#depression era Voldy
mrmxlemons · 2 years
I have been tweeting about this for the past hour but I cannot get over the idea Voldemort claiming Harry’s offer of redemption in the Great Hall the only way he knows how: by running from himself.
To fully repent would be to kill Lord Voldemort in his entirety, maybe not the physical body but the image Tom had been building of himself since he was a child. I think it’s impossible for him to do that, and I don’t think he’d want to.
But he’s also so terrified of dying when Harry confronts him at the final battle that he apparates away and goes into hiding. He lives in some faraway obscure place by himself and resolves to obscurity, halting his pursuit of power because the repercussions of his actions had very nearly caught up to him, and he trusts no outcome but one that he can fully control. In doing this he is unknowingly reliving the same fate of his family by falling prey to paranoid delusions and trusting no one but himself. Left to rot on his own and grow bitter from failure.
Voldemort’s home is overgrown, snakes come and go freely indoors, he rambles like the senile old man he is and refers to himself as he-who-must-not-be-named… cue creepy distant people watching because he’s lonely (he won’t admit it).
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expectopatronum18 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion but......
Am I the only one who misses the og marauders? The marauders fandom isn't even about the marauders now, 99% of their canon personality traits hv been replaced with cliqued behaviour. For some reason there's a massive obsession with their sexuality and I just don't get it? Lyk can't u have a character with any sexual orientation with personality traits outside it anymore? Does there really need to be a complete erasure of their most defining traits? I just wish we could get the actual marauders era characters back
James Potter: Pureblood, rich, intelligent, arrogant, a bully, but extremely loyal; took Sirius in and turned into an animagus for his werewolf bestie when the whole world would have shunned him; he could have led a life of utmost comfort but chose to risk his life and fight for those he loved in a war that didn't even concern him personally. His last words were asking his wife and child to escape while he tried to hold voldy off without a wand
Sirius Black: Haughty, a bully, extremely good looking, cool, rich, blood traitor by 16, comes from a family of literal death eaters, very intelligent, loyal, will do anything for those he loves( especially james and later Harry), thick as hell (my boy really survived in a depression prison for 12yrs, tht too after all the horror he'd seen before that), dark, very traumatized and broken
Remus Lupin: Gentle (yup u read that right), kind, mischievous (ppl really overlook this), very insecure, let james and Sirius bully Snape coz he was too thankful for their acceptance and affection to tell them off, considered himself undeserving of love, his self loathing prevents him from being a responsible adult/ parent for Harry, lowkey manipulative. Very compassionate and empathetic even after everything he's been thru tho
Peter Pettigrew: Considered slow and stupid, insecure, tags along with the others for protection, but obviously cunning and manipulative, a disgusting rat tho
Regulus Black: Teenage Reggie worshipped death eaters, he had newspaper clippings of them on his wall, completely believed in those racist ideologies until he realised what the reality of being a death eater was. He tried to bring voldy down but there's no evidence of him completely changing his beliefs about everything else like muggle borns, muggles, werewolves etc. Very cunning and intelligent tho, he discovered voldemort's secret before Dumbledore did. Liked kreacher but kreacher was also brainwashed with pureblood ideology, so I ll only give him half the credit. Bravely sacrificed his life in the end, but he still chose to protect his racist family.
Lily Evans: muggleborn, good at portions, described as popular and vivacious, pretty, the favourite sibling, isn't afraid of standing up to ppl (tht smirk in swm tho?), very brave, and most importantly (ppl really choose to forget this nowadays) a mother who stood in front of her baby boy in hopes of saving him from the darkest wizard alive even tho she herself was only 21 at the time, tht too right after losing her husband. Tho I'd still say that lily is a badly written character
It's fun to explore characters but not one of these core characteristics r even present. They're turned into one dimensional social justice warriors who r always right in everything they do
Now I get it, ppl want them to fit with current day ideals, but y not just create different/new characters then? What's the point of holding on to that nostalgia if most of their character isn't even there anymore? Where's all the toxicity coming from? And anyone who doesn't agree is homophobic and whatever other -phobic u choose to employ in the most irrelevant context ever. It's all so stupid smh🙄
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Been a while! Let’s do more of this
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Remus is depressed, pup. But then again so was Sirius, and Sirius kept up with you as much as possible. It’s not really an excuse.
