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dickbabsweek · 2 years ago
Hi, everyone!
Please fill out the form below to choose prompts for dickbabs week, which will be held from July 24 to July 30
The form will be open till May 12th and the prompts will be announced on 13th-15th May.
Thank you!
DickBabs Week Prompts
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hollie47 · 2 years ago
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Title: One Cat Leads To Another Author: Hollie47 Rating: General Word Count: 1,461 Fandom: Batman Pairing: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Summary: Babs and Dick visit the local animal rescue.
Read Here On AO3
This was written for Dickbabs Week 2023 hosted by @dickbabsweek. Day 6: Rescue.
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dayenurose · 2 years ago
Dick/Babs Week 2023
Written for Dick/Babs Week 2023 ( @dickbabsweek ) with the prompts Workplace Romance and Matchmaking. Hope you enjoy! ~rose
Summary: Despite mutually pining over each, Dick and Babs remain cordial colleagues. Looks like it’s up to Diana’s and Helena to get these two together.
A no-capes, librarian AU.
From her spot at the circulation desk, Barbara Gordon had a decent perspective of the first floor of the library. Straight ahead, she had a clear view of the front door, to her left, the shelves filled with dvds and audiobooks, and, pertinent to the moment, to her right, she could glimpse a portion of the children’s section. Due to the relatively quiet nature of the library, she couldn’t help but overhear as the children’s librarian led story time.
Technically, she didn’t need to limit her observations to eavesdropping over the excited exclamations of the children as her fellow librarian juggled multiple pairs of rolled socks in an imitation of a washing machine. Since there were no patrons in need of help at present and Dinah was also at the front desk, she could take a circuit of the floor. If her circuit happened to linger a few moments longer than necessary in the children’s section, well, no one would be none the wiser.
From the corner of her eye, Babs studied her friend. Dinah hummed to her herself as she steadily entered the intake information into the system from this week’s stack of new magazines. Though her best friend appeared to be lost in her work, Babs knew the moment she moved, Dinah would notice. And Dinah wasn’t the person Babs wanted to notice her comings and goings.
Read on [ao3] [ff.net]
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skylarkblue · 2 years ago
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Title: rise up (like the stars in the night) Author: skylarkblue Fandom: Batman Pairing: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Rating: G Word Count: 1,500 Warnings: None
Summary: After a fight with Bruce, Dick is sitting alone on a rooftop when Barbara joins him. The two end up in a deep discussion about what Dick wants from the future.
Written for @dickbabsweek Day 2: Stargazing
Read on AO3 here!
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dickbabsweek21 · 4 years ago
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DickBabs 💚💙
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r-misa · 4 years ago
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DickBabsWeek 2021 FREE DAY
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laquilasse · 6 years ago
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Dickbabs Week Day 1 + Day 3 ”Do you trust me?” + “It was good to see her laugh”
apparently I can only do silly fluff! please enjoy - Do Not Repost To Instagram! - insta: laquilasse twitter: toniarina
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theartofdreaming1 · 5 years ago
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DickBabs Week 2020, Day 7: Goodnight
Whoops, late again 😅 But at least managed one more drawing for dickbabs week :)
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fancyfade · 5 years ago
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Promise by Fade31415
[image: a digital art drawing of dick grayson and barbara gordon in their wedding with a pink gradient background. Dick is wearing a suit and bow tie and Barbara is wearing a long white wedding dress with no sleeves or straps and a pattern kind of mimicking an electrical circuit on the bottom of it. Barbara is sitting in an ultralight wheelchair with a green frame. Dick is bending over slightly to lean down and kiss her, and she’s holding his waist and shoulder to pull herself up and kiss him. end image]
Dickbabs week day 5: Promise.
A marriage is kind of like a promise...
And I decided to draw Barbara actually getting married in her wheelchair, since I made a big deal about us not seeing it in canon
they are wearing the outfits and stuff they had in Nightwing/Oracle: Convergence
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pop-culturereference · 5 years ago
Like We Were Before
a fic for Dickbabs week 2020 day 1: history
Summary: Babs and Dick, what things were like before, what they’re like now, and how they’ll be in the future. Because Rebirth is frustrating and I’m never sure what the characters do and don’t remember.
The night was settled and smooth, with streetlamp light seeping through the blinds of her apartment. Babs and Dick had dragged themselves in after a night of high-energy crime fighting and immediately shaken off the Nightwing and Batgirl getup to run it through the washer. Babs had been waiting up to switch it to the dryer, and now that that was done, she could go to bed. Dick was haphazardly sprawled on her bed like a pair of discarded socks. She pressed her lips together against a smile. Even while he was drooling on her pillow, he was so completely him that she couldn’t help but find him adorable.
Babs lightly shifted him over to his side to make space for herself on the bed. She didn’t have a couch in her new apartment yet, so if she wanted to sleep at all, she’d have to share the bed with Dick, she told herself. But, the soft stillness of the night made her honest enough to admit to herself that she didn’t mind. It was nice. 
