#dementus x you
ughdontbeboring · 4 days
Chris Hemsworth has been on my tv screen for 40 second as dr dementus & I am already here looking for some good fics 👀🤤😮‍💨
why am I like this 😅
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please drop yall recs 😘
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dailyflicks · 3 months
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FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA (2024) — dir. George Miller
The Guardian of Gastown, before he is alerted to Dementus’s approach, is in the midst of painting a large mural of John William Waterhouse’s breathtaking canvas Hylas and the Nymphs (1896). [...] As was the English painter’s practice, Waterhouse created the work after a Greek and Roman myth, in this case that of Hylas being lured by Naiads. The youth was a companion of Hercules and joined him on the Argo vessel on his quest to find the Golden Fleece. Along the way, Hylas was sent to fetch fresh water, encountered the nymphs, and never returned. But just like Waterhouse’s work, Miller’s Furiosa takes its cue from myth—albeit one of the filmmaker’s own making. The movie is dotted throughout with ancient Green and Roman touches, from Dementus’s motorcycle-driven “chariot” to the Trojan Horse-style attack on Gastown. Much like Hylas, the warlord’s fate is also shrouded in mystery.   Above all is Furiosa’s own story, her emergence as a hero framed as the stuff of legends. “This is our destiny,” Dementus tells Furiosa at one point. “Do you have it in you to make it epic?" [x]
[id in alt]
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seeds-and-sins · 4 months
Broken Shells
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Pairing: Dementus x Original Female Character (Immortan's Daughter)
Rating: E (SMUT, very dirty and steamy)
Description: Dementus becomes desperately infatuated with Immortan Joe's only daughter.
"Mmm." Her head was throbbing, eyes crusted together with dried up sand. Her chest rose and fell, nostrils flaring as her steady breathing grew heavier with each inhale. Her blue eyes fluttered open, blurry vision taking in the foreign objects around her. Her body thrummed alive, fingers twitching, she brought her hand to her forehead with a groan.
"There she is. I told you I didn't hit her that hard." She snapped her head in the direction of the voice, too fast, a dizziness overwhelmed her and she had to close her eyes again.
"Maybe we should have tied her up, ya'know? She seems kind of deadly."
"Deadly? She's the daughter of the Immortan. 'Course she's deadly." Persephone shook her head, then in a burst of strength sat upright. Her leathers squeaked against the fabric of the couch beneath her, the heels of her boots thudding against the concrete floor as she swung her legs over the edge.
"Oh boy! We shouldn't had done this."
"Will you shut it?! Go outside. Give us some privacy." Rapid boot falls dissipated into nothing, followed by the slamming of a door Persephone groaned again, cupping her forehead. There was a pain between her eyes and if she concentrated hard enough she could feel the exact spot where an object had been thrown down onto the back of her skull.
"Jesus, fuck. What did'ya do to me?"
"Oh come on, don't be so sour. You wouldn't have come with us if I had asked ya'." Her eyes opened again, she slouched. She figured it must had been him: Dementus, the man that her father now despised with all his being. Persephone crossed her arms, pursing her lips.
"You're really an idiot." She huffed, eyelids fluttering as her vision faded in and out, her head dropped slightly to the side.
"Who? Me? How so?" Dementus raised a brow at her, completely oblivious to the mess he had just made for himself.
"You get the best deal possible with my father. But as you're leaving, you kidnap me." Persephone crossed her arms, then her legs at the ankle. This wasn't the first time she had been kidnapped and she was certain it wouldn't be the last. Although more often than not, she always fought her way out of these situations. Her father never really had to actually come and rescue her. She supposed it would be the same song and dance all over again.
"It's not a kidnapping if I bring ya' back." He snorted, pointing a finger at nothing in particular and then winking at her.
"No. It's still a kidnapping. You took me without consent, dumbass."
"You're an awfully smart gal." He stood up, stretching his arms toward the ceiling. "Can I interest ya' in a drink o'something? I don't know where anything is at the moment," He giggled as if he was telling a joke, "but I'm sure I can figure it out." A voice at the back of Persephone's mind told her that yes, she did know where they were and she knew exactly where everything was, giving her the distinct advantage. She was surprised that Dementus hadn't ransacked the Gas town tower after capturing its now deceased former resident, but then again he wasn't the smartest bulb in the bunch, now was he?
"Look," Without hesitation, Dementus began aggressively searching every cabinet, cupboard, container he could get his hands on. "I don't think you've realized what you've done." Persephone hid a flinch when he tossed a metal container over his shoulder, in her direction. "Once my father sees that I am missing, he is going to come after you."
"I'm counting on it." He raised a bottle of brown liquid. "Here we go! Hope it's not engine oil." He chuckled again, stumbling back to Persephone, her neck craned away from him when he came too close. "And when he shows up, I'll just pop ya' back out at the front gates." He uncorked the bottle, then tested a sniff with a scrunched up face, humming his approval. "Whiskey! Didn't even know they had that anymore. Won't last long I bet. Want some?"
"What do you want?" His arm dropped and he fell into the couch across from her with a hard thud, arms dangling between his legs.
"Well." He paused, licking his lips, then lounging back and crossing his legs. He held the bottle of whiskey in the pit of his palm, held eye contact with her as he downed a swig. "There is no easy way for me to say this." Persephone's silver brow raised, she blinked her eyes at him, clearly not impressed. "I thought that maybe..." He waved his hand. "We had a connection." Persephone ducked her head into her hand, exhaling a disgruntled sigh. Dementus stayed still, eyes shifted around anxiously. "I'm just saying, you're beautiful and I'm stunning, why wouldn't we be attracted to each other."
"Stunning isn't quite the word I would use to describe you." Dementus winced at that, his free hand running over his beard.
"Now that's not a very nice thing to say."
"I'm not a nice person."
"And that is why I love you." He took another swig of the whiskey, then extended it to her once more. "Come now. Don't you want to have a little fun? Let loose?" Persephone eyed the bottle with a reluctant glare. "You seemed all locked away up there." Was it that obvious that her life was miserable? Every day she woke up to the same monotonous routine. Even her eldest brother, Scabrous, was growing antsy over it.
Before Dementus came, roaring in with a Biker Horde at his tail, things had been quiet for years. And all their father cared about was siring a full-life heir. Persephone had long ago given up the notion of impressing her father. From the time she could walk, she was being trained in the ways of the wasteland, in all manner of fighting styles, in all manner of weapons and mechanical skills. By the time she was a teenager, she had conquered entire regions, coming back with the severed heads of her father's foes. Not once did he break his stoic expression, not once to admire her or tell her that she was awaited.
Persephone was resentful over the fact that if she was a male, maybe her father would care for her differently. She had done everything right, would do everything right. She was clearly smart and tactical and strong and fierce, but because she was female none of that mattered. It didn't matter that she was a full-life, free of complication. It didn't matter that she would make a better leader than any of her brothers. When she entered his chamber, he didn't even so much as glance at her anymore. She knew that her very presence was a nuisance to him.
She needed something to distract herself from this imprisoned lifestyle. War was the only thing that soothed her thoughts. To be in a battlefield, to taste and smell the gasoline in the air, to feel the wind in her face and fire at her back. So when Dementus arrived, of course, her brothers and her were quick to jump to the plate. But the Immortan was ever so resourceful, he made no move that wasn't necessary and that didn't benefit him. A war was not in his best interests at the moment.
"Or did I guess wrong? Because if I did-"
"My father isn't going to trade anything with you for my life. I'm just not that important." Persephone stated in a monotone voice, attempting to hide the hurt that came from making such a statement. But it was the truth. Even as a little girl, when she ran to her father and hugged his leg, he did nothing more than pat her on the top of her head.
"Family Issues?" Dementus nodded, "Yeah, I understand that. Although mine is sort of a found family thing-"
"So you brought me here to fuck?" She hissed, growing tired of this round about way of conversation. Dementus seemed not quite all there. And she didn't blame him for it, he was out in the wastelands for who knew how long. She just found it annoying when people didn't act the way she wanted them to, a product of being her father's daughter. Dementus' eyes widened, he wasn't expecting her to be so forward. He was trying hard to beat around the bush on this.
"Yeah. I did." Persephone rolled her eyes, staring off for a moment in thought. She hadn't had a good lay in a while. Last time was about six years ago, with one of the Imperators, and she was just trying to get her father's attention at the time. She eventually did, but not in the way she wanted. The Immortan only warned her not to get pregnant, it would have been an embarrassment for him.
"Very well. Drop your pants." Dementus sputtered to find words in his shock. Persephone stood up and began undoing the many latches on her black cargo pants.
"Wait! What?! What's going on?"
"If you want to fuck me, take your goddamned pants off." She stepped closer, snatching the bottle of whiskey from his hand and bringing it to her lips for a sip. She sloshed the burning liquid in her mouth before taking a huge gulp, then placed it on the nearby end table.
"Yes, ma'am!" He hurriedly unbuckled his pants, having to remove various chains before finally loosening them enough to shimmy the clothing down his legs. An amused grin cracked Persephone's stoic exterior. She kicked her boots off to easily kick her pants away. Her lower half bare to him completely. "Don't you think it would be better if we had nothing on altogether?" He matched her grin, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Stop talking..." Her hand cupped his cheek as she stood over him. "Or I'll change my mind." Her eyes followed the plains of hard muscle that were his chest, a bed of thin chest hairs traveling down his taut stomach. At the end of the trail, his semi-hard cock was rested against him. "When was the last time you did something like this I wonder?" She teased, climbing onto his lap, Dementus' body wracked with a shiver that made him groan. His hands lifted to her hips and she swiftly slapped them away.
"Hey-" He protested, his lips closed with a pop when her finger pressed to them. She smirked, that same finger caressing down the length of his beard. "Not long at all." Her fingers wrapped around his beard and tugged, he growled.
