#did a tarot reading with a lovely person
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thanatoseyes · 2 years ago
Me: I have complete control over my life.
Me: *gets contacted by a spirit* Oh hey!
Me: *they throw signs at me* Yes?
Them: Bird!
Me: Um
Them: Mercury!
Me: Um. . .
Them: Virgo!
Me: Raven?
Them: !!!!
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good-beanswrites · 1 year ago
Hello! I'd like to request "There's an 80% chance of this working out" from List 5 with Mahiru and Mikoto! Horoscope Girl and Tarot Boy...what will they do...
Ooh this one was so fun, thank you!! It was really neat learning about tarot :0 (It'll take a bit longer, but I got carried away with the idea and also started writing something of Mikoto doing a reading for Fuuta hehe). It always makes me sad that Mahiru doesn’t trust Mikoto at first, so it was really fun to picture them bonding over things like this during T1! I never thought of them having that in common and my mind has been opened to this duo asdfsdfds
“Alright, I’m going to need you to manifest your energy as hard as you can.”
Mahiru squeezed her eyes shut. Her face scrunched up in concentration. She let out a little hum of effort as she poured all her emotions into the card deck under her fingertips.
“Uh… maybe not that hard, Mappi.”
She looked up with a giggle. “Right, right! I’m just so curious!” Well, she was curious about how a tarot reading itself would go, not about what it would tell her. Mahiru was fairly confident of her upcoming verdict, and the cards would only confirm it. So far only one prisoner had been named guilty, and everyone could see he was just a bully. Mahiru was nothing like him. She would be forgiven. She just knew it. 
Mikoto started shuffling the cards. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, yes!”
To be honest, she’d had her suspicions about Mikoto for a while. His smile was too perfect at all hours of the day. (Even someone as cheery as her knew a smile like that couldn’t be consistently real.) She’d seen enough cheaters who chatted as easily as he could with everyone here. His nicknaming habit was a cute one, but she was keeping her eye on how informally he acted with little basis for friendship. She knew for sure he was a dangerous flirt when he’d grabbed her palm to read her fortune, launching into talk of life and love lines. However, none of that meant he was lying about his tarot expertise -- so who was she to refuse his offer to read her cards?
Her eyes glimmered as she watched Mikoto lay out three cards before her. Though he used the same theatrics he had for the others, she was just as entranced. It was just so magical, she thought.
Mikoto circled his palms over the cards. “We’re going to begin by looking at the past and present to get a bit of perspective before we move on to what your future will hold, alright?” He’d already explained that the cards couldn’t read one’s future as much as they offered self-awareness. He said it was all about being in tune with oneself, and the world. She was sure someone like him was already perfectly aligned within himself, but she could admit her heart carried her away at times…
Mahiru held her breath as he flipped the first card. She studied his face for any trace of negativity. Seeing her worry, he slipped back into his usual smile. “For the past, we have the Reversed Page of Cups,” he said. “This suit deals with emotions and intuition.”
Mahiru nodded, excited at the accuracy. Her past certainly had its share of intense feelings. 
“This card in particular may mean emotional insecurity, or immaturity. It could also point to an avoidance of reality, something that’s not being faced head-on.”
She nodded, with a little less excitement this time.
“It also represents a specific person who influences you.” His face lit up, recalling Mahiru’s favorite topic. “Pages can represent a companion! Is there a romantic someone in your life who may have been causing some emotional insecurity?”
Picking up on the way her face paled, he said quickly, “or maybe not! They could be a messenger, or a childlike figure, or…” He reached for the next card. “Moving on, uh, to the present. Ah! This is a really good sign.”
She perked up.
“Here’s Justice. It’s fairly self-explanatory, representing the consequences that follow your actions. It’s about cause and effect, and accountability. It means things are happening according to karma, which is natural.”
He turned over the last card. “And finally, when looking to the future, we’ve got the Two of Swords. Swords deal with the mind -- conflict and communication. That’s… interesting.”
Mahiru’s eyes grew round. “What’s interesting?” She slid the card closer to herself, studying the picture. A blindfolded woman with two swords. There was water, and the moon. Was that bad? Was the woman unhappy? She was all alone. What did that mean?
“Don’t worry,” Mikoto soothed. “It just means you’ll make a big choice. Well, actually, it means you’ll get stuck, so you need to make a choice. I just thought it was funny, we’re here wondering about Es’ decision, but it turns out you’re the one who needs to make a decision.”
“Ah,” she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now we can look at the big picture. It seems like some of your past problems may have come from emotional issues, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your emotions going forward.” Mahiru shifted. “The fact that we pulled Justice should reassure you about being here. I’ve heard some of the others complain that they don’t belong here, or it’s all a mistake, but this card is showing you that it’s just cause and effect. The events of your life are running their natural course.”
It was true, even she had been unhappy that her actions were being labeled that of a murderer. After all, those were an entirely different breed of people, right? Someone like Fuuta, who was guilty. People like her and Mikoto could never raise a hand to another. It was good to know, then, that this was all meant to be.
“And going forward, you’re gonna want to make sure you’re being decisive. Face your problems head-on, and communicate. If you can do that, things will be alright.” He folded his hands on the table, finished his reading. 
Mahiru thought for a moment. A smile crept onto her face, growing larger and brighter by the second. She clasped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this. It’s told me everything I need to know.”
“Yeah?” He picked the cards up, shuffling them back into the deck. She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket, pointing to some lines scribbled down.
“Yes. I’ve been jotting down some birthdays, see? I’ve had to make a few guesses until I get more information, but if Es is either a Scorpio or a Virgo… as a Capricorn myself… we’re very compatible, look! Capricorns have excellent communication with both of those signs, and you said that’s what I’ll need to get through this tough decision.” She turned the paper over to reveal more notes. “On top of that, my extraction is scheduled right before my birthday, during Capricorn’s governing period. At that time, things will be aligned more in my favor.”
Mikoto’s eyebrows raised at her notes, impressed. “Wow! You have this all worked out, huh? If that’s the case, you seem very prepared to have a successful interrogation.”
She steepled her fingers. “I’d say there’s an 80% chance of this working out!”
He returned her beaming smile. Things would be perfect. Nothing to worry about.
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maybeamiles · 5 months ago
Job interview complete. Estimating about 75% chance of success. I did okay, but not great. Kinda messed up on my right to work docs and struggled with a few questions. But I did okay. didn't hit rock bottom and get rejected on the first question. Which is good. And they're hiring multiple people. Which is also good.
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2007warpedtour · 2 years ago
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Not the Twitter tarot reader posting collective messages that read me like a book.
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brightsuzaku · 1 year ago
Temperance and The Hierophant.
(Un)regrettably, I am simply pope-coded, lmao.
Here's the result blurb for this combo, from the site: https://www.tarotschool.com/Temperance_Hierophant.html
what are y’all’s tarot birth cards?
mine are the tower and the chariot
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ferrettooth · 4 months ago
being told you are too rational during a tarot reading is so funny bc girl.... i am literally here, listening to those cards with the fevor of a child finding god in the little guy it made with match sticks and chestnuts
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shilo-sumac · 10 months ago
Pelipper Mail!
a tarot card.
oh neat its like this tall building falling over but upsidedown
yahoo :D
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thedivinetarot · 4 months ago
Hold me, love me, touch me, honey be the first who ever did
Future spouse turn on +18
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☆ How to chose your pile?
First clear your mind, take a deep breathe and close your eyes. Ask the question in your head "what will turn my future spouse on about me?". And shall the picture you are drawn to the most will be your pile.
☆ Disclaimer:
Please if you are under 18 do not interact or reblog this reading. This content is explicit and is not for you.
This is a general reading so don't put your life on hold for it. Also, this reading is written for the feminine (women, girls) if you are masculine or identify as a man this reading is NOT for you. This reading is for the feminine collective.
▪︎This reading was done using Raider Waite tarot deck and sexual magic tarot deck.
Lots of love 💕
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Pile 1 - sleeping beauty
Your current energy
I feel like this pile’s energy is quite saddening. I see that you had a project to work on and nothing went as you hoped which made you clash with your team members and caused something unpleasant to face. I see that you feel quite empty and insecure towards your own thoughts. You have many creative thoughts to offer and you are so passionate about them but I see that because your team didn't listen to you or do anything you say it left you feeling unimportant or like a "chair's leg" idk how to explain it but they made you feel like an empty vase. Also you might have been feeling quite stuck and gloomy. I see that lately your self-esteem has dropped and you feel like nothing matter or you don't matter anymore. I'm so sorry for that pile one you deserve absolutely the best. Your thoughts and ideas are valuable and if someone didn't take them seriously that doesn't mean that they don't matter. Also, I see that you might be under a psychic attack or telepathy so be careful. I see that this person who is attacking you is quite naive and they are doing it with their whole will which means they know exactly what they are doing. I see that you are trying to get over them like your mind is trying to wash them off but they are like an ink stain that doesn't really go away. But eventually it will so don't worry. For others (people who are under psychic attack or telepathy) this person is trying to communicate telepathically with you so expect them to show up in your dreams or receivesigns from them. I see that what is between you two is not finished yet. You may see that everything has finished buuuttt it is not. This person may come with a love offer and communicate with you very soon. They may be working on themselves right now. Anyways the period of stagnation is almost over or it will be over by the end of this year.
☆ Placements for you:
Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Cancer. Or you have Neptune, Saturn, Mercury prominent in your chart. Or you have 12th, 2nd, 10th, 7th, 3rd, 4th house stallium or your sun moon is there. I see also moon in cancer and saturn in libra.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Right off the bat I see that your future spouse will be in love with your breasts. I see everything related to them. Massaging them, sucking them, grabbing them. They also looovvvee how the bra shape them especially corsets and push up bras and also they love how they look with no bra soo ;) anyways. This person is so down bad for you like they are an animal for that part. I keep hearing the song "Addicted to you by Shakira" weird I never listened to that song before but when I described the song to my sister she gave me the name. Also, your waist and belly button. They like how your waist is shaped. I see also that you are this person's dream girl. They see you as the empress, their empress. They like how beautiful you are whether you think it is true or not. I see that they see you the empress to their empror. I also got the collar bones too. Your spouse is going to see you as something so beautiful and otherworldly. I keep emphasizing on the upper body especially the breasts and waist. I see also that they like watching you getting undressed after an event or a party. They like your whole naked form too but mostly your breasts. They also like your size too, no matter how big or small you are they think that you complete them and the chemistry is off charts. I see that you guys may have wonderful sexual chemistry like you two can't keep your hands off of each other. You see those couple who gives off the vibe that they fuck every two minutes? You are like that pile 1 they adore you. This person also gets horny by the fact that you are intimate with them and only them. They get horny or turned on by dim lights and you getting undressed in front of candle lights. Also this person might get horny when you guys hug. They just feel soo hot and bothered whenever you are around. Their love language may be physically touch. They even get horny when you set on their lap too. I see that they might get turned on when you are applying lotion, perfume or even cream on your body they get weak in their knees.
I hope you enjoyed your reading💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Taurus, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Cancer, Pisces. Also they have moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune prominent in their chart. Sun or moon or stallium in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 4th, 12th, 10th. Venus in Aries, mars- moon, Venus- ascendant aspects in synastry.
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Pile 2 - Woman posing
Your current energy
I see that you might be stuck on someone with Aquarius placements. I see that you have finally made peace with them and you feel kind of imbalanced by that. I see also that this person kept you stuck and out of place. I see also that you are in a place right now where you can't see the truth and you are very conflicted. This confection is keeping you feeling restless and tired. I see that you are fighting internally your anxiety about them. I see that this person knows how to tick your boxes and keep you on edge. Pile 2, this person's intentions aren't fully good towards you. I see that they are only here for fun and good times but believe me it will only end up with disappointment so be careful. I see that this person is manipulating you into thinking that they are so tired and can't live without you but they are not. They know that you'll get back to them, I see that you need to stop giving them the validation that they seek because each time you return to them it make their ego bigger. You are worthy of more than that pile 2. Also, the energy under the bottom of the deck is quite wicked. This person is doing everything in their power to torture you and manipulate you.
☆ Placements for you:
Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, moon in sagittarius, mars in leo, Venus in scorpio, Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius. Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Mars, moon prominent in your chart or stallium in the 11th, 12th, 2nd, 6th house in your chart.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
I got a lot of 10s in this pile so I guess your spouse really feels turned on by the fact that they are making a family that is going to leave a legacy behind with you. Also, this person really gets turned on when you surrender to them, I see a lot of submission. Doesn't mean that they are dominant but they generally love to see you under them. They might be a soft dom. They won't force you to do anything against your will. This pile is quite vanilla, I see a lot of fluids here. They might feel turned on by your sex fluids or they generally like to play with it. They also get turned on when you tease them. This person is foodie, I am picturing the image of Louis and Peter griffin when they were feeding each other fruits in this scene check it out if you want to. You might feed each other grapes and fruits in general. I'm not getting this person enjoying a specific body part at all. I feel like they enjoy your presence during the act more. Also, they get turned on when you hug them tightly. I feel like this person is quite traditional, they enjoy it when you make dinner for them. I see them getting back from work were you are dressing up nicely and making them a very delicious dinner. Also, this person is into sexting. I see them getting very horny when you are teasing them with your nudes. Idk this person respectively is very traditional and vanilla. I see also that they are very mature emotionally. This person get turned on by eye contact and deep conversations they might spend hours making love and they last very long.
