#demons on the prey
muzzleroars · 9 months
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danse macabre
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the-black-manor · 4 months
Within Temptation
Author: The-Black-Manor
Demon x Trans Male Priest (Pre-transition)
Warnings: Rape, unprotected sex, stolen virginity
Kinks: Demon, priest, corruption, blasphemy, oral, excessive cum, oversized cock, monster cock, bondage, belly bulge, rough sex, age difference, size difference
Terms used: Cunt, cock, balls, cervix, chest, nipples, binder, cockhead, crotch, walls, entrance
Words: 4,002
Note: If you find any mistakes, please let me know so I can fix them.
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The young priest didn’t arrive at the old stone church until well after dark. He was exhausted from his long journey, but there was nowhere nearby to rest, and he certainly wasn’t going to rest in the church until he was certain there were no malevolent entities present. He stepped out of the cab and stretched before grabbing his luggage and kit and making his way through the crumbling, overgrown courtyard. The front door was unlocked, and he was silently grateful to the family that lived here that they’d remembered to keep it open for him before they fled.
He pushed the door open and stepped inside. The foyer was dark and foreboding. Previous owners had begun renovating the church into a home years ago, but progress had been halted when strange activity began after unsealing a walled-off room in the cellar. Scaffolding, canvas, tarp, rope, and all sorts of construction equipment had been left behind when the family and crew abandoned the location. There was a large industrial light nearby, and the priest switched it on. The room was no less unsettling bathed in white light. 
As he moved through the home in search of the dining room, dust that had since settled was kicked up once more and made the air hazy. The dining room would work well enough as a sort of “home base” while he investigated the claims of demonic activity. He was no exorcist, just a young priest sent to validate the claims. If he found evidence of activity, he would send for an exorcist. For now, though, all he had was himself, his bible, his crucifix, and his faith.
After he got himself settled, he descended to the cellar, to the newly-excavated room the family claims is a “door to hell”. He scoffed and shook his head. Not likely. A gas leak, perhaps, which is why he had a mask and detector with him. But the detector stayed silent, and when he felt comfortable enough to take his mask off, the air was clean, if a bit stale. He worked his way through the house slowly, paying great attention to each room, making mental notes if anything seemed “off”. 
The only thing he found unusual was that nothing seemed unusual. He shook his head. This was a waste of time. Still, he had a job to do, and he was going to see it through to the end. He kept going. The church was huge, more a castle than anything, and he eventually found his way upstairs to the bedrooms. The doors were all closed, except for one at the very end of the hall.
If there was ever a place to start up here, he supposed that was it. The dusty old runner beneath his feet muffled his footsteps, and he peered into the room as he approached. It was dark inside, but he could make out the silhouette of a bed with a canopy. He hesitated for only the briefest moment before stepping over the threshold and into the master bedroom. The windows either side of the bed were open just a crack, letting in a crisp, fresh night breeze that sent the linen curtains fluttering and rays of silver moonlight that provided just enough light to see by.
This room was different from the rest. There was no dust on the plush red duvet, no cracks in the stone walls or gunk on the windows. No tattered rugs or moth-eaten curtains. Whereas the rest of the church was obviously abandoned, this room looked well cared for. Lived in.
The door closed behind him and the lock fastened with a “click”. He whirled around, and his blood ran cold as his tired gaze met the glowing purple eyes of an undulating shadow. He took a step back. At points, the figure looked almost human, and then its silhouette dissolved and melded with the shadows around it, moving like ink in water.  It was both tangible and intangible, solid and smoke, man and monster.
Its eyes flickered like flame, and it glared at him, and then he thought he saw, for only the briefest moment, the hint of a sharp-toothed smile. 
“Hello, priest,” the entity greeted him. 
Its voice was deep and seemed to burrow into his chest and reverberate around in his rib cage. The priest gripped the crucifix around his neck and lifted it, wielding it like a shield against the darkness. The entity laughed, low and menacing. And then it was gone. Or so the priest thought. He gasped and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt arms snake around him from behind. The demon pulled him close, pressing its chest against his back, and ran its shadowy clawed hands all over the priest’s chest and stomach. 
“Release me!” the priest insisted, writhing in its vice-like grip. 
“Cute,” it cooed, its breath hot on the shell of his ear. “You think you have authority here…”
“In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to- mmph!”
The demon forced two thick fingers into his mouth, silencing him.
“Hush now,” it breathed as its free hand slid down his stomach to his crotch. 
It grabbed him hard and pulled him back into its bulge. He could feel it hardening against his ass. 
It let out a sound then that was somewhere between a purr and a growl. “What’s this?” it asked as it felt between his legs. “No cock? Does the church know about this?” it chuckled. “No, I think not. They wouldn’t let you be a priest if they did.” 
He held his crucifix so tight that the edges of the cross dug into the soft flesh of his palm. He repeated all the prayers he knew in his head, over and over. He wasn’t afraid, but he couldn’t speak with the fiend’s fingers pressing down on his tongue, so he couldn’t fend it off. All he could do was pray. Its claws dug into the flesh of his inner thigh, and then he was in the air. He landed hard on the bed, and the breath was knocked from his lungs. He propped himself up on his elbows, ready to run, and saw the demon approaching slowly, a predator stalking its prey. This was the most tangible it had been. It looked like a man, around six feet tall, with a slim body and long hair that flowed like smoke. He could make out no facial features except for those gleaming eyes, eyes that burned into his very soul and held him in place, like a deer in the headlights. 
The demon leaned forward to match his level, its face only millimeters from his. It breathed in deep, taking in his scent, and then a long, pointed tongue snaked out from behind sharp, wet teeth to lick a line up his cheek.
“Delicious,” it purred. 
It rested its hand on his chest, over his racing heart, and shoved him onto his back. Claws dug into his flesh as it tore at his vestments and binder and peeled them away. He snapped out of his fear-frozen state, and brought a leg up to try and kick the monster away. Something wrapped around his ankle, then his thigh, then his other leg, his wrists, his biceps. Inky tentacles held him down and spread him open, leaving him bare before the evil he faced. 
“What do you want with me?” he growled, though he was sure he already knew the answer.
“I want your body,” it responded simply, then ran its tongue over its lips. “And it is a beautiful body… Seems a shame to have such stunning assets and not put them to any use.”
He had to get out of here.. He sneered at the demon and began a prayer, voice rising in an attempt to drown out its booming laugh. It didn’t care for his prayers, his faith, his god. It crawled on top of him, and he expected its body to be as hot as the fiery pits that spat it out, but it was icy cold and sent a chill down his spine. His prayer was cut short as the creature forced that long tongue into his mouth and entangled it with his own. He writhed beneath it, trying to free himself from the tentacles’ grasp and the slimy intrusion. One of its teeth nicked his lip, and he tasted blood. The demon must have tasted it too, because another purr-growl rumbled through its chest.
It pulled its tongue from his mouth and licked up the side of his neck while the priest spat, trying to rid himself of its taste. And then its lips replaced its tongue, peppering kisses along his jaw, down his neck, across his collarbone. Its hands touched and grabbed and massaged every inch of him that it could reach, paying special attention to his chest, where it groped the soft mounds and pinched his nipples, rolling them between clawed fingers. Despite his best efforts, the demon’s ministrations were affecting him, and he keened, back arching, when the demon replaced its fingers with soft lips and sucked a sensitive bud into its mouth.
He choked back a moan as fire ignited in his belly. He could feel some sort of wetness leaking from his cunt and pooling on the bed beneath him, but he couldn’t close his legs or reach down to feel. Just then, he felt something hard knock against his cock, and he cried out as electricity shot up his spine. He thought it must have been the demon’s knee, but when he managed to lift his head to look down, the demon was straddling him, its knees on either side of his hips.
“No…” he whimpered, and his head fell back against the mattress. 
When it said it wanted his body, he assumed it meant possession, not…
“Get off of me!” he shouted, struggling with renewed vigor.
The demon didn’t reply, but it released his nipple with a “pop”, and traveled down his belly, kissing and licking every inch of the soft flesh there and on his hips as he made his way lower. The priest squirmed, trying to kick away the tentacles so that he could close his legs, but they only pulled them wider apart. Finally, the demon buried its face in his cunt and inhaled deeply. It flicked his cock with its wicked tongue, and then pressed the strong muscle flat against it. It massaged him expertly, and as his back arched and his hips bucked involuntarily, another tentacle wrapped itself around his midsection to hold him down.
“S-stop…” he panted. 
“Keep praying to your absent father,” the demon mocked. “I’m sure he’ll come to your rescue.”
His cock throbbed, his cunt clenched, his body ached for more.
“Don’t… ahh-”
The tip of its tongue prodded at his entrance, gauging resistance.
“A virgin?” it purred. “I couldn’t have asked for the church to send me a better gift.”
Fighting back was useless, so the priest closed his eyes tight and started up another prayer.
“That’s it,” the demon cooed. “What a good boy. So obedient.”
He cursed the creature silently and continued his prayer while it pushed the tip of its tongue just past his entrance. He groaned and balled his hands into fists. Its tongue was far bigger than a human’s, and he’d never had anything inside of him before. The stretch burned, but there was pleasure there as well, and he hated his body for reacting the way it was. 
It thrust its tongue in and out, in and out, and then buried it deeper. He cried out at the sharp pain, and then stumbled over his prayer as it hit something inside of him - a sensitive spot that sent pleasure shooting up his spine. Its tongue delved deeper, opening his cunt, curling and uncurling, thrusting, massaging, and pressing again and again and again against that spot. 
“Sto-op…” he tried to beg, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. 
Its tongue suddenly retreated until only the tip was inside, and it used the meatiest part to press hard against his cock. 
“Ah!” he cried out in surprise as another shock of pleasure flooded his senses. 
The demon chuckled low, pleased with the reactions it was pulling out of this man of god. Its hands traveled up his sides and it took a breast in each one, kneading them in its large palms and rolling his nipples between its fingers. 
“Fuck-” he swore.
Its tongue plunged deep inside of him once more, all the way, until he could feel its lips and nose against his crotch. 
“Such a dirty mouth for someone so pure,” it mocked. “And you pray to your god with that tongue?”
“Shut up,” he tried to command, but it only laughed again.
“Have you given up on your prayers, little priest? I quite liked hearing them.”
Mocking. Always mocking. It should hate his prayers, not like them. It was only driving home the fact that the priest had no power over it, no weapon against it.
“Sing for me, priest.”
He clenched his jaw.
“I said, sing.”
It dug its claws into the sensitive flesh of his breasts, and he hissed in pain. He could feel warm blood pooling beneath its talons and running in rivulets down his sides.
“Our f-father, who… who art i-in…”
“Good boy,” it praised him, purring happily.
It ran its cold hands up and down his sides, and then traced soft spirals into his hips before it removed its tongue entirely. The priest was given only a moment to breathe before it was climbing over him once more. It pressed its lips to his neck, peppering him in soft kisses while one of its hands gave his cock the same treatment it had given his nipples. His body jerked, and a moan escaped his lips. The demon nipped at his collarbone, then soothed the bite with licks. It dipped a finger inside of his cunt just as it latched onto his neck, sucking a deep bruise into his pale flesh. A second finger joined the first, and then a third, stretching him wider than its tongue had. 
It’s preparing me, he thought. It’s stretching me open so it can fuck me.
And so it was. It added a final finger, opening and closing them with a scissor-like motion inside of him. And then it curled them harshly upward, pressing hard against that sensitive spot. He felt a spurt of something wet gush from his cunt around the demon’s fingers, earning a pleased rumble from its chest. It curled them again, and again, faster, harder, and the priest’s eyes rolled back in his head as he was overcome with pleasure. 
There was a tightening in his lower belly, and he couldn’t stop his hips from bucking, his walls from clenching, his back from arching. The coil tightened quickly, and he shook his head, trying to rid himself of these sensations, to no avail.
“No, please… Don’t!” he begged. “I can’t!” 
He was right on the very edge. One more second, and he’d-
The demon stopped all at once, removing its fingers and its lips, and pushed away from him to stand at the foot of the bed. The priest lay there, quivering and clenching around nothing, his cunt leaking and his chest heaving. 
“Silly boy,” the demon chuckled. “You think I’ll let you cum around anything other than my cock?”
