#demi djinn
devine-fem · 6 months
I wanted to talk about Damian’s sexuality.
That comes out weird, I know but this is prompted more so because I saw someone post about how he’s always been straight and op didn’t understand how people were so surprised when he started dating Nika. Then someone took a jab at Damijon + another person who said they didn’t understand the concept of Damian not understanding queerness.
I think that Damian doesn’t understand queerness but I’ll get into it toward the end of the post.
This will be put in two parts. One for Damian and how he feels about his sexuality and Damian’s internalized homophobia.
Let’s start with his canon love interest; Flatline. Flatline unlike his other attempted love interests was supposed to be taken seriously and didn’t suck. Compared to the others on this list, we should be rejoicing at Flatline.
Then this person used panels where it suggested that Damian had a sexual interest in a woman.
Almost every single person Damian has been interested in has been treated like a joke and not taken seriously. Some women are much too old for him and just awful picks.
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Katana… why… stop please. Another example of them only doing it as a joke. This is so weird considering she’s much older.
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Supergirl. Another joke. And much older.
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Djinn… I don’t even know why…
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Cassie Sandsmark… in a Earth, nice one Tom Taylor.
He has a couple more one off ones that weren’t taken seriously as well.
I know he got a cheek kiss from Emiko. He also dated Raven in an animation but I feel it was more a plot device. Also there are a lot of sexual jokes about Damian and I hate because he’s supposed to be ten by that time… there were some weird sexual impilcations when he teamed up with steph and I don’t know why writers do that instead of exploring the potential of their characters together and relationship…
Now let’s get into how Damian personally feels about his sexuality.
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He jabs at romance and the concept of it a lot.
In Robin 2021 he also was very against romance but it was more as a way to sheild himself from his feelings. The only real confirmation that Damian is attracted to woman is Nika. So thank you, Nika. Anything other than that is just comphet to me at least.
This is also why he’s hc as Aro, Ace or Demi because he literally shows no interest in romance and the only times he does it feels like the writer has forgotten his personality.
People don’t talk about that time Damian was kind of drugged/mind controlled and sexually assaulted… I’m not sure if people don’t perceive it that way but it seemed like SA to me.
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She’s much older than him. He’s a ten year old. The way she’s speaking… her being naked. Damian telling her he doesn’t like it. Him not being in his right frame of mind… it reads this way to me.
Listen, I don’t understand how you can interpret Damian as any sexuality anyway when he’s so young. Only when he’s thirteen/fourteen can it truly be explored.
Although, Damian saying he won’t/can’t feel that way also proves my case.
He’s never really shown a whole bunch of interest in anyone.
—— End of trigger.
Now for the internalized homophobia.
So, the arguement is “he’s too smart not to know about queer culture…” What? What part of not knowing about queer culture makes you stupid?
Damian grew up in a very controlled environment where he was taught how to survive, taught how to lead and how to feel. What part of his schedule would fit in learning about queerness?
Internalized homophobia is in no way a bad thing and personally, as others do as well, see it as another way to queer code because its something a lot of queer people experience. This doesn’t negate the attraction to woman by the way but that doesn’t mean Damian can’t be interpreted as some other type of queer.
There’s also people who like to negate and ignore this part of Damian’s character but… why? These moments are part of important comics with his character. Damian was young and didn’t know much about well, anything. If you’re not personally queer yourself then you have no real incentive to learn about queerness.
There’s nothing really wrong with it. Even if Damian used gay as more of an insult. I doubt he knew what being queer was outside of “When boy likes boy.”
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Also, he makes some comments often that come off… not the best.
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I still really don’t think its bad and can be interesting if explored.
This also coupled with his culture shock, probably adds to his confusion on certain cultures.
I mean, he doesn’t know all that much. He’s not exactly mister super genius when it comes to real life things as well.
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He doesn’t know what laffy taffy is… come on.
All this evidence doesn’t even matter anyway because it’s confirmed that when he does go to pride that knows literally nothing about it and has to be EXPLAINED by a friend about how it came about and how it works but people get so upset about that.
I don’t know what Damian’s sexuality could possibly be but I just don’t personally think he knows either and that has nothing to do with Damijon or any ship, but with canon.
I wanted to go more indepth to this but yeah, internalized homophobia Damian is very close to me.
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: great, unique and creative worldbuilding in fantasy books
A note: this is very much a subjective list. I typically do not care much for historical medieval-esque settings (though seeing as I'm a big critical role fan, obviously there are exceptions), but rather prefer settings that mix up historical and modern, fantastical and scientific, and make up entirely new things and societal structures not based on our world.
Other book rec posts:
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Mermaid books
Dark sapphic romances
Vampire books
Without further ado, let’s go!
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The Unspoken name by A.K. Larkwood
Honestly there's so much going on in this one worldbuilding-wise that it's kind of hard to explain. Portals, flying ships, orcs, elves, creepy snake gods, cults, immortal evil mages who traumatize teens as their hobby. It's also very queer!
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèli Clark
Set in an alternate 1910's steampunk Cairo, where djinn and other creatures (among other things, creepy steampunk angels) live alongside humans. We get to follow an investigator as she races to catch a criminal using a powerful object to control djinn and stir unrest. Fantastically creative and fresh, and also features a buddy cop dynamic between two female leads as well as a sapphic romance.