Enjoy your reading pile 2💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Leo, Mercury in virgo and sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Venus in virgo, mars in Aries. Dominant planets in Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Uranus. Stallium/ sun or moon in 1st, 6th, 11th, 12th, 9th house in their chart.
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Pile 3 - Lady with flowers
Your current energy
I see that this pile is surrendering to the divine. I see that you are trying to enjoy your life as much as possible. I feel like you are living in a routine, there's nothing much honestly. I see that you are anticipating something. I feel like you want something new in your life, something to break the routine without creeping you off. I see that you always lean towards routine and structure but somehow you desire change. I see that you want change but you are very resistant to it which is creating chaos energetically. Pile 3, set with your self and decide what exactly is holding you back from the change? What is scaring you this much? Writing this down can be really helpful I order for you to acknowledge what is wrong. I see that this duality of wanting change and fearing it is keeping you stuck and confused. But at the same time you are looking forward, you are looking for a sign from the universe or God to intervene and change it. You are deeply feeling optimistic about tomorrow. I see that your energy is quite happy and warm. You might have walked away from something that kept bothering you and now you feel like that thing have no power over you right now. I see that there might be a small health issue that faced you in the previous weeks like cold or fever. But you got better thanks to God or the Universe.
Placements for you:
Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries. Also, I'm picking up on Mars in Aries, Venus in scorpio, Moon in scorpio. Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Pluto as dominant planets in your chart. Stallium in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 11th house.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Well first you got triple 888 which never happened in my readings. It means that you are going to experience infinite abundance with your spouse. I see that this person at first will be soft and sweet. They will make love to you softly, they will demand nude pictures of you and they will masturbate to it. They have breeding kink, they will imagine having a child with you while they are masturbating. They are going to make love like there's no tomorrow but as the relationship preced they are going to get scary honestly. I see that they are going to share their sexual fantasies with you. They will ask you to role play with them and the roles are going to be quite dark. Like, they might role play a r*pe scene or something very dark of course with your consent if you are comfortable with that type of stuff or not. With each day that pass they will show their kinkier side to you. I see them using their belt or whip on you. There will be hair pulling too, and heavy BDSM. I see that they will escape reality with you into the bedroom I see them really praising and encouraging you afterwards. They also might tie your hands. I see wax play too, this person is very naughty and kinky I can't with them. This pile’s future spouse might get turned on by pain. I'm picturing Angelina Jolie when she stabed her boyfriend to feel pleasure while they are doing it. This person might get horny when you are in pain. They might cause you pain too. This person is giving Christian Grey, I see that they like being in control and doing heavy stuff to their partner. Idk pile 3, if you might get uncomfortable with that try to communicate with them. You don't have to face all of this. Also, I see that this person will see you as their lover, I got the lover card and Judgement twice which is quite unusual. I see that it might mean that this relationship is meant to awaken something in you, something you are ignoring.
Enjoy your reading pile 3💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Air placements (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). Mercury in sagittarius, and water placements (Cancer, Pisces and scorpio). Mercury, Pluto, Venus. Stallium in Air placements or houses and Stallium in water placements.
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Pile 4 - Woman looking at the stars
Your current energy
I see that there's someone in your life that is spreading rumors about you. It might be a woman with leo placements or a man with Aquarius placements I'm not sure. I see that they feel very jealous of your achievements and how graceful you are. I see that you are the type of person who is very beautiful. You might be beauty with brains, someone who is very intelligent and smart. This person is spreading rumors about you and the cards are telling me that they will get their Karma so don't worry you don't have to do anything about it. The cards are advising you to have inner strength and calm down before engaging in any behavior that doesn't suit your public image. I see that you might be someone who is quite popular and known but very envied by others. Your skills and dedication are drawing the right people into your life and the right opportunities too. I see that if you are planning on traveling somewhere it will happen but also for that to happen you need to find closure and end a cycle in your life.
☆ Placements for you:
Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Leo. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Venus prominent in your chart. Stallium in the 1st, 6th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 7th, 11th house in your chart.
☆ What will turn your future spouse on?
Okay, first thing is this person is very idealistic, very emotional and devoted. I see that they get horny when you tease them with your breasts like pressing them against him or showing them to him randomly make him sexually frustrated. I see that he gets really horny when they see you dressing up for them. A lot of emphasis on glam, they enjoy watching you dressing up, putting on perfume and makeup. You might be their type honestly. Like they were searching for someone like you and they found you soo it is a win win. This person is like pile 2, they are quite traditional. They don't have any weird kink at all. I see that they lean more to making love unlike pile 3 it was insane but anyways no judgment on my blog. I see that your ass is something that they like, they enjoy the size, shape and how soft and squishy it is. This person gets so horny when you are showering or under water. They see you as someone who is so ethereal like a mermaid. They like your body naked and wit under the shower. They might join you there too. I see that they really get turned on when you whisper in their ear and tease their neck. This person is in their head a lot when it comes to you. They might go to work and sit there imagining you two doing it nonstop and when they return home they'll be like a wild animal. He is so soft, like a soft dom again. I can't with him I try to provoke many cards but all I am getting is the cups suit which is linked to love and emotions. I see that this person is very emotional when it comes to you what matter for them is intimacy and how comfortable you are with them. Also, it keeps them going when you are in pleasure. They feel prideful when you reach your orgasm and moaning their name. Also, I'm getting Nikki Minaj here. He'll totally take it off of you after the party. Also I'm getting the song "something about you by eyedress, dent may" this person sees you like something so beautiful and ethereal. They have a lot of respect for you, they won't curse or cuss at you at all during sex. They see sex as something very sacred and romantic only shared between two people. They don't dare to call sex (sex) they'll say (love making) instead. This person is very poetic, they can and will write poems about you and set the right romantic mood for you two to enjoy.
Take care pile 4 💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces and cancer). Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). Mercury, moon, Venus as prominent plants in their chart. Stallium in the 4th, 8th, 12th, 11th, 3rd, 7th house for them.
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Post date: 24th of Nov -2024 Sun
* Feedback is appreciated
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thetarotyapper · 5 days ago
hold me, love me, touch me, honey be the first who ever did....
how will your future partner/spouse feel after kissing you for the first time? (18+)
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paid services 18+ paid services tarot community ko-fi
(how to pick a card? observe the given options and choose the one which you feel the most drawn to. select the card based on the number provided below and scroll down to read about the card you have chosen. remember, this is a general reading, so take what resonates! ps.- if you feel drawn to more than one card/image/pile, feel free to read the others too!! if the chosen pile doesn't relate to you, feel free to choose another. the choice is yours<3)
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𐙚⋆.˚ pile I 𐙚⋆.˚
your person has not had the best experience when it comes to their dating life or when it comes to intimacy. either they had really bad experiences or they are a little inexperienced. whatever the matter might be, im seeing that when your person finally kisses you, a part of them is going to heal. you will make them feel a sense of comfort and reassurance and they will regret never meeting you earlier, because that's when they needed you the most. you are the person they have been searching for this whole time. you were the lips they were dying to feel this whole time. you are the taste they were hungry for this whole time. i'm not even kidding when i say that you'll heal them. it's almost like you'll heal their past trauma. i'm getting the energy here that maybe your person was pressurized to look cool and make out with people, especially when they were young (because of peer pressure) and hence, they feel like they have lost the feeling of really liking someone. but when they finally get to kiss you, they will realise that you are the person that was actually meant for them. they'll realise that you are the love they were hunting for this whole time. all the doubts in their mind will literally vanish. once they feel your lips against theirs, they'll know that you are the one for them. i'm also seeing that they might feel overwhelmed or they might feel overly emotional because they've never felt this way for anyone and this is the first time they are feeling like this, so there's a lot of things running through their mind. they might find it hard to accept their feelings for you at first. and i don't blame them. their past has not been very favourable for them so they've gotten used to feeling nothing, and now that you have suddenly arrived, they will discover that these feelings were buried deep inside them.
im seeing that they might take some time (after the kiss) and will work through their feelings. all the emotions they're going through after your kiss is something new to them so they will need some time. they're going to stay up late at night and will replay the kiss over and over again. at some point, i'm seeing that their heart aches because of how much they enjoyed kissing you. the kiss was not supposed to be like this. it should've just been a normal-one-time-make-out-session with you (like how they've always been used to), but this kiss with you feels right. and it's scaring them. they're scared they like it. and they like it a little too much. they are eventually going to accept that they like you and that you are the balance and the light they have been looking for this whole time. i seeing them looking forward to kissing you again and again. and i'm also seeing that they might want to kiss you once more to confirm the new emotions they feel towards you and once they do, they'll know that they want to have a long-term commitment with you. im seeing that they'll never let you go. i wouldn't be surprised if they told other people how much they enjoyed kissing you and it won't be a shocker to me if they told about you to their family. they want other people to know your name. you're like a prayer they can never forget. your taste will forever linger on their lips.
˚࿔ additional information - 3, aries, leo, sagittarius, jupiter, capricorn
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𐙚⋆.˚ pile II 𐙚⋆.˚
before kissing you, im seeing that your person will contemplate a lot. something about it feels wrong and right at the same time. maybe you guys are already friends or maybe you share a bond with one another, and they don't want to jeopardize your friendship/bond by letting their feelings come into play. but, can they help it? you've been so kind and understanding towards them this whole time, they couldn't help but develop feelings for you. i see that at some point they might have kept their options open and might have tried making out with people just to get over you and not let their thoughts be occupied with your presence. but every time they make out with someone, their mind makes them think they're making out with you. it's like their mind just won't let them rest. they're trying to save this friendship/bond that they have with you but each time their lips meets someone else's, it becomes unbearable for them. they don't want others. they want you. they want your lips against theirs, not the ones they have zero feelings for. so, after a lot of thought and after they finally get the courage to kiss you, it’ll feel like their word just turned upright. kissing you feels so right. kissing you feels perfect. i see them feeling frustrated, wondering why they just never kissed you before. “your lips feel like they were made for me”, i see them thinking. i also see that their kiss will be very protective and it'll feel like a new beginning towards something beautiful. my mind just thought about firecrackers and i feel like that's how they're going to feel when they kiss you for the first time. their heart is going to be filled with joy. they're going to feel so much joy and warmth when they kiss you, they'll feel like a teenage boy falling in love for the first time. the kiss is going to make them realise that you're the one they want to settle down with forever. they're going to feel this sudden urge of protecting you and calling you theirs. when you kiss for the first time, i see them surrendering their heart. they don't care if you'll break them. but they'll be glad that you are the one who broke them. because they don't care about others. they care about you, and if they want their heart to be broken by anyone - it will be you. and they'll gladly let their heart be broken by you. “you want to break my heart a million times? fine, do it. but let it only be you.”
this kiss will strength them and enlighten them and i'm seeing that they're glad their courage paid off. they're going to feel a sense of triumph and they're going to flaunt you without a second doubt. you've basically claimed their heart and they belong to you only. they don't see themselves with anyone else and i'm also seeing that they might thank the universe for giving them the courage to make a move. they've watched you from afar, and now you're finally theirs. i see them surrendering themselves to you, like completely surrendering themselves to you. their heart, their mind, their body - everything that is theirs is yours now. it's almost like a dream come true. and sometimes they'll feel like you're too good to be true.
˚࿔ additional information - 12, sun, cancer, scorpio, pisces, gemini, libra, aquarius.
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𐙚⋆.˚ pile III 𐙚⋆.˚
oh my god, when you and your person will kiss for the first time, something about this kiss will make both of you realise that this is the person you want. the kiss will feel raw, rejuvenating and powerful. i'm getting a lot of dominant energy here so maybe your first kiss will be very passionate and fiery, almost like y'all have been waiting for this moment. i'm also seeing that maybe you guys might have your first kiss after a heated argument so it's almost like an angry confession that you guys like each other and cant live without one another. i'm also seeing that you guys will make out for a long, and by long i mean A LONG time. no breaks whatsoever. y'all are going to savour each moment and will literally devour each other. im seeing a lot of breathless confessions and also a lot of teasing here. y'all will not be able to get your hands off each other at all. and i'm also seeing that you guys might take things to the next level and will be intimate with each other during the first time itself. kissing is not enough. y'all will show each other how much y'all crave one another in different ways. phew guys get a room. i feel like i'm seeing things i should not be seeing haha. i feel like im invading y'alls privacy 👀😳
i'm seeing that your person is going to release all their tension and frustration on you when y'all kiss. i can see them thinking, “you get me so worked up and you run through my mind all day. i'm going to show you just how much your presence has an impact on me”, and trust me babe they will show you exactly how much of a great impact you have on them🙈
i see that your person has been very patient with you and has held themselves back from losing control. they have literally fought for their life every time they're with you. you're someone who seems very naughty and you might have teased them a lot and finally one day, they reached their breaking point and will show you just how much you've made them suffer. and oh boy you'll enjoy it. i see them going completely nuts over you and i see them putting you in your place. and i don't see any complaints from your side. in fact, i do see you taunting and teasing them even more and it's only going to turn them on even more.
they - as well as you - might feel like you guys are taking things a bit too fast, especially since it's so early but damn, can y'all blame yourselves? you guys are such a great fit together and it all just feels so right. y'all might even feel sinful but i also am getting the energy here that “it's fine to commit a sin once in a while”.
this connection feels so raw and passionate, im literally giggling while doing your reading. this is a soul connection. you guys were destined to meet. it was meant to be. i'm also seeing that not long after, you guys might get married too and will start a family together. or you might introduce each other to your families and i see your bond deepening.
