#dick grayson extravaganza
momachan · 6 months
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"I haven't really lived here in months. Place is probably a mess. In bed by midnight. When's the last time that happened? Never knew there were so many minutes in one night. No coffee, orange juice, milk or cereal. Breakfast's a wash. Maybe I could call for a pizza-- a cornflake pizza."
Nightwing (1996-2009) Vol. 1: Bludhaven. "The Resignation."
Cornflake pizza... may god forgives you because I can't, Dick Grayson. 😆
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camsthisky · 2 years
I am so excited for this! From the loyal/protective prompt list, I'd love "get your hands off my __brother__". Up to you which one :)
“I said no!”
A scoff from behind Dick. “And I said, yes, you imbecile.”
There’s a sound of inarticulate frustration, also from behind him. Dick waits two beats, three. A fourth. And then–
“Fine,” Tim mutters. “Fine, but I’m not paying for any of it.”
Dick can practically hear the triumphant smirk on Damian’s face, and as entertaining as the argument between his two brothers has been, Dick is also still trying to teach Damian that he can’t demand things, so–
“Tim isn’t going to set up your studio for you,” Dick says, turning away from the selection of tablets to face the two. He turns just in time to see Tim’s eyebrows go up in surprise and Damian’s sink down as he scowls. Dick raises one of his own eyebrows in challenge as he stares Damian down. “At least, not until you ask him politely.”
Damian’s scowl deepens, but he doesn’t immediately snap in anger, and Dick bites back a smile when Damian thinks it over a moment before sighing.
“Would you help me set up my art studio, Timothy?” Damian murmurs, not quite looking at Tim.
Dick takes it as a win. It’s progress. A thousand and twelve steps further than a few years ago when Damian’s pride was keeping him from any sort of kindness or politeness at all. And he’d even used Tim’s first name.
Now if only Dick could get Damian to treat the staff at Gotham Academy with the same sort of politeness. It’d probably mean a lot less frustrated calls from Bruce asking Dick to pick Damian up from school when he or Alfred are busy. And considering Dick gets a call at least once or twice a month, Dick thinks Damian’s probably been wreaking havoc on the place.
In front of Damian, Tim’s eyebrows have basically flown off his forehead. He opens and closes his mouth with wide eyes for a few moments, before he says, “Uh. Yeah. Sure. No problem.”
Damian nods, spinning on his heel and stalking towards a fancy drawing tablet that’s at least fifteen feet away from the awkward turn the conversation has taken.
Tim stares after Damian before turning towards Dick. “We’re not in a simulation, right?”
Dick snorts, curling an arm around Tim and bringing him to Dick’s side. “Nope. Damian’s been trying harder, lately.”
“Wow,” says Tim. “Yeah. He called me by my first name.”
Dick shrugs. “He calls me by my first name.”
Tim pulls a face and mutters, “Yeah, but he likes you. You and Cassandra are the only ones he ever calls by their first names. The rest of us are distanced to surname only.”
“He’s not as bad as you guys make him out to be,” Dick says quietly, smile falling to something more melancholy. “He’s just got a lot of the al Ghul brainwashing still in his head, and it takes time to unlearn that sort of stuff.”
Tim sighs. “I guess.”
“Well,” Dick says, pushing Tim towards Damian, “why don’t you see if you can help Damian pick out the best tablet for what he needs before we head over to the monitors. I’ll go grab the USB hub we were looking at earlier and meet you back here in a minute.”
“Dick,” Tim whines. “Seriously?”
Snickering, Dick shoos Tim towards where Damian had disappeared to. “Go bond with your little brother.”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Fine.”
Dick is still laughing to himself under his breath when he reaches the aisle he needs. Tim and Damian are both such teenagers that Dick sometimes can’t help but mess with them.
“Hi. Can you help me?”
Dick looks up from his perusing, meeting the dark-eyed gaze of a woman he has never seen before. He’d noticed she was there, of course. Bruce would have thrown him into training a hundred times over again if he’d let someone sneak up on him in an electronics store. He just hadn’t thought that she was going to start talking to him.
Still, Dick takes barely a second to recover from his surprise and throws her a small smile as he grabs the correct USB hub. “Hello. I know I look like I know what I’m doing, but I can promise you that I don’t work here.”
“No, I know,” the woman says. She tucks a lock of brunette hair behind her ear. “It’s just, you’re Richard Grayson, right?”
Dick is too good a performer to let his smile slip even an inch, but he instantly puts up his guard. He says, “Guilty as charged.”
The woman smiles, almost looking relieved. She reaches over to touch his shoulder, and Dick tries his best not to stiffen. He’s not sure he succeeds on that front.
Luckily for him–
“Get your hands off my brother, you vile wench!”
Well, Dick isn’t going to try to stop a train that’s already been derailed. Best to leave it and go over the social niceties with Damian later.
The woman’s eyebrows scrunch up in disdain as she turns her head to the beginning of the aisle. “Excuse me?!”
