#detrans lesbian flag
genderqueerdykes · 22 days
As a fellow intersex trans man, maybe you shouldn't use TERFy detrans terms like MTFTM, because that's usually a flag that someone is a transphobic detransitioner. Not saying that you're wrong for feeling that way, but there's better terms to use than equating yourself with the kinds of people who want to further stigmatize and criminalize being queer. It's not "reclaiming" when we're in the middle of an election where everything is used to make our lives harder.
??? my friend, the terms MtFtM and FtMtF have nothing to do with terves- this is used by intersex, retrans, and multitransitional people. i get that you're also intersex, but i don't have to share your opinion. i have no idea where you got this idea from, but that's not what any of these terms mean. just because terves occasionally use a term doesn't mean it's bad. terves also call themselves lesbians, i don't think anyone should have to abandon the term lesbian just because some terves identify as lebsians.
this is a genuinely baffling and confusing ask. my transition path is literally MtFtM. i have never seen terves use this- i have only seen other intersex, multitrans and retrans people use it. please expand your sphere of influence if this is genuinely how you feel and think. thank you.
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x-honeycomb-x · 1 year
1 note = 1 week of detransitioning
feel free to join me! Detransition for tumblr 💓👾
1 note = 1 week of me detransitioning
using she/they pronouns
dressing feminine
only cumming when watching lesbian porn
no testosterone (although it’s established I’ll go 10+ years without t)
take estrogen (if I can find it and my safety allows)
massage my boobs
wear bras and underwear (which I do everyday anyways)
Write “Tumblr’s girl” on my body with a permanent marker
get a temporary womb tattoo
shave my body
take my trans pride flag down
use a feminine minecraft/video game skin
use feminine shampoo and body wash
wear an accessory that reminds me I’m tumblr’s detrans girl/woman
Keep me as tumblr’s detrans girl <3 comment if you’re joining me
Edit: This post has been up for a year, and I don't think the points would go up much longer, in a conclusion I need to detransition for 14 years, i'll be a cis woman until i'm 38, thanks guys <3 And for the context I have detransitioned irl for a year
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teddykaczynski · 2 months
theres someone i want to connect with who lives on campus so bad but idk... the best way to....
it feels like a violation of ferpa to me to email someone using their student email which ive gotten off of the student info database i have access to through my work. but its also true if youre in your own student email and you begin typing someones name her email will come up. and like, student email isnt the most protected of info. soooo maybe its fine. but then what do i say.
i really enjoyed running into you in the elevator while i was moving out of that building and i remember how you were disappointed to learn i was moving out not in.... not sure if you noticed me then but when we were both on the same tram car while i was en route to pride and then we got off at the same stop, well i liked your carabiner and bulldog harness. and then part of me is like oh well maybe we will just actually really meet more organically sometime and holding out for that is the better call but its also. more cowardly and i hate that. i didnt ever attempt contact with mr carseatheadrest and im pretty sure he either graduated or just isnt coming back so. missed chance there. and i hate that. but i do know ms bulldogharness is continuing to be on campus and in school and is also younger than me soooo.
also when we first met i thought she was an ftm bc i could tell from her voice she had been on T but looking at her info in the portal, of the 3 "gender" options she chose neutral and has no pronouns selected and i dont like to conclude someone is an ftm unless he either tells me or has some other signifier like a flag pin or pronouns in the student database. and well so far she has had none of those. if anything her signaling is more detrans/transmasc butch like thats the assumption id make if im making assumptions. which i am. also another reason i thought she was definitely trans was that when we first met she seemed attracted to me potentially and... it seemed more plausible that shes ftm4ftm and thought thats what i am too because.... i guess it feels unlikely that a woman would see me out and about looking as strange as i do and be attracted to me in a woman4woman lesbian way. which is yeah my own issue........ and unrelated to my actual quandary here.
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hjellacott · 1 year
To those agreeing with what I say but saying I'm mean and "Let's just be nice" when we're discussing TRA things or feminism or J. K. Rowling... I am DONE being nice.
