drawfee-quot3s · 3 months
that dude's a freak. don't let him anywhere near tomatoes
- nathan
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notafandomname · 2 years
someone should make fanart of Denathor and either Boramir or Faramir as that painting of Ivan the Terrible and His Son, you know the one I mean. I just think that would be sick
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violenceenthusiast · 2 years
yessss john noble as daddy holmes !!! THEE bastard british dad actor !!!
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shinraalpha · 4 months
i love how Gandalf invested in Hobbits in year one and has been pushing them ever since. Thorin, i hear you need help with a breaking and entering. Can I recommend one of these little cunts? Silent as fuck, trust me. Elrond my dude i know you're skeptical but these four chucklefucks just transported a weapon of mass destruction all the way here. Theoden, you've gotta get yourself a hobbit man, I've got a spare one here. Denathor you big prick, take a hobbit - literally this is the bottom of the range but listen to him sing. Beautiful little bastard.
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wickswham · 6 months
my toxic trait is headcannoning all my favorite characters as asexual
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
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shuunnico · 10 months
Any criticisms for the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
A few.
Primarily, I'll talk about the extended cuts, but special mention goes out to two in particular in the theatrical because of how egregious they are.
Cutting Saruman's death and the Mouth of Sauron both create issues with plot holes and unresolved plots. The first doesn't give Saruman and Wormtongue closure and the second causes continuity issues when they army is at the gate.
Now, for the extended versions:
The Nazgul should've seen the hobbits during the "Get off the road!" scene. The road is a straight path and the hobbits were only just out of sight when the rider appears.
Gandalf should've said something about the Mines not being safe. He very clearly knew something was wrong given his expression.
The goblins should not have been able to hone in on the Fellowship that fast, given the chain/corpse fell into a deep pit, far below them.
Two Towers:
Brego finding Aragorn after he falls off the cliff is very convenient. The horse was let loose a day prior and it just so happened to head in the right direction to stumble across Aragorn in his time of need.
The 'torch orc' that needs to be shot and killed before it sets off the bombs is a bit silly when you realize that if Legolas DID kill him, they'd just send another one.
The elves were very clearly added last minute. While this isn't a huge issue, they do just show up so they can die and have no greater impact on the story. Nobody remembers Haldir.
Gollum's betrayal could've been avoided if Frodo just told him the truth about the pool, archers and threat to his life instead of misleading him.
Gollum should've been having his 'self talks' a bit further from Frodo and Sam. Given the volume he's speaking at, it's a miracle none of them woke up and overheard him.
Return of the King:
The Eagles aren't properly set up or explained. You can infer some things, but a lot of it has to rely on the books to understand and that's not great.
Denathor, on fire, would not have been able to run that far.
The Eye probably should've seen Frodo when it focused on him. It would've been better to have the spotlight almost get to Frodo before Aragorn pulls its attention away.
That an entire tower of orcs kill themselves, allowing Sam to nearly breeze in and rescue Frodo is very convenient. If that didn't happen, Sam would've had no chance.
That the giant chasm opens up in just the right way to swallow all of Sauron's forces, but spares Aragorn's army is convenient and silly with how precise it is.
Overall, I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Literally the reason I got into mythology, folklore, world building and just wanting to be creative overall. But I can't say they're perfect.
These aren't just personal issues, like how I might dislike Sauron's helmet design or how I don't like how Faramir/Eowyn get together the way they did.
These are more concrete writing flaws within the script and story. You don't have to be bothered by them, you can like them if you want, but they are still issues that probably should've been buffed out before the films
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
How can you believe Denethor didn't love Faramir?? He loved Faramir just as much as Boromir but his corruption (yes, by the palantir) made him favor Boromir because he was the one who would fulfil his wishes to have the ring in Minas Tirith
Number of times I've read the books I never picked up on much love from Denathor.
Faramir for his part did try to find ways to get his father to love him, leading up to his riding out in Gondor's version of the charge of the light brigade.
Never really came across that there was a deep paternal love there, not to me at least.
Closest I could see is that thinking he was dead was what finally finished breaking his brain and that I could still think of as bit of a selfish move since his line is now broken and it very much looks like Gondor is going with it.
