#destiel wishlist
queensilber · 3 months
Honestly? I want season 16 to be nothing but filler. One (1) episode of plot where Tfw comes back to life and then just them being them. No universal threat, no BIG problems, no end of the world, just them and all the filler episodes we never got.
But, of course, Destiel and Samleen getting back together storyline
Even though being God, jack getting to live with them, all together.
Thats all I want
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aerospectrum · 1 month
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forever thinking about a professor castiel au: during office hours cas discovers the texts to what he thinks is the secrets to time travel. when his curiosity and further research tears the fabric of his verse and opens up the reality of parallel worlds(yes the multiverse lol); think of a ‘take on me’ twist where he’s literally pulled into the book and he unknowingly unleashes the supernatural into his world. in an effort to “protect” him the angels capture him claiming he’s a prophet of god. his doubt taps into them not telling him the full story and when the angels are overpowered by demons also seeking out this “prophet” it’s revealed he’s actually an archangel who had his memory slate wiped clean and his grace removed to keep him from remembering. remembering what he’s yet to figure out; but the key to figuring it out and save both universes lays in the decision to trust the demons(?) who revealed his true persona to him. 
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what-if-i-just-did · 9 months
Season 16 wishlist because I'm a clown and I can dream:
-The finale was fake
-Saving Cas from the Empty
-Body swap episode between Sam & Dean
-Human!impala episode with John Barrowman as Baby
-Genderswap episode, sam and dean incredibly off-put, Cas going about as usual
-Reverse!FrenchMistake!!!! Misha, Jared and Jensen in the spnverse!
-Beach episode. no case, just them chillin'
-Jack as God dropping in on the bunker every once in a while
-Sam being the new Bobby, running things from the Bunker like he was during the Micheal!Dean period
-Sam and Eileen get married, Dean jokes about the time Sam married Becky
-Cas being treated like the main character he is aka being in every single episode
-The Mixtape. Where tf is the Mixtape.
- Time travel to season 1/2, maybe even pre-series?
-Cas's winggggs show us the wings!!!
-SuperWhoLock crossover ep? Pretty please? (Never gonna happen)
-Some type of crossover. Maybe even Scoobynatural reunion?
-I would say "fake dating episode" but idk how the heck they'd fit that into the narrative
-No overarching plotline. They fix the Chuck problem within the first 3 episodes and the rest is just individual cases/things
-Domestic destiel. Breakfast and movie nights and snuggles
-Dean Winchester officially coming out as bisexual to Sam
-What ended up happening to Dean's leather jacket? I want some symbolism of finally letting go of that as finally letting go of J*hn W*nchester and Dean allowing himself to live a happy life
-John Winchester acknowledged as an abusive parent and general shithead!!!
-Flashbacks to and stories about Stanford-era Sam & Dean!!! We learn how lonely Dean really was, and Jessica actually becomes a slightly fleshed out character; we learn her major, how she & Sam met, etc
-Everyone ends up happy
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
Hi, my name is Kian I'm 25 years old, and I'm a disabled transguy trying to move out of my toxic household and get to Uni. I will write you anything you want from my fandom/ship list. Just send in an ask detailing what you want written, and I'll let you know if I'd be willing to write it. ☺️ If you don’t want a commission, I am always accepting regular prompts and requests. ❤️
You can find things I've already written here.
Teen Wolf (Sterek)
Supernatural (Destiel/Wincest/Saileen/Winkline)
Shadowhunters (Malec)
Shameless US (Gallavich)
Criminal Minds (Moreid or Hotch/Reid)
Suits (Marvey)
Glee (Klaine/Seblaine)
The Good Place (Any)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Any/trans!Jake)
Supergirl (James/Winn or Winn/Mon-El)
IT Chapter 1 & 2 (Reddie)
Star Wars (stormpilot)
The Flash (coldflash/coldwave/coldflashwave)
Community (Trobed)
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick (Mostly Hangster but really any)
9-1-1 (buddie/buddietommy)
Stranger Things (Steddie/Hellcheer)
**I will write things from these fandoms not involving the ships, but these are the only ships I'll write**
BUY ME A COFFEE ($3) = Your Pairing + Scenario 100-999 words.  
BUY SOMETHING FROM MY AMAZON WISHLIST= Your Pairing + Scenario 1000+ words. 
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googledocsdyke · 1 year
postgraduate wishlist:
living wage
destiel roommate
le creuset dutch oven in flame
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dotthings · 2 years
Laugh it up over your incorrect, petty, viral grudgewanking posts, bitter destiel stans, but you’re only making yourselves look bad and tipping your hand about what actual antis you are. I am saying this as a Destiel shipper myself. You aren’t cute.
First of all, The Winchesters is not tanking. That’s a false narrative invented by antis who don’t know how to do math and don’t understand the importance of demo. Cheap pr fluffing from a desperate new network owner who had to sell land in order to fund operations of the bankrupt CW and avoid debt adding up raw viewing numbers for a press release is understandable marketing practice but they are not going to be actually ignoring the demos. The Winchesters is doing great. It’s doing better than the supposed “#1 show” and supposed “#1 new show!!” Also please note the obvious pr fluffing is at the expense of All American and All American: Homecoming, two black led shows (not only with all black lead casts, but written, produced, directed predominantly if not entirely by black people), who are the actual most consistent ratings champs at CW and don’t anyone forget it.