I was nice the first 100.000 times. Now I've been bombarded with private messages and Tumblr "post" (the envelope thingy) and general comments, plus seeing dozens of posts that I just can't be nice and patient about. Because these MORONS and some of them, actual TERRORISTS, are literary burning books, twisting the Harry Potter stories to justify their unjustifiable extremism, harassing children for being Potterheads, mocking adults for finding solace in Harry Potter, attacking and sending death threats and death wishes to everyone that disagrees with them, manipulating children, autistic, and also all kinds of mentally disabled people to absorb their agenda and mutilate their bodies, targeting the lives of people who disagree with them and attacking them and their loved ones, cyberbullying left and right hiding beneath anonymous names and pink and blue flags, burning and thrashing businesses where feminists go, turning Pride into an event where rapists are being allowed to take the mic and say to kill women (literally) and being applauded, saying homosexuality is transphobic and raping lesbians and gays, applauding men changing in locker rooms in front of little girls, applauding men taking over women's sports and spaces, applauding sending rapists to women's prisons, applauding children being brainwashed into life changing treatments, terrorising the world, imposing their own agenda with violence and threats, silencing and attacking the detrans community, manipulating the media, fucking it all up for all the normal trans people who are now thanks to the TRAS being seen as terrorists, and justifying their hatred and their violence on them having basically no reading comprehension, twisting people's words to have a pity party, and creating a self-imposed narrative to try and convince us that everyone wants them to die so it's all right for them to attack everyone else and be given free reign and justification to do so. Police can't even report that a criminal is trans any more and people are losing their jobs for reporting crimes by trans people, for fuck's sakes.
Do you know how often I've dealt with the same lazy justification to "explain" to me, a mixed race Jewish descent woman, why JK Rowling is anti semitic or racist? Or why she's transphobic? And every time one tries to nicely point out that they're twisting things and decontextualising them and inserting their own racist views, they just tell you to kill yourself. They've taken over press, media, social media, pride, women's spaces, they're going after children, attacking local pubs and restaurants... I'm not going to allow it. I'm done being nice.
I see them bullying the detrans community and shutting them up. I see how they harass and threaten the trans community that doesn't want to occupy women's spaces or that doesn't condone violence and threats and wants children to be left alone. I see how they attack women, lesbians and gays. I have a collection of articles of their rapes and other attacks, mainly to women. And they won't brainwash me.
I'm not afraid. These are a violent, terrorist mob that is taking over the left and making themselves the victims when we haven't faced a more aggressive and dangerous mob since the Nazis. Have you seen the videos of the teens and young adults crying in the US Congress, talking about how afraid they are when they see men changing in their lockers, or talking about how their breasts were chopped off and begging us, adults, to stop this nonsense? I have and I'm listening.
Like Joanne Rowling, like all the women who won't wheesht, I'm going to fight for those kids, for the normal people in the trans community, for detransitioners, gays, lesbians, mentally disabled... I'm not afraid and I'm not nice. Not any more. You want a fight? I'm full of weapons.
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sapphos-darlings · 1 year
Here's our pinned post to help you navigate this blog!
Check out these general tags we use, and below the cut introduction to our mod team. FAQ under construction.
Sexuality and femaleness
#wlw, #lesbian, #bisexual, #gnc, #female positivity, #asexuality, #sexual health, #butch, #femme, #self-acceptance, #body neutrality, #detrans
Culture and history
#art #history #feminism #media #books #movies #tv series #comics #anime #manga #sports #celebrities
You can also try to search for a tag of a specific country or culture! Decades and centuries of history are tagged in the form #1990s, #1800s etc.
General content
#advice #couples #funny #LGBT #photography #pride #pride flag #weddings
#ask* #reply*
*For a while, we accidentally used separate tags
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Mod Lavender (on the left): Lesbian, Nordic, in my 30s. I am a combination of passion for my nerdy hobbies and writing craft, and burning fury for female liberation. I am a linguist, a history-enthusiast, and a great lover of movies, especially horror and scifi. I never grew out of my otaku phase so that’s who I am now. I own fancy rats and study Mandarin Chinese for fun. A survivor of bipolar disorder, self-harm addiction and broken heart; it gets better! I’ve lived in the woods for four months and only cried once during it.
Mod Sade (on the right): Bisexual, 31, detransitioned and neurodivergent. Relationshipped with a nonbinary person. I love travel, history, stories, storms and rain, and unicorns. If I was a dragon, I would hoard notebooks and mugs and TTRPG dice from Etsy. I take bad polaroids and occasionally participate in arts such as painting and writing and doll customization. I’m a lineage-oriented Sims 4 player and a vulture culture enthusiast. WoW raider, Reddit user, so far left it hurts to look right.