Dick coughs lightly, stepping back and away from the woman just as Tim and Damian both approach. Damian slides in between Dick and the woman, and Tim stays at Dick’s side. Damian looks furious, but Tim just looks sort of concerned.
“I said unhand him,” Damian sneers. “Or are you too incompetent to–”
“Damian,” Dick says, cutting off his little brother’s rant before he can really get going. He can still mitigate some of the damage, even if the train itself is a lost cause. “She’s not even touching me anymore. It’s fine.”
Damian’s green gaze whirls to meet Dick’s bright blue head on. There’s a fury there that Dick doesn’t quite understand. Luckily, after only a few seconds of silent cues, Damian backs off with a scoff.
Tim, on the other hand, completely ignores the woman. “Hey, Dick. We found the tablet that Damian needs. We came to get you so we can grab the monitors and go.”
Dick blinks. “Okay?”
“I…have to go,” the woman says, eyes darting between the three brothers. And before Dick can say anything else, the woman is gone.
Befuddled, Dick looks at his two brothers. “What the heck was that?”
“She’s been watching you from the moment we walked into the store,” Damian huffs, looking slightly more settled now that it’s just the three of them again. “And when Timothy informed me that you’d gone off by yourself, I staged a rescue before she could ensnare you in whatever nefarious plans she had for you.”
“I think she was just trying to hit on me, Dami,” Dick confesses.
“Probably,” Tim says mildly. “Still weird and better safe than sorry, right?”
Damian nods. “Timothy is correct.”
Dick sighs in exasperation. “Right. Sure, okay. If deflecting any sort of romance with strangers is what gets you two to agree, then by all means, continue to sabotage my dating life.”
“You didn’t even want to go out with her,” Tim snorts. “It was written all over your face.”
“Not the point.”
Tim rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the back of the store. “Whatever. Let’s just go get the monitors for the gremlin.”
“I am not a gremlin, Drake!”
Dick grins and shakes his head. Teenagers.
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spoilers-ahead · 1 year
who is the most emotionally stunted man in dc and why is it batman
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(from teen titans: year one #6)
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mscattitude · 1 year
"Leap of Faith" - Dick Grayson/Nightwing Standalone piece
Originally written as a canon character audition for a DC roleplay server, I'm posting it here for your reading enjoyment. Recommended to read while listening to this song:
There he stood before the Big Top, its height towering further than he remembered. The canvas hardly moved in the early autumn wind, illuminated by fairy lights strung around vibrant peppermint stripes. The smell of buttered, cheap popcorn wafted in the air, doing its best to hide the nose-wrinkling odors coming from the animal enclosures in the back. Jolly carnival tunes, playing repetitively from within the colossal tent, brought smiles to visitors’ faces coming to witness the thrilling acts of Haly’s Circus. Children were laughing, adults were chattering, and there were smiles everywhere. Smiles, and happiness.
For a moment, one could forget they were in Gotham City.
Haly’s Circus, a beacon of hope.
Every hero had an origin, and here was his.
Dick Grayson’s fingers clenched in the pockets of his dark leather jacket as he stared ahead into the lit up entryway of the tent, allowing all paying and eager showgoers to walk past him as he found himself unable to step inside just yet. It was his first time visiting his childhood home in ages, many years passed since Haly’s Circus last set foot in Gotham. Dick had already gone to say his hellos to Pop Haly, who greeted him as fondly as Dick had hoped.
‘Entrance fee is on me, kid ,’ he said, ‘ and don’t forget to come say goodbye before you leave .’ 
Big heart in an aging body, Pop Haly hasn’t changed a single bit. It was one of the reasons this merry band of traveling performers and gypsies stuck together for so long, regardless of the circus’ financial success. Pop Haly was stability in a microcosmos of carnivalesque chaos. 
He was always welcome here, Dick knew that.
Yet, as he eventually stepped inside, he felt like a complete stranger.
Bruce didn't know he was here. Neither did Alfred. Nor did any of his allies in the endless war for justice they'd bled and shed blood for. No, tonight was a different kind of battle, one which isn’t fought with escrima sticks, fancy gadgets or magnum bullets. Tonight was a battle of mind, of memories from a past he'd avoided for too long. A test, hopefully turned testimony, to a healing process years in the making. The final capstone to accepting a traumatic past.
As the spotlights switched on and centered on the ringmaster, Dick’s taut expression broke into a silly little smile. The booming voice welcomed everyone, welcomed him , to Haly’s extravaganza - and Dick was more than delighted to attend.
Nearly everything was as he remembered: The clowns running around the stage and weaving through the crowd while performing their ridiculous gimmicks, the awe-inspiring and bone-chilling trained animals jumping hoops and enacting balancing tricks, the tightrope walkers marching the thin line high up in the air, the jugglers throwing and catching dangerous and mundane objects alike at impossible distances. The crowd roared in applause, swept away by the charms of the circus - hook, line and sinker. Dick felt, if only for a moment, like a kid again. He recalled all the endless rehearsals, the strain before each show, and how satisfying it was to be met with the sounds of cheering and clapping after it.