Secondly, why on earth are certain bitter hellers so eager to have Destiel due to delusions of grandeur they can bully Jensen into it. I guess that false power rush is heady. But they don’t want it if it’s something Jensen, the boss of spn, came around on, something Jensen has on the brain, something Jensen cares about and feels a personal pull to address. Aside from how some bitter hellers really want to rob Jensen of all his autonomy and rob him of all credit, I am baffled why this fantasy that Jensen hates Destiel, Jensen is against Destiel, and Jensen will only do destiel as a desperate ratings grab is so attractive to some people from the destiel lane. Their bitterness has warped their lenses.
This is not me talking from my own desperate wishlist. It’s a common sense pragmatic approach because I’m not warping everything.
I’ve also had enough of bitter hellers trying to hold positive destiel shippers who respect Jensen’s viewpoints responsible. No. It’s not our responsibility or our fault if you keep spewing bitter distorted narratives and it’s not our responsibility whether you decide to believe or not. We’ve been hurt too. Badly. It is our choice how we want to respond to a completely changed conditions—the old guard that kept yanking back the writers’ efforts at destiel is gone, the old corporate structure is gone, Jensen is the spn boss.
It must just terrify anti-Destiels that Jensen isn’t anti-Destiel with them.
And you can dislike TW if you want to, that’s your right, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to lie down quietly and pretend your false narratives and hate fixation isn’t a thing.
These things are a narrative of anti-TW, anti-Jensen, and anti-Destiels. The first clue should have been the OP is a blog named for hatred of spn itself. I suspect the post is a troll who wants you to think they’re all for Destiel but all they’re doing is spreading the narrative anti-Destiels want everyone to believe.
Congrats on playing yourselves very very hard because you bought into all the bad discourse spewed from the warped bitterness of the J*red stanning lane.
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notdeadyetnatural · 1 year
Wishlist by Pearl Jam is a destiel song
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zybynarx · 2 years
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A drawing I did for the Profound Bond Gift Exchange this round (which also comes with a fic)!
The theme was "Throwback" and as I read the sort of wishlist my gift person sent, this idea immediately popped into my head. It was super fun to draw and write this, and you would not believe how many times I listened to "Sh-Boom" by The Chords on repeat to keep my creative muse happy. 🤣🤣🤣
If you want to join us in more fun destiel themed events like this one, or just chat with a group of awesome destiel fans, come join the Profound Bond Discord server!
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tsugacanadensis · 1 year
destiel amv songs wishlist
lord huron - hurricane bright eyes - from a balance beam 100 gecs - ringtone
bonus dean song: elliott smith - xo
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updeans · 5 years
I've been looking some more at the deancas shot from the drowning promo and I'm just... thinking
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they're sitting at one of the small tables between the bookcases, near the wall, right? well, so the table in the background is one of the bigger ones that's in the center of the library
so.... why does it look like it's pushed back from its usual spot? and if it is, there's this big space right in the middle of the library...
and so my brain has several ideas now, let me clown for a sec here
scenario a) this creates a perfect space for some dancing, and I mean, this space was already shown as a dance floor once, right?
just.... that visual, dean and cas sitting at a table together, it's intimate, they're alone, they're connecting, and dean's phone is right there--no idea whether he has anything else in his vicinity that can play music, but this just seems like quite a setup. just let that man dance with his boyfriend once
scenario b) that background table that, if I'm seeing correctly, for some mysterious reason has been moved against the wall, between the bookcases, I mean... perfect, big table, hidden from view. I wonder...
yes, yes, I'm absolutely saying this is the perfect spot for them to get it on after a little heart-to-heart. the small table won't do, and the center would just be too exposed. this is entirely too convenient lol
on a more serious note though, have they ever made space at the center of the library like this? cause this looks like something's definitely going to go down there...
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An Epic Love Story: Paradise Lost and Destiel
So we wrapped Thanksgiving festivities with my family by reading the scene of the Fall in Paradise Lost (what? is this not traditional or something?) and I came away with SO many Destiel thoughts because it is basically the best love story ever and I am gonna flip a table and then set it on fire if the show doesn’t end with some kind of parallel scene (but reversed so that it was a positive thing).
Ok, wait. I see that context needed. This came up because we were talking about what we were reading and someone was complaining about having to read PL and, instead of the room backing her up as she clearly expected, all other 5 people went “NO IT’S AMAZING!!” with such force that she just stared and blinked. this was totally expected from me and my mom (both PhDs in English literature - her specialty is Medieval and mine is Renaissance) but the other 3 people we had no reason to expect knew or liked a 17thc. epic poem that is, admittedly, a really tough read. so then we all chose our favorite passages to read aloud to demonstrate its awesomeness and both me and my mom picked basically the saddest scene in all literature.
