#and just hope the their feelings part is true like the silly little fool I am
2007warpedtour · 1 year
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Not the Twitter tarot reader posting collective messages that read me like a book.
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etherfabric · 3 months
Encouragement from your Spirit Guides
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
You are the ultimate authority over your life. I merely provide my perspective. Sometimes the Universe lines you up with something that doesn't resonate with your truth, so you have contrast to find out what does. Never give away your power.
Pile 1
The Fool, 9 of Swords
Ditch the phrase "Do it scared." When you bulldoze through your fear, you hurt yourself. It is a part of you that you will never transcend, because you need it. You can't expect any sustainable outcome from this violent approach. Your Spirit Guides see your efforts and want you to know that you hit the mark a long time ago already, and they are doing all they can to line you up with more positive experiences. They don't want you to use force against your most vulnerable parts for the sake of progress that is not even due yet.
You were told by misguided people that you are too sensitive, too slow, too lazy when you feel comfortable. This is not the case. The Universe likes slow. It likes gentle, loving approaches. It will meet you where you are at. Trust in your innate worth of good things, and don't whip yourself to places and situations you aren't ready for. Good things will come - for example the much calmer state of mind you will have once you don't betray your own trust anymore by ignoring your boundaries. You deserve kindness, patience and everything you need to feel safe. Listen to your fear. It needs your love.
Pile 2
Strength, King of Cups
Standing ovation for your emotional resilience! Your Spirit Guides are so freaking proud of you. You found a place within yourself where you can watch the waters of your soul ebb and flow in sovereignty. Even the stormiest currents can't rock you enough to lose your focus on what's important to you. You exude an air of compassion towards yourself that is inspiring.
What you deemed impossible and beyond your depth not so long ago is now already second nature to you. What an evolution to witness! Take pride in the thousands of conscious impulses that led you here. Let the imposter syndrome swim its laps, you know where it stems from, and you know that's not the whole story.
Beware of your knack for arrogance, the other end of that spectrum, and the future looks peachy.
Pile 3
The World, The Moon
Your Spirit Guides want you to know that there is closure to a deep rooted doubt on the horizon. They way you are carrying yourself in the last few days is amicable, and benefits the integration of one of your deepest wounds. Healing comes in many forms, and you have experienced a good handful of them already. Buckle up for a whole new variant of dimension in this regard - things you deemed lost forever will be ever so close to your grasp again and provide you with a surge of motivation you couldn't imagine before.
When the shadows of the past cloud your judgement, hold onto the smidge of light creeping through, especially when it seems like a lukewarm joke that just can't be true. From the perspective of despair, hope always seems ridiculous. Well, get a little silly, then. Dancing naked might sound like the worst humiliation, but only to those who haven't tasted that kind of freedom yet. Get ready to hear the music soon.
Pile 4
Two of Pentacles, Queen of Swords
Oh how you are chopping down that bullshit quickly! No time for nonsense is written all over your forehead, and for the metaphorically illiterate, you have no trouble spelling it out ever so clearly. Your Spirit Guides are in awe of your determination when it comes to your boundaries. You are loyal to your highest principles, no matter what. You know for certain that your wants and needs have a valid foundation, and you won't tolerate any projected shame on that part.
In the past, people could drag you into psychological tug-of-wars that left you off balance either way, whether you "won" or "lost". Now you smell that game from a mile away and don't even touch that rope. Just one little advice: Choose your battles. Not every boundary has to be set in stone, and not every crossing of one is a fundamental failure on your part you have to avoid at all costs, or else. Humans are multitudes of parts, all with their own unique set of requirements, and context is always a factor.
But still, look at you and how far your shadow work around speaking up has taken you! Who would've thought that one day you would need a reminder that soft is okay, too? ;)
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
okay okay okay, this is silly but i just need a fic where mel goes all silly and awkward when r is around, abbott staff notices and so does the camera crew where sometimes they caught / filmed when mel is being like all goof around the girl, and when the crew interviews her about it she threatens them and tries to make them wipe off the tape but r pops up to the interview and was like "no, no, you're too cute in there mi cariña, and once again, Melissa who's always in her so tough bravado, immediately folds in live action and makes a fool out of herself and r thinks it's cute. I just need a fic where Melissa loses her sht and melt because of a girl lol bahsjjajaja
Ask and receive 😉. I really liked this prompt and had a lot of fun with the fic so thank you for suggesting it. As always, not edited at all and I hope you like it!
And just so everyone knows, I’m working on another prompt. And for all the Worth It fans, I am working on chapter 7 so don’t worry, it’s not abandoned or forgotten. Everyone feel free to send in any prompts you want.
Part 2
Caught on Camera
Warnings: none
Words: 2.1k
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Melissa is leaning against the wall looking at the camera, arms folded, getting interviewed. She was getting asked a question when you walked by and smiled at her. Melissa looked at you and smiled back, then she lost her balance and stumbled for a second before immediately correcting herself. “Melissa?” The interview person said, getting her attention. Melissa turned to look at them. “Sorry, what was the question again?” Melissa says and continues with the interview.
Melissa was walking down the hall with Barb when you walked by. “Good morning girls!” You told them as you walked by them and Melissa looks at you and turns her body a bit. “Hi sweetheart!” Barb says “hi y/n” Melissa says to you with a smile. As you walk away in the opposite direction, Melissa stares at you while still walking and accidentally walks right into a wall. “You ok Melissa?” Barb asks and tries to hide a snicker. She knows her best friend has a little crush on you. “Ya I’m fine.” Melissa tells her. Unknown to Melissa, the camera caught it.
“I’m telling you it’s true!” Jacob says to Melissa one day in the break room. “No it isn’t.” Melissa tells him, she wasn’t going to change her mind no matter what he says to her. “Y/n, back me up here.” Jacob says as you enter and Melissa whips her head around to see you. “Back you up about what?” You ask. “That Misty Quigley is totally into girls.” He says and you laugh. “Oh she definitely is, even if they don’t outright say it.” You say. “Melissa doesn’t think she is.” Jacob says and you look at Melissa. “Wel-well I guess she could be. I-I just, well they would need to confirm it for it to be 100%.” Melissa stutters and everyone looks at her. “Melissa, she totally is, like she was so obsessed with Natalie and even asked her to go to the reunion with her, basically as her date.” You tell her. And just like that, Melissa switched sides. Everyone looks at each other, wondering why Melissa switched so easily and quickly as soon as you said your opinion. The cameras on the other side of the room caught the entire conversation.
All the teachers are gathering in the gym for a meeting before school. Melissa is sitting next to Barb in the middle aisle at the end, with the trio right behind them. She has her arms crossed and feet out , and half on the chair. You walk by and smile at her and give her a wink. Melissa stares at you and proceeds to slip forward and falls off the chair. All 4 of them asking if she’s ok while they all try to hide a laugh. One of the cameras caught the exchange.
Melissa was getting interviewed out in the hall about the read-a-thon. “Oh I still got this, Janine’s class is going down.” She says and you walk by. One of the cameraman asks if you could be a part of the interview. You agree and are told to stand right beside Melissa. You get asked about the read-a-thon and who you think will win. “Oh Melissa’s class for sure. Her class wins every year.” You said confidently and Melissa blushes and has a goofy smile that she tries to hide, but the camera caught it.
On another day, Melissa is getting interviewed again, you walk by and get asked to be a part of it again. When Melissa gets asked to speak again she doesn’t know what to say. All her brain processes is that your arm is touching hers and all that comes out of her is a stuttering mess. The interviewer smiles after you two left to continue the day, he sees that Melissa acts differently only around you.
The next day, Melissa is interviewed again. This time she gets asked about you. “What about y/n?” She asked. The interviewer smiles “we have a bunch of moments where you act differently when she’s around.” Melissa blushes. You heard the question as you were walking by to the bathroom and you stop to listen. Melissa glares at them, “delete all that footage or I know a guy that will make you.” She tells them sternly. “Delete it? Melissa no, you’re too cute in them mia carino.” You say and she freezes, her mouth open and eyes wide in shock as she processes what you just said. Then her cheeks go red and closes her mouth as it goes dry. “Oh, ok, ya..of course, ya, they should keep the footage.” Melissa says, stuttering and stumbling through the entire sentence.
After the camera crew figured out that Melissa likes y/n, and her entire tough bravado falls when she’s around, they try and get moments of them together on camera and try and interview both of you together as much as possible. And every time, without fail, Melissa blushes and smiles, and her tough Philly girl act is basically non existent. While they know Melissa’s feelings about you, they don’t know how you feel about Melissa.
“How do I feel about Melissa?” You say the question they asked. “Oh, well she’s nice and very passionate about what she does, it’s kinda cute.” You say, trying to hide a smile, the camera catches it.
The rest of the Abbott crew caught on to Melissa’s feelings, and they have fun whenever Melissa’s personality completely changes when you’re around, which is every time.
Then the PECSA weekend comes. When you get there, you find out the hotel accidentally overbooked and they don’t have a room for you. You sighed, disappointed and defeated, you turn and go to walk out. You walk right into Melissa as soon as you turn around.
“Oh Melissa! I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings.” You tell her.
“Y/n, hi, oh it’s fine, it happens. Shouldn’t you be heading the other way though to bring your stuff to your room?” Melissa says to you with a blush.
“Oh actually they overbooked and I don’t have a room. So I’m gonna go see if another hotel close by has a room I could stay in.” You tell her.
“What? Nonsense, just stay with me.” She says and your face goes red.
“What? Really? Are you sure?” You ask her and Melissa’s brain catches up with what she just said. She isn’t going to back out now though, especially when she sees the hope on your face.
“Ya, ya of course. Let me just check in and then we can go up.” She tells you and you accept her offer with a huge smile. The camera in the lobby caught you two.
After she checks in, and gets 2 keycards, you and her go to the room and you freeze when you see only one bed.
“I promise I don’t bite. But I do want the right side.” She tells you. And on the inside, she’s freaking out, the fact that she’ll get to share a bed with you for a whole night…she feels a rush of happiness run through her whole body.
Once you two get settled in, you go downstairs to where all the teachers in Philly are and the convention booths and Barb is there waiting.
“Hey Barb.” Melissa greets her. “Sorry I’m late. They overbooked and y/n here didn’t have a room, so she’s staying with me now.” Melissa says with a grin, and Barb gives her a look then looks to you.
“Oh, sorry that happened sweetheart. I’m glad Melissa was able to help you out.” She tells you.
“Ya I’m glad she was too. I won’t get in your way though. I’ll let you two do your thing.” You say as you go to walk around by yourself.
“You can always join us sweetheart.” Barb says and Melissa snaps her head to Barb as Barb gives her a smirk.
“Ya of course, just join us, more fun when you’re with other people.” Melissa says and smiles at you.
You smile and accept their offer. You stay close to Melissa the entire time and vice versa. They don’t stay long though, they go to leave after they run into Janine. The smile on your face falls when you realise she’s leaving to go to the pool, and are about to ask Janine and Jacob to walk around with them when Melissa grabs your shoulders with her hands.
“You can come with us hun.” Melissa says and she lights up when you accept. You’re glad you packed a bathing suit, you knew there was a pool and packed one just in case you get time to swim.
You come out of the bathroom in your bikini but with a little beach dress covering you. You two walk down to the pool and meet Barb there. They find some lounge chairs and order drinks. You put your towel on your chair and take your dress off, revealing your body in a bikini. Melissa is sipping on her drink when she sees you take your dress off and she chokes and starts coughing. You go and gently pat her upper back and rub and Melissa’s face goes red and her breath hitched. Melissa has a hell of a time trying to keep it together and try not to stare too much when you’re swimming in the pool. She feels like life is testing her when you climb out with the ladder, with your hair and body all wet and you walk towards where they are to get your towel. Melissa can’t help but stare at your body as you dry your hair with the towel. Barb had to give her a small nudge to snap her out of it.
It only got worse for Melissa when it was the big party time. You come out with a black dress on that stops mid thigh and has a revealing neckline that shows off your chest amazingly. Melissa stares at you as you walk out of the bathroom, and if she was paying any attention, she would have noticed you staring at her. Melissa stares at you almost the entire night. At one point they were going to sit down until Melissa’s sister comes and sits down and they get up to leave.
“Hey guys, are you leaving? I was just about to come join you at the table.” You say as you make your way over. Melissa immediately sits back down again.
“No we were just going to walk around a bit but that can wait, come sit.” She says and gets a look from her sister and Melissa sends her a glare. You look and see that there isn't another chair around and before you do or say anything, Melissa grabs your waist and pulls you down to sit on her lap. You freeze and Melissa wraps her hands around your waist and smiles.
The more into the night it gets, the more drunk you and her get. At one point you guys are walking to get drinks and you stumble a bit and crash right into Melissa, and she’s tipsy too and she stumbles back into a wall. She freezes and blushes like crazy when she sees that she’s trapped between you and a wall. You look up at her to apologise but freeze when she’s already looking at you and she licks her lips when she looks down at yours. You lean in and kiss her and her whole brain freezes. You go to pull away when you realise she isn’t kissing back, but then she pulls you back in and kisses you back. The cameras caught all of it.
