#despite all that i cannot say it was a bad experience though as it was really reassuring to see i was perceived as so normal by a stranger
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araraito · 6 months ago
Is it normal for a therapist to be like "Aww but you are so young and pretty, things can't be that bad :)"
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hor3nee · 1 year ago
• Fatherhood •
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What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
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CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
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• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
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melodic-haze · 10 months ago
h-hey 👯‍♀️😕😜🎀
Since you said in your other post that you wanted to write for either Miko or Ei, I HAD AN IDEA!!
What if Miko and fellow kitsune!Reader who start their breeding months (in january obviously) and have Ei volunteering herself to them not knowing that they can’t obviously be sated in just one day 🙄 (r.i.p her cunny)
☆ — DEMO TRACK: switch!Miko x sub!Ei x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader and Miko can shift what they want (specifically their genitals 😄), knotting and breeding (not really)
☆ — NOTES: You. YOUUUUUU. Are such a genius ily anon ty for this 🙏🙏🙏
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Ohhhh this bitch REALLY fucked around and found out LOL I almost feel bad.......almost
Have to hand it to Ei though, she DID try to research before proposing the idea in the first place. Especially since this is set in the first year since she got out the PoE........but studying it obv won't be the same as the real thing LOL
You and Miko have fared relatively okay on your own—the two of you have ABSOLUTELY mated before to ease each other's heat but it always felt like something was missing. You both made sure to take procedures to make sure neither of you ever concieved a child after the process with the excuse of the two of you being way too busy to care for one but like. The actual main reason was that if you were to have a child, you both wanted to have the third piece of the puzzle there with you
Now that the third member of your polycule's back, your heats are STRONGER THAN EVER bc wtf she's acc here??? Ughfhghfhh neeeeeed......like do you get me I hope you do
It wasn't as if it was a normal discussion to have out in public (you both always talked about it indoors until neither of you needed to really talk ab it anymore from all the time spent w each other) but it was a nice picnic between the three of you; Ei's head was on Miko's thighs as she ate up yet ANOTHER skewer of tricolour dango while you were leaning on the latter's side when she brought it up
Ei cleared her throat with a slight tinge of nervousness, "Could I perhaps, ah.. assist the both of you in your mating period?"
You choked on the dango that you were about to swallow as you see Miko startle the slightest bit, nearly dropping her novel in the process.
When you managed to regain your composure (or at least a modicum of it), you could only rush out a simple "'scuse me?" as Miko placed her book down to the side with a raised brow.
Miko combed her fingers through Ei's hair as she questioned, "What brought this on, dear?"
"Well..." The Archon licked her lips as she slowly got her words out, "I've.. left you two for over five hundred years. And while I'm glad that you both had each other for company whenever the season hits, I cannot deny that.. well, I feel bad, I suppose."
"You feel bad," the shrine priestess mocked, which.. really, wasn't all that undeserved, despite the fact that she was mocking the nation's leader.
"For a lack of a better word, yes." She sits up and turns to the both of you, putting the now-empty skewer aside, "Now that I have returned from my admittedly self-imposed isolation, it would be remiss of me to.. avoid my duties as your lover."
"I don't mean to be rude, Your Excellency," you teased, "but do you even know what you're saying? You've been in the Plane of Euthymia for so long; I worry for your safety."
You hear the pink fox envoy let out a quiet snort of amusement for your slight condescension (all in good faith, of course) as Ei sighed, "I think you forget that I am not a fragile mortal who needs to be coddled—I can withstand brutal wars and come out victorious."
"Besides," she adds, "I have done a fair amount of research to refresh my knowledge. I assure you both that I can take whatever it is you give me."
Miko mused, "I thought you knew better than to rely on textbook information rather than actual experiment, Ei."
"You're trying much too hard to dissuade me from my offer."
"We both deserve to rib into you for at least a couple hundred years."
"Especially considering how we've been left to fend for ourselves..."
"I.. suppose I do deserve that. And I want to make amends for it all, starting with this. So.. will you let me help? Please?" She looked at the both of you with such sincerity despite the subject matter.
The fact that Raiden Ei herself was begging the two of you though...
The both of you jumped her sides with sharing grins, your ears flicking in sync as you let out your own laughs.
"You should hope that you don't regret that, Ei.."
"..Because we are rather.. insatiable."
Then comes the actual thing and ohhhhh girlie was NOT prepared
When I said your heats get worse bc of how Ei's back, I fucking MEAN IT. It's the fact that that familiar sweet smell isn't just a not-quite-forgotten memory for you two anymore that it's just driving you both abslutely NUTS
When she gets to you two she gets POUNCED ON and there is. Basically no break for her at all and foreplay is basically foreGONE atp tbh
Eat her cunt like a bitch STARVED it's like both you and Miko are competing and assisting each other at the same time like who can eat her out better, who can make her squirt, etc etc
SO MANY BITE MARKS ON HER HOLY SHIT like okay yes on you and Miko as well but both of you want to mark Ei EXTREMELY for all the time you've lost with her. The both of you wanna show both Ei and perhaps the entirety of Inazuma that archon is YOURS at the end of the day......at least, if the loud noises didn't give them enough of a hint 🤷‍♀️
You're so right anon rip Ei's cunny indeed bc both you and Miko ABUSE the living HELL out of it❗️❗️❗️ You do often have to personally pry Miko off when she's overstaying in the spot you're supposed to share 🫶🫶🫶🫶 just tell her she's being a VERY bad girl rn and she'll fold. Usually she wouldn't but the haze (lol) in her mind is sooo fucking thick she can't think straight and she can't think of the witty remarks she would've otherwise made :((( poor baby the only thing she wants to do is breed and get bred :(((((((
I need to spitroast her with Miko so very badly I'm ngl to you I neeeed I NEEEEED I need to see Ei being impaled on both ends, both sides basically slobbering
It'd be very messy and would 100% take so long before you finish but when you do, it's with your fellow kitsune's own pussy practically filled to the brim and Leaking as she's laid out and finally passed out as your hips are locked in on your Archon's own; you cumming inside of you for like the nth time and stuffing her full w a mix of both your and Miko's cum and essentially plugging it with an inflamed bulb :3
Whether Ei has a system that allows her to get pregnant or not, gen who knows.......but one thing's def for sure. Or like three things acc: one, you two are VERY clearly excited that your shared lover is finally back; two, turns out she absolutely LOVES being used and bred by her two partners; and three?
It was an unusually hard thing to do, waking up. Despite having an artifical body and being an archon that has faced true horrors and extreme exhaustion, she found herself absolutely spent from the marathon.. copulation.
Ei had hoped that her exhaustion meant that the two of you were much more tired than she was, even despite your inhumanity, and yet...
Her eyes couldn't help but flutter open as a sudden gasp left her lips—she sees you push into her roughly with a lust-addled look on your face. You were already inside her when she fell asleep, considering the animalistic knot that held the both of you together, but even when it had shrunk to a more.. manageable level, you still hadn't taken it out.
Then Ei looks slightly to the right and there she sees her pink-haired familiar, heavily breathing as she grinded her wet, hot pussy onto her thighs with such loud, obscene moans.
(If the Archon listened close enough, which she did, she would've noticed the slight growl to the sounds she made—such a sound was at its most clearest when she ducked down to press another bite mark on porcelain skin.)
She couldn't even utter a word to remark that she had just woken up, didn't even have the room to do anything to stop you before you started pounding away at her like your life depended on it.
..And she could. Really, she could. She wasn't the feared Raiden Shogun for nothing.
She could stop you if she wanted to.
If she wanted to.
But when she feels the residual fluids within her gush out as you essentially resculpt her insides over and over and over, when she feels the desperate whines that Miko lets out as she cums and covers her thigh in slick, well.
She finds that she doesn't really want to.
(And really, not only was it her fault for volunteering, but this is her responsibility as your lover.)
(She knew that, and she wasn't going to start shirking her responsibilities again.)
(Even if it costs her her mobility for a while. But it's fine, she can just do a lot of maintenance after.)