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Urban fantasy on a level of its own, where dangerous magic exists alongside humans. It keeps you guessing and much is left unexplained; if you want clear answers and explanations to everything you might be disappointed, but if you want a world that feels mysterious and dangerous and lived in you'll probably like it. It follows a baker who, after getting kidnapped by vampires, gets embroiled in a dangerous struggle.
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Radiant (Towers Trilogy) by Karina Sumner-Smith
A strange mix of fantasy, sci-fi and post apocalyptic, Radiant follows a girl without magic in a world where magic is currency. Those with much of it live in magically floating towers, while everyone else scrambles to survive in the ruins of an old city left devastated from an unknown cataclysm. The setting is creepy and mysterious and leaves me itching as I want to dig for more. Also there are ghosts.
Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence) by Max Gladstone
This is one of those books where you just kind of have to let go and go along as it throws you all over the place. I started reading it expecting an urban fantasy, but it is much more and wholly unique. It features a world where gods and magic are deeply enmeshed with society at large, and a base of much of its technology and progress. It doesn't quite feel historical, but also not modern, but rather like you took a fantastical world and let it develop naturally into its own contemporary era.
Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer duology) by Laini Taylor
One of my favorite things is when the mysteries of the world and how it works become part of the plot, with characters trying to figure out their own world. Strange the Dreamer is beautiful and complex and will hurt your heart. Personally I didn't care much for the central romance, but the wonderful characters, themes, mysteries and world make up for it.
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The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach
Like Three Parts Dead, The Dawnhounds is a book where you just kind of have to let the story and the world wash over you. It skirts the line of scifi and fantasy, with a futuristic world of environmentally friendly mushroom houses and deadly fungi bio weapons next to literally god-given superpowers and near-immortality. It's really cool and unlike anything else I've ever read. Bonus: it’s also sapphic!
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (Inheritance Trilogy) by N.K. Jemisin
Another example of a world that feels wholly like its own organically developed thing, with societal structures developed around the magical aspects and a presence of gods and demi-gods, many of whom walk the streets and will smite you if you piss them off.
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows series) by Kim Harrison
Okay, here we have an actual urban fantasy. While I got a bit worn out by the many, many love interests throughout the series, the worldbuilding is simply phenomenal and relies heavily on a well-developed alternate history. Basically, magical beings such as vampires, werewolves, elves, fairies, witches, etc, used to exist secretly alongside us, but when humanity delved into genetic research instead of the space race during the cold war, an engineered virus ended up wiping a good chunk of us out and the magical beings stepped in to stop us from going extinct. Now in the modern day, we co-exist but tensions remain. Our main character is a witch who, alongside her roommates (a vampire and a fairy) solve mysteries and crime and end up unveiling secrets about their world centuries in the making.
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Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Another urban fantasy, this one aimed at young adults and featuring indigenous mythology alongside creatures such as vampires and ghosts. We follow a young apache girl with the ability to raise ghosts as she works to solve the murder of her cousin.
Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor trilogy) by Mark Lawrence
Honestly, most of what I've read by Mark Lawrence so far could be featured on this list (special shoutout to his Broken Empire trilogy!). We follow a young girl training to become an assassin in a slowly dying world, where ice is overtaking the land and only a small band along its middle is habitable, kept alive by a mirror in the sky sharpening the dying sun's light. Question is, how long will this machine last, and what even is it? Very dark but very good.
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth trilogy) by N.K. Jemisin
Listen, N.K. Jemisin gets to have two books on this list, okay, she is very good at what she does. In a world regularly torn apart by natural disasters, a big one finally strikes and society as we know it falls, leaving people floundering to survive in a post apocalyptic world, its secrets and past to be slowly revealed. We get to follow a mother as she races through this world to find and save her missing daughter.
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The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
AKA the book the killed me. Two boys travel throughout their land with the body of a god as her horrible, horrible children try to hunt them down. It's hard to explain more than that, but trust me when I say the narrative voice and literary techniques are incredibly unique in how they blend past and present, reality and story, lead and bystander. Truly an experience. Bonus: gay romance!
Wild Seed by Octavia Butler
Master of slightly fucked up romance, Octavia Butler knocks it out of the park in this story featuring two immortals struggling throughout the centuries. What do you do when there is only one other person remotely like you, and you simultaneously can't stand them and can't live without them? Apparently, you turn yourself into a dolphin for a while.
Birth of the Fire Bringer by Meredith Ann Pierce
Cards on the table, it has been a great many years since I actually read this, and just as many years spent meaning to read the sequels (I have a lot of stuff on my tbr okay, don’t judge me), but I do remember it making a great impact on me back in the day. Our main character is a unicorn! Fighting wyverns and gryphons! How cool is that!
Bonus AKA I haven’t read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Surviving Sky by Kritika H. Rao
From Goodreads: This Hindu philosophy-inspired debut science fantasy follows a husband and wife racing to save their living city—and their troubled marriage—high above a jungle world besieged by cataclysmic storms.
High above a jungle-planet float the last refuges of humanity—plant-made civilizations held together by tradition, technology, and arcane science. In these living cities, architects are revered above anyone else. If not for their ability to psychically manipulate the architecture, the cities would plunge into the devastating earthrage storms below.
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
Urban fantasy but the vampires are aliens? Sign me the fuck up
The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee
From Goodreads: At the edge of the known world, an ancient nomadic tribe faces a new enemy-an Empire fueled by technology and war.
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soulsxng · 6 months
Was talking about this on disco, and decided to make a handy dandy little chart of Baphomet with his kiddos and soulmate, as well as their reincarnations, for funsies!
