#diaval drabble
first-edition · 2 years
Diaval x reader
Sum- throwing mud in the moors. Cute bathing scene with diaval (if you squint)
(Maleficent 2)
Cw- slight mention nudity, daughter of maleficent.
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He would always look at you certain ways, wither it was a side glance or a long admiring look everyone knew how much diaval loved you. Spending time in the moors with you, taking flights with you, and even nights like now sitting by the water edge as your half sister Aroura plays in the water with the Fay beings. 
“y/n come play with us!” She calls
“i dont think so.” You giggle your mother sits up in a tree watching as to not get splashed. 
“come o-” it goes quiet when she hit with mud by one of the Wallerbogs. They laugh at her now covered in mud she grabs some and throws it back. A mud fight has begun. You dodge a few but end up getting hit making your lover laugh out at your turmoil of getting mud splashed along your dress. You grab a chunk of mud and chuck it at him. It lands square against him. 
You and aurora now laughing in the water. Diaval gets up and walks to you with a handful of mud smearing it across your face. You reciprocate using your magic and lifting a terribly large amount dropping it over his head completely covering him in the dirt. Making your mother laugh. 
“i swear!” He exclaims and picks you up putting you over his shoulder making you giggle your wings flapping lightly at the shift in position. You laugh as he runs around with you smearing mud on your wings and back.
The mud fight goes on for a few more minute before your mother calls you and aurora sending you to clean up before bed. 
“mother please?!” You beg still attached over diaval shoulder. 
“now. We’re to be meeting prince Philips family tomorrow.” She says you sigh and nod. Diaval lets you down and watches as you walk off with aurora. 
You remove your dress and undergarments and dive into the water washing off the mud from your hair and body. You begin grooming out your wings. You feel the water shift around you and hands on your waist. 
“need help?” His scruffy voice asks. 
“y-yes. I wouldn’t if you hadn’t smeared it into my feathers.” You say 
“mm.” He replies helping you wash the mud from your wings. 
“what do you think? About Philip and aurora?” You ask 
“it’s not my place to say what i think about them but, they seem like a perfect match.” He says 
“hm..” you reply. 
“why? Whats wrong?” He asks 
“Philip is human…” 
“aurora is human.” He responds
“Yes but, aurora grew up here same as me. I just i dont know what to expect tomorrow.” You reply. 
“hmm would you have liked her fall for a fairy? Or fayperson?” He asks 
You shrug. 
“would you rather her fall for me?” He jokes you turn around the water lightly splashing against your wings as you do. 
“No! You’re mine.” You say looking up to him. He chuckles holding his hands up in defense. It’s then you realize he’s also nude and cleaned off probably by your mothers magic. Aurora the same other wise she would be bathing along side you.
The markings on his chest that lead to his face something you always been fond of with him. 
He puts his hand down letting them rest against your waist yet one moves your hair out of your face and brushes his thumb against your cheek. 
“It’ll be fine tomorrow im sure his family is nice.” He reassures you. You nod. 
You wrap your arms around his neck kissing him he kisses you back. The only thing that matters to him in the world is you and being happy with you. 
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A Title's Burden
[ A humble little Michael drabble I wrote up a while ago! 310 words, angst. Michael arrives to his first day at RAD, to discover his name carries uncomfortable baggage. ]
"Astaroth, Diaval, Valac, Gremos..."
Michael resisted the urge to close his eyes for a quick doze as his first professor of the day droned off names during attendance.
Demons, all demons. As to be expected- there were only a handful of exchange students, compared to hundreds of locals. Still, that didn't make him any more comfortable, being the only angel in the class. Again, as he had anticipated. He wasn't sure whether he should be relieved or disappointed that none of the demons here were familiar faces.
He was in human form, as per RAD uniform decorum. He'd even worn the actual uniform, unlike his siblings, to look less conspicuous. Most of the students had guessed at this point that he was one of the exchange students given that he was an unfamiliar face, and many had even rightly assumed him to be an angel- but asides from a few curious glances, most didn't seem too interested in him. Well, at least the feeling was mutual.