˚࿔ additional information - 6, cancer, ascending lunar node, aries, leo, sagittarius, pisces, scorpio.
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hi loves!! i hope this reading finds you in good health and i hope you are doing well. take care of yourself and i will see you in my next reading. thank you for being here<3
(note: tarot cards provide guidance and possible insights into what could happen based on current energies, thoughts, and actions. the cards can highlight potential paths or outcomes, but they do not predict the future in a fixed way. this is a general reading so take what resonates!)
જ⁀➴ all credit for the pictures goes to their rightful owners and creators.
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maybefae · 3 months ago
Your First Impression of Your Person
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Pile 1 - Pile 2 - Pile 3
Remember, this is a general reading and it may not resonate for everyone or completely. Tarot is a tool to help guide but you are responsible for your actions and life, you choose your path.
I was leaning more towards a romantic partner that you are going to end up with that will have a significant place in your life but take it as it resonates for you.
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|Pile 1
Tarot: Eight of Swords (horizontal), Death, The High Priestess, Seven of Pentacles, Ten of Cups (horizontal), Page of Cups, Four of Pentacles, The Star (reversed), The Fool
Oracle: The Ladybug and Sweet Pea (happiness), The Chipmunk and Laurel (success), The Otter and Cattail (peace)
This person is someone that your soul has been letting you know was coming with certain signs or messages. And this could be someone you wished for, but there is a strong sense that this person was just meant to come into your life. It’s like you wished for this person and didn’t know that they were gonna come in whether you wished for them or not. I believe fate and freewill coincide together and this is one of those grey areas. 
Your person comes in either when a new chapter starts for you or this person comes in and triggers it. Whichever this new chapter is happening, there is a feeling of uncertainty and pessimistic caution - as if trust had been bruised. You almost feel like a wolf backed into a corner and someone is encroaching on your space and you’re trying to decide if they are safe or if you need to bite your way out of a situation. I don’t know if the new chapter has left you feeling a little vulnerable or if you did your little spells (writing down your persons characteristics, a letter from their POV of you, or moodboards), but it took longer than you expected so you developed a resentment of some kind. You’re skeptical of them. It’s like a “oh, now you decide to show up when I don’t want you anymore.” But you know that you still do but your own expectations have hurt you. Your person has done nothing to you.
In fact, you decide to give them a singular cup with caution to see if they can fill it because you still want them. You’re treading lightly and they realize this. They genuinely want to offer you ten full cups and you realize that quickly with how much they bring to the table. They do bring you a lot of happiness and peace, which their entrance into your life probably wasn’t anything grand. Their peaceful stroll into your life probably made you skeptical as well as angry. “But they are what you need(ed).” You probably expected something dramatic because of past people or situations and when you didn’t get that from your person, it felt unsafe. You may have some doubts and think “this wasn’t what I wished for.” But it was, deep down it was. And your wishes were a success.
I think you will be very emotional after dropping the wall finally. I think they will do something that will show you that they love you early on and it will make your walls instantly fall. There’s a feeling of guilt for being so resentful and angry towards your person and you may not know how to forgive yourself. But just know, your person says that you have nothing to be sorry for. There could be a moment when you decide to tell them this and your tears will be dried by them.
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|Pile 2
Tarot: The Hierophant, The Hanged Man, Nine of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, The Empress, Ace of Wands, The Lovers, Four of Wands, The Star
Oracle:  The Eel and Iris (safety), The Boar and Pumpkin (confidence), The Snake and Fern (starting over), The Skunk and Magnolia (protection)
Before I pull the cards, I ended up shuffling face up for a moment. Your person may show you all their cards upfront so you know what they want, their boundaries, and their feelings towards you. There isn’t any pussy-footing around feelings and playing games. They are too grown for that and they take love and relationships very seriously. I had to go back and pull an oracle card I say while resetting the deck and it was The Eel and Iris card which represents safety in this deck. There are two messages here. They will leave if they don’t think you are safe. They are slimy in the way of being able to get away if you start to play with their heart, not that they are a player and wiggle in and out of your life. Absolutely not. And they offer you and your heart a lot of safety by presenting all their cards to you right away. They don’t play games. If it’s important, Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls could hold significance.  - Just from getting all these messages without pulling any cards, or just from this one oracle card, I have a very strong feeling about this message. They get to business in a very determined and sure-footed way. They are dependable.
Now that I pulled the cards, my top messages are correct. You will find their confidence very attractive because it doesn’t come off in a cocky way. Their confidence comes off just in a sure and stable way. They made it very clear to you that they find you “absolutely breathtaking” as soon as they got to talk to you (and in the same moment, they ask you on a date and your NUMBER, not your social media.) I think they will also be very attractive and not someone you expect to be attracted to you. They are very successful -  everything else in their life is in line but they don’t have a lover. They are very picky so you should feel lucky they chose you. They are looking for commitment, something serious. For some this could be marriage but if you don’t like that idea, make that clear right away because they will like how you’re sure of your wants. They will respect it, especially if you make it abundantly clear that you want something committed and long term outside of legal bindings. 
There is a lot of sexual tension in this pile. And there is a very wealthy energy coming off the both of you, especially with how formal I felt writing this. It was like I was writing a contract. 
I think that they will also let you know pretty early on that this could be a start over for them and they are giving love one more try before giving up. Maybe they could’ve given up before hand but you two got sexually involved and it led to them giving the both of you a shot. With them laying their cards on the table and you laying down yours, it creates a very stable foundation for the both of you to grow off of. This feels like a very mature energy, maybe 30s? There is a feeling of creating some sort of foundation for yourself, even it you could just be starting your foundation then.
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|Pile 3
Tarot: Three of Swords, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands, Judgement, Knight of Wands, Queen of Cups, The Hermit, Nine of Cups, Temperance, Strength
Oracle: The Wolf and Rose Hip (guardianship), The Vulture and Asphodel (upheaval), The Sheep and Blackberry (devotion)
The Three of Swords instantly jumped out when I started shuffling. And before I started, the knight of cups was at the bottom…I believe your person wanted to bring your own heartbreak to light first and foremost. I don’t believe this card is part of your impression of them. This feels like a combination of their opinion of you combined with what you think of them. There’s a deep feeling of heartbreak from you but I don’t think you’ve given up on love, you really just want to finally meet the person you’ll spend your life with. The love of your life. This pile isn’t for someone seeking something temporary.
Pile 3, your person is the love of your life. They truly love you and I think that is why they wanted me to talk about you first. They come in very protectively, a wolf guarding their sheep. It’s not that you’re fragile but they have a good understanding that you are sensitive and a soft soul, which brings out their protective side. I think you welcome it because there is a feeling of instant safety you get from this person, like finally finding shelter to stand under while the rain clouds clear up. They instantly light up the passion you had for love again because they come in with the same passion, which isn’t inherently sexual either. This passion comes from a place of safety and comfort from each other, it’s like finally experiencing a love that isn’t so intense. Puppy love…maybe love that is usually experienced when you’re younger. There is a sense of them bringing back light-hearted fun, that love doesn’t have to be so taxing on your soul (and it shouldn’t be). 
There is a message of, “your patience will be rewarded.” 
They see you as an angel, pile 3. And they are merely your knight and they offer you so much devotion. I know this should be your first impression of them but I think you see this practically right away. “Light dawns on marble head.” They bring you out of the hermit phase and show you that they have all nine cups and you only need to bring your one cup so you can have the Ten of Cups together. They don’t expect anything other than your presence, you just have to show up and give them love. That’s all they expect from you and I think that comes as a surprise to you because people had expected so much of you and stripped you of it all so you were left empty. It probably took you a long time to fill your own cup again. They bring new and wanted change even though it may come with some uncomfortability from your end. 
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Dividers: @inklore
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shiningmystic · 5 months ago
Future Spouse (PAC) Tarot Reading
18+ Minors do not interact
PAC has: Personality, your dynamic/vibe together and how they see you while you are together
From high demand I must deliver on what I promised so here it is, you're reading. This PAC took me awhile to make, please support me to continue making more PAC’s:
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This reading is for all genders and ethnicities, somethings may not resonate because of culture, or the messages are just not for you. These readings are general and for many people. Take whatever resonates with you and move along.
The focus of this reading isn't nsfw and is more towards your relationship and about them. I will probably make a nsfw reading with a twist but for now simple info about you and your spouse's relationship. Entertainment purposes only thank you. Sorry for the long wait this is for my sister who is in Greece looking for her love.
Did you vibe with this reading? Come get a personal one :)
5 piles: (I hope you enjoy my little graphic)
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Pile 1: Saturn
Zodiac signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius
The Tower, The Anchor (Emperor), four of coins (rx), The World, The Lovers (rx), seeker (page) of swords
Your Future spouse is unpredictable, a strong personality that knows what they want but at the same time you can't completely pin them down to something. This unpredictability is attractive but there is also a stable energy anchoring these strong traits down making them endearing to the right people. They are lots of fun and a person that enjoys a full out vacation and partying (I’m feeling with the right people).
This energy feels like ‘don’t judge a book by its cover because you really don’t know me’ vibes. The lack of water may be balanced out by you from this personality spread. Overall, when there is a lack of water energy there is a lack of fluidity so they may be extremely emotional or pretty stoic to the point they struggle expressing emotions physically like awkward hugs and no kisses; they will need time to open up with that if that is something they like.
I also get the vibe you may not like them right away and if you do, they may do things that bother you like tease and point out things they don’t need to. I just feel this silly competitive side to them as well that may be annoying, but I see this being playful and fun as well, this doesn't come from a bad place.
I feel a very intelligent/smart vibe, but with this competitive nature comes judgment. They may be really good in school or excels/is talented at something that they may pursue; there’s always this pressure on them to be better because they are already so good at whatever they do which may be why I got the energy of chaos, they wanna have fun. They are mystery with the tower but also someone you can’t ignore.
They have seen some shit so that is something that has shaped them (many people in these piles have). The tower is next to the anchor I believe they may have had a rough upbringing and have a strained relationship against authority/parents. They may come off as judgy at times, it comes from their own pressure in being better for the people they care for.
I see they are truth seekers, people who search for the right answer to the ends of the earth. Not to be right but to do what is best for them and the people they love. They love a lot deeper than they show. So, it’s clear to me that they grew up learning to not share what they feel. An energy of having to ignore certain feelings to focus on what was important.
Your dynamic together:
Judgment, Ace of swords, The Magi (Magician), The Star (rx), The Moon, Ruler of Wands, Sovereign (Queen) of Wands
Already got hints of playful sparing probably word play or cracking jokes. Playful teasing and unhinged laughter. For people who have strong personalities you both may butt heads. I see you both enjoying having someone on your level. I see a maturity in this group which is why you both can be so fun with one another; there is trust that they won’t leave you hanging out to dry. Like if they make plans with you, they stick to them unless an emergency, they are committed the moment they get a hint of potential.
If you call and ask for help 9/10 times they will be there. When either of you feel kinda off your game I see someone picking up the slack with no complaints. I believe this dynamic between you to will stay stable because of an understanding and peace you find between the other. I see you help the other shine in their own way. For people who have soft personalities you will grow unhinged along with them I say this because they are influential 😂. From my vision I see them being practical with getting you flowers but then doing something different like taking you to a place you’ve never been, or surprising you with a personal gift that may be weird but with meaning. I see both of you just getting to know one another and your quirks just work well together, that’s all I can say. Just to add as a last note, the moon card talks about mystery, so even if I tell you this information there are still huge surprises this person holds that I can’t pick up on.
Their thoughts and feelings towards you when you are together:
The Moon (rx), Ten of Swords, Seven of Coins, Sovereign (queen) of wands, Ten of wands, Ace of cups
I see they see you as something very special. Not like a prize but something precious and that should be cherished. I see them having to change for you and they grow with you which I believe is the realest form to show your love; being willing to change for another; and obviously the changes aren’t worth holding onto which is why they are willing to change. I see them always finding something to love about you even on hard days together. I believe you both have this casual understanding of ‘we’re stuck together even if this doesn’t work out’. Ok ok I see many of you are tough cookies, you’re both on the same level (I keep saying that so many strong personalities here) find you to be a pain in the best way and love you for your flaws. Wait just got a message, that they do love you for your flaws and you love theirs; 'You may be to real sometimes, but I will always be here to take it and learn.'
