#dgmw there are worse takes
bookshelfdreams · 1 year
"Izzy isn't a homophobe he just doesn't like cheaters" continues to remain the most bafflingly stupid ofmd take ppl in this godforsaken fandom have come up with
literally what show did y'all watch
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batemanofficial · 2 months
reaching the "pit of despair" portion of the emotional rollercoaster that is today
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angelsaxis · 11 months
Some of the YA hate gets quite dramatic on here. Especially from people who shun/never read YA. I find it difficult to take their critiques of the age demographic seriously because by their own admission, they don't read it. And if they do talk about it they talk only about the mainstream YA books that anyone would say are bad or generally low quality. And this is going to sound cliche but if you believe there aren't any good YA books out there it's because you haven't found them. They exist. Look beyond what's popular. That's like saying all adult books are bad or something bc CoHo books exist. Like the people who don't read saying they don't because all books are by dead white men like. You haven't searched you haven't done 1% of the effort necessary to have an opinion. I read YA and Adult SFF quite regularly and now that I've read as many as I have I can confidently say quality is a matter of the skill of the individual author. Which should go without saying. Since every book in every age demographic is like that. But.
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borom1r · 11 months
yall ever just like. 🙃
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transmutationisms · 9 months
I read your review of Poor Things and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the section in Alexandria? It was horrifically executed on many levels but narratively, that part of the film is about Bella learning about class structure. She rebels against the cruelty of society through charity then by working as a prostitute, during which time she has cruelty inflicted upon her instead. Finally, she realizes that God’s creation of her was ultimately cruel, and then she runs away with her ex-husband-father only to realize that her prior self-mother was fundamentally characterized by cruelty, especially to her “lessers.” She then decides once again that she does not want to be cruel, but then she achieves this by taking God’s place as the doctor-patriarch and ruling his household with a new pet goat. The entire film is also about Bella learning about feminism: the arbitrary oppression of women is not only nonsensical, it’s bad! But then the ending has her reproduce almost all those power structures and cruelty she claims to reject, and has the unfortunate consequence of positioning her as ultimately equally cruel/callous as God, the guy she meets on the boat who shows her all the starving people, and her former self-mother, etc. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on why this is or like, what the director’s message was beyond self-contradiction and taking cheap shots at starving people?
so i would quibble a bit with the idea that bella's experience in the maison-close is exclusively or even primarily portraying sex-for-pay as a site of cruelty. i think it's more depicting paid sex as work, and work as unpleasant and repressive, and that's why the maison is the site where bella gets involved in socialist politics—if moral philosophy is the arena by which she responds to the injustice of the poverty in alexandria, then labour politics plays the analogous role where the maison is concerned. her problems there aren't inherently with the idea of being paid for sex, but with specific elements of the work arrangement (eg, she suggests that the women should choose their clients, rather than vice versa). ofc she has some customers who are cruel or thoughtless or rude, but i didn't read the film as suggesting that was universal to sex work, and the effect of the position is more to demystify sex, for bella, than to convert it into being purely a site of trauma or misery. now i don't think this film offers a particularly blistering or deep analysis of sex work or socialism or wage labour, dgmw, but i do think the function of the maison is different narratively to that of the alexandria section.
anyway to answer your actual question: yeah so this is really my central gripe with the film. lanthimos (slash his screenwriter tony mcnamara) spends much of the film gesturing toward bella's growing awareness of several hierarchical structures that other characters take for granted: the uneven nature of the parent/child relationship (god took her body and created her without asking); class stratification (alexandria); the 'civilisation' of individuals and societies via education and bio-alteration (bella's talk about 'improving' herself; her 'progression' from essentially a pleasure-seeking child to an educated and 'articulate' adult). these three dimensions often overlap (eg, the conflation of 'childishness' with lack of education with inability to behave in 'high society'), though, most overtly, it's in that third one that we can see how these notions of improvement and biological melioration speak to discourses about the 'progress' and 'regress' of whole societies and peoples, and voluntarist ideas about how human alteration of biology (namely, our own) might produce people, and therefore societies, that are better or worse on some metric: beauty, fitness, intelligence, morality, longevity, &c. this is why i keep saying that like.... this film is about eugenics djkdjsk.