It slapped his cunt hard, and the priest cried out in pain. It grabbed his hips and pulled them off the edge of the bed, then settled itself between his legs. He finally got a good look at what he was dealing with. Its cock was as black as the shadows that made up its body, massive - at least the size of his forearm, with a tapered, pointed head and thick, ridged shaft, pronounced veins, and precum leaking from the tip like a faucet. Below them swung enormous balls, bigger than any he’d seen even on the horses in the stable or the bulls in the pasture.
“Please…” he begged, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Please?” the demon asked. “Please what?”
It lined up and began to prod at his entrance. 
“Please don’t do this…”
It smiled that sharp-toothed smile.
“Ah, and here I thought you were begging me to fuck you.”
He forced the head in all at once, and the priest cried out in pain.
“It won’t fit!” he screamed, but the demon only laughed wickedly.
“I’ll make it fit,” it promised, and forced another inch inside.
The pain was blinding, and he fisted handfuls of the bedding either side of him to ground himself against it. 
“You’re so wet, I can slide right inside,” it teased. 
Another inch, a wider stretch. The priest saw stars every time he opened his eyes.
“Your body wants me,” it told him. “Otherwise your pelvis wouldn’t be opening so readily my cock.”
He shook his head feverishly, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Yes,” it chuckled. “Your pelvis is opening up to allow me easier access, and your wet cunt slicked itself up to make pushing in easier. You want this. You want me.”
It snapped its hips forward, burying itself to the hilt in one swift motion. The priest screamed as it slammed against his cervix, but his voice seemed so far away, muffled by the ringing in his ears. It rutted into him, making itself comfortable inside of his body, the pointed tip of its cockhead nestling itself in the little dimple at the opening of his cervix. The tendril around one of his wrist loosened, and then slipped away, but before he could even think to try and throw a punch, the demon had his wrist in its hand. He was silently grateful for the relief on his shoulder as it guided his hand down, where it pressed his palm against his lower abdomen. There was a bulge there, and it moved beneath his hand as the demon rut into him. 
His cock… it’s so big it’s making my stomach bulge…
He clenched involuntarily at the thought. 
“You like that?” it purred. “I thought you might.”
It rested its hand over his, preventing him from pulling away.
“Why are you doing this?” the priest asked quietly.
“Why does anyone do anything?” the demon asked in reply. “Because I want to. Hush now,” it growled. “Enjoy it.”
But how could he enjoy anything when he was being violated so thoroughly? His body would never be the same after this. He would never be the same.
It gripped his hips tightly, but the priest didn’t move his hand from the bulge. Instead, he pressed down on it, though he wasn’t sure why. The demon hissed and its hips bucked forward harshly, pushing the priest upward on the bed. It pulled him back down and dug its claws into his thighs.
“If you make yourself tighter, you’re only going to make me want to fuck you harder. Unless that’s what you want?” it smirked.
He didn’t know why he pressed down. He didn’t mean to, his hand did it on its own… The demon slid almost all the way out of him, and then pushed back in smoothly. The priest let out a long, low moan. The burning stretch had since given way to a pleasant feeling of fullness, and feeling that bulge in his stomach each time the creature bottomed out was doing something to him, making him feel things he wished he wasn’t feeling. 
It pulled out again, then slid in, then out, then in, setting a slow, steady pace, fucking him with its entire length.
“Sto-o-op,” he moaned, the word broken each time its cockhead hit his cervix.
“I don’t think you really want me to,” it chuckled. “I think you want me to make you cum.”
“No…” he whined, even as embers ignited in his belly. “Please, don’t…”
It laughed, low and menacing as it picked up the pace, fucking him harder, faster. It pulled him back against it with each thrust, burying itself as deep as possible, bruising his virgin cervix. Wet squelching and skin slapping against skin filled the air like a song, and the priest’s little whines and moans harmonized beautifully. The embers quickly ignited into a blaze, and the spring began to tighten once more. The demon’s hands slid from his hips. One slipped between his legs to pinch and massage his hot, hard cock, while the other rested once more over the priest’s own.
He didn’t see the demon’s wicked smile, so tightly his eyes were closed, but he felt its thrusts become harsher, faster, until it was fucking him like an animal, growling and panting, warm drool dripping off of its lolling tongue and onto his belly. It pressed down hard on the bulge. The priest released a high-pitched whine at the added pressure, and the demon growled low. 
“So fucking tight…” it breathed. “There’s nothing better than an innocent little virgin stretched around my fat cock.”
“Huh- uh….”
He couldn’t seem to form words anymore. His senses had narrowed until all his world consisted of was the monster violating his body and the pleasure radiating from his core.
“Hmm? What’s that?” the demon purred. “Use your words.”
“Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.” His voice broke with each thrust.
“No, I didn’t think so,” it grinned and slammed into him like a jackhammer.
The priest tried to arch his back, but the demon’s hand held him down, and that somehow only made the pleasure more intense. 
“No… no, no, no,” he cried with each thrust as he rocketed toward the edge. “No, please!”
He came hard. His entire body tensed and curled in on itself, his cunt clenched and unclenched around the demon’s member, and he threw his head back and cried out. His eyes rolled back, his tongue lolled out, and his breath caught in his chest. The demon plowed deep, pushed itself in as far as possible, and then stilled as a feral growl rumbled in its throat. He could feel its cock throbbing, feel its heavy balls clenching against his ass as it released inside of him. Its seed was hot, and it flooded his cunt like a waterfall. It painted his walls white and leaked out past the demon’s ridged length to run in rivulets down his ass and pool beneath him, mixing with the slick that had gushed out of him earlier.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, a mixture of pain, pleasure, and grief, and it was all he could do to choke back his sobs in between gasping for air. He came down from his high much sooner than the demon did. It seemed like an eternity before the flood of cum finally stopped. It rubbed his belly softly over his uterus, thrust gently another couple of times, and then was gone.
The tendrils unwound themselves from around his body, the shadows retreated back into the far corners of the room, and the priest was left alone, a trembling, cum-soaked mess. His joints were sore from the unpleasant position he’d been trapped in for… how long had it been? He pushed himself off of the bed and unsteadily to his feet. It was only as a sliver of sunlight through the curtains lit upon his pale face that he realized it was dawn. 
Hours. That creature had violated him for hours. He wiped his tears and used the tattered remains of his vestments to clean himself up before descending the stairs back to the dining room. He got dressed and threw his things together as quickly as he could, then all but sprinted for the door. It slammed behind him of its own accord, but he didn’t look back. He couldn’t. 
All he could do was run and hope that whatever dark entity lived within that old stone church decided not to follow him home.
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bandgie · 1 year
Predator & Prey
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
a/n: chapter 3!
warnings!: smut, over stimulation
5.8k words
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They're a nice family. The husband, whose name is Sammuel, works as a lumberjack. He's a quiet man, but you can tell he's more than helpful around the house as he helps his wife cook dinner. The boys continue roughhousing despite their mom's warnings. All that's left is meeting Abigail, you can tell the mom is anxious for you to meet her.
You softly knock on her door, waiting until you hear a soft yes? from the inside. The room was covered in books. Shelves overfilling with scriptures and littered all over the floor. She picks her head up from the book in her hands, eyes meeting yours.
"Oh," is the first thing she says, "You must be helping my mom with the bar downstairs." "Yes, and you must be Abigail?" You ask.
She stands and walks over to you, closing the door behind you, "That is right."
Abigail sees the way your eyes look over the books. Some in English, some in words you've never seen before. Some look like they're old, as if they've never seen the light of day. You can feel her eyes peering at you, so you snap your eyes to her.
"Watcha reading there?" You point to the opened book on her bed.
An unsettling smile finds her lips, "Come, I'll show you."
You carefully walk to her bed, trying not to step on any of the books before you sit on her bed. She lifts the book and shows you the title "Can you read this?"
You shake your head, it's in a language you're unfamiliar with. "No. What does it say?"
She laughs, almost maniacally, "How to summon demons. Do you believe in such things?"
You look into her eyes, trying not to show how freaked out you were. "Not really," you confess. "I don't think spirits or ghost are a thing. People's imagination are just too creative."
You expect her to be upset at your response, but she seems excited. "Most people would say the same thing, but I know they exist. I've seen them."
Your eyebrows quirk up, you shouldn't be encouraging this conversation, but it would be a lie to say you weren't interested. "Have you?" She nods eagerly, "Yes! Listen closely. I was in this very room, reading when I saw a winged beast. It has feathers dark as night, feet like an ox's, claws like talons. It did not see me, but I watched as it stole one of the neighbors daughter in her deep slumber. They have yet to find her body, but I believe I know what happened to it."
A shiver goes up your spine, you did not think it would involve a kidnapping and possible murder. Feet like an ox? That's not Nyryx, though it's proof that there is more of his species.
"Incubi usually sleep with women while they slumber. However," she reaches for one the books on the ground, opening it and flipping to a page. She aggressively places the book on the ground, this one in English. It shows depiction of what an incubi is with written description.
"There are times when an incubus favors a female human. They'll steal her in the night and keep her until she dies of old age. That, or until they get tired of her."
Despite such a horrid tale, Abigail squirms in excitement. You eye the drawn depiction, trying to make sense of it. The pale skin, the black wings, the animal-like legs. It matches Nyryx perfectly. Why would be drink animal blood then? It clear that he needs something else, why is he allowing himself to eat the bare minimum?
"All they eat is a woman's cum?" you question. Abigail erupts in laughter, clutching her stomach. "You are so crude! I think we will get along." She wipes her tears and scans the writing, "Human life force is a main meal for them. They can survive on any life force, but straight from a human is the best source. Blood is a vital need for them to survive. It is like how water is to us. The essence of a woman, however, gives quenches their thirst for blood and gives them the power to use their energy."
The puzzle pieces started to fall in place. It should have been obvious from when you were being chased from the townspeople days earlier and what they called him. How upset Nyryx got when you called him an incubus. Still, wrapping your head around the fact that he's a demon is difficult. A different species that can do magic? Sure. But a demon? A creature from actual hell?
"So they're from hell? Demonic beings?" You voice shakes. Abigail looks back at the book, flipping through a few pages. "Not straight from the underworld, no. A woman is cursed to bare the child of Satan. The child born is a succubus or incubus, half human and half demon." She continues reading, fingers moving across the page. "It's possible that an incubus can be a full demon though. They go though a transformation from feasting on the blood of 666 children and stealing the essence of their own mother," Abigail actually grimaces for the first time, "Or some are straight from hell itself, created by Satan. These are a rarity though, I don't think we should worry about such things."
You breathe a little easier, Nyryx was born this way. He can't help who his father is, but the uneasiness in your stomach doesn't settle.
Abigail taps your shoulder and you look up at her in response. "Can I confess something?" She asks. You hesitantly nod, worried about what she's going to say.
"I have dreamed of being paid a visit by an incubus in my sleep. I cannot deny the excitement that courses through me at the possibility of it. It's why I learn to summon them. Have a demon please me at my will, take me as I desire." She pauses and looks at you, examining your expression. You do little to hide the confusion on your face, uneasiness settling on your features.
She laughs awkwardly, "I am aware of my revolting fantasies. Yet, I cannot help myself from imagining. Even if it's once, I would give anything for the experience. Even my soul." She waits for you response, and although you're a little repulsed by her kink, an idea pops in your head.
"Are you sure this is what you want? You want a demon to ravage you like you're a piece of meat?" You ask, making sure of her choice. She looks at you giddily, as is you understand her wants. "Yes. I am no maiden, if I'm being truthful, and I would love to believe an incubus can use me to its will. Am I a whore for admitting such things?"
You're all for body positivity and safe hook-up culture. But fucking a demon? You have to draw a line somewhere. "I don't think you're any less valuable as a person because you sleep around," you tell her. "People have fantasies, that's normal. But uh, honestly this is the first time I've heard this. I would just tell you to be careful what you wish for. And don't conjure things up, you never know what's on the other side."
She nods at your response, taking in your advice. "I suppose you are right. Demons are tricky creatures, they could do something I am opposed to." She shakes her head hands grasping at yours. She looks back you with curiosity in her eyes, "Tell me! Do you have any perverted fantasies?"
You softly laugh at her curiosity. It's been a while since you've talked to your friends back at home and the stories of your hook ups. You hum, pondering on what you've always wanted most.
"I guess I've always wanted to try a role-play. Me the inmate and other person the cop. But I can always settle for them eating me out," you share your confession. Before Abigail has time to question what you mean by 'role playing' and 'eating out,' there's a knock at the door.
