#denis gómez
docpiplup · 9 months
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NEWS- 'Los Misterios de Laura' returns: 'Laura y sus Misterios'
The two new TV movies of 'Los Misterios de Laura' will once again feature their usual cast, starring Maria Pujalte along with Oriol Tarrasón, Laura Pamplona, ​​Beatriz Carvajal and César Camino. Raúl Mérida will also reprise his role after his debut in 'Laura and the Mystery of the Unexpected Murderer'.
In addition, these new episodes will feature the addition of Manuela Velasco, Aarón Porras, Ascen López, Mariu Bárcena, Melina Matthews and Denis Gómez, among others.
'Laura y el misterio de la novia que esperó demasiado' and 'Laura y el misterio del paciente suspicaz' are the titles of these television films, directed by Jorge Saavedra ('El Zorro', 'Relato de una Obsesión'). Javier Holgado and Susana López Rubio are in charge of the script.
-> ‘Laura y el misterio de la novia que esperó demasiado’ (Laura and the mystery of the bride who waited too long)
During the plumbing work on a building in the center of Madrid, the skeleton of a woman who had been buried for a long time in the underground galleries of the building was found. The most surprising thing is that she is wearing a wedding dress. When one of the neighbors of the house says that she thinks she knows who she is and why she died, she is murdered. Laura will have to intervene to find out who, among all the neighbors, is the murderer. And without knowing it, she will encounter the most unexpected criminal of her entire career.
-> 'Laura y el misterio del paciente suspicaz’ (Laura and the mystery of the suspicious patient)
When Laura is admitted to a hospital due to an accident, she meets Adriana, another of the patients, who confesses that she is actually a journalist who is investigating the strange deaths of many of the patients who have passed through the center over the years. When Adriana herself dies the next day in the most unexpected way, Laura will have to discover the truth, in one of the most dangerous cases of her career, since, due to her status as a patient, she may be at the mercy of the murderer.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 8 months
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«El poder que se adquiere a través de la violencia no es más que usurpación, y sólo dura mientras la fuerza del que manda prevalece sobre la de quienes obedecen; de suerte que si estos últimos llegaran a su vez a convertirse en los más fuertes y se sacudieran el yugo, lo harían con idéntico derecho y justicia al impuesto por aquél. La misma ley que ha creado la autoridad, la destruye luego: la ley del más fuerte.»
Diderot: «Autoridad política (1751)», en Escritos políticos. Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, pág. 3. Madrid, 1989.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to request a Laurel Gates x fem reader where reader was a former student and is currently a teacher at Nevermore and was Morticia’s lover when they were students before she gets with Gomez. (Basically she’s Morticia’s ex). A few months after teaching at Nevermore, she and Laurel start dating.
The whole thing takes place at Parents Weekend when Morticia approaches her again, flirts with her, and asks if she’d be interested in an affair. She declines, but flirts back with Morticia to make Laurel jealous, she knows the redhead is watching from across the quad.
Laurel punishes reader that night for the stunt she pulled with Morticia. You can turn the ending to smut, dom Laurel sub reader. Go nuts on the kinks, it’s Laurel Gates we’re talking about.
thank u so much!!
Yess, here it is!!! I hope you like it!! Sorry about the language mistakes.
Now you belong to me
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/ Laurel Gates x Fem, Teacher! Reader, Morticia x Reader (Mentioned)
Warnings: Smut, jealousy, strap on, strong language
Word count: 2,718
Summary: Morticia was your love some time ago, but now you heart belongs to Laurel, and she’s gonna make it clear to you…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“You're incredible, (Y/N),” the redhead told you, catching her breath. You smiled satisfied, stealing a quick kiss on her lips.
Many years had passed, but there you were again, at Nevermore. Now you were no longer a student, you would have to prevent those teenagers from behaving like you. It was hard work, but you had experience, a lot, even if your face didn't look more than 25 years old.
“Mmm,” you muttered, your mind far away from the room. You were distracted that night, and you couldn't help it. The next day would be one with many emotions.
“You're not very talkative, huh?” She told you, shaking you a little. You looked at her and nodded without paying much attention.
Of all the people you imagined meeting there, there was one in particular that surprised you too much. She told you that her name was Marilyn Thornhill, that she came from far, far away. You didn't believe her.
You were barely 19 years old when it all happened. That infernal Rave'n dance, in which a normi from the town died, at the hands of Morticia, or Gómez, you weren't very sure. You knew who that boy was, Garrett Gates, Morticia's stalker. The entire school was moved by that horrible death, as was all of Jericho too.
You remember being at that funeral, and being glad that they accused Gómez, taking him away from the woman you loved, and who precisely changed you for him. You remember the cold, the rain, your faces, being forced to attend that macabre act.
But if there was something that you remembered perfectly, it was a sad girl, holding her mother's hand without being able to stop crying. It was the little Laurel Gates, that poor wretch's sister. You didn't know anything else about that family, just that they tragically disappeared. One by one.
When you met that seemingly innocent redhead, you had no doubts. She was the little Laurel, you'd never forget that face. She denied it, denied it constantly, until she had no choice but to admit that she was that sad girl, that she faked her death, and she swore revenge. You were about to give her away, but you inadvertently began to feel attracted to her, as if she were something dangerous, something forbidden.
Everyone deserved to be forgiven, and in her case, she deserved something more, some love. Your relationship grew strong, and you soon fell head over heels in love. It was a strange love, but love after all.
“Oh, I was just thinking…” You whispered, snapping back to reality. She looked at you curiously.
“What were you thinking?” She asked. You might think it was a simple question, but you knew better. “You were thinking of something else while we were making love?”
“What? Oh, no, no,” You said, defending yourself and trying to get out of the mess you had just gotten yourself into.
“(Y/N), don't lie to me.”
“I'm not lying to you, Laurel. I was just distracted,” you said with a conciliatory tone. Big mistake.
“So you were distracted... It won't have anything to do with the students' parents coming tomorrow, right?” It was quite obvious that she would ask that question.
“Um… No,” you sighed, shaking your head. “Why I would be thinking of that?”
“Don't play dumb with me. Addams' mother is coming tomorrow…. Morticia,” she said ironically, with a terribly poisonous voice.
“Oh, yes… Sure,” you said reluctantly, knowing that you had just started another terrible jealousy show.
“You know that she and her stupid husband were responsible for my brother's death,” she hissed.
“Is that what bothers you? Because I don't think so...” She said firmly, getting up. “I think you're just jealous.”
“Jealous, me?” She said indignantly, as if you had said a sovereign stupidity.
“Yes, Laurel, you. I never should have told you,” you said, looking for your clothes on the bed.
“Ah, were you thinking of hiding it from me? It sound much better.”
“You're talking nonsense. That happened many, many years ago. And it won't happen again. I already suffered enough,” you said, putting on your clothes.
“The most intense loves are those that make you suffer. Remember that it is her fault that you are like this.”
“And that bothers you? I thought you loved that I looked like this so I could play your little games better, didn't you? Mommy?” You hissed.
“If you could, you would go back to her without hesitation.”
“That's not true… Look, Laurel. It's late, and I'm not in the mood to put up with another little act of yours. Good night,” you said, while you left her room.
Her jealousy was unbearable. Deep down you liked that she wanted you just for herself, but there were times when her paranoia was so absurd that you didn't even feel like making fun of it a bit, plus you were tired.
You could have gotten angrier, defended your honor. You were a faithful girl, you had never cheated on anyone, and you kept repeating it to her. For once, her accusation wasn't so absurd. Yes, she was right. The idea of seeing  who one day was the love of your life again was disturbing and uncomfortable. You gave everything for her, but she preferred Gomez.
You made many sacrifices to keep her love, but nothing worked. Morticia used to tell you that you would spend eternity together, that this was her dream, to grow up, grow old, and die by your side. Those words made you make a decision, the worst you ever made….
The next day…
A lot of cars came to the academy. You stood proud, without apologizing, and without saying a word to your lover. She looked at you, with sad eyes, but furious at the same time. Laurel had the disturbing ability to do that.
You were very stubborn, and she may have been right, but you didn't mean to give it to her. Soon the grotesque Addams Family appeared in your field of vision. You swallowed hard at the sight of your former lover. Her presence was still the same, only the subtle passage of time could make a difference compared to the last time you saw her.
The redhead was looking at you, sitting at a far away table. You could feel chills when you noticed those eyes judging you.
“(Y/N), I can't believe it... It's you...” A familiar voice sounded behind you. Your heart began to beat very quickly and you turned slowly.
“Mo, Morticia,” you whispered, your voice cracking.
There she was, as slim as ever, and with that look that made her unmistakable. She gave you a tender and sensual smile, while she looked you up and down.
“You are exactly the same as the last time I saw you…” She told you with that sensual tone that melted you years ago.
“It's funny, if I'm like this it's because of you,” you said, with an evil smile.
“I didn't force you to drink that potion…” Morticia replied.