The next morning you, Melissa and Barb are sipping energy drinks to help ease the hangover. When you all step out of the elevator, Melissa wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you to her and kisses the side of your head and you smile at her. The entire Abbott crew saw as you catch up with them.
“Um, what was that?” Janine asks you both.
“What was what?” Melissa asks. And they all know not to question it further, but they still all smile at the two of you. As you guys walk out, you pass by a camera and Melissa looks up at it and smiles. She got her girl.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you wish to be added then let me know!
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Idk if you still write for Danganronpa, but i have a idea
What about Yandere remnants of despair with a darling that they thought that died, like after they got brainwashed darling went missing, but after some time they discover that they actually are alive and now works for the future foundation!
Bonus: They are now dating another member of the future foundation and darling is/acts like Tsumugi Shirogane(without the despair and mastermind thing, so darling is just a silly little person who cosplays and is the ultimate former cosplayer! You can ignore this part!)
Thanks for reading! Really, thank you so much! <333
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Found Again | Yandere Danganronpa
Since your class had turned to the remnants of despair the best thing you could do was pretend. Playing the part of a fellow brain-washed remnant before you could slip away to instead aid the future foundation. Now move on with your life it’s a shame that you seemed to be a poignant point in their fall to despair and now that they know you’re alive things are going to change:
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Sonia Nevermind
“What's this…how could you….how dare you take my sunshine?!”
Released from the brainwashing of the Ultimate Despair and returned to normal
During the rescue of those in future foundation finding you walking around and directing others
It’s horrifying because you are hers
So why do you have a ring on your finger
A small stupid ring that isn’t half the size of what she would have given you
She might take advantage of the chaos to convince you to come with her
Surely you wouldn’t mind helping her acclimate to a proper and hopeful life
Whoever gave you this useless ring shouldn’t need you
“Come on (Y/n)I Don’t you remember?! You are my sunshine! I need you to be good!”
Should she find out while still in the throes of despair, it’s a little bit of the same
“So my loyal subjects your king has been abducted and brainwashed by those unhopeful rats! Come my subjects! On my order burn down the future foundation and retrieve my King!”
As a princess turned Queen having the whole kingdom behind her in her rule of despair is incredibly helpful
Immediately informing the moles that lure you from your partner and subdue you
Bringing you to her kingdom in Novoselic
“There my King is in their rightful place….NOW~SHALL WE PRACTICE THE PUNISHMENT OF YOUR ABDUCTERS!?”
She’s still a remnant of despair 
Remnant of despair who delighted and yearned when she found evidence of your death
A remnant of despair who continues to swoon at the way your face morphs into fear
“There~ that is a face I will torture for to fill this Queen with despair.” 
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Nagito Komaeda
“Ah~To think my one true hope would be alive!”
He’s so so so happy you are even alive
He remembers the despair he was thrilling himself with and your supposed death definitely added to that
So him being able to experience this blossom of hope when in the process of saying so
He’s ecstatic 
Actually he abandons helping the future foundation to devise a plan—based on his luck—to get you on the ship with the rest of his class
He knows with his luck he’ll be able to pull it off
Though he’s certain there will be a death somewhere
But as long as it's not you, he doesn’t care 
Your back~and you’ll be his again
As a remnant of despair through his eagerness to have you knows no bounds
He almost doesn’t believe it
He doesn’t believe it
“I’ll believe it when I feel the despair of finding their body.”
It’s too hard to fool him
Likely you never did 
Him being constantly on the hunt to see your despair as he breaks your legs and does whatever he can to keep you in the pits of despair
And right by his side
He so dearly made his dear Junko a part of him is it insane he’d want to do the same
“My Despair! I’ve found you!” 
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Gundham Tanaka
“My Divas, please aid me in apprehending our fallen star!”
It’s fate that he should find you again
That he should have you again+
It was devastating waking up to find after his execution that he wasn’t reunited with you
But now he has
“Will you please just help the founders? I’m not your ‘star’ anymore.”
“How could you not be? Now that I’ve seen you, you’re burning so beautifully!”
“I’ve…found someone else Gundham.”
“....I see.”
He’ll understand liar
He’ll get back on his ship and leave you behind an act
He’ll let you live out your life alongside someone new wrong
The minute you’re around any large wildlife or swarm it’s over
They’ll do their dear Ultimate Breeder a fan by bringing you to him 
Switching off with others when it comes to water or islands
Eventually plopping you on the beach where he happily welcomes you
Commending their loyalty, he claims they did this without his judgment
“Their loyalty betrays my Star’s wishes, I’m sorry.But please for our class’ safety, you’ll stay with me us.”
As for the Remnant of Despair, it’s a miracle you even made it out
The animals are so much more vigilant 
Prepared to cripple you and drag you back to his side the second you step away
He is very intense about including you in his reshaping of the world
After all who wouldn’t be eager to share in the ritualistic sacrificing of those for despair
“It is I Gundham Tanaka! And my Star and I will be the ones to usher in this glorious revelry that is disastrous despair!”
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k-renne · 11 months
The Last Supper
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Summary: The elusive catch and difficult to wrangle. You and Raphael play the game of cat and mouse. But what happens when the cat catches its prey.
Warnings - Porn and plot, the bread and butter of fanfiction
He would be your downfall, your doom. You knew it from the first moment you met the rhyming devil, words expertly crafted to manipulate and enchant you. That first meeting haunted your dreams for many nights after, his rich voice echoing in your mind. And here you were walking right into the claws of the cat, or was it the fox? 
Your eyelids fluttered closed for a moment, remembering that fateful day. You remember your initial confusion when you encountered the man on your exploration of the Sword Coast. How did he know so much? By the gods his silly little rhymes did something to your heart. 
When he first transported you to his tantalizing House of Hope, you remember the way he stares you down. Like a predator. It takes all your restraint not to gasp when he shows his true self, he was positively delicious. You can’t take his deal this time, as tempting as it is. A deal with the devil would certainly not help your situation, despite how desperately you want to rid yourself of the ‘unwanted tenant’ as he so tastefully put it. 
You took a deep breath, and placed a skull in the drawn sigil on the floor. Eyes scanning the pattern, as you smoothed down the fabric of your skirt. It looked about right. “I cannot believe I am doing this,” You said aloud to yourself. 
The more you encountered Raphael, the more you wanted to know about him. You knew he wanted power, but was he a fool? He certainly seemed to enjoy toying with you. But two could play such a game. Being a bard was not all music and performance, there was persuasion and charm. A whisper in someone’s ear, drunken secrets spilled from other’s lips. Where was the fun without a bit of risk?
With the last piece placed on the circle, the portal flared to life. You readied yourself for the performance of a lifetime, your violin secured safely on your back and stepped through the fiery portal. 
The house was just like you remembered it, in all its grandeur and gaudy design. Raphael was truly dramatic. You waltzed through the hall, debtors paying you little mind. 
The dwarf Korrilla however, did recognize you. “Interesting seeing you here, after rejecting Raphael’s deal. And all by yourself, just what do you intend to do Tav?” She eyed you questioningly. 
Your eyes twinkle with mischief. “I am here on personal business, you see my companions don’t exactly approve of dealings with devils.” You crossed your arms. 
Korrilla laughed, “He is not home, but he will be very happy to see you, if not surprised. But, may I give some advice?” 
“If you wish,” You replied. 
Korrilla contemplated for a moment. “Do not cross him, he will kill you-or most likely worse. If you play your cards right you may be able to find a very favorable outcome. And you are very clever, I’m sure you will choose the correct course, Tav.” She pauses briefly. “Little mouse,” She teases. 
When the lies to the archivist easily slip off your tongue you can feel Korrilla watching you, she was very amused watching you work. She knew Raphael would be absolutely delighted to see his latest obsession falling right into his clawed grasp. 
With an invitation to the boudoir, you felt invigorated. Everything was going to plan. Although your plan was simply to gather information without being caught, there was a part of you that wanted him to catch you. A part that craved punishment, to see his passionate anger and drive him to madness. You felt almost giddy, the game you were playing would soon reach its climax. 
But you were not prepared for what you would meet in the boudoir, or more aptly who. Your steps slow as you take everything in, the room was luxurious, spacious, and you had half a mind to strip and soak in his steaming bath after weeks of scrubbing your skin raw in freezing rivers. However, as you made it past the tempting waters you realized you were not alone.
On top a large and extravagant bed a very scantily clad Raphael smirks at you, “A little lost mouse is running through the house. A thief in the night greedy, and here to take. Why are you here, little thief?”
Your eyes widened, you had only imagined what Raphael would look like with less clothes on, but you were not expecting this to happen so soon. You remember Korrrilla’s words. Something wasn’t quite right here. Your eyes narrow, “Raphael, as much as I enjoy you…showing off. Isn’t this a bit much?” 
The devil laughs at you, “Raphael! Ha, no. I am Haarlep. Raphael’s personal incubus, glamoured to look like him. And you must be Tav, you know he talks about you quite a bit. You should hear how much he moans-” 
“Ah!” You cut him off. “I do not need to know such things, yet. Even as much as I’d like to. Tell me Haarlep, would you be willing to give me information? I need to have the upper hand.” You tell him honestly, sensing you would not be able to lie to Haarlep. 
Haarlep grins, leaning forward on the bed. Suddenly he is beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist. “Oh little mouse, I think I have the perfect idea. A very delicious one.” His hand tightens around your waist and you shiver. “And I think you’d enjoy it, very much.” 
Your composure is beginning to crumble as your cheeks become flushed. You can already feel your core clenching, your need building. Despite careful planning, you could not even imagine this. There was no way to account for it, perhaps this time you would give into your temptation. “Just what did you have in mind?” You look up at the much taller cambion. 
“Well we fuck of course, in exchange I will tell you everything you desire. Don’t even try to say no, I know you want this Tav. You want a taste. But first you are wearing far too many clothes.” He eyes you. 
“I-oh gods,” You groan. He was right, you could not say no. But you needed to have one thing, one ounce of control in a situation where you were largely powerless. You begin undoing the buckles of your shoes, thinking for a moment. You look up at the incubus, determination set hard in your gaze. “I will be on top, and don’t even try otherwise.”
Laughter fills your ears, “Little mouse, you are so very naughty. I can see why Raphael likes you.” He leers over you as you remove your shoes. His hand reaches to grab your chin, taloned thumb lightly pressing against your lips, “We will have so much fun together.” 
The incubus watches you as the rest of your layers fall to the floor, eyeing your form hungrily. He circles you, tail brushing against your body. You shut your eyes tightly, fighting back a whimper. Control, you had to keep control. Deep down you knew you would lose in the end, and the thought of that was even more arousing. 
Haarlep grabs your face, more gently then you would’ve thought. But his kiss is searing, passionate, as his forked tongue greedily tastes your sweet mouth. He even smelled like Raphael, you can’t help but moan as you breathe in his devilish musk. 
You needed him so desperately, having hungered for him the moment you laid eyes on his true form. The incubus kissed you like your wildest fantasies. You would let him consume you. You could feel your cunt tingling, aching to be filled, to be touched. 
Strong hands caress and mold you to their touch, any self control melting away. His touch lights you aflame. Haarlep groans into your ear, his breath hot. 
In the material realm, Raphael bristles. Someone is using his incubus, someone who is very much not him. He could only think of very few who would be so bold. He narrows his eyes as he sips from his glass. He would have a few words for his pet, for disobeying his command. For you, for the fool who rejected and defied him, there would be hells to pay. “Excuse me,” He said to the mortal across the table. This business would have to wait. 
He feels the phantom of his hands against soft curves, it makes him terribly angry. It was chaos. This was not Raphael’s plan, he would not be easily bested. He would not be denied, you were his prey. His little mouse, not to be toyed with by his incubus. 
As he marches down to his nearest portal, he suddenly stops as he feels soft hands grasp his hardening cock. “You naughty, naughty thing.” He groans. 
Despite all his decorum, Raphael was quickly losing his composure. The touch, so slight and not nearly enough, would drive him to madness. Finding a darkened alley he ducked into it, leaning against a wall. Just once, he would allow himself to enjoy the phantom sensations. 
He felt shame at how easily he crumbled, you held so much power over him. You were the key to his glory, to his rule of the hells. He did not ever think he would be so smitten with a mere mortal, and a tease at that. Always careful evading his grasp. He felt a hot tongue slide up the underside of his cock, and he had to quickly cover his mouth to stifle the curse. 
Such a naughty little mouse. Why did you have to defy him so? You had to know how this would end, with the claw. Now lips were wrapping around his length, hot mouth sucking him in earnest. He could almost feel the back of your throat. This was more than just Haarlep seducing you, the way those soft hands touched him. You wanted this. He needed to believe that, the thought of it made him throb, his balls feeling tight. 
Patience, he would make you his soon enough. A delightful thing to sit on his lap while he becomes king, to amuse and to satisfy his desires. To kneel and to beg for him, to scream his name with filthy obscenities. Yes, he would break you down so sweetly and destroy you, remake you, and perfect you. 
Your chest heaved as you broke away from a breath stealing kiss, attempting and failing to push Haarlep away. “Y-you must-get on the bed, remember. Remember what you promised.”