“Babs?” Dick asked softly.
“I can sleep on the floor if you want.”
“No, I don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Seriously, don’t worry about it. I only shoved you over because you were taking up a little too much space. You’re like…an invasive plant species, taking over my bed like-“
“Hey!” Dick was more awake now.
“No, no, hear me out,” Babs cut in before he could object. “Like, you just sprawl everywhere, but it’s not bad. You’d be a GOOD invasive plant. Like morning glories, or ivy.”
“Ugh. Not ivy, ever,” Dick muttered into the pillow.
“Gotcha, morning glory.” Babs tugged the blanket up and rested her arms above her head. She relaxed into the mattress and breathed deeply. 
It was a good night. There was a reaching peace inside her, the kind that usually came after a light workout that relieved aches and worries, and before a day with no obligations. She stared up at the ceiling and played with that thought. That was becoming more common, as of late. She couldn’t remember a time in her life when she’d been so consistently happy. 
She had recently climbed out of a rough patch. Her mind had been a jumble of conflicting memories. Or, rather, it still was, but now she was starting to make sense of them. Before, it had felt like two different versions of Barbara Gordon were trying to reconcile with one another. She’d been in constant turmoil. She didn’t know which memories to believe and to act on. Which Barbara remembered Lady Blackhawk? Was Cassandra Cain ever Batgirl? Was Babs being selfish by keeping that from her now?  Which of Tim’s personalities was the real one?
Eventually, she had put it together, piece by piece. It was like everything happened in a timeline. First, she had been permanently in a wheelchair. Then, all of a sudden, she was walking and running and Batgirl-ing again, with no explanation. It had made no sense, but at least it fit together nicely.
Babs tried to return to the contentment she had been feeling. With a sigh, she rolled to her side, leaving her facing Dick’s back. Did he ever think about things like this? Most people didn’t realize anything was different in their memories, but she’d learned that most heroes had the same issues she did. Dick probably had an even more jumbled mess than she did. His hair poked out funny over the bullet scar, and she itched to run her thumb over it. After a few more seconds of the itch, she slowly reached out and tenderly smoothed his hair.
She felt a tingling current. She used to do this, before, but it had been so long since she and Dick had been so close. Back then, 
he hadn’t had a bullet scar, and she’d been a little bit more in love with the world. Did Dick remember that? 
Her breath caught when she remembered that he was right next to her and she could ask him if she really wanted to. 
“Mm hmm?
“What do you… remember?”
Well, that was vague.
“In the sense that…do you feel like you’ve lived two lives? Are your memories all…split?”
Dick rolled over to face her and blinked at her. “Hmm. Yeah. I’m not a huge fan.” He curled in to bring the blanket up to his chin and his head lower on the pillow so their faces were level. It made Babs feel like they were kids again, curled up and close. Dick sighed. “It’s been awhile since my brain made any sense at all,” he said with a rueful laugh. And sometimes, all I can remember is the bad stuff, like, the crime syndicate.”
Babs took a sharp breath as a memory suddenly flashed through her: Dick, chained up and tortured, secret identity revealed. 
Apparently Dick was more used to that memory than she was, because he kept talking, his words picking up momentum.
“What’s crazy is that I actually remember more since I got a bullet to the head. When…I remembered…I had all these memories, and I didn’t realize I didn’t have them before until a few days later. It was- I- I was thinking about you, actually, and I remembered something that I knew I didn’t even know before.” Dick squinted.  It was something they both did when they were thinking hard- as if squinting pointed their eyes at their thoughts. 
Dick used to visit her from Blüdhaven—that was from Memory Timeline #1. He’d swing into the clocktower window. She’d usually be doing Oracle work, and he’d bring her something- usually coffee or pastries- along with a hacking request. He’d start working on one of his own cases, but they’d ask each other for help and  usually both end up working on the same one. She would realize she was squinting, then look over at Dick and he’d be doing the same thing. “You’re doing the squinting thing,” she’d say with a grin, and he’d say, “Don’t act like you weren’t doing the squinting thing just a minute ago, oh high and mighty Oracle.”
She laughed and told Dick, “Hey, Boy Wonder, you’re doing the squinting thing.”
He broke his squint with a laugh. “What ever happened to ‘Hunk Wonder?’ Have I been downgraded?”
Her heart skipped a beat. He remembered, then. 
They started speaking at the same time.
“You first,” Babs said.
Dick sighed. “Sometimes I wish I could go back.” She expected him to wistfully stare off into the distance as he elaborated, but instead he looked straight into her eyes and held her gaze, waiting for her to say something.
“Things were better,” she solemnly agreed.
“You were in a wheelchair!” Instead of sounding puzzled by her agreement, Dick sounded sounded teasing.
Babs took this as a good sign, and, without letting herself think her way out of it, quickly worked around the knot in her throat to say softly, “We were engaged.” 