"Not what you're supposed to say."
"What am I supposed to say then?"
"Oh," Her voice took a deeper tone to mock his own. "It's been so long, Persephone. I crave you." He flashed his yellow teeth, he brushed a few loose strands of blonde hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear.
"Do you want me to say that? Because I can say that."
"No. Don't say that." She laughed, her palms flattened against his chest. Eyes flicking between the pads of muscle beneath her fingertips and his expectant gaze. "How does a man get enough protein to even look like you?"
"I eat people." He plainly said, her nose twitched in disgust, but it was brief.
"So you're a cannibal?"
"Yes-well-No," He cocked his head from side to side. "When the need arises, I should say."
"So you're a cannibal?" She repeated, knowing the answer already.
"I mean..." His teeth clenched and he squinted. "Maybe." His eyes ran down the front of her body, down to her bare cunt. She was straddling his spread thighs, opening herself up to him. "Ya'know..." He began, a short evil cackle rising from his chest. "I could eat you if you wanted." Now it was her turn to feel on the spot, he could hear her swallow. Her brain processing what he just said, slowly, deciphering each word.
"No." She commanded, "I like it fast and rough. Nothing before, nothing after. Let's get this over with."
"Alrighty' then. Hop on." She watched his expression as she slid forward, the length of his cock now nested between her sacred lips. His sharp intake of breath at the contact against his length told her everything she needed to know.
"I think you were lying, Dementus. I don't think this is something you do very often at all." He bit the inside of his cheek, training to keep as blank an expression as her. She grabbed him, he tensed up. "You're a lot larger than I thought you would be." It wasn't something she thought about, more an impulsive exclamation, and she hated how it boosted his ego. She knew she shouldn't have said it as soon as she did. His eyebrows wiggled again, hands returning to her hips with renewed confidence.
"Having second thoughts about going in dry?"
"I'm not letting your ugly face anywhere near my cunt, so drop it."
"Ah, yes, 'cour-" His head fell back as she pressed him inside her, bit by bit, taking his cock. Her lips parted and her face wrinkled with discomfort. "Fuck." When he bottomed out inside her, his balls nestled into the crook of her ass, she released a whimper dropping against his chest. "Ah, there we go..." He spoke through clenched teeth, his hand cupped the back of her head. His brow furrowed when his nose brushed her scalp, realizing that she smelled nice. She smelled much nicer than any woman he had ever shared a bed with. Not to mention, she was cleaner. The citadel had great luxuries indeed and Persephone was proof of that. "All ya' needed is a bit of cock. Doesn't that make things better?"
"Urgh, you are the most annoying piece of shit I ever met." She lifted her hips, grabbing his shoulders for leverage and withdrawing just enough to look him in the eye.
"I think you like me, you just don't know what to-"
Her palm collided with his cheek and his head whipped to the side from the force. Slowly his head tilted back to her, his jaw going taut with irritation. "Little brat." He mumbled, his grip tightened on her hips and he forced her to start moving. Persephone released a gasping moan, her body lurching forward into his. Her head tucked into his neck, hips rising and falling, meeting his own guided thrusts. "Fuck. You're tight." Persephone knew she made a mistake in turning down the foreplay. His cock was burning against her insides, her spongey walls whining for something to give way.
"Wait! Stop." She breathed, lifting from his cock. They both winced at the absence.
"Ha! I knew it!" Persephone spit into her hand, focusing on evening out her ragged breathes. Her hand wrapped around his cock, Dementus hummed in response. "You're not a very pleasant person."
"Stop trying to get to know me and fuck me." Persephone squeaked when Dementus flipped her around, planting her on her back. In a single thrust, his cock was buried inside her. Her nails dug into his shoulders and his lips mouthed along her throat. Persephone cried out in pleasure, her hips lifting in desperation to meet him. "Harder!" Dementus grunted, hips pistoning that much faster. He guided her legs to close around his hips and slightly lifted them so he could go that much deeper.
"Fuck, that's it!" Persephone ran her hand down his chest, tears trickled from the corners of her eyes, but they were good tears. This felt so good. She couldn't think about anything else but his cock. He was tearing her apart, bringing her that much close to an edge that she hadn't been upon in far too long.
"Dementus! Please!"
"Oh fuck, got'ya all whiney now. Is that it, honey? Ya'like that?" In retaliation, she raked her nails down his chest, leaving red in their wake. He clenched his teeth, holding her glare. His hand connected with her ass, hard enough that she screamed. "We can play like that. You wanna' play like that?" He husked out, hunching down to lick his tongue up the base of her throat to her ear. "So tasty, wouldn't hurt to 'ave a bite." His teeth locked around her throat.
"Ah!" She wrapped an arm around his neck, holding him in place. Her body trembled as her cunt locked tight around his cock. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She wheezed out, Dementus didn't let up till he could taste blood on his tongue. With red smeared around his lips, he kissed her jaw, then her cheek, then her nose, leaving red lip tracks with each peck. His forehead pressed to hers, his eyes squeezed and a lengthy groan escaped him as his seed emptied into her weeping hole.
"Ahhh, yesss~" His voice rumbled, hips twitching as they kept a slow and choppy rhythm. He stopped, heated breathes exiting his dry lips, chest heaving from exasperation. Their bodies stuck together, drenched in sweat, the smell of sex permeated in the humid air. "Fuck. That was good." He sat back on his haunches, weaving a hand through his hair while the other steadied himself against the backrest of the couch. "Would have liked it if ya' let me eat ya' cunt first, but this is good too."
"You can." Her eyes fluttered open, a bliss filled expression on her face. "If you want." She yawned, propping her hands behind her head. She sent him a dopey smile. "I won't mind now." She was fucked out, he thought, that was the only explanation he had for her being so comfortable looking. And damn, did she look perfect just like this. He wished he could keep her like this forever.
"What happened to ya' never lettin' my ugly face near yur' cunt."
"I changed my mind." He shot her smug look, then scooted back enough to where he could lower himself to the space between her legs. "Just think," She grinned, "If you try anything, I could kill you like this. With just my legs." His eyes darted between her two thighs, which were now perfectly closed around his head.
"You're welcome to. I would die a happy man." He wasted no time. He easily manipulated the skin of her folds to reveal her abused cunt, their mixed juices trickling from her. His finger collected them, stuffing them back inside her. "Bet you tasted good before I tainted ya'." He was certain that way up in her cushy little citadel she had access to all of the sweet tasting fruits. To taste all of that through her would be a dream.
"Nothing you can do 'bout it now."
"Maybe next time, you let me taste you first?"
"Who said anything about a next time?" She spat, and he knew his time was limited then so he dove in. It wasn't unpleasant. The salt of his seed, the sweet of her arousal, it mixed together nicely. He groaned against her pussy, tongue flicking up to her clit. Her stomach tightened and her back slightly arched. His palm pressed gently down on her pelvis to keep her still.
"Uh, Dementus?" A voice called timidly, even with the door out of sight, the both of them could hear the door creak open. "Are you-"
"He's busy! Now get out!" Persephone snarled, the man cowered out of her sight.
"B-But is he alive?" Dementus withdrew from his ministrations for a moment to answer.
"I'm alive. Everything's okay down here! Jus' gettin' a meal in. Long day." He chuckled at his own joke, looking back at Persephone to get caught in her glare. He frowned, then pressed his lips back to her. Her eyes fluttered shut and she breathed.
"I better hear that door shut, you sicko!"
"Yes, Ma'am!" And the door did shut, Dementus's man left them be. Her fingers curled in Dementus' greasy hair, one hand left to cradle her head. He worked his tongue through her folds, eyes shut in concentration as if he was enjoying a delicacy. With the slightest bit of teeth, her hips pushed upward, her body begged for me. Dementus held her in place, muscly arms wrapping around her thighs to bury his face completely into her. His own hips began working against the leather of the sofa, cock hardening at just the taste of her.
"I knew I could get you to-" His two fingers dipped inside and her mouth fell open in a moan. She didn't know where they had been, but part of her didn't even care at this point. Within a matter of seconds, he was bringing her to completion. Her body fought his hold on her, his lips pulling back into a pleased smile as he continued licking and sucking, pumping his fingers. She deflated into the leather cushions of the sofa with a sigh. Through crescent lidded eyes, she watched him sit upright once more. He popped his dirty fingers into his mouth, making a show of licking every bit of her juices from his appendages.
"Ready for a second go?" Her eyes travelled down to his twitching cock, pre-cum leaking from the head.
"I have a better idea." She got up, shoving him to lay on his back. He was like puddy in her hands now. She could do whatever she wanted to him. Her fingers wrapped around him, she could feel and visibly see the abs in his stomach clench. "How 'bout this, Dementus?" She whispered, lowering her face to his, lips teasingly brushing his own.
"This is good. Yeah. Very good." Her hand moved up and down his shaft, thumb pressing to the slit at the bulbous head. "Yes~" She smiled at him. The suns rays came in from the balcony, blanketing half of her in bright light. Her blue eyes sparkled, her long curly blonde hair pitched over one shoulder. And it looked like she was made of the stuff used for the clouds, her skin looked delicate and pillowy and glowing. The afterglow of her pleasure suited her. Dementus hoped it would never end.
"It must be so much trouble." Her eyes feigned concern, bringing forth a sadness in his own and his eyebrows furrowed.
"W-What?" He asked, cocking his head at her.
"Being a leader. Having to take care of so many people." She squeezed his cock and he grunted, inhaling deeply through his nose, his chest rose and fell.
"Yes. It can be hard."
"You just want someone to take care of you, you poor thing." He licked his lips, tongue sticking out at the corner of his mouth.
"I do. I need that."
