#Mad Max fanfiction
spenglersglasses · 2 months
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⌛⚙️ What a lovely day..... ⚙️⌛
Listen, lol I had to! Anyways already friends, here is my first and maybe my only venture into the world of Mad Max with a focus on my favorite character, Immortan Joe.
I am really excited to get this too you and as with all my fics I will update as I am able and inspired to make sure I am giving you my all every time.
**This fic will be an AU! Mostly I will try to stay canon but there will be some conflicts and reimaginings. This includes themes as listed in the tags, if any of this doesn't sit well with you, please skip this one!**
Listen you are reading a fic with Immortan Joe, it should be pretty obvious. but that being said if you are still here, I sincerely hope you all enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading!
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the awesome dividers!
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Glimmer in the Wasteland
Many years after the Citadel was conquered and seized by him, the Immortan Joe longs to feel something besides the pain and anguish of the world. Desperate to secure his legacy by siring an heir, he decides that now is the time before it becomes too late. Meanwhile a young woman named Corrine is separated from her group in the Wasteland and captured by the War Boys. When Corrine awakens within the fortress of the Citadel, her world changes when she has an encounter with the deeply feared and infamous warlord.
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Chapter 1: God and the Scavenger
Immortan Joe struggles with his inevitable mortality and makes a life changing decision. A young woman, Corrine is separated from her scavenging group in the Wasteland during an attack and is captured by the War Boys.
Also available HERE on AO3.
Will eventually be very NSFW below the cut!!
It had finally happened. A spot—tingling. A pang of pain threatening that a sore would soon be sprouting up along the outer edge of his back. 
It would be the first outward effects of the nuclear fallout Joe would bear. One that no amount of salvaged antiseptics and alcohol washes could stave off. Lesions caused by a cancer too tenacious to be contained as it slowly ate at him from inside. Suddenly he, the Immortan, felt all too mortal.
“It is time.” The People Eater spurred him. Joe, nodding as the War Pups covered him in powder. HIs already pale skin turned ghostly white. Adorned in his pauldrons and chest plate, molded in plexiglass and covered in his former accolades, as he took to his feet. 
His long, ghastly white hair, flowing in the harsh wind as he approached the balcony. Ready to address the wretched below as they waited for the life-giving water. The people of the Citadel, all but decaying in the heat and waste of what was left of the world they all inhabited. Desperate for things, once taken for granted. 
As they stood waiting, the man they called “God”, began rolling his neck side to side. Hoping to release some of the tension in his shoulders. Held there from the weight of his breathing apparatus. His piercing blue eyes staring out into the Citadel under blackened lids. Tired and weary. The rest of his face concealed beneath the grim of his mask. Cold, chrome and equine teeth bordered by hoses for breathing. He looked as frightening as he did mighty, standing before them. 
The whole of the crowd below, cheering as they saw his silhouette appear beside his son, Rictus, and the People Eater. The People Eater leaned over to his commander's side. Holding up the shining microphone as Joe took hold of the aquifer valve levers in his hands. The time of placation, arriving once again. 
“It is through me that you will all find salvation. Through me that you will ascend. Rising above the rot and filth of this life…before moving on to the next…” Joe began. The people below crying out his name, Rictus clapping incessantly. Joe shot him a look, stopping him mid applause. The feebleness of Rictus’s diseased mind, growing more apparent each day.  
“Please sir, go on.” The People Eater nudged. Joe returned his attention to his task. Frustrated and angry that he had to speak at all. 
“...You shall drink of the Aqua Cola and remember who gave you this gift…” Joe continued, pulling the levers and listening to the gears as they twisted and turned. The water cascading down upon the wretched below. 
“That’s right. The Immortan is the redeemer!” the Prime Imperator shouted. Joe’s hold on the people of the Citadel renewed as the vapor from the water found its way upon his face. A cool mist that fed what was left of his own soul.  
Joe closed his eyes to revel in the feel of it on his skin when suddenly, the fury building inside him returned. The moment of solace, short lived as Joe began yanking back hard on the levers. The flow, shutting down as he removed himself from the room without another word. Leaving Rictus, the People Eater, the Prime Imperator, and his son’s Colossus and Scrotus confused.
“You had better go see what is wrong with Dad, Eater.” Colossus suggested from his small, makeshift chair. His diseased and deformed body, struggling to move itself. Swiveling back around to his telescope as he watched the scene below.  
“Of course, sir.” the People Eater replied as he fiddled with the chain that connected his nipples. Smiling and sending a nod to his ruler’s sons as before making his way out to find him. 
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The pain was excruciating. Like an explosion that was still going off inside her head. Corrine opened her eyes to find darkness. She began to tremble, the fear—immediately settling in. Where am I? She thought.
Her whole life she had only known struggle. The abrasive grit of the sand and the heat of the unencumbered sun. The place she was now, it was different. The air still and the calm and there were drops of something coming from above her. It was cool and crisp like water across her skin. 
It was jarring. It had been so long since she'd had anything but the sensation of sweat running over her. Her body, more recently than ever before, in a constant state of dehydration and hunger. Life in the Wasteland wasn't easy, especially for a scavenger. 
Her people had been lucky. For years managing to gather enough supplies to keep the true horrors at bay. A hearty people, but kind despite their hard way of life. Corrine was born after the world ended, twisting into desolation and undeserving perdition.
It seemed now her luck had run out. Only flashes, sensations, and fragmented images remained from what had happened. She could remember the days before. Traveling across the endless sands and dirt plains. 
They were out together, the crew she knew as her brethren, scouring a deserted camp for ever dwindling supplies. Their trip, having gone on far longer than expected. Having strayed days away from their home. They had set up a camp for the night, ready to find their way back once the sun returned to the horizon.  
All seemed well until the sound of revving engines came out from the darkness. Her eyes shut open. Corrine quickly got to her feet and exited her tent. Running as fast as she could through the sand. Listening to the others crying out for help, before the sounds of malicious laughter began filling the night air. 
It was the War Boys. Until then they had only been a story. A tale told to the youngest of her colony as a warning not to venture far. A warning she regretted not having heeded.  
Was she being held captive by them? Why was she spared instead of the others? How long was she out? There was nothing else she could remember before things went black. No way to know for sure where she’d been taken. 
She could hear the metal clanking of the chains as she shifted around. The sound, rattling mercilessly in her ears. Her head, now pounding full force as she tried to stand. Feeling the wet, bloody knot that hid within her hair. 
“Ssss...agh.” She groaned as her fingers grazed the spot.  When she felt she had her footing, Corrine began scanning the walls. Feeling the rock beneath her hands as she tries to find a way out of the darkness. She continued until in an instant she was suddenly blinded. 
“Who's there?” 
“Hmph…” groaned someone in the darkness. A man, only barely coming into focus as Corrine felt her heart pounding in her chest. Wanting to flee, the sight of his shotgun barrel held out in front her. His pale, sunken face smiling behind it.
“Yes…yes, you'll do just fine. A gift, a delightful gift.” he said gleefully. In an instant a chill shot through her spine. Horrified at what was to come. 
“Where am I?!” She yelled, tears flowing down over her cheeks. The man disappeared and before she knew it, Corrine was listening to the sound of a metal. Clunking and scraping that rang out with the slam of a door. The War Boy’s ‘delightful gift’ realizing she was once again alone in the darkness. 
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Joe paced the floor of his rooms—slowly and methodically. Every step, filled with harsh contemplation. Only noticing briefly that the People Eater had followed him in. 
“Sir? What is it? What are you thinking?” The Eater asked, wondering what could be brewing in his mind. Wondering if the Immortan was concocting a new way of cultivating crops? Maybe a strategy for expanding the War Boys’ lifespans—something more than just the unlucky blood bags they'd culled from the wasteland. The truth however was far more intrinsic, more primal. 
“Leave me.” Joe said, his voice level and his eyes fixed into the space before him. Focused on something abstract, but to him something completely clear.
“Maybe I could be of some help.” The Eater continued.
“I think I'm ready to try again.” the Immortan explained, the Eater’s eyes widening. He knew better than most what was truly important to Joe. One thing that his power and all the guzzolene the world could muster wouldn’t give him—a healthy child. 
“What's that sir?” he asked him still, hoping that it might be something else. 
“You know exactly what.” Joe chided. The hurt and angry present in his eyes. 
“Are you…are you sure sir? We were fortunate enough with Rictus and Scrotus. It’s been years since—”
“I am aware.” Joe growled, turning quickly to face his comrade. The memories of his failures, fresh in his mind. The People Eater did his best to swallow back his reservations, mostly in fear of the thrashing that the disobedience might incite. 
“Immortan, I come with news.” the Prime Imperator said, bursting into the room with a smile spread wide across his face. 
“What is the meaning of this intrusion?!” the Eater yelled. 
“Some of the boys returned last night, riding high and proud. They found a group of foragers out in the wasteland.” he continued, both the Eater and Joe intrigued.
“Anything worth salvaging?” the Eater asked. 
“The men didn’t last long enough to see the rocky formations but the other one they found—” he boasted before pausing for a breath.
“Go on.” Joe told him.
“The other one is a woman—a young woman.” The imperator finished. The People Eater let out a chuckle. 
“Sir…it seems fate may be on your side.” The Eater finished. Immortan Joe's eyes held a glimmer of hope within them as he approached the imperator. Grabbing him by the bandana on his neck. Burning a hole through his eyes with his stare.
You had better not be joking.” Joe growled. His ally, shaking his head and throwing up in hands in protest of the accusation. “Good. Eater, send for Miss Giddy and have her ready the vault. I shall seek an audience with this acquired treasure tomorrow at dawn. "
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 “Come up, get up now. Get up. We haven't much time.” said a soft voice. Corrine groaned, rolling over on the ground. In and out of consciousness as the sweet tone of the woman’s voice calmed her. It was similar to her mother's and Corrine was devastated when her eyes opened to find a strange old woman, covered head to toe in inscriptions, and not her mother staring back at her. 
“Time?” She absentmindedly repeated, head still aching from the trauma of the day before.
“Yes…we need to move you to the vault. We must bathe and dress you before he arrives.” The woman explained, helping Corrine to her feet and walking her down a long winding hall. Stopping only once they arrived at a large vault door. So large Corrine had never seen anything like it. 
“What is this?” she asked. The woman, pulling the already unlocked door out before them revealing the beautiful scene within. 
“This is your new home.” she explained, nudging her inside. Corrine was in awe; in all her life she’d never seen a place so beautiful. The ceiling, open to the sky. The sun, beginning to rise in the distance and illuminating the room. Its rays shimmering off the large crystal chandelier that hung from above a piano, just opposite the room. 
There was a small watering pool along the ground. Flowing steadily like a stream. And there were books—lots of them. Oh the knowledge they held, she thought to herself. Would she be able to actually read them? 
Then there was another room. One with beds, real pillows, and clean linens. It was all too much to take in, her eyes beginning to tear. It just didn’t make sense, none of it. 
In such violence she’d been brought to this place, one of beauty and all the comforts she had otherwise been denied. But why? “Got it all fixed up for you my dear. Come, come. Let Miss Giddy help you in.” she beckoned, helping Corrine remove her tattered scraps of clothing. What was left of them, covered in blood and dirt. Then finally into the pool of water. 