"Girls? Supper is prepared," Meredith pokes her head in. Her daughter gives her a nod and stands off the bed, "We will be there soon." Abigail looks at you expectingly.
"Yeah I'd love to eat. I just gotta stop by somewhere real quick. I'll be back," you tell the both of them. Meredith smiles and nods, "No worries dear! I'll keep the food warm for you."
You give her a thanks and make your way out of Abigail's room, leaving the upper housed home and going though the loud bar. You shiver at the burst of cold air, you were so used to the warmth already. You grab your coat to secure it around your shoulder better before making your way to the woods, the sun starting to set behind the trees.
Once you think you're deep enough in, you lift your head up to look for Nyryx. It's a little hard to see with the incoming darkness and cluster of trees, but you can make out the outline of his wings and the swishing of his tail.
"Nyryx!" you call. "I have some news!"
He comes down from the trees, standing at his full height in front of you. You drink in his sight, Abigail's previous words getting to you. What would it be like? He's so much bigger than you or any man you've been with, would it hurt?
He folds his arms across his chest, talons hanging out, "Prey, I do not have the patience for your lack of words. What do you have to share?"
You snap back to reality, finding the words you need to say. "You need life force right? Well, I think it would've been better if you specified what type of life force you needed. I met this chick who had these books and the talked about in-...your species, I mean. And I learned a lot about what you are are-"
He's in front of you in a split second, hand grasping your face so your cheeks are squished together.
"What I am?" He spits. "You know nothing of me, or what I need. You hear stories from a human about my species and you think you know what it is I need? Pry, tell me that, what is it that I am?"
You stiffen in his grasp, your fingers curling around his wrists. His hold loosens on you, but he does not let go of yourself. You stare into his black eyes, anger and hurt seem to be there.
"Do you fear me?" He suddenly asks voice quiet. He locks his eyes onto you, looking for any indication of what you might say or think.
"I..." you trail off. "I'm not scared of you." He growls, unhappy with you response. "I mean, you're scaring me now, if that's what you mean. But it's not cuz you're a..."
"An incubus," he finishes, voice tight and irritated.
"Yes," you breathe, "not because you're that. I just happened to come across someone very knowledgeable in that stuff. I want to help you, Nyryx, I really do. But..." your eyes water. You hate to admit it, but you're starting to grow fond of the half-demon in front of you. It's clear he is not happy with what he is. You wish he knew that he is more than a half demon.
"Prey," his nickname calls you. "Why do you weep? Am I that horrifying?"
You shake your head, sniffing and laughing softly. "No. I just...I just want to help you. You're not eating right and I don't understand why. I don't like it when you're upset, and I said I have good news."
You tears fall softly, and you let him lick them off. His big tongue taking them away, the warmth of it makes your legs press together. He pulls away for a second before leaning in close again, this time his lips touching your eyes and cheeks. His other snake-like tongue pokes out, ghosting your lips. You gasp at the feeling, this was more than eating your tears. He was tasing you.
When he pulls away, his hands gently travel down, gripping your throat. "Don't keep this good news to yourself. Indulge me."
You blink a few times, getting a grip of your common sense. "I think I know someone who would let you do you thing at night. You could eat properly, get energy faster." He smiles widely at you, it's almost unsettling to see his sharp canines.
His talons play with your hair, "Do you?"
You nod, but for some reason they way he's looking at you is predatory. "Her name is Abigail." His smile falls. He releases you from his hold and scrunches his nose as though he smelled something foul. "I am not interested in taking advantage of women while they sleep."
"No!" you protest, "Let me explain!"
You tell Nyryx about Abigail's fascination with demons, her fantasies. He is stubborn at first, unwilling to listen further more. Yet, you persist. It's an easy cash grab. And you'll be there for more than one night. It's a perfect opportunity to store up his energy and stay satisfied until the full moon. You show him the bar, pointing to which window is her's.
"It's not even bad," you tell Nyryx, who is still hesitant on the idea. "She'll be into it. If not, you can just leave and we'll come up with a plan b, okay?"
When he finally agrees you show him how to high five. You're happy that you're taking another step closer to getting home, but a weird pit in your chest aches as you picture what is going to happen tonight.
You lay in the guest room, stretching your limbs out on the bed. A satisfied groan leaves you. You ate a big dinner and have a bed to sleep on? God has shown mercy on you.
Your room is small, but you're grateful. You have a single window that gives you a perfect view of the moon. You've always loved scenery, it's why you were standing at the beach in the first place. Your memories are cut short when you see a familiar flying beast go by. You sit up, ears straining to hear any sound of Nyryx or Abigail.
Her room is right next to yours, it shouldn't be hard to hear anything. It's not, you could hear the gentle steps of Nyryx's feet, the creaking steps adjusting to his weight. You should lay back down, mind your business, but you're so curious. And a little turned on.
You could hear the soft creaking of Abigail's bed, you nearly squeal in anticipation. Both of your windows are open, so you could hear pretty good even if the walls were soundproof.
You feel you stomach grow hot, your pussy getting wet. Man, you're such a pervert. But it doesn't stop you from hearing Nyryx shift on the bed. You put your back against the headboard and open your legs. It's different for the demon. He's literally designed to fuck women in the most controversial way possible. You though? You're doing this on your own free will. That makes it just a little worse.
You wonder what he's doing now. Is he going to wake her up? Is he going to fuck her with her clothes on? Will be just put it in? Or take his time?
You hand dips through your underwear, touching your warm folds. You keep quiet, softly rubbing your lower lips and spreading your wetness. You could hear Abigail toss and turn in her bed, humming softly. You imagine his touching her how you're touching yourself. He's getting her wet, prepared for what he's going to do.
You push a finger into yourself, biting your lower lip to keep yourself quiet. You slowly finger fuck yourself, staring outside the window. You haven't been with anyone recently, and this whole fiasco with being in another world had you stressed. It feels nice to allow yourself pleasure, relaxing into your own body.
You don't hear any moaning though, you suppose Nyryx does prefer to take his time. Or maybe he's stroking himself. You close your eyes and imagine it. You assume his dick would be the same color as his pale skin, but what about his tip? Maybe a bright red like a cherry on top. Or maybe a dark grey. The thought excites you.
You wonder how thick it could be. Hopefully you could wrap your hand around it, pleasuring him. You stick a second finger inside, a quiet whimper falls. past your lips. You imagine how it must feel to have Nyryx inside you, how warm it would be. You lift your shirt up to have your fingers play with your nipples. They harden immediately from the cold air.
You thrust your fingers in and out, thumb gently touching your clit. You hum, trying your best to keep your voice down. You hear the bed from Abigail's room move a little rough, he must be fucking her by now. But god, do you wish it was you. You wished you could feel how hard he is, how rough he would be with you and lick your tears away.
You thrusting harder, the squelching on your pussy getting slightly louder. You let your moans slip, making sure they're barely audible. You need more though, you want to feel it deep in your gut. You fingers are soaked in your juices and your knuckle deep, but you want more. Need more.
A gust of strong wind makes you shoot your eyes open, and you're staring into Nyryx's pitch black eyes. Your bed dips from his weight, and you jump at his presence. You were about to ask what he's doing before you become painfully aware of how deep your fingers are in you, how your chest is completely exposed.
You yank your fingers out of your pussy, a string of wetness connecting to your fingers. Your face burns with embarrassment, you were caught in literally the worst way possible. He remains quiet, face impossibly close to yours.
He reaches down one of his hands and grabs your hand that was inside of you. He places your fingers in his mouth, groaning at the taste. "What are you..." you start, feeling the warmth of his mouth.
Nyryx takes your fingers out of his mouth, "I should be asking you that no? I arrive to do my thing and all I can hear is how delightful you sound, how delectable you smell. You tempt me with your taste, prey."
"I was going to pay it no mind," he informs you, slowly going down against your neck to your chest. "I found it unbelievable at the thought of your desire aimed at me. Yet, I could hear your pathetic fantasies loud in my mind. Your craving for a demon like me."
He takes a nipple in his mouth, tongue sliding messily across your breast. You grip the back of his head softly, pushing him closer to your body. Your other hand covers your mouth, suppressing your moans. When you peer down at him, you notice two horns onto his head. Those are new.
"Did that book tell you about my abilities? How I can feel the pooling desire from the women I take?" He asks. You shake your head in response, not trusting your voice. He smile with your bud in his mouth. "During the time of arousal, I can sense the human female's wants, so I may get the most of life force she can spare me. The other woman was responsive yes." He pauses, lifting his head up to meet your eyes. He kisses your nose, your cheek, then gives a peck of your lips. You hiss in a breath, feeling the wetness between your legs unbearable.
His teeth nip at your earlobe before he gently whispers in your ear, "You though, you overpowered any feeling she was producing. Your need for me was impossible to push away." His lips travelled down you neck, your chest, you stomach, finally to wear you were aching. Your breath hitched in your throat as you opened your legs wider.
"I'm sorry," was all you could manage. You disturbed his mission, but he seems quite happy about it to be honest. "I'm a pervert I know. I just couldn't help myself."
He laughs at your apology and excuse, sliding your underwear down your leg to hang off one of your ankles. "Do not give me your apologies, prey. Give me your desires."
He plants a kiss on your clit, one hand reaches up playing with your nipple while the other steadies himself at you waist. Maybe you'll both regret this in the morning, but with how much your pussy is pulsating you don't care for the consequences.
Nyryx relishes in your taste, as if he hasn't eaten a good meal in ages. Which is mostly likely true. He licks to collect your juices, holding the flavor on his tongue as he groans, "Fuck the heavens above, you are my salvation."
He pushes his face further into you, not caring about how your hands found purchase in his hair. You moaned as Nyryx sucked on your clit, teeth gently grazing your folds. He experimentally let his lips graze your pussy, placing kissing on your wetness.
It was comforting, feeling the man-beast care for every part of your skin. Nyryx was more than ecstatic to please you, it was obvious by the swishing of hit tail and the twitch in his wings. Your curious eyes caught onto his horns. Not huge, but they were definitely not there before. Maybe they come out when he's like this, you think.
You hummed in approval as his tongue went up and down your cunt, wet noises echoed in the room. Your moved one of your hands from his hair to touch his horn, gently sliding your fingertips against it. He halted for a moment, black eyes flicking up to your aroused ones.
"Do they fascinate you?" He asks in a low tone. He doesn't bother to stop his mouth from eating you, but he keeps his orbs on yours waiting for an answer.
"Yes," you breathe, resisting your moans to speak properly. "I want to touch them."
He laughs at your response making your body vibrate. "You have my permission, prey," he smiles. "I suggest you don't touch harshly, they are quite sensitive."
You grasp one of his horns in your grip, gasping at how slick it is. Almost as though it was dipped in oils to leave it smooth. You stroke it gently, amused by the lewd sounds it makes. Nyryx softly moans at your touch, his tongue getting more brave to dip into your entrance.
When you pulled your hands away from his horn, a string of wetness hung from your fingers. You brought your hand to your lips and licked, curious as to what it tasted like, You could feel Nyryx's eyes on your movements, his smile on your pussy as you gulped. It tasted sickly sweet, slightly salty, but the most noticeable part was the burn.
Not like spice, but like fire. It traveled from your throat to the depths of your stomach. You made a strange sound as it burned, mouth hanging opening as you craved more of the substance. Before you had the chance to shove your fingers in your mouth, you felt unbelievably hot. You felt how much you gushed out onto Nyryx's tongue and how lonely your throat felt. The sudden crave to have his cock deep in your mouth was almost unbearable.
Nyryx laughed almost manically at your behavior. He happily gulped your excess of essence and gave you one more lick before leaning forward to your face. His eyes searched your expression, noting the blush in your cheeks and the swell of your lips. He smiled.
"Is it here?" Nyryx's voice was teasing. His clawed hand gripped your throat softly, running it up and down you neck. "Are you burning here?"
You nodded immediately, a pathetic whimper left your lips. "Please," you begged, "Kiss me."
One of his eyebrows quirked up, he hadn't expected you to say that. He quickly put his playful smirk on and leaned in close, "Only because you asked so pleasantly."
His lips met yours, they were hot and drowned in the taste of your pussy which you more than happy to taste with him. He smiled when you slipped your tongue inside his mouth. Nyryx's hands slipped to your waist and pulled you close, opening with mouth wider. You felt the smoothness of his tongue, your pussy throbbed at how much it missed his soft muscle.