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redheadbigshoes · 8 months
i mean this super kindly (i hope im misunderstanding im autistic and meaning can be lost on me through text so i apologise if that is the case) but talking about being detrans itself alone isnt a red flag (i am detransitioned, gnc lesbian (i kinda still consider myself somewhat not quite cis but not exactly trans personally its complicated), i know other detrans people who are normal and supportive of trans people (this is the quiet majority, there is a louder minority), and them and i talk about it publicly at times, i also have two trans siblings and am a vocal supporter of both them and other trans people) all this to say that like, it really sucks to be lumped in as a bad person because we made a mistake in our identity? and what helped myself and others with the transition (ha) in this time of my life esp was people talking abt being detrans without a violently transphobic lens, so i think its important that people talk about it in a neutral way without being immediately marked off transphobic just because detrans (not talking about this person because people have come to the conclusion that they are actually phobic), because it helps catch the vulnerable detrans people who might detransition and fall into terf spaces because they dont have another space to read or talk about their/others transition to detransition experiences when compartmentalizing, is all
No, talking about detransitioning is not a red flag itself, what’s a red flag is the combination of other things (besides posting about detrans). It’s calling women females, it’s not addressing people of the trans community and talking about detrans as a movement, not as a personal experience.
So yeah, this is a case of you misunderstanding what I said, simply talking about detransitioning isn’t bad or anything you’re implying I did.
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Tumblr detrans thoughts
I can’t wait for my curves to grow back
Getting implants is so hot
Shaving myself smooth is so hot
Lesbian sex is so hot
Gaining weight when I go off t is so hot
I would drink a gf’s piss
I’m a cis girl now
I wanna get my IUD off
Encourage me to detransition
Don’t let me masturbate although I’m so horny
I’m a cis girl now
I’m not subby tho
Can’t wait to just be a normal cis girl
I don’t deserve to hang trans flags in my room
I need to stop being so addicted to my phone
I can’t wait to have straight sex with a trans boy
I’m bisexual
I’m polysexual
I’m polyamorous
I want my feet licked and serviced
I want to cuddle and kiss
I want to recover from codependency, then cuddle and kiss
I can’t wait to have non-sexual detrans thoughts
I detransitioned
I detransitioned
I should change my pronouns on my profiles
What name should I use
What would my friends say
What would my exes say
What would my family say
How do I hide my detransition from my family
I wanna stop buying things for detransitioning
I’m a polyamorous cis girl now
I’m a queer cis girl now
I can’t wait to wear a pair of yoga pants to show off how I don’t have a bulge
I’m not gonna buy masc pants now, because my ass would thicken and I would get dysphoric if I see my masc pants gain curves
I will stretch my underwear with my round hips
My round hips will finally fit my French knickers because they’re gonna be full
My hips will widen I am so dysphoric
My hips will widen I am so euphoric
When I look down my chest would get full again
Actually I would feel more full and bloated again because my fat ratio would go up
Would I gain weight when I go off t?
I am detransitioning
I am detransitioning
I am a cis girl now
I am a cis girl now
I am a queer cis girl now
Sooner or later I will do non-sexual and non-kink cis stuff
I would go grocery shopping as a cis girl and not think twice about it
I can’t rely on the internet for validation to detransition, the validation has to come from me
It’s not a kink I’m detransitioning
It’s a kink I’m detransitioning
It’s both
I’m detransitioning for kink
But also for myself
I’m detransitioning for myself
I’m gonna be a cis girl for half a year
And being a cis girl isn’t always sexual
I’m so autistic
I’m so autistic I am making myself a rule book and guide for the detransition
Detransition is a state of mind
I wanna enter ✨the detransition zone✨
And ✨not feel sexual about it✨
I’m fucking around with my gender and see
Hey I can be trans and detransition?
I’ll detransition now and transition again later
It’s not now or never
I’m entering the detransition sub-space
But I said I’m not subby
Okay but you know what I mean, I’m having an open heart
I am fucking around with my gender and finding out
But detransitioning is so hot
Bonk! You’re going to horny jail, be serious and stop perving around for an hour
You’re gender fluid and your girl side is demanding to have a feminine life! Get your shit together!
