle, reassuring her that there was no evidence he did the deed and that Sheriff Cunningham wouldn’t make a severe error in his judgement.
But he would lying if he said he wasn’t freaking out either.
They arrived at the police station, demanding for answers on what happened while they were overseas.
All of Jasper’s friends, minus Noah and Jane, were there. None of them were happy to break the news.
“Jasper’s dead.”
Ever since then, the Brights blamed themselves for his death. If they hadn’t gone overseas, they could’ve kept him safe. He would still be here, listening and humming some new song that came out, helping Mariza in the kitchen and failing miserably and setting off the smoke alarm, play around with Hilda in the front yard with their neighbour Cid, tell William the latest dumbest stories that happened in school...
...if only they were still in Westchester.
They locked themselves in their house for two days afterwards. And only came out for Jasper’s funeral.
The image of his body burned itself into their minds. Wide, unseeing eyes, still dressed in a golden suit stained with blood.
They cremated him. They didn’t want the last thing to remember their son by was his dead body.
When the funeral’s over, and they were about to go home, they were approached by Lucas Thomas. Who told them the truth.
“Jane was behind it all. The attack on homecoming, why Noah betrayed us...and why he killed him.”
The Brights knew of Jasper’s little crush on the boy, but chose not to say it to him in hopes he finds out for himself one day and gather the courage to tell it to him himself.
And he did.
And they weren’t there to see it.
Despite this, they were still proud to hear that he managed to do so, and accepted Lucas as their unofficial son-in-law, no matter what his parents would say.
They just wish they had more time.
A second chance. Just to hold him again.
“You know, when I was a ghost, sometimes I would come by to look at my old house. I don’t remember much, but I still remember what my parents looked like.”
It’s been a few days after the disaster at the carnival. Though there were still a few horrors roaming around, they had a cure at their disposal to save the remaining ones. They just had to hunt every single one of them down.
But for now, before Jasper can do his part, there was one thing he wanted to do.
Say hello to his parents.
Violet was with him, (who was carrying him with one arm despite his wishes of wanting to stand and walk or float), along with Noah and Lucas. But even with the support, he found himself anxious on seeing them again.
How would they react to seeing their son, back from the dead after four years of grieving?
“You sure we shouldn’t just use the cover story of you being kidnapped?” Violet asks, walking towards the familiar house he lived in since childhood. It was close to the woods. It brought a sense of comfort to him. “I know you told your parents about the whole ghost thingy, but would they believe you being resurrected and all?”
“They did a lot of research on ghosts when I told them about Jasper’s situation.” Lucas says, giving their intertwined hands a light squeeze. “They shouldn’t be surprised by the supernatural bit. They were out of town when we did the ritual both times though...”
“Yeah, but seeing your son alive would give them a shock.” Noah commented, and soon enough, they all stand in front of the doors of the house, still well maintained even after all this time.
“...so should we be standing here while you do the thing?” Violet asked. “Or do you want us to be here?”
“...I think I want to be alone with this. If you don’t mind.” Jasper responds.
“Of course love.” Lucas nods, and Noah gives a thumbs up.
“You can’t walk or stand properly dumbass.” Violet glares at him, refusing to relinquish her hold on him. “At least let me be here so you don’t fall on your ass while talking with your parents.”
“I can float.”
“And floating might cause your old man and woman to have a heart attack.”
“You just want an excuse to meet my parents, don’t you?”
“Oh shut up.”
Jasper shrugs, knowing that Violet would not let this up no matter how hard he tries. “Fine.”
The other two walk off to the side to not be seen as Jasper takes a deep breath in, raises his hand, and knocks on the door.
“Yes? I’m coming.”
God, it’s been so long since he actually heard his mother’s voice.
The door swings open. “How can I....” She trails off, her eyes going wide when she saw a face she never thought she would see again.
Jasper manages a smile, waving at his mother. “Hi mom.”
Mariza walks over to her son, her gentle hand resting on his cheek, lips trembling and eyes filling with tears. She seems to be ignoring Violet’s presence.
“Is it really you?”
He nods. “Yes mom. It’s me.”
In a blink of an eye, his mother scoops him out of Violet’s arms and into hers, hugging him so tight he was sure he was going to get crushed. He can hear her sobbing as they fell to the ground.
“What’s going on?” William walks to the doorway, confused. “Is every...” He stops when he sees him. And just like his wife, his eyes go wide, unbelieving.
“Dad...” Jasper looks up at him, smiling even wider. “I missed you.”
It didn’t take long for him to join the embrace, dropping to the ground and wrapping his arms around his wife and son, letting out years of pent up emotions.
“I missed you too son. We missed you.”
“You don’t have to miss me anymore. I’m here.”
As the Bright family reunite, Violet feels a small pang in her heart, just like she felt when she saw Elliot reunite with Harper. Her not so real family wouldn’t get the chance to hug her one last time.
But at least this family had the chance.
And she was satisfied with that.
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allyricas · 2 years
Broken (but not beyond repair) pt. 1
Author's notes: Pairing: Steve Harrington/Original Female Character any romantic pairings will be 18+ and I will tag for any warnings/ratings. There will be eventual smut. Also, Eddie is OFC's ex-best friend and not the nicest originally. He will eventually be the Eddie we know and love, but it's gonna take awhile. I haven't decided about whether to make this a steddie/OFC yet. I've named the character, but kept it vague as far as skin color and appearance for the readers. Not edited by anyone but me, so feel free to let me know about any glaring errors. I haven't written since I was into the teen wolf fandom years ago, so be gentle please. Brief mentions of CSA and abuse. current word count: 3500 whoops.
Summary: After her best friend Eddie breaks her heart, Catarina ends the friendship and moves on. She gets close to Robin and Steve, eventually getting involved with all the danger that Hawkins brings. As she gets closer to Steve and has to learn to fight for what's important to her, what will she do when Eddie is eventually dragged into the danger as well?
You first met Eddie Munson in the sixth grade. He’d ran right into you outside the school, knocking you both to the ground. He’d apologized and you’d shrugged. You were already used to being bullied. You were overweight and you didn’t fit in with the other kids. Hitting puberty before everyone else just made it all worse too—like did you need to get your period at the end of third grade or have a C cup by fourth? With Jenna Williams and her little lackeys constantly mooing at you, you learned to be quiet and just try and get through the day. They would wait until you were in the bathroom and throw things at you, tell you how ugly you were and that no boys would ever like you. Even the younger kids would bully you. Jason Carver especially seemed to hate you. He would trip you and pull your hair. It was hell, at least until a scrawny, weird kid with a shaved head had nearly given you a concussion when he sent you sprawling into the concrete head first.  