Again, your both chill with your quirks and they LOVE that about you, feeling accepted but also ok with changing behaviors that can be problematic is a golden person, a relatable person. I see you both love and accept deeply the other’s work (career) and time when you come together to make the most exciting life together. You are beautiful to them, someone who has struck them as their true partner in crime. You shake up their world as they do yours. I don’t see many people around you, so I think you both prefer just chillin with the other when you get married, like others don’t matter as much as you both do to the other, strong personalities for the win.
Physical traits:
Body shapes/traits: Stocky, buff, burly, skinny, limber, scars, Tall
Hair/color: Dirty blonde, brown/light brown hair, long, shoulder length, bald/buzzed head
Eye color: green, brown
Letters: L, T, W, A, I, N, X
Hope you enjoyed the reading, head over to my ko-fi if you have more questions about your future spouse!
Pile 2: Alien Spaceship
Zodiac signs: Capricorn, libra, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Ace of wands (rx), five of wands (rx), justice, conqueror (knight) of swords, the anchor (emperor) (rx), ten of coins
I see your future spouse being an overthinker and too much in their head. I see them having possible control issues and pretty reserved as a person. They are a great mediator and a pretty reasonable person, but I see that they hold a lot inside and it festers and exaggerations/intense outcomes, so I see anxiety. Many of our personalities are affected by our past so this is just what I see first. I see they may have a pretty reserved family and strict upbringing, so they are very picky of their spouses, and you are definitely the one if they picked you lol. When they get to talking though, they can talk your ear off, I love seeing their energy when they open up.
I see major intelligence and book smart learner which may be why there is such a reserved feeling, like they are pretty ‘crazy/silly’ on the inside, but they keep that under wraps for the people they love and won’t judge them. It’s like they’re the type to watch their person of interest from afar and see how they live their life and from there they plan and think of ways to approach you and start things slow.
They aren’t a slow-moving person but because I see family being something on their mind, they will consider every factor and person. If you approach them, it could go either way. They just seem like the type to really take their time to feel you out before saying anything that could give away their interest. They always have to weigh their options before doing anything.
I feel like there studies and college were their life for a time or still is. They want to make their families proud and feel worthy of a comfortable life. I see a very kind hardworking personality who just wants to do the right thing. They sacrifice a lot, but I see them just shrugging it off.
Your dynamic together:
Ruler (king) of swords, seven of wands (rx), the moon, sovereign (queen) of swords, eight of wands
Uhhhhh, ok well you may be pretty compatible because the queen and the king are here, but they don’t give off romance vibes, it’s more like power couple vibes, you both are super smart together it scares people. You both understand the others mood and click charismatically, like you guys are chill and talk about everything.
Not saying you guys are sharp tongued but with each other you may have some great banter but a lot of dry stuff. The last pile was much louder with their jokes while these ones just casually hit the mark and both of you chuckle at each other's silly moments, very low-key affection but it’s sweet. I see both of you will have a lot to discover about the other and opening them up like a book to see the colors of their soul makes you appreciate them more and their complexity as a person.
I see you being there walls down and will get to see a side of them that the cards aren’t showing me (obviously all readings should only scream h the surface of what’s to come). I do see you guys having different opinions and you both give each other the space to speak up and say how you feel even if it’s illogical (which I’m getting a sense you both follow logic more than emotion). you both understand what it’s like to be shut down for having the wrong opinion then both of you will definitely get along and will never turn away.
If this is an arranged marriage, then this person is a good fit for you logically not emotionally. A lack of cups shows me that you both will learn together about true vulnerability and that kind of work will always be a rocky ride. If this is not arranged, then you both are really headed towards the unknown with how it feels to let someone in but because you chose them, they are 100% worth the struggle.
Their thoughts and feelings towards you when you are together:
Death, the star, justice, judgment, ruler (king) of wands
I'm getting a feeling like they really don’t know what to expect from you? You’re just a new person to them, I guess. They find you very attractive even a bit intimidating. This vibe is like someone observing and just not understanding what the other is thinking.
For people who will have an arranged marriage it does feel like someone you don’t know deeply but enough. They don’t know how to pin you down and when they eventually talk the tension gets better but they still get super nervous around you; they may act out of character.
Ok so they are just struck by you, attracted but unsure of what to do or even approach that situation so they are super passive 😂 they may get hard on themselves feeling unworthy but obviously there is a point that you both get married.
For the people who don’t think they will have an arranged marriage they will see you and know something is up. Death and the star? Intense. Love at first sight energy or coincidental meeting.
Physical Traits:
Body shapes/traits: skinny, limber, lithe, slim/slender
Hair color: black, brown/light brown, straight hair
Eye color: blue, green, brown
Letters: E, D, Y, W, Q, R, D
Pile 3: Stars (warning: nsfw messages)
Zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo
The World, The Queen of swords, Judgement, knight of wands, knight of pentacles (rx), the king of swords
I instantly got that you guys are the traveler pile, the sound of going around the world is at least appealing to some with the world card representing your spouse. I sense a public speaker or someone who has to get Infront of people to explain a plan. Could be a company leader or even a manager, someone with responsibility. I see they have a friends in many places, all different types of people.
Doesn't really matter your spouse has a tongue (wink wink) strong charisma but in a subtle way with minimal words (sorry I can't ignore their lips, they enjoy giving oral and or receiving, the messages come at random lol). So, with the queen of swords being beside the judgment card they may have a serious personality. They have to make big choices a lot, so they have no sweat when it comes to smoothing convincing and talking people out of things. A bit of sneaky energy, they enjoy a bit of playful energy.
I see from there serious persona that they had to be strong a lot through heartache, from family and the way they were treated. this isn't a bad thing because they are who they are now, but I get a feeling that they accept it because they don't like causing the issues, they like solving them. They have a habit of never being alone because they don't like it, they can take care of themselves and take care of others but they def have a problem with avoiding their heart ache and acknowledging they aren't ok on the inside when they were always having to take care of everything for people, major taurus vibes.
I see they are very well respected where they work but they are relied on too much. I don't see them as a push over, but I see them having to give up a lot in situations or manipulate people to keep the peace probably in the home or workplace. The last thing I see from them is ambition, even though they are quiet they have determination unlike any other and finish everything that they do. I sense they do a lot of things by themselves; I can see when they find something that interests them, they go full force focus on it. They are bad with patients sometimes and will be top of their job one day. Job motivated.
Your dynamic together:
The king of wands, The hierophant, the two of pentacles, death, page of cups, page of swords
I see they travel so you guys call a lot, txt a lot, facetime. When you two are together this doesn't have to be the case though. I see them asking to marry you early on in the dating game or even hinting at their devotion which I see being overwhelming for some so you'll probs set boundaries and they will respect them, they care for your comfort. So, most of the time they are the ones stoic and relaxing beside you like they kinda belong there. Your spouse is learning to communicate properly (maybe language barrier? or broken English? you just connect) I see you both exploring the world and enjoying each other's presence even when silent they seem to always be looking at you.
I keep getting a scene in my head just being in a coffee shop, getting your tea or coffee and you both just relaxing and enjoying the beauty and pleasant scenery, good libra energy. I see them determined to win your heart, but I don't see them stopping the admiration. but they are also distant lol. Sucha lonely person I can see them lighting up and really becoming who they desire to be with you. Not saying you're the reason, you're just a huge help for them to get to their goals because they have always taken care of other people's problems.
Their thoughts and feelings towards you when you are together:
The hanged man, nine of swords, 4 of pentacles, knight of cups reversed, emperor reversed, seven of cups reversed
You make them lose their minds. They don't know how to approach or talk to you, and this may put them in a cycle of failed attempts to ask you out or even just talk to you; you make them so nervous they have moments in bed hunched over embarrassed that you saw them being weird or something like that but they still feel compelled to try and talk to you. I see them falling for you quickly, but you may not know their interest until later because of their mask. They get all giddy with you and that horrifies them. (I never expected to get a reading like this? vibes that fill my stomach with butterflies, first time falling in love vibes.) Again, I'm getting real conservative or at least just not expressive person or doesn't share much emotionally which admittedly is a lot of people. They do this for a while, thinking you adorable and admiring you from afar until finally they ask you out.
High sexual tension after that, some of you built a slow friendship but for others I don't think they were friends with you beforehand so this person just kind of comes out of nowhere asking you out even if you are friends, it just pops out of nowhere mid convo. I see your future spouse instantly apologizing and repairing things with you if they freak you out (lol). You see they are genuine, and I felt that before I pulled the fool reversed, they are just really bad at social stuff but that's ok and its pretty charming on my end at least but you obviously both get comfy and are happy you have met one another. This eventually grows into a great communicative relationship (like wow 180 in personality, you help them grow into the person they really are and that make my heart so happy!)
Physcial traits;
Body shapes/traits: Tattoos, skinny, Limber, belly, burly, beauty marks, short
Hair color/type: Dreads, Brown/light brown hair, Long, bald/buzzed
Eye color: Amber, grey, brown
Letters: C, M, G, O, B, U, K
Pile 4: Earth (warning: nsfw messages)
Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pices, Cancer, Leo
4 of pentacles (rx), The Artist (from the ethereal visions tarot deck), knight of swords (rx), eight of cups, 9 of swords, three of swords (rx)
I can see that your person is a carefree individual who is also searching for their love. I see they are a wounded spirit feeling unsecure and making it their personality when really, they are seeking a place to find and release their love. They are a dreamer, and I bet a creator of some type: writer, artist, dancer, musician you name it they have many talents.
I see that there view of the world is a bit skewed from this rejection energy they have towards themselves and others. maybe goth or rebel vibes but I don't feel that for everyone. Besides that, I see they are great with people and can be quite social, but they don’t broadcast it. I see through their art they release a lot of their pain and that is their life, but I see that they have much more potential to explore. Big visionary energy, they are ahead of their time. Aquarius vibes and many types of friends.
I can also see hyperactive energy from the knight of wands but that doesn’t have to be the case, they can come off as arrogant and a little pretentious but it’s because of this huge insecurity they hold over themselves and try to hide their weaknesses by being silly or making fun of themselves.
I can see harsh criticism on their art and have high expectations for themselves, possibly a perfectionist. I can see their art is really good, but they doubt it (big sad). From the 8 of cups their path is a healing one, that’s pretty awesome so I see them meeting you in a good state of being. I see it’s really helping them learn how to be themselves again. They can get bored easily, but I see that they are taking good steps in trusting themselves and really putting themselves out there, lots of bravery energy.
Your dynamic together:
Knight of pentacles, 9 of pentacles (rx), two of pentacles, Temperance, 9 of cups (rx), five of cups. (rx)
You both consistently bring yourself up to the plate for one another and are full of surprises. I see you bring a sense of stability to them and for you they bring a sense of wonder. I see both of you spend time basically complimenting one another, I even see both of you helping each other out with picking outfits and colors. This is equal partner energy it’s so sweet. I see a balance of give and take, a sweet exchange of love and genuine interest in the same things but not forced or different just comfortable.
Both of you give into the other emotionally and I see tight hugs and lots and lots of cuddling, healing energy. I feel like you both hold onto each other in fear of letting the other go, both of you have been hurt but talking it out helps as you both open up and really connect, lots of Scorpio energy here and sharing secrets.
There is an energy of cutting off family or not interacting with past people who have both let you down. They are a mess of tears either way you and it’s really sweet to see. I can hear them just thanking you for existing.
Their thoughts and feelings towards you when you are together:
The star, eight of pentacles (rx), two of swords, Ace of wands, seven of swords
Effortlessly chilling and enjoying each other’s presence. I’m getting that you both don’t need to talk to just enjoy one another cause energy speaks which make you both forget to speak up sometimes. They see you as a star and I believe you return their sentiment. I see it feels natural for them to be with you and just work with you. I believe they also like to show you off and admire you like a weirdo (hehe).
I see that it’s not a hard decision when it comes to getting freaky, it could be random times, but I see you both always ready for it haha and they can’t help themselves. There may be moments that you gotta lay down boundaries because you both get to into the zone and distracted. I see a lot of physical connection. You may not completely understand their feelings and you there but you both understand other aspects of each other that others don’t see. From the two of swords, I see that they understand you best in the sheets (they are so funny, funniest pile.) They always get away with cheesy things like pecking your cheek when you least expect it or scaring you (Halloween vibes aye) and just teasing.
If you would like to ask more go to my ko-fi!
Physical traits:
Body shapes/traits: curvy, burly, buff, limber, petite, big eyes
Hair color/type: Afro, dye, dreads, straight, wavy, orange/red
Eye color: Hazel, brown
Letters: N, O, P, Y, K, H, F
Pile 5: Moon
Zodiac signs: Leo, Libra, Pisces, Virgo,
Seven of pentacles (rx), knight of swords (rx), five of pentacles (rx), five of cups, nine of wands (rx), the sun, the hanged man (rx), the world
I see your person is hardened by constant patients and having to compromise being the higher person. They are smart, smarter than a lot of people. I sense genius vibes/come up vibes. A lot of underlining motivation/ambition. Your spouse is cold and distant but there is much more to them (obviously) they just don’t like sharing themselves which I see changing it’s just a part of them that sticks out in their energy.