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Baphomet keeps his height the same no matter what form he's taking, so no matter what he was doomed to only have one figure, lol
Essryn was actually the shortest member of their family! Now that they were reincarnated as Poppy, the High Priestess of Metsan, and a Metsan fae, she's much smaller.
Kaine was really sickly in his first life, and thus his growth was somewhat stunted. Otherwise, he probably would have been close to Essryn's size! He's also considered fairly small in his reincarnation as Qamis, as the Orunsi are a race of demi-giants, essentially. Low-side average height for them is ~7ft tall.
Feriae doesn't have too much to note height-wise in her first form. As Simni, she's a djinn, so while she technically can vary her form as she pleases when she isn't in her full djinn form, the culture in Asedim usually pushes smaller heights. Considering a djinn in full form can be 10-15ft tall on average (with Simni being ~12ft in hers), it's probably because of maneuverability/space management.
Arilya doesn't really have any special notes for height in her first life, nor in their second life as Niesal. Pretty average height-wise for their family and species in both lifetimes!
Innis got his height from Essryn's side in his first life, and vastly outgrew literally everyone else in his immediate family by a good bit because of it! Now in his reincarnation as Zeqyabin...well, he's solar demon average. Baet has pouted about Zebi's height in both lives-- how dare he get so big so fast!
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xatsperesso · 2 years
So i made this, i hope it's correct:
Kalego (First Name) Naberius (Family Name) Dali (First Name) Dantalion (Family Name) Tsumuru (First Name) Murmur (Family Name) Ichou (First Name) Ipos (Family Name) Oswell (First Name) Orias (Family Name) Robin (First Name) Bars (Family Name) March (First Name) Marbas (Family Name) Eito (First Name) Djinn (Middle Name) Ifrit (Family Name) Suzy (First Name) Stellas (Family Name) Shichiro (First Name) Balam (Family Name) Blushenko (First Name) Buer (Family Name) [or it's the reverse? i'm not sure] Bachiko (FirstName) Barbatos (Family Name)
Thank you!!
I got mixed up in the last post so this should make it easier
@callmechito @demi-chaos i thought this might help you. It is much clearer than my post
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ourolite · 6 months
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𝔏ite 𝔏ore! the links below should apprise you of the intricate references, research, and definitions of ourolite's original characters. any queries or urgent messages may be directed to our ask box; we might inadvertently miss comment notifications or get to them a lil' late, so try this instead!
prelude: mentions all characters. may include homes, occupations, family, a few notable non-main characters, potential backstories or general history and possibly relationship notes, notable hobby info, race + ethnicity information (culture, languages, etc), relevant locales, pets, neighbors, ourolite original mythical creations, and canon events. many/most links are via Google docs, so please download the Google docs app for the best possible display and remain with a dark mode setting as you explore. if you're unable to do so at this time, no worries, but we do apologize for the iffy presentation! thanks for clicking, enjoy.
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♡ INDIGO ( maneki-neko! oc ) spider-kitty: spider-man au. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ ILLŪNIS ( rusalka! oc ) antisocial personality disorder research. deaf research. anomaly: spider-man au. cornus lamya: selenic shrine. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ FRANKINCENSE ( churel mother! oc ) schizophrenia research. dominican culture research. ___: modern occupation. abodes: various au’s antecedents.
♡ YASHMI-NOIR ( angel daughter! oc ) relationship with cookies. tree house. antecedents.
♥︎ XĪN’YUÈ ÀN ZHŌNG ( billionaire ceo! oc ) ànzhōng: universal business. maju + blumei: puppy daughters. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ CIRCE YUÈ'LI ( vampire! oc ) yìzé and babydoll: pet dogs. chinese and senegalese culture research. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♡ JIHANE MEILĖ ( metaphysician djinn! oc ) ___: universal shop. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ J'ŪLILI ANÉO LĀPAKI ( plutonian bunny! oc ) sao glace: selenic shrine. modern occupation(s). maxixe: pet polar bear cub. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♡ YÚYĪN ÀN ZHŌNG ( emhalo xipe’va! oc ) anomaly: spider-man au. xipe’va: mythical race (leman originated). abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♡ MÉLIOR VILLOSA ( amoisa xipe’va! oc ) kpop idol career: modern. tea: multiple personalities. xipe’va: mythical race (leman originated). abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♡ MAKA GALILHAI ( autistic swordsman! oc ) anomaly star-spider: spider-man au. japanese culture research. autism research. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ EUN BYEOL ( mute neptunian! oc ) selective mutism research. selenians: mythical race (neso originated). abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ ZOLENE IRENE ( demi-god! oc ) attention deficient hyperactivity disorder research. sun-spider: spider-man au. ___: food truck. ___: family restaurant. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
♥︎ TIDA-BITUIN MIYAGI ( blind prodigy! oc ) okinawan japanese research. blindness research + prodigy citations. abodes: various au’s. antecedents.
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⑅ leman productions. all rights fucking reserved, do not plagiarize.
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echonvoid · 1 year
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Happy pride y’all!! Have some skybound fanart for my au.
Essentially, most of the season is the same with only like 2 or 3 major changes.
