#desmond is a cat
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month ago
[Toon x Mobster] Princess Elizabeth. She doesn't like Jack, he smells like a dog.
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With Jack's dad being a wolf, he can understand animals (that he grew up with) and can talk back to them (not including human language). He doesn't always understand, but Jack's fluent enough for a conversation.
Of course, with Princess Elizabeth being a spoiled little brat (and surrounded by dangerous people working under the Guktav) her behavior is abhorrently offensive, but only Jack seems to understand that since nobody else gets her but him.
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It does look weird seeing a grown man having a full blown argument with a small petite cat though.
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angermango · 5 months ago
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i try to warm up and/or fight off burnout by making dumb memes/joke edits for anything (with middling success). this is the PL edition of the latest abominations i concoted in my lab
originals: [1] | [2] | [3 (blank)]
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catsupport · 4 months ago
💊Laugher is the best medicine 💊
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Little thing I drew for @blackkatdraws 's Server.
The silly guys 🥺
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sulfies · 8 months ago
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Desmond's pictures :')
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sombertide-0 · 10 months ago
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okay so i asked friends for creatures and characters sooooooooo yay!!!! paleoart!!!!
Desmond as a thylacine, a simple megalodon, Berg as a kaprosuchus, Altair as a thylacoleo because of his murder grin, Clay as a nasutoceratops, Haytham as a smilodon, and a little Binglesacks to fill in an empty spot
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
The comments of this post are too funny not to reblog. (have some of my quick meme edits)
That would be super cute!! Desmond would do lots of ‘tricks’ for Leo while Ezio swears the cat is the devil incarnate 😂
Lol, Desmond is just a little shit to everyone else, but Leonardo. XD
@thedragonqueen1998 in addition to this- either Leonardo doesn't know and thinks Desmond is a little angel OR he knows and encourages this to also be a little shit
@blue-cat-ter-flies-blog either is equally funny. though, we can have moments where Desmond stares directly at Ezio behind Leonardos back if we go with the "innocent angel" route. XD
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@thedragonqueen1998 Desmond: Ezio, you're pretty much my favourite ancestor but this is too funny to not do so Godspeed, my dude
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@thedragonqueen1998 Desmond: *pulls a Miette by Ezio's feet*
@blue-cat-ter-flies-blog Did you just kicked Desmond's body like a football? jail! Jail for Ezio! Jail for one thousand years!
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@ma-du Ezio would think he legit hurt Desmond and just hold him, all teary eyed, begging for forgivness. And Desmond is just there too shocked to do anything. XD
@thedragonqueen1998 Ezio will be crying his eyes out, and Desmond will be like It's okay man, stop crying *pats on the back*
@teecupangel from the series Leonardo @ Cat!Desmond:
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sneaky-eel · 1 year ago
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I don’t think they want the carrots Desmond
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teecupangel · 1 year ago
Altaïr: Wait, When did I get a cult?
Malik: Better question- where’d you get the kittens?!
Desmond: More important question- Why are we in Renaissance Italy!!
Ezio: ???
When Desmond accepted his death, he expected to die.
Did he believe in the afterlife?
Not really.
The Farm had never been religious and all those lessons about how the Templars used religion only served to make Desmond ignore it altogether.
Not because he was appalled by the Templars’ ways or because he didn’t believe in a higher being or something deep like that.
He avoided religion because it was boring.
To be more exact, after hearing the same lessons about the connection of the Templars to religion, it became boring.
Just another reminder of his life on the Farm.
So no.
Desmond never thought about the afterlife.
He always assumed he would die and that would be it.
End of story.
Whatever disappointing story he had, anyway.
It might have been disappointing for someone like William Miles but it was a nice one for Desmond. His life in New York felt like a dream. It wasn’t always a happy dream but it was…
It felt real.
He felt real.
So when he woke up in one of the Assassin Tombs in Italy, Desmond knew he was alive.
He felt real.
He had to alive.
Then he heard two more people slowly get up and Desmond wondered if this was the afterlife.
Why else would Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Malik Al-Sayf be waking up in the same place as him.
When he learned that they were in Renaissance Italy, his first thoughts had been about Ezio. He wanted to find him. He wanted to see him. To make sure he was okay.
He had woken up too late though. The same day as the execution of his father and brothers… in Venice of all places.
He could, theoretically, go to Monteriggioni and meet with Ezio there but… Altaïr and Malik weren’t fit to travel. Something was ‘strange’ about their body, like they weren’t use to it. And it wasn’t just because they had their left ring finger. Malik admitted he could feel the pain of losing his arm over and over again. Altaïr’s body would give up after a few minutes and he seemed to be moving through sheer willpower (or stubbornness… both, it was always both with him) so their priority was to find a secure hideout that wasn’t a tomb.
It took an entire day for Desmond to get enough funds to buy them a small house in Venice and a change of clothes (pretending to be a foreigner who wishes to learn from the great artists worked enough to make the tailor less suspicious… a bit). Desmond didn’t bother to hire any servants and focused on helping Altaïr and Malik get used to their new bodies.