It was true. She didn't force you, rather the love you felt did. You were young, you didn't think clearly, and one night you decided to steal a potions book from the library. You weren't looking for something to be stronger, or smarter, but something that would make the love you felt eternal. It was difficult to interpret the pages of that ancient book and of course, you misread.
It was not eternal love that caused that concoction, but eternal youth. It wasn't quite eternal really. By drinking that serum prepared by your inexperienced hand, you spent three weeks in the infirmary. They even came close to expelling you from the academy. They did what they could to reverse the effects, but they didn't achieve much. Instead of staying young forever, just you aged much more slowly than the others. 30 years had passed since then, but for you it had barely been 3.
That was without a doubt the dumbest thing you ever did. And that was the moment when your love for Morticia began to fade.
“Let's leave the past behind... Now we are in the present, reuniting with each other,” she said, getting closer to you.
The woman looked back at her family and she crouched down to speak into your ear.
“I'm sure you remember the library store, I'm sure it's still as abandoned and lonely as ever. Do you feel like remembering good times?”
She certainly wasn't one to beat around the bush. From that moment you were clear about your answer. Laurel could be jealous, possessive, but you loved her and were sure of your feelings.
“I, I'm sorry Tish, but I can't, now I'm dating someone… And I'm in love…” You confessed, looking for the redhead with your eyes. She was there, in the distance, looking at you discreetly. You had told the truth, Morticia was a past thing, but a terrible idea came to your mind.
“Although I would have liked to remember…” You whispered, taking the taller woman's hand. She smiled fondly and stroked your hand with her thumb. You looked back warily and felt Laurel's accusing gaze on you. It was just what you wanted.
That night you were walking down the hall calmly. Laurel didn't seem to exist, she didn't come near you all day. You knew her behavior, and the possible consequences of your "inappropriate" behavior with your old girlfriend.
You heard a noise behind you and smiled to yourself, counting backwards from three.
“Three... Two... One...” You murmured, before feeling how someone grabbed you roughly from behind.
“Did you think I wasn't going to notice?” Laurel told you threateningly, covering your mouth with her hand.
“I don’t know what are you talking about,” you said how you could, trying to escape from her grasp, pretending, of course.
“You told me that it was over, and I see you flirting with that brat's mother…” She said with a dark voice, making you walk forward, in the direction of her room. You smiled, knowing that she was jealous, and that you were surely going to enjoy it.
“Come in, stupid girl,” Laurel told you, pushing you into her room. You felt some relief when you felt her hand out of your mouth, but you were cornered, now you couldn't escape… And you didn't want to either.
“I think you're exaggerating a bit,” you said with a cocky and defiant attitude. “I just took her by the hand and...” You couldn't continue. The redhead advanced on you and grabbed your chin tightly.
“You liar...” She whispered. You winced, but her grip didn't loosen. “You know that mommy doesn't like girls who lie…”
That tone and those words confirmed to you that she was having one of those fits of jealousy that was a bit different from the usual ones. If she couldn't convince you by talking, she would do it another way, showing you that you were hers.
“I do not lie. She's just a friend…” You said, feigning innocence.
“A friend…” She said, relaxing for a moment. It was a fleeting moment, as right after she smacked you hard on the cheek. “Don't you dare to tell me she's just a friend!” She yelled, perhaps too loud.
“Don't hit me… I'll be good… Mommy… Please…” You said, rubbing the affected area. Your face showed supplication, but your eyes revealed an unbearable lust.
“Mommy doesn't like to hit you, honey. But you must learn once and for all that no one can touch you, no one can want you like I do. I'll repeat it over and over again…” She told you with a disturbing tone, while she unbuttoned your shirt. “But it seems that you forget it, (Y/N)”
“I'm sorry, it won't happen again... I... I love you,” you said, putting on a good face. She looked at you questioningly, and without warning she kissed you passionately and hungrily. At that time she couldn't dominate you, nor you dominate her. It was desire that dominated both of you completely.
“Do you love me, honey?” She asked, moving away from you, while she bit your lip. “I don't believe you,” she sneered, carelessly taking off your shirt. “That's not worth it. Your lies are worthless to me. I have to punish you for your actions. You get it, right?”
You nodded feigning pouting, peeling off your bra.
“That's it… I see you understand…” She hissed, grabbing one of your breasts.  “You are so beautiful… No wonder everyone wants to possess you. It's too bad for them. You belong to me,” she said furiously, pulling your hair.
“You, I belong to you, mommy,” you said, moving your head so that the pull wouldn't hurt so much.
The redhead smiled with mischievous tenderness and she released you, gently caressing your cheek.
“Very good, (Y/N)… Good girl,” she said, kissing you softly. “Undress and get on your knees.”
You obeyed, biting your lip. You no longer had any clothes, and your knees brushed the room’s carpet.
Laurel disappeared from your sight for a moment, and returned with an accessory that she always used in such situations. Something to dominate you, to possess you in a more intense way.
“Come here, suck it like the cheap whore you are,” she ordered, putting that object in front of your mouth. You agreed. You were tremendously excited, and you would do anything she asked, anything. You took the dildo to your mouth, feeling weak and submissive, your favorite feeling.
“Look at you. Surely with that whore you couldn't do this. You have a natural talent, (Y/N).”
You were like that for a while, taking that object to the bottom of your mouth, almost causing you to gag. You knew that somehow, that turned the redhead on a lot. She had you where she wanted, despite the fact that you were the one who devised that absurd plan to push her to the limit of her jealousy.
“Enough,” she said, gently pushing you back. “Climb on the bed and let me show you who you belong to, and who you will always belong to.”
You obeyed with a leering look, now getting on all fours on the bed. It didn't take long for you to notice that strap on right at your slippery entrance.
“You're so anxious. Your pathetic pussy is begging to be fucked,” she said amused, giving you a spanking.
“Please... I want you to make me yours, Laurel... I, I need you,” you begged, enduring the terrible excitement you felt at that moment.
“No, honey. I won't until you swear to me that you're mine, and that you won't go near that woman again. Swear to me.”
While she was saying those horrible things to you, she was stroking your back gently, almost gently.
“I, I swear,” you said, moving your hips to get more contact.
“Say it right, my love...”
“I swear, mommy... I'm yours, only yours...” You said pleading. As you spoke, you felt the silicone slide into you gently at first, only to slide all the way moments later, causing you to widen your eyes.
“Mine... You're mine,” the redhead said, ignoring your discomfort and moving quickly, grabbing your hips so she could handle you better.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, feeling how she possessed you, how she took over all your senses.
Her thrusts were intense, and she knew exactly how to make you squirm with pleasure. She was a very skilled woman. Not even all your experience could compete with her skill.
“I'm going… I'm going… I'm going to…” You moaned, while your body trembled with each movement. You knew you were about to reach your limit, and you thought you would. “Yes please…. Oh… I, I…”
A piercing moan, along with some involuntary movements, confirmed that you were in total ecstasy, letting yourself be carried away by all your desire. She didn't say anything, nor did she move, staying inside you while she kissed your back.
“Honey, I don't want to have to punish you again….”
“You won't have to, Laurel…” you said, catching your breath. The redhead moved away from you, making you still feel some pleasure.
“You're mine, (Y/N),” she said, removing the accessory from her.
“I'm yours….”
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alexlacquemanne · 6 months
2023 in 12 movies (1 per months)
The Horse Whisperer (1998) directed by Robert Redford with Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Neil, Chris Cooper and Cherry Jones
[First Time]
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L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) directed by Bertrand Tavernier with Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau and Jacques Hilling
[First Time]
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The Fabelmans (2022) directed by Steven Spielberg with Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Keeley Karsten, Julia Butters and Judd Hirsch
[First Time]
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The Third Man (1949) directed by Carol Reed with Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard and Bernard Lee
[First Time]
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The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) directed by Ranald MacDougall with Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer
[First Time]
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La ciociara (1960) directed by Vittorio De Sica with Sophia Loren, Eleonora Brown, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Carlo Ninchi, Andrea Checchi and Pupella Maggio
[First Time]
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Oppenheimer (2023) directed by Christopher Nolan with Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett and Casey Affleck
[First Time]
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Heat (1995) directed by Michael Mann with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Dennis Haysbert, Donald Breedan and Ashley Judd
[First Time]
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Catch Me If You Can (2002) directed by Steven Spielberg with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Nathalie Baye, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, James Brolin and Brian Howe
[First Time]
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Le Grand Bain (2018) directed by Gilles Lellouche with Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
[First Time]
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Fools Rush In (1997) directed by Andy Tennant with Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez, Tomás Milián, Siobhan Fallon et John Bennett Perry
[First Time]
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The Great Race (1965) directed by Blake Edwards with Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn et Ross Martin
[First Time]
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Honourable Mentions :
Airplane! (1980)
Duel (1972)
Les Sentiments (2003)
The Carpetbaggers (1964)
Scoop (2006)
Mon crime (2023)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
臥虎藏龍 (2000)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Le Dernier Voyage (2020)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
L'ingorgo (1979)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Adieu Gary (2008)
Conflict (1945)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
La Nuit américaine (1973)
Sorcerer (1977)
La Guerre des polices (1979)
Life of Pi (2012)
The Big Short (2015)
Le Hussard sur le toit (1995)
Excalibur (1981)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
Le Procès Goldman (2023)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)
Chaplin (1992)
La Vie de château (1966)
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Au-delà des grilles (1949)
Second Tour (2023)
Le Couteau dans la plaie (1962)
The Eiger Sanction (1975)
JFK (1991)
Le Fugitif (1993)
Chef (2014)
Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Appointment with Death (1988)
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
River of No Return (1954)
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Die Glasbläserin (2016)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
Les Mystères de Paris (1962)
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purplesong1028 · 2 years
Of Men and Games
Chapter 4: Good Intentions
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As Escobar’s campaign sees success, Cali grows worried of his true intentions behind gaining political power. Luckily, Fernando might be a perfect candidate to find more information on that.
