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looks-golden · 2 years ago
Bunch of Ducktales incorrect quotes
Violet: So, Dewey is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.
Gosalyn : Why?
Violet: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.
Dewey, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
Violet: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride.
Gosalyn : Actually Violet, it’s salt. Violet: That’s what I said, sodium chloride.
Gosalyn : Uh Violet, that would be salt.
Gosalyn : *takes salt packer from Violet* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Lena: Nothing in life is free.
Violet: Love is free.
Huey : Knowledge is free.
Dewey: Friendship is free.
Gosalyn : Self-respect is free.
Webby: Everything's free if you don't pay for it. The Squad: ...
Huey : Webby, that's illegal-
Lena: No, let them finish!
Gosalyn : If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Violet: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Huey : Drunk.
Dewey: Wasted.
Lena: Dead.
Dewey: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation.
Huey : So you're just gonna wait until Gosalyn is in danger and save them?
Dewey: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them.
Huey : ...
Huey : You're insane.
Lena: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Gosalyn: Why?
Lena: Dewey fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Louie: Huey doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Webby: Where the devil is Lena?
Dewey: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe they melted?
Gosalyn: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Louie: Look guys, I need help.
Gosalyn: Love help?
Webby: Financial help?
Violet: Emotional help?
Lena: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Lena*
Lena: What?
Webby: I can't believe you've done this.....
Lena: I'm sorry I didn't know-!
*Dewey is cleaning the house and they find an empty bottle of orange juice*
Dewey: Clear orange juice?
Dewey: Oh, it's empty.
Huey, who has been watching the entire time: I live with an idiot. I live with an idiot. I live with an idiot.
Dewey: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Gosalyn a little bit.
Webby, holding Dewey's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Dewey: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Webby: My mistake.
*Lena is casually searching around the room*
Gosalyn: Hey Lena, what’re you looking for?
Lena: My will to live.
*Webby walks into the room*
Lena: Oh, there it is.
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shind91 · 1 year ago
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writebackatya · 2 years ago
what are your thoughts on the amount of dewelyn fics that are on ao3
~kind stranger
Same thoughts of any other category of fics I like, I wouldn’t mind if there were more
But I’m sure you already know how these things take time and sometimes people just don’t wanna write the things you wanna see. Best thing to do is write them yourself
Dewelyn is my go-to ship for Dewey, I honestly don’t think I ship him with anyone other than Gosalyn. I like those two. All though it’s not gonna be the main focus of the series, I am going to have a lot Deweyln moments in The Iron Duck of Steel: The Gizmoduck Movie, Part I!, it helps that those two are two of the three main characters of that series so that’ll give me plenty of opportunities to show off the dynamic I think they’d have in the very early stages of those feelings blossoming
Honestly I do have some fic ideas that will have Dewey and Gosalyn in them and at best it’s just hinting towards them figuring things out between them
Until then, a Deweyln fic I recommend is Dewey Duck’s Guide to Figuring Out if You’re Dating Somebody. It’s a good read if you haven’t read it
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moonbeam-dragon · 3 years ago
Ideas: Dewey and Gosalyn's Future Wedding
-Breaking gender roles like the icons they are
-Gosalyn wants to keep her name Mallard. Dewey just feels like Hortense robbed him of "Mc" in his name. They change both of theirs to "McMallard."
-They can't choose a cake flavor so they have a massive one made. Nothing is too good for them. One hundred layers, all different flavors, different sweets and candies decorating it, figures of them fighting side-by-side on top.
-They are both wearing outfits outside of tradition. Gosalyn has on a wtire jumpsuit with a violet jacket and flowy skirt in back. Dewey is wearing a pretty blue and black suit with a skirt-like tail. They SLAY 💅
-Drake walks Gosalyn down the isle, trying his best not to cry. Dewey has to take Gosalyn's hands away from him, and they share a moment of trust as Drake lets her start a new chapter.
-Launchpad is sitting between Della and Drake, openly sniffling but being quiet. He slowly starts breaking down more, Drake and Della both doing their best to calm him down. Drake us crying even more though.
-Donald is next to Della. Both are crying happy tears. They are holding each other together. Daisy is holding both of them together.
