#dennis needs to be my sub
littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Ok but you know what we all need? A hug from this guy:
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And let me tell you, he needs one too.
You're both run down and beat from the long day you had. His boss managed to pile on the workload extra heavy today, and he was just plain missing you. You were equally as tired and all you could think about was curling up in your dorky boyfriend's annoyingly strong arms and going to sleep.
The moment you guys see each other, you're both mozying your way over to each other, too exhausted to move quicker than normal. You meet each other half way in the living room, your arms reaching out to drape around his neck. Dennis is less shy when he's tired and needy, so he wraps his arms around your waist with more confidence than normal. You both relax into each other the instant you're touching, the smell of his clean aftershave and bodywash fill your nostrils as you rest your head on his shoulder, burying your nose in his neck. Dennis hides his face in your hair, breathing in your scent as you do his. He holds you a little closer, needing to keep this moment here just a little while longer. Neither of you say anything for the better part of 2 minutes and just hug.
With a heavy sigh, you pull back to look up at him, feeling lighter and much much better. Dennis looks more at peace, still tired but not tormented. It's then that you notice the subtle sway of your bodies, and the gentle smile poised on his lips.
"Do you want to order something and watch TV?" He asks. You can't help but smile back at him.
"That sounds nice," you fiddle with the collar of his polo.
"It's a date."
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cup1dl0a · 4 months
Manifestation Success Story ! !
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Hey! Basically, I’m here to talk about how I manifested my dream through a really simple method. Let’s get straight into it.
My story:
I was an “outsider” in my class. I rarely talked and nobody really interacted with me. And basically there was this really popular group of friends, let’s call the 7 members: ‘Sarah’, ‘Sam’, ‘Heather’, ‘Yuki’, ‘Len’, ‘Dennis’, and ‘Dahlia’ (all fake names ofc<3). I really wanted to join this friend group, but I really didn’t want to befriend ‘Sam’. However, I really wanted to befriend ‘Len’, ‘Dennis’, and ‘Dahlia’.
The method:
Listening to sublimiminals. That’s it. I simply created a subliminal playlist that was about 10 mins long consisting of 5ish subs and one booster and listened to it once every night.
How long did it take me?:
One day. That’s it. Listening to my playlist while doing other things (hw, games, drawing etc) for a single day, and guess what? I saw results. Ofc, I now have full results which took me about a week or so.
Well, I’m in my desired friend group. It consists of ‘Dennis’, ‘Len’, ‘Dahlia’, and me. Mind you, I didn’t talk to any of them before manifesting. And now, guess what? We’re going to an amusement park together this week!!
Basically, no, you do not have to affirm a thousand times. You don’t have to enter the void state. You don’t have to visualize or trick your mind. All you need is consistency and persistence.
Good luck on your journey, I hope this helped!
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madlori · 4 months
there are a lot of headcanons about tommy becoming resentful of the time buck spends with eddie, but give me the reverse. give me eddie resentful of the time buck spends with tommy.
eddie's alone and sad with chris gone. both buck and tommy, together and individually, try to do things with him and be there for him but sometimes they actually do want to be alone together, and eddie just...can't seem to stop getting in the way. he invites himself along to stuff. he asks if he can come hang out when they're having a night at home together. he takes up their free evenings with obsessively making plans so he can avoid being alone in his house and they're just starting to get worn down.
eventually buck has to sit him down and say, eddie, my man, my dude, you're family to me, i care about you so much, so does tommy, but for the love of all that's holy please understand that sometimes i need to be alone with my boyfriend.
and eddie is embarrassed that he's been so clingy but also low-key hates that they have this relationship with each other that doesn't include him. he's happy that buck's found the love he always yearned for and deserved, but he can't stop feeling hurt and left out and there's just no way to make it better.
so what does he do? does he stay resentful and let it fester until it becomes anger and it ruins his friendship with buck?
maybe at one point he would have done that. but this time...this time he recognizes the path he's on and decides to take action to not let that happen. buck is too important to him. he has to find a way to occupy himself without relying soley on buck.
so he joins a boxing gym that nobody else goes to and starts working out there. he makes a friend who's also dealing with loneliness.
he starts volunteering on off-shift mornings at a botanical garden and finds that digging in the dirt and getting sweaty and dirty is very therapeutic. after a few weeks, some of the other volunteers invite him to come to brunch after their shift.
he discovers the LAFD Discord and that it has a whole bunch of sub-groups where first responders from all over the city get together for activities. he joins the golf group. he joins the cooking group. he goes on an axe-throwing outing.
he makes other friends.
there are no other friends like Buck. there will never be another friend like Buck. but there are people he can spend time with now, and give Buck a break so he can spend time with Tommy and also just have time to himself.
buck still brings dinner over once a week. he takes eddie on hikes. he and tommy fly him to san diego for the day and they go to the beach. but eddie also goes golfing with the LAFD Discord club. He goes to Station 133, which has the nicest kitchen in the LAFD, for the cooking club and learns some new recipes.
He has brunch with Chim and Maddie. He and Hen take Mara and Denny to mini-golf. He helps Bobby do DIY work on their new home to bring the kitchen up to his standards.
He learns to live without Chris. He learns to have support that doesn't entirely revolve around Buck. He watches Buck and Tommy get more and more serious, but now he's not resentful or scared - he's only happy, to see his best friend so happy. When they move in together, the three of them spend the first night Buck lives with Tommy eating pizza, drinking beer and watching baseball on TV.
And the first time Buck and Tommy ask him to come on a hike with them, and he has to decline because he has other plans, he's relieved, because they still want him around. They still want to be his friend. He hasn't worn them down.
He will always need Buck, he will alway love him. But he knew it wasn't fair to make Buck his entire support system...so he built a bigger one, and it's big enough to support them all.
When Chris facetimes him, he notices that his dad is looking less despondent. he has things to talk about, like the botanical garden and Bobby and Athena's new house and the firepit he's helping Buck build in Tommy's backyard. He's more open and honest. He doesn't sound so desperate. So Chris says he wants to come home, and when he does, Eddie's just happy he's back. Not desperate, not resentful or angry. And he has these new friends.
One of those new friends is another volunteer at the botanical gardens. she's a trauma nurse and does gardening to help her cope. eddie suggests she might like to try boxing as exercise, and she loves it. she is invited to a firefam BBQ at Buck and Tommy's house, and chris can't help but notice that she looks at his dad like he's really something -- and he's looking back the same way.
and if Chris had been worried that his time away would have hurt his dad, or made him sadder -- which he definitely didn't worry about, totally didn't, never at all -- he's not worried about that anymore.
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evielmostdefinitely · 7 months
I would love see the first time that “excentric” aspect of they relationship started. Like how Coryo punishment her for the first time, She know what will happened? They talk about? And how she feel with that? Afraid ? Turn on ? Jealousy in think that probaly he did this with someone else ? Sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my first language
closer to the darkness |young!coriolanus snow x capitol!reader|
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prompt: as requested, the dark backstory that led to you and coriolanus' exciting sex life.
contains: very very VERY DARK undertones. mentions prostitution and the exploitation that occurs in the capitol. public sex with undertones of slight humiliation. very very dark coriolanus. slightly manipulative and obsessive coriolanus. bdsm themes. dom!coryo x sub!reader. spanking. spanking with implement. oral (fem receiving). overall very dark smut. minors dni.
A simple invite, passed to him by the sly smirk of a classmate. “Snow,” Dennis hissed lowly, pencil tapping on the page of a book, eyes cutting to watch for the librarian. “A couple of us are going to The Underground tonight. Are you coming?” 
Coriolanus blinked, face staying stoic, unreadable. He didn’t particularly like the boys in his class, not now anymore than years before. He found the civilness of their polite conversation to be useless now- now that he had you. 
“I’m busy.” Coriolanus dismissed. He had no interest in going to their gambling billiards room or whatever this club was. 
“Oh, come on.” Dennis grinned, head ducking low. “You can leave the Duke girl for a night. She won’t mind anyways. Her brothers are always there. You’ll be in kept company.” 
Coriolanus perked at the mention. Your brothers, the two elder Duke boys that he hadn’t yet charmed the way he had your father and mother. A necessity to secure their approval. He knew they’d run the family business, already high up in the family ranks. If he planned to go forth with his game ideas, he’d need their investment. 
That drove him to cancel his plans with you, a half-hearted excuse about studying, offering to spend the weekend with you instead. He joined the boys of his class, socialites and aristocrats alike, all wearing their family’s name like a badge of honor. Coriolanus followed them towards the luxury end of the Capitol, secluded and reserved for only the best of the Capitol goers, exclusion even in the highest class. 
Coriolanus twisted the wad of cash in his pocket, hoping he could remember enough to pass at the roulette tables. “Here,” Dennis hummed, passing the small, black mask to Coriolanus when the doorman let them in. 
“What’s this?” Coriolanus muttered, twisting the mask in his hands. 
“Just part of it. I’m sure it helps the others feel their identity is well protected.” Dennis shrugged, tying the silk ends to the back of his head, eyes accentuated with the harsh black contrast of the material. 
They gamble openly during the games, but are worried here? Coriolanus thought, fighting back an eye roll. Instead, he fastened the material, following the string of people through the darkened hallways. It felt far from luxurious, more like the burrows and halls he’d sneak with Lucy Gray back in District Twelve. 
His mind wandered back to hers, furiously shaking her from his thoughts. He needed to be sharp, alert. Coryo had already decided he’d stumble into your brothers, hopeful he could still find them with the masks, that he’d sit at the right roulette table. 
Coriolanus stilled when there was no table. No green velvet lined table with dice and cigar smoke, no liquor or Avoxes roaming about. No, instead, there was a small, circular stage with a single row of chairs surrounding it. 
“Snow,” Dennis nudged his arm, pulling him from his thoughts. “We’re over here.” 
Coryo followed him, thankful for the mask, hoping it would conceal his wandering eyes. What was this place? A stage in the middle, nothing else. Coriolanus’ chest tightened with fear, grim curiosity perhaps as he settled into his seat. All around him, men with masks, chatting with each other, all nearly identical in the dim light of the room. 
“I heard they found her from Eleven.” The boy, Lucios, beside Dennis grinned. 
“I’m quite bored of the homely looking girls. They always look frightened, like caged animals being led to slaughter.” Dennis rolled his eyes in boredom. “I wish they’d bring in another girl from One. They always know how to put on the best shows.” 
“I’d even settle for Two.” Lucios cackled in a droning posh tone, waving over for his drink. “Maybe Three.” 
“It wouldn’t even be a real girl from Three. A hologram.” Dennis laughed. “As long as it isn’t Twelve or Ten, they always have the worst smell.” He snarled, eyes cutting to Coriolanus, who was rigidly watching the interaction. 
Dennis frowned, lips parting with a question, the trilling of a bell silencing him and everyone around them. All settling into their seats, quiet and still. Coryo’s heart beat so loudly it was deafening in his ears. Eyes scanning the room, he caught a glimpse of your brothers on the other side, eyes meeting only for a moment before the room fell dark. Completely pitch black, Coriolanus swallowed his rising panic, fists balling. 
It was a set up, a conspiracy to get him here, kill him. Of course they’d want to, they wanted you all for their own. Dennis had commented on you weeks ago, congratulated him behind bared teeth. How could he be so stupid? How could he not see?
A single light blinded him, body tensing at the sudden intrusion of light spilling above the stage. Underneath the beam, a man stood. His face was concealed entirely by a red mask that covered all his features, dressed in appropriate but dark wear, but with gloves that matched his mask. Next to him, a girl kneeling in a collar, and just a collar. Her face not covered, oh no, Coriolanus could see every line of fear, shine of terror though she tried to hide it. 
“Gentlemen,” The man’s voice was loud, even through the muffling of the mask it rang through the silent room. “Tonight our guest from Nine.” His gloved hand ran over her tied hair, and Coriolanus didn’t miss the way she shivered, biting her lip in fear. 
Coriolanus watched in eerie intrigue as the man brought her to a small bench like contraption, making a large show of securing her arms and legs, so she was left spread, vulnerable to the audience to see the most intimate parts of her. 
Coriolanus’ chest burned, maybe with fear, maybe with something else. Your brothers were here, here. He hoped they hadn’t seen him, stomach turning with the fear of what you’d do if you found out- fear that you’d leave him. The man on stage’s droning words fell deaf on his ears, mind racing with a plan, a plan to leave before they’d see you. He couldn’t see the row on the other side because of the light, so he hoped they couldn’t see him. 
His thoughts were stopped by a single cutting whistle of wood through the air, walloping onto skin with a resounding smack! followed by a muffled cry. 
“In the dark times, far before the dark times, since nearly the beginning of time, there have been many forms of debauchery that have been used to cause excitement.” The man droned dramatically, twisting a leather paddle in his hand. 
He tapped the girl’s left bottom cheek, before bringing his arm back, sending the paddle soaring onto her ass again. Coriolanus jumped slightly at the impact, mind dumbly blank of the worries from before. Nearly trance-like, watching the man paddle the girl, how she cried pathetically, how her flesh turned, blossoming with marks. 
“There has always been a power imbalance.” The man continued, letting the paddle rub teasingly over her body. “There have always been the powerful, the helpless. Those who are in charge, those who are submissive- completely at the mercy of your cruelness, of your control.” 