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lovettery · 6 months ago
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Haikyuu x F!Reader Headcannons ! ♡
Includes : Tobio Kageyama , Kei Tsukishima & Tadashi Yamaguchi
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Tobio Kageyama
I headcannon that before you he's like barely ever even looked at a girl nevermind dated one so he's very inexperienced with everything !
He would be super shy to kiss or anything so everytime you would try and kiss him he'd swerve away and just stare into the distance in shame of himself.
Soon he got the hang of it and now you can't get him to stop kissing you. Before practice? He needs a kiss to prepare. After practice? Needs a kiss to unwind. Lunch? How is he supposed to focus without a kiss? He just doesn't stop!! (but it's okay because he's cute ♡)
When you guys have been together for a while he loves to just lay down in bed with you all snuggled up and whine about his day whether it's him whining about Hinata's shitty receives or how much he missed you whilst you stroke his hair and rub your hand soothingly across his back.
He always tries getting you involved in volleyball so he'll randomly just come up to you with a ball in hand ready to practice with you despite your constant reminders that you barely know the basics nevermind his level of playing. (He doesn't go easy on you though and will tell you if you were shit. But will come back to practice with you again either way ♡)
I imagine he doesn't tend to use a lot of petnames mainly because he's worried he'll call you it infront of his teammates and they'll never let it go but when you're alone together he'll slip out a "baby" and "angel" here and there and it never fails to leave butterflies in your stomach.
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Kei Tsukishima
Same as Kageyama I don't think he's very experienced with relationships but he's read a few romance books here and there and has some natural charm that helps him get by.
He's not a fan of PDA at all and thinks it's just embarassing but sometimes he'll connect your hands together and place them in his coat pocket or he'll connect your pinkies together when walking home. And the only kisses you'll get out in public is a quick peck to the forehead if he's scoped out the area to be sure no one he knows is there.
He LOVES to rest his head against you whether it's your back, chest or neck he really doesn't care he'll just plonk his head down and snuggle into you. He loves the feeling of having you against him like that, it calms him down.
Whenever you're gonna meet up to hang out, sleepover or just school he'll bring your favourite drink or snack and just shove it at you and not say a word (you know better than to say anything either ♡)
He really cherishes the moments where you two just lay down in his bed all cuddled up, you resting against his chest and his hand in your hair just enjoying the feeling of eachother and the comfortable silence you can only get when together.
Whenever you steal his glasses and put them on yourself he may act annoyed but deep down he loves it so much (And in those moments he really curses his bad vision because he literally cannot see you but can sense that you look adorable)
I don't see him as the type of guy who's big on petnames. If anything, he thinks they're stupid. Butttt, If you're shorter than him he'll call you petnames like "Shorty" and "Pipsqueak" and if you're a big fan of petnames he'll let a few "love" and "darling" slip by just for you ♡
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
My passenger princess oh how much I love him
I imagine he's a very big fan of Romantic movies so he knows how to flirt a little but he doesn't actually have any experience with dating, maybe he had a wedding on his schools playground when he was like 6 if that counts!
He obviously overthinks here and there so whenever he needs to ground himself you'll just feel his hand on your lower back, pinching the tip of your sleeve or in your hair.
He's not against PDA but he's also not for it. Like he's not afraid of a few pecks here and there and a hand around your waist but he won't be the type of guy to wear a shirt with your face on it, that's far too embarassing for him.
He hates it when people underestimate him for things which makes him work himself harder to prove his worth. This causes him to burn himself out quickly but no matter how much you yell at him he won't change cause at the end of the day you always hold him and rub circles into his back whilst playing his favourite show.
He loves to call you petnames, but only in private. He loves to call you his "angel" and "honey" mostly but calls you "baby" from time to time. If you two are joking around he'll say really stupid names like "my boo boo bear" or "my pookie schnookie" with a stupid dopey grin on his face ♡
He's happy to play whatever you want whenever. Especially roblox! He loves to play 2 player tycoons and 2 player obbies with you the most but also plays Dress to Impress and Flicker with you.
Your first kiss together was embarassing to say the least. When kissing he accidently bumped your head really hard with his own, leaving a bump. He would not stop apologising for the next week until the bump on your head finally went down. (To this day he cringes when thinking about it but can't help but smile)
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Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you liked them. I still have like a million other headcannons for these boys but I can't fit them all here ♡ This was my first time properly posting so I hope it looks okay !! This was super fun so I'll definitely be posting more characters soon. If you have any requests please let me know and I'll do them. Thank you!
Masterlist ~☆
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rick-rayson · 1 year ago
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A/N: I'm back to feed my own obsessions hi hello beenaminit
NOTES: POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE FALLOUT SHOW!! Though I tried to keep it very ambiguous
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Let's be honest Lucy probably fell first, whether you're a Vault Dweller or Wastelander it doesn't matter. Despite the privileges of the vaults, Vault 33 has hardwired Lucy's brain to freely feel and act on emotions with vigor.
Having been raised in a meritocracy, Lucy believes the best way to win your affections is through active illustrations of her skills, knowledge, and attentiveness. Very much an acts of service person.
And very, very bad flirting.
"You're really well learned in enacting violence!"
"You're so good at- um- shooting. People."
"How's it going?" She asks as she leans on a rusted mailbox.
It breaks and she falls over.
Just. Really bad.
You're likely aware that she fancies you before she even realizes. She's not good at hiding her expressions at all.
Not so subtly checking you out or admiring you whenever you just, exist, tbh
Despite it all, she won't make the first move to save her life. Tiptoeing on the line of what ifs and what isn't. You're going to have to take one for the team.
She's actually a huge loser
Absolute girl failure
She's trying so hard though
Proximity is a must. If you're dating Lucy, you quickly become fundamental to her sense of peace.
At first it's a bit much, being in the wasteland kind of messes up her sense of boundaries a bit in a desperation to have you as much as possible.
You have to remind her flat out that it is not, in fact, the norm to follow your partner as they try to find a private place to pee.
She's a bit of a freak honestly.
SOMETHING is up with her but she's so much nicer and kinder than anyone on the surface that you don't mind much.
Uses terms of endearment but sparingly, mostly in private.
You could wake up and look like a feral ghoul and she'd still look at you with a big smile like, "Hey Doll/Hun. Sleep well?"
Craves softness and physical affection but feels as though she cannot have it. Everyone is quick to tell her what kind of person she needs to be on the surface so she's hesitant to express her affections sometimes.
But the more you show her that your touch is not meant to harm, but to love, she'll reciprocate.
Pretty touchy, subtle mostly, a hand on your back, a hand rubbing your arm, tracing your palm with her thumb.
When you two first started dating she very shyly asked if she could place her sleeping bag near yours, you could only laugh.
Whenever she scavenges food (or anything even slightly digestible) she's always offering it to you first.
Sometimes she just craves a really good make-out. She's good at repressing whatever bullshit the wasteland throws at her but she's not about to say no to a make-out session.
Whenever she finds cool knick-knacks she gifts them to you. Pins, random comic books
"I found another Grognak book-! Oh, oh wait, no, no we've already read this one :/"
hats. Lots of hats. Neat hats.
"Well don't you look dapper?" She grins as she places a sun hat on your head.
Honestly depends on you a bit. Though she's aware of the fact the surface is dangerous, it's a different thing to have to experience it.
Tells you all about Vault 33 and what her childhood was like over campfire. You learn very quickly why she is the way she is.
She can be an easy person to sway so she honestly needs you as her rock, her bad cop if you will.
Most nights she'll only sleep if you sleep first, watching over you for a bit before indulging in rest.
Kinda just stares at you a whole lot, but she means well.
Will always be the first to elect to take care of you, and gets a bit possessive in that respect.
Almost completely tackled Maximus to the floor when you got hurt and raced to use whatever she had on hand. She does not care if it's the last Stimpak they have, she WILL do anything to make sure you're okay.
She cares for you so deeply, as you're likely her first ever love.
She falls first, and she falls hard.
Always fixes up your clothes before heading out or patting down your garments, It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland, no one cares about appearances, but you know that Lucy does it to retain a sense of normalcy for herself.
A little thing that she's good at is being persuasive, it's a subtle thing, but Lucy is acutely aware that sometimes batting her eyelashes or giving a pretty please can get her to where she needs or what she wants.
She most definitely uses it on you.