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This one is just reference to what the marauders era looked like. But for the marauders it was normalized, as the first war lasted all the way through their school years. It was life as they knew it from the age of ten.
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😭😭 this is why I say Sirius was more of his father than James ever was. Harry adored his godfather.
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For reference on Snape. No doubt many (if not all) of these spells were created to hex the marauders. He also mentions levicorpus, which is the spell James used against Snape in their fifth year. How he learned one of Snape’s personal spells is a mystery to me, but he sure did. As did the death eaters, but that’s understandable.
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This is a very valid point from Hermione, especially because Voldy himself is half blood. But this is something that happens because people aren’t necessarily following him as a leader as much as the ideology he preaches.
We can use it with conservatives and terfs, for example. The far right is more than happy to welcome feminists in their midst, as long as they are pushing for their exclusionary ideals. If you know who I’m talking about, know she was widely hated by the crowd that is now bowing at her feet. What changed? The stand she‘s openly taking as of now. That Hermione pointed this out is ingenious.
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This i screencapped because Dumbledore is a hypocrite. He’s fighting a war on behalf of muggles, and how they are no less than wizards but he has no problem brainwashing them to obey him. Make up your mind, my guy.
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Interesting that this exists. And the Weasleys naturally turned it down, as they don’t like to come across as beggars.
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sophsicle · 3 years
What’s the one thing you find most frustrating about Marauders era canon? Not in a an oh it’s badly done way but in an wow this is so depressing and frustrating. For me it’s definitely Sirius never finding out about Regulus being the first to figure out the horcrux situation and how he turned and voldy and was a baddie in general
Hello lovely! Okay, writing this fic, I'm definitely with you that I find the relationship between Regulus and Sirius to be extremely frustrating (and limiting). Like I want so desperately for there to be some kind of resolution between those two but canonically that doesn't happen (and maybe that isn't realistic either, idk). I think generally tho, the thing I find most frustrating, is Sirius and Remus suspecting each other of being the spy. It's honestly the one plot hole that I find the most difficult to explain, because, however frustrated those two might get with one another, it is so hard to believe that either of them would think that about the other. I think the Prank™ is the closest thing to an explanation we have for that, but it's still such a brutal and awful fact. And I guess tacked onto that is the idea that Remus lets Sirius go to Azkaban, lets him sit there for twelve years and does nothing. Like those bits of canon just kill me and it's all plot devices and careless story telling but like it still exists and I hate it.
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severusdefender · 3 years
Hey I'm the anon who sent that snape and Lilly friendship and how it's a sad one.
Listen,,,, that makes me sad thinking about it but Honestly this my ideal everyone's alive au is (it's kinda long but anyways) :
Snape leaves Hogwarts after that 5th year. He simply goes : if I quit then will I die because of seasonal depression /Londons air quality /alcoholism / a knife attack at tescos in 3 am? Maybe but I'm not dying here in Hogwarts again (1st time is the werewolf incident) . And straight up learns the powers of being a transfer student and transfers to ilvermony,,, it's American but it's not bad bad. And he's Vibing ya know doesn't get hexes for his existence every 12 seconds so that's a bonus.
Hogwarts becomes the au that mauruader fans wished they could get because hey snapes gone now so yay jily and local furries are accepted (wolfstar) :)
Regulus black telling his brother and his gang :ayo got a soul..... mate (I had to do that joke pls let me live). Peter : idk why he joined if it's for the saftey then I think chances of them surviving has increased but if it's for revenge reasons then uhh caught deatheater time.( It's horcrux hunting but make it mauruaders era but they like take turns ya know. And let's just say after 3 horcruxes voldys a bit weak and they get rid of him- it's temporary but enough to dismantle the group.)