Nyryx suddenly shoved his tongue deep into your throat, not caring about the drool that pooled out of your mouth and his. You moaned, greedily sucking on his tongue and your hands gripped the back of his head.
Deeper, you wanted him deeper inside you. The burn and itch was not satisfied, you needed more.
You pulled away from him despite your body yearning for his lips. His eyes opened to yours curiously, head cocked to the side. Your hands traveled down his back, feeling his smooth grey skin and black wings. He shivered at your touch, eyes closing for a brief second.
Your hands went around to feel his chest, giving a playful pinch at his nipple. His eyes hot back open and he look surprised at your gesture, but wasn't displeased. Yours hands kept going down until you met the waistband of his trousers. You slipped your hand under, but Nyryx was quick to grab your wrist.
"I understand my aphrodisiacs got you excited, but refrain from taking charge. I do not like to be challenged," though his smile was flirtatious, he tone was dead set. You nodded, ignoring the aphrodisiacs he said you ingested.
He moved back so he had room to yank you down fully on the bed by your hips. You laid flat, excitement pooling in your stomach as his eyes took in your form hungrily. You would've squirmed by someone staring at you so intensely, but all you could think about was how much he was going to stretch you out.
Nyryx lifted your shirt above your head, discarding it quickly until you were completely nude underneath him. He followed suit, throwing his trousers off to spring his hard cock free. Your eyes travelled down and your jaw dropped. You legs closed instinctively, that won't fit.
You took in his dark cock, matching his grey tone. His tip was slightly darker, a contrast to the white pre-cum that was seeping out. If it wasn't his color that surprised you, it had to be his girth. The thickness made you salivate, you've never seen a dick so heavy.
You swallowed thickly, eyes peering back to his. Nyryx seemed pleased, taking delight in your surprise. "Do not be fearful," he says calmly, as if he's gone through this before. "I may be half demon, but I am not so cruel to not give you pleasure on my cock."
You let out a breath and bit your lower lip. It's been a while, can you really fit him? Still, you reopened your legs, holding them by the under thighs. He smiled, flashing his sharp teeth, "Good girl."
He grabbed his cock and slid it against your cunt, smearing both of your arousal all over. You whimpered, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his warmth spread. You could feel the veins of his cock, the tip he ever so carefully ran on your pussy. You could feel his grip tighten on your waist as he hissed a breath in.
He humped you for a while, loving how you writhed and begged for him to shove his dick inside. His tail wrapped around your ankle, pulling your leg a little more open. You felt him adjust on his knees, poking his tip inside of you. Your body clenched immediately to slip him in, but to no avail. Nyryx only laughed at you pathetic attempts.
"Please," you cried, still keeping your voice into a needy whisper. "Nyryx I need it, it hurts." "Aww," he coos, leaning down to cup your face. "Is my little human going mad?"
You felt your heart clench, my little human. It was most likely bedroom talk, but it didn't stop the deepening blush in your cheeks. Rather than answering, you cried. Tears falling down your face like you had been cursed at. Nyryx leaned down and licked your tears, humming at your saltiness.
"Forgive me, prey. I have a bad habit of playing with my food," Nyryx apologizes. He places a tender kiss to your lips before sitting back up, this time with determination.
He grabbed the base of his cock and lined it up with you as he used his other hand to steady at your waist. You lifted your hips up at his movements, trying to find a position that would have it slip in the easiest.
Nyryx pushed forward, his tip going in easily. Your mouth fell open when he went deeper, pussy clenching around his thickness. You whimpered, but the pain was still pleasurable. The half-demon was careful though, grabbing a pillow from behind you to place under your hips.
He reached up to stroke his horn for a moment and used the same hand to stroke his cock, most likely to lube his dick up so it could continue sliding in with ease. It worked, finally settling deep into your cunt like it was always meant to be there.
You loudly cried out, forgetting where you were for a moment. It hurt so good, you spread legs more so he could shuffle closer to your body. He softly thrusted once, your while body moving with him. You moaned, the burn deep inside your belly was finally being snuffed out.
You reached up to bring him down to your lips, kissing him carelessly. He moaned into your mouth, moving his hips deeply inside you. You cried pleasurably into his mouth, loving how he stretched you. You studied his face to see he was screwing his eyes shut. It was like he was focusing.
Nyryx was focusing, it took so much control to not abuse your pussy. You were so warm, tight, so inviting to him that he this was more than just a meal. Sure, he's been hungry for this moment in general, but you made him want to indulge in his own dark desires. Taking you rough, yanking your hair as he took you behind. This though, he was content was seeing your face twist in pleasure. Maybe next time he'll take you how he wants to.
A particular thrust made you moan loudly, bringing him back to this moment. You grabbed him shoulders as Nyryx thrusted a little more roughly into you. His wing flared out slightly, as though he was suddenly possessive of your body. He sat back up, a bruising grip on your hips as he drove into you.
Don't scream, don't scream. you told yourself. But the way Nyryx was kissing the deepest parts of you proved that it was difficult. He had to silence you by clamping a hand over your mouth. Not that you minded, you enjoyed his manhandling.
The burning thrust of his cock had heat building in your lower stomach. You clenched around him to add more pressure, letting him know you were getting close.
Nyryx groaned at the feel of your tight cunt. "Give it to me, prey. I'm starving."
You were worried about how loud you two were being. The bed was repeatedly hitting the wall, your muffled wails were beginning to get loud, but the loudest was the skin-to-skin clapping. The indecent sounds that it made.
"Oh fuck Nyryx, please don't stop, please," you begged, muffled. The boiling in your stomach was going to spill out, you just need a little...
His hand left your mouth rub on your clit, spreading your juices all over your lower lips. You moaned. The rubbing was almost painful, but it was so desperately needed in order for you to cum.
You covered your own mouth as you came, muting the sounds of elation into your palms. You groaned with every thrust Nyryx pushed into you, fucking you through your orgasm. You could feel your juices drip down and you're sure there was a white ring around his cock. Rather than letting you up, Nyryx pushed unbelievably deeper, tip crushing your cervix as his hand kept playing with your pussy.
"No!" you cried, words slurring. "It's too much!"
Nyryx gave you a wicked grin, his horns leaking with what you think was arousal. "You're going to take it," he commanded. You were sobbing at this point. You were begging to be fucked, but now you were begging for the exact opposite. Though, a strange part of you loved being painfully overstimulated.
He stilled in your hips, moaning like a wounded animal as he came. You felt is gush into you, his warmth spreading inside your stomach. You moaned at his release, finally spared from his tortuous fingers on your clit.
He pulled out quickly, face going down to face your pussy before he stuck his tongue out. You pushed his head away, but his hands were faster. He intertwined your fingers with his own as he ate you out again, collecting your release and his own.
"Nyryx puh-leaseeee," you wailed. You legs were forced open by his tail, holding one of your thighs apart. He ignored your pleas, he actually laughed into your pussy. "You beg so prettily," he pulls away for a moment. "I almost want to listen."
You think he was going to spare you pity, but instead he laps on your abused, puffy clit once more. You became a babbling mess as Nyryx shoved his tongue deep inside you, making sure to get every drop you released. Your body weakly struggles against him, your sensitive clit twitching.
When he finally pulls away, he notices how wet your face had become. He feels a pain in his chest, perhaps he went a little too far this time. He released your hands from his hold and his tail relinquishes your thigh. Your legs immediately close and you wince at the sensitivity of your pussy.
Nyryx moves so he rests besides you, pulling you into his sweaty chest. He kisses the top of your head as you scoot closer to him, eyes feeling droopy. His fingers gently caress your arm, the other underneath you. Even his tail wrap comfortably around the lower part of your leg.
"Apologies, prey," his voice sounds distance, you know you're falling to sleep. "I was famished."
a/n: okay so it's gonna be longer than 4 chapters oops lmao.
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kinigoni · 1 year
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areseliph but shuake. hm
194 notes · View notes
beepfuckingbeeprichie · 2 months
The world is full of cowards who won’t make Alastor’s cane an actual mobility aid
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senseearly · 1 month
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"Look. All your friends have left."
Or it was the demon who told Msrn that his friends 'disappeared' in the dungeons.
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squorttle-pox · 23 days
please. i need alastor with his hair up so we can see the side of his head. second set of ears or smooth flesh prairie?
#hazbin hotel#alastor#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor ears#alastor's flesh fields#bc husk has the ears on top as well#but his head is shaped like a cat and he has all the fur so it works#but alastor is mostly human shaped when he wants to be and his face head is distinctly skinful#so.#like imagine he's uncomfortable or embarrassed by it because it's *yet another* physical difference that#invites the taunts and abuse and humiliation he faced in life (and is thus very sensitive about in afterlife)#he already faces being a PREY animal of all things#so. imagine. he always ALWAYS makes sure his hair covers the side of his head. in his twisted victim mind the lack of ears makes him#Wrong and Disgusting and Untouchable and A Monster (and not in the satisfying fearful way he enjoys)#so he pushes it away. doesnt let anyone learn about his ugly disgusting mutation because surely SURELY if they saw it...#he could lose everything he's worked so hard for. because who would fear him? who would respect him? who would bother looking in his#direction? he would just be another lowlife Freak undeserving of love and attention and— well#thats what he would tell himself. but then one day niffty's doing his hair like he sometimes lets her#and he's just enjoying letting her have her fun. kinda spaced out; mostly just enjoyjng the rare sensation of a touch he doesn't despise#it doesnt even register when she pulls his hair up (maybe into lil space buns or smthn idk) that it leaves his empty face on display for all#i can imagine angel being the most outwardly shocked. some loud exclamation that turns everyones attention to alastor and his earless face#just. everyone staring at him. and he realises. and he hates himself for slipping like that and oh no theyre going to hate him and tell—#— everyone and he will lose all that hes been working towards with the hotel and he is just. So. mortified. think shameful reactions:#averted gaze; flushed cheeks; figeting under their stares; or perhaps the classic deer-in-headlights look as he freezes in shock#just as he feels everything crashing down around him. the others get ahold of themselves and share their reactions too#shock; confusion; endearment (charlie would 100% do a big AWW/want to touch it); reassurances galore when they see him retreat into his mind#they tell him it's normal (he's in hell; no longer a human but a demon; everyone looks odd by some standard)#they tell him it makes sense (he's a deer after all). they tell him his appearance is nothing to be ashamed of and that everyone is still#super intimidated and frightened by him ♡; that it doesnt change anything; that theyre sorry for whatever led him to believe otherwise
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aq2003 · 2 years
here. take this quiz i made. [jumps out of the window]
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squishysoftmonsters · 8 months
Triggers : Sexual Content/Mature +18 Minors/Ageless DNI
💚Imagine succubus with nubs for legs...but they still want you...They crave you! Hearing their cracking voice from the rooftops.
"I don't need legs to make you mine..Nor arms!My wings and mouth surely are enough!"
The wind of their wings bearing down on you as you run. Heart in your neck..Trying to escape from this monster. The jaws snapping your shirt in one go..Throwing you into the leaves of the forest floor..Biting your clothes off as you try to squirm..
The pain and pleasure of them being inside you,pounding away,you being subdued and dominated by a drooling mouth with teeth that could crush your feeble neck in one gulp! Their ribbed split tongue squirming around inside your body,toying with your hard nipples..The weight enough to hold you from escape as you tremble!💚
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teal-fiend · 5 months
The priest had a request for an exorcism. She usually dealt with house hauntings, never a haunted person. But her new business partner assured her it would be no issue.
The priest parked in the gravel driveway of an old Victorian home. She emerged from her black cadillac, in her black robe, her dark hair braided neatly. She wore leather gloves, holding a sleek black briefcase, the only white being her clerical collar. 
She rang the doorbell once and seconds later it opened to a distraught older woman, hair frizzled from stress. She invited the priest into the home, and brought her to the parlor. The priest accepted a cup of tea, and listened to the lady’s struggles.
“It’s my son,” the old woman said, “he came home to help me clean my basement… but he wasn’t the same afterwards, I’m at my wits end, his wife refuses to see him. He’s scared his own children. Please Mother, help him. You will, won’t you?”
“Of course,” the priest said in a calming voice, like a psychotherapist. “Where is your son now?”
“He’s down there still, he hasn’t come out in days”
“Oh dear,” the priest said sympathetically. “Could I perhaps have a moment alone with him, if you don’t mind.”