I’m gonna be a boy in a girl way
So my girl can be a girl in a girl way
Actually you know what labels doesn’t have to matter, you just want a feminine body
But I also want a masculine body
I want both what do I do
I’m so non-binary
Maybe I should accept I’m non-binary
But I wanna be a cis girl
But I still wanna be masculine
I’m so non-binary
This post is getting way too long
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heterophobicdyke · 4 months
I wanna say as a detrans radfem myself thank you so much for that post. It's something I've sort of posted about in the past myself and it drives me crazy. Especially as someone who medically transitioned quite young.
no worries xx
it's so weird how gender makes both "feminine" and "masculine" females go through life endangering pressures, processes and procedures, both matters of conforming to "women must be feminine and man must be masculine," and yet "feminine" females are seen as victims and "masculine" females are seen as traitors.
when a straight "feminine" female diets, gets breast implants, operates to get a smaller nose and wears tonnes of makeup, she's flying the flag of "this is what it means to be a woman."
when a lesbian "masculine" female uses he/him pronouns, gets a mastectomy, takes hormones, she's saying "i must be a man because i am the opposite of what women are meant to be"
both are victims. both have been told "this is what it means to be a woman/man" beyond biology and it's so naturalised and normalised that how can you blame them?
the extra empathy for the straight "feminine" female is bc straights see themselves in her.
it's also because many radfems think men are biologically oppressive, rather than socialised to become so, which creates a gender 2.0 where women are seen as the natural/biological angels to men's devils and anything that signifies the "male uniform" (such as "masculine" style dress) is considered a "desire to oppress." therefore "masculine" females, many lesbians, are viewed as "trying to be like the oppressor"....
tomboy lesbians are not only attracted to women when society says that's a "man thing"--you notice radblr treating lesbians like manly freaks for being horny about women on tumblr too might i add--but they also look and act the way men are taught to. they're ostracised by the sisterhood for "being manly" but are abused by men for "not being womanly."
when radfems say the trans-identified female lesbian betrays women, is a class traitor, because the logical conclusion for many is to "become a man," they blame the woman for heteropatriarchal expectations. they act like she made the personal choice to abandon womanhood alone - has a "not like other girls" complex.
try saying an anorexic straight "feminine" woman has a "not like other girls" complex by trying to compete with them for "most feminine" around a radfem and see how far you get. hyperconforming and trans-identified females are both supporting an unhealthy idea of what it means to be women... equally. both are influencing others. but both are victims.
and don't get me started on how the hatred of "not like other girls" teenage girls is hypercritical of GNC females (many lesbians) who are quite literally "not like other girls" in the sense of gender conformity. they get bullied by hyper"feminine" straight girls, pushed out of the Sisterhood for being "manly", and then are blamed for building up a bit of self esteem and pride by being like "well i'm not like those wannabe-barbie girls anyway"
and then did u see radfems go wild for the barbie movie? anyyyyway.....
ultimately all these issues come down to lacking an intersectional approach when discussing the different power dynamics *among women*. it only suits the most privileged women to pretend we're all a monolith, all equally disenfranchised, as if things like race and sexual orientation aren't a whole other layer of disempowerment... even among women
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xenia-baby-2 · 2 years
Hi everyone! This is like vy 4th blog to get deleted for no reason or explanation but VI'm back again! So here's some info about ve!
Name: Xenia, Jasper or Rosanna
Pronouns: she/xe/🍓/🍰 (those are preferred but you can use any pronouns but they for ve)
Gender: xenogirl, ftmtx detrans and transfemme
Orientation: lesbian
Likes: my little pony, care bears, age regression, and animals.
Dislikes: drama, loud noises, and bad sensory things.
BYF: Vi also have autism, ADHD and BPD. Vi am also in a QPP.
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[Image ID: A yellow DNI banner.It reads: DNI: TERF, transmed, anti mspec lesbian/gay, ageplay, anti sfw agere, pro-cop, DSMP or Harry Potter supporter (alters excluded), syscourse, "pro-life", & anti endo. End ID.]
Check out vy Carrd!