P.S. Yes, Fernando meets Eduardo in this chapter
Rating: General Audience
Paring: Pacho/Male OC
Words: 4,850
“Paisa Robinhood.” Gilberto takes a small sip of whisky, casually shaking the glass, eyes still focused on TV. “What a bunch of bullshit.”
“It’s journalism at its finest, hermano.” Miguel shrugs, looking rather amused than bothered. “People will believe anything, if you put money in their hands, and put a nice story on the screen.”
“Well, think about it this way,” Pacho adds a few more ice cubes to his drink, nodding at Gilberto with a smirk, “if Escobar can really become a senator, you might be president one day.”
That makes both brothers snort.
“Hijo de puta.” Gilberto shakes his head, clearly not taking offense at all. “The bastard is actually winning though. He’s out there giving cash to everyone who can cast a vote, paying all these reporters.”
He stops talking for a brief moment, and then shares a look with Pacho and Miguel, the three of them acknowledging the same truth.
“He will probably see a big return of these investments very soon.”
“What does it mean for us?” Miguel puts down his drink and leans back into the armchair. “How does that even work? Is he going to run his business as usual, while being a fucking senator?”
“No, es imposible,” Gilberto quickly dismisses that idea, “at least he’ll have to get more…detached to the whole thing, one way or another.”
“That would be an opportunity for us, right?” Pacho chimes in. “Escobar gets busy with politics, which he doesn’t know shit about, and that leaves Medellín more vulnerable.”
To be honest, he’s never had Gilberto’s political astuteness— very few people do, but what he knows is the business they’re in right now. He knows when to strike the competition at their weakest moments, and he never misses.
“It could, but don’t forget, he also gets a lot closer to the government than we do.” Gilberto taps his fingers on the wooden desk. “That’s a lot of uncertainty and risk. We don’t know what he would do with that power.”
They fall quiet for a moment, each drowned in their own thoughts. Then, after staring into the blank for a while, Pacho finishes his whisky in one go. “How about we try to find out?”
“Find out about Escobar’s next steps, politically?” Miguel asks, more like a confirmation.
“It’s worth a try, if we can get the right person to do it.”
“Do we have anyone that…”
“Wait, hold on.” Gilberto puts a hand up, interrupting both of them. “You’re thinking about the new governor again, aren’t you?”
“The new governor? Fernando Gómez you mean?” Miguel looks between them, finally catching up. “Is he even that close to us?”
Gilberto smirks. “Some of us, apparently.”
Miguel stares at them confusedly, and then his face is washed over by realization, eyes widening in disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“It’s not what you think.” Pacho laughs, but doesn’t completely deny it. “Well, not entirely. He really seems to know what he’s doing. He helped to set up our recent deal with the Head of Logistics, and we’re paying way less than our old deal with the last governor.”
“Oh get to the point, you just had a good time with the guy!” Gilberto rolls his eyes, pouring himself another drink. “Or more than one time, I don’t want to know, but hey, this is serious, ok? Do you really trust him to do this?”
Pacho bites his bottom lip, playing back all the memories of interactions he had with Fernando: conversations with hidden messages, all the testing and manipulation, back and forth, suggesting so much without revealing anything.
“I don’t know if he will find anything useful, but I do trust him to not expose his intention, or ours.”
“Then I agree with you.” Gilberto smiles and raises the glass to his direction. “It’s worth a try.”
Fernando stands in front of Carlos’ office, carrying a pink gift bag in his hand. Inside, there are a whole bunch of presents for little girls: a princess dress, colorful hair bands, a teddy bear, and some Disney toys he got shipped from the US.
“Governor?” Carlos opens the door, surprised to see him. “Come on in, please! Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Please, call me Fernando. How have you been?” He puts the bag on Carlos’ desk. “I spoke to your secretary earlier, and she said you’ve been quite busy. Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”
“No, of course not!” Carlos looks at the pink gift bag, “is this…?”
“Oh, these are not for you, my friend.” Fernando laughs, but then changes to a more concerned tone. “It’s for Melissa. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind since I saw her last time.”
“Sir…” Carlos touches the bag, and takes a brief look inside, but doesn’t take anything out. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I know, I want to. Actually I…” Fernando looks away for a second. His hesitation is rehearsed, but the uneasy feeling in his chest isn’t. “This is why I’m here. I know you didn’t want me to help last time, and I respect that, I really do.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I spoke to my father, and he said there were other ways his foundations could help. There’s just some simple paperwork, and then…”
“Governor, Señor.” Carlos puts up both hands, still looking so polite and decent, a man with perfect manners. “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me and my family. I truly do.”
Fernando stops talking. This is the answer he’s looking for. He just needs one more confirmation. “There’s a but, I assume?”
“Yes. But there’s no need. We figured it out. Trust me, we got everything covered. Melissa is going to be fine.”
“Oh, I see.” Fernando nods. That’s all he needs to know: the honest man ended up accepting Cali’s deal. Their plan worked. “Well, I’m very glad to hear that.”
Carlos smiles, genuinely happy, but he doesn’t miss the tiny sense of sadness hidden behind. “Yeah, my wife is very happy.”
“I’m sure she is.” But she doesn’t know the truth, does she? Fernando forces out one last polite, sweet smile and gets up, not wanting to spend one more second here, in Carlos’ space. “Well, then I suppose I won’t bother you any further.”
“Oh please, how can you be bothering anyone?” Carlos also stands up and walks him to the door, but pauses when he touches the door handle. The older man turns to him again, sincere and earnest, almost fatherly.
“You are a very good man, Fernando.”
“I’ve been blessed with a happy life.” He looks to the side, avoiding Carlos’ eyes, but quickly gathers himself to firmly return the gaze. “It’s a lot easier to be good when there’s no misfortune.”
Carlos smiles, without any real joy. “I suppose we can all agree on that.”
He nods and opens the door, walking out into the wide corridor. Sunlight shines through the large windows, brightening the neat spotless ceramic tiles. People are walking around in stylish suits, bathed in a shade of golden glow, carrying important documents and hurriedly speaking on the phone. Everyone looks important, smart, decent, but he knows better.
They all know better. He is just good at accepting reality.
“Señor?” His secretary walks towards him outside of his office, the largest one in the building. “There is a call for you on your private phone.”
“Do you know who it is?”
“No Señor. I think you told me not to answer your personal calls?”
“Oh that’s right!” He laughs, acting like he really just forgot that. But it’s necessary to put up some small tests for people who work closely with him. It’s necessary. “You said private phone. Sorry Carolina, I was distracted.”
“No problem, Señor. Let me know if you need anything else.” Carolina nods politely and returns to her desk.
Fernando walks into his office and closes the door behind him, shutting out all the noise.
He picks up his personal phone from the shelf by the wall. It’s never on the desk, because that’s where the work phone belongs, in everyone’s sight, professional and candid.
He checks the most recently missed call, and breaks into a tiny smile as he sees the number.
He dials back.
“You must be quite busy on a workday.” It doesn’t take long for Pacho’s smooth voice to come through.
“Don’t you think it’s a little risky to call when I’m at work?” Fernando walks to his window facing the large back garden. “Others could pick up? People could be listening.”
“Yeah, our people.”
He chuckles. Right, as if everyone doesn’t already know Cali basically owns all the phone business here.
“I suppose you need something from me.” He looks outside at gardeners watering the flowers, cleaning crew emptying trash cans by the tree. “Something urgent?”
“I wouldn’t say urgent, but quite important, if you can manage to do it.”
“If I can manage to do it.” He hears the amusement in his own voice. “Alright, you got me hooked. What is it?”
“I suppose you’ve been watching the news recently?”
“Hard not to. It’s everywhere.” Fernando picks up one of the newspapers laid out on his desk, and the front page is Escobar’s big face at his campaign rally.
“We need to know what his agenda is, if he becomes a senator.”
“When he becomes a senator, you mean.”
It’s quiet for a few seconds, and then he hears a huff. “Well, I guess it just became important and urgent.”
“You want me to approach Pablo Escobar, and get information out of him?” Fernando sits down on the comfortable leather coach, but the soft cushions don’t alleviate the sourness in his chest. “Are you not a little bit concerned for my safety?”