They take a lot of responsibility for their actions which is why they seem to be reserved, they don’t see a need to over say. Otherwise, they seem pretty chill and happy person beneath there mask. I see they are a hard worker and have a lot of determination to help others and themselves. They could help many people, getting wounded knight vibes from your spouse. I see that your spouse created a space where they can be themselves and have their own soul/chosen family. Their friends and allies are people they cherish, and I see they enjoy celebrating after a long hard-earned day.
I don’t know why there’s a huge focus of energy on their job so it’s something they are passionate about. Maybe it isn’t their job but something they are compelled to do. Star vibes. They know what they bring to the table and take their time to pick you. So, a slow burn. I also see they have a few close friends.
Your Dynamic Together:
King of wands (rx), 9 of cups, the fool (rx), 6 of swords (rx), four of cups, page of pentacles (rx), Ace of cups, 9 of pentacles (rx)
I sense you both find each other at a strange time and so you both bond over certain opinions and passive conversations. I don’t think you guys realize you start to fall for one another, a pleasing fulfillment whenever you both discuss an interest. I see with your dynamic you help one another out. Maybe you hired them for something at first and you both just hit it off to easily, but it does take a few times for you both to talk. I see similar mirroring energies so you both may notice something from the other that vibes. I see them giving you a lot of comfort in moments that feel like they were wasted.
I see there is a lot that you both work on together and one of those things is confidence. You both compliment and build each other up to the point that you both feel unstoppable. They may put too much logic in certain conversations but you both can joke with one another pretty easily. Dry humor, I also feel you both find each other’s quirks pretty charming glad to see more of that in these piles. I think you both when in the dating phase, take naps together.
Their thoughts and feelings towards when you are together:
Page of swords (rx) eight of cups (rx), six of cups (rx), six of swords, page of wands, eight of swords (rx), eight of wands (rx), 2 of wands (rx), queen of wands
They feel like they don’t need to monitor their words around you and they lose the time just spending it with you. They may see you as a loner and they desire to open that up within you as they spend time with you. I feel like they notice right away that you remind them of themselves. You’re growing and focusing on your goals, finding a safe place with them and they love this. I see they want to treat you right and take things slow even though I see a little bit of a rush as you both finally reach a point where it’s obvious and is an unspoken truth.
They find you gorgeous, something that they needed to discover as they got to see you for you. Lots of respect and energy put into connecting with you and what they see makes their whole world. You may seem out of reach to them in some ways because of your similar anxieties but they are patient. I see you both discussing the future and then just staring at you adoringly as you talk.
Physical traits:
Body type/traits: belly/pauchy, curvy, fat, slim/slender, short, stocky
Hair color/type: dreads, wavy, curly, buzzed/bald, black, long
Eye color: blue, grey, brown
Letters: G, Z, J, L, S, N
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taamlok · 29 days ago
Rook Tarot Ask Game: Romance Edition
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm back with more major arcana-inspired questions for your Rook, this time focused on romance. The questions do contain spoilers, so proceed with caution!
The Fool: Describe the first meeting between Rook and their love interest. What was Rook thinking in that moment? Was it an instant attraction?
The Magician: How does trust develop between Rook and their partner?
The High Priestess: How did Rook respond to their developing feelings? Did they embrace the new feelings or hide from them?
The Empress: What actions do Rook and their love interest take to nurture their relationship?
The Emperor: What is the foundation of Rook’s relationship? What is the bond that holds them and their partner together?
The Hierophant: What is most sacred between Rook and their love interest? How do they honour that?
The Lovers: What does Rook learn about themself and their desires through their relationship with their love interest?
The Chariot: What does Rook do to balance their responsibilities as team leader with their responsibilities to their partner? Does one ever slip in favour of another? Do these two roles ever conflict?
Strength: Who makes the first move? How is it received? Is this reflective of their relationship dynamic in general?
The Hermit: In the quiet moments where it’s just the two of them, how do Rook and their partner share that time?
The Wheel of Fortune: Each of Rook’s potential love interests are dealing with significant personal issues and difficult choices. How do these choices affect their relationship, and how does Rook support them through their personal journey?
Justice: Reflect on the argument Rook and their partner have in the lead-up to the final battle. What emotions are driving the conversation? How is the issue resolved? 
The Hanged Man: How did Rook’s love interest respond to them being trapped in the Fade? If they were unaware (sacrificed or blighted), what was it like for Rook having to confront that in the Fade?
Death La Petite Mort: What does sex mean for Rook and their partner? How do they express themselves through sex, and how does this reflect their relationship in general? If their relationship is non-sexual, what does intimacy mean to them?
Temperance: What does Rook need to heal within themself to become a better partner? What about their SO?
The Devil: This is not a fun card to pull in a romance reading, especially not for Valentine’s Day. Instead, share a song that makes you think of your Rook and their partner. 
The Tower: How do Rook and their partner support each other in coping with the trauma they’ve endured? 
The Star: What does hope in the aftermath look like for Rook and their love interest? When things feel hopeless, how do they act as each other’s light in the darkness?
The Moon: The moon is bright because it reflects the light of the sun. Which qualities do Rook and their partner bring out in each other? Are these qualities positive or negative? 
The Sun: What is something Rook’s partner does that gives them that warm fuzzy feeling?
Judgement: What does Rook see when they look at their partner? What does their partner see when they look back?
The World: Thedas is saved, but changed. Where do Rook and their love interest go from here? Is marriage on the table? Children? What milestones do they have to look forward to?
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yaseraphine · 5 months ago
pick a card - who is crushing on you ?
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This is a reading I did back in April of this year. I made it with the energy of the Taurus new moon. Hope it resonates <3
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
/!\ DISCLAIMER /!\ (for all the delulus - here's your anti-delulu pill)
A tarot reading is supposed to give guidance based on your current energies, it is NEVER a replacement for therapy. It shouldn't dictate your life choices but more so guide you while making the choices. At the end of the day, you are the master of your soul and destiny. Remember that you have all the power and the free will to take the actions you want. Use discernment . Also remember : energies shift, a reading might resonate with you today but not tomorrow.
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song - Ah W Noss by Nancy Ajram
Possible astrological placements :
Heavy Aquarius energy, heavy air and earth energy, Sun moon or mercury in aquarius (especially moon); Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Mars in Aquarius / Aries, Capricorn rising ; Taurus, Aquarius and Aries personal planets; Chiron in the 4th house / the 10th house
Physical appearance : slightly under 6 ft , dark eye color, probably has eyebags or , looks mad 24/7, straight dark brown hair or jet black hair ; appears judgmental asf. might be skinny but still kind of muscular, has a visible scar on their face around their eyebrows or eyes or lips,
They dress casually , I see a lot of sportswear, neutral color, black, gray, white and maybe beige or marine blue
Tarot cards : 9 of swords, 10 of Pentacles, The Magician, The Tower, King of Pentacles, 3 of swords, Page of Pentacles, Ace of swords
Who is this person ?
HUGE overthinker, career oriented, hard worker, well known in their field but prefer to work in the shadows, top grader, highly critical of themself and of other people, plans everything, a mastermind, ambitious, sharp mind, introvert, lowkey anti-social, overtly sensitive, might be in college, pursuing a master's degree; might be their last year as an undergrad, anxiety disorder, really anxious and sensitive to the outside world, a loner, might just hangout with 3 people max and they're always seeing together in the hallways or in the school's library, intimidating exterior, people are scared to approach them because they think they will disturb their peace lmao, deep voice, barely speaks, fierceful look, don't talk much, undercover hopeless romantic, might watch a lot of rom-com or romance K-dramas, might read slice of life romance oriented manhwas , watches anime, probably went on several friends trips to tokyo, kyoto, and bangkok with his friends.
Probably has a lot of family problems, is the "man of the family", has a part time job either as a waiter or something related to their field of study.
During lectures, either sits in the front or at the far back (to be in peace lol) and is really concentrated on the class, isn’t scared to asked questions even when there are a hundred students in the amphitheater looking at them
Might be a bit conservative or just religious, possibly muslim
might be a minimalist, a digital minimalist (James Scholz vibes)
Ethnicities/ Race : korean, pakistani, chinese, vietnamese, indian, afghan,arabic, north african,...
The effect you have on them ? 
This crush shocked them to their core. As they were on their way to become the King of Pentacles, you came and made all their plans crumble.
I feel like love is their blind spot and whenever they develop some type of feelings for people everything around them breaks down. They might have Venus in the 6th house or Venus in the 8th house, or Pluto might be aspecting their venus on their natal chart. I feel like they might have had a traumatic love experience when they were in middle school/ freshman year of highschool that left them deeply hurt and created deep emotional wounds. They’re still traumatized from this experience and them having a crush on you is sadly reopening their wounds and it’s obviously so triggering. Despite the fact that this crush is hurting them, they know it’s also healing them in a way ? Like their heart is not completely dead and in shambles and will not be forever. I am hearing "Your heart is broken , not permanently shattered.”
How do you appear to them ? How do they see you ? 
You appear peaceful to them. You might be an INFJ, ENFJ , INTP, ISFP or ISFJ.
You might have Virgo, Pisces or Libra placements (sun, moon, mercury, venus, rising,..). You could have 3rd/9th house placements, Moon in the 3rd or 4th house. You could be a scorpio or capricorn rising. You probably have 1st house, 6th house and 8th house synastry with them. (even 12th house for some)
You might have at some point awkwardly smiled at them in the school halls or library and it left a mark on them. They probably think about it often. Whenever they think about you, they can feel themselves calming down, slowing down. They’re probably really busy and therefore always stressed out but when you cross their mind, they can feel the stress disappearing for a short period of time.
They see you as a more relaxed version of themselves. They see you as being someone who is content with being alone. You could be a popular loner like you’re really well liked but you still enjoy doing your own thing. You probably are similar to them and they see that. They see the mirroring of you both. You have a really similar energy as this person and they sense it. But you’re much more confident, or content and laid-back/ chill than them and I think they kind of envy you for that.
You’re represented by the 9 of pentacles while they’re represented by the 10 of pentacles on their way to become a King of pentacles. Despite the fact that you’re “behind” them in the race of life, you don’t seem to be freaking out about it. Instead, they see you taking it easy. You’re taking your time because you have this deep trust in the Universe that everything happens in time and for a reason. They don’t understand how you’re able to just go with the flow while also  having somewhat of a plan and a pretty clear direction on where your life is headed.
PILE 2 (slight 18+ stuff)
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song - GOOD LOYAL THOTS by Odetari / EYES ON ME by Asteria
Possible astrological placements : 
Cancer rising for men, Virgo risings for woman/non-binary, Venus in Libra, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury in Libra, Moon in Pisces/Scorpio/Cancer, Moon in Virgo, 5th house placements, 7th house placements, the asteroid lilith (1181) could be prominent/ significant in their chart. 10th/4th house placements. Libra, Sagittarius and Cancer placements. Could be born in late November.
Physical appearance : if it’s a man : looks like those bad boys in these dark romance novels, 2019 e-boy/girl/enby vibes, angelic eyes, looks kind of innocent in a way, similar eyes to troye sivan (not necessarily the colour but just the energy they give). No matter their gender, they just look really androgenous, really nice and warm smile, rodrick heffley vibes, carrington vibes (the content creator)
Ethnicity/ race : If this person identifies themselves as male then they might be half white half latino (esp mexican) or fully white (i am getting english, american or even german some italian blood even). If not, then they could be any ethnicities honestly but I am heavily picking up on White (Eastern Europe), American. They could look really racially ambigous. Could be half asian (filipino or thai/ viet heavy) and white (icelandic, german, eastern europe in general)
Tarot cards : 4 of swords, 2 of Wands, Queen of Cups, 2 of Cups, The Emperor, 7 of pentacles, 10 of swords,  Ace of Wands
MBTI : this one is hard to pick up one exactly the energy is a bit too “mutable” in a way but I’d say surely an IXXP or EXXJ type. Picking up especially on INTP, ISTP, ENFJ or ENTJ
Who is this person ? 
Could be any ethnicities honestly, any gender, probably non-binary, trans, or just do not label themselves
Activist for LGBTQ+ rights, if they’re a man probably bisexual, feminist, anti-specist, probably anarchist > for sure politically inclined and left winged, even far left or marxist for some 
Might enjoy philosophy, history, metaphysics, poetry, travelling 
In their 20s, probably really young / I am getting 17/18/19 years old, if they go to college they probably are really popular on campus.
Might play the guitar, the drums, listen to indie music, indie rock, hyper pop, Artsy, paint their nails black, nails often painted with chipped nail polish, probably enjoys painting, cinema
They LOOOVE getting attention, compliments, being the center of attention. They are probably really charismatic and a lot of people tend to crush on them and they cling to them/ get addicted to their energy/aura. They’re really magnetic, a true charmer, a smooth operator, a smooth talker. I’ll be fully honest though , they are probably in their fuckboy/girl/enby era. Probably sleeps around, goes to parties every week. They’re probably always surrounded by women or generally speaking feminine energies LOOOVE them like they get addicted to them (especially true if they’re a man). Probably a womanizer too.