Haarlep pouted at you, “Are you sure that is what you wish little mouse? I could have you on your hands and knees, and we could rut like savage beasts. I know you would enjoy it.” 
Oh gods, he would be the death of you. The both of them would. “I can’t-not this time.” You shook your head. 
“Alright, but do not come crying to me when Raphael collects his due. He will chase you to the ends of the realm.” Haarlep warns. He knew his master well, and while he was eager to be a part of your little game, he knew what it took to make him fall apart. Raphael would not take too kindly to being bested by what was to be his conquest, his ultimate victory. 
Slowly he made his way to the bed, laying and displaying his body to your hungry gaze. Haarlep was not used to being on the bottom. But he supposed this could be fun, he couldn’t wait to feel how Raphael reacted to Tav’s audacity. 
Raphael felt soft thighs straddle his, “No.” He all but growled. You would not dare. 
His balance wavered, his knees buckling as he felt your hot cunt slide over his cock. He needed-he needed more. Hells, he was acting like a common whore! The indignation. He fisted his hardness tightly, unable to resist pleasuring himself with his own hand. It had been ages since he had done this, touched himself like a desperate, perverted-fuck. You would be his undoing. 
“Tav,” He whispered your name into the night like a prayer. He could only imagine what your body looked like riding his cock, your perfect tits bouncing as you moaned. He felt the barest trace of your hot mouth against him, and he at last submitted to the feeling. Submitted to you. He felt his orgasm come on suddenly, his seed spilling onto his hand and his pants ruined. 
But you kept going, milking his cock. Another wave of pleasure hit him, if he didn’t get out of this alleyway he would soon become a writhing mess. And he hated mess, detested it. No, Raphael focused on his anger. He was so furious. Enraged that his pet had tasted you first, that you had dared to sneak into his house like a filthy rat, that you continued to defy him still. 
He all but runs to the portal, still with the feeling of your hot little body against his. He could still win, he could still find the path to triumph. He needed to know what to say to you when he caught you, but the words seemed to be failing him. His mind whirled with thoughts of revenge for your contemptuous acts. It was not over, little mouse. He would have you.
Notes: Maybe its my christian upbringing, maybe I have a thing for monsters. But after seriously enjoying some Raphael fan fiction I have been wanting more of it so I decided fuck it, we're writing fanfic again after a few years of hiatus totally unrelated to my previous fandom. (I do also love Gale and Astorian and the rest of the weirdos). I'm too lazy to change the looks of this blog so I probably won't, but you can also find me on AO3. Very brief editing because I have to cook dinner, so apologies in advance
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alphaformation · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a mm Mikey x reader who is like really involved in the fine arts? (Stuff like singing, dancing, and acting) Maybe reader does musical theatre or songwriting? Is on the dance team? Or maybe on the improve team with him? It’s up to you but I just think it’d be really cute! I’d prefer a fem reader but you can do a gn reader if you’re more comfortable with that!
Thank You!🫶
hi hi anon!! this is such a cute request, & I figured it'd be more fun to explore in a headcanon format, so I hope you don't mind :)
╭──────.★..─╮ Limelight. ╰─..★.──────╯
Mutant Mayhem; Michelangelo / Fem!Reader Content Warnings: N/A
Summary: A girl in Mikey's Public Speaking class catches his attention, and he decides he needs hers in return.
Though he was more than excited to dive into his improv elective, Mikey was just a little apprehensive about the iceberg that was Eastman's performance and fine arts courses.
They weren't massively funded, it wasn't a great school mind you, but it WAS a big one. There were so many people and so many groups, he found it a bit arduous to know where to start.
So he started small.
He took a public speaking course for his first semester, figuring it was a good start without taking a headlong dive.
That was where he met you.
You were so cool!!
Mikey admired you so much when you met, seeing your confidence in every silly exercise or warmup your class did.
While his brothers made their goals around grades and extra-curriculars, Mikey's number one top-of-the-list plan was to get your attention.
and like.. let's be real, it's true of all of the Mutant Mayhem boys that he made a complete fool of himself trying.
so many jokes that fell flat... So many gags that went nowhere......
but like, humor was his thing! If he couldn't impress you with that, he was never going to.
Fortunately, you didn't require all too much pandering. As soon as Mikey flat out asked to hang out with you, you were happy to accept.
Let me tell you, Mikey's so excited for you when it comes to every school production that you're a part of.
Even if you get screwed over in casting, you KNOW he's still gonna drag his brothers to that musical.
"Dude, she doesn't even have a speaking part, why are we here?"
"Wow, Don, I thought YOU of all people would appreciate good choreography."
When he eventually asks you out, it's a whole affair.
Unlike Donnie, he's confided in his entire family about his crush, and you can definitely expect some odd looks from all three of his brothers in the time that hes working up the nerve to ask you out.
He shows up to a study date one day with a pizza and one of those heart teddy bears you get on valentines day.
"hey so, like, It's.. Totally cool if you don't vibe with this, but. I like you. Like... a lot?"
He tries to downplay it-- he really values your friendship, and if you don't feel the same he doesn't want you to feel weird about it.
When you tell him that you do reciprocate, he gets so excited.
He.. definitely forgot to actually bring his backpack and stuff to this study date, since he was pretty distracted with the whole confession thing.
When you eventually step foot in the lair, prepare for his entire family to place their attention on you. Every single one of his cousins is going to want to meet you, and naturally Splinter is going to have to sit you down.
Prepare for the whole "What are your intentions with my son." Talk. Splinter doesn't care that you're a girl, he's protective!
But once he's deemed you a good fit, you're practically part of the family.
As the two of you have been dating for longer, expect him to start following you into your extra-curriculars more.
Mikey is taking a shot at everything! If there's something you're auditioning for, he's two steps behind you.
In short, he adores you, and he owes a lot of his growth to you! He's really come out of his shell since meeting you, hehe.
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cloudcountry · 9 months
Shakespeare "reusing" one of his sonnets to woo the reader with his extremely shitty guitar skills under the window (outside the door) and overall he's just yowling like a cat bc of the guitar 🎸 (also I say reusing bc we've read it in modern times, but for him it's new asf)
note: he is trying smth "modern" to woo the reader but also thinks a guitar is a cittern/cithren hence the yowling
SUMMARY: theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: YOU ARE THE LAST DW im writing two things today since i missed yesterday oopsie. i feel like will would be a really nice singer though :(( he has such a ncie voice :((( so yea i changed your request a little bit because i doubt hes the type to YOWL but yk theo is fed up with anyway!!
i used sonnet 116 for this because its so beautifully written excuse my geeking
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“Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments.”
“Hey, Hondje. Tell him to shut up.” Theo huffs, a string of very creative Dutch swears leaving his lips after he slams the door shut behind him.
You can hear what Theo is talking about.
There’s a strange warbling noise that sounds like a musical instrument, along with a very familiar voice cooing unintelligible lyrics from out on the balcony. You open the door that Theo just left, stepping out into the cold night air. The singing becomes clearer, and a smile creeps on your face when you lean over the railing.
“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove.”
It’s Will, a guitar in hand that he’s clearly struggling to play, his eyes trained on the space you occupy now. A smile blooms across his face as he sings, the notes too plucky to be anything but offensive, but it's him and he’s doing something for you, and so you listen.
“O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.”
It takes you a second to register the words he’s singing to you, but when you realize it's a sonnet giddy laugh tumbles from your lips. Will’s eyes gleam with joy at the sound, and he steps closer to the balcony. His neck is craned up so he can see you, yearning to be close and yet being a whole floor away.
While he may not be able to physically reach you, his words do.
“Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.”
The sonnet reminds you of Will’s love, of how it’s never changing, of how it’s held up even though everything the two of you have been through together. It reminds me of how devoted he is to you, his love, and how he’d do anything to ensure your happiness, even if he has to sacrifice himself.
It’s something he’s been working on. He’s well aware that it’s not just him who would die if the two of you were parted now.
“If this be error and upon me prov'd, I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.”
The final notes ring into the night and you offer him a polite clap, the soft sound leaving the night around you two undisturbed.
“Sebastian told me that was an effective way to woo someone from your time period. I do hope you found it satisfactory.” Will confesses, awkwardly holding the guitar like he isn’t sure what to do with it.
This time you laugh loud, raising your head towards the stars as your heart flutters for this man.
“Come inside already!” you call out to him, giggles still seeping into your voice as you rush back inside to let him in.
You’re going to have to make sure Theo isn’t around, but you can deal with that when the time comes. Right now, you need to concern yourself with your silly, wonderfully talented lover.
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nelkcats · 2 years
Hood Assistant
Prompt Part 1 Part 5 Part 6 Ao3 Next
Part 7
To be fond of dancing is a certain step towards falling in love.
"I see, thanks for confirming Jay" Danny forced a smile as he continued to look around the room.
The apartment yelled Red Hood in a unique way, but it also yelled Jay and that had him extremely confused, although it made sense if he took into account that the two of them were dating each other.
Since at least three of Bill's bizarre theories made sense, then most of them must be true, and Danny couldn't deny that anymore.
Jason was dating Red Hood
A reality that made his head spin and his heart ache, what was he supposed to do now with his silly crush? It was not easy to stop an illusioned heart
Though if he read all the signs correctly then Jay was enjoying his company,and maybe just for a couple of days he could fool himself into thinking he had a chance. Even if the current situation was just to help him face his own fears.
"So when will your roommate come back?" Danny asked worriedly, if the vigilante would return soon, there was no point in getting his hopes up.
"He's on a trip with his team, so definitely not anytime soon" Jason apologized, if the cute boy in front of him had already swallowed the lie that he was living with Red Hood then nothing could be worse. There would be no consequences for him, not at all.
Jason steadfastly refused to acknowledge the endless number of books that were precisely about avoiding lying to others because lies could collapse like a house of cards in the face of a strong wind.
It's for his own good, and this will not bring me any consequences at all.
Maybe if he repeated it to himself enough times it would come true, no matter how much his conscience was screaming at him. Damn charming boy who decided to make him feel things in his own home!
"Well, we're officially glued to each other for at least a couple of days" Danny stated a little brighter, it wouldn't hurt to follow Johnny's advice and allow himself to be happy for a couple of days. A bit risky, but it had enough advantages to consider it.
"It seems so, but we already had breakfast" Jason perked up when he saw that Danny had put the subject of his roommate aside.
He realized that the boy was right, if it was a new formula and Danny was the only human being affected then the bats would take a little longer to create a cure, although staying stuck with him for a few days didn't sound bad. His company was fun, he made him laugh and his stupid heart pounded every time he was around him.
His treacherous heart had not understood that he couldn't fall in love, not now or ever, no matter how much his head recited the entire book of Pride and Prejudice from head to toe, he was not in love, he couldn't be.
Even if the boy was cute, and talked about Disney rats as if they were a fact, or looked at him in admiration when he did something as simple as cook and enjoyed his food as if it had fallen from heaven.
"There's a lot to do besides eat breakfast Jay" Danny smiled as he pulled his hand to follow him, to which Jason didn't put up much resistance.
He definitely noticed the little fang sticking out of Danny's lip, and how the boy was biting his lower lip as if it were bothering him, but he decided not to comment on it yet.
Danny was avoiding with all his might not to bite Jason at that moment, his hunger for ectoplasm was more active than ever, but Jason had no ectoplasm on his body, he tried to remind his head.
He was obviously failing at it, because his new vampiric tendencies wanted to sink his fangs in and sip his crush like juice. But that was wrong, very wrong. And he wasn't a vampire! he winced internally for comparing himself to Vlad for a minute.
“Do you know what I like to do when I'm bored?” Danny asked, swinging his feet from side to side, trying to drive the taste of the ectoplasm out of his mind and diverte the energy meant for biting into the continuous movement of his feet.
"Mutilate fruits and vegetables beyond recognition?" Jason teased, if he had noticed his sudden nervousness he didn't show it.
"Besides that smart ass" Danny rolled his eyes at the comment.
"I have no idea, but it doesn't look like you can stay still for long" Jason pointed out curiously.
"You're right, I don't like sitting still" Danny agreed with him "that made my older sister really desperate, so she taught me something"
Jason had no idea he had a sister, so he decided not to mention it. He would definitely bring up the subject at another time.
"Did she taught you how to swing on expensive chandeliers and a little gymnastics?" Jason asked, if that was the case then it would be a complete coincidence because that was precisely what Dick had taught him when he was a child.
Unfortunately they didn't have the same amount of energy and Jason didn't find funny being dropped off buildings to "learn how to fly", he'd broken his arm once!
"I don't think she knows how to do that," Danny muttered to himself "but no, she taught me how to dance"
"You? Dancing?" Jason raised an eyebrow.
It's not that he believed it impossible, it's just that dancing required a lot of patience even if it was mostly about movement; Danny was definitely not the definition of patience.
"Yes, I like to dance, it's quite relaxing and it helps drain energy" Danny smiled, he had figured out how to divert his new energy "but let me ask you a few questions first"
"I don't see how that's relevant, but as you wish Doll" Jason agreed easily. He had no reason not to trust him with dance questions
"Have you ever danced with Death?" Danny offered his hand in invitation. It was a last minute decision, and the question probably sounded strange but he couldn't help it.