And uh.. NSFW headcanons?
That is all. c:
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mockerycrow · 2 years ago
Ghost NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ghost doesn’t really initiate what you need unless you say it because he isn’t sure what you need. You need a water? He’s grabbing it. You need cuddles? He’s pulling you close against his body.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your collarbones and throat. He can’t explain why.
He likes his size—not anything particular on himself, though.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It might be unexpected, but he loves to lick your cum up. You’ll find him tugging the bottom portion of his mask up in a frenzy, grabbing your hand and dragging his tongue, collecting the droplets of that milky substance. Or you’ll find him between your thighs often, wringing orgasm after orgasm out of you just for a taste.
Personally, he doesn’t mind where his cum goes. Although, he finds it particularly hot if you let him cum in your underwear. He has a breeding kink, but that’s touched on later.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He fantasizes almost getting caught with you in charge; of course he would never actually risk it, but it’s a good fantasy that gets his eyes rolling into the back of his skull every time. Ghost isn’t one to let you have control like that either, so it surprises him when he finds himself stroking his cock to the idea of you wrapping a hand around his throat and squeezing, riding his cock like it’s a toy and not a person. The idea of being used like a dildo, especially in a space where someone could walk in? Works like a charm.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I don’t Ghost is exactly inexperienced, but I think at this point, he’s probably a bit rusty. So he might not be as smooth, but he knows what he’s doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
When Ghost is topping, he loves putting you into a mating press or having you on your stomach with his hand pinning your head down by your neck.
When he’s bottoming, he’s prefers to be on his back, usually with his hands tied. I headcanon Ghost with the instinct to take back control when he’s subbing or bottoming, so tying him up would be his best option.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ghost is serious during sex, no doubt.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His time in the military doesn’t give him too much space to properly maintain himself, but I imagine he probably trims when he can. He’s bright blonde, but it’s still a shock when you see how bright his pubes are, too.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It depends on his mood. There’s times where he will take his time, kiss every inch of skin, murmuring praises and then there’s time where he snarls an insult and pins you down, bullying your sweet spot.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t have much time in his life to masturbate, but when he does, his mind manages to think of the dirtiest shit. The kind of stuff that gets him all hot and bothered, panting and rolling his hips into his fist. Ghost likes a little bit of pain, so while one hand is acting as a fleshlight for his leaking cock, his other hand is squeezing his hip harshly, eyes rolling when that peak of pain hits.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ghost, despite actually not wanting any children ever, has a massive breeding kink. And it does matter if you are a person who cannot get pregnant, his mind does not care. He groans in your ear with every skin slapping thrust, asking how badly you want his cum inside of you, that if you want it that bad, you better tighten your legs to keep him inside—it takes him a while to even mention the word “breed”, but when he does, it opens the flood gates.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Ghost prefers his private quarters. Control of the environment and no surprises.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Consent. He loves when you give him enthusiastic consent. When he murmurs into your ear that he’s going to fill you up until you leak, you whine and press yourself closer to him, whimpering that you need it, need him to cum. It gets him so fucking riled up.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Ghost is pretty open minded, except for bodily fluids (excluding blood and spit). Piss is an immediate no. Ghost likes fear, like the fear that you give off when you don’t know what he’s going to do, but if you’re actually scared of him in a way where you genuinely don’t feel safe and he can tell? He hates that.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give oral than to receive it sometimes. It depends on how his day is going, usually. When Ghost has a bad day but he’s still down for sexual activity, he finds himself between your legs, eyes closed as he takes a shaky breath in as he licks between your folds, moaning at the taste—or his eyes becoming lidded as he pushes the mask just to above his nose and he presses his slick tongue against the side of your cock.
When he is given oral, he loves to throat-fuck you, make you cockwarm him by shoving you all the way down and wrapping a leg around your shoulder, keeping you in place.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Again, it really depends on his mood. If he’s had a bad day and he’s frustrated, you best believe he’s fucking his cock into you and doesn’t stop until he’s cum at least twice. Then there’s the bad days where he wants you to use him, quietly begging for you to ride him and don’t stop, even when he starts to complain from overstimulation.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ghost doesn’t really like quickies, but it’s something he has to do due to his military lifestyle.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Ghost is 100% willing to experiment but there’s some things he just won’t risk; like getting caught. He sure as hell will masturbate to the idea, but he doesn’t actually want to risk that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Ghost himself can cum three or four times before he’s out of the game, but in general? His stamina allows him to get you off for a lot longer. You’ve made him cum until it h urts but you still aren’t done? No problem!
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Ghost owns 1 (one) singular personal toy that he keeps hidden deep within his belongings in his quarters. It’s a vibrating fleshlight.
If you own toys and want Ghost to use them on you, he has no problem with that. If you want to use them on him, however, it depends on the toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ghost is only a bit unfair, he prefers to be professional but if you work with him, he finds himself tuning to a separate and private radio signal with you and his voice dropping a couple of octaves.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Groans, grunts, a few moans. If you overstimulate him enough, you get a quiet whimper.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I headcanon Ghost really likes spit, but he’s doesn’t share that fact until months after having sex for the first time because although it’s not bad at all, he feels kinda weird to share it. He likes both spitting into your mouth and getting you to spit into his. It gets him all fuzzy in the head when you do it and he doesn’t understand the feeling, but it gives him such a sexual high.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We all know this man is big and buff as fuck, he’s toned. And we all know his cock also has to be big.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He doesn’t have a particularly high sex drive, really. He has the ability to turn it off when he’s off on a mission.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He has a tough time sleeping, so he doesn’t fall asleep immediately, even if you tore orgasm after orgasm out of him.
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skania · 9 months ago
Oshi no Ko Chapter 154 Thoughts - Or the many many parallels between Ai/Kamiki and Akane/Aqua
In my post about last chapter, I listed a number of parallels showing that the way Kamiki felt about Ai is very reminiscent of the way Aqua felt about Akane.
I also said:
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if Aka pulls that, then that would confirm that all of these parallels are very much intentional.
And what did Aka pull this chapter?
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To top it off, now it isn't only Kamiki's feelings that parallel Aqua's. Ai's feelings are very much like Akane's, to the point that she nearly quotes her word for word at times 😭
I'll start chronologically because the amount of parallels is just insane. To keep this short, I won't bring up the Kamiki/Aqua parallels since I already went over those here. I'll just focus on Ai!
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Ai didn't want to break up with Kamiki, but she did it because she feared that she and her children would be burdens to him, who was almost on the verge of breaking due to the weight of life.
Does that ring any bells?
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Akane didn't want to break up with Aqua, but she was willing to do so because she feared that she and their fake relationship were burdening him by worsening the weight of his guilt.
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Ai wanted to stay with Kamiki forever, just like Akane with Aqua.
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Ai wanted to carry Kamiki's burden and walk into the future with him, just like Akane with Aqua.
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Ai didn't know what loving someone felt like, but Kamiki was the first time she felt she wanted to love someone that way. Akane didn't know what loving someone that way felt like, either. Aqua was her first.
Most importantly:
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Ai wanted to save Kamiki, just like Akane wants to save Aqua. While it was translated as "help" in English, in Japanese Ai uses the exact same verb as Akane when she says that she wants to "save" Aqua.
Even their expressions when thinking about their wish are similar 😭
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And the thing is that — technically, logically — none of this can be a coincidence, because this is a fictional story and Aka is nearly using copy-pasting to stablish these parallels. But since this is Aka we're talking about, whether this will lead anywhere or turn out to be just bait remains to be seen lol
I feel like Ai isn't only paralleling Akane this chapter though, it's also possible to establish parallels between her and Aqua. Namely, Aqua also broke up with Akane to protect her, Aqua didn't understand what love was and he showed that he wanted to love Akane despite it.
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Plus, when Aqua broke up with Akane to protect her, he did so in a way that would deliberately paint him in a bad light — just like Ai with Kamiki.
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I'd also like to point out that in this chapter, Ai's feelings are described as, well, "Ai" 愛. In Japan, "Ai" 愛 is the strongest form of love, which can be either platonic or romantic. This is very relevant, because by making Ai's feelings for Kamiki so strikingly similar to Akane's for Aqua, Aka has essentially confirmed strongly implied that the kind of love Akane feels for Aqua is "Ai" 愛, too.