Man with as much pride as he had that'll take you down too.
Again, that's how I've read it, different people read different things and only the author can tell us we're wrong.
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herbirdglitter · 5 months
Gimli sitting in Denathor’s throne in the return of the king is such a slay
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son-of-drogo · 8 months
LotR Star Trek AU
-Bilbo and Lwaxana Troi have a simultaneously friendly and unfriendly rivalry.
-Lwaxana being Lwaxana, she assumed Bilbo was attracted to her, even though Bilbo is very gay and had zero interest in anyone who didn't have a beard.
-Thorin still teases him about it.
-but both of them are so camp that they can't not have some kind of friendship.
-Bilbo is a renowned retired language expert.
-although he occasionally does some work for Starfleet, he rarely leaves his planet anymore.
-Frodo, who is a less renowned language expert, does travel about on Starfleet ships and provide his services.
-Sam is a botanist who's particularly good with root vegetables.
-He and Frodo are a Bonded pair and travel about together.
-Hobbits cannot be without at least one of their species and while single Hobbits can be transferred alone to other ships with other Hobbits, bonded pairs must be transferred together.
-Hobbits are rare in Starfleet. There are only about ten currently enlisted: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and six others.
-Frodo and Sam are the only Bonded pair currently.
-the ship they are usually on is the USS Fellowship, but occasionally go over to other ships to assist with translations.
-Gandalf is an ex member of the Q Continuum who got bored and decided to cause chaos elsewhere. The crew of the Fellowship just accept his presence.
-Aragorn is of course Captain of the Fellowship. The previous captain Denathor having died similarly to how he died in the books.
-Faramir is second in command on the ship.
-Boromir was chief security officer, but he was forced to retire after he was injured trying to protect Merry and Pippin during an away mission.
-the new security officer is Éowyn. Her people come from a forgotten Earth colony who only joined Starfleet about fifty years previously.
-Legolas is a navigator. His people have been part of Starfleet for about as long as the Vulcans and are usually navigators or science officers. Legolas is a himbo (affectionate) who is bad at science.
-Gimli is the chief engineer obviously.
-The Dwarves, or Dwarrow, are a newer addition to Starfleet. They've had a longstanding feud with the Elves for centuries and they've only made peace within the last hundred years or so
-Merry is an ambitious young command officer who would go on to be the only Hobbit in the history of Starfleet to become a captain. He is also Riker levels of slutty. Merry, Faramir, and Éowyn are a throuple.
-Pippin is a newly enlisted ensign. He's an absolute disaster, but still manages to save the day on several occasions. Once he grows up a little, he becomes a very competent Starfleet officer. However, he returns to Shire, the Hobbits' home planet, when his father retired as Thain. His experience on board of a star ship made him an excellent Thain.
More about hobbit culture:
-Hobbits are not quite as split as Vulcans and Romulans, but there is an adventurous and unadventurous subspecies.
-Hobbits have been part of Starfleet for generations, but Bilbo's mother was the first Hobbit to be an officer.
-Hobbits pretty much look like they're described in the LotR books, but they have tufted tails about as long as they are tall and large pointed ears that can pick up sound far better than humans can.
-Hobbits have blood that is a much brighter red than humans, meaning they all have noticeably red cheeks, even when they have darker skin.
-they were one prey animals on their planet but managed to outsmart and outlive the large predators that used to hunt them.
-They still retain their sharp hearing and stealthiness.
-Hobbit Bonding is akin to marriage but the ceremony is extremely private. While the couple that is being bonded recites some vows for an elder, the actual ceremony is performed only by the couple.
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lostlegendaerie · 7 months
kinda fucked up that we have specific terms for people on either sides of the "does it make you a bad person to think about certain fictional people having sex" but we don't have a CinemaSins tally for all the other crimes in media that is glossed over entirely, if not glorified. like. we all agree that murder is pretty bad, but we all agreed that watching LOTR or any other action movie is fine? people die in there a lot! and some of them we're really happy to watch happen! (eat shit, denathor)
if we're gonna make thoughtcrime a thing with equal weight as the act itself every single one of us is going to prison for something. we might as well read some porn before we go.