In Milton’s story, Adam and Eve have separate scenes of choosing to eat the fruit of knowledge and fall. Eve goes first and she’s deceived by Satan in the guise of a serpent who offers her himself as empirical evidence of all the great stuff the fruit can do. He’s a huge freaking liar, of course, but since there’s no such thing as deception in Paradise (until he gets there) Eve can’t tell that so she uses her reason and satisfies her natural curiosity (SO much more curious than dull old Adam) and, yes, disobeys the order from God not to eat from the tree of knowledge. There’s some gorgeous-ass poetry about it, but the immediate narrative consequence is that she wonders how to act when she returns to Adam. She’s never acted with him before, but being fallen means a split between seeming and being (and also the development of self-consciousness that gives you an internal monologue...something we only saw before with Satan). 
Cut to Adam, worried that Eve isn’t back yet. He made her a garland of roses when she was away because he missed her. (I’m not making this shit up, seriously.) He sees her and can tell instantly that she’s just different and all his joints go slack and he drops the garland and as it hits the ground “all the faded roses shed.” See, there had never been death in the garden before. None of the plants died; all the animals were immortal. But now that Eve has fallen there can be. Adam then immediately begins an internal monologue (interestingly suggesting he’s fallen already because he’s already made his choice). 
"O fairest of creation, last and best
Of all God's works, creature in whom excelled
Whatever can to sight or thought be formed,
Holy, divine, good, amiable, or sweet!
How art thou lost! how on a sudden lost
Defaced, deflowered, and now to death devote!
Rather, how hast thou yielded to transgress
The strict forbiddance, how to violate
The sacred fruit forbidden! Some cursed fraud
Of enemy had beguiled thee, yet unknown,
And me with thee hath ruined; for with thee
Certain my resolution is to die."
It slays me and I cry even when I read it for students in class and I have no shame about it. Paradise Lost is a religious epic, sure, but have you considered that it’s also an epic fucking love story?!
Now, tbh, you aren’t supposed to want Adam to fall. You’re supposed to be like “oh naughty bad Adam to put your love above your God” but, like, no one who reads this story thinks that. (Well, almost no one. I always have at least one dudebro student being like “dumb Adam! I’d never make that choice for a girl!” and then I tell him he’s clearly never been in love and he shuts the hell up. I’m fully serious.) There’s a lot to say about why Milton wrote it that way, but bottom line is that we’re all already fallen so we want fallen things...including love. 
Love and...love. You know where I am going now. I basically pictured this scene as Cas choosing to fall for Dean; to give up his immortal status and chance to inhabit Paradise because, frankly, it’s not Paradise if you’re alone. (That’s why Adam asked God to make Eve in the first place.) It could/would be less sad because Dean was never an immortal (despite that face) and so the choice that was made of his free will (also The Biggest Deal in Milton) would be an affirmative statement about the benefits of being human, of being fallen. Including love.
Paradise Lost ends with the following lines:
“They, looking back, all the eastern side beheld
Of Paradise, so late their happy seat, 
Waved over by that flaming brand; the gate 
With dreadful faces thronged and fiery arms. 
Some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon; 
The world was all before them, where to choose 
Their place of rest, and Province their guide. 
They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow 
Through Eden took their solitary way.” (12.640-649)
This, my friends, THIS is what I want for endgame Destiel. Yes, it’s got some sadness in it, “some natural tears,” and some significant loss BUT they do also get the rest of the world and, most important, they get to go together. I remember @thedogsled made a post about how it’s not yet time for Cas to drive the Impala because that’s the perfect last scene - Cas driving him and Dean off into the sunset...”hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow...”. I mean...what else could you ask for?
We say a lot of the time that SPN is “epic” but frequently when I say it I mean it in a literary sense because it shares many qualities with epics...and a LOT more than that with this one. I keep promising (threatening?) to write more about SPN and PL, but this is my most important point. Writers, please, take a lesson from Milton and end this love story this way. Please and thank you.
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tinkdw · 6 years
Michael: Hello Castiel
Cas: *blinks*
Michael: It’s interesting brother. I’m getting such mixed feelings from my vessel in your presence... feelings of fear and yet a calmness, feelings of need and also want...
Cas: *bows his head*
Michael: feelings of love and...
Cas: *looks up*
Michael: ... love
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 5 years
Destiel Wishlist?
Someone posted a cute and kinda smutty wishlist of what they love to see in Destiel FF and now I can't find it. If you wrote it, or you see it floating around, will you send it to me? I'd love to try it as a writing challenge
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santamadredidios · 7 years
Petition to have another Destiel reunion some time this season, but this time...
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biceratops7 · 7 years
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I finally managed to draw these two! Lol, destiel reunion hug 🤗
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rauko-creates · 4 years
I can just see them in the empty...
Cas: Dean, how- what are you doing here?
Dean: Hah...Dammit, Cas. You’re really gonna tell me...that you can see that everything I do is for love, and then ask me what I’m doing here?
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