#detective! s/o
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makomoto-chan · 2 months ago
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characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida, Akutagawa
DAZAI: "someone who I can commit double suicide with."
but let's be honest, this pood love-starved boy would never let the only person who ever showed him actual love and care die.
regardless, I think he'd like someone who would at least accept the double suicide at words.
he needs someone patient but who can kick his ass if he slacks off to much.
please don't yell at him he's extremely emotional about it and he'd get scared to loose you and break down.
someone who isn't annoyed by the fact that he needs lots of attentions and that he's is clingy.
someone who sees through his facecade almost effortlessy and is willing to help him.
CHUUYA: "someone with elegance."
okay well, of course his s/o has to have a good fashion sense.
someone educated and polite who can talk about everything for hours.
someone who doesn't jokes on the fact he's short.
someone who doesn't hate him because of his job and still thinks that deep down he's a good person.
if his s/o said at least once that he's beautiful/perfect even while he used corruption it would add a lot of points.
someone who like jazz/waltzer/tango you can't change my mind.
KUNIKIDA: "the one true ideal woman."
huh. do I even need to explain?
the woman who meets all the 58 criteria.
well, we only know that she should be similar to Sasaki.
personally I have some headcanons
a woman who dresses as if she was already mother of two kids but still has a good style.
she has to be okay with his weird timings and forced actions sometimes.
isn't annoyed by his strictness.
listens to him when he vents.
doesn't gaslight.
AKUTAGAWA: "someone who doesn't stand in my way."
someone who doesn't mind his job
someone who doesn't worry too much when he goes on mission but still helps him if he gets hurt.
someone who is strong-willed and doesn't stop in front of anything.
someone who hugs him even when he says he's not in the mood because he needs affection, but doesn't insists if they get pushed away.
someone who's patient but isn't scared to call him out when he's being a bitch.
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 4 months ago
I know everyone's having Reactions to the spoilers. But I think that my efforts are better focused on them saying Payneland are basically married soulmates and, more importantly, above all else, above everything that ever was and everything that ever will be, that Edwin Payne was a horse girl as a kid
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screamofdespair · 4 months ago
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toto-blanket · 1 year ago
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starleska · 3 months ago
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partner and i finally started watching Twin Peaks tonight and. oh dear. Dale Cooper is captivating me already with his boundless whimsy and neurodivergent behaviour 🙈💖
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akechis-special-case · 2 days ago
A Special Treat For A Special Someone
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Because Goro definitely deserves it!
Also finished this on White Day too, funnily enough so... Happy White Day I guess!
Blank color + Lineart
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 months ago
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Round 2 Match 4
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wayfinderships · 6 months ago
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Oh...He made a pun..👉👈 Maybe things can work out between us
#pan gushes#Normally I'm not this stupidly insecure about a crush (Maybe it's just bad timing when I haven't been the best mentally)#But I've been so worried that I'm not his type and that we wouldn't be compatible#but hearing him make a pun👉👈 Guess we have a similar sense of humor then. Maybe my s/i can make him laugh then#I still haven't figured out the details of my s/i for this game-#I was thinking about them and Y.agami being coworkers before he became a detective but eeeeh...Idk that one hasn't convinced me#I don't think they'd know K.aito since I'm not a fan of making my s/is part of the Yakuza#(In the case of my main Yakuza s/i- They work a regular job and just so happen to kiss men who are involved in the Yakuza)#Another idea I had was that they're a hacker who's connected to Tsukumo in some way#But I'm also interested in the idea of making them a thief like Sugiura- The could even be part of the same group#←That last one was 100% thought up bc Panchi likes the idea of Y.agami chasing them down bc they stole something#And him managing to catch up and pinning them to a wall or something#Oh! Right! The last idea is that they're connected to Higashi in some way but idk enough about him to say much else#And that's all my ideas!#I like developing at least one Non-romantic relationship with my s/i before the romantic one#Rn the Thief one is most appealing... I'm not immune to thieves (kisses a few thieves + has multiple thief s/is)#plus I think Panchi seeing S.ugiura as a little brother would be cute!#Idk we'll see! I gotta see more of the plot first#f/o: ⚖️
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biitchcakes · 1 year ago
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the source of my anguish below the cut to avoid spoilers ⸺
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candycryptids · 10 months ago
Hey. Promise you’ll still like me after May 27th-May 28th ish where my queue goes into a mortifying tail spin of me being insane about some little man. You have to promise.
