#desi hufflepuff
saathyabhamaa · 1 year
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Picture source: pinterest
Face claim : Poonam Bajwa
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shunrehihosumedha · 2 months
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Something inside of me healed today… I cried for few seconds because I mean my teenage self would have gone batshit crazy if she ever laid her hands on this.
[ The Tales Of Beedle the Bard, translated from the original runes by Hermione Granger ]
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Indian Hufflepuff Aesthetic
For Hufflepuff, Hard Workers were most worthy of admission
Other aesthetics: Slytherin | Gryffindor | Ravenclaw
@narcissa-black-supermacy @the-chaosbringer @in-flvx @padfootastic @gracelesslady23 @mycupofrum @just-another-godless-god @fiendishfyre @ad1thi @prongsfoot-wolfstar @siriuslystarbucks @xxmysticrosexx @ghostie-06 @pan-diasaster @h-m-i-a-n @constant-diablerie
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msmk11 · 6 months
The Hufflepuff Code
James Potter x gn!Hufflepuff!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count: 3.6k
CW: Use and discussion of weed, mentions of alcohol, light kissing, reader under the influence of weed, mentions of food and eating
Summary: You have a secret.... Or, at least, your Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff, does, and you can't tell your Gryffindor boyfriend James. Only problem is, your boyfriend is very charming and has an inclination for mischief. What could go wrong?
A/n: Hiiiii, I hope you enjoy! This work is vaguely based off the Harry Potter discourse on TikTok a few months ago, about what parties would be like in each Hogwarts house! Please don't take offense if you're a Gryffindor lol, I love them. Also, until I find a fancast for James Potter that I like (I imagine him as desi), I will be using ATJ.
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Going to Hogwarts requires a lot of studying….something you are trying to do but failing, because a pair of hazel eyes can’t help but bore into your face. You double down into your books to avoid your boyfriend’s gaze, but his intensity only increases. He shifts from mute staring to pokes and silent whispers of your name. 
Finally, you snap your head up and look at him, “what?!” You whisper. 
“Just missed you s’all,” James says sheepishly. 
Your heart can’t help but melt a little, “sweetheart, I’m right here.”
“Yeah but you’re studying and not paying attention to me.” He whines. 
“Well, I did invite you to the library to study, not snog or make small-talk.”
James eyes light up, “oh that sounds like so much more fun. We should do that instead.”
“Sorry Jamie, as much as I’d love to, I can’t. Gotta study.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes dramatically, “fine. But I expect your full, undivided attention later.”
You cringe a little and guiltily avoid his sweet, beautiful face. “I-I’m sorry I can’t hang out later.”
“Baby,” he says rather loudly. 
You shush him a little and grab his hands in apology, “I’m sorry, I made plans earlier this week.”
The brunette pouts at you and shakes his head, his mop of curls falling into his eyes as he does so, “with who?”
“My friends-“
“Friends? What friends?!” Your boyfriends protests. 
You glare at him a little. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispers, “I just mean, what friends could you possibly be hanging out with instead of me? I mean, I’m the bestest friend.”
You kiss one of his hands intertwined with yours, “I know, sweetheart, you are. But I need a little non-boyfriend-friend-time sometimes, you know?”
“Well-uh I can pretend to not be your boyfriend for a night,” he disagrees, “I can gossip and, do whatever your friends do.”
You chuckle a little, “I know you can, and honestly, I’m sure they will be happy to have you in the future. But that’s not the type of hangout we’re having.”
“Okay, so then what are you doing?”
“Burying bodies, holding seances, the likes,” you tease, trying to avoid a serious answer. 
James just glares at you, not impressed by your jokes. 
“Sweetheart, don’t be mad,” you plead, bringing out your puppy dog eyes, “promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he answers, dismissively waving his hand. “That I’m not concerned about anymore. What I really wanna know is what you’re getting up to tonight,” he says, quirking an eyebrow. 
You’re pretty sure his eyes peer into your soul, trying to unleash all your secrets. It makes you shiver and look down at your paper. 
“Oh you know, typical Hufflepuff things.”
“Hmmm?” He asks, shifting closer to you. “Like what?”
“Uhhh eating food, potting plants, being loyal.” You mumble out. 
He gets closer and lifts your chin to make you look at him. James, the bastard, knows the effect he has on you. Teasing you with your closeness, knowing his cologne drives you crazy, his eyes make you melt, and his lips leave you defenseless. He licks his lip a little and you slightly groan. 
“So you’d rather pot plants than spend time with me?” James asks quietly. 
Words leave you at this moment and you only stutter a little. You try to lean in for a kiss, the tension unbearable, but he pulls back. “Nuh-uh.”
“You don’t get a kiss for lying.”
You whine a little. “I’m not lying, I’m just concealing some of the truth.”
“Why, love? Do you not trust me?”
Your face softens, noticing the slight sadness in his voice. You grab his face and brush his dark curls away from his eyes. 
“No Jamie. It’s not that, it’s just- well it really is sort of a Hufflepuff thing. A code of conduct, you know?”
He furrows his brows, “uhh, not really, no.”
“Well, I’m sure Gryffindor has some traditions, right?”
James shakes his head, “well it’s sorta the same thing for Hufflepuff, just more secret.”
“But I won’t tell anyone” your boyfriend says softly, kissing your hand, “promise.”
“I know, sweetheart. It’s not that I can’t tell you, it’s well, I can’t tell-“ you hesitate. 
“Gryffindors,” you say, quietly. 
Confusion clouds his pretty face, “what d’you mean you can’t tell Gryffindors?”
You cringe and pull away, “I’ve said too much already, sweetheart. Sorry, house loyalty.”