“I didn’t say you have to, did I?” He hears Pacho’s voice soften. “Also, you don’t need to approach Escobar himself.”
“That’s a good point.” He leans back into the cushion. “Isn’t he with that journalist? Valeria? Oh! How about Duque? He was the one who lobbied him into the New Liberal’s Party.”
“That could be a good point to start.”
“Great! That should be easy. We’ve met a couple of times already.” He thinks about the way Duque always carries that ridiculous pipe around. “I don’t really like him, but whatever.”
“So he’s the less fun Fernando?”
“Oh absolutely,” he snorts, “I think he’s going to a charity event in Bogota tomorrow night. Lots of the New Liberals will be there.”
“Sounds exactly like your type of party.” There’s a small pause, and then Pacho switches to a more serious tone. “If you find anything, I owe you a favor.”
He loves the sound of that. “So what do I get in return?”
“What do you want?”
“I will think about it.” Fernando makes a mental note of that. He gets a lot of favors, but this one definitely shouldn’t be considered lightly. “For now, I’ll try to get you what you want first.”
“I shall wait for your good news then.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow night.”
“Looking forward to it.”
He keeps staring at the phone for a short while after the conversation ends, replaying the other man’s smooth, dangerous voice in his head, indulging in recent memories that are still fresh and sensational.
Then, he gets up from the coach, puts the phone back on the shelf, and tells his secretary to notify the chairman of that charity organization: the Governor of Valle del Cauca is coming to their party tomorrow.
Fernando is no stranger to charity parties at all. He has been attending them with his parents since he was a kid, so if he ever needs an invitation, all he needs to do is to make a phone call. Now that he has been elected as a governor, it has become even easier.
There are many friendly faces in the crowd, some he knows quite well, some he’s only seen once or twice, and some he’s not even sure he’s ever met at all. Maybe they’re just pretending to know him so they can have a conversation.
He navigates through all of them pretty much on autopilot mode. It’s one of his talents, really, he only needs to pay half attention, yet still appears highly engaging. The secret is to listen more, speak less, but when he speaks, he makes sure to always respond to one of the controversial topics people are talking about, so he can effortlessly provoke a whole new round of discussion that appears to be led by him.
Tonight, Fernando has been doing exactly that for about 45 minutes, making sure every person who approaches him is more or less pleased, until he spots Duque standing next to the bar, holding a drink in left hand, and the pipe in right hand, talking to a group of people he doesn’t recognize.
“¡Señor Duque!” He walks over, putting on his brightest smile. “It’s been a long time.”
“Governor Gómez, what a pleasure!” Duque gives him an enthusiastic handshake, and then pulls him in for a hug. “What brought you to Bogotá tonight?”
“Honestly? Just had to take a break from everything.” He makes a frustrated expression, but jokingly, not actually complaining, just to humor the audience. “You know, Valle del Cauca really feels a lot larger than it seems, once you’re managing it.”
The group of people laughs at the comment, and Duque laughs the loudest among them all. “I guess your hard work is paying off, governor, people love you! The economy’s growing, and your support within the department is over the roof!”
“Well, I try my best.” Fernando turns to the side, naturally leading Duque away from the group. “So I’m allowed to have a fun night, right?”
“Absolutely! Tell you what,” Duque puts an arm around his shoulder, “I was just talking to this very nice señorita, beautiful, smart, and I think she knows your family too! I’ll introduce you two later, and I’m sure she would love to have a dance with you!”
“You’re too good to me, my friend!” Fernando laughs alongside him. “How can I repay this kindness, hmm?”
“Oh please,” Duque waves him off, “what are you talking about? It’s nothing!”
“You’re right, you don’t need my help. The campaign you’re running is all over the TV, and I just read about it in three different newspapers too!” He observes Duque’s facial expression, monitoring every tiny change, and he doesn’t miss it when the relaxedness gets briefly clouded by caution. As annoying as Duque is, he is a lobbyist, a quite successful one at that, so of course he will become more alert whenever business comes up.
“Not gonna lie, even I’m a little jealous of the attention.” Fernando looks Duque straight in the eye as he carefully transitions the conversation to a whole other direction. “I mean, it was my face all over the news a few months ago.”
Duque’s eyes widen slightly, and then bursts out laughing.
“Oh Fernando! You’re still so young, my friend.” The older man claps him hard on the back. “You still have decades of success ahead of you. Your generation is the future!”
“Be hardworking, and be patient, right?” Fernando makes a nostalgic expression, putting on his typical good boy act. Why do people fall so easily for that every time? He never understands. “That was what my father said.”
“And you should listen to him! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your father a few times, and he is a wise man.” Duque takes two glasses of champagne from a server, now having his guard down. When he hands a glass to Fernando, he almost acts a little fatherly. “Look, you are already a governor, the youngest governor we ever had. Your father must be proud!”
“He is.” Fernando takes a small sip of champagne just to keep up with the atmosphere he’s in. He doesn’t want alcohol to cloud his judgment in any way. “He also said this was a major step, my first milestone.”
“Exactly! You are just starting out. Who knows? You might build your own political party one day, or even become The President.”
“The President.” Fernando repeats the words in a humbled manner, like he’s flattered and in disbelief. “You really think so?”
Duque puts a hand on his shoulder, firm and comforting. “I have faith in you.”
“You’re such a delightful person to be around, Señor Duque.” He smiles, making sure to have joy and gratitude reach behind his eyes. “Really, I’m glad we talked. Recently it has just been…I won’t bother you with details, but you have no idea how helpful this is.”
“No, I get it! The sudden fame, the pressure, the responsibilities…” Duque waves it off. “It can get to you sometimes, but I promise you’ll get used to it, alright? You’re already handling everything so well!”
“You’re right, and honestly, maybe I shouldn’t even complain at all.” Fernando looks over at a group of people standing at another corner: Galán, Gaviria, Eduardo and a few more he doesn’t recognize. “Many others are in far more challenging situations than I am.”
“Well, what can I say?” Duque shrugs, “Radical positions lead to severe pushbacks.”
“Of course, but I do believe the kind of pushback needs to be taken into consideration here, doesn’t it?” He pauses for a moment to look down at the floor, and then looks back up with a slight frown, acting out a perfect balance between hesitation and determination. “Look, I think I owe you the same honesty you had for me, and I hope you know what I’m about to say comes from good intentions.”
Duque meets his gaze, silently holds it for several seconds and then gives him a small nod, inviting him to go on.
“I admit that I don’t know enough to judge, but about your candidate…words travel fast, and we both know that words carry real power in our world.” He walks one step closer and glances around, like he’s nervous of someone else eavesdropping. “I’m concerned for your safety, my friend, and the safety of others who are involved in this campaign, or even more so, those who are opposed to it.”
Duque doesn’t answer immediately. In fact, he’s not responding at all, but just maintains a calm, thoughtful composure. But Fernando can clearly see the way his fingers tighten around the champagne glass, and that alone tells him enough.
“I appreciate your concern, really, I do.” Eventually Duque responds, in a surprisingly gentle tone. “But you see, here’s the thing: there are rules in politics, not hard rules like laws, but if someone, anyone wants to get in, they will have to play by those rules, more or less. That’s just how things are.”
“And you believe Escobar will adhere to these rules too?”
“As I said, he will have to, if he really wants a seat at the table.”
“I suppose that’s fair.” He goes along with it, although he doesn’t agree in the slightest. Seriously, Duque has to be fucking delusional to truly believe that. “It makes you think though, doesn’t it? Why even go through all these troubles for a seat in the senate? I mean, he’s probably richer than all the senators combined.”
“Well, I guess I could ask you the same question.” Duque casually shakes his glass. “Why did you run for office? You already have everything you need, for the rest of your life.”
“Because I didn’t build any of that.” He admits, and this is the first honest thing he said to Duque. “Everything I have comes from my father and my grandfather. I want something just for me.”
“Makes sense, but it’s a privilege to even think that way, isn’t it?” Duque puts down the empty glass. A server comes by offering him another one, but he declines. “You see, sometimes for people who grew up with nothing, nothing’s ever enough.”
“Nothing’s ever enough.” Fernando repeats it, just for himself to hear it another time, to let it really sink in. “He’s not going to stop at the senate, is he?”
They fall into silence. A few feet away, people are going in and out of the dance floor, moving elegantly with big smiles on their faces, seemingly not having a single worry for tomorrow. Classic music is playing, is it Chopin? He should be able to tell if he listens more closely, but his mind is occupied at the moment.
“Señores, are you enjoying the evening?” A voice comes behind them, and Fernando recognizes it, from TV, from radio, from that party he went to a few months ago.
He did not expect to hear that voice tonight.
“Señor Escobar?” Duque turns around, looking equally surprised. “I thought you weren’t going to make it!”
“I tried to make time. You said it could be helpful for the campaign.”
Escobar answers Duque, but glances towards his direction. Fernando offers his hand first.
“Fernando Gómez. Maybe you don’t remember, but I believe we met once, Señor Escobar.”