And Ai's "Ai" 愛 was romantic.
For those who aren't familiar with the concept of "Ai" in Japan, I feel like this post explains it very well:
愛 (Ai): sacrificial, unconditional, love for the other person's sake (often parallels the Greek agape, but can extend into philos as sawa mentions) 恋 (Koi): selfish, conditional, love for one's own sake (often parallels the Greek eros) While both can be used for romantic love, you cannot simply swap out one for the other. The contrast between the two shows up clearly in the したい forms of 愛する and 恋をする: 愛(Ai)したい I want to love [someone in a deep, unconditional way] 恋(Koi)がしたい I want to [fall in] love [with someone and experience the "high" of being in love]
If you ask me, the contrast between those two types of love perfectly exemplifies the difference with the way Akane's and Kana's feelings are being written. Coincidentally, Kana herself described her feelings as 恋 (Koi) in Chapter 150 lol
So considering all of this, I'm having the hardest time not seeing Kamiki and Ai as a sort of "failed" Aqua and Akane. Kamiki and Ai were too broken, and neither could handle their relationship in a healthy way despite their best intentions and how much they loved each other. Kamiki was too dependant on her, Ai broke up with him in the clumsiest way possible and Kamiki lashed out in a selfish, tragic way.
I'd argue that despite their mishaps, Aqua and Akane have already shown that they're healthier than Kamiki and Ai were. Even when he was at his lowest, Aqua was self-aware and did his best to not depend on Akane too much. When he faltered, Akane reminded him that it's important that they remain independent so they can have a healthy relationship.
Which takes me to something I think is very important:
Ai thought that Kamiki would be fine without her, but she was wrong. If she had been right, then maybe she would be alive today and she and Kamiki would've gotten back together later down the line.
I'm sure that Akane, too, thinks that Aqua will be fine without her. Aqua most definitely thinks the same thing about Akane.
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And for them to be able to have a healthy relationship, it's important for them to be right. They need to be able to be fine without the other, and as of now, it seems like Aqua is finally making progress in that regard.
But what about being happier? Akane was at her happiest when she was with Aqua, and according to Aqua himself, it was the same for him. If we forget all the recent fiascos for a second and entertain the thought of Akane and Aqua once again, I feel like this should be the biggest factor into whether or not they get back together.
After all, if they get back together it shouldn't be because Aqua can't function without Akane. It should be because he wants to be with her (and she with him). So if Aka were to be a good writer allow them to find their way back to each other, this time spent apart could be crucial to let them restart on a healthy base.
But I digress! 😂 Instead of getting ahead of myself, I just want to enjoy the fact that these parallels are right there for everyone to see. At least no matter what happens, we now pretty much have confirmation that the way Aka wrote Aqua and Akane was both, romantic and the strongest form of love.
As for the plot, the fact that Ai's wish was this clear kind of opens an entire can of worms questions-wise. Moreover, I feel like if telling Kamiki that Ai loved him was Aqua's revenge plan all along, things like these would make very little sense in retrospective:
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So for the sake of logic, I'm inclined to believe that Aqua, who didn't know what love was and who held a grudge against Kamiki, may have wanted to believe that Ai truly couldn't love Kamiki. He may have desperately wanted to believe that Ai was saying the truth, because otherwise taking revenge against Kamiki would mean going against Ai's wishes.
I feel like Aqua originally misinterpreting Ai's words is supported by the fact that even during the movie recording, Aqua was shown to not understand Ai.
So, what changed his mind? What made him finally realize that Ruby's portrayal was right and that Ai truly did love Kamiki?
Plus, Aqua has had that DVD for years now, which means that nothing was stopping him from realizing that Akane herself was echoing Ai's feelings for Kamiki throughout their relationship.
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But I better stop myself right here, because if I start theorizing about this there will be no end to it. The possibilities are endless, so I'd rather just wait and let Aka either pleasantly surprise like he did this chapter me or continue to disappoint me as he is prone to do 😂
I just realized there are even more parallels when you get down to it. I mentioned before in my Chapter 97 post that during the phone-call that ultimately leads to their break-up, Aqua and Akane are like two ships in the night. They both want the same thing (to stay together), but in her haste to help him, Akane makes a choice that leads to their separation.
The same thing happens with Ai and Kamiki. They both want the same thing (to stay together), but in her haste to not burden him, Ai chooses to walk away from him.
Ai doesn't understand her own love and is thus unable to understand the extent of Kamiki's. She makes the mistake of thinking that the best way to save Kamiki is to not impose more burdens on him, when all he wanted was to stay with her. I'd argue something very similar happened with Akane. She made the mistake of thinking that the best way to help Aqua was to carry out his revenge for him, when all Aqua wanted from her was to remain by her side.
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azullumi · 1 year ago
What would be the relationship with the children of Genshin men? (*´ω`*)
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“the steambird’s latest: how to be a good father” ; genshin men
summary — fatherhood on him.
includes — alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, diluc, kaeya, kaveh, neuvillette, tartaglia, wriothesley, and zhongli
tags — fluff, domestic, diluc girl dad propaganda, not proofread, 1.9k ; headcanons
note — i seriously hope this is what you asked nonnieee, sorry if it’s wrong TT
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WRIOTHESLEY, is a pillar of stability and calm in the turmoils and chaos of life—not just to his spouse but to his children also. Despite his duty often calling him to the deep and lonely sea and being (in some manner) bound to it, he always made a concerted effort to be present in the important moments of their lives. His work, much being tremendous, had taught him to be patient and understanding at all times—children can be quite a lot to deal with, despite how adorable they can be. Even though the concept of punishment whenever a wrongdoing has been done is there embedded in his mind, he never applies it to his own kids, opting to guide and teach them instead on what they shouldn’t and should do and why.
Wriothesley navigates the rough and intricate currents of fatherhood with precision and dedication, only wishing to be one that he wanted to have. It’s safe to say that despite his strictness from time to time (done only for their safety), he will be loved a lot by his own children.
ALHAITHAM, a stalwart, leading light. He would share his love of reading for them, most often in the form of reading bedtime stories in which he sometimes discovers that he had fallen asleep shortly after his kid(s) did when he wakes up in the morning by their side. He is not particularly strict nor is he lenient towards them, he’s a perfect balance of the two. He’s not the type to preach what is right and wrong but he will become their pillar for guidance on what they should and shouldn’t do. There was never an occasion wherein he had to scold or reprimand them even if they had done something small but would still make an average person angry. In lieu, he would ask them the reason behind their actions, never forcing the answer out of them, tell them a few words to show his understanding, and ask them to never do it again.
Alhaitham likes the mundane and peaceful life that he has, despite the chaos here and there brought by his children, but he likes it, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
KAMISATO AYATO, while being duty bound as the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner, he never ceases to be there for his family, especially his children. Whenever he’s off the burden of his responsibilities and has some time, he spends it on his family, doting on both of his spouse and children and making up for the lost moments. He cares for his children, tends to them, and looks after them at all times—whether it be him himself doing so or others, particularly in the shadows. If he cannot be there (in a literal way), then someone has to be, that’s just one way to ensure their safety and to prevent something happening to them (knowing the dangers around them). He has quite a lot of enemies, after all, who wouldn’t say that one wouldn’t target his own flesh and blood?
Due to that, the Yashiro Commissioner would come off as a worrywart towards his children, becoming protective and everything; Ayato only wants the best for them and the best is for them to be able to live their life freely and safely.
NEUVILLETTE, the Iudex of Fontaine is not one to be bad with children, in fact, he’s quite great with them. Perhaps it is because of his experience with the Melusines that he is able to have a good and understanding relationship with his children. He’s gentle towards them, patient, protective, and supportive in every way. He is a father that is devoted towards his children, a guiding presence and someone that they can depend on always. And although he is not particularly expressive, he’s not emotionless either. He is able to express his affection and care towards them without problems, whether it be through words or actions, buying them gifts and items that he thinks they will love and offering words of encouragement and support are just a few of the many ways.