"One time, it wasn't a pleasant experience." Jason took the offered hand. Thinking about death wasn't very satisfying but he was curious where the boy was going with those questions. 
"Would you like to try again?"  Danny pulled him to the center of the room with a smile "I promise I'll do better"
"I didn't picture you as a grim reaper," Jason teased as he followed him into the center of the room, trying to ignore all the implications.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" Danny said cryptically, although it was obvious he was joking "Anyway, I promise to treat you better than she did"
"Okay, but we're going to need some music" Jason commented, reaching over to take his phone.
"I have it solved, pretty boy" Danny hit the play button on his phone as a song began to play. Did he have his phone the whole time? Jason wondered.
I used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along
The song didn't sound familiar to Jason, but the melody relaxed him, and he began to follow in Danny's footsteps. Which seemed to be looking at him with a smile on his face as he gently swayed across the living room.
Now in its place is something new
Jason recalled the happy moments after getting out of Ra's contaminated pit. When he thought that he would be listed as a villain but instead the inhabitants of Crime Alley began to follow him, considering him their protector. When he was greeted with a hug instead of a frown, so similar but different from when he was a child.
I hear it when I look at you
Danny continued to take careful steps as he moved around the room. He liked being with Jason, it made him feel free in a way his family never could.
Jazz had been his only salvation, the only escape he could allow himself, and yet when she left Amity he didn't feel bad; just empty, a little sad. Maybe it was because he knew he was stopping his sister, one way or another.
Danny was aware that Jazz had never been able to afford a normal childhood because of him, that their parents meant well but their intentions were not good to take care of something more than themselves
With simple songs I wanted more, perfection is so quick to bore
Jason remembered his family nights, when they were all together. Or at least pretending to be; The times when they got together to watch Cass's dance recitals. The moment the whole family hosted a small dinner to celebrate Tim's promotion to CEO.
When everyone was a normal family instead of reluctant allies, when his family showed love to each other without words, which never worked for them anyway. And he remembered hating having to come out of the perfect picture.
He remembered how much he'd missed Dick's little pranks, having to force Tim to get some sleep, cooking for Cass, even having an afternoon explaining Damian about art history.
But he didn't belong in that painting. The moment he died he was banned from Bruce Wayne's beautiful family, the boy who was welcome in that loving home was left underground.
He returned to life worse than ever and without the right to return home, the small moments in which they seemed to accept him were only fantasies and he felt like crying or shouting at the world for that injustice.
I'm Jason Todd, and as much as you screw me up, I'm still standing.
He just didn't know where he was standing.
You are more beautiful by far
Danny watched a series of complicated expressions pass over Jason's face and decided to help, he turned him around as they talked "Don't think about it, even if it causes you pain, you must remember that you are still standing"
Danny knew a lot about having complicated emotions on different situations, and maybe he wasn't the best at giving advice but it didn't hurt to try "sometimes, it's better to accept that acting is the best solution"
Jason knew they weren't on the same line of conversation but answered anyway "No, leaving means dying."
Leaving meant going back to his family, meant waiting for acceptance where he had no right. Exposing them to danger out of a selfish desire to have someone to depend on again.
Leaving meant going back to being the scared little boy inside an explosion that led to his death. It meant talking about how he felt even if no one was willing to listen to his words. Jason was tired of being the one to get scared, the one to protect others, but what choice did he have? There was no choice but to face the world head on, get angry, and do something about it where no one else was.
Danny looked at him a little confused but remembered what Jazz had told him "On the contrary, leaving means living before you die"
He would know, he had died because of his parents desire for knowledge, he forced himself to be there for others even when there was no one for him. He refused to accept that there was someone other than him to solve the world's problems, no matter how heavy they were. The city blamed all its problems on the recently dead boy, and he did nothing to contradict them.
Sam and Tucker knew it, they had tried so many times to get the city to leave him alone, but they were just kids. None of them could see an alternative, a different way to act, a way to save themselves as well as the others. Danny gave up because no one had saved him, and maybe no one would ever come to save him.
He gave up to such an extent that he forgot that it was possible to save himself. That he could learn how to swim in the sea that was drowning him. That respirators existed for those who could not breathe.
He chained himself to a duty that was not his and lost everything he cared about, until his home felt like a death trap, his parents like enemies, and his city like a prison. But over the years he got it, he didn't have to be there, he had to act fast, move, leave.
The reason he came to Gotham was because he needed to live again, he needed to remember that he was as alive as he was dead.
"Jason, it's okay to wish others well, to wish them to be perfectly happy, but just like everyone else, you must also allow yourself to be happy in the same way" The halfa decided to say as he continued the dance.
Maybe it was a pointless comment, and it had nothing to do with what Jay was thinking, but he needed to let him know, for his own sake as well as his.
Our flaws are who we really are
Jason allowed himself to think on his words for a moment. Danny had no idea of his identity as Red Hood, would he still say the same after finding out? It was unlikely, but he liked to believe so.
"What makes you so sure it's the best solution?" He asked quietly, when Danny talked about acting he thought maybe he should act in response to his own fears.Take action and leave them behind.
"You don't know, I think that's the thrill of living" Danny smiled as he increased the speed of his steps "sometimes you have to take risks hoping for the best"
One thing he learned after he died was that fear of taking risks was unnecessary. If something was going to happen it would, even if you tried to avoid it in every possible way. It was just the way fate worked. What people used to forget is that they were in control of their own fate.
"Taking risks could get you killed," Jason stated with a frown, following his movements a little more robotically than he intended.
"I'll teach you something that someone important to me taught me" Danny stated, remembering one of Clockwork's lessons.
I used to hear a simple song
"What will you tell me? That there is no point in fearing death because there is so much to live for? Someone gave me that talk a long time ago" and he had died for having listened to it, for throwing himself without precautions like his father had taught him.
"No Jay, nobody wants to die," Danny assured, recalling his own experience "even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there"
"So?" Jason frowned, not quite understanding.
"However, we all end up dying right?" Danny smiled sadly "some sooner than others, but no one escapes it"
"This isn't making me feel any better, Doll" Jason said.
"I didn't mean to make you feel better, just to tell you that there's no point in being afraid to act because death will always be there, it will still do it if you decide not to act, you know?" Danny said as he pulled him closer to himself, even if he was a little short he could lead the dance.
Jason sighed accepting the point as he tried to relax. Maybe Danny was right and he should stop being so cautious around what he loved.
But he had spent so much time being afraid of hurting them that he didn't know how to stop. Maybe things will get better now. Even if most of his siblings backed away from him out of caution, it was the best he'd been in a long time.
That was until you came along
Jason noticed at that moment that the pits weren't acting, he wasn't angry. He was sad, desperate, maybe a little heartbroken but definitely not angry. For some reason Danny helped with that, something in that carefree boy with cooking problems made him feel better.
Neither of the two boys noticed how Danny was slowly feeding on the corrupted ectoplasm the longer they maintained contact. How  his fangs were getting smaller and his urge to bite lessened. The halfa assumed it was just a positive effect of dancing.
Jason just felt better overall as he continued with the dance. He attributed it to his growing feelings for the cute boy. Something about that goofy boy, who had a problem with taking care of himself and a lot of mysteries wrapped around just appealed to him. Maybe it was time to start accepting it, at least until the effects of the gas wore off and they both had to go back to the real world far from the apartment.
You took my broken melody
Jason closed his eyes, letting himself be carried away by the song. He felt broken, the pits made him feel like a damaged product but it would be hypocritical of him to say that because he told Danny that people couldn't be defective right? It was time to start believing his own words.
Humans weren't born defective, and radioactive pits weren't going to change that. He just had to keep repeating that long enough for him to gain the courage to act on his words. Until the moment he allowed himself to return to the side of the family and recognize that he deserved love too, the love that many of them were willing to give him.
Danny also closed his eyes, letting himself go, a little guilty for having to teach Jay such a bittersweet lesson, Clockwork wasn't the best with feelings, nor how to express them. Clockwork was time, time was honest in every way and did not embellish the truth.
Clockwork was his mentor and yet they had met because he was destined to die. Apparently when time doesn't like the fate you're taking he decides it is better to let you know. Danny wondered if Clocky would yell at him if falling for Jason was a bad idea.
And now I hear a symphony
When they both opened their eyes, they were smiling. By some miracle neither of them had tripped over something in the room, or maybe it was just fate acting but they felt a little better.
They finished the song tired, with their hair completely tousled but feeling lighter than they had ever felt before. Who would have thought that a dance could free so much of what you have trapped? And make you think about the situation a little more.
Maybe ignoring the world for a couple of days while staying inside the apartment wasn't such a bad idea after all. Perhaps it was the best idea either of them had ever come up with.
Danny pointed at his phone again and Jason nodded. It was morning and they had a lot of time to waste, so dancing a little more was not a bad idea.
"Love" sang the little crow watching them from the couch, for some reason he had stopped speaking during the entire exchange, maybe he understood the scene, or he was just tired.
"No, no, no, no, I refuse" Johnny said as he pushed Amorpho out of the apartment.
The moment Danny had walked through that door with red eyes, he knew that was definitely not his usual roomie but an impostor.
"No refunds, until Danny gets back from the alleged kidnapping this is a roomie swap" Amorpho sneered as he pushed Johnny into the apartment again "Move over, a new star has come to town"
"But that could take DAYS" Johnny grumbled. He was glad that Danny was with his crush, maybe making some headway. What he didn't like was an intruder in his temporary haunt.
"It's good than I'm replacing him at school then" Amorpho scoffed, stealing Johnny's spot on the couch, Johnny dramatically inhaled and pointed at him in offense.
"MY COUCH" The motorcyclist complained. It had been his couch since the day he'd arrived, which might not sound like much, but by now Johnny had already claimed the couch as his own. His place.
"Our couch" Amorpho corrected him.
He was well aware that the ghost didn't like his company, but he needed a place to stay since he had been dragged to Gotham anyway.
Besides, now that he had new friends and had joined the drama club to star in Beauty and the Beast then he had to stay until the production was over.
If he was completely honest, even if Danny was bounding back out that door in a matter of minutes he'd deny him from going back to college for a long time. He had already put enough effort into attending that supposed advanced physics class for all his efforts to be despised.
Shadow simply sighed as they peeked out of Johnny's shadow to see the new temporary resident and went back into hiding, they weren't going to deal with that.
On the other hand, Cujo woke up and began to bark at the two ghosts until they paid attention to him.
"What's wrong Cujo?" Johnny asked, preferring to pay more attention to the pup than to the couch usurping ghost.
Cujo grunted as he held up a very particular can of soup, to which Johnny cocked his head in confusion.
"That's Danny's ectoplasm" the motorcyclist stated before realizing the problem "DANNY LEFT WITHOUT HIS ECTOPLASM"
"Is that a bad thing?" Amorpho asked curiously looking at the can, honestly it only brought back bad memories "Gotham has enough ectoplasm for him"
"Sure, but Danny's been feeding on pure ectoplasm instead of human food for a while, do you know what that means?" Johnny put his hands on Amorpho's shoulders and started to shake him "he'll have a reaction!"
"How bad can it be?" Amorpho snorted.
"He'll start biting the floor" Johnny said seriously, remembering Lunch's story of the first time she had to deliver emergency ectoplasm to Danny's new haunt because the halfa had run out of reserves "his body will look for the nearest ectoplasm and I'm sorry if I I don't want to become a teether toy for halfas"
"Danny is far from here" Amorpho brushed off the concern.
"But we're the purest ectoplasm in the area," Johnny stated, shaking the can.
"Okay, let's go find him and give him his silly ectoplasm," Amorpho grumbled, "where is he though?"
Cujo groaned as he lay down on the floor, his new caretakers were useless and he wished Danny would come back soon.
Oblivious to the ghosts, Gotham had a perfectly accessible source of ectoplasm below the city, and a slightly impure source right next to the halfa.
After a morning in which they both danced their hearts out, Danny and Jason had decided to take a nap, they never let go of each other's hand. Of course, when Jason woke up he didn't expect to see a suspicious shadow moving through his kitchen. The crow was happily sleeping next to the window.
"What are you doing in my house?" Jason questioned absently before noticing that indeed, there was someone there "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?"
"I want waffle fries" Dick came out of the darkness with an empty plate, looking at his brother with a pleading face.
"I'm not going to cook for you right now" Jason said offended "What am I, your personal chef?"
"Since you're the only one who can cook, yes" Dick nodded, offering his empty plate again.
"That's a complete lie, you could have asked Alfie and you know it" Jason pointed at him accusingly.
Before the two began arguing among themselves, the halfa decided it was better if they noticed him, he assumed Jay had forgotten he was in the room.
"Um, Jay?" Danny tugged at Jason's nightshirt, hiding himself from the sight of the guy who randomly walked into the house "Who is he?"
Danny was lucky to decide not to attack the sudden threat, because the two of them seemed pretty close to each other, however, who walks into someone else's house randomly to order fries?