He perked up as he heard his name called.
As did most of the class.
"Wait. Michael? As in Archangel Michael?"
"No way. I heard rumors he was coming here as an exchange student, but I figured there was no way it was true."
"Maybe it's just a human with the same name. From what I've heard, it's a common name up there."
"No, don't you smell it? He reeks of angel."
"So it is him..."
"What's he doing down here? Angels like him don't come down here unless there's an agenda."
"And he's our classmate... man, my course on the Great Celestial War just got a ton easier."
Michael couldn't help but heave a sigh.
"Present," He spoke up with a forced smile, projecting his voice over the murmurs of the class in hopes of stopping the discussions around him in their tracks.
As the professor moved on, Michael shrunk back in his seat. This was going to be a long year...
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nyxronomicon · 1 year
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darkhearthorns · 1 year
Maverick's Past || Drabble
Once upon a time, two kingdoms existed, each residing in entirely different realms. The Moorlands, a land abundant with enchanting creatures and the home of Maleficent, a solitary Fae of dragon-blood lineage, provided her with a peaceful childhood. The Moorlands boasted lush forests adorned with vibrant flowers, meandering rivers, majestic lakes, and towering mountains. Though similar to Earth, it was a realm where peculiar yet endearing flora and fauna thrived. In this magical land, beings from different species could understand one another, fostering harmony and unity. The border between the Moorlands and King Stefan's Castle was marked by statues, standing tall outside the forest, but not significantly far from each other. Stefan, who had frequented the forest since childhood, developed a close friendship with Maleficent, unaware that she was destined to become the Queen of the Moorlands. The border between their kingdoms was merely delineated by shrubbery, which the creatures respected but could cross if they so desired. Stefan's absence during his adventures remained a mystery to others, even though his escapades spanned years.
One night, Maleficent invited Stefan to a grand Fae party, an event of great importance to her, as she believed she was in love with him. Hoping to solidify their bond, she planned to offer him a Promise Rose, a sacred symbol of unity between their kingdoms. However, the following morning, Stefan left behind a note, revealing that he was engaged to another princess due to a prearranged betrothal. The queen's heart shattered, but she immersed herself in her coronation ceremony, believing she could rule the Moorlands without a consort.
Maleficent hoped that would be the end of their story, but Stefan's visits persisted, albeit bearing a different aura. He appeared sullen and quieter than usual, piquing the queen's curiosity. He brought a drink, claiming it was a gift for the new queen and a token of their old friendship. In a vulnerable moment, he confessed that he had never forgotten her and desired to spend one more night together, cherishing it as a fond memory. Lured by the prospect of closure, Maleficent agreed.
Unbeknownst to her, Stefan harbored ulterior motives. Influenced by the ruthless King Henry, his father-in-law, he became corrupted by the allure of power that awaited them if they opened the doors to the Moorlands fully. Possessing extensive knowledge about the realm, he shared everything he knew and became convinced that they needed to bring down the most powerful being in the Moorlands—Maleficent herself.
Tragically, the Moors faced an imminent threat from an invading army led by King Henry. Maleficent, now the land's fiercest protector, suffered betrayal and the loss of her wings. Determined to safeguard her kingdom, she embraced her role as the Queen of the Moors and veiled the Forest Kingdom from the outside world, encircling it with a formidable wall of giant thorns.
Despite the challenging circumstances, Maleficent soon discovered that she was with child, a shocking revelation as she believed it was impossible. The impending arrival of her son, Maverick, further intensified her protective instincts, fearing that Stefan might harm his own child. Raising Maverick alongside her loyal shape-shifting raven aide, Diaval, she imparted knowledge of incantations and their dragon blood heritage.