Narcissa and luscious straight up go :that man is insane so is Bellatrix , we just had a baby after so long if they touch our kid or even look at it the wrong way I will rip their throat of. So they literally just hand shit in a silver platter.
Eileen and Tobias still are v much alive they just don't care enough about their son and they sort of have this on and off thing. Eillen in some fashion meets the mauruaders and becomes their potioner ( they all pissed their pants because she can be v apathetic and that's scary. They also feel pinches of guilt because they realize what snape went through).
Little bit more time skip ya know intermission : a lot of ministry work and rebuilding laws, getting both side of the aisle to work together. Werewolf laws and whatever ya know the basics. James and Lilly get couples therapy!!! they want each other but ya know how it started and the war.
And it's narcissa who's busy making another charity to promote wellness who has not had a single day of peace that decides - listen it's been 8 ish years I am going to write to snape, because fuck this I can't pretend he's a taboo topic when I really did nothing wrong to deserve his silence . And she gets a reply (he's alive, he's working in a hospital in the department of counter potions for dark arts, he's got a wife (they are in love) and 2 kids, his fav thing to do is fight with a local raccoon because it fights with the possum that he sort of keeps. (he says it's not a pet but he also made it a shelter and yes he tried to put a sweater on it) and his least fav thing is his therapist because she's brutally honest but hey therapy is working). And narcissa knows her husband is dramatic so she straight up goes: we both can meet with our families in Paris.
They do meet. Narcissa literally cannot believe it's the same kid who left Hogwarts, she adores his kids and his wife, there a photograph of all of them together she carries with her. She becomes an aunt sort of figure and they do this shit for like 3 fucking years (her husband is curious but he also knows everything is taking a toll on her so he is just happy that his wife is happy). It takes some time but she becomes snapes friend truly She knows at times it's awakard with her sisters Bellatrix is insane and Andy doesn't fully trust that is well deserved but it hurts, but snape and his family,,,, it's the family she gained.
Flashforward the mauruaders and the malfoys and everyone have his big fucking gala party its them all drunk. And narcissa is an honest drunk. It starts of with Kingsley asking her what's your fav memory with your family not your son and husband and child but just family. She ofc with out a beat goes :it's snape carrying it like a baby in a onsie made by his wife and giving sir banana (the possum) a tour around his house and while his family dancing in slow motion to Abba for 'ambience purposes' and because apparently it calmes the possum down.
She smiles and eye rolls on thought of the memory and takes her drink. The rest of the table have so,, so many questions.
Part 1????
Do let me know if you want me to continue because this is my comfort au.
Have you thought of actually writing a fanfic? because this is a good concept.
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devdevlin · 5 years
So here for bi Voldie and him being the Depression-era stereotype of stuffing your savings into your bed mattress.
Ah yesssss! Absolutely! Though I suppose if we’re using labels, I would say I more view him as pansexual ☺️
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ao3feed-jily · 6 years
Dog Days
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PfOsGw
by nahm
In war the heroes always outnumber the soldiers ten to one. The final year before the wizarding world changes the lives of the Marauders forever, especially Sirius. James and the rest of the Marauders discover just how much Padfoot’s been hiding from them and it only goes from bad to worse.