-Webby is Dewey's maid of honor. Honker is Gosalyn's best man. Huey and Louie are the other groomsmen. Lena, Violet, and Boyd are the bridesmaids. June is the flower girl. May is the ring-bearer.
-Dewey and Gos start tearing up as they say their vows. They kiss and Gosalyn literally sweeps Dewey off his feet.
-The Three Caballeros perform during the party! Dewey sings for Gosalyn. She refuses to sing in front of people. They have a dance that is more like combat moves.
-Their first dance togetherstarts slow but ends pretty energetic.
-Drake's dance with Gosalyn is slow and careful. He's still crying and being super sappy. Gosalyn's letting him. They have a conversation only they can hear. Gosalyn cries a little and hugs him so hard she pops something in both of them.
-Della dances with Dewey, beaming about how proud she is. It's extremely energetic and they sing together at the top of their lungs.
-Launchpad dances with both of them because he loves them so darn much.
-Huey, Louie, and Webby do speeches to embarrass Dewey as much as possible. All the parents do a little bit of it. Lena and Violet are fairly close to Gosalyn so they do it too.
-Violet catches the bouquet thanks to Lena's interference.
-The wedding is attacked by villains. Gosalyn and Dewey kick some tail feathers without ruining their clothes.
-They leave the party on a plane. Dewey flies them off on a honeymoon that's bound to have some wild adventures.
Fun fact: You want to cry now.
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yourmusicmuse · 4 years ago
Gosalyn, trying to flirt: I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH!
Gosalyn: With my mouth...
Gosalyn: Softly.
Dewey: *blinks*
Dewey: That works with me.
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i-swear-im-not-crying · 3 years ago
no thoughts only dewelyn playing video games with/against each other
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mybluehive · 4 years ago
They just so... Oh
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kaderp · 4 years ago
I'm just gonna keep this as flat colors and not do eye detail but HERE THEY ARE
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Their birthday is March 9th fjebfje
In a nutshell Racer is the egotistical one and loves to show off
Amelia is quieter and wants everything to go smoothly
Ivy is spunky and Della calls her 'mini me' (her and Racer get into the most trouble
And Axel is more level headed but also has a really bad temper
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reesiereads · 4 years ago
(hello i am here to enable you) dewelyn 6, 9, 19!!
Thank you for enabling me!
6. What do they love about each other?
Dewey loves Gosalyn’s determination, her fierce drive to do what she thinks is right. He loves her ability to keep going no matter the danger, and how in the end she will always do what she thinks is right even if it costs her.
Gosalyn loves Dewey’s compassion, how he’s always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. She loves his loyalty to his family and just how kind and earnest he is.
9. What made them realize they’re in love?
Dewey’s realization smacks him in the head randomly. He knows he likes hanging out with Gosalyn, a lot, but he thinks that she’s just a really good friend. Then he starts talking about her to one of his sibs (maybe Huey), and he’s just rambling about how great she is and they’re like: “do... do you like her?” And Dewey is like: “oh, shit-“
Gosalyn takes longer to realize. She knows she enjoys Dewey’s company, but she hasn’t had many friends before as-is so she figures that it’s just normal for friends to want to be so close. She starts questioning it though when Drake jokingly asks her once if she has a crush on Dew, but she brushes it off because that would be ridiculous. At some point though, maybe when they’re hanging out and he’s talking to her about some crazy adventure he’d went on recently, it would just kind of hit her and she’d just know.
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before
I like to think Dew and Gos are the kind of couple to share each other’s hobbies a lot, like one of them likes something so the other agrees to try it out because “you like it.”
So like Gosalyn introducing Dewey to hockey (doesn’t go super well but he’s trying), or Dewey dragging Gosalyn into helping him stream (that goes much better, and Gos does have a lot of fun with it, even if she won’t admit it).
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determinedowl23 · 4 years ago
Designing dt fan kids and listen, you know Dewey & Gos’s children would have fantastic hair
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looks-golden · 2 years ago
another bunch of incorrect ducktales quotes
Gosalyn: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Dewey: This is a lie.
Dewey: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Louie: Huey said its my turn with the brain cell.
Dewey: Square up.
Honkers: And what do I get out of this?
Gosalyn : I will give you a dollar.
Honkers: What do you think I am? A chump? I would never do it for a dollar!