The first words he’d said to you were “oh shit I'm sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going... I’m Eddie Munson. Shit. Shit. Uh, your head is bleeding!” 
You stared at him for a minute, dazed and confused because this boy was talking to you without being mean. He was saying sorry. And then he helped you to the clinic and refused to leave, adamant that he would stay with you until your mom came to pick you up. And then he never left your side. You became best friends. You’d race home to do your homework so that you could go ride bikes to the quarry with him. He showed you all his metal and you showed him all your books. It turned out you really didn’t care for most of the heavier metal, but he loved fantasy and science fiction. You both loved campy horror movies and Halloween. You both knew what it felt like to have shitty families and trauma from abuse. You both knew the pain of being different and hated by your peers.  
And God, did Eddie make it easy for you to care about him. His adorable doe eyes, and warm laugh. The way he would hold your hand or gently tug on your hair. How he would always get tapes for you from the music store even when it was music he didn’t like. You knew about his dad and all the things he went through before moving in with his uncle Wayne. He knew about your dad and the abuse and the bullying. He stood up for you when Jenna or Jason would say things to you in the hallway. You would seethe at anyone who called him a freak for wearing nail polish or liking metal. You were each other’s safe haven until you weren’t anymore.  
You knew you loved him. Nearly right away he’d stolen your heart. Eddie Munson had wormed his way right into the essence of your soul. There was a part of you that simply belonged to him and always would. As you both grew older and Eddie became less of a boy and more of a man. A very handsome one, with long hair and stupidly sexy hands—tall and beautiful. His voice was no longer higher pitched, but deeper in a way that felt dangerous. He’d speak to you and sometimes, you felt it everywhere. But you knew Eddie didn’t see you that way. You saw the way his eyes followed the cheerleaders. You saw how he’d stare at Jenna or her little underlings. He stared the most at Chrissy Cunningham even though she was a few years younger than you both. She was beautiful and thin with long blonde hair. She always had a placid smile on her face, hand in hand with Jason Carver of all people. And yet, you watched Eddie pine after her. It didn’t worry you too much but it certainly hurt.  
When Eddie started dealing, you didn’t judge. He needed the money and besides, it meant you could smoke for free. Word spread and by senior year, Eddie was the dealer. He went to the parties and all the popular kids suddenly noticed him even if they still called him a freak. You still felt invisible most of the time. Then you graduated and He didn’t. Then He didn’t again. You managed to stay best friends, even though it would be harder with Eddie was still in high school. You knew Eddie saw you as his best friend, but never as anything else. He had a certain charisma about him though. You saw the other girls notice him. You saw the way they giggled as he strutted by despite his being a super senior—maybe it was like a bad boy type of deal. Between having a band and the best drugs, you knew he was probably hooking up with girls. Regardless of how you felt, you refused to let it affect your friendship. It was on a normal Friday afternoon when everything changed forever. Eddie had been distant for a few weeks, but you knew he was busy so you tried not to worry about it. As you sat on his old couch about to watch a stupid movie, he seemed like he was about to burst with energy.  
“Alright, Ed. What is wrong with you? Did you take something? You are like vibrating dude.” you asked him, a little concerned but trying to play it off. He was acting so strange today. Tense. But excited. “Come on, just tell me. You always do anyways.” 
“Yeah, I need to tell you something. I can’t believe it even happened. I mean, I've dreamed about it, sure. But fuck. Chrissy kissed me. In the woods, at my spot. She came to buy weed and I was flirting a little. Uh, next thing I know, she’s kissing the hell out of me.” Eddie exhaled; eyes wide. You felt your stomach drop and your heart shatter. You knew it wasn’t fair to feel that way, but damn it hurt. And you also knew that Chrissy and Jason were still together. You’d seen them just yesterday at the coffee shop. They’d sat in the corner, laughing and cuddling (not even ordering anything) and you remember thinking they seemed happy. Even though Eddie had been crushing on her for years, you liked Chrissy. She was kind for a cheerleader and she didn’t participate in any bullying directly. She often would scold others quietly if things got out of hand. She seemed a little lost sometimes. Like maybe, she had been through something—you could usually recognize that in other people. You worried she was using Eddie to deal with whatever that something was.  
“Ed. Chrissy and Jason are still together. Is she breaking up with him?” you sighed. You didn’t want to have this conversation but you cared enough to do it anyways.  
“I don’t know. We decided to keep it a secret for now. Jason is a dick. She doesn’t want to deal with the drama of a breakup.” Eddie crossed his arms. You could see his defenses were going up. “I have liked her for years, Cat. I have got to go for it.” 
“She is going use you while she hangs all over Jason. You deserve better than being a dirty secret. You...I …I just." You stopped, your words failing you for a moment. “I think Chrissy is struggling with something and she’s trying to escape and she is trying to use you to numb whatever it is. I know what that looks like. So do you, and I just don’t want you to get hurt, I care about you so much Ed.” 
“You’re just fucking jealous.” he scoffed. His face was red and you noticed his eyes, pupils small and hands shaking.  
“Please don’t be with Chrissy. Eddie, I care about you. Do you understand what I am saying? I would be so happy to show you off to the whole world. I would try to make you happy. You deserve someone who will see you and love you. Ed, I love you.” the words spilled out before you could stop them. Your heart sank because you said the three words you swore you would never say out loud. And you could not take them back now. You had talked to Eddie many times about how you felt like no one would ever want you romantically. That you felt undesirable and unlovable. That it was a big source of anxiety and pain for you. You had cried in his arms, worried that you would always be damaged goods—broken beyond repair. He’d just rubbed your back while you cried and told you that it wasn’t true. That someday you would find someone who wanted you.  
“Um. What do you mean ‘you love me’...like as a friend” Eddie asked, voice lower than you’d ever heard it. He stared, waiting for you to answer him.  
You took a deep breath. There was no going back now. You had to be honest.  
“I love you. Not just as my best friend. I want to be more than friends. I’ve felt this way for a while, but I was scared to tell you. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” You were barely able to whisper out the words. You felt your eyes sting and you blinked back the tears.  
“I don’t love you like that. I want Chrissy. I’ve wanted her for a long time. I’m not giving up a chance to be with her over you. You're my best friend, but I could never want you that way.” he replied coldly. His arms were crossed and he was glaring at you. He was now shaking all over. You could smell that he’d been drinking, you hadn’t noticed before being so caught up in the Chrissy revelation.  
“Ed, you’re drunk. Are you on drugs, too?” you asked, hoping this was why he was being so mean to you. It was fine if he didn’t feel the same way. Okay, your heart was broken, but you’d get past it because it was Eddie and your friendship meant everything to you.  
