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thechriscormier · 4 years ago
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NEW Easy-to-Use Iron-on Embroidered Dice Patches Only availabe through our Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/geekygoodiesshop/ #Dice #DiceGames #badge #patch #patches #iron-on #die #DiceChucker #GeekyGoodies https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8T3CrHfJf/?igshid=xz7ylkgd5h0a
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years ago
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Agh, Homestuck 2 updated.
Vriska Maryam-Lalonde, recently "Vrissy," and potentially "You Are So Grounded You Are Never Leaving The House Again," isn’t what’s commonly referred to as an "outside girl".
This isn’t the worst example by a long shot, but HS2′s narration is often trying a little too hard to be quirky for my liking. Homestuck 1 never really needed “narration” of this sort, and HS2 isn’t doing a great job of proving its worth. I suppose it’s a limitation of the conceit. There has to be a narrator for plot reasons, so a bunch of stuff is being told to us for no other reason than to give the narrator something to do.
VRISSY: Sorry, not all of Us had SGRU8 Sessions to make ourselves Immortal. VRISKA: Well, we’ll take care of that, don’t even worry a8out it.
I do like how casually Vriska promises to make Vrissy a literal god, something she has no idea how to do and might not even be possible. This is a ludicrous promise to make and, Vriska being Vriska, she’ll probably actually try it and kill Vrissy in the process.
VRISSY: Ms. Roxy was talking about coming up with some sort of Autonomous Flying Device, 8ut it got Shot Down by the Council. VRISKA: What the fuck is that? VRISSY: A Governing 8ody, sort of? I’m not actually Sure how much Power they have anymore, what with the 8atterwitch seizing control of everything.
I also like how Vrissy, who is in the rebellion, has only a super-vague idea of how her society works. Or, rather, I would love it if I didn’t suspect that the writers don’t know either. Doesn’t Earth C have a president, and that was like the whole B-Plot of the Meat Epilogues? 
VRISKA: Ideally we’d go back to when you were a wiggler and start your training right away, 8ut that’s not exactly an option. So god tier it is.
VRISSY: Is that even Possi8le? outside of the Game?
VRISKA: Nope. 8ut we don’t have to worry a8out that, once we get back into SGRU8.
VRISSY: What???
VRISKA: We have to start this shit over again, you have all let it get so out of hand there’s really nothing to do besides a hard reset.
Oh, Vriska actually is going to try it. Of course she is. Presumably she’s going to use the frog temple to enter the Alpha session, and then....um....I don’t know what the “Hard Reset” would be. The Beat Mesa is already scratched, the alpha kids had no Time planet, and Aradia’s planet was destroyed.
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I think Vriska is badly overused in Homestuck, but there’s a good reason for it; everyone in the cast just stays at home and watches TV in a vague depression all day, but Vriska is a DnD character setting off traps just to heroically escape them. Vriska makes things happen and no one else in HS really does.
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Also, Vrissy, the fuck. You can’t use a weapon in Homestuck without establishing your Strife Specibus first? There are conventions at play here! 
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Hm. Is this circle of 15 bad guys, like the 15 balls in a game of pool and the 15 planets in Caliborn’s session, some kind of foreshadowing?
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Is it me, or does this series of panels not read very clearly. I had to go back and read it again to figure out was was happening. John is following the ship, but he’s both behind it and facing away from it in the middle two panels, which is just really odd.
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After all this time
John Egbert is no longer Homestuck
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It was established earlier that Rose put out fake intel that John and the kids were hiding at John’s house, so this isn’t just petty, it was an attempt to kill John, Harry, and the Vriskas.
Speaking of Harry, hey John, FYI, you have a son who’s in danger right now this isn’t the best time to spend houses watching your house burn down.
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I suppose this is a Big Deal? John’s house is the Homestuck logo, after all, and John’s inability to move on from his past glories of HS1, represented by him never moving out of his childhood home, is the cause of his ennui, a slight jab at people who preferred HS1, and a way for John to still be emotionally “Home Stuck”, even if he’s not literally stuck in his home any more. 
It’s a very huge thematic moment (and look, John’s not even taking care of his son because he’s literally stuck at home and can’t leave it, long after it’s burned to the ground, in the same way the fanbase still reads HS2!), but it just...kind of happened?