1) Jay only saw the eyepatch and a small munchkin that turns out to be CJ (baby wu)
2) when they have that awkward sexist interview (w/ just cole, nya, and Jay) Cole actively came out as gay (he figures out the demi stuff later) to stop them from pestering nya about the love triangle, Jay fucking sneezes to interrupt and then asked her what taking on the preeminent single handedly and winning was like. They then answer all the sexist questions and shit (there’s some great fanfics about this that definitely inspired this; I’ll try to remember to link them somewhere) the reason they did this was because nya and Ronin had a talk with them (and dareth) after the whole commercial/make-up segment fiasco.
3) Jay’s parents (Ed and Edna; who fun fact are t4t and were both post op, so they couldn’t have biological kids) and culture growing up is heavily Persian/Pakistani inspired(bc the movie voice actor is from Pakistan im pretty sure). So he grew up hearing legends and tales about the djinn, and viewed them like fairytales or demigods. He had heard the tale of the vile Nadakhan the pirate king, but thought it was stupid to believe the stories were real. So he was more starstruck when he first saw nadakhan. And after being insecure about his financial status (mostly cuz he couldn’t afford to take his friends out to eat like that) it was easy for nadakhan to manipulate him into making the first wish that sent them down the same road as the og stories
4) Nadakhan kidnaps Jay instead of nya to be his bride, mostly cuz that’s who was grabbed, but also cuz Jay has stubbornly remained unbroken and he wanted to break him by being the reason he’s all powerful (or some shit like that)Either a cultural misunderstanding or bc he’s an asshole, nadakhan begins using feminine terms for Jay (she/her, and shit; his bigender awakening). The photo on the left has the wedding attire Jay wore.
5) god there was more of these than I thought. Anywhoodle, time doesn’t reverse, bc Jay is able to be hit with the venom and be fine (well ok he was feverish and sick for a couple days, but the Serpentine blood in his veins meant he was immune to most poisons). He wishes nadakhan to be mortal, and in the process is cursed by nadakhan to never die *and* to watch his loved ones die over and over again.
Hmmm…. I swear there was more I wanted to say, but for the life of me I can’t remember
Oh well 🤷
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myhiraeth · 1 year
name:   cerci linore london
alias(es): cers, cece (rarely), little spider, little raven 
gender: cis - female
age: mid-twenties to late-twenties   
birthday:  october 31 (scorpio) 
place of Birth:  blackpool, england
spoken Language(s):  english, arabic, intermediate russian, intermediate french, some turkish
sexual Preference: demi-sexual / romantic (with a lean to hetero)
occupation(s): “consultant”, “p.i.”, “broker”, “acquisitions” 
eye color:  dark brown, black in some lights & when she’s really peeved  
hair color:  dark brown 
height: 5′3″
major scars: belt scars and welts covering back and sides, 
color:   emerald slytherin green.
song:   Sonata No. 14 “Moonlight” in C-Sharp Minor
food:    n/a
drink:  tea 
passed university:  verse dependent (mainverse = yes) 
had sex: verse dependent, generally no 
had sex in public: no.
gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: no.
kissed a boy: yes.
kissed a girl: no. 
gotten tattoos: no.
gotten piercings:  no.
been in love: no. 
stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes. 
a virgin: verse dependent, generally yes. 
a cuddler: depends  on  the  person.
a kisser:  yes.
scared easily:  no, but she’ll have you thinking she is 
jealous easily: yes.
trustworthy: technically yes. but she’s like a genie/djinn/jinn, you gotta be specific about what you’re asking.
dominant: she can be if she feels safe.
submissive:  generally yes. 
in love: depends on the verse but generally no.
single:  verse  dependent.
have they harmed themselves:  no.
thought of suicide: yes.
attempted suicide: no.
wanted to kill someone:  yes, and she’s gone through with it in some cases
have/had a job: yes.
have any fears:  yes, she absolutely does but none she’ll admit.
sibling(s):  none.
parent(s):  carter london and linore london 
children:  none,  unless  plotted.
significant other:  verse  dependent.
pet(s):  none. 
tagged from: @noblehcart 
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sadpandareads · 3 months
Book with LGBTQIA’s that’s I love. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2024
Cemetery boys Aiden Thomas (Tran mmc) ya
The sunbearer trails Aiden Thomas (Tran mmc) ya
Flip the script lyla lee ( sapphic) ya
Indivisible Daniel Aleman (gay mmc) ya
Perfect on paper Sophie Gonzales ( bi female ) ya
The city beautiful Aden polydoros (m|m) ya
The deeper water ft likens (m|m) ya
Dark and hollow stars (this is a series) Ashley shuttleworth (LGBTQIA’s) ya
Darius the great is not okay adib khorram (gay mmc) ya
The lesbiana’s guide to catholic school Sonora Reyes (f|f) ya
Hani and ishu guide to fake dating adiba jaigirdar (bi f|f) ya
Ace of spade Faridah abike iyimide (gay mmc,lesbian fmc )ya
Hell followed with us Andrew Joseph white (Tran mmc) ya
The spirit bare its teeth Andrew Joseph white (Tran fmc)ya
A master of djinn p.djeli Clark (sapphic) adult
A marvelous light freya marske (this is a series first one m|m second is f|f and third is m/m) adut
The fifth season N.k jemisin (lgbtq)adult
The jasmine throne Tasha Suri (f|f) adult
The witch’s heart Genevieve gornichec (bi fmc ) adult
A lady for a duke Alexis hall ( Tran fmc) adult
Teacher of the year M.A Wardell (m|m) adult
The charm offensive Alison cochrun (gay mmc,demi sexual mmc)adult
Kiss her once for me Alison cochrun (demi sexual fmc, sapphic) adult
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unveilhq · 7 months
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congratulations on your acceptance, m & angel ! please make sure you check the next steps here
michele morrone, bisexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that matteo ruggiari? i’ve seen them hanging out with the djinns. i hear they’re 643, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 50 years. they seem to be calculating & charming, but also deceitful & manipulative.
