#descendants jonas
Desiree: wow Jonas, this parking job is as straight as I am
Jonas: I don't know whether to address the fact that you just came out to me or that you just insulted my parking
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 4;
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Blake Bohumil 'Big Murph' Murphy, the 23 year old son of Black Murphy and Ludmilla.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes Club and Harriet's crew.
He is very close to his mom but not very close to his dad who isn't a big fan of children.
He lost his eye while play fighting the Gaston twins when he was younger and has a glass eye that he likes to take out to mess with people.
He is very close to Marya Rasputin since her dad and his mom were allies behind the scenes, and he often translates for her and others when a language barrier pops up (which happens a lot since Russian isn't a very common language on the isle)
He likes cutting hair, playing cards, eating cake, fishing, learning languages, taking care of the little ones, reading, swimming with the sharks, building sandcastles, wrestling, play fighting, singing sea shanties, and learning about geographical differences and locations.
He also likes collecting hooks of any kind.
He is single.
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Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Olympian, thr 10 year old (as of d3) son of Hades. Younger brother of Mal.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes club and a wannabe detective, musician, hero, and cook who is always imitating those he looks up to. Friend of Chloe Charming, Red Hearts, Danny Darling, Maddox Hatter, Shan Deja, Edith Olympian, and his minons.
He is playful and loves coloring, cooking, playing various instruments, baking, sword fighting, parkour, gymnastics, acrobatics, and playing with animals.
He has a villian streak no one takes seriously later in his teens and has a pet dog named 'Cerberus.'
He later gets together with Danny Darling.
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Lefou Deux 'Lee' Leprince, the 20 year old son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). He's the older brother of La Foux Doux Beaumont, the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, and the older cousin of Claire Bimbette, Gil LeGume, and Gemma LeGume.
He is apart of Harriet's crew.
He's a hardworking big brother who does his best to help support his family while still being stuck under Gaston's thumb.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules—against his will, mind you, because Gaston forces him too after all. But he doesn't complain too much about it.
He gets to steal from the register though, so it's not too bad.
He fights with various gardening tools and a bow and arrow—he's an excellent shot. He's a poet, a toy maker, and an inventor who records everything in his journal.
He loves French food, sailing, farming, reading, and gardening—even though it's difficult to do anything like that on the isle.
He also loves old photos and dancing.
Lee often makes and fixes toys for the children on the isle, and has no problem fixing things for those he loves. He's also the secret Santa Claus of the isle.
He's been in love with Claudine Frollo since first grade and they get together not long after d3.
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La Foux Doux Leprince, the 12 year old (as of d3) son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). Younger brother of LeFou Deux, the older cousin of Gemma LeGume, and the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, Claire Bimbette, and Gil LeGume. Older brother of Sylvie Leprince.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules'— again, without choice mind you. Gaston forces him too. He is a painfully shy, playful, quiet boy who loves French food, playing games, reading, and climbing things.
He is single and not interested at dating at the moment.
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Crazy Bonny, the 18 and a half year old(by d3) daughter of Bill Jukes (in my universe).
Sword sharpener and medic of the Lost Revenge/Uma’s crew.
Bestfriend of Desiree.
Student at Serpent Prep and one of the first to join Uma’s pirate crew.
She is described as crazy in patched dungarees and a torn fishnet shirt.
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Vicious Desiree, the 17 year old daughter of a witch and Shan Yu (in my universe anyway).
She is the swabbie of the crew, meaning she is the one in charge of mopping the deck.
She is described as tiny and vicious in a a ragged peasant dress.
She is Bonny's bestfriend and one of the first to join Uma’s crew, and she's a member at the witch school.
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Firece Gonzo, the 19 year old son of an unknown woman and Joshamee Gibs (in my universe anyway).
He is Jonas' bestfriend and is the boatswain of the crew.
He is also responsible for stocking the pantry and refilling the chum buckets.
He and Jonas are the ones in charge of the food (they don't cook it tho) and supplies, among other things.
He is described to be firece and as having long braids, a red bandana, and blue pantaloons.
He, along with Gil, Harry, Jonas, Desiree, and Bonny, is one of the first to join Uma’s crew and student—or former student—at Serpent Prep.