“Hello David,” the priest said politely. David snarled at her.
“I’m sure you know why I’m here.”
‘David’ grinned maliciously. He didn’t look right, his teeth were wrong, and it seemed like he had black mould growing on him. Not healthy. 
“You think you can just get rid of me?”
The priest sighed despondent, “I haven’t had much luck in the past to be honest. I don’t know how much you demons communicate with each other, but I’ve never had a reputation as a formidable exorcist. 
David laughed at her candidness. 
The priest smiled politely, “but recently I’ve gotten some assistance.”
She patted her briefcase. The devil’s eyes flashed to it, a kind of recognition registered with them.
“It’s been a game changer, really.”
David looked a little curious, a little scared, “what’s in there?”
“I’ll show you in a minute, but first, I’d like to give you the chance to leave of your own volition.”
David stared at her humorously. “You can’t threaten me.” But there was some fear in the devils’ voice, or at least anticipation. It could tell there was something wrong. There was something off about the briefcase, but they couldn’t put their finger on it.
It was just a briefcase; sleek, black, a slight reflective shine. But it seemed to buzz with an energy, maybe it was just how the priest was talking it up, making it seem important. But whatever was in there couldn’t be all that dangerous to the devil. Salt, sage, holy water, the works. Nothing the devil couldn’t dodge.
 In fact, it planned to kill the priest soon, but it waited for her to reach over and unclasp the silver lock, and as she lifted the bag open, a shadow leapt out and knocked David back, latching onto him and leaching into his eyes and mouth, seeping in like ink. 
And that was it. David opened his eyes, appearing calmer, he licked his lips as if he had just tasted something.
“Mm, that was good.” He picked at his teeth. “You got it?” the priest asked. 
“Ah, yep, all taken care of,” he patted his stomach.
The empty briefcase lay open on the table. As it was now, empty, it looked a lot like a normal briefcase. David too looked less possessed, but that was only because this demon was better at hiding it. 
“Okay, get back in the bag.”
The demon sighed, then re-emerged, spilling out of it’s temporary host and landing on the table. It was hard to describe a shadow as being full, but it looked full. It slinked back lazily into the briefcase, and the priest closed the lid on it, pressing it down slightly so the latch would fit. 
David shook his head, “I’m back…” “Are you alright?”
“I… I think so? Is it…?” he looked at the briefcase, because it twitched like there was a struggle going on.
“Um, yes,” the priest said, “I’ve extracted the spirit from you, and I have it in here. Don’t worry, I will dispose of it properly.” She petted the suitcase, as if trying to calm it. David looked sceptical, but since he didn’t fully understand the situation, he took the priests word for it. 
“Thank you,” he breathed, bowing slightly. 
“Not at all,” she said, chipper, “Would you like to come upstairs.”
The older woman embraced her son when she saw him, the priest said goodbye quietly and left them to have their reunion.
She walked down the gravel drive with her suitcase - a little heavier than it was when she arrived, her arm ached slightly. 
She laid it to rest on the passenger seat of her car, placing it gently because it seemed like too much disturbance would cause it to rip open. It looked cramped, like someone had stuffed too many folders or perhaps clothing into it at once. 
She carefully put the seatbelt through the handle and buckled it in so that it wouldn’t fall into the footwell during the ride. She placed a hand on it, the leather was warm to the touch, and pliant. She rubbed back and forth soothingly and felt it grumbling under her hand. She heard too a faint, muffled, meaty gurgle inside. 
“Good job.”
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the-black-manor · 1 year
If you sleep with your window open, then you can't complain when I creep in during the night and use you to my own ends. I pin you to the bed with my body and force my fingers into your mouth to silence you when I see your eyes widen and a scream begin to form in your throat. Don't be afraid, darling. I won't harm you. I only mean to breed you.
My eyes and sharp teeth glint in the pale light of the moon, but I'm a silhouette otherwise. You can't see who's taking advantage of you in what you thought was your safest place. I start by grinding against you, working myself up, using your body to massage my clothed cock until it's hard and throbbing, straining against my trousers. And then I'm under your covers with you in the blink of an eye, and we're both naked. My body is pressed against yours, my soft lips against your neck, peppering kisses along your pulse point and collarbone as I use my cockhead to prod at your entrance. You grab at me, nails raking down my back, trying to turn your head to get my fingers out of your mouth, but it's no use. I'm much bigger than you, darling. You're not going anywhere. You don't mind if I fuck you, right? You don't mind if I use like a toy, getting off on your warm, tight hole. You feel so good...
My cock fills you completely, stretching you almost to the point of pain, and you struggle against me harder as panic sets in. I'm inside of you, buried deep, and I'm throbbing with the need to unload. But not before I've had my way with you. I took the time and went through the effort to get in here without an invitation and I fully intend to make good use of it.
I buck my hips, setting a steady pace, hammering against your insides with each thrust of my girth, massaging all the best spots. You try and fight the pleasure that's bubbling in your core, but your body betrays you and you clench around me, earning a low growl in your ear. I nip at your pulse, and as you feel the weight of my body on top of you and my cock forcing its way inside, you realize that your struggle is folly, and fall still beneath me.
There's a good little human. The fight was fun, I'm sure, but now it's time to relax as I pleasure myself. You're not getting away from me. Just lie back and let me take care of everything. You left your widow open. You wanted this, didn't you? Oh, I'm sorry darling, I can't hear you with my fingers in your mouth. That's okay. I already know the answer.
The spring in your stomach tightens as my pace grows erratic, and it's your climax forcing you to squeeze my cock tight that finally pushes me over the edge. Your muscles contract and you curl into me as I bite down hard on your neck, my fangs piercing deep and drawing sweet crimson. You taste so good when you cum. I drink as my cock twitches and throbs, releasing thick, hot ribbons of fresh cum deep inside of you, again, and again, and again.
You start to feel dizzy and your hands fall away from my back. I pull my red lips away from your neck and nuzzle into the space where they had been as I thrust my hips once more, fucking my cum deeper, even while my climax still shakes my body and more of my seed floods into you.
I can feel your stomach swelling, pushing against mine. You feel so incredible, I just can't stop cumming, and you're squeezing with each twitch of my cock, milking me hard. Your body is drinking me up as tears run down your cheeks. There's nothing you can do now. I have claimed you for my own, made you my pet, and bred you thoroughly.
And this was only round one.
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rottiens · 1 month
Hmmmm, ok, sooooooo toji with those dark eyes when he's taken over that old lady's grandson ... Hot! Right!?
Like, imagine, since he's killing sorcerers on instinct, he sees you and remembers you from before he died and another instinct comes up...👀
no, omg, because i know this maybe wasn't what you wanted but. i imagine him lunging towards you and the primal instinct of the technique that brought him to life is to grab your arms and pin you to the wall. his dark eyes scan you up and down trying to recognize the person in front of him, the veins in his arms growing larger from the force he exerts as he holds himself back.
you say his name and it sounds so soft on your lips. toji blinks, looking directly into your face, his nostrils flaring as he lets out hot air; his hands suddenly release your arms to wrap around your back and hold you to him.
it hurts. immeasurable force you never felt before he unloads it into your muscles, he breathes like a tired dog on the line of your neck, you say his name again and he trembles, he snaps.
"run," he warns you suddenly releasing you, taking a long step back as each syllable of your name dances on his tongue dangerously.
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bandgie · 11 months
Predator & Prey
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
a/n: 6th and FINAL chapter omg
warnings: somno, fire, biting, blood, dark thoughts from Nyryx, one degrading word said (whore), uhh I think that's it
6.8k words gyyaattttt
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Maybe it was your nerves, but you wake up just as the birds start chirping. You could fell Nyryx solid beneath you, his chest softly heaving as he slept. You laid on top of him, your own personal bed. You felt bad that he slept on the cold ground, but his calm, neutral expression showed that he didn't care much. His wings were wrapped around you, keeping the heat in. You smiled.
You gently picked your head up, looking at the early morning sky. There was faint pinkish color against the blueish heavens. It had been so long since you woke up so early. You rarely admire the beauty in the waking sun, but against the snowflakes and cold, white powder makes you cherish the sight.
Though you could easily fall back to sleep, especially with Nyryx under you, you don't. It's your first time being awake before Nyryx. When you traveled in the woods, he would be the one to wake you. It's a weird gift you've been granted on your last morning with him, and you're going to take advantage of it.
You looked back at him, loving how soft his features looked. Nyryx usually had a frown, or contemplating look, but there are no traces of hard lines. Instead his eyebrows are relaxed, mouth slightly open, and eyes closed with long lashes to compliment him. He sleeps peacefully, as though neither of you had sent a village ablaze only hours ago.
Your fingers reach up to trace his details. His skin was a little rough in your fingertips, but you still smiled as you felt him. Nyryx didn't stir in his sleep when you played his with lips, but his nose did twitch. You help back a laugh at the cute movement, instead trailing your hand to his cheeks. You decided to travel a little more down and place your hand on the side of his neck.
You rubbed your hand up and down, and without meaning to, your hips followed the movement. You really didn't mean to touch him with any sexual intent, but you just adore the way he feels under you; How still and compliant his is, another gift you've been given this morning.
You slowly adjust so your knees are on the cold ice below you, straddling him. You shiver when you make contact with the ground, the snow almost burning on your skin. Ignoring it, you shuffle so that you scoot down just barely, face lined with his chest. His wings move unconsciously, allowing you more movement. You kiss his chest in gratitude.
Nyryx doesn't move while you trail your kisses downward, hands holding his sides for balance. You would think such a killer would be on high alert even when asleep. Instead it's you that moves in a predatory way, stalking and slyly moving down his body.
Is this how he feels? You wonder as you take advantage of his unconscious state. Nyryx is the one who's supposed to take you like this, asleep and unaware. You're filled with excitement as you think of your reversal of roles. He must feel a power trip as he hovers over his prey, similar how he is to you right now.
When you reach his trousers, you stop. You're shaking, most likely from the cold, but also from the adrenaline in your veins. If he wakes, you don't know how he'll react. Would he be upset? Mad that you succumbed to your horny feelings? That you bested him in a game he plays most well? Or would he be happy? Would he like that surprise you woke him up with?
After all, this is like breakfast in bed for him.
Coming to your conclusion, you carefully free him of his pants. Pulling down just enough for his semi-hard dick to come out. It's less intimidating seeing him softer than usual. You have a lot more confidence this time when you take the tip of him into your mouth. He's salty, it makes your mouth water on instinct to dilute the taste. After what seems like forever, he moved. Legs opening a little wider to give you more access.
You stick your tongue out in the underside of his dick, tongue messily licking while you sucked on him. It didn't take much effort for Nyryx to grow exponentially, hardening in your mouth with a soft groan. You pull away and stroke him a few times, ignoring how cold your body is getting from being away from him.
You fear for a moment if the wetness between your legs can freeze, but you'll make sure to fix that before you have the chance to find out. Though the outside of your body is burning cold, your insides are burning hot. You swear your arousal alone could warm your entire body, but you'd rather have some of Nyryx's help.
You engulf him in your mouth again, bobbing your head to get some action going. Your hands aren't gentle anymore, they grip at his waist almost possessively. Your rough touch must wake him up at some point, but instead he continues to lie there. His body jolting when you suck his tip harshly, how you move your tongue down to lick his balls, the way your throat closes around him when you gag.
You can feel the spit dribbling down your chin, the saliva that coats your hand when your stroke when you can't fit in your mouth. You can't help but move your whole body when you take him, hips grinding on nothing but cold air. You pop him our of your mouth and you swear you hear him whine when you do.
You shiver as you sit up, discarding your pants and underwear when you do. Before you take your place back on his lap, you place your clothes on a rock near the almost dead fire. You don't want to be sticky having to put cold, wet underwear back on.
Once you finish, you scramble to sit on his lap. The morning cold is almost unbearable, but you're glad there's no wind at least. You take a good look at Nyryx's sleeping face, how it's not contort in what seems like impatience. You grab his hardness again, this time lining it up with you pussy.
You know it would be painful to take him in one sit. Nyryx always made sure to get your cunt doodling before you took him, but now that's all up for you do to yourself. So, despite the want and need you ache for, you grind on his cock. It's weird at first, how his hands are limp besides him, wings fluttering besides you as you hump his dick. Still, you find some disgusting satisfaction with you in control, with you on top.