“Giddy?” she asked, before gasping as the cool water surrounding her. Kneeling in the water in only her underwear. 
“Yes, little bird. I will be your caretaker. Get you everything you need.” she assured her. The woman easing Corrine’s fears as she washed her hair. Missy Giddy kept mostly quiet, careful to not disclose too much. Corrine knew answers would come in time, but worried she might not care for what those answers may be. 
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Once the water ran clear of the grit and soil washed from her hair, Miss Giddy helped Corrine out from the pool. Allowing her to balance with a hand on her shoulder as she tried to dry off. Then getting her dressed in a white muslin ensemble. The fabric, billowy and light on her curvy frame.
Afterward Corrine sat beside the water as Miss Giddy brushed through her hair. It was long, wavy and a bit unruly after having been matted from the blood and sand. Corrine wincing as the brush tugged at the skin surrounding her wound. Miss Giddy did her best to be gentle and thankfully finished without too much of a fuss.
“Thank you.” Corrine said as she pulled her knees to her chest. “Miss Giddy.”
“What am I?” Corrine began when the door opened, and a man stepped in. He was tall and impressive. Dressed in clothing, the likes of which she had never seen. An intimidating mask concealing the majority of the lower half of his face. His eyes, however, blindingly blue, staring at her.   
“Leave us Miss Giddy.” he commanded, it was clear to Corrine that whoever he was, he was calling the shots. Without hesitation the old woman left, leaving Corrine and the mysterious man alone in the vault. 
“What is your name?” he asked, Corrine feeling her heart pounding with both intrigue and fear. 
“What's it to you?” she asked back, still unsure of what circumstances she had found herself in. Clutching the wrap of the dress within her fists. The nerves, as clear on her as the orange hue of the sky.  
“I am not going to harm you.” he told her, slowly approaching as he grabbed a chair from along the wall and brought it to sit beside her. Corrine frozen in fear, wondering what he might do next. 
“Is that so? What if I don’t want you to know my name.” Corrine asked, careful not to make eye contact. Feeling the breath halting inside her chest with each passing second in his presence. 
“Then what am I to call you?” 
“Uh…It's…It’s Corrine.” she finally told him. Her eyes, unable to help but meet with him. The two of them locked on to one another. Sparking green and crystal blue orbs, fixed on one another—no way of turning back now. The man shifted in the chair, the movement causing Corrine to flinch. 
“Hmph…an unusual name to be sure.” he said, brows piqued. 
“It was my great grandmother's.” Corrine explained. So entranced at the sight of him, at the sound of his deep, thick voice that she wondered if she’d said anything at all. 
“I see. Well, here you shall be given a new name to go with a new life.” he began. The words forcing a knot to swell in Corrine’s throat. “Give me your hand.” 
“I—” Corrine began but could not find the words. The man, reaching out his hand for hers to take. Reluctantly she took it, the man helping her up from her spot on the ground. The two of them standing together, intensely facing one another head on. 
“We shall call you the Fray.” he proclaimed as he felt the roughness of her hands. A sign of her life spent laboring out in the unforgiving wasteland. A wasteland he would save her from. His gaze, softening as he looked at her. 
A soft heart-shaped face, clear skin with no sign of disease. Emerald-colored eyes that were kind and gentle. As his sights continued to travel along her body, he took note of her large breasts and hips. Everything about her suggested she was perfect, full-life, and fertile.
There was more to her, and he could tell. The way she spoke with him, despite her fear. A hint of strength beneath a thinly veiled exterior. An observation that spoke to him, in ways he couldn’t quite comprehend. 
Corrine took in a deep breath; it was more than obvious he was sizing her up for something. This man whose name she didn’t know, though he now knew hers. As she exhaled, she summoned the courage to ask him.
“And what…what is your name?” she inquired. Watching a change in the man’s demeanor. The soft look, growing more sinister as he pulled her towards him. Now only inches from the haunting mask on his face. 
“It's Joe.”
Notes: Aqua Cola- WaterRe Guzzolene- gasoline
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Who Put the Bodies in the Wishing Well? | Max Rockatansky x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Max Rockatansky x Reader
->"Keep your mouth shut, that's what we're going to do" ❞
: ̗̀➛ Everything is becoming more scarce when it comes to food, and although you and Max have better chances with it being just the two of you, that really doesn't make it any easier.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ death, murder, witnessing murder, mentions of starvation
Max glared at you with his mouth half open and a small huff of what was almost a word slipping past his lips, but you shook your head as you looked at him; hidden amongst some trees, the two of you had just witnessed a pair of wanderers like yourselves drop the body of one of those War Boys or whatever they called themselves in a wishing well.
Hauling two limp bodies down to the well's edge, Max wasn't sure what to do.
"It's a secret that we can't tell," you whispered, quickly looking between Max and the wanderers. "We can't tell anyone about who put the bodies in the wishing well - they'd be killed!"
Max nodded briefly in agreement. "So what do we do?"
"Keep your mouth shut, that's what we're going to do," you murmured. "Unless you wanna end up in the wishing well, too."
Max grumbled, not quite happy with it; if there were more War Boys around, then people needed to know.
They needed to know that there were more of them around the corner, and those wanderers needed to get themselves somewhere safe in case anyone ever found out. But then again, it wasn't really worth risking both your life and his, either.
It was, after all, survival of the fittest.
"Come on," you murmured, leading him over in the bushes and off to the right to get away from the wanderers. "We'll sneak away so nobody knows."
Max went along with it, following closely behind you; but when you slipped on a small ridge with a two foot drop, Max went with you. Landing on top of you with his chest against your back and his arms on either side of your head.
"Max!" You groaned out. "C'mon!"
Max huffed, pushing himself up and continuing to follow you back to the car - completely forgetting about investigating the rumours about there being a decent food source near the wishing well. Maybe it was easier to look somewhere a little bit safer, somewhere that War Boys weren't being dumped in a wishing well.
You managed to get back to the car in one piece, slamming the doors shut as you turned to Max; you couldn't even control it, laughing loudly as you shook your head. For a moment, Max looked at you quizzically, but found himself smiling and laughing for a brief moment along with you.
"Fuck me!" You breathed out between laughs. "I thought we were gonna be next! Or, fuck, that the War Boys might've shown up looking for their mates!"
Max couldn't understand why you would laugh, but he liked hearing it from you, so he just watched for a moment; letting the sound wash over him gently as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
"Haven't heard you laugh like that in so long..."
You smiled as you nodded, clearing your throat. "I guess not... it's been a while... I know it's not funny, I guess... it's probably just a thing."
Max smiled as he shifted in his seat. "I get it."
Admittedly, it took you a good while before you calmed down enough to actually speak again, rubbing your face with your hands as you smiled and nodded at him. "Well, quick getaways aside - I don't think we'll be going there again, so... map?"
He handed you the map, and you crossed off the location. A shot of sickness ran through you as you realised that you were slowly running out; there were less and less available to find actual food, and less and less of it was growing. You swallowed hard, a lump forming in your throat.
"It's... it's nothing," you said with a tight lipped and forced smile. "Just realised that there's a dead spider on it is all."
Max shrugged, leaning back and tilting his head back as he folded his arms across his chest; he had no reason to doubt you, but you had every reason to lie to him.
Food was a scarcity, and it was becoming more of a luxury the further that time went; you knew that if Max found out how few places there were left, that he would starve himself to keep you going, and you couldn't allow that to happen. Not at all.
Max had never done anything to deserve that, and you knew that if it came down to it, he deserved food more than you did; you could probably go a few extra days without food if you had enough water, but Max?
Max had been through so much before the demise of Immortan Joe, you couldn't put him through starvation.
You waited to make sure he wasn't about to move when you slid the map back into its spot, getting the car moving even though your hands were shaking terribly. You couldn't even try to think about something else, even the wishing well would have been better than that, but your mind kept going to Max.
What length would you actually go to to ensure he had enough food?
Was there any possible way of changing things?
Of ensuring that he would actually have enough?
You hoped that your luck would get better - maybe the next spot would have enough to keep you both reliably sustained for the season and then you could move onto another but... but it was already difficult.
You doubted anything would come of it, really, but Max would have grumbled and groaned out that you just had to keep looking; now that Furiosa was in charge of the Citadel, water was abundant. Maybe she could get the farms up and running or something so that there would be food.
But it was all just maybe. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
Maybe it would have been better if you had allowed those wanderers to find you - let Max run off so his chances would have been better, and succumb to being tossed into the wishing well instead.
You let out a shaky sigh, wondering what the fuck you were meant to actually do.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading, but if I may: please take some time to read about what Sara and her family are going through under the current genocide in Gaza. If you can, please consider sending them some money so they can survive another day without being killed! Every little penny helps so much to get this child & their family away from genocide and access what is their rights.
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charlotteking23 · 2 months
Lost Paddock Pass - MV33/1
Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: You forget your paddock pass so now your being chased by security guards.
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You walked into the paddock wearing a flowy pink dress paired with a Hermes white bag, Louis Vuitton heels, and a white bow in your hair.
Scanning your paddock pass, you walk through the entrance. As expected Paparazzi were already taking pictures of you, probably because you were dating a three-time world champion.
As you walk, you notice Max explaining something to Charles. You quickly sped up your walk before wrapping your arms around Max's waist and hugging him.
"Hi Maxie", you said but it was muffled by your face buried in his chest.
You could feel his chest vibrate in laughter before hugging you back and swaying your body from side to side.
"Hi Liefje, Come on let's go inside", He said bringing your body inside Redbull hospitality not before saying goodbye to Charles.
"Are you ready?" you question to Max.
Today was an important day for Max, it was his home race the Dutch Grand Prix.
"Don't worry Liefje, I will win for you and for my home", Max said reassuringly, he was excited to win in his home race.
Max's whole family was here to support him in his home race. Though you were still iffy about Max's father being here, knowing about Max's past experience with his father was not good.
"Shit Schatz, I forgot my phone in the car...can you go grab it for me please", Max said slightly panicked.
You agreed to grab Max's car keys on the way out. You didn't want to stress out Max more today, He already has a lot on his mind since its his home race..
You quickly left the garage, walking towards the exit of the Paddock before heading towards the driver's parking area. You head towards the parking spot that had Max Verstappen on it, unlocking his car.
You retrieved his phone, smiling at the wallpaper, It was of you and him in cute matching Pajamas sets for Christmas.
You held the phone going towards the paddock, remembering you had to scan back in to go through, you search for the pass through your purse.
"Damn it, I must have lost it in the Paddock...What do I do?" You panicked knowing they won't let you in without a pass. And you couldn't phone Max since you had his phone.
You shyly went up to the security guard, trying to play a conversation in your head on how this would turn out, nothing good.
"Excuse me, sir, I lost my paddock pass, I had already went in today but I quickly had to get my boyfriend's phone from the car," You said shyly while holding up your boyfriend's phone hoping they would let you in.
"No pass, No entre," The security guard said pointing towards the exit sign.
"But um sir, one of the driver's Max Verstappen is my boyfriend", you tried to explain but the security only glanced at you clearly not believing you.
You walked away pouting in defeat trying to figure out how to get in the paddock without a pass.
The only thing you could think of is just to run straight in.
"Okay, You got this", you said to yourself, trying to build up some courage.
You ran straight, stopping to jump over the metal fence before running away. You could hear screams and shouts from the security guards demanding you to stop, even threatening you to be banned from future races.