Dick nodded, not breaking her gaze. “That’s why I wish I could go back.” Before Babs could say anything, his next words tumbled out in a rush. “When I remembered, I was still with Bea. I did love her, and she’ll always be special to me, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Babs. I remembered how we were before, and I compared it to how I was at the time. I was slowly, slowly getting back to how I was before the brain injury, but I realized I didn’t like who I was even before I got shot. I was a flake. I got too absorbed in myself to care about what was going on around me. I made stupid decisions and then refused to admit any responsibility or fault.”
Babs laughed. “Well, look at you, a new man already, taking responsibility and admitting fault at the same time.”
“I was dealing with a lot. I’m not trying to make excuses, but I had a lot on my plate. I was tortured to death, brought back to life, Bruce convinced me to fake my death, Damian was dead, then he wasn’t, everyone hated me for pretending to be dead, and then when I finally started to get things figured out, boom. Bullet to the brain.”
Babs opened her mouth, but Dick cut her off before she could say anything.
“I don’t like talking about it, and that’s all I’m going to say. Moving on. Anyway, I realized that I was not happy like that. I didn’t feel like myself. And I realized… I feel the most like myself when I’m with you.” He kept his gaze on hers expectantly.
“Dick- I-“ she started, but she couldn’t choose what to say. After a breath, she tried again. “This isn’t going to be nearly as sweet and sappy as what you just said, but thank you, everything you said means a lot. Wow. I-” She had to take a break to get her voice under control and to quickly blink her teary eyes. She was smiling now. She kept trying to bring her lips together to push it away, but it was hopeless.
“When I’m with you, I feel content. Like, right now, I’m thinking, how long has it been since I felt so at peace, and so happy with my life? And I realized, oh, it’s actually been this way a lot recently. The last time I felt this was actually last week, when we were tracking Mudman through the sewers together and you kept squealing whenever you saw a rat. Even the most disgusting thing is good if you’re there.” 
Babs didn’t feel dumb about smiling anymore, because Dick had an equally corny grin on his face. He shifted closer and put his head on Babs’s pillow. “I love you,” he whispered. 
Babs tangled her legs with his and brought up an arm to twist his hair with her fingers. “Let’s get engaged. Again,” she said.
“Barbara Gordon, did you just propose to me? In your pajamas?”
“So what if I did, Hunk Wonder?” 
“Well,” he said with a sly grin and scooted closer to her under the covers. “I’m not complaining, if it gets me promoted to Hunk Wonder. I’ll be the perfect trophy husband. When you get elected president, everyone will say I’m the handsomest first man the nation has ever seen.”
“Is that a yes? We’re not even dating,” she pointed out. 
Dick got serious again as he said, “Babs, I don’t need to date you again to know that I’m 100% certain. You’re my best friend, isn’t that what everyone says? You should marry your best friend? Plus, it helps that every time I see you, I want to sweep you off your feet like in some sappy romance movie and kiss you.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Do it then, you coward.”
Later, as Dick’s heartbeat and his arms around her lulled her to sleep, Babs let go of her longing for the past and was carried off by dreams of the future.
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tinderbox210 · 5 years ago
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Dickbabs Week 2020
Day 1: History 
Young Dickbabs
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dickbabsweek · 2 years ago
Today is day 1 of dickbabsweek !!
Day 1: Festival | Only One Bed | Detective
Tag your works with dickbabsweek2023 so we can find them. Feel free to tag us as well !!
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hollie47 · 2 years ago
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Title: Try Again Author: Hollie47 Rating: General Word Count: 1,929 Fandom: Batman Pairing: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Summary: After being run off the road, Dick and Babs need to find shelter before night sets in and the snowfall gets heavier.
Read Here On AO3
This was written for Dickbabs Week 2023 hosted by @dickbabsweek. Day 1: Only One Bed.
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dayenurose · 2 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Dick/Babs Week ( @dickbabsweek ) is coming up at the end of the month, so I’ve started dabbling into the prompts. I’m attempting to cover as many prompts as I can in one story (I don’t think I can get them all, but I’ve figured out how to use most of them).
For your enjoyment and my writing accountability, here’s an excerpt based on the prompts for ‘workplace romance’ and ‘matchmaking’:
Babs watched her protégée go. Seriously, how many more people were going to try setting her up with Dick Grayson? It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, she did. They had the start of a great friendship, one she cherished and didn’t want to mess up with some futile attempt at romance.
Surely, he had better options than her. She wasn’t ignorant. Even though she didn’t search them out, she was well aware of the tabloid photos of Dick in the company of international supermodel Kori Anders and world-renowned photographer Donna Troy. How could she—a simply Gotham librarian—compare?
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you around for Dick/Babs Week.
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babswonder · 6 years ago
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Dickbabs Week 2019 Day Three- “It was good to see her laugh”
Note: This is set before the Day One and Day Two prompts.
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dickbabsweek21 · 4 years ago
I have the pleasure to announce that we already have a date for the DickBabs week! it will take place from June 15 to june 21!!
The poll of the prompt will end this saturday, so stay tuned to see the prompt selected~
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