Gosalyn : How bout two dollars?
Honkers: You got yourself a deal.
Gosalyn : I'm very scary.
Drake: You're about as scary as a wet kitten.
Gosalyn : Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me.
Drake: And small.
Gosalyn :
Gosalyn : ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Lena: I’m here for the cult stuff.
Honkers: How did you find us?
Lena: I saw your ad on craigslist.
May, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
June: Yeah, sure. *A few minutes later*
June: Here you go.
Dewey: Why am I here?
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Boyd: Would never stab anyone.
May: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Dewey: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Webby: Would stab without warning.
Gosalyn : Would stab as a warning.
Gosalyn : There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Dewey way.
Honkers: Isn't that the wrong way?
Gosalyn : Yes, but it's faster.
Dewey: Are you reading fan fiction?
Honkers, reading an article about extremely rare diseases: Wh- No.
Dewey: Oh, is it on AO3?
Honkers: This is CNN.
Lena: What are you in the mood for?
Webby: World domination.
Lena: That's a bit ambitious.
Webby: You are my world.
Lena: Aww...
Lena: OH.
=================================Violet: When you work at lush and a customer comes in and bites the soap because they think it’s cheese... this happens way more frequently than you think.
May: If you stopped literally presenting soap as deli food this wouldn't happen.
Violet: Who goes into a bath store and thinks something covered in glitter is cheese?
June: Who goes to the store and just takes a bite from the cheese?
Doofus: Count me in!
Violet: Who the hell are you?! Doofus: Oh, you know my sibling! They worked at Wendy's.
Violet: Oh yeah, Boyd! How are they doing?
Doofus: Oh yeah, not too good. They've been dead for the past month.
Dewey: What the hell, they didn't tell us!
Huey, rubbing their temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarrette.
June: But Huey, we don't smoke.
Huey: Cut the crap, June. I'm not an idiot. I know that one in five people smoke.
Huey: *points at Dewey* One! *points at Louie* Two! *points at Webby* Three! *points at Gosalyn * Four! *points at June* Five!
Huey: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarrette between these two fingers!
Gosalyn : *puts a cigarrette in Huey's hand*
Huey: Thank you. ...Light? The Squad: *all simultaneously pull out lighters*
Doofus: There are three chairs and five kids. What do you do?
Webby: Get two more chairs.
Dewey: Cut each chair in half to make six.
Violet: Make them FIGHT for their seats!
Gosalyn : I would never be near children.
Lena: Get rid of two kids.
=================================Webby: *yawns*
Lena: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Webby: Then you must be exhuasted.
May: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Lena: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Webby: I saw you.
Lena: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of June in a turkey costume.
Lena: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? The trees are PINK, guys!
Gosalyn : Allergies are also a problem, y'know.
Lena: But pink.
May: And it's hot.
Lena: PINK! =================================
Demon: Hey, I took your soul last month and-
Lena: No returns.
Demon: *sobbing* But it's making me sad... =================================
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shind91 · 2 years ago
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writebackatya · 2 years ago
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NEW Home for the Holidays! starring the one, the only: DJ DAFT DUCK!!!!
Christmas Rapping!: Della Duck, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, and DJ Daft Duck serenade their loved ones with a performance of the greatest holiday composition ever written
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moonbeam-dragon · 3 years ago
Light of Our Lives Part 3
Moonrise! Here’s more of this. Enjoy some legitimate development of character. This will be a little more filler than anything. But whatever. Tw: Gosalyn is guilty of manslaughter technically, some Dewlyn, I actually let them swear for the first time wooo.
Gosalyn was quiet over dinner. It wasn’t unusual. Recently she’d had these spurts where she’d be withdrawn and solemn. Drake had hoped they’d become less frequent, which they had, only barely.
Launchpad had invited Della and her kids over for a couple days. They were staying in a hotel in town, but had had dinner with the Mallards the last two nights. Della and the kids had been rather worried about Gosalyn. When Drake explained what had happened, they understood why she was acting so weird.
Now here she was, poking at her peas and potatoes, not talking to anyone. She half-listened to Louie and Della as they went on about an adventure they’d had together. Normally, she would have been interrupting for more details, laughing and gasping at the interesting bits. But tonight she was just quiet, not noting any of the things that were being said.