“I remember, governor.” Escobar shakes his hand firmly. “Actually, I thought you might have forgotten about me.”
“What? That was the best party I’ve ever been to!” He laughs in a slightly exaggerated way. “A monkey drinking tequila? Hippos in the backyard? How could anyone ever forget about that?”
Escobar smiles, almost looking deceptively humble. “Well, I’m happy that I was able to entertain you.”
“Please, I was literally just telling Señor Duque, entertainment has been a luxury for me ever since I took office.” He takes another sip of champagne just to calm his nerves. He did not prepare for this.
“I could imagine.” Escobar nods, but there’s something more in his tone, like a tentative challenge. “A large part of our country’s economy moves through the port in your department.”
“Oh you have no idea.” Fernando lets out a long sigh, keeping up the pretense. “It’s been months, and I’m still trying to figure out who’s in charge of what in Transportation. Honestly, that division is a total fucking mess.”
Escobar grins, and Fernando doesn’t miss the arrogance hidden behind. Good, let Escobar think he’s just an oblivious new governor and nothing more.
“I’m sure you will get everything in order very soon, governor. I’ve heard good things about you.”
“I certainly hope so too,” he raises his glass to Escobar, “and I hope it’s easier for you, if you ever take office in future.”
Escobar clicks their glasses together. “Thank you for your good wish, governor.”
Fernando brings the glass to his lips, and drinks it all up in one go. This can be the perfect moment to walk out of the situation, just make up an excuse and leave.
However, who knows better about Escobar’s plans than Escobar himself? This is highly risky, he knows. But he plans to never see Escobar again, so it’s really now or never. When has he ever given up an opportunity like that?
He takes a deep breath and puts the glass down. “Señor Duque and I were just talking,” Fernando gestures at Duque, bringing him back into the conversation, “it was incredible that you decided to run for office now.”
That seems to arouse Escobar’s curiosity immediately. “How come?”
“Because you have already succeeded! You’ve built a fortune, all by yourself, and you can comfortably enjoy the rest of your life.”
“And I’ve told governor Gómez, we all have greater ambitions for our own reasons.” Duque joins in naturally, because that was exactly what they were talking about before Escobar showed up.
“Hey, campaigning is tedious work, right? I’ve just done it, I know!” Fernando grabs another drink from a server, intentionally making the movement a little clumsy. “But you are willing to go through all that trouble for a seat in the senate, when you already have everything.”
“Well, we only live once, don’t we?”
“Absolutely.” He shakes his glass thoughtfully. “Sometimes I feel like we never have enough time to do all we want, before our time runs out.”
“You know what I believe, governor?” Escobar moves a step closer, eyes burning with enthusiasm. “A man never dies, if he is remembered by history.”
“Remembered by history…” Fernando shifts uncomfortably, trying to ignore the chilly feeling down his spine. Yes, the extent of Escobar’s ambition worries him, but what really makes him ponder is how much he wants that for himself.
“A beautiful idea only very few men can achieve, how inspiring.” He sums it up, now ready to take the exit. “Well, it’s been great talking to you, Señor Escobar, but if you don’t mind…” He turns his attention back to Duque, “I believe our friend here wants to introduce me to a señorita?”
“Of course.” Escobar chuckles, “It would be very rude of me to get in your way about that.”
The girl Duque introduces him to is Camila Castillo. Their families do know each other, though not very close. She is everything Duque described: beautiful, smart, elegant, and to his pleasant surprise, they are able to have a rather engaging conversation.
He would have been good with spending the rest of this evening hanging out with her, but he can’t help but get distracted after spotting Eduardo Sandoval sitting alone by the bar, staring intensely at Escobar’s direction.
He and Eduardo have met and talked at a few events, simply because they are around the same age, but they are not friends, acquaintances at best. Frankly, Fernando’s pretty sure Eduardo doesn’t even like him, so whatever that stubborn man does should be none of his business. But after everything that’s happened tonight, he is feeling particularly altruistic at the moment, so he offers to get Camila a special cocktail, and walks over to the bar.
Eduardo notices him, but only acknowledges him with a simple nod. He doesn’t take offense; it’s actually better for him to not appear too close to Eduardo anyway.
He proceeds to give the bartender two extremely complicated cocktail orders, and takes the chance to stand next to the man.
“I just got away from there, and I strongly suggest you not to approach.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, governor.” Eduardo spares him a glance and a tiny smile. No, not a smile, more like a sneer. “Plus, you got away in one piece yourself, didn’t you?”
“Look, I’m not disagreeing with you on this matter at all, ok?” Fernando resists the urge to facepalm himself. “But what can you possibly achieve right here, right now, besides adding a big target on your back?”
Eduardo huffs with genuine humor. “Pretty sure I already got more than one.”
“And…that’s a good thing?”
The other man ignores the question long enough that Fernando almost gives up, but then he puts the drink down with a loud clatter, and turns to face him.
“Some of us have to think for more than ourselves.” Their eyes meet, Eduardo’s blue pupils deep as sapphires. “If you disagree, that’s fine, but at least don’t try to stop others.”
“I’m not trying to stop you. I’m only suggesting that, quite honestly, you don’t do anything stupid right here.”
That is far from his best approach, but at this moment, he is already incredibly exhausted and frustrated, so since he’s really doing this out of good will, Eduardo can take it or leave it.
Eduardo raises his eyebrows, the defensive demeanor turning into genuine shock, and then, to Fernando’s surprise, he laughs out. It sounds curt and humorless, but nevertheless relaxed, in a strange way.
“I appreciate your good intentions, Fernando. I really do.” Eduardo says, now addressing him by his first name. “So let me offer a suggestion to you as well: stay in your department, and try to avoid Medellín and Bogotá in the near future, for your own safety. Anyone can get a target on their back.”
If that comes from anyone else, he would probably treat it as a threat, but he knows that’s not the case with Eduardo. Eduardo is honest, and sometimes, that’s the worst.
He lets out a long sigh and covers his face with both hands, dropping all the pretense for the first time tonight. For some godforsaken reason, Eduardo is the one person who makes him feel comfortable enough to do that.
“What the hell is going on these days, Eduardo?” He turns to face the other man again, looking deep into those calm blue eyes. “Things shouldn’t be this way.”
Eduardo’s lips curve up, but there’s no joy, only bitterness. “Well, that’s something we can agree on.”
Behind Eduardo, Galán and Gaviria walk towards their direction, like two parents who just found their lost child in a shopping mall.
Fernando greets both of them politely, and excused himself. The bartender places two finished cocktails in front of him, and he takes a small sip.
It’s sophisticated, sweet and luxurious, without a hint of liquor hidden inside. From outside, it looks perfect.
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baron-amaro · 2 years
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“Modern man denies himself every metaphysical dimension and considers himself a mere object of science. But he screams when they exterminate him as such.”
Nicolás Gómez Dávila
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sociedadnoticias · 1 month
Emanuel "Vaquero" Navarrete, Listo para el Tetracampeonato
Preparativos y Pesaje.Historia y Comparaciones Por Eric Gómez | Reportero El boxeador mexicano Emanuel "Vaquero" Navarrete se declaró listo para enfrentar el reto de buscar el tetracampeonato mundial. Este sábado, se medirá ante el invicto ucraniano Denys Berinchyk por el cetro ligero de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB). En la ceremonia de pesaje, ambos pugilistas libraron sin problemas el…
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movienized-com · 2 months
Hay algo en el bosque
Hay algo en el bosque (Serie 2024) #AlfonsoAgra #AndreaNuñez #AngyFernández #DanielIbáñez #DenisGómez #IvanMassagué Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2024- (Februar) Genre: Abenteuer / Comedy / Fantasy Hauptrollen: Alfonso Agra, Andrea Nuñez, Angy Fernández, Daniel Ibáñez, Denis Gómez, Ivan Massagué, Laura Laprida, Michael John Treanor, Nadal Bin Alberto, Tomás Pozzi, Zorion Eguileor … Serienbeschreibung: Eine Gruppe von Fremden befindet sich in abgelegenen Hütten, wo sie entdecken, dass Aliens, Kriminelle und Monster nur einige…
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aliassimeatp · 3 months
¿Cuáles son las alineaciones probables del Valencia C. F. para el próximo partido contra el Celta de Vigo?
¿Cuáles son las alineaciones probables del Valencia C. F. para el próximo partido contra el Celta de Vigo?
Alineaciones titulares Valencia C
Las alineaciones titulares del Valencia C son cruciales para el rendimiento del equipo en cada partido. El entrenador del equipo dedica tiempo y esfuerzo para seleccionar a los jugadores ideales que puedan llevar al equipo hacia la victoria. Cada semana, los seguidores del Valencia C esperan con ansias conocer cuáles serán los titulares que representarán al equipo en el campo de juego.
La alineación titular suele componerse de jugadores clave en diferentes posiciones, como portero, defensa, mediocampo y delantera. Cada jugador aporta sus habilidades únicas y experiencia para contribuir al éxito colectivo del equipo. La estrategia del entrenador al formar la alineación titular es fundamental para enfrentar con éxito a los rivales y alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.