You bump into someone but not stopping only loudly apologizing, not affording to stop by any means necessary. People quickly moved out of the way seeing you being chased.
You ran as quickly as possible but It's not easy since you're running in expensive heels at that.
You saw fans and paparazzi following you, hoping to get the reason why the security guards were running after you like a criminal.
Already hearing the headline Max Verstappen's girlfriend being chased by guards all because of a paddock pass, sentenced to 5 years in Jail.
You frowned at the thought but quickly your frown turned into a happy one seeing the Redbull garage close by, but the security guards were almost catching up to you.
At the perfect moment, you saw Max walking out of the garage probably looking for you since you have been gone for a while.
In a split-minute decision, when you were close enough you flung yourself straight into Max's arms hiding your face into his chest trying to catch your breath with all that running.
You saw the security guards run up to you, "Sorry Mr. Verstappen for the inconvenience we will escort this girl out".
Max put up his hand stopping the security guards from touching you, "No need, this is my girlfriend", Max said.
The security guards look at you and then at Max before realizing their mistake not wanting to see Mad Max.
The guards apologize to you and Max before walking away. Max then quickly ushers you inside the Redbull garage away from prying eyes.
You quickly gave Max his phone with an awkward smile on your face.
"What happened Liefje?" He said taking his phone before sitting you in his driver's room and giving you a bottle of water.
"Well, I got your phone but lost my Paddock pass somewhere so I tried to explain to the security guard that I knew you and I already came into the paddock. But he denied my entre," You said pouting at the memory.
"So, What did you do instead Liefje," Max said entertained with the story, squishing your pouty cheeks playfully.
"I decided to jump over the metal fence and run towards the Rebull garage but the guards were chasing me until I saw you and flung into your arms," You said hugging Maxie tightly around his waist since you were sitting and he was standing in front of you.
Max just laughs at you, "You had quite an adventure today Schatz".
You grin playfully before taking off your heels massaging it.
"Oh, Liefje it must have hurt to run in those heels, huh", Maxie said before taking your feet and massaging them for you, it felt like heaven.
"Next time, I will give you multiple copies of your paddock pass so you never lose it", Max said jokingly before you also joined in the laugh agreeing it was a good idea.
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therealplaguedoctor · 2 months
Love at first bite
Max Verstappen x fem!reader
Summary- Y/n is a professional protection dog trainer, and an ex bodyguard. What happens when an old friend of hers calls in a favor: getting his friend some protection. The fans seem to love her, others not so much. Especially not her clients father. Her client enjoys her company maybe a little more then he thought after the first bite.
TLDR- a collection of series of events that ends with two people who didn't really know they were in love with each other until one confessed
Warnings- dogs and dog bites, mentions of aggressive fans, cursing, google translated dutch, Jos Verstappen, stupid warnings: author is a dumbass and pretends she knows shit(she doesnt), American spelling, I never spell check, also y/n is very badass and is kinds just built different, sorry I like writing badass characters/people, also this might be a bit ooc I'm sorry for that :/
A/n- AHHH okay so I kinda hate (hate as in thinking I could do better) and love this(?) I wish it was better written ngl but it is a oneshot so I wasn't able to go into more detail so I feel like the writing is a bit rushed sorry about that I promise I will get better in the future :,)
BREAKING NEWS: Fomula one driver Mav Verstappen got injured after crazy drunk fan attacked him.
BREAKING NEWS: Max Verstappen revealed that he is looking into more security in an interview
"We're sure you've seen the questions around what happened immediately after qualifying. Can you add anything to that situation? Like with your current security?"
Max picked up the mic wanting to be anywhere but here "well I will be looking for personal security. As all the security that is normally seen around me is provided via the FIA." He said "But to speak on that manner any behavior like that should not be tolerated" he put down the mic as the interview turned to ask Lewis a question.
After the interviews were over Max just wanted to relax and forget about the crazed fan. But before he could disappear into redbull hospitality he heard his name from a familiar voice.
"Max!" Lewis called stopping in front of him "Hey mate I think I know someone that I can call to help you with your security" he smiled
"Stellen" (bite) you yelled at Goose, which sent him barreling towards the man with the bite sleeve. Goose launched himself up and bit down on the sleeve. The man, Tony, aggressive, shook his arm.
You felt you phone in your pocket buzz with your familiar ring tone. You pulled it out and looked at the caller ID: Sir Lewis Hamilton. You answered the call before yelling "Loslaten" (out) to Goose who immediately let go of his arm.
"Hey Lewis what's up?" You asked as you waved off Tony telling him he's good to leave.
"Hey Y/n" he said dragging out your name a little
"Lewis" you said in a warning tone "what did you do?"
"Okay one rude, I didn't do anything." He huffed "but I do need a favor?" He asked
"What's up?" You asked again "it's not like you to ask for favors"
"Well: my friend, another driver, he had a fan attack him and he needs protection cause he doesn't really have a security team"
"Lewis I can't get him a trained dog in a day" you sighed
"I know" he said "but you're still a certified body guard aren't you?" He asked hopefully
"Lewis." You said
"I know it's a big ask" he said "but I was talking with him earlier and he's willing to pay big bucks for you to be protection for him AND train him a dog." He said
You sighed knowing that he'll continue until you say yes "fine" you said "when can I set up a meeting with him?"
"Uhh I can say next week tuesday? We can do whatever time" He said "cause after this race we have a small break then it's actually race week in Miami"
"Okay Lewis, I'll find a dog for him before then, and start training" you said "if you say he's serious about this then I'll belive you"
"Thank you so much" Lewis said "I'll let him know"
"Yeah yeah, bye Lewis"
You sat in your small office. You didn't use it much only for meeting with clients about protection dogs or getting their dogs trained, you wanted to have a atleast semi professional space due to your clientele.
A knock at the door cause you it sit up and stop spinning in your chair.
"Come in" you called.
The door slowly opened revealing a happy Lewis. Goose didn't move from his bed next to you instead looking up at the man.
"Hey Lewis" you smiled
"What's up?" He asked rhetorically as he sat in one of the chairs across from you.
Another man walked in behind him, he looked around the room as if taking it in, this must be Max the guy Lewis was telling you about.
"Hello its nice to meet you" you smiled as you stood up and extended you hand "my name is Y/n L/n"
He shook your hand "Max Verstappen" he said before sitting down
You did the same sitting in your chair "so I have been made aware that you're looking for a personal protection dog" you said "along with the fact in the mean time you're looking to hire my bodyguard services" you said as you pull up the contract you had drafted earlier on the computer.
"Uh yes that's right" the Dutch man said
"Okay" you said as you quickly checked over the document spinning your screen around so he can read it-
After discussing the contract along with pay you both sign it. Solidifying the deal.
"Okay so now that we have that settled" you said as you stood up "we should have you meet your new dog" you smiled "Hier" (come) Goose got up and followed you out if the room the two men behind him.
You took out the keys and unlocked the kennel for a German shepherd pup "he's still a bit young, just under a year actually" you said "but he has the basics down so it's now just bite training" you explained
Both men nodded as they watched the pup and your dog Goose interact.
Media day, the day Max wished didn't exist. He finally got out of his car as you approached him with Goose to your immediate left.
"Good morning" you smiled "large crowd at the gates, mostly photographers only a few fans, I recommend staying on the right side as you walk into the paddock" I explained "it's mostly photographers on that side and no interviewers"
Max nodded as you talked he followed your instructions. You put on your sunglasses to block the flash of the cameras.
Max made it past the hectic paddock entrance with you right behind him Goose walking by your side.
As Max walked through the paddock he wasn't approached by any interviewers. He could get used to that.
Max sat down ready to record some content for the redbulls media team. You positioned yourself out of the way but with a good view of everything as well as all the entrances.
Daniel soon arrived and noticed you almost immediately sitting down he leaned over to Max and asked "who's that? With the dog?"
"Oh that's, Y/n" Max explained "She's my new bodyguard"
"She looks badass" Yuki comments scaring the shit out of both Daniel and Max "where the fuck did you come from?!" Max shouts
You quickly looked over and watched the interaction, Yuki had been up there the entire time.
As the recording came to an end you stood from where you were leaning. Watching Checo leave, followed quickly by Daniel and Yuki who look like they needed to be somewhere. Max started towards the exit you quickly followed him.
Begrudgingly Max sat down in front of a mic that had a big 'sky sport' on it. You stood just off to the side of the camera, completely out of frame and able to watch to one side of Max as you had Goose watching behind yourself.
As Max answered the repeat questions he finally heard the one he's been dreading:
"So Max this morning you walked in with a lady who had a dog. Care to comment about that relationship?" The interviewer asked.
"She's my bodyguard" he stated
"She's your bodyguard..?" The guy asked like he didn't just hear him
"If you don't mind me asking why her?"
"She was recommended by a friend." Max said nonchalantly
"Sorry let me clarify my question" the guy said. Oh no, you knew where this was going. "Why not a male body guard they're stronger no?" He asked
"Are you insinuating that just because she's a women she wouldn't be a good bodyguard?" Max asked
"Well no-"
"No it's exactly what you're doing" he said "you media people always ask the stupid questions" he hissed "that is so fu-"
He was cut off by you "Max de camera staat nog aan" Max the camera is still on.
Instead of continuing he just gets up and leaves, cutting the interview short. You follow quickly, commanding Goose to walk next to Max as you figured Max didn't want to be approached by anyone. Scary dog privileges are the best.
He opens the door to his driver room.
"Hier, blijf" (come, stay) you quickly rattled off to Goose who quickly went to your side and stopped next to you
Max also stopped in his tracks.
"Sorry" you quickly apologized "he's trained in dutch"
Max shook his head "no need to apologize" he said and then motioned you inside "but I don't want him out in this heat please come inside" he said
You weren't gonna argue with your boss "Volg" (heel) you commanded Goose as you walked into his driver room. Max walked in right behind you.
You stood off to the side as Max sat on the couch. He quickly motioned for you to sit down. You did just that.
Goose sat at your feet between you and Max. Max was obviously still pissed at what the guy said, you could see it on his face.
"You know" Max started "I've never been a dog person" he said "I like cats more"
"Huh," you said "I've always been a dog person" you said "started with the herding dog on my family's farm"
Max nodded as you talked before asking "can I pet him?" motioning to Goose
"Oh yeah of course" you smiled "as long as we aren't in a camera shot give him all the love you want" you chuckled "gotta keep his image up of a cold blooded killer, until the media finds my insta" you chuckled.
Max smiled as he ruffled Gooses head earning a lick from the dog.
BREAKING NEWS: Max's new bodyguard, Y/n L/n has a trained protection dog named 'Goose'. Click here to read more!
One image attached!
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You and Max finally left his driver room as he had another media appearance with another interviewer.
Max walked in front of you Goose to his left. You grabbed the door opened it for him. You followed him inside "volg" (heel left), you told Goose who then fell in step beside you to your left.
You followed Max till he sat on the couch opposite of the interviewer. Instead you stood against the wall out of view of the camera.
"Okay" the interviewer said giving the signal to start rolling "so before we start with the questions: would you want to have your bodyguard sit down?" She asked, she sounded genuine
Max then turned to you "wil je gaan zitten? ze kunnen je vragen stellen..." (do you want to sit down? they might ask you questions...)