Maybe you aren't as much of prey Nyryx thinks you are.
You hear the slickness of your pussy as you grind on him, looking down to the strings of essence that connects your bodies. You moan at the sight, giving you motivation to keep using him. After all, you are supposed to be teaching him self control. Who knows? Maybe this is the perfect way for him to get his meal.
You rub your clit on his tip, gasping at the feeling. You could feel every vein and even the crown of his head as you grind on him. You bite your lower lip to keep from moaning loudly, but it's more difficult that you originally thought. You're panting, legs starting to get sore from rutting against him. Still, the heat in your stomach encourages you further.
Your legs tremble as you approach your release, wet sounds emulating from beneath you. You find the strength to look at him, unbelievable seeing his eyes still closed. He has to be faking it at this point. He can't still be sleeping with your wetness on his thighs, his dick. How aggressively you're humping and even smacking your pussy on him.
Your body tenses, your orgasm threatening to spill out of you just before you decide to sit up, pulling away from his dick. You shake and tremble from your self edging, almost curing yourself for not finishing. It doesn't matter though, you would much rather cum with him inside you.
You wobbly adjust so you're actually hovering over him, his tip already leaking from the edging. Nyryx's fists ball up and and relax, body trembling as he fights to keep from thrusting into you in his sleep. Though you're now 100% sure he's not really sleeping. You're quick to catch him briefly open his eyes before he shuts them again. You laugh.
"Nyrryyyxx..." you teasingly sing his voice softly. He pretends not to hear you though, instead keeping his eyes closed and lifting his hips to let you know that you should get back to business. It only makes you laugh more at his eagerness. You reach down and grab the base of his dick, shoving his tip in.
You purposely do it slow, feeling every crevasse and vessel his dick as to offer. You love his irritated face, how he looks at you between his lashes. Though you're completely aware of his consciousness, he maintains his sleep like state. Staying (kind of) still and moaning softly as you push him halfway through inside you.
"I know you're awake, you don't have to pretend," you tell him. Despite being this close to his body, you're freezing. The sun is finally over the horizon, but it's far too early in the day for it to give any actual warmth. "I'm cold," you comment to him. You think it will make him break. Have him wrap his arms or wings around you to shield you.
Instead, he smiles, fangs poking out, "Sit on my cock properly and I'll reward you." You're stunned by his morning voice, how deep and gravely is sounds. Perhaps it's also because you're teasing him with the one thing that gives him life, but that's just a theory.
You push him deeper as you exhale, eyes rolling back at the painful stretch. You can feel yourself fully sit on him, ass to his thigh before he finally lift his wings up. Nyryx quickly wraps then around you, forcing you down on his chest for more heat. You moan at his warmth, inside and outside of you. He lets you adjust to the new position before he thrusts upwards gently.
You whimper, burying your head into his neck from the deep angle. In this position, you're also able to rub your clit on his pelvis. Nyryx also uses his hands to snake around your waist, using is was leverage to fuck up into you.
You bite down in his neck, desperate to not make any noise, but Nyryx is displeased with this. "Louder prey, I wish for the birds to sing your moans." His voice holds authority, and you obey. You had been forced to keep quiet with Nyryx in the spare room, but now there is no one to stop that. Only the trees and morning animals will keep your secret.
You let yourself moan with no restraint when he resumes. Nyryx is loud with his grunt, but they're drowned by the slapping of his skin on yours. All you can do is take it as you entire body is jolted by his movements. Drool pours from your lips when you feel him kiss your cervix, so so deep inside you.
Nyryx doesn't hold back in any aspect. You think he was treating you gently compared to now. He doesn't let the snow under him affect his fucking, not the early morning you woke him up at, not your loud moaning in his ear, nothing. Nyryx is still careful to not accidentally stab you with his talons, they're dangerously close to your stomach and trapped under his wings.
He could easily nick you, tear your pretty flesh open and watch you paint the snow red. Hurting you never gives him pleasure, he hates your sorrowful cries from his doings. It doesn't stop him from taking pleasure in the danger though. Your life is in his hands, literally. He could easily take everything from you. Nyryx could keep you from your world, your family. He could have you every second of the day just by threatening you with his power. He could consume your lust, fear, hatred, every emotion your body has to offer.
Nyryx hates how his thoughts turn wicked, how easy it is to make his delusions a reality. Your pleasureful moans though, pull him out. Goosebumps cross his skin as you cry, waking up every animals that still slumbers. He can feel you twitching, gushing out more lubrication when he reaches down to grasp your ass. He shoves you even harder on his cock. you swear you see stars from the deep penetration.
You're supposed to be teaching him control, but instead he's using you like a cocksleeve. You don't think he noticed that he was also drooling, his eyes turning scary wild as he keep his eyes past you, looking at your bouncing hips. He was mumble something, your name occasionally leaving his lips. You thought he was moaning or praising you, but he almost seemed in a trance.
You grew curious and slightly worried, but all you could was whine when he pushed you deeper on him, gushing your cream all over his cock. His dick must be painted white like the snow that surrounds you, but neither of you will ever know. Not when he keeps fucking into you and spreading your essence between you both.
Your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back, the noises that leave you are inhumane. Probably even a turn off, but Nyryx takes pride in your moans. You can feel the coil in your stomach, the tingling sensation near your thighs. Nyryx and his creamy cock are quick to notice your closeness, holding you tighter against him so that you could fully feel your clit being rubbed.
You're a babbling mess, not even bothering to properly kiss Nyryx back. All there is between your lips are spit, drool, and clashing teeth. The heat in your stomach builds, almost unbearably before you come crashing down. You sob loudly, feeling your orgasm drip down out of your pussy onto his cock again. Nyryx still beneath you, letting your twitching body come down from your high.
Your cunt is clutching him so tightly, Nyryx couldn't move even if he wanted to. It's not until you go limp against him he decides to move again. It's long before he hears your protests, your whines for him to wait. "Please Nyryx," you gasp. "I-fuucckkkk-you slow down please." Nyryx is riddled with guilt, but your pleas are so beautiful. He wants to keep ignoring you just to hear them more.
Against his primal desires he stops, almost cursing himself. "Just a little longer, prey," he whispers in your ear. "Let me have you." You moan at his words, your sensitive pussy aching for you to listen to him despite the one being abused. You bite your lower lip, eyes meeting his.
Nyryx looks so desperate, so fucked out. You forget that he also goes insane when you fuck, it's unfair for you to use him like you did earlier while not letting him get the same. You nod, eyes dropping to his lips you want to taste so bad. "Okay, but kiss me please," you agree.
Nyryx accepts your terms and condition immediately, tongue slipping in the same time his dick pounds into you. You cry into his mouth, moans unconfined. You can feel how the same pussy that was crying for him ram into it also cry for him to take it out. You don't know how you can take it, the feeling of his cock was too much to bear. Maybe you can't in a way, Maybe it's why you can't help the salty tears you taste on your own lips, the way your hips try to escape his deathly grip.
It doesn't take long for him to resume his violent thrusts, his tip touching the deepest parts of you. Nyryx doesn't stop kissing you, even opting to lick your tears and consume you in anyway he can. He snarls against your lips, a clear indiction of how close he's getting. He's sloppy now, uncaring of how hard he bounces you on him to meet his thrusts. You can taste the sweat on his skin, how it drips and mangles with your kiss, if you can call it that.
Your body trembles from overstimulation. You can feel how your stickiness has completely coated your lower body parts, including his. "Nyryx come, please please I need it," you beg. You do want to feel him come inside, but you also want it to end. You don't want to spray your essence all over the place again. You can't stand the thought.
"Shit, please. Baby I need it so bad, don't stop don't stop," you let a pet name slip you. You're not even sure if he understands the term of endearment, but Nyryx seems to enjoy your dirty talk regardless. "Is that so?" He taunts. "Want my seed deep inside. You are a lucky whore, I don't give it to just anyone."
Nyryx uses you like a rag doll, your body a mere vessel for him to use as he cums. His moan in so animalistic, the bids near by take flight. His warm ropes find their way deep inside you, it fills you to the brim. You moan with him, matching his heavy breathing. Your chests rise and fall together, your bodies in harmony.
Riding out his orgasm, Nyryx gives you a few more thrusts. They're much softer this time, almost lovingly in how he caresses your body. Rather than pulling out, Nyryx let's his cock stay inside you to soften. You're more than happy to comply, feeling your walls envelope him in a wet, warm blanket for him to snuggle in.
Though you both had woken up not too long ago, you were drained. The previous night was cruel, both in sleep and wakefulness. You yawned against Nyryx chest, ignoring the voice that screamed at you to stay awake. To spend every waking moment with Nyryx before night fall came. Your body had different plans though, his seemed to as well. He moved his hand from your ass to tilt your head up, looking at your sleepy eyes.
He placed a tender kiss on your lips, pulling away before either of you could deepen it further. "Rest now prey, you have a journey ahead of you."
The remaining day is spent with Nyryx inside you the moment you woke up again. It didn't matter the position, the location, or the weather. He loved being in your mouth, he learned. The feeling of you gagging around him, your dull nails digging into his thighs when he pushed too far 'accidentally.' The best part, however, was when you cried. The silent tears mixing with your spit and his arousal in your mouth. Despite the blissful, almost eager look in your face you still wept.
Not that he cared of course, Nyryx would pull you up to him by your neck. He would kiss you harshly, moaning into your mouth from all the liquids mixed together. He didn't even have to cum from you sucking him off of fucking you, he could lick your sobs away and finish in his trousers.
Though you also loved choking around his cock, you preferred riding him. Sure it was a lot more work (and he would do most of the thrusting anyway), but it was a great way to act like you were in control. The feeling of sinking all the way down on it, being able to maneuver your body so that you could hit all the right parts, the brutal grip on your ass, it was euphoric.
Not to mention how he realized his tail could wrap around your body, giving your clit harsh or soft rubs while his hands stayed on your hips. It was a great way to not only keep balance, but multitask on pleasing you in every way possible. You both loved the view as well. How Nyryx's face would twist in pleasure, his sharp teeth being revealed behind his lips, his dark eyes eating you up in the most vile way.
Nyryx's eyes couldn't leave your body, not when you bounced on him like that. As though you were chasing your own pleasure, that it was the only way you could live despite him being the incubus. Not to mention your tits, how they bounced and pebbled at the cold air around you. It was a fortunate circumstance that Nyryx could produce inhuman heat, and keep his wings around your body so you would stay sick-free.
You didn't feel hungry, completely satisfied with the amount of cum Nyryx poured into your belly. Maybe it was because you just simply didn't have an appetite, you didn't want to waste your time with Nyryx by eating. That didn't seem important to you, not when the demonic being was on top, hips driving into you roughly. You could feel the cold snow on your back, but it was actually soothing on your hot skin.
You were gasping for air, moans spilling out of your mouth when he grabbed your hips to wrap around his waist. With your ass off the ground, it gave Nyryx a better angle to drive into you, dick practically pushing through your cervix. He was going to bruise you for sure, but Nyryx was determined to leave you full of marks. I want you to remember these, he told you. His hips slowed for a second, fingers trailing your purpling skin. Even when you will have left me, these will stay.
Nyryx knows he shouldn't, he knows he should send you back without any suspicion of where you've been. The aftermath of two worlds colliding would be far worse than the humans hunting him, far worse than anything both of your worlds have endured. Still, he can't help himself. Not when you seem more than willing to let him claim you, inside and out.
Nyryx's dipped one of his hands down to your pussy, fingers playing and rubbing on your sopping folds. You arched your back even more, clamping down on his dick. You cried out at this over stimulation, body shaking from the painful gratification he gave you. Nyryx groaned at your tightness, his torso leaning down to place hot kisses on your face. He didn't care if he got your mouth multiple times, only that he got his lips on your flesh.
It was disgusting really, the horrifying way you were crying. Like you were being murdered, like the incubus above you was taking advantage of you as he's supposed to. It didn't help that your hips instinctively tried to get away from him, jolting and pulling away from his own. You gave thanks for the snow and trees drowning out your sound, eating the way you sobbed and the way Nyryx ate you.
When Nyryx came, it was anything but devilish. He looked angelic, his loud moans in your ear, his dominating grip, the convulsing of his body. You took him all, your pussy drinking his release happily. You quivered beneath him, whispering his name like a chant. Nyryx kissed your neck sloppily, ignoring the way you cried when he clamped his teeth harshly on your sensitive skin.