Además, las alineaciones titulares del Valencia C pueden variar de un partido a otro, dependiendo de diversos factores como lesiones, suspensiones, rendimiento de los jugadores y tácticas específicas para enfrentar a un determinado oponente. La capacidad del entrenador para tomar decisiones acertadas en cuanto a la alineación titular es crucial para el desempeño del equipo en la competición.
En resumen, las alineaciones titulares del Valencia C desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de los partidos y en la búsqueda de los objetivos deportivos del equipo. Los jugadores titulares son la columna vertebral del equipo y su rendimiento en el campo puede marcar la diferencia entre la victoria y la derrota.
Posibles jugadores partido Valencia vs Celta
El partido entre el Valencia y el Celta está cada vez más cerca, y los posibles jugadores que podrían salir al campo en este encuentro están generando mucho interés entre los aficionados.
En el equipo local, el Valencia, se espera que jugadores clave como Gonçalo Guedes, Maxi Gómez y José Gayà se encuentren entre los titulares. Además, la presencia de Daniel Wass en el centro del campo aportará experiencia y control del juego. Por otro lado, Hugo Guillamón y Gabriel Paulista serán fundamentales en la defensa, mientras que Jasper Cillessen intentará mantener su portería imbatida.
Por parte del Celta, Iago Aspas es la gran estrella que se espera lidere el ataque del equipo. Junto a él, jugadores como Nolito y Denis Suárez aportarán creatividad y desequilibrio en el frente de ataque. En la defensa, Renato Tapia y Jeison Murillo buscarán detener los ataques rivales, mientras que Rubén Blanco se encargará de proteger la portería con sus reflejos.
La rivalidad entre ambos equipos promete un partido emocionante y lleno de intensidad, donde la calidad de los jugadores en el terreno de juego será determinante para el resultado final. Los aficionados esperan con ansias ver a sus jugadores favoritos enfrentarse en un duelo que promete ser apasionante.
Once inicial Valencia contra Celta Vigo
El once inicial del Valencia para el partido contra el Celta de Vigo ha generado gran expectación entre los aficionados. Durante esta temporada, el equipo valenciano ha presentado una alineación sólida y competitiva que ha dado buenos resultados en la liga.
Para este encuentro, el entrenador ha optado por una formación ofensiva, con jugadores clave en el ataque como Guedes, Soler y Maxi Gómez. En la defensa, se espera que jugadores como Gabriel Paulista y Gayà aseguren la solidez del equipo y eviten contragolpes peligrosos del Celta.
El mediocampo es otro punto fuerte del Valencia, con Kondogbia y Wass liderando la recuperación del balón y la distribución del juego. Se espera que su capacidad para presionar al rival genere oportunidades de gol para el equipo local.
Por su parte, el Celta de Vigo llega al partido con una alineación equilibrada y con jugadores como Aspas y Nolito en ataque, que pueden poner en aprietos a la defensa del Valencia.
En resumen, el once inicial del Valencia contra el Celta de Vigo promete un partido emocionante, con un equipo local decidido a mantener su racha de buenos resultados en la liga y un equipo visitante dispuesto a sorprender y llevarse los tres puntos. ¡Los aficionados esperan con ansias este encuentro!
Jugadores probablemente titulares Valencia vs Celta
Para el próximo encuentro entre el Valencia y el Celta, se espera que el entrenador del Valencia elija a sus titulares con cuidado para lograr la victoria. Entre los jugadores que podrían comenzar el partido se encuentran algunos habituales en la alineación titular, como Gabriel Paulista, José Gayà y Carlos Soler. Estos jugadores han demostrado su valía en el campo en partidos anteriores y se espera que contribuyan al desempeño del equipo.
Además, el entrenador del Valencia podría optar por alinear a jugadores como Maxi Gómez y Kangin Lee, quienes han mostrado destellos de calidad en partidos recientes. La combinación de experiencia y juventud en el equipo titular podría ser clave para contrarrestar las fortalezas del Celta durante el partido.
Por otro lado, el Celta también cuenta con jugadores talentosos que representarán un desafío para el Valencia. La defensa del Valencia deberá estar atenta a jugadores como Iago Aspas, quien es conocido por su habilidad para marcar goles decisivos.
En resumen, el partido entre el Valencia y el Celta promete ser emocionante, con jugadores de ambos equipos luchando por la victoria. Los aficionados pueden esperar un enfrentamiento reñido en el que cada equipo buscará imponer su estilo de juego para llevarse los tres puntos.
Formación probable Valencia C
La formación probable del Valencia C es crucial para el éxito del equipo en cada partido. El entrenador juega un papel fundamental al determinar la alineación inicial, teniendo en cuenta factores como la forma física de los jugadores, las tácticas a emplear y el enfoque del partido. Aunque la formación puede variar según el rival y las circunstancias del encuentro, es importante tener una base sólida que refleje el estilo de juego del equipo.
En el caso del Valencia C, se espera que la formación probable incluya a jugadores talentosos y comprometidos con el club. La defensa es clave para mantener la portería a salvo, por lo que se buscará una línea defensiva sólida y coordinada. En el centro del campo, se buscará creatividad y control del juego, con jugadores capaces de distribuir el balón con precisión y romper líneas defensivas.
En la delantera, se esperan jugadores desequilibrantes que puedan marcar la diferencia en el marcador. La velocidad, la técnica y la capacidad goleadora serán aspectos clave a tener en cuenta al definir la formación probable del Valencia C.
En resumen, la formación probable del Valencia C es una combinación de talento individual, trabajo en equipo y estrategia, diseñada para lograr el máximo rendimiento en cada partido. Los aficionados esperan con entusiasmo ver a su equipo en acción y confían en que la formación elegida lleve al Valencia C a la victoria.
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saturdaynightmatinee · 7 months
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Título Original: Código Emperador
Año: 2022
Duración: 105 min
País: España
Dirección: Jorge Coira
Guion: Jorge Guerricaechevarría
Música: Xavier Font, Elba Fernandez
Fotografía: Pablo Rosso
Reparto: Luis Tosar, Alexandra Masangkay, Georgina Amorós, Denis Gómez, Miguel Rellán, Mirela Balic, María Botto, Laura Domínguez, Fran Lareu, Arón Piper
Productora: Vaca Films, The Playtime Group, Sábado Películas, Netflix, RTVE, Televisión de Galicia (TVG)
Género: Drama; Thriller
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docpiplup · 7 months
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Laura y sus misterios: Laura y el misterio de la novia que esperó demasiado @sonechkaandthedynamos @goldenliartrash @sapphicfolch @butherlipsarenotmoving @dorothyoz39
Tras los años de excedencia regentando un apacible hotel rural, Laura se incorpora a la comisaría de nuevo.
El misterio se sitúa en un edificio de vecinos situado en el centro de Madrid. La casa es muy característica: a pesar de tener muchos años, está reformada. La escalera y el portal siguen conservando el encanto de lo antiguo. Y los vecinos se conocen desde siempre... Durante las obras de pocería de un inmueble en el centro de Madrid, se encuentra el esqueleto de una mujer que llevaba mucho tiempo sepultada en las galerías subterráneas del edificio. Lo más sorprendente es que lleva puesto un vestido de novia. Cuando una de las vecinas de la casa dice que cree saber quién es el cadáver y por qué murió, es asesinada. Laura tendrá que intervenir para averiguar quién, de entre todos los vecinos del edificio, es el asesino. Y sin saberlo, se encontrará con el criminal más insospechado de toda su carrera. Laura jamás hubiera imaginado que, en su primer caso al incorporarse de nuevo a la policía, iba a tener que detener al asesino que nunca hubiera querido descubrir, el criminal más imprevisible y asombroso de su carrera.
María Pujalte - Laura Lebrel del Bosque
Oriol Tarrasón - Martín Maresca Delfino
Laura Pamplona - Lydia Martínez Fernández
César Camino - Vicente Cuevas
Beatriz Carvajal- Maribel del Bosque
Raúl Mérida - Héctor Herranz Leache
Manuela Velasco
Melina Matthews - María
Aaron Porras - Arturo
Denis Gómez - Antonio
Fernando Tato - Sergio Navarro
Ascen López - Begoña
Mariu Bárcena - Consuelo
Lucas de Blas - Beltrán
Alberto Roldán - Oliver
Irene Ruiz - Clara
Elena Villalba - Patro
Rebeca Sala - Cinta
Antonio Lence - Experto en arte
Arantxa Zambrano - Farmaceútica
Arlette Torres - Profesora de yoga
🕵‍♀️Bueno, pues ayer ví el nuevo episodio de Laura, y bueno no quiero hacer muchos spoilers por si acaso alguien aún no lo ha visto, pero en general, me ha parecido bueno. El caso ha estado interesante*, y quedan pendientes algunas cosas que supongo continuarán** en el siguiente episodio o en la cuarta temporada , así que tendremos que esperar al miércoles 20 a que se estrene "Laura y el misterio del paciente suspicaz". ¿ Qué os ha parecido el episodio?
