lemonykleonella · 9 months
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First drawing of 2024! Love this lil bastard
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I’m only on the first chapter so no spoilers but I’m a little worried about him
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ohnoitsmatildazfanfic · 7 months
lover. oh lover of mine.
stupid one shot — danganronpa v3
shuichi saihara x reader
0.63k shuichi realizes how much you mean to him, and he is convinced he has no other choice but to tell you before it's too late.
tags. danganrononpa v3, rushed, love oneshot.
a/n. i was in love with shuichi for so long and still sorta am, this is my first ever impression of writing him and since it's been sorta long: pls bare with me.. thank u!
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In the moments Shuichi Saihara found himself entangled in the delicate threads of love, his usually sharp and analytical demeanor softened. His eyes once focused solely on unraveling mysteries, now held a warmth and tenderness that spoke of emotions beyond logic. Love, it was.  The vulnerability that was a lack of better words was replaced with something he could never offer. Shuichi has always found himself reluctant to take leadership roles or even compare himself to being charismatic in the slightest.  This ever-present determination that defined him in investigations now coexisted with a gentle uncertainty when it came to matters of his heart. Bleeding out of control with lush and victory: he approaches his emotions wisely. However, he was nowhere close to the lover he wished to be. As he sat wasting away the time he thought he had. A trickle of sweat beaded on his brows as he slumped over his desk. Shuichi Saihara sat alone in his corridors with only a few colors to show for it. A soft and distinctively cyan glow illuminated from what can only be foretold as a lamp. A dim lamp. A lamp that has mold and ruggedness that can only foretold with the simple word, gross. Yet, there he was, in this killing game, awaiting disaster to strike at any given moment, give or take. He patiently laid in a room of solitude, once a sanctuary for loved students to a penitentiary for unraveling mysteries and mental exhaustion. Shuichi let out an excruciating long sigh before raising his head, “I can’t believe how long it has been, maybe… Maybe Kaede was right. Maybe we’re all just trapped in a never-ending nightmare.” His sigh was not of relief, but of fear. A fear that can only be considered as infeasibly large dumbbells hanging across his shoulders. He couldn’t take it. No, the idea of losing his faith and who he was just clogged his way of thinking. He needed to let something out, to talk to someone, to alert his feelings, and just release some of this tension he had built inside. “I can’t keep this up, I need… I need…” In between deep breaths and short-sighted anxiety, he paused. “I need to tell them.” Without a second thought, he rushed down his room into (Y/N)’s, knocking profusely before stumbling into their room. “(Y/N)!” Shuichi called, “I can't hold this in anymore.” Sharply, his tone shifts from the well-known shy and innocent guy he’s always been to a complex warmth of emotions. Shuichi looked forward, noticing all the implicates of who (Y/N) was, and what made them unique. He adored all their attributes, in more ways than one. As he froze, watching them, he could only muster a word or few. “I’m.. in love.” not even a moment later Shuichi says these words before hesitantly holding (Y/N)’s hand. It started from their fingertips, holding the ends in hopes of an invitation to continue. (Y/N) nodded, pushing into his fingers and locking their hands tight. Shuichi smiled at their acceptance, “I’m in love with you, I think I always have been.” His gestures, though subtle, spoke volumes. A lingering touch, a genuine smile that danced in his eyes, or a momentary pause in conversation—all revealed the intricate dance of emotions he was navigating. Suddenly those feelings don’t feel as scary anymore. A hush of words was only a gentle surprise as they drew each other closer, their fingers intertwined, their adoring shared and their love fleeting at every second. Flushes of red shared between the two’s faces as Shuichi squeezed their hand tighter against theirs, opening the cracks to his normally composed exterior.
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banner was made and belongs to, cafekitsune on tumblr!
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
The funny thing about that big DGV3 twist....
...is that even without taking into consideration the maybe-backpedaling post-credits scene, it ultimately doesn't change anything about the franchise as a whole.
"Danganronpa is a fictional setting." Danganronpa was always a fictional setting. It's a work of fiction. What this has done is create a second also fictional setting in which the works of Danganronpa exist as fiction.