You responded "Ik vind het niet erg om vragen te beantwoorden. Wil je dat ik ga zitten?" (I don't mind answering questions, do you want me to sit?)
"Ik vind het prima als jij dat ook bent" (I am okay with it if you are) Max said
You gave a quick nod before walking over and sitting on the couch, next to Max. Turning to Goose you said "Bewaken" (guard), causing him to lay down in front of Max.
Turning to the camera the interviewer started "Hello everyone it's Stella here!" She smiled "and I am joined today by Max Verstappen and his bodyguard..."
"Y/n" you said "and Goose" motioning to your dog.
She smiled "and today we are asking the new, the old, and the frequently asked questions." She turned to Max "okay to start off, Max we'll start with frequently asked questions: do you think you'll win the 2024 world championship?" She asked already knowing the answer.
"Of course I will" Max said "if I don't have that mindset then I have no chance"
"Moving onto the old news: China after quali" she said "most fans just do wanna know what happened and are you okay"
"Well obviously I'm okay," he said "but the fan was drunk and belligerent after I was able to take the win," he said "knowing that he was outside of the paddock I shouldn't have left but I'm lucky at the security near the entrance was able to quickly get him away" he said "he surprised me honestly" he shrugged
"Okay now onto the new: your bodyguard Y/n" she said "everyone wants to know more about her" so that's why she wanted to have you on the couch.
Max quickly turned to you "Vind je het goed om te antwoorden?" (You good to answer)
You nodded grabbing the mic he held out: "it's a bit of a story but: I was actually the dog trainer for Roscoe, Lewis Hamiltons dog," you said "I'm a well known dog trainer in Miami I have trained several dogs for a lot of celebrities. Some for protection others just to have a trained dog" you said "but anyways Lewis called me I think the day of the incident" you thought "and we talked for a second and he asked if I still had my bodyguard certification" you said "which is really just a formality but for my job before I started training dogs I was security for a large club in Miami and we needed it" you explained "so after a meeting with Max we signed a contract that is basically me being his bodyguard with Goose until I have trained a dog for him" you finished, handing the mic back to Max.
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The drive to his hotel was relatively quiet besides the soft hum of the radio.
"When we arrive at the hotel do not get out" you said "keep the door locked till I have my hand on the handle" you explained "people are crazy here especially where your hotel is located"
Max nodded as you pulled the car up
You quickly got out shutting the door opening the door for Goose then opening the door for Max. People were everywhere, people shouting, some where drunk others just crazy. You quickly led Max to the entrance of the hotel and bid him a goodbye.
Friday and Saturday were uneventful. But Sunday was race day, the day the MOST amount of people all week.
Walking next to Max, "rechts" (heel right), Goose moved to the right side of Max you walked on his left side. You were able to easily enter the paddock.
Finally its race time you placed the dog ear muffs over Goose to protect his ears. The had just finished the formation lap. The lights turn red one by one, then all go out hearing the infamous "lights out and away we go"
Lando Norris had won the Miami grand prix. His first win. Max was really happy for him. Wanting to go out to celebrate but not wanting to get attacked he turned to you:
"Y/n do you mind coming out tonight?" He asked "I don't want to miss Landos first win celebration, but I you know need protection" he joked
"Sure I'll baby sit you" you joked back. Little did you know that was basically what you ended up doing.
As it was Landos first win they were going hard. You stood off to the side watching them all carefully making sure nothing happened to Max specifically. They decided to leave this bar going to the next. You follow them out walking just behind the group.
"Verstappen!" A drunken voice called, "why the fuck did you let that fuck boy win" the man slurred
Stepping between the two quickly "step back" you said firmly to the drunken man.
"What are you gonna do about it?" The man slurred
"Blaffen" (speak) you called, causing Goose to start barking aggressively grabbing his collar as he started going manic as he barked.
The man quickly backed away before almost bolting down the street you shook your head "foei" (no), Goose immediately stopped "Bewaken" (guard) he stood next to Max ready to start walking again
"We're good" you said to him and the group
Luckily nothing else happens that night. But not as lucky Max was beyond wasted. You were able to get him into the car and buckled him up shutting the door. You open the back door for Goose having him jump in. You got in and started driving realizing that you only knew where his hotel is and not his room you decide to drive to your house.
Getting him into your house was an adventure. He was basically a dead weight, after an insane amount of effort you got him onto the couch in your living room and threw a blanket on top of him. Placing some advil and water on the coffee table next to him.
As the job progressed and Max's new dog got trained many races were uneventful. The media attention on both of you had died down to what it was before Max got attacked. You are featured in some clips and interviews just answering the odd question or pulling Max away to get him out of range of anything dangerous. That is your job anyways.
The only big changes was social media: you stopped posting after getting a substantial amount of followers. People still comment on your old posts asking when your next post is. And the edits.. People are making edits of you and Goose being badass and it honestly makes you happy seeing all those cool edits. You'd take it to your grave but you love watching them in you bed late at night when you can't sleep.
It was the Austrian grad prix. Lando and Max had gotten into it on the track causing Lando to get a dnf, and Max to drop to 5th place. He stormed off disappearing before you could catch up to him.
You eventually find him sitting in one of the chairs looking at the ground, with his helmet still on. As a man you don't recognize yells at him.
"Hey!" You shout storming over "back away from him"
The man with anger in his eyes glanced at you but went back to yelling at Max. Ypu quickly said "Blaffen" (speak) to Goose, he started barking at the man
"Get back" you commanded again
Finally he looked at you "Do you know who I am?" He asked all proud
"I don't fucking care who you are" you snapped "step away from my client" you said firmly
He turned back to Max and began yelling in Dutch to fast and angry for you to make it out. You were about to intervene again until the man raised his hand as if to strike Max
"Stellen, stellen" (bite, bite) you quickly commanded Goose letting go of his collar. The dog jumped up and bit the raised arm the force sending the man to the ground.
As this is happening Max watched it, he looked up just as you called for Goose to bite his father.
You followed your dog holding the man to the ground before commanding "Loslaten" (let go) Goose dropped the now bleeding arm. "Bewaken" (Guard), Goose stood in front of Max now defensively.
Security arrived with medical and as they treated the dog bite you explained to them what happened pointing the the cameras around as well as a fan that recorded the entire interaction on his phone.
After a bit of talking and reviewing security bid you a goodbye and left. Citing that you were doing you job.
You then sat down next to Max who still hadn't taken off his helmet. "Who was that anyways?" You asked him as you quickly cleaned the blood off of Goose.
"My dad" he said muffled from the helmet
"Oh" you responded
"Yeah" Max said
The air filled with awkward silence before you said "let's get you back to the drivers room to cool down you still have interviews" Max just nodded making his way to his drivers room. You follow him inside Goose quickly settled by the door as you went to Max who sat on the couch with his helmet still on.
Reaching over you unclipped it and took it off, placing it on the table. Max took off his balaclava throwing it next to the mask.
"Sorry" you said "about your dad"
"I- no- uh" he groaned frustrated "You're fine you were just doing your job" he said a little snippy. He didn't want it to come out like that but it did.
You just nodded as he talked listening before saying "okay we gotta have you head to the media pen before someone yells at us and you get a fine" you said standing up
Max just nodded and followed you out if the drivers room.
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Media was done and all Max wanted to do was go back to the hotel. You don't blame him you'd want that too.
After the media pen Max was almost a shell of himself. So just to make sure he's okay you walked inside the hotel and got him to his room, you also needed to talk about earlier. When he opened the door to his hotel room and motioned you inside you were quick to oblige.
The room was nice it was similar to one of those one bedroom apartments just minus a kitchen.
Max settled down on the small couch letting out a sigh.
You just stood a bit awkwardly as Goose sat down next to Max's feet earning a few pets from the Dutch man.
"We gotta talk about today" you said breaking the silence
Max groaned "Do we have to...?" He asked
"I mean yeah" you said "Goose bit your father" you said "I'm sorry I didn't-" before you could continue he interrupted you
"You were doing your job" he said "you had no clue what he could have done or actually what he was going to do" Mac explained "you did what you thought was best to protect me. Which is your job" he leaned back on the couch and then muttered to Goose "thank you"
You ran through the situation in your head again. Jos, which you learned was the man's name, was actually going to hit Max.
"He was actually going to hit you wasn't he?" You asked him
Max stayed silent that's all the answer you needed
"Well now I wish I didn't tell Goose to let go"
Max cracked a smile, "thank you" he said this time looking up at you.
Both you and Max were in his driver room. It was media day for the British Grand Prix, but Max had been waiting to hear back about his next interview as the time.kept changing. You thought that they just wanted to keep him here as long as possible.
Max was watching the small TV as he sat next to you on the couch. You were on your phone just scrolling through some random social media apps. Goose was laying down by the door.
While both of yall were waiting Max fell asleep next to you. Because of the way he was sitting when he fell asleep he was leaning against your shoulder. Eventually you fell asleep too.
Later you slowly wake up but are held in place by some strong arms. You blink awake adjusting to the light. You laid on your side on the couch and where held in place by a sleeping Max. You tried to move to get up but were just pulled right back down. Giving up rather quickly you went back to sleep.
Max gently shook you awake. "Hey Y/n" he said softly, "we should head back to the hotel" he was blushing but it was kinda hard to tell in the lighting
You just nodded as I slowly got up and stretched quickly gathered you items.
BREAKING NEWS: Max and Y/n seen leaving the drivers room late at night. What does this say about their relationship: Professional? Friendly? Or is there more?
"Mate you're all over the news" Lewis said to you on the phone as you got ready
"What do you mean?" You asked as you got ready
"You and Max were spotted leaving his drivers room late last night, together." Lewis explained
"Yeah" he said "I'm at the track already and people are asking me about it"
"What have you been saying?" You asked leaving the hotel room Goose at your side
"I've been saying: I don't know the relationship, and that uh you're his bodyguard so whatever he was doing in the room you have to be there cause when he leaves you have to make sure nothing happens and shit"
You sighed "thank you Lewis" you said as you opened the car door for Goose and shut it before getting in yourself, and starting the car.
"It's no problem" the brit said "but are you two...you know..?"
"God Lewis!" You said "no we're no fuck buddies"
He just laughed "come on you knew I had to ask"
"I'm hanging up now" you said ending the call.
After collecting Max from his hotel and you started driving.
"You seen the news?" You asked
"I have yes" an uncomfortable silence filled the car before you spoke
"Lewis said that he's been telling media that cause I'm your bodyguard I have to be with you basically 24/7 so we can just stick with that" you said "I mean it is the truth"
"Yeah" he nodded quickly, he didn't know that you knew he was cozying up to you on that small uncomfortable couch.
Media was lovely that day and respected both of you- said no one ever.
Several times you had to yell at people to back up or even push a few people away. And media was eating it up:
BREAKING NEW: Y/n L/n 'defends' Max Verstappen from media is it more than just bodyguarding?
BREAKING NEWS: Y/n L/n pushes away journalists, bodyguard or overprotective girlfriend?
BREAKING NEWS: Y/n L/n thought to be more than just a bodyguard, is Max taking the 'body' out of bodyguard?
The last title made you gag how does that get approved? It doesn't actually bother you to much but it's gross.
You sat on that uncomfortable couch reading the news, almost every single station had something about you two leaving the drivers room late, or about you pushing away journalists.