Coriolanus felt his pants tent, blood rushing from his head down to his throbbing cock. The man stalked, heavy footsteps that echoed in the room, back between the girl's legs. “There is a need for order. Even in intimacy.” He hummed, bringing the paddle down twice, two snapping flicks of his wrist. 
Coriolanus swallowed, spit pooling in his mouth at the cries the girl gave. The man scanned the room, setting the paddle on her backside, slowly taking off a glove. Coriolanus leant forward, watching the man with intense intrigue. 
“Because as we all know, there is pleasure in power.” The man boomed, his hand disappearing between the girl’s legs. A gasp ghosting on the edge of pleasure filled the room, her back arching at the sensation that was hidden from Coriolanus’ view, his eyes narrowing for a better view. 
Coryo’s face blushed deeply, burning with excitement when the man’s fingers lifted, covered in sticky arousal from the girl that webbed his fingers. “And as you can see, there is pleasure in pain as well.” Though his face was hidden, Coriolanus could hear the smug smirk of his voice. 
“My darling guest here is one who enjoys such pain, which is why she’s chosen to serve the Capitol and offer her services.” The man continued, wiping her release on his pants. “For the night, the rates bidding starts at a high price since she can only be shared once.” 
Coriolanus slipped out when the bidding started, the lights dimming enough for him to see the exit. He walked furiously down the streets of the Capitol, throwing the mask furiously on the ground. Still, his cock throbbed, stirred to life, not at the girl but at the idea. The idea that you would be tied up, tilt that power to him entirely, be at his mercy and command. 
He’d brain his throbbing cock as the reason his thoughts were scattered, why he showed up at your penthouse. 
“I thought you were studying- oh!” You squeaked, letting the door fall with a snap shut, Coriolanus’ hands on your waist, kissing you with feverish hunger. 
“I missed you.” Coriolanus rasped, your heart swelling at the words. “I couldn’t wait until this weekend. I had to see you. Had to taste you.” 
Your knees wobbled at the words, tensing with excitement. You could feel his stiff cock on your hip, ignoring the way he rubbed himself into your hip, letting him settle between your legs. You were surprised when his plush lips pressed to the inside of your thighs, hot breath ghosting over your clothed pussy. Your fingers tangled through his hair when his lips wrapped around your sensitive clit, lapping and suckling. 
Coriolanus knew what to do, what he needed to do to get you brainless, pliant before he’d suggest such a proposal. So he let you pull at his hair, let you tug at the roots while you whined and cried out, bucking beneath him as his tongue worked you open. 
“I want to try something.” Coriolanus hovered above your sprawled out frame, slack and limp against the rustled sheets. His eyes were dark, looking down at you from the slope of his nose- it sent a shiver right through your already trembling frame. “If you’re willing.” 
Brain still foggy from the previous orgasms, you nodded lazily. Of course you did, it was like clockwork to Coryo, all a part of his plan. “You always enjoy it so much when I’m rough with you,” Coryo began, biting back a smirk at how you blushed, body folding shyly into itself at his words. “I want to try something a little… more.” 
“I don’t much care for torture.” You frowned, lips pulling in a scowl. 
“I would never torture you, darling.” Coryo smiled softly, a small shake of his head that had you relaxing. “I think you’ll find this more pleasurable than painful.” 
He had you over his thigh after a short amount of coaxing. Legs on either side of his thigh, body resting on the silk sheets behind him. He alternated sharp smacks to your ass that left you squealing, lifting in tense alert at the sensation only for his hand to slip back between your thighs, tease and pleasure you until you melted back onto his thigh. Until his spanks were met with pathetic whimpers of pleasure, rubbing yourself shamelessly on his thigh. 
It was only the beginning. The very start of the shift in power for the two of you. First in the bedroom, then out in the world.
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For your newest make me write. Im in a huge complete supernatural/fantasy like AU mood here recently so my requests are going to be towards that this week. Also both of them are supposed to be 15 emojis apiece so can we pretend they are if they are not? (Kinda sorry about all the zombies…but feel free to sub everything to vampires or another WIP if you want)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(Im so ready for the Maddie/Buck reunion and ensuing shenanigans. I think by the time you get to to this that the new chapter *may* be out that goes over that. But im also enjoying other aspects of the story as well. I very rarely read bathena start fics so their relationship developing is exciting for me to see as well).
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 🩸(Spoilery for those not caught up BUT OMG BUCK WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! I was not ready for that!)
Woohoo 90 total sentences for monster fics!
45 for 🧟 (THANK YOU!!!):
 “Just… Be careful.”
Chim thinks he probably should listen to her. But he also knows he likely won’t. 
If anything, Chim gets worse. And that might be problematic if his feelings were one-sided, but after dinner, it becomes more or less obvious that they are not.
They do dishes together. A chore Chim usually finds tiresome, but now is somehow fun. Christopher and Denny have already begged Maddie, Hen, and Karen to have a sleepover together. Something Chim finds somewhat redundant, seeing as every day forever is a sleepover here. But Chris wants to sleep in Denny’s room. 
“Please,” Karen had insisted when Maddie had asked if they were sure it was okay. “He finally gets to have friends his own age. Chris can have as many sleepovers as he wants.”
So Maddie is off kid duty tonight. 
“Other than movie night,” she asks as they’re finishing up with dishes. “What is there to do around here in the evenings?”
“You got something against movie night?” Chim teases.
“No!” Maddie insists. “Just exploring my options.”
“Well, there are games,” Chim says. But then he has another thought. “Or the roof.”
“The roof?” Maddie asks. 
“Yeah. We’ve got chairs up there. We can steal your brother’s stereo. It’s great for looking at the stars. Now that the light pollution is gone.” 
Chim wonders if this is too weird. Too forward. Too intimate. Too much like a date, if the world was normal enough to afford dates. Actually, scratch that. He knows Hen has set up a date for Karen up there, under the stars. On their wedding anniversary. God, what is he doing?
“That sounds really nice,” Maddie says. “Would you… Would you want to do that with me?”
God, obviously.
“I’d like that, yeah.”
45 for 🩸 (Buck's gonna Buck!)
“Neither am I,” Eddie says. “Okay?”
Buck nods, still a little weepy. 
As tired as he is, Buck can’t really sleep for very long periods. A wound to his front and a wound to his back means nothing is comfortable. Eddie helps set him up on an assortment of pillows to prop him in just the right position, but it’s still a more or less futile effort. He manages to get a little bit of rest when his pain medication sets in, but otherwise, he’s awake and uncomfortable. 
Brought down to reality by his conversation, Buck really gets a chance to think through what he’d nearly done. Not the killing part - which he’d been more focused on before - but the dying part. And the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about just how right Eddie was. He doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t want their life together to be over just as it finally started.
He really let that compulsive need to fix everything almost get him killed. Maddie was right. He needs to deal with this properly. This pit of dread that lives in his chest that says he is going to lose everything horribly. That says life will never be safe again. He needs to address that head on, and not by trying to be one step ahead of every possible danger. He needs to go back to therapy. He will, he decides. The minute he’s physically up to it.
“I’m sorry,” Buck says again, later that night, when everyone is sleeping and Buck is laying awake beside Eddie. He knows he’s probably going to be saying it for a long time. 
Eddie blinks awake. “Hmm?”
“I’m sorry,” Buck repeats. 
“For waking me up?” 
“No, for everything.”
Eddie sighs. “I forgive you. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“But I’m still sorry.” 
“Buck,” Eddie complains. “Don’t do this. This doesn’t help. Believe me, I know.”
“I’m going to go to therapy,” Buck says. 
“That’s a good idea,” Eddie says. “We could both use therapy. Do you think there are vampire therapists?”
“If there’s not, there should be,” Buck replies. “They’d have the corner on the market right now.”
“Exactly,” Eddie says. “And surely some shrink out there got bit?”
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foxilayde · 10 months
22. “Look how good you take it.”
26. “Faster! Please, let me come!”
73. “God, you love it like this, don’t you?”
with sub cecil i beg of you🧎🏼
Well since you begged 😈
26. “Faster! Please, let me come!”
[Cecil Dennis x Fem Reader]
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+ only smut. Sub Cecil.
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“Baby. Oh fuck. You’re so hot right now.” Cecil bites his bottom lip and gulps heartily, adjusting himself as best he can against the restraints that you’ve locked his wrists into on the headboard.
You’re not sure if he’s referring to the feather in your hand that you’re using to tickle him hard or if he’s remarking on how hot your black vinyl outfit looks on you, pushing up your cleavage in the intimidating corset, complete with black fishnets and thigh high patent leather boots, or if its a combination of the two sights.
You’ve never put him in this position before, tied up, buck naked, laying flat on the bed, splayed in such a vulnerable fashion. It’s not like he needs the handcuffs, he’s perfectly happy to follow any order you give him on any given day, but there’s something about the way he jolts and jostles against the handcuffs, the metal clinking against wood, that gives you a self-assured satisfaction at having this pretty boy at your command.
His cock is stiff as can be, undervein pronounced and protruding, he twitches and leaks when you delicately trace the feather up and down his chest, teasing his peaked nipples and fluttering the feather town to tickle his balls.
“Uuuughhh” Cecil cries, bucking his hips into the fluffy tickler, trying with all his might to eek out any kind of friction.
You slap his cheek gently with the feather.
“You want more, desperate boy? Is my feather not enough for you?”
“More. Yeah. Please, more.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want, Cecil?”
Cecil whines out of his nose, his only response is to hump the air again and clang his restraints. You tut your tongue.
“Suit yourself.” You say to him sweetly, placing the handle of the tickler in his mouth like a horse’s bit. His teeth bite around it, eyes going wide and round, watching you intently as you climb onto the bed, running a vinyl gloved finger from his sweaty forehead down to his nose. You pat his cheek. “I’m keeping that in there so you don’t talk back to me, baby.”
You snuggle up to his side, thigh hitching up and over his leg, Cecil hisses and drools against the handle, eyes rolling back into his head when you slide your your stiletto boot clad leg up his thigh and over his groin, pressing your heel lightly into the base of his cock. His whole body shakes and breaks out in goosebumps.
“You like that, don’t you, pretty?”
He’s harder than ever before, you can practically see the pulse of his heartbeat pounding through his cock when you dig your heel in deeper.
“Answer me Cecil.” You pinch and pull one of his nipples in between your gloved fingers.
“Eehhhhpphfff” his reply is wet and nearly unintelligible behind the object between his teeth.
“Good boy.” You run your hand lovingly up and down his chest, making him buck into the heel of your boot.
Cecil doesn’t wait for you to force an answer out of him, his neck strains with emphatic nodding and you take great pleasure in getting up and standing on the mattress between his legs. With utmost care you brace your hand against the ceiling for balance and toe the tip of his cock with your the bottom of your boot, letting Cecil lift his hips up into the sole of it, grinding himself pathetically between his lower abdomen and the black sole. You twist your foot down, causing his hips to drop to the bed and a breathy whine to hiss between his teeth.
“Hold still.” You command. Cecil is a good boy, for now, and doesn’t move his hips, but he does flex his fingers in a subconscious grabby motion. His cheeks are so pink now and you just want to bend down and kiss him on the red patchy flush spreading over his chest and face. He doesn’t buck up any more, you press your foot down firmly, and hold still for a moment before slowly dragging the sole up and down the length of him, occasionally pressing the point of the stiletto to the base of his shaft when the angle is right.
It’s precarious fucking work; balancing on one stiletto booted leg and jerking off your lover with the other, standing on a mattress. Thank god you have a steadying grip on the ceiling.
Cecil moans something indecipherable behind the bit of the handle.
“What’s that, pretty baby, what do you want?”
The phrase is garbled nothingness with his mouth restrained the way it is, and after a few pathetic attempts of his, you decide to practice benevolence and tell him to, “spit it out!”
He spits out the handle and gasps gratefully before whining, “Faster! Please let me come!”
There are fucking tears welling up in Cecil’s eyes and you decide to take pity on your pretty boy, he’s suffered quite enough with your teasing.
You lift your pointed patent black boot off of Cecil’s cock and fold down to your knees between his legs. You extend a shiny gloved hand to Cecil’s mouth. “Spit.” You command.
He breathes brokenly for a few beats, Adam’s apple bobbing— exhausted, before lifting his head and spiting into your palm pitifully.
“Good boy” you smile, he hums at that, letting his head fall back, and when you wrap your hand around his cock, using his own spit to stroke him firmly with the slippery glove, twisting your wrist up and down, Cecil shivers in appreciation.
He’s unrestricted from his vocalizations now, bucking his hips into your grip, profuse adoration spilling out of his lips, “thank you thank you thankyou ohh fuck ahhh ahhhhh!” When Cecil cums, you point his tip towards his chest, creamy white ropes spurt onto his abdomen. You squeeze him from base to tip in your slick gloved fingers, forcing every last drop out of his weeping head.
He shivers in relief, panting out of his pretty lips, eyes going dumb and blinking heavily at you, watching with dumb sated curiosity as you spread his slick semen all over his belly with your gloved hand. He knows what’s coming when you bring your fingers to his mouth, his chin already tipped open in anticipation. He sucks and licks your glove clean, clanking against his restraints once more when he attempts to follow your hand with and eyes-closed sucking motion like a baby searching for a nipple.