They both remembered up to their deaths and that left countless scars inside them. Altaïr theorized that they need to get use to their new bodies because they had been used to their weakening old bodies. Their new bodies seemed to have been created with the idea of them in their prime.
Before the failure in the temple underneath Jerusalem…
By the time Ezio entered Venice, he had already heard about them. The strange three men who kept to themselves, assisting the thieves of Venice for a price.
Most of the time the price they ask for was information.
Sometimes, they would ask for an IOU, their way of saying the thieves owe them a favor. They mostly used those favors to get the thieves to distract certain guards or to be bait.
Ezio heard from Mario that he should make their acquaintances and greet them before doing any missions in Venice.
It was their turf after all.
He did not expect their home to be a warm one.
… with lots of cats.
Too many cats.
“Altaïr! Who is this?!”
Ezio stepped inside the open doorway that led to the inner courtyard where he heard the shouting. A man wearing simple white robes held a black cat by the armpits in his arms, glaring at another man who was sitting underneath the great tree in the middle of the courtyard. Four cats were sleeping around him and he was petting another cat that was curled on his lap absentmindedly.
“That one followed me yesterday. Ask Desmond what to name that one.” The man named Altaïr-
“Stop bringing more cats! We spend more for their food than we do for ours!”
Ezio turned around to the sound of the voice behind him. He didn’t even notice him approaching Ezio from behind.
The man standing in front of him holding a small stack of books smiled at him as he said, “It’s nice to finally see you, Ezio.”
“My name Desmond Ibn-La'Ahad. Welcome to our bureau.”
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morallygraytea · 2 months ago
My husband keeps telling me we have Odysseus at home
The Odysseus at home:
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cherub014 · 2 months ago
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my daily desmond drawing :P he got hit by the cat distribution system in AL huh
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mimilllion · 1 year ago
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sure man ill post this here too why not. dana hiss charme buck nyailde and desmond kittysene
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markerofthemidnight · 1 month ago
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Made a tier list detailing everyone’s basic opinions on their transformations in True Nature. You know, for no reason at all.
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c4n1d43cup1d · 1 year ago
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the professor is zooted off cat nip
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brothers :))
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justkillingthyme · 10 months ago
Ever since I saw the pupils getting small/invisible in that des sprite it makes me think about descole just having cat eyes. I think if you have his mask off you’d be able to tell when he’s in Desmond mode vs Descole mode based on that lol.
Layton out doing something with Desmond post the games for some reason and Layton has to keep an eye on Desmond bc if something sets him off Layton has to grab his arm before Des pulls out a sword and stabs the person and the eyes are his main indicator
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You get it you get it. Shakes your hand. Descole cat slit pupils beloved he’s so. Yeah. Thinks about Targent for like 2 seconds and he’s so gone. Unintentionally cooked hard here it was meant to just be a sketch
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He’s silly I think about him a lot
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fantasy-drawings-ra · 19 days ago
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Here are some Miscellaneous sketches I’ve made in the past two months. I hope you like them!
Image Descriptions:
Image one is of Raihan from Pokemon Sword and Shield. He is in a 3/4 angle facing and looking to the viewer with his bright smile. He is turned to his left (our right). And has his left hand up in a peace sign while his right rests in his right pocket. He’s profiled from head to waist wearing his usual big sweater.
Image two is of Mytho from Princess Tutu. He is in a side profile looking to our right and has a vacant/sad look upon his face. He is profiled as a head to shoulders sketch and is wearing the school uniform as his outfit.
Image three is a matching piece with the Mytho one of Rue from Princess Tutu. Facing towards Mytho to our left in a side profile as well. From head to shoulders shot with a bemused/slight smiled look on her face. She is also wearing her school uniform to match with a previous sketch of Ahiru/Duck and Fakir I made a while back.
Image four is of Desmond Sycamore from Professor Layton. (This was an earlier draft for a Valentine’s Day card drawing for this year but I decide to go with a a Descole centred one for the first time in years.) He is turned to our right in a 3/4 angle from head to waist. He has his right arm up holding a valentine over his shoulder height. He’s wearing a dark turtleneck and has a soft adoring smile upon his face. His other hand is out of frame with his arm slightly downward beside his waist.
Image five is an attempt at prince Lune from The Cat Returns as cat/animal drawing practice since it’s been years since I’ve actually drawn animals. The shot is from head to shoulder. He is turned looking over his shoulder with a little smile wearing his necklace collar from the first scene he is in at the beginning of the movie.
Image five and final image is of Haru from The Cat Returns. This and the Prince Lune pieces I drew after rewatching the movie and these were the only sketches I was pleased with how they came out. She is in a 3/4 angle from head to shoulders looking to the viewer with a gentle expression. In her uniform from the beginning of the movie and her hair up in a ponytail.
End of Description.
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sombertide-0 · 9 months ago
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another spix drawing featuring @sparrow-in-boots' Clay! honestly not a huge fan of how the colors turned out so here's a colorless screenshot edit: I FORGOT HIS FUCKING SCAR, MY BAD
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