"Aww, it's okay little baby. I'll take care of you." His eyes slid shut as her lips pecked chastely to his cheek. His eyebrows lifting at the softness of her touch. Her hand kept a slow pace on his cock, which was red and hot and pulsing. She knew he was close. "It's such a shame. You've got a really nice dick."
"Why thank you. 'Didn't expec-"
Persephone withdrew, amusement in her gaze.
"What-" He yanked his arm, the one that was hanging over the edge of the couch, and there, wrapped around his wrist was a chain bracelet, that was attached to a metal hook imbedded in the concrete floor. "Wait a second!" He growled, yanking aggressively at the chain. She attempted to climb off him, but his opposite hand grabbed her wrist. "Come here. I don't think so!" She easily maneuvered out of his grasp, calmly walking to her cargo pants. An uncharacteristic whine left him, his eyebrows flying up into his scalp. "How did you even know about this?!"
"I've been here often with my father. And the guy that you killed used to keep slaves here." She finished fastening her cargo pants with a victorious smile. "And the funny thing is, I don't even know where the keys are." She chuckled, "I did give you a hand though. You might want to finish yourself off before your people come in." She was bent over, pulling her boots on lazily, not even bothering to tie them.
"You'll never make it outta' here!" He yanked hard at the chain, muscles flexing.
"Your people are idiots. I'm sure I'll be fine." Persephone winked at him. "I'll see you around, Dementus. Have fun."
"Wait! Stay! Just stay, don't leave. You don't have to leave." She didn't pause on that offer, exiting out of the door.
One grueling step after the other, the sun beating overhead. It was foolish but Persephone kept to the road, the concrete scraped beneath her boots. In the distance, through the fumes that radiated off the hot desert surface, she could see a black dot. It was growing closer and closer. She didn't fear who it could be. After a few minutes, the Gigahorse came to a screeching halt beside her, Scabrous's head poked out the window, Rictus jumped down from his place at the truck bed.
"You look like shit. Do we need to kill anybody for ya'?" Persephone ignored Scabrous's tease, dragging herself into Rictus. Her forehead dropped to his abdomen and she allowed his strength to keep her upright. Rictus gently patted her head.
"There, there, sister. At least you aren't dead."
"Father didn't even have the decency to show up himself. Lovely."
"Don't complain. Get in the truck." Scabrous reprimanded with a scowl, Rictus lifted her onto the truck bed and she squeezed in through the rear window, plopping into the passenger seat. Rictus hopped onto the back and hit his hand on the top for them to go. The Gigahorse kicked dust out behind it as her brother turned it around, driving it back toward the citadel. "Wanna' talk 'bout it?"
"Dementus is an idiot."
"We knew that already." Rictus popped his head in through the small window. His brother had half a thought to elbow him out.
"Can't help but think that father messed this one up."
"You think it'll be that bad?"
"Might be good for a while, but he's not sustainable."
"Well lets tell'im then. Go over there, take that fucker out."
"He won't listen." She pressed her forehead into the window with a sigh.
"What's gotten you all bitchy?"
"Nothing." She huffed, looking back at her brothers. Scabrous was the smarter of the two of her brute brothers. The less brutish one was back at the citadel, occasionally she would rather spend her time alongside him. Corpus was the smartest out of all four of them.
"You fucked him didn't you?"
"Somethin' like that."
"Gross!" Rictus said in a biting tone, ducking his head back out of the window to signal his leave form the conversation.
"You want us to go kill him?" Scrabrous's tone taking a darker turn.
"I mean, we could, but I don't think father would like that so much."
"When father finds out you two fucked, he'll want to kill him too."
"Nah." Persephone looked back out the window again. "Father doesn't care that much."
And sure enough, Immortan Joe did not care.
"So, she just walked out?!" Dementus yelled, his neck clenched, his face red with irritation. Two of his men were attempting to break the chains on the shackles that Persephone had clicked on him. His top bosses surrounded him as they deliberated over the recent development.
"No one wanted to stop her. She's terrifying." Smeg said, chewing anxiously at his fingernails.
"I don't see what her worth is anyways." Octoboss deadpanned, the others muttered their agreement, Dementus fumed.
"No one wanted to stop her?!" He shook his head, relaxing back into the couch. A thought crossed his mind, he let it be known.
"History man, what does Persephone mean? What kind of name is that?" Everyone looked to the eldest man in the corner of the room, who straightened and gripped his staff. And when he spoke, the room went silent.
"Persephone. Greek. Bringer of death. Goddess of the Underworld. Goddess of rebirth. Daughter of Zeus, the God of all Gods."
"Bringer of death?" He whispered, nodding his head. "That's a sign. Definitely a sign."
"Don't be a fool, Dementus." Octoboss hissed through clenched, already fueling a hatred for the man after Dementus had discarded Octo's own men as if they meant nothing.
"Persephone is going to be the one to get us to the citadel." He declared, announcing it to the others, a confident grin rising to the corners of his lips. He was met with confused faces, some even defeated expressions. All of them were sick of his bullshit, but no one else wanted to step up to the plate. "Don't worry. I have a plan."
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plumulesauvage · 3 months
Furiosa : A Mad Max Saga : The Fic
As I said in my latest post, I began to write a fic about Furiosa and Mad Max universe. And so, here we are : I am going to post it, chapter by chapter.
Here is the table of contents, I will modify it as I release the chapters.
Tell me if you want to be notified.
Paradise in Hell : a Mad Max fiction
As Furiosa, later known as as the Imperator who saved the Citadel from the tyranny of Immortan Joe, is being kidnapped by the men of Dementus, she is not alone. Indeed, her friend and adopted sister, Valhalla, accompany her during her journey in the Wastelands.
As the two Vuvalinis witness the cruelty of the world they live in, they will do anything they can to go back to the Green Place, even if it means sacrificing for the other one.
Genre : Sf, drama, adventure, psychological
Warnings : rude language, swearing, crude parts, reference to 🟣, child abuse , torture, sexual content, violence, men being men, death, and cars that go vroom vroom, Dementus -> there will be warnings at the beginning of each chapter
Relationships : Furiosa x reader, Dementus x reader, Immortan Joe x reader, Max x reader
Chapters : currently 7, estimated at 15
Media : Tumblr for now, maybe AO3
Please do mind that English is not my first language, there can be faults, sorry for that
Paradise in Hell : table of contents
The kidnapping
The sandstorm
The Citadel
The wives
The escape
The gift
The hunger
The agreement
~~~ Happy reading ! ~~~
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cchickki · 4 months
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summary: Furiosa and Jack briefly reflect on their feelings and their past, Furiosa finally tells Jack about the Green Place.
themes: hurt/comfort, emotional intimacy, dreams & nightmares
pairing: furiosa x praetorian jack
rating: T - some swearing
word count: 2.1k
author's note: The support on the original one shot I wrote for them was overwhelming, I didn't think I'd write another part of this story, but you all convinced me. I can't thank you all enough for all the encouragement, I was on the brink of giving up writing for good and you all inspired me not to give up. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
part one - wounds
one shot under the cut, can also be read on ao3
Furiosa dreamt of nothing but blankness; a black background from a quieted mind she didn't recognize. This void wasn't frightening, in fact it was the opposite, she felt welcomed and safe in this suspended reality. Here there were no haunting reminders of her past; no reminders of all the hurt and uncertainty she kept bottled up inside.
There were no twisted memories of her mother’s face, contorted in agony as she screamed in anguish from a blade cutting her stomach, and the flames lapping at her feet. No image of Dementus’ smug face, his eyes crinkling in delight at the viewing of the suffering he caused others around him. No memories of her being ripped away from her home and forced on that damn motorcycle that carried her away. No memories of the faces of the number of people she was forced to kill in the name of survival.
She finally awoke, slowly as her eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness. It had been so long since she had a restful sleep that she felt disoriented, not knowing where she was and why she felt a presence pressed up against her. Her brows furrowed as she clenched her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to drift back to sleep and into the black void again; wanting it to swallow her whole and wisp her faraway from the horrible life she was forced to live. Although sleep did not take her, the memories of just a few hours before started to replay in her subconscious, flooding her senses like a broken dam. A distant hint of comfort she was able to seek while awake, comfort she had found in the arms of another.
She could still recall his scent, how his rough skin felt underneath her palms and on her fingertips, the delightful sensation of his lips pressed against hers. She questioned herself if any of that had been real, or if her yearning for touch and escape, and her attraction to him had manifested itself in her dreams. 
Furiosa knew she was inexperienced, she’d only ever observed acts of intimacy from the adults around her while growing up. She did her best to imitate them and do what she naturally thought was right. Her kisses had been clumsy, she wasn’t sure where to place her hands when she embraced Jack, she only knew she wanted to feel his warmth in that moment. She never wanted it to end, wanting to do nothing but remain in his arms for eternity as the rest of the world melted away all around them. Fuck the war rig, fuck the Citadel, fuck Dementus, fuck it all.
But was it even real? She thought to herself, her self-doubt gnawing away at any emotion that didn't lead to self-preservation.
She could hear someone sleeping beside her, their breathing rhythmic and deep. She could feel a weight on her stomach as sweat clung to her body, causing the chill from the desert air to make her shiver. She tried to gain her bearings, unsure how much time had passed since she fell asleep, but she felt some relief seeing that the sky was still dark. Jack stirred beside her, grabbing her attention from the stony ceiling of the escapement and her overwhelming thoughts. He faced her, his body close to hers as his arm draped across her abdomen, still holding her close as he slept.
Furiosa felt herself soften as she watched him, indulging herself for a few moments with their proximity to each other.
It hadn’t been a dream, it was all real. His touch and their feelings were real.