can yaman, homosexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that bakir mataracı? i’ve seen them hanging out with the gorgons. i hear they’re 894, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 5 years. they seem to be considerate & sweet, but also guarded & enigmatic.
michael b. jordan, homosexual, cis male & he/him → isn’t that zane buchert? i’ve seen them hanging out with the harpies. i hear they’re 38, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 7 years. they seem to be good-natured & hard-working, but also finicky & restless.
ronen rubenstein, pansexual , demi male + he/they → isn’t that malachi “mal” edelman? i’ve seen them hanging out with the heretics. i hear they're 31, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 weeks. they seem to be ebullient & ambitious, but also materialistic & self-centered. it’s cool that they’re capable of technopathy & telekinesis!
eric dane, homosexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that karl vaughn? i’ve seen them hanging out with the humans. i hear they're 49, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 25 years. they seem to be urbane & tasteful, but also stubborn & boastful. they are heightened!
avan jogia, pansexual, trans male + he/him → isn’t that rahim shah? i’ve seen them hanging out with the maenads. i hear they’re 261 but they’ve only been in alexandria for 20 years. they seem to be easy-tempered & calm, but also carefree & indulgent.
lucien laviscount, pansexual, cis male, he/him → isn’t that uriel nardone? i’ve seen them hanging out with the nephilims. i hear they’re 341, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 5 years. they seem to be friendly & perceptive, but also vain & hedonistic.
taylor zakar perez, pansexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that gabriel espinoza? i’ve seen them hanging out with the sirens. i hear they’re 78, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 6 months. they seem to be confident & charismatic, but also distrusting & vengeful.
miguel angel silvestre, homosexual, trans male + he/him → isn’t that niall aelfric? i’ve seen them hanging out with the fairies. i hear they’re 350, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 129 years. they seem to be headstrong & determined, but also reserved & stubborn. it’s cool that they’re capable of floral magic with curses!
idris elba, demisexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that omar nadeau? i’ve seen them hanging out with the witches. i hear they're 59, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 5 years. they seem to be knowledgeable & courteous, but also aloof & resentful. it’s cool that they’re capable of geokinesis, astral projection, intangibility, and teleportation!
raymond ablack, pansexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that bodhi chandra? i’ve seen them hanging out with the vampires. i hear they're 248, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 43 years. they seem to be benevolent & thoughtful, but also critical & self-loathing.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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Spooky season is fast approaching...what haunts will you bring to Swynlake just in time?
Hector Rivera (Hector Rivera, Coco) - You’ve got a bone to pick…or two. Question is, with who? Will you ever find out who murdered you and make amends with your family?
Jack Skellington (Jack Skellington, Nightmare Before Christmas) - Your “gift” has felt like anything but a gift your entire life. You cannot learn to love it, you refuse to. Can you manage to suppress it or will it prove to be forever part of you?
Djinn Roshan (Genie, Aladdin) - 3000 yeeeeears can give you such a crick in the neck! You imagine, anyway. Contrary to popular myth, you aren’t kept in a bottle. Rather, inside a human host. You yearn for freedom. to be done with serving human’s wishes, but is it written in your fate?
Moonwind Stardancer (Moonwind Stardancer, Soul) - Ghosts and ghouls deserve love too! That’s the Moonwind Stardancer approach to being a medium. You see your gift as a higher calling to help lost souls find their way to the next realm. Is this your true calling or do you just think you know better than the spirits you help?
Demitri “Demi” Whitfield (Demi, Vampirina) - Talk about a big oops. After causing and accident that led to your death, you are revenant, kept corporeal by one thing and one thing only – absorbing satisfaction! That’s right, you must be a people pleaser or else you literally will blink in and out of existence. Fun!
Auguste Gusteau (Auguste Gusteau, Ratatouille) - There are worse emotions to have to mine in order to maintain corporeal form, though maybe you could’ve done without it being so specific. As a revenant you are able to exist if people enjoy your recipes! You’ve come to Sywnlake in hopes of repairing your tarnished reputation, as a restaurant here is using your recipes.
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painisaliar · 2 years
j’ai encore ouvert mon ventre, je sais le faire. j’ai soigneusement peint l’autel sur lequel je t’ai placé. tu as pris vie et tu as enfoncé dans mes cuisses une aiguille, auquelle était attachée une cime de montagne. j’ai appliqué sur toi le divin et j’y ai cédé, courtisan colérique, je veux donner naissance à ton demi dieu d’enfant. Muruga tu t’appelles, c’est ton nom dans mon ventre. c’est ton nom sur le char qui te mène à la mort et c’est ton nom dans mon lit quand tu me mènes au sacrifice. les alcôves du monde sans Sacré ressemblent à s’y méprendre aux tiroirs de la morgue.
je crois que j’ai peur d’avoir essayé d’absorber ton sacré, par jalousie peut-être ? tu as fais de même avec mon profane, ne mens pas. ne prétend pas que ta lumière vaut mieux que mon ombre. la lame de rasoir sur laquelle nous avons construit les fondations de notre amour n’a cessée d’être aiguisée. les braises soigneusement préparées, la corne sous nos pieds en sera témoin. allonge moi sur elles : cela sera toujours moins douloureux que ton silence.
tu me visites la nuit. ce sont désormais les seuls moments où l’on se parle encore. je me réveille en pleurant, ce n’est pas toi la nuit, c’est un autre être, il a pourtant ton nom et il a ta voix. 
indubitablement, ton départ a donné naissance à un Djinn, assis sur ma poitrine quand je fermes les yeux. 
c’est toi et ce n’est pas toi.
c’est en grande partie moi, all over again, mais c’est aussi toi.