On Maverick's eighth birthday, the impenetrable wall of thorns was breached by the relentless machinery of King Henry's forces. Maleficent, assuming her dragon form, fought valiantly but was eventually subdued and imprisoned in an iron cage, enduring unspeakable torture until her tragic demise. With her last vestiges of magic, she sent a message to the dragon army, beseeching them to protect the cherished land. The army valiantly fought to strengthen the thorn wall, further dividing the kingdom.
Ever since that fateful day, Maverick grew up as the prince of the Moorlands, with Diaval serving as his guardian and mentor, imparting all he knew. Maverick grew to believe that all humans were evil, distancing himself from them until he reached the age of 24. It was then that he learned the truth about his father and set out on a path of vengeance.
Thus, the tale of Maverick, the Prince of the Moorlands, began, as he embarked on a journey to avenge his mother's tragic fate and protect the realm she cherished.
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I am going to start posting drabbles of things I never finished. Characters I typically write about will be:
Jacob Stone from the librarians, Three from Dark Matter, Nathan Wuornos from Haven, Jekyll from LXG, Eliot from Leverage, George from Lockwood and co, Danny Rand from Iron Fist/Defenders, Diaval from Maleficent, Benny from MBAV, Alan from BBC Robin Hood, Isaac from Teen Wolf, Victor from OUAT, Seward from Dracula, Obi-Wan from Star Wars, Blaine from izombie, Will from Hannibal, Scott Lang from Marvel, Present Mic from MHA, and more whether it be that I’ve missed some (most definetly) or original writings that went nowhere.
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swanimagines · 3 years
May I please request a song fic for Diaval (Disney’s Maleficent) with the song “Strangers Like Me by Phil Collins”? Thank you so much!! 🪶🖤🌙
Come with me now to see my world / Where there's beauty beyond your dreams / Can you feel the things I feel right now with you / Take my hand, there's a world I need to know
Fandom: Maleficent / Disney
A/N: Oh gosh, sorry for the huge delay!! You're the second oldest request in my inbox (I published the oldest one a while back), but I'm glad you've been patient. I hope you like this and it makes up all this time, even when it's quite short!
Word count: 287
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You had never visited Moors. Not even in your dreams. You grew up thinking it's a forest full of evil fairies and monsters, that's what the orphanage told you.
So when Queen Aurora united the Kingdom and Moors, you were terrified. Now all the creatures there would be let to the Kingdom and it would be chaos.
But instead, you were introduced to the kindest, most beautiful creatures you had ever seen. Including a certain raven, Queen Aurora's Godmother's servant. He wasn't an ordinary raven. Maleficent had made him a man, a handsome one on top of it all. And before you knew it, you were head over heels for him.
Diaval was kind and always a gentleman. And even though you had learned that Moors wasn't what you had feared it to be, you still hadn't visited it. But one day you woke up and just decided it - you wanted to visit Diaval's world.
He just smiled when you told him, extending his hand for you to take. "There's beauty beyond your dreams," he said as you crossed the river and you stepped into Moors's grounds for the very first time. And Diaval was right, it was the most beautiful place you had ever seen.
And when Diaval looked at you swirling around, taking in everything around you - he couldn't help but fall even more in love with you. Did you feel the same things he felt when you were with him? He had never asked, but soon he would. You had had his heart ever since he first laid his eyes on you, he had to know if you felt the same way.
But for now, just watching you smiling was enough. More than enough.
Tags: @captainshazamerica​ @dancingwith-sunflowers @lxncelot @simsrecs @mirroredpaladin @bookfrog242 @katherinepetrovawife // if you wanna be tagged to any of my taglists, send me an ask or add yourself!
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evielovebot · 4 years
i Need a drabble about maleficent working her retail job
"When I get out of here, I'm going to rule over everyone and have so much power people will have no choice but to bow to me."
"Ha, good one, Maleficent, keep dreaming."
Hearing the other fairies mock her and her attitude was nothing new, so she didn't bother doing much beyond rolling her eyes.
"Hey! If anyone can it's her."
The horned fairy smiled thinly as she sized up the rude unbeliever first, then turned to her raven haired coworker, the only one she could stand.