the issue with the alexandria section to me is, first, it's like 2 minutes (processed in the hollywood yellow filter) where the abject poverty of other people is a life lesson for bella. we're not asking any questions like, how is that poverty produced, and might it have anything to do with the ship bella is on or the fantastical lisbon she left or the comparative wealth of paris and london...? secondly, everything that the film thinks it's doing for the entire runtime by having bella grapple with learning about cruelty, and misery, and the kinds of received social truths that lanthimos is able to problematise through her eyes because she's literally tabula rasa—all of that is just so negated by having an ending in which she bio-engineers her shitty ex-husband, played as a triumphant moment. i don't even inherently have an issue with the actual plot point; certainly she has motive, and narratively it could have worked if it were framed as what it is: bella ascending to the powerful position in the oppressive system that created her, and using her status to enact cruelty against someone who 'deserves' it—ie, leveraging her class and race within the existing social forms rather than continuing to question or challenge them. if that ending were played as a tragedy, or a bleak satire, it would at least be making A Point. but it's not even, because it's just framed as deserved comeuppance for this guy we were introduced to in the 11th hour as a scumbag, so it's psychologically beneficial for bella actually to do the sci-fi surgery to him that literally reduces him to what's framed as a lower life form. unserious
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dreamlanddoll · 1 year
Idk if this is a hot take or not but I just have to get this off my chest, but pocd (p*dophile themed obsessive compulsive disorder) is, without a doubt, the worst fucking mental illness to have. And I fully mean that. It literally convinces you that you are, or have the potential of becoming, the single worst thing that everyone regardless of culture or political class hates and wishes would kneel over and die without question. It gives you the most gut wrenching, guilt inducing intrusive thoughts, which despite having no desire to act on, makes you worry "but what if" "what if one day I-" etc. I cannot express to you how much pain an ocd theme like this causes, your brain convincing you fully that you are the bottom of the barrel scum of the earth (even though you haven't done anything and never will) it is doing so based on the most irrational non-existent evidence and so many people will just never understand or get it. Not to mention that ocd is so wildly misunderstood that a lot of people don't even know the difference between someone with pocd and an actual p*dophile, which makes everything for people with this illness 10x worse. I just hate how it's so completely not talked about, especially on this app (the designated mentally illness site). I see tons of posts for people with ausitm, adhd, bpd, because that stuffs quirky and relatable ig. Even schizophrenia and narcissism gets their share of positivity (which they fully deserve dgmw) but when we talk about scary mental illnesses on here, ocd seems to get little to no light on it at all and I am just so fucking sick of it.
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foressfaction · 1 year
autism blast me on why you like toby
*Cracks knuckles*
he's literally me
Ok good day
No but for real ever since like 5th grade, (i was around 11???) i remember finding his story after very unmonitored internet access through DA (i was and still am addicted to DA) and after reading it, it was like, wow. Okay- thats really relatable. I struggled with severe family issues with the same problem of alcohol and gambling, along with also losing a sibling. I went through severe bullying and everything else what not, not to make it about me or anything but i didn't have much of an outlet at all, i never got into anime, fashion(basic fashion), never had many friends irl. I was already 'in the fandom' but didn't know much about him til i genuinely sat down and found it on accident while searching fandom tags. (back when kastoway actually posted there still)
I would literally stalk the acc man it was BAD. i always used him to vent and as an outlet, i loved the art style and my art would occasionally be influenced by it unconsciously. I would write and roleplay a ton and eventually developed my own take and interpretation. I find tons of comfort in anti-hero like characters and this fandom has been the only thing i ever felt welcomed in. And the only thing i seem to like as i am still not into much else but horror and cosplay. I wish i was my age now (19) back when the fandom was really booming. Where the nostalgic styles were around and the 'cringey' lol ask blogs (i would've been doing one dgmw)
I would've been a big hit back then but now its just harder to be known. (not that its my main purpose i just wonder how far i would've gotten when this fandom was more alive)
Moral of story, I've always related to him, i mean the guy quite literally gave me a reason to keep going? He inspires my aesthetic, my career (story making, film and writing) honestly if it wasn't for me stumbling across him..tbh I'd probably be normal LMAO but i would've taken a different route with my art and writing if...At all? He kinda kept me a reason to do everything so.