Neuvillette often finds himself, while watching them, wishing that they would stay that way forever, as a child with no burdens of the world on their shoulders, and when he realizes that they are growing up (as anyone is bound to be), the rain will suddenly come and fall in Fontaine, lasting for hours.
ZHONGLI, is someone that his children would look up to and admire; there was once an occasion wherein his child tried to act like him, copying his words and dressing up similar to his style, which he found adorable that he entertains the idea of a mini-clone of him. He's wise and knowledgeable, always having something to say in terms of bedtime stories or simply just in conversations; his children become excited a lot when he sits on the side of their bed and begins to tell them stories of his own. He takes them out occasionally, even if it is just a walk around the harbor to look at shops or past time—oftentimes ending the day with watching the sunset before they go home. In addition, on festivals, he’s there participating in the event with his children and never taking his eyes off them.
In line with all that is said, Zhongli is the type to treat a pinky promise as some sort of unbreakable contract (the moment his child would hook their finger on his while saying the promise, it’s become a commitment for him in which he must accomplish).
TARTAGLIA, having been taking care of his siblings and looking after them, it’s evident that he won’t have a hard time dealing with children, especially when it’s one of his own. he just knows what to do in every moment with them—when they’re misbehaving, running around, crying, and everything. He’s very much loving towards his family, shown in the way that he always try to stay in touch with them by sending them letters whenever he’s away (sometimes with a gift) and occasionally surprising them. Tartaglia is very protective over his own children. I mean, no parent would want to see their own child being put in harm’s way or in dangerous situations so he does everything that he can to keep them safe, even if it means lying to them constantly—like how he avoids answering whenever he is asked about his work or make something up—and having the danger be put on his way instead.
Afraid that his obligations as a harbinger and loyal follower of the Tsaritsa would hinder his responsibilities as a father, Tartaglia tries to balance his time and doesn’t prioritize one over another.
KAVEH, quite a doting father, one could say that he’s overprotective towards his children with the fact that he’s all so vigilant and a little bit strict. Albeit he nags them often, but not in a harsh, shouting, throwing glasses and plates, violently screaming way of scolding or nagging but in a crouching on the floor so that they’re on the same level and speaking softly and slowly, never saying anything mean type (it’s not in his note to be rough and cruel towards anyone, especially to his own children). When they begin to cry, however, he would panic—and not just panic but panic panic. Suddenly, he’s blabbering apologies, wiping their tears, hugging them, and assuring them that everything’s okay and he’s not mad at them.
Kaveh provides them with everything that they want and need, would be supportive towards their dreams, does what he can to always be present in their life, everything. And all be it, as long as they come home, he’s perfectly content. He’s quite a selfless person and loving father, only wishing for his children to grow up in a warm home.
DILUC RAGNVINDR, (he has very girl dad energy; he would love it when he has a daughter) he’s the definition of a gentle father, the very embodiment of that word. He never fails to deal with the predicament that he’s having which involves his kids. He’s the type to play house with them, accepting his role as a bodyguard or sometimes, taking on the part as the pet; the type to sit on the floor and play tea party with them, drinking from a plastic cup that has nothing, and say that the tea tastes delicious. He would rather be the one to play such things with them than have others or no one do so even if it will make him look foolish. He spoils them a lot and I mean by a lot. He buys them a lot of things, mainly things that they show interest in or mentioned once that they would like to have—he’s the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, money was never a problem for him. Albeit, the gifts were never enough to express his love for them and it never will be.
Diluc, the man that he is, would give them so much more even if it's himself that they must take.
KAEYA ALBERICH, isn’t exactly too strict towards his children. He lets them do what they want but in a way that they don’t feel like they’re being neglected or he doesn’t care about them. It’s just that he doesn’t wish for them to grow up on regrets and looking back on the memories that they could have had or done. If it makes them happy, then so be it (as long as it’s nothing dangerous or harmful). He occasionally takes his family out whenever he’s not being held by the throat by his responsibilities, taking them to many places away from the city—it could just be for a picnic, for stargazing, for anything just so that he can spend his time with his loved ones.
Kaeya would teach them a lot of things, ranging from small and sometimes foolish things such as how to beatbox to teaching them how to wield a sword if ever they show interest towards it, which would end up with him being seen as a mentor and teacher towards them. Leave it to him to teach them how to cartwheel, however, and he will have them learn and perfected it.
BAIZHU, is an extremely patient and caring father towards his children. Despite often being busy treating patients and having consultations, as well as his research, he still manages to find time to spend with them and finds ways to involve them in his day-to-day activities or tasks in the pharmacy. He brings them along with him to the pharmacy whenever he works but he doesn’t ask them to do anything. His child (or children) could just sit there as they watch him, play around, and take a nap—whenever this happens, however, he brings them to the back room where the bed is and lets them peacefully sleep there.
On one of those days wherein Baizhu could only do nothing but stay in and rest, his children are there to accompany him. Despite how much he insists that they can leave him on his own and they can play outside instead, they wouldn’t listen, preferring to help the herbalist and Qiqi bring him hot water and fruits to aid his recovery. And with them by his side, serene dreams come to his sleep and he feels a little bit better about everything.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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lovenonymously · 10 months ago
the importance of well-written stories
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watching Lovely Runner was like watching 4 K-dramas at once lol
well-written stories are so rare, you only understand that when you watch something exceptional. something unique. a once in a lifetime experience of watching it for the very first time.
this show gave me so many feelings. in truth, it was an experience. I'm glad I put aside my fear of sad endings and watched as it aired. for once, I took the leap and discovered that's exactly what this drama wanted me to learn.
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usually, after finishing really good K-dramas or stories in general, I hit a slump where I cannot function. everything feels dull and boring. a different kind of grief at realising this was just fictional.
but not this time.
all I feel is light and happy. like I'm floating. I want to carry this feeling and runaway. I want to remember how this felt and hold onto it when I get down or get bad days.
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lifetimes lived.
Sol was sunlight. bright and unwavering and unforgettable. 💛
living vicariously through Im Sol, from feeling her pain in the beginning to her sunny hope that Sun Jae gave her. all her struggles as she jumped through various lifetimes, loved and lived and loved again. crying with her, laughing with her, rooting for her despite all odds. it was a journey.
beyond her love for Sun Jae, Sol's choices changed her family's life too. they were less hurt and much happier in the future she helped them create. even giving her grandmother a chance to return to the past and relive her fondest memories.
Sun Jae was midnight rain. the comfort of a sudden shower in the middle of summer. 💙
apart from being a complete loser in love, Sun Jae was in love with Sol for a total accumulated time of 45 years.
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yep. my reaction exactly ^
I won't lie, when they pulled the "he fell first" trope in Episode 2, I was wary. one, because if the writers were willing to pull such a twist in just the second episode, then who knew what else was in store for us? my guess was pretty spot on, the twists that followed had me gasping and yelling out loud. this show was unpredictable from beginning to end.
and two, because I was worried that Sun Jae's character might get reduced to just him being in love with Im Sol.
in that case, I'm glad to say,
I was completely wrong.
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despite Sun Jae's love for Im Sol, he had a grounded personality of his own. whether it was OG Sun Jae (ep 1), who lived in the guilt of what happened to the girl he loved, or Timeline 3 Sun Jae (ep 15), who never fell in love at all, he was positive, kind, decisive and striving to live.
and i love that about him.
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for two characters whose stories are so deeply interwoven together, having shaped aspects of each other's lives, Sol and Sun Jae displayed their unique traits exceptionally well as individuals.
I cannot emphasize how happy this makes me. Sun Jae is his own person, Sol is her own person, and they are destined to be together. beyond their desperation for each other's safety and well-being, Sol and Sun Jae are genuinely good people who deserved to be together. even fate and time bent to their will to make it happen.
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"As you wait for the rain to stop, live another day."
when a story makes you feel happy, hold onto that feeling. bottle it up. write it down. come back to it on the days the world feels against you and when the times feel too bleak.
fictional though it is, for what it's worth, at least the story exists. it means there are still people out there writing and bringing such stories to life. it means artists and creators like you and I haven't yet forgotten what it's supposed to be like to live. it means there are still people who connect to such stories and learn good things from it.
and as you wait for more such great stories, live another day. perhaps, if you get bored, write the story you want to read.
in the end, it's quite simple.