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davidslivens · 7 years ago
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I’ve a real fondness for Lord of Vegas. It’s the kind of game where making bad choices can be both hilarious and profitable! You can earn millions on the roll of some dice, then lose it all again on the next turn, and then make a huge comeback on the next turn! Power struggles, gambling, risky expansion and pure luck all come together to make a brilliantly conflict-based game of profiteering. I’d highly recommend this one! #lordsofvegas #mayfairgames #jamesernest #mikeselinker #boardgames #dicechucking #dicerolling #dicegame #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #boardgamegeek #boardgame #hobbygames #hobby #vegas #gamer #gaming
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thechriscormier · 6 years ago
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I am madly in love with my new 30-sided die sent to me by our friends at @skullsplitterdice. Honestly this might be my favorite die ever. It reminds me of that piece of amber with the mosquito in it from Jurassic Park. I need more reasons to roll this little beauty! #IloveDice #Dice #DiceChucker #d30 #BoardGames #BoardGameAddict #TabletopGames #30sided #JurassicPark #DiceCollector #ThisIsHowIroll #DiceGames https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTBMJlnARG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g5ck2x2e93bp
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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Las Vegas is a fun dice game by #RudigerDorn and published by #Ravensburger. Roll all your dice pick all the dice of one of the numbers you rolled and put it on that Casino. If at the end of the round you have more dice than anyone else you get the highest money card at that casino. Ties get nothing. Simple, fun dice chucking. #TabletopGames #DiceGames #casinos #PushYourLuckGames #DiceChucker #Gamestagram #GamesOfInstagram #LasVegas https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMETl-n3Cj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13rilvycrqxux
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
Skullsplitter Dice sent me this gorgeous Metal Dice Case (called a Wizard's Grimoire) and Antique Brass Metal Dice. The dice case has material on the bottom and on the lid so you can roll your dice in it like a dice tray without it being too loud while still protecting the dice and the metal. Super high-quality metal dice, heavy and beautiful! Love them! Collect all the dice! Check out all the different dice trays for different character classes and dice (metal and regular) options at Skullsplitterdice.com. #dice #ilovedice #DiceChucker #DiceGetMeExcited #ThisIsHowIRoll #DiceCollection #Wizard #Spell #DiceCase #wizards #RPGs #RPG #RolePlayingGames #RPGdice #MetalDice #grimoire #SpellBook #SkullsplitterDice
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thechriscormier · 5 years ago
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Still loving these brass metal dice I got from Skullsplitter Dice (Skullsplitterdice.com). They have done great stuff - you should go check them out.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Follow them on Instagram at @skullsplitterdice⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #dice #ilovedice #DiceChucker #DiceGetMeExcited #d20 #ThisIsHowIRoll #DnD #d10 #DiceCollection ⁣#DnDdice #DiceCase #wizards #RPGs #RPG #RolePlayingGames #RPGdice #MetalDice #d6 #dungeonsanddragons #SkullsplitterDice⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QjIzuHAsW/?igshid=1oxjhcnh2ipsg
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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Such a brilliant game! Roll Player has players drafting dice and placing them on their player board to create the best, most efficient character for a roll playing game. Works perfectly! #BoardGames #TabletopGames #StrategyGames #Dice #DiceGames #RPG #RolePlayingGames #DiceChucker #RPGs #DiceDraftingGames #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #KeithMatejka #ThunderworksGames #RollPlayer
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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Roll Player feels very much like a big, complex puzzle. Very "thinky" game. Designed by Keith Matejka and published by Thunderworks Games. #BoardGame #TabletopGame #StrategyGame #Dice #DiceGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DiceChucker #RPGs #DiceDraftingGame #DnD #DungeonsAndDragon #KeithMatejka #ThunderworksGames #RollPlayer
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thechriscormier · 8 years ago
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Thanks so much @gamefriday!!!! Happy gaming! * * * * * Repost from @gamefriday - Greg is liking his new Dice Chucker shirt from Geeky Goodies @thechriscormier - #boardgametshirts #boardgaming #tabletopgaming #dice #boardgameshirts #tshirts #geekshirt #geekytshirt #boardgame #geek #gamenight #gamenightgear #gamingshirt #GeekyGoodies #DiceChucker
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thechriscormier · 8 years ago
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Las Vegas. Yet ANOTHER game by Rüdiger Dorn that I absolutely must own. Such great fun! #DiceChucker #DiceGames #TabletopGames #rüdigerdorn #spieldesjahresnominee #games #gamer #PartyGame #FamilyGames #dice #gaming #casino #alea #Ravensburger #LasVegas
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thechriscormier · 8 years ago
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Dice Chucker Unisex T-shirts May your dice toss true and not let you down! >>> Find this shirt here: https://goo.gl/VrRGpU #BoardGamer #shirts #tshirts #DesignerGamer #TabletopGamer #AnalogGamer #StrategyGamer #HobbyGamer #WarGamer #FamilyGames #AbstractGames #DiceGames #dice #RPGs #RPG #gamer #BoardGameGeek #geek #geeks #geeky #TabletopGames #tabletop #BGG #GeekyGoodies #DiceChucker
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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Gorgeous dice 😲 from @paladinroleplaying. These ones are Splintered Bones! Go check out their Kickstarter at http://tiny.cc/dicekick * * * * Repost from @paladinroleplaying • • • • • SPLINTERED BONES lie strewn around the rocks... This must be the scene of an epic battle.... Roll initiative! .... New dice now on Kickstarter: http://tiny.cc/dicekick . . #DiceChucker #RPG #RPGdice #RPGs #IloveDice #DiceAddict #polyhedraldice #diceart #roleplayinggame #dungeonsanddragons #rpggamer #dicelove #dice #tabletopgamer #dungeonmaster #5e #pathfinderrpg #dungeonsanddragons5e #geek #5thedition #Kickstarter #paladinroleplaying
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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Look at these gorgeous dice! I don't really play RPGs any more(I would play a Doctor Who or Firefly RPG) but I have an obsession with dice and this set from Paladin Role Playing just feels so luxurious! @paladinroleplaying. #Dice #TabletopGames #IloveDice #DiceAddict #DiceChucker #d20 #d4 #d8 #d10 #d12 #RPGdice #PaladinRolePlaying
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thechriscormier · 7 years ago
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I can use all the help I can get when it comes to rolling dice! Meeple from#Scoville by @tastyminstrel. #dice #meeples #BoardGameGeek #BoardGames #DiceChucker #BoardGameAddict #TastyMinstrelGames #playtmg #Scoville #die #DiceGames #Meeple
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thechriscormier · 8 years ago
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Game of Las Vegas from a while back. Such a fun game! So simple but excellent! Roll you dice, pick a number that you rolled, all the dice with that number get put on the matching casino. Whoever has the majority of dice on each casino at the end of the round wins the money that was randomly dealt there at the start of the round. More strategy than it sounds. Great fun! #DiceChucker #DiceGames #TabletopGames #rüdigerdorn #spieldesjahresnominee #casino #LasVegas
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