Words: 2365, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, mention of Remus Lupin, Mention of Lily Evans, The Potters - Character, The Blacks, Death Eaters - Character, Voldy no Nose
Relationships: Sirius Black & James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Lily Evans Potter, The Marauders - Relationship, Sirius Black & Regulus
Additional Tags: Marauders era, Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Child Abuse, Torture, Gay Male Character, Bi Male Character, gay relationships, Sirius & James Brotherhood, Homophobia, Racism Toward None Pure Bloods, Depressed sirius, hurt sirius, abused sirius, Protective James, Angry James, Young Sirius Black, Young James, Sirius’ Rough Childhood, Before the First Wizarding War, Marauders 7th Year, Lily and James Relationship, Potters Unoffically Adopt Sirius, Marauders Discover Sirius’ Past, Lily and Sirius Are Best Friends, James & Sirius Have Potty Mouths
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PfOsGw
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hear-the-dokidoki · 8 years
Astro Rocky - Hogwarts AU /*
Park Minhyuk x Reader 
Format: Timeline
Word count: 3,5k+
As requested by @lovethyfandoms2 🌟
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First Year – September
The murmur of the train’s engine is calming. The Hogwarts Express is leaving in a few minutes, and you’re alone in a compartiment, in the front of the vehicle. The loud kids tend to gather in the back, following some unspoken convention, and you’d rather to avoid them. Plunged in your novel, with your headphones in, you don’t notice when someone opens the door.
“Hey! Mind if I join you?” a voice questions.
Your eyes turn to the intruder. “I’m sorry?”
“I was wondering if I could join you,” the boy says with a smile. “The other compartiments are all full.”
“Oh…” You take off your headphones and pause your music. “Sure, I guess.”
Already beaming, he somehow manages to brighten up. “I’m San Ha! Yoon San Ha! What’s your name?”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N! Are you a first year too?”
He sits down in front of you. “We might get sorted into the same house! I hope I get Hufflepuff! My father told me their common room is near the kitchen. How cool is that?” He doesn’t give you the time to answer. “Oh! And the head of the house if Professor Longbottom! As in Neville Longbottom! He’s like, so, so cool. I’m so excited. Can you tell I’m excited? ‘Cause I am!”
You chuckle, appreciating his genuine happiness. “I’m excited too.” You hesitate. “My two parents aren’t wizards, you see. This is very new and strange… But I like it.”
He gasps. “I’ve never had a muggleborn friend. Can we be friends?”
You stare at him, smiling in disbelief. “Okay! Let’s do that.”
A knock at the door interrupts your new friend, who was about to speak. There’s a boy at the door. He seems a bit older.
“Rocky!” San Ha almost shouts. “What’s up, dude?” He points to you. “This is Y/N. She’s my friend.”
The newcomer doesn’t seem destabilized by San Ha’s intensity.
“I’m all good!” He turns to you. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Park Minhyuk. Second-year, from Gryffindor. Everyone calls me Rocky, though,” he adds with a grin.
You return his smile. “Hey!”
The older boy sits down next to San Ha. As the Hogwarts Express moves steadily north, you end up having a long chat with the two others. You tell about the internet, and video games, and science. They’re actually interested, and you’re glad to teach them new things. In return, they answer all your questions about the wizarding world. The ambiance is merry, and you can’t keep your smile off your face. Once or twice, the two boys even manage make you laugh to tears.
Under the resounding cheers of your new housemates, you get sorted into Ravenclaw. The Hat puts San Ha into Hufflepuff… As the year flies by, you learn many new things and begin to feel like you’re part of this world – this mysterious, interesting and beautiful world. You become friends with your Ravenclaw roommates, but you prefer to hang with San Ha and Minhyuk, when possible. San Ha never fails to make you see the good side of things, and Minhyuk makes you laugh, even though you two often argue about insignificant things, under San Ha’s annoyed stare.
Second Year – April
“I’m so sorry!” you blurt out.
You pick up the transfiguration textbook the person you just bumped into dropped. You look to see who you hit. His tie bears the color of slytherin, and he’s older. There’s a calm smile painted on his lips. You’re hit by how painfully handsome he is.
“It’s alright,” his soft voice says.
He gives you a nod and walks away. You immediately turn to San Ha and Minhyuk, who are a few steps behind you.
“Who was that?” you whisper.
“Cha Eun Woo,” San Ha replies, chewing on an apple.
That’s all you can manage to say.