He scoffs, “what about loyalty to me?” 
“Don’t do that,” you tsk, “it’s really not that serious. Just silly house traditions, a little bit of rivalry, yeah?”
“Well then if it’s not that serious, just tell me,” he counters. 
You groan. He’s really not gonna give this up. 
“Fine,” you mumble. “Come on, let’s go somewhere more private.”
You gather your books and motion for him to follow. He stands up obediently and packs up his things before taking yours from you. As you walk down the halls, you find an empty classroom and push the two of you inside.
“You know if you wanted to get me alone, you could’ve just asked,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes and slap his shoulder playfully, “pervert…just wanting to get in my pants.”
“Can’t help it when you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You hum in content and lean into the kiss, holding onto his arms gently. 
“Could keep you here all night,” he sighs against your lips, as his warm hands wrap around your waist. 
You huff in disappointment and pull away a little, “you know you can’t Jamie baby.”
“Worth a shot.” He sits down on a desk and spreads his legs a little, letting you stand between them, “so if I can’t convince you to skip this tradition, then tell me what it is at least. And why can’t Gryffindors know?”
You sigh a little, “okay, don’t get mad, because I didn’t decide this, remember, it’s tradition.”
James pauses and then shakes his head for you to continue. 
“So, basically, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw have this arrangement to have three annual parties. One hosted by Hufflepuff, one by Slytherin, and one by Ravenclaw.”
“And why not Gryffindors?”
You wrinkle your nose in awkwardness, “well…cause the other houses don’t really like Gryffindor all that much.” Before James can protest you add, “it’s not that we don’t like Gryffindors at all, it’s just, we don’t like when you’re all together. On your own or in small groups you’re fine. But in large party settings you guys get loud, and stupid, and well…..annoying. And, the other three houses got sick of it, so they decided to start hosting a few no-Gryffindor-allowed parties every year.”
James simply stares at you in silence. “And this has been going on for how long?”
“Uh, 20 years at least,” you say. 
The boy’s mouth drops, “and no Gryffindor has ever found out?!”
“Not really, no. We keep it super secret.”
James scoffs, “I mean, well that’s sort of ridiculous don’t you think? Hosting secret parties just to keep us out?”
“Look,” you say gently, grabbing his knee, “I didn’t say I agree or disagree. It’s just tradition. And well, I’m not gonna be the one to break it.”
“So what do you even do at these ‘parties’?” he asks with a huff.
“Well Ravenclaw hosts the first, in the Fall, a sort of poker, gambling game night, but with lots of booze. Very classy actually, typical Ravenclaw. And Slytherin hosts next, right before Christmas. It’s a sort of Christmas, bougie, boozie party. Very swanky and jazzy. And Hufflepuff, well, that’s the crowd favorite. Held in second term.”
The brunette raises his eyebrows in curiosity. 
“Basically we get a shit load of weed from our secret plant stash, and everyone gets high and eats food. We like, raid the kitchens before hand.”
“WHAT?!” James almost shouts. 
You put your hand over his mouth to quiet him. “Shhh, people could hear.”
He takes your hand off. “Hufflepuff has a secret drug stash?! And you hide it from us?!”
“I mean, why do you think we’re so happy all the time?” you say, laughing a little. 
“So you-but.”
Your boyfriend’s brain seems to malfunction, “damn, Hufflepuffs are druggies? My partner is a druggie?”
You let out a laugh, “I wouldn’t say druggie…just…plant-positive.” 
“So…there. That’s my secret. But you can’t tell anyone. I have my dignity to uphold.” You warn. 
“Can I at least come?!” 
“No! I’m not even supposed to tell you. Let alone bring you!”
“No. Im sorry James, I don’t make the rules.”
“But I wanna get high…and see you high.”
“Well, another time.” 
Your tone was final, but James did not take it as such. Instead, he became more determined to find his way in to this mysterious party. 
After making James promise to not impose, you left him behind in the classroom with a kiss and a lot of regret. On one hand, you had just broken so many Hufflepuff rules… if anyone were to find out, you’d be shunned for sure. On the other hand, you also felt incredibly guilty for leaving James out. Your sweet boy with his soft eyes and kind smile… but also his loud personality and pranks. You knew he’d never mean any harm, but the likes of him at this sort of party would not be welcome. He’s the definition of Gryffindor. And of course you love him for it, but you’re not sure your peers would. 
Back in your dorm, you throw your books down on your desk and then plop onto your bed. 
“Long day?” Your friend Emmeline asks. 
You groan, “terribly.”
“Good thing we have a chill night ahead of us,” she reminds you, plopping down next to you on your bed. 
“Touché Emmy. I’m very ready for an edible and a bag of flaming hot Cheetos.”
“Mhmmm, and those chocolate chip cookies from the kitchens?”
We both sigh in content. 
I can feel her staring at me. “Something’s wrong…”
You turn on your side and look at her, “yeah… I just, well, told James I couldn’t hang with him tonight because I had plans and I feel sorta bad… being all secretive you know? We don’t keep secrets.”
She hums in acknowledgement, “hmmm yeah, I get that. But I mean, it’s not like a bad secret y’know? Just tradition.”
“Which is what I told him but still..”
“You didn’t tell him, did you?” She asks, slight mortification on her face. 
“No, course not,” you lie, turning back on your back. “Hufflepuff code n’all. Just hard having a Gryffindor boyfriend.”
“Yeah, babe, I know. But you only gotta lie a few times a year, he’ll never know the difference, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m overthinking this, I know.”
“Indeed,” the brunette answers, shoving your shoulders lightly. “Now come on, lighten up, we’ve got a fun night ahead of us.”
You smile and sit up, “yes you’re right.”
