#delphine's grand plan:
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thebusylilbee · 7 months ago
" Après 2024, 2030 sera-t-elle une nouvelle année olympique en France ? Le Comité international olympique (CIO) a désigné mercredi 24 juillet les Alpes françaises comme site organisateur des Jeux olympiques d’hiver. Après plusieurs semaines d’incertitude liée à l’actuelle vacance du pouvoir, c’est une victoire pour Emmanuel Macron qui a défendu personnellement la candidature de la France devant le comité mercredi 24 juillet au matin. 
Le CIO conditionne néanmoins la validation définitive de ce projet à la présentation des garanties financières et juridiques par lesquelles le pays hôte s’engage à couvrir les éventuels déficits de l’événement et à livrer les équipements en temps voulu. [...]
À quarante-huit heures de la cérémonie d’ouverture de Paris 2024, le sujet des Jeux d’hiver apparaît lointain. C’est pourtant maintenant qu’il faut s’en préoccuper, tant qu’il est encore temps de les arrêter. Coûts financiers, flou budgétaire, impact environnemental et verrou dans un modèle économique mortifère pour l’écosystème alpin : les problèmes posés par d’éventuels JO dans les Alpes sont nombreux et sérieux.
Si les plans climat et les schémas bas-carbone adoptés tant bien que mal par nos institutions ont un sens, si le souci budgétaire affiché par l’exécutif est réel, le projet de JO 2030 devrait être remis en question. Mettre en suspens la candidature et offrir aux citoyennes et citoyens la possibilité de se prononcer sur sa pertinence serait un signe de santé démocratique.
Ce serait aussi un geste de confiance envers la population, trop peu consultée sur les grands projets. Ceux-ci engagent pourtant les habitant·es, riverain·es et contribuables pour des années dans des trajectoires souvent polluantes et coûteuses.
Un demi-milliard de dépenses publiques
Le budget de fonctionnement annoncé pour les JO d’hiver s’établit à 2 milliards d’euros, selon le rapport du mois de juin de la commission de futur hôte – document qui comprend l’analyse du projet par un jury désigné par le CIO.
Cette enveloppe représenterait un coût de 462 millions d’euros pour la puissance publique – à partager entre l’État et les régions organisatrices. C’est autant que l’aide exceptionnelle débloquée par le gouvernement en février pour les hôpitaux. Ou que les financements annoncés en 2023 pour le plan logement devant permettre aux personnes sans domicile d’accéder à des solutions de logement pérennes. Ou encore que le fonds annuel de rénovation du bâti scolaire. C’est donc beaucoup d’argent, surtout dans le contexte du plan d’économie de 10 milliards d’euros décidé par Bruno Le Maire en février 2024.
Est-ce le meilleur usage à faire des subsides publics ? La question est d’autant plus pertinente que le montant à débourser sera en réalité sans doute beaucoup plus élevé : 2,4 milliards d’euros au total, pour une dotation publique comprise entre 800 et 900 millions d’euros, selon un rapport de l’Inspection générale des finances non publié, mais cité par le media La Lettre. Matignon, qui a commandé ce rapport, n’a pas répondu aux questions de Mediapart.
Une forte contribution de l’État
Dans le détail, les quelques informations publiques sur le volet budgétaire de cette candidature interrogent. La part de financement public, autour de 23 %, est beaucoup plus élevée que dans les dossiers d’autres pays, a remarqué Delphine Larat, membre du collectif No JO : 0 % pour la Suède pour les JO de 2026 – et retoqué de ce fait, 4 % pour l’Italie, 6 % pour la Chine (2022), 14 % pour le Kazakhstan (2022). Le montant et la part de provisions pour imprévus sont également « hors norme », autour de 258 millions d’euros pour la France, ajoute-t-elle.
Or les économistes des infrastructures ont bien documenté la sous-estimation systématique du coût des JO, dont les budgets ne prennent pas en compte tout un ensemble de dépenses plus ou moins cachées : les exonérations fiscales (nombreuses), les dépenses de sécurité ou de transports publics, etc.