This second fictional setting isn't "the real world". It's a wacky and magical world of anime bullshit just like Danganronpa is. Yasuke Matsuda is fake, but they have flashy memory-erasers like Men in Black and can even program false memories using them. Junko Enoshima is fake, but Monokuma, the Monokubs, and the Exisals were all real machines that they built for the show.
In Marvel Comics, characters sometimes talk about Batman or Superman as fictional characters who exist in comics printed in the Marvel Universe. It's basically that. The magical fantasy world of DC Comics exists as fiction within the magical fantasy world of Marvel Comics, which is no less fiction.
Like. The fact that it's a show imitating the Danganronpa series actually makes it less real, not more. Like. Miu Iruma is just some nobody. She is not the Ultimate Inventor. There is no such thing as an Ultimate Inventor. She has no special talent or acumen towards engineering whatsoever.
But. Like. She's not the Ultimate Inventor, but she still did the things. The jury-rigged motion detecting camera, the Electrohammers and Electrogrenades, Keebo's upgrades, etc. She still built all of those things.
When you say there's no such thing as an Ultimate Inventor and she was just brainwashed to think she was, what you're saying is that the Flashback Lights are so neurologically powerful that they can actually program new skills into people. Her character was written to be a mechanical super-genius, and the creators of the show actually gave her mechanical super-talents so she could fill the role.
That's. Amazing. That's actually less plausible than the original explanation for Ultimate Talents, which is that some people are just really good at stuff and this school recruits the best of the best.
Over time, the definition of what constitutes an Ultimate Talent seems to have degraded. You can really see it when you play the game sequentially like I just did.
It started off just meaning that these are gifted kids who excel in a given activity. But as the series progressed, the concept shifted to be more like a mutant superpower. Some kids are just naturally born with Ultimate Analytics skill or some such and Hope's Peak is Xavier's Academy for Mutant Talents.
Which goes back to that comparison with Marvel and DC that I made earlier. The "reality" of V3 represents the natural extension of turning Ultimate Talents into superpowers: super-science has developed the ability to install superpowers in people. This is a thing that necessarily must be true for this Truman Show twist to exist.
That's the funny irony of this twist. The "real world" setting of Danganronpa V3 is actually a more ridiculous fantasy world than the actual setting of Danganronpa.
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sallteas · 4 years
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A character I created based off of one of Monokuma’s lines in Danganronpa 2! I just recently beat all of the games and I miss it so much. 
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The character design sketch! I’m naming her Hope, lol.
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the-huxler · 4 years
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vinceessence · 5 years
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i love new TS4 magic pack lol
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erosoferastis · 5 years
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cockichi looks really nice today 
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okaybirdboy · 6 years
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It’s not her birthday for another couple days but I’m too impatient to wait :’)
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burasto · 6 years
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I’m super late to the party, but I recently started playing Danganronpa v3 \o/  By the way, I’m slowly trying to use Instagram a bit more, follow me here.
Once again, my favorite character is the weirdo who can speak with animals, I’m so predictable ₍₍ (ง Ŏ౪Ŏ)ว ⁾⁾
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zippi44 · 6 years
Umm your realistic Kokichi is SO GOOD!!!! I can’t fathom how beautiful he is!!! Are you planning on doing more realistic versions of some of the other characters from the series?
These are all commissions :) But I believe I did Shuichi Saihara one or two times as well and it should be up here on Tumblr. Also thank you very much! I appreciate your words!
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gggermicide · 7 years
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Kokichi button, you can use it as a PP if you want
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princema-k · 8 years
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so guess what i ship
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a-var1c1ous · 5 years
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i-moved-shooshoogo · 4 years
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Think I'm gonna ever give up?
No, never, ever, ever, ever!
Come on, you're just making noise!
Listen how my music destroys!
Anything you throw at me-
I'm gonna throw back, just wait and see!
Nostalgia 100 with Kokichi Ouma from DGV3
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lemonykleonella · 5 years
Something that Komaeda, Kokichi and Snatcher have in common. They're all trickster bastards you can't bring yourself to hate no matter how many times they screw over the protag. Explains why all three of them are my favourites in their respective games =u=
I didn’t even geto DGV3 yet but I already have a feeling I will love Kokichi too (he’s also PURBL) but yeah, you are hella valid!! A shame I didn’t get into Danganronpa earlier... Now I have to deal with this little FUCKER-
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