“Now, I know the vibe is obviously cozy, but I still wanna look cute y’know? What should I wear?”
You hop up and walk over to her closet. “Oh babe, you gotta do your yellow Hufflepuff sweatshirt. With your brown curls and pale skin, you look like freaking Belle from that muggle movie.”
She gasps, “a whole princess?! Wow, I’m flattered. And what about pants?”
“Leggings maybe? Something that makes your ass look good?”
“Take me to dinner first!” She squeals. 
You laugh a little and wink, “sorry baby can’t help it.”
Her shoulder length curls bounce a little as she shakes her head at you. 
You go into your own trunk as you strip off your school uniform and instead opt for black pajama pants and one of James’ t-shirts that has some muggle band on it. It still smells faintly of him and your heart aches a little at leaving him behind. You brush it off, though, when your other two roommates come in the room, grocery bags in hand. 
“We��ve got the goods!” Amelia and Trinity cheer. 
“My hot Cheetos?” You ask. 
“Course,” Trinity answers, rolling their brown eyes, “this isn’t our first rodeo.”
You squeal and peck them on the cheek before giving Amelia a hug too. 
“You guys are my favorite, you know that?”
“Better be,” Amelia huffs. “Otherwise we’d have words.”
You all excitedly chatter as you go through the groceries and get ready for the party. 
Trinity ends up in Ravenclaw blue, which looks fantastic against their dark brown skin. 
“Trying to impress anyone?” Emmy asks, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Hmmm, maybe a certain Pandora Lovegood?” Amelia quips. 
Trinity tries to hide a smile but can’t, “duh! She’s just so cute, especially when she’s high.”
“And Amelia? Trying to impress anyone?” You ask, scanning her dark gray sweater and black leggings.
“Nope!” She says, popping the p, “only here for me, myself, and I.”
You force everyone to gather on your bed and hold up your disposable camera, “smile everyone!”
You take a few photos, cute and silly, and then wander down to the common space. 
The common room remains mostly the same, besides a few added bean bags and blankets for comfort. 
A low, quiet base thumps in the background as people from all three houses lounge around. Amos Diggory, a seventh year, sits at the contraband table. 
“What can I do for you folks tonight?” He asks. 
Emmeline asks for a blunt, Trinity and I take an edible and Amelia shakes her head, motioning to her pen instead. We crash on the carpet, waiting for the weed to kick in. Everyone around us is laughing, chatting, and snacking, at different levels of gone. 
When Pandora walks in, Trinity waves and motions her over. She’s followed by a few of her friends, including Regulus, Rosier, and Crouch.
“Baby Black?!” You cheer.
He rolls his eyes as he sits down next to you. “I thought I told you not to call me that?”
You shrug your shoulders and pat his cheek, “yeah, but I chose to ignore you. I love how cute you get when you pout.”
He can’t help but blush a little and he softens. You have a way with that boy, and he with you. Surprisingly, you are very close friends. 
You turn and nod in acknowledgment to the other two, “Rosier, Junior. How’s it going?”
“Better once I’m high” Barty answers. He turns to his friends, “what do you want?”
They tell him and he stalks over, giving Amos a glare while he’s at it. 
“Always the delight he is,” Amelia teases. Her eyes are a little heavy, telling me the pen is already working. 
“So, Black? What brooding have you been up to recently?” Emmeline jokes.
You swat her arm and can’t help but giggle, maybe a little too hard. “Be nice.”
“Oh you know, just planning your demise” he answers with a smirk. 
“I’m the subject of your brooding?” Emmy fake swoons, “I feel honored.” 
You laugh again and hug Regulus around the neck, “am I ever the subject of your broodings?”
He looks at you with a small smile, “course. I think about killing you once a week.”
You gasp in fake offense and stick out your tongue. Barty, who’s back with the weed, hands Regulus a blunt. He takes it between his fingers and inhales. Then he looks at you and rolls his eyes again. 
James Potter is usually good at keeping promises. However, he’s even better at making mischief. So despite his promise to you to not come to the party, he finds himself a little while later outside the Hufflepuff dorms, albeit hidden under the invisibility cloak. From outside, the hallway is quiet. Any passerby would be oblivious to the party going on within- must be a silencing charm. Unsure how to get into the common room, realizing you hadn’t told him before, he waits outside for someone to, unknowingly, open it for him. He, luckily, doesn’t have to wait long, as two unsuspecting Slytherins stroll past him and up to the barrels sitting outside. In quick succession one pulls out their wand and quickly taps it across the barrels. The brown barrels jump apart, revealing a door. As the two walk in, James closely follows behind, assuring he doesn’t remain locked out. 
Though you briefly explained the parties to James, his imagination far underestimated the reality. When you said all three houses went to these parties, you weren’t kidding. The place was packed, with every 4th year up from all three houses lounging around the badger den. The room was thick with smoke and reeked of marijuana. Students were everywhere, standing, lounging, laughing, eating, and even sleeping. Music played in the background, but no one was dancing, seemingly too high to really notice it. He scanned the room and found you in the thick of it all, seated on the carpet by the fireplace. You were with your dorm mates, Emmeline Vance, Amelia Bones, and Trinity Taylor, and also a few Slytherins. He recognized them all actually, one being Sirius’ little brother, who he knew you were actually good friends with. Also Rosier and Crouch, who he wasn’t as fond of, and Pandora, the one Ravenclaw he sorta knew. 
Still hidden under his cloak, he weaves through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone, afraid of getting caught. He throws himself into a corner by the fireplace, listening in on your conversation. 
“But Reggie, you’d look so cute with dyed hair!”
The Black boy scoffs at you, “yeah right. What should I go for, bright pink?!”