Minhyuk is frowning. “What does that mean?”
“Hum, haven’t you noticed that he looked like an actual prince? And he seems super nice too! He didn’t even get mad when I ran into him!”
Minhyuk narrows his eyes. “He’s a slytherin.”
You sigh loudly. “Why are you so stuck in the past, Park Minhyuk? Voldemort’s era was a burden to us all, including the good slytherins. It’s not their fault if Voldy was associated with their house!”
San Ha has stopped eating, eyeing Minhyuk. The latter is getting worked up.
“Slytherins are bad people,” he declares flatly.
“That’s a stupid assumption, born from a misguided understanding of History.”
He explodes. “What do you even know about our history? You’re just a muggleborn!”
You stare at him. There’s a pressure against your lungs. Being a muggleborn has always been an insecurity. Even though you love the muggle world, you feel excluded from everyone who grew up in Magical Britain. He knows this, yet he just brought it up against you.
When he catches your expression, regret immediately fills his gaze. “I- I didn’t mean-”
You don’t hear what he says next, because you’ve turned around, and your quick footsteps cover his voice. Your legs move on their own, and you end up in the astronomy tower. After a few minutes, San Ha catches up to you.
“Leave me.”
“It wasn’t against you, you know,” he attempts. “Rocky would never hurt you. He’s just… He has his reasons for disliking slytherins.”
You turn to him, skeptical, but willing to listen. “Reasons?”
He hesitates. “His father… He was killed by a deatheater. Rocky…” He pauses. “He doesn’t like to talk about it. I know it still pains him to even think about it.”
“I didn’t know…” you murmur.
“It’s not your fault,” he says quietly, closing the distance between you. “But please don’t hold his comment against him. He’s very emotional, when You-Know-Who and related stuff are brought up.”
You look down. “That’s understandable.”
San Ha holds a hand out. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s go the the Great Hall! Dinner is starting soon.”
“Yeah…” You slowly take his hand, attempting to smile. “Thank you, San Ha.”
His lips curl up. “You’re welcome.”
Later that evening, things get discussed, and you feel closer to your friends, especially Minhyuk. During the rest of the year, despite yourself, you begin to be overly aware of everything Cha Eun Woo does, may it be looking in your general direction or walking into the same room as you. San Ha doesn’t seem to notice it too much, but Minhyuk keeps giving you disapproving looks.
Third year – December
“This is the place!” Minhyuk says, gesturing dramatically to a strange statue.
You study the object of interest. “She looks creepy… I assume it’s a “she”?”
“Well, we call it the One-Eyed Witch, so, yes, I suppose.”
You have a flashback to your History of Hogwarts. “Oh! Isn’t she Gunhilda of Gorsemoor?”
He stares at you blankly. “I don’t know. Maybe?” He pauses. “Not like it matters, anyway.”
You’re about to argue, but he speaks again.
“Shall we go?”
You take a moment to answer. “I’m not sure this is a good idea…”
“For Merlin’s sake, Y/N! We’ve gone over this at least seven times! This is perfectly safe, and no one will find out!”
“But what if…”
His exasperated expression makes you trail off.
“Look,” he says. “If you want to see Hogsmeade, this is your chance! I’ve used this passage dozens of times. Where do you think my seemingly infinite candy supply comes from?”
“I know, I know…” You pause. “If only I hadn’t forgotten my dumb permission form. I was so excited to go! I think I told my parent about the village for a solid hour… But then I procrastinated to actually get it signed, and here we are.”
“What’s been done has been done.” He turns to the statue. “Let’s just go.”
You don’t reply, and he takes your silence as an approval.
“Dissendium,” he says, his voice clear and loud.
The statue lets you in. You tentatively take a step in. When you meet a stone slide, you switfly (but not gracefully) sit down, and you kind let out a cry of semi-panic. When you meet the ground, you’re really disoriented and you become motionless. Minhyuk clicks his tongue, grabs your hand, and pulls you until you’re at jogging speed.