Several of the spotlights dimmed, and it was time the star attraction to take center stage: The brand new flying trapeze group of Haly’s Circus; the new Flying Graysons, a respectful homage to the original. He watched the trio wave to the crowd from the upmost platforms, dressed in signature colors of old: A pair of adults, a man and a woman in their 30s, on one platform and a younger man, around his teenage years, on the opposite one. Dick could tell they were putting on their best smiles as they were introduced. He lingered on the boy, and the way his eyes twinkled to the shimmer of the spotlights.
Dick remembered how nervous he was the first time he performed before a live audience. The countless times he perfected his smile in front of a mirror, made sure his eyes popped with enthusiasm and that his costume fit every nook and cranny of his adolescent body just right. He also remembered the tightness in his chest, and how sweaty his palms were as he stood there, right there , where the young trapeze artist was currently taking a bow. They were both taught to face fear with a grin.
It was the exact same feeling he had when he first donned his Robin costume and caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the Batmobile’s windows, right before heading out to his first case with Bruce.
He had trained what felt like a lifetime, yet he thought he would never be ready.
The first fly bar swinging his way, the young acrobat on the platform caught it with a confident flair as the older male performer mounted the opposite catch bar. The stage was set.
“Breathe,” Dick whispered as if it was right into the boy’s ear, the latter about to leap off the platform. Dick’s breath caught as the boy finally did, and his eyes followed the motion arc attentively, unaware he on the edge of his seat.
The boy pushed back and forth to gain momentum right before the drums indicated it was time for the big trick: The Full Twisting Triple somersault.
‘You count to three, and you let go. You don’t think, you don’t hesitate. You just jump, and reach your arms forward.
I’ll be there to catch you.’
With his mother’s words echoing in the forefront of Dick’s thoughts, the young man let go of his fly bar. Gasps everywhere, it was the peak of the performance, the very earth stood still as the boy twirled one last time in the air, and then -
The older man’s arms reached out right on time, catching the boy’s arms in his own and brought him back to the safety of the other platform. The crowd, released from its flabbergasted suspense, cheered in deafening applaud. Dick, who had been half standing up to this point, slouched back into his seat and let out a breathless huff. The boy didn’t fall, the line wasn’t cut.
None of them were harmed.
Not this time.
Not while he was here.
Standing high on the rooftop of another one of Gotham City’s skyscrapers, the clouds had finally rolled in and rain began to pour. Dick Grayson, donning his costume, stood at the very edge of the upmost platform. He looked down at the city below, at all its lights and noises, and how far down the fall seemed to go.
Three .
He stood poised, perfected. He was Nightwing, the first Robin, Boy Wonder. Every muscle in his body tensed, ready for the leap. There were no bars, no safety net. Was he ready?
Two .
He used to think there was no one there to catch him. Every mistake he would make could cost him his life, and he was all alone as he jumped from that height. His training was his promise of safety, his instincts were his bars.
One .
He shouldn’t think. Even if he did dare to think, it didn’t matter. Because he still leaped, feeling the weight of his body being pulled by gravity, and how heavy this burden he thought he had to face all alone felt like. This symbol, this legacy, this hope . In times past, he felt like all he had left to look forward to was the grand splat.
But Dick learned, as he had taught others after him, there was always someone there to catch him. And as he noticed the sirens of the GCPD in the distance, the roaring of the Batmobile’s engine as it raced through the streets, the voices of his allies chiming through the comm piece - he knew.
He was Dick Grayson, the flying, the brave, the strong. He was Nightwing.
And he will never be alone ever again.
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ao3feed-jaydick · 10 months
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51932335 by Midosune To celebrate Christmas I've decided to do something very special in the form of my very own, kinkmas! Bottom Dick with a couple of other ships thrown in for fun! D1 - Mirror Sex/Praise Kink D2 - Window Sex D3 - Formal Wear/Semi-Public D4 - Getting Caught/Deepthroating D5 - Spanking D6 - Threesome/Dirty Talk D7 - Blood Play/Voyeurism D8 - Videos/Pictures/Daddy Kink D9 - Lap Dances/Ass Worship D10 - Sensory Deprivation/Edging D11 - Collaring/Lingerie D12 - Breast Worship D13 - Uniforms/Role Play D14 - Cock Warming/Squirting D15 - Bonds/Begging D16 - Clothed/Cock Worship D17 - Thigh Riding/Public D18 - Aftercare/Mommy Kink D19 - Humiliation/Creampie D20 - Loud Sex/Alpha/Omega D21 - Breath Play/Punishment D22 - Tickling/Biting D23 - Impact Play/Hand Kink D24 - Stockings/Size Difference D25 - Slow Sex/Marking D26 - Phone Sex/Orgasm Control D27 - Toys D28 - Pet Play/Swallowing D29 - Hair Pulling/Shower Sex D30 - Aphrodisiac/Overstimulation D31 - Master/Slade/Teasing Words: 0, Chapters: 3/31, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Wally West Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Deepthroating, Spanking, Voyeurism, Hate Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Lap Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Collars, Lingerie, Roleplay, Cock Warming, Begging, Bondage, Public Sex, Mommy Kink, Aftercare, Creampie, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Humiliation, Breathplay, Punishment, Impact Play, Size Difference, Size Kink, Marking, Come Marking, Come Swallowing, Overstimulation, Master/Slave, Shower Sex, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Intersex Omegas, Intersex Dick Grayson, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51932335
