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twelvroses · 8 months ago
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LIZ's DIARY - 16/07/24. mentioned: @dreamquest @fiixion @yunzip @pinkscaped ♡ (& ahin lol)
The latest episode of Dreamquest just aired; I’m writing this in my dorm. Have I even written about my dorm? I can’t remember the last time I actually had the time to sit down and write, I think it was just before the show started… I used to be so diligent about keeping this diary, but life has gotten so hectic. I’m sharing a room with Yoon and Miyu. Both of them seem nice, but it’s a little awkward. Since we were all on different teams, I don't know how to approach them them because I'm not sure if they see me as a friend or just someone they'll need to beat. I wish I was the type of person who could start a conversation with anyone, but I just don’t know how to keep it going. The words don’t come for me. I haven't really bonded with any of the other girls, and I can tell that some of the other girls think I’m a bitch, but everyone always thinks I’m a bitch and I can live with that. Sani is really nice, though, she's really really cute, and she was so nice to me after the Fancy performance, so I think it'd be fun to be on a team with her at some point. But it would be really nice if I could at least befriend my dormmates too. I mean, assuming none of us get eliminated, they’re gonna be the first and last people I see every time I wake up or go to bed. Don’t you think that kinda sets the tone for your entire day? Even if none of us make it, it still would be nice to have some friends. That reminds me, now that I’m at Valentine, I hope I get a chance to meet the Medusa girls soon. I’ve always really liked Choi Gain sunbaenim. She just comes out and says whatever she’s thinking, no matter who’s listening or how many cameras are on her. I’ve been trying to be like that, but like everything else I try to say, it dies in my throat. Maybe if I get to hang out with her, it’ll rub off on me a little bit. 
Anyway, I won't have chance of meeting Medusa if Valentine drop me, and they might do just that, cause the CEO already told me that he expects big things from me. He told me to keep my sights set on top 5, because this is the very first time Valentine has EVER sent a trainee to a debut show, and I’m their only trainee, so if I totally flop, it’ll be really embarrassing for them, and I feel like the whole place is built on one man's very flimsy ego so he'll probably just drop me. We got to see our rankings and right now, I’m at nine. It’s not too bad, and so I want to be proud of it, but I know it’s not good enough. It doesn’t feel fair. I didn’t get a single solo line in Genie! How the hell am I supposed to get screen time and convince people to vote for me if I’m not being given the same opportunity to sing as some of the others? I wonder if the showrunners think I can’t sing because I rap. 
I also hate my new CEO, Yoo Seobin. He walks around like a weirdo mafia boss. You know, Ahin sunbaenim told me that when they go out for company dinners, he makes him, Choi Gain and Kwon Harin sit at a separate table with him. It’s supposed to be a ‘leaders privilege,’ but he’s kind of just keeping them away from the party. He thinks he’s the godfather, or something. Like it's an honour to sit with him. If I end up in a Valentine group, I pray to god that I’m not the leader. I’d hate to sit and drink with him. Did you see his fucking press release about me? He talked about how I was hypnotizing and my beauty was unmatched or something… Like he’s a married, middle aged man. It's so weird and I'm really worried if he keeps talking about me like that, people will start making up rumours. Even the thought makes me want to throw up. I wore the baggiest clothes I own last time I had to go to his office, and he still kept looking at me weird. Ahin sunbaenim said I can wear one of his sweaters next time, because if he sees me in boy's clothes he might assume I have a boyfriend and back off. It’s kind of cute that he thinks that would work. 
But Ahin sunbaenim is nice. I’m even going to record a demo for him next week. It’s not gonna be for me in the end, I think he’s just gonna send it out to a bunch of labels and see who wants the song, but I’m getting paid for recording so it’s already the most legit gig than I’ve had in about five years. He’s fun to hang out with. I think he has a little bit of a crush on me, but for once that doesn’t bother me. I think it’s just refreshing to come across a guy, especially one who’s a bit older than I am, who isn’t so fucking leery and demanding. He doesn’t even flirt or anything, he just gets shy around me and it’s easy to make him blush. It’s funny. And he does have a nice smile.
I just realised I'm writing about boys in my diary so I'm going to stop now because I'm not twelve. Kwon Ahin is the last thing I need to be thinking about right now. What I need to do is win this competition. I really hope, like really really really hope that I can rap in the next round. Like a proper rap that wasn’t written by fucking JYP, I mean. I’m really regretting singing for my audition. My first choice was Payday by Yoon Mirae but Seobin told me I had to pick something recent. If I’d pulled off a Yoon Mirae song I think I might be way higher in the ranks by now. But if I don’t get to rap there’s no way I’m gonna crack the top five. And if I get kicked from Valentine, it’s like losing the biggest opportunity I’ve ever had. I feel like I might just be setting myself up for one big joke. I couldn’t even rise up the popularity rankings of Bouquet. Do you know how easy it is to be more popular than a Bouquet member? Most idols who debut achieve it on their first day without even knowing cause they probably don’t know who Bouquet are. Were. Also, FUCK OHJANG ENTERTAINMENT.
I owe more money than I’ve earned, my parents lost all enthusiasm for this path for me a long time ago… I can’t even remember what it felt like for them to take pride in me. Honestly I started writing this entry because I thought I was going to end it by affirming to myself that this would be a turning point and I’d ace it from here on out, but I kinda feel worse than when I started writing. I should go to bed. I have to get up early to get some practice in before official practice starts, and if the girls who ranked lower than me find out I’m whining and moping about ranking 9th, they’ll think I’m even more of a bitch than they already do.
Well, just wish me luck in the next round, I guess!
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artistmarchalius · 1 year ago
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A formative experience.
A prequel to the Pop Rock Floyd series.
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allisonperryart · 3 months ago
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OMG, feels like the holiday season is racing by - can't believe Christmas is already less than a week away!! Here's a #ThrowbackThursday to a Rise of the Guardians interior fan-design I did back in school - one of my favourite holiday movies (joined recently by Klaus)! Thanks for looking - I'll be taking a month or two off of posting art to rest and celebrate, so happy new year and stay tuned for more new stuff in 2025!! 
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astrogirlythings · 11 days ago
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grievedifferent · 1 year ago
also for sex and sexuality, romeo is bisexual with a preference for women. he has a pretty average sex drive, something that settled in his mid-twenties from being a little higher in his teens and early twenties. he tends to sleep with his partners that he's in a relationship with. he is somewhat submissive, but can be dominant, and generally follows his partner's lead / what they like and want. he has his own likes, desires, and kinks. he likes a bit of intimacy and foreplay but can be nervous with his body. he needs a bit of encouragement sometimes that he's attractive.
he doesn't date a lot, but he doesn't not date, if that makes sense? he can be a bit shyer in the approach and courting aspects of dating ... though he will ask someone out if he really likes them. however, he's tentative about ruining a friendship if that's happened first, especially if it's a strong bond (strong enough that he doesn't want to lose it if something romantic doesn't work out / if the friendship couldn't return to the way it was pre-dating).
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aftapati · 3 months ago
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I'm planning on adding a modern verse for Sōsuke sometime in the future, but here's a few things about it:
He is a working librarian and is also aspring to become an author, hence he is writing a book.
Said book he is writing could create quite a controversy depending on the topics that he has touched on, despite its content is mostly fiction. ( in which in a way, this could work as a parallel to his whole entirety and ethics in his actual / main verse )
His apparel and house is exactly like this headcanon here, about his actual verse visiting the World of the Living.
Courteous manners, gentlemanly behaviour, exactly like his days during his lieutenancy and captaincy reign, minus the whole treachery.
He is also quite the introvert / very reversed to himself.
Sometimes Grimmjow bullies him.
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hermidetta · 3 months ago
He did his best not to be cruel, days like this were meant to be spent enjoying the company of friends. Matthias was quick in his mission. A small box with a tiny bear, small enough to be looped onto a belt, had been left alongside a few tiny cubes of cheese. There was a knock at her door but he was long gone by the time anyone would have answered.
⠀ ⚘ birthdaydetta 2k24 ♡ ⠀
to coax out a mouse one must, of course, start with cheese. for all of her unpleasant run-ins with garreg mach's rodents, bernadetta quite resembled one herself—though do not ever tell her this or risk losing her favor.
"dear mr. matthias,"  a tiny voice recites, in the measured timbre of reading off parchment.  "bernie is very sorry for biting your hand that one time. you were just kind of scary, and you're still kind of scary, but that wasn't okay to do. so, i'm sorry. i will not do it again, probably."
the pacing of the recitation crumbles.  "well, it's not like i meant to! i just panicked! and then you started cackling and prancing after me, footsteps thudding and shaking the ground! fee-fi-fo-fum, much?! and then you and professor lambert, oh sweet summer professor lambert, you kissed right in front of bernie's face! kissed! in front! of my face! my eyes! my eyes, i say!"
the other week when matthias (despite everything) had spared this rodent five whole cheese cubes was when she had decided to pen an apology that was long overdue. but bernadetta crumples up this leaflet, too, flinging the balled-up letter over her shoulder and onto the floor after its other ten or twelve failed predecessors.
under normal circumstances she could have outwritten a dozen flimsy apologies like that one in her sleep. under normal circumstances bernadetta could write and write for days. alas, she had been hit by every creative enemy in the book: writer's block. burnout. general lethargy and an unavoidable seasonal low. the overall frustration of other projects letting her down, and bernadetta could think of no one willing to return to a pit where their passion felt thankless. she ought to put everything she has ever written over an open flame—it seemed from the ash-laden tray on her desk she was already halfway there. yet the knock comes just when she is about to call it quits on this, that, and maybe everything else.
bernadetta blinks. she drops her pen, scurries to the front and peeks under the bottom sliver as usual. for good measure she waits another moment—no, three—before the handle of her door finally clicks with caution. two eyes and a nose peep outside first.
just the cubes of cheese are already enough to make bernadetta reevaluate herself all over again. the bear, though, delivers the finishing blow. it sits in her palms while she marvels at it, gray eyes gleaming like a child on the morning of—well, their birthday. and bernadetta has always felt at her bravest with her namesake in the picture. this was a fragment of bravery she could take with her.
it sobers her, reminds her of what she ultimately knows: that even if she struggles to pick up her pen today, tomorrow will bring with it another new chance. so bernadetta, trudging through the crumpled papers and returning to her desk with her spoils, pops another cube of cheese in her mouth and tries her very best to give herself grace. if matthias could try so hard not to be cruel to her, bernadetta could at least do the same.
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unmeinoniwa · 7 months ago
everytime a new elfensjon song releases my theo/yggdrasil brainrot only gets stronger
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divinares · 7 months ago
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▩ ⤿ ✮ ⋆˙⊹ ❙  : @huntgrown  liked  for  a  one-liner  !
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❝  you  don’t  belong  here,  and  I  think  you  know  that.  you  shouldn’t  be  here,  you  shouldn’t  see  me  —  and  I  would  like  for  you  to  leave  my  doorstep   ❞
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braskide · 1 year ago
been having this thought for a while, and the essence of it is that at this point i do consider my yuna to be like an oc to me — not because i distance myself from the canon timelines ( at least not extremely so as x is constantly object of my meta posts, different thing for x-2 and post ), but because after 10+ years of developping her i have my own vision of her and it all comes after all the introspection i've done regarding her and what i envision her life and character to be post games. i care deeply for her and i can visualize easily how i want her narrative to go in terms of a character that i want to write and develop new verses and dynamics for. my fault is not having enough time or capability in being able to write down every single processed thought i've had regarding her post games timeline, even though i did post the main events for it to what i consider to be her main verse at this moment.
what i love about yuna is that she was presented as a somewhat static character in x, but there's a switch somewhere and it's refreshing to follow that line in terms of writing. i think the most fun a writer can have in terms of roleplaying a character is when they can make them flourish and create so many intricate scenarios because they have a solid base to start from. so even though i'm obviously canon devergent ( i do not consider x-2.5 and -will- to be canon in truth, but i do see .. some .. points? in them? but i still do not agree with any of that and have processed my own timelines instead ) because of the ten years i've spent with her i pretty much have based her on my headcanons and whatnot.
so, that's pretty much my wish: to be able to be more constant in writing out headcanons for her and show how i've shaped her through the years.
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deiscension · 10 months ago
﹄ ◇ ; @voidfragments / WHAT'S SHI QINGXUAN THINKING?
💭 qr had his turn now sqx gets to drag him in return
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      ⌜◈⌟    ▌ ──  '𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙞𝙛 𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙤 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙚. How miserable does someone's life have to be for them to become a rampaging ghost and make it everyone else's problem? Has he no shame? Were I his ancestor, I'd be rattling around in my grave if I found out he was running the mortal realm amok. And in such a tacky manner too! I mean really, bodies strung up in trees, creepy green lights, eating innocent people-- what's the point of it all? Aiyah! Well, I'm not scared of him. Just... a little grossed out.'
     Or, perhaps more succinctly: 
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     It can't be that bad-- EWWWWWWWW YOU LIVE LIKE THIS!?
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toadtaverngame · 11 months ago
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Happy #ThrowbackThursday 🐸🍸
Abdiel (@abd1fo on ig and twitter) drew various versions of her before we landed on the one we now know and love 🥂 her iconic pearls have always been a key part of her design since day one !
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allisonperryart · 15 days ago
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#ThrowbackThursday to one of my ol' faves - this painting of CN Tower based on a photo from @getvent! You can catch the process video here:
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konkuuritobye · 11 months ago
how i feel knowing that 90% of jay's motivations are a "hurt them before they can ever hurt me again" attitude which is mostly a fear-based way to live
he wants revenge, yes, but revenge is a means to an end. really, he wants to feel safe, and getting rid of everyone who ever hurt you is a great way to do that in his eyes
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redpooled · 7 months ago
just figured out undertale yellow exists imma be gone for a bit yall
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year ago
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@chatcambrioleur asked: Killer x Ikkaku? Send me a ship and I'll fill out this bingo card (Still Accepting!)
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Gods, they were my original ship for Ikkaku but I try not to force expectations on Killer muns so it's mostly a guilty pleasure. It appeals to me a lot because it's a sort of star-crossed lovers thing since their captain's rivalry would keep it from ever fully working out most likely. But it's still damn compelling and I don't see it ending with any bitterness - just a mutual understanding that it was a good time, they did care for each other, but ultimately they value their captains more and they respect each other's choice.
(Plus in a certain canon Ikkaku and Killer having been lovers would make his battle against Hawkins extra dramatic but shhhhh we don't talk about that where people can hear)
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