As i got older it only seemed to get worse tbh. Hell i own like 4 hoodies help me, its literally. I have i have
I have like a 10 page doc on JUST headcanons and a 30k word long rewrite i am not okay. Hes in my mind
He's in my ears
Hes in my eyes
He is in my tears
You would literally have to pry him out of my cold dead blue fingers.
I could go on but my brain literally died mid sentence. Mighy edit later jusy remond me omg typing is hard now, look wjay u did.
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vro0m · 2 months
realistically, even if i don’t like it (i’m sorry) ricciardo is getting the redbull seat.
they don’t want someone who’ll challenge max, they just want someone who’ll do a better job than perez. i know people think max is the god of racing dgmw he’s very good but the normal teammate gap in this era of f1 is not that huge unless you weren’t that good to begin with and if you look at perez’s junior career, he wasn’t that impressive. so this is an expected gap especially with a car he doesn’t seem to have a handle on. he was p3 yesterday cuz the redbull is once again miles ahead of the field and lewis didn’t have new inters but that’s still the expected gap to max. when the regs close up more cars are able to fit into that gap. (bottas was good but see when the regs started to close up instead of the constant 1-2s we started having 1-3/4s… perez is worse cuz it’s 1-7/17s)
yuki is an unknown but being good in the midfield doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be good at the top (charles, lando they do have soo much potential but you see how easily they makes mistakes tho due to inexperience at the front) yuki is good but if you take away the bias, his highs are only good enough and his lows are very low (regardless i think he deserves the seat cuz other drivers have gotten good seats for far less impressive results but when you’re a poc you always have to be so exceptional that they are forced to give you that position) lawson is also too inexperienced to throw into the wolves of the front based on what 6 races.
so realistically it’s daniel cuz the same way just because yuki does well in the midfield it wouldn’t necessarily translate also just because daniel does badly in the midfield doesn’t mean it’ll translate in redbull especially if the car suits him. he wouldn’t challenge max but he’ll possibly not be as bad as checo. it’s why when he has a good race everyone says SEE HE NEVER LEFT!!! carlos is good and his highs have the potential to challenge max but again they don’t want to make max uncomfortable.
I more or less agree with you.
I just don't think the car will suit Ricciardo.
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Ok so
Yes, overall, RWBY is very good! It's a story with a lot of heart, a cool world, and some rly lovable characters! It takes a minute to pick up but that's just cus it wants you emotionally invested in the characters before the real plot starts, so you actually care about what happens to said characters. It's got a great message about staying hopeful despite The Horrors too. One of my favorite shows ever tbh
Like I said tho it's not perfect and is unfortunately a victim of being rushed thru production by the company that had been behind it for its whole lifetime up until now, Rooster Teeth. The showrunners were put under rly bad time crunches and weren't given the budget to do everything they wanted. RT is shutting down now and RWBY is searching for a new company so hopefully this shouldn't be a problem in the future, but who's to say?
Some criticisms of the show are kinda blown out of proportion (there's this rly loud minority that thinks it's like The Worst Show Ever and if you like it you're The Worst Person Ever for. some reason??? heck if I know) so maybe take any negative things you've heard with a grain of salt — I'd say not to knock it until you've tried it — but dgmw it's ok to criticize it and even dislike it due to its imperfections
There's one thing that especially suffered from this tho, one thing that might break your interest, so I think you deserve to know at least the minimum of this. So there's fantasy racism. And due to it being kinda rushed (especially near the end of its plot importance) it unfortunately doesn't land well!
