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cleartogether · 2 years ago
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DEVIL PHARAH artworks!
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neganwifey25-blog · 11 months ago
Am I reading this again at 1:40am…yes I am 😮‍💨🫠😂
The Devil's Chair
Pairing: devil!Xu Shangqi x reader
Genre: Smut
*18+ only; please do not consume if you are younger than 18 years old*
Warnings: monster fucking (sorta), mentions of Christianity, supernatural phenomenons, alcohol consumption, throne sex, oral sex (f receiving), spitting kink, tongue fucking, hickies, tit play, Amazon position (just look it up), reader doms Shangqi for a bit hehe, choking, spanking, mirror sex, doggystyle, cum eating, creampie
*Please note that you are responsible for your own media consumption. If any of these warnings trigger you or make you uncomfortable, please do not read!*
Summary: After a drunken mishap, you find yourself in Hell with the devil. He becomes smitten with you, unable to punish you for what you’ve done.
Word Count: 4.6k
Notes: Happy Hoe-lloween whores!!!! To celebrate my favorite holiday, I present to you, devil!Shangqi. This fic was so hot that even Hell seemed cool 😂😂😂 As mentioned in the warnings, there is some monster fucking towards the end so please proceed with caution if that is not your thing. Same applies for all of the warnings! Also, there are talks about religion in this fic, but I am not here to push any beliefs or attitudes onto anyone. This is a fictional piece made solely for entertainment and is not meant to be taken too seriously. This was not beta read. I went over it more than once but mistakes are still mine.
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It was the night before Halloween. You and your friends had just left the craziest costume party you had ever attended. You were expecting to get laid tonight by one of the guys you were talking to at the party, but it turned out, he wasn’t all that interested in you. You drowned yourself in tequila and then vodka and then whiskey. The mixture of alcohol obviously didn’t sit well so you yacked the whole party until your friends decided to call an Uber home. By the time you and your friends left the shitshow of a party, you were a little more conscious and sober than a few hours ago.
The Uber drive home was not too bad. Luckily, you were able to hold in your sickness and your friends comforted you with back rubs and bottled water. All that changed when the driver came to a construction stop that was supposed to lead to the street you and your friends lived on.
“Sorry, ladies, looks like this is the end of the road for us...literally,” the driver shrugged.
“Are you fucking serious?” your friend, Lana, yelled. “We didn’t pay you for this-”
“Guys, stop, it’s fine,” you slurred while opening the door, “let’s just walk the rest of the way.” Lana and your other friend, Kathleen, stared at you with dumbfounded eyes. You were too drunk to remember the only way to your apartment from your current location was through a cemetery. This was why Lana and Kathleen ordered an Uber driver, but, again, you were too drunk to remember that conversation. Your friends tried to protest but it was too late. You had already hopped out of the car and started walking, stumbling over your red go-go boots.
“Well, thanks I guess,” Kathleen motioned to the driver, waiting for Lana to climb out the car before she did. They chased after you barefoot in their matching sexy princess costumes. Goosebumps formed on their arms from the nippy air and the intense fear they had of the cemetery you trotted through.
When you, Lana, and Kathleen moved into the small city, you had heard strange stories about the cemetery right by your apartment complex. Your friends were hesitant about moving in, but you being the fearless one of the group, you convinced them that the apartment was your best option, financially speaking. The cemetery did give you the creeps and you wanted to avoid it to the best of your abilities. Yet, right at that moment, all you cared about was getting into the comfort of your home. That was until you came across a mysterious stone chair.
“Oh, look, a chair!” you exclaimed, hobbling towards it so you can free your calloused feet of the tight boots. “Thank fuck, my feet are killing me!”
“Hey, I wouldn’t sit there if I were you,” Kathleen yelled after you. You asked why in annoyance.
“Yeah, don’t you know about the devil’s chair,” Lana began, “legend says that if you sit in the chair in the middle of the cemetery you’ll get dragged to Hell and punished for eternity.” You snickered mockingly at your friends.
“Jesus, you sound like my parents,” you grunted and rolled your eyes. “I’m not going to Hell for sitting in a damn chair!” You plopped yourself down in the stone seat, removing your shoes to massage your feet. Seeing that you were still perfectly fine, you stuck your tongue out at them. Lana and Kathleen sighed and started walking away from you.
“Whatever, we’re walking ahead of you,” Lana called out.
“Hold on!” you shouted while shoving your feet back into your boots. “I’m coming!” As you were about to stand up, you realized you were stuck to the chair. It felt as if you were cemented to it.
“Hey, guys, help me!” Your friends turned around and spotted you struggling to stand.
“Stop fucking around, you’re not that drunk,” Kathleen snapped, stomping towards you. Lana followed in her footsteps.
“I’m not fucking around! I literally can’t get up!” You reached out to them but before they could grab your hands, a portal opened beneath you. The three of you screamed when the bottomless pit opened wider. Lana and Kathleen attempted to clasp onto you but it was too late. The portal had swallowed you whole.
Your friends freaked out more, shouting out for you. When they were only met with silence, Lana began searching for something to dig with while Kathleen called the police.
You were falling until you hit a hard surface, flat on your chest. You cursed in pain, rubbing your boobs that saved you from an even harder fall. Your head shot up, looking around the unfamiliar space you had been transported into. The room was almost pitch black, a faint flame from a wall candle luminating the darkness. The light allowed you to capture the dark Victorian style decor. It was as if you were transported to a castle from the 1800s.
The alcohol that once coursed through your blood seemed to have left your system. Upon realizing that, you started cross-examining your consciousness. Were you dreaming? No, there was no way you could have been dreaming. If you were dreaming, you would have woken up before hitting the ground and you sure as Hell wouldn’t be feeling the pain from it.
Wait a damn minute…
You scurried to your feet, your heart racing after realizing where you had been taken to. So the urban legend is actually real then? Were you really dragged down to Hell for sitting in that chair? Oh shit! Lana and Kathleen! Could it really be Hell? No, it can’t. If it is, where are the fiery pits and the never ending cries of those who have sinned while the devil sneers in their faces? Speaking of, was the devil as scary and evil as you originally imagined?
Your train of thought came to a halt when the ominous creaking of a door vibrated throughout the room. At the end of the hallway was a red door that opened slightly, inviting you to investigate further. The heels from your boots clicked against the marble flooring, walking towards the red door. You began walking with a purpose, that purpose being to get answers to all your questions. Upon arriving at the door, the black interior decor awkwardly transitioned into scarlet red hues.