"Thank you, Diaval, I think I'll keep you around when the time comes."
"I swear, one more client complains to me about not having enough styrofoam for their package, I'm going to start impaling them on my wings. What do they want? For me to wave my hands and make a ridiculous amount of styrofoam appear out of absolutely nowhere?"
"I mean, maybe. That sounds like a rather specific but kickass spell."
"No it doesn't, Dia. It sounds ridiculous, and way too specific to ever come in handy to anyone."
The birdshifter simply popped another sunflower seed in mouth and shrugged.
"Well, you never know. You should write it down just in case."
"-just check again! I know you have it! Give me my package or I'll sue you for theft. I bet you took it for yourself, didn't you? Didn't you!? I should go there and check myself- hey, get out of my way!"
"We don't have the package yet, and since you said your brother sent it just yesterday, it's most likely it won't arrive for a bit. Now, if you try to shove me again, I will tear you apart with my bare hands and feed you to the marsh piranhas. Is that clear?"
Once the now snivelling man retreated rather quickly, Maleficent went back to leaning against the counter and stretched her wings.
"Can't wait to get out of here and never have to interact with a human ever again unless it's to scare them and make them run far far away. Ah, soon."
Her manager stared at her worriedly, slowly catching on that her regular musings were less of a joke than he had thought previously, and that as she aged and her power grew, she might be able to make it come true. Silently, he glanced at the clock and took his bag and left. His shift was over, and he wasn't paid enough to worry about anything like that, anyways.
It's not like retail could turn someone to a life of villainy, anyways. And that kind of daydreams were more common than any worker was willing to admit, particularly after difficult clients. Everything would be okay.
"Did you hear? Miss Jacobs says little Mallie from FaeExpress went bad. Didn't you work with her years ago?
"She did? Good for her, she actually went ahead with it."
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Maleval drabble
Sometimes love is not declarations and affection. Sometimes love is not kisses and intimacy. Sometimes love is not words and embraces. Sometimes love is adoring eyes by her side, saying nothing, because she would never trust you again if you said you loved her. Sometimes love is striding into battle beside her because dying anywhere else would be empty. Sometimes love is watching her looking at that child she hated and remembering what love is, even if she’ll never love you. Sometimes love is being her wings. Sometimes love is flying beside her. Sometimes love is what you make it.
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thewatchau · 6 years
Librarian Katrina, Bard's Journal? xD
(Send me Drabble Prompts!)
Fellow Watchers,
After the events at Gáire Roosts last week, I completely forgot to write an the account of my journey and miscellaneous events that occurred during my stay in House Jameson. While the trip itself was a personal venture to fill out some paperwork and catch up with peers in the Bard’s Guild, some of my experiences on the trip and during my stay may be of interest to The Watch. 
The journey itself went surprisingly well. I set out at the end of the month, the morning after King Sean held his most recent charity event in the capital. Much of this winter’s snowfall is still piled up in dense banks along the roadsides of House Jackie, but the roads themselves were clear and manageable as ever. I made excellent time, reaching Runner’s Haven in less than two days.  
Once there, I personally ensured that all of your letters and messages made their way into trustworthy hands. I was told to inform you all that, while spies have continued to crop up across Duilintinn, few have attempted to interfere with the duties of messengers and riders across the kingdom. Clearly, whatever evil power holds sway over these poor souls cannot convince them to violate our traditional values on such matters, and for that, I am grateful.
In addition, it was here that I received word about the King’s troubling response to The Watch. Messengers at the outpost graciously distributed my letter on the subject to the garrisons and outposts on my behalf as I continued my journey. 
After another three days journey, I reached Fort Conchúr. Despite the responsibilities that awaited me at the Bard’s Guild, over a day’s journey to the south, I ended up spending a full day at the garrison recuperating from the long journey. 
Okay, that’s a lie. I spent the whole day in the library working on the paperwork I needed to turn in at the guild. You know, the stuff that I probably should have done before I left, but instead carefully ignored in their waterproof canvas package until the day before my arrival.
