i-hug-exploder-shanks · 15 hours ago
Destiny 2 Incorrect Quotes- 46
Eido, holding an antique bottle: Do you think it's an ancient tonic? Perhaps an elixir?
Young Wolf: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle*
Young Wolf: It's perfume.
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ripe-beetle · 4 months ago
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Completely forgot to upload this whoops :* Set 2!
Set 1 here!
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telestoapologist · 17 days ago
Eido: "Father, would you like something from the market while I'm there?" Nezarec, from within: THE FEARS OF THE INNOCENT. Misraaks: "A bagel." Nezarec: NO!!! Misraaks: "...Two bagels."
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fmab · 1 year ago
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That feel when the guy youre workin with named his daughter after your dead wife who was also his best friend and yall never really talked about it
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awokennerd · 8 days ago
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Eido! Had to draw her soon after completing act 1 of this episode. It's just based on a screenshot I took while playing to try some colors for some of the things in her tonic lab. There will definitely be more Eido art coming soon!
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hyakunana · 2 years ago
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Thanks for your legacy, Clovis Bray now begone
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ahamkara-apologist · 5 months ago
Wrote a Thing involving my Young Wolf, Misraaks, and Eido, before he goes into the Pale Heart- this was originally supposed to be posted on launch day, but I had to make do with raid day. Enjoy!
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localguy2 · 1 day ago
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Yeah so, Misraaks has Horrible Nightmares, or what could be (if Bungie has the guts to do it) visions, if it gets REALLY outta hand that is...
[Taken from the "Restless Dreams" Ghost Shell lore tab]
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wivensbane · 2 years ago
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Hiya! New to tumblr~ Here's a sweet baby scribe on her first Hall Between ♡
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Destinytober24: Day 15 - Together
Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read it there
"That is ridiculous." Eris intoned in the far back corner of Eido's Potion workshop. "Why is it called Chill Touch if it is neither a touch attack nor does cold damage?"
"Ya got me there, Moondust, I have no idea. These rules are like a millenia old at this point. Fuck if I know what the hell they were thinkin'. I'm still casting it, though."
He turned to his ghost. "Roll to hit."
Saint-14, Eido, and Eris all watched the Drifter's misshapen ghost as it levitated, wiggled and then dropped the twenty-sided die on top of the shipping crate they were using as a table. No one trusted the Drifter to touch the dice, but his ghost was deemed honest enough to not cheat, or at least, if it were going to do so, it would not be cheating in the Drifter's favour.
The die skittered across the surface and came to rest with the number 17 on top.
"Oooh. That's nice." The Drifter grinned. "That should hit."
"It does," Scribe Eido of the House of Light tried to keep the disappointment from her voice as her four eyes peered over the top of her DM screen.
"Alright, alright, alright. Damage time. Ghost?"
The Drifter's ghost levitated an eight-sided die and let it rattle across the table, coming to rest near the first one it had rolled. The number on top was a 1.
The Drifter's ghost emitted its single tone.
"Ugh. Well at least he can't heal for a turn," the Drifter dipped a thin triangular chip into a small bowl of Saint-14's seven layer dip and ate it.
"Hmmm… you are correct," Eido said, one hand holding a data pad, another hand manipulating the datapad screen, a third hand marking down damage on a paper behind her screen, a fourth hand adjusting a small statue of a tree on the table in front of them. "That is one of the effects of that spell. Unfortunate."
"For you, sure," the Drifter replied with his mouth full. "Not for us."
Saint laughed and sipped from his drink. Several potions burbled in flasks and twisted tubing behind him. Globes of glass terrariums containing various plants dangled above them as light filtered down from several skylights in the ceiling. One of the city cats had wandered into the workshop and was rubbing up against Saint-14's leg, purring as he scratched it behind its ears.
"That's all for me." the Drifter concluded. "My turn's done. You're up Three-Eyes. Go mess 'em up."
The small diorama on the table was briefly cast in a green glow as Eris leaned forward, examining their miniature battlefield.
"Can you not relocate elsewhere?"
"I already moved," the Drifter explained, eating another dip covered chip. "Can't move again till next turn."
"Your position is exposed and you only have eight hit points."
"Yeah well, they can always miss."
"They are unlikely to miss. Your armour class is very low."
"I'm a wizard. That's normal."
"If all three assailants hit you it is likely you will die."
"Do not worry Eris!" Saint said warmly from across the table. "I will heal him!"
"Besides," the Drifter added. "They can't kill me if you kill 'em first, so go get 'em, Moon Druid of Vengeance."
"Hmmm… very well. I will attack by throwing my spear at the leader." Eris picked up the 20 sided die and rolled it. It landed on a 7.
"Oh…" Eido said, attempting and failing to hide her delight. "That is a miss."
Eris frowned. "I see."
"And you spear has landed… here." Eido reached out two of the three fingers on her upper right hand to place a small glass token on the map. "You will need to retrieve it before you can attack with it again. Would you like to do anything else on your turn?"
"That is frustrating. I am unused to such a simple action failing."
"We're first level characters," the Drifter said through a mouthful of chips. "It's normal to miss."
"I will move between the assailants and the Drifter," Eris said, picking up her small game piece and placing it next to the Drifter's. "I believe that should enable him to use me as partial cover against two of them."
"You sure you wanna do that?" the Drifter asked.
"I have more hit points than you."
"By two."
"That should be enough to make a difference."
"Awww… that's sweet, but this ain't me, this is Lanlar the Magnificent, and he's a bit of an asshole."
"Strange, I thought you about follow up on your statement by making an argument regarding a difference between yourself and your character… not a similarity."
The Drifter's Ghost expanded and its eye went wide.
"Ooooh!" The Drifter put his fingers up to his lips and winced as he pulled away from Eris in a mock flinch.
"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Saint slapped the table in delight, causing all of the miniatures to bounce slightly but not fall over.
Eido giggled.
"Wow, Three-Eyes…" the Drifter said, leaning back with an admiring smile. "Wow."
Link to the entire month's worth of prompts on Ao3, posted daily.
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thecrowmaiden · 1 year ago
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telestoapologist · 1 year ago
me waiting for variks/sjur/shiro/jolyon/fikrul to show up again
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fmab · 2 years ago
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family doodle during class :: )
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awokennerd · 3 months ago
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Eido! She's so much fun to draw. I might have another drawing of Eido in the works already.
I have fancy 11x14 marker paper (Borden & Riley, No. 234 Paris Paper), which is nice for larger pieces, but for anything small I have to cut it up, which is fine, but umm, I don't end up doing it often enough (and then I just do marker art on the sketch, which really can't handle markers). So the same brand has a 5x7 book with the same market paper and it's so nice! I can easily bring it with me to work and doodle during my break. As someone who's been doing art for well over 10 years now, I highly recommend getting good paper! It was definitely something I didn't prioritize when I was younger, but it does make a huge difference! Anyways, look forward to another Eido post in a day or two when I finish the other one!
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zalia · 9 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Destiny (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Osiris & Eido Characters: Osiris (Destiny), Scribe Eido (Destiny) Additional Tags: Research, The Veil (Destiny), Neomuna (Destiny), Game: Destiny 2: Season of the Witch, Game: Destiny 2: Season of the Wish, Game: Destiny 2: Lightfall DLC, Game: Destiny 2: Lightfall DLC Spoilers, Friendship, Introspection, Fallen | Eliksni, complicated feelings, Neurodiversity, Languages, Language Barrier Summary:
Eido visits Neomuna to study the Veil for her people, and finds welcome and understanding in a fellow scholar.
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brontios-helm · 2 years ago
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Destiny 2: The Flock
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