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ao3feed-sladedick · 10 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3EDdJQC by Midosune To celebrate Christmas I've decided to do something very special in the form of my very own, kinkmas! Bottom Dick with a couple of other ships thrown in for fun! D1 - Mirror Sex/Praise Kink D2 - Window Sex D3 - Formal Wear/Semi-Public D4 - Getting Caught/Deepthroating D5 - Spanking/Oral Fixation D6 - Threesome/Dirty Talk D7 - Blood Play/Voyeurism D8 - Videos/Pictures/Daddy Kink D9 - Lap Dances/Ass Worship D10 - Sensory Deprivation/Edging D11 - Collaring/Lingerie D12 - Breast Worship D13 - Uniforms/Role Play D14 - Cock Warming/Squirting D15 - Bonds/Begging D16 - Clothed/Cock Worship D17 - Thigh Riding/Public D18 - Aftercare/Mommy Kink D19 - Humiliation/Creampie D20 - Loud Sex/Alpha/Omega D21 - Breath Play/Punishment D22 - Tickling/Biting D23 - Impact Play/Hand Kink D24 - Stockings/Size Difference D25 - Slow Sex/Marking D26 - Phone Sex/Orgasm Control D27 - Toys D28 - Pet Play/Swallowing D29 - Hair Pulling/Shower Sex D30 - Aphrodisiac/Overstimulation D31 - Master/Slade/Teasing Words: 0, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Wally West Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Deepthroating, Spanking, Voyeurism, Hate Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Lap Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Collars, Lingerie, Roleplay, Cock Warming, Begging, Bondage, Public Sex, Mommy Kink, Aftercare, Creampie, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Humiliation, Breathplay, Punishment, Impact Play, Size Difference, Size Kink, Marking, Come Marking, Come Swallowing, Overstimulation, Master/Slave, Shower Sex, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Intersex Omegas, Intersex Dick Grayson, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3EDdJQC
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Amazing fanfiction South Park Avengers DCU Part 2
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hmfne0 by spaggywag two authors pass this book back and forth every day in school. nobody thinks like us! best fanfic you'll ever read! I'd recommend skimming through the last story, but do what you please. You can skip ahead to where your desired fandom enters the story WARNING!!! you WILL be very confused but go ahead and give it a shot Starts With Avengers South park enters chapter 3: Craig tucker Pov Words: 3210, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Our super fun autism extravaganza Fandoms: South Park, Marvel, DCU, Teen Titans Go!, Lin Manuel Miranda - Fandom, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Original Female Character(s), Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stephen Strange, Garfield Logan, Victor Stone, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Dick Grayson/Victor Stone/garfeild logan, tony stark & stephen strange & lin manel miranda & logan Howlett Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Trans Bruce Banner, mold infection, Tony Stark Has PTSD, Parent Tony Stark, co-parenting stucky and batman, teen titan suicide, Drug Use, Mpreg, Self-Harm, Past Sexual Abuse, The Jester - Freeform, Suicide, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dick Grayson, omegaverse trauma, heat - Freeform, Active Shooting, but its just a prank, Prankster Clint Barton, Clint Barton in the Ceiling Vents, Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Autistic Tony Stark, Autistic Bruce Banner, Autistic Craig Tucker, Autistic Peter Parker, Autistic Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has PTSD read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Hmfne0
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ginbenci · 9 months
for the year end ask game: 2, 4, 9, 11, and whichever one you most want to answer
2: How many fics I worked on: 25+ ! They divide as follows: Interviewing & Counseling series took 3 (and if we're counting "plans that should be posted by end of year", it gets 5! --that's part of the +); Imperial Green series took 4; Holy Subjectivity, Batman! series took another two; and the rest are stand-alones of varying length and completion status -- including two massive WIPs for Marvel Trumps Hate, and my Black Widow meets Agent Carter time travel extravaganza Back in the (US)SSR, at which I continue to chip away!
(the + also contains one (1) unpublished dialogue exchange in the Supernatural bunker between Cas and Sam. It cries out for a surrounding plot, but I don't have one.) 4: Most inspiring media: the 1998 movie Shakespeare in Love, which I mashed (along with Richard Gere's character beats in Pretty Woman) into one of my favourite works, All the World's a Stage, in which disaffected businessman Slade Wilson ends up investing in a shoestring theater in Gotham that is crewed by Dick Grayson and every bird there's ever been, and Slade finds himself (and love) in the process. Also -- playwright Jason Todd in happy Joyfire! Tons of parental angst! Tons of pratfalls!