Now I will add that I can say with confidence that this topic was tackled in good faith; the writers themselves admitted to being "too ambitious", so I think they know they kinda messed up. And if we compare this to, say, the beastlings from Octopath 2, it's certainly handled much much better in comparison imho! However, it wasn't able to be handled with the full nuance and depth that it deserved, and so the whole plotline suffers deeply despite the attempts to do it justice. There's definitely worse fantasy racism out there, like I don't think this is the worst, but it's not the best either. It tries tho at least
I don't want to go into too much more detail bcus spoilers. But I think you've talked before on how much you hate this kind of stuff so I wanted to make sure you knew about this ahead of time. If this makes you not wanna watch the show I'd totally understand
But I do sincerely think that, if this didn't scare you away, the show is rly worth a shot! It's not for everyone but I personally think it's great despite its flaws (which I can mostly forgive due to the aforementioned external factors) and there's a lot of things here you could enjoy
If you do choose to give it a try I'd recommend going into it with as little information as possible, it's a show most enjoyed when you don't know what comes next. (I mean I am enjoying my rewatch cus I can catch foreshadowing and details but I may be biased bcus hyperfixation lol)
(But don't enter the fandom unless or until you're ready to block tags and block ppl willy nilly. It's the wild west out here, from the terrible bad faith takes to the excessive obsession with shipping. I just stick with the few good RWBY blogs I follow and call it good personally lol)
So yeah I think it's pretty cool but due to that one thing, if you don't think you'd like it I get it
Question: is it that the creators are racist (eg, what happened to the beastlings) or that there's in universe racism? (eg, dungeon meshi)
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raven · 5 months
what video games would u recommend. based on me seeing ur posts and thinking ur right even though i never know what youre talking about. also i have dogshit taste but i have good taste actually but its bad
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hop on backloggd heres mine and heres my buddy rory's bc they make points too and are generally more serious than me so if you want to be serious u can go there. More under the cut bc i cant shut up 👍
otherwise my pretentious but #real and #true recs that i genuinely think everyone should play are disco elysium, pentiment, and kentucky route zero.
"theyre just good!" - who's lila?, the world ends with you, return of the obra dinn, hylics 2, portal 1&2, ghost trick, outer wilds (however outer wilds may be difficult for whatever reason- i recommend hollow_tones on twitch's streams although she has not streamed the dlc!)
series that have taken over my life for periods of time, for good or ill - dragon age (2 is my fav, all are worth playing, inquisition is dogshit storywise but has good gameplay, centrist liberal writers that make u want to bomb a church (for the record @ fbi this is a reference to the events of one of my favorite characters in the series, not real life. he was justified), ace attorney (1-3 are great with some questionable moments but apollo justice is the best overall game, 5&6 are some of the worst games ive played in my life, and the great ace attorney... exists), and persona (UGH). i can go more in depth about any of these, but i will go more in depth about persona because thats my current disorder and because theyre the most problematic, LOL. but dgmw da and aa are also problematic in many ways
persona - ive posted about it. im realizing i didnt talk about the misogyny in that post because i thought it was well known honestly but like. my god. the misogyny. especially persona 5 royal. dont play 4. or do, bc i need anyone to suffer as i have, but im serious. i feel like whatever people say, its worse. ive also posted about 4.
if you want to lose a week of your life in a "game for 16ish hours, sleep for 8ish hours, repeat" cycle play baldurs gate 3. its a fun game it takes up your time it has great mechanics! do not pay attention to character discourse baby.
if you like good gameplay, play dishonored 1&2
if you don't like good gameplay, play morrowind (this is kind of a joke in that i dont actually think morrowind has bad gameplay, but it still can be tedious.)
if you don't like good gameplay, play the persona 2 duology (this is not a joke, the gameplay in those games are actually bad.)
if you like gameplay, play any katamari game
also gonna plug one of my favorite genres, nonlinear visual novel adjacent games (lots of wordy, story-based segments but there are actual gameplay portions) these games also are not necessarily "good" but they are "fun": 999 (play on DS!!), ai the somnium files (note that this and 999 kind of require a... specific taste with the sexual humor) these games did have sequels but theyre all pretty bad for various reasons but check em out if you enjoyed the originals, paranormasight (one of the best ones in this genre imo), gnosia, 13 sentinels
also i have not hopped on final fantasy 7 (ORIGINAL) but i am about to hop on final fantasy 7 (ORIGINAL). and i am currently struggling against the current playing smt iii nocturne.
also, games that i have not played but interest me storywise and deserve honorable mentions are baroque (not really planning on playing but planning on watching stuff), pathologic classic (played a little and watched a full playthrough years ago, probably will get back to one day), pathologic 2 (never completed), fear and hunger (played for a few hours and decided to watch a playthrough instead), and fear and hunger 2 (not played but planning on playing bc ive heard its a little more user friendly than the original!)
so thats video games.