*Sobre todo el giro de Beltrán siendo el asesino, cuando el estuvo ayudando a Laura en la investigación, aunque bueno, en principio eso funcionó para desviar la investigación a sospechosos más probables.
Este capítulo como se indica la sinopsis, tiene el factor de tener un asesino bastante imprevisible, al principio lo lógico es pensar que alguno de los inquilinos adultos es el culpable, pero por descarte y algunas pistas que se van revelando, resulta ser Beltrán, un adolescente de apenas 14 años, algo más joven que los gemelos, que sin querer mató a su amigo Oliver y al que sigue viendo como "fantasma" (bueno, más bien es producto de su mente, pero le digo fantasma para simplificarlo), y es a raíz de esa muerte y el trauma de Beltrán se desencadenan las otras muertes.
**Como lo del cáncer de Cuevas o la especie de triángulo amoroso que parece que quieren montar entre Laura, Martín y la mujer de Martín (no me acuerdo de su nombre ahora), después de que Laura se haya dado cuenta que Martín era el DW de la tercera temporada, aunque lo más seguro que lo de Laura y Martín se quede como algo platónico y ya está.
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atletasudando · 9 months
Flor Denis Ruiz desplegó su calidad en Barranquilla
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La colombiana Flor Denis Ruiz, flamante subcampeona mundial de lanzamiento de jabalina, resultó la gran atracción del Grand Prix de Barranquilla, este sábado 14 de octubre, logrando un excelente registro de 63.21 metros. Su comaptriota María Lucelly Murillo, quien también alcanzó la final mundialista en Budapest, consiguió ahora una muy buena marca de 60.03, quedando el tercer puesto para la pauertorriqueña Sophia Rivera con 54.00. Otra atleta colombiana con aspiraciones para los próximos Juegos Panamericanos es la saltarina Natalia Linares, quien se impuso con 6.65 m. (viento en contra de 0.1ms), delante de la puertorriqueña Alysbeth Feix con 6.48. Linares, además, se lució en los 100 metros con 11.41 (1.6ms), donde la dominicana Liranyi Alonso fue su escolta con 11.509 y tercera quedó Angélica Gamboa con 11.52. También en los 100 metros llanos de hombres hubo muy buen nivel y se ipuso el puertorriqueño Diego González con 10.17 (viento de 1.7ms), seguido por los locales Johnny Alexander Rentería y Carlos Yesid Florez, ambos con 10.28. El recordman sudamericano y finalista olímpico de lanzamiento del disco Mauricio Ortega retornó a las competiciones en su país y alcanzó una marca de 59.16 metros. Desde Venezuela llegó José Maita para obtener los 400 metros con 46.95. Y también estuvo su compatriota -y finalista del Mundial de Budapest en salto triple- Leodan Torrealba, quien marcó 15.75 y quedó segundo, ganando alli el doimnicano Juan del Bueno con 16.04 m. Otra de las figuras del atletismo colombiano, Arnovis de Jesús Dalmero, ganó en salto en largo con 7.85 m. y luego se ubicaron Jhon Andrés Berrio con 7.79 y Raúl Mena con 7.19. La lista de ganadores en hombres también incluyó a Oscar Baltán (21.23w en 200), Brayan Rojas (14.06 en 110 metros con vallas), César Daniel Gómez (9:01.45 en 3.000 con obstáculos), Brian Smit Robledo (2.10 en salto en alto) y John Freddy Zea (17.88 en bala). En damas ganaron la juvenl Nahomy Castro (24.54 en 200), la dominicana Anabel Medina (54.33 en 400), la puertorriqueña Aziza Ayobi (2:06.15 en 800), María Alejandra Rocha (14.35 en 100 emtros vallas), Jennifer Laritza Rodríguez (1.75 en alto), Estrella Lobo (12.70 en triple), Sandra Lemos en bala y Brigidh Mayorga (47.27 en disco). Read the full article
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juarezesdeporte · 9 months
EMPATA LOCOMOTIVE EN SU ÚLTIMO PARTIDO EN CASA EL PASO, Texas – El Paso Locomotive FC (West-7, 12-12-8, 44 puntos) luchó para empatar 0-0 contra San Diego Loyal SC el miércoles por la noche en Southwest University Park en el último partido de la temporada regular en casa del 2023
"Ambos equipos estuvieron bastante defensivos…, fue difícil romper y limitó nuestras posibilidades", dijo el entrenador en jefe y director técnico Brian Clarhaut sobre el partido igualado en una conferencia de prensa posterior al partido. "Queremos ocuparnos de los negocios para estos próximos dos juegos fuera de casa para los [aficionados]. Necesitamos sumar seis puntos; necesitamos ganar. Esto es vida o muerte para nosotros. Estos son juegos importantes [que vienen". ]… vamos a luchar y darlo todo."
PRONÓSTICO: 82ºF, cielo despejado ASISTENCIA: 6.792
Este fue el último partido en casa de la temporada regular de 2023. Locomotive cierra la temporada con dos partidos como visitante, Memphis 901 FC el sábado 7 de octubre y Oakland Roots SC el sábado 14 de octubre. El Paso Locomotive contó con la asistencia de 6,792 fanáticos, la mayor multitud para un partido entre semana esta temporada. Locomotora acabó líder esa noche en intercepciones (11) y despejes (15). RESUMEN DE PUNTUACIÓNN / A
ELP – (5-3-2) Benny Diaz, Marc Navarro, Erik McCue, Noah Dollenmayer, Petar Petrovic (Nick Hinds), Miles Lyons (Louis Herrera), Liam Rose, Eric Calvillo – C, Denys Kostyshyn (Chris García), Emmanuel Sonupe, Petur Knudsen (Aarón Gómez)
Subs no utilizados: Javier García, José Carrillo, Yuma
SD – (3-5-2) Koke Vegas, Carlos Guzmán (Camden Riley), Michael Chilaka, Grant Stoneman, Blake Bodily (Adrien Pérez), Alejandro Guido – C (Xavi Gnaulati), Joe Corona (Charlie Adams), Collin Martin , Evan Conway, Tumi Moshobane (Nick Moon), Ronaldo Damus
Suplentes no utilizados: Taylor Bailey, Morgan Hackworth
ELP – Aarón Gómez (Amarillo) 56' SD – Carlos Guzmán (Amarillo) 55' ESTADÍSTICAS DEL PARTIDO: ELP | Dakota del Sur
GOLES: 0|0 ASISTENCIAS: 0|0 Pos. %: 51|48 DISPAROS: 4|8 TIROS A PORtería: 0|2 GUARDADOS: 2|0 FALTAS: 9|14 FUERA DE JUEGO: 0|1 ESQUINAS: 2|7
A CONTINUACIÓN: Sábado 7 de octubre en Memphis 901 FC. Inicio a las 6 p.m. MT en AutoZone Park. VER FIESTA: The Palomino Tavern, 205 Cincinnati Ave, El Paso, Texas 79902
(Alberto Huichapa)
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cinemasfutbol · 9 months
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drawingdailysblog · 2 years
Semana 1
Láminas abstractas. Línea, jerarquía y trama.
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¿Cómo me ayuda este ejercicio de dibujo a mi carrera?
En diseño de modas unir puntos es uno de los usos más comunes ya que a la hora de dibujar los diseños y figurines se necesita tener esa habilidad para lograr que el dibujo se logre apreciar bien ya que también con la calidad de línea uno puede hacer que resalten ciertas partes más que otras.
Libro “Punto y línea sobre el plano” de Vasili Kandinsky.
Video tutorial realizado por el profesor Denis Cambronero.
Imagen del ejercicio realizado por la estudiante Marcela Gómez.
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Dibujo adicional
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newstfionline · 2 years
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Ukraine War Is Depleting U.S. Ammunition Stockpiles, Sparking Pentagon Concern (WSJ) The war in Ukraine has depleted American stocks of some types of ammunition and the Pentagon has been slow to replenish its arsenal, sparking concerns among U.S. officials that American military readiness could be jeopardized by the shortage. The U.S. has during the past six months supplied Ukraine with 16 U.S. rocket launchers, known as Himars, thousands of guns, drones, missiles and other equipment. Much of that, including ammunition, has come directly from U.S. inventory, depleting stockpiles intended for unexpected threats, defense officials say. Among the most prominent weapons systems the Pentagon has sent are howitzers, which use 155mm ammunition to shoot targets more than a dozen miles away. As of Aug. 24, the U.S. military said it had provided Ukraine with up to 806,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition. In recent weeks, the level of 155mm combat rounds in U.S. military storage have become “uncomfortably low,” one defense official said. The levels aren’t yet critical because the U.S. isn’t engaged in any major military conflict, the official added.
