#demon james au
likeprongstostars · 5 months
been thinking abt demon james a lot
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spookysweaterblog · 7 months
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"James is having a party, Jason and Freddy are too scared to come... But you'll have a hell of a time."
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00Q edit for @ironpe: demon!Q kidnapped
James gets the call at six in the morning, just a couple hours since he dragged himself out of the proverbial fire and back into the frying pan, the frying pan being the hotel room Q had secured for him for his post-mission wind down. Tanner's voice is haggard and grave on the other end of the line but James is not surprised. In fact, he'd been expecting something like this.
It had been years since he'd felt exposed, Q's power had been a reassuring companion in that time, but as he was escaping away on his motorcycle earlier that evening, an unease crawled up his back. He felt unprotected, a figurative shield sliding like water off his back. It was one thing to not have Q in his ear, but to not feel his presence at all was a different kind of vulnerability altogether. It was unnerving.
And so, he had been waiting for this call.
Tanner's voice washes over him as he relays details of Q's abduction, how they did it, who the assailants were and what they want in exchange. James listens idly, cleaning his guns almost on auto-pilot until he catches the only piece of information that matters to him: Q's estimated location. Finally given the scent, James goes on the hunt.
Q had been to church only once in his long and weary existence. It had been to tempt a priest. Having just been recently deployed to Earth, he was a trainee still. His supervisor had given him a list to accomplish: a tour of the classics, and what could be more stereotypical than convincing a priest that a few coins in his pocket was well-deserved. (After all, he took care of his flock so the flock should take care of his needs.)
What his supervisor failed to mention though was that temptations like those were best served via whispers in the wind at night while Q himself stayed right outside the window, because stepping onto consecrated land was excruciating. No, Q learned that lesson the hard way, and that pain is seared onto his memory forever, second only to Falling.
It's that same pain that's now coursing through his being, rendering him helpless on the floor of the abandoned church this terrorist group has chosen to hole up in. An outside observer would attribute his current state to the admittedly harsh beating he's been taking at the hands of their interrogator. But honestly, the blood and bruises are misleading. Endless punches and low level electrocution are nothing compared to the thrum of heaven in his bones, trying and failing to purify his wretched soul over and over again.
Finding a moment to think seems impossible and yet his mind eventually fights through the haze of pain and crawls its way toward James. He wonders how his little investment is doing. With Q incapacitated like this, his protective wards over James will surely be down. Q had inconveniently left him vulnerable during a crucial part of his mission, not that he had much choice. He hopes the madman hasn't gotten himself prematurely blown up, though it would be hilarious if he did. Maybe they can laugh about it together back in hell.
It's a little funny how much that thought comforts him.
James finds them in an abandoned church in a small town just outside Paris. Operatives like him are often referred to as ghosts. Terrifying yet unseen, taking enemies out quickly and quietly and then disappearing just as silently. Not this time though. This time, James is a demon. A furious tempest sent to rain down fiery judgment against those who have sinned.
He moves from room to room, searching, killing, no words, no hesitation. No need to interrogate anyone, he'll find Q when they're all dead. It doesn't take long, not with a vengeful double-oh on mission.
James opens the last door, down to the small catacombs, shoots the last two men and finally sets eyes on Q, sitting limp and lifeless in a corner.
He crouches down next to him, one hand coming up to check for a pulse on instinct. There isn't one. Q didn't need one, but James knows he likes to keep up appearances.
When he carries Q out of the church, there's a lump in James' throat as he looks down at the frail, bloody creature in his arms. Q may have damned him all those years ago, but they've also spent those years together, building a strange kind of trust amidst all the danger and death and bickering. He always wondered why Q didn't just let him die the moment he signed his contract, but also protected him, shared his power with him, and allowed him to do good. Now, he fears he may never get the chance to ask.
Numb, he trudges past the all the blood and the bodies, as he makes his way into the surrounding forest where he'd stashed his car. He walks past the fence, each step crushing overgrown grass underfoot getting heavier and heavier until James concedes and kneels down on the ground.