You peeped through the door, your eyes landing on a grand staircase that led to a giant throne made of the same marble. The throne looked awfully similar to the chair from the graveyard you sat in. Then, you noticed a tall, muscular man wearing only leather pants with his legs spread out across the throne. The way this man sat gave you a generous view of his crotch area.
You wanted to assume this was the devil since he was all perched up on the throne. At the same time, why did the devil look like a human and not some terrifying creature with horns and a tail? This man was way too hot to be the devil. Then again, perhaps your parents and the church painted Hell to be something scary to keep you compliant.
“Ahh hello there,” the man’s voice was smooth as silk. “You must be the bold and brave soul that sat in my chair.” Fuck, he knows. A shiver crept up your spine as you mentally prepared yourself for the eternal damnation you will receive. At the same time, you wouldn’t mind being damned to Hell if this man was the one you had to serve.
“Umm hi...Mr. Devil,” you stuttered, fumbling with your hands in front of you. The man raised an eyebrow and tilted his head at you. You didn’t think that a gesture this simple would make you weak in the knees. “I-I-I mean Satan, or Lucifer...I’m sorry I'm not exactly sure what exactly to call you.”
The man laughed, his chiseled chest heaving up and down. He leaned forward to rest his forearms on his knees. His legs proceeded to spread even further than they already did.
“There is no need for any of that, darling. Shangqi is just fine.” You repeated his name, liking the way it rolled off your tongue with ease. Your lips curled in, preparing yourself to interrogate him.
“So, Shangqi, you really are the devil?” He nodded once with a blink. “And this is Hell?” Shangqi repeated his previous motions as if he was an automated machine. “So, is the legend true? You, the devil, drag those who sit in that chair in the middle of the graveyard to Hell and punish them for eternity?”
“All of that is true, my dear.” Shangqi paused, reconsidering the latter part of your statement. “Well, I only punish those who give me a reason to.”
“Well, I should also say that I'm truly sorry for sitting in your chair. I was drunk as shit and my friends tried to warn me, but I didn't listen. I guess I kinda deserve getting dragged to Hell. I will take whatever punishment you have for me.” You found your hands snaking behind your back, waiting for how he would react. Shangqi ran his thumb across his lower lip, becoming more attentive to how nervous and submissive you got around him. His head filled with dirty images of you on your knees, fully submitting to him.
“I like you, little one,” Shangqi simply smirked, causing you to perk up. “You aren’t afraid of me like the others. You're willing to accept your fate.” Although you were starting to ease into the conversation with him, he noticed you searching for your next words.
“I wouldn’t really call it accepting my fate,” you stammered, “more like...owning up to the choices I’ve made.” Shangqi’s eyebrow quirked upward, along with his upper body that rested on his legs. He smiled at you wickedly, leaning against one armrest. The handsome devil had grown smitten with you and your nervous demeanor yet witty comments. You were still at the bottom of the staircase, which bothered Shangqi because he craved your closeness. He was surprised by how quickly you had grown on him.
“Come here, little one,” Shangqi ordered, his two fingers motioning towards you. “I want to get a better look at you.” His words combined with that hand motion caused the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. You timidly rubbed the back of your neck before strutting up the stairs, the sound of your boots relieving the silent sexual tension between you two. You kept your eyes on the ground, hoping not to skip a step and fall awkwardly in front of the devil. Meanwhile, Shangqi’s eyes fixated on your legs, unaware of how he held his breath until you reached the last stair at the top.
You stepped closer to Shangqi, stopping at his feet. When your eyes finally met with Shangqi’s, you were mesmerized by his features. You noticed the beauty marks on the side of his face that lined up like stars, the lone strand of hair that waved away from the rest of his hair, the dimples that defined his lips when he laughed, smiled, or smirked. For someone who claimed to be the devil, he was almost...ethereal.
Shangqi swallowed the lump in his throat when he saw you were dressed as a devil. The way your red leotard shaped your physique, on top of your matching go-go boots, caused his cock to swell against his pants. He fought the temptation to rip your costume apart and sheath you with his shaft. Shangqi may have been one to instigate sin, but he at least respected others’ boundaries.
“Nice costume, by the way. I’m flattered you had me in mind for this hallow’s eve.” Your pussy pulsated as arousal seeped onto your leotard. Since it was thin material, you clenched your thighs together in hopes that your wetness was not evident to Shangqi. You sucked in a long breath, eyeing the growing bulge in his leather pants.
Shangqi stared at you with a mischievous grin, waiting for your next move as if the back and forth tête-à-tête was a game of chess. In that moment, you knew he wanted you the same way you wanted him. As much as that was true, you also knew he liked the build-up, and to some extent, so did you. Why not have a little more fun with this?
“Wanna know something, Shangqi?” You started inching towards him slowly, exaggerating the way your hips swayed since you knew his eyes were trained on them.
“I used to fear you. Growing up in a Christian household, my parents used you against me to be the perfect Christian daughter they wanted me to be.” You climbed onto his lap, resting on his thighs.
“But then, I just felt lost because I wasn’t living under my terms. I was living under someone else’s terms. So I renounced my faith to Christianity.” You paused to place your hands flat against his chest. Despite the hardness of his muscles, his skin still felt soft under your touch.
“My parents didn’t take that well so they kicked me out which turned out to be good for me. I eventually learned to fend for myself and finally started living on my own terms. I guess me dressing as you is a giant middle finger to them.” You were so wrapped up in your rant that you didn’t register Shangqi’s hands gripping your waist, causing you to subconsciously rut against him. Shangqi leered as you moaned at the contact of your wet pussy on his stiff cock.
“If you think I am going to punish you because of that myth about me, you are terribly wrong,” Shangqi said. “You are such a treasure, I should reward you.” His hands roamed to your ass, squeezing your cheeks that peeked out of your leotard. Your teeth grazed your bottom lip before your tongue darted out to moisten your lips.
“I’d expect that from the devil. I know you’re not a god and you wouldn’t punish me for no reason.” Your hands trailed up the back of his neck, twirling your finger around the nape.
The sexy devil chuckled, “My dear, I think you and I will get along just fine.” Shangqi closed the space between the two of you, locking lips with one another. As your lips greedily smashed together, your fingers combed through his hair before tugging it with your fist. Shangqi growled into your mouth before slipping his tongue in. Your tongues flicked against each other hungrily before you pulled away for air.