You let out an annoyed huff tossing your phone on the small coffee table. Max leaned over a bit to look at it.
"Why are you looking at that shit?" He asked
You just shrugged
The last articles name caught his eye he double checked "what the actual fuck" he hissed "this is bullshit, why the fuck would the title an article this" he was pissed. You don't know entirely why they weren't saying anything about him.
"I don't know" you just shrugged
"You aren't mad at this?" He asked before continuing "It doesnt matter, I'm going to go punch the fucker who wrote the article" not wanting him in any legal trouble, mostly cause you knew he would punch the guy, you stood up and quickly blocked the door.
"Nope" you said simply "the article title is just that: an article title. I know it's not true you know it's not true so why does it matter" you asked
"It's disgusting" he said "they shouldn't talk about you-"
You cut him off "exactly! Me they are only talking about me in a bad light so why do you car so much?" You asked a little ticked that he was still trying to get passed you
"Because I care about you okay!" He confessed "I know it's dumb, you're my bodyguard and I-" he was cut off by a kiss.
You didn't know how but you ended up kissing him. He quickly reciprocated grabbing your chin pulling you closer.
As you both broke the kiss catching your breath you rested your foreheads against eachother looking into his eyes you smiled.
"When did you fall for me?" He asked
"When we cuddled on that uncomfortable couch" you smiled he blushed
"I didn't know you were awake for that" he said softly
You chuckled softly "when did you fall for me?" You asked
"It was love at first bite" He said "when you were protecting me from my father."
Then they fu-
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cchickki · 4 months
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summary: After another successful (and bloody) convoy delivery, Furiosa and Jack retire to a quiet place to patch up their wounds
themes: hurt/comfort, intimacy, affection
pairing: furiosa x praetorian jack
rating: T - for descriptions of injuries and blood
word count: 1.8k
author's note: Here I am after declaring I would be taking an indefinite (possibly permanent break from writing fanfiction, but these two got me to come back and write again. I've seen this movie twice already, and plan on seeing it again in a few days, just for THEM.
part two - seed
part three - poison
oneshot under the cut, can also be read on ao3
Furiosa kept her eyes trained on the sky, as much of it as she could see from her current angle. Some rocks above her and Jack's little nestled hideaway within the Citadel had obscured her full field of view. She sat above an escarpment, watching as nightfall swept across the Wasteland; the moon illuminated the darkness, as shadows danced across the miles and miles of outstretched sand in the horizon. The dropping temperature made Furiosa want to huddle closer to the dimly lit campfire. 
"I'm almost done." Jack's rasped voice cut into her wandering thoughts, as if reading her mind of wanting to move closer to the fire.
Furiosa winced slightly as Jack dabbed the liquor-soaked rag onto her skin, smothering her fresh cuts as she fought to hold complete composure, clasping her shirt closer to her chest. She avoided Jack's steely gaze as he inspected her exposed skin underneath her collarbone, and the exposed shoulder blades of her back. Gashes that needed to be stitched were etched across her upper body, but underneath her collarbone the wound still remained split open and deep enough to need stitching.
"I'm going to need to stitch this one, too." Jack informed her, his voice low and gentle.
Furiosa recalled how she had gotten the gash across her chest, sourly. She had gotten sloppy with today's delivery.
A group of raiders had ambushed the war rig returning from Gas Town, riding up at their heels and leaping aboard the war rig swiftly. It wasn't a large group, but they were skilled and had easily killed the war boys that were traveling on the rig with them. Furiosa had climbed toward the back of the rig to assist, seeing from the rearview mirror that they were quickly advancing toward her and Jack. One of the raiders had a large spear, ready to pierce through the driver's seat and into Jack's body, as Jack kept his attention mainly on steering the rig. Furiosa had grabbed the spear, jerking it away from Jack's direction, but the raider had speedily grabbed a sheathed dagger from their body, and slashed Furiosa with it in a quick, turning motion. The force was enough for her to stumble back, yanking the spear from the raider's hands as her free hand clasped her now bleeding wound. She gained her bearings again as the raider lunged at her with the dagger, side-stepping him and using his momentum to push him forward and into the railing. She removed her revolver and shot him in the back of the head before he could whirl around and attack again.
It had been foolish. Furiosa had cursed herself, knowing she was usually more efficient in a fight, but seeing that spear aimed at Jack had made her heart leap fearfully in her throat. She didn't understand why he had this effect on her, she had never felt like this, she couldn't explain it. All she knew is she had to prevent him from being injured, and in turn it caused her to not be cut once, but twice.
But she would gladly take more cuts if that meant Jack was safe. They were a team.
Jack wasn't like most of the men she had met in her life: they had been crazed, power-hungry, bloodthirsty, and dangerous. They threatened not only her life, but the lives of those around them who, whether intentional or not, stood in the way of what they wanted. But Jack was different. He was calm, determined, and caring in his own way. He had promised some weeks before that he would help her with finding her way home, even though she had remained tight-lipped about The Green Place. No one could know, it was too risky to expose her home to anyone, even Jack. He hadn't pushed her further, much to her surprise. She was grateful in ways she couldn't form into words. Her trust and admiration for him had only grown, and she suspected he felt the same but didn't dare ask.
Furiosa's drifting thoughts had returned to reality as Jack began to stitch the wound above her chest. It stung, but she kept herself still as she slowed her breathing as he pierced the needle through her skin, looping the suture thread to pull her skin together. His eyes glanced up to meet hers for a moment before she dropped her gaze again.
She noticed a tear in Jack's clothing on his arm revealing a deep, bleeding cut. Her hands reached, gingerly pulling back the fabric of his clothing to get a better look. 
"You're bleeding." She murmured allowed.
His attention from stitching her wound didn't waver, his eyes remained on his work. Without moving her upper body too much, she reached for the liquor-soaked rag that had been placed beside her. He pulled his focus away then, gripping her wrist before she could raise it.
"Later, let me finish this first." He remarked.
She didn't protest, releasing the rag. It took him a few more minutes for him to finish, dabbing some leftover whiskey onto a long piece of gauze, then placing it over her newly-stitched wound. She closed her eyes, once again forcing composure as she felt it burning the surface of her skin. He removed the gauze, discarding it beside them. Furiosa reached for his arm again, her fingers gently prodding around his exposed cut. Jack removed his jacket and shirt underneath, she watched him slow his movements and wince as he lifted his shirt over his head. His body was covered in bruises, and some superficial cuts on his arms, although the one gash on his arm was deep and needed to be mended. She grasped his wrist and forearm, inspecting the gash closely as she prepared to stitch it for him. She dabbed the gash with the rag, then prepared the sutures.
He watched her, his eyes softening as he drank in her appearance. Her hair was pulled back well above the nape of her neck, some strands coming down in wavy cascades. Some black grease from around her eyes and forehead remained that she had missed when she washed her face earlier. Her intense eyes focused on her fingers as she meticulously laced his skin back together. Her shirt pulled down past her collarbone, displaying the smooth slenderness of her neck.
Such beauty was a rarity in the Wasteland; the first moment he laid eyes on her true self he swore the wind had been knocked out of him for a moment.
She was captivating.
Jack's free hand reached for her absentmindedly, caressing her exposed bicep. His calloused fingers felt rough against her smooth skin. She didn't pull away from the sensation of his touch, enjoying the contrast and warmth for a brief moment as she continued to work with the sutures. Furiosa took a deep breath, stilling her mind and slowing her heartbeat as his hand inched its way up to her shoulder. He grasped her shoulder, his thumb rubbing her skin back and forth in slow, comforting motions. Curiosity had taken hold of him, but she welcomed it. Furiosa leaned forward, wanting her proximity to be closer to him. His hand slipped to her upper back, pulling her closer into an embrace. She had no choice but to release the sutures, his half-completed stitches hanging loosely from his skin, but he didn't seem to pay it any mind. She leaned her head against his chest by his shoulder, her head tucked into the crook of his neck. His good arm held her, stroking her back as he rested his chin on her shoulder, closing his eyes and relishing the moment between them. She could feel his strong and steady heartbeat and his chest rise and fall under his chest as she buried her face further into him, breathing in his earthy scent.
They remained like this for some time before she finally pulled away, feeling him shift slowly in reluctance. Her eyes peered into his as her hand gripped the back of his head as she pulled their foreheads together. His hands cupped her face, cradling her so delicately that it made warmth bloom in the pit of her stomach. Her hand combed through the strands of his hair as she raised her head slightly, their faces inches from each others. Her breath hitched as she allowed herself to be vulnerable, the walls she built for herself coming down.
Their lips met, soft but chaste as the two of them pulled away for a second in disbelief. Furiosa and Jack both gazed at each other, unsure of what to do next. It didn't take more than a few moments for them to reunite, this time they kissed more hastily, their affection growing hungrier. Jack held her face again as his kisses deepened, her lips parting as she gasped for breath. His hands dropped from her face to explore her body, ignoring the stitching pulling on his arm as he wrapped his arms around her. Her hands found his face, running her fingers against the stubble on his face, along the scar that ran across his right cheek, uncaring about the black grease from his face smudging on her hands. Something ignited within her, her heart fluttered with a ferocity she hadn't experienced in years. A moan escaped her lips, meek and low, but enough to motivate Jack's kisses into a more passionate display of desperation. She felt like she could melt into him; mold a part of herself into his skin as their bodies clung to each other, their hands gathering each other greedily, their breathing becoming more labored.
The feeling of something hot and warm gave her pause as Furiosa gripped Jack's forearm. She broke apart from him to glance down, seeing blood seeping freely from where his incomplete stitching was. The movement had caused some of his stitches to tear. Jack followed her eyes down to his arm; she saw a small smile pull at the corner of his lips before his expression relaxed.
"I didn't even notice," he mused.
A ghost of a smile crossed Furiosa's lips as repositioned herself so she could finish her work. The two praetorians sat in silence as she cleaned his bleeding wound with the rags, finishing with the sutures and checking it over to ensure it wouldn't tear again. She dabbed the rag with more whisky, the overpowering stench of liquor flooding her nose as she gently dabbed his arm with it. He didn't stir from the discomfort, his eyes remained on her in admiration. 
Jack's hand brushed the side of her cheek, drawing her attention back toward him. 
"Thank you." He breathed.
Furiosa only nodded, taking his hand he had on her face, keeping it pressed to her. She leaned into him again, embracing him as the camp fire started to die down, nestling into his body for warmth. He returned the hug, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
The two of them remained in that position until they grew tired, laying their backs against the ground, still holding each other as sleep began to drift over them, lulling them into a peaceful night's rest.
For the first night in years Furiosa wasn't plagued by nightmares. She hadn't felt this safe and alive in ages.
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lexaknoxville · 2 months
is there anyone interested in me writing for stranger things, twd, criminal minds, or wbb?
if you send me requests i’ll love you forever
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dreamysletters · 2 months
once again begging fanfic writers to not include dialogues in a language they don't speak. Like, either your readers don't understand the language, which means they are missing parts and bits of the story, or some of the readers happen to speak that language and have to suffer through unintelligible gibberish.
Sometimes, too, the grammar itself is okay but the dialogues are too formal, or not formal enough for the situation, and it breaks the whole flow.