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sourb0i · 1 year
Ok, I finally finished Return of the King! Since it took me a while, my rundown will be fairly brief:
I enjoyed watching Pipping adapt to life as a squire for Denathor, and I kind of wish we'd gotten to see a bit more of Merry doing the same under the company of Theodin
Tolkein did the buildup to the final battle(s) very well- you could really feel the despair and darkness creeping in
Likewise, I like that he took his time with the aftermath, especially with Merry and Eowyn's healing; it wasn't just a one and done thing
Tbh I think Eowyn actually got a better arc in the books than in the movie. So much time was spent on her state of mind before joining Theodin's company, and in the House of Healing afterwards, and it was such a lovely change to see her moving beyond just living for death
I've seen a few people talk about how Gandalf lost a bit of his humanity when he became The White, but honestly I didn't see it. Any seriousness he carried seemed to be because he was in the middle of a war, being stretched to breaking to defend Helms Deep and Gondor all while worrying about Frodo; and there were still lots of moments of brevity between him and the hobbits
I very much enjoyed that the last bit of the March to Mordor was from Sam's pov. His worry and despair really came through, and helped hammer in how hopeless their situation was and how badly Frodo was doing; his continuing endurance and devotion to Frodo also really solidified him as my favorite character
Tbh it was a dick move on Gandalf's part not to come with Frodo et al. back to the Shire, especially after they'd JUST encountered Saruman on the road. Like, I get that Your Age Has Ended or whatever, but Saruman was your responsibility dude.
That said, I thought Saruman's death at the hands of Wormtongue was very fitting, much more so than the movie
I nearly cried when Sam saw they'd cut down the Party Tree :(((
But it was so satisfying to see Sam restoring the Shire using Galadriel's box!!! Also. (1)420 being the Best Year in the History of the Shire is very amusing.
Yas Lobelia redemption arc
The very last line absolutely killed me. Devastating in the best way.
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joy-haver · 1 year
Eating tomatoes strait up like denathor
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zero-insignificance · 2 years
There are only 3 straights in lotr.
Rosie Cotton
Grima Wormtongue
Everyone else is queer af.
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tiimecrash · 2 years
" You have the refinement of a lady, madam. It's an honor to be in your presence. A princess without a crown, a queen who brings spring ... it's almost strange to find you here. " (from boromir :D )
( PLOTTED ANSWER ) @lightcreators ( boromir ).
Sola blinked before smiling softly to the man. A bit of blush formed on her cheeks. She had been drawing in her sketchbook, and decided the Stewart of Gondor was a good subject to draw. He was quite charming and very friendly, she noted. As a listener, she was keen on observing and yes she was observing him. Ever since she found herself in Gondor, she was somehow drawn to the man - or rather the idea he stood for. Valor, courage, and protection. Odd that she felt that way in regards to the eldest son of Denathor. She was a mystery, travelling to various places .. but she was always fond of being near her home in Bree ( or the forests which the brown wizard that found her as a child, dwelled ). “It’s an honor to be noticed by the brave and bold, Steward of Gondor. Noticing some simple peasant like myself. You are very charming.” 
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Her glance went toward her book and quickly closed it so he couldn’t see the drawing, struggling to find the right words to say to him. The lady’s glance went upwards and locked hues with his. “Strange? How so?” She was curious to why Boromir of all Men, found her presence, strange. Yes, she could come off as a bit peculiar and her odd visions were strange ( only a handful of people knew she had them ). What struck her as flabbergasted was the strange feeling she knew him -- on a deeply personal level -- despite never meeting him in person before. An odd feeling it was, the lady had a variety of dreams about the man before her. Ones she couldn’t explain. Most were foggy ay best. In all of them, they were close. 
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thomasedmund · 1 year
Weekly Writing Roundup 10.9.2023
I really like this video – it covers some very important and interesting points about villains and antagonists. Interestingly in many of the story examples “pure-evil” villains often don’t take the role of antagonists – for example in Lord of the Rings, most of the antagonism is fulfilled by the Denathors, Gollums, the character’s internal struggled with the Ring and so on. That said, some…
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