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Ferocious Jonas, the 20 year old son of Morgana Olympian and older cousin of Uma (in my universe).
He is the Quartermaster of Uma’s crew, the fourth in command, and the gunner (the one who mans the canons).
He's described to have a scar on his left cheek, corn rows, and a scarf. Has a thing with Jade in my universe. Has been seen selling scarves before which is probably a side job of his.
He's been described as ferocious. Student/former student at Serpent Prep and one of the first people to join Uma’s crew.
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leavethemtorot · 2 months
it is what it is (it's not the end of the world)
Yay! I've been able to write and finish something. Of course it's about cannibalism (my beloved)
⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mentions and descriptions of cannibalism, themes of religious trauma, mentions of child abuse and neglect
You have been warned
Elias looked towards Cedar, unsure of how to proceed. He was finally being allowed off the boat. It had been a year since he had been rescued from the Righteous and the first time he was being allowed to roam outside alone. Well not alone, he had to still have someone with him, but he could choose who was with him! 
Elias had only ever lived in two areas, the Cathedrals and the Lost Revenge. Never really seeing the Isle or any other people than his family or the crew. Uma says he shouldn’t call them his family. That families don’t do what they did. He isn’t sure what to think about that but if Uma says so then he guesses it must be true. Uma was never wrong, Harry said so and Harry was the one who got him out of the Cathedrals and made sure he had food and an actual bed. It might just be a little cot but it's more than the single blanket he had then.
Cedar smiled, grabbing his hand to lead him to one of her favorite spots. Apparently it was nice and quiet. She had found it and told him and Gwen and Desiree all about it. Gwen wasn’t allowed off the ship without her dad and Desiree was busy with a new crew member so neither could come with them this time which is sad cause Cedar really wanted to show them the spot. She had said so last night, it was quiet and dark and they were supposed to be asleep which meant it was supposed to be a secret. Everything that happened when it was quiet, dark, and he was supposed to be asleep was supposed to be a secret. That was a Rule.
“Cedar! Elias! Wait!”
Jonas! Elias really liked Jonas. Sie was nice to him even when he had his fits. But wait Jonas was supposed to be in the kitchen because Desiree was busy. Why was he here?
“Cedar. Where is your spot again?” 
He had never heard Jonas sound like that before. It was mean and harsh and reminded him of his father. Why would sie sound like that? Sie has never sounded like that before. Had Cedar been bad? Elias didn’t wanna be bad again. It hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt.
“It’s near the woods. By the houses that no one goes in. I’m not hurting anyone there. No one lives there. I made sure Jonas! I’m not dumb!” Cedar’s voice kept raising, she didn’t like to be questioned.
Jonas looked over at Elias, seeing the fear enter his eyes and the tension laced through his body, ready to take a punishment, and took a deep breath. Quieting his voice, Jonas asked, “Is it past the houses marked with the C arrows?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Cedar, you can’t go over there.”
“Why not? It’s not anyone’s territory. I’m not encroaching or risking a gang war.”
“It is someone’s territory. The Cannibals territory. Your marks aren’t that visible. They will rip you from limb to limb and eat you whole. Don’t go over there. Unless you wanna be lunch. Do you wanna be lunch Cedar?”
Elias had heard about the cannibals. The Judge didn’t like them, he would go on and on about how sinful they were and how they should be exterminated. Hinrik used to threaten to feed him to them. Said that they loved little disobedient sinful girls the most. He didn’t wanna go near them. What if Hinrik was right and they could smell how bad he was? What if they would hunt him down if they learned just how bad he was? Elias didn’t wanna die. Not like that.
“No! I- I didn’t realize. Is that what the arrows mean?” Cedar’s voice got really quiet. He had never heard her sound like that.
“The fact that you don’t know that means you shouldn’t be going off ship. Go see if Gil has left today and have him reteach them.”
“No going off ship?” The quiet heartbreak and disappointment in Elias’s voice may not have been heard by Cedar who was busy stomping off but Jonas saw and heard every bit of it in him.
“We can go see if Maggie and Clay have disappeared yet?” Ser's voice was all soft like how it was when he first got here or after bad fits.
“No thank you. Maggie doesn’t like me very much and Clay…..Can I just help you in the kitchen?”