Your eyes light up as you giggle, “yes! And I’d start calling you baby…. pink? Instead of baby black, cuz you know-“ you giggle again, “your hair would be pink!”
Your words sort of slur together, not that you realize it, and so Regulus only nods, himself also struggling to comprehend what’s happening. 
“Wait, I think I have some dye, let me go get it!”
“Wait-“ Regulus calls out but you’ve already gotten up. 
James’ heart jumps as you come closer to him, weaving through the crowd on the carpet…
As you stumble towards the stairs of your dorm you freeze. You could’ve sworn you smelt... James’ cologne…..
You shift backwards a little and sniff again. Sure enough, his fancy cologne, one you love but always tease him about, permeates the air. Either you’re really high or….
You suddenly fling your hand outwards to the left. Though there is nothing next to you, you make hard contact with something in the air, and hear a small “oof” from next to you. 
A chill runs down your spine and out of the corner of your mouth you mumble, “James. My. Room. Now.”
You don’t bother to hear an answer, knowing he’ll follow you like a lost puppy. 
When you’re in your room you shut the door firmly behind you and whip around “James- what the hell.”
Your boyfriend appears before you, taking off the invisibility cloak sheepishly. “Hey, baby.”
“Don’t fucking hey baby me. What are you doing here?” You slur together. 
“Uh, missed you?” He says hesitantly. 
Your nose flares and you stalk towards him. “You. Fucking. Missed. Me?!” Each word is punctuated with a smack to his chest.
You don’t realize in your unsober state how hard you’re hitting him or how loud you’re talking. He tries to minimize his flinches as he grabs your hands and holds them together. 
“Love I-“
“What? Wanted to risk me getting shunned?! Jamie I asked you not to come! I trusted you!!”
“I know lovie. I’m sorry, I just got jealous… and curious. It’s no excuse I know but…”
You huff and throw your head in your hands. It’s spinning for more than one reason, and the weed keeps you from thinking clearly. 
“We’ll talk later. You, just stay here with your cloak, yeah?”
He sighs and nods.
His sad puppy dog eyes get to you and you soften a little, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. 
You then walk towards the door and open it, only to find the whole of Hufflepuff standing outside your door, staring in shock. 
“You, you broke tradition!” Amos Diggory yells, pointing at James. 
“I- well- shit” you mutter. 
“This is like, breaking the law,” another Hufflepuff argues. 
You feel tears prick at your eyes, “I’m sorry guys I- uh.”
“Wait,” your boyfriend says. 
Everyone goes quiet. 
“It’s not their fault, honest.”
No one seems to believe him. 
“Look, I got suspicious of what they’re up to, so I followed them, with my invisibility cloak on. Swear!” He even holds up the cloak, demonstrating its invisibility. 
Everyone gasps, “no way, that’s fucking sick.”
“Please don’t punish them because I’m stupid and nosy! Please!” He pleads. 
Diggory turns to the head prefects of the other two houses and quietly confer. After a few minutes of quiet whispers, Diggory turns back. 
“Fine, fine, you’re off the hook,” he says to you. 
“And as to you Potter, well, I guess you’re officially inducted into our little secret now. We can’t have you going around spilling. And I swear, if you tell any one of your little Gryffindor friends, all three houses will rain hell. Understood?”
Even you turn to James and raise your eyebrows. He really does feel a little threatened and nods. “Uh, yeah. Course.”
Diggory claps his hands together, “great! Well then, get Potter some weed.”
As everyone files out, James turns and looks at you nervously. 
“You heard the man, let’s go get you some weed.”
“Okay, just- wait.” He grabs your wrist and pulls you flush into his chest. 
He kisses you deeply, “love you, baby.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
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logolepsy-babble · 5 months
Personally, I’ve come here just to say my headcanons for the Marauders. Not interested? Scroll pookies.
Alice Longbottom (nee Fortescue) - She/Her, British-Muslim, hijabi, sapphic, Hufflepuff
Barty Crouch Jr - He/They, British, Slytherin, queer
Dorcas Meadows - She/Her, South African-British, lesbian, Slytherin
Emmeline Vance - She/Her, Filipino, Hufflepuff, lesbian
Evan Rosier - He/Him, half-white, half-black, Slytherin, aroace gay
Frank Longbottom - He/Him, Muslim, Gryffindor, straight
James Potter - He/Him, Half-Desi, half-Columbian, Gryffindor, bisexual, transmasc
Marlene McKinnon - She/Her, British-Méxican, Gryffindor, lesbian
Mary MacDonald - She/Her, African-British, Gryffindor, bisexual
Lily Evans - She/Her, Polish, Gryffindor, bisexual, transfem
Pandora Lovegood (nee Rosier) - She/Her, half-white, half-black, Ravenclaw, pansexual
Peter Pettigrew - He/Him, British, Gryffindor, queer
Regulus Black - He/Him, French, gay, transmasc, Slytherin
Remus Lupin - He/Him, Welsh, Gryffindor, bisexual
Sirius Black - They/Them, French, gay, nonbinary, Gryffindor
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catofadifferentcolor · 11 months
Terrible Fic Idea #76: The Old Guard, but make it Harry Potter
I've read a lot of Master of Death!Harry Potter fics over the years and one thing that struck me is how so many of the canon MoD tropes - never aging, inability to stay dead - also can be said for The Old Guard's flavor of immortality. So I thought, why not?
Or: What if Harry Potter was raised by The Old Guard?
Just imagine it:
Six months after Merrick, on the night of 31 October, 2019, The Old Guard is woken by dreams of Voldemort killing the Potter Family.