You were tired, so tried that you didn't notice Nyryx laying you down down on the snow. You couldn't feel the burning cold, but you could see Nyryx rushing to grab clothes, your clothes. Wordlessly, he began dressing you. Each leg, one by one through the warm pants. Then to your arm, carefully placing them into the long sleeves before pulling it down your stomach. He reach for your shoes, struggling on the laces before he gave up.
By the time he was done, you realized why he was dressing you. The sun had began going down. The moon was beginning to shine, not to its fullest, but a reminder of the power it was grant Nyryx. A part of you felt like you wasted the day, fucking into oblivion. You should have spoken with him instead, telling him how much you'll miss him, his world, what could have been.
Yet, when Nyryc picked you up, carrying you in the way he liked most, you realized you did communicate to him, and he to you. How his body moved against yours, how you met his thrusts restlessly, the way you kissed, the feeling of not being close enough despite him being in the deepest parts of you. Maybe you didn't talk through words, but you've always been told that the sword is mightier than the pen.
In this case, the sword was very mighty.
You let him walk through the woods, going deeper than what you expected. The trees once beautiful in white became eerily close, as if they were whispering when you walked by. They became tangled within each other, not even the birds dared to rest of their branches. "Where are we going?" you didn't bother hiding the fear in your voice as you asked.
Nyryx kissed your forehead soothingly, taking notice of the quiver in your voice and the increase in your heat beat. "We should be out of sight, no where near humans. If they see what I can conjure, there will be no stopping in the hunt for me. For the others of my kind," Nyryx speaks slowly, as if he's carefully you understand that he doesn't intend on scaring you. It's for both of your safety.
You nod, releasing a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Nyryx walked for a long time, filing the silence with questions you didn't expect him to ask. He ranged from asking about your family, if you also worked at a bar back at your world, what Easter was and why boiled eggs was so important. Despite being with Nyryx for over 2 weeks, it was one of the first (and last) times he asked you about your personal life.
It was cute of him, being curious about your life. You answered him happily, occasionally complaining about your troubles that he couldn't help but laugh at. Nyryz wasn't necessarily the talkative type, opting to listen and only really talk when it was naughty. This however, made you recognize that he was nervous. He was just as anxious as you. Nyryx didn't want you to leave, didn't want to say goodbye and never see him again.
Despite being satanically bred, he had obvious human emotions.
The stars were bright in the sky, and you recalled the night in the bathtub, how bright they shone there too. When Nyryx found a spot he deemed worthy, he set you down gently. You sat on a near by rock, dusting off the snow. Just a few feet in front of you, stood two trees. Their roots wrapped around each other as did their branches. The only opening was between their trunks, like a passage way. You knew that on the other side was more snow and more trees, you could see it under the starry sky.
Still, you felt the chill on your spine, the tremble of your legs. It was ghostly, almost, the way the trees ominously intertwined with each other. You looked away, rubbing your neck to feel some type of warmth and settle your uneasiness.
"Is this the portal?" You asked as you kept your eyes down at the snow. Nyryx was clearing the fallen sticks and branches from the ground, seemingly unaffected by the sinister atmosphere. "Yes, it's quite the eye catcher, no?" He smiled. Nyryx could taste your fear, and it was tempting to play into, but he held back. He wouldn't want you leaving pissed off at him.
Instead, Nyryx busied himself with work. He stomped on the uneven snow, attempting to make a steady runway for you to walk on. He gathered his found sticks into 3 piles, small enough to fit into his large hands. You picked your head up, curious at what he was doing. Nyryx paid no attention to your stare, instead taking deep breaths to hone into his energy.
He stood at a distance from his piles, his long fingers creating a shape you couldn't quite see from your place. The silence was deafening, you could practically hear the blood rushing in you veins. "You said there is no magic in your world?" Nyryx voice makes you jump. "Y-Yeah," you compose yourself quickly. "Not real magic at least."
Nyryx looks in your direction, and you shiver. Every fiber in your body is screaming run despite you knowing he is the only person you're safe with. His eyes are full blown black, new red orbs staring into your eyes. His horns are protruding at a length you've never seen before, curving inward at the tip. His wings, even have seemed to grow larger, his wingspan stretching out from him. He gives you a wicked smile, fangs reaching down to his chin, "Then, I suppose it's up to me to show you real magic, prey."
With a loud inhale from his chest, Nyryx turns his head to focus on the sticks. He whispers softly, so lowly you thought it was the wind tickling your ear. Nyryx exhales, strings of fire coming from his mouth that whirlpools into the piles, bringing them to flame. You don't dare to make a noise, not even to gasp when he steps close to the fire. He breaks the formation in his hands to slit his palm with his talons, blood oozing from the wound.
He drips his blood onto the fire, and they seem to grow bigger. Each fire gets so big, that they reach beyond Nyryx's height. They wrap around each other similar to the trees that's your portal, thinning out as they grow taller before bending downwards. The flames start to form a circle around you, Nyryx, and the trees. Your hair whips in your face from the force, the heat so strong, your chest begins hurting from breathing.
"Bleed," Nyryx commands, his voice almost unrecognizable. It takes a second to register that he's talking to you. With a shaky breath you stand, walking to the wall of fire behind you. Your eyes scan for something to prick yourself with, trying to stab your fingernails into your palm to no avail. You don't notice Nyryx's silent steps toward you, you don't notice him until he grabs your wrist. You gasp when he turns you around, taking your wrist into his mouth until he bites down, hard.
You scream when his teeth dig into your flesh, blood pooling from his lips onto the snow. Tears welt up into your eyes, arm aggressively pulling away from his as you slap his chest with the other. Nyryx releases you, but you don't miss the way he cruelly smiles with your blood on his teeth.
He spits into the fire, and it roars in response. You hold your injured arms into your chest, tears spilling while you violently sob. You're scared, you're cold and hot at the same time, your wrist is burning from pain. You're experiencing fear, fear at it's rawest form once again. Nyryx hates himself for taking pleasure in it, your pitiful form practically begging him to soothe you. He can't though, not yet.
The moon brightly shines above you, and it's really the only thing you can find comfort in. Not matter the world, the moon and sun rise and set just the same. The fire travels in circles until it finds its way between the portal of trees, red sticking onto the trunks. You think for a moment that it'll catch ablaze, but instead the fire start turning into a solid. The flames continue to pour into the center of the opening, turning it a blue color.
Nyryx is still besides you, eyes rolled back to his head as he chants softly. Blood starts dripping down his nose, his ears, and you swear you could see it starts seeping through his eyes. With your good hand, you wrap your fingers around his. He grasps your hand desperately, squeezing comfortingly before the final bits of fire create the portal. Now you see why he needed so much energy, animal blood wasn't going to cut it.
It feels like an eternity before silence falls in the woods once again. The roaring fire stops abruptly, leaving you gasping and choking your weeps. Nyryx stumbles backwards, finding balance in your enveloped hands. "Nyryx! Sit down," you voice is laced with concern. He listens though, plopping down on the rock you were sitting on. He still look deadly, even more so with blood all over his face. Though, his horns had shrunk in size, his eyes no longer blood red, but still pitch black.
Nyryx doesn't let go of your hand, holding it close to his face as he leans forward. While you tell him words of comfort and ease at his level, he gathers snow. He tenderly takes your wounded wrist and places the snow on it. You hiss at the pain, but quickly find solace in the numbness. Nyryx kisses you passionately, ignoring your groans of protest from tasing your own blood.
When he pulls away, he rests his forehead on your forehead, breathing heavily. Before you can start talking again, he places another kiss on your lips.
"Would you believe me if I said that was my first time opening a portal?"
You both stood before the portal, it was hazy and blue, giving the impression of the beach you were at. You almost cried when you heard the waves crashing, hand tightening around Nyryx's. It was here, it was real. Home is on the other side, your family is on the other side. You could taste the salt on your tongue already, feel the wind in your face. Nyryx could smell it too, his nose flaring at the sour aroma of the beach.
"Holy shit," you breathed. "I can't believe it's really here." The temperature had drop significantly in the night, your breath fogging as you spoke. You couldn't even tell though, too entranced at the sight. Nyryx nodded, "It is."
You turned to face him, and he to you. Your eyes locked, and before you could get any words out, your cried. Babbling incoherent words while he laughed, bringing you in for a hug. It was awkward as first, his stiff body against your weeping one, but Nyryx quickly found solace against your body as he molded into it.
You didn't want to pull away, but Nyryx did. He held his arms on your shoulders, "You cry so easily. I think that will be what I miss most." You laughed and sobbed at the same time, throat scratching at the mix. You took shuddering breaths, your hands clapping over his, "Will you really be okay? You don't need anything?"
Nyryx hummed thoughtfully at your question, "I would rather you somehow keep you...essence here, but I suppose I'll have to go back to eating pig's blood." You rolled your eyes at him, no longer feeling sorry for the demon. When you released him from your grip to turn to the portal, he called your name.
Nyryx held is hand out, a large, black feather in it. His own feather, you don't have to ask to know. You carefully picked it up, holding it up in the moonlight to inspect it. You smiled thoughtfully, holding it tightly in your fingers, "What's this for?" Nyryx thought for a moment, as if he was careful on what he was going to say next. "So you don't forget me," he concluded.
You wiped your tears and cocked your head to the side, "What do you mean? How could I forget you? Or anything that's happened?" You started to laugh, but seeing his serious, solemn expression made you stop. You eyes him cautiously, breath stuttering in your chest. "Nyryx," you started, "I'm not gonna forget anything, right?"
"You should hurry," he ignores your question, "The moon will lose its power. The portal won't hold forever." Nyryx pushes you closer to the portal. You wriggle out of his grasp, whirling to him. "Am I really going to forget everything? This world? The bar? Meredith? You?" Your voice was breaking again, but you tried to not let any tears fall.
Nyryx tensed, and for the first time, he was noticeable scared. "Truthfully, prey...do not have high hopes that you will remember. Not many do, it's what happens when you cross the border between worlds. It's what maintains the balance between us and other worlds." Nyryx wipes the tears that betray your wishes and fall, keeping his hand at your face. His thumb rubs soothingly on your cheek.
"So," you hiccup, "You'll forget me?" Nyryx shakes his head, his lip jutting out into a pout. "No," he confirms. "If I were a human, maybe. But I am already a supernatural being, this will not affect my memory." You nod against his head, trying to find some comfort in his words, at least one of you will remember.
For the last time in your life, in either of your lives, you kiss him. It's gentle, careful. You kiss like he'll break, like he's the purest thing on Earth. He kisses you the same, shivering as he wraps his arms around your torso. You pull away slowly, not missing how his lips chase yours just for a second.
"Thank you," you whisper, not ready to see goodbye. Nyryx gives you a sad smile, his eyes darkening for a second like he's going to cry. "Of course prey. Should we be born again, I hope to spend that life with you. Without being hunted." You laugh at his joke, tears halting from spilling. "Reincarnation? You really believe in that?" You ask.
"Well," Nyryx contemplates, "If it is possible to travel between worlds, I suppose reincarnation is not inconceivable." You tilt your head side to side, also thinking about the thought of being reborn. "Yeah I guess you're right. I also, would spend that life with you, if it exists."
He smiles as you, releasing you from his grip. It takes a second to adjust to the cold again. You ignore how lonely you feel, you step closer to the portal. To the gentle breeze that calls you, begs you to come home.
You take a last look at Nyryx, "So, see you later alligator?"
He looks puzzled at your words, but nods nonetheless, "Yes, but I am not an alligator."
You stumble out of the cave disorientated. Your dress stickily clings to you, it's so humid. Your heels find balance on rocks, the sand. It doesn't help that the sun is beating do harshly on you. When did it get so hot?
You can hear your name being yelled in the distance, coming closer. You look up to see your younger sibling running to you, dressed in nice attire like yourself. They have an annoyed look in their face, obviously not as disorientated like you.
"There you are!" They yell, panting. "Mom and dad have been waiting forever! We still have to take pictures come o- what's in your hand?" You quirk an eyebrow, eyes following where your sibling is looking until you see your hand. Between your fingers is a black, gigantic, feather. It swallows light, as if it doesn't want to be seen.
"I dunno," you shrug, eyes still on the feather. When your sibling reaches for it, you pull away, almost protectively. "Hey!" they complain. "I want to see it!" You raise the feather well above your head, a place they can't reach at all. "It's mine, go away," you brush them off.