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cacklefrendly · 1 year ago
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slander. baseless. there's no evidence of this. my brain is full of braincells like any other human being.
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...ignore that,
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botanists-little-cookie · 1 year ago
Well, I've officially been a part of the self-ship community for half a year today (9th)
Sappiness incoming audidjjdjeje
It really feels like it's been so much longer than that, at least to me. I grew so close to so many people and you all helped me feel comfortable in my selfshipping! So, tysm to all of you! Especially @violetsareblue-selfships, who's blog introduced me to selfshipping in the first place! Also @cien-fleur, for being my first ever mutual sidifjwnns
Another big thank you to all my other mutuals as well! Ily all so much <3
Have a lil drawing of some of my og fam :3
(Just a sketch bc I don't have the energy to make a digital one dkdijsjs)
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screamofdespair · 4 months ago
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Robot Detective EP#02 name : The Eyewitness is a Zero
The Big O II EP#19 name : Eyewitness
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tudorblogger · 8 months ago
Monthly Reading Summary – July 2024
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year ago
The Sisters' Secret Seaside Trip: Chapter 3
thank you, midori, for your hard work
previous part (chapter 2)
next part (chapter 4)
(tw for dieting)
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A few days after Sena had commenced her diet—
Sena: (Hmm… I’ve slimmed down a little, but… I don’t feel so good these days…)
Director: Alright, let’s start shooting the next scene!
Sena: I look forward to working with you!
Sena: (But we’re shooting the climax of the drama, so I’ve got to give it my all!)
Sena: (Um… My first line was…)
Sena: (...Huh?)
Actress: Hey, Director! Narumi collapsed!
Director: Sena?! Are you okay?!
Manager: Sena!
Sena: (Everyone’s worried about me… I have to stand up as quickly as I can, but…)
Sena: (I-I can’t get up…)
Following Sena’s collapse, the filming for the drama was halted. As if on instinct, Sena gave Midori a call—
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Midori: Sena!
Sena: Ah… Midori.
Midori: …I’m glad you’re okay…
Midori: I was so worried when you suddenly told me that you’d “collapsed in the middle of filming”...
Sena: I’m so sorry… for calling you out at this time of day.
Midori: I’m fine with it, but you’ve got work tomorrow, don’tcha? You don’t look so good, so you should get some rest instead…
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Sena: No.
Midori: …Sena?
Sena: No, my work for tomorrow was rescheduled for another day.
Sena: I even caused today’s filming to get called off. I’m supposed to be a professional, and yet…!
Midori: Don’t say that…
Sena: I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been dieting too much.
Sena: To think that I can’t even manage my diet, despite being a model…
Midori: …
Midori: …Yannow… I don’t really get what your job’s all about…
Midori: But I think everyone makes mistakes, no matter who they are.
Sena: …
Midori: What happened today has already passed. All that matters now is how you’re gonna make up for it later.
Midori: So… you don’t hafta blame yourself unnecessarily anymore. Just rest well for now.
Sena: Midori…
Midori: You’re giving it your all, Sena. I know it for a fact, cuz I said so.
Midori: I mean, you received that offer to model for the swimsuit special cuz of your hard work, right?
Sena: …Yeah…
Midori: So, wouldn’t you say that you’re fine just the way you are right now?
Midori: I, too, love you… exactly the way you are now, Sena.
Sena: …!
Midori: Well… You’re perfectly stylish as you are now, Sena, but that’s not all there is to you…
Midori: Like you’ve got that smile of yours that’s able to charm everyone, and your silky smooth hair, and you’re dependable yet sweet…
Midori: Wait, no, I’m the only one who should know that part ‘bout you, so let’s leave it at that.
Midori: In any case! You’ve got tons of charm points that other models simply do not have!
Midori: In other words, there’s no need for you to force yourself to diet!
Sena: …Hehe.
Midori: …What’re you laughing at?
Sena: Thanks, Midori. I really do feel recharged whenever I see you...
Midori: Ah? Yeah, I feel the same way too.
Sena: Alright! I’ll continue to give it my all tomorrow!
Midori: Geez, didn’t I tell you that there’s no need to push yourself so hard…?
Sena: I’m done with dieting! I’m fine just the way I am… right?
Midori: …!
Midori: Yeah, that’s the spirit.
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akechis-special-case · 22 days ago
I missed drawing them, so I did and spent way too much time on this.
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I really need to get around drawing Goro solo too. I just don't know what... Or rather, I cannot decide.
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