Thankfully, Librarian Kat of House Jameson was at her usual place among the bookshelves, accompanied by her newly-appointed familiar, Diaval. The mountain of forms were far easier to endure with Kat’s quiet, knowing company as she reminisced about her days learning how to tend the books all around us. She joked that we should burn useless files such as these, which served no purpose other than to analyze our abilities at something we don’t particularly feel like doing… but in the end, we settled for lighting a stove instead and shared hot drinks to keep warm as the sun dipped below the horizon. 
I must say, Diaval is an extraordinarily intelligent and well-behaved animal; whoever conducted and approved his familiar status knows what they’re doing. He barely made a sound as I worked; the only time I even noticed him pacing at Kat’s feet was when she seemed to take ill for a moment. I can hardly blame Kat for her moment of disconcertion; I nearly dozed off in my seat multiple times throughout the evening. It’s a wonder the two of them don’t lose all sense of time amidst the ancient tomes. I feel like I could get lost in the knowledge within them for a century, and the cold drafts coming from between the stone walls of Fort Conchúr certainly have a knack for keeping you huddled up indoors.
Unfortunately, spending one hundred years in The Watch’s library is not possible when you have guild business to attend to in the south. I took my leave of Kat, Diaval, and Fort Conchúr the next morning, planning to arrive at the guild by the next day. Of course, this was precisely when Watchers at the Roosts spotted signs of The Enemy’s movements near the forest border. Mage Artist Fay, a fellow Watcher and friend who had been in the Western Forest during my brief stay in Fort Conchúr, managed to intercept me on the road and relay the news, stopping only briefly to point me in the direction of the outpost before continuing towards Fort Conchúr. The rest, of course, is history. 
My journey back to Fort Stiofán began two days ago, and Lord willing I should arrive at the garrison in five days time. I’m currently spending another evening of far more enjoyable writing in the library of Fort Conchúr with Kat. She was the one who suggested I write to you with all that’s occurred on my journey, though she is unaware of the glowing appraisal of her company I’ve included within this letter. While such an account may not be particularly helpful in our watch for The Enemy, I truly believe that such stories of mundane contentment and peace amidst the tides of chaos are exactly what we need to carry positivity and encouragement into the days ahead.
With Warm Regards,
Bard Emily Keyes
Written to fellow members of The Watch in the Third Month of the Year One Thousand Six Hundred and Fourteen.
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Disney/Pixar Masterlist
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Bernard the Elf | The Santa Clause
The Way it Was Before - Alternate Universe, Bernard exists during Escape Clause Plot, Magic!Reader, a light angst, a lot of fluff.
Something is VERY wrong this Christmas, and it seems you’re the only person in the world who remembers the way things were before. Well, almost the only person. It’s up to you and the Head Elf to save the day before Jack’s wish becomes irreversible.
Home for the Holidays - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
When you come home for Christmas, Bernard realizes that you’re the reincarnation of someone very dear to him.
All I Want For Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
Being Santa Claus’ daughter, it was only inevitable that you'd catch feelings for his head elf...
Headcanons for Dating Bernard and Being Scott’s Daughter
The Off-Season - Fluff, Summer Vibes, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
Over summer vacation, you find out Bernard has never been to the beach and set out to change it as soon as possible.
Dear Santa... - Fluff, Writer Elf!Reader
The writing department has been especially short on elves this year, and this means you find yourself responsible for writing a whole bunch of letters. Luckily, the head elf has his eye on you.
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2021
Diaval | Maleficent
Headcanons for Kissing Diaval
True Love’s Kiss - Fluff
It’s your eighteenth birthday, and your favorite raven has a present for you.
New Year’s Eve Drabble 2020
Edmund Pevensie | Narnia
New Year’s Eve Kiss
Tadashi Hamada | Big Hero 6
My Only Hope - Angst, Fluff, Time Travel
A future version of Tadashi pops in and tells you you’re his only hope, so you do what any good Obi Wan Kenobi must and invent time travel to save him.