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whatlandremembers · 2 years
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Perdantes de la Grande Guerre, dommages collatéraux, victimes des batailles, toutes ses races sont désormais moindres. On ne trouve ces peuples qu'en petit nombre et ils ne pèsent que peu dans la balance politique. Contrairement aux trois Grandes, les peuples mineurs sont de nos jours des demies-races. Mélangées aux trois grandes pour survivre, tous ont perdu beaucoup de leurs caractéristiques physiques et magiques d'antan. Petit à petit ces races sont devenues humanoïdes. Les mineures sont moins présentes sur le forum. Le nombre de personnage sera donc limité. 
Au début des temps, les nymphes pouvaient être vues dans tout Valarya. A chaque cours d'eau, forets, plaines, montagnes, si vous tendiez l'oreille, vous auriez pu entendre leurs rires et leurs chants. Habitantes de la Nature, elles furent réveillées de leur sommeil profond par les elfes charmés par leur beauté. Ressemblant à de jeunes femmes pleines de vie, les nymphes vivaient généralement en petit groupe (4 ou 5 nymphes) dans des oasis de verdure cachés des regards. Les nymphes offraient protection aux jeunes femmes de tous les peuples et bénissaient les fiancés. Vivant principalement de cueillette ou de dons des autres peuples, elles étaient appréciées de tous les peuples, inoffensives, les nymphes avaient néanmoins la réputation d'êtres naïves. Si les forêts sont abattues, les cours d'eau pollués les nymphes en souffrent et finissent par dépérir. C'est ce qui se passa lors de la Grande Guerre. Chaque clan fit de l'habitat des nymphes un champ de bataille. Et alors que l'enjeu de la domination de Valarya se jouait entre l'Alliance et les Orcs, aucun de deux clans ne prêta attention aux complaintes de douleurs de ces êtres. Elles périrent les unes après les autres, tantôt sous les coups des uns, tantôt sous les coups des autres. 
DE NOS JOURS. Aujourd'hui, les nymphes ne sont plus qu'une poignée et n'ont plus rien à voir avec celles de l'ancien temps. Diminuées et affaiblies par cette guerre, elles ne communiquent plus autant avec la Nature, ni avec la Magie. Une bonne partie des nymphes se trouvent à Eredhel où leurs chants enchantent les jardins de la capitale. Elles s'occupent parfois des accouchements ou officient les mariages, gardant un lien puissant avec les jeunes femmes de chaque peuple. 
CHARME. Les nymphes possèdent une aura bienveillante qui leur donne un avantage indéniable, chaque peuple semble adorer les nymphes, leur beauté et parfois même, semble croire tout ce qui peut sortir de leur bouche. Certains médisants pourraient même dire qu'elles savent influencer les plus faibles d'esprit. 
MAIN VERTE. Les nymphes ont toujours eu une appétence particulière pour s'occuper la flore de Valarya. Auparavant, lors du printemps elles faisaient facilement naitre des bourgeons, éclore des fleurs et pousser certains arbres. Aujourd'hui, c'est leur aura qui semble plaire particulièrement à la végétation et certains de leur chant pourraient avoir un effet plus puissant que l'engrais.   
nota bene : Toutes les nymphes sont nées assignées fille à la naissance. Si une nymphe accouche d'un enfant assigné fille, l'enfant sera nymphe, tandis que l'enfant assigné garçon aura les caractéristiques du peuple du paternel. Cependant, pour les persos nymphes tous les genres peuvent être joués.
Les djinns étaient un peuple simple mais puissant. Chaque clan djinn vivait au loin des autres peuples de Valarya et entretenait des relations relativement pacifiques avec tous. Pourtant l’avènement du dragon Laballion changea la donne. Lorsque le dragon arriva sur les terres de l'Est en ravageant cultures, élevages, il massacra également les djinns osant combattre contre lui. Les flammes maitrisées par ce peuple n'eurent aucun effet sur le Dragon, alors que le feu du monstre brûlait attrocement les djinns, pourtant insensibles à la chaleur. Les djinns envoyèrent de nombreux émissaires auprès des autres peuples pour demander de l'aide. Personne n'y répondit.  Ils durent donc, pendant plusieurs centaines d'années, subir le lourd tribut imposé par le dragon : de l'or pour son trésor caché au coeur d'un des canyons de l'ouest, bêtes et parfois jeunes gens pour son appétit insatiable.  Ils ne prirent pas part à la Grande Guerre en temps que peuple, cependant, de nombreux jeunes djinns rejoignirent les rangs de la Grande Alliance individuellement. 
DE NOS JOURS. Les djinns sont aujourd'hui une race rare. Ses membres sont scindés en deux groupes : à l'est au sein de leur ville native, une cité troglodyte nichée au sein du désert, et l'autre à Eredhel. Leur capacité apyre les rend très appréciables dans la capitale technologique. Elle est très recherchée dans les forges et les ateliers. 