9: Meant the most to me: Tossup bw All the World's a Stage (cf. 4, above) and Ripples (A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe), which at 726 words is my shortest fic (of this year and of all time). It feels a lot like a poem to me--I'm a careful editor, usually, but bc Ripples was so very short every single word was chosen purposefully, polished, picked up and turned over and put down again like a little gem. It's also about Krypton, the essential tragedy of Superman/Clark Kent, and astronomy (which I love)—and it made me reread Pessoa, which is also always good.
11: Most satisfying to finish: Okay, tossup with All the World's a Stage again, but only because it's this year's only completed longfic and my other longfics are still trundling along their merry ways 🤣 The other side of the tossup is Bus Error (even though I actually finished it in December 2022) because it was due for posting as part of the Birdwatchers 365 event on January 1 and when I signed up for the word "Bus" I was terrified we'd start off with a fumble and a pinch hit because of me 😂
24: Something that surprised me in a fic: DYLAN. Dylan Miller, eelman, mobster, chaos gremlin, completely unpredictable OC in The Passing There. He KEEPS changing the story and it's frankly getting a bit silly--Dylan contains multitudes. (Alternate Universe Bruce "Alan" is also a bit of a wildcard, there, but every major Dylan moment takes me by surprise.
Thanks for asking, @draskireis, this was very fun to go through ♥ Onwards to 2024 (etc--once I'm finished up for 2023!)
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iwhumpyou · 4 years
Here my prompt :Dick realise that haly circus was just a cover for the court and they actually bad persons and they knew about him maybe becoming a talon and he is why his parents have been killed ft batfam
Normally I don’t like to do Court of Owls, but Dick + emotional whump = 💖.
The moon was shining brightly in the sky - the same moon that had shone over the circus on the night of Dick’s final performance as a Flying Grayson.  For fifteen years afterward, Dick felt the loss of the circus - of his home - like an ache in his chest, a wound that would never heal.
It still hadn’t healed, but it had been filled.  With rage and confusion and betrayal.
There was no sound of footsteps on the roof tiles, but Dick could feel the presence settle next to him.  He turned instinctively, letting his head rest against a thigh as he continued to stare up.  Fingers slowly carded through his hair.
“My parents,” Dick said slowly, “Died because of me.”
The response gave no room for argument - “No.”
“Zucco - the Court - Haly’s Circus - all because of me,” Dick said, his face numb.  He’d spent hours crying when they discovered the truth, hours sobbing once the threat of the Court was gone and he’d peeled off his costume and stepped into the shower and broken completely.
“Then whose fault is it?”
“I know this sometimes escapes your miniscule brain, Dickiebird,” a low voice drawled as booted footsteps clattered down the roof, “But you’re not the center of the goddamn universe.”  Jason flopped heavily down on the other side of Dick, and stretched his arms back as he got comfortable.
“The Court wanted me,” Dick said bitterly, “The Gray Son of Gotham.”
“The One Who Is All,” Cass rejoined from above him - Dick hadn’t sensed her presence at all.  She poked him in the forehead.  “Destiny is ours to make.”
“It’s still my fault,” Dick said lowly, “My great-grandfather -”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Steph called out from where she was trying to climb up the side of the roof, “Stop pushing Tim - you really want to talk about villainous family members with us?”
She finally pulled herself over the edge and dropped down on top of Bruce’s legs.  Tim followed - Jason gave a small grunt as the baby bird practically sat on his stomach - and blinked at Dick, “We’re not responsible for the actions of others.  Even if they’re family.  You were the one who told me that.”
It - it wasn’t the same.  It wasn’t.  It - all this time, all these years, his parents’ deaths had been a tragedy.  He’d hunted down the man responsible and put him away.  The circus burning down was a tragedy.  He’d hunted down the man responsible and - well, he didn’t want to think about that, but the man was dead.
And yet all this time, Dick had been the one responsible.  Every tragedy that had befallen the people he loved had been because of him.  They would’ve all been better off without him.
“If I’d never been born,” Dick said, “My parents would still be alive.”
“Are you sure about that?” Damian scowled, crawling on top of him, and Dick automatically adjusted to wrap his arms around his youngest brother, “You are not the only Grayson.”
“I am -”
“You are now.  But you weren’t always.  Why do you assume that, as a nine-year-old, you were expected to know more about your family history than your parents?  They should’ve protected you, and they didn’t.”
His parents hadn’t known.  Or had they?
“We should’ve never came to Gotham,” Dick said quietly, “The circus would still be here, my parents would still be alive, I wouldn’t - I wouldn’t be -” a Talon.  Nightwing.  Robin.  Dick wouldn’t have had any of this - not his father, not his little brothers and sisters, not his grandfather, not his aunts and uncles and teammates and friends.
Silence stretched across the roof.  No one said a word.
“Is it horrible?” Dick asked, his words so soft they were stolen off his lips by the wind, “That if I had the chance to change it, I don’t know if I would?”
“If it is,” Bruce said, stroking the hair out of his face, “Then we’ll be horrible together.”