“Catarina, I don’t want you. No one does. You are a great friend, but just not the girl that anyone falls for. Sad truth.” He was trying to hurt you on purpose. He was furious you’d said Chrissy was using him. Furious you weren’t happy for him. Furious he had to deal with this bullshit instead of hanging out with you. So, he dug the knife in deeper. “I don’t want damaged goods. You are broken beyond repair Catarina. I don’t want your daddy’s sloppy seconds, that’s fucking gross.” 
He threw your own words and pain back at you. The part of you that had once belonged to Eddie shriveled. You let all the anger and hurt take over and carved out every single part of your heart that had been infected by Eddie fucking Munson and you burned it. You know he’s lashing out and fucked up on alcohol and drugs. You know he has his own traumas that he refuses to work through, but you won’t ever let someone speak to you this way. Take words you told them in confidence and have them weaponized against you. You were done with him. Not just as the boy you once loved, but as your best friend.  
“Munson, fuck you. Don’t you ever fucking talk to me again. Don’t look at me. Don’t fucking think about me. Go be Chrissy fucking Cunnigham’s slutty little secret and rot in hell.” And you stormed out of his trailer and out of his life.  
The next day he tried calling a few times, confused as to why you didn’t show up to his show at the hideout. You always went. Finally, after the fifth time, you answered the phone. “Hello, Connor residence. This is Cat.” 
“Cat, what the fuck. Why didn’t you come to the show tonight?” Eddie whined. Your head started to spin. What planet is he on?  
“I told you to not to call me or talk to me. Leave me alone. Stop calling me.” You hung up the phone. How dare he call you like nothing happened. The phone started to ring again.  
“What don’t you understand about ‘leave me the fuck alone’ Munson?” 
“Wait, Cat. Don’t hang up. What happened last night? I was so fucked up on pills and I was drinking Wayne’s shitty whiskey. Did I say something to piss you off?”  
“Don’t ever call me again. I don’t want to talk to you. You shattered our friendship and I’m certainly repeating any of the bullshit you were spouting last night. Fuck off.” You hung up the phone, ripping the jack from the wall. You went upstairs and crawled into bed. This was your last summer before community college. You had to work early in the morning. You needed to find new friends. You wanted to move out of your mom’s house and start your life. But tonight, you just needed to cry over the boy you thought would always be by your side and who had broken your heart more than you thought possible.  
Two weeks after walking out of Eddie’s trailer, you’d walked into the Family Video. Your friend from high school Robin worked there and you needed some human interaction. Your mom had been staying with your grandparents in Florida to help out and it was just you, alone in your stupid house. It had been some time since you’d hung out with Robin as she was a year below you in school thus about to graduate this year with the wonderful, beautiful Chrissy and maybe even Eddie—if he pulled his shit together and actually showed up to class. You looked like total shit, hair a total mess and eyes puffy from crying. You were wearing a ripped Tears for Fears top and pajama shorts with your chucks, and you had not an ounce of makeup on. It wasn’t Robin at the counter though, it was Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington. You rolled your eyes because of course you look like death warmed over and this handsome fucker is here looking like he stepped out of a gap magazine. You looked at him for a moment longer, noticing that he had clearly put on a bit of muscle and grown out his hair a bit more. He looked even better than he had in high school. You might’ve been in love with Eddie, but even you were not immune to how pretty Steve was.  
“Hello, there. Welcome to Family Video. Do you need help finding a certain movie?” Steve told you, and sadly, it was the first human interaction you’d had in weeks outside of the book store. You just stared, feeling tears sting the corner of your eyes. Fuck, you were not about to cry in front of Steve Harrington. Reel it in, do not do it. “You alright there, pretty girl? If you’re going through a bad breakup, I could recommend—” 
“No, not exactly a breakup.” You felt the first tear escape. You fought the tears valiantly, but they continued. “How about when your best friend of eight years breaks your heart and chooses a pretty cheerleader over you and tells you how awful and unlovable you are?? Oh my god, I am so sorry for the major oversharing. Do you have Grease 2?” 
It was then that Robin (thank God) walked into the store from the backroom. “Cat!! I haven’t seen you in ages. You look like shit? What's wrong?!”  
“I... Me and Eddie. I-” You started to cry in earnest at this point. Robin quickly threw her arms around you. 
“She said he broke her heart, chose a cheerleader over her—that she was awful. Clearly untrue. Eddie Munson is a freak if he thinks she is the awful one. Just saying.” Steve shrugged, helping to fill Robin in on what she had missed as you were sobbing, unable to speak.  
“Thanks, dingus. Eddie has treated you like his own personal cheerleader for years and totally ignored that you were obviously in love with him because he was hung up on Cunningham—who by the way, never knew he even existed until she wanted to start rebelling against her boring little existence. This explains a lot though. They’ve been all over each other at school for weeks. It’s disgusting. If I have to hear her through lunch laughing and sighing ‘oh, Eddie you’re so bad. You're so funny’ I will absolutely vomit all over them. You should see Carver though. Apparently, there was some overlap between them breaking up and Eddie and Chrissy getting together. Oh, the scandal of it all.” 
“Rob, what the hell...I don’t think she needs to hear all of that right now.” Steve interjected, clearly exasperated at his best friend's ramblings.  
“No, I think it helps to know.” you gulped between sobs. You took a deep breath. “Fuck Munson. I don’t need this bullshit. I came to see if you wanted to hang out Robin. I won’t lose the few friends I do have because of Edward Munson.” 
“Right on. You have Robin, and you can have me, too. I mean, if you want.” Steve threw his hands over his face, embarrassed of how that came out. You and Robin both chuckled.  
“I know what you meant, Steve. Of course, I want to be your friend too. It kind of seems like you and Rob are a package deal. How long have you been dating?” You asked, sensing the obvious closeness between them.  
“Oh NO. No, no, no. Eww, no offense. Steve and I are platonic. Capitol P platonic. He’s my bestie, my sweet cheese—totally unromantic.” Robin stuttered, rambling more and more.  
“Gee thanks, Rob.” Steve laughed, “She is right though. We are just best friends. We’ve gone through some heavy shit together, it shows.” 
“Ah, well then. Do you guys want to come over to my house tonight. I have the last of my weed and we can order takeout, watch a movie...or play games? Whatever really.” You offered, praying they would say yes.  
“We get off in an hour, we will bring a few movies. Even Grease 2.” Steve winked at you and you felt your stomach swoop. Shit.  