Jonas smiled.
“Sure kid. Come on, let’s go. Before Uma notices that I'm not in there.”
It might not be off ship but at least he won’t be alone. He didn’t like to be alone. And he rarely got to spend time with Jonas and he had never been in the kitchen before. So at least he was still getting to do something new. 
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tiredflowercrown · 10 months
good for you (does it cross your mind to be slightly sorry?)
More people deserve to be angry, and rightfully so at that. Sooo, here yall go!
A deal had finally been struck. After years of negotiations, they finally had a way to bring every VK off the Isle. Not just VKs as well, they had managed to get non-magical villains off as well. It wasn’t justice. Not yet. But it was reparations.
Now, they just had to deal with the little details. Deals were struck between gangs. Temporary alliances were made. Secrets were kept. Children were hidden. Everything was being prepared to leave. They just needed a way.
The easiest of which was the pirate ships, however that came with the problem of the Jolly Roger. Both Harriet and Uma agreed that VKs shouldn’t be on the boat and most Villains also couldn’t be on it either due to safety concerns, but they needed the room. That wasn’t even addressing the small issue of the Lost Revenge not exactly being the most seaworthy ship. Luckily, the Shattered Hope had agreed to tow the Lost Revenge, at least to the barrier where an Auradon ship could then take over towing until they made port.
“Hey! Watch the rigging!”
The deck was filled with hustle and bustle. Everyone rushed around to prepare the ship, both for the voyage and for the mass of people that would be on board. Good spirits were in abundance, well mostly in abundance.
Uma went to grab a list of supplies from her cabin, knowing Gil’s tendencies of forgetfulness and his need for direct instructions. Quickly grabbing the list from her desk she turns to find two figures in the doorway. Jonas and Desiree. Arms crossed and blocking any exit for escape.
Her cousin's faces were stony. Despite Jonas’s nonchalant lean on the wall and Desiree leaning in the doorway, she knew a fight was coming. Uma had seen the two through a lot, but she had never seen them this serious.
“Uma, so glad we could catch you. I think we need to have a little talk.”
His cheerful tone matched with his glare mean she had fucked up. Big time.
“Oh yes, I agree. Hey Uma, have you ever thought about how six months is kinda a long period of time.”
“Especially over winter. There’s just something about the cold that makes time seem even longer.”
Her blood ran cold. Most of the crew had been content or even excited when she had returned with supplies and news of minor freedoms. No one had dared to bring up the elephant in the room of her disappearance. Until now it seemed.
“It had to be done. The dragon’s weren’t fighting for us, someone had to.” She stated, almost a plea in her voice.
“That doesn’t make up for it. We had survived this long. We would have kept going as always.” Jonas snarled, pushing off the wall and growing closer to her.
“It was November. The first freeze had already happened. Did that mean nothing? Did we mean nothing?”
Desiree’s accusations cut deep. They had been the very same things that haunted Uma when she left. But it was worth it. It had to be worth it
“I had faith in your and Harry’s abilities. You said it yourself, you’ve survived this long.”
“Oh so that makes it okay? You had faith that your cousins, who you had never put in positions of power, and the boys who love you so much that they would stop breathing if you asked them to, would be able to care for an entire crew! Harry shut down when he realized you had left! You think Harriet is an alcoholic, you should’ve seen Harry!” Desiree screamed, growing closer to Uma. Only Jonas’s hand on her arm seemed to calm her.
“You abandoned us. There are no other words for it. You abandoned us in what became the harshest winter the Isle has seen yet. You left. Yes, for noble reasons, but we are- we were your crew. Shouldn’t we have come first? As both crew and as family?” His words took a pleading tone, eyes searching for an ounce of regret in her face.
“What’s going on here?” Harry’s voice called out. Appearing outside her door, staring at the two who stood in front of her.
“We were just leaving, weren’t we Desiree?” Jonas said, tightening his grip on his sister and beginning to pull her away.
“Just remember dear cousin. Just because they forgive you doesn’t mean we do. And we all won’t forget what happened. Not anytime soon.” Desiree spit out before leaving, shoving Jonas off her in the process.