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murderballadeer · 1 year
i do think my headaches are worse now bc of my meds like dgmw it's still worth it to manage the other stuff but like. ok so i don't get headaches all the time like i did when i first started taking the meds but i do get these stress headaches which i've been having for years but they're a lot worse now and i think the meds are the issue. which again that doesn't mean i'm going off my meds like it's still worth it to stay on them but ouch :(
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paceplace · 2 years
lol i wish that we would get more toon lore tbh. i think clash does a good job at writing interesting npcs using dialogue but i wish we could get some more in depth characterization for the resistance rangers
yeah like dgmw i absolutely love the way they went about writing npc's. they're all colorful and engaging and i always look forward to reading their dialogue but as i mentioned awhile back they aren't meant to be written as characters you'd get attached towards with backstories and character arcs in mind. there can be exceptions to some of them i think but ultimately they exist to give you tasks and show how toontown is like as a society.
the fact that we barely know anything about like, half of the resistance rangers despite btl being important/lasting as long is it did is pretty bad and gets worse when taking into consideration how limited our options are irt toons with storyline relevance. i really hope this changes soon
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humanoidtyphoons · 3 months
sugar apple fairy tale vol 2 / episode 5-8 comparison thoughts:
-it's so interesting that kat is only mentioned in a couple of lines right at the beginning of the light novel -- he asked for anne's help and gave her a cape in return. whereas the anime is like. let's dedicate the fifth episode to them meeting each other and working together, bc kat thought anne broke his sugar candy, whereas anne is thinking five steps ahead on how to catch the true culprit. in the author's notes of the light novel, the author states that they met three days after vol 1, and she wrote what happened in another magazine. and i'm like. i want to read it. (might want to reread the first manga too tbh, to see if kat makes an appearance there.) but also: challe immediately making cat puns, much to kat's dismay. that's challe's twisted sense of humour for you!
-the anime also skips people wanting to take advantage of anne's money situation. a lady in lewiston wanting to pay less than the original offering price, the innkeeper being inconsistent on charging prices bc he wants to buy challe. i can see why the anime cut this, but i... hm, i do like the reminder that people do see anne as a fool, and will try to take advantage of her, even tho she will speak out against it. and also that anne is unusual to most people who are like 'well, she obviously owns the fairy, why would she be friends with it?'. also just. challe offering to sell himself to make money. oh man. yeah, no wonder anne is horrified, and challe just doesn't get why. no wonder they cut that part.
-it's a definitely harder to tell how much time has passed in the anime, yeah, it's snowing but. i like that the light novel states 'two months passed since book 1'.
-there's something about the rollercoaster nature of jonas&anne constantly running into each other that makes me ship them. like they keep trying to avoid each other, but oh no! fate has a plan for them! they gotta keep on meeting! even when both of them are like why did i have to run into you again??? and that's really all of s1/v1-3, that makes me laugh, bc it's different arcs for them every time! and part of me, still wants that au where yeah, jonas was lying about being in love with her to begin with, but... the more he finds himself in these situations with anne... the more he actually is falling in love with her. what is his life!!!!
-(oh i still massively prefer anne/challe, dgmw, but i'm also. i love shipping and what ifs. and anne/jonas is dear to me because of how much it changes throughout the books.)
-i felt so bad for jonas this time around, watching the anime. like it is there in the light novel, that jonas is--kinda desperate and out of his depth, anne looks at him and constantly feels that he seems as if he's cornered, but i really think the anime did a great job at making him succumbing to this pressure and knowing it's a lost cause and making him look wild eyed, but he cannot escape, so he has to throw anne under the bus in order to gain his freedom. tbh, i think jonas is arguably worse in vol 1 than vol 2, bc i just think. jonas getting beaten by the duke, and being like 'I have to get out, I have to escape, I don't understand his feedback, I am creatively drained, anne can do it i cannot, please just let me go' gives him a lot of sympathy points. he's awful, but this time, I think he knows it and feels guilty, but he doesn't really feel like he has any other choice. this time, he does concede that anne is the better sugar artisan, anne can do what he cannot, as opposed to vol 1, bc jonas... why are you spinning such a smear campaign on anne, when you know that's not true! and it's such a contrast when they meet again at the end of the light novel, and this time jonas is not nearly so spiteful. a lot of it is hurt pride, but. i think his actions in duke albarn's castle shook him a bit, like he knows it's a personal low for him, even for him.