"Oh, you had a guest" Dick said stupidly.
"Yes, I have a guest," Jason growled in annoyance "Would you mind explaining to him what you're doing here, officer fries?"
Jason and Dick had a staring contest, challenging the other to speak first. However, Dick lost first because Jason nodded towards his empty plate and he took the cue.
If I talk I'm not going to cook anything for you
"I'm sorry, I'm officer Richard Grayson, I usually contact this young man to give him the details of the cases in which he is involved" Dick said clearing his throat, it seemed that being a police officer had served him well.
"Do you get into a lot of trouble?" Danny looked at Jason, concerned, dating Hood must really put him in danger.
"Yes, as Hood's assistant" he said emphasizing the title while looking at the officer "I'm usually the one who talks to the police and stuff, so we're very familiar with each other"
Officer Grayson nodded but Danny looked at the empty plate with a raised eyebrow, he didn't quite believe them.
"Still totally a Dick move, mate" Danny pointed at the officer, who tried to cover his laughter at the comment with a cough "you don't go into other people's houses and demand food"
"And yet I'm going to cook his dumb fries." Jason rolled his eyes as he snatched the empty plate from Dick's hands "come on Danny."
"I was informed that you were involved in Scarecrow's attack" Dick said curiously "is that why you guys are so close?"
Inwardly, Dick wondered if the union was really due to Scarecrow's attack and not his brother's new crush. Maybe it could be both, considering Jason “Pitter” Todd looked so possessive of the civilian when he took him away. 
"You're a very nosy police officer" Jason shot him a stink-eye "we found the effects wear off for him with physical contact"
"You should probably inform the bats," Dick said offhandedly, though the message was obvious. I'll tell the bats.
"Bats are very nosy, they don't need more information about it" Jason refused. Don't you dare.
"However, it might be useful for them to have more information to combat the gas" Dick replied. They need to know.
"It's irrelevant information, they don't need to know" Jason said. They don't need to know about Danny.
Danny just watched the discussion not knowing if he should interrupt. He felt he was missing something but he was never good at reading between the lines.
"Excuse me, why would it help to tell the bats?" Danny asked the officer, frowning "I know they're fascinating animals, but I don't see how they can be of any help,"
"You don't know who the bats are?" Dick questioned in shock, if the guy worked for Hood he should know.
"He's not from Gotham," Jason hastened to clarify "The Bats are a group of vigilantes who dress up as bats to fight crime"
"So, furries?" Danny cocked his head considering the new information.
"If you say it like that it sounds horrible" Dick grimaced, although if you looked at it from another angle they really did
"There's nothing wrong with that, my friend Tucker is one, it's a matter of taste I think" Danny shrugged.
"Wait, didn't you say you've been living in Gotham for a few months?" Jason raised an eyebrow. "How come you've never heard of the Bats or even Crane?"
"Well, I think I did but…" Danny thought about his first days in Gotham.
Danny was tired, after running away from Amity he needed a place to stay but why did it have to be in New Jersey? Something bad always happens in New Jersey! According to Sam.
He looked at the city sign that said "Welcome to Gotham City, the worst place to live" and even though the latter was written in graffiti he smiled, well at least it felt like home..
However, the smile faded from his face as soon as he saw a clown laughing at a guy in a bat costume while he enrolled in his new university; he wasn't going to judge their clothing choices, but why a clown?
He found out later that the madman was called "Joker", (some self-assigned nickname, perhaps?) and caused a lot of destruction, to the point where the city had something called "Joker insurance", apparently the furry also had "Batman insurance" for property damage.
The halfa decided to classify them as rogues of the city. Amity had a lot of them before the portal closed, and perhaps they were in competition with each other to see who had the most control in Gotham.
So when his classmate Amy mentioned that Batman had destroyed her house to catch  Dr. Freeze he frowned.
Batman must be very possessive of Gotham's control.
As he explored the city in search of an apartment he met some very colorful people: a bat man, a crocodile man, a woman dressed as plants, more clowns and even two cats!
Maybe Gotham just dressed so extravagantly out of habit, and it wasn't really a weird thing, they were just all weird by default, or a lot of cosplayers.
Then when he visualized a boy with bat ears he shrugged. He must be part of a theme band, or maybe he's a fan of that Bat-man guy.
When he "borrowed" his apartment in Crime Alley he decided to relax and ignore all the rumors. Soon after, his university was destroyed by this "Joker" guy and he had to take online classes for a while.
The Goons sometimes talked about people he didn't understand "Poison Ivy" "Catwoman" "Harley Quinn" he guessed they were code-speaking by nicknames; he decided to ignore it and ask someone later, he didn't want to be nosy and he doubted it would affect him in the near future.
By the time face-to-face classes returned, he noticed that many of his classmates were whispering about a Scarecrow man, which he considered rude so he shut down the rumors. You shouldn't talk behind others' backs after all.
"I heard of Batman, but I thought he was a very possessive rogue, I had no idea he was a vigilante" Danny shrugged "or had an entourage."
"It's not an entourage!" Dick exclaimed "it's camaraderie and mutual respect"
"Yes, an entourage of bats" the halfa nodded as he followed Jason into the kitchen.
"No wait, you thought Batman was a villain?" Jason smiled broadly, he needed to share that with his other siblings.
"Fights with others, causes property damage, he's possessive of the city" Danny began to count on his fingers "Yeah, it seemed like villainous behavior"
"But he also donates to the city, fights the real villains and keeps the streets safe" Dick replied.
"No, from what I heard Bruce Wayne donates to the city, even though fighting bad guys is a good reason I thought he was doing it out of possessiveness" Danny clarified.
"You have no idea about villains or vigilantes but you know exactly who Bruce Wayne is?" Jason raised an eyebrow, taking out the materials to cook the potatoes.
"Well, I had to know who to run from, obviously" Danny said, rolling his eyes.
"Why would you run from Bruce Wayne?" Dick asked feeling doubtful "he's just a playboy with a lot of kids"
"I don't like millionaires" Danny narrowed his eyes "and I remember reading that he had a son named Richard, just like you"
"Okay, you got me, he's my dad" Dick sighed, there was no point in denying it if the boy was paranoid with millionaires.
Although neither of the other two knew about it, Danny was very paranoid about people with money and big houses. He investigated Bruce Wayne to get out of his way, just like Lex Luthor and Oliver Queen, Vlad had left him a bad experience that he didn't plan to repeat.
"I'm sorry for your loss" Danny patted Dick's shoulder solemnly.
"I'm not dead" Dick said, offended.
"If you're not offended, why don't you go back to the mansion and have Alfred cook your fries, eh?" Jason smirked as he pointed at Dick with a knife.
"You're scary when you have a knife in your hand," Dick pointed out, though he didn't seem threatened at all "But I didn't want to upset Alfie, I moved a long time ago" 
"Or you didn't want to see Bruce, you probably got into a fight with him again," Jason pointed out as he went back to his task of cutting potatoes with one hand.
The halfa tried to help him by cutting another part of the potatoes, but most of his potato pieces were jagged. So he frowned and tried to do a little better.
"Again, sorry for your loss" Danny repeated "millionaires can't be trusted, I get it officer"
Every millionaire has a secret basement and something to hide. The halfa refrained from saying out loud, it would be impolite to speak ill of the father of the non-guest.
Dick rolled his eyes, even if Jason wasn't wrong and he had fought with Bruce, he wouldn't let him know. It was quite obvious that the family had some problems with each other.
"Oh, who's Alfie?"  Danny asked remembering the name "The only thing I understood is that he could cook"
"He's a cat," Jason said nonchalantly, taking the jagged potato wedges Danny made along with his own and starting to cook them.
"No, he's my butler" Dick corrected his younger brother before Danny had any ideas. He already had weird theories with millionaires, surely he didn't need fuel to theorize about butlers too.
"But it's also a cat" Jason said again. It was quite easy to tease his older brother at the moment, and since his roles were usually opposite, he was having fun.
"He's a butler cat who can cook?" Danny asked, more and more confused. The mental image of a small white cat with a frying pan flashed into his mind and he chuckled. He reminded him of one of the videos he had seen online.
"Alfred is a Wayne family butler" the policeman said with a sigh "but yes, we also have a cat named Alfred"
Dick congratulated himself for not saying ours throughout the conversation, he was doing a good job of keeping Jason's cover. Even if the two people in front of him were getting a bit infuriating.
Maybe he shouldn't have randomly interrupted Jason after he faced a Scarecrow attack, but he had a huge craving for waffle fries, and both Alfred and Jason were the only ones who knew how to make them correctly.
"Doesn't that get confusing quickly?" Danny said, feeling a bit queasy from all the going back and forth, the rich really did have weird traditions.
"Probably, my little brother loved Alfred the butler and decided to name the cat after him" Dick shrugged, there was nothing that could be done when Damian decided to name his new pets after something, and as long as Alfred didn't get offended by it, it was fine.
"Rich people really do have weird hobbies" Danny whispered to Jason as he handed over more of the potato wedges.
"Yeah, I don't know how they handle all the luxury" Jason whispered back with a grin.
He was well aware that his older brother was listening to him perfectly, but he didn't care. He really didn't know how they managed to bear all the luxury and details that the mansion had, there were times when it was too much.
Deciding not to mention their conversation, Dick began to evaluate them. They seemed quite comfortable with each other, even if Danny really needed the physical contact he thought Jason would be more reluctant to accept.
Could it be that his brother was in love?
"Here are your waffle fries Dick" Jason put the perfectly done fries in front of the police officer, who looked at them with stars in his eyes.
"You're a kitchen angel!" Dick exclaimed as he began to eat them, they tasted as good as he remembered.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jason huffed as he put another two batches of fries in front of him and Danny, they were more irregular in shape and indistinct, but Jason didn't seem bothered about it.
Danny's heart raced as he realized Jason was specifically eating the potatoes he'd cut up, even if they didn't look like they should. He couldn't help but smile as he stole a few.
"Hey Doll, don't be a thief" Jason slapped the hand who was stealing from him as he pushed the fries away from the halfa's reach.
"I'm not the one insulting a police officer" Danny grumbled under his breath as he decided to stick with his perfectly cooked slice of waffle fries that Jason had handed him. They were very well made but he wanted the effort of both of them.
Jason ignored the pleading face Danny was sending him as he ate the misshapen fries, he didn't know why he felt possessive towards them but he did.
"But he wasn't insulting me" said Dick, confused by the comment, although it was a bit unintelligible due to the amount of fries he had in his mouth at that moment.
"He called you Dick and multiple variants of it a couple of times" Danny pointed out in confusion, that was obviously an insult.
"Besides, don't be an animal and swallow before you speak" Jason scolded.
"You read that my name was Richard but you don't know that my nickname is Dick?" The policeman said in disbelief, maybe the boy was bad at investigation.
"Did any of your friends hate you? Or did your parents?" Danny asked with concern, surely no one would choose that nickname voluntarily.
"I have no idea what you're implying, I had a very good family, and my friends loved me very much" Dick replied, narrowing his eyes.
"Did you choose that nickname willingly?" The halfa told him worried "Did you know what you were getting yourself into?"
"I'm not from this country, I came in a circus" Dick rolled his eyes "and my nickname is beautiful, thank you very much"
"Beautiful for a big Di-" Danny tried to say but was stopped by Jason putting a hand over his mouth and shaking his head. Well, he supposed he'd let the circus boy go for once.
"Anyway, I'm here to report that Nightwing will visit later to update you on the cure" Dick informed.
"Nightwing must be a nosy vigilante" Jason scoffed as he finished his fries.
"And how do you know about him? Is it some Bruce Wayne secret?" Danny asked suspiciously, communication with those bats (glorified furries) was weird.
"No, it's because I work in Blüdhaven with him" The police officer quickly denied, the less this paranoid boy knew the better.
"Uh, but if you work there, why do you come here to ask Jason about Hood? He shouldn't be part of your jurisdiction." Danny narrowed his eyes, catching a hint of a lie.
"Oh, it's just that I found out they had a close relationship" Dick tried to fix the problem "and since I'm familiar with Gotham because I lived here, the cops send me every time they have a problem"
Jason knew that everything his older brother was saying at that moment was nonsense. He simply hoped that Danny would buy it without commenting too much.
"I understand what you mean" Danny nodded understanding the situation, he assumed that the police had found out about Jason's relationship with Hood, so they sent an outside officer to confirm if the rumors were true.
"Yes, totally" although he was surprised that Danny believed his words, Dick accepted it, even if he had a feeling he was feeding another bizarre theory.
Everyone already knew about their relationship or is Gotham very gossipy? Danny wondered
"Thank you very much for the fries, Chef Jay" Dick nodded, waving his empty plate "it was delicious as always."
"Sadly I can't get rid of you if I don't feed you," Jason grumbled as he leaned back on Danny's head.
"Although I'm glad your coexistence is going well, I still have to inform the bats so" The policeman pointed to the door "wait for a visit very soon, bye!"
With that said, the officer ran out of the apartment, though Danny swore he was holding back the urge to jump buildings. But that made no sense, not everyone in Gotham had to be weird.
"You have very strange friends" the halfa commented to Jason once the policeman was out of sight.