“You’re such a good boy, Cecil.”
He grins almost drunkenly, going slack against the restraints, a little streak of his own cum on his chin, “I’m your good boy.”
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hotluncheddie · 8 months
hello! this is my blog navigation!!
26 | she/they | queer | ✧˖°⋆
I like writing steddie and sharing it on here. most of it is pretty short, but sweet. sometimes nsfw so pls pls minors dni.
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★ ask (i love asks) ★ personal if ur nosy :) ★ kofi ★ have also been talking about Gator Tillman recently so come join in on that if u like ★
☆ Masterlist ☆ (below cut)
Can't live for tomorrow : Ao3 | wc: 6.2 | rated: M | cw: panic attacks | tags: 90's AU, No Upside down, Meet-ugly, Platonic Hellcheer, Background Buckingham, Rockstar Eddie Munson, Yoga Instructor Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson needs a hug
Hug : Ao3 | wc: 3.4k | rated: T | cw: meltdown, burn out | tags: autistic eddie munson, hurt/comfort, pre relationship, pining, hugging
Memories of somethin' even smoking weed does not replace : Ao3 | part 2 | cw: alcohol | rated: M | tags: pre s4 au, steve harrington centric, stobin soulmates, raised catholic steve harrington
Tiny green shorts : Ao3 | wc: 2.2k | rated: E | tags: smut, established relationship, mention of free use
🍓, 🍓🍓 : Ao3 | wc: 1.9k | rated: G | tags: getting together, fluff, idiots in love
Extra credit : Ao3 | wc: 1.6k | rated: M | tags: pre s4, fluff, pre relationship
Seasons change, but people don't : Ao3 | wc: 6.2k | rated: M | tags: time skips, slow burn, eddie munson is bad a feelings, first kiss
Microfics (AKA my chubby steve saga) : Ao3
Autistic Steve Harrignton : Ao3 | Thoughts | Hurt/Comfort | Stimming | (ongoing)
Sub Eddie Week 2024 Masterlist : Ao3 | (complete)
Stop being a goblin and let me kiss you : rated: M | tags: switching POV, getting together, idiots in love, flirting | part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 5 , part 6 , part 7 | (unfinished)
I also like writing steddie chubby or in bigger bodies. sometimes fat and/or getting fatter (steddie wg), so please read the tags. if you’re not into that, it’s okay there’s things above for you. if you are into that, please, come in <3
Chubby Steve Harrington
Love in a safety-pin : Ao3 | wc: 3.9k | rated: M | tags: weight gain, outgrown clothes, mutual pining, getting together, domestic fluff
Wherever you go, that’s where I am : Ao3 | wc: 3.5k | rated: M | tags: 5+1, established relationship, body worship, feral pining goblin eddie munson, chubby steve harrington, fluff
Denny’s : Ao3 | rated G | tags: tooth rotting fluff, pining, chubby steve, line cook eddie, getting together | idea , follow up , fin | (complete)
Ex jock : Ao3 | wc: 2k | rated: E | tags: established relationship, fat steve, sub eddie, outgrown clothes
Office AU : initial idea - First date : Ao3 | wc: 3.6k | rated: E | tags: getting together, fluff, outgrown clothes, sweet gooey smut
Milk | co written with @scoops-aboy86 | rated: M | tags: idiot4idiot, weight gain, stobin soulmates but robin is tired
Chubby Eddie Munson
Jeans : Ao3 | wc: 1.5k | rated: M | tags: pre & established relationship, weight gain, outgrown clothes, some sub steve
Santa baby : wc: 390 | rated: T | tags: chubby eddie, established relationship, fluff, a silly thing for Christmas
Witness Protection WG AU | rated: M | tags: weight gain, cannon divergence, stuffing
Breakfast : Ao3 | wc: 3.6k | rated: E | tags: getting together, belly kink, stuffing, feedee eddie munson, feeder steve harrington, semi public sex (in eddies van)
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loverboyfae · 9 days
the thing about macdennis dom/sub dynamic is. well first thing is obviously it sucks and is not actually proper bdsm they just do whatever. i doubt they have anything resembling safe words like they hear of it and then go hm. whatever lol
anyway so the real thing about it is with dennis as the dom that’s just. like. the show. you know he already takes the controlling role in the relationship he’s the golden god he’s going to make mac suck him off and worship him and bow at his feet and do anything he says, and mac will big-eyed nod because he’ll do anything that shows dennis might be into him. and that’s fine that’s fun like i love that dynamic of course
but dom mac is where the really good shit is. because mac’s masculinity is a performance but the moments he shows security in himself are not. unlike dennis who performs everything to protect his extremely damaged ego. he’s already stated that he only likes the illusion of control. HOWEVER. because of that damaged ego he cannot just admit to wanting to sub. (again. they do not use the words for that) so it becomes a like. well a near non-con process of mac brat taming him that, were it not two deeply fucked up fictional characters, would be intensely unhealthy. and i mean still is intensely unhealthy but they will not get anything better ever. because dennis NEEDS to prove that he will never ever give in he is powerful he is in control and if mac is ever going to try to control him he needs to prove that he fucking deserves it.
and maybe it starts and dennis goes fine. you may tell me what to do. i will indulge your little fantasies and make you happy out of my kindness and finally give you your little gay wishes. but mac Sees what dennis really wants and starts doing whatever he can to break dennis down, get him crying and begging for him. and like the gang chokes get him vulnerable so he can take care of him, obviously. so he wrangles him and it’s completely uncommunicated halfway cnc but mac’s greatest goal is to have dennis openly ask him for things (not demand, ask. even beg) without mac having to spend like forever beforehand edging or hitting him or restraining him or poisoning him. and it’s awesome and dennis cries and mac is severe and sweet and confident
anyway also i think mac is also very indulgent especially in public. like dennis dom is asserting how he has the power. mac dom is letting dennis say how he controls everything in their relationship and then silencing him with a look at home. of course the gang knows he’s the sub (i waver on this because of their lack of dennis understanding in the hand tends bar but i do think it’s funnier for dennis to believe he has everyone believing he takes charge in the bedroom while everyone knows he’s drying on it)
also important is because of their issues they can never switch but they can have elaborate power struggles every night to every week even once they’ve truly established the dynamic
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dennisboobs · 1 year
My biggest issue with the bowling ep wasn't the misogyny (because the entire show is about how awful these people are) it's about how bad the social commentary was. We don't need another "why girls vs boys is stupid" debate because we all know it's stupid. It's not a new or innovative satire, and that's really disappointing.
i just... don't think an episode needs to have amazing social commentary to justify its existence, i thought it was a ton of fun and i enjoyed this ep immensely. i don't even really see a specific, intended social commentary aspect to it. like, yes obviously the dialogue is there, but to me, it was way more about dennis vs dee than boys vs girls. neither team really gave a shit and it was only dennis pushing that narrative to taunt dee & reaffirm his own Strength (which he ended up being so desperate to prove that he broke his hand -- dennis is afraid of looking weak in front of them and so has to knock dee down several pegs to secure a win. he knows she's good. way better than him.). the girls were getting along fine before she showed up (they didn't turn on each other, they just turned on dee, who they already don't like), and clearly didn't give a shit about their little sibling spat, but even still the waitress stepped up against dennis because he was being a piece of shit. it wasn't a Girl Power moment, and it wasn't saying....... anything, it was just. fuck this guy in particular.
the girls just wanted a sub and dee ended up making it all about her. because. she's part of the gang, of course she did <3
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s-nacore · 1 year
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ɞ ꒦₊˚﹕Manifestation method. || my method
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Hello beautiful people, here is a manifestation method I do and wanted share with everyone! If you ever decide to do this and you see results , please share ^^. Also sorry if you see some bad English 💀😭
♡┇・ wake up and put on a subliminal and play them 3 times (I suggest doing this when you are still at a drowsy state and you can play it more or you want )
♡┇・say 3 affirmations of your desire(s)
♡┇・ continue on with your day ( you can visualize and hell even pretend that you already have them- I mean you already do but you get the idea)
♡┇・sometime in the afternoon play a sub for 6 times and say 6 affirmations of your desires (or just say 6 affirmations if you are not in the position to put on subliminals)
♡┇・ continue on your day again
♡┇・ when it hit evening, do some self care and say 9 affirmations and play a subliminal for 9 times. (Or just say your affirmations and put a subliminal on until you fall asleep)
♡┇・ sometimes if you want you can go over things that remind you of your desires and make one last affirmation that you already have everything you could ever want.
Subliminal users I recommend: D
▪︎Slade. |
▪︎V1per |
▪︎mxrahki |
▪︎enchanted workshop |
▪︎Moza morph |
☆ Stuff to do on your free time that can help boost your desires
₊˚๑꒱ create pinterest boards or scroll through places like pinterest
₊˚๑꒱ imagine and daydreaming
₊˚๑꒱ if you are very spiritual n stuff you can do stuff like sigils ( which are magical symbols with specific purpose and power)
Here is a link on how to make them <3
₊˚๑꒱ listening to edit audios or playlists that remind you of you desires or desired reality.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
"Roleplaying does it for him, but what sets him off in this case is that he trusts you to listen to him if he needs to stop. He loves it, he feels seen and heard. But now he wants to feel used. You tie him down, watch him try to wiggle out of the harsh knots of rope, laugh at him, slap him around a little, listen to him beg you not to touch him, not to fuck him, not to finger him. He gets off on how powerful you look above him and how you're doing this for him. So his fantasy is to tied up and used like a toy "against his will."" Aw my sweet Dennis <33 first of all, yes, of course, he's always seen and heard and we love him so so much!! But second, my oh my... I love this and his wish is my command
He's our kinky little baby!
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He loves knowing that he makes you feel good, so having you use him to get off is the sexiest thing ever. He just wants you to bounce on his cock and make yourself cum as many times as you want. He gets off on the overstimulation too, you dont care if he cums 3 times back to back, you're not done. You'll stop when you're finished (or if he says his safe word).
He just loves the trust you guys have, and that's adorable 🥰
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A type of love. (Logan x OFC)
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Description: Listen man (GN) I saw this gif and I thought 'Oh he's a FREAK freak' and thus the idea of Sonne and Logan fucking nasty and playing with each others blood was born.
Warnings: Very NSFW, blood mention, blood drinking, vampire bites, some vaguely sub/dom energy, there's full penetration (I thought that in the Dennis iasip voice)
I hope you enjoy <3 This is also aviable on AO3
The clock chimed twice, Two AM, Sonne had been in the apartment alone for six whole hours, Wade went to see Blind Al, and judging by his barely legible text message, had gotten fucked up on coke with her, so he was spending the night at hers, which was perhaps a blessing.
Logan had gone out for a drive, Sonne wasn’t sure what was bothering the wolverine but decided to not ask, He’d been gone for long enough that he should be back by now, but knowing him, he was sulking in a bar somewhere under the guise of ‘giving her and Wade space.’
She knew how to entice him back, so showered and used all his favourite scents, lavender, vanilla and just a pinch of his cologne.
She then picked out his favourite outfit of hers, a long flowy soft negligee that barely covered anything it was so sheer, it was a deep blue, he said the blue always made the purple of her eyes pop, it was so nice she had a box full of them, wolverine’s are destructive, after all.
It was three AM when she rang him, he answered quickly which surprised her.
His voice was like gravel, she wondered how many cigars and cigarettes he’d been smoking, the faint sound of music and people talking could be heard, she was right, he was at a bar.
“You’ve been gone for hours.”
“I told you not to wait up.”
“Wade’s crashing at Al’s…” She trailed off “So we have the apartment too ourselves..”
She lowered her voice to a husky whisper
“I’m wearing that outfit you like.”
If she focused hard enough, she swears she can hear his heart pounding in his ears
“Gimme half an hour, sweetheart.” 
“Make it fifteen, I’m cold and I’d hate to have to cover up.”
He chuckled, it was a tease on her behalf, she couldn't feel the cold, not really.
“I’ll try my best.”
It was ten minutes before she heard the familiar rumble of Logan’s bike drive up to the building, and parking up outside. She smiled to herself, she was actually impressed, she timed standing up with the front door swinging open.
Logan closed the door, Sonne noticed the scuffs on his jacket, the boot marks on his jeans, she could smell dried blood.
“Something happen?” 
“Some punks were picking a fight with a homeless guy..I persuaded them to reconsider.” 
He closed the door with a slam, She rolled her eyes, the neighbours would be complaining, They were already the odd trio, the last thing they needed was more attention on them.
“I leave you to your own devices for a few hours and you get in a bar fight..” 
She stood up and walked towards him, the negligee flowed around her like smoke, she purposely made her footsteps make noise, to attract his attention.
It worked, when he turned she noticed the bruising on his face, the cut across his bottom lip still bleeding.
His eyes scanned her body and she saw a very primal hunger awaken within him, Anyone else might have been scared, but they both knew that Logan could only hurt her when she let him, she could kill him in a second, she was the apex predator here, maybe that just made it better, added to the thrill.
“I was helping out someone, I thought you’d approve.” Sarcasm dripped from his words “The good vampire who disapproves of mindless violence.”
