#all my songs are angsty so yall get to see my gays suffer
monstrousfemale · 2 years
27 this is a fun concept
Yay! Thanks for sending an ask! Song 27 is straight from my steddie playlist, and I love it.
Eddie had made a very serious resolution. He was no longer going to think about Steve Harrington. He wasn’t going to consider this thing that had crawled its way between them, tied them together. Because Eddie Munson may be many things – dramatic, a freak, too intense, not very organized – but he wasn’t that much of a fool. He knew that Steve was testing the waters. Steve was straight, the kind of guy who might make out with some dude here and there when he was drunk, or high, or bored even… But Steve dated women. 
Steve spent all of his energy trying to get women’s attention, and Steve would give women all of his time. Eddie knew that eventually Steve would find some nice gal who would be very interested, tie the knot, settle down, pop out some nuggets. 
Eddie knew all that, so when they started making out after a beer or two, after sharing a joint, after a long late night conversation about nothing in particular, Eddie made sure his own brain was quite aware of the situation. 
And yet, time and time again, he would find himself in Steve Harrington’s space. Eddie found himself flirting, smiling, wanting. He was wishing, really, if he would allow himself a moment of honesty. It was stupid, and he was going to get burned. 
So, a serious resolution. Eddie needed to get his shit together, put a stop to this once and for all. Steve was a good dude, and they could be friends. Eddie wanted to be friends. No matter what happened, Eddie needed to keep it in his pants. He needed to be strong, to get this under control. 
He convinced himself this was it, he could do this. He lasted all of a month. 
It was a cold afternoon in October, and Steve knocked at Eddie’s door. He had this smile on his face, sweet but bordering on a smirk, really. Almost bashful, but not very convincing. 
Eddie let him in, because Steve looked stupidly good in that sweater of his, a dark green one that had a high collar. It made the warmth in Steve’s brown eyes stand out. It clung to his arms and his chest. Which just made Eddie’s hands itch. He wanted to touch, but he was going to fight it. 
“Hey,” Steve said, like it was no big deal. Like he wasn’t putting Eddie’s resolve at risk, making his chest feel like it was in disarray. 
“Hi,” Eddie said, avoiding prolonged eye contact, trying to stand further back than usual. “Were we supposed to meet up today?”
“Ouch, do I need to schedule in advance if I wanna see you?”
“Why do you want to see me?” Eddie asked, braver than usual. Maybe flirting a little bit. Which he shouldn’t be doing, but oh well. 
“Because,” Steve said, and made himself at home in Eddie’s place, threw himself over Eddie’s tattered second-hand couch. 
Eddie sat on the floor, watching. Was scared of saying the wrong thing, but also couldn’t really stand the quiet. 
“What if I don’t wanna see you?” 
Steve looked him dead in the eye, flashed him a smile. “Come on… We both know that’s not true.”
Eddie felt called out, his bluff out the window. Steve leaned forward on the couch, both his elbows resting on his knees. 
“Why you being mean, Munson?” Steve asked. His gaze on Eddie’s was enough to set his stomach ablaze. 
“Why not?” Eddie felt silly, childish even. But he was still hoping he could keep things civil. 
Steve leaned further in, until their faces were level. 
“Because… Anything you want, I can offer.” Steve winked. Actually winked. Eddie wanted to not be here. But also he never wanted to move away. 
“I don’t ask for much,” Eddie said. What he didn’t say, was that the one thing he wanted was for Steve not to leave. For him to stick around, for him to actually be invested. Wasn’t that something?
“I know,” Steve mumbled, and his fingers were on Eddie’s cheek, then slipping into his hair. Settling at the nape of his neck. 
Eddie leaned his head up towards Steve, lips automatically parted. 
“You look good, baby,” Steve said, soft, careful… And didn’t that just fucking take the cake. Eddie leaped forward, kissed Steve. Grabbed at him until he was pinned under Eddie on the couch. 
Later, in his own bed, with Steve’s arm wrapped around his middle, Eddie wondered how he’d gotten there. He had been so sure he could resist this. Maybe still could. But then, to his side, Steve flipped his hair out of his face, sighed in contentment. His eyes met Eddie’s and he yawned. Steve looked small, Eddie wanted to hold him close to his chest. 
“I’m yours,” Steve whispered, kissed the side of Eddie’s face. 
Eddie didn’t know if he should believe him, but at the moment it was all he could do. He did believe him, he did. 
“Fuck, baby, how am I here again?” Eddie asked, fighting not to react to his own desperation, watching over Steve’s hand as it slid up his stomach. 
“You’re mine,” Steve said simply. Wasn’t that just true?
Eddie swallowed, looked at him as if he was seeing Steve for the first time.
"You couldn't handle me, big boy," Eddie said. But he didn't mean it. He was starting to think maybe, just maybe, this meant more to Steve than he was giving him credit for.
And Eddie liked the idea of that.
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