The Happy Ending - Fluff, Comfort
Every once in a while, you have nightmares, but Tadashi is there to set things right.
Over-Protective - Fluff
You’ve been friends with Tadashi for years, but recently, you’ve come to find his friendly antics a little over-protective...
Thackery Binx | Hocus Pocus
Headcanons for Teaching Thackery to live in the Future
New Year’s Eve Kiss
Cats and Counter Curses - Fluff, Witch!Reader
As a witch in Salem, you’re used to magical things. A talking cat is not one of them, but when Thackery finds you, you make it your mission to free him from Winnifred’s spell.
Second Chance - Fluff, Halloween
When he lost you the first time, Thackery was helpless. This Halloween is his second chance to set things right.
Matching Sweaters - Shameless fluff, Witch!Reader
Thackery hasn’t been human for very long, but he likes matching clothes with you very much.
The Familiar - Witch!Reader, fluff
Thackery has been your familiar for a little while, but you’ve got a big surprise for him.
An Unusual Couple - Witch!Reader, fluff, Modern au
Now that Thackery is a human, he has a lot of adjusting to do before he’ll be used to our modern world. Luckily, he has his favorite witch to help him learn the ropes.
Warren Peace | Sky High
Birthday Wishes - Fluff
It’s your birthday and Warren is determined to make it the best one you’ve ever had.
Opposites Attract - Fluff
Headcanons for Dating Warren and Being a VK
Not Normal - Fluff
Ouch - Fluff, Soulmate AU
Just Fine - angst, Fluff, Soulmate AU
Pink Lilies and Angel Wings - Fluff, prom
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Discontinued Fandoms - Masterlist
These are the links for Fandoms I no longer write for on this blog.
Some have their own Masterlists, which are linked, and some have the individual links for everything written.
Here is my Main Masterlist
- - - - - -
Seperate Masterlists:
The Librarians
MacGyver (Reboot)
The Man From UNCLE
Teen Wolf
Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who
- - - - -
Individual Links:
- - -
The Boys
Fic: Hughie Campbell x GN!Reader: ‘Make the Most of It’; (cute/fluff)
- - - -
The Musketeers (BBC) 
Gif Imagine: ‘Being the first ever female musketeer’
- - - -
Rizzoli and Isles
Gif Imagines:
'Working with Rizzoli and Isles, and dating Kent' ‘Being Maura’s cousins and being on the team’
Headcanons: ‘Jane finding out the reader is dating Frankie’
Kevin Ryan
Gif Imagine: ‘Being Castles sister and dating Ryan’
Oneshot: ‘The tender ache when you press against bruises’
Justice League:
Gif Imagine: ‘Imagine having wings..being a member of the league'
The Flash
Drabble: Cisco Ramon “I dare you to kiss me”
Gif Imagine: Begin Barry’s twin and crushing on Winn
Jurassic World
Owen Grady
Gif Imagine - ‘Being the triceratops keeper and Owens s/o’
‘Sex Headcanon’ - 18+/NSFW
‘Sex with Owen’ ^different from above; 18+/NSFW
Two Part Fic:
‘Could Be Worse - Part One’ ‘Could Be Worse - Part Two’
- -
Gif Imagine - ‘Being an immortal; greeting the Pevensies when they return’
Peter Pevensie
Headcanons - ‘Dating Peter’
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘Jealous’
Edmund Pevensie
Headcanons - ‘Dating Edmund’
‘It’s weird how we’ve been friends for so long and never...’
‘Their pickup line wasn’t as good as any of mine...’
‘Why is your hand on my butt?’
Prince Caspian
Gif Imagine - ‘Imagine being a better fighter than Caspian’
Percy Jackson 
Percy Jackson
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘First Kiss’ 
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘Crush Confession’ 
Luke Castellan
‘Romantic Headcanons’ 
‘Luke having a crush on you’ 
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘Breakfast in Bed’ 
Alice in Wonderland (Live Action)
Gif Imagine: ‘Imagine being the Queen’s other sister...’