She reached up and cupped his cheeks in her hands, she rubbed the blood away with her thumb, then put her thumb into her mouth and sucked it clean, his blood was still warm, tasting of whiskey and cheap vodka.
He kissed her, his lips were rough, his beard rougher, his tongue forced its way into her mouth, cigar smoke still clinging to him, She felt his hands latch around her waist, pulling her into his chest, against his rock hard muscles and hardening cock, hidden behind faded blue denim.
It had been a long time since Sonne had met anyone who could leave her breathless, yet here he was, pinning her against him.
He sank his teeth into her bottom lip, it stung and made her gasp, she moved her hands down his body, feeling each tense muscle, Wade was right, he did need to relax from time to time. 
She rubbed his cock through his jeans, it was getting harder under her touch, he groaned in her mouth, moving his lips off hers to her neck, he bit into her flesh, making her yelp, he chuckled again, moving his hands off her waist to slip under her legs under the fabric, his hands were rough against her smooth skin, he was warm, almost burning.
His hands moved up her thighs, to her cunt, she was now suddenly aware of how aroused she was, and so was Logan, she could feel him smirking against her neck.
“You’ve been waiting all night for this, haven’t you?” 
He lifted his head to look her in the eyes, she was frozen by his gaze, it was intense, burning a hole straight into her soul. 
If she still had one.
“Haven’t you?” She squeezed his cock, which was now at complete hardness, she could feel it twitching in her palm, trying to escape the fabric that confined it. “All I needed to do was call and you came running.”
He ran a finger through her folds, teasing her, she held back a whine. 
“Don’t act like if I called you, you wouldn’t come running just as fast, doll.”
He brought his finger to his lips, she could see her slick glistening in the light, he put the finger in his mouth and sucked, she let out a breath.
His free arm latched around her waist, picking her off the floor, she wraps her legs around his middle, her wet cunt settling on the bulge in his jeans, the fabric is rough, a jolt of electricity that goes from her clit to her toes.
His jacket was cool against her exposed flesh, contrasting to the furnace that was his chest, she tried to shift, to get at his neck, to kiss and bite him, he was holding her too tight to allow any movement, he knew what she wanted to do. 
He carried her into his bedroom, the stale smell of cigar smoke clung to every inch of the space, it was comforting, he dropped her on to the bed, it was soft beneath her, a blue-green plaid bedspread, that she was sure was the exact pattern of a shirt he owned, she’d have to tell Wade about that, he’d have a good joke about it.
Logan closed the door, and began taking his jacket off, Sonne watched from her spot on the bed, there was something oddly sensual of watching him undress, even if it was just his jacket.
He stripped down to just his vest, faded white, almost grey with spots of dried blood, it made Sonne frown, just how bad was that fight he got into? He must have noticed her frown.
“Trust me, the other guy is far worse off.” He must have noticed her frown.
“That's what I’m worried about.”
“I left them alive.” 
“Great, so they can identify you.”
He chuckled and shook his head, walking towards the bed “You worry too much, doll.”
“You think I’ve lived this long by being sloppy?” 
“You’ve lived this long because you use charm rather than violence..” he shrugged “I don’t have your looks.”
“You’re alright looking..I suppose.”
Logan just smirked, and kicked off his boots, Sonne wouldn’t say it aloud, it would seem far to corny, but Logan was more than ‘alright looking’ he was beautiful, and Sonne had seen a lot of faces in her time, but his would stay in her memory forever, she tried not to dwell on if there would ever be a future without him in it, she hoped not, she hoped that they, along with Wade, would stay like this forever, a curious trio who loved each other, even if the two men would never admit it.
Sonne was old enough to know there was more than one sort of love.
The mattress moved as Logan climbed on top of her, he put his hands beside her head and met her gaze, almost daring her to try and move, he even moved his head to expose a pulsing vein in his neck.
She licked her lips, his lip had stopped bleeding but she was sure she could remedy that given the chance, centuries of self control was being put to the test at this moment.
He put his hands on her waist and let some of his weight rest on her, he was heavy, having metal bones upped his body mass but even without that, he was taller than her by a foot and muscular, but that meant nothing to Sonne.
She giggled as his fingers ghosted across her bare hips, lifting the sheer fabric to bunch around her waist, he leaned down to kiss her temple
“You’re being very submissive tonight, doll..”
“Isn’t that what you want?” 
He grazed her teeth across her ear lobe “I’m just seeing how long you can keep playing pretend.”  
He rolled his hips against hers, pressing his jean covered crotch into hers, she smirked at him, showing her fangs, he wanted her to do something.
So she did, she hooked her legs around his waist and flipped him over, he let out a soft grunt as his back met the mattress, his cock twitched beneath her.
“See? I can be big and strong too..” she teased, running her hands up his chest, she pressed her pointer finger into the fabric, her nail catching on it, she applied pressure and dragged it down, cutting the fabric as she did, splitting it in two “But unlike you, I’m not a brute who can’t control myself.” 
“Keep tellin’ yourself that.” 
  He was smugly grinning up at her, the stretch of his lips caused his bottom one to bleed again, a tiny red stream going down his chin, that was again, a purposeful move on Logan’s end.
They locked eyes again, his stare was a silent dare to do it, to give in.
She bent down and kissed him, tasting his warm blood on her tongue, she could hear his heart beat pounding in her ears, feel it rumbling in his ribs.
His hands went down to his belt, she heard the clang of his buckle and moved out of the way to allow space for him to undo his fly and pull down his jeans and boxers, by the time she moved back into position, his cock was rigid and ready for her as she sank down on him, her eyes rolling back as he stretched her open, rubbing against all her sensitive walls.
He groaned into her mouth as he bottomed out inside her.
“Fuck..” he mumbled as she pulled her mouth off his. 
Sonne sat up, adjusting herself on his cock, their thighs were touching, his balls resting against the curve of her ass, she grabbed the hem of her negligee and began to lift it.
“Leave it on.”
“I don’t want to ruin it.”
Logan grinned again, a almost manic look in his eyes, Sonne was sure a similar look was in her eyes, she didn’t have to hold back, not with him, no matter what she did, he’d be okay, she couldn’t accidentally kill him, he wouldn’t run away screaming the second he saw her fangs.
Nor could he kill her, his claws could cut her skin but that was about it, they were two monsters who had managed to find someone like them.
He looped one arm around her waist and pulled her down to lie against his chest, her head nestled against his neck, against that pulsing vein he had taunted her with, he thrusted his hips into hers, she whispered a swear under her breath in german.
She ran her nails across his chest, drawing blood that she lapped up with kisses, he dug his fingers into her waist, she’d be bruised in the morning, it was worth it.
At a certain point she had to stop kissing his chest and neck, all she could do was just hold on for dear life as he fucked her, she thanked whatever god was out there that she wasn’t mortal, else she’d have more than bruises to deal with, at this phase she would have gotten a damn broken hip. 
But it felt so, so good, she was rapidly approaching the height of her orgasm at breakneck speed, usually it was gradual like waves on a shore, this time it was a flash flood that took her by surprise, she kissed him in order to silence the scream that was building in her chest, one of his arms went up her back, resting on her spine, he sat up, manoeuvring her so she was sat in his lap, he broke the kiss this time, resting his forehead against hers as she shook against him, whimpering.
“Atta girl.”
His spare hand went down to her clit, he rubbed his rough thumb in circles over the sensitive nub, she twitched against him.
Fuck she shouldn’t have poked the bear.
He managed to draw another three orgasms from her, getting more and more smug with each one.
“Now who needs to work on their self control?”
Sonne couldn’t even fathom a snarky response, her head was swimming, the mixture of his constant thumbing of her swollen clit and the long strokes of his cock, her brain had melted and was about to pour out of her ears at any second. 
She felt his laugh rumble in his chest, he was covered in tiny scratches and love bites, his sweat causing his chest hair to stick to his skin, if Sonne had the energy she’d be kissing every inch of it.
“Come on baby…one more for me..”
“I can’t..” She whined “Fuck..its all too much..”
“You can finally have a go at my neck…I’ve seen you eying it all night.”
“If I do that right now I might really hurt you.”
“I can take it..”
She kissed his neck “I know…but still…I wanted to double check.”  
The vein was pulsing, she wasn’t sure if it actually was or if her hunger was making her imagine it.
As she sank her fangs into his neck, she reached the peak of her orgasm, the assault on her senses caused her to almost black out, her cunt clenched around his cock in a way that made him curse, she barely heard him over the sound of blood in her ears.
There was some sort of irony to the fact that as she drank from his neck he came inside her, Sonne was reminded of the tales of vampires who would sneak into mens bedrooms and have sex with them before draining them of blood, it seemed a fair trade, or in this instance it was.
“Okay…okay doll that's enough..”
His heartbeat was getting slower, she knew what that meant, she’d bitten into his jugular, a normal human would be almost dead by now.
She very almost didn’t stop, what was the worst that could happen? Logan would pass out for a few moments and then get back up.
No, even if he could revive, the idea of “killing” him made Sonne feel sick.
She pulled away, she wasn’t aware of the blood covering her chin until then, the spell was broken, she avoided Logan’s gaze, embarrassed that she had gotten so lost in her feeding that she almost stopped his heart.
He fell back into the mattress, pulling her with him, she lay her head on his chest, her previous bites and scratches were already healing, they’d take a few days to disappear completely.
“Come ‘ere.”
He cupped her face and tilted her head up, he bent his head down to kiss her, she put a hand up and gestured to her blood covered mouth.
“Let me clean up-”
“I don’t care.”
His lips were warm, his teeth sharp on her bottom lip, he split the flesh open, mixing their blood together on each other's lips.
There was more than one sort of love.
When the kiss ended, there was blood in Logan’s beard, all over his mouth and chin, Sonne properly looked the same, she smiled.
“We need to clean this up…before your bed looks like a crime scene.”
He put his arms around her body, pulling her even tighter against his chest, as if trying to pull her inside his chest cavity.
“I can always change the sheets.”
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missmagooglie · 1 year
I understand why they did the time skip in the season finale to everyone being back at work and being a team again. Really. I do.
It's just............
Damn. How fun would it have been to have an episode where Buck is working with a bunch of subs doing overtime, learning that B and C shift have their own weird drama and Ravi teasing him for living so much in the A shift bubble "like you guys think you're the main characters of the firehouse or something"
And cutting between that and Hen, Chim, Bobby, and Eddie on medical leave being the worst patients in the world? Just a montage of:
Karen snatching Denny's tablet away from Hen because she's not allowed to look at screens but can't kick the spider solitaire habit
Chim trying to sneak out of the hospital (because we're pretending that line about going home tomorrow didn't happen. The man got impaled. It would shock me if he didn't need surgery. He's doing more hard time than "just overnight for observation") and Maddie not at all subtly using Jee to guilt him back to the hospital bed
Bobby managing to look simultaneously sheepish and unrepentant as Athena catches him "just checking in to see how things are going" at the firehouse for the umpteenth time... today
Chris chiding Eddie "Da-ad! You're supposed to be resting, you broke your ribs!" And Eddie replying "FRACTURED. My ribs are fractured, not broken. I can absolutely do a load of laund- oww, oww. Ok, maybe I can sit for a little while" and/or Chris shamelessly exploiting Eddie's couch-bound status to play more video games with him
7.01 episode of my dreams, dashed by the need to put a neat bow on things in case they didn't get renewed. :(
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My Opinions on Every Arc V Ship
Continuing my little “every ship of x Yugioh” series for no other reason than I feel like it. This time it’s Arc V because… a combination of Duel Links events, considering new ships, and Declan’s… existence put this series in particular back on my mind. Might use a combination of dub and sub names since within Arc V especially, which name I prefer varies wildly from character to character.
(Note after the fact: I did not realise just how many ships there were on this list. This took days to make. My descriptions get lazier and lazier the further into this you read, I can actually see myself slipping into insanity. Also, due to just how many ships there were on this list, I ended up considering a crap ton of new ships while writing this so... yeah these opinions might change in the future. A lot of these, especially the Dennis and Mieru ships, are more like first takes.)
Aceshipping (Masumi x Hokuto x Yaiba)
So basically LDS throuple. I can sort of get behind this but I’ve also been headcanoning Masumi as a mean lesbian for years now. Mean bisexual works too though. Based ship.
Alterationshipping (Yugo x Shinji)
I uh. I’m not really sure how this would work. Did they even meet? I guess they did both want to overthrow the rich but… I think Yugo was more concerned about fighting Yuri and looking for Rin at that point in the story. I don’t know, it seems a bit niche and not really my thing.
Amazonesshipping (Gloria x Grace)
Hard no. They’re sisters (and maybe twins?). Moving on.
Amethystshipping (Declan x Ruri)
Okay, really cool name aside, I cannot get into this ship whatsoever. I’m a believer in Declan and the bracelet girls and Riley and Shun all being reluctant siblings. That’s not canon (not within the series at least, Duel Links does lean into this though) but it’s how I see it so it prevents me from liking any of those ships. So I’m going to exclude any upcoming Declan/bracelet girl ship to save time.
Announcershipping (Nico x Melissa)
This is so stupid and I love it. They should duel each other with absolute garbage decks while announcing over their own duel like it’s the most epic duel in the history of the world like that one episode of Beyblade did with the two Blader DJs. Because there absolutely needs to be a card game version of that. You better not think I am being sarcastic right now. I mean this. It would be amazing.