The Guard are not unaware of magic - it's their running theory that something about their magic turning inwards at the time of their first death causes their immortality, rendering them near-squibs who cannot age or die - but they live very much on the fringes of the magical world. And even then most of their contact is with the goblin nation, who couldn't care less about wizards. So it takes some time for them to realize what and who and where.
Their search is not helped by the fact that the child they come to realize is the new immortal is largely kept in a cupboard and rarely allowed to leave the house, rendering them only the tiniest of dream details to search with. They finally manage to track down Harry a year before he's due to start primary school, c. late 2022-early 2023.
Everyone is confused as to why the immortal Harry Potter is aging - and he's very clearly immortal, having survived both the Killing Curse and the Dursley's neglect - but figure he'll stop aging once he reaches adulthood. Which is good, because none of them had any idea what they'd do with an immortal toddler.
Joe and Nicky raise Harry, who is rechristened Hari al-Kaysani after it wins the vote. Harry Potter disappears from the Hogwarts Book of Names, but since only the incoming first year names are readable at any given time, no one notices for years.
(This is helped by Mrs. Figg being conveniently away on holiday when the Dursley's are found neatly murdered in their bed. Dudley is left with most of his memory wiped at a hospital in Plymouth, is taken into foster care, and is eventually adopted by a nice elderly couple. He takes over their antique restoration business when they retire - and is very surprised when the children he and his partner have via surrogate have magic.)
And so it is a very different Hari who attends Hogwarts in 2029 - still a little marked from his childhood traumas, but with a loving, supportive family who have taught him to do no harm but take no shit. His humor is perhaps more morbid than the average 11 year old's, but he is kind and stubborn and has a sense of justice that could double as a knife. He is, naturally, a Hufflepuff.
Hari's school years largely follow canon in plot, if not followthrough. As no one makes the connection between Harry Potter - portrayed in media as an Anglo Gryffindor child savior - and Hari al-Kaysani - hard-working international desi student - he's largely separate from what drama still exists.
First year has the school in a tizzy over Harry Potter's "disappearance", with a few details re: his placement at the Dursley's coming to light in the papers. All this largely passes Hari by until Quirrel decides to kidnap him to use to get past the Mirror. This goes as well as canon, with Hari having to kill Quirrel - and dying himself for the first time since his adoption. His parents are livid and threaten to pull him from Hogwarts unless safety measures improve.
Second year has the petrifications, which Hari doesn't mention to his family, wanting to stay at Hogwarts. This backfires on him when he more or less is dragged into the Chamber by a bewitched Ginny and ends up killing the basilisk. And dying again. Hari exits the Chamber to find his family in full battle gear, preparing to rescue him - and gets the lecture of his life. As does Dumbledore, for being even more careless with student safety. And Ginny, for writing in a cursed book.
This is also when Dumbledore starts to suspect Hari is Harry Potter and adjusts his plans accordingly.
Third year is fairly quiet despite Sirius' breakout. Most of the drama occurs outside the school.
Nicky, having managed to leverage the danger Hari has been in the last two years into a seat on the Hogwarts board of governors, starts ruthlessly pushing for a reform of Hogwarts' security measures and bylaws. He not only manages to block Dementors from Hogwarts, but get most of his concerns addressed. It is one his ward updates which identifies both Sirius and Wormtail on the school grounds. Both get their trials, with Sirius going free and Wormtail being imprisoned.
Nicky manages to use this and his family name to gain a seat on the Wizengamot, which Joe takes up with a more subtle brand of ruthlessness that have all involved ruing the day they agreed to it.
Fourth year goes well, until the Goblet names "Harry Potter" as the fourth champion. As magic is about intent, it doesn't matter that Hari has never thought of himself by that name - he hadn't known his name at all at the Dursleys - the fact that the person who entered him intended for The Boy-Who-Lived to compete in the Tournament and Hari once defeated Voldemort is enough for the Goblet.
Despite Nicky and Joe's best attempts, Hari is still forced to compete. As a result Andy takes up residence at the school as "headmistress" of Hari's unnamed fourth school and makes life a pain for certain responsible parties.
This leads to a lot of drama involving several people being angry he "disguised" himself to attend Hogwarts, "lied" to them about who he was, and/or failed to live up to their expectations. The most drama should come from Sirius, who is angry Hari "hid" from him after his trial.
The Third Task ends as with canon - but with Voldie a little less snakelike and a little more rational, thanks to the immortality in Hari's blood. (And Andy, ever suspicious, manages to catch out fake Moody and reveals him far more publicly, in a way Fudge can't deny.)
Fifth Year goes better than canon. Thanks to Andy capturing Crouch, the public is aware someone tried to revive Voldie. Most believe they failed and it's a fake wandering around causing chaos, but at least they're somewhat aware of the danger.
Fudge is ousted from office, Andy is put in place as the new DADA teacher, and Dumbledore slowly tries to rope Hari back into his schemes, not realizing the Horcrux in him died with Hari during his second death (age 24 months, the Dursley's having left him locked in a hot car) - indeed having no idea of Hari's immortality at all.
The more Dumbledore tries to groom Hari, the more his family makes life difficult for the Headmaster. This should include Booker publishing a better researched, less sensational version of Rita's biography - which has Dumbledore sacked from all his positions but headmaster, though not for lack of trying.
The Guard spends most of the year trying to figure out how Voldie achieved his immortality and what his Horcruxes might be. The Order continues their ineffective business with the prophesy, leading to a big battle in the Ministry in which no children take part but several order members are killed, including Sirius.
Hari, despite never having been close to his godfather in this AU, inherits all - including the Locket.