"Am I supposed to pray?" He bites out a bitter laugh, looking heavenward. "Is that what you want?!"
"No, you dolt," comes the hoarse whisper. "Just get me away from this place and I'll recover."
James gasps in relief, eyes watery as he holds Q tighter against his chest. "You prick, I thought you'd died."
"Oh, James," Q wheezes out. "I never knew you cared."
"You know what? Neither did I."
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new-tella-us · 5 months
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Sooooo anyone want a mafia draft?
The beginning of the story is probably the same, the boys escaped their old lives but when they stumble into Mika’s mansion, they also stumbled into the lair of the new Don. And in exchange for housing and protection from Malix, the five were recruited into the business as Mika’s top men.
Why do they stick around? Well, after a certain “Devil Incident” they realized that Mika was both a capable fighter and loyal to her men.
If convincing them to come back was hard for Diana in the OG timeline, it’s impossible in this one. Mutual loyalty is one of the hardest things to break.
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orchideous-nox · 3 months
I'm meant to be writing the second chapter of the demon Barty fic but instead I am outlining my next soul-destroying project that I'm working on after that, which may or may not be the 3rd instalment of a certain pirate au...
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kaggeorgia · 6 months
Jegulus but make it angel X demon au
Regulus is a demon with black wings darker than the night itself and James an angel with a pure heart and appearance.
Them accidentally stumbling into each other in a battle and James unable to strike first, leaving Regulus pinned down underneath him and with a smirk on his face.
Regulus watching the angel from the shadows, seeing James's kindness towards mortals.
Regulus feeling like that boy might have ignited feeling he never had.
James being intrigued by Regulus's mysterious personality and dark aura.
James getting caught by Regulus trying to get close to his house.
James playing with a fire and getting caught up in the demon's net.
Regulus enjoying the corruption of a such pure angelic creature.
James realising he'd rather be with Regulus than obeying stupid rules. Evil never felt so good touching his skin
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
jegulily au where regulus is a rogue demon that wants to do good, james is a mischievous angel that doesn't care much for their rules, and lily is a demigod intent on ignoring her godlyness.
like i imagine regulus and james hanging out on earth all the time, regulus trying to fix things, and james causing minor trouble. and lily is just there who can very much tell neither of them are humans, but you know what? fuck that. she is not getting involved in this dangerous, supernatural world and is intent on ignoring them both. james, however, is infatuated with her and regulus and would just like to chat to them, please. and regulus keeps having to undo james' pranks and it is pissing him off at this point, angels are meant to be doing good, not playing stupid pranks, and why is there a demigod staring at him? is she a spy there to drag him back to the underworld and torture him for being a terrible demon? fuck.
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 6 months
This is a fic recommendation I have, I primarily read wolfstar so I don't know the standards for jegulus fics but this is really good.
Essentially Regulus makes a deal with James (who is a demon) to save Sirius who is sick there's background wolfstar but I am going to warn you lot there is slight barty slander its short but it does give protective demon James so enjoy (lily is in it as well and is a demon with James, it's platonic jily)
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likeprongstostars · 5 months
forced to draw canon universe born to put them im silly AUs
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I’ve fallen back into seduce me and I know that almost nobody knows about me anymore in the seduce me fandom but I’m here for asks on headcannons or fic ideas and I’m begging for some bc I’m just…lost in the sauce right now.
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pinkiebieberpie · 2 years
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demon!bucky just wants some fun (nsfw)
what's your favorite scary moodboard?
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00Q au edit for @ironpe: demon!Q
"Hello, demon." "Hello, James. I suppose you've called me here to take me up on my offer." "Yes." "Are you sure? You do understand what you're giving up, right? All the good you've done or will ever do, all the lives you saved, the wrongs you've righted, it will be for naught." "I understand." "You will have power and my protection, but there will be no redemption. When you die, a good man will go to hell." "I said I understand, demon. Now, help me save her."