FEU. Leur pyrotechnie s'est désormais transformée en une simple aptitude à ne pas sentir la morsure de celui-ci. Certains semblent pourtant avoir conservé la capacité de maitriser le feu (le créer, l'éteindre et le diriger), mais ils sont assez rares. Leurs pouvoirs ont diminué avec leur nombre. 
MIMETISME. Avant la Grande Guerre tous les djinns pouvaient devenir invisibles, désormais c'est du simple mimétisme. Ils parviennent à se fondre dans leur environnement comme des caméléons. Mais ils sont toujours repérables si on y prête attention.
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Richard Dryden
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Architect
Species: Demi-Djinn
Personality: Smart, Driven, Friendly, Slightly twisted sense of humour. Not afraid of using his powers to suit himself, Doesn’t like to physically harm others however. 
Background: Richard was raised by his human mother and it wasn’t until he was a teenager that his father came to find him. By then, Richard was firmly entrenched in the lad of mortals and whilst he learnt how to use his powers from his father, he refused to join him and use them to harm others. His powers are much weaker than a full Djinn, but in return he doesn’t have to feed off human blood to survive.
Richard does use his powers at work though. He accesses people’s desires on what they want most in a house and builds them exactly what they want, making himself a lot of money in the process. 
Powers: Can tell someone’s deepest desires; Can cause mild hallucinations although they don’t last long; Can dreamwalk through other’s dreams
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Malachy Flynn - drinking buddies; Luke Feroleto - designed and built Luke’s house; Ava Porter-Mitchell - has used Ava as photographer at some houses; Jeremiah Burrill - Jeremiah was his surgeon after a car crash; Alice Crompton - has worked for her coven before now.
FC: Dean O’Gorman
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thewizardcouncil · 2 years
Application Form to Be an Evil Wizard. Please file to your local plane, it will arrive at the city of towers as appropriate
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Text Only Version:
APPLICATION FORM TO BE AN EVIL MAGIC USER (Colloquially known as evil wizard)
Form A1-B1893-C.59.(p)
SECTION 1: Basic Information
NAME (Last, First, Middle, True, Draconic, Wizard)
AGE (if unknown place general epoch of birth)
(See Note A)
Archmage ☐
Artifice ☐
Angel ☐
Angel (Fallen) ☐
Aboleth ☐
Bard ☐
Book (item of power)☐
Demi-Lich ☐
Devine (Holy)☐
Devine (Unholy) ☐
Diet-Lich ☐
Diet-Djinn ☐
Djinn ☐
Head Mage ☐
Hedge Mage ☐
Lich ☐
Mage ☐
Old One ☐
Other ☐
Sorcerer ☐
Warlock ☐
must be preapproved by patron; Clause 1-A: If not  preapproved by specific patron you accept the wizard council as your patron  and shall abide by the laws of magic created by this Pact (to be discussed in  detail at a later time) by checking the box above you are agreeing tacitly  that this box, uncheck or not without the express written consent of your  patron pre-filed to the wizard council. By checking the box at the end, you  are assuring that you agree that the wizard council is to be your new patron  regardless, by leaving the box at the end unchecked you are giving the wizard  council full wherewithal to contact or arraign your specific patron for  questioning, counseling, capturing, contract transferal, or other power attainment  at the cost of, but not limited to, your own magical abilities.
Warlocks Only->☐
Wizard ☐
Reason For  Evil Wizardry (select all that apply):
I am    choosing to be unaffiliated with the wizard council
I am filing    for an enchanted land that falls within the evil wizard category
I am compelled    by prophecy to duel a known chosen one and so must abide by my destiny
My Patron has    compelled me to fill out this form as punishment/reward for not listening/listening    to him/her/them/it
I am    seeking vengeance via magical means
I am filing    this form out of spite
I give off    evil wizard vibes
I am    attempting to gain unlimited power and none shall stand in my way
Assigned    Evil at Salem
Late-Stage    Capitalism
NOTE A: Not all Magic Types or sources of magic  are fully categorized upon this list. Select the one that is closest to your  source of magic. If you have multiple sources of Magic refer to Note B:
  NOTE B: Select the most powerful source of your  magic, and check the multi-magic source box in Section 3
Section 2-a:  Preliminary approval to the wizarding council: Perform Standard Magical  Interview B17-A and check the boxes below as appropriate.
1.        Is the wizard in question sufficiently evil (see evil as defined in standard magical interview 1A)  
(Y ☐ N ☐)
2.        Will their evil (through  action or inaction) specifically negatively affect the wizard council?          
(Y ☐ N ☐)
  (Continued on Following  Sheet)
 3.        Are they currently engaged in an epic battle  of good and evil?                                                  
(Y ☐ N ☐)
a.        If question 3 was  marked Y, are they on the side of evil in said battle?
                                (Y ☐ N ☐)
4.        Does their magic, magical items, or other  abilities warrant a threat to the planet/plane/multiverse
(Y ☐ N ☐)
5.        Do they have an evil familiar magical or  otherwise (including but not limited to hench persons)?       (Y ☐ N ☐)
Evaluator’s  additional comments:  ____________________________________________________________
Final Review
To Be Filled out  By Applicant After Interview within Section 2-A
Were you  determined to be a multi-magical source entity by the evaluation performed in  Section 2-A?