“M-Minhyuk!” you shout. “Slow down, or I’ll trip and die!”
He laughs, not listening to you. “You’ll be alright, as long as I’m with you!”
Throughout the year, you visit Hogsmeade a couple more times. There are cases where San Ha and Minhyuk accompany you, but the Hufflepuff seems to always be sick or busy when you guys plan one of those trips. Those two are now like a second family. San Ha brings out a joyful side of you that you weren’t familiar with, and Minhyuk rekindles the adventurous parts of you that you lost growing up. Of course, there’s always that everlasting crush on Cha Eun Woo. You manage to chat with him a couple times, and you use the most futile excuses to accidentally run into him, to Minhyuk’s exasperation.
 Forth year – June
The sky, from Hogwarts castle, has always been mesmerizing. It’s nearly midnight, and you’ve sneaked out to the astronomy tower. Your eleven-year-old self would never have done that, but after spending so much time with Park Minhyuk, your Gryffindor side has begun to rise.
You hear footsteps. Someone approaches. You steal a glance, and let out a sigh.
“Why are you here?” you ask quietly.
“Because a friend of mine is kind of stupid,” Minhyuk replies.
“Did you come all the way here to nag?”
His face falls. “I’m sorry. I’m just used to bicker with you, I guess.”
He comes closer and sits next to you. A minute passes.
“Get over him,” he says.
You sigh. “I’d sure like to. It’s not that easy, though.”
“He has a girlfriend, now. You have to move on.”
You give him an irritated look. “Do you think I don’t know that? In spite of recent events, I’m still a ravenclaw.”
“You sure are…” He pauses. “I just… I don’t want you to get depressed over a slytherin like Cha Eun Woo.”
“It doesn’t matter that he’s a slytherin,” you retort automatically.  
His eyes turn to the sky. “Maybe you’re right…”
“Wait a minute… Is Park Minhyuk actually agreeing with me?” you ask, eyes wide.
He chuckles. “I’m stubborn as hell, but you’re wrose.” He begins to fidget with his robes. “Look, maybe Cha Eun Woo isn’t such a bad guy… But he’s taken, and you shouldn’t be sad because of that. He’s three years older anyway, Y/N. You never had a chance.”
“Wow. Thank you. I appreciate your kind words.”
He turns to you, looking helpless. “That’s not- I’m not good with words. You know that…”
You don’t reply.
“What I mean is that you shouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. You deserve more than that.”
You study his face, as silence fills the room. In the end, your lips curl up slightly.
“I know you’re just worried about me.”
He nods.
“Thanks, Minhyuk.”
Eventually, you get over Cha Eun Woo. You concentrate on your studies and on the people that matter to you. The year flies by in the blink of an eye.
 Fifth year – February
“Why can’t we conjure food from thin air?” San Ha reads from one of your flashcards.
“It’s one of five Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration.”
“Right, and-” San Ha begins.
“But,” you cut him. “If there is already a certain amount of food present, it can be multiplied or enlarged. Food can also be summoned from another location, which is what happens with every meal we have in the Great Hall. Oh, and it’s pertinent to note that liquids like water can be conjured from nothingness.”
Minhyuk gives an exaggerated yawn.
“Well,” San Ha says. “That wasn’t on the card, but it sounds right, and you seem to know what you’re talking about.”
“I did some extra reading… Magic is quite fascinating.”
Minhyuk makes a scoffing sound. “O.W.L.s. are in months, Y/N. Why in Godric’s name are you already studying?”
“I’m stressed out, okay?” your tense voice answers. “I’m also stressed out about the fact that I’m stressed out. My dumb solution is to do what I’m good at: studying. I know it doesn’t make sense. Don’t argue with me, Park.”
His eyebrows lurch up. “Park? Since when am I Park?”
“Since now, it seems.”
“OKAY,” San Ha interrupts. “Does anyone want tea? I’d sure like tea.”