Sixth Year has Dumbledore try to pull Hari in to private lessons, which is parents refuse to allow. The Guard quietly finds and destroys all the remaining Horcruxes save Nagini - and the ring, which Dumbledore found first. Snape kills a dying Dumbledore at his request when the Death Eaters attack the school at the end of the year... while on the grounds Nile kills a snake and Andy beheads a newly-mortal Voldemort with her labrys.
As the public believe this Voldemort is a pretender, this only gets them limited fame. Which is better for all involved.
(Snape escapes Azkaban only by sharing his memories of Dumbledore's death at his trial, but is asked not to return to Hogwarts.)
Seventh Year is a normal school year, with the adults mopping up Death Eaters on the outside - until the very end of the year, when a rogue Voldemort supporter AKs Hari in the middle of the Great Hall. Andy, who is still DADA teacher, removes the body before he can revive, and thus ends their child hero as far as the Wizarding World is concerned. In "grief" his family disappears from public and in a handful of generations Harry Potter is largely relegated to the history books.
After his death at 17, Hari stops aging and his active magic turns inwards, much like the others. Becoming a near-squib is quite a change, but he has his family and is old enough to join them on their missions in the muggle world. It's not the destiny others hoped for him, but he's happy and loved and, in the end, that's all that matters.
Bonuses include: 1) An exploration of what it means to be desi in the British Wizarding World. Extra bonus points if Hari's background is Pakistani Muslim, simply because I don't think I've seen it done before and I think it could be fascinating, particularly given Joe and Nicky's own backgrounds; 2) An exploration of what it means to be squib or near-squib in the Wizarding World. This shouldn't be a straight linear things are so much better than the past, where we just killed our squibs, but include many ups and downs in treatment throughout history - and the acknowledgement that while squibs are treated much better than they were two hundred years ago, they're still treated much worse than they were a thousand years ago; 3) the Wizarding World being presented as deeply flawed, but no more so than any government of its era. Political polarization and unwillingness to compromise should be at the root of many of its problems. Joe, during his tenure in the Wizengamot, should be renowned for gathering opposing politicians in a room, sitting them down, and forcing them to talk about their issues like unruly children; 4) A misguided Dumbledore who genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing, and 5) Hari starting a societal revolution by being the first at Hogwarts to have a smart phone that works with magic, thank you Uncle Booker.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back to me if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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honeybellexox · 2 years
IPKKND Characters x Hogwarts!
It’s November and that means a HP marathon (which I has been now accomplished!😂) ofcourse, my mind relates everything back to IPK and thus I decided to sort all the characters into hogwarts houses 🙈 literally a post no one asked for but hey, here you go! 💗
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My reasonings:
1. Arnav- Arnav is most likely a mix of Gryffindor and Slytherin, he exhibits many Slytherin qualities however what made me sort him into Gryffindor is his strong sense of honour; his honour and care for his loved one trumps all else, he would risk his life to protect the ones he loves, negating Slytherin’s key trait of self preservation also his anger, impulsivity and brashness are all very Gryffindor traits (in fact the more I think about it, he’s almost the epitome of a true Gryffindor!).
2. Khushi- I debated Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Khushi posses all the traits of a Hufflepuff; kindness, loyalty, hard work and perseverance however, I just didn’t feel comfortable sorting her there, Khushi has a very quick mind, a very strong sense of curiosity and is a bundle of creativity. I think she would surely be sorted into Ravenclaw as she would flourish more in that house …she reminds me of a Desi Luna Lovegood! 🙈❤️
3. Akash - I guess he could fit into Hufflepuff but he just seems so Ravenclaw!
4. Payal- I couldn’t think of a house better for her than Hufflepuff, but I imagine Payal to have a secret Slytherin streak.
5. Shyam- SLYTHERIN! (But alternatively, I reluctantly suppose he could fit into Ravenclaw too).
6. Anjali- Hufflepuff. Just, Hufflepuff. That’s it.
7. NK- Hufflepuff because again, he exhibits all traits such as fierce loyalty and kindness. If not Hufflepuff, I wouldn’t be mad at NK being sorted into Gryffindor.
8. Lavanya- Lavanya is an example of a GOOD Slytherin; she’s ambitious, independent, intensely loyal, resourceful and a flaw could be her arrogance ( justified😂) … La could also be a Hufflepuff or even a Gryffindor.
Bonus round - Patronus and HP related Headcanons!
Arnav: Tiger Patronus, I can imagine Arnav being a naturally gifted at occlumency, naturally gifted with non verbal magic and potions. Particularly enjoys defence against the dark arts.
Khushi: Doe/Hare Patronus (leaning more towards Doe), Khushi would enjoy care of magical creatures, divination and herbology …all subjects that Arnav turns his nose up at, until it’s Khushi’s apt for these subjects that help save his life. 🙈
Shyam- Cobra Patronus, he’s very good at legilimency, has an apt for memory charms and a secret interest in dark magic.
Payal- Otter Patronus, Payal rival’s Arnav in potions, she has a strange fascination with muggles and muggle studies, and advocates against discrimination against muggleborns.
Akash- Owl Patronus, he’s very gifted in charms and studying ancient tunes, he finds Payal’s passion towards muggles endearing and often tries to find creative ways to support her endeavours in integrating muggle culture into the wizard world (is supported by an enthusiastic Khushi and Anjali, and a nonchalant Arnav).
Anjali- Swan Patronus, Anjali loves learning about the history of magic and greatly enjoys all magical traditions, she’s decent with potion making but her true passion is herbology ( Anjali and Arnav have their own private Herbology greenhouse, it’s the only place Arnav shows is his tender side, as Arnav grows closer to Khushi, he allows her entry into his greenhouse …as Khushi also shares a passion for the subject). Anjali’s true talent lies within her transfiguration skills 🥰
NK- Monkey Patronus, NK likes magical pranks and goofing off, also has an obsession with quidditch.