Shangqi wasted no time in hooking his fingers under the straps of your leotard and pulling the top down to reveal your breasts. You lifted yourself off his lap to tear the rest of your outfit off, leaving you naked aside from your boots and headband with the devil horns. A moan left Shangqi’s lips as he admired your nude figure that crawled back on top of him.
“No bra or panties?” He inquired, his dick throbbing against your bare core. You were instantly reminded of the guy who rejected you at the party and how you wore minimal clothing in hopes of getting fucked by him. You sighed as sadness washed over your face.
“Well, I was hoping to sleep with this one guy-“ Shangqi interrupted you by tilting your head up with his long digit to meet your gaze. He attacked your neck possessively with his teeth and lips, making you forget about the guy you were thinking about.
“Don’t worry about him, sweet one. I’m gonna fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked.” Suddenly, his hand grasped one of your boobs while his mouth engulfed the other. You whimpered as Shangqi sucked and nipped at your flesh, leaving dark marks behind. He repeated the same process to your other breast, causing your pussy to flutter against his leather pants.
“Lean back and hold onto my legs,” Shangqi commanded. “I want that sweet pussy in my face.” You hummed and sunk yourself back against his lap, wrapping your arms around his legs as Shangqi tugged your lower body up toward his face. Your legs naturally spread into the splits, giving Shangqi access to your sopping hole. His rough hands dug into your hips and lifted you closer to his face. Without breaking eye contact with you, Shangqi spat onto your pussy and quickly lapped it up before it could disappear into your cavern.
“Oh, fuuuck, that was so hot,” you whined while watching Shangqi’s tongue lather your slit with his spit. He chuckled smugly before sucking loudly on your labia. You cried his name out, jolting against his knees as your legs convulsed in midair.
“You taste so good, sweet one,” Shangqi praised, “I can devour you all night.” Then, he plunged his tongue into your canal, circling around the entrance. You screamed and gripped onto his legs as Shangqi tongue fucked your pussy. Feeling his tongue stretch you out was the hottest thing you had ever experienced and your stomach twisted in knots. Shangqi smiled down at you condescendingly with his tongue still inside you.
“Mmm, you wanna cum, huh, little one?” He taunted, licking a stripe up your cunt. You arched your back and nodded desperately. “Cum for me. I want all of Hell to know how much of a slut you are!” With that, Shangqi thrusted his tongue back inside you at a faster pace and used one hand to violently rub your aching clit. Within seconds, you were writhing in his mouth, bucking your hips closer against him. Shangqi drank up every drop of you as if it would be his last meal.
As you were calming down from your orgasm, Shangqi helped you sit up in his lap so he could leave more sloppy kisses on your neck. You twitched on him, his throbbing cock begging to be freed. A sudden burst of confidence caused you to reach down to undo Shangqi’s pants. He watched you slide his pants down in one movement, finally releasing his long shaft. Your mouth watered at how huge he was, his dark red tip dripping in precum. Suddenly, you recalled a certain position you have been eager to try.
“Can I try something on you?” you questioned.
Shangqi smiled, curiosity filling his head. “Be my guest, dear.” You grinned and gave him a hot open mouthed kiss before hopping off him to yank the rest of his pants off his legs. His body was now bare, except for his black loafers, but you figured it was only fair you kept his shoes on since yours were still on. Shangqi looked absolutely delicious and you couldn’t wait to ravage him.
You stood up again, spreading your legs in between his. Spitting into your hand, you stroked the saliva onto his cock, his jaw tightening at the friction. When you were satisfied, you pushed his legs back until his knees were against his chest. Shangqi was caught off guard by your dominance, recalling how you were shy for him not too long ago.
“I don’t know what you have in mind, dear, but I like it,” Shangqi interjected slyly. You simpered, lining his cock on your entrance. His eyebrows raised when he realized your feet were still on the ground.
“Just relax and enjoy the ride, baby” were the last words you said before sinking all the way down on Shangqi until your clit hilted at the base. You both uttered pornographic moans, shocked at how delectable this foreign position was. Your high heeled boots kept you balanced as you rocked your hips down onto his cock. You wrapped his legs around your waist to hold them in place.
“Ahh, fuck yeah, that’s fucking hot!” Shangqi groaned submissively, clutching both sides of the arm rests. It was ironic how you, a mortal, were able to dominate and control one of the most powerful beings you knew about. As you thrusted yourself down on him, Shangqi wrapped his hand around your neck, causing you to cough out a barely audible moan.
“Fuck, you really are a slut!” the devil hissed, tilting his head while tightening his grasp around your neck. A dark laugh vibrated from his chest. “All this time, I thought you would be a sweet, submissive little thing. Turns out, you love to sin as much as I love to instigate it.” Your mouth fell agape as your vision became spotty and you slowed your movements on his cock. Shangqi released his hand from your neck, causing you to pant for air and fall against his glistening chest. He assisted you off his cock, allowing you to rest against him.
“As much as I enjoyed you taking hold of the reins, sweet one, I think it’s my turn to be in charge.” He draped you over the armrest, presenting your ass to him. Shangqi gave it a firm swat, watching it ripple against his taut hand. His free hand jerked himself off with the juices from your cunt.
With a wave of his finger, he conjured a long mirror in front of you. You let out a gasp, unsure if it was because of his magic or because how fucked out you both looked. In the mirror, your eyes locked with Shangqi who continued fisting his dick while positioning himself behind you. He tapped the angry red head against your opening, causing you to squirm and bite your lip.
“You trust me right, sweet one?” Shangqi asked softly.
“Yes, I-” You were confused why he asked but even more so when he cut you off.
“Good.” He kissed your shoulder, shoving the head inside you. “If you get scared at any time, let me know, okay?” What the fuck was he talking about? You were about to question him until he stuffed you to the brim, his balls slapping against your clit. After taking a few seconds to adjust, Shangqi pumped himself inside you. Watching him fuck you in the mirror made your pussy quiver around him, more of your nectar coating his length.
As Shangqi pounded harder into you, it felt as if his cock was growing and stretching you out more. All of a sudden, his eyes glinted a fiery red, causing your jaw to drop. His nails turned into sharp claws that pierced your tender skin. A set of large, curved horns arose from his head and his body grew taller and more muscular. His hot, crimson skin revealed his true form as the devil. You expected to be scarred for life, considering he turned into the beast you used to read from the Bible. Instead, you were pulsating like crazy around his engorged devil dick.