“I’ll order the pizzas.” you smiled. “But don’t talk shit about Grease 2. Michelle Pfeiffer is a goddess and she is so hot in that movie and the music rocks.” 
Robin stared at you intensely and Steve’s jaw was dropped.  
“You...think Michelle Pfeiffer is hot? Like in a girl crush way? Or...” Robin asked tentatively.  
“Um, in a ‘I’d faint if I ever met her’ kind of way. I hope that’s cool. I kind of thought you were...that you might also think. Um. I like girls and guys. Bisexual. Please tell me that you’re both cool with that.” you heart dropped, why did you always do this? Say too much and ruin things before they even started.  
“I’m a lesbian. Steve knows, he’s cool. Right Steve. But for the record, she’s not really my type. My type is unavailable and straight, apparently.” 
“Yeah, it’s hot. I mean, I’m cool with it.” Steve nodded, enthusiastically while Robin slapped him on the arm, rolling her eyes. 
“So... we’re going to discuss that later, Rob. Yeah?” You responded, hugging her tightly. On a whim, you also threw your arms around Steve. “Thanks for being cool about it, Stevie.”  
Steve flushed red and just patted your back. As you were walking out the door, you heard Robin laughing at Steve, calling him Stevie.  
“I think only Catarina can call me that, sorry Rob. You already call me dingus...”  
You smiled as you drove home. You’d sobbed in front of Steve Harrington, which yes, was mortifying. But you also reconnected with Robin in a whole new way. You were out to two more people. Eddie had known as well, and he hadn’t cared one way or the other since he also liked both. Steve had said it was hot before correcting to that’s cool. The butterflies returned with intensity as you considered the flush on his face as you’d hugged him and called him Stevie. The last thing you needed was to crush on your new friend, but it was impossible not to with Steve. He’d called you pretty girl and said Eddie was a freak for not seeing you. You couldn’t wait to hang out with your friends tonight and help Robin with her crush. This was a new beginning. You could never imagine a life without your old best friend, but what if you’d been so caught up in him that you missed out on getting to know amazing people? As much as losing him hurt, you felt it—that this was a good thing for you. And it meant you got to look at Steve Harrington, that certainly didn’t hurt either.  
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years
You Caught My Attention
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Emma Hunter (OC), implied Yuta/Bryan/Regal
Summary: Emma works two jobs to support her and her daughter and she's in her last year of college. What happens when the BCC walk into her little coffee shop?
Disclaimer: Only the idea, Emma, and Addy are mine; everything else belongs to someone else, including pictures and wrestlers.
CW: Mean customer? 🤷‍♀️
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(I made it myself 😁 be gentle 🥹)
Emma POV
“Thank you again for letting me bring her. I promise this won’t be a constant thing, her babysitter just got sick last night.”
“Oh Emma, it’s really okay, she’s an absolute doll! I grabbed some of our grandchildren’s coloring books when we got off the phone last night.” 
“Thank you so much! You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.”
“Of course dear, we take care of each other here in this little shop. Now, if you’re not busy today, please make sure you work on that college stuff. This is your last year and then you’re done, so don’t get behind because you’re busy working here and the bookshop.”
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Emma was glad that the rush of the day was over so that she could check on Addy and get some of her homework done. She just had to survive the rest of this semester and she would be free finally. She looks over at the table she left Addy at and smiles when she sees her diligently working on a coloring page. 
“That’s very pretty baby, is that for Mama?” Her daughter nods vigorously, red curls bouncing wildly. “Here sweetheart, why don’t you take a break and eat this for me, okay?” She requests, walking over and placing a plate of food down.
“Yes Mama, then I can finish?” She asks as she looks up at her.
“Yes, baby, then you can finish.” She hears the bell chime and looks to see four men walk in. “I’ll be right there, gentlemen, just a moment.”
“Take your time darling, these gents and I need time to find what we’d like.” An English voice answers, making Emma take another look only to see the famous William Regal. 
She turns back to her daughter quickly to hide her red face and smile. She couldn’t believe the Blackpool Combat Club was in her coffee shop, gosh she needs to calm down, she doesn’t want to look like a crazy fan. She takes a deep breath and smiles brightly at her baby, brushing some hair out of her face. 
“Okay baby, I got some work to do, stay right here and be good, yeah? Make sure you eat too.” 
“Yes Mama, I promise.” She bends and kisses her forehead then heads behind the counter, retying her apron and washing her hands. Putting a sweet smile on her face she turns to the men, hearing the last bit of their conversation. 
“… think she might be a fan.”
“Sorry guys! Mom duties were calling, did y’all find something you like?”
“Do you have oat milk?” Bryan Danielson, the American Dragon, she tries not to overreact.
“Yeah, we do! My baby girl needs it so thank goodness we do.” She realizes she’s rambling and the men are laughing.
“Sorry, you didn’t need to know that. Yes, we do have oat milk, sir.”
“Great! Can I get a Flat White with oat milk, I’m a vegan, so yeah.”
“Great! Are you all together or separate transactions.” They all start to say separate, but Mr. Regal interrupts.
“All together darling, on me please. Do you have any teas, my dear?”
“Great! And yes, I have Earl Grey, Black, Green, and I think I have some Chamomile as well. Oh, and can I get a name for the Flat White please sir?” She can tell that she’s shocked them by not knowing Bryan’s name, but she really didn’t want to freak them out either.
“Earl Grey would be lovely, dear, and William for the name. Milk and sugar are out here?”
“Yes sir, sugar is! Right on that table over there and when the tea is ready, I’ll get you some milk and let you pour it. How about you, sir?” She asks Yuta watching him blush when Jon Moxley asks what the sweetest drink we have is 
“Please ignore him, I’m begging you. May I have an iced White Chocolate Mocha?” He asks, shoving Moxley when he laughs at the order. “Like yours will be any better Mox! Oh, and Yuta please ma’am.”
“You got it Yuta! It’s my favorite too so I get it doll.” She smiles brightly. “How about you, Mox?” She teases.
“You got any hot chocolate, darlin’?” He smirks at her.  
“Yeah, make it myself since it’s not asked for often except when it’s freezing. Do you want any whip cream? I have chocolate shavings too.”
“Just give me the works, and extra whip cream if you don’t mind, sweetheart. Obviously, the name’s Mox for the cup.” He winks and she can’t help but blush at the handsome man who happens to be her favorite wrestler since forever. 
“You got it, Mox.” She types in all of the drinks and waits for the total. “If that’s everything gentlemen, it’ll be twenty-one dollars even, Mr. William.” He swipes his card, taking the receipt from her and adding ten dollars to the tip jar, he winks at her. 