(Y ☐ N ☐)
The following  Checkbox asserts that I agree with the assessment that I am a multi-magical  source entity and all sources of magic have been identified ☐ (leave blank  if otherwise)
At any point  were you determined to have a planes-walker spark? (Y ☐ N ☐)
Are you still  intending to be an evil wizard after being informed by an authorized  competent person performing a magical interview? (Y ☐ N ☐)
(Check All Boxes)
☐ I hereby certify that despite my affiliation  as an evil wizard I will take no action against the wizard council
☐ I hereby certify that any additional  councils that I may create or be involved in will either be subservient to  the council that created and tracks this form, or, will take no action to undermine,  overthrow, or otherwise negatively affect, or effect, the aforementioned  council.
☐I  hereby affirm that I never have been or intend to be a member of the wizard  council that created this form.
☐I  affirm that any minions/familiars/homunculi/golems or other sentient or  semi-sentient creatures that I create will not take negative action against  the aforementioned council.
☐I affirm that any action that may reflect  negatively or be directly against council action will either be on a plane  the council has deemed acceptable to perform said action or, or will be  contained within a demi-plane
 Sign Here with True Name  ____________________________________________________________________
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metamatronic · 3 years
Can you list what cryptids are for each character so we don't overlap ideas?
oh boy here we go—
Makoto: Human (Lucky Student = Human)
Sayaka: Siren (for obvious reasons)
Leon: Kitsune (the idea of leon having any semblance of responsibility with his wish-granting is laughable also red hair)
Chihiro: Vampire (mostly for the joke of Chihiro not acting at all like a vampire, but also was the one who turned chiaki)
Taka: Mothman (this is not my idea, full credit to @monikamarkovova, but the poor boy just wants order because his very presence causes chaos i cant—)
Hifumi: Cherub (they took his arrows away and now when he makes weird comments about shipping people he just comes off as a creep)
Celeste: Gorgon (those drills are in fact snakes and you should be afraid)
Sakura: Genie/Djinn (very buff lady just wants to help)
Aoi: Fishperson (self-explanatory)
Toko: Possessed??? Person?? (i don’t have an explanation for this other than maybe the ghost of a serial killer possessed her. i legit googled ‘is jeff the killer a cryptid’ trying to figure this out.)
Byakuya: Demon (“you fools are all running around, tethered to this earth by your petty grudges. meanwhile, i was sent from hell. i am so far above you”.)
Hiro: Banshee (Can predict the future and also screams a lot. Hiro does not know he’s a ghost and for the sake of everyone here do not tell him)
Kyoko: Death Herself (can hear the footsteps of death my ass. ultimate detective because she has witnessed literally every murder ever.)
Mukuro: ???? (maybe some sort of wolf something something Fenrir)
Junko: Wraith (feeds off despair obvs)
Hajime: Formerly human, now a demi-god, maybe? (the reserve students are all human, Hajime may have just gotten wrapped up in something)
Nagito: Human, surprisingly.
Chiaki: Vampire (turned but Chihiro)
Teruteru: Satyr (cause he’s horny, subscribes to dionysus, likes food and debauchery)
Ultimate Imposter: Mimic (again i feel no need to explain)
Mahiru: Yuki-Onna (cause. cause you freeze for the camera. help.)
Peko: Golem (created by Kuzuryu clan to protect Fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko is insistent that she had free will because of course he does this is their entire dynamic.)
Ibuki: ???
Hiyoko: Pixie (here to cause mischief and steal names probably)
Mikan: Succubus (ok i know this is terrible but here me out. mikan is an asexual succubus. she does not want to sleep with you. please stop assuming she does.)
Nekomaru: i’m looking at my notes and i just wrote ‘robot?’ so maybe i don’t have anything for him yet
Gundham: Bakeneko (i think i’ve made this abundantly clear at this point)
Kazuichi: Dryad (I really drew a blank with this boy but like. he wants to fly by gets motion sick so maybe he’s??? a tree?? i don’t know kazutreechi)
Fuyuhiko: Zombie (OKAY I CAME UP WITH THIS A 2Am BUT fuyuhiko dies and peko is mortified so she learns necromancy just to bring him back. she’s like “oh my god young master i’m so sorry i’ve turned you into a monster” meanwhile fuyuhiko’s like “NO THIS IS GOOD WE’RE EVEN NOW PLEASE STOP REVERING ME”)
Akane: i got nothin
Sonia: no clue woops
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lisea18 · 3 years
Djinn’s eyes chapter 21
They die by each other’s swords. Many times. Until Yusuf offers his hand. Yusuf wants to go back home, to his loved ones. Nicolò follows. How do Yusuf and Nicolò start traveling together and communicating? How do they learn about each other, their personality, their past? How do they become friends before feelings that shouldn’t be born between ex enemies start to bloom? How do they deal with immortality and what it entails? Slowly, with pining, tears and laughter.
Now updates on Friday evening GMT+1 at least for now (40 chapters done, working on the rest and finally seeing the end lol)
Rated : E 
Tags and Warnings : enemy to lover, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, slow burn, SLOW BURN, pining, devotion, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, humor, at least I hope lol, Religious Conflict/Guilt, touch-starved, smut, first time, top!Joe, bottom!Nicky, Service Top Joe, virgin Nicky, frotting, handjob, penetrative sex, porn with feelings, racism, homophobia, mention of pedophilia from a priest (not on Nicky), Canon-Typical Violence, demi-sexual!Nicky
Reblogs are appreciated :)
And reviews keep me going <3
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