He shuddered in his sleep, unconsciously curling into himself in a meek attempt for warmth. She noticed the campfire had completely gone out, and he hadn’t put his shirt or jacket back on since she stitched up his arm. She sat up slowly, doing her best not to disturb his sleep. She managed to move his arm without waking him, gently stepping over his body to where his discarded clothing lay. She draped his shirt and jacket over him like a blanket, then went over to where the campfire was to ignite it again. She got the fire to start going again, she poked at the burning wood with a stick, trying to reposition it so the other logs and debris could alight. Furiosa glanced over her shoulder toward Jack’s slumbering figure, hoping the newly illuminated light from the fire and crackling sound from the burning didn’t wake him. 
He was like her. He had told her before that he often would have sleepless nights, though he kept the source of his restlessness vague. When she used to sleep among the war boys, she remembers watching him pace around the room, trying to tire his body and will it into giving in to the sweet submission of exhaustion. She understood, she had yet to tell him any details about her home. She had still asked him to join her and revealed the seed to him that she kept hidden in her hair. 
The seed. 
Her most prized possession from her mother, her only physical reminder of home. It carried her very heart and soul inside. Showing it to him made her body tremble in anxiousness and anticipation. She hadn’t trusted someone in this capacity since her mother or Valkyrie. Furiosa had faced death numerous times in her life, but the risk of wearing her heart on her sleeve and letting someone in had been the scariest gamble she had ever taken. Without compromising her home’s safety he had told her he would aid her in returning home. He had told her he had been rediverting supplies so she could escape when it was safe to do so. He hadn’t been pushy or demanded anything from her, he had shown her nothing but patience and mute understanding. Her heart had soared with his words, though these emotions were foreign to her, she didn’t understand why he was so disarming to her. Just being around him made her stomach flutter, her heartbeat quicken - she wondered if this is what her mother meant by 'love,' something she had tried to explain to her when she was younger, but she couldn't grasp the concept. It all seemed so complicated to her and foolish, when did something like 'love' ever thrive in an environment like the Wasteland?
Despite her confliction, Furiosa only wanted to picture her future with Jack by her side. She decided then, she was finally going to tell him about her home.
Jack's dreams felt jumbled together, like watching an old movie out of sequence or reading a favorite book out of order. Glimpses of his past flashed in his subconscious; grainy and out of focus. He dreamt of his parents, standing in what he assumed was once his childhood home’s living room, but he couldn’t remember exactly. He remembered how the rug felt against his knees, he often sat on it to play as a child or watch television. His parents were speaking to him in his dream, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Their mouths moved enthusiastically, but wordlessly, no doubt telling him about another honorable adventure they were going to lead. Even before the world went to utter shit they had kept the soldier and survivalist mindset.
If he wasn't dreaming of his parents, then he dreamt of the war rig, his mind constantly reeling over strategies on making deliveries and how to fix the rig to improve its capabilities. Even Colonel Joe Moore, the man he once knew before he became Immortan Joe would make an appearance at times. The complete and drastic metamorphosis from Joe's past self to now was hard to believe, Jack often wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him. Did a man named Joe Moore ever actually exist? 
The more he dreamt of the war rig and the Wasteland, the more the hazy images he had of his parents seemed to fade, growing less detailed as the days went on. Eventually he knew he would fully forget them,the way their voices sounded was already a distant memory he couldn't seem to grasp.
Tonight, though, his dreams took a different direction than they usually went. 
Tonight he dreamed of her. 
Her dream image was walking in front of him, he steps as steady as they could be in the shifting sands of the Wasteland. Her hair was down, flowing behind her as the wind began to pick up. She glanced back toward him, as if to be sure that he was still following behind. She was like an angel among the dirt, her clothes and face pristine from any wear that the Wasteland and unforgiving sun forced on everyone who walked this ruined planet. He reached for her in his dream, taking her hand, feeling her fingers curl around his as she led him somewhere in the distance. Her intense eyes appeared to snag on something past him, widening in horror as a great shadow eclipsed over the sun. Before he could whirl around to see what it was, he woke up.
It took him a moment to come to. His stitched arm throbbed dully as he sat up, pulling against his skin. Jack had to center himself, letting his body and mind adjust back to being conscious again. It had been some time since he had an uninterrupted sleep, he had hoped the dream would continue in bliss instead of the abrupt awakening he had received. But it never worked out that way for him.
He saw Furiosa sitting in front of the fire, her back to him. She had her knees drawn to her chest, hugging herself as her chin rested on her kneecaps. He fully stood up, walking over and sitting beside her near the fire. She didn’t acknowledge him right away, her eyes transfixed on the flames, the fire reflected beautifully in her gray eyes. She seemed lost in thought, but she bit the inside of her lip, as if with anticipation to say something to him. 
He could only watch her for a moment, waiting with baited breath for her to speak. 
Furiosa looked down at her tattooed arm, her fingers tracing along the healed ink of stars. Her head finally turned toward his direction, her eyes downcast as she removed the seed she kept in her hair. She held it preciously within her palm, gesturing for Jack to take it. He did so, carefully plucking it from her hands, holding it within his own palm. She traced the ridges of it with her fingertips.
“It’s from the Green Place,” she finally said, her attention returning to the fire. “That’s where I’m from, a Place of Abundance, the place of Many Mothers.” She continued. “There’s crops, water, and a thriving community. It’s…” she sighed, struggling to find the words.
Jack waited patiently for her to continue, seeing her face become distorted as if in pain, a frown deepening on her face as tears pricked in the corner of her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, as all her words came rushing out in quick succession. She spoke passionately of her mother, the Vuvalini, her best friend Valkyrie, and specific remnants of her childhood that she could recall. The good memories made her smile, wider than he’d ever seen her smile before, but the tears now streaming down her face betrayed her mask of joy. As happy as the nostalgia made her feel, her eyes appeared full of sorrow as she recounted her past, moments that were prematurely stolen from her that she could never get back. He listened intently, keeping his attention on her as she vented. He noticed her voice was growing hoarse from her fervent delivery; this was the most she had spoken in years.
She was telling him a story about sneaking off with Valkyrie, picking a ripe fruit from a tree in an area they shouldn’t have been in. ‘Stay in sight,’ she had said, he presumed she was mimicking her mother’s voice, chuckling to herself as she continued on about Valkyrie’s anxiousness to wander but her own insistence that everything would be fine. Furiosa’s voice faltered on the last word, her eyes finally meeting his own.
For a second he could see the reflection of a scared little girl and the innocence of a stolen childhood lost. Her smile dropped completely, her composure crumbling as a sob heaved within her chest, her face dropping in her hands. 
Jack immediately pulled her into an embrace as she buried herself in his chest, her cries muffled. Her body trembled as he held her. "I promise I'll bring you home, Fury. You have my word." Jack vowed, his voice a gentle whisper as he stroked her back soothingly. "If it's the last thing I ever do, I swear I'll get you home." 
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infin1ty-garden · 3 months
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✧. ┊ summary: you and furiosa discuss what's next ✧. ┊ pairing: furiosa x gn! reader ✧. ┊ warnings: *spoilers for furiosa* mention of planing murder ✧. ┊ word count: very short ✧. ┊ author note: the summary is all i could do without spoilers
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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You and Furiosa had been friends for a while and became closer after she was pronounced imperator. She went on missions with Jack but alway came back to you. It was a gamble if she would even return. But it's been days since you last saw or heard from her. Something must have gone wrong.
All you could do was wait. She had not arrived gloriously but broken. Missing an arm, a crew and war rig. She'd told you Jack died. "I won't let anything happen to you," was the first thing she said to you. You helped her make a new arm. "You can talk to me about it."
"Why would I?"
"It could help," Furiousa didn't answer. You spent the rest of the day in silence. "I really care about you. I hope you know that," the sun had set, yet you could feel her piercing gaze. "I do, but where is this coming from?"
"I plan to kill Dementus. I'm not sure if I'll come back." She moved closer to you. "I know you can kill him."
"Killing him isn't an issue. I'm not sure I have a reason to return, other than you."
"Am I not a good enough reason?"
"That's not what I said," your eyes drifted away from hers. She places her hand on your shoulder, causing you to look at her again. "I will come back for you."
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Thanks for reading!
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garfieldstim · 4 months
WE RETURN!!! This is super obscure but we have a new comfort character and anyways can we get a agere caregiver (sfw of course) stimboard of red-haired dementus with kidcore, red, teddy bears, steampunk stuff, no blood-looking stuff?
Heres a gif of him so you dont have to search!!!
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dementus(mad max) stimboard for @chickensystem with red, steampunk, teddy bears and kidcore
x x x / x - x / x x x
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spenglersglasses · 2 months
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Hello everyone, I am back again with the next chapter of my Immortan Joe x the Fray (Corrine) fic!!!
I am so grateful for your patience as your girl is now knee deep in 50+ hours a week at work and then taking care of my kiddos and life has not been kind these past few days... but it makes me happy to share this so without further ado here we go!!!!
**This fic will be an AU! Mostly I will try to stay canon but there will be some conflicts and reimaginings. This includes themes as listed in the tags, if any of this doesn't sit well with you, please skip this one!**
Listen you are reading a fic with Immortan Joe, it should be pretty obvious. but that being said if you are still here, I sincerely hope you all enjoy!
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the awesome dividers!
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Chapter 3: Scars of the Past
Dark moments from Joe's past still haunt him while Corrine struggles with the demons in her present.
Also available HERE on AO3. Haven't started yet? Read from the beginning HERE! 
Will eventually be very NSFW below the cut!!
-2 years ago-
The air was thick with promise as Joe made his way to the vault. Rictus and Scotus followed closely behind him as all of them did their best to remain optimistic—but they knew better. As Joe turned the corner, he could hear the screams emanating from within the vault. Rushing to open the door, finding the Organic Mechanic crouched down between Ifanna’s legs. 