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as for me, I'll be here. crying, laughing, screaming, giggling and kicking my feet while being up to my eyes in second-hand embarrassment (because goodness, these two idiots are COMPLETE LOSERS IN LOVE) throughout these past 8 weeks was the highlight of my year ✨ I will always remember that I watched a beautiful modern fairytale romance in the summer of '24 that reminded me that I was young and full of love to give.
good stories truly do make a difference 🤍
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vigilskeep · 4 months ago
I appreciate how Spire knows and uses our pronouns, number one ally Spite (well Ghilan'nain uses romanced Taash’s correct pronouns too which I find so funny when they could’ve just framed the sentence differently, “I’m an eldritch horror bent on world domination but I’m not a transphobe what the fuck”)
i think spite is having a kind of objectively hysterical experience with gender here, in that... okay so if you believe mary kirby’s bluesky word of god then spite has no concept of what it looks like, or appearances at all. we are seeing it as lucanis’ mind perceives it, which is as what lucanis thinks he himself looks like (always in armour, never relaxed). and i rlly believe spite only gets he/himmed in veilguard because lucanis projects his appearance onto it and then makes the straightforward if a bit limiting assumption that something that looks like him is a he. this happens a lot to spirits e.g. justice gets automatically he/himmed because he ends up in kristoff and anders’ bodies, despite not having had much choice in either matter and canonically expressing curiosity about the new perspective being in a “female body” might offer. you could make the argument that spirits become what they’re believed to be and probably are affected by these interactions, but it’s more complicated than that, spirits do have individuality, and i think it would be obviously quite lame and bad if the form they end up in, and others’ thoughtless assumptions about it, defined everything
i don’t think spite objects to being he/himmed but i also don’t think that means spite necessarily has a gender. it just doesn’t have an opinion here. i’m not convinced spite knows what gender is. (i think we constantly need to lower our expectations on everything spite is actually aware of. i mentioned this before but i cannot express this enough: it doesn’t know why it and lucanis need to have skin.) all of which goes to say, in response to your ask, that i really don’t think spite is even capable of misgendering someone when it does not understand the situation here and is likely borrowing directly from what it probably thinks are the completely fucking arbitrary rules in lucanis’ head rather than comprehending any of this at all
(this is part of why i have made a habit of using it/its for spite even though i think he/him is generally used in the game. i think that’s more interesting in terms of exploring what spirits are, plus just easier to differentiate from lucanis while writing, plus i genuinely do not believe it’s invested in any of this. or at least i think it has not yet figured out enough to be invested in any of this. maybe it could do! spite is such a baby spirit with so much room to grow as it develops a place for itself in the mortal world. rook lucanis spite gender discussion is very funny and sweet conceptually to me, especially because i do not think lucanis has really thought about this either.)
i don’t know who ghilan’nain even gets her news on rook’s paramour from. but she’s up to date! i don’t think it’s that surprising though, i don’t know why ghilan’nain would be transphobic. there’s no reason to assume ancient elven society was like that afaik. i mean, they came directly from, and were led by, spirits who crafted their own bodies the way they wanted them. you couldn’t really describe any of the evanuris as cis exactly?
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year ago
SSR Vil Schoenheit - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Today, I take on the role as a supporter of this museum. I'll make sure to promote well the beauty and wonder of these works of art.
Summon Line: Taking in all of these beautiful things will allow me to develop my own beauty further. I'll be taking my time to appreciate as much as I can today.
Groooovy!!: I refuse to accept a happy ending brought about by someone else. I will fulfill my dreams by my own hand.
Home: Time to celebrate the 100th anniversary.
Home Idle 1: The brilliant luster of the fabric and small accessories nicely accentuates this seemingly simple monochrome attire. Not bad at all.
Home Idle 2: There is a thin line between poisons and potions. The Fairest Queen must have delved into her research to further her understanding of their differences. She truly is someone worth our respect.
Home Idle 3: Ortho says he'd like to hold a conversation with the Lord of the Underworld. Seems as though he would like to utilize his sense of humor as a base for his acting.
Home Idle - Login: You'd like me to speak on the painting of the Fairest Queen? I suppose I could, as long as you stay attentive. If you dare to yawn during my exposition... Heh, you should prepare for the consequences.
Home Idle - Groovy: Beauty cannot be achieved in a single day, and the same could be said for a physically pristine body. Jack and I are very similar in how we will constantly endeavor towards our goals without fail.
Home Tap 1: Trey saw a painting of the Queen of Hearts smiling and commented that she had lovely teeth. Only he would focus on that...
Home Tap 2: The exhibits each give a different emotional impact based on the brightness of the lights and the way the works are illuminated. I can tell this museum has put much thought into its lighting.
Home Tap 3: I'd like to improve my drawing skills. Simply because I would like to make my own proposals if I ever have the opportunity to work with one of my favorite brands.
Home Tap 4: When I approached Malleus, he elucidated on the painting of the Thorn Fairy. He spoke of tales uniquely passed down among faes, so it was quite the learning experience.
Home Tap 5:  There are so many wonderful exhibits here, and yet here you are just staring at me. I fully understand why you would, but try to focus on the paintings.
Home Tap - Groovy: You seem to be in high spirits. Were you that elated to listen to my explanations of the artwork? Yes, of course you were.
Duo: [VIL]: We'll silence them all, Jack! [JACK]: Absolutely, Vil-senpai!
Birthday Login Message: [Yuu pops party popper] Thank you for the birthday surprise. That was a rather elaborate one, too. I especially enjoyed how you tripped over your lines, despite the fact that you were lying in wait to ambush me for quite some time. That wasn't on purpose? Obviously. If that was an act, it would be something worth scouting.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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foone · 9 months ago
(Sorry if this sounds mean) If you’re ace why are you looking for mind control erotica? This isn’t a bad faith question, as someone who’s aro but not ace I’m genuinely curious. Maybe expounding on it would help your followers point you at new things?
Also have you read Human Domestication Guide? It’s very mind controlly, though it does have pet stuff if you hate that or whatever.
Short answer: it's complicated.
So to answer in reverse order: I have read some HDG stories: not enough to remember what I read, but in general I like them. And petplay doesn't bother me. So I'll probably read more in future, it's just that it never triggered that "I should read all of this!" urge in me. Which isn't an indicator of how much I like it/the quality of it, that's just a thing that sometimes happens to my brain.
As for why I'm reading mind control erotica despite being asexual... It's complicated (as you might guess).
Basically I'm asexual in the "not attracted to men or women (or anything else/between)" sense. I don't experience sexual attraction, at all.
But that's only one part of sexuality. It may be the primary part for allosexuals, but it obviously can't be for me. I'm still interested in some sexual things, and I'm interested in them for sexual reasons, but it's just that those reasons are never "this person is hot" or "this sex is hot".
Like, not to give a complete listing of my kinks or anything, consider basic rope bondage as a fetish. You could look at the fetish from multiple angles:
It's sexy getting tied up, because of the physical sensation of being tied up.
It's sexy to be tied up, because you don't have control.
It's sexy to tie someone up, because of how they look tied up.
It's sexy to have someone tied up, because you have control and they don't.
It's sexy to have sex while tied up, because you can't resist it (in the scene. This is fantasy, there are safewords)
It's sexy to fuck someone tied up, because they can't resist (in the scene, fantasy, safewords)
And then in fiction you can do the last two minus the watsonian-bdsm: it's not a scene. (I won't discuss this further because discourse)
Only 5 and 6 really need sex itself to be a part of it. You can have the eroticism of bondage and no one has sex, or needs to be attracted to anybody.
I don't have a huge amount of experience here, but from what I've heard this isn't that uncommon in the bdsm community: there's plenty of people who show up at bdsm events solely for "non-sexual" tying/getting tied.
Anyway, once you understand that you can have a kink (even one that seems sexual) for reasons other than sexual attraction/sex* itself, you can probably see why an asexual person might still want to read about it.
Also there's elements of, like, exploration of personal impossibilities? As jms said:
So I cannot forgive. Which makes the notion of writing a character who CAN forgive momentarily attractive...because it allows me to explore in great detail something of which I am utterly incapable. I cannot fly, so I would write of birds and starships and kites; I cannot play an instrument, so I would write of composers and dancers; and I cannot forgive, so I would write of priests and monks and Minbari...