People might assume that they’re reckless and only there for a good time, not a long time. They are kind of the talk of the town. People see them as smart, artistic. People consistantly gossip about them and their every move, might also make terrible and false assumptions on them. Despite their f*ckboy/girl/enby traits they are deep down really sweet and sensitive. They honeslty hope to find their true love one day, they just have some kind of attachment issues that makes it hard for them to trust and settle. For now, I don’t think they're ready to delve into them (the attachment issues) yet. (it’s giving mother wounds and daddy issues lol)
Always attached to messy situationships/ friends with benefits situations, messy breakups, crazy exes, revenge,...
They're really nonchalant, cool dude vibes “you know i am a cool guy you can trust me”; probably thinks they understand women and the “female nature” (HELP-) “I understand women, I understand emotions,..” vibes
Generally don’t really walk the talk lmaoo (they’re kind of a p*ssy that pretends to be tough, too cool for school lol), light skin energy HEAVY, actually really funny and empathetic, really sweet too
The effect you have on them ? 
I’ll say it, they’re probably too prideful to come to you lol They’re used to people approaching them first. That's how almost all of their relationships started. They probably are like : I am attracted to pile 2 and I have the situation in control. They will probably come up to me like everyone else does anyways so it’s fine, no need to make the first move (the sagittarian ego lord -). They probably like you because they think  you’re naive, innocent and their paternalistic/ manspreading tendencies might tickle a bit for that reason. They assume you’re some kind of pure angel, and that you don’t know much about the world. They see you as a Page of Cups or Queen of Cups when really you are a High Priestess. You just pretend to be clueless/ or not as perceptive to protect your peace. They want to protect you and take you to outside world. Take you to art exhibitions, while they manspread their knowledge about a specific art movement and they imagine you being impressed by how perceptive and educated they are. (they don't have to be a man to manspread just to clarify lol). To be honest, they have a deep desire for recognition and it shows in what they imagine doing with you.
Honestly, they underestimate you quite a bit. You’re so much smarter than you appear to be .
I have a hard time knowing what kind of effect you have on them since they seem so self focused. You just feed their desire to provide and protect. This desire might come from some kind of daddy issues or complicated relationship with their masculinity/masculine side.
How do you appear to them ? How do they see you ? +18 stuff here
As I said above, they see you as a "princess" to be saved, an angel. They probably think you’re too pure for this world, that you’re "vanilla", innocent. They really like your body. They probably scrutinize it a lot looking at every curve. They love your chest area and your thighs/butt. Honestly, it’s getting really sexual lol They probably have a lot of dirty thoughts about you, dominating you but not in a mean way, really soft dom vibes. They would love to see you in pink/white lacy lingerie / really sweet lolita vibes (the japanese style). I won’t elaborate further on the 18+ description but just know they're really imaginative lol They also see you as really sweet and caring . They think you’re really selfless and empathetic. In their eyes, you seem to be really emotionally intelligent. If you’re hyper feminine or petite THEY LOVE IT.
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song - Feelin' Myself by will.i.am ft. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa, French Montana, DJ Mustard / French Montana's verse especially
/!\ While tapping with the energy, your resistance to this person was HEAVY. You probably know exactly who this person is and you probably are annoyed that they seem to follow you everywhere, even in a random tarot reading on Tumblr lmaoo I am so sorry for you. This reading could trigger you, annoy you or make your eyes roll, just to warn you.
Possible astrological placements : Libra rising, Leo rising, Sun, Moon, Venus and/or Mars in Leo, probably have many placements between the first and the 5th house, heavy on the 1st house, 3rd house and 2nd house, Gemini Sun or Venus, Mercury, cancer placements
Physical appearance : probably dresses like a 2013/2014 rapper (lmaoo sorryy guys), ages - 25 / but strong late 30s early 40s, millennial loser vibes (help-), ear piercing, eyebrow arch piercing, likes to wear Grillz, they’re probably not very tall like around 1m69 to 1m76 or something (5,5 ft, 5.7 ft). They could be skinny or just slim.
Ethnicity/ race : I know the moodboard only showcases black men, but I am picking up they could just as well be asian or White, arabic,...
Tarot cards : 3 of cups, The Emperor, 7 of Pentacles, The Sun, 4 of Pentacles,
Who is this person ? 
Their name could start with a P, Patrick, Peter, could have a similar vibe to Peter Kavinsky from To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before for some.
For a minority of you, they are still a student in college probably majoring in Business or economy. Probably skips many lectures, classes.
For most of you though, they are a real grown adult, who has taxes to pay and works either part time or full time at the same job as you.
You could work at a store like a 7/11 or just stores that you find in gas stations, or something like that.
You might meet them, see them at work and you probably find them annoying as hell. You think they’re childish and that they should grow tf up. They’re probably older than you which makes their immature behavior even more embarrassing. You probably see them as a scrub or a manchild (ain’t shit by doja at is coming up they really get on your nerves lmaoo). They probably hit on you the first day at your job and they never really stopped 
Always comes at work late, prefers to have fun, doesn’t like having too many responsibilities, doesn’t like rigidity, always cracking a joke, the clown of the class vibes, super extraverted, loud, really good on the dancefloor, might go to the club every week, doesn’t have much going on in their life, does the bare minimum at work, unstable financially, doesn’t have any career ambition, culture vultures, they remind me of the Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber lightskin era, they love alcohol, hennessy, malibu,..
Really popular in your local community, probably has at least 500 followers on insta but I am picking it’s more than that like 1500 and plus, super active on social media, probably has snapchat, posts stories almost on a daily basis, they are known at work to crack jokes, loves 90s/old school rap, gangsta rap, 90’s RnB, jodeci, Boys II Men,  probably a sneakerhead,  that’s random but they might be attracted to milfs or women with character lmaoo, a millennial that hangs out with gen zers (help-), eternal teenage boy type of energy, childlike spirit, nice, really likeable, social butterfly, you just can’t hate them, might be the type of person to sing out loud randomly.
The effect you have on them ? 
They like you. They like the fact that you are hard to get. They love the chase. I think they’re attracted to the duality of your respective personalities. It’s probably an opposites attract type of situation in their head. They like your black cat energy. The effect you have on them is that you just entertain them in a way. They like the chase, the adrenaline that comes with it and since you’re guarded they see it as a good challenge. 
How do you appear to them ? How do they see you ? 
You might be an ISTJ, or INTJ. You might have Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo or Taurus placements. You might be a Taurus rising. I am picking up too that you hate loud people and attention seekers. You probably don’t like dependent and clingy people too. You probably have a really cutthroat and no bullshit energy that they love (and lowkey find amusing they like to annoy you but in a flirty way that’s just the way they flirt I think). They think you’re too serious for your own good. You’re probably working part time while you’re still in college and they think you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. They think you should slow down and just enjoy the moment, live in the moment and let loose. They think you smell good, always look clean and put together. They see you as high maintenance. You’re probably like the high maintenance era of Saweetie. Icy Grl vibes (go to check the music video of this song this might be your exact vibes). They see you as a diva but not in a derogatory sense, they  actually like it. It’s giving Mariah Carey and Eminem's dynamic lol (enemies to lovers orr 👀 (i know you just gave me the biggest bombastic side eye lmaoo sorry)). “Boy why are you so obsessed with me?” but you’re like really mad and fed up lmaoo
Literally you : you're giving goddess energy ✨ go get your bag sis as you should the dusties don't even deserve to breath the same air as you period.💅
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remember guys : stay blessed <3 (and happy spooky season hehe best season of the year anyone who disagrees you can argue with the wall)
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bartonomy · 23 days ago
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PAIRING James Potter x Whimsical!Reader
SYNOPSIS James Potter has never put much stock in divination, but when a peculiar classmate offers to read his future, he finds himself unable to resist.
CONTENT WARNING talk about the future, James freaking out, angsty but not too bad, not exactly romantic but the reader is implied to be interested
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James Potter never fancied himself the superstitious sort. Sure, he had vague notions of grandeur- winning the Quidditch Cup, making his parents proud, marrying a cute girl with a laugh as sharp as her hexes- but actual predictions? No, thanks. That sort of thing was for people who saw shapes in tea leaves and claimed the wind is responsible for every little mishap.
Which was precisely why he was sitting crisscrossed apple sauce across from you, mildly bewildered, as you shuffled an old deck of tarot cards with an almost hypnotic grace.
“You’re taking an awful long time, darling,” James teased, propping his chin on his hand. “Are you searching for a particularly good future, or just one that doesn’t end with me embarrassing myself?”
You smiled, a slow, knowing thing that made his skin prickle.
“The cards take the time they need, James.” Your voice was soft, melodic, like you were speaking from somewhere just beyond reality. “patience, or you might spook them away, the nargles have been especially fussy these days”
“Wouldn’t want that, do we” he murmured, glancing down at the cards with skepticism.
It was a quiet afternoon in the Gryffindor common room, the fire casting warm shadows across the walls. Most of the house was either out on the grounds or in Hogsmeade, but James had lingered behind, half out of laziness, half because he’d overheard Sirius mention your readings and got inexplicably curious.
Sirius, for all his bravado, had walked away from his session looking rattled. Which was interesting and absolutely hilarious.
You sighed contently, spreading the deck between your hands like a fan. The firelight flickered, casting warm shadows over the cards, their edges frayed from years of use. James had seen you doing readings before- sometimes for your friends, sometimes for curious younger students, and even once for Professor Whats-Her-Name in the Courtyard.
“Please pick three,” you instructed with the same soft tone you only used in class.
"Aye, aye grand Seer", James did as he was told, amused despite himself. “So, how does this work? You going to tell me I’m going to be rich and famous or that my soulmate, the love of my life is around here??” he snorted "please let it be the latter one"
"You are already rich" you pointed out, laying the three picked card neatly in front of you and discarding the unused deck in your satchel "and whether or not you will find love...well. That remains to be discovered, hm?"
With that he rolled his eyes playfully and you hummed, drawing the first card and laying it gently in front of you. The Fool.
James blinked.
“Oi, that’s just rude.”
You laughed, eyes gleaming with amusement. “Not at all. The Fool isn’t the fool we all know, James. He’s someone at the beginning of a great journey, standing on the edge of a cliff, about to take a leap of faith.” You tapped the card. “He’s full of potential, but also reckless. Fascinating, don’t you think?”
James grinned. “Sounds about right so far.”
You drew the next card. The Lovers.
James coughed. “Oh, well—”
You tilted your head, studying it with quiet reverence. “This isn’t always about romance, you know. It can mean a choice, a connection, a relationship that defines a person. It’s about harmony and consequence. Something you can’t escape.”
James swallowed. His mind, without permission, conjured an image of Lily Evans—her oh so fierce green eyes, the way she scrunched her nose adorably when she was annoyed, how she never hesitated to call him out.
You watched him closely, as if seeing the thought pass across his face. He didn’t like how sharp your gaze was, like you were peeling him apart with nothing but intuition.
“Shall we?” you murmured, pulling the third card.
You turned over the third and last card.
James frowned at the image—a great tower, struck by lightning, people falling from its heights. The air around you both seemed to shift, the easy playfulness from before fading into something heavier.
“The Tower,” you murmured.
James swallowed. “That’s bad, isn’t it?”
You traced the image with a careful finger. “Not bad. Just… necessary.”
James gave a dry laugh. “Destruction is necessary? On my buttocks, you are just like us, little troublemaker”
“Sometimes.” Your voice remained gentle, but the certainty in it made James shiver and his uneasy smile faded. “The Tower comes when the foundation isn’t steady. It doesn’t destroy for the sake of it—it forces change. When the dust settles, the world isn’t the same, but that doesn’t mean it’s worse.”
James stared at the card, feeling an unexpected tightness in his chest. Something about it—it felt too close, like a whisper against the back of his mind.
“What kind of change?” he asked quietly.
You studied him for a long moment, then examined the fated cards in front of of you
James stared at them. The Fool. The Lovers. The Tower. A journey, a choice, a fall.
He let out a quiet breath. “You sure you didn’t stack the deck?”
You smiled, but didn’t answer. Instead, you gathered the cards and shuffled them again, your fingers delicate against the worn edges.
James watched you, the tightness in his chest still there, lingering.
“Do you ever do readings for yourself?”
The question was simple, but it was enough to stop your fingers mid-motion. You hadn’t expected him to ask that. It was an unexpected question. You weren’t sure why, but the thought of reading for yourself felt like stepping into uncharted territory, where the gods will have full access of your being, your soul, and your mind.
“I... would rather not” you answered softly, your eyes now focused on your hands,“I mean, It is possible if I do, but it’s not something I like to do often.”
“Why not?” James asked, his curiosity piqued, though his tone was lined with the previous horror of his reading. “Scared the cards might tell you something you don’t want to hear?”
You chuckled, but it came out strained. “Something like that.”
James leaned in a bit closer, tilting his head. “Come on, you’re always so ominous with the cards for everyone else. Don’t tell me you’re scared of a few little 'whackspurts' messing up your head.”
The mention of whackspurts—those silly, fuzzy little creatures from your gardens, made you stiffen slightly, but not in the way he intended. It was funny, yes, but also something you had come to associate with the fuzziness that clouded your mind whenever you thought too much about yourself. The confusion, the uncertainty, the inability to make sense of your own feelings. You’d often joked about whackspurts being responsible for any moments of mental fog, but in truth, it was far more than that. It was a kind of fear—the uneasiness of confronting the unknown parts of yourself, the parts that were tangled and elusive.