“Oh fuck yes Shangqi!” You sobbed, bracing yourself on the armrest. “Fuck me harder, baby! Ohhhh, fuck!” The devil took your neck in his paws once more, this time digging his claws into you. You didn’t care if he punctured your neck and made you bleed. All you wanted was for him to destroy you until you couldn’t walk.
“Yeah, take my cock, you filthy slut!” Shangqi bellowed in a deeper voice, ruthlessly squeezing around your neck. “Take all of my cock in that sweet, little pussy of yours. I know you love this, huh? The way I stretch you in ways you’ve never felt before. Bet you won’t want another cock inside you unless it's me, is that right, slut?” Your lower lip trembled as you nodded with tears falling from your eyes. His pointy, elongated tongue slithered out to lick the side of your face. The feel of his tongue made you wish he had eaten you out in his devil form.
“No- don’t wanna fuck anyone- ahhh- but you, Sh-Shangqi,” you slurred, rolling your eyes back as he jackhammered into you. His hand around your neck snaked up to your chin, turning your head to make out with you passionately. Once he pulled away, he forced you to face the mirror. You almost came by the sight alone of you becoming a moaning mess for Shangqi.
“I’m so fuckin close, little one,” Shangqi announced, his thrusts becoming sloppy and more aggressive. “Cum with me, and I will fill you with my seed, okay?” You were so cock drunk that you barely whispered a yes before he started chasing his own orgasm. One of his claws played with the bud between your legs, while the other scratched down your back. The excruciating drag of his nails led you to cry out in pain and pleasure, finally reaching that peak of euphoria.
Shangqi was not too far behind you. With a few more ruts, he roared loudly while shooting his hot load inside you. His taint spilled from your hole even when he was still unloading. Placing one last kiss on your cheek, Shangqi pulled out of you and watched your mixture of sex leak from your spent canal. You lazily drooped over the side of his throne, all your muscles refusing to move. Shangqi carried you into his strong arms, pulling you against his chest. He lulled you as you trembled and panted from your state of bliss. The steady beat of his heart helped ground you back to reality. By the time you had calmed down, Shangqi had returned to his human form.
“I realized something, little one,” Shangqi said. You peered up at him past your eyelashes. “I want you by my side as queen of Hell.” His proposal made your cheeks warm up. It was a flattering and tempting offer. However, you started to think about the life you had back on earth.
“I-I don’t know what to-” Shangqi stopped you before you could finish your sentence.
“If there is anyone more deserving of being worshipped, it is you, my dear.” You couldn’t help but giggle at his compliment. Fuck it. Your family disowned you, you had shitty living conditions, and your friends would probably replace you within a week from today. If you stayed, you would have a man that actually wanted you and viewed you as more worthy of worship than he. Without further contemplation, you nodded your head, causing Shangqi to beam.
“Wait, do I get a crown or horns of some sort?” You inquired. Shangqi laughed, pecking your forehead.
“I can make that happen,” he replied, placing his hands on the horns on top of your head. The plastic horns transformed into the same horns that Shangqi had. Glancing in the mirror, you gingerly touched the horns that came out from your head. This was a look you could get used to. Wrapping your arms around Shangqi’s neck, you pulled him into another kiss.
Back on earth, Lana and Kathleen waited for the cops to arrive after watching you disappear into a portal. Your friends explained your situation to the police, however, they ridiculed and disregarded it, claiming that they were just drunk and hallucinating. The more they talked about it with others, the harder it was to find someone that would believe them. As you predicted, your friends eventually gave up on your disappearance, finding a new roommate to replace you with.
Your parents, on the other hand, searched far and wide for you. They prayed that they would find you, apologizing for disowning you. They were also unsuccessful in finding you but, as usual, they became more active in church to bring awareness to what happened to you.
You may have been a mystery to the rest of the world, but you could care less because you ruled all of Hell alongside your handsome devil.
*Thanks for reading :) Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. Your responses are what keep me motivated to write. However, please do not repost or translate my work anywhere.*
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bigfatbreak · 7 days ago
Speak of the Devil
part two previous / next
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glasskoi · 3 months ago
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there's a bartender ace au that i want to make real sooo badd...
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bizarreauhavre · 5 months ago
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Devil and snake occult ceremony ritual dagger. (19th century)
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cymk8 · 9 months ago
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miss ma'ams..........
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vidrith · 26 days ago
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Shadow fruit Zoro! I'm still playing around with his design!
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ford-owner · 4 months ago
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little birdy
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dimonds456-art · 5 months ago
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@year2000electronics ask and ye shall receive
Ramblings under the cut!
The general idea is that the AU follows a similar story structure to Cuphead, but the lore is similar to Gravity Falls. There's just one key difference: everyone can see and interact with Bill. He just can't really interact with our world. Yet.
Bill is a projection, brought forth by Gideon Gleeful. He would allow Bill free presence, and in return, Bill basically made him famous, AND his Earthen right-hand. So he takes the place of King Dice.
From there, the history is almost the same as GF. Ford came here to investigate anomalies, found Gravity Falls, met Bill, and started building a portal. The possession came with a different cost this time, though; Ford's soul. Bill promised he'd be in good hands and that it's just kinda part of the gig, but because of this, Bill's ability to possess him never left.
Once Ford got the metal plate installed, Bill was limited, sure, but he still had control of the soul contract, meaning he could basically just. Force Ford to do shit. The main limiting factor here is that he has to know where Ford is and has to be able to see him. If he can't see him, he can't control him. Once Ford is in the multiverse, this is the main reason Bill can't get him. He doesn't know where Ford is.
The main story is just everyone in Gravity Falls making really really stupid mistakes. The only person who has not fallen for Bill's games is Stan, who- like Elder Kettle- tried to warn the twins about making bad deals, but ultimately this fell through when they got curious and visited Gideon's tent, where Bill was also observing.
In my interpretation of this AU, Pacifica takes the place of Ms Chalice. She's hurt and alone, and her dad made a deal with Cipher that resulted in. this. I like to think it was a Monkey's Paw type scenario, but my brain is an egg so I'll figure that one out later. Basically Pacifica wants her body back (ghost rules the same as the DLC), so she decides to help Dipper and Mabel under the belief that they can assist her once Bill is defeated.
However, this falls through. However the deal worked, it persists, and Pacifica starts to wonder if she'll always be a ghost. But that's where Ford comes in.