“And we got out with the loot,” Louie concluded.
“And glory to our names!” Della added, putting an arm around her youngest.
Dewey laughed a bit. “You’re making me wish I’d gone with you.”
Louie rolled his eyes. “This required a bit more class and agility than you have. Plus, there was only enough room for two people in that vault. It was cramped, man.”
Drake looked over at Gosalyn, hoping she’d give some remarks. She didn’t. Now that he took a good look, it seemed like she’d only taken a bite or two out of her potatoes. Dewey glanced up to speak to Launchpad and Drake, but saw the concern on the dad’s face. He traced it back to Gosalyn, who sat next to him, and frowned deeply. She was never so quiet. “Hey,” he whispered, putting a hand on her arm. “Do you want to go talk?” Gosalyn didn’t pull her arm back, but she didn’t respond. She slowly looked up at Dewey, green eyes hollow and sad. Dewey felt his heart break a little at the sight. He nudged her arm. “Let’s go to your room and talk after dinner. You should eat a little more.” Gosalyn shook her head, stiffening. Dewey rubbed her arm and turned back to his plate. “At least don’t waste mashed potatoes,” he said lightly.
Gosalyn couldn’t help the small smile on her face when he said that. It wasn’t forceful, just a suggestion. She did love her dad’s mashed potatoes… Gosalyn picked up her fork and finally started eating. Drake noticed Dewey had said something to her. He didn’t hear what, but he was glad it got her focused enough to eat.
When everyone was done, Launchpad suggested they all move to the living room and watch something. As they headed over, Dewey felt the arms of his jacket get pulled. He looked back to see Gosalyn just staring at him. He looked back at the others. Should he make an excuse? Webby caught his eye and almost asked if he was coming, but saw Gosalyn and instead nodded silently. She’d cover him. Dewey followed Gosalyn up to her room, watching her. She shut the door behind them and looked at Dewey. “I can’t live with myself,” she said, one of her first words that night. “The last three weeks have been hell.”
Dewey frowned and stepped a little closer. “I know. Drake told me what happened at the dam.”
Gosalyn looked at him with teary eyes, then suddenly screamed and kicked the ground. “I’m such a failure! I’m a horrible person!”
Dewey shook his head, holding his hands out to her. “You’re not a horrible person.”
“I let people die, Dewey!” she snapped, going over to her desk. “Three people. A family.” She grabbed a newspaper off of it and threw it at him. Dewey caught it against his chest. He stared at his friend in shock. How was it that Gosalyn could be so quiet and isolated one moment, and suddenly yelling and burning with self-loathing. He unfolded the paper and saw a picture of a family on it. They were mice, two wealthy-looking parents and a young daughter. “I couldn’t get them out in time. The parents fought until they pulled each other off. And their daughter-” She stopped herself and slammed her fists against her desk. “She fell. I tried to pull her up, I did. But there was only so much I could do! She slipped and I dropped her. I let an innocent child die!”
Dewey stared at the picture. The girl looked pretty young, at the very oldest nine. “You tried to save her. Doesn’t that count?”
“No, it doesn’t,” Gosalyn said. “I couldn’t. If I’d just held on a little longer, she’d be alive.”
“You did save a lot of others,” he pointed out. “There are a lot of people who owe you their lives.”
“I owe that child her own life,” Gosalyn said. “Her parents brought their demise on themselves. They fought while we were hanging above the dam. But that little girl tried to follow me. She trusted me to protect her. I broke that.” Dewey looked up at her, seeing tears fall onto her desk, which she was hunched over on. “She’s gone because of me. She’s washed out into the bay because of me.”
Dewey shook his head. “Gosalyn, that’s not it at all. If you hadn’t done anything, they’d all be mind-controlled or sick or hurt.” He walked over to her and set down the paper. “THink of everyone you did save. Do they think you’re a bad person? Of course not! You did everything you could.”
“Not according to them,” Gosalyn spat, smacking the newspaper. “Did you read any of it? ‘Why didn’t Quiverwing Quack do anything about the Pilligas family?’ ‘Does Quiverwing Quack truly care about the innocents of St. Canard?’ ‘Quiverwing Quack: Does she value the lives of bystanders?’”