Les rapporteurs de la commission de futur hôte s’inquiètent d’ailleurs à plusieurs reprises de la soutenabilité financière du projet, citant la construction des villages olympiques et d’une patinoire à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).
Constructions massives dans les Alpes
Tout en promettant de « s’attaquer aux conséquences du changement climatique », le dossier des JO 2030 prévoit des constructions massives. Pas moins de cinq villages olympiques sont annoncés, avec 700 lits en projet au Grand-Bornand (Haute-Savoie), 700 supplémentaires à Bozel (Savoie), 1 500 à Nice – où la patinoire pourrait coûter 50 millions d’euros. Celle-ci pourrait prendre place sur des terrains destinés initialement à construire des logements sociaux. Et le projet serait particulièrement énergivore compte tenu du climat méditerranéen de la ville – un choix baroque pour des Jeux d’hiver.
Un « réseau routier olympique » devra par ailleurs être mis en place, notamment pour pallier les routes « étroites » dans les zones de montagne. L’empreinte carbone de l’ensemble est estimé entre 700 000 et 800 000 tonnes équivalent CO2 – sans aucun élément pour le vérifier –, soit autant que la consommation annuelle moyenne de 80 000 personnes en France.
Avec le réchauffement des températures, la neige tient de moins en moins en petite et moyenne montagne. Lors de l’édition 2022 de la Coupe du monde de biathlon au Grand-Bornand, en Haute-Savoie, elle a dû être livrée par camion avant la tenue des épreuves. Comment imaginer que la situation sera différente en 2030 ? Les canons à neige et retenues collinaires sont très consommatrices en eau, et, de ce fait, remis en cause par les défenseurs des écosystèmes. En 2022, la justice a suspendu l’autorisation d’une retenue d’altitude à La Clusaz, en Haute-Savoie, que la mairie voulait construire pour produire de la neige artificielle. C’est l’un des lieux choisis pour les JO de 2030.
Opacité antidémocratique
En l’absence de consultation et de référendum sur la tenue de JO d’hiver en France en 2030, il n’y a pas eu d’information correcte du public : le budget n’est pas publié en détail et le dossier de candidature n’est pas consultable en ligne. La clé de répartition entre État et régions n’est pas connue. Il n’y a pas eu d’étude alternative à la construction des nouvelles infrastructures, ni de contre-expertise du budget présenté par la France.
Avoir des JO dans les Alpes en 2030 « serait formidable pour inventer le modèle de Jeux d’hiver de demain qui doit être plus durable, qui doit s’adapter aux changements climatiques », a encore déclaré Emmanuel Macron au JT de France 2. Le chef de l’État semble se tromper de priorité : plutôt que le business olympique, c’est la montagne, son milieu naturel et les personnes qui y vivent qui doivent être défendus pour avoir une chance de perdurer.
La bonne question à poser est simple : cela est-il compatible avec des JO d’hiver ? Car, au vu des investissements nécessaires, ils enfermeraient ces territoires en plein bouleversement climatique dans un modèle touristique inadapté et dépassé.
Jade Lindgaard "
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theopulenthq · 1 year ago
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Nothing stays hidden forever. Especially not during rounds of assassinations, and several world leaders tucked under one roof. As an uneasy civility settles in Lal Qila, those at the helm of power decide to assert their effectiveness. In an effort to re-establish their command of Lal Qila and curry favor with those affronted by the memoriam, the Mughal Empire (in collaboration with Madagascar) revealed the findings of their investigation in the grand hallway of an early morning, before breakfast was even served. The following list was revealed to name these individuals as the most suspicious within the court - and their reasoning why.
Egypt’s bookkeeper, Emine Bulut, is not as she seems. Many suspect that she is, in fact, working with the Perisa to investigate the Turkish royal family and may have other experience in espionage. 
Thailand needs to look within its own ranks. It’s been found that military commander, Kinsey Gladwin, is tied to the English forces.
The loyalties of those under the French flag cannot be trusted, fortune teller Delphine Baudelaire’s loyalties are debatable.