You both ignore him.
“It’s almost Valentines Day,” Minhyuk continues. “Why are you stuck in your books? Do something with your life! Go on a date!”
You give him an annoyed glance. “With who?”
“Well I don’t know… Maybe no one notices you because you’re so stuck up!”
“Excuse me?” you growl. “Even though a few girls have had crushes on you, don’t talk as if you were a romance expert! Your relationships never last more than a few weeks anyway!”
“At least I’ve been in relationships!”
You stare at each other, and the tension is palpable.  
San Ha grabs Minhyuk’s arm. “Rocky. That’s enough.”
His friend’s touch calms him down.
“I have to go to the library,” you say coldly.
San Ha lips are sucked in, and Minhyuk’s eyes are on the ground. They keep quiet as you walk towards the door.
Minhyuk and you never stay mad for long. After a few days, you don’t even remember your last argument. In the end, you spend Valentines Day with your two best friends, eating way too much chocolate and laughing about the students who tried using love potions. You pass your O.W.L.s. smoothly, with most of your scores being Es or Os.  
Sixth year – March
Music echoes in the empty classroom. Your right hand is in Minhyuk’s, your left one on his shoulder.
“This spring solstice ball idea is dumb,” you mumble.
“Careful with your words! You could hurt the poor ball’s feelings.”
You try (and fail) to hold in a chuckle. You don’t want to encourage his weird sense of humour. He smiles.
“So, the waltz is an elegant and smooth dance,” he explains. “The first step is to get the 1-2-3 beat. Can you hear it?”
“I think so.”
“Okay! When I move forward, you take a step back,” he adds, beginning to move. “To be honest, you have the easy part. You just have to follow the leader, and that’s usually the guy’s role.”
You click your tongue. “Gender roles…”
“Would you like to lead, Y/N?” he inquires with a smirk.
You continue to follow his movements. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”
He gives you a smug expression, and you decide to ignore him. You dance a little more, and you eventually get the hang of it.
“See? It’s not that difficult,” he declares, slowing down.
“What if my partner can’t dance, though? I can’t follow, then…”
You’re now immobile, still in the dancing stance.
“I could be your partner,” he says, staring right into your eyes.
You blink. “What?”
“I said I could be your partner.”
“Yes, I heard. What I’m asking is: what do you mean?”
“I mean that we should go together. To the ball.”
“Hah, that’s a good one.”
“I’m serious.”
“Did you get rejected by all the pretty Gryffindor girls or something?” you question, head tilted.
He brings your locked hands down, but he doesn’t let go. “No. You’re the first girl I’ve asked to the ball.”
“I’m confused, now,” you say, pulling your other hand away from his shoulder.
He sighs, frustrated. “You’re my first choice, Y/N. You’re always my first choice.”
You stare.
“Will you go with me?” he asks, squeezing your hand.
He seems annoyed. “This is not complicated, Y/N,” he says, now looking anywhere but your face. “I want you to be my date for the Spring ball. Would that be alright with you?”
You feel your cheeks heating up. “Date?”
“Yeah. Date.”
You trail off, not sure what about what you want to say or ask. You’re silent for a few seconds, and his eyes find yours.
“Will you go with me?” he asks again.
“Okay,” you hear yourself say.
A grin spreads across his face.
After that evening,  you can’t see your friend in the same light. San Ha seems to be busy a lot, for some unknown reason, and you’re often stuck alone with Minhyuk. The ball ends up being quite fun. Dancing with Park Minhyuk is quite an interesting experience. After the last dance, he leans in and kisses you. It feels so right, you wonder how you’ve been living without knowing that feeling. You guys begin to date... It’s like before, but better. At the end of the year, he graduates.  
 Seventh year – May
“What is it?” San Ha inquires, practically more excited than you.
You fake annoyance, but you have to repress a wide smile. “Aren’t you a ‘Puff? Be patient!”