Dewey rolled his eyes. “The press always says things like that. But they never know the truth. You do. Do you value the bystanders?”
“Yes!” Gosalyn said. “I do. But I’m powerless to protect each of them. What good am I if I can’t stop things like that?” she asked.
Dewey watched silently. He didn’t know what to say. He had never been in her situation before. Not exactly. But he couldn’t really empathize with her over that. When he’d accidentally killed somebody, he’d fought a bad person to protect his family. It was better not to try and compare those. But there was one story he heard from Launchpad he might be able to use. “You’re a good person because you feel guilt and remorse. Your dad couldn’t even do that.”
Gosalyn looked up at him, eyes teary. “What do you mean?”
“He accidentally killed someone. Granted, they technically lived. But he didn’t know that,” he said. When Gosalyn gave him a confused look, he shrugged. “I found out that he accidentally pushed the Liquidator into a vat of poisoned water. He thought he’d died and shrugged it off. Launchpad said that your dad said, and I quote, ‘Cases are so much easier when the bad guy offs himself like that.’”
Gosalyn’s eyes widened. “But- But that was a villain. This was-”
“He wasn’t a villain until then,” Dewey reminded her. “Sure, he was a sour man and a criminal, but he had done nothing that deserved death. He deserved at least some mourning, but Darkwing didn’t feel bad.”
Gosalyn sighed shakily. Did her father really let someone fall and not get upset over it? “I can’t let this go like he did,” she said. “I can’t forgive myself for letting her die.”
Dewey put a hand over hers. “Then don’t forgive yourself. But you can let her rest in peace. And let yourself relax. You tried your best. You saved so many people. But you didn’t quit on her.” Gosalyn looked up at him, breathing more heavily and shakily. “You can respect failure, but not a quitter. And you are not a quitter. You have the decency to recognize that you failed. The guilt you feel proves that you’re good.”
Gosalyn took a deep breath. “How can I be Quiverwing if people died on my watch?”
“People died on your dad’s watch. Good and bad. And he’s still out there, being the best he can be,” Dewey told her. “You’re a great hero. I know you can’t see it right now. But when you see yourself the way I do, you will.”
“I think Quiverwing needs to be put away. Just for a while,” she whispered. “I can’t handle that pressure anymore. I’m not ready to have the city depend on me like this.”
Dewey pulled Gosalyn into a hug. Maybe if he held her tight, he could hold all these dark thoughts out for a little while. He ran a hand through her hair as she relaxed into his body a little. He felt a spot on his jacket get wet. He sighed and hugged her tighter. As Gosalyn just broke down, he whispered comfort to her and ran a hand through her hair. Most people would look at the Duck brothers and think “they’re not good with feelings.” That wasn’t exactly true. They didn’t often have reasons to be sappy and sentimental, but they were able to. But Dewey would deny it if his brothers asked if he’d held Gosalyn tight and rubbed her back to soothe her. He hoped she wouldn’t tell anyone. He’d hate to be made fun of for something so personal.
He eventually led Gosalyn over to her bed, letting her rest and lean into him. He almost felt like he should say something more, but nothing came to mind. Maybe he didn’t need to try and convince her she was okay. Maybe Drake and everyone were going about it wrong when they tried to tell her she wasn’t right about this whole thing. Maybe she just needed to feel like shit. Maybe she just needed someone to keep her afloat instead of pulling her out. Maybe he could keep her afloat until she could pull herself up.
Gosalyn held onto Dewey’s jacket tightly. It was comforting just to have someone there who could take care of her. Someone who could just be there so she wasn’t alone. She lost the concept of time. She only knew it was a long time before her sobs calmed down and she was just sniffling, holding his jacket.
“I think Quiverwing needs to be put away. Just for a while,” she whispered. “I can’t handle that pressure anymore. I’m not ready to have the city depend on me like this.”
“Then put Quiverwing away,” Dewey said, taking her hands. “We’re young. We have all the time in the world to go on adventures and save lives. Your dad is taking care of the city.”
Gosalyn smiled and fell into Dewey’s arms. He caught her and held her close. “I think I’ll get better,” she said with a watery voice.
“I know you will,” he told her. After a few minutes of him ust rubbing her back to calm her hitching gasps, he asked, “When was the last time you slept properly?”