I know I sound mean, and at the end of the day you're entitled to do whatever you want, but it's a genuine advice. You can just write the dialogue in English (or whatever language you write in) and point out that the characters are speaking another language through italics, or just by saying so ( e.g. "That's not a good idea," XYZ said in Italian.)
And if you really feel like your fic needs to have dialogues in a foreign language (which is valid), reach out to natives (or anyone fluent in that language). Because unfortunately, while websites like reverso or deepl can make so pretty grammatically correct sentences, they can't quite catch the right level of (in)formality needed for your specific context. (Like, you'll get your characters speaking to their parents or friends in the same tone they'd speak to their boss, which doesn't really translate well.)
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hauntedrain · 2 months
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Max is gonna lose it oml
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mousyatlas · 2 months
desert—mouse i have a nsfw question abt oasis that i have been thinking abt for weeks 🥴 so we know that feyd despises the idea of bringing more humans into an unsustainable, dying world. and that’s part of paul’s appeal, that feyd literally cannot impregnate him under any circumstance. so like……. has feyd always pulled out with his other bed partners???? is paul the first person he’s been with that he’s allowed himself to indulge in such pleasure?????? losing my mind a bit over this tbh
oohhhh this is such a juicy question! so i think feyd has shit pull-out game. he can’t help but push in deep and come hard whenever he’s bedding someone. the thing with not wanting to procreate kinda informs how willing he is to take the breeding stock joe doesn’t want. those breeders can’t get pregnant or don’t have viable pregnancies. he just gets to fuck and suck without worrying. the inkling of fear is still there since they’re still technically able to carry, but feyd doesn’t let it bother him.
spoiler; paul, though. paul drives him fucking insane. in the coming chapters you’ll get to see feyd daydreaming about what their child might look like and how badly he wishes he could actually breed paul somehow. it drives him nuts knowing he’s the first one to ever claim him and the first one to come inside him. and that there’s no chance of paul’s belly swelling with a malformed waste-child. feyd is delirious about it! and paul is just as crazed. trying desperately to push feyd to be monstrous in one breath and yearning for love and gentleness in the next.
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turbochat · 1 year
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Imagine an endless desert, a civilization in ruins. A world where brutality and speed supplant everything else. Within these scorched lands, two men normally divided by time and space meet. What would be the outcome of this clash ? Crossover fan art of Fast&Furious and Mad Max !
An original patchwork linocut comics, crafted during several days by the French artistic team TURBOCHAT! : Drawn by Clémentine and Joro @joroink Carved and printed by Clémentine, Joro and Turbo Hardcover made by Clémentine
Printed on brown recycled paper, 1.10 meter of linocut, using a cloth wringer as printing press Hardcover : black paper, title made with stencil, shiny and chrome spray paint SEE THE FULL COMICS ON @joroink TUMBLR !
Limited edition, shop at https://turbochat.bigcartel.com/product/the-mad-and-the-furious-microedition-linogravure-originale
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spenglersglasses · 2 months
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⌛⚙️ Take me to Valhalla! ⚙️⌛
Lol j/k
Hello everyone, I am back again with the next chapter of my Immortan Joe x the Fray (Corrine) fic!!!
This one is a bit shorter than my usual chapters, but I didn't feel like I could fit all the next bit without making things way to long so here we go!
I am really excited to get this too you and as with all my fics I will update as I am able and inspired to make sure I am giving you my all every time.
**This fic will be an AU! Mostly I will try to stay canon but there will be some conflicts and reimaginings. This includes themes as listed in the tags, if any of this doesn't sit well with you, please skip this one!**
Listen you are reading a fic with Immortan Joe, it should be pretty obvious. but that being said if you are still here, I sincerely hope you all enjoy!
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the awesome dividers!
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Glimmer in the Wasteland
Many years after the Citadel was conquered and seized by him, the Immortan Joe longs to feel something besides the pain and anguish of the world. Desperate to secure his legacy by siring an heir, he decides that now is the time before it becomes too late. Meanwhile a young woman named Corrine is separated from her group in the Wasteland and captured by the War Boys. When Corrine awakens within the fortress of the Citadel, her world changes when she has an encounter with the deeply feared and infamous warlord.
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Chapter 2: Gilded Cage
Corrine is in shock when she finds out the man who has come to see her is the infamous Immortan Joe, but what will shock her even more is what her tell her is to be her fate.
Also available HERE on AO3. Haven't started yet? Read from the beginning  HERE! 
Will eventually be very NSFW below the cut!!
The air she’d held within her lungs, had left her. Standing still and unable to draw in a new breath. Corrine stared, speechless, into the eyes of her captor. The man responsible for her incarceration. 
Was it really ‘the Immortan’ who had come to see her personally? Was this man, the tyrant of the Wasteland? One who now bore witness to a single tear as it ran down her cheek. IF so then her ill fate truly was sealed. 
No matter how hard or how resolute she had grown from a life spent in unforgiving waste, she has never held more helpless or in danger than in his presence. While life before had been dreadful, at least it was free. Corrine, left now to curse herself for having been foolish enough to be caught. To have allowed the bittersweetness of freedom to slip away. 
The silence between them had felt like hours, though she knew only seconds had passed. Corrine tried to gather herself, if only enough to respond. To appear more courageous than she felt within her true resolve. Crumbling inside, like a dried husk in the sands. 
“The—the Immortan.” she uttered, swallowing back her urge to cry. And with her response, there was a hint of amusement that filled in Joe's eyes. A look that all but assured a smile was worn beneath that mask. Corrine wincing as she felt the grip of his hand tightening around hers. The blood pulsing through her veins, palpable in his vice grip. Her heart, beating harder and harder between them as she knew she could not pull away.  
“So you’ve heard of me?” he mused, taking a seat back on the chair. His adornments, rattling like chains as he relaxed into it. His calm, calculating demeanor—well kept. It was clear to Corrine that she was not seen as a threat. Watching him as prey watches the hunter. 
Joe drew in as deep a breath as he could muster, staring directly at his treasure. Visibly ogling her—Corrine, fidgeting in her discomfort. Joe was already infatuated, filled with desire for his wayward goddess that, as if by fate, had been brought to the Citadel. The Immortan’s mind, filled with salacious thoughts.
He pictured the two of them together. His fingers entangled in her beautiful hair as he thrusted into her. The Fray bent over the balcony, facing out onto the Citadel, as he filled her with his seed. The whole of the Wretched watching them—his virility was on full display. 
There was more. From the moment he saw her it was as if he knew. She was more than anything he’d come across before. Superior to any of those who had previously held her title. Wondering to himself if she would stand by him and the Citadel, together. Hoping that the Fray might save him a life filled with nothing but pain. 
“Yes.” she told him. There wasn’t a man, woman, or child that lived in the wasteland who didn’t know his name. The ruler of the coveted Citadel, bastion of prosperity to some, and leader of the fearful and zealous War Boys. He, of all, was the one person Corrine never wanted to encounter—and now he was a hair's width away. 
The realization stirred her inside. Corrine, doing her best to avert her eyes from looking at him. Her view, now woefully framed, on their hands. Her’s, still held by his. Corrine’s heart began racing, pumping hard with fear from behind the confines of her chest. 
She was stunned. The feelings and instincts inside her, that should be telling her to run, were absent from her mind. Desperately, she tried to shake off whatever unspeakable thoughts had begun to take root. Stuffing them down until she could only feel the anxiety and fear. Her gut, churning as she worried what was to become of her. 
There had been rumors, and all amounted to nothing good. The Citadel’s captives were either put to work, becoming slaves to its leaders or something far worse. The common thought being that women captives were surely assaulted by the high-ranking members. Made to become receptacles for their bodily fluids or, if lucky relegated to a life the likes of a dairy cow. 
The last thing Corrine could recall was the tale of Joe’s wives. A group of women, who were described as beautiful and in good health. All of which were said to be hand-picked by the Immortan to be his breeders. None of them though, having ever managed to give him a viable son. 
“Whatever you think you know about me, Fray, forget it.” Joe told her as she slowly tried to pull away her hand. 
“I can’t…you…really expect me to just…” Corrine hissed, finally freeing herself from his grip and stumbling backward into the water. Drenching the bottom of her dress as Joe stood back up and followed her in. Slowly inching towards her, Corrine doing her best to maintain the distance.
“What is it you think I intend to do with you?” He asked, gripping tight to her shoulders. 
“Nothing I want.” she hissed once again, their eyes meeting as he held her close. That same wretched pumping of her heart starting once more. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, noticing the flush of red as it filled her cheeks. Eyes dilating with the increased rate of her breathing. 
“You know nothing of me…” she began noticing a cocked eyebrow. “...and your arrogance is written all over you like the history men. No one longs to be a slave or…glorified cattle…or worse one of your command's whores!” she yelled, the backs of her calves hitting against the wall of the pool. 
“Ah…Is that what you think?” Joe asked, brows raised even more with the accusations. Having been, however, more than satisfied to know that his reputation and the rumors were still held up. Keeping those who might try to rise up and take all he had away from him at bay. “I could know you. Know everything about you…but it seems…that despite your snarling you are frightened of me? Don’t be. You will not become a slave or a Milk Mother or blood bag… none of those things will come to you. I would never give you over to them.”
“Oh?” Corrine began, confused by his answer. “...How can I trust you…you look as if I blink wrong or insult your position that I will be sent to slaughter. What’s to become of me in this horrid place?” she growled. Breathing heavily, eyes blown wide like a wounded animal. Teeth gnashing and ready to bite if need be to protect herself from harm.
“Heh…” Joe said, humming to himself. Seeming to be thinking before doing something that neither one of them could have expected. As Corrine’s breathing began to settle, Joe dropped the grip of his right hand from off her shoulder. His fingers brought along the back side of his mask, unclasping it. Allowing it to open—revealing his full face to her.
Corrine’s mouth suddenly fell open, staring at the man hidden behind it. His face was both strong and regal. Jawline, sharp and a large, but distinguished nose in the center of his face. And full, soft looking lips surrounding his menacing grin. Before Corrine realized it, she let out a gasp.
“I—I…You…” she stuttered, lips quivering with the words. 
“Am I that frightening now?” Joe asked, continuing to smile, bringing himself close to the side of Corrine’s face. Ready to whisper something in her ear. “Look while you can Fray. I can only manage it for so long.” he told her. His breath, shallow and soft as it traveled along the side of her neck. The sensation, making her tremble. A sight that did not go unnoticed by him. 
For a moment Corrine fell completely silent. Was the war god she had heard about really human after all? Just a man and not a monster? The moment between them, however, abruptly passed when Joe suddenly began to cough. The sound, rough and grating—almost violent. 
Joe quickly worked to re-affix the mask in place. The bladder well hidden behind his white mane of hair, began to inflate once more. Filtered air, filling his diseased lungs and returning his respirations to return to normal once again. Corrine, surprised as she watched him struggling with each breath. 
“You're sick.” she remarked. Without a word, Joe turned away from her. Bringing himself back out from the water and standing between Corrine and the door. Laughing like a mad man at her revelation. Now she knew the truth—that though the Wretched revered him as a god, he was still flesh and bone. 
“Aren’t we all.” he laughed again, that same sinister look in his eye had returned.
“I’m not…” she said, her words trailing off. Corrine swallowed back, stepping out from the water. The two of them now standing opposite one another across the pool. 