Antiheroshipping (Edo x Kaito)
Can’t believe Arc V has canon crossover ships. I’ll do my best to go off specifically the Arc V versions of these characters. Kaito I’ve seen as aromantic for a while now and this ship… well, I can’t say I care for the idea of shipping a victim and a knowing willing participant of attempted genocide. Just… on principle. I can’t remember any of their actual interactions I’ll be honest. This ship doesn’t appeal to me.
Apparitionshipping (Yuya x Shun x Yuto)
Not my thing. I don’t have a particular reason for it, it’s just… eh.
Appleshipping (Yugo x Rin)
Yugo spent just about every second of his screen time either looking for Rin, talking about her, or crying over her. Kinda hard not to ship it.
Artemisshipping (Yuri x Yuya x Serena)
Okay, this one’s hilarious. Not because of anything in canon but because of the fic I wrote where Serena and Yuri eat the most horrible food combinations, horrifying both Yuya and Yuzu but especially Yuya. So that’s their dynamic in my head: Serena and Yuri do horrible things and Yuya faints. Top tier. Love this ship.
Asraishipping (Sayaka x Serena)
I interpreted Sayaka and Allen as much younger than the main group so not my cup of tea.
Astroshipping (Hokuto x Serena)
No feelings on this ship whatsoever. I never heard of it before now and I have no opinion on Hokuto.
Astrologyshipping (Hokuto x Mieru)
I think these two would be that one couple that talks about how their sun and moon signs are perfectly aligned and shares daily zodiac horoscopes with people. So I can kinda see it.
Athenashipping (Gloria x Serena)
And I also thought the Tyler sisters were way older than they might be apparently. Still don't like the ship though.
Attendshipping (Yuya x Gongenzaka x Yuzu)
Yeah, I can see this. There’s another throuple with Yuya/Yuzu I prefer but this is cute too. Yuya and Yuzu can sit on Gongenzaka’s shoulders and hold hands and ruffle his hair.
Aurorashipping (Serena x Rin)
Duel Links took a cannonball to basically every single bracelet girl/bracelet girl ship in the Serena event which was… something. I was really only into one of those ships and it wasn’t this one but yeah that was… a thing that happened. Even ignoring that though, I wouldn’t care for this ship in particular. Very pretty ship name though.
Bambooshipping (Yuya x Isao)
Nah. All they ever did was beat each other up.
Bardshipping (Sawatari x Ruri)
These two should start a band together. Or some kind of singing songbird choir like in My Little Pony. As a ship though… I really just wonder how Shun would react to it honestly. He’s oddly patient with idiots but if the idiot is his sister’s boyfriend…
Okay this is just turning into me coming up with fanfic ideas I'm never gonna write. My point is I think this ship is funny and they might have some common ground. So… I guess I kinda like it, though I have other ships I prefer.
Beamshipping (Ray x Yuya)
I am very confused by this ship’s existence and can’t get into it.
Birdcageshipping (Crow x Serena)
Nah, he’s too old for her in my confusing view of these characters’ ages.
Bettashipping (Yuya x Sora x Yuri)
This is like the Serena/Yuya/Yuri one for me: the dynamic I picture for them is just “they do horrible things to horrify Yuya and comedy ensues.” It’s not as good as that one but I enjoy the idea.
Bittersweetshipping (Yuya x Shun x Sora)
I don’t really care for either of these characters with Shun honestly but I’ll save those thoughts for those individual ships I guess. Not into this one.
Blackbirdshipping (Crow x Shun)
I shipped this one way back when I first watched Arc V. And now… it’s still my favourite Crow ship if we’re sticking strictly with Arc V. (I prefer his 5Ds ships.) I like the rapport these two have with each other, I like their outwardly gruff but inwardly protective almost fatherly personalities, and that little fist bump thing they do gives me life. Good ship. I hope they continue to visit each other post canon.
Blinkshipping (Yugo x Yuzu x Yuya)
This one weirdly kinda works thanks to all the screentime Yuzu and Yugo got together in the synchro arc? And Yuya and Yugo are so similar I could see them being best buds if they met again under different circumstances. Heck, honestly, throw Rin into this dynamic too. I can see them all getting along.
Bluemoonshipping (Serena x Moon Shadow)
I could see these two drinking blue moons. Can’t really see them as a ship though, sorry.
Bondageshipping (Sergey x Barret)
No thanks. To every Sergey ship. They're all eliminated because I dislike all of them for the same reason: I hate him.
Bootshipping (Yuya x Allen)
Shoulda named it redheadshipping /j.
Don’t like this ship cuz I feel like Allen’s a lot younger than him, or at least comes across that way.
Braceletshipping (Yuzu x Yuto)
This ship is forever tied to that frustrating “Yuya and Yuto look exactly the same!” bullshit from season 1 so I can't get into this.
Brashshipping (Serena x Sawatari)
Serena herself said no to this ship and I agree with her. Him trying to kiss her while she’s sleeping isn’t funny, it’s creepy. I’m glad Serena punched him in the face.
Canaryshipping (Crow x Yuzu)
I have no idea why this is a thing and can’t get into it.
Candyshipping (Sora x Yuya)
Yeah, I like this ship. It’s funny to me how much upbeat Sora annoys the usually tolerant chipper Yuya with his antics back in season 1. And also Sora can horrify him with horrible awful food fusions from hell.
Candyappleshipping (Sora x Mieru)
I think Sora should try and eat Mieru’s crystal ball apple. I have no idea what this means in relation to this ship, it’s just the first thing that came to mind when I saw it. So… uh…
I kinda like how Mieru is mainly a ritual summoner while Sora is mainly a fusion summoner and those are the two summons that revolve around spell cards. That’s fun. Not my thing though.
Ceremonialshipping (Michio x Mieru)
I like how similar their names are. Cannot remember their interactions for the life of me since these are both minor characters that never stood out to me so… eh?
Chantshipping (Mieru x Yuzu)
…jesus christ this one feels vicious towards Yuya. Not my thing.
Chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka x Sawatari)
This ship name is just roasting Sawatari and I love that. As for the ship itself, I can see it. Not a huge fan but it could work.
Chiffonshipping (Sora x Masumi)
I can’t really see this working? I feel like they’d just be kinda mean to each other…
Circustarshipping (Yuya x Hokuto)
Not my thing because I don’t really care for Hokuto in general.
Classshipping (Declan x Yugo)
I can see Yugo annoying the absolute crap out of Declan, which would be funny, but… I already see him as way too old for Yuya, canon ages be damned, so same goes for Yugo.
Clearknightshipping (Serena x Yugo)
I liked their duel and I like how much Serena punched Yugo in the face for being an idiot. So… yeah, it’s a decent ship in my eyes, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Clearwingshipping (Yugo x Zarc)
Can’t see this working what with Zarc now only existing as some weird presence inside a de-aged baby.
Clingshipping (Futoshi x Tatsuya)
I hate Futoshi. That's my opinion on all his ships so I'm ignoring the rest.
Collisionshipping (Yuto x Yugo)
These two would probably get along if they could chill out and talk things out rationally. Yugo, ya ever try not being named fusion? Kidding, kidding. Good idea of a ship.
Concealshipping (Yuri x Ruri)
If someone ever asks why Yugioh ships don’t do the combined name thing that other fandoms do, just show them this.
Anyways, don’t like the ship because they have exactly one canon interaction and it’s not good.
Concernshipping (Yuya x Riley)
Riley is too baby to ship. So no.
Connectshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Yuto x Ruri x Yugo x Rin x Yuri x Serena)
Perfection. No notes. Ray and Zarc would be proud of themselves.
Controlshipping (Roget x Yuya)
This ship is just straight up pedophilia so no thanks.
Cookshipping (Michio x Yoko)
Literally the same thing. Stop shipping adults with minors please.
Counterchargeshipping (Yuri x Kaito)
Same problem as Edo x Kaito for me except even worse because at least Edo eventually felt guilt for what he did, even if it was post murdering. Yuri is just a sadist (and four years younger than Kaito).
Counterpartshipping (Yuya x Yuto)
I honestly thought I’d ship this more than I do. It’s fine, it’s got enough moments that I understand why it’s a ship, but it never particularly grabbed me.
Covenantshipping (Declan x Moon Shadow)
This kind of gives me Spectre/Ryoken vibes. Except Moon Shadow is more mentally stable and not unhealthily obsessed with Declan the way Spectre is about Ryoken (at least the way I perceived it). So… the power imbalance is still there but I guess this is a more appealing version of that sort of dynamic for me ? I don’t know, I can sort of see this ship is my point. I’m just not very interested in Moon Shadow as a character.
Cowardshipping (Yuri x Sayaka)
No. That just feels messed up and not in a fun way.
Crescentshipping (Moon Shadow x Riley)
Riley is baby. Riley is like 9. I do not like shipping Riley with the teenagers.
Crewshipping (Sawatari x Ootamo x Yamabe x Kakimoto)
I no doubt spelled one of those names wrong because I don’t think I ever knew these names or spared those three friends of Sawatari’s more than like one of my brain cells. So this ship is completely whatever to me.
Daddyshipping (Leo x Yusho)
This is the worst ship I have ever seen in my life and also completely hilarious. I hope they’re bitter exes and stay away from all children ever because they are the worst fathers ever. They can be each other’s daddies though, that’s fine.
Dancingdivashipping (Yuzu x Asuka)
I don’t care for this ship but the name is fun.
Darkrebelshipping (Yuto x Shun)
Okay, age gap aside, I never got particularly into this one because they just seem way too similar and stoic. It’s a fine ship and I like their canon interactions but I just prefer them platonically.
Dartshipping (Sawatari x Yuya)
Okay, this is a fun one. They’re both such extra divas and some of their interactions in canon can look pretty flirty, especially out of context. I like this one.
Defectshipping (Grace x Edo)
You know, I’m actually kinda considering this ship now that it’s being presented to me. I can totally see Grace having a crush on Edo. I initially interpreted her having a crush on Yuya but honestly? I like this better. Maybe she always wanted to betray fusion but didn’t get the courage to until she saw Edo do it and that admiration of him and their shared experience later formed into romantic feelings. That’s a cute idea.
Defendshipping (Gongenzaka x Yuya)
I prefer them as friends but this is a decent ship.
Delightshipping (Ayu x Amanda)
This… kinda just feels like it exists because they look similar but okay. Not my thing.
Demonshipping (Mieru x Yuri)
I want Mieru to read Yuri's fortune or horoscope or whatever and just fucking faint from how horrifying it is. Bonus points if the fortune is something like “you will eat pineapple on pizza and like it.” I don't care for the ship but an interaction between them would be funny.
Dessertshipping (Sora x Sawatari)
Never considered this one. Well, I never considered most of these ships honestly but in the case of these two, I can’t remember any of their interactions, but I could see them being friends.
Dimensionshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)
Again, legitimately perfect. No notes.
Divergentshipping (Declan x Shay x Yuya)
I feel like these three would sooner kill each other than date. Which like… if that’s what you’re into, all power to ya. Can’t relate but valid.
That goes for any ship I diss here or in my other posts, I’m not going after anyone when I give my opinions on these fictional ships.
Divineshipping (Stargazer Magician x Timegazer Magician)
Another legitimately perfect ship that I would die for. These two’s love for each other is so strong that they can reach across space and time and Yuya’s duel disk to summon up to five monsters all at once. True icons.
Dramaticshipping (Jack x Roget x Melissa)
Take the creepy old dude out of this and I could maybe get behind it, but as long as he’s here, the ship is a no.
Donationshipping (Yuzu x Halil)
I mean I can see him totally having a crush on her but Yuzu has more prevalent ship options that I’m more interested in. Also, this doesn’t have much to do with the ship but the first time I watched Arc V, I mistook Halil for a girl. So uh. Oops.
Dualityshipping (Kaito x Yuto)
4 years is definitely too big of an age gap for me when the characters are this young, sorry. Also aromantic Kaito.
Duskshipping (Dennis x Yuri)
I know they only interact a few times and it’s just to commit horrible crimes but I like this ship. I feel like Dennis would sweep Yuri off his feet and they would also commit arson together.
Elusionshipping (Dennis x Osiris red girl)
I have absolutely no idea who this girl is so I have no opinion on this. If it’s the girl that told Asuka about how horrible the war was and tried to escape with her though, then I prefer that ship.
Emblemshipping (Serena x Yuya)
I feel like the only chance in canon these two would’ve had to interact on any level is that time period in which Yuya was going insane over Yuzu being missing so… him getting a crush on someone who “looks exactly like her” and acts similarly to her would feel like way too much of a rebound. Could work in a post canon setting though even if on its own, it’s missing the chaos of something like Yuya/Serena/Yuri.
Enduranceshipping (Serena x Riley)
Riley is too baby to be shipped with a teenager. I can get behind a sister dynamic between these two though.
Entertainmentshipping (Yuya x Dennis)
Oh hell yeah another fun one. I stan these gay theatre kid bois and their antics and interactions. I particularly like their final duel where Yuya tells Dennis to just drop being an evil psycho and go into the entertainment industry. Fun stuff.