Correspondence highlighting Regent Sultan Rostam’s distrust in his family, suspecting them of contributing to his husband’s death. 
Copies of records of controversies related to the Qajar family previously thought to be all destroyed, found in the Sultana Arshiya of Persia’s belongings along with proof of the destruction of other documents.
Some suspicion is thrown towards Ethiopia - their interview scrolls were mysteriously disposed of, and it would seem their rooms were not searched as deeply by the French military as other courts. When pressed, both sides of the conflict admit that they have nothing on Ethiopia, and perhaps it is this lack of information that has left them under closer scrutiny. 
Not ones to be outdone, the vengeance of Thailand is never far behind. The findings of France’s search within the royal apartments and chambers are brought to light by sundown of that same day. Within the very same grand hallway, they call upon those in residence to reveal the following findings, attempting to further destabilize the Mughal Empire.
Evidence of foul play is brought to light against the Dowager Duchess Tatiana Kanto around the death of her ex-husband.
Letters exchanged between the Emperor Kaito of Japan and King Elias of Germany detailing Japan’s secret financing of Germany to ward off China’s motives.
The relationship between the Empresses and their lover is on thin ice, with Empress Eesha seen scheming with her lover against Empress Rashmi.
Growing unrest among the leadership in Scotland, with Commander Cailean suspected to be working with rebellious forces against the Stuart’s. Perhaps they have something to do with the King’s absence?
The Crown Princess of Germany, Eleanor Hatzfeld, is actively planning to overthrow the King and secure herself and her (unknown) lover on the throne.
Amidst the scandal and gasps, kingdoms with their own burning suspicions take the opportunity to reveal their own discontent. Sound floods the grand hallway as accusations are thrown every which way, but one voice was heard loudest. It is the Prince of China, Angelo Tolentino, who steps up to reveal what treason and theft lies within the Chinese Empire. Financial papers showing funds exiting the Emperor of China’s trust with the Princess Kai-Ming of China’s handwriting reveal Kai-Ming to be a suspect in this fight.
Meanwhile, those under the Ortiz’s employment call out the Bonaparte’s growing formidability and glory. Members of the Bonaparte family have been reunited at Lal Qila, and with so many of its former royals finding success and influence… Many Spanish courtiers speculate that they would be better placed to rule than the Ortiz’s. Screaming, fighting, and a perfect Spring storm befalls Lal Qila.
In the five days that follow amidst the rainstorm, the aftermath of spilled motives and agendas plague Lal Qila. What began as a step forward in the investigation instigated a greater divide between the two sides. Fortunately, saner heads prevail. Unperturbed by the revelations; Baron Hugo Von Galen, Viscount Maximilien Gauthier, and Princess Yifei Qing come together to bring reason and calm to Lal Qila. It is apparent that both sides are too consumed by grief and ego to lead the investigation. 
The three strike a plan; a council, run by kingdoms famed for their neutrality, shall lead the investigation forward. Untouched by the drama of the murders, and having notoriety for each going several years without war or exception strife, and the long-standing alliances with most Kingdoms in attendance. The choice of who to bring in to act as the facilitator is simple. The three peacekeepers appeal to the rulers from all sides, until a wary agreement is made and treaties are signed.
Not long after, the ships of Norway and Brazil land at the Mughal Empire’s coast. A sigh of relief can be heard through the halls as everyone comes around to the idea of peace… but who knows what hurt feelings fester beneath the new information brought to lie. Once a secret is told, it can never be untold, and now some may pay the price for their sins. 
Welcome Norway and Brazil to the Opulent HQ! Below the cut you can find additional information.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! The investigative council, manned by the royal advisor of Norway and the commanding officer of Brazil, will consist of one muse per mun to be placed on the council. These muses, selected by each mun, will be given choices periodically to vote on that will change the course of future plot drops. More information, including the submission form for the muse you choose to put on the council, will be coming shortly. NOTE - your muse does not have to be a royal to be placed on the council! Ideally, we hope to see a variety of classes, countries, and personality types on this council.