Gif Imagine - ‘Being Maleficents sibling...reuniting years later’ 
Headcanons: Taking care of Diaval when he’s sick
Cinderella (2015)
Prince Kit
Gif Imagines:
‘Imagine meeting Prince Kit at the ball’
‘Imagine Kit falling in love with you’
‘Why are you looking at me like that?’
‘Carving Pumpkins’
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cycat4077 · 3 years
Multi-fandom Masterlist
“TennantsLittleKitten” on both AO3 and FF.net
My writing blog is @cycat-carisi​. That’s where I’ll post new fics and fic recs!
I'll have it up in my blog description whether prompts and/or HCs are open😊
Symbols and meanings:
* = 18+ NO minors!
[# / #] = multi-chapter
Title = tumblr link  
[x] = AO3 link
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Peggy Carter x Edwin Jarvis
- Bring Her Home Series [3/?]
Bring Her Home - [x]
Who’s Going To Drive You Home Tonight? - [x]
You Two - [x]
- Other Fics
A Dance - [x] 
Checkmate - [x]
Demoted - [x]
Deserted - [x]
In Sickness and In Health [1/?] - [x]
Just Between You and Me [2/?] - [x]
Never [2/2] - [x]
Over the Wire* - [x]
Peggy Carter, Vampire Hunter* - [x]
Resolution  - [x]
Unknown - [x]
We Are Only Human - [x]
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The Dream  - [x]
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Eleventh Doctor x River Song
Incarnation Entities  - [x]
Song of Darillium* [4/?]  - [x]
Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler
It Was Just One of Those Off Days Within the TARDIS*  - [x]
Thank You For the Moment  - [x]
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Gator Tillman
Lonesome Superhero Masterlist - [x]
Lonesome Superhero part 1, part 2, part 3
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Arya Stark x Gendry Waters
Gods, I Love Her  - [x]
Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth
An Unsent Letter  - [x]
Queenslayer  - [x]
The Walls of Winterfell: After the War  - [x]
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Hetty Woodstone x Trevor Lefkowitz
Take From Me My Lace - [x]
Only You: A CBS Ghosts Series - [x]
-> Commitment (Trevor x Nicky) - [x]
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Sonny Carisi x Reader; Rollisi; Velasco x Reader
Sonny + SVU Masterlist here
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Ozzy (S6) x MC
#GetAwayForTwo  - [x]
#ILoveYou*  - [x]
Not If the Postcard Was Right - [x]
Eddie (S5) x MC
Better Things To Come  - [x]
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Maleficent x Diaval
Proven Wrong Once Again  - [x]
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BJ x Peg Hunnicutt
Home - [x]
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Sherlock Holmes x Molly Hooper
A Song For You, My Love  - [x]
Beneath the Silk  - [x]
Can’t Keep It Inside  - [x]
Department Meetings  - [x]
Drunk!lock* [3/3]  - [x]
Footloose!  - [x]
Leather and Lace  - [x]
Seconds Matter  - [x]
Seven Times In Baker Street*  - [x]
Silly Tradition, Really - [x]
Sherlock Holmes x Irene Adler
Let’s Have Dinner [3/?]  - [x]
Rain - [x]
Jim Moriarty
Mummy’s Little Magpie  - [x]
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Steve Harrington x Reader
I Left My Pretty Baby With Ralphie - [x]
Morning News  - [x]
New dad!Steve drabble
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locke-writes · 4 years
I am sooo sorry for my last request not being full this time it's better I hope. Could I request a male reader x diaval from Maleficent where the reader is the same species as maleficent and their relationship is a secret but they want to come out? I hope this was specific enough 😅 thank you 💖
It’s specific enough but you didn’t specify what it is that I’m meant to write. Can you resend and specify what type of writing this is for? Personally I think this fits as either headcanons or a drabble
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eternalstrigoii · 4 years
I’m opening up the ask box to Dark Fey x (ship)* for this meme, if any of you are interested. Feel free to toss a previously-written-about pairing at me, use a new one, or just go “Conall, Borra, Udo for (letter),” etc. Specify whether or not you want an answer or a drabble.