It can be interesting reading stories of people doing things you can't for reasons you never experience, obeying urges you don't have.
* "sex" is also a difficult thing to define, because especially in BDSM terms it gets very fuzzy. What things count as sex? Generally when I say like "they're spending too much time on the sex" or "the mind control is just an excuse to get to the sex", I'm defining sex as something like "some kind of insertion/licking/vibrating for sexual purposes", when many allosexuals (especially, uhh... What's the word for non-bdsm people? Them) would define it more narrowly, and many BDSM kinksters would define it more widely, including a lot of the things I'm not here: I've heard people call getting tied up or impact play as sex, for example.
Anyway you'd think this sort of perspective I've got on erotic fiction, where I'm here for the non-sex sexual fetish things, would be more common? After all, I'm talking about literature here. I tend to associate the allosexual attraction urge as a visual thing: this person looks sexy, so you experience sexual attraction towards them.
I can see how that'd work if you're talking about visual mediums: movies and photos of real people, even drawn images, but this is just words. I guess maybe people without aphantasia can imagine how someone looks from their description, and can experience some attraction based on that? I don't know. I've never really experienced attraction to written characters, so I can't say how it works. Feel free to enlighten me, anyone who does.
But you can definitely tell reading erotica which stories are "this is a sexy story because it has sexy people in it doing sexy things (sometimes kinkily)" and which are "this kink is the primary focus: any sex they have is in service of the kink, or is just a momentary distraction from the kink". I prefer the latter, by far.
Anyways, I think maybe I'm giving everyone a slightly misleading impression of how much I'm into mind control. It's more that I've found a few stories that actually were interesting to me for a couple reasons (first person submissive perspective, rules-based mind control, some worldbuilding) and then I've been looking for other stories that explore the same ideas as well (or better: the particular ones I liked had a little too much bimboification focus for me, which isn't one of my kinks) and failing. Thus I complain a lot about not being able to find the sort of stories I want.
Which, you know, makes sense? I'm an asexual reading through porn. Despite my explanation in this post, this is still not a great fit for me, so of course I'm disappointed. It'd be like if I was scrolling through a football site and not liking football, complaining about how much sports focus this site has. It's a little silly, you know?
But I'm a lot silly, so I continue.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years ago
Ranking Jane Austen heroines/women on how good of a mother they’d be?
As with the men, I think they would all be good mothers, though in different ways.
Elizabeth Bennet: Soccer mom, she wasn't given the opportunity to have a structured education herself, it will be different for her kids. She's hiring the best governess she can find (after Darcy does a full background check), she's encouraging her kids to do extracurriculars, they will speak six languages that she doesn't understand or else! Has a minor panic attack if she says anything that sounds even remotely like something either of her parents would say.
Jane Bennet: Gentle mom, she cannot imagine punishing her children, she just has a killer disappointed face (she is unaware of this). Encourages her children to always try to understand both sides of the story. Will eventually fall for a lie one of her children tells and be devastated when she figures out the truth.
Anne Elliot: Perfect mother, there is indeed no one so proper, so capable as Anne. She has also watched her sister do everything wrong and she knows exactly how to do it right.
Emma Woodhouse: Scatterbrained mom, makes a resolution to teach her daughter fancy work but then gets distracted and the sampler is left half finished. Promised to read with her son but they only make it halfway through the novel. Good thing she hired an excellent "Miss Taylor" to pick up the slack! And despite her occasional screw-ups, her kids love her to pieces. They just better be on guard when they hit 18 and she starts trying to marry them off.
Marianne Dashwood: Crunchy mom, or whatever the Regency period equivalent would be. She wants her kids to feel the dead leaves between their toes, she encourages them to write poetry and play moving ballads. Otherwise, a lot like her own mother (they have very similar personalities)
Elinor Dashwood: I-Say-I-Love-You-With-Food Mom, she may not be exactly emotionally available, but she orders her daughter's favourite meal when she's sad and there are tiny hearts in the stiches of her son's clothes. She makes sure her kids are provided for, educated, and healthy. When she asks if they are hungry, they know she's saying, "I love you."
Fanny Price: Nurturing mom, she will be everything for those children that Edmund and William were to her, but nothing like Sir Thomas, Lady Bertram, Mrs. Norris or her own parents. She has a good deal of experience from nursing her own siblings so it's a pretty smooth beginning.
Catherine Morland: Overconfident mom, Catherine has been there and done that, she has six younger brothers and sisters after all, she's READY! This will be easy! All you have to do is make sure the baby is fed, washed, changed, and napped... oh... it's a lot harder to do this when you have only slept for 2.5 hours last night... (I know she would have servants, but still, being a new mother is tough!)
Bonus: Jane Fairfax tries to keep Frank from spoiling the kids, but it is literally impossible. He keeps buying them huge presents and then she would be the bad guy for saying no. Also, she knows that Frank lost their child in Kensington Gardens (twice), that's why she always insists he take a footman now.
Bonus bonus: Harriet Smith has a special box where she keeps all the 'treasures' her kids collect. It is her most precious possession.
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moki-dokie · 7 days ago
Twice, my best friend has crossed a boundary with me. The first time it was unintentional. I made it very clear afterwards. The second time she ignored it.
Both times she was drunk.
And we aren't talking about I had a few drinks drunk. Hers is the I had a few drinks after an entire bottle of whiskey and a few shots for good measure drunk.
I gave her a good telling off. She apologized. She owned up to it. I forgave and life moved on. Water under the bridge.
Today, a couple of months later, she's finally taken the step to go to AA. I couldn't be more proud of her for it. She said that telling off had been eating at her so badly that it managed to break through the bullshit that drives her to drink out of control. And not because I had to get firm with her, but because I did it with the same unconditional love I come at her with everything else, because I treated her as a person, because I was willing to forgive and keep loving her - despite how badly she was triggering my PTSD.
I know a lot of people would have written her off, thrown her out, deemed her as abusive and predatory and whatever other therapy language people love to blithely throw around. Maybe drunk her is those things. But drunk her is a diseased her.
Something people forget about alcoholism is that it is indeed a disease. It can fuck a person up as badly as depression can and can go just as dismissed because it isn't always seen.
Of course, none of us are obligated to forgive transgressions even from a person not of sound mind - but I think a lot of people could do with just a little more patience and a little more kindness. Especially when you know something is wrong with them. sometimes that's all it takes to give someone the push they need in the right direction.
I'm especially jaded about drunks. I'm especially fucked up with PTSD from drunks. There are legitimately few things in this world that actually, authentically, very seriously send me into a terrible horrible bad bad bad place like drunks, because my sole parent was a highly abusive one. Like I'm lucky to be alive today kind of abusive. I tried and I tried and I tried with her, thinking if I just keep trying maybe she'll finally get help. But eventually, I finally realized she never would. Just like she'd never apologize. Or like she'd never even own up to having ever done wrong. So five years ago I cut her out of my life, cold turkey. Which eats at me, because she is mostly disabled and lives alone on a farm in the middle of nowhere with no stable income except some very meager oil royalties that dwindle more each year. I know one day I'm going to get the call I dread the most. And she'll have been alone. And I will feel guilty, probably forever, because that is how she has hardwired me to feel. But it was high time I started protecting myself, so I'm willing to take on feeling guilt forever if it means I can start healing in other ways, which I have.
She is also diseased. She was diseased before I came into this world, though. I don't blame her, nor do I love her less for the things she cannot control. But I do blame her for the things she can, and for all the sober opportunities she's had to simply admit fault and say sorry. I blame her for trying to use my brother to drag me back into her mess. I blame her for all the times I have cried and pleaded with her to get help when she had a clear enough mind to hear me and she's refused.
My best friend needed only a stern talking to and it crushed her to know she had hurt me even a little. My mother refuses to acknowledge the fact she has put my life in jeopardy on multiple occasions and inflicted emotion wounds that will never fully heal.