Due to the sensitive nature of many secrets, some muns/muses did not get a feature (or as heavy of one), but these have been noted and will get recognition in the next plot drop!  
The muse count has been lifted to 8 muses per mun, but be mindful that the 1 week wait between muses is still in effect! That means if you apply for your 7th muse, you must wait a minimum of 1 week from acceptance to take on your 8th and final muse. 
Please visit our KINGDOM PAGE to read up on our newest arrivals to the group - Norway and Brazil! 
You do not need to end or adjust threads to stay in line with the timeframe, but you can if you want! Otherwise, all new threads must take place either within the events of the plot drop (including the 5-day rainstorm after the spilling of secrets) or afterwards. If you have any questions on this, don’t hesitate to reach out!
We understand that this may create a LOT of interpersonal drama. Please feel free to reach out to us if you want to let us know any big changes for your character, or to suggest how to implement any ideas for further drama, especially relating to the secrets that were revealed. We want to work with you to make your ideas come true!
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gortrash · 2 years ago
2, 7, 10 for the asks to spread love <3
Tell us why you love one of your OCs or an obscure canon character (link to any fics/art you have featuring them!) 
Oh my god I have to pick ONE??? This is so unbelievably difficult because my OCs mean so very much to me and have an unreasonable amount of depth that caters to me and my philosophies and beliefs BUT I’m going to tell you why I love my verse’s villain, Ilya. Putting this ask under the cut because I’m about to go off on a tangent and I don’t want to clutter anyone’s dash.
Small recap of her character: She’s my rather scary Thalmor OC with giant mechanical legs. She has the world’s biggest god complex and refuses to give the Divines even an ounce of her belief of their godhood and instead just sees them as powerful spirits. Obsessed with the Dwemer’s work as well and decided fuck it, fuck you all, I’m going to become god. All around issue and she’s proud of it.
And I love her so much because although she is evil, she has the depth to invoke sympathy. She is brilliant, wicked, invincible and vulnerable all at the same time. She’s an amalgamation of hatred and love. She has so many flaws and I love her for it. She has this warped perception of divinity and through her corrupted force she may just actually obtain it against all the odds of fate.
Ilya has no destiny. No real role. She was never meant to be free from the shackles of a meaningless fate. So she took it for herself by brute force and she forced that future for herself.
While brutal and cruel, she is perhaps one of my most helpless characters. I’m unsure who wins the battle of emotional turmoil between her and Eve, my Vestige who has far outlived her life expectancy and purpose but is too afraid to die, but Ilya is, beneath the sturdy carapace of ambition and spite, a victim.
The narrative of her life can be summed up by a quote I heard recently that I absolutely adore, “godhood is a lot like girlhood, begging to be believed”, and it struck me that maybe the heretical tyrant who wants the world only wants this because she was denied everything else in her life; including belief.
Ilya is recognised for her genius in the Thalmor, she’s a superior by every right, but in the grand scheme of things, because of her difficulty to cooperate and stay submissive to a cause that isn’t her own, is likely intended to be cast away as soon as her potential has been used. She knows this, though, and so doesn’t plan on either trusting them nor aligning her beliefs with theirs. She has bigger plans than what they have in store for her.
Why? Why not just submit to the protection of cluster and aid them in their own plans for some kind of mimicry of ascension, would it not be easier?
It’s not about easy. Above all, it’s about being believed.
To put it simply: nobody believes in Ilyavanthra. Nobody holds her with the highest regard. She’s a problem, albeit a very intelligent one and a valuable asset. They do not see her, but her skills to be used as an expendable tool. She wants to be believed so badly, worshipped above everybody else, because she is starved from the lack of attention she grew into the twisted mindset of believing she deserved above all else. She’s gone mad from it.
If Ilya believes that cruelty and suffering is the key to divinity, then it is only because she has the ego to believe that she has suffered the most.
On a lighter note, her goal in the meantime, while she prepares for the first act of her schemes, is to be as much of a problem as possible. For fun. Also because the childlike necessity for attention still lives within her. That’s what makes her so fun to write, honestly.
Also, she’s super gay.