Uma took a shaky breath, steading herself. Harry moved forward and looked over her, checking for any marks or harm that they could have laid upon her.
“What did they do? I’ll kill them. How dare they?”
“It’s okay, Harry. It’s nothing I didn’t deserve.” She comforted him.
“No. No one gets to talk to you that way. I’ll-”
“Harry. It. Is. Fine.” She grabbed his hands, running her thumb over his knuckles, “It’s fine. Everything is fine.”
His eyes softened.
“If you say so.”
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humaforever · 7 months
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Jonas of the Lost Revenge: The Gunman
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isleofdarkness · 10 months
During the council meeting, as arrangements were being made for the Isle kids in Auradon, someone did throw the idea that the children of the Isle children should be placed in foster care because "babies shouldn't be raising babies," expressing concern for Pasha, a six-year-old being raised by a man who couldn't speak and a bipolar woman, and Ember and Stormi, because how could two fourteen-year-olds raise two newborns, one of whom has a chromosomal disability?
You can imagine how well that went. It was decided that the children of the Isle children would be allowed to remain with their parents.
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deefenshmirtz · 5 days
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really sonny, really?
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etapereine · 3 months
one big takeaway for me is that jonas has looked very comfortable descending
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radioclashh · 3 months
groupe vingegaard-pogacar.... we've never been more back
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WTF Jonas
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Jonas: hello Bonny, made anyone cry today?
Bonny: sadly no. But it's only 4:30
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
My version of Uma's pirate crew;
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The guy near Jonas is Hart/Hardy , the son of the Queen of Hearts.
Next to Hart is the youngest son of Anastasia Tremaine, Aaron.
Next to Aaron is Gil's cousin, Claire, and next to Claire is Bonny.
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The one beside Claire and the one beside Jonas are Mason and Glenn Gothel, the twin sons of Mother Gothel.
The one in between Mason and Uma is Morty, the son of Mor'du.
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The guy next to Bonny is Sean, the son of the Sherrif of Nottingham.
The guy behind Gil is Axel, son of the Huntsman.
The guy next to Gil and Claire is named Simon and he is the son of Shan Yu (Simon is a nickname but idk for what yet).
Claire is Claudette's daughter.
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I headcanon that Gonzo is the son of Joshamee Gibbs and a tavern wench.
I headcanon that Desiree is the daughter of Shan Yu.
I headcanon that Bonny is the daughter of Bill Jukes and Beatrice Le Beak.
I headcanon that Jonas is the son of one of Captain Hook's men and Morganna, which makes him Uma's cousin.
I also headcanon that Harry's mother is Zarina the pirate fairy.
I also headcanon that Uma is the daughter of either Captain Jack Sparrow or Long John Sliver or Captain Davy Jones or Dr Facilier. No one is quite sure which.
If you guys want more information, let me know.
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leavethemtorot · 6 months
The Lost Revenge
Captain: Uma Triskelion
First Mate: Harry Hook
Quartermaster: Gulliver ‘Gil’ LeGume
Master Gunner: Ivy de Vil
Medic: Bronwen ‘Bonny’ Callahan
Main Cook: Claudine Frollo/ Desiree Marinos
Boatswain: Desiree Marinos
Assorted Members: Jonas Marinos, Ethan ‘Gonzo’ Blakeslee, Clement ‘Clay’ Clayton, Maighread ‘Maggie’ Mim
The Lost Revenge is one of two gangs that run the docks and surrounding territory. Unlike other gangs, The Lost Revenge and The Shattered Hope prefer to settle territory and other disputes between themselves, never bringing in any outside gangs.
The Lost Revenge, while rarely challenging themselves, is most often assisting others in territory disputes, especially when the opposing party is the Dragon’s Blood.
The Lost Revenge has a reputation of being one of the most loyal of the gangs, with members rarely leaving on their own accord and willing to defend their captain for any reason.
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boostoverheavensgate · 6 months
thank god for setlist.fm i like having playlists of my concerts on spotify
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any Descendants headcanons you'd like to share?