Boost? /nf
@neopronouns @kenochoric @mogai-sunflowers @squidthing @meadow-of-mogai-melodies @genderfeayr @pupyzu @imoga-pride @aldernic @themogaidragon @xenogender-flags @begendered-mogai @mogai-starlight @epikulupu (plz comment or message ve if you want deleted)
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sexy-velociraptors · 2 years
What’s up? I’m Leo. 25, submissive, transmasc. I use he/him pronouns IRL but u can call me “it” here.
I was super active on tumblr before the Purge, my url was velociraptors-jerkin-it. I’m looking to get back into the game, but it seems the game has changed, so please LMK if I’ve got any faux-pas or red flags going on.
A DNI list has always struck me as kinda silly (have they ever stopped anyone, ever?), but they seem to be standard, so I’ll get the basics out of the way.
Minors, get your jailbait asses out of here.
Right wingers GTFO, centrists are on Thin Fucking Ice.
ED/Self-Harm/Suicide/etc blogs. If you’re personally struggling, please seek help, but I’ve been there and I’m not talking about you. I mean the proana/thinspo/whatever-the-fuck-y’all’re-calling-yourselves-these-days types, and those who glorify harm to themselves and others.
People who are into hard limits of mine can still interact, but please don’t send messages/leave captions pertaining to them.
Likewise, straight men and lesbians can follow, but I’d really not hear from y’all.
On the tumblr #disc-horse front, asexuals are fantastic, so are people of any and every gender, pronouns, and presentation. Liking weird porn doesn’t inherently make a person immoral or harmful, IRL immoral and harmful actions do.
Dick pics
Incest (including daddy kink and stepfamily)
Blood (as well as knives, needles, etc)
Breeding kink
Bestiality (as defined by the Harkness Test)
Anything that violates IRL people’s consent (fictional people are fair game)
I’m in charge of curating my own online experience, if I follow someone on my own DNI list that’s my fault. If one of those things applies to you and you’d like to let me know, that’d be awesome, but is not mandatory.
That being said, I can and will block with impunity. If you send me anything to do with my hard limits you will get an instablock. If you send me dick pics you will get an instablock. Age stuff is iffy, but if I deem you too old or young for me I may politely ask u to lay off (unless you’re under 18, in which case, instablock)
My kinks are too numerous to list, and I discover new ones all the time. I’m a masochistic service sub into bondage, degradation, objectification, and god-knows-what-else. I also have what I like to call a “möbius kink”: indulging other people’s people’s fetishes gets me off, even/especially when they’re not my own. For example, I have zero interest in feet, but I’ve had a great time sucking the toes of someone who did.
I have a toybox I’m rather proud of, if I do say so myself. I’ve got plenty of restraints, vibes, hurty-things, the list goes on. I’ll probably post more info about it soon.
Captions on my photos are welcome and encouraged!
The old blog was largely kinky reblogs, but I had a system for my original content. Anyone could send in a request for any photo (within my limits), and I’d post it. I want to bring that back! With a few caveats:
A. My living situation limits my ability to take creative photos. I may be simply unable to get every photo from every angle like I used to.
B. This is probably not going to be sustainable. At some point the photo request rules will change to make the workload manageable, and you all have to promise to be cool about it, ok?
C: I worked way too hard on the old blog for zero money. I’ll likely work out an honor-based tip system. This is also under the banner of “I warned you in advance so you have to promise to be cool about it”
If you have any old pics/posts from the old blog, I’d love to see them! Most of those nudes are lost to time AFAIK
I’m a trans man. Transmasculine. FTM. If you don’t know what that is, Google is free. If you don’t think that exists, the unfollow and block buttons are right there.
If you have “men DNI” “cis men DNI” or similar in your bio, I won’t be interacting. You have the right to draw boundaries, but cis men and I are the same gender.
I got top surgery in Jan 2022. I don’t have nipples anymore. I think this is extremely sexy of me and I’m correct.
I’ve been on and off testosterone since Feb 2016. I’ve been off it long enough (due to circumstance changes, not gender ones) that I’m not as hairy as I used to be. This is relevant bc the old blog got popular among body hair fetishists (my möbius kink at work)
I have a clitoris, T made it much larger than a cis woman’s. You can call it a clit, or a cock, or a shrimpdick, or just about anything else. I also have a vagina, which I tend to call my front hole or my cunt. You can call it a pussy, but please don’t call it anything feminine or things like “pretty”.
I’d like to think that’s all, but I’m sure there will be more I’ll have to add at some point. Consider all of the above subject to change.