Ford, taking the place of Saltbaker (kinda? kinda.), offers to try and help her restore her physical form. Call in the twins and let's be off let's go. He says he needs to build a machine that could potentially reverse the effects permanently, and he needs parts. So that's what the twins are doing. The cookie is replaced with an astro-physical restorative remote, but a really, really weak one, and it requires a host to work, keeping the idea that one of them will always be a ghost until the machine is done.
The only problem with this plan is that Ford's contract with Bill is not up, and was not destroyed by Dipper and Mabel, and Bill can see him now. So. In short, that ain't Ford.
The parts the kids were gathering were for the portal.
Once they figure that out, we get a Baking the Wondertart equivalent, Bill is defeated, and in doing so, Ford is freed of the contract as well, meaning Bill can't mess with him anymore.
Not sure if Bill lives all the way to the end of this story, but there is a good chance unless I figure out how to kill him, seeing as Weirdmageddon probably doesn't happen here.
Gotta think on it more, but that's the basic idea. First draft. All of this is subject to change hdfsdfjh
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kiimikyo · 7 months ago
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unwelcome witness and town gossip
more of the ravenous devils au i posted before
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 5 months ago
the shadow’s soul obsession
kinktober, day five
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a/n: extra, extra! come get your nasty monsterfucking, hot off the press!
summary: for the entirety of the rest of the night, you felt as if you were being watched. However, what you mere mortal didn’t know, was that the group of you college girls hadn’t been successful in communicating with any spirits on that autumn eve, but instead had been successful in cracking open a door, just wide enough for a demon to slip through.
warnings: demon!bucky barnes x virgin!reader, smut, dark content, noncon/dubcon, college au, halloween party, accidentally summoning a demon at a slumber party, bucky needs to "recharge his batteries" via sex (but virgins are the most potent), bad friends, monsterfucking, somno, loss of virginity, blood (just fit this fantasy), slutty demonic magic, kissing, size kink, belly bulge, dirty talk, fingering, squirting, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cumplay, references to gaping and fisting
word count: 2602
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | kinktober 2024
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“So, do you know yet what your costume’s gonna be for the omega kappa beta party?”
“Alice,” you looked to your friend leaning against the opposite side of the kitchen island, “I don’t even know if I’m going.”
“Oh, come on,” her head tilted, “you have to!”
“Yeah,” the blonde to your right then teasingly suggested, “you could go as an angel since you’re already just as sweet and pure as one.”
With each passing moment, the end of October crept ever nearer. You were at a slumber party with a few of your friends, who unlike you, didn’t still live at home with their mothers, but instead in a sorority house on campus. 
The door to the kitchen then swung open and one of the other girls came waltzing in, “hey, look what I found!” she held what looked like a faded board game above her head. 
“Oh my god,” Alice gasped, “is that what I think it is? Where did you even find it?”
“The attic,” she plopped the box down on the table and the lid popped off, letting everyone spot the old Ouija board inside, “so, anyone up for contacting some ghosts or what?”
When everyone around you swiftly agreed in the spirit of the season, you were the only one who didn’t, although the teasing that quickly drowned you, about you being a scaredy cat, pressured you into joining despite your initial fear. 
Most of the girls leaned into your amusing anxiety and made the game more dramatic than it needed to be, taking every chance they got to make you jump in your seat. But none of their attempts rivalled the one towards the end when one of them spooked you so fiercely that your body shrivelled up and a shrill scream tore its way out your lungs. They all laughed at your reaction and abandoned the board, too entertained by the success in scaring you to continue and wrap up the pretend ritual in the proper way.
However, during every second of the eerie game and even ever past that, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, though it wasn’t just because of how scared you admittedly were, as there was someone else, something else, that caused that sensation to bubble up within you. 
For the entirety of the rest of the night, you felt as if you were being watched. However, what you mere mortal didn’t know, was that the group of you college girls hadn’t been successful in communicating with any spirits on that autumn eve, but instead had been successful in cracking open a door, just wide enough for a demon to slip through.
From the second the sliver of him slipped through, Bucky felt drawn to you and instantly became completely and utterly entranced by you. Your soul was so bright and pure it nearly blinded him as he felt himself grow stronger merely from your presence. 
Who would have thought such luck would have been on his side, for with a perfect and potent little virgin like you in his gasp, an entity such as he would be able to restore his full power in no time. 
And when you eventually fell asleep on the couch and he greedily let his spectral touch ghost across your form, sliding off your blanket and coping a feel over your pyjamas, each caress he ravenously claimed felt to him like his lungs once again expanded and filled with oxygen, like he became a little more corporeal and regained just a little bit of his powers the longer and the fiercer he groped you.
Though what he truly needed to regain his full potential, unfortunately, had to wait, as his demonic grip caused you to stir from your slumber just enough for you to roll over into a new position and fall asleep again, never to think more of it than just a light slumber. But perhaps if he kept it up long enough, he’d soon regain enough of his prowess to make sure you wouldn’t rouse no matter what he stole from you in order to return to the grand demon he used to be. 
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The home you returned to the next day was just as empty as expected with only a kind note stuck to the fridge as an echo of your mother, reminding you that she wouldn’t be back from her business trip till far into the coming week. 
When darkness fell upon the town and the moon rose up high in the sky, you went up to bed and swiftly drifted off into sleep. 
As Bucky leaned down over your slumbering form, he smiled as he let a finger trace the edge of your face before he bent down and pressed his lips to your own. 
Now, it wasn’t just a kiss he gave you, but a fiendish hex that forced your frame to keep on sleeping, no matter what, until the sun once again crested over the horizon. 
“As much as I’d love for you to wake up and have you witness everything I’m about to do to you,” he brushed some of your hair out of your face, “we can’t have that,” his broad thumb briefly stroked your cheek, “at least not yet…”
Ripping the duvet off, he watched as goosebumps rose and dotted your skin from the chilly night air, how your nipples turned into pebbles beneath your thin nightgown. 
While his consuming gaze raked down your form, his grasp pushed your sleepwear up and let it bunch around your hips, granting him a view of how the cotton of your underwear moulded around your soft centre. 
A smirk twitched at the corners of his lips as he let himself drift back down, closer to your slumbering frame, “let’s see if we can fix this little problem…” before he pressed a hot kiss to your covered core, briefly running his split tongue over the fabric as the effects took hold. 
When he tilted back, it wasn’t just his own saliva that now drenched your panties, but also your own juices as he had successfully scrounged up enough of his power to force your pussy into a state of desperation, making it extraordinarily leaky and sticky with cream and quite literally drool for him. 