Yes! Here's some random ones that are k7nda hard to include in specific topics
Jonas and Desiree are Irish twins and are Uma's cousins
The birth order for these three are Desiree, Uma, Jonas
All of the Mim cousins meet up once a month to share blackmail and recipes that they have figured out
All magical beings that are on the Isle are immunocompromised
Both of the pirate crews have a monthly meet-up to have a brawl for who controls the docks that month
The forest on the Isle is farm able for small crops
Everyone who lives on for heavily relies on the docks has either a piece of their hair dyed or a tattoo of the crew their loyal to
Cruella is not allowed in Gaston's tavern due to repeated attempts at stealing his mounted heads
Frollo's crepeire is open every other day
The Huns are the closest thing the Isle has to a police force
There is more, but I simply can't remember right now, so I will update this later!
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
“You are very welcome to do so” \\ vivianne miedema x reader
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Prompt #26
“I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do so”
You board the team bus with your headphones on, not wanting to break your focus. Only for that focus to be broken when your favourite Dutch player sits next to you with that toothless smile you’ve grown to love on her face. Viv grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together, helping calm your nerves you thought you are hiding well. You exhale and sit back into the seat, somewhat relaxing. You go on your phone for a moment when you receive a text in your group chat with your national teammates and best friends Steph and Caitlin.
Calvin’s mum 🐶: I see you over there getting cozy with Vivvy 👀
You: idk what ur talking about…
Foord mustang 🚗: don’t act like there’s nothing going on between you too 😳
You: she’s helping to calm my nerves, that’s all
Calvin’s mum 🐶: what ever floats your boat y/n/n…
You turn around to the two Aussies sitting together and they make kissy faces at you and you roll your eyes. Viv asks you if everything is okay and you tell her that Steph and Caitlin are just being annoying. About 40 minutes later, the bus pulls up to the airport and you all get ready to jet of to France for the last semi final. You sit down in your designated sit on the plane and start getting your book and earphones out when you feel someone sit next to you. You look up and see that it’s once again Viv.
“You just can’t seem get away from me, can you?”
“Maybe I want to be here”
That made you blush slight as Viv got out her things before putting her bag in the overhead compartment. Doing so, it causes her shirt to rise up slightly and you catch a glimpse of the strikers abs. Your cheeks redden as you bury your head in your book as Viv sits down and buckles in.
“Like what you see?” She whispers in your ear and you don’t say anything, just smile slightly.
You feel the plane start to go and you grip the arm rests so tightly, your knuckles begin to turn white. Your eyes close as you feel the plane getting faster and as you start to ascend, you feel a hand intertwine with yours. Viv gives your hand a squeeze and looks at you with that smile you’ve grown to love. You thought Viv would let go of your hand but she didn’t and you are perfectly okay with that. As the plane started to descend, Viv squeezed you’re hand again to help calm your nerves.
The team starts to leave the plane and make their way to the baggage claim area where Viv doesn’t leave your side. As you all wait for the bags, Viv decides to make a bold move and rests her head on your shoulders while her arms are loosely around your waist. You just know your group chat with Steph and Caitlin are going to be bombarded with messages. You see your bag come and Viv lets you go and gets your bag for you. She ends up getting hers as well and wheels them back over to you. You thank her and wait for the rest of the team to get their bags. You sit on your suitcase and pull out your phone to see, as expected, a bunch of messages from Steph and Caitlin.
Foord mustang 🚗: i call bullshit that there’s nothing going on with you two…
Calvin’s mum 🐶: i second that 🙋‍♀️
You: no further comments at this time 🤫
You feel a presence in front of you and see the Dutch beauty. You look up to see her hold your hand out for you. You take it and stand up before getting your bag. You all arrive at the hotel and Jonas tells everyone who their roommate is. To no one’s surprise, you and Viv are roomed together. As you both got into the room, you see one big bed in the middle of the room and you immediately panic.
“We can share right? It’s only for two nights, I’m sure we can manage” Viv says and you nod.
You lie down on one side of the bed and close your eyes at the coldness of the pillow. You feel the bed move and you peak open one eye to see Viv lying next to you, looking at you.
“What are you looking at creeper?”
“Just you” Viv tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear before flicking your eyes and lips. You begin to lean in and just as your lips are millimetres from each other when you both hear multiple bangs on your door.
“Oi lovebirds, we’re going out for a team dinner. Hurry up” You hear the lovely voice of Katie McCabe beam through the door. You yell back that you’re coming and Viv mumbles something you can’t quite hear.