“Good…and you shall remain so. So young and beautiful. A desert flower, growing in the harshest of conditions. Yes, and strong…that I can tell. Here in the biodome you will be fed and clothed and educated. Miss Giddy will tend to your every need. You shall drink clean water and eat a bounty from my own personal garden. Sleep in a warm, soft bed and breathe the cleanest air that this world can offer.” he proclaimed. 
“Why? Why would you do that? Why am I here?” she asked, the only question the Immortan seemed to not wish to answer. A fact that chilled her down to the bone. 
“You were brought to the Citadel because your camp was caught by the War Boys in my domain. You were a casualty of circumstance.” Joe explained. 
“Where are the others—my people?” she asked him. 
“They are no longer your concern. Most of them are now dead.” he told her point blank. Watching the horror reach Corrine’s eyes. The people she had grown up with, friends, family, dead or worse and all because of him. 
“Then why not do away with me. Kill me or leave me for dead in the elements. Why keep me here? Why am I spared?” she pleaded, both angry and distraught. Unable to stop more tears from flowing. Joe intended to leave her unanswered. No explanation and without another word as he turned around and took hold of the door handle. Ready to step out and leave her alone in the vault when the sound of her sobbing made him stop. 
“From now on Fray, you belong to me…and me alone. I have not long don't have much time left and you…you will give me whatever I ask of you.” he commanded. His voice, boisterous and daunting. Its resonance, unyielding even with his back turned to her. 
“Please…what do you want from me? Just tell me?” she begged again. Joe stood still, staring at the vault door. Grappling with his thoughts. Things had already started off on an intense note. 
She was alone in an unfamiliar place, of course she had questions. She, like so many before her, was scared of what might come of her. Joe hoped in time she’d accept her fate, and that maybe there would be something more between them than originally intended. Her spirit was fiery, like the combustion of an engine, and nothing excited him more. 
“I want what any king wants for his kingdom. What he wants from his queen…and make no mistake Fray…here, and in the whole of the wasteland, I am king.” he began. His words, lingering heavy in the air between them. Corrine’s eyes fixed on him as he continued on. “I want a son. A son to carry on what I have set forth here. Someone who can ensure my legacy.”
“You…want?” Corrine began, having trouble getting out the words. Joe pulled the door open before choosing to answer her. 
“I want you to give me a son, Fray. A healthy child. Though us things can be different than before, if you will surrender to me.” 
“No…” Corrine cried back. Her fate laid out plainly before her. Joe turned to glance at her one last time before exiting the vault. Shutting the door tightly behind him and leaving her alone once again. Suddenly the beautiful ceiling, Corrine had admired, had begun to resemble a gilded cage.  
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mlmxreader · 3 months
With You Always | Max Rockatansky x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Max Rockatansky x Reader -> "You're all I want" + "I will always protect you" ❞
: ̗̀➛ A long time ago, Max made a promise that he would always protect you no matter what, and even now, he has nothing else on his mind except keeping that promise - no matter what it may mean or how it may look. He will keep it.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ vomit, swearing, trauma, mentions of torture and dehumanisation
↳ word count: 1000
The sand looked grey beneath your hands, the blue hues slipping through the grains the more you sunk your hands into it, hanging your head and breathing heavily with wide eyes; spit rising into your mouth as you tried to stop the churning of your stomach and the sharp retching in your throat that left behind a thick burn.
Your eyes were heavy, and your arms were shaking as you tried to hold yourself up; swaying a little side to side as you desperately tried to calm down as much as you could.
Above you, the skies were slowly becoming a little less black and a little more grey; the pitter patter of the rain turning the sand into little grenade pits as you heaved and squeezed your eyes tightly shut. Remembering the feeling of it all. 
It didn’t take Max to realise when he returned from snuffing out what was left of the fire, his eyes going wide as he skidded down onto his knees beside you, fumbling to get his footing so that he could kneel in front of you.
His thumbs gently wiping away the heated rain on your face as he shook his head; he had said that he would never allow anyone to do such a thing to you again, and he had meant it.
He made sure no one ever came near you when he wasn’t right there, and even then, he never allowed them to so much as shake your hand - not unless he was absolutely sure that they were trustworthy.
He grunted under his breath, shaking his head and swallowing thickly as he thought as quickly as he could; he grabbed the back of your neck, forcing you to press your hot and sticky forehead to his own as he closed his eyes and grunted again.
“I will always protect you. Don’t worry.”
But the words didn’t do much good as you lurched forward, your chin on his shoulder as the vomit dribbled out of your lips; burning and bubbling, you could only weep in response. A weak apology by all means as your hands sought to grab the lapels of his leather jacket; Max didn’t mind.
He had had worse on his back than a little bit of phlegm. The rain would wash it away within minutes, he really did not mind at all, and in all honesty, wanted to laugh; of all the places you could have been sick, it just happened to be all down his back because of course it did with his luck. 
You groaned, pulling away and trying to wipe your mouth; but he beat you to it, gently wiping the foam away with the back of his jacket’s sleeve as he hummed softly and nodded in reassurance.
Of all the things that you had both been put through, Max was the only person in the world who could have understood; locked in a cage, muzzled and used as a blood bag… he understood. He knew what it was like to be… to be treated like a science experiment. 
You started to shake and shiver, small bumps appearing on your exposed arms, so he pulled back and let you go long enough to shrug his jacket off and help you to put it on; his hands running up and down your arms so he could try to get you a little warmer.
He nodded slowly, swallowing thickly as he stared at you - silently waiting for you to give him the signal that you could head into the small boxcar that you had started to call home.
“Come,” he grunted out, reaching for your hand. “We’ll go inside.”
He held his hand just next to your wrist, and when you pressed it against his palm, he gently held on; standing up and leading you into the boxcar. He waited for you to sit down before he closed and locked the door, nodding to himself in assurance; he turned, looking at you for a moment with a frown.
“Why don’t you leave?” You asked, hardly able to look at him. “I’m not worth it.”
Max shook his head, daring to sit beside you and let his hand rest beside your leg. “You’re all I want. Worth isn’t in my book.”
“I’m scarred,” you whispered out.
“So am I,” Max pointed out gruffly. “I can never turn my back on you. Not you.”
He meant every word. He always did. When it came to you, Max was honest, vulnerable; you had been together for so long that it was just natural for him to be more open.
He could speak to you without words, and could spend days in silence without being asked anything; without being asked about what he had gone through.
He loved that about you - how you knew him as much and as well as he knew you that even just a look said more than a dozen words ever could. Max’s promise was holy to him, and he would have done anything to keep it - even if that meant risking his own life.
Especially if it meant risking his own life.
He didn’t doubt for even half of a second that you would do the same because he knew that you would; his faith in you was as large as your faith in him.
He could never turn his back on you; turn his back on the one good thing in his life. The only person who didn’t see him as Mad Max, but as just Max. Your Max. 
The gruff, kind of feral at times, man you had fallen in love with; with his short cut stubble and his soft brown hair. He would never be anything but your Max, and you knew that as well as he did.
“Thank you,” you murmured, pressing your leg into his hand as you smiled. “Max.”
Max smiled back, pressing his forehead to your temple as he hummed harshly under his breath. The sound of thunder. “Always.”
Thank you for reading! I really do hope you enjoyed this fic, but if I may be blunt: there is a 12 year old child in Gaza who needs medical treatment and who needs to get away from the genocide with her family, so if you have any spare cash whatsoever, please consider giving it to Sara and her family. Even just £1 can make such a huge, massive difference and would go towards helping a child and her family to get what they should have by right, so please, consider helping out!
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themummersfolly · 4 months
The Goods, the Bollocks, the Testes
“She’s not a damn dog, Dementus.”
It was an unusually pleasant evening. They had camped in the lee of a ridge, above a dry riverbed. Dementus’ tent was pitched, and the distinctive kite flew over it, signaling the Octoboss’s whereabouts, but the two of them sat outside, looking out over the desert while they ate their evening meal. Behind them, the clamor of the Horde setting up for the night echoed off the rocks.
“’Course she’s not a dog, why would I think she was?” The warlord settled in on a rock and sipped at his cup of…something. It contained grub mash, that was about all either of them knew. “For one thing, she’s prettier than my dogs.”
“That’s not what I mean. What’s the point of hauling her around with us? At least the History Man’s useful. What have you got planned for her?”
“Planned? I haven’t got anything planned for her. It’s just nice to be a family man again, that’s all.”
“She’d not your kid.”
“She could be. She’s got the spunk.” Dementus chuckled. “Took a chunk right out of ol’ Rizzdale’s hand. That’ll teach him to be careful.”
“Yeah. And then you had to throw a muzzle on her cause she tried to take a chunk out of you.”
“Heh. Yeah, she could be my kid. Got my spunk.”
“That’s not where she gets it from.” The Octoboss scowled into his cup. “Her mum had pair on her, a big clanging brass pair. And she’s got the same.”
“Ah, what does it matter if she takes after her mum or me-”
“You shouldn’t have made her watch, D. But since you did, you shouldn’t have brought her with. One of these days that kid’s gonna turn around and put a knife in your back; tomorrow or ten years from now, it won’t matter. Then what are the rest of us gonna do?”
Dementus screwed up his face and gave an exaggerated shrug. “What does anybody do when one warlord gets taken out by a better warlord?” He glanced at the Octoboss, who was rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Hey, you’re not going soft on me, are you? We had to do what we had to do. She wasn’t gonna tell us if we just asked nice-like. Besides, she snapped almost twenty men. Some of ‘em were your men! We can’t just let her walk after that. What kind of message does that send? Huh, the great Octoboss does one bitch too many and decides to grow a conscience? Hah!”
The Octoboss answered with an exasperated glare. Dementus kept talking.
“It’s survival of the fittest out here: she survived, so she’s the fittest. Who better to take over the Great Biker Horde? Aren’t you always saying we should think about the future?” He took a swig of soup. “What am I supposed to do with her?”
The Octoboss waited until he was done before speaking. “Get rid of her. You can have Organic do it nice and quiet while she’s asleep, she won’t feel anything. You get rid of her and you save us all a lot of trouble down the road.” He set his soup cup down. “Have I ever given you bad advice?”
“Baah. You’re scared of her, aren’t you? Scared of a little kid?” Dementus grinned at the idea. The Octoboss didn’t smile.
“Yeah, I am. And you should be too.”
For a moment Dementus met his eyes, and he dared to think he’d talked some sense into him. Then the moment passed.
“Baaahh.” Dementus got up. “Never throw out anything useful. And she might still be useful! Besides, you said it, she’s got a big clanging brass pair on her. She’ll make one hell of a biker when she grows up. A worthy successor to the Great Dementus!”
“She’s not gonna success anything, D, she hates your guts-”
Dementus kept walking, talking over him. The Octoboss sat back down, rubbing his neck. Damned if Dementus didn’t know how to give him a proper headache.
His men would be talking tonight, as they had most nights since the woman and child from the place of abundance had rolled into their camp. They had a good thing going with Dementus, he always told them. What he didn’t tell them was that good thing was always one of Dementus’ bright ideas away from falling apart.