Jackson, Mississippi, to go without reliable drinking water indefinitely (Reuters) Jackson, Mississippi, will go without reliable drinking water indefinitely, officials said on Monday, after pumps at the main water treatment plant failed, leading to the emergency distribution of bottled water and tanker trucks for 180,000 people. The city linked the failure to complications from the flooding of the Pearl River, but Governor Tate Reeves, who declared a state of emergency, said the cause was unknown and that the city-run water treatment plant had been poorly operated and understaffed for years. In any case the capital city of 150,000 people and 30,000 in surrounding communities could go without running water indefinitely, as officials warned anyone with access to tap water should boil it for three minutes.
Cubans flee island’s economic woes by air, land and sea (AP) One Cuban man endured a trek through eight countries that lasted more than a month. Another man paid a small fortune for a furtive speedboat trip. A third decided to risk a perilous passage aboard a homemade raft rather than stay a moment longer on the island. Cubans are fleeing their country in the largest numbers in more than four decades, choosing to stake their lives and futures on a dangerous journey to the United States by air, land and sea to escape economic and political woes. Tens of thousands of others share the same goal. From January to July, U.S. border authorities stopped Cuban migrants entering from Mexico nearly 155,000 times, more than six times as many as in the same period of 2021. From October to August, the Coast Guard intercepted more than 4,600 Cubans, an almost sixfold increase over the entire previous year.
Peru judge: preventative prison for president’s relative (AP) A Peruvian judge on Sunday ordered President Pedro Castillo’s sister-in-law to be held in prison up to 2.5 years while she is investigated for criminal association and corruption for her participation in an alleged money laundering scheme involving the president and first lady. After postponing his decision twice, judge Johnny Gómez said there was “a high probability of fleeing” for Yenifer Paredes, 26, and ordered her pretrial detention. Paredes had been raised by Castillo and his spouse as their daughter after her mother died. It is the first time in Peru that a relative so close to a sitting president has been sent to prison. Defense lawyers said they would appeal the decision and Castillo has denied all the accusations against him.
The House of Lords is a bloated relic. Boris Johnson could make it bigger. (Washington Post) Britain’s House of Lords is bloated, lazy and unpopular. It’s certainly undemocratic, and by design. It’s a chamber of cronies; a palace of patronage, where some members barely care enough to show up. It’s a body in desperate need of modernization. And those are the opinions of the lords themselves—some of them, anyway. The Lord Speaker, John McFall, warned last month that the house had become “too big,” that the recent political appointees “have not been especially active,” and their selection risks undermining “the public confidence in our parliamentary system.” But if Boris Johnson gets his way, another 50 life peers could soon be bending elbows in the chamber’s rarefied dining rooms. That’s because a farewell perk allows the outgoing prime minister to ask the queen to bestow peerages to any number of people of his choosing—including top-money donors to the Conservative Party and all manner of political allies, including family and friends. The Sunday Times of London and Open Democracy group last year estimated the going rate at 3 million pounds for a seat in the Lords.
Dutch government ‘concerned’ about U.S. gun violence after soldier’s killing (Washington Post) Authorities in the Netherlands are “very concerned” about the level of gun violence in the United States, the Dutch defense minister said on Tuesday, after an incident over the weekend in which three Dutch special operations forces were shot in Indianapolis and one died of his injuries. Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren told reporters in Prague, where she met with her European Union counterparts, that the state of affairs in the Netherlands’ “most important ally” had become troubling.
Mikhail Gorbachev, who steered Soviet breakup, dead at 91 (AP) Mikhail Gorbachev, who as the last leader of the Soviet Union waged a losing battle to salvage a crumbling empire but produced extraordinary reforms that led to the end of the Cold War, died Tuesday. He was 91. The Central Clinical Hospital said in a statement that Gorbachev died after a long illness. No other details were given. Though in power less than seven years, Gorbachev unleashed a breathtaking series of changes. But they quickly overtook him and resulted in the collapse of the authoritarian Soviet state, the freeing of Eastern European nations from Russian domination and the end of decades of East-West nuclear confrontation. His power hopelessly sapped by an attempted coup against him in August 1991, he spent his last months in office watching republic after republic declare independence until he resigned on Dec. 25, 1991. The Soviet Union wrote itself into oblivion a day later.
India Blew Up Apartments Worth $87 Million to Send a Message (Vice) There were countdowns, livestreams, and even viewing parties. Photographers camped outdoors for hours to get the perfect shot. On Sunday, thousands in India turned up in Noida city’s Sector 93A, some 50 kilometres from the capital New Delhi, while millions were glued to their TV screens, as two mammoth buildings exploded. The dramatic buildup and explosion of the nearly 100-metre towers—India’s tallest structures to be demolished—is being lauded as a rare success for activists against powerful and wealthy builders who bend local laws and allegedly pay off officials to construct illegally. India, the world’s largest democracy, ranks high on the global corruption index. The country’s builder mafias are often blamed for risky constructions that end up costing lives. Government officials have been accused of enabling such illegal deals.
A third of Pakistan is underwater from floods, climate chief says (Washington Post) A third of Pakistan is now underwater amid an unprecedented amount of rainfall since June, Pakistan’s Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said Monday. That would mean an area about the size of Colorado is underwater. Pakistan, home to about 220 million, has a land mass of 307,000 square miles. Flooding caused by eight consecutive weeks of rainfall has killed more than 1,100 people. “This is a huge humanitarian disaster, and I would call it quite apocalyptic,” Rehman said.
Heavy gunfire rocks Iraq’s Green Zone amid violent protests (AP) Supporters of an influential Iraqi Shiite cleric fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns into Iraq’s Green Zone as security forces returned fire Tuesday, seriously escalating a monthslong political crisis gripping the nation. The death toll rose to at least 30 people after two days of unrest, officials said. Those backing cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who resigned suddenly Monday amid a political impasse, earlier stormed the Green Zone, once the stronghold of the U.S. military that’s now home to Iraqi government offices and foreign embassies. At least one country evacuated its diplomatic personnel amid the chaos. Iraq’s government has been deadlocked since al-Sadr’s party won the largest share of seats in October parliamentary elections but not enough to secure a majority government—unleashing months of infighting between different Shiite factions. Al-Sadr refused to negotiate with his Iran-backed Shiite rivals, and his withdrawal Monday has catapulted Iraq into political uncertainty and volatility with no clear path out. Iran closed its borders to Iraq on Tuesday—a sign of Tehran’s concern that the chaos could spread.
Lakes are drying up everywhere. Israel will pump water from the Med as a solution (CNN) Despite its name, the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel is actually a freshwater lake, and it’s one that has sustained life for millennia. Even today, the lake irrigates vineyards and local farms that grow everything from green vegetables to wheat and tangerines. But this place of religious pilgrimage—where the New Testament says many of Jesus’ miracles were performed—is facing a bleak future. The climate crisis is causing huge fluctuations in the lake’s water levels. Now it happens to be fairly full, but just five years ago, it hit a record low. The Israeli government is hopeful it has a solution: It plans to pump water from the Mediterranean sea, take the salt out of it and send it across the country to top up the lake when needed. It’s a dramatic change for the Sea of Galilee, which once pumped out nearly all of Israel’s drinkable water. The water will now flow in the opposition direction. Israel has plenty of expertise in desalination. As a water-insecure nation, it has for more than two decades been taking seawater from the Mediterranean and treating it through a process called reverse osmosis. Five desalination plants along the coast now provide nearly all the tap water for the country’s 9.2 million people.
Israel sentences convicted Gaza aid worker to six more years in jail (Reuters) An Israeli court on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian aid worker convicted of funnelling funds to Gaza militant group Hamas to six more years in jail on top of the six years he has already spent in detention. Mohammad El Halabi, head of Gaza operations for aid group World Vision, was convicted in June of being a member of a terrorist organisation. Throughout his incarceration and trial, El Halabi has denied all the allegations. World Vision and rights groups have denounced his conviction and trial, which they said was not fair and transparent. World Vision has said an independent audit found no evidence of wrongdoing or of funds missing. The court mentioned sums of up to $30,000 for numerous deals, totalling “millions”. “The arrest, six-year trial, unjust verdict and this sentence are emblematic of actions that hinder humanitarian work in Gaza and the West Bank. It adds to the chilling impact on World Vision and other aid or development groups working to assist Palestinians,” spokeswoman Sharon Marshall said.
Greenland ice sheet set to raise sea levels by nearly a foot, study finds (Washington Post) Climate change has set in motion massive ice losses in Greenland that couldn’t be halted even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, according to a new study published Monday. The findings in Nature Climate Change project that it is now inevitable that 3.3 percent of the Greenland ice sheet will melt—equal to 110 trillion tons of ice, the researchers said. That will trigger nearly a foot of global sea-level rise. The predictions are more dire than other forecasts, though they use different assumptions. While the study did not specify a time frame for the melting and sea-level rise, the authors suggested much of it can play out between now and the year 2100. A one-foot rise in global sea levels would have severe consequences. If the sea level along the U.S. coasts rose by an average of 10 to 12 inches by 2050, a recent report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found, the most destructive floods would take place five times as often, and moderate floods would become 10 times as frequent.
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