Lavanya- Peacock Patronus. La is brilliant at charms, she and Khushi bond over divination (much to Arnav’s aggravation). They spend much time hunched over, trying to read each other’s tea leaves!
I hope you enjoyed this rather silly post! Just thought it would be a fun idea 🥰
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uggprincess · 1 year
୨୧ hello & wlc ♡ ⋆。˚ ⋆
about me . . .
my name is kiara! i’m seventeen years old and i’m a libra <3 i’m a desi girl :3
i’m a hufflepuff and i’m cabin #10! (iykyk) c:
i looovvvvveeeee victoria’s secret, pink, bath and body works, music, reading, hot chocolate, the 2013-2017 aesthetic, franz kafka, christmas, resident evil, hayden christensen
some of my fav tv shows & movies are . . .
maze runner, harry potter, the hunger games, the 100, the walking dead, lost, gilmore girls, tvd, divergent, dead poets society, the conjuring, the insidious franchise, & mannyyyy more!
some of my fav music artists are . . .
taylor swift, ariana grande, lana del rey, the nbhd, the 1975, melanie martinez, halsey, mac miller, wallows, cas, arctic monkeys, mac demarco, coldplay, conan gray, slowdive, 5sos, 1D, M83, & more!
i’d loveee to make more friends so feel free to msg me <3
tysm for reading! ♡ ♡ ♡
colleen hoover fans dni
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
✧.* ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ
I'm Desi and I'm always zoned out (thinking of the most random things) I have big eyes but I want bigger eyes thats literally my only insecurity </3 BUT my Rizz makes up for it ;) I like remus lupin A LOT. he is my dream man tbh oo I have long brown wavy hair and I'm tall and I talk a lot and that's abt it OH I also love writing (even if it isn't good it makes me happy so I continue!) now that's all
✧.* ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ
ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵈᵉᵗᵃⁱˡᵉᵈ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵖᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁽ᵃᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉ ⁺ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡⁱᵗʸ⁾ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ˡˡ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿᵃˡ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ!!
so cute <3
definitellyyy hp marauders era!!
you and james would be besties, you and peter would get on surprisingly well and remus is just down for you bad <33
ooh also i feel like you'd be in either ravenclaw or hufflepuff <33 but mainly ravenclaw
hope you like this!!
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Hello<3 Happy Wedding Day!!
I was hoping if you could do a 💍 for the Harry Potter Fandom.
I am a desi girl who has short hair and brown eyes. I love reading,singing(psst they tell me I sing nice)and baking. I have average height. I am a proud Hufflepuff🟡⚫️🟡⚫️. Also I'm quite or loud with correspondence to the people surrounding me. I have a preference for males.
Thank you and congratulations to you for your wedding🥂❤️
I ship you with ...
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... Cedric Diggory!
Yeah, you might say it's obvious because he's a Hufflepuff too but that's not why I picked him! Just imagine - sneaking out to the kitchen in the middle of the night to bake cupcakes. Teasing him. Him blowing flour into your face. A whole "flour war" starting until Filch catches you and you get weeks of detention, but hey - totally worth it. Also - dates outside the castle walls, his head resting in your lap, both of you reading. He only looks up occasionally to tell you how beautiful you are. I feel like he'd be such an appreciative boyfriend and the two of you would just work so well together. 💛
Thank you for sending in a request and thank you for the wishes! I hope you enjoyed this 🧡
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flxwerydreams · 7 months
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about me!
hey :D my name is ash. i go by she/her or they/them pronouns. i am seventeen. i am desi/south asian. my signs are- libra sun, capricorn moon and leo rising! i am a hufflepuff turned slytherin (recently retook the quiz) and i am also an infp! my godly parent is either poseidon or apollo (i keep getting these results consistently). i am a sirius/james kinnie and a die-hard wolfstar fan. i am anti-dumbledore and anti-snape.
i have been a part of the hp/marauders, mcu and pjo hoo fandom for a few years now but have recently decided to also try my hand at writing fanfictions!
i like crocheting sometimes! i haven't tried any big projects yet but i've made birthday gifts like keychains and other knick-knacks for my friends a lot!
i like reading/ writing poetry sometimes. i actually write in a journal- although very rarely.
when it comes to music i especially love hozier and mitski but i've also been getting into a bit of jazz like laufey and billie holiday lately. other artists whose songs have made it to my playlists are beabadoobee, ricky montgomery, charlie bennet, cigarettes after sex, leith ross, phoebe bridgers, etc.
i also absolutely adore cats so pls pls pls pls pls send me pictures of your cat if you have one- i'm literally begging on my knees thank you very much.
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let me know if we have things in common! :)
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Hey guys! So this is a rant by me titled
Hufflepuffs and Indian Cuisine
It's basically just many many headcanons
Do read and give feedback!
The hufflepuffs are foodies obviously
And the ones from India really like British food
But they have some.... Problems.
Like "Indian food isn't just curry!!! "
And " do those British people even know of spices? This stew has like no flavor"
So they wanna introduce everyone else to spices and the diversity in Indian cuisine
So they go to the house elves
And ask permission to cook in the kitchen
They are Ofc super polite as they really respect house elves and value their work
The house elves are hesitant but eventually say yes
And then the cooking starts!!
Our Indian puffs cook all sorts of desi dishes
Like chole bhature, pao bhaji, idli Sambhar, paneer masala and so on
They cook and eatttttt
They have big parties with the house elves (you let us use your kitchen guys, now join the feast already!)
The house elves love it too!
Then one day a British hufflepuff student joins them
And they love the dishes!!