Epochshipping (Mieru x Gongenzaka)
Can’t believe Go Rush stole a name from an Arc V ship smh. Do something original Fo Gush. /j
In all seriousness, I can’t really see this one honestly. Nothing bad, just not a standout.
Escapeshipping (Asuka x Osiris Red Girl)
Okay this confirms what I said earlier about the Dennis version of this ship. Can't get into this either since I headcanon Asuka as aromantic but it's at least got some backing to it.
Exchangeshipping (Dennis x Halil x Olga)
Not really into the two minor characters but Dennis having a troupe made up of fellow exchange students is a cute idea.
Exhibitionshipping (Dennis x Michio)
Honestly Dennis can be shipped with just about anyone and I’d approve. He’s such an over the top flirty dumbass drama queen that the comedic/dynamic potential exists for all these ships. So this one's fine.
Facetshipping (Yaiba x Masumi)
Meh. Not my thing.
Fairyshipping (Mikiyo x Yuzu)
I have no idea who Mikiyo is and Google didn’t help so no thoughts on this one.
Fairytaleshipping (Mikiyo x Mieru)
No seriously, who is this girl? I don’t remember her even as I look at frames of her. If she’s associated with music, then the Yuzu ship makes more sense.
Fallenangelshipping (Yuto x Ruri)
These two are freaking adorable and honestly my second favourite bracelet girl/yu boy ship. I like the idea of Ruri being super forward and sweet and chipper and dragging Yuto off for adventures all while Yuto is being super shy the whole time. I love this ship dearly, it’s honestly one of my favourites and negates any desire I’d have to ship Yuto/Shun or Yuto/Yuya.
Fastenshipping (Gongenzaka x Rin)
Not really sure where this comes from. I guess they both use synchro? Not my thing.
Fatedshipping (Yuya x Mieru)
That’s a big nope from me. Yuya clearly does not like her.
Finalistshipping (Riley x Tatsuya)
Meh, not my thing.
Flightshipping (Odd Eyes x Clear Wing x Starving Venom x Dark Rebellion)
An absolutely perfect ship. May these wonderful dragons one day be reunited after their years of solitude and longing for each other.
Flouriteshipping (Yuri x Rin)
Again, like Yuri/Ruri, their only canon interaction was a kidnapping so this is not my thing. Also, it feels cruel to Yugo and not in a funny way.
Foolshipping (Sawatari x Mieru)
Okay, if Mieru giving Sawatari a tarot card reading and him getting “the fool” and him freaking out isn’t a thing then I will write it because that is the most obvious and hilarious thing to come from this dynamic. I love it. I like it better than the GX Foolshipping that came up on Tumblr when I searched it RIP.
Foresightshipping (Declan x Mieru)
I mean I wouldn’t blame Mieru for having a crush on him but I can’t see him returning that. He would have way too much power over her.
Fruishipping (Yuya x Yuzu)
Frypanshipping (Sawatari x Crow)
Crow gives off more father figure vibes to nearly everyone in the Lancers apart from Shun and Declan so this ship isn't my thing.
Fuschiashipping (Yuri x Yuzu)
These two on their own feel kind of toxic. So nah.
Funshipping (Yuya x Grace)
It’s really easy to interpret Grace having a crush on Yuya but… I am won over by the idea of her actually having a crush on Edo instead, who she has more in common with.
Gembraceletshipping (Masumi x Yuzu x Serena x Rin x Ruri)
Ignoring the way Duel Links took a cannon ball to these bracelet girl ships, this is a fun idea.
Gensisshipping (Ray x Zarc)
This one makes way too sense. Three out of four of their counterparts are romantically involved with each other and the only ones that weren’t were forcibly kept apart their whole lives. The idea that Ray and Zarc were once in love before Zarc went off the rails fits the narrative well and adds another layer of tragedy to the situation. Plus, it’s definitely something I can see Leo leaving out of his story if it was the case and his misery makes me happy. Good ship and stuff. I dig it.
Ghostshipping (Declan x Yuri)
Nah. The only time I remember these two interacting was when Yuri threw Declan at a wall when Declan was trying to protect Yusho. Declan deserves better than that. I would treat Declan better than that. I couldn’t even throw him at a wall to begin with, that dude is buff enough to hold his father over a cliff with just his elbow and pull him back to safety. I’m not messin’ with that block of concealed muscle. I might date him though.
…wait what I was talking about again?
Glowshipping (Yuzu x Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)
This sounds horribly inconvenient. Tfw you wanna hang out with your four boyfriends but your bracelet says no and TPs them back to spawn the moment they enter the chunk.
Gourmetshipping (Sawatari x Michio)
Yeah sure. Sawatari’s another character I can see with just about anyone his age and he’d definitely stuff his face with whatever Michio cooks.
Greekshipping (Dennis x Serena)
Throw Yuri into this ship and it’s perfection. On its own though, I can still get behind it cuz Serena can kick his ass when he’s annoying. And also Dennis collects counterparts.
Guardianshipping (Crow x Shinji)
I mean these two are roommates with three kids so this one feels low-key implied. I like Blackbirdshipping better but there’s no reason I can’t ship both.
Guiltshipping (Ruri x Sayaka)
I always interpreted Sayaka as younger than Ruri and prefer these two as friends so it’s a nah from me.
Gumshipping (Yuya x Allen x Sora)
Again, interpreted Allen much younger than them so not my thing.
Harpyshipping (Ruri x Grace)
Going through all these ships is making me realise that I just don’t like shipping any fusion dimension characters with any xyz dimension characters, with only a couple exceptions. So this isn't my thing at all.
Headmastershipping (Shuzuo x Himika)
I think that both of Declan and Riley’s parents should burn in hell and don’t want their mom involved with one of the only good Yugioh dads.
Honeybeeshipping (Shinji x Melissa)
Not my thing.
Horagaishipping (Yuzu x Gongenzaka)
This is the kind of ship where I’d like the fanart and maybe read a fanfic about it if the description amused me but I wouldn’t actively ship it. So it’s alright, just not my thing.
Hospitalityshipping (Michio x Olga x Halil)
All of these are minor characters that I barely give two of my brain cells to so I don’t care about this ship.
Hostageshipping (Declan x Shay)
Even before I saw these two as reluctant brothers, I couldn’t really get into this as a ship. Couldn’t tell ya why it just never worked for me.
Hummingbirdshipping (Shun x Sayaka)
Nope. He’s way too old for her. Do not like.
Icebergshipping (Gongenzaka x Olga)
I have thought about these minor ass Maiami championship characters more while writing this than I ever have over the course of the almost two years I’ve had Arc V in my life. I really have no opinions on them or their ships.
Icesnowshipping (Dennis x Olga)
Okay this one I can actually see a dynamic for. It reminds me of Heath and Abbey from Monster High: dumb boy who flirts with everyone x ice girl who can kick his ass.
Imperialcandyshipping (Yuri x Sora)
I love this ship name more than the actual ship. The ship is fine, not much to say though it doesn’t really stick out to me, but the name is amazing.
Institueshipping (Himika x Leo)
I mean these two were kind of intended to be an abusive couple that parted ways. Really hope they stay separated too because while I hate both of them, Leo was undeniably worse, at least in the context of their relationship. He treated Himika and their son terribly before just up and leaving. Good riddance, jackass.
Interveneshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo)
This loses a lot of chaotic lustre without Yuri in there but I want these three boys to be friends so yeah. I can ship it. Probably not a combination I’d specifically go for though.
Jailbreakshipping (Yuya x Crow)
0/10 ship because the name reminds me of the Emoji Movie /j
This ship is a no for me. Crow seems more like a dad to most of the group so I can’t really get behind this one.
Janusshipping (Dennis x Ruri)
Eeeeeeeh. Dennis was an accomplice in the war but a young and unwilling one. Still, he did assist specifically in kidnapping and tricking Ruri. But… a part of me still kinda likes this ship? Ruri does seem like the type to forgive him if he apologised, at least the way I write her character. I kinda like the idea of Dennis apologising to her post canon and Ruri forgiving him and befriending him, which stuns him and makes him slowly fall for her. Yeah… I can kinda enjoy this honestly. It’s a total guilty pleasure but still a pleasure.
Joikshipping (Yuzu x Olga)
Yes. Yuzu duels all the female duelists for no suspicious reason whatsoever :)
Jokershipping (Yuya x Sora x Sawatari)
I love it. Gay theatre kid throuple that would call themselves a troupe and be overdramatic every single second. They aren’t as closely knit as my Arc V OT3 but I do enjoy it.
Jubilantshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Sora)
My Arc V OT3 and possibly my favourite of all these ships (it’s very close between this and Fruit). Sora is an extra drop of sweetness and rambunctiousness in my beloved Fruitship and I’ve always loved his friendships with both of them so making it a throuple feels so right to me with how tied together their character arcs were. It’s a shame they didn’t get more screen time as a trio.
Keepshipping (Asuka x Grace)
Not my thing, I see Asuka as aromantic and Grace has a better ship with a fusion defector.
Knaveshipping (Sawatari x Yugo)
This is just himbo x himbo and I love it. They share one brain cell and are constantly fighting over custody of it.
Knightshipping (Sawatari x Yuto)
Eeeeeh could work but not as well as Yugo/Sawatari for me.
Knightmoonshipping (Yuto x Serena)
Can’t really see this one working.
Lancershipping (Declan x Yuya x Dennis x Shun x Riley x Gongenzaka x Sawatari x Serena x Moon Shadow)
Well that’s a crap ton of ships that vary wildly in quality, some of which have terrible age gaps with some incest snuck in for good measure. Yeah, sorry, not all chaotic polycules are gonna be my cup of tea. If it were just Yuya, Dennis, Gongenzaka, Sawatari, and Serena then maybe but as it stands now, this ship is a hard nope.
Lightshipping (Edo x Yugo)
I feel like there would be too much of a power imbalance between these two so no thanks.
Lightsabershipping (Yaiba x Hokuto)
This ship gets a thumbs up from me for the Star Wars reference in its name alone. I hope they stay up until 3am every night having long winded discussions about Clone Wars.
Lilyshipping (Yuri x Gloria)
This sounds incredibly toxic. Or should I say venomous. Not my thing but I can see where it came from.
Lithomancyshipping (Mieru x Masumi)
Accidentally read this as ���lithromancy.” Like “lithromantic.” Which made me picture Masumi having a crush on Mieru but then going “NOPE!” when Mieru returns those feelings. Anyways, this ship aesthetically slaps and this ship is probably my favourite of all the ones presented for these two so I’m down for it.
Lunomancyshipping (Serena x Mieru)
Also kind of a banger honestly. I can see these two being witches together.
Lustershipping (Masumi x Yuzu)
Masumi blushing at Yuzu and subsequently giving her a rose card is pretty easy to interpret as her having a crush on Yuzu so I’ve always kinda liked this ship. Wish they’d gotten to interact more.
Lyrashipping (Hokuto x Yuzu)
Can’t really see this one sorry.
Lyrebirdshipping (Shun x Dennis x Ruri)
As a throuple, no. Ruri and Shun are siblings. As a vee where it’s just Dennis dating them though… I mean Shun being protective of his sister when she starts Dennis and Dennis getting Shun off his back by seducing him would be pretty funny.
Macaronshipping (Michio x Sora)
Coffee shop AU where Michio has to make the most cavity-inducing coffee and make the pile of macarons Sora orders while Sora flirts with him when?
Maestroshipping (Hokuto x Yaiba x Masumi x Yuzu)
Can’t really see Yuzu adding much to this ship, even if I do like her and Masumi.
Mamashipping (Yoko x Himika)
Oh goodie. A ship of two of the worst mothers in Yugioh history! No thanks!
Manipulateshipping (Leo x Roget)
I mean… I can see this ship but it doesn’t appeal to me since I hate them both.
Mazarineshipping (Yugo x Ruri)
Yugo with the only bracelet girl who hasn’t beat the crap out of him in some way? Who’s also coincidentally the only bracelet girl he hasn’t met? Yeah I don’t know how I feel about that. They do both use wind attribute though so maybe they can bond over that.
Mochishipping (Sora x Serena)
Despite these two having similar backgrounds and narratives, I can’t remember them ever interacting. I feel like they’d have a lot to talk about together post series though so I can get behind it platonically. Don’t know about romantically though.
Mockingbirdshipping (Dennis x Shun)
This one’s funny in the context of Dennis also dating Shun’s sister, like I said earlier. Plus I tend to prefer ships with opposing personalities so flamboyant Dennis with serious Shun is a pretty good matchup in my eyes.
Moonbeamshipping (Masumi x Yuzu x Serena)
This sounds just a little chaotic especially with Arc V’s stupid “omg the counterparts look exactly the same!” plotpoint. Not sure if that would make this ship really funny or really frustrating so I’m torn. I’d take any one of these pairs individually so leaning towards go for i
Moonblossomshipping (Ruri x Serena)
Serena’s Duel Links event took such a cannonball to every ship like this which sucks because I actually did have a soft spot for this ship. Goddamn stupid game that I love yet sometimes selectively ignore when it suits me. Whatever, I still kinda like this ship. Bite me.
Moonfragranceshipping (Serena x Asuka)
I like this as an unrequited crush on Serena’s end. Can’t see it being requited though.