The other wives and Miss Giddy, flanking her on all sides. Wearing the worry on their faces. The uncertainty of the moment, building the anxiety within. Leaving them all breathless as their sister screamed in the active stages of labor. Writhing in pain and agony as she pushed, bringing another child into their world of captivity. 
Even worse for them all was remembering that this would be Ifanna’s last shot at producing an heir. She had already suffered through two losses in her short time there. The mounting stakes, sending adrenaline rushing through their bloodstreams. Joe could feel it too. The room was positively pulsing with tension as he watched on. Ifanna’s dark brown hair, latticed against her face from the sweat of her brow. Her body too was covered in it—sticking the fabric of her gown to her skin. 
“Now shove that little beauty out into the world.” the Mechanic encouraged. Steadying Ifanna’s movements. “...come on…here it comes.” he continued. Watching as he prepared for the delivery. 
Joe and his sons stood watching with bated breath as the wife continued to push. A new young girl accompanied them. All of them, hoping that this time would be different.  Eyes fixed atop the Mechanics head as he waited for him to turn around with joyous news.  
The mysterious girl watching on with flat affect. After having seen so much destruction and pain in her short life. What would it be like to see a miracle? After all, it had only been a short time since Joe had procured her—Furiosa. 
The girl was destined to be another of the wives—or perhaps something more. Taken from Dementus, a misguided megalomaniac leader of a biker horde who seized Gas Town. Returning control only after demanding to be appointed its protector. The girl left behind as part of the deal.
For now, that was a matter for another time. The only thing Joe could think of now was the child. Moments from birth as the Organic Mechanic, the only other good thing to come from Dementus’s acquaintance, helped assist in the labor. “I can see its head!” he said, laughing in excitement. “...good girl, good girl. One last shove.”
Joe refused to take his eyes off them. Rictus and Scrotus grew tired of the waiting. Furiosa watching on in horror at the gush of blood from between Ifanna’s legs. Frightened that this too might become her fate. “One more, one more—very good.” 
“Hmph.” Scrotus huffed. Ready to leave, heading back to the War Boys for another night of spreading terror in the Wasteland. Joe was all too ready to scold him just before they heard it. The sound of cries. For a moment hardy and loud, echoing through the vault. The next hushed and quiet before going silent.  
“...is it a boy? Is it a boy?” Ifanna cried, her breathing ragged from the loss of blood. Heart barely able to continue on. A lack of oxygen circulating in her blood, making her foggy as she begged to learn what was to come of her child. The Mechanic wouldn’t say much, snipping the child free of its cord. Severing its tie to its mother before he spoke.  
“More or less.” he sighed, holding the infant up for Joe to see. One head, two bodies. The grotesque horror of what had been brewing in her womb now revealed. Taking its final breath as Joe watched on.
“Sorry boss.” the Mechanic lamented as the child fell still within his arms. The room quickly drowned in the sound of grief. All the hope in the world—gone. The knot in Joe’s throat was too hard to swallow. His breathing aching as his chest rose and fell. The pain of another loss, hitting him full force. Deciding then and there that once the last of the gestating wives delivered, the program would be over. 
In that moment he was changed. It had been years since the birth of his sons, his hope squashed under the weight of seeing what would now come of his seed. Nothing but death and pain. He was devastated knowing that the legacy he longed to leave behind had come to a bitter end. 
The first-born child of his wives was deformed and dead. A promise of true immortality crushed. The Immortan, doing everything he could to hide his emotions. This was it—never again , he thought to himself.  
“I will give you a full life!” Ifanna sobbed, “I know I can…please.” she continued, tears flowing hard as she was handed the child by the Mechanic. Joe said nothing, only turning to leave. Desperate to put the whole mess behind him. 
“Nope…Three strikes you’re out.” Scrotus snapped, cold and cruel. An example of his ill repute on full display. The Mechanic, young Furiosa, and Joe’s sons followed him down the hall. Each of them hoping to not be the first to have to speak.
“Dad…” Rictus said, breaking the silence. However, before he could continue Joe stopped, whipping around to face the four of them. The People Eater and the Bullet Farmer, appearing behind him. Waiting to hear the news.  
“It’s over.” he said. The weight of his words felt between them. The Immortan’s eyes, barely able to hold back the tears and the frustration that had been building within him. The raging at the injustice he felt in this life. The man who had all that was possible–-yet nothing at all. 
“Then what about the…” the Mechanic began, remembering the other women whose pregnancies he had been tending to. Still two others that carried Joe’s child within them. 
“As far as I’m concerned…it would be a mercy if nothing comes of it. I can’t stand to see this happening again and again.”
“Then what’ll we do? With them I mean?” The Eater asked, overhearing the conversation as it transpired. Stepping forward as he twisted against the flesh of his own nipple by its chain. 
“They can provide milk, if not send them back out to the wastes!” Joe hissed, lashing out at everyone in his grief. Knowing that if he didn’t leave now, he would crumble before them all.  
“I’ll see to it.” The Eater assured him, frightened of the fire that burned within Joe’s eyes. The Immortan, briskly making his way back to his quarters, with only his anger to keep him company. Stopping for only a moment to respond.
“See that you do.”
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-Present Day, 2 Weeks After Her Capture-
If Corrine had closed her eyes, she might have convinced herself that she was home. Finding herself comforted by the gentle hand of Miss Giddy. Reminded once again of her mother, a woman whose voice Corrine could no longer clearly recall. Taken from her as a child, in an accident so long ago.
As the bone comb slid through her hair, she listened to Miss Giddy recall the night the original breeding program was abolished. The tale, leaving her with a sense of horror and despair. A pain held in her heart for this wicked man who held her prisoner. Missy Giddy too was almost in tears. A memory she would rather be forgotten, deemed painfully necessary to retell. 
“What happened to the rest of them?” Corrine asked as Miss Giddy laid down the comb. “...the other wives I mean.
“Milkers. Or distributed out amongst the V8. The Immortan no longer wanted anything to do with them after that night.” she explained, Corrine swallowing back before she continued her inquiry. 
“...and their babies.” she continued, feeling the still of her heart as she watched the look on Miss Giddy’s face. Recalling the memories from years ago. 
“None made it to term. After the last was lost, we closed the door of this place and there hasn’t been another woman brought back for years…not until you.” 
“Me…” Corrine whispered softly, trailing under her breath. She wondered what made her different. Would she really be the one to bring back the program? Why was she the one to reignite the Immortan’s desire for a child? 
“There's something I find so odd about this whole thing.” Missy Giddy began again, breaking Corrine’s train of thought. The old woman, scratching her head and looking off as if staring at something. Trying to connect the dots.”
“It’s just you… I’m used to a full house.” She reasoned. Laughing it off, Finding some humor in the situation. One of her ways of coping with her own life of servitude. 
“Maybe there just aren't as many women stupid enough to get themselves caught.” Corrine groaned. Letting out a laugh herself before the nagging of her head once again hit her. Pulsing and aching at her wound. 
“Maybe…but still. You know, he wasn’t always this way.” Miss Giddy began, as the two of them stared out over the tops of the rock fortress that formed the Citadel. Looking on with longing at the green tops and the hint of a blue sky peeking through the haze. 
“...oh? How so?” 
“He was once a colonel. Though that was a long time ago now… during the Oil and Water wars. A hero from what I am told, by the history men that is…though one can never be sure what is true in this day and age.” she digressed. 
“From a hero to this…” Corrine sighed, holding out her hand as she glanced around the room. Wondering how it was the Citadel came into being. Only legends and rumors of violence and bloody glory. The only things that were truly bountiful in the wasteland.   
“Kalashnikov…the Bullet Farmer…” she clarified, “...and him. Well and a few others, came here when this was nothing but a forgotten source of water. The Immortan and the men that followed him…twisting and weaving their way into the good graces of the ones who were already here before them. The Immortan and his gang managed to seize control of it, along with the old oil refinery and lead mine and before they knew what hit them, it was over. It was then I am told the cult of the V8 was born.”
“Hmph…” Corrine huffed, unsurprised by the selfishness and scheming of men.
“Now there are boundless followers…War Boys raised from birth to obey him with blind devotion. He and the bunch of power-hungry men who surround him. All of them, feeding off the chaos and what little control they all still have. Sickens me…pretending that they are above all the rest of us.” Miss Giddy ranted, her face turning sour. Spitting on the ground as if she could taste the vile nature of them. 
“I see.” Corrine muttered. Wondering to herself how a hero could turn so quickly into a villain. Looking up once again to see that the clouds had begun to turn. Darkening up, the threat of a storm brewing within them.
Only moments later, as the room grew dark, Miss Giddy stood up. Flipping on the lights before making her way towards the door. Corrine, watching as she approached it, knowing that someone would soon come to retrieve her. Sure enough, the door to the vault came slowly open. It was as if it was perfectly timed.
One of the men, whom Corrine had found was known as an Imperator had come to claim her. The old woman, sending Corrine one last pained smile before she took her leave. “That last day though…when I looked into his eyes…” she said, looking woeful once more. “I could swear I saw a brief glimpse of what he was before. Just a man. A man filled with the pain of loss.” 
It was the last thing Miss Giddy said before the door closed behind her. Leaving Corrine alone once again. Making her way carefully down the steps. Traversing each one with care as the dizziness from her head injury lingered on. 
There was no doubt she had suffered a concussion. The effects, keeping her from being confident in her gait. Worried she may fall down the stairs to her death. Though, at times, she considered that death maybe the lesser of two evils.  
When she reached the bottom, she walked over to the table. Looking out at the mound of books spread out across its top. Thankful to Miss Giddy for all she’d been taught so far. Though she still only managed to understand some basic words and phrases, she found sanctuary in their pages. Grabbing one book atop the pile that had quickly become her favorite. 