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romansgoodluckcharm · 5 months
Intro post .... looks away shamefully/silly. Icon and header descriptions at the end of this post
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PLEAASEEEE do not interact if you're a minor. Don't follow me don't like my shit don't reblog it don't look here. I will block you!!!!!!!!! Blogs without an age in pinned or bio will still get blocked!!!
For other NSFW accounts seeing this who have a NSFW side-blog but a SFW main, here's how to block people from your side-blog, as blocking normally in the app only blocks them from your main and they can still see and interact with your side-blog, you just won't get notifications for it nor be able to see it
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I'm Charm! I'm nonbinary and objectum! My main is @/romansbo***********ves but I'd like it to stay separate from this blog! This is an NSFW blog for my side thoughts (mainly Roman and Logan <3)
I also post reader-insert and objectum stuff, and some gore/body horror, along other things, so don't follow if those upset you please!
Some of my headmates might post here xp if it seems like I'm ignoring you I promise I'm not, my headmates just like to leave interactions and answering asks 2 me lol!
Transphobes, zionists, homophobes, racists, PROSHIPPERS, REMROM SHIPPERS, anti-antis and MINORS are NOT welcome here! I will block you!
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Asks are open!! Pls ramble to me I LOVE hearing it and sharing my rambles with other people <33 can be as long or as short as you want I lovvvveee hearing it <33!!!! I encourage ranting in tags, too! Feel free to use anon emojis so I can recognise you !! just no questions about my personal sex-life pleasee!
Hard no's for me are: cnc, non-con, rape-play, race-play, slave/master, detrans kinks, age-play, scat, teacher/student, incest
Also no prin/xiety I'm sorry </3 no hate to people who ship them at all I'm just uncomfortable with it for personal reasons! Most I can do is in a DLAMPR setting. No c!Thomas either
I am. Sooo into robots and machinery. I eat that shit up ESPECIALLY with Logan involved <33 also big fan of bondage/rope bunnies esp with Roman <33 I'm v willing to write for kinks I'm not personally into! Please don't be afraid to send an ask, and if I'm uncomfortable I'll let you know <33
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Icon description: a picture of Janus Sanders looking off to the side while sipping from a black mug, wearing the christmas sweater, from the "what makes a perfect gift?" sanders sides christmas video. In the background is the objectum lesbian flag (the objectum flag with the lesbian flag colors)
Header description: a picture of Remus Sanders behind a table holding up a piece of paper that's been edited to say ">:3". He's grinning, looking straight at the camera and his pinkies are out
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Detransitioned/detransitioning lesbian flag
(For a woman who transitioned either socially, medically, or both, into a transgender man, and has since detransitioned/started detransitioning back into a cis woman, who also is attracted to other women/females)
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bearballing · 2 years
fyi the use tejuina in one of your recent reblog is marked in red in shinigami eyes :(
I'm on mobile so that's why I didn't see... i went and deleted the post with their comment on it thanks for letting me know lol
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Dan from Dan Vs. is a butch lesbian trans man :D
Impostor Dan from Dan Vs. is a detrans butch lesbian that steals men's identities to cope with dysphoria :P
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Imposter Dan.
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The flag on the left is a butch lesbian flag. The one on the right is a lesbian transman flag and a detrans lesbian flag, respectively. I got these flags from @ur-fave-is-a-lesbian-transman .
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radfae · 3 years
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akiyama mizuki from project sekai with detrans lesbian flags from nongoldstar!
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edsftm · 5 years
Hey guys! I’m so sorry I neglected this blog. I completely forgot it existed to be honest. A lot has happened the past couple of years, which will factor into stuff.
I had detransitioned a year and a half ago for personal reasons. So I came off of T in May 2018. I self medicated spiro for around 6 months of that.
So basically my body looks a bit more squishy again due to spending so long off T.
My results are now essentially 2 years 6 months post op and they look really good. I’m happy with them.
I’ll post some pictures later on/over the weekend c:
If you have any questions feel free to shoot them over! I think I have anons turned off because the last time I was on here there was someone who didn’t know how to be a nice person to random strangers on the internet  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also a bunch of the photos got flagged so if this blog dies UHHHHH I guess I’ll have to stick it all on a Google doc or something. Or have a live AMA in a Discord server? I dunno man.
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