With a primal growl, the throbbing between his legs swayed him to dig his grip into your underwear and tear them off, tossing the shreds off to the side before he spread your legs wide. 
Enclosing his fist around the base of himself, angry and flush in his grip, he offered himself an ouch of relief as he stared down at you.
“Hell… what I wouldn’t give to hear you moan and scream for me… to see fear arise in your mortal eyes at every little thing I’ll offer you… but that’ll have to be another time… can’t have you wake up and ruin the ritual…”’
As he rubbed his fat cock against the mess he’d made of you, he couldn’t help but smile at the staggering difference as his unholy length weighted down upon you, making you look so tiny in comparison, so easy for him to just break. 
“Would you beg me to stop? Would you cry about how big this devil dick is? Whimper about how you couldn’t possibly take it, not even if you weren’t a pure little prude? Yeah, you probably wouldn’t even be able to take it then…” a dark chuckle then crackled within his broad chest, “good thing I don’t care,” before he ruthlessly slammed his cock inside, stretching your poor pussy out beyond belief. 
He let out a deep moan at just how incredible you felt around him, how he had to strain himself to work past your strangling tightness and bury himself completely in your haven. 
“Oh, well would you look at that…” a sly smile crept up on his lips as he glanced down at how you struggled to take him and spotted the tinge of crimson that stained his fat girth as he momentarily retracted, pulling out just till your cunt only clung around the bulbous head of him. His digits floated down to swipe some of your virginal blood up onto the pads of his fingertips before he brought them up to his lips and groaned as he let himself taste your ruined purity, letting himself regain even more of his vigour, “you are just fucking perfect…”
As he let his frame drift down closer to you, he draped himself over your slumbering form as he thrust mercilessly into you, watching you closely at the way his efforts caused you to writhe and tremble in your sleep.
Nibbling at your neck, his lips wandered further down as he ruthlessly rutted into you, splitting you open like the savage monster that he was, and eventually sank his sharp teeth into your shoulder. 
With a low growl, he pushed himself back up, though even as the movement threatened to let his colossal cock leave the warm embrace of your tiny hole, his hands roughly found your hips and brought you back down onto him. 
“Fuck…” he lifted your hips off the mattress and made your back arch obscenely as he used you like a toy, “you’re such a little whore and you don��t even know it yet…” his possessive grip dug into your hips so fiercely that his nails drew blood and left angry scratches in their wake. 
His black eyes then found the dull bulge that rhythmically appeared in your lower belly at each and every one of his thrusts, “can’t wait to see how you react when you wake up tomorrow morning, all sore and swollen, wondering why you’re so sensitive. If only you knew that some big bad demon followed you home and tortured your pussy all night long…”
Perhaps his brutal fucking had forced your slumbering form to orgasm more than once, though it was hard for Bucky to ignore it when you came this last time as you squirted all over his fat girth. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” he chuckled and kept up his ruthless rhythm, never pausing once as he made your gushing pussy give him each and every drop, “I knew it was true that virgins pack the most powerful punch for us unholy folk, but damn…” he slammed you down against him hard enough for his bullying tip to bruise your cervix, “you’re even better… I might just have to keep you after this…”
And when he soon tumbled over the edge and pumped your little pussy full of his demonic seed, his ethereal form flickered till it wasn’t at all ghostly any longer, till his full power regenerated and he now sat on your bed clear as day with his spent cock limp against his thick thigh and horns protruding from his temples. 
Briefly, he swept his broad hand up your stomach before it scooped down to where you leaked with his essence. 
“Look at you,” he pushed two fingers into your mess and pumped his hot cum that much deeper inside of you, “you’re still so fucking tight…” he struggled to force another thick digit in beside the others. As his cock began to twitch and swell once more, he quietly groaned, “guess that just means we aren’t done yet… you might have helped me with my little problem, but this ain’t over,” he tried and failed to slip his picky finger in beside the rest, “I haven’t finished breaking you in yet, little human,” his free hand found himself in silky strokes, “I won’t stop till you’re fucking gaping for me, till I fit my whole fist up in here,” his thumb quit its attempts at sneaking inside and instead extended up to crudely strum your puffy pearl, “till you’re utterly ruined and completely perfect for me…”
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The bassy music rumbled the entire frat house like an earthquake as you leaned over to whisper to Alice that you’d be right back from your libation location mission. 
Though when you stumbled into the kitchen, the crooked feathery wings on your back brushing against the doorframe as you passed, a loud sigh escaped you as your eyes scanned the various bottles lined up on the messy counter and discovered them all to be empty, “argh, seriously?”
That was exactly what you needed. 
To be at a wild Halloween party without any alcohol in your system to make the obnoxious people more bearable and make you forget how you’d rather just go home and try to sleep as none of your efforts all weekend had granted you any ounce of rest, only left you more exhausted than the day before and bizarrely enough also making you sore in the oddest of ways. 
But then as all hope seemed lost, a voice echoed from the corner of the kitchen, “hey, you like tequila?” and you glanced up to see a man in an elaborate demonic costume holding up a full bottle for you to spot. 
“Thank you,” your tense shoulders dropped slightly as you offered him a smile and stepped closer, “though I don’t know if an angel like me should accept a drink from a devil like you,” the joke slipped out of you as you neared him. 
As a bright grin crept up on the man’s lips, he light-heartedly squinted down at you and played along, “hm, yeah, you’re probably right. We demons are an untrustworthy lot. But, I am your only chance at getting drunk and numbing these dumbasses out,” he seized a plastic cup and began to twist the cap off, “so, what do you say?”
“What’ll it cost me? To make a deal like that with a devil?” you kept up the gag, “just my soul or do you want my firstborn or something?” 
Naturally assuming that the handsome stranger was still just joking around, you saw him smile as he poured you a drink and uttered, “oh, your soul will do just fine, sweetheart.”
As he handed you the cup, he joined you as you raised the hard liquor up to your lips, taking a sip of his own straight from the bottle, though he somehow didn’t make a face like you did when the harsh booze poured down your throat, in fact he didn’t even blink as he tipped the bottle back and kept his intense stare glued to you.
“Your costume is really amazing,” you complimented as you let your gaze wander over his burly frame, “your coloured contacts? And those horns? I’ve never seen prosthetics as good as those before.”
You thought the flattery would have pushed him to elaborate, but instead, the mysterious man just murmured, “thank you,” and didn’t entertain the subject any further. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” you uttered and noticed the few grey hairs that faintly speckled his scruff, “are you a professor?” 