Slender fingers, trailing across the spine as she moved to open the cover. Her eyes fixed on the colorful pictures. Plants–lots and lots of plants among the pages. They were something Corrine could understand. Entranced by their beauty—of a world that once was. 
She looked at them as a child would the pictures in a fairytale—filled with intrigue and delight. Finding it hard to believe that these things ever really existed in the world. One she had only ever known as desolate and barren. Turning each page, while a smile found its way across her face.
The sensation, like a long-lost memory. Lifting her fingers to feel her lips. Tracing them as if to prove to herself it was really there. “What is wrong with me?” she asked herself. Wondering how far gone she must be to be so happy from mere illustrations. This book, giving her a momentary distraction from the painful truth of her situation. 
Once she turned the last page, reality would be waiting for her. Today though, the feeling didn’t come as she expected it too. Those thoughts, replaced by the stories that Miss Giddy had told her. Finding herself wondering more and more about the man who held her capture. Contemplating if he really was the monster he was made out to be. Or if somewhere deep down there was something else—something worth knowing. 
Immediately Corrine shook her head free of the thought. Pressing the lids of her eyes closed in disgust. Wondering how hard she had really been hit to even entertain the notion. The pain, now reaching a new high as she continued to wince. 
“Does it still hurt?” came a voice from behind her. Corrine, freezing still in place. Hoping she had imagined it. Realizing she hadn’t as she felt the weight of hands upon her waist. 
Frightened with the sheer boldness of his actions. Cold chills traveling up her spine and every little hair along her skin stood up. Before she could speak, the Immortan turned her around to face him. Brushing back the fall of her hair to take a closer look at the small wound that still lay hidden there. 
“It’s not too bad.” he said, the crow's feet along his eyes becoming more pronounced. Was he smiling again? Corrine swallowed, her eyes meeting with his. Joe, gently bringing his hand down and across her face. 
He held it still. Rough yet tender against the curve of her cheek, as if he were comforting her. The first small kindness he had shown her. Her heart began to pound, Corrine quickly shying away from his touch. 
“The mechanic said it's just a mild concussion. Though I am sure your pain may say otherwise.” Joe told her. 
“Yes, well…I might recover faster if I were far away from her.” Corrine snapped, taking the opportunity to put some distance between them. Joe quickly came up from behind her to grab at her arm.  
“I’ve been thinking of you.” he admitted. His words, sending a flash of pink across her cheeks. 
“You shouldn’t be.” Corrine responded, trying her best to bury the uncomfortable feelings bubbling up inside her. Frantically juggling around her thoughts. Trying to think of something to say next that might break the tension between them.     
“And why is that?” he asked, yanking her close to him. Taking her into his arms as Corrine let out a hasteful breath. Immediately enraptured by his stare as his intense blue eyes stared into her soul. Stirring inside her a desire that she felt deep in her core. 
Why?! Why him, she asked herself. Feeling betrayed by her own heart for wanting him. Hating that the helplessness she found in his arms to be irresistible. Joe noticed it too. The look in her eye and the way she melted into his arms, giving her away before any more words were spoken.  
She knew she had to do something. Something that would prevent them from going any further. That would stop her from imagining what might happen if the Immortan would once again remove his mask—or more. 
“Aren’t you afraid.” she blurted out, just as Joe’s face had been brought level with hers. HIs brows raised and eyes widened in confusion. Surely, she didn’t believe he was afraid of her.  
“Of?” he asked, his hand snaking its way from her arm to the swell of her breast. Her scent and the softness of her flesh were too enticing to ignore. 
“Of failure again.” she continued. Her comment, stopping Joe mid action. “Miss Giddy has told me about that night…aren’t you afraid of it happening again?” 
“I…” Joe began dumbfounded at her candor. Furious that the old woman had opened her mouth. Wishing that there was someone else as good as she for the task at hand. Then he might be able to kill her without a second thought. 
Instead, he was left vulnerable in front of the Fray. Giving her the upper hand for the moment. How dare she bring that up now. Remind him of what he has lost and refuse what there was to gain. 
“That's no concern of yours.” Joe said, his voice dosed with the hint of a quiver. Even someone as strong as he couldn’t help but give into the pain. 
“...I’m sorry.” Corrine said softly. Feeling immense regret as she watched him turn away. The moment compelling her to follow him. Shocked to see a tear running down his face. 
Corrine couldn’t help but pity him. This one simple tear had given her much needed proof of the Immortan’s humanity. An unexpected but pure reminder that he was just a man.  
“Really.” Corrine whispered as she brought her hand up to wipe the tear from his face. Joe was startled, surprised by her actions as he snatched her arm. Holding it up at the wrist as the two of them stared at one another. 
Both of their hearts began to pound as they stood there in the hollow of the vault. Joe, now more than ever determined to push forward. Corrine, chewing on her lip as he carefully undid his mask. His face once again revealed to her as he brought his lips only a hair’s breadth away from hers. 
“You’ll make it up to me.” Joe vowed as he passionately took her lips onto his. 
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whereis-mypizza · 2 months
Hi!! I love your Mad Max art. Would you be willing to draw Immortan Joe x Dementus?
Hi!! I'm sorry for replying so late. I had never thought of Immortan Joe x Dementus before receiving your message!
Anyway, I did draw something. I wasn't sure if it was good enough to post here. I wanted to draw something more, but it didn’t turn out as I hoped. 😅
It's a parody of this panel (I’m not sure what it is; I’ve only seen it used in memes).
If it's still okay, I would love to share it with you now.
Thanks for asking❤️
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plumulesauvage · 3 months
Paradise in Hell 1 : the kidnapping
Genre : Sf, drama, adventure, psychological
Warnings : rude language, swearing, crude parts, men being shot and beheaded, Dementus
Relationships : Furiosa x reader, Dementus x reader, Immortan Joe x reader, Max x reader
Table of contents here
"Come on Fury ! We've come too far !" Whined Valkyrie.
" Oh don't be such a wimp !" Exclaimed Furiosa, looking at a peach, near the girls.
"Be nice with each other ! " Said Valhalla, bored by her two friends bickering. " And hurry Fury ! We shouldn't be here !"
"I know, I know... Let me just...." Continued the mentioned girl, climbing on the peach tree trying to catch one of the fruit without falling.
Valkyrie was watching anxiously, scared of being punished by the mothers for being way too close to the end of the oasis. She was the younger of the three, and while she always followed her two little friends, playing the big girl, she always hated adults scolding them for being too ruthless.
At the same time, one of the other girls, the one named Valhalla, caught a glimpse of what seemed like a horse, and disappeared quietly from the trio, looking for the animal. She was maybe the calmer and quieter of the three. Always following the rules. Always nice with everyone. Always doing as she was told. But, she was also the curious one, a dreamer. Always looking for a distraction. Always looking in a different direction, hearing noises nobody cared about. And, while being well aware of the many dangers of the wastelands, she was also the type to simply not care.
And it quite frequently ended in the same way : Mary scolding the three little girls for exploring the green place too far, ready to touch the sand like there was no danger in the Wastelands. That's why they all had little whistles, to call adults if something bad happened.
But, at the moment, Valhalla didn't care of being "too far" or "too close from the sand". What she cared about was right in front of her : four bikers hunting and killing a horse.
She couldn't believe what she saw. Who were these bikers ? They definitely weren't from the green place, she was sure of it. They were strangers, came here to kill and poison everything. They were enjoying all this suffering they caused to the poor beast. And the young girl couldn't watch it without doing anything. If there was one thing she despised, it was gratuitous violence. Seeing those bastards play with a life was too much for her young and brave heart, and she got way too angry to think before acting.
Next thing she knew, the horse wasn't enough of an amusement anymore. Now, she was the prey. And even if she was the kind to bite violently when needed, there was nothing she could do against four grown men and their weapons.
And so, the little Valhalla was assaulted by all those men. She defended bravely, hitting, biting, scratching in the process. The men struggled a little while before finally catching her, and tying her to one of the motorbikes.
" Few !" Exclaimed one of them. "You're quite the savage one ! Almost lost one of my fingers in the process !"
Hearing his ironic tone, the other men laughed, all together.
Valhalla was in fury, hearing those dirty scums talk and act as if nature was just a mere object, here to satisfy their wishes and needs. Just as they were treating her.
Then, they finally killed the horse and began to dismember it. They weren't paying attention to the little girl, now defenseless and as dangerous as a tree. They attached her to one of their bikes with a cheap rope, naively thinking she had no other resources than her energy and teeth. What a mistake.
Barely did they turn their back to her, she was already using a knife she kept as a secret to cut the rope. Slowly but surely, she will be free. Once she will be able to, she will use her whistle, alerting the many mothers of the situation. Or, at least, she thought so.
She suddenly heard a noise behind her. Turning as much as she could, she saw Furiosa gently tiptoeing to the motorbike, cutting all the gas pipe she could on her way.
Their eyes met, and they knew they had to act quick. Unfortunately, as Furiosa approached Valhalla to help her, one of the bikers arrived behind her.
"FURY !"
But it was too late. The men saw the second girl. And as she was trying to escape, using her breath to whistle desperate blows, they caught her.
They tied her right before Valhalla's eyes, before riding their bikes to run away.
When Valhalla opened her eyes again, she was met by Furiosa chewing the gas pipe of her driver.
The first didn't recall everything, but she must have been knocked out while trying to shout her position to her mother.
Her head was throbbing from the pain, her vision was blurry and her ears were ringing. She shook her head, trying to regain full consciousness, and when she succeeded, she realized they were moving on the sand. It was night, and there was nothing but a desert of sand surrounding her.
They have been gone for a long time, and they kept moving. As the fear of being kidnapped emerged in her heart, Valhalla heard a strong noise.