“I don’t think it’s whackspurts,” you said quietly, finally meeting his gaze. “not entirely at least, It’s more like… what if I look too closely and find things I’m not prepared to see? What if there’s something inside me that I’m not meant to understand?”
He only shrugged, " then you are forced to confront them no matter what. I mean, with the bullock of a reading you gave me, I can't entirely avoid it can I?" he gave you his signature smile, all teeth and stirring something foreign inside of you.
“You believe in fate, don't you?” you asked after a moment.
James shook his head. “I believe in making my own future.”
Your smile was soft. “Then do.”
The words settled into him, deep and warm, and he suddenly had the strangest feeling that one day—maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow—he would look back on this moment and realize just how much the universe had been trying to warn him.
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fairytaleendingss · 4 months ago
Room for One More?
Chapter 2
Summary: Your rivalry with Remus continues as you spend a night out with his friends at Sirius’ concert.
CW: Alcohol Consumption, mentions of vomit (briefly), references to sex.
Pairing: Poly!Marauders x reader
Chapter 1
A few days later and you were finally settling into your new home. And as far as roommates go, the boys were pretty good ones.
James was usually out early in the morning at the gym or Rugby training and he’d often return with coffees for everyone. Sirius was a natural born entertainer and always had a joke or a silly anecdote to amuse you with when you returned home from work.
It was just Remus that hadn’t warmed up to you, however, you had no idea why. You’d done everything you could think of to win him over. You cleaned up the kitchen for him before he got home from his lectures, you left extra for him when cooking dinner, you even offered to do his laundry when he was too busy studying for upcoming exams. But still, nothing. No matter what you did, you were greeted with a cold disinterest and one word answers.
By the time the weekend rolled around, you were exhausted, both from him and your long week at work. You were hugely looking forward to Sirius’ show. You figured it’d be the perfect way to unwind.
You were squashed into a booth next to James and a girl named Dorcas, twirling your straw in your hand.
The bar was full, thick with energy and cigarette smoke. It was dimly lit, some dive down a back alley. Apparently Sirius and his band played here every Saturday night.
“So y/n! Mary tells me you want to be a writer!” Lily called across the table, barely audible over the clattering of glasses and loud talking that filled the room
“Yeah, it’s something I’m working towards,” you replied. “Although I’ve been working on my novel for a couple of years now but it’s still not quite there yet.”
“Oh cool!” Peter chimed in. He was sitting beside his girlfriend Sybil, a hand around hers under the table. They looked positively smitten with each other. It reminded you of how glaringly single you were.
“What’s your book about?” Dorcas asked.
You sighed. “I guess you could call it a fantasy.”
“Oh is it one of those ones about wizards and magic and stuff?” James pondered enthusiastically.
“I mean, kind of? Not really.” You replied.
“Oh good,” Dorcas mused. “I don’t really like those kinds of stories. I’ve always found them to be a bit childish. I mean, the idea of wizards living amongst us? it’s a bit absurd if you ask me.”
You giggled. “Yes well, I’d say mine is more of a high fantasy. Anyway, enough about me. What do you all do for work?”
You took a sip of your drink.
“Well, I’m a primary school teacher.” Lily offered.
“Oh wow. And how do enjoy that?”
She giggled, her dimples appearing as she did. You had to admit, she was stunningly beautiful, with long auburn hair and astonishing sea-foam eyes. You understood why James had been pining after her for so long.
“I love it,” she responded. “It’s wonderful knowing you’re able to shape a young person’s life.”
“That sounds really rewarding,” you responded.
“It is,” she smiled. “But it’s far from impressive compared to what some of the others do. I mean, Dorcas here is a lawyer and Remus is studying to be a doctor!”
Eyes fell on Remus and you watched as he recoiled slightly under the attention.
As the conversation drew on, you learned that Peter was a Banker, Sybil read tarot cards for a living and Dorcas’ girlfriend Marlene played lead guitar in Sirius’ band.
“Just wait until you see her,” Mary exclaimed. “She’s incredible.”
“I’m looking forward to it!” You replied. You took another sip of your drink and realised you’d finished your glass. Upon looking around the table you saw that the others were in a similar position.
“Looks like I’m in need of a refill. Next round is on me guys!”
There was a slew of cheers from the group as you slid out of the booth and made your way towards the bar. You placed your order and then took a seat on a stool as you waited for the drinks to be made.
You were scrolling through instagram when you felt a presence beside you. Looking up, your heart sank slightly when you noticed it was Remus.
“I thought you could use some help carrying everything,” he muttered, taking a seat beside you.
“Thanks but I think I’ll be okay.”
“Yeah well, I could use some space. The table was getting a little crowded.”
Your eyes raked over his figure, you saw the was he was nervously fiddling with his hands. It dawned on you that maybe the bar scene wasn’t really his thing so much as it was his friends’. He seemed to be a little overwhelmed.
“Okay,” you relented.
A few drinks were placed on a tray in front of you, and Remus reached out to grab his, taking a long sip. Your eyebrows raised.
“You’re drinking straight whisky? That’s pretty hardcore.”
“It’s referred to as a whisky neat,” he responded matter-of-factly (as if you hadn’t been the one to order it for him). “And it really isn’t that bad. I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance. Why? What did you order.”
“A gin and tonic.”
“Exactly my point.”
Your eyes narrowed as you looked up at him. You could help but scoff.
“Are you implying that I can’t hold my alcohol?”
Remus shrugged, taking another sip. “I’m just saying that some people have a higher tolerance is all.”
A mix of irritation and downright anger began to build in your gut. You’d had enough of him. His coldness towards you, his constant condescending remarks. Fuck it, you thought, I’m done being nice. If he wanted to start something, then so be it.
“Fine,” you challenged. “If you’re so sure about that, £20 says that I can out-drink you tonight.”
He turned to face you, a brow quirked questioningly.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
You rolled your eyes. “Just shake on it, Remus.”
“Fine. It’s your funeral.”
You shook hands. Then you turned to the bartender.
“Excuse me, I’d like to change my order. Could I get a whisky, neat?”
The band came on around 10pm and the crowd cheered wildly.
Sirius was the first to enter, clad in black and leather, looking like a true rockstar.
His eyes twinkled beneath the stage lights. Even on the narrow bar stage, he managed to look ethereal.
“How’s everyone doing tonight?”
The crowd roared once more, you among them.
“That’s good! We’re Snakes and Lions and we have a few songs to play for you. Is that alright?”
The crowed cheered again.
As the first notes of the song trickled through the room, you couldn’t help but stare up at Sirius. His long flowing hair, the tattoos that peaked out from under his black tank top, the way his eyeliner brought out the grey of his eyes.
A glance to Remus beside you, told you he was feeling the same way. He was staring up at Sirius like he was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. And you couldn’t blame him.
Still, you felt and odd pang of jealously shoot through your gut.
You decided to push it down, instead venturing to the bar for another drink.
As the set drew on, you could feel yourself beginning to sway, not only from the music but also the alcohol in your blood.
The room began to blur in a dizzying haze and you found yourself leaning into James who stood beside you, for support.
You continued to watch Sirius perform, entranced by the way he moved around the stage, his voice baring into your very soul.
At one point, when he he introduced the band (Barty on drums, Marlene on lead guitar, Evan on rhythm guitar and his little brother Regulus on bass), he sent you a wink and you felt your heart leap in your chest. You felt like you were watching a celebrity.
Still, amidst the music, your mind continued to wander to Remus. Your bet had carried on and you continued to down drink after drink out of sheer spite.
You were determined to beat him. Determined to prove that you could hold your own, that there was a spot for you in his home, whether he liked it or not.
By the time the band finished playing, you were far past the point of no return.
There was a light on somewhere. It was too bright, shining directly into your eyes. You groaned and rolled over, sinking in to your mattress. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn’t. You needed to get up and turn the light off.
As you blinked your eyes open, you realised the light wasn’t in fact coming from the ceiling but from a window.
That’s odd, you thought, I don’t remember there being a window there.
The room was blurry as you looked around. It was clearly morning, that much you could tell, and there was a throbbing pain in your head. Last night was definitely a mistake.
It was then that your gaze fell on the football paraphernalia that sat on the dresser and the framed jersey that hung above it.
You shot upwards like a bullet, your eyes widening as you glanced around the space.
This wasn’t your room. It was James'.
You gasped loudly as you looked down at yourself. Fuck! You were in your underwear.
You frantically looked around the space, searching for anything you could use to cover up. There was a black t-shirt thrown over a chair in the corner.
A sniff told you it was clean and you hastily threw it on, not caring right then that it wasn’t yours.
It didn’t cover much but it’d have to do for now.
It was at that moment the door swung open. You froze, wide eyed like a deer caught in the headlights.
James just looked you up and down for a moment, balancing a cup of coffee in each hand.
“Oh good. You’re up.”
“W-what happened last night?” You blurted out in a panic.
“You don’t remember?” The boy queried, moving to place the coffees down on the bedside table.
You shook your head.
“We didn’t… ah? You know?”
“Oh no! Nothing like that! We didn’t sleep together if that’s what you’re worried about.”
You let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through your hair in relief.
“Oh. Okay. Good.”
James just smirked. “Oh no, it’s much more embarrassing than that.”
You looked up at him nervously, feeling your cheeks grow hot. “Shit. What did I do?”
James moved to stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed, muscles in his biceps flexing as he did.
“Well, you stumbled into my room at 2:30 in the morning complaining you were bored and wanted to hang out.”
You grimaced.
“Then you collapsed in my bed and refused to leave. Which I didn’t mind, by the way. But then you decided that it was too hot and insisted on taking your clothes off. I barely stopped you from getting completely naked. You were on a mission.”
You groaned as he chuckled at the story.
“James, I’m so sorry.”
He waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve all been there.”
“What? Mostly naked in our roommate's bed?”
He snorted. “Yeah sure. Something like that.”
He gestured towards the coffee that sat on the bedside table and you took a sip, letting the warm drink sooth your aching throat.
“I’m sure you have a hell of a hangover,” he sympathised. “Why don’t you finish your coffee and then go and have a shower while I whip up some breakfast.”
You smiled up at him gently. “James, you don’t have to-“
“Stop apologising,” he cut you off. “I’m happy to. Besides, what are roommates for if not to make you meals?”
It was a while before you re-emerged, having showered and now wearing clothes that were your own. You weren’t bothered to dry your hair though. You resigned to let it drip down your back.
You trudged into the living area to see that the rest of the boys had beaten you there.
James was standing in the kitchen cooking what smelt suspiciously (and deliciously) like bacon.
Sirius was lounging on the sofa, half watching a random action movie that was playing on the TV, set to low volume.
You assumed that choice was made for the benefit of Remus who looked a wreck. He was sitting at the dining table, face down with his head resting on his arms.
An evil sense of satisfaction washed over you when you realised that he was nursing a hangover just as bad as your own.
“Well!” You made sure to exclaim loudly, smacking your hands down hard on the table as you took a seat across from Remus.
He flinched and groaned as he sat up, sending you an irritable look.
“Last night was fun.”
Sirius chuckled from his across the room. “For some of us more so than others.”
“Y/n definitely had fun,” James teased as he approached the table, placing a plate of bacon and eggs before you. You slapped him playfully on the arm as he walked away.
You glanced around the room as you began to eat, your brows furrowing when you noticed something odd out of the window.
“Guys, why’s the pot plant out on the balcony?”
“I’m airing it out,” Sirius said absent-mindedly. “Remus threw up in it last night.”
A delighted smirk overtook your features. “Did he now?”
The boy just groaned, thumping his head back down onto the table.
“Here mate,” James stated, placing a plate of food down beside his head. “Eat something, it’ll make you feel better.”
You had to admit, you did feel better after some food. And James was a bloody good cook.
Then, suddenly an idea flitted through your mind.
“Did anyone keep a copy of the tab from last night?”
“Yeah I’ve got it in my wallet, why?” James confirmed.
“Could I see it please?”
He placed the receipt in front of you on the table and you began to add up the drinks that you remembered yourself and Remus ordering.
“Aha!” You shouted after a moment, jumping up and walking around the table. Remus looked up at you, displeased.
“I beat you! Pay up!”
“What’s this?” Sirius questioned curiously.
“Remus bet me £20 that he could out drink me and I proved him wrong!” You exclaimed.
“Hey, don’t put this on me,” Remus muttered. “It was her idea.”
“It looks like you’ve been a bad influence on our poor Remus,” James teased.
“Yeah, he never usually drinks that much,” Sirius added.
You looked at him suspiciously. “Huh? Really? That was big game you talked last night.”
“Remus is all talk,” Sirius joked. “Deep down he’s really just a little softy.”
“Fuck off, all of you,” the boy groaned.
“Not until I get my £20!”
James barked out a laugh.
“Come on buddy,” he stated in Remus’ direction. “You heard the girl, pay up!”
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theleotarot · 5 months ago
What Would A Relationship With Them Be Like? ♡
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This tarot reading can be for those who are wondering what it would be like in a relationship with their person of interest, crush, talking stage, friend, etc.