Moonstoneshipping (Masumi x Serena)
As long as the relationship isn’t built on Masumi mistaking Serena for Yuzu or some stupid shit, I can get behind this one.
MusicBoxshipping (Yuzu x Sora)
God the picture the masterlist used for this is so cute. I love these two. I love Sora teaching her fusion and I love their tag duel and aghhh it’s so good. I hope they geek out over broadway musicals together in their spare time.
Mysteryshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Yuto)
Please no. I hated the plotpoint of her mixing them up so much.
Mysticshipping (Mieru x Dennis)
Okay, okay THESE TWO would go on and on about their zodiac signs being a great match for each other. Or they’re a Pisces and a Leo or something and they try to argue that “actually we’re the exception!” until they break up and go “oh gosh it was in the stars all along that we were not meant for each other! And yet we pine for each other regardless! We are the Romeo and Juliet of Zodiac Signs!”
Basically I ship it because these two are both drama queens.
Natureshipping (Yuzu x Serena x Rin x Ruri)
Shoutout, again, to Duel Links for taking a cannonball to these ships. Still gonna ship it regardless because it's funny.
Newmoonshipping (Sawatari x Moon Shadow)
Nah. Not my thing.
Ninjashipping (Moon Shadow x Sun Shadow)
Can’t remember if these two are brothers or something, I remember so little about Sun Shadow’s existence. If they are brothers, then this ship is a hard no. If they’re not, it’s just kinda whatever to me.
Nisshokushipping (Sora x Sun Shadow)
Can’t really see the appeal of this one either since I can barely remember Sun Shadow’s existence.
Observeshipping (Roget x Melissa)
No thank you
Obsidianshipping (Shun x Masumi)
Can’t really see this one and her being brainwashed into thinking she knew him for a while… while not Shun’s fault, still makes me not like this ship.
Oceanshipping (Ruri x Kaito)
Too big of an age gap so no thanks. Also, aromantic Kaito.
Oddeyeshipping (Yuya x Zarc)
No. Zarc by the end of the series is stuck as some weird de-aged baby so this is a big nope for me.
Ominouswindshipping (Rin x Yuto)
Pretty neutral on this one. It exists.
Ornithomancyshipping (Mieru x Shun)
Nah Shun’s gay in my headcanon.
Owlshipping (Shun x Dennis x Gongenzaka)
Ya know doing this I’ve realised I don’t have any Gongenzaka ship I feel strongly about. All of them so far I’ve either not shipped or thought they were “fine enough, I guess.” Which is pretty much how I feel about him in general. So yeah this throuple’s not really my thing.
Parfaitshipping (Olga x Michio)
The sheer amount of ships on this list is starting to make me go insane. I don’t have a strong enough opinion on either of these characters to care about their ship. The fanart is cute though.
Paradiseshipping (Shun x Yuri)
No. This dude’s a sadist who hunted Shun's people for fun. The only reason I’d want Shun to interact with Yuri is for Shun to get revenge on him. You can use that dynamic for a ship. I've enjoyed such a dynamic before (AiRyo), but it doesn’t appeal to me with this ship.
Parrotshipping (Shun x Sawatari)
Okay, I can kinda get behind this one. I like their interactions in Duel Links and it’s a fun idea.
Pawnshipping (Yugo x Yuri)
This one’s also just funny to me thanks to Yuri’s weird ass dialogue in the sub. I don’t actively ship it as I used to but I stillenjoy it.
Pendulumshipping (Declan x Yuya)
Nope from me. Declan’s got too much power over him for this to be a balanced relationship.
Poisonedappleshipping (Yuri x Yugo x Rin)
Fun ship name but not the ship isn't my thing.
Pollinateshipping (Shinji x Yuzu)
…I don’t think I’ve hated a ship name more. I just… don’t like what it implies. And I don’t like the ship either.
Ponzushipping (Yuzu x Michio)
Did these two even meet? I cannot remember anything that Michio did outside of his weird duel with Yuya so I can’t get into this one.
Praiseshipping (Tatsuya x Ayu)
Yeah sure, why not?
Prayshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Serena x Ruri x Rin)
Man Arc V has a ton of polyships. I respect that even if I don’t care for all of them, like this one.
Predatorshipping (Yuri x Serena)
I ship this, but it’s entirely a fanon thing and interpretations of them can differ wildly. I like mine the best personally. I want them to have a healthy relationship and I also want them to horrify everyone around them. Basically I want them to be Morticia and Gomez.
Preyshipping (Shun x Sora)
No no no no, this is so much wrong with other ships I bashed. I can’t get into this at all. I know Sora didn’t mean any of that shit he spouted but aaaaah no.
Primaryshipping (Riley x Ayu)
Perfectly fine ship. No strong opinion on it.
Princeshipping (Sawatari x Yuri)
Eeeeeeh. Could be funny but this just kinda feels Dennis/Yuri minus the history of fighting together so not as appealing.
Prodigyshipping (Declan x Serena)
The ship Serena’s event sank that I care the least about. Never cared for this ship, even prior to viewing them as siblings.
Protectorshipping (Crow x Gongenzaka)
Not my thing. I’m running out of unique ways to say that. Crow is lancer dad.
Pupilshipping (Masumi x Marco)
No. That’s an adult and child, no thanks.
Pursueshipping (Sora x Yuto)
I have exactly the same opinion on this ship that I do for Shun/Sora. In fact:
No no no no, this is so much wrong with other ships I bashed. I can’t get into this at all. I know Sora didn’t mean any of that shit he spouted but aaaaah no.
Radianceshipping (Kaito x Yugo)
Not my thing. I headcanon Kaito as aro.
Ravenshipping (Shun x Kaito)
This ship always just feels like “cause of death: edgelords” whenever I see it. It’s kind of entertaining but I’m not really into it.
Rebelfamilyshipping (Shun x Yuto x Ruri)
As a throuple, no. Don’t ship the siblings. bad.
As a vee where it’s just Yuto dating them, yeah I can get behind it. I love Yuto/Ruri and am kinda just neutral to Shun/Yuto so it turns into a feeling of casual enjoyment. Bi Yuto is a plus after all.
Recipeshipping (Yuya x Michio)
I really don’t want this ship because I don’t want Yuya’s mom anywhere near Michio and that would probably happen if Yuya was dating him. Plus their duel sucked sorry not sorry.
Reclaimshipping (Shun x Ruri)
Those are straight up siblings. Bad.
Reconshipping (Sora x Dennis x Yuri)
I like Yuri/Dennis but I don’t know about Sora with either of them. Sora’s got better ships.
Redlightshipping (Declan x Sawatari)
Sawatari is one of his students. I don’t care that they’re “only two years apart” it's still fucking creepy and I hate it.
Redmoonshipping (Serena x Sun Shadow)
I do not care for this. I do not care about Sun Shadow and he's also too old for her.
Refractionshipping (Masumi x Ray)
They never met and probably can never meet so can’t really get into this.
Researchshipping (Sora x Declan)
Again, power imbalance, like a lot of these Declan ships.
Resoluteshipping (Declan x Shun x Yuto)
Don’t like either of them with Declan due to… well, everything that transpired between them.
Resonanceshipping (Odd Eyes x Dark Rebellion)
Just like the quad of dragons, this ship is perfect. May these tragic lovers separated by fate one day be reunited.
Ribbonshipping (Mieru x Eita)
Don’t remember who Eita is and don’t feel like looking it up so I don’t care.
Robustshipping (Asuka x Kaito)
Okay so… I’m torn. I had been headcanoning them both as aromantic for a while before learning about this ship. Asuka especially came across as a closeted ace/aro in GX and with her GX counterpart, I definitely still agree with that. But she is different in Arc V, not that different upbringing would cause someone to be aromantic, that’s bullshit, obviously, but her personality and narrative were changed too. Honestly, I… I admittedly just kinda like my friend’s writing of them from what I’ve seen. I haven’t seen much but I like the dynamic she’s described. And also this one part I won’t spoil but man did it fit Kaito really well. And also Asuka did rebel against Fusion pretty quickly when she found out the truth so the whole fusion/xyz weirdness thing I have doesn’t apply here.
Uuuugh I’m really torn on this one, I can’t really give a concrete opinion on it but not in the same way as some of the other ships I’ve talked about here. So many of those I just had no thoughts on but this one is the opposite: I have so many thoughts on it that I can’t decide how I feel overall. So for now, this ship is a resounding “I DON’T KNOW.”
Rollerskateshipping (Sora x Allen)
Allen’s too young for him. I’m passing on this ship.
Rottenshipping (Yuri x Yuya)
Yeah this one’s kinda fun, especially alongside ships like Fruitship and Predatorship. Or, hell, even Duskship. I enjoy it but pretty casually compared to some others.
Rulershipping (Jack x Declan)
I can’t really see this one working out. They’d just butt heads a lot.
Sapphireshipping (Masumi x Ruri)
Really pretty ship name for a pairing I have never once considered. Ruri can be the sweet to Masumi’s sour I guess. It could work.
Samuraishipping (Gongenzaka x Yaiba)
Probably my favourite of the Gongenzaka ships I’ve been shown so far? Yaiba was the one to teach him synchro summon after all. They could be synchro nerds together. Maybe Yaiba could learn from Gongenzaka too, I dunno. Good freaking ship I guess.
Sanctuaryshipping (Allen x Sayaka)
Kind of generic but I don’t mind it. I can see it easily.
Seafoodshipping (Michio x Teppei)
These characters are both too minor for me to have an opinion on this.
Seanceshipping (Jack x Yuya)
Jack is way too old for Yuya. Because he’s from the show where you actually needed to be 18 to be able to ride these motorcycles while Yuya isn’t.
Seasonshipping (Olga x Halil)
More Heath/Abbey vibes I guess. I liked the other one that had that vibe better. What was it, Dennis/Olga? I’ve been doing this for too long. I've probably shipped Dennis with like 8 characters by now. This ship is fine though. I can see it.
Serenadeshipping (Yuzu x Serena)
Okay, last time I’ll bitch about this, I swear: this ship got cannon balled so hard in Serena’s event. I honestly cringed at some of that dialogue. But… I’m not mad about it. I like that they see each other with such closeness, even if it’s not shipping closeness. That said though…
I still ship it outside of the context of Duel Links. It’s kind of a situational ship for me: I’d ship it in some contexts but not others.
Sideshowshipping (Dennis x Gongenzaka)
I mean. I like the episode that this ship's name originated from where they perform in the streets together. Decent ship.
Singleshipping (Shuzou x Yoko)
Let’s not make Yuya and Yuzu step siblings please.
Smileshipping (Yusho x Yoko)
Throwback to when I said these two were a better pairing than any of the implied ships in DM. I still stand by that.
Smilemaskshipping (Dennis x Trapeze Magician)
Listen, if Dennis wants to simp for his ace card, I ain’t here to judge. I’m borderline a simp for my own ace card. You do you, Dennis. Screw the haters.
Smokescreenshipping (Moon Shadow x Yuzu)
No, they seem way too far apart in age.
Sovereignshipping (Declan x Zarc)
Okay, I’m gonna humour this one for a second. Obviously, it doesn’t work in canon due to Zarc being gone, then split into four teenagers who are too young for Declan, then being de-aged into a baby. But imagine some kind of AU where there are no split dimensions. Leo just has two kids: Ray and Declan and both of them fall in love with and date Zarc. He would throw a fucking fit and it would be hilarious. So if that AU exists, I ship this.
Sparrowshipping (Yuya x Shun)
Not my thing, I prefer so many other ships with these two.
Spectershipping (Yuto x Yuri)
Hehe. Spectre. Vrains loving brain go brrrr.
Can’t say the same for the ship though since it’s an xyz victim and a sadistic fusion attacker.
SpeedDemonshipping/Ridingshipping (Yugo x Jack)
This ship sounds like “death by himbo.” They’re too far apart in age to be a romantic pair but I’d love them platonically.
Sproutshipping (Rin x Yuya)
Another one my friend swayed me on. I really like the idea of a Yugo/Rin/Yuya/Yuzu OT4 she proposed a while back.
Stalwartshipping (Shun x Gongenzaka)
I don’t really see the appeal.
Stargemshipping (Hokuto x Masumi)
It’s okay. The trio are together a lot so I can see any of those ships. I don’t really have a preference toward any of them though.
Steadfastshipping (Sayaka x Gongenzaka)
Nope. Too big of an age gap.
Stealthshipping (Sora x Moon Shadow)
Not drawn to this one at all.
Structureshipping (Leo x Yoko)
Eughh. This one wouldn’t even be funny problematic. It would probably just be abusive.
Strychnoshipping (Gloria x Grace x Yuri)
I do not care about any ship involving the Tyler sisters (with the exception of Edo/Grace), especially not ones that involves incest. No thank you.
Swayshipping (Edo x Yuya)
I can’t stand how fast and forced Edo’s turnaround was. And how dumb his story arc was in general. He’s one of the most interesting characters from GX and in Arc V he’s just… kind of stupid. And Yuya is forever tied to this crappy character arc of his in my mind so I can’t stand this ship.
Swiftshipping (Ruri x Rin)
The sweetest bracelet girl with the sassiest bracelet girl? Yeah I can get behind that. Also purple and green look good together.