Alcoholism does not discriminate. It doesn't give a single shit. My best friend is lucky she's only been in the clutches of it for a few years, and that i have a lifetime of experience navigating how to handle drunks like her to have eventually and finally broken through. Both of them, however, I treated with love and kindness until the point I couldn't anymore. For one, that was enough. For the other, she's likely to die alone, having pushed away every friend and family.
You can't change them all, but, idk, I think it's worth trying sometimes. It's worth enduring a little more pain sometimes. It's worth assessing the risk rather than flat out avoiding it sometimes.
I couldn't save my mother, but no one can except herself anymore - and that isn't my fault. I tried for far longer than I ever should have. But I did save my best friend. And if I hadn't tried, I would have felt some of the blame. Because not only is she my friend and I love her, but she is just human like the rest of us and it isn't her fault she's succumbed to the vicious cycle that she was already genetically and societally predisposed to.
There's really no point I'm trying to make to the masses here. Just that this sickness can manifest in wildly different ways. And it's too easily dismissed and too easily enabled and too easily accepted. And that my friend is getting help and she's not going to drink or pill herself into an early grave. And that I'm thankful beyond words for that.
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turttastic · 2 years ago
Was just struck by the overwhelming urge to rate Stormlight characters on their driving ability. I have no evidence I'm going off of vibes alone. Here they are in no particular order:
Dalinar- I think he's generally a fine driver now, though still prone to bouts of road rage when someone won't let him merge. Very bad driver in his youth. 5/10
Jasnah- I think she would be a shockingly bad driver. She seems like the kind of person that believes the rules of the road apply to everyone other than her. The type to run a red light because the meeting she's going to is important. Never uses her turn signals because if shes in the left lane it should be obvious shes making a left turn. Despite her lack of care she always arrives safely and without a ticket, somehow. Would fit right in in Northern Virginia. Also the worst backseat driver ever. 3/10
Sadeas- Good driver but employs bad practices. When traffic is heavy he uses the shoulder of the road as his own personal lane. Only person capable of surviving New York traffic. 6/10
Kaladin- Fantastic driver but kind of slow. Won't make a left turn unless there is literally no other car on the road. Always follows the speed limit and uses his turn indicators. Also the type to yell at everyone to shut the fuck up and let him drive when he's in heavy traffic. 8/10
Syl- Cannot be allowed to drive under any circumstances. Bridge 4 let her drive once and she backed the car into a mailbox. 0/10
Shallan- Shes a bad driver but better than Jasnah. Her following distance is atrocious and she frequently rear ends people, but she does at least try to follow the rules of the road. 4/10
Veil- Worse than Shallan but says she's better. Will take a turn at 60 to try and make the car drift. 2/10
Radiant- Fantastic driver who follows the ruled perfectly. Not great at responding to unexpected situations though. 8/10
Venli- Drives like a psychopath. Weaves in and out of lanes to get there 30 seconds faster. If traffic is bad she will dead ass make a U turn in the middle of the road over a double yellow to leave. 1/10
Rock- Great driver, but hates driving. Not much more to say. 8/10
Sigzil- Best driver in bridge 4, only slightly held back by the fact that he knows every obscure rule and expects everyone else driving does also. 9/10
Moash- Believes the rules of the road are stupid and there to hold him back. The kind of guy who will not let you merge in front of him like his life depends on it. Would go 100 in a school zone for fun. 2/10
The Lopen- The guy that tells you he's a great driver but starts playing pokemon go while behind the wheel because he can absolutely do both. 4/10
Szeth- Mediocre driver prone to shocking episodes of road rage. The kind of guy who would slam the brakes to make the car behind him rear end him out of spite if they were following too close. 5/10
Navani- Fantastic driver. Always has the newest lane correcting tech and such installed on her vehicle. 10/10
Adolin- Cannot stay focused on the road. Type of guy who will look over his shoulder for like 15 seconds to carry on a conversation until Shallan yells at him to look at the road. Horrible speeder. Usually manages to avoid crashing though. 3/10
Wit- Shockingly competent driver. I mean he had all that experience with Wax, so... 10/10
Gavilar- The kind of douche who lifts his truck and has his mufflers removed so he can rev his obnoxious engine whole going through neighborhoods. 1/10
Renarin- He's a good driver in small towns and on winding, narrow country roads, but cannot handle big city traffic. Luckily he knows and readily admits this. 7/10
Rlain- I feel like he's just a typical good driver. Follows the rules as best he can, goes a few miles over the speed limit on the freeway, but nothing crazy. 8/10
Kelsier- It's a miracle he's survived this long with the way he drives. He would make a left on red without hesitation. Vin screamed the first time she rode with him. 1/10
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meanderingstar · 2 years ago
the way Daenerys treats Irri in the books is incredibly disturbing and I hate how it's overlooked by both the narrative and the majority of the fandom.
Daenerys uses Irri for sex at least twice over the course of the story, once in Storm and once in Dance. I really, truly cannot overstate how horrific the power imbalance between them is: Daenerys is her khaleesi, her queen and her employer; Irri was formerly a slave in her service and is now her maid with absolutely nowhere else to go. She has evidently been conditioned to believe that displaying absolute obedience to her higher-ups, including sexual services, is her "duty", which Daenerys recognizes and still actively exploits for her own pleasure. This is also why consent between them is utterly impossible – contrary to some asoiaf blogs who claim that consent was not a major issue in this situation (lol) or that Irri freely consented, Irri’s conditioning means that she will never be able to freely consent to someone like Daenerys, who is her employer and holds absolute power over her. Daenerys herself acknowledges this and feels guilty (damning in itself), but ends up using her in such a manner anyway, despite explicitly recognizing that Irri's kisses "tasted of duty" and nothing more.
What makes this even worse is that despite using her in this way in Storm, Daenerys has no issue saying that Irri and Jhiqui (who are her age and have had the same, if not worse, experiences than she has) are "only girls" in comparison to her. She also dismisses their (pretty sensible, imo?) concern about her touching sick and dead people by calling them "utter fools" and saying the Dothraki were only wise when it came to horses. She says all this AFTER sleeping with Irri, which makes it twice as bad - Daenerys considers her a little girl and a fool when it comes to advising her, but still finds it perfectly fine to use her for sex? This condescension extends to their sexual relationship as well, where Daenerys refers to Irri as "the maid", "her handmaid" and "the Dothraki girl" as she has sex with her. It's patronizing, disrespectful and exploitative at best, outright dehumanizing at worst.
While I highly doubt this was Grrm's intention, Daenerys's dynamic with Irri is clearly reminiscent of the horrific way Cersei uses Taena Merryweather. Dany is obviously not as vicious with Irri as Cersei was with Taena but that really doesn't change the fact that she was still a queen exploiting her employee's obedience and conditioned sense of "duty" for her own pleasure, made even worse by the fact that Irri, as a servant and former slave with no family, no connections and nowhere else to go, was 10x more vulnerable than Taena was and certainly more dependent on Dany. It's bizarre how Cersei's treatment of Taena is recognized as fucked up by most of the fandom but Daenerys's treatment of Irri is not, even though the power imbalance between them is infinitely worse. (also: Grrm writing about TWO white queens using their brown maids/ladies-in-waiting for sex is flat-out racist. I'm also extremely uncomfortable with how both wlw interactions are dubiously consensual at best and arguably revolve around Cersei/Dany's relationships with men to some extent: Cersei uses Taena to reenact her trauma by Robert, and Dany not only "pretended it was Drogo holding her...only somehow his face kept turning into Daario's" when she was having sex with Irri, but also explicitly states that "it was Daario she wanted, or perhaps Drogo, not Irri").
Certainly, Daenerys and Irri's dynamic is part and parcel of Grrm's fucked notion of consent and piss-poor writing of wlw relationships (both of which he should be called out for far more than he is, btw), but it doesn't change the fact that in-universe, these are Daenerys's textual actions. Grrm seems to believe that Drogo didn't rape Daenerys (a 13 year old who was forced into marriage) on their wedding night because she said "yes", just like he seems to believe that Jaime didn't coerce Cersei to have sex with him over their own son's dead body because she eventually responded to Jaime's advances, but I clearly recognize them as rape and coercion. The same logic and same standards apply to Daenerys and the way she uses and exploits Irri and she should be judged accordingly.
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