Pick the image(s) that you feel drawn to or resonate most with. They are in order from left to right. Pile 1,2,3, and 4. ♡
Ko-Fi tipping and extended readings
Pile 1
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(The Hierophant rx, Seven of Wands, Four of Wands, The Magician, Three of Swords, Two of Swords, & Ten of Pentacles, Twin Flames, & Let Go of Control Issues)
Hi Pile 1, welcome to your reading! So for my pile 1s, I believe that at the beginning of your relationship, your person would have a bit of trouble committing. I feel like this is because maybe in the past, they've had some sort of trauma or loss that is stopping them from committing to you, however I do feel like your person feels like you are the right person for them. They do see your great qualities but there is just something that is blocking them fully giving their heart to you. I see your person wanting to do relationship things with you but in some way, you feel like maybe this person isn't the right one for you because of their trouble with commitment or consistency, and it's not that they don't feel any romantic feelings for you, but it’s because they actually do. I just feel like they aren't capable of fully expressing the way they love towards you or how much they love you because of past hurt. This really makes you feel that you're unsure if your person is really for you because you have other things in your life going on, like school, work, or family life, but at the same time you want that love and relationship with your person. So I do think that your relationship with this person would involve a lot of ups and downs about commitment or consistency, especially at the beginning stages but I do see that after you both come to an agreement on this issue and resolve it, I see huge commitment here with the four of wands. I see that the biggest aspect of you and your person's relationship is working together to solve conflicts, especially with the seven of wands right in the middle of your reading. I believe that even if your person is somehow emotionally unavailable to you, if both of you communicate your needs and accommodate to one another, I believe that there is so much potential to have a beautiful relationship with another. I see a lot of twin flame energy here. I believe that both of you have kind of opposite viewpoints on love or different perspectives of what love is and I think that's where you both clash heads. I think regardless of your person having emotional problems, they still have very, very strong feelings for you, and on your end, you have very strong feelings for them because you see so much potential in them being your partner the same way that they see you. That's why I think that as your relationship progresses, both of you will turn out to be on the same page and once that conversation happens, you both are willing to work together and your relationship will turn into something very committal, reciprocal, and loving.
In your relationship I do see that your person will do things that make you feel like “Wow I can’t believe they did this for me.” I think that this person surely does want to give you their all and they want to woo you. Again, I do see that your person really wants to give you the love that you deserve but they just aren't fully capable of doing that, but I do see that they will learn to learn your love language, how you see love, what your perspective on love is, and they will turn around eventually with time to accommodate to your needs. With you I sense that you bring a lot of warmth and stability to your relationship. In a way, I feel that you love giving gifts to people you care about too so you might spoil them in this relationship lol. I think if you were in a relationship with your person, you would be extremely devoted to them and would be a great partner in teamwork and building your life along with theirs. And I think that you really do affect this person in a very much positive way because with their past trauma that has hurt them. I think they're able to confide in you and trust you and this plays a big role into why they would want to change their ways of thinking to be with you. Pile 1, your reading is a bit on the darker side of the energy but I think that's because your person has probably gone through so much and it's affected them a lot in terms of the mental and emotional aspect. This might lead you to feeling high anxiety and makes you wonder if this would be the right person for you if you were in a relationship with them but getting the four of wands card, twin flame card, and the wedding card at the back of the deck signifies that if both of you are willing to look at love in the same way and put in your efforts to work through it, there is light at the end of the tunnel that may lead to marriage and the commitment that you want. It just takes time and patience, whether if it's your person or you. I do see a lot of attraction in this relationship, even if someone might be guarded up. The attraction and admiration would still be lingering when problems arise and I think that when problems do arise, it's very hard for both of you to let each other go. That's why I say that both of you do need to work extremely hard in this relationship to make it last.
Ko-Fi Extended Reading: Is there a chance of this relationship coming into fruition? + Advice
If you enjoyed this reading, please consider donating to my tip jar on Ko-Fi. Any donation is greatly appreciated. 💖
Pile 2
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(The Emperor, Three of Pentacles, The Magician, Two of Swords, Ace of Swords, Nine of Wands, Two of Cups, Not Today, & True Love)
Hi pile 2, welcome to your reading! So first off, I want to say that if you were in a relationship with your person, there would be such a strong sense of structure and direction. Only take what resonates, but this may be a coworker or a friend from a group project that you may be working on. If that does not resonate, then what I want to say to you is that you and your person work very well together. You both have similar viewpoints, not just in love, but in other aspects of the world. I think you both may have something in common, if not work-related, then maybe academically related on some level. You both have common interests in something particular and can build a connection very easily based on similar interests. Your relationship with them would also be reciprocal and if you want to work on this, they would be willing to work on that. I feel very strongly that your person does try their best to provide for you in your relationship. I think that they would be more traditional, meaning they would be the one to take the man's role and help you out financially, mentally, and emotionally. They would want you to be in your feminine energy and they just want you to feel like you are in your own power because they see the magic in you.
Now I do feel like in your relationship, maybe you have some sort of fears like abandonment or feeling hurt from something from the past. You may feel guarded in your relationship just a bit in the beginning of this relationship and this person sometimes may be in their head contemplating what should they do to bring the relationship more alive so you can feel secure. Of course, overtime you will trust them and open up. I do see them being a very great communicator with you. I think one way that they possibly can show you their love is through words of affirmation. I think maybe they would be straightforward to you on how they feel about you, or in your relationship, they would be the one to ask how was your day on text message or on the phone. When problems arise, they're able to actually communicate with you about the problem and how they can make you feel better. I do think that your person is someone who does not want to play games. Once they are committed to someone, they don't like the mind games. They want to be with the person that they love and want to court them regardless if there is a relationship already. They feel like that's the man's role- the acts of service is what I'm picking up on too. They want to treat their lady like she is the queen, which he should. Now you feel very romantic with them. I believe that you are very romantic when it comes to relationships after you finally trust the person, and they show you that they are worthy of your time and effort. I believe that sometimes you do like setting up dates, like home dates with nice candles and nice decorations on the wall. It's not easy for you to let anyone in in your life, yet you let your person in your life, and they show you that love can be easy and love is real with the right person. Once that lover side of you comes out, all the love and romance you feel for your person releases. I think you'd be very touchy with them, and they would love that. I think you really love how reassuring they could be with their words, their actions, and the way they maneuver the relationship. I think what they love about you is how genuine and sweet you are. They also view you as someone who's more than them in a sense. I also feel like you stand up for them if anyone were to ever talk in negative ways about your person. You would definitely stand up for them and if you were to feel like someone is being mean to your person, you're not afraid to step in and call them out on it because you want to protect your person, just like how they want to protect you. I think your person also likes to plan the dates and take action. He's the one to make the decisions, and I think that's one thing you also really like about him. The love that both of you would share is very reciprocal, but I do see that this may be a runner and chaser kind of dynamic, maybe at the beginning of the relationship. I urge you to be careful with that because we may have past trauma that leads to us having abandonment wounds and can lead us to self-sabotage or hurting someone else’s feelings. It's not healthy to keep making someone wait or make someone chase us even though we can't help it, and we're not meaning to do it necessarily. I do think that if you were in a relationship with your person, it would be fairly healthy, and it seems to me that they would really admire you, and you would really admire them too, but we just need to get past the fears.
Ko-Fi Extended Reading: Is there a chance of this relationship coming into fruition? + Advice
If you enjoyed this reading, please consider donating to my tip jar on Ko-Fi. Any donation is greatly appreciated. 💖
Pile 3
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(Nine of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Pentacles, Strength, Ace of Cups, Four of Wands, King of Wands, Wedding Rings, & Honeymoon)
Hi pile 3, welcome to your reading! I just want to tell you all that this is the best pile of all the other ones, and while I was shuffling your cards, I was such in awe and I couldn't help but keep squealing. Like I really, really loved this reading. The energy just feels so great and I'm so happy for you guys.
So first things first, I want to point out that the wheel of fortune is at the center of your reading. This tells that if you were in a relationship with your person, you both would feel extremely lucky to be with each other. I do think there would be some differences that both of you have, whether it be a difference in culture, race, physical distance, or values, you may have uncertainty at the beginning of the relationship, but ultimately, over time your relationship just works out and you feel like everything good in your relationship that has happened is in your favor. You feel very lucky and fulfilled in your relationship with them. There would be so much love shared between the both of you, and at the same time, both of you would still live very independently but with each other. For instance, one of you may have to work and be out more, while the other person is fine being by themselves, and you both are being independent and striving for your own goals, not because you want the separation, but because you are both stable enough to trust another to be on your own, while still loving and caring for the other. At the end of the day, you know that you both have each other to find comfort in and be in love with each other. I do see that if you both were in a romantic relationship, you would go out to fancy restaurants, even if you are on a budget. I can see that from time to time, you both like to dress up and have fancy dinners and live that luxurious lifestyle. I see that you both love to travel, even if it's just to a beach that you've always been to. Your travels can range from going to the beach to another country that is luxurious. For example, maybe you go to Greece. You both don't necessarily need the luxury to be happy, but it's something that adds to your connection. Besides that, you both really love being in each other's company and it's just a lot of warmth within this connection. It feels very safe coming from both parties.
I think on your person’s side, if they were in a relationship with you, they are very capable of and they will be your protector. I sense that not only they may look like the physicality of exuding strength, but I believe that their mental capacity is very strong. They will incorporate their strength into your relationship, so any disagreements or fights that you may have, they will always be fighting for your relationship to work. I think they are very loyal and dedicated to you as well because with the strength card, it's related to Leo, and Leos are usually known for their loyalty like lions are. A note to add to this reading is that this reading contains a lot of fire, so fire signs may be very prominent here. Your person has this very dominating side to them. I can also see that they have an overflowing of love care and emotion towards you, and they aren't afraid to express their love for you in every love language. It's like this person has a balance between their masculinity and their femininity. They aren't afraid to show their feelings, and that is one of the best things that you can ask for in someone. On your end, you are also very committed and dedicated to your person because of this 4 of wands. Now, you also got the king of wands, and it really matches with the strength card, so both ends have fire signs which resembles lots of passion between you. I think you bring a lot of creativity into the relationship. For instance, you would be the type to say “Hey babe, let's try this and let's do this” and your person would say heck yes because they're just like you- They want to try out new things and they love the passion and fire within both of you. Both of you are very loyal to each other and the excitement is always there. If things do burn out, you both will always find ways to bring the spark back up. I also want to express that there is heavy sexual chemistry between the both of you. I think your person finds you very, very seductive with your energy and the way you look like, just who you are as a person. You might be the type in this relationship to dress yourself up good, make yourself look better to impress your person, not because you're insecure but because you want to feel good yourself. Your physical appearance just adds on to your attractiveness and they find you so alluring. Now, you find them very attractive too with this strength card, and with all the fire here, there's just a lot of attraction here, and I think that you guys would be very, very sexually compatible but I won't get into that because this is not an 18+ reading lol. But just know that you both will enjoy everything together, and I mean emotionally, mentally, and physically. 😉
Ko-Fi Extended Reading: Is there a chance of this relationship coming into fruition? + Advice
If you enjoyed this reading, please consider donating to my tip jar on Ko-Fi. Any donation is greatly appreciated. 💖
Pile 4
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(The Hermit, The Chariot, The World, Two of Wands, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Old School, & You Deserve Love)
Hi pile 4, welcome to your reading! So, if you were in a relationship with this person on your mind, I believe that this is the type of relationship where “it's not a secret, but private.” The both of you spend a lot of time alone together, and if you or they are regularly around friends or family, once you're in this relationship with them, it's like the people surrounding you don't see you as often anymore because you and your person are always occupying each other's time. I get the sense that your person might be a very shy person, or they're always alone. It's not really a bad thing, but I just wanted to note it down because it's something that keeps popping up in my head.
I do think that this is the type of person to take you to a lot of places. They are the one to drive you around places, and they like to plan their getaways and vacations if you have any. I think on your end, you like to nurture them a lot and you might teach them about the more practical things in life maybe about school or finance of some sort they learn something from your relationship out of you. I think you're more of a home body as well and you prefer to do things at home with them. Maybe you'd like to just cuddle on the couch and watch movies or play board games with them. They would like to do all those with you too because as I said, they are very into themselves and loner is not the word, but they are in solitude. This relationship that you would have with your person, it gives me youngster vibes where both of you have a lot of passion and excitement whenever you guys are around each other. There's especially a lot of excitement coming through when you both have a getaway because it feels like you guys are running away from your problem- Getting away to relax from everything else around you that you may feel is collapsing. You both are each other's safe ground. I think you may both connect through music together too. I can see both of you guys either on road trips or even at home listening to your favorite music together. Your relationship with your person would involve a lot of playfulness like playful banter and playful fighting 😉. I think both of you are very heavy on the love language of physical touch. I see here that you both love the kisses, holding, cuddling, and hugs. I believe that both of you make each other very good about yourself. A song coming through right now is “I like me better” by Lauv. That might resonate for some of you, maybe it might not, but in a sense, I feel like when you both are with each other, it makes you feel like a better version of yourself, pile 4.
Ko-Fi Extended Reading: Is there a chance of this relationship coming into fruition? + Advice
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