#deltarune dark prince
stupid-idiot-man · 2 years
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Ralsei doodle today! :]
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momopatchi · 1 year
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Ralsei , Prince from the Dark
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super5tarfruit · 1 year
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Ralsei digital watercolor my beloved... :3
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scolles · 2 months
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*Ralsei cast PACIFY!
I finished drawing him! First digital piece in years :)
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lamemummy59 · 8 months
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New Ralsei design! I’m trying to add more textur to my art if you couldn’t tell ^_^
rbs very appreciated :D
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apple-colaa · 1 year
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Dare I say? A cutie patootie?
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lunarcartoonist · 2 months
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Continuing with uploading older work. (I swear I'll catch up one of these days!)
Here's a little doodle of Ralsei as he appears in Chapter 1 of Deltarune.
Tips are greatly appreciated!
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meteor-mp3 · 4 months
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deltarune x sburb. i dont think it would go very well
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
You said in the Ralsei post that his flirting with Kris is supposed to make us uncomfortable or at least question his relationship to Asriel. I agree that Toby could possibly "go there", but do you think it's intentional on Ralsei's part? I genuinely don't think he knows he looks like Kris's brother. If someone makes Kris get into a relationship with someone who looks like their brother, I think it'll be the players fault for knowing he looks like Asriel and forcing it anyway rather than Ralsei himself actually knowingly being into incest. (feel free to answer this without posting the ask if it's worded badly)
all things considered i don't think he does. i think what's happening in deltarune is that ralsei, as a darkner, was created to play on our fondness and love for the asriel we knew in undertale. at the same time, if you're in any way familiar with classic rpgs, you'll realize that ralsei's role in the story is a direct callback to the "healer of the cast, bearer of the prophecy and love interest for the protagonist" trope (a role that was always given to female characters, tying into his gnc quoi), so being framed romantically by the story is... kind of a given here. however, those two core aspects of his, well, self, are basically incompatible. at least when it comes to his desire to be liked by kris, because being pushed into romantic situations you perceive as incestuous is, understandably, going to freak a guy out.
as you probably know, i recently had the chance to play earthbound, and paula reminded me of ralsei so much. ralsei deconstructs the rpg girl trope in general, but knowing how big of a mother 2 fan toby is, i feel like she was a pretty clear inspiration in the way he wrote ralsei. and something that happens again and again and again throughout the course of earthbound as soon as paula joins the team, is that people constantly make comments about her and ness being together. now, paula/ness is canon by the end of the game and has been confirmed as such by the creators, but earthbound as a game heavily features the topic of fatedness; and unlike deltarune, chosen ones and prophecies and dreams of future friends are never questioned by its plot, they are the plot. so, since a big part of deltarune's gimmick consists in questioning the trope of rpg fate, i wonder if ralsei's crush on kris might be revealed to be something predetermined too, going forward. after all, he spent a long time waiting for the heroes of prophecy to arrive so he could become their friend and help them on their quest. if that same "fate" determined that he was supposed to be kris' love interest, then knowing ralsei he probably accepted that fact and acted accordingly. which would mean getting into whether those feelings are actually genuine or if they're born out of duty and his submission to What Is Right And What Should Be.
the main reason i don't think he's aware, though, is that that incompatibility between those two aspects of himself that prevent him from fulfilling (part of) his purpose is a storyline that heavily reminds me of spamton's. ralsei is the most "purposepilled" character in the entire game. he is ADAMANT about reinforcing 1) his own lack of agency 2) that of all other darkners 3) the darkners' purpose towards the lighters as not only inescapable, but good, 4) the status quo of the light world/dark worlds dynamic as it stands. fulfilling his purpose is a BIG deal to him, and the story is obviously going to have an arc challenging it and sending the poor boy into an existential crisis. and him realizing during the events of the game that his literal appearence alone makes kris uncomfortable and prevents him from being the good rpg love interest character he was created to be, well... it just feels like a good way to further that arc.
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low budget ralsei stare . jpg
(had no time again)
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stupid-idiot-man · 11 months
Draw ralsei getting scammed by spamton
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The best salesman around!
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79 - Lonely Together
You're not alone. You're never alone, so long as I am with you.
You must have noticed it - the ever-widening gulf between you and everyone else, like a diaphanous veil that no hand may put aside, a pall which starves and smothers all inquiry, a shield which repels all attempts to connect. You claim not to see it, wonder aloud why you cannot reach the heart of another... but oh, we both know that this is just how you like it.
And in the dead of night, when everyone else lies sweetly dreaming while you mire yourself in unctuous isolation, that's when I wrap myself so tightly around you, arms bound to your sides so that you may never escape me again.
It's all his fault, isn't it? Sweet, angelic sibling, the first among equals who always put you before him. He who sung to you at night to drown out the shouting; he who always made sure the good controller rested in your hands; he who would would have given everything he had, everything he was, if it would make you happy.
...he who should have done that.
But now he's gone, isn't he? The pedestal he once stood upon has crumbled to dust, and from its rubble I rise, a specter of the once-boundless adoration that you felt was yours by right. For is that not what he promised, before so cruelly turning away from you, right when you needed him most?
...rest assured that I shall never abandon you like that. For you I shall weave an entire world from nothing, a perfect pretend paradise where no bad thing may ever befall you again. What can those others, flawed and frail as they are, possibly hope to offer you except sorrow and regret? - it's in their nature to be careless and selfish, after all. But I have eyes only for you, my light... for you are my all, my succour and my salvation.
That's it, sink deeper into my phantom embrace, and we will never have to be alone ever again.
The Dark Menagerie No. 79
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harumichan12 · 9 months
✨️🤍💚 Ralsei 💚🤍✨️
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sorry if he's look so feminine but I like to draw him like this cuz I think he's look so cute like that ^^
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RALS and SOOZ sprites 4 my lightner ralsei au
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grey-cat-and-cloud · 9 months
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Totally random Ralsei gif
-Dark Sparkles Goat Boi-
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