After a spending the hour at dinner giving each other subtle glances and playing footises under the table, you two go back to the room not saying a word and get ready for the next day.
You wake up the next morning with a tight arm around your waist. You slowly unravel yourself and go have a shower before breakfast. Viv wakes up as she hears the bathroom door close and she pouts slightly. She quickly gets herself changed and goes to the balcony, checking her messages. Just as she’s about to reply to Leah, Viv feel hands sneak around her waist.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing out here? It’s chilly”
“Just thinking” Viv replies with a half smile on her face.
“Alright, we’re ditching the girls and going out for breakfast together this morning and you can talk to me about whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours okay?” Viv nods and you leave a lasting kiss on her forehead, making Viv swoon on the inside.
After a flirtatious breakfast, you two quickly head back to the hotel to get ready for the game. As usual, you two sit on the bus together and you hold Viv’s hand close to you. She turns to you a gives you a look and you shake your head before leaning it on her shoulder. Viv ends up pulling you close into her and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. Steph and Caitlin see this and decide not to tease you because it looks like something is wrong.
You get to the stadium and Viv stays by your side the entire time. You slip your earphones in and let the world of music take you away. As the team goes to look at the field, you stay behind and when Viv gets no response to the question she asked you, thinking you are next to her, she looked around her and noticed you weren’t there. She asked a few of the girls if they’ve seen you and Katie tells Viv that you stayed back in the locker room. Viv instantly runs back to the room and all the girls gossip about how hopeless you too are.
Viv runs into the locker room, catching herself as she slides around the corner and sees you sitting in your cubby with your knees up to your chest. Viv sits beside you and pulls you on her lap.
“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since breakfast”
“I’m just scared. What if I mess it up for everyone? Everyone will hate me” You just broke down in tears and at the same time Viv’s heart was breaking a little bit more. She heard footsteps come around the corner and she quickly shooed them all away so you two could still have alone time.
“You won’t mess it up and you know why? Because you’re you Y/N. No one will hate you if we lose, it’s a team sport. We’re all in this together”
“Thanks Vivvy. How are you not freaking out right now?”
“Because I know I’ve got you up front with me” You sit up slightly and wipe your tears.
“You are going to do so well Y/N/N, I just know it” Viv leaves a long kiss on your forehead and you move off of her lap. You start to do your pre-game traditions when the rest of the girls came in. Thankfully, none of them asked why your face is red but Caitlin and Steph did give you a look and you just nod your head.
Fast forward to the game and you are currently tied at one all and there’s 3 minutes left in extra time. You move around the Lyon back line as you try to find a an open spot and when you do, Lia passes you the ball. You weave through the defenders and sprint with the ball towards goal and when you’re close enough, shoot it to the top bin. You hear the swoosh of the net and the crowd going wild, that’s when you knew it went in. You run to your teammates who dog pile you before getting up quickly. Viv was the last person to congratulate you and she gives you a kiss on your temple. You and the rest of the Arsenal girls manage to hold off Lyon for the extra minutes and you heard the refs whistle, meaning you are through to the Champions League final. You sink on your knees and cry in your hands. You feel two hands hold your wrists and slowly peel your hands off of your face. You look and see Viv with a big smile on her face. She holds your cheeks in her hands and continues to smile wide.
“I could kiss you right now” Viv whispers.
“You are very welcome to do so”
Viv leans forward and gently puts her lips on yours. Fans all around the stadium cheering causes you two to seperate. What you don’t notice is Caitlin and Steph watching on in pride, thankful that you’ve found your person.
After the teams get back to the locker room and shower, you all go back to the bus and to no ones surprise, you and Viv sit together up the back. You lean on Viv and she pulls you into her as your eyes attempt to stay awake. Viv whispers to you to go to sleep as the bus ride will take a little while.
The next time your eyes open is when you feel someone pick you up. Viv whispers that we’re back at the hotel and we’re going up to the room. You nod and fall back to sleep until you feel something comfy underneath you. You groan before opening your eyes and notice Viv not in bed with you. You start making grabby hands and Viv caves and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around you and your whole body relaxes.
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