This sound. She knew it.
It was the gun of their mother. They were saved ! Mary was gonna save them !
As hope and adrenaline filled her head, she began imitating Furiosa, and chewed her own gas pipe. The rubber was strong and thick under her teeth. And it left a dry and disgusting taste on her tongue. But she didn't care. What she cared about was to make her kidnapper stop before joining his camp. And she was determined to do everything possible, if it meant success.
Mary was focused, breathing slowly as her eyes locked up on her next target.
One biker down. Three left.
It was her fault, she knew it. She knew she should have insisted about not going too far. She knew she should have watched the girl more carefully. But here they were now. With no way to change the past, she could only trail the men down in order to keep the Green Place and her little girls safe.
Tch ! Missed...
She stood up and took her bike with her. It belonged to a man she killed sooner. There was still his blood on it, but she didn't care. What mattered was to get her girls back.
"Shit ! She chewed the pipe ! This little-" Shouted one of the bikers.
Furiosa did it, she cut the pipe and now the motorcycle was off, without any gasoline left.
Valhalla didn't have this chance, her pipe being way too much thicker to be cut with simple teeth.
As the two men were walking around the corpse of their companion (because Mary did kill another one sooner), they were both arguing whether or not it would be useful to keep the girls with them. As they argued, they weren't paying attention to the girls anymore.
Seeing that Furiosa was freeing herself, Valhalla whispered.
"Go... Mommy mustn't be far... You'll catch up to her !"
"But, what about you Valh ?" Asked the other one, still whispering.
"Don't worry about me. Go, now !"
And just like that, Furiosa was running away. But the men soon saw her, and, since they apparently resolved their gas problem, they took their bike, following the little Vuvalini to catch her up again.
Valh, trying to slow them down, bit her driver with all her might, making him cry in pain.
"AOUCH ! What a little fucker ! She bit me ! I'M BLEEDING !"
But his companion was still riding, following the footsteps of the first girl, ignoring the pain of his mate.
And like that, Furiosa was, once again, tied to the bike, head down and feet up, waiting for her mother to help her.
"WE DID IT ! WE DID IT ! We finally came back to the camp !" Exclaimed the first driver.
That's the moment Mary chose to shoot one of the two men. She killed Valh's drivers. His bike felt, the little girl with it. She didn't wait another second and began to run behind Furiosa. She wasn't going to run away without her !
And so, she arrived in the camp a little after the bike. While the last man was telling his discovery to all his mates, she surprised them by running as fast as she could, toward the other girl.
As the men we're arguing over who will tell what to whom, Fury and Valh set a trap to the last biker, and hang him up with his own bike. But, as they were about to escape, the other men caught them up. Next thing they knew, they were brought to a giant tent, in the middle of the camp. They both tried to fight and escape, but it was too late for them…
“Keep her still !” Demanded a man who seemed like the chief of the bikers. “They already killed enough men for today !” As he was pestering he entered a white tent bigger than the other ones, soon followed by the two girls and their keepers. Inside the tent, people were speaking around a motorcycle which seemed new and flawless. The oldest of them all was apparently explaining the origins and the making of the bike, while the others were listening silently, almost religiously. At the center of the group, looking at the shiny vehicle was a man covered in white. An enigmatic charisma was emanating from him, he had to be their leader. Then, the one who brought the girls, apparently named Rizzdale, interrupted the reunion.
Hearing the ruckus, the leader turned around, looking intrigued by the scene.
“And what do we have here ?” He asked, observing the two little girls, as they were looking at each other quietly.
“They’re from a place of abundance !” The first man explained. He seemed ecstatic just by talking about it. His excitement made his chief smile, eyeing the girls with interest. He made a sign to his men, indicating that there was no need for them to hold the kids anymore. They were just children after all…
“Hello there !” Began the leader, with a joyous tone. “My name is Dementus. Care to tell me who and from where you are ?”
The two girls looked at him curiously and with a hint of disgust before asking silently each other in search of what to say. But none of them spoke. They seemed quite reserved, not daring to look him in the eyes.
“Look…. It must have been a hard day for you two… You want to rest, and I understand. So, how about you tell me where you came from so we can all enjoy our evening ?”
But none of them answered. Their silence defying him.
Finally, Rizzdale let the last biker enter the tent, only for Dementus to notice how bad he actually was, his throat slit in two, vomiting his own blood and not able to speak anymore. It was too late for him to tell where the place of abundance was. and it pissed the warlord. He had enough of all that. Being interrupted for two impertinent girls and an almost dead man, gaining nothing else than a headache as a result was not on his bingo card. And he was having none of it. Not today.
“Okay….” He breathed calmly. “You don’t want to talk ? that’s okay ! Go and rest ! We’ll follow the marks tomorrow and we’ll see where you came from !”
He then dismissed them, gesturing his hand towards a woman and two men. He prohibited any men from approaching the girls, then changed the subject as they left the tent.
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plumulesauvage · 2 months
Paradise in Hell 3 : The Citadel
Genre : Sf, drama, adventure, psychological
Warnings : rude language, swearing, crude parts, mention of a grown man and a little girl alone in the same room, mentions le the titties of the PeopleEater (this guy is disgustingly, sorry not sorry), Dementus (as always)
Relationships : Furiosa x oc, Dementus x oc, Immortan Joe x oc, Max x oc
Ps : just noted that I described this fic as an x reader when, actually, it’s more an x oc., sorry about that. But if you identify as Valh, then it’s my pleasure.
Chapter 2 here
Table of contents here
Valhalla was raising her eyebrow, as if saying “Told you : he’s a moron”. Looking at her, Furiosa only sighed before looking back at what seemed to be the entrance of the giant rocks overlooking her.
The two girls were sitting in their moving jail, waiting for Dementus to end his speech. The man decided a little sooner that he was gonna take over a green place called The Citadel. And he was currently trying to motivate the ones who lived in it to deliver their chiefs in order for him to take control of the fortress. Unfortunately for him, they apparently weren't disposed to do so.
And then everything went wrong. A "war boy" just threw himself for his lord Immortan Joe, and it soon became chaos. Everybody was fleeing for his own sake, and the warriors of the Citadel were fishing any bike they could. They finally hooked the moving jail, with the History Man, Furiosa and Valhalla inside.
Everyone panicked.
The History Man tried to stand as still as he could. Furiosa was being dragged in some kind of tunnel by creepy humans. And Valhalla, scared, didn't dare to let go of the jail. Dementus rushed over the girls, but he had to make a choice : freeing Furiosa from her kidnappers or helping Valhalla before she got way too high above the ground. And the History Man, who succeeded in getting out of the jail a little sooner, wasn't of great help.
Panicking, the bikers leader finally chose to help Furiosa, who was easier to help than Valhalla. The two little girls were trying to catch each other, screaming in the capharnaum.
"Fury !" Shouted Valhalla, only hanging with one arm attached to a bar, while the other one was outstretched to her sister.
"Valh !" Responded Furiosa, as Dementus was getting her out of trouble. She struggled in the arms of her savior, trying desperately to catch her sister, as she was getting higher and higher.
Finally, Valh understood that it was too late for her. If she jumped, she could hurt herself pretty badly. Plus, if Fury stayed here, there was a high risk that she ended up captured by the war boys. And she didn't want to see the only dear person to her being abducted, again. So, in a final movement of her hand, she waved goodbye to her sister by heart, with tears streaming down her face.
" We made a promise, Fury. Hold it for me..."
" But ! I cannot leave you here Valh !" Was desperately shouting at the second girl.
"May the stars be with you." Ended the first one, looking resigned. She was sad for her sister, she didn't want to let her go with the crazy maniac who killed their mother. But, at the same time, she didn't want her to become one of Immortan Joe's slaves. Instinctively she felt that being with Dementus was safer than in the Citadel.
And so, she gave up the idea of seeing the Green Place or her sister again, resigned but with the relief that Furiosa was safe from this hell of a place.
Valhalla was afraid. She didn't know what was gonna happen to her, but it certainly wasn't something fine.
As the war boy pulled the jail up, they caught her without letting her a chance of escaping. And they directly seized her to bring her to their chief. And now, the little girl was quietly and anxiously walking through rock tunnels which seemed never ending.
When she and her "escort" finally arrived at the heart of the Citadel, she was met with very strange and frightening people. The first one was wearing a nose jewel and some rings on his breast. The second was a giant with a creepy way of looking at her, and wore what seemed to be a breathing pipe on his face. The third was dressed as a Roman with a leather skirt and some burns on his skull. The last one, who was probably the chief with such charisma, was an old white hair man with a frightening mask and some white pants.
He - tough Valh - is the most terrifying man I ever saw in my life.
And that was probably true. Dementus was maybe scary because of his unpredictable behavior, but he didn't have this sort of murderous vibe.
Before she could notice, the young girl stopped breathing, fearing the noises she could emit. She was looking at the ground, terrified by all those eyes on her. Men were dangerous. She knew it. But not as she realized it now. If they wanted her dead, she would be dead. No option, no choice. Just their will. And she felt terribly weak. Not because she was a girl, nor because she was a child. But because they were monsters of the worst kind. Not even worth to be called human anymore.
As she was lost in her thoughts, she heard the chief getting up. He was walking toward her. And if she could disappear right now, she would have. What kept her on her legs was the relief of knowing Furiosa wasn't here with her.
The chief suddenly spoke. Short, simple, efficient.
« Bring her to the room. »
No questions. His underlings obeyed, dragging the poor little Valh in a new room, leaving her all alone waiting for what would happen to her. She was scared, thinking of it. She was gonna be alone with the chief of the citadel. No one to hear her cries. And even if somebody did hear her, they wouldn’t intervene because of loyalty or fear.