“Just William, dear. Thank you very much. Do we wait for you to call it out?” 
“Oh, no sir, if you’re drinking them here then I’ll bring it to you.”
He thanks her again and follows Bryan to the table that Yuta is already sitting at, who is making faces at the young girl. 
“Found a friend, Sunshine?” He laughs when the girl giggles at his young lover. “I hope he’s not bothering you too much, my dear?”
“Your voice is funny, sir! I like it!” 
Emma hears Bryan laughing loudly, turning to see what the commotion is only to be startled by Jon Moxley. She jumps and puts her hand to her heart.
“Gosh! You scared me!” 
“Sorry ‘bout that darlin’. The guys are makin’ your kid laugh. It’s okay that they’re talking to her, right? I can make ‘em stop if you need me to.” He smirks, muttering to her then biting his thumbnail. 
She finishes his hot chocolate, adding chocolate shavings to the top of the whip cream and handing it to him. “Here you go Mox, and yeah it’s fine, she usually doesn’t talk to people so the fact that she's doing so is great. Though, one second.” She gets Addy’s attention. “Hey, don’t call his accent weird, baby girl, it’s just different, we’ve talked about this.”
“Sorry Mama, I’m sorry Mister.” She says quietly. 
“It’s quite alright dear girl, I’m not upset at all. It is quite different isn’t it, petal?” At her nod, they chuckle at her. “No harm done little one I promise. No sad faces now. I bet Yuta would like to help you draw if your mother allows it.” Her daughter’s eyes plead with her. 
“Go ahead! If you get tired of it after a while she’ll be okay, thank you guys for entertaining her.” She turns her attention back to the man in front of her, seeing that he’s almost finished the hot chocolate. “I can make you another one if you’d like. I just finished your friends’ drinks so I have time.”
“Nah, but can I stay over here? I won’t bother you or anything, it just gets kinda loud sometimes in the group and they get all lovey dovey.” He waits for her to come back from dropping the drinks off.
“Yeah sure, I’ll just be cleaning up and doing some homework, but if you wanna talk or whatever I’m good with that too.” She hesitates before continuing. “I hate the loud too sometimes, makes me feel… itchy I guess would be the word, but the quiet makes my ears fill with static, so if you’re the same feel free to talk. I’m Emma, by the way.” He nods at her before draining his drink and watching his friends play with the young girl. 
The young woman in front of him is beautiful, her dark red hair and green eyes making him notice her as soon as he enters. The second thing that drags him in is her kindness and the fact that she doesn’t jump all over them for who they are. He’d been coming to this coffee shop for years, any chance he can when he visits home, and now that he's moved away from Vegas to move home, he wanted to bring his friends. The guys were shocked when she asked for Bryan’s name, considering how famous he was, second only to Regal. 
He is surprised that Emma lets her stay while she works on homework and checks in with her daughter, keeping an eye on his stablemates as well. Yuta seems to have made a new best friend in Addy, the kid’s name he learns. He asks her questions about what her classes are about, and she patiently explains everything to him. No matter how many questions he asks, she’s ready to answer them, even if she keeps her eyes down and continues writing. He can admit that he loves when she smiles at him, it makes him feel a warmth he can’t explain. He turns his head to the door when the bell rings and a man on the phone enters, making a weird feeling run down Mox’s spine.
“Hey, welcome in! I’ll be just a minute!” Emma explains, taking the books and journal back to Addy’s, now unused, table. 
“I don’t have all day so hurry up; I have places to be.” Mox bares his teeth slightly, but feels a warm hand on his, looking down to see Emma touch him briefly before standing at the register.
“What can I do for you, sir?” Mox hears him rattle off an obnoxiously long drink order and he knows his disgust shows on his face. “Sure thing, anything else?”
“Did I ask for anything else?” He turns his attention back to his phone. “Jesus, are all food service people idiots?” He scoffs at the person on the other end, laughing at whatever they say. 
“That’ll be five dollars and fifty cents.” She says with a smile, acting as though she didn’t hear him.
“Here.” He throws the cash on the counter, ignoring her outstretched hand, and Mox clenches his teeth, feeling a presence behind him, turning to see His Lordship. 
She counts out the rude man’s change, setting it on the counter as he did. “There you are, four dollars and fifty cents is your change. I’ll have it out soon.” She says turning away from him. 
“I’ll call you back. Hey! Did you not see my hand out? Come back here and hand me my change now.” He can feel Regal’s hand on his shoulder, stopping him from getting up. “I said now, coffee girl.”
“It’s right on the counter sir, just how you handed it to me. I figured that would be okay. Now, lemme get you your drink so that you can get back to your busy day, okay?” She smiles sweetly at the asshole, and he flips. 
“Listen here you little-.” Mox can’t take it anymore and stands up, grabbing the guy. “Hey, what the hell? Let go of me you asshole!” 
“Nope, we’re done here, you can wait outside and I’ll bring you your drink, but you’re not gonna bully this woman in front of us and a kid, not happening you pretentious prick. Let’s go.” Mox frog marches the guy outside with Regal behind him and Regal chooses to stay with him while he waits inside for the jerk's drink.
“Thanks for that, I get one at least once every two days, so I appreciate it. I usually just hand them the change because aggressive men scare me, but I guess I felt brave with you and your friends here.” She realizes she’s rambling again. “I’m sorry you didn’t need to know that, but yeah, thank you really.” She smiles at him, and he can see the tension in the corners of her mouth. 
“Nobody deserves to be talked to like that,” he says, staring through the window at Regal talking to the cowering man. “Especially someone as nice as you, Emma.” He’s interrupted from continuing the conversation by Regal and another woman. 
“He decided to leave flower, said to keep the change and the drink. How odd.” His Lordship shrugs, walking back to the table. 
“Yeah Mr. William, how odd. Hey Macy!” She calls out to her coworker who is staring at him and the other three. “Macy? Are you okay?” She asks while she makes a few drinks, and he watches her friend walk up to the table as well.
“I am so sorry if this is rude, but may I have your autographs? My little brother and I love the BCC. You guys are our absolute favorite!” He winces as her friend gets loud in the near silent room and he feels Emma touch his wrist briefly before going back to the drinks. Sighing, he goes and joins the others as well, making faces at Addy while he waits to scribble his signature on the picture.
Emma POV
“Of course, dear. Sunshine, do you have some pictures in your bag we can sign?” Emma watches as Yuta nods and digs in his bag for two pictures and a sharpie and she can feel Mox staring at her.
She finishes the drinks as she hears Regal tell them they should be heading out so that they can meet Claudio in the next town for the show. Her ears perk up as she hears them thank Moxley for letting them visit while he’s on vacation. She quickly places the drinks into a holder.