A popular fandom opinion that you agree with
Delphine sucks, sorry, I’m not killing Paarthurnax, BUT I’m going to go into that for a second because I am an advocate for female characters who are generally hated. Delphine is unbearable and I’m glad that she is. She’s stubborn and egotistical and she’s obviously good at what she does (her dossier entails that she took down an entire assassination squad) and I say let her be.
However, what makes her irredeemable is because I think she’s dumb for going against what she preaches in saying that the Blades serve the Dragonborn and then she turns around and says lol no I’m not doing anything for you until you do what I want.
A popular character you actually really like and why
Popular characters in the Elder Scrolls fandom have to be categorised in whether it’s popular by regular internet standards or by tumblr standards. Say, everyone knows Paarthurnax, but for a character like Teldryn it’s more so the tumblr fandom that knows him well. So I guess I’m gonna go by tesblr standards here.
I’m glad I got asked this and especially by you because of your brilliant recent art, but I really adore Fennorian and I really didn’t think I would! I was super late to the ESO train and all I’d see about it was Fenn this, Fenn that, and I couldn’t quite get it at first. Then I played the DLCs he’s a part of and, well… that’s my angel baby. He’s so endearing it hurts. Failure husband.
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eliotquillon · 6 months ago
i’m actually really intrigued by wraiths because by far they’re the faction we know the least about - we know a lot about changelings and sorcerers because of the settings and protagonists of witherward and wayward, oracles get a pretty good showing through cogna + the overall focus on how weird they are in witherward and cassia’s entire self actualisation in wayward hinges on her being with an oracle, the psi have delphine and there are scenes in both witherward and wayward set in the underground because of how grand a location it is, whisperers get alitz + the scene at jorn’s house + technically also lev (although we are encouraged to think of him solely as a sorcerer), and wraiths get…nothing?? like yes there’s fowler in witherward but we are very much encouraged to think of the order of the shadows as their own separate faction - they get their own grouping on the opening list of factions and leaders, they’re exempt from the principles, and i don’t think it’s ever explicitly said that ONLY wraiths can be members - and there’s no wraith character in wayward (obviously ollivan’s backstory hinges on the murder of jonas benn, but benn never appears ‘on screen’ like the other examples; ollivan’s recount of the fight to sybella is very much a tell-not-show unlike a lot of the other flashbacks).
there are no scenes set in the north, either—which is especially weird because the only other ‘unexplored’ faction territory is the docklands, and even then there’s several good reasons why we don’t see it. e.g in witherward it’s because oracles are out to kill ilsa so it’s far too dangerous for her to get anywhere near the border, and there are a LOT of reasons in wayward that essentially boil down to ‘for power balancing reasons violet isn’t allowed to drink oracle magic, so there’s no reason for characters to go to the docklands’. also, like, hannah mathewson is very obviously building up the mythology and mystique behind oracles as a faction, so it makes sense she wants to delay having a docklands reveal for as long as possible (hence the fakeout with cassia almost being exiled there in wayward). but there doesn’t seem to be a real reason why we haven’t seen the north yet? i can understand ollivan not being allowed to go there when he’s convicted of murdering a wraith, but like. i’m shocked cassia didn’t have a scene there in the violet investigation phase. or that ilsa didn’t have a scene in witherward where she pressured fowler into taking her for some reason. i think there is SOMETHING going on with wraiths — the link between alana’s decision to ‘rebel’ by having a wraith boyfriend as a teenager + the fact that ollivan was specifically framed for murdering a wraith has NOT gone unnoticed by me — but for the life of me i can’t imagine why we’ve been given such little info on them when every other faction is really well balanced. the delusional part of my brain that still believes in witherward book 3 is wondering if fowler was intended to be a book 3 protagonist (split fowler/eliot pov would go fucking HARD) and that’s why there’s been a bit of an information diet on wraiths because mathewson has a specific angle on them planned (before wayward came out sorcerers were similarly very underdeveloped in witherward) but also as i’ve mentioned i think the order of the shadows is distinct enough to be its own thing so?? who the fuck knows what’s happening with the wraiths in the witherwardverse. Compels me tho
pour one out for the wraiths in witherward/wayward because every time they’re mentioned (rare as that is) they are almost never having a good time
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 2 years ago
Delphine: Paarthurnax . . . is a friend.