No matter what this man was planning for her. She would come out of this room changed, and not for the best. She knew it. Men didn’t ask, they took what they wanted as if granted. It would be the same. The horror of being a girl in this awful world was striking her right here and now. Who knew what kind of awful pleasures this man had in his safe little rock ?
While the girl was overwhelmed with her thoughts, the leader of the citadel entered the room, closing the door behind him. Shivers took all over the girl’s body. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing. But, as she was waiting for the worst to come, a hand landed on her shoulders.
Just as she opened her eyes, curious of what was going on, she saw the man right in front of her, kneeling. He was looking at her necklace. Staring intensely, as if reminded of something. The two were in an awkward silence.
As if obliged, Valhalla spoke.
“ It belonged to my mother. ” she pointed to the necklace.
The man nodded silently. He finally got up and hummed. Then he looked back at her.
“ Long time ago, before the citadel, I was guiding men in the wastelands. ”
The young girl didn’t care about what he was saying. But she knew that the more he spoke, the less he hurt. So she just listened, faking her interest in his monologue.
“ One day I met a woman. She was a full life, as beautiful as the sun, lost in the desert. Long story short, she accompanied me for years. When I took over the citadel, we argued about hurting people. She was weak by heart and I despised that. ”
How surprising coming from a guy like you. Thought Valhalla, unsure about where the story was going and what it had to do with her.
“ Finally she just disappeared in the desert. She left me and never returned. ”
“ You must ask yourself why I am telling you all of this gibberish story of the past. ”
“ Funny thing is : this woman had a necklace that I offered to her while we were still young and in love. And that was the same as the one you’re currently wearing.”
��� So. My question is : who the fuck are you ? ”
She didn’t know what to say anymore. This man was telling her that he knew a woman with the same necklace as her biological mother ? She didn’t know her much but she knew one thing : they both were Vuvalinis. And one of them would never ever love a guy like this. That was impossible. Surely a mistake. Or worse, a trap to gain information.
He couldn’t be talking about her mother.
“ I'm sorry sir. But I can’t answer you. My biological mother passed away giving birth to me. So, I can’t say that I know her… ”
How to handle this guy without telling him too much ? She didn’t know what to do anymore. Why was this guy talking about a woman she didn’t know ? Couldn’t he just let go of her ?! Plus, he was creepy looking with his mask and she didn’t want to stay in the same room as him. She wanted to go back home. More than ever. And to ask the many mothers a proof that her biological one had nothing to do with this horror of a man.
It was maybe only a coincidence. She learned that jewelry was common before the wars. Maybe two girls had the same necklace and they just ended up in different hands, leading one of them here. What an unfortunate fate !
“ I know what you’re thinking little one. That is not a coincidence. It cannot be since I had one of my men craft it for the woman I loved. ”
Oh shit.
If she didn’t have wanted to eat peaches this day, maybe she would have stay away from this fucker. But it was way too late now…
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plumulesauvage · 3 months
Paradise in Hell 2 : The sandstorm
Genre : Sf, drama, adventure, psychological
Warnings : rude language, swearing, crude parts, mention of Mary being killed, mention of pet names, Dementus
Relationships : Furiosa x reader, Dementus x reader, Immortan Joe x reader, Max x reader
Chapter 1 here
Table of contents here
It’s been a long day for the girls. They were exhausted, dirty and full of sand. But none of them were speaking while a woman cleaned them up. They were only exchanging a few glances, unsure of what to do. Only one thing was for sure : they couldn’t speak. Not to these men. They would destroy the Green Place just by looking at it. As Vuvalinis it was their duty to protect the oasis from destroyers like those bikers. And they were ready to die for that. Just as they’ve been taught.
The silence was filled by the howling wind outside, as a sandstorm was sweeping the camp.
One of the two men in the tent suddenly stood up, hearing a noise. After he exited the tent, the other man and woman stole Furiosa’s peach and began to bicker about it. What put a stop to the ridiculous quarrel was the corpse of the first man, falling inside the tent. Then, the second ended up dead. And Mary entered the tent, armed and ready to kill the woman.
At this sight, the two girls stood up happily and ran toward their mother.
“Mommy !” “We thought we lost you !”
Just by seeing the Vuvalini, they were relieved and ready to escape. But their mother was still wary, looking menacingly at the woman, targeting her with her deadly weapon.
“Please ! Don’t kill me ! I’m a mother too !” Begged the woman, hands up, down on her knee, with a scared look.
Mary seemed to hesitate before rushing her girls towards the exit, finally deciding she didn’t need to kill another person for now.
But, as the trio escaped, they were shot in the back, and Mary caught fire.
Despite the raging sandstorm and their motorbike, they didn’t run far enough, and were soon caught by Dementus and his men. Mary then told the girl to flee without her while she stayed behind to kill as many men as possible.
Facing this order, Furiosa tried to refuse, while Valhalla began to cry, understanding they were parting ways forever.
The girls finally obeyed, riding the bike as far as they could.
In the silence of the storm, Valhalla was quietly sobbing. She couldn't help it. And Furiosa didn’t know what to do. She felt sad too. Sad for her mother, sad for her sister. They weren’t sure they could escape the biker gang, but it was certain that they would never see their mother again. Knowing that, they couldn’t help but want to return by her side, fighting with her. And dying with her if there was no hope left.
As Fury was driving, Valh recalled her memories with her mother, fidgeting a necklace she wore.
Her biological mother died while giving birth to her, and her only memory was that necklace. She never knew her “real” mother, but was the happiest little girl having Mary as her mommy. And she couldn’t accept to lose a mother once again. Not now. Not because of stupid beasts who called themselves men. Why must it happen this way ?
As she was torturing herself with her fearful and sad thoughts, Fury was thinking about going back.
She too couldn’t give up. She couldn’t let her mother down. The magnificent and talented woman she had the chance to call mother wasn’t going to die killed by some pathetic men who couldn’t take care of themselves. Never. She deserved way more than that.
“Listen Valh !”
The engine wasn’t revving anymore. The bike had stopped.
“We’re Vuvalinis. We protect and take care of each other ! We’re not letting mommy down !”
Saying it out loud determined the two girls to go back to where they left their mother, with the hope to save her. At worst, they’ll accompany her in her death. No matter what, they weren’t letting her all alone.
Unfortunately, they came back in time to see their very own mother being crucified and tortured by Dementus men. Seeing them, Mary couldn’t help but cry out of anguish, understanding that her little girls would never escape those men.
“Furiosa ! Valhalla !”
As she screamed, the two girls tried to help her, but were caught.
And just like that, those two children saw their mother die in the most awful way. Just as Dementus said “There is no looking away”. This was burned in their skin and mind.
There is no looking away. There will never be. Because even if you close your eyes, cruelty will still be there. Even if you look away, people you love will still die painfully. Because that’s what life is.
Because that’s the Wastelands.
It had been weeks since their mother passed away. Weeks locked up in what seemed like a moving jail.
Since this awful evening, the two girls stayed silent, only holding hands. With open eyes they looked everything, everyone. There was no sleep, no hunger, no sadness, no hope left. There was only anger.
Furiosa had a muzzle because she had tried to bite every man who approached her. Valhalla was gaged because she only talked to say mean things to everyone looking them dead in the eyes.
Dementus was overwhelmed to say the least. He didn’t know what to do with these two little monsters who made everyone run away. They were a great duo at discouraging and destroying his men. But he stopped to find it funny the day he became their victim.
“Little girls are supposed to be cute and polite ! Not fucking freaks !” Had he shouted one day out of pure anger after standing with the two tornados all day. And enough was enough for the warlord. Now, he just wanted some rest.
As the night felt, he came outside of his tent to breathe some fresh air. Keeping the children was gonna be hard, he knew it the second he decided it. But he didn’t expect them to be as much as their mother. He tried to talk to them. To befriend them. Nothing worked. They were always looking at him in the same way, with pure rage and hate. But if looks could kill he would have died way before leafing them.
He was a bit discouraged, but deep down, he knew they could succeed him. They had the temper, the will. Growing up they will surely gain power. Wasn’t it epic, to know that one day they’ll avenge their mother and become warlord instead of him ?
Thinking about it gave him chills. But not of fear, only of excitement.
His men couldn’t understand. They were too serious or weak for that.
Only the Octo-boss saw through him, but instead of trying to understand he just told him that he was a creepy old bastard. “ Keeping them around, they will be the death of you.”
Thinking about that, the Aussi rolled his eyes, bored. Seemed like his men were all pussies deep down. What a shame ! Didn’t they want a chilling journey in the Wastelands ?
HE was gonna make it epic. Just wait and see…
As the time passed, Valhalla was more and more convinced that her kidnapper was a moron. First, he did look like a creepy old man with his disheveled hair and beard. Second, he sometimes talked like a crazy guy, shouting nonsense about “making it epic” and “mark History”. Third, he kept calling her dollface with a gentle tone, as if he was her father.
Just thinking about it made her sick. There was really something off with this guy. And she couldn’t endure it anymore. Each time she saw him, she wanted to make his little grin disappear from his hideous face. But she could even talk back to him since he just gagged her saying she was too mean for her own good.
Her only reason to keep calm was Fury.
Her sister didn’t say a word nor shed a tear since their mother’s death, and she was worried about her. She knew her sis. She was gonna try to kill the crazy bastard next time she will be put out of this cage.
But Valh couldn’t agree more.
The two girls wanted to come back to the Green Place. because they made the promise to their mother that they’ll go back. And because they didn’t want any of this “epic life in the Wastelands”. So they had tattooed the star map to remember the path to their oasis, as a secret between them. As proof that they will always be with one another, no matter distance or death. If one of them came back, then the other too.
And like that they endured each passing day in this dreadful desert. Waiting for their time to come… Patiently waiting for their revenge against the warlords who killed their worlds…
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