Syncshipping (Yugo x Yuya)
I’ve said a few times that I can see these two being besties if they met under different circumstances and I can see that being a ship as well. It’s a fun one, even if they are a little too similar.
Teddybearshipping (Sora x Riley)
No thank you, Riley’s too young for Sora.
Tideshipping (Rin x Serena x Yugo)
I’m not sure how Rin would feel about this. Otherwise, no opinion.
Tigerlilyshipping (Grace x Yuzu)
I have no idea where this comes from. Both of them liking Yuya? Either way, don’t really like the ship.
Tornsmileshipping (Edo x Yusho)
Again, this just ends up being tied to how much I hate Edo’s portrayal in Arc V.
Towershipping (Yuzu x Sawatari)
Not particularly into this one like I am with either of them with Yuya honestly.
Toyboxshipping (Yugo x Sora)
Well, I’d certainly take this over Sora/Yuto and honestly probably Sora/Yuri too. Could be cute honestly. Maybe Yugo could teach him how to turbo duel or something.
Trapezeshipping (Dennis x Yuzu)
I kind of ship this but it feels kind of memey since they only interact once in the entire series. I guess I like it, just not as much as some others.
Trickboxshipping (Dennis x Sora)
Man, Dennis has a lot of ships. This one’s alright but kinda on the lower end of his ships.
Triggershipping (Yugo x Yuzu)
I find it so weird how well this ship works for me. I honestly really like their interactions in the Synchro arc. The counterpart mix up thing doesn’t last long and they just seem really genuine. I like them platonically and romantically.
Trophyshipping (Declan and Riley)
I hate that this is a ship so much. I despise it. They are SIBLINGS. *cries*
Truthshipping (Dennis x Masumi)
So… liar x bluntly honest basically? Yeah, that’s an okay dynamic but there are so many other ships for them already and I’m having enough ship confusion with them and Mieru as it is.
Tuneshipping (Yuzu x Rin)
These two are a little too similar but I still can get behind it.
Turmoilshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Sawatari)
Can’t believe these three engulfed the Galactic Republic smh.
Anyways, not very into this one, sorry. It just sounds kinda messy.
Unicornshipping appears to be a manga ship. I haven’t read the manga so I can’t give any sort of opinion on them.
Upholdshipping (Crow x Yoko)
No. Crow’s too good for her.
Upstreamshipping (Ayu x Mieru)
I think Mieru is supposed to be closer to Yuya’s peers’ age, as she’s in his duelling class, and I’ve been talking about her as though she is around their age. So through that lens, she’s too old for Ayu.
Vassalshipping (Moon Shadow x Ruri)
No. I have no reason. Just no.
Waltzshipping (Mad Chimera x Bloom Prima)
Beautiful. Deep. Profound. Touching. Moving. Their love breaks down barriers and transcends dimensions.
Also Yuzu and Sora shipping their monsters is funny.
Whistleshipping (Yuzu x Ruri)
Yeah, this is kind of a cute idea. I can see these two feeding birds together or singing a duet or something.
Wingshipping (Yuya x Ruri)
The two with the most chill introduction out of all the counterparts. Ya know, comparatively. It’s okay, I could see them being chill.
Wintertigershipping (Grace x Rin)
No thoughts on this one, I can’t really see the connection. These just kinda seem like two random characters to me.
Holy shit I’m finally done. Arc V had way more ships than I expected. I don’t know why I forgot it had so many characters. Since I covered just so many ships this time and will probably be covering even more if I do this for the other series, I’m gonna list my top 5 favourites of this set! Maybe I’ll go back and do the same for VRAINS and 5Ds too at some point but for now:
My top 5 Arc V ships
#5 Artemisshipping (Or basically Predatorshipping + a horrified Yuya)
#4 Appleshipping
#3 Blackbirdshipping
#2 Fallenangelshipping
#1 Fruitshipping and Jubilantshipping. I don’t really care to pick. The Yuya/Yuzu ship is the best part for me but Sora does improve the dynamic.
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juniperhillpatient · 11 months
I didn’t want to share this with the link but my one & only criticism of that video I shared is super specific & it’s that the video essayist doesn’t like Dennis trying to kill Dee in the castle. In my opinion that was a beautifully hilarious scene / culmination of a hysterically entertaining subplot & I strongly disagree with her that it fell into the same category as other cases of the show becoming too mean spirited & neglecting to show that these characters care about each other in the latest seasons. I do agree that this is a huge issue & literally everything else in the almost 3 hour video I fully agreed with though so please still know I loved the critique. I just really liked the castle episodes & this is an excuse to talk about it lol -
I actually found the sibling dynamic weirdly sweet in the Covid episodes. The joke was funny because it wasn’t that Dennis literally wants to kill Dee, it was that he was delirious with Covid & thought he was communicating with a ghostly castle which is so funny cmon. And before that they were renting a castle together & she was teasing him while also taking care of him & in a giant castle they still chose to share a room like they’re so cute. It’s my favorite plot we’ve had in so many seasons & I must defend it with my life.
To me it was mean in classic sunny fashion which is VERY very notably different to the way new sunny is mean. It called back to such iconic scenes as “Dee? I swear you would be of more use to me if I skinned you and turned your skin into a lampshade. Or fashioned you into a piece of high-end luggage. I can even add you to my collection” followed by a hilariously horrified expression from Kaitlin Olson.
Dennis rushing at Dee in a deranged attempt to behead her only to pass out & she has to take him to the hospital is great. It’s the above mentioned scene with talk of skin luggage - or Dennis & Dee’s talk of murder & Dee’s confusion and about what the “actual plan” is in “Mac is a serial killer” amped up to 100 to me. It’s “Dennis is a serial killer” jokes done right much like “making Dennis Reynolds: a murderer” & NOT like “The Gang Gets Cursed.” That last one takes the joke way too far by leaving the implication that Dennis might actually be a killer which completely ruins the joke both by explaining it & botching the punchline which should always be that Dennis is a pathetic bitch who WISHES he was a serial killer (side note - other than that, I mostly enjoy “The Gang Gets Cursed” btw).
This became an essay but I wanted to share that extremely good & insightful video without my huge block of text commentary on something extremely specific. However I did want to rant about how much i LOVE the siblings in the castle episode imo that is pure classic sunny dynamics shining through the fog of late seasons overall crappiness lmao I’d actually categorize that specific sub plot as one of my favorites in the whole show which is insane given that it’s from season 15. I just really really love the Reynolds siblings being fucked up but in a funny way that has almost sweet aspects hehe
I also think this is an opportunity for me to discuss WHAT the notable difference is between the “mean” aspect of sunny here & why it works SO much better than the other mostly uncomfortable humor of later seasons. The joke’s punchline is on Dennis - something that’s desperately been needed in the sibling dynamic & the way it’s narratively framed for a LONG fucking time. As discussed in that amazing & super insightful video, new sunny punches down & it’s frankly cringe more often than not. Old Sunny knew who it’s jokes were on & it was always the person just asking for comeuppance by being awful. I’m not saying Dee isn’t awful because that would defeat the purpose of her character but she does suffer from what I call “the Meg Griffin effect.” It also hurts such characters as Britta Perry from Community, Jerry Gergich from Parks & Rec, & Toby Flenderson from The Office. It becomes more uncomfortable & off putting than funny as an audience member after a while to see everyone being consistently awful to one specific character who is not inherently worse than the others but is always the butt of the joke. It’s a trope I will simply never enjoy, personally.
But the castle plot works because it’s certainly deranged & mean (it’s literally not even always sunny if it’s not deranged & dark & mean you might as well give up & watch a different show if you don’t like your dynamics fucked up) but the joke is not -
A. Dennis is a serial killer ooooh edgy! - tired, contrived, Reddit core, unfunny, defeats the point of sunny which is that these guys are all incompetent losers
B. Haha dee is gonna die! She sucks lol! - that is one way to interpret the joke I guess but it’s so clearly actually that Dennis is in a fucking fever infused hallucination about ghosts & dee ultimately has to take his passed out ass the ER because this stupid bitch didn’t get vaccinated
Like it redeems so much or the awful dynamic they’ve built (which they unfortunately double down on anyway later. *cough* the gang goes bowling *cough*) where it’s like…. Isn’t it hilarious that Dennis constantly abuses his sister guys? Haha what if dee literally killed herself lol? Isn’t this so funny aren’t you having fun?
Classic sunny is mean. I’m not trying to say I dislike mean punchlines. But……. Dennis passing out & almost dying Covid IS mean? Dee having to deal with her brother almost beheading her & listening to his deranged conversations with “the castle” IS mean? It’s just that it’s mean in a FUNNY way. Like Charlie getting rejected by the waitress in the musical episode. Like Dee realizing how disgusting her schemes are in “PTSDee” & feeling sickened by herself. Like Frank getting told to fuck himself in his fat fucking ass in the Christmas episode. Or Mac shitting his pants in “Mac Day.” These are all examples of times I’ve found the meanness of sunny funny because it’s about showing what happens when you’re a horrible person who never learns.
Anyway in conclusion I love the Reynolds siblings & the castle plot is the only good part of new sunny goodbye
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starryjeekies · 2 years
~ Omega X OT11 ~ Dom to Sub
A/N: hello, this was requested by one of my irl friends because I’m finally getting back into writing again and we just saw Omega X together. So I’m formatting this just like my E’last one so check that one out too if you’d like! It’s super unhinged I’m so sorry whoops. Everything is below the cut. Enjoy!!
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1. Hyuk
2. Sebin
3. Yechan
4. Junghoon
5. Hangyeom
6 Jaehan
7. Xen
8. Taedong
9. Hwichan
10. Jehyun
11. Kevin
Dommest of dom. There is no sub part about him. Have you seen him? Hyuk is a man like no other. Sure he can be cute and adorable when he wants to be. But I honestly think that he needs total control in the bedroom. Now this doesn’t mean he won’t want someone on top of him, bouncing on him, but if anything else he’s a power bottom. There. That’s it. Send tweet.
Sebin. S e b i n. For some reason, my irls and I agree that he is unpredictable. We can’t actually determine anything about this man other than that he is a dom and he is freaky. It’s always the sweet ones that are crazy in the sheets. Because of this I feel like he would be the one in charge and doing all the crazy things. Might let you take control once but he won’t let that go to your head.
My dude will probably put up a fight if you try to dom him. I said it so many times but Yechan would be the bitch to square up in a Denny’s parking lot at 3 am. If anything, he would be the type of guy to make you ride him while being overstimulated whoops that’s a different post. There could be a façade of doming but if you slip out of line he will bring you crashing down.
Daddy Junghoon my mans, hello. Tbh out of everyone in OX, I wouldn’t pick Junghoon to have the daddy kink but hey whatever works for him (I highly suspect Yechan had something to do with this). But I think he would definitely be a dom more so because he doesn’t know how good it can be for a partner to take over. Once he’s been in a situation where he doesn’t have to be in control and he feels it hits different, then I think he’d be more open to you doming him more often.
A man who likes to please. Hangyeom is one who probably would do a lot of things his partner asks of him. Fuck them from behind? Bet. Against the wall? Just say please. Ride him? Better be lubed up. So not saying he’s a switch, but if you ask him to please you, he’ll probably be in control but give you a wild ride unless you ask otherwise.
Just a big baby, that’s all. I don’t think Jaehan is too much whichever way he goes. He’s a big sweetheart so whether it’s him controlling what happens or when you’ve had a few orgasm and take control to chase the final one, I think he’s happy either way. Probably is the type of dom who wants almost wreck you and you spring back at the last second so you’re both fucked out.
I had a long convo about this one, but Xen needs to be put into submission. I think he’s a switch with a dom lean and needs to be forced into submission because he’s a BRAT. Probably likes it too so don’t be afraid to. He’s definitely cocky in what he can do to you so you need to put him in his place with overstimulation and a nice cock ring oops wrong post again.
Taedong is only slightly higher on this list because there is a slightly more dom leaning but that is it. Otherwise I feel like its pretty even. Like 55/45. Yeah. I want to say that he’s game for a lot of things. He’s probably more of the experimentalist because he’s got a dancer physique and can contort his body in different ways. I also can just see him saying a mantra of “please” when he’s close and that’s hella sub energy.
The true switch in my opinion. When I asked “who would want a strap” and my friend immediately said Hwichan so I’m rolling with it. Hwichan is probably really fun and sex would be like the Olympics of just one round after another, both doing a new sport essentially. One minute he’d have you crying and the next you would be needing to hold his hips down to stop him fucking up into your hand.
Jehyun honey ily you’re my ult but your introverted ass comes off kinda subby. He’s shy and can be bashful but he’s also flirty (ik i met him irl and he called me pretty) so he has SOME confidence but I think he’s gotta be comfortable with a partner to determine if he can be more of a dom and more of a sub. Opposite of Taedong but still pretty close.
I want him to prove me wrong but Kevin is too sweet to be a dom. Yes, yes, I know soft doms exist but he is like a patch of daisies on a sunny spring day. I think it’s the pink hair and the constant duck faces he does. I definitely think being a dom is in him, for sure (thank you love me like) but just not as strongly s sub. Still an fantastic lover though don’t let his adorable face fool you he’s probably really good with his mouth.
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