He puckers his lips, putting his chin in his hand. Laughing at his childish behaviour, you carefully take the package Minhyuk’s owl has just brought you. It’s a box – simple, yet elegant. You open it. There’s a blue rose, and a letter.
“Awww,” San Ha comments. “It’s blue! Like ravenclaw!”
You giggle. “I’ve noticed, San Ha.”
“What’s written?”
You turn your eyes to the envelope, and take out the letter.
I love you. People usually put that at the end, but I feel like it’s the most important part. Why wait? Anyway, my auror training has been going well! Although it can be intense, I put in my 110%, and I do think it’s worth it. I’m enjoying myself. How are you? I hope you haven’t been studying too much… You have little time left in the castle. Use it wisely! Sneak into the kitchen, play a prank and sleep under the sky… Your Gryff’ side should take over, really. Keep taking care of San Ha too. I know he’s your age, but he's still a baby.
Good luck on your N.E.W.T.s. I know you’ll do wonderful.
I love you (I don’t see why I should just write it once),
You smile like an idiot.
San Ha reads over your shoulder. “I’m not a baby!” he protests.
You pat his shoulder. “ ‘course you aren’t. You’re like a toddler.”
He pouts, and you let out a laugh.
“Thanks, San Ha.”
“For what?” he asks, confused.
“Just… for being my friend.”
He blinks. “Of course.”
You pick up the rose. 
“He loves you so much,” San Ha says.
“I know.”
“Can’t wait to see mini Rocky and mini Y/N!”
You hit him, laughing. “Oh, shut up.”
“It’s bound to happen!”
You don’t answer.
“Hah! You won’t even deny it!”
“Whatever, Yoon San Ha,” you reply, offering him a grimace.
He burts out in laughter, and despite yourself, you soon join him.
The year ends… You graduate. You decide to continue to study in the hopes of becoming a teacher at Hogwarts. San Ha opens a music shop called “Astro” on Diagon Alley, with some friends of his. You move in with Minhyuk. You couldn’t dream of a better life.
 Epilogue – 5 years later
“What is this?” you ask, your lips curling up.
“May I ask for a dance?” Minhyuk replies, ignoring your question.
Music resounds in the living room. It’s the same melody you danced to in that empty classroom, a long time ago.
“You sure can,” you answer, giving him your hand.
His smile is bright as the sun. He pulls you closer, and you begin to waltz.
You let out a chuckle. “Is this special day? Did I forget an anniversary or something?”
He spins you around. “Hmm depends on how you see it.”
“What does that mean?” you question, slightly dizzy.
He suddenly stops moving, and you run into his chest. You slowly look up at him, and he lightly kisses you. You can’t stop smiling, even as your lips part. You study his face, and he takes a step back.
“What’s happening, Minhyuk?”
He kneels down.
“Are you serious right now?” you ask.
He laughs. “For once in your life, Y/N, let me talk.”
You nod, eyes wide. He clears his throat, and pulls out a box from his pocket. He opens it, and there’s a beautiful ring.
“Oh my-”
“Y/N,” he interrupts. “Shhh.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “Sorry.”
“So… All these years, I’ve been watching you. Your beautiful smile, your mesmerizing eyes, your stupid attitude…” He grins. “More seriously, you’re a sunshine in my life, and everything is better when I’m with you. There’s no one that means more to me than you, Y/N. I want to keep you by my side until my last breath… I love you, with all my heart. Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you precipitately say.  “Of course, I will.”
And then your arms are around his neck, and you’re kissing him with everything you’ve got. When you’re out of breath, you pull back. He showers your lips with quick pecks, smiling widely. After a few minutes, he remembers to put the ring on your finger. You both laugh.
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you too.”
Y’all. Hogwarts AUs are life. If you have any HP related request, hit me up! :) Also, if anyone wants to discuss sorting with me, I'd be happy to have a long chat (cause I'm not sure of any of my sortings tbh)!
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