-i think i prefer the light novel's aftermath when the duke decides to set free jonas and anne remains slightly more. in both the anime and light novel, lots of people point out that entertaining the duke's delusions is pointless: he's asking for a ridiculous task. it's anne's pride and confidence in her abilities that make her want to see it through to the end. but i slightly preferred that the light novel points out that jonas did look burnt out, and at his wits' end, and it was better for him to go, anne had not reached the wall that he had. the anime... hm, something about anime!anne saying "i don't want to be someone like you, who abandons things halfway" was a little insulting?, but. y'know what. anne in general is nicer to jonas than she needs to be, i don't really blame her for rubbing salt in his wounds that much, and to be a bit bitter that she's effectively trapped with a madman if she doesn't get it right... but. anne wasn't physically attacked like jonas, and i have respect for characters who go 'i've reached my limit, i admit i'm not suitable for this task, it's time to cut my losses and know when to quit'. but i do think part of it is because anne's pride is on the line, and it's her stubbornness that won't let her back down, bc even challe is like. why. why are you still trying to fulfill his request??? but my point: LN!anne seemed more sympathetic to jonas, and i think i prefer that tbh. but i'm being nitpicky, tbh!
-i'm so curious to know why the anime doesn't make it clear that only liz loved challe romantically? i actually do like the ambiguity of it in the anime, bc you don't know how challe feels about liz, but he must have been close nonetheless. but there's no reflection that challe thought he loved liz the same way, and liz shakes her head and says he doesn't -- and that is true, it's reflected in the way how liz and anne are thought about by challe. there's no doubt that liz holds a special place in his heart, but it's not the romantic love that challe so blatantly and obliviously feels for anne. so probably: mystique, the anime didn't make it clear to make challe appear more mysterious, and like. i'm not going to lie, that's so right up my alley too. bc i do like speculating on challe's relationship with both, and i want more history with challe/liz to be revealed tbh.
-(not exactly an kikinukag situation from inuyasha, but i feel like the first time i watched the SAFT anime, i... maybe thought it was the case, in some ways it's pretty neat that the light novels immediately go 'challe has never been in love, he does not even know he is in love with anne even at this very minute.' i also thought anne & challe maybe didn't know that they were in love with each other, both too dense to figure it out, but actually with anne acutely aware of it and thinking she doesn't have a chance, and challe genuinely doesn't realize it bc he's emotionally stunted, their body language is even more of a delight with how these two give themselves away to how they're feeling with this in mind when watching the anime. like the subtext is there, but i just wasn't sure if the characters themselves knew it, bc so often love is foreign and they don't know what they're feeling, why they're feeling and... that's just challe for you! the most touchy-feely one of them both! dear god, anne, you gotta be strong! your mental fortitude is stronger than mine, i tell you that much!)
-i super liked vol 2 for being a dark parallel to what challe/anne could become, if challe disappeared on her, and anne not dealing with it well. but i also like that it's fairly reminiscent of a darker version of anne maybe not coming to terms with her mother's death in book 1. like the william alburn is scary by the end, and tho anne never really gets that bad, but it could have been be a possible future for her, lest she doesn't take care. luckily anne had friends, whereas alburn did not, and let his obsession consume him. but y'know. it was an interesting mirror to think about when reading/watching, and anne does draw inspiration from that as she compare situations when making the sugar candy for him.
-you know, i kinda get why the anime changed hugh's appearance in this arc. tho i'm so sad we didn't get the moment of hugh hugging anne, and challe being grumpy, so hugh teases challe for being jealous, and challe is just what do you mean jealous?? of what? but i get why hugh doesn't steal challe's wing in the anime. challe let his guard down! hugh could have been talented pickpocket had he chosen not to be a sugar master! but it -- certainly was an interesting turn to how hugh keeps challe around for the last third of the story, tho i wonder if challe does try to get revenge at some point? again, not bad, and it wasn't really necessary, but i do think it gives interesting characterization to hugh and his sneakiness, once again.