Your sibling continues to complain, but gives up soon. "Whatever! Hurry up!" They run to your parents without another word. You roll your eyes at them, but you can't shake how you reacted to the feather. You didn't care much about feathers, you didn't even like touching them. So why this one?
You shove the feather into a pocket, deciding not to wonder about your feelings. You made your way to your family, their hands waving you down and shouting for you to hurry up. Surprisingly, you find yourself walking faster, almost fully running to them. Your chest aches, your throat bubbles like you're going to cry. You don't know why, but you're actually happy to take pictures with them.
Despite the overwhelming happiness you feel, a shadow of longing also fills you. You reach in your pocket you squeeze the feather, oddly comforted by it. A weird part of you thinks this mere feather is a gift. From what? You have no idea. Mother Nature perhaps.
You decide that you should keep it. Maybe it's a good luck charm.
a/n: holy shit and thats it. did I check for typos? no! if you see them, no you didn't. thank you for being with my on this journey! I'm pretty rusty from writing, and I feel like I could do a lot better in the future with dialogue and shit, but still, thank you everyone!!!!! I'm thinking about writing like a second part where reader and Nyryx meet in a different life, but I'm debating on different scenarios, I might put out a poll???? anywho yeah, that's that and im totally gonna work on my dead dove I need more gore >:(
taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby
update: second part is here
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shadyhouse · 12 days
my next tattoo is going to be a balloon dog on my wrist as a reminder to stay silly
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kurozu501 · 7 months
the thing that really bothers me about the whole demon racism thing in Frieren is the extremely heavy handed flashback we get justifying Frieren's prejudice. its a whole ridiculous series of events that make no sense. Felt like some gross propaganda.
Lemme break it down real fast: in the past Frieren and her pals came to a town where a demon in the shape of a young girl attacked and killed a child. They defeated it in battle, but Himmel was hesitant to kill it because it looked like a kid and called out 'mother.' The village chief then comes in and says that killing the demon will make them just as bad as them, and that they should offer her a chance at redemption. Some time passes with the demon girl living with the chief and his daughter peacefully before suddenly one night she kills the chief. She presents the chief's unconscious daughter to the parents of the girl she killed saying she wanted to get them a replacement child. Himmel and Frieren kill her, Fireren explains that demons don't even have families so her calling out 'mother' was just a manipulation tactic. which the dying demon girl confirms is correct.
2 things
Why the fuck did the chief come in saying they had to give the demon a chance when she'd already murdered someone? Why was everyone besides Frieren and the dead kids parents just cool with letting a child murderer get off scott free and walk around their town with no consequences? Generally we don't even let human child murderers do that, so its frankly bizarre. If you want to prove demons are fundamentally evil wouldn't it make more sense to start with a demon who hasn't yet committed any crime? Then the chief sticking up for it would feel logical. Whole thing makes no sense except to demonize (lol) the very concept of redemption. No you stupid fucking idiot you should have used extreme violence and murder every time always. its always justified, learn your lesson kids and if you see one of the Evil Races walking around remember its always ok to lynch them.
What the fuck is the demon child doing here? Her actions make no sense. Frieren says that demons are basically just intelligent predators, that they only use speech and social customs to manipulate humans and prey on them. So why on earth did the demon kid murder the chief while Himmel and squad were still in town? Why'd she have a weird fixation on getting the parents a new kid? Almost as if she was trying to make up for what she'd done to them in a twisted way, as if she felt bad? This seems to imply the opposite of what Frieren said. While watching i assumed what would happen is that Frieren would tell Himmel and the group that they should pretend to leave the village, then double back whereupon they'd find the demon going on a rampage again, since she would assume its now safe to do so with them gone. i assumed that because it would make sense. but nah. instead we get this really nonsensical series of events that clearly exists only to prove frieren's bigotry right. Demon girl is so ridiculous she literally uses her last words to be like "btw this lady who killed me was right you should never trust filthy demons like meeee." Give me a break.
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cluescorner · 4 months
Randomized Robins AU - Ages + Worst Trait Exercise:
Steph (25):
Says her worst trait is her murderous rages (she is exaggerating for dramatic/comedic effect, she’s killed 3 people tops and for very good reason)
Thinks her worst trait is her spitefulness (one of the few traits she definitely got from her father + one that prevents her from fixing her relationships and living her best possible life. She’ll refuse to interact with someone she dearly loves after an argument (happens significantly less after Tim’s death) or will say things she knows are hurtful just for the sake of having the last word. This trait will worsen in some ways as the list of people who have wronged her and those she loves grows, but will also ease up as she matures and realizes the harm it’s doing to her relationships with those she loves most.)
Her worst trait really is her spitefulness
Cass (26)
Says her worst trait is her self-righteousness (she believes that her goals are righteous and, as a result, she is righteous. Cass becomes very defensive whenever someone questions the mission and often does not second-guess herself. This is a trait she only develops later in life as she grows closer to Bruce/learns to understand herself more/starts to love herself more. But she knows she isn’t perfect and when somebody she trusts criticizes something she is doing she is willing to listen. She just usually isn’t the one to START the introspection.) 
Thinks her worst trait is her self-righteousness. 
Her worst trait actually is her obsessiveness (she gets it from Bruce and, while not as bad as him, she will easily become preoccupied with her night-life and the mission if someone isn’t there to pull her back. She will do this to the point of self-destruction and it hurts her relationships with the people she loves, especially Steph.)
Tim (24)
Says his worst trait is his spitefulness (he actively rejects the idea of mending his relationships with the older members of the family and this causes him to also lack good relationships with the younger ones)
Thinks his worst trait is his obsessiveness (similar to Cass, if he gets fixated on a task or idea he will neglect everything else in his life in order to dedicate more time to it. Unlike Cass, he will almost never be dragged away from it unless Pierrot snatches control of the body and forces them to take care of themself.)
His worst trait actually is how manipulative he is (the KING of guilt-tripping and using people’s emotions against them. He’ll do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants, he’s not above crocodile tears. And he will do it to whoever he needs (or wants) to with little care for how his actions impact others.)
Pierrot (Insists: “Age doesn’t apply to me! And even if it did, I'd probably be the oldest. Or the youngest! I’d never be a middle child, though.” Mental assessments by the Bats have put him around 21, with a margin of error of 3 years. Pierrot has called this “blatant character assassination by my eternal rival!”)
Says his worst trait is that he is an irredeemable psychopath without any regard for the wellbeing of others (this is a lie and everyone who's important to him understands this). 
Thinks his worst trait is his parasitic nature (he literally would not exist had Tim not suffered the way he did. Plus he is a living reminder of one of the worst things that happened to many of his loved ones. He is a parasite injected into a functional person's body and contributes to his continued suffering. This is also a largely incorrect judgement of himself, caused by his actual worst trait.)
His worst trait actually is his limited sense of self (he doesn’t really know who he is outside of ‘inheritor to the legacy of the Joker (a man he despises yet also views as a father)’ and ‘chip in Tim’s brain that became sentient’. He slowly develops an identity over the course of his life and relationships with other people, but he lacks the foundations of identity that most people have. Pierrot will often almost become a caricature of himself and what others perceive him to be because it's the only person he knows how to be. This causes wild swings in how he behaves and relates to others, sometimes to the detriment of himself and others.)
Dick (17) 
Says his worst trait is his clinginess (he is a very extraverted person who likes to be around others, which mixed with his fear of abandonment after his parents died means that if he goes a few days without seeing/talking to a friend he will get very anxious.)
Thinks his worst trait is his anger issues (he gets ticked off very easily and will explode on people. He’s kind at his core and is usually very nice, but he has a temper that can escalate significantly. Spoiler (and later Twist) help him channel this anger into something positive.)
His worst trait actually is his anger issues.
Barbara (18)
Says her worst trait is her disability (internalized ableism, she thinks of herself as less valuable than the other Bats because she cannot be out there in the capes like they can. She will grow out of this as she matures and as she learns how invaluable her support for the team is.)  
Thinks her worst trait is her disability 
Her worst trait actually is her overly-independent nature (In an attempt to overcompensate for everything she can no longer do, she has resolved to do literally everything that she possibly can without any help from others. This results in many instances where she either takes on too much and winds up not being able to fully realize any of her tasks or where she makes her life and the lives of others significantly harder by refusing help when offered/not asking for it when she needs it.)
Damian (16)
Says his worst trait is his perfectionism (he is overly critical of both himself and others, taking any flaw or problem and amplifying it to an absurd degree. This is due in part to his life with the LoA (where even a brief misstep could lead to death), in part to how others treated him initially as Spoiler (any flaw was fixated on and used as a reason to either mistrust him or portray him as unworthy of the mantle), and in part due to the fact that he is Bruce’s son (the only person with worse perfectionism problems than Damian). Gradually, Damian has improved in this regard but it’s still a massive barrier to both his own happiness and his relationships with others.)
Thinks his worst trait is his perfectionism 
His worst trait actually is his perfectionism
Duke (16)
Says his worst trait is his definitely-real secret evil side (says this as a ‘my dad is a villain so who knows??’ joke)
Thinks his worst trait is his impulsivity in his words (Sometimes he will crack a joke or say a remark without thinking it through, leading to a LOT of hurt feelings and drama. He’ll say something without thinking it through and wind up seeming insensitive. This isn’t done because of malice, rather because Duke is someone who’s quick to act and speak. But while the mantle of Insight and his awakening powers have helped him with his actions, they do not always help with his loose tongue. As such, Duke gains an unfair reputation in the media as an instigator and will accidentally cause family drama through what he says.)
His worst trait actually is his impulsivity in his words
Jason (14)
Says his worst trait is his bad manners (he grew up on the streets and has no idea how rich-people society works, which he’s pretty insecure about considering he’s now the youngest kid of Bruce freaking Wayne). 
Thinks his worst trait is his reactiveness (Jason never got the privilege of planning ahead for various events in his life, so he instead needed to rely on being swift and harsh in how he could react to situations. It’s saved his life on multiple occasions and helps significantly in his role as Spoiler, but it can also lead to extreme overreactions (accidentally causing kidnapping scare after Jason ran away following a fight with Dick) and a struggle to plan things out ahead of time. As he grows more secure in his place in the family and in life, this trait will lessen but never fully dissipate.)
His worst trait actually is his reactiveness
#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#tim drake#dick grayson#barbara gordon#damian wayne#duke thomas#jason todd#batfamily#randomizedrobinsau#I'm debating whether I should tag this with the Joker Junior tag and those related to it for Pierrot#because like...it's not quite that. but it's also very close to that and is the direct result of that.#but Pierrot would fucking HATE to be tagged as that and sees it as an insult to his identity...which he already has problems with#so I don't think I'm gonna#anyways lmao I am totally projecting my younger self onto Barbara. How could I not? She's literally the reason I view my disability#the way that I do and she actively improved my mental health just by existing and saying some of the shit she did when I was in the#stages of accepting my own disability. So yeah I am projecting a lot onto her because I love her and see myself in her.#I'm mostly basing these characterizations on my favorite versions of them (ie Red Robin 2009 Tim and Birds of Prey Barbara).#so I'm taking the traits I like/think fit in this AU and discarding what I think either is bad or doesn't fit or if I just don't like it.#Damian's 'murder gremlin who is a meanie on purpose because he is a meanie' is entirely unappealing to me and also does not fit this AU#I prefer him when he's portrayed as a sympathetic kid (who is still an asshole) and not a demon child. So that's what I'm using.#same with Talia's 'abusive mother who is totally on-board with all of her father's bullshit and will kill someone for no reason' version#I have read enough comics to know what I like/what is most important and what I don't like/what is#BLATANT CHARACTER ASSASSINATION GRANT MORRISON YOU FUCK YOU SET TALIA BACK SO FUCKING FAR#I also decided to outline their WORST traits because I already know what I like about these characters/their best traits.#most people do. But what was a greater challenge was finding what would make their lives and those of others worse.#what would I hate about this person if I knew them IRL? What would I first suggest they get therapy for? What hurts them and why?#I found these questions really interesting in the context of this AU where some people are forced into completely different roles#the says/thinks/is was inspired by trying to answer that question for myself. I say my worst trait is my impulsiveness but when#I asked others in my life they answered 'oh so you said your weird thing where you don't ask for help right?'
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