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Batfam On A Road Trip HC
req: “Batfam on a road trip? It’s been on my mind for like a week-”
oh god it’s probably so chaotic... and like distinctly dangerous???
also this is my car AU where there’s infinite rows of seats in the car until I’m done.
we’ve got Bruce driving - even though Damian, Dick, Tim, Jason, AND Steph all tried to get behind the wheel but after last years incident the only people allowed to drive are Bruce and Duke but Duke doesn’t like driving with his siblings bouncing off the damn walls.
Speaking of Duke, mans snagged himself a window seat SO FAST it would make your head spin. He likes to sit next to Damian (who got put in the middle because he’s the smallest) and they share earbuds and Duke’s phone which is loaded with like 128 hours of songs. Against popular belief, Damian is actually good at sharing when it’s not with one of his more “obnoxious” siblings and he and Duke get along really well - they also have the same music taste. Duke changes between queue-ing songs, staring out the window making little stories in his head, and watching Damian draw. He occasionally is tasked with holding the sharp objects smuggled into the car after they’re discovered by Bruce as he’s the second most responsible (after Cass).
Speaking of the most responsible sibling, Cass somehow got shotgun next to Bruce. This is because she’s the only who makes him not want to throw himself out of the car and she’s a pretty good navigator. So, as she tries to moderate the back of the car she also is in charge of agreeing on pit stops and coffee breaks which works well because Cass is fair and no one can be an asshole to her. On the first road trip Cass discovered a Wendy’s Frosty and now she will usually write at least one Wendy’s stop into the trip - no one complains except Tim who is forbidden from ordering the spicy nuggets after last years incident.
Tim, the one notorious for threatening to throw himself out of the car most often, is sat in the far back. He someone gets a row to himself under the guise of “sleeping” when in reality he spends the trip typing away on his laptop, chugging monster energy drinks, and occasionally trying to make Dick bark like a dog through some kind of sleep-manipulation he read about one night at 2am. It involves him whispering in his ear and usually ends up making the whole car uncomfortable, except Jason who thinks it’s the funniest shit ever. However, after the incident his back seat gets thoroughly checked by Bruce for stowaways every pitstop, but he’d never store a secret in the same place twice...
We move to Jason! Who sits next to Steph. They’re the snack distributors. Known for throwing popcorn in the other’s mouths but it usually ends up being thrown at Bruce, Damian, or both. Jason is a champ at fruit roll up eating competitions. He claims it’s because his tongue is so strong from eating... nevermind. Jason is surprisingly organized about the snacks, and frequently restocks (with Bruce’s credit card of course) on pit stops. Jason likes to complain early into the trip but by the end he’s telling the most fun stories, singing the loudest, and causing the most trouble. His and Steph’s row is definitely the most fun. But he’s still on the list with Bruce after helping Tim become a world class smuggler during the trip that shall not be named.
Steph is the family interpreter. She shares messages from the back to the front and vice versa. She’s known for saying the back row is hungry when it was in fact her but everyone loves her for her honesty. She’s the first to ask for a leg stretch break, and the one who puts on good songs after Dick has had the aux for too long. She’s basically the lorax of the batfam road trip. She usually makes the snack packs that are distributed throughout the car and is known for memorizing everyone’s favorites to optimize the best snacks. Steph actually wasn’t in the car for the great incident, she often questions what happened but only knows what Dick quietly whispered to her, something about feeding nuggets to a foreign passenger...
Dick, the storyteller, the terrible-music-meister, the road trip organizer himself, sits on the other side of Damian. He was the one who purposefully cleared everyone’s schedule for the weekend and who roughly planned the route. Dick works closely with Cass to make sure they’re going the right way and he also mediates all fights that occur during the trip, and trust that there are a lot. Dick is known for being restless and often throws his head out the window on the freeway “just to feel something” his quote not mine. Dick is incharge of taking all dangerous items off Damian (and sometimes Tim’s) person before the trip and he was in the most trouble when the intruders were found during last years incident. But he took it with stride and promised Bruce this year would be better!
Damian, the deeply unhappy middle seater, can be found drawing and pretending he can’t hear Grayson blabbing on about “this crazy adventure he had as Robin so sooo long ago”. Damian is known for pouting through the first stop but after he’s had some quiet time he can actually be seen with the corners of his mouth upturned- especially if they drive past farms during the trip (Cass tries extra hard to make sure they do). Damian also had been known to try to run away during stops so he’s kind of heavily watched by Bruce and Dick. Luckily, his place in the middle seat means he’s far enough away from Tim to be “bothered by his mere presence” which is a significant win and close enough to Duke and Cass to keep him sane.
We are in fact missing two main people: Babs and Alfred. These two opt to stay home, getting the much deserved break they need. They like to have tea parties, cleaning extravaganzas, and (though they won’t admit it) the occasional dance break in the batcave when no one’s looking. They like to take the batmobile to get food and their guilty pleasure is watching rom-coms on the giant screen in the batcave while eating “trashy takeaways” as Alfred so eloquently calls them. These two have the best time, but if anyone asks they were simple awaiting the rest of their families return.
That’s how I think it’d go down! Overall I think it would be chaotic but not as bad as one might think, they are family after all : )
Oh wait, I forget, there are two more stowaways...