Last Dragonborn: See, it wasn’t that hard to say something nice about him — oh, you’re vomiting now. 
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sovereignxfae · 3 years ago
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚜.
FMAB/STEAMPUNK verse. (it makes sense to me..)
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K’in’s role.
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Going against her fathers wishes K’in practiced Alchemy to try and help in their hobby of making weapons. Though at the time her biological brother, Kody, was in danger of dying at the time, despite not having the best relationship with him she decided to perform human transmutation after begging their father to get someone to teach her. So at age 11 her father caved and a teacher was brought to train K’in.
Same backstory as the modern verse, different childhood/outcome.
Brought up by an aristocratic family. K'in was brought up to be the perfect young lady. Seen not heard. However they weren't very well in that endevour. Doing things that most young men did, influencing their younger sister to do the same.
After months, maybe even years, their training was done. The process followed shortly after. It was hard, brutal. The blood, sweat and tears that were put into it was rewarded by Kody being in good health again. At least that’s what they tell him, they haven’t seen her brother ever since the transmutation was done.
 It went without cost. It was celebrated as a miracle for the family. However with such a thing being taboo it must always have a cost, a price to be paid. K’in suffered that cost. The sickness that her brother was with was buried deep into his bones and blood that the only way to save him was to give up something of the same value. They didn’t know what that could be so they allowed the white being that spoke to them before the grand door to choose.
And chose it did. K’in's senses dull everyday of their life. Hearing leaving in short intervals leaving sounds to be desired, her mouth no tastes bland at certain foods causing them to skip meals at times. Contacts worn on the regular because of their deteriorating eyesight. They refuse to be touched for they fear that they wouldn’t even know if it had happened. Slowly yet he is sure, the day will come when they are going to wake up to darkness with nothing to convince them otherwise. They will wait until that happens. 
The tale of the Philosopher's Stone doesn’t entice them nor give them hope. K’in will willingly surrender to their fate knowing that their brother was saved.
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Onyx’s role. 
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Onyx was initially K'in's bodyguard since young age. Deals were made that Onyx would stay with the Astorias for training to take care of them.
They were supposed to set an example of higher and lower but that didn't work.
K'in made sure she sat at their side at dinner instead of stand. Made sure she ate with them and not starved.
Onyx would have survived. After all there was training for the cruelest to those devilishly kind.
She's thankful though, that most of their training wasn't needed. Though that didn't shorten the amount of panic attacks and gritted teeth they'd suffer when her takes wandered off and ruined her carefully planned schedule.
This went on into their teenage years. Best of friends they were despite the rules set out for them and harsh punishments that were given when they retaliated.
Onyx could do nothing to change their mind and no one else bothered to even try. She felt lonely when K'in shut herself in for their studies.
All before K'in made their sacrifice.
Onyx position was changed to being her handmaiden of sorts.
Four years were their difference. Delphine was supposed to be wiser. Understand more but she didn't. It was already decided that they all celebrate Kody's last days happily so why strive for the impossible?
Questions like these where the only times Delphine's training was needed.
Lack of sleep and food made K'in muddled and irritable. So questions to their thoughts and process more than angered them.
Delphine wasn't allowed to watch the transmutation happen. Only the results.
They were left to care for what everyone called a living corpse. She didn't mind. This living corpse spoke to her even through cracked lips and raspy voice.
She'll enjoy whatever last moment's she has left with her task.
No matter if it's K'in screaming at her, frustrated that not even her own voice could be heard or it's spent happily. Delphine brushing through tangles and K'in's light mumbling about their day plan that will no doubt be disrupted.
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Kio works as the bridge between K'in and their family. After the whole event K'in shut themselves away from their family and refuse to speak to them.
Family wasn't concerned over it as much as they should be. Only going such lengths to the pleas of their biological children. Kody and Seo were worried for their sibling and often visited them but still K'in refused to speak.
So their parents found someone that would play translator. Cost them more money than they'd like, not that it made even a small dent in their bank account.
It took an unreasonable amount of time, by their parents standards, for K'in to start speaking to Kio.
At first Kio's stand offish personality stunted the progress. Him trying to pick and prode at Onyx and her schedule loving attitude didn't help at all.
Eventually he reminded K'in of how they were before all this and they opened up little by little. Soon enough he was retelling short and long stories with the siblings.
This goes on as long as K'in has things to say. He's kept out of law's hands and granted to do what he wishes as long as he does as asked of him.
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armatization-a · 4 years ago
Starter for @blade-of-fraldarius ( see here )
Seres had been practicing since before she arrived in Fraldarius.
She had a grand speech prepared to declare her undying love to Delphine, to tell her everything. That was immediately thrown out the moment she realised she could not be Seres. But in the back of her mind, she still kept that speech, like an engagement ring she was waiting for the right moment to pull out.
Time is running out, and Seres is all too aware of it. She knows she wasn't supposed to win that tournament. She knows she was supposed to roll over and let Marcel win, and let him have Delphine. She won't. It isn't because Seres feels like she deserves her, because that isn't it, either. Delphine deserves to be happy. There is no way in hell that marrying Marcel will make her happy. Seres would, at least, allow her the choice.
Delphine didn't tell her no. It was I can't. It's the thinnest, most stretched out piece of hope. Seres had proven her worth over and over again. After tonight, after this stupid tournament and after Seres has proven she's a perfect gentleman, she'll talk to Duke Fraldarius. She'll figure something out. She promised she would.
Seres' body is still sore from the day's events, but the clothes she wears hides it all. It's a shame Marcel didn't die, but Seres can't intentionally kill him. She hates him, but not enough for that. Besides, the humiliation is far, far worse.
Seres would make fun of him. Christophe is a gentleman. She must remember that, at least for now. Her plan is solid, until Delphine chooses Christophe over Marcel. Then it's a little messier, but she'll figure it out. Or she could tell Delphine everything then, and maybe Delphine will not choose Marcel.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Seres wants to eat everything placed in front of her at the banquet. She can't. Christophe is supposed to be well mannered enough not to inhale the whole chicken in front of him, so he doesn't. It's small, refined bites instead that only leave her feeling hungrier.
The only thing stopping her from giving in is that Delphine is right beside her. She is the reminder Seres needs to stay good. She doesn't even touch the alcohol in front of her. Dammit, she will be the perfect gentleman, even if it kills her. Duke Fraldarius and his wife will see they're a great pair together. She even has Delphine's ribbon in her hair, Fraldarius blue tying back the dyed red. It's begun to fade, but no one is going to notice.
Seres grins at her dining companion. "I still can't believe I did it," she says. "I mean, I knew I would, but holy sh-" She swallows. She raises her glass. "To winning!"
And even if, in the end, Seres doesn't win her over, she can say she's tried. It's not good enough, but it may have to be. Seres must prepare herself for that disappointment.
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royalcordelia · 5 years ago
i found my voice (in her sweet melodies)
Summary: Christmas with Gilbert has never been traditional, but it always manages to steal Anne’s breath away. (A S3 + Married Shirbert Christmas Story).
This story is for @mariamancini who was one of three winners of my fic giveaway. I do hope you like it, dear!! ♥
December 1898.
For once in his life, Gilbert Blythe was blissfully unaware of the winter chill. It might have been the scarf Mary had just finished knitting for him with soft midnight blue yarn, or his father’s old sweater that he was finally beginning to fit into. Each breeze brought faint scents with it - the flowery perfume of Mary’s soap, the lingering essence of his father. 
Yet, Gilbert was only half aware of these comforts as he marched through the snow. Perhaps what really was warming him was the trail of footprints leading from his back door directly to the Green Gables homestead. The small boot tracks, without a doubt, belonged to the youngest member of the Shirley-Cuthbert household. Gilbert’s eyes glazed over as he walked, following the footprints, though his mind was off elsewhere. As it was, he couldn’t help but notice hints of Anne in everything he saw - the white-tipped tree branches, the cardinals on their high perches, the unique stellar shape of each snowflake that flurried before him. 
His thoughts were consumed by her up until the moment he saw her through her window. Anne - as lovely as she ever was, floury apron tied around her waist and her braids tumbling down her back. With movements somehow laced with affection, she kneaded a sugary dough on her kitchen table. Her lips moved in a song Gilbert couldn’t hear until he nudged the side door open. The melody from her lips was her favorite Christmas tune, “The Holly and the Ivy,” but the words were entirely of her making. 
“My footprints fall behind me, across this crystal field. It’s you I’ve come to see, my love. It’s you that brings me here.” Her voice echoed through the peace of the house like a hymn loose in a cathedral. “So come and stand beside me. And hold me in your arms. I long to lay close with you, beside our warm hearthfire.”
Already rosy from his trek through the cold, Gilbert felt his cheeks tingle. How tempting it was to pretend that this kitchen belonged to him and Anne, that the pastries she crafted with her loving hands were for their very own Christmas dinner. Just the two of them. She’s keep singing her song, and he’d heed its lyrics to reap all of its marvelous benefits...
With a shake of his head, Gilbert rapped his knuckles against the door before letting himself in. He’d been subject to too many of Marilla’s “Gilbert Blythe, you know you’re welcome anytime. Please let yourself in!” lectures to wait for Anne to get the door herself. Her head rose from her baking, and the sight of Gilbert made her face split into a grin. 
“Hello Anne,” Gilbert greeted warmly, unwrapping his scarf from his neck so that he could speak. If he’d been looking, he might have seen Anne’s eyes linger on his chin and neck as they became exposed, and if he’d been looking even closer, he might’ve noticed her bite her lip. But instead, he smiled and took a few steps into the room, tracking some melting snow in behind him.
“You look like a mountain man just now returning to society,” she teased, crossing over to him. With a captivating softness, she brushed a flurry of white flakes from his hair. Gilbert’s eyes watched her face with tenderness.  She was so close that he could smell the vanilla on her hands. Seeming to notice the boldness of her action, Anne gave a friendly sweep of her hands across his shoulders and then patted it firmly. “Ah, there’s the Gilbert Blythe I know. Next time wear a hat!” 
“It’s only a short walk across the field,” he argued.
“The field and the orchard,” she corrected.
Gilbert rolled his eyes, though he was smiling. 
“Aren’t you going to ask why I’m here?” 
Anne moved back to the table and began to roll out her dough until it was as smooth as ice. 
“Do you ever need a reason to visit?” She peeled off a tiny bit of the dough and held it out to him. “Try this.” 
Gilbert smelled the sweetness of the biscuit dough seconds before he tossed it into his mouth, but it wasn’t enough to prepare him for how divine it tasted. His expression must’ve betrayed his thoughts immediately because Anne smiled in victory and began to press a circle shaped cutter into the dough. 
“You’ve outdone yourself, Anne. What are you baking for?” 
With a gasp, Anne slammed her hand down the table. The various bottles and containers of flavorings and flours rattled at the impact, but thankfully, nothing capsized onto the floor. 
“I nearly forgot! These biscuits were going to accompany me as my persuasive gift when I went to invite you and your family to Christmas dinner. I was going to leave as soon as they were out of the oven so they’d still be hot.” She paused, realizing she’d confessed her surprise plan. “I’d still like to make a formal invitation, if you don’t mind.” 
“I do mind, in fact,” Gilbert countered. Anne dropped her shoulders incredulously. “I’m afraid I’m here to make the same exact formal invitation, only I hope you will still accept even with my lack of baked goods.” 
“Gilbert Blythe, you mean you came here to-” 
“-to invite  you and your parents to Christmas dinner at our house, yes. You were kind enough to invite Bash and I last year. It’s only right that we return the invitation.” 
For a moment, Anne hesitated. She’d had been planning the Christmas