“No, I’m not,” he shook his head.
A shiver ran down your spine as his stare continued to stay glued upon you, “then what are you doing at a frat party? No offence, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you just look a bit too old to be a student. Not that you couldn’t be, maybe you are–” 
“I’m not a student,” he cut you off, “I just haven’t been feeling that well lately and the person who helped me get better is here, so that’s why I went out tonight, to this college party of all places, to thank her properly and hopefully make her all mine…” 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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eriochromatic · 1 year ago
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winter outing featuring cross guild and company 🌨️🌨️🌨️
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bigfatbreak · 17 days ago
Speak of the Devil
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / (we are here)
part one beginning / next
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lovecla · 28 days ago
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PAIR jack hughes x fem!reader
SUMMARY being jack hughes’ girlfriend comes with a lot of hardships— but in the mornings, you realize it is all worth it.
WARNINGS unedited, p in v, unprotected sex, oral sex (f. receiving), rough sex, p slapping, cockwarming, dirty talk, jack is lowkey a little shit, reader loves him tho, inspired by the song “make it to the morning” by partynextdoor. freaky af!!!
FROM ME TO YOU a little late (literally, it’s like 3am for me), but this is my thank you gift for you guys because today i woke up with 700 of you!! i’m still too in shock to say anything besides thank you so much. i was celebrating 600 followers like a month ago and now this. i’ll keep working hard to give you guys good content <3 ily and pls enjoy
don't scream or shout, i'm workin' my way down
girl, you gettin' loud, now put it in yo' mouth
THE SOUND of your heels clicking against the marble floor was enough to piss anyone off. It was annoying, repetitive and even you were starting to get tired of the little tec tec sound, but you couldn’t stop.
Dating Jack Rowden Hughes was not for the weak. And you knew that, more than anyone else. Being his girlfriend of three years— the longest time he has ever been in a relationship, mind you—, you knew that the prize was good, but the job of keeping it was tiring.
You stared at him across the room, talking to some random fans who definitely didn’t know what being a fan was, since they were all over him, with their hands on his arms and shoulders.
He eyed you from time to time, blue eyes making it hard for you to stay one hundred percent mad at him— truthfully, you knew that all it would take for you to forgive him for his playboy behaviour would be a single kiss and an aggressive make out session.
“It isn’t so fun watching from here, huh?” Quinn’s new fling, or whatever the girl standing beside you was, said, approaching you quietly. “Trust me, I know how it feels.”
You hummed, not engaging with her. You knew Jack wouldn’t actually do anything, but still, it didn’t feel nice to get painted as the dumb girlfriend who has to watch her famous boyfriend laugh and take pictures with hundreds of girls while she stands in the back.
“I’m lucky my Quinn isn’t as nearly as talkative as he is,” she continues, despite your silence. “But you know, Jack is everyone’s favorite.”
You turned your head to the side, watching the girl next to you eye Jack the same way she eyed Quinn, hungry and suggestive, and that was enough for you.
“Sorry,” you interrupted, putting your wine glass down— it had been empty for at least ten minutes— and smiling apologetically. “I have a terrible headache, so I think it’s time for me to head out.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that,” she pouts, and you can feel your eyes twitch. “It is pretty late too, so you must be tired.”
“Mhm.” You nod, looking at your phone. 3:46a.m.
“Do you want me to call Jacky?” She asks, expectantly, and the way she says his name makes you want to smash her face against the crumbles of cake sitting on the buffet table.
“No, no, it’s fine, don’t worry,” you play dumb. “It was nice seeing you…”
You forgot her name. It was probably something like Olivia or Madeline, but still. You didn’t remember.
“It was nice seeing you, too!” She says, apparently clueless to your lack of memory— and interest. “I’ll text you later so we can talk more.”
“Sure thing, yeah.” You walk towards Jack with long, careful steps. “Hey, babe.”
His eyes are on you immediately, his hair moving around with his abrupt move. He smiles, stepping out of the little circle the girls had made around him to wrap his arms around you.
“If it isn’t my favorite girl,” he says. “Hi, baby.”
You can feel the girls’ eyes on you, burning your skin like the fictional fairies’ whenever they touch iron. It is a feeling you are used to already, but you feel yourself shivering either way.
“Can we go?” You ask, bluntly ignoring the other women there. “It’s late.”
“Yeah, we can,” he nods, turning his head back to his little girl group before smiling at them. “See ya, ladies.”
See ya, ladies?
“Bye, Jack.”
“You’re the best!”
“See ya next time!”
You can’t hide your pout on your way home— you don’t even try to. You have your arms crossed in front of your chest as you sit in the front seat of Jack’s absurdly expensive car, listening to the quiet hum of his air conditioner and the annoying noise whenever he turns on the turn signal.
“You’re not mad… are you?”
His voice is tentative, almost as if he’s scared of asking the question.
“Are you kidding me? You spent half of that ridiculous party talking to women. Tell me I can’t be mad about that.” You hiss back, not looking at him. You know there are high chances of you folding bad if you do.
“Baby, I already told you, it’s all business,” he says, once again, because he has, indeed, told you that several times before. “I can’t have them saying I’m a rude guy, can I?”
“Sometimes I can’t believe the shit you say,” you scoff. “You literally told a reporter to fuck himself last week, on live. Talk about being a nice guy now, Jack.”
“Come on, you’re not being fair!” He exclaims, and you can hear the pout on his voice. “He talked shit about you. He was lucky I didn’t punch him in the face.”
You rolled your eyes, biting your lips to hide your smile.
Little does Jack know you jumped out of the couch when you saw the transmission and giggled while you sent texts to your best friend about how you would have to be the mother of his children.
You stayed silent, looking at the dark streets, briefly forgetting about your anger to notice how beautiful your city is. There weren't many people in the streets at that hour— it was summer, yes, but it was almost four a.m and it was still Monday, and a lot of people were still working.
When you got to your and Jack’s apartment— a two bedroom penthouse with plenty of space and a kitchen you still fell in love with every time you looked at it— you didn’t waste time before heading to the guest bathroom shower, a clear sign that you didn’t want Jack to join you, which you knew pissed him off.
You were quick even though you weren’t sleepy, washing the soap off your body under the lukewarm water; happy because it was your favorite scent.
You got out of the stall, opening the bathroom door after you wrapped the towel around your body, deciding to change inside your bedroom.
Or at least that’s what you thought you would do.