Bart and Kon are silent, Kon mostly flies above but occasionally slips into the trunk to rest with Bart. Bart easily slips into the trunk and is quite literally gone in a flash if Bruce ever suspects anything. Just because Tim can’t hand feed him nuggets doesn’t mean the boy isn’t read for road trip part two! He just hopes Kon made a flying stop at tacobell because he’s getting kinda hungry...
“Timmmm are we there yet?”
“oh my god I finally experienced the great incident but now part two!”
“hi Steph! Yeah I’m here! Sorry Brucie, but yeah, can you pass me a twizzler?”
yup, now that’s a batfam road trip : )
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Would you say that you have, like, a main storyline for Batdad? I know there's a few reoccurring bits with Batdad, like how his parents abandoned him with Alfred and Bruce or how Batdad was the one to comfort Bruce when his parents died, so it would make sense that you have some sort of "official cinematic universe" for Batdad. But then again, Batdad is supposed to be some kind of self insert so I can see how there might not be some linear timeline for him.
Okay, so it's a little complex, because Batdad is generally a reader insert, so he's sort of meant to be a blank slate to fit into, but generally the same ideas are true of quote-unquote "canon" Batdad. Here's the barebones ideas behind Batdad's history. I can answer any further questions you may have!
Batdad is a pacifist. Alfred was granted full custody of him by his parents by the age of seven and Batdad has not seen them since. Batdad and Bruce legally married at 18, although they had no ceremony. Batdad is CEO of Wayne Enterprises and has run it since he was nineteen. Batdad attended Gotham University and business school while taking charge of Wayne Enterprises. During this 5-6 year period, Bruce was training around the world to be Batman. Batdad and Bruce exchanged letters during this time - Batdad more often than Bruce. When Bruce returned they had a magnificent wedding extravaganza. Batdad is far more skilled than Bruce at public speaking, manipulating people, and gaming the system, using rules to his advantage and to help others. He constantly donates and fundraises and personally helps the people of Gotham. Most criminals do not touch him, except for the particularly insane or petty.
Mr. Freeze is no longer a criminal - Batdad has him working as a paid consultant in Wayne Enterprises' medical branch in return for funding research into his wife's disease and paying for her cryogenic maintenance. Batdad also has Deadshot on permanent retainer as a bodyguard.
Batdad secretly disapproves of his husband being Batman as well as his sons becoming Robin. Batdad was the first to comfort Dick Grayson when his parents died. He also kept in touch when Dick moved to Bludhaven briefly. Until Damian, each of the Batboys becomes more comfortable with Batdad first, each of them calling him some variation of "Dad," while Bruce is given "B" at best. He is heartbroken when Jason dies and supportive of Tim becoming a Robin, if only to stop Bruce from making even more stupid decisions.
At some point, Bruce slept with Selina Kyle. Bruce also kept up a long-term flirtation with Talia al-Ghul prior to her assault of him. Batdad sometimes privately greases the wheels of bureaucracy to have certain criminals remanded to the maximum security Blackgate Prison or Belle Reve Penitentiary in Louisiana instead of Arkham.
Batdad paid for Barry and Iris' wedding. Batdad and Bruce publicly have Christmas galas, but privately they celebrate non-denominationally, although they have some Hanukkah decorations to celebrate Bruce's Jewish heritage. The only big party Batdad actually enjoys hosting is the annual holiday gathering for the Justice League.
Damian has attempted to kill Batdad fifty-six times. Eventually their relationship improved, especially after Batdad refused to fight Talia and took a sword meant for Damian. Duke Thomas was encouraged and helped by Batdad from the start, even when Batman tried to discourage him.
Batdad and Bruce Wayne publicly are sponsors and advocates for the Justice League, even if Batdad still privately doubts the efficacy of superheroic vigilantism. Batdad mediates private disputes among the members and finds close friends in Clark and Diana. Clark may be considered Batdad's best friend, and the only person in which Batdad confides all his troubles to.
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danny-chase · 3 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Batman (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jon Kent Additional Tags: Damian Wayne & everyone else, DamianWayneWeek2021, Damian Wayne Centric, POV Damian Wayne, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Batfamily (DCU), a smidgen of canon typical violence, mostly fluff with a little angst, Eventual Family Bonding, Damian Wayne is Robin, Dick Grayson is Batman, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne Gets a Hug, good siblings everyone Summary:
Of all the camping trips Damian had ever been on, none had been quite as memorable as the family camping extravaganza. Grayson, on the last full day of the trip, had asked their guide to take a photo of the group after they finished white water rafting. The photograph was horrid in his opinion, but Grayson insisted on printing copies for everyone, and Pennyworth had a larger print framed for the Bunker’s kitchen. It was there he found himself on a rainy Saturday morning, eating cucumber sandwiches with Jonathan Kent, who’d finally noticed the picture in question.
“Where’s that?” He asked, mouth disgustingly full of food, a grubby hand pointing towards the photo. Damian sighed; Kent stared at him with wide, naïve eyes until he answered.
We made it! Shoutout to @batbitchandthefam for being my beta ily!