(*Yes that includes Maleficent x Diaval // Maleficent x ___ )
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Hshdkdvsh ILY TOO BUT ALSO YOU'RE A MIND READER So I've been playing with this character for a while now and I officially love him. So I have a drabble series inspired by the twisted Disneyland/wonderland adventure game coming out (it's by a Japanese Disney branch and it is amazing) and the o.c I've been focusing on lately is Valen Cerebrus Verderben a.k.a Cerberus/Hell's Guard dog (along w/ Baron Diaval a.k.a Maleficent's raven if you want I can talk any him too, but we're focusing on Valen in this specific one) and he can y'know,,,turn into a gigantic flaming hell beast, but usually he's just guarding the entrance to the underworld in a regular guard's uniform (in this particular drabble everything's hidden in plain sight I.e mt. Olympus is a skyscraper and the entrance to the underworld is a locked 'employees only' door that he stands/sits in front of.) Okay now onto his actual character. I get a vibe that he's both demisexual and demiromantic so he hasn't had a lot of partners in his lifetime, but there are a few spread out across the earth's lifetime. Quite studious, doesn't talk much, but he does have a very active mind (how he can sit for hours at a time). In the ancient Rome and Greece era Ares would call upon him to fight in battle as his fire beast form (doesn't do that as much anymore cuz it'd be noticed very easily), very protective of the people who board the subway especially women traveling alone or people under the influence, never approaches unless a creep tries to do something, but will keep an eye on them until they safely board the train. Goes to a coffee shop across the street on the rare times when his brother (he protects the entrance in greece) is in town and can cover him for a little bit. May or may not have a small crush on one of the dryaad baristas (after all he's been going there since the 70s). I just love him he's great
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swanimagines · 4 years
Last one I promise 🤣 Can I request Diaval with prompts B61. “Can I hug you?” B68. “I’ll be watching over you.”? Thanks so much again!
Fandom: Disney / Maleficent
A/N: Wowza gurl, these requests were so easy and inspiring to write!!! Thank you so much for participating in my spamming event back in August, your requests were really helpful in gathering my inspiration back!! I hope you’ve liked these and come by again anytime!
Warnings: the reader has anxiety
Word count: 348
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Diaval found you crying in the hallway, you had pressed yourself against the wall as bad memories of your past pushed themselves through. You had a long way ahead to recover from them, to learn to trust people again.
“Y/N?” he asked as he laid his hand on your back.
You flinched as you felt his hand on your back, but relaxed a bit when you saw him. Diaval examined your tear-stained cheeks and sighed.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like this again.” you muttered as you looked at your feet and Diaval put his hands on your arms.  
“Can I hug you?” he asked you and you nodded, still looking at your feet. He pulled you to his embrace, and you closed your eyes, trying to calm down your senses, try to think about something which would make you happy. “It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
He guided you to your bed chambers, knowing fairly well that the lack of sleep worsened your anxiety, and he was the only one who could make you fall to sleep when you had anxiety.
“Try to get some sleep. I’ll be watching over you.” he told you and sat by your bed as you snuggled to your sheets. You looked at Diaval for a moment, smiled at him a little and closed your eyes. You felt how he pet your head as you slowly drifted to sleep, and you dreamed about running around in Moors, laughing and having fun.
They were moments you spent with Diaval, and he was always successful in calming you down if you felt anxious, made you laugh whenever you talked, and you were always feeling like you belonged there with him. Maybe it was partly because you had the biggest crush on him, but the connection between you two was almost like magic.
And you weren’t the only one who felt that way, as Maleficent had watched you two interact from the start, and she knew it when she first saw it - you would be each other’s true love’s kiss.
Tags: @captainshazamerica​ @bravelittlesunflower
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