“Y/n.” Jack calls you, sitting on top of the bed.
“Fuck, Jack,” you grunt. “You scared me.”
“I can’t have you mad at me, baby,” he says, getting up and walking towards you, only stopping when your covered chest is touching his. “You know those women mean nothing.”
“Jack,” you sigh. “We’ve been here before. You can’t just say that every time you flirt with other women.”
“I wasn’t—” he starts, but interrupts himself mid sentence. “You’re making shit up.”
“Am I?” You ask, holding the towel tighter. “You damn well I’m not.”
“Listen,” he says. “I’m not proud with the way I acted but I already told you—”
“It’s all business. I know, you know, we all know.” You roll your eyes, stepping back and moving forward so you can leave the room. His hand finds your waist almost immediately, locking you in place. “Jack—”
“You’re so full of complaints, baby,” he whispers. “Every time we go out you complain about something.”
“I wouldn’t complain if you didn’t give me reasons to.”
He clicks his tongue, running his fingers over your naked arms. You shiver slightly, hoping he doesn’t see it. “You want more?”
“More what?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
“More reasons to complain,” he continues, chuckling as he lowers his head and hides it in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. “Real reasons to complain.”
“Because I’ll give them to you, if you want to,” he licks your skin, and you can feel yourself start to malfunction. He’s a little shit, you think, as you slowly start to give in. He’s a little shit and I’m in love with him. “Or I can keep your mouth full so you can’t complain anymore.”
He stands up straight again, staring at you while his fingers move to where you were holding your towel.
“What’s your pick, baby?” He whispers, removing your grip from the soft fabric around your body, letting it fall on the floor, like a puddle of water on your feet.
You’re fully naked, and he can’t even pretend he’s not looking— he is. He always is.
Jack kisses you with hungry, tender lips. He holds your neck while he licks your lips with his tongue, hot and messy. He tastes like beer and you hate it, but you cannot get enough.
You wrap your own arms around his neck, holding him so close to you you could feel his heartbeat. Kissing him never got old, and if you were to write down your top ten favorite things about Jack Hughes, his kiss would definitely be number one.
You breathe in his scent, your favorite ever since you met him, and you can feel your legs start to give in, just like the rest of your body. It’s late at night, almost morning, your body can’t keep up with your mind and you want to tell Jack to fuck off.
“Come on, baby,” he whispers against your lips, as he guides you to the bed, laying you down with your hips on the edge of it. “Let me give you something to make noise about.”
That’s the only warning you get before he gets his knees on the floor and separates your legs, leaving you open and exposed. You feel his fingers spreading your lips open, and when his tongue finds its way to your clit, all of your previous complaints are gone.
You close your legs around his neck, holding him in place, while he puts on a show for you, his fingers tracing the wetness pouring out of you.
You let out a soft moan, holding his hair with your hands, not bothering to be gentle. His tongue found your clit again, rubbing it in slow, circular motions.
You trash under him as he flicked your sensitive nub with his mouth, the wet noises making you want to disappear. Jack always seemed pleased to go down on you, but you still aren’t used to this fact about him.
“So sweet, baby,” he murmurs, the vibrations of his words sending shivers down your spine, as he dives in again.
He has you curling your toes and arching your back, moaning his name loud and proud, but still, he doesn’t stop. He slides his arms under your thighs, holding you in place by gripping your waist, hard.
He has you coming in under five minutes— it’s a shame it’s over so soon, but what can you do, really. He looks up at you between your thighs, and the sight alone has you moaning, desperate for something else.
You pull his hair, gently, signaling to him that you wanted him up, closer to you, and so he does. He kisses you again, and you get to taste yourself on his lips, moaning loudly inside his mouth when you feel his dick trapped between his body and yours.
“Jack,” you whisper again, placing both of your hands on his cheeks. “I need you.”
“Yeah. I can see that.” He says, chuckling as he gets off you and removes the rest of his clothes.
He slides inside you with no hesitation or whatsoever, knowing too well that your inside’s have his print all over it. You both moan loudly, louder than you should be moaning at four something in the morning, but you can deal with the complaint letter later.
He holds your legs together, pressing them against your chest, almost folding you in half. He is being rough, something you absolutely want to kill him for, but you let yourself enjoy the roughness for a moment; you can scold him later.
You can feel him deeper now, as your body gets dragged up and down against the mattress, making you want to scream.
“You’re wet,” he says through his teeth and you can tell he’s also giving in. “Y/n, fuck.”
You’re clenching around his length as he strokes your G spot, dragging his dick against your walls, once again making sure you can take everything he gives you.
“Harder.” You hear someone ask, probably yourself, and you also hear his low chuckle. “Not enough.”
“Still complaining?” He asks, but doesn’t give you time to answer. Instead, he removes his right hand from your waist and does the one thing he knows it will have you drooling and begging under him.
He slaps your pussy. The wet, loud sound that fills the room makes you squirm, unconsciously trying to remove yourself from his hold. But he’s stronger, always has been.
“Take it, baby.”
He then slaps you again, and again, and so many times you stop counting. The feeling of his cock throbbing inside you, and his rough slaps against your clit is enough to make you come, leaving you almost lifeless under him.
“Good girl, Y/n,” he says, kissing your lips, briefly. “I’m gonna come, fuck.”
“Inside, please,” you hear yourself mumbling, and you’re not even sure if Jack hears it.
“What was that, baby?” He asks, his thrusts getting sloppy.
“Fuck,” he curses. “I’m—”
He cums inside you, the familiar feeling making you sigh with bliss. You are both panting, the room smells of sweat, alcohol and sex, and you swear you can see the sun start to rise through the bedroom’s floor to ceiling windows.
You’re just about to tell Jack you want to go to sleep when you feel him start to pull out, which has you protesting, immediately.
“No, I— sleep inside, please?”
His blue eyes are staring down at you, and now, there’s a hint of a smile plastered on his face. He nods once, manhandling you around until you’re under the sheets, with your back glued to his chest, and his length still nestled inside you.
“Well, if you’re still mad at me,” he whispers. “At least we made it to the morning, huh?”
“Shut up,” you whisper back, barely hiding your smile. “If you keep talking, there won’t be any other morning.”
He laughs, kissing the top of your head. “Very well, then.”
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bizarreauhavre · 3 months ago
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Satanic ceremonial dagger with devil figure, 19th century, bronze.
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cymk8 · 8 months ago
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✨c o n t e x t✨
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