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camsthisky · 2 years
Can you do 2. "Are you crying?" With dick and one/some of the other bats? :)
"Are you crying?" Jason asks from behind Dick.
Dick scrubs at his face. He is sitting on the step of a particularly unused staircase leading from the second to the third floor, most likely built for servants when the manor was still filled with them. Now, Dick uses it to hide from everyone, especially nosy little brothers.
"No, I'm fine," Dick says, a beat too late. His voice is almost normal, too, but it wavers right at the end.
Jason is silent for a few moments, and Dick just focuses on breathing. On taking every single bit of anger and hurt buzzing underneath his skin like living electricity and shoving it deep, deep down.
Lights up, it's showtime. His life is a performance, and it looks like Dick is on.
"Really," Dick says, sounding actually normal now. He still doesn't turn around to face Jason, since his eyes are probably red and puffy. "I'm fine. Just a rough day."
"Sure," Jason says noncommittally. Dick hears the thump of Jason's boots walk down another three steps, and then Jason is sitting down right next to him. He elbows Dick in the side. "I'm here if you wanna talk."
Dick frowns. "I'm fine."
Jason hums. "Well, I'm here either way."
Dick sighs, slumping just slightly. They sit in silence for a minute, which turns to two, then three, and Dick finally says, "I don't really want to talk about it, so you don't have to sit here with me."
Jason shrugs. Offers, "I'm here."
And Dick feels warm fondness for his oldest younger brother well up just slightly, muting the angry livewire somewhat. It sends Dick's lips into a small smile.
"Thanks, Jay."
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spoilers-ahead · 1 year
forever and ever amazed by how dc readapted the flips from the silver age teen titans comics to the re-done origin story from 2008
from giving off major 50s surfer vibes (showcase #54)
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ao3feed-jaydick · 10 months
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51932335 by Midosune To celebrate Christmas I've decided to do something very special in the form of my very own, kinkmas! Bottom Dick with a couple of other ships thrown in for fun! D1 - Mirror Sex/Praise Kink D2 - Window Sex D3 - Formal Wear/Semi-Public D4 - Getting Caught/Deepthroating D5 - Spanking/Oral Fixation D6 - Threesome/Dirty Talk D7 - Blood Play/Voyeurism D8 - Videos/Pictures/Daddy Kink D9 - Lap Dances/Ass Worship D10 - Sensory Deprivation/Edging D11 - Collaring/Lingerie D12 - Breast Worship D13 - Uniforms/Role Play D14 - Cock Warming/Squirting D15 - Bonds/Begging D16 - Clothed/Cock Worship D17 - Thigh Riding/Public D18 - Aftercare/Mommy Kink D19 - Humiliation/Creampie D20 - Loud Sex/Alpha/Omega D21 - Breath Play/Punishment D22 - Tickling/Biting D23 - Impact Play/Hand Kink D24 - Stockings/Size Difference D25 - Slow Sex/Marking D26 - Phone Sex/Orgasm Control D27 - Toys D28 - Pet Play/Swallowing D29 - Hair Pulling/Shower Sex D30 - Aphrodisiac/Overstimulation D31 - Master/Slade/Teasing Words: 0, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Wally West Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Deepthroating, Spanking, Voyeurism, Hate Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Lap Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Collars, Lingerie, Roleplay, Cock Warming, Begging, Bondage, Public Sex, Mommy Kink, Aftercare, Creampie, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Humiliation, Breathplay, Punishment, Impact Play, Size Difference, Size Kink, Marking, Come Marking, Come Swallowing, Overstimulation, Master/Slave, Shower Sex, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Intersex Omegas, Intersex Dick Grayson, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51932335
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Amazing fanfiction South Park Avengers DCU Part 2
by spaggywag two authors pass this book back and forth every day in school. nobody thinks like us! best fanfic you'll ever read! I'd recommend skimming through the last story, but do what you please. You can skip ahead to where your desired fandom enters the story WARNING!!! you WILL be very confused but go ahead and give it a shot Starts With Avengers South park enters chapter 3: Craig tucker Pov Words: 3210, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Our super fun autism extravaganza Fandoms: South Park, Marvel, DCU, Teen Titans Go!, Lin Manuel Miranda - Fandom, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Original Female Character(s), Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Bruce Banner, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stephen Strange, Garfield Logan, Victor Stone, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Dick Grayson/Victor Stone/garfeild logan, tony stark & stephen strange & lin manel miranda & logan Howlett Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU), Trans Bruce Banner, mold infection, Tony Stark Has PTSD, Parent Tony Stark, co-parenting stucky and batman, teen titan suicide, Drug Use, Mpreg, Self-Harm, Past Sexual Abuse, The Jester - Freeform, Suicide, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dick Grayson, omegaverse trauma, heat - Freeform, Active Shooting, but its just a prank, Prankster Clint Barton, Clint Barton in the Ceiling Vents, Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Autistic Tony Stark, Autistic Bruce Banner, Autistic Craig Tucker, Autistic Peter Parker, Autistic Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has PTSD via https://ift.tt/2Hmfne0
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