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duesternis · 5 months
This thing has teeth - Slit/Nux
Slit roars, scars bunching on his cheeks, eyes wild and wide and absolutely terrifying. His opponent shrinks back, blood spraying as Slit follows viciously. Nux throws his arms up, shouts Slit’s glory, sloshing beer over himself and the men pressed tight around him. No one complains, all caught in the spell that Slit has bound them under. A body thuds on the hard floor of the cage and Slit howls like an animal, beating his own chest twice with a bloody fist. The referee gapes by the cage, microphone limp in his hand, blood sprayed on his cheek. Slit kicks the body on the floor with the toe of his boot, the man rolls over, weakly trying to push at Slit’s leg. Begging for mercy. Nux pushes through the crowd, presses himself against the cage and bangs his hands against the metal bars. His head. “We have a winner,” roars the referee finally into his microphone and the crowd somehow, impossibly becomes even louder. Slit clambers out of the top of the cage, stands on the metal bars and the crowd chants his name. Nux loses himself in the chants, sways, body thrashing against the cage, eyes glued to Slit. Slit’s head whips around, sweat and blood flying, eyes meeting Nux’s straight on. The world comes to a screeching halt, breath stuck in Nux's throat. Slit points at him, roars and laughs and Nux points back, skin pulling tight over his skeleton, shivers down his spine. He wants that blood on his lips.
Cage fights and sex, read it all here
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cchickki · 4 months
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summary: Furiosa and Jack briefly reflect on their feelings and their past, Furiosa finally tells Jack about the Green Place.
themes: hurt/comfort, emotional intimacy, dreams & nightmares
pairing: furiosa x praetorian jack
rating: T - some swearing
word count: 2.1k
author's note: The support on the original one shot I wrote for them was overwhelming, I didn't think I'd write another part of this story, but you all convinced me. I can't thank you all enough for all the encouragement, I was on the brink of giving up writing for good and you all inspired me not to give up. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
part one - wounds
one shot under the cut, can also be read on ao3
Furiosa dreamt of nothing but blankness; a black background from a quieted mind she didn't recognize. This void wasn't frightening, in fact it was the opposite, she felt welcomed and safe in this suspended reality. Here there were no haunting reminders of her past; no reminders of all the hurt and uncertainty she kept bottled up inside.
There were no twisted memories of her mother’s face, contorted in agony as she screamed in anguish from a blade cutting her stomach, and the flames lapping at her feet. No image of Dementus’ smug face, his eyes crinkling in delight at the viewing of the suffering he caused others around him. No memories of her being ripped away from her home and forced on that damn motorcycle that carried her away. No memories of the faces of the number of people she was forced to kill in the name of survival.
She finally awoke, slowly as her eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness. It had been so long since she had a restful sleep that she felt disoriented, not knowing where she was and why she felt a presence pressed up against her. Her brows furrowed as she clenched her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to drift back to sleep and into the black void again; wanting it to swallow her whole and wisp her faraway from the horrible life she was forced to live. Although sleep did not take her, the memories of just a few hours before started to replay in her subconscious, flooding her senses like a broken dam. A distant hint of comfort she was able to seek while awake, comfort she had found in the arms of another.
She could still recall his scent, how his rough skin felt underneath her palms and on her fingertips, the delightful sensation of his lips pressed against hers. She questioned herself if any of that had been real, or if her yearning for touch and escape, and her attraction to him had manifested itself in her dreams. 
Furiosa knew she was inexperienced, she’d only ever observed acts of intimacy from the adults around her while growing up. She did her best to imitate them and do what she naturally thought was right. Her kisses had been clumsy, she wasn’t sure where to place her hands when she embraced Jack, she only knew she wanted to feel his warmth in that moment. She never wanted it to end, wanting to do nothing but remain in his arms for eternity as the rest of the world melted away all around them. Fuck the war rig, fuck the Citadel, fuck Dementus, fuck it all.
But was it even real? She thought to herself, her self-doubt gnawing away at any emotion that didn't lead to self-preservation.
She could hear someone sleeping beside her, their breathing rhythmic and deep. She could feel a weight on her stomach as sweat clung to her body, causing the chill from the desert air to make her shiver. She tried to gain her bearings, unsure how much time had passed since she fell asleep, but she felt some relief seeing that the sky was still dark. Jack stirred beside her, grabbing her attention from the stony ceiling of the escapement and her overwhelming thoughts. He faced her, his body close to hers as his arm draped across her abdomen, still holding her close as he slept.
Furiosa felt herself soften as she watched him, indulging herself for a few moments with their proximity to each other.
It hadn’t been a dream, it was all real. His touch and their feelings were real.
He shuddered in his sleep, unconsciously curling into himself in a meek attempt for warmth. She noticed the campfire had completely gone out, and he hadn’t put his shirt or jacket back on since she stitched up his arm. She sat up slowly, doing her best not to disturb his sleep. She managed to move his arm without waking him, gently stepping over his body to where his discarded clothing lay. She draped his shirt and jacket over him like a blanket, then went over to where the campfire was to ignite it again. She got the fire to start going again, she poked at the burning wood with a stick, trying to reposition it so the other logs and debris could alight. Furiosa glanced over her shoulder toward Jack’s slumbering figure, hoping the newly illuminated light from the fire and crackling sound from the burning didn’t wake him. 
He was like her. He had told her before that he often would have sleepless nights, though he kept the source of his restlessness vague. When she used to sleep among the war boys, she remembers watching him pace around the room, trying to tire his body and will it into giving in to the sweet submission of exhaustion. She understood, she had yet to tell him any details about her home. She had still asked him to join her and revealed the seed to him that she kept hidden in her hair. 
The seed. 
Her most prized possession from her mother, her only physical reminder of home. It carried her very heart and soul inside. Showing it to him made her body tremble in anxiousness and anticipation. She hadn’t trusted someone in this capacity since her mother or Valkyrie. Furiosa had faced death numerous times in her life, but the risk of wearing her heart on her sleeve and letting someone in had been the scariest gamble she had ever taken. Without compromising her home’s safety he had told her he would aid her in returning home. He had told her he had been rediverting supplies so she could escape when it was safe to do so. He hadn’t been pushy or demanded anything from her, he had shown her nothing but patience and mute understanding. Her heart had soared with his words, though these emotions were foreign to her, she didn’t understand why he was so disarming to her. Just being around him made her stomach flutter, her heartbeat quicken - she wondered if this is what her mother meant by 'love,' something she had tried to explain to her when she was younger, but she couldn't grasp the concept. It all seemed so complicated to her and foolish, when did something like 'love' ever thrive in an environment like the Wasteland?
Despite her confliction, Furiosa only wanted to picture her future with Jack by her side. She decided then, she was finally going to tell him about her home.
Jack's dreams felt jumbled together, like watching an old movie out of sequence or reading a favorite book out of order. Glimpses of his past flashed in his subconscious; grainy and out of focus. He dreamt of his parents, standing in what he assumed was once his childhood home’s living room, but he couldn’t remember exactly. He remembered how the rug felt against his knees, he often sat on it to play as a child or watch television. His parents were speaking to him in his dream, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Their mouths moved enthusiastically, but wordlessly, no doubt telling him about another honorable adventure they were going to lead. Even before the world went to utter shit they had kept the soldier and survivalist mindset.
If he wasn't dreaming of his parents, then he dreamt of the war rig, his mind constantly reeling over strategies on making deliveries and how to fix the rig to improve its capabilities. Even Colonel Joe Moore, the man he once knew before he became Immortan Joe would make an appearance at times. The complete and drastic metamorphosis from Joe's past self to now was hard to believe, Jack often wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him. Did a man named Joe Moore ever actually exist? 
The more he dreamt of the war rig and the Wasteland, the more the hazy images he had of his parents seemed to fade, growing less detailed as the days went on. Eventually he knew he would fully forget them,the way their voices sounded was already a distant memory he couldn't seem to grasp.
Tonight, though, his dreams took a different direction than they usually went. 
Tonight he dreamed of her. 
Her dream image was walking in front of him, he steps as steady as they could be in the shifting sands of the Wasteland. Her hair was down, flowing behind her as the wind began to pick up. She glanced back toward him, as if to be sure that he was still following behind. She was like an angel among the dirt, her clothes and face pristine from any wear that the Wasteland and unforgiving sun forced on everyone who walked this ruined planet. He reached for her in his dream, taking her hand, feeling her fingers curl around his as she led him somewhere in the distance. Her intense eyes appeared to snag on something past him, widening in horror as a great shadow eclipsed over the sun. Before he could whirl around to see what it was, he woke up.
It took him a moment to come to. His stitched arm throbbed dully as he sat up, pulling against his skin. Jack had to center himself, letting his body and mind adjust back to being conscious again. It had been some time since he had an uninterrupted sleep, he had hoped the dream would continue in bliss instead of the abrupt awakening he had received. But it never worked out that way for him.
He saw Furiosa sitting in front of the fire, her back to him. She had her knees drawn to her chest, hugging herself as her chin rested on her kneecaps. He fully stood up, walking over and sitting beside her near the fire. She didn’t acknowledge him right away, her eyes transfixed on the flames, the fire reflected beautifully in her gray eyes. She seemed lost in thought, but she bit the inside of her lip, as if with anticipation to say something to him. 
He could only watch her for a moment, waiting with baited breath for her to speak. 
Furiosa looked down at her tattooed arm, her fingers tracing along the healed ink of stars. Her head finally turned toward his direction, her eyes downcast as she removed the seed she kept in her hair. She held it preciously within her palm, gesturing for Jack to take it. He did so, carefully plucking it from her hands, holding it within his own palm. She traced the ridges of it with her fingertips.
“It’s from the Green Place,” she finally said, her attention returning to the fire. “That’s where I’m from, a Place of Abundance, the place of Many Mothers.” She continued. “There’s crops, water, and a thriving community. It’s…” she sighed, struggling to find the words.
Jack waited patiently for her to continue, seeing her face become distorted as if in pain, a frown deepening on her face as tears pricked in the corner of her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, as all her words came rushing out in quick succession. She spoke passionately of her mother, the Vuvalini, her best friend Valkyrie, and specific remnants of her childhood that she could recall. The good memories made her smile, wider than he’d ever seen her smile before, but the tears now streaming down her face betrayed her mask of joy. As happy as the nostalgia made her feel, her eyes appeared full of sorrow as she recounted her past, moments that were prematurely stolen from her that she could never get back. He listened intently, keeping his attention on her as she vented. He noticed her voice was growing hoarse from her fervent delivery; this was the most she had spoken in years.
She was telling him a story about sneaking off with Valkyrie, picking a ripe fruit from a tree in an area they shouldn’t have been in. ‘Stay in sight,’ she had said, he presumed she was mimicking her mother’s voice, chuckling to herself as she continued on about Valkyrie’s anxiousness to wander but her own insistence that everything would be fine. Furiosa’s voice faltered on the last word, her eyes finally meeting his own.
For a second he could see the reflection of a scared little girl and the innocence of a stolen childhood lost. Her smile dropped completely, her composure crumbling as a sob heaved within her chest, her face dropping in her hands. 
Jack immediately pulled her into an embrace as she buried herself in his chest, her cries muffled. Her body trembled as he held her. "I promise I'll bring you home, Fury. You have my word." Jack vowed, his voice a gentle whisper as he stroked her back soothingly. "If it's the last thing I ever do, I swear I'll get you home." 
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 131: Project Megalodon
Leading into the mid-season finale of Vol.08 which means scheming, monsters and a dramatic car chase oh my.
FF Net
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