#detroit tunnel
detroitlib · 2 days
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View of passengers on bus in the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. Wall sign shows Detroit and Windsor border. Stamped on back: "Joe Clark, H.B.S.S. 8775 West 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park, Mich. 48237, 399-448[?], pictures that tell [a story]."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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sunsetagain · 2 years
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wip of DBH comic: Byzantine Generals
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Some random shots
DET vs PHI | 20240125
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carefreeyounghag · 1 month
I'm so good at solo air travel. I've been on planes since I was an infant so I have zero fear, even when there's fairly major turbulence it's just like ooh my flying bus is hitting a bumpy patch. The minute I sit down at my gate headphones are on nothing short of someone majorly getting up in my face will get through. I'm small so the seat size isn't an issue, I fit perfectly ok. I know how to be prepared, how to make sure the experience will be as painless as possible. I'm proud of it, makes me feel competent.
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this needed to be said
thank you
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marcusrobertobaq · 6 months
Can we all agree that
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giawang · 2 years
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annaberrie · 2 years
Accidentally getting myself into the Detroit: Become Human fandom 4 years late is hilarious and bizarre and also I find myself researching the city of Detroit, its history, culture, geography...
And then I get BLINDINGLY FURIOUS at Cyberlife for building their STUPID UGLY CORPORATE BUILDING on land that has historical and cultural significance, not to mention destroying one of the natural spaces available to an urban population mostly consisting of minorities, and probably increasing the pollution of the Detroit River and contributing to the toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie, even if it's just run off from their stupid ugly construction,
And then I remember that Cyberlife is a fictional company :)
And then I remember that real corporations pull this crap and I'm glad that in the four years since DBH came out Belle Isle is protected by not one but 4 separate conservation organizations and in 2019 Lake Erie was granted legal personhood status (like a company) so that individuals can sue on behalf of the Lake when it is insufficiently protected/polluted by industrial and agricultural run-off. And there are programs going into action to help local farmers with better/more effective/less destructive practices.
Sometimes not everything is horrible :)
Good times
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pinotn · 19 days
the tunnel @ Detroit Metro Airport
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net-photos · 3 months
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Ein geheimer Tunnel verbindet das Detroit Receiving Hospital mit dem nahegelegenen Veterans Affairs Krankenhaus, um Notfälle effizient zu versorgen. Den ganzen Artikel gibt es hier: https://nordischepost.de/unterhaltung/design/innovatives-design-tunnel-verbindet-das-detroit-receiving-hospital/?feed_id=76441&_unique_id=66769c44ea24d
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amtrak-official · 1 month
Here are my urban design predictions:
Detroit and Cleveland will make a comeback and start growing again, Gary will not
The outer suburbs of Miami and Houston will be some of the first cities in the US to start to decline due to the effects of climate change
Philadelphia will become more influential over the next 30 years.
Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Columbus, or Rochester will start building a proper light rail within 20 years
Chicago will get more expensive if they don't do housing reform
Seattle, Austin, and Minneapolis will continue to be national leaders on hosuing policy
The core of the Bay Area will start to shift to Oakland and Berkeley
Louisville will start losing population
Buffalo will expand the light rail
Portland will build the MAX tunnel
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
Aquarium Date HCs for Connor and Ralph (separately) I love sea life so I love the idea of pointing out different fish to my fictional crushes :0 (maybe just date hcs in general tho??)
☣︎ hell yeah phish and first dbh ask 👏🙌 Sorry in case they're OOC or I got some fish trivia wrong. I'm not an expert lol btw I love to do the same, just with dog breeds ✌ I wanted to write general dating headcanons as well, but I didn't want the post to be too all over the place, so feel free to ask for more if you liked this rendition of the boys
【 AQUARIUM DATE 】 ☢︎ | gender-neutral reader ☢︎ | Detroit Become Human ☢︎ | Connor | Ralph
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【 Connor 】
Since he used to be a working android and didn't have a lot free will while not being a deviant, Connor liked going out with you a lot.