"Friends who don't even know how to lock the door" Jason complained looking at how he had turned out his apartment "Don't stay too comfortable, one of the bats is going to come here later"
"One of the furries? I think I can handle it" Danny sneered, he had lived with Tucker all his life, another furry shouldn't be a problem.
"I don't think you understand, they're very nosy Doll" Jason frowned worriedly, stroking his hand "they'll want to know everything"
"Well, all we're going to tell them is that you're making me fat like the witch from Hansel and Gretel" Danny replied with a smirk.
"I'm much prettier than the witch in a story" Jason sneered with a smile on his face.
"Of course, you're much sexier, and comfortable," Danny said, though he regretted speaking "I mean, compared to the witch who's probably totally wrinkled and toothless"
"Don't try to improve it, the beginning was fine" Jason smiled shaking his head, amused "but my food is so much better than some cheap candy"
"Sure, your fabulous five star food that none of us poor mortals are worthy of" Danny said dramatically, pretending to faint.
"You really enjoy my food, don't you?" Jason said happily. Something inside of him felt irrefutably glad that both Dick and Danny were enjoying everything he made, even if it was simple things "lunch could be better though, you need more than potatoes."
"I don't think so, I usually eat very little, I think that if you keep feeding me I won't be able to stand it" the halfa said sadly.
Since his food was usually combined with a lot of ectoplasm, he didn't need to eat that often. But since he wouldn't be taking his daily dose with Johnny it was unlikely his stomach would get used to so much food all at once.
Even if he loved Jason's cooking he couldn't handle more than small meals, the pancakes and potatoes were fine, even if they were heavy they were in small quantities, but he couldn't handle anything more than that. Perhaps dinner.
"What do you mean? Your friend makes sure you eat, right?" Jason asked worriedly, he knew very well how to adjust to an eating rhythm when you weren't used to it, but he thought it wasn't Danny's case.
"My friend has only been here a short time," Danny hastened to explain, a little embarrassed, "just like my…neighbor, she's the one who sends me food."
The halfa didn't know how to correctly explain her relationship with ghosts; they were technically friends, but they were enemies at one point, and some still feuded with him on a regular basis.
Even if they had explained to him that fighting was a way for the ghosts to unite, he was still a bit annoyed that no one had explained it to him in the first place, so yes, his relationship with them was quite complicated. Since they were from a nearby dimension, he guessed that neighbors was the correct term. Lunch could also be called a friend, but it felt a bit weird.
"What? I thought he cooked your meals, or you did" Jason said, growing increasingly worried by the endless number of new revelations.
"Neither of us knows how to cook" Danny denied "our mutual neighbor brings us some food from our hometown to get us through the week, my friend just makes sure I really eat it"
"Isn't that dangerous? What if she starts avoiding Gotham? This place isn't bees and flowers, it's normal for tourists to refuse to visit" Jason asked, stroking the halfa's hand to comfort himself.
"I don't think that's the case," Danny said after thinking about it for a moment. He doubted any of the ghosts were scared of Gotham. They were almost impossible to kill and the blood flowers had long since been extinct.
Unless Gotham has an excellent groundskeeper, they have nothing to fear here.
That just added to Jason's worries, Danny was confident that someone else would enter Gotham on a monthly basis to bring him some food.
"I'm going to teach you how to cook, there is no other alternative" the vigilante declared suddenly "but moving on to the next topic, how much do you eat a day?"
Jason needed to adjust his rations according to the response he gave him. He'd been cooking carelessly, having fun, that he'd forgotten that Danny might have some dietary need, or some special need.
"It's okay Jay" Danny assured him, tightening his grip on his hands "most of my allergies are covered, and I only eat small amounts but it's pretty normal, you shouldn't worry."
"I was speaking out loud, wasn't I?" Jason wailed when he noticed his mistake.
"Sure, but you were just worried" Danny comforted him "it's normal Jay, if it makes you feel better I'll tell you what I usually eat"
Jason wasn't thrilled to find out Danny just forgot to eat, but he drank his "green tea" daily, which apparently wasn't a tea he could get his hands on since it was originally from his hometown, which he deeply refused to talk about.
Given the amount of trouble Babs had been having getting into his city network, he could understand the caution a bit. Even if it was extremely rare.
Jason wondered if he should use the gas excuse to kidnap him for a couple of days. After all, the universities within Gotham had plenty of policies to make up fouls for Rogue attacks
Danny wouldn't mind staying at his house for a couple of days, would he?
Annd tag time, this update is a bit longer than normal but I love the number and needed to go for it, supposedly this is 7777 from Chapter 7 so welcome to the Jackptot! I hope you liked it!
I'll dig into the fangs later, but yeah, a part of Danny is very hungry and Jason is unconsciously feeding it, although it's kind of mutual since he's healing him so it's okay.
Johnny and Amorpho are going to get into a lot of trouble in the next chapter, and here comes the big brother! Danny is too distracted when he wants to lol
@skulld3mort-1fan@sorryiwonnoob@idfk-man10@avelnfear@criticaloverthinker@confusedandghostly @lunadoll36 @spidey29phangirl @suppengott @yjfk@apointlessbox@mimilikey@thegatorsgoose@jaggedheart11@dyinggirldied@pyramaniac@akikkobara@thedragonqueen1998@lostlightandfoundcrazy@xye-chan@saltyladynightmare @ashleysmshly @thewondersoflebanon@illusionwolfwriter24r8@littlefeather345@asphyxia778@amercurio@leftmiraclechaos @dixiwoods @satoshy12@lyra689@meira-3919@quietlyscared@plotwholls @kyrianclawraith @blacksea21090@basilf1res @flowers-n-fauna @8-29pm@phantom-dc@luer-mirin@taniaundertaleau@cloriform@readerkayden@oddlydrawnpuppets@basementloser@little-green-asparagus@echoednonny@yummy-yummy-mmmbones@confusionchaos@ectoplasm024@autumnwulf@666deaddash999@redhoneysugarorange@blue-avis@sailor-goddess@satanicrutialspecialist
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infinitebrians · 9 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part 2: Super Mario Wonder
What a weird thing to say but this really is the best Super Mario has been as a 2D platforming game since the Super Nintendo! An overall creatively fresh look on that guy Mario and what he can do when he’s only got two directions to run around in. Just a true delight all the way through, I never had a bad time playing it. The new features like the badges and wonder seeds all gave the game a fun amount of variety and character to the game always keeping a sense of surprise in each area that at their very worst was easily ignored. Also a very lovely game visually that gave character to its characters and a fun new set of weird critters to appreciate.
A unique aspect for my playthrough of Mario Wonder was I insisted on playing through the whole game using my new snackbox leverless controller (arcade stick controller sans the stick). I’ve been wanting to try that controller with a side scrolling game because I kept hearing people play other side scrollers with it and it sounded like a fun perfect test case for that idea. I had a blast playing through the whole game with it. Using it’s button based directions felt entirely natural to play through the entire game with it and I’m absolutely going to be using it for any further similarly structured games in the future. The only time the unique button controls did not feel natural was when I was in situations involving four way direction like the water levels or those surprisingly frequent times where you turn into slime. That controller rules and I always feel bad I don’t like using it too much since I don’t always want to just get absolutely destroyed at fighting games all the time.
The thing though that I will always remember Mario Wonder is surprisingly enough it’s online feature. When this online aspect of the game was announced, a feature while you’ll see and be able to lightly interact with live ghosts of other players who are also playing the same level as you, I joked about Mario Wonder being the second ever strand game. Now having played the game 100%, I am absolutely standing by that statement. I’ve had numerous tiny but memorable experiences with other players with that feature either dancing around, spamming the simple emotes, or even helping each other out through tricky parts of the level. One experience of that in particular, the one this post’s drawing is referencing, happened during the final final challenge level where a Japanese Nabbit player and I were helping (them more to me than me to them) each other through a series of areas in that level. We would emote chirp at each other, cheering us on, and more importantly, wait at the room exits so when we left the room at the same time we’d maintain our online instance together. It happened for a whole checkpoint’s worth of that final level and it would’ve been longer if I didn’t screw up immediately with the infinite sprint badge room LIKE A FOOL. That player was a huge help to me with the few of the toughest rooms of that whole challenge and a very appreciated companion.
These little stories and memories I gathered from such a silly little feature gave me such a warm feeling toward everyone I was playing with in the game, we were all here to help push each other forward. A mechanic that gave people the encouragement to help each other out and feel good in the process of doing it, a fun look at what can be done with online semi anonmyous interaction. I’ll always appreciate that Nabbit player, I hope they’re having a happy new year.
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ghostchamber · 2 years
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a taste of rejection
octavinelle boys shoot their shot and miss horrifically (PLEASE twst fandom don’t eat me alive) this little post is very short and kinda angsty so beware. i cant write that well yet ok 😳
characters included: azul, floyd, jade.
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azul ashengrotto
of course. he should’ve calculated this. what was he thinking? why’d he delude himself into believing that you’d love him back? he’s such a fool.
self depreciating thoughts like that filled his mind as you continuously apologised for the cold, straightforward rejection. azul can’t help but bite his lip, arms crossed tightly like he was trying to shield himself from you. it doesn’t take long for him to excuse himself, getting up from the arrangement he specially and meticulously prepared for this occasion.
please don’t look at him like that. don’t comfort him, especially after breaking him down. he doesn’t want you to see him. he doesn’t want to see you. despite the storm building up inside him, he can’t seem to stop himself from telling you that there were no hard feelings. he can’t bring himself to support that statement the next day however, when he practically gives you the cold shoulder and stays far, far away. whether or not he allowed himself to cry the night before, you wouldn’t know.
jade leech
ah. a fault on his part. apologies, he should’ve thought more thoroughly before asking something like that of you. to be his lover. …what a silly thing to think, indeed.
jade masks his hurt perfectly and swiftly. not a moment of shock and pain crosses his expression… half a second? that’s a different story. all he knows is that he will never be able to face you the way he used to ever again. his worst fear had come true. you had his unmasked self out on full display, and there was nothing you wanted in him. no qualities you saw in him befitting of a partner. he wonders, maybe you would like him better if he was… ah, no. he knows he mustn’t think like that.
you’ll find that he’s slightly more reserved the next day. he doesn’t even seem to see you as a friend, more an acquaintance. even he can’t hide the drastic change, relying on luck and hoping you wouldn’t corner him about it. jade hates lying to people he loves, so he’d simply have to tell the truth. but a part of him hopes that you care enough to attempt to maintain that special connection you had before. however, another part of him simply wants you gone. hm, he was never the best with emotions… maybe he’d just lie to himself and say that love for you didn’t exist.
floyd leech
…ugh. now he was really in a bad mood. … this wasn’t fair. how come he had to love you, but you saw him as some rowdy guy? this sucks. you suck. no way.. he wasn’t tearing up like some heartbroken fishy.
once again, floyd leech cannot seem to control his emotions. it has always been a… problem with him. everyone avoided him because of this factor, choosing to scramble back from the eel. but you… he thought you were different. you didn’t freak out and scatter like a sardine when he appeared in a hall, instead choosing to greet him if he struck up a conversation. he thought you loved him. or at the very least, liked him. wrong.
you got on well with everyone. of course he had to take that as a sign you were a friend. the cold and harsh rejection you served him was enough to prove he was an idiot, thanks. the emphasis on why he was unloveable was more than enough, thanks. …oh who is he kidding, he wouldn’t fall for someone like that. floyd had been a hopeless romantic ever since he saw that one movie about a couple. deep down inside, he hoped it would be just like that. too bad you knocked that dream out of him so fast, because it’d be a while since he’d call another his little shrimp. floyd doesn’t even leave his room for a while, opting to curl up on his bed and delete the hundreds of photos he took of him and his ‘shrimpy.’
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Someone Like You - Jubal Valentine x Reader
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Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @trublu2u @greenies-green @proceduralpassion @burningpeachpuppy @evee87 @delightfulheroshoeflap @iworldlywriter @helsinkibaby @penguin876
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Jubal has heard the rumours about you and Spencer Briggs, the FBI profiler with a speciality in bomb makers. He hoped it wasn’t true, he’d worked with Briggs in the past and found him extremely challenging to be around.
Unfortunately, the reality of your relationship hits him in the face when he sees the two of you outside of a restaurant a couple of blocks away from his gym. It’s you that he notices first, he would know your laugh anywhere and when he hears it, he seeks out the source with a smile on his face because he enjoys spending time with you, in work and out of it. You’re wearing a yellow wraparound dress with pretty blue flowers embroidered into the fabric, one he’s never seen before. It’s only a second later that he realises that you’re with someone. He sees Briggs open the door of the restaurant, his hand on your lower back as he guides you inside and he hates it.
He spends the night tossing and turning, going over the event in his head. He knows he has no claim to you but still seeing you with Briggs, it cuts him deep.
He puts some distance between the two of you after that, it’s an act of self-preservation he tells himself, but he knows part of it is about punishing you. You’re moving on, carving out a life without him and he’s left behind watching it happen. He’d always had this notion, this stupid, silly idea what the two of you would get your shit together at some point, start something. He’s been fooling himself, holding onto something that wasn’t there. He sees that now.