“Wait!” She stops them as they near the door. “Here, these are yours. They’re the same drinks you ordered when you got here as a thank you for being so kind to Addy and for you did with the guy. I really appreciate it! Be careful and good luck in your matches.” She smiles at the shocked faces of the group.
“Wait you know who we are? But you didn’t ask for selfies or autographs, and you asked for our names.” Yuta sputters, confusion coloring his words.
 “I didn’t think you’d want that when you were just trying to relax.” She shrugs. “I’m sure you get that a lot, so I figured I’d leave you be. Besides I’m planning on going to a meet and greet when you plan one for later in the year, that way I pay for your time instead of, ya know, ask you in public.” She laughs at the silent, confused men, waving and heading back to the register to fill her friend in and clock out.
She goes to the table to gather her things into her bag, making sure Addy was packed up too. She looks at her watch and sees she has plenty of time to get them some dinner and be at the bookstore in time for her shift. Thankfully she finished all her homework and just needed to finish a research paper, but it was Friday so she could hold off until tomorrow. 
“Ready to go, Addy? We can get some dinner and then we’ll head to the bookstore, okay? Still got some pictures to color or did you and Yuta finish them all?” Her daughter smiles sweetly at the mention of her new friend.
“I still have some to color Mama, but not many. Me and Yuta colored a lot with Bryan while Mr. Regal worked.” 
“That’s okay, we can stop and get you some more books to color, okay?” She swings her daughter’s arm playfully as they walk out of the coffee shop, startled again by the figure near the door.
“Jeez Mox, again? You gotta stop doing that! I thought you left with the others?” 
“Sorry darlin, just wanted to thank you for the drink. You really knew who we were?” She laughs that he’s still shocked at that. 
“Yeah Mox, I really knew that y’all were the BCC.” Addy cuts in excitedly.
“We watch y’all alllll the time, Mama looooves when you’re on, you’re her favorite!” She blushes when Mox smirks at her and winks at Addy, covering her eyes and shaking her head.
“Addy, I’m sure he doesn’t care about that baby.” Addy looks sharply up at her mother, disbelief in her eyes. 
“But Mama-.” Emma lightly covers her daughter’s mouth.
“Come on baby, let’s go get some dinner so Mama’s not late to her shift. See ya Mox!” She goes to walk away but is stopped by a hand on her arm, flinching despite the gentleness.
“Sorry Emma didn’t mean to startle you. Maybe I could come with you, I’m not due to be on Dynamite until next Wednesday so I’m here in town for a week.” She looks at his face and sees the sincerity, but she has to ask.
“Why? I mean no offense, but why do you want to hang out with us? You’ve got to have a million other things more interesting than a single mom with two jobs and her young daughter.”
He shrugs at her, not knowing the answer himself. “I don’t know, you’ve just had my attention since we walked into the coffee shop. I can’t really explain it, Em.” 
“I- Sure you can come with us. Anywhere in particular you like, Mox?” She smiles as he touches her arm, silently asking to hold it on their walk. 
She nods at him softly, loving the smile that blooms on his face. “If it’s the bookstore I’m thinking of, there’s a really good place to eat a few minutes from it.”
Emma lets him walk her and Addy to her car, smiling as she watches Mox engage with her daughter, answering all of her questions no matter how strange. They promise to meet at the restaurant, and it doesn’t take long for her to park at the bookstore. Addy is chattering about how she can’t wait to have dinner with Moxley on the short walk. Addy waves wildly when she sees the man like it had been five years since they had seen him and not five minutes. She smiles as he holds the door open for them, doing a slight bow and waving his arm to let them walk in before him. 
 “Why thank you kind sir.” She laughs, his deep chuckle making her feel butterflies flutter in her stomach.
They spend the dinner talking about anything they can think of, while keeping it kid-friendly for Addy. She decides to let Mox ask whatever comes to his mind but is surprised when he asks Addy as many questions as he asks her. Her brain has trouble comprehending that he would be interested in her daughter, used to men ignoring her existence. She watches the clock to make sure she isn’t late and lets Addy talk with Mox as much as she pleases, watching as he animatedly describe a story about him and his Shield friends. As time gets nearer, she realizes she could stay here all night with him and be okay, and that thought makes her pause. She has known this man all of a few hours, he’s an important man and she’s raising a child by herself. As she silently berates herself he reaches out and grabs her hand, surprising herself with how calm she becomes.
“Hey, I can hear your brain screaming, Em, what’s up? Am I going too fast for you? I feel like this is a lot in one day, but you make me feel comfortable.” He pays the bill and walks them outside. “I don’t want you to feel pushed or anything so why don’t I give you my number and we can set something up. I suck at texting, but if that’s how I gotta talk to you, I will. Just know that makes you special.”
“Mox, I don’t under-.” They make it to the bookstore and Addy runs in after hugging Moxley goodbye, thanking him for dinner. 
“Jon, please, that’s my actual name, Mox is just my character. I know you think I care that you got a kid. She’s cute and sweet like her mom. She doesn’t even make me feel like I’m vibrating, which is actually surprising. Hell, you make my mind quiet and usually only Yuta can do that on rare occasions. I don’t know what this is or why I feel what I do about you so fast, but I’d like to learn and build on it if you do. I don’t care that you have a kid, Emma, she’s just another part of you.”
“You really don’t care, do you?” She smiles as he shakes his head, looking at her with an exasperated fondness. 
“You just now understanding that? I want to get to know you and we have a week to do it uninterrupted, by my schedule at least.” He shrugs. 
She hesitates for a second, thinking about her options. “Okay, fine. I have this weekend off and I only have a paper to write tomorrow.” She looks at her watch, seeing she’s cutting it close and sees a hand cover it.
“How about we go to the park tomorrow so you can bring Addy? Text me when you finish your paper and I’ll meet you at the park near here.” He smiles at the shock in her eyes when he tells her to bring Addy and he shrugs. “Like I said, she’s apart of you so she should be involved. I got a week to get to know you and her before the road takes me away and it’s phone calls and text messages.”
“I’d like that Jon, this shift isn’t very long, just a favor to the owner, so maybe I can finish the paper tonight. I gotta get in there though and start my shift. Here,” she hands him her phone watching him enter his information and hands it back. “I’ll text you now so you have my number and I’ll text you tomorrow when we can go.” She sends a quick text, watching him save her info and leans in to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Can’t wait for tomorrow, Emma. Have a good shift.” He starts to walk off but stops and calls her name. “I’m really glad you caught my attention.” She watches him until he enters his truck and drives off. 