" yes I agree now this is so much more than curry"
"honestly I've never had so many flavors at once in my mouth!! "
But they also have some problems
" how the heck do u guys eat this every day it's spicy - OMG my mouth is on FIRE "
But overall they find the food awesomely unique
Now you know your puffs
They love to share their happiness
So they decide to throw an Indian food party for all the puffs
Everyone is very excited cause puffs are always open to new experiences
But the actual cooking group is sweating, this is so much work!!! We can't handle it alone
So they take help of some other puffs who cook and the house elves help too (as always, they love hufflepuffs)
But they don't forget to use sweetening spells to tone the spices down a bit for these inexperienced British people
They also use charms which reduce the spiciness but still keep the flavor
The party is a huge success.
Everyone loves the food. Friendly contests such as 'eating the most bhaturas in a minute'
Even Professor Sprout drops in and surprises everyone by winning the 'guess the ingredients' competition
Turns out she's a big fan of Indian food already
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jaane-ghazal · 3 years
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They think I am too soft, they think someone is going break me. They do not know that kindness is the greatest  show of strength
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Indian Hufflepuff Aesthetics
Talk about yellow jewellery and we arrive at gold all the time!
These are Bihu dancers from the state of Assam, India. Honestly, Assamese are so sweet. They give perfect Hufflepuff vibes.
The yellow structure here is called a baoli, traditionally used to store water in hot deserty state of Rajasthan.
Calm, sweet and loyal? Cows are the perfect example. Love them to bits.
And what better Hufflepuff than Goddess Sita. The most loyal personality I could think of!
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POV: You're a Desi Hugflepuff.
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luna-1234s-blog · 2 years
Fem albus severus Potter = Arya ginevra Potter
El otro dia, por mero aburrimiento, me puse a buscar headcanons LGBT+ de Harry Potter, si lo se, soy aburrida, pero me encotre uno muy curioso, donde albus es una persona trans, la mayoría donde es un hombre, pero uno me pareció curioso, donde el autor ruega para que sea Canon, solo para que al tenga un cambio de nombre, y ya que scorpius canónicamente gusta solo de las chicas...porque no?, también que se basa en varios headcanons que vi de trans albus , y que se la opinión de la escritora, pero lo divertido de los fandoms es, reimaginar
Ahora, la mayoría de personas trans, se dan cuenta desde que son niños pequeños, e conocido a muchos que se dan cuenta desde los 3 años, a si que supongo que esto coincidiría con el nacimiento de lily, talvez teniendo ciertos celos de su hermanita
Francamente, creo que james haría uno que otro...comentario despectivo , hacia las mujeres, que creo seria detenido por sus padres, pero no quita que haya afectado a arya, y no saldría del clóset hasta poco antes de irse a Hogwarts , más porque sería un gran cambio en su vida...y porque su carta usa pronombres femeninos, no podría esconderlo mucho tiempo
Harry y ginnny la apoyan, lily y rose están emocionadas por tener una hermana (quiero de rose sea una hermana para arya) ,james y sus primos dejan de hacer comentarios despectivos hacia las niñas, los abuelos weasley, como los terrones de dulce que son, solo pueden amar a su nieta sin importar que
Luego están los nombres, arya parece un nombre bueno, es bonito, corto, y significa honorable, y si hablamos del segundo nombre, parece aver una tendencia en los libros por, nombrar a los hijos por los padres, como Harry James Potter, no sería raro que le pusieran el nombre de su madre, a si como el de Harry con su padre
Claro, no todo es miel sobre hojuelas, llega la maldita prensa, creando rumores bastante...problemáticos con la familia, haciendo que Harry y ginny se pongan más protectores con sus hijos
Llega hogwarts, ron y james la quieren en Gryffindor, y Rose la quiere en ravenclaw para poder compartir cuarto , y harry solo quiere que sea feliz
...pero queda en slytherin, una casa no tan abierta ,y donde probablemente hay familiares de mortifagos,pero, es la hija de Harry Potter, saben que no pueden entretenerse directamente , pero eso no evita que se creen rumores
Eventualmente hace un amigo fuera de su casa, scorpius malfoy, creo que le quedaba mejor allí, al final del día, al ser hijo de quien es, le a traído también mala fama, y no se lo desea a nadie
Rose no está muy contenta, apenas tiene a su nueva hermana, y un rubio creído se la roba, además de que ella y james serían muy protectores con ella,James trataría de no pre juzgar...pero es imposible hacerlo, cuando un hurón le hace ojitos a tu hermana
Llega el destino peor que la muerte, algo horrible y espantoso...la pubertad, descubrí headcanon donde los magos en ves de hormonas, usarían pociones, si ella las usa, lo dejo al criterio de cada quien
Lo que si, siempre me gusto pensar que independientemente del género , arya se parecería más a lily que a Harry, (se que el canon dice otra cosa, pero estamos imaginando), talvez no en color de piel o pelo, pero si en facciones y ojos
Y quedaría a si, con lily siendo 100% weasley, james pareciéndose más a james que al propio harry, talvez con la piel más clara, pero igual de ciegos, y con arya pareciéndose más a Harry...pero muchi más a su abuela
Llega el tan deseado scorbus, scorpius y arya empiezan a sentirse raros por el otro, y descubre, que se gustan, cosa que en los malfoy, alegro a su madre y abuela,a draco solo le duele la cabeza por pensar en ser pariente de Potter, y a lucius nadie lo escucha
en los weasley...talvez solo a victorie y ginny,la primera es una shipeadora compulsiva , y la otra, sabe lo horrible que puede ser a veces la sobreprotección familiar
No es fácil, salir juntos ,los rumores siempre llegan, pero lo superan como la gran relación que son ( y debieron ser independientes del género en el Canon)
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