It comes to a head one evening in his office. He’s submitting the monthly stats for Isobel to look over, a job he loathes because data entry is not his strong suit, and he gets bored with it very quicky. He doesn’t hear you come in, not until you set a takeout cup of coffee down in front of him. It’s from that place down the block that he likes, the one with the ethical coffee beans.
When he tilts his head to look up at you, he forgets about everything else, just for a moment. All he sees is that smile, the one that makes feel like he’s watching the sunrise for the very first time in his life.
“Thank you.” He says softly, raising it to his lips and taking a sip. It’s perfect as always. Rich and strong, a caramel shot because when it comes to working out the figures, he needs an extra hit of sugar to get him through.
You sit down in the chair across from him and he finds himself watching you. It’s been a while since the two of you have been alone in the same room together and he knows that’s on him.
“I feel like we haven’t seen much of each other recently.” You tell him as you settle back into the visitor’s chair. “I miss you.”
One of the things he loves about you is the fact your forthright, you aren’t afraid to be real with him. Part of working the program is about self-reflection and he can admit to himself that he’s felt your absence in his life acutely over the past couple of weeks. The jokes, the looks, the little moments the two of you share when no one else is around. It feels like he’s been living a perpetually cloudy day ever since he saw you at that restaurant.
“I miss you too.” He finds himself saying.
“I feel like things have been a bit weird between the two of us lately.” You tell him, gesturing between the both of you. “I’m sorry if I did something…”
“No.” He cuts you off with the swipe of his hand. “You didn’t do anything. It’s me, I…”
He trails off before shaking his head. This relationship between the two of you has always functioned on honesty and he owes it to you to be upfront because it’s not your fault, it’s his. He can’t help his feelings, but he can stop taking them out on you. At the end of the day, he just wants you to be happy, you deserve that more than anyone.
“I found out about you and Briggs and it short circuited something in my brain.” He says, tapping at his temple with his forefinger.
“There is no me and Briggs.” You inform Jubal. “We went on one date and decided to call it quits before dessert arrived.”
Jubal leans forward, his elbows coming to rest upon the desk.
“He profiled you, didn’t he?” Jubal questions.
“Yes, he did.” You tell him, cradling your coffee cup to your chest. “It’s humiliating to hear yourself reduced to a series of statements.”
You don’t tell him the specifics, but Jubal thinks he knows. He remembers the language Briggs used when he profiled Dana, how impersonal it was. It was as if he stripped away the humanity of the person, describing a series of neurosis without knowing the cause or the empathising with their history.
“You deserve a lot better than that.” Jubal tells you, his thumb tracing along the plastic lid. “You deserve someone who cares about you, who understands you, who doesn’t make you feel shitty about yourself.”
“Someone like you?” You ask him softly.
Jubal meets your gaze as he raises his coffee cup to lips.
“Yea,” He says quietly. “You deserve someone like me.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Bleach characters of your choice with a s/o with self-confidence problems? Thanks!
Hello! Thank you for requesting!
I took some time to think about the characters… the original gotei 13 got to me but we have no info so…
Anyway! I hope this is of your liking!
Tsuki's note: this time I only did two characters! Sorry it's a bit short... I wanted to run away from big cliches. I also feel like Yoruichi would be similar to Urahara?
• Ok, he will be loving little shit.
• Why? Well, he loves you a lot and the best way to overcome self confidence issues is… facing it!
• In his book at least.
• When he notices you are being a little down or fidgety he will cook something up.
• You bet he is making a situation for you to solve.
• And where will he be? No where. But you know this has his little finger.
• A little example: if you feel like you cannot defeat s type of hollow, you bet, he will leave you alone with it.
• But he is not that heartless! He will be around just in case and to celebrate with you!
• Were you pissed? Hell yeah!
• But as soon as you defeat that hollow he shows up to catch you:
• "See, Y/N? You can do it! You did great, sweety!"
• His smile is infuriating.
• But he wasn't wrong. You did manage it.
• And he reminds you of it all the time he is patching you up.
• It takes a little awhile for you to warm up to his sweet talk.
• But the way he gently holds your hand, wraps each and every wound, followed by a sweet " I am proud of you!" and every time you frown or scowl, he kisses your knuckles.
• Soon enough all you have is an annoyed face, but part of the anger is gone.
• He may be an asshole about this sometimes, but he would never make you deal with something that could actually harm you.
• If he sees you are distressed or indeed in trouble, he won't hesitate to scoop you away.
• You are his treasure and everything! So he will protect you.
• In these situations he makes sure you don't feel like you are a burden.
• Instead he brings it to himself: " I am sorry they were after me and got you by surprise!" Or " seems like a boo-boo, sorry honey! " or " Very cowardly of you to try to stab my Y/N on the back".
• His laid backness, sweet words and smile gives off quite the reassuring feel.
• But he also wants you to know how strong and beautiful you are.
• So expect to face whatever is making your confidence waver.
• A lovable idiot, yes.
• He seems like he has no patience but that is so not true.
• He noticed early signs of the anxiety bubbling on you.
• The sights , the fidgeting, the leg bouncing a bit.
• And soon enough he is inviting you to drink some tea with him.
• These moments were mostly to chat about each other's day.
• When you are done, he asks you what's bothering you.
• He listens quietly until you are done telling him what makes you nervous and what is killing your confidence away.
• As soon as you are done he may call you a fool for thinking so less of yourself. Does that help? Well, no.
• So you pout a bit.
• Upon seeing your pout he proceeds to explain why your reasoning is silly.
• In this explanation he will say what he loves about you and what you do well. On his own way, of course.
• So it may sound terribly cold or emotionless, but it actually carries a lot of comfort.
• Hearing the stoic captain saying such sweet things gives a little boost to you. You feel brave enough to start whatever you were putting up.
• Either if you tell him you decided to try to do something or he notices you are trying, he will walk up to you, pat your head and touch your forehead with his.
• All he says is: "stay calm. You can manage it."
• And honestly? That is a big help. A simple, yet loving action.
• If you succeed, he will proudly smile while you tell him about it.
• If not, then he will encourage you to try again. After all, failures are a great teacher.
• He makes sure to watch you a little more closely until you decide to try again.
That 's it!
I hope you have enjoyed what I had to offer!
Please let me know what you think!
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k-renne · 11 months
The Last Supper pt II
Summary: Down comes the claw. Raphael (the bottom) gets his much deserved revenge on Tav for wronging him with some help from Haarlep. Pretty much all nsfw, readers be warned.
He would be your downfall, your doom. You knew it from the first moment you met the rhyming devil, words expertly crafted to manipulate and enchant you. That first meeting haunted your dreams for many nights after, his rich voice echoing in your mind. And here you were walking right into the claws of the cat, or was it the fox? 
Your eyelids fluttered closed for a moment, remembering that fateful day. You remember your initial confusion when you encountered the man on your exploration of the Sword Coast. How did he know so much? By the gods his silly little rhymes did something to your heart. 
When he first transported you to his tantalizing House of Hope, you remember the way he stares you down. Like a predator. It takes all your restraint not to gasp when he shows his true self, he was positively delicious. You can’t take his deal this time, as tempting as it is. A deal with the devil would certainly not help your situation, despite how desperately you want to rid yourself of the ‘unwanted tenant’ as he so tastefully put it. 
You took a deep breath, and placed a skull in the drawn sigil on the floor. Eyes scanning the pattern, as you smoothed down the fabric of your skirt. It looked about right. “I cannot believe I am doing this,” You said aloud to yourself. 
The more you encountered Raphael, the more you wanted to know about him. You knew he wanted power, but was he a fool? He certainly seemed to enjoy toying with you. But two could play such a game. Being a bard was not all music and performance, there was persuasion and charm. A whisper in someone’s ear, drunken secrets spilled from other’s lips. Where was the fun without a bit of risk?
With the last piece placed on the circle, the portal flared to life. You readied yourself for the performance of a lifetime, your violin secured safely on your back and stepped through the fiery portal. 
The house was just like you remembered it, in all its grandeur and gaudy design. Raphael was truly dramatic. You waltzed through the hall, debtors paying you little mind. 
The dwarf Korrilla however, did recognize you. “Interesting seeing you here, after rejecting Raphael’s deal. And all by yourself, just what do you intend to do Tav?” She eyed you questioningly. 
Your eyes twinkle with mischief. “I am here on personal business, you see my companions don’t exactly approve of dealings with devils.” You crossed your arms. 
Korrilla laughed, “He is not home, but he will be very happy to see you, if not surprised. But, may I give some advice?” 
“If you wish,” You replied. 
Korrilla contemplated for a moment. “Do not cross him, he will kill you-or most likely worse. If you play your cards right you may be able to find a very favorable outcome. And you are very clever, I’m sure you will choose the correct course, Tav.” She pauses briefly. “Little mouse,” She teases. 
When the lies to the archivist easily slip off your tongue you can feel Korrilla watching you, she was very amused watching you work. She knew Raphael would be absolutely delighted to see his latest obsession falling right into his clawed grasp. 
With an invitation to the boudoir, you felt invigorated. Everything was going to plan. Although your plan was simply to gather information without being caught, there was a part of you that wanted him to catch you. A part that craved punishment, to see his passionate anger and drive him to madness. You felt almost giddy, the game you were playing would soon reach its climax. 
But you were not prepared for what you would meet in the boudoir, or more aptly who. Your steps slow as you take everything in, the room was luxurious, spacious, and you had half a mind to strip and soak in his steaming bath after weeks of scrubbing your skin raw in freezing rivers. However, as you made it past the tempting waters you realized you were not alone.
On top a large and extravagant bed a very scantily clad Raphael smirks at you, “A little lost mouse is running through the house. A thief in the night greedy, and here to take. Why are you here, little thief?”
Your eyes widened, you had only imagined what Raphael would look like with less clothes on, but you were not expecting this to happen so soon. You remember Korrrilla’s words. Something wasn’t quite right here. Your eyes narrow, “Raphael, as much as I enjoy you…showing off. Isn’t this a bit much?” 
The devil laughs at you, “Raphael! Ha, no. I am Haarlep. Raphael’s personal incubus, glamoured to look like him. And you must be Tav, you know he talks about you quite a bit. You should hear how much he moans-” 
“Ah!” You cut him off. “I do not need to know such things, yet. Even as much as I’d like to. Tell me Haarlep, would you be willing to give me information? I need to have the upper hand.” You tell him honestly, sensing you would not be able to lie to Haarlep. 
Haarlep grins, leaning forward on the bed. Suddenly he is beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist. “Oh little mouse, I think I have the perfect idea. A very delicious one.” His hand tightens around your waist and you shiver. “And I think you’d enjoy it, very much.” 
Your composure is beginning to crumble as your cheeks become flushed. You can already feel your core clenching, your need building. Despite careful planning, you could not even imagine this. There was no way to account for it, perhaps this time you would give into your temptation. “Just what did you have in mind?” You look up at the much taller cambion. 
“Well we fuck of course, in exchange I will tell you everything you desire. Don’t even try to say no, I know you want this Tav. You want a taste. But first you are wearing far too many clothes.” He eyes you. 
“I-oh gods,” You groan. He was right, you could not say no. But you needed to have one thing, one ounce of control in a situation where you were largely powerless. You begin undoing the buckles of your shoes, thinking for a moment. You look up at the incubus, determination set hard in your gaze. “I will be on top, and don’t even try otherwise.”
Laughter fills your ears, “Little mouse, you are so very naughty. I can see why Raphael likes you.” He leers over you as you remove your shoes. His hand reaches to grab your chin, taloned thumb lightly pressing against your lips, “We will have so much fun together.” 
The incubus watches you as the rest of your layers fall to the floor, eyeing your form hungrily. He circles you, tail brushing against your body. You shut your eyes tightly, fighting back a whimper. Control, you had to keep control. Deep down you knew you would lose in the end, and the thought of that was even more arousing. 
Haarlep grabs your face, more gently then you would’ve thought. But his kiss is searing, passionate, as his forked tongue greedily tastes your sweet mouth. He even smelled like Raphael, you can’t help but moan as you breathe in his devilish musk. 
You needed him so desperately, having hungered for him the moment you laid eyes on his true form. The incubus kissed you like your wildest fantasies. You would let him consume you. You could feel your cunt tingling, aching to be filled, to be touched. 
Strong hands caress and mold you to their touch, any self control melting away. His touch lights you aflame. Haarlep groans into your ear, his breath hot. 
In the material realm, Raphael bristles. Someone is using his incubus, someone who is very much not him. He could only think of very few who would be so bold. He narrows his eyes as he sips from his glass. He would have a few words for his pet, for disobeying his command. For you, for the fool who rejected and defied him, there would be hells to pay. “Excuse me,” He said to the mortal across the table. This business would have to wait. 
He feels the phantom of his hands against soft curves, it makes him terribly angry. It was chaos. This was not Raphael’s plan, he would not be easily bested. He would not be denied, you were his prey. His little mouse, not to be toyed with by his incubus. 