Q remembers quite well the day James Bond signed his contract. He had done it to save the love of his life, quite noble as intentions go. Pity she died anyway, and practically by her own hand. Despite what humans think and how Q likes to present himself, demons aren't all knowing. He couldn't have told James his sacrifice wasn't worth it even if he wanted to.
And why would he want to? James' soul is Q's ticket to a promotion. While his fellow mid-level demons are all running around tempting addicts and bribing politicians, Q was thinking outside the box. He has secured for hell the soul of a hero. James Bond, tainted as he is, was meant to go to heaven, but no longer.
Now, all Q has to do is hold up his end of the bargain and protect his investment. And if he had known what a headache it was going to be, maybe he wouldn't have done it in the first place, promotion be damned.
Protecting James Bond is a nightmare. The amount of shit James willingly gets into is astronomical and it takes much of Q's considerable power to keep him alive. James seems to have looked at the hellish eternity stretching out in his future and said fuck it. Q has had to become quartermaster at MI6 just to make sure James didn't prematurely pop, after all, the more people he saves, the more valuable Q's investment becomes. To say he doesn't enjoy it, though, would be a lie.
Q has met and tempted and damned countless human souls before but none as interesting as James. The hottest of hot messes, as Eve often refers to him. And yet, loathe he is to admit it, Q has grown fond of him, and his indiscriminate charm, his knack for destruction, his unshakeable loyalty, and above all, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. He brings a thrill to Q's existence that he's never known before.
It seems like a terrible idea to be smitten with the soul you're ripening for harvest, but demons have never been known for sharp decision-making. Demons also aren't known for falling in love, and yet Q defies that too. And as each mission pulls James inevitably closer and closer to the clutches of hell, Q no longer knows whether he's still protecting his investment or whatever's left of his heart.
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new-tella-us · 2 months
I feel too lazy to add the dialogue in the drawing so it’s going in Tumblr text! Context, this is the Glass Portal AU.
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I don’t usually like to bother Raestrao and Uzaeris at this time but I just couldn’t help it! Plus, it’s so rare to see them talking to each other.
I had to tell them!
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I finally did it! I rebelled against father! I learnt, I read!
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Knowledge he’d never let me know, I know it now! I did it! I did good!
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(Now James and Erik aren’t disappointed or angry at Damien but… you know. Their father’s a little…monstrous to say the least. Erik is trying to find the words to explain to Damien why that was a horrible risk to take. Meanwhile James is a split of “Oh god! Oh fuck! If father finds out, he’s going to kill him!” And “Who in Abyssal Plains would teach him how to read?”)
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
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this hell (is better with you) 
james/regulus, E, 1/9 chapters
Dead. James is dead. Huh. He’d sort of thought it would never happen. It makes sense, in a way, that it would be an accident. Something ridiculous. He had never been very careful, after all.
“Oh,” he says. He doesn’t really know what else to say. Dead.
“Yes, well,” says the woman behind the table. “Sorry for your loss, and all. Now we need to figure out what to do with you.”
She looks down at the form in her hand, reading over it with care. James waits, patient, while she turns page after page. Occasionally, she makes a little huffing noise and underlines something with her pen. It goes on like this for an eternity, until James can’t take it anymore.
“Sorry, just…what to do with me?” James says. “What do you mean, figure out what to do with me?”
“Up or Down, Mr. Potter,” she says, voice thin.
note: ok here is the very first chapter (sort of, it’s a prologue) of the fic i’ve been working on this year! this one has been such a labor of love and i am so grateful to everyone who has listened to me whine talk about it. so excited to post it all!!!
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thebekashow · 6 months
omg guys leaked spooky month screenshot/j
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a special someone came into town and well, the encounter wasn't pretty..
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the-quackeroos · 3 months
fun idea :0
ayo, so @thebunnylord had a dream last night about my human designs of Thomas and his friends in the movie The DaVinci Code and I thought I might make some movie parody drawings starring them. would anyone y'all be interested?
lemme know what you think! ^^
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