-the anime might have moved the last section of the light novel for another episode, idk. but i really love the return of jonas and the radcliffe workshop boys, jeering at anne, afterwards. and jonas is just. not into it anymore, too ashamed of what's happened to really continue it. and keith appears and puts a stop to their behaviour!!
again, overall solid adaptation, i enjoy the changes the anime brought, i enjoy the extra detail the light novels gave.
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whifferdills · 5 years
like....doctor who, title character, is fundamentally broken on purpose. they’re a super powerful, hyperintelligent, technologically advanced nerd-hero who is insufferable as it is and would be even worse if they weren’t, end of the day, an arrogant shitbird who splits their time between obnoxious speechmaking and shooting themselves in the foot. i don’t get the arguments of like, ooo, was 13 MEAN???? but ?? dr who i s kind???? no. no. doctor who is Asshole and Idiot, and this is why the Doctor/Companion(s) dynamic works, because this fuckwad has an Achilles heel called “being a bastard” and only regular people are the antidote. i don’t care how performatively they have dipped their big toe into the milk of human kindness....Bastard. every era, jabroni. start to finish: jagoff. that’s just how it is. i’m for it, dgmw, but...yikes at some of the takes youse put onto the world wide web
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yiangchen · 5 years
dgmw octavia was terrible during and post-bunker, like genuinely awful. And I'm not excusing that but what she did is comparable to the mt.weather genocide and bellamy's genocide - both of which i think are terrible. But pre-bunker, if my sibling got my partner, or the most important person in my life killed, I'd be pretty pissed at them. I don't get what makes octavia so much worse than all the others?
okay, so i have talked about this a lot on my blog, so i’m not gonna go too in depth here. i’ll try to keep it short. (lmao, i tried, but it got long anyway.)
so, to start off, there’s this widespread belief in the 100 fandom that bellamy got lincoln killed, and it’s just…NOT TRUE. the only reason so many people believe it is that o/ctavia consistently blamed him for it and the narrative was framed so that we would be sorry for her (since she had “lost the love of her life”) and therefore, everything she did, even her gross treatment of bellamy, was justified.
first, she beat him bloody for lincoln’s death and said he was dead to her (3x10). then, she gaslighted him about all of s3a (3x11), which i’m not gonna get into (but if you want to know what i mean by that, i have an extensive post about this somewhere on my blog. i’m sure you’ll find it if you search my ‘octagon’ tag). when bellamy brought lincoln’s body back to arkadia for the funeral, o/ctavia looked right at him while crying with a clear you did this look on her face (3x12). she smacked lincoln’s book out of bellamy’s hand, told him lincoln was dead because of him, and made him flinch because she had a stick in her hand and he probably feared she’d hit him again (3x13). after thinking she was dead and saving her from the ark as it burned, she told him she died the day he killed lincoln and that the only reason he was still alive was because he was her brother, so in other words, she would have killed him if they weren’t related (4x06). that is five times that o/ctavia blamed bellamy for lincoln’s death.
now, let’s look at the canon facts of why lincoln died. there were a number of people involved: lincoln (who turned himself in), pike (his executioner) and o/ctavia (yes, you heard me right). bellamy is not one of them. and the reason that o/ctavia is on the list of people is the same reason that bellamy isn’t, and that is that she drugged him, chained him up in a cave, and did not let him help her. bellamy is one of the smartest people on this show. he infiltrated mount weather. he was pike’s right hand man (until lincoln, kane and sinclair were sentenced to death) and he could have, without a doubt, outsmarted pike and saved all three of them. he had a plan to save them. he came to o/ctavia with that plan. she refused. and she prevented him, the most valuable person they had on their side, from helping. so, when lincoln dies, i don’t see how bellamy is possibly at fault. obviously o/ctavia didn’t mean for this to happen and she didn’t think it would. she thought she didn’t need bellamy, but the thing is, she did need him and lincoln’s death was indirectly her fault because of that. so, she doesn’t get to beat bellamy half to death and blame him for something that is not his fault. you can argue he played some part in it for ever supporting pike, but then you’d also have to blame monty and bryan who, unlike bellamy, were actually given a chance to prove themselves and allowed to help with the rescue mission.