“I don’t even know,” Gosalyn said. “It’s hard for me to sleep at night with all this in my head.”
“Have you told your dad?”
“Yeah. But it doesn’t help much. He tries. I'm sorry I can’t do this for him,” she whispered. “But warm milk doesn’t really help this sort of thing.”
Dewey hummed. “I get it. Sometimes I stay up all night because I get nightmares from certain adventures. Getting crushed by a giant worm and watching your brother make out with it just doesn’t feel right.”
Gosalyn pushed away from Dewey to stare at him. “Wait what?”
“Long story,” Dewey said with a small laugh.
“I’m willing to listen,” she said.
Dewey smirked. “Fine. I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Gosalyn chuckled a bit and pulled away. “Let me put on something more comfortable,” she said, going over to her messy closet.
Dewey blushed and turned the other way. “Yeah, that makes sense.” He fiddled with his jacket sleeves for a minute and only looked back when Gosalyn said.
She was wearing an oversized green sweatshirt, which looked like something she’d taken from her dad, now sitting on her bed, hugging herself. Dewey pulled off his jacket and left it on the bed, scooting next to her and putting an arm around her. “So, Huey and I overheard a call from our cousin Fethry. They were known for coming up with some great story, only to show them a rock or something, right? So Huey and I decided to go anyway.”
Gosalyn smiled as she listened to Dewey go on and on about this old adventure. She would occasionally make a comment about something, but was mostly quiet and attentive. It was progress, Dewey told himself. He wasn’t sure when Gosalyn drifted off, but he looked down to see her head on his chest, eyes closed peacefully. He smiled, resting back on the headboard.
The door opened a few minutes later, and Drake was standing there, suddenly looking confused. Dewey put a finger to his beak, nodding towards Gosalyn. Drake came farther into the room. “You got her to sleep?” he asked, looking almost offended.
Dewey nodded. “She just fell asleep.”
“How did you get her to sleep?” Drake whispered.
“She cried herself exhausted. She dozed off while I was telling a story,” he reported, trying to stay quiet and still so he wouldn’t disturb her. “Did you need her?”
Drake shook his head. “I was wondering where you two went.” He sat at the foot of the bed, frowning at Gosalyn. “I was worried about her.”
Dewey nodded. “So was I. I still kind of am. But I think she’ll get better.”
“You do?” Drake asked. He’d started seriously thinking Gosalyn might not be able to get back up. The remorse she was dealing with had started getting into her whole life, distracting her from school, eating, and sleep.
“Yeah. She will,” Dewey told him confidently.
Drake smiled gratefully. He stood up and stretched. “Welp, why don’t you come downstairs and watch Pelican Island with the rest of us?”
Dewey shifted to get up, but Gosalyn’s hand suddenly tightened on her arm and she whined. Dewey smiled and moved back. “I don’t think she’ll let me. Maybe I’ll stay here a little longer?”
Drake chuckled at Gosalyn’s sudden grip. He nodded and went back to the door. “Two things. One, no clowning around with my daughter,” he said, glaring a bit. Dewey blushed but nodded in understanding. “And two, if she starts sleep-walking, restrain her and call for help. There have been too many incidents.”
Dewey almost asked what the heck he meant, but Drake left, leaving only a sliver in the door. The teen boy looked down at Gosalyn. She might be hard to restrain, but okay. He pulled the blanket over her, smiling. “Goodnight, Gos,” he whispered.
And Gosalyn slept, peaceful in knowing that her beautiful city was safe.
There. This was shorter but I wanted to finish. I didn’t mean to spend so much time on this but oh well. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbage, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!Moonset!
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yourmusicmuse · 4 years ago
Dewey: Feel this shirt? That's boyfriend material.
Gosalyn: *touches his shirt for a moment*
Gosalyn: No, I'm pretty sure that's cotton.
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yourmusicmuse · 4 years ago
Please send any Ducktales ship (not just the ones tagged) in my inbox with a number (you can do multiple!)
Important OTP Questions (Send a ship to my ask box and some numbers!)
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
10) Who is more likely to cheat?
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
17) Who is more protective?
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
21) Who cuts the others hair?
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
26) Who kissed first?
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
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