As he marches down to his nearest portal, he suddenly stops as he feels soft hands grasp his hardening cock. “You naughty, naughty thing.” He groans. 
Despite all his decorum, Raphael was quickly losing his composure. The touch, so slight and not nearly enough, would drive him to madness. Finding a darkened alley he ducked into it, leaning against a wall. Just once, he would allow himself to enjoy the phantom sensations. 
He felt shame at how easily he crumbled, you held so much power over him. You were the key to his glory, to his rule of the hells. He did not ever think he would be so smitten with a mere mortal, and a tease at that. Always careful evading his grasp. He felt a hot tongue slide up the underside of his cock, and he had to quickly cover his mouth to stifle the curse. 
Such a naughty little mouse. Why did you have to defy him so? You had to know how this would end, with the claw. Now lips were wrapping around his length, hot mouth sucking him in earnest. He could almost feel the back of your throat. This was more than just Haarlep seducing you, the way those soft hands touched him. You wanted this. He needed to believe that, the thought of it made him throb, his balls feeling tight. 
Patience, he would make you his soon enough. A delightful thing to sit on his lap while he becomes king, to amuse and to satisfy his desires. To kneel and to beg for him, to scream his name with filthy obscenities. Yes, he would break you down so sweetly and destroy you, remake you, and perfect you. 
Your chest heaved as you broke away from a breath stealing kiss, attempting and failing to push Haarlep away. “Y-you must-get on the bed, remember. Remember what you promised.”
Haarlep pouted at you, “Are you sure that is what you wish little mouse? I could have you on your hands and knees, and we could rut like savage beasts. I know you would enjoy it.” 
Oh gods, he would be the death of you. The both of them would. “I can’t-not this time.” You shook your head. 
“Alright, but do not come crying to me when Raphael collects his due. He will chase you to the ends of the realm.” Haarlep warns. He knew his master well, and while he was eager to be a part of your little game, he knew what it took to make him fall apart. Raphael would not take too kindly to being bested by what was to be his conquest, his ultimate victory. 
Slowly he made his way to the bed, laying and displaying his body to your hungry gaze. Haarlep was not used to being on the bottom. But he supposed this could be fun, he couldn’t wait to feel how Raphael reacted to Tav’s audacity. 
Raphael felt soft thighs straddle his, “No.” He all but growled. You would not dare. 
His balance wavered, his knees buckling as he felt your hot cunt slide over his cock. He needed-he needed more. Hells, he was acting like a common whore! The indignation. He fisted his hardness tightly, unable to resist pleasuring himself with his own hand. It had been ages since he had done this, touched himself like a desperate, perverted-fuck. You would be his undoing. 
“Tav,” He whispered your name into the night like a prayer. He could only imagine what your body looked like riding his cock, your perfect tits bouncing as you moaned. He felt the barest trace of your hot mouth against him, and he at last submitted to the feeling. Submitted to you. He felt his orgasm come on suddenly, his seed spilling onto his hand and his pants ruined. 
But you kept going, milking his cock. Another wave of pleasure hit him, if he didn’t get out of this alleyway he would soon become a writhing mess. And he hated mess, detested it. No, Raphael focused on his anger. He was so furious. Enraged that his pet had tasted you first, that you had dared to sneak into his house like a filthy rat, that you continued to defy him still. 
He all but runs to the portal, still with the feeling of your hot little body against his. He could still win, he could still find the path to triumph. He needed to know what to say to you when he caught you, but the words seemed to be failing him. His mind whirled with thoughts of revenge for your contemptuous acts. It was not over, little mouse. He would have you.
Notes: Thanks for reading guys! Lmk what you think, you can also find me on AO3. Wish I had more time to write to flesh this part out a bit more but unfortunately I do not. Appreciate all of you who liked and reblogged the last chapter, I feel so grateful to you all. You can also find me on AO3
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munsonsreputation · 2 years
Soon You'll Get Better
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↢ series masterlist | chapter one ↣
series summary: this story takes place a year after the events in season three. max is closed off, dealing with her pain and loss her own way--isolation and self deprecating. she knows that billy was never the best brother yet she still feels this pain. a pain that doesn't go unnoticed by steve harrington and his girlfriend, who try their best to fill the roles in max's life with the hopes that she knows she's never alone and she'll get better soon.
: ̗̀➛ warnings: none for this part :D
A year may seem like a long time to reflect on what happened in the past. But unless your year includes some secret Russian base, a shitload of possessed mind-flayers, and a dead brother—a year is never going to be enough.
Max Mayfield, the true victim of last summer, had lost it all. Her half-brother, Billy, her step-father, and sometimes, it even feels like she lost her mom. But the one person she truly lost and could never really find was herself. She didn’t know how to navigate life after what had happened that summer. All of her friends seemed to be able to walk away from StarCourt with a piece of them still left to hold on to, but she had nothing.
The young girl would do her very best to not be so affected by the loss she faced, knowing Billy was never nice to her and her stepfather instilled fear in the home, but there was always yearning burning inside of her. Questions of what would’ve happened if Billy had survived. Would their relationship be mended? Could she finally have someone to look after her?
These questions infiltrated her mind like the regret she had for not being a good enough sister to him. For not taking the time to understand him and try to break his shell. Nights were spent alone, crying in her bed looking at photographs of her and Billy that her mom made them take. And days were filled with putting on a mask in front of her friends because she didn’t want them to worry.
It might have fooled everyone. Her laughs and smiles seemed genuine, and maybe they really were, but deep down it wasn’t all butterflies and rainbows for her.
In fact, it was the exact opposite.
Her heart was wrenching apart every second she had to see Nancy and Mike share an affectionately awkward hug. She held back tears when Hopper talked to Jonathan and Will as if they were his own kids. And her soul hurt a little more when all the moms would holler for her friends after spending too many hours at the arcade.
All the while she had no sibling to hug. No father to talk to. And a mother who was too busy working to care about her spending her day at a silly arcade playing Pac-Man and worrying about someone beating her high score.
No one picked up on it, but sooner or later someone would. And maybe she would be able to get better.
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a/n: again, a big thank you to @translatemunson for helping me with this series!!! as of right now, i don't have a posting schedule set for this series so my apologies if you'll be waiting...i don't want to stress myself out and put pressure on writing so i hope you all understand <3 i am working on chapter one right now and i'm striving for it to be out sometime next week so keep an eye out for that...so excited for you all to read!!!
taglist (if you would like to be added just leave a comment!): @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world
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solomons-poison · 2 years
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A/N: Yeah I'm taking JJK characters! I haven't written for Toge before and tbh I'm a little shaky on his personality, so sorry it's a little short, but I hope this is good! Accidentally posted early so had to remake it 😬
Featuring: GN reader || Inumaki Toge x reader
Warnings: just some fluff
Confessing feelings with Toge is a trip, to be honest. Whether it's you confessing, or him confessing to you, it's a bit of an awkward mess to start, but it's sure to be a memorable start to your relationship.
If Toge is the one confessing, it takes quite a bit of effort on his part. Given his limited safe vocabulary, no amount of saying "salmon roe" or "bonito flakes" will be sufficient in getting his point across, not to mention it takes some of the romance out of the moment. So instead, he'll focus on his actions primarily, to make sure everything is perfect and his intentions are clear. You're his crush, of course he doesn't want to make a fool of himself.
He does enjoy cooking here and there, so he'd invite you over to cook together, maybe making silly faces with the ingredients to make you laugh. It'd be a fun filled afternoon, playing video games or watching something, spending quality time together while he works up the courage to finally show his true feelings.
The true moment comes when he brings out maybe something personalized, something that can show his words in the way he can't verbalize to you safely, like a cookie or other sweet treat with his confession on it, perhaps with some flowers.
If you're the one confessing, you'll have to be clear about your feelings. Although Toge is naturally very intuitive, given he is a natural born jujutsu sorcerer with a long family lineage, he is also still a teenage boy with his mind focused on developing his skills rather than romance.
So when you first confess that you like him, he's a little confused. You two are friends, of course you should like each other?? Once he understands what you really meant, however, expect to see his cheeks turn red and his eyes become the size of dinner plates. His limited speech turns into speechlessness until he can gather his thoughts to respond to you, his mind way up in the sky.
Once you've gotten him back down to Earth, things are a little awkward as you two accept it all, and he might ask you to repeat what you said he's still processing that you have the same feelings as him (and he likes how it sounds). But after that, be prepared for a very sweet turn in your relationship together now that your feelings are out in the open.
Tagging: @saturnvamp @watyousayin
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monstrousfemale · 2 years
27 this is a fun concept
Yay! Thanks for sending an ask! Song 27 is straight from my steddie playlist, and I love it.
Eddie had made a very serious resolution. He was no longer going to think about Steve Harrington. He wasn’t going to consider this thing that had crawled its way between them, tied them together. Because Eddie Munson may be many things – dramatic, a freak, too intense, not very organized – but he wasn’t that much of a fool. He knew that Steve was testing the waters. Steve was straight, the kind of guy who might make out with some dude here and there when he was drunk, or high, or bored even… But Steve dated women. 
Steve spent all of his energy trying to get women’s attention, and Steve would give women all of his time. Eddie knew that eventually Steve would find some nice gal who would be very interested, tie the knot, settle down, pop out some nuggets. 
Eddie knew all that, so when they started making out after a beer or two, after sharing a joint, after a long late night conversation about nothing in particular, Eddie made sure his own brain was quite aware of the situation. 
And yet, time and time again, he would find himself in Steve Harrington’s space. Eddie found himself flirting, smiling, wanting. He was wishing, really, if he would allow himself a moment of honesty. It was stupid, and he was going to get burned. 
So, a serious resolution. Eddie needed to get his shit together, put a stop to this once and for all. Steve was a good dude, and they could be friends. Eddie wanted to be friends. No matter what happened, Eddie needed to keep it in his pants. He needed to be strong, to get this under control. 
He convinced himself this was it, he could do this. He lasted all of a month. 
It was a cold afternoon in October, and Steve knocked at Eddie’s door. He had this smile on his face, sweet but bordering on a smirk, really. Almost bashful, but not very convincing. 
Eddie let him in, because Steve looked stupidly good in that sweater of his, a dark green one that had a high collar. It made the warmth in Steve’s brown eyes stand out. It clung to his arms and his chest. Which just made Eddie’s hands itch. He wanted to touch, but he was going to fight it. 
“Hey,” Steve said, like it was no big deal. Like he wasn’t putting Eddie’s resolve at risk, making his chest feel like it was in disarray. 
“Hi,” Eddie said, avoiding prolonged eye contact, trying to stand further back than usual. “Were we supposed to meet up today?”
“Ouch, do I need to schedule in advance if I wanna see you?”
“Why do you want to see me?” Eddie asked, braver than usual. Maybe flirting a little bit. Which he shouldn’t be doing, but oh well. 
“Because,” Steve said, and made himself at home in Eddie’s place, threw himself over Eddie’s tattered second-hand couch. 
Eddie sat on the floor, watching. Was scared of saying the wrong thing, but also couldn’t really stand the quiet. 
“What if I don’t wanna see you?” 
Steve looked him dead in the eye, flashed him a smile. “Come on… We both know that’s not true.”
Eddie felt called out, his bluff out the window. Steve leaned forward on the couch, both his elbows resting on his knees. 
“Why you being mean, Munson?” Steve asked. His gaze on Eddie’s was enough to set his stomach ablaze. 
“Why not?” Eddie felt silly, childish even. But he was still hoping he could keep things civil. 
Steve leaned further in, until their faces were level. 
“Because… Anything you want, I can offer.” Steve winked. Actually winked. Eddie wanted to not be here. But also he never wanted to move away. 
“I don’t ask for much,” Eddie said. What he didn’t say, was that the one thing he wanted was for Steve not to leave. For him to stick around, for him to actually be invested. Wasn’t that something?
“I know,” Steve mumbled, and his fingers were on Eddie’s cheek, then slipping into his hair. Settling at the nape of his neck. 
Eddie leaned his head up towards Steve, lips automatically parted. 
“You look good, baby,” Steve said, soft, careful… And didn’t that just fucking take the cake. Eddie leaped forward, kissed Steve. Grabbed at him until he was pinned under Eddie on the couch. 
Later, in his own bed, with Steve’s arm wrapped around his middle, Eddie wondered how he’d gotten there. He had been so sure he could resist this. Maybe still could. But then, to his side, Steve flipped his hair out of his face, sighed in contentment. His eyes met Eddie’s and he yawned. Steve looked small, Eddie wanted to hold him close to his chest. 
“I’m yours,” Steve whispered, kissed the side of Eddie’s face. 
Eddie didn’t know if he should believe him, but at the moment it was all he could do. He did believe him, he did. 
“Fuck, baby, how am I here again?” Eddie asked, fighting not to react to his own desperation, watching over Steve’s hand as it slid up his stomach. 
“You’re mine,” Steve said simply. Wasn’t that just true?
Eddie swallowed, looked at him as if he was seeing Steve for the first time.
"You couldn't handle me, big boy," Eddie said. But he didn't mean it. He was starting to think maybe, just maybe, this meant more to Steve than he was giving him credit for.
And Eddie liked the idea of that.
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