did bellamy aid in a massacre of 300 grounders in a preemptive attack because he thought it would save his people? yes.
did bellamy help get lincoln, kane and sinclair arrested for committing treason? yes.
did bellamy want them to be sentenced to death? hell fucking no.
he didn’t. this is quite literally bellamy’s turning point. it’s the moment he turns on pike. bellamy only followed him because he thought he was protecting their people. the second pike decided to sentence three of their people to death, bellamy was done following pike, and as i said, he came to o/ctavia with a plan and she not only refused his help but chained him up so he couldn’t do anything. 
i love bellamy (he’s my favorite character), so i guess you could argue that i’m not being fair to o/ctavia. that she had no reason to trust him, and therefore, drugging him and chaining him up make sense and it’s justifiable, and well…that would be a fair point if not for a very important fact that most people in this fandom forget, and that is that o/ctavia took no issue in bryan helping. bryan, who switched sides at the exact same time as bellamy. bryan, who aided in the massacre alongside bellamy and pike. bryan, who was a part of the same regime that got lincoln, kane and sinclair arrested.
so, it makes zero sense that she is so untrusting of bellamy that she drugs him and chains him up and is never shown, not once, to be untrusting of bryan in any way, shape or form. it’s…one of the many plot holes of s3 and only serves as an excuse to make bellamy the bad guy.
however, even though i hated it, and it didn’t make any sense, i will give o/ctavia this. i would have been fine if that’s all that had happened. this show has a lot of questionable things happening, so i can’t say drugging bellamy and chaining him up would have been the deal breaker for me with o/ctavia, but what she did to him while five other people, including his father figure, just stood there and watched (aside from miller, bless his soul) is the most disgusting thing i have ever seen on tv. it takes a truly sick and twisted person to do what o/ctavia did to her brother, the person who loved and cared and sacrificed for her every day of his fucking life and who would never ever lay a hand on her or defend himself. and it only got worse. because the writers refused to ever talk about the beating again even though bellamy had scars on his face from it for eight fucking episodes (and normally scars do not last that long on this show.) and o/ctavia would not let up with the fucking gaslighting. as a bellamy stan, i remember bellamy’s s4 arc like it was yesterday, and so much of it was influenced by o/ctavia’s abuse in s3 and 4, it’s insane. no…it’s tragic, especially since the culmination of it was o/ctavia (the abuser) forgiving him (the victim).
but to get back to your question. what makes o/ctavia worse than the others? the abuse. there is a huge difference between harming/torturing/killing strangers and abusing your loved ones. o/ctavia is the only character on this show who has consistently abused her loved ones FOR SEASONS and been yet to be called out for it. she was called out for a lot of things in s6 but never the abuse of her loved ones specifically in s3 and 4. it is a HUGE part of her story that is never addressed by the writers. of course other characters have slapped, electrocuted, etc. people that they love, but unlike o/ctavia, these actions are not repeated for seasons. these actions are not followed with gaslighting and emotional abuse that shape the victim’s entire arc like o/ctavia’s gaslighting and emotional abuse shaped bellamy’s arc. 
anyway, sorry this got long, and i hope this answers your question. i’m actually really glad you asked me this!! i feel like i have most of my thoughts on this issue all in one place now.
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menalez · 4 years
yeah, dgmw I feel bad seeing it, I just want it off my dash, you can tell people are so focused on not looking like assholes, but just make themselves look worse. I don't want to see screenshots of people idk and idc about lying about other people idk and idc bout. saying someone's a necrophil, pedo, lolcow, diabetic, furry or whatever. it looks like people throwing something at the wall hoping it sticks. take that foolishness up with your professional, you'll feel better.
i said it to them but at this point no one is coming out of that situation looking good but i think they are all taking issue w how theyre being presented and think its misconstrued,,, i cant rly judge them for not stopping bc i suck at that myself.................i certainly dont think bystanders should be encouraging this tho bc its more detrimental to the ppl it pertains to than anything
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