“I’m really glad too, Jon.” She whispers to herself, walking into the store. 
Emma’s never believed in love at first sight, she thought it was a fairytale story. “I guess people should call me Cinderella from now on.” 
She laughs at herself as she meets up with her boss, situates her daughter, and settles into her shift. She catches herself smiling at the thought of tomorrow and what the future may hold for her and her beloved daughter, adding a tall, built man next to her in the daydreams. 
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I may come back and add to the story of Emma, Addy, and Jon but we'll see. Love you all! 😘
I also felt like I owed you some fluff after that angst I gave y'all 😭 nothing fluffier than love at first sight right? 😂
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dev-nxbody-h3re · 2 years
To the Left AU
okay ive done some thinking and pondering.
What if instead of Vanny it was Michael?
Like, hear me out. Michael's role in the story (as we've interpreted) has been William's foil- trying to bring down his empire and kill him for good. What if that role went to someone else?
I'd say that everything happens normally in canon up until it's time for Mike to go to sister location. In this AU, Michael would still have his friends (the tormentors) around to be there for him (bc I'm a Tormentor stan ok sue me), and they'd be like "yeah you're fucked up we'll just send matthew (Freddy Mask) to go instead" so Freddy Mask ends up in Michael's place.
Ofc, Matthew dies. I don't think he'd get scooped bc the reason Mike got scooped was that he looked like William, but he doesn't come back. (For the sake of my fragile heart, he ends up coming back later (which we will get to)). Mike is heartbroken, and his friends end up dying one by one.
If you've seen my videos (you probably should ;D) you'll know how the tormentors die, so essentially they all shift over. Taylor (Chica Mask) ends up pulling a James (Bonnie Mask), James ends up murdered, and Matthew takes Mike's spot. Michael, though, ends up not dying (this is important).
Matthew comes back to life (I'm thinking maybe he got springlocked by the suit in night 4 (which I know it's not even remotely close to canon and not even a possibility but lolbit is the springlock suit to me) and is understandably freaked out. He goes back to look for his friends and whoops they're all gone wHat?? So he goes and works at Freddy's, eventually meeting Jeremy.
I think Matthew would've absolutely shown up to work as a robot fox but then again apparently the funtimes have illusion discs in them?? So idk maybe he'd figure that shit out first.
He and Jeremy become pals and Jeremy gets bit by Mangle and they discover what William did and are all like "wtf big no no we've gotta do Something!" and try to find him and get him arrested.
Taylor pulls a James again and comes back to life and joins the guys.
We get to FNaF 3 and woah is James!! But nobody recognizes him because he's Shadow Bonnie. William had found him snooping around and in a panic had shoved him into spring bonnie. He doesn't possess springtrap bc William removed his body so his soul kinda is just there.
He's chilling around Fright with Springtrap when someone gets the bright idea to light the place up. James basically goes "guess I'll die" and stays in the fire.
But he ends up coming back and cobbles together a new body made out of garbage. It's rabbit shaped (maybe like plushtrap or something?? Idk I haven't really worked it out yet) and is leaking blue stuff (his very poorly managed remnant).
Matthew decides to pull a Michael and burns the place to the ground without telling anyone except Henry. And unlike Michael, he does not miraculously survive.
William is sentenced to Glitchtrap, and somehow James squeezes in behind him. I think that James would end up being the VR Springtrap from Help Wanted.
Instead of Jeremy play testing the game, Michael takes on the job. Management decided that the best guy to test their game wasn't some schmuck with grounds to sue their ass, it was the former owner's son! So Michael, very depressed and mentally unstable, interacts with William.
William ends up controlling Mike pretty easily since Mike is extremely low on positive validation and all it took was a couple "I'm proud of you"s and "please help your father"s to win him over. (Since in this AU, Michael had really only done mild investigation and didn't understand the full scope of what William did. Michael did end up finding out what remnant was and did a couple experiments with it (on himself, since he was pretty suicidal and wanted to see if it killed him or not) so he was pretty open to William having changed)
Michael basically goes completely insane and bends to William's will like putty. He tries his hardest to look exactly like Glitchtrap, with the purple vest and vomit yellow gloves all stitched up. He doesn't bother to hide his face since he's so proud of looking exactly like William.
Michael ends up donning the alter ego "Mally" (short for Malware/Malhare) and goes to the Pizzaplex in place of Vanny.
And then Matthew comes back as Montgomery Gator. Glitchtrap is unable to infect Monty, and Monty crashes during the show instead of Freddy.
Monty takes the place of Freddy in Security Breach, with the caveat that Gregory cannot enter his stomach hatch and instead has to ride on his back.
Mally goes on the hunt for Gregory, still doing the Vanny skips. He's holding an axe instead of a knife.
Taylor works in Vanessa's place (even though ik Vanny and Vanessa are the same (probably)) and is really irritable throughout the entire night. Matthew knows that Taylor can be trusted but he doesn't want to get sent back to his showroom or expose his awareness to William and Mally.
James escaped the game while they were programming Glamrock Bonnie, staying dormant in the system until Michael brings Bonnie downstairs to give to Glitchtrap (now Burntrap). He nopes the fuck out of there and system hops from robot to robot, eventually settling in the Daycare Attendant since the Afton virus really only effected Moondrop (is that his name still? or are we just calling him Moon again?).
During the first lights out, when all of the robots are in the Daycare, James hops out of the Daycare Attendant. He finds himself in Roxy and works on fighting off the Afton virus, which takes up the majority of his energy.
Of course, Burntrap senses that James is fucking up his perfectly good murder bot and sends Mally to deal with it. Unfortunately Mally is very preoccupied with trying to deal with Gregory and avoid Taylor, so he can't get there in time to fix Roxy.
Matthew and Gregory decommission Freddy in Fazerblast by pushing him off of the top of the winner's tower and his torso disconnects from his legs like Monty's does. Freddy's power up would probably be a longer battery life for Monty.
Roxy mysteriously disappears from every encounter onwards. Mally ends up showing up a lot more. Mally gets really fucking angry throughout the night and starts taunting them.
Gregory smashes Chica in the kitchen and gets her voice box.
Then Mally ends up cornering Gregory while Monty is charging and is about to kill him when Roxy, eyes and mouth dripping with blue shit, charges at him and knocks him away. Mally is stunned and Roxy runs off with Gregory, bringing him to Roxy's Raceway.
Matthew and James have a reunion or whatever and Mally comes in looking bruised and bloody from the hit and he's Pissed Off. Like, his eyes are glowing purple that's how bad he wants to kill them.
So they run and whatever and meet up with Taylor who is understandably very distraught over the whole thing.
6 AM comes and Gregory decides to stay in the Plex to figure out what's going on. Very Bad Idea.
Mally seemingly vanishes. The gang goes down into the Burntrap ending and find Mally talking to Burntrap.
Then Mally sees Taylor and just.. stops.
They're half expecting Michael to come to his senses, but Mally just grins.
Everyone's like wtf this is what Mike's been doing?? Bitch wtf???
Mally releases Burntrap and the blob mercs him almost immediately, following the Freddy/Chica/Mally bossfight.
Mally throws an absolute hissyfit and breaks down sobbing, collapsing to the floor without William's influence keeping him compliant.
They have their touching reunion and greggy boy just like 😐 the whole time.
As they set foot outside the burning Pizzaplex, Michael starts laughing maniacally and his eyes glow purple, effectively setting him back to Mally.
Surprise!! William made his new home in Mikey's brain!!
James is like "well if we did the same thing maybe I can get him out" but it doesn't work so essentially Mike is stuck with William until he gets mentally well enough to kick him out himself.
So then therapy arc
(Extra bits I forgot to add:
Elizabeth ends up leaving CBEAR like in the Fake SL ending and gets set free in the fire.
CC and Cassidy are dealing with William and potentially making it easier for William to get tf out of Mikey's brain.
Mally talks in the third person on occasion and acts very childish. He says stuff like "Father wants Mally to be a good boy!" and "Mally will be good, I'm good I promise!" He's just so starved of affection and he's a bit crazy kookoo. He's also extremely prone to mood swings and he laughs a lot.
Slowly, as Michael begins to heal and William loses power over him, Mally will stop being as violent and crazy. And eventually the Mally persona will fade away once William is gone forever, but sometimes he'll come back when Michael gets triggered by something. He uses Mally to cope.
(Note: Mike and Mally are the same person, and Mike is aware of what goes on as Mally. This isn't a split personality thing, it's more of just.. a fursona?? Like Mike is wearing a mask.))
I like to call this AU "To the Left". Since it's basically FNaF canon but moved to the left a bit.
If you have any ideas on how to improve it, please let me know!! I'm always up for a bit of constructive criticism!!
and yeah i did come up with this one in a couple hours thats so normal im so normal about these characters-
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Chapter 14: The Basement
Word Count: 829
TWs: Cheating, discussions/themes of death, religious reference
“You're never going to believe me, but please do attempt to,” William spoke hurriedly as he let himself into Norman’s house.
“What is it? I'm kind of in the middle of something, Will,” Norman gestured to what appeared to be a small golf course set up in his living room, which immediately distracted his partner.
“I-- I'm sorry, what's all this?”
“I'm practising my golf swing.”
“I didn't know you golfed…?”
“I don't, but I couldn’t beat the price on the clubs, so I decided I'd take it up. Now, why're your feathers all ruffled--”
“Evan’s alive.”
Norman nearly dropped his club, fumbling to put it back in its bag. He took William’s face in his hands, staring hard into his eyes.
“Are you feeling alright, William? I mean, given the circumstances…”
“Just peachy.” William pried his hands away. “He… his soul… well, I guess you could say he's possessing FredBear.”
“Have you got proof??”
“Is my word not enough for you?”
“It’s not that I'm not open to the idea of ghosts, it's just that I'm afraid you're having a mental breakdown, Will.” Norman shook his head and briefly disappeared from the room, returning with a handheld camcorder. “Take this. If you bring me footage, I'll believe you. Otherwise, I recommend seeing a doctor.”
“And what does it mean, if I prove to you that life exists beyond what we once knew?”
“I… don't know. Do you want to go public with it?”
“Heavens no. If they don't think I'm insane, then they'll surely put Evan on display like some sort of circus freak.” William began to pace, carefully avoiding messing up Norman’s “golf course.” “I think I'm going to have to run some experiments.”
Norman frowned. “On your own son?”
“It’s not like he can feel pain anymore…” Can he??
“I suppose your right.” William didn't miss the twitch in Norman’s hand when he continued, “Just sounds a bit sick when you put it like that.”
“What else am I to call them?”
Norman put his hand out. “Frankly, I don’t care. But I think you ought to leave before you run my carpet down to threads.”
William stopped pacing and took Norman’s hand in his own, lifting it to his lips. “I'm going to prove what I saw is reality.”
“Or you're going to prove you need to have your brain examined. Either way…” Norman sighed, embracing William and melting against him. “I love you more than you know.~”
“Not as much as I love you.~” William hummed back.
He returned home with determination, double-checking that Norman even had film in the recorder before entering his basement. FredBear remained where William had left it, looking like the lifeless thing it always did when it wasn't performing. He turned on the camcorder.
The head lifted, plastic, unseeing eyes focusing on its creator. “Hello.”
William smiled. “How're you feeling?”
The animatronic hesitantly shrugged. “I'm still cold. I want to see mummy.”
“Oh, I'm sorry, sweetface… there's not much I can do about either, I fear. I could get you a blanket, but I’m not sure it’d help.”
“What about mummy?”
“Ah… I’m not sure how well she’d take… this. You haven't seen yourself, have you?”
Evan shook his head. “Why do I have to stay here?”
William could feel a pit forming in his stomach as he tried to answer gently. “I’ve told you, Evan. You’re dead, or at least, the you that was, is. Your old body is taking its final, very long sleep. Your consciousness should’ve gone with it, but for some reason… it didn't.”
They were quiet for a moment. “Long sleep… like Grandpa Schneider?”
“Yes… the kind of sleep you don’t ever wake up from.”
“But you go to Heaven, don't you? If you've been good?”
“That’s what they say…” William exhaled heavily, rocking on his heels.
“I was good, wasn't I?”
“Of course you were.” He turned off the camcorder.
“Then why am I like this--”
“I don't know!” William snapped before clearing his throat. “But I'm going to find out, or exhaust myself trying. I promise. Now, do you want me to bring down some of your toys?”
Evan lit up. “Yes please!”
William went and retrieved a toy firetruck, a handful of plastic army men, and a few bouncy balls.
“Do keep in mind the usual rules apply while you’re down here, alright? Don't touch anything you don't understand.”
Evan nodded, happily sitting on the floor with the toys. The sight was equal parts uncanny and wholesome. “Yes, papa.”
“Good. I'm going to do some chores, I'll check in with you in a few hours.”
“Okay papa.”
As William exited the basement he felt a feverish sense of morbid curiosity. He would be gradual with questioning Evan, he was only a child, after all, but there was only so much information he was going to get out of him. He would need to escalate eventually if he wanted meaningful results.
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