He was never interested in fish, but when you mentioned going to the aquarium he was a bit curious.
"Hm, the aquarium? Yeah, I'd like to go." He said as he looked at you with attentiveness in his eyes.
You were excited to point out each and every fish to him, although you were a bit worried Connor would be able to just- search the internet and get to know everything about them from the start.
He was a grade A android and detective after all.
You hoped he wouldn't get bored of you rambling about it.
As you arrived to the fancy building, Connor took notice of the big glass tunnel.
He didn't comment anything, but you could see that he looked at the fish that swam above his head with curiosity
"That's a nurse shark." You pointed out with a slightly excited smile as you noticed the creature swim behind the glass. Connor looked the way you pointed, raising his brow with calm interest. "Ginglymostoma cirratum. The elasmobranch fish in the family Ginglymostomatidae." He came up with the info on the spot. He knew you were interested in the topic, so he wanted to impress and relate to you. You chuckled softly at his "knowledge" as you lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Hey- I'm supposed to be the fish expert here." You lightheartedly pointed out. "Right. Of course, tell me more then. I'd love to listen." He quickly let you take the scene. You smiled at his mindfulness. "This one's a pilchard. But more commonly known as, well, sardine. The same one you can buy at the market." You came up with more information as you observed Connor listening to you diligently. "It's interesting to actually see them swim in their natural habitat. At least, as natural as you can get." He mentioned lightheartedly. "Yeah. Like, people eat those." You said playfully, watching him smile at your comment.
Time went by quick as you pointed out a lot of fancy and regular fish that appeared near you, excited with each new one that showed on your radar.
Connor loved listening to you express yourself about the thing you were passionate about.
You previously had some worries about him getting bored while you were there, but he never shown a sign of annoyance.
But it couldn't be further from the truth, he was looking at you with never ending curiosity.
Time came for you to visit the touchpool.
"Can you actually touch the fish?" Connor looked at the pool, raising his brow calmly. You chuckled slightly. "Yes. That's what it's for. Go on. Touch the starfish." Connor looked at the water one more time before gently placing his hand inside. You could see the flow of emotions on his face as the invertebrate made contact with his cyberskin. It showed curiosity, then confusion, then a bit of- disgust? He took his hand out slowly, but you could see a bit of aversion in his movement. "Did you not like it?" You asked with a silly smile on your face. "It was- interesting. But i'd rather not touch it again." He commented with fake professionalism, trying to hide his distaste towards the feeling. It made you giggle. "Really? That bad? Aren't you used to touching dead bodies and stuff?" You asked amused. "I am. But that's different. Somehow, this creature seems to- somehow get me. In a bad way." He explained. The fact that Connor, the android who was used to far much worse things than you could survive through, was disgusted by the little starfish made you giggle. "Alright, you don't gotta touch it. But I'll tell you some interesting facts about it instead." You suggested, smiling at him. "Yeah, that sounds good." The corners of his lips turned up as he reciprocated the calm smile.
Connor spent rest of the day with you talking his ear off, but he didn't mind in the slightest, and even asked you for elaboration and more facts on some fish he found interesting with.
He reminisces the trip with you there very fondly, although he gets a bit annoyed when you sometimes tease him about the starfish incident.
In a lighthearted way of course.
【 Ralph 】
He was a bit hesitant to go somewhere where there's a lot of people at first.
His fear of humans still persisted, but it was greatly lessened when he got you in your life.
Although he's still shy and a bit anxious in public.
Nonetheless, when you told him what an aquarium is, he was a bit curious.
You reassured him that if anything happens, you will leave.
He nodded a bit unsure, but he trusted you'd make the right call, so he agreed.
He was very fidgety and anxious at first, but his demeanor changed once he saw the colorful creatures.
Ralph was never in a place with so many different kinds of fish before!
He was probably even more excited than you when he got into the zone.
You tried to pick the rooms with less or zero people around so Ralph would feel more comfortable.
But after he got mesmerized by the fishies, his fear was kinda skimmed over.
He did get scared by a moray eel though.
"Ralph does not like that fish!" He pointed out, upset at the scary monster behind the glass. You laughed softly. "It's a moray eel." "Ralph does not like moray eels." He repeated with a frown, although he was still slightly curious about it. In like a car-crash type of way. You looked around the tank, wanting to find some "nicer" fish to show him. "How about this one?" You pointed out at the sea horse. He looked at it with interest, tilting his head a little, which you thought was very adorable. "Hm... Ralph likes this one better." He said with conviction with made you chuckle slightly. "The males actually carry the eggs." You came up with a random trivia about them. It was actually a decently known fact about them, but Ralph being Ralph obviously didn't know it. "Huh?" He tilted his head once more. "It's to ensure their survival. Both mom and dad work together." You pointed out some more nerdy facts with a smile as you observed his reaction. "Hm... Ralph thinks the seahorses are nice." He came up to the glass, putting his hands on it to get a better view. "And interesting!"
After he got a bit more comfortable being t the aquarium, he would run around the place, following the fishes that swam above his head in the tunnel and ask you about them.
"What's that fish called? And that? And those small ones? Oh, what about that big one!" He pointed out lots of different types, making you a bit lost with answering as his questions were so quickly coming.
He's the type to just- poke the glass.
He's curious, you can't blame him.
He'll stop if you tell him to, though.
If there's a petting pool he must see it.
Tell him how to interact with it beforehand though, as he might get a bit- rough with his touches.
"Ralph put that stingray down!" You were horrified when you noticed him holding the poor creature by the tail. He flinched and dropped it back into the water. "Ralph is sorry- Ralph was just curious-" He said apologetically, putting hands closer to his chest in a nervous manner. "It's- It's okay Ralph, you can try just- petting it. Like that." You reached out your hand to touch the stingray that was swimming by. Ralph looked at you and tried to do the same. "O-okay, Ralph will try." He giggled when his sensors felt the skin of the animal brush against his fingers.
You didn't know what to expect at the aquarium, whether Ralph would like it at all, but you were positively surprised when he wanted to stick around more, even after the workers told you it's gonna close soon.
Overall, he was very excited, and wouldn't mind going there again.
Please tell him more fish facts at home.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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Native American tribes from Michigan, Wisconsin and Ontario have come together to call for an end to the Line 5 pipeline.
The Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline, first constructed in 1953, stretches from Wisconsin through 645 miles of Michigan and ends in Sarnia, Ontario. Part of the pipeline travels underwater through the Straits of Mackinac.
In recent years, the pipeline's continued operation has become a source of controversy. Many tribal nations and communities claim that the pipeline goes through their traditional territories. The Straits area in particular is considered a place of significant cultural and historical importance to many native groups, including the Anishinaabe. According to tribal leaders, the pipeline poses a major and direct threat to the ecosystems along its path.
“The Straits of Mackinac are [...] sacred from both a cultural and historical perspective in the formation of the Anishinaabe people,” said Austin Lowes, chairperson of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, in a statement. “Protecting the Straits is also a matter of the utmost environmental and economic importance — both to our people and the state of Michigan.”
Tribal leaders and other environmental groups have publicly opposed the pipeline for many years and have called for the pipeline to be shut down.
Supporters of the pipeline point out that it transports 540,000 barrels of light crude oil and natural gas liquids through Line 5 on a daily basis. [...]
In an effort to address safety concerns, Enbridge has proposed an underwater tunnel to house the portion of Line 5 that runs under the Straits of Mackinac. [...] Critics of the tunnel project say no oil should be transported through the Straits at all, as a spill could have a devastating impact on more than 700 miles of Great Lakes shoreline. [...]
Previous attempts to shut down the pipeline have been stopped through various means, mostly the 1977 Transit Pipeline Treaty between Canada and the United States.
The latest attempt saw 51 tribal organizations from Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario submit a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council. This report, dated April 4, claims that the Government of Canada is violating the human rights of Indigenous peoples through its continuous support for Line 5.
The report was submitted to be considered during Canada's upcoming Universal Periodic Review, conducted by the United Nations. As a United Nations member state, Canada is required to be evaluated for its human rights record on a regular basis.
Canada's Universal Periodic Review will take place this year on Nov. 6-17.
The 51 different tribal organizations that signed the report include: The Anishinabek Nation, which represents 39 First Nations throughout the province of Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Headline and text by: Brendan Wiesner. “Michigan, Wisconsin and Canadian tribes come together to fight Line 5.” Yahoo! News. 8 April 2023. Article originally appeared on The Sault News with the title “Great Lakes tribes send report to United Nations to fight Line 5.” [Some paragraph breaks and contractions added by me.]
Line 3 brings oil from Alberta to Lake Superior. Then, Line 5 brings the fossil fuel from the Duluth area to the Detroit/Windsor area in Ontario.
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This 1939 Pagoda style home in Grosse Ile, Michigan once belonged to Henry Ford & his wife. Probably b/c he was a very rich man, it has security features and secrets. 4bds, 3ba, $989,900.
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It has the heavy original front door with a Lotus window. The house does need a lot of work and updating.
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This is the main hall. We have the cutest guide for this tour, a little black Scotty dog.
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The living room is very large and has a fireplace feature wall. (Are you spotting the Scotty?)
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The fireplace holds the first secret: Push in the panel on the mantel and there's a secret compartment- probably for all his money.
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The wood paneled library has a large window seat and wall of shelving. The ceilings have interesting shapes, which is a lovely feature.
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The library also has secret compartments.
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This is the center hall outside the dining room.
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The center hall has the stairs that lead to the attic.
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The dining room is huge. Guess they had banquets in here for other Detroit automobile moguls.
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The kitchen had some updates but it also has mostly original features like the floor, the repainted cabinets, and the green & black tiles.
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This is the servant's hall- it's awfully narrow, isn't it?
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This large bedroom looks like the primary.
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It has a cool large orchid art deco bath.
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This is a secondary bedroom.
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Another cool retro bath.
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Large deck around the house. The home is on the Detroit River.
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In the roof of the Pagoda is an "SOS Lamp" to signal the police if there is an intruder. (Nowadays, by the time they see it, assuming that they know what it is, forget it.)
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This is the upstairs switch for the SOS light.
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And, this is the downstairs switch. (It's such a mess, I'm surprised that it still works.)
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These are the basement stairs.
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And, that's the door to the boat slip, assuming that you want to swim to it.
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Another door in the boat slip opens to the wine cellar/ballroom. That glass block bar looks like it was once beautiful, with the striped awnings and maybe colored lights.
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The wine cellar still has some full bottles.
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The servant's door is closed off.
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And, this is an escape tunnel under the road.
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There are 2 acres of property.
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jackhues · 3 months
ready | alex lyon
note: thank you soo much for putting up with all my delays anon- here's the fic you've been waiting for. it's here and i hope you like it <3
pairing: alex lyon x fem!reader
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you adjusted the microphone and little sign, trying to make sure they were perfect for the players to just walk by and answer.
"looks good," you muttered to yourself, getting behind the camera.
as the social media manager of the red wings, you were supposed to film cool content to post on the social media pages. but you also didn't want the players to be bothered and have to go out of their way to answer questions. so you set up next to the tunnel, and they answered as they made their way out to practice.
today's question was 'what's your favourite rom-com?' it was something the fans had been asking for a little while, and you decided why not.
the players greeted you as they walked by, answering the question with a cheeky little grin.
you tried not to blush as one of the players made their way over, all dressed up in his goalie gear.
alex lyon, the goalie for the detroit red wings, and one of the sweetest people you knew. you had a little crush on him, but decided to stay away for a few reasons. your last relationship was so bad that you had to leave your hometown and move away. you couldn't stay there any longer.
and you weren't sure if you were ready for something like that again.
alex smiled at you, his former happy personality coming back. he'd gone through a breakup near the start of the year, which kind of toned him down. you and him had gotten close because of your past relationships, finding comfort in someone so similar.
"hey y/n," he grinned. if he noticed your blush, he didn't say anything. he read the question, thinking for a second, "oh, no strings attached."
"oh that's a good one!" you grinned. "wait, i gotta stop saying that."
"you tell that to everyone?" he asked, eyes twinkling under his goalie mask.
"actually, i've said it to many people," you joked right back. "you guys have good rom-com taste."
alex smiled to himself, "i don't know about the rest of them, but i've gotten some pretty good recommendations from this girl i know."
you blushed deeper, laughing to yourself. "well, i'd say she's just glad you took her recommendations."
alex shuffled his feet, almost nervously, "and what do you think she'd say to going on a date... with me? this friday?"
you froze, staring at alex like a deer in headlights.
yes, you liked him. and yes, you'd imagined going on a date with him a million times. but you'd never imagined that he'd be interested in going on a date with you. it was a wild thing to discover this early in the morning.
"you don't have to say yes," alex added quickly. "just... well you can think about it."
"i want to," you answered quickly. "say yes. i'm saying yes, i'll go on the date with you alex."
alex grinned, his smile visible under the mask. "great. that's great. i'll see you soon."
"see you," you waved, giggling as he nearly slipped in his excitement.
you turned away from the ice, smiling to yourself. maybe you were ready to be in a relationship again. as long as it was with alex.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
😷 - Mask off, but guard up! Seems like we're out of the tunnel
1. Abandoned dog seen wandering Detroit streets with stuffed toy rescued, now receiving care
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An abandoned dog is preparing for a new home after animal rescue groups spent days trying to find her when she was spotted wandering Detroit with a stuffed toy. Nikki's owner recently died, and she was left to wander the streets with her favorite toy. 
As Nikki receives her care, the animal workers are making sure she is ready to head to her foster home. Almost Home is collecting donations to help pay for the treatment and Niki's care. Donate here.
2. New foster care agency matching LGBTQ+ kids with queer carers to become ‘their amazing, wonderful selves’
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A new foster care service has been launched to help match LGBTQ+ young people with supportive carers and families in the South East of England. Apex Q, a service from agency Apex Fostering, will help encourage more LGBTQ+ foster carers, provide training and create more placements for queer children.
Apex Fostering, which covers north and east London as well as several southern counties, including Hertfordshire, Essex and Cambridgeshire, launched in 2021 and claims to have already placed more than 60 young people with foster families. 
3. Newquay Zoo celebrates birth of rare 'warty' piglets
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A pair of rare piglets has been born at Newquay Zoo in Cornwall. The Visayan warty pigs, named for the three pairs of fleshy "warts" on the boar's face, which protect it while fighting rival pigs, are part of a breeding programme at the zoo.
The species lives in the forests of the Philippines, where there could be as few as 200 animals left.
4. New Alzheimer's drug slows disease by a third
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We could be entering the era of Alzheimer's treatments, after the second drug in under a year has been shown to slow the disease. Experts said we were now "on the cusp" of drugs being available, something that had recently seemed "impossible".
The company Eli Lilly has reported its drug - donanemab - slows the pace of Alzheimer's by about a third.
5. Covid global health emergency is over, WHO says
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that Covid-19 no longer represents a "global health emergency". The statement represents a major step towards ending the pandemic and comes three years after it first declared its highest level of alert over the virus.
But Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the virus remained a significant threat.
6. Doctors have performed brain surgery on a fetus in one of the first operations of its kind
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The baby’s condition, known as vein of Galen malformation, was first noticed during a routine ultrasound scan at 30 weeks of pregnancy. The seven-week-old is one of the first people to have undergone an experimental brain operation while still in the womb. It might have saved her life.
Before she was born, this little girl developed a dangerous condition that led blood to pool in a 14-millimeter-wide pocket in her brain. The condition could have resulted in brain damage, heart problems, and breathing difficulties after birth. It could have been fatal. The baby girl was born healthy. She didn’t need any treatment for the malformation.
7. Lastly, watch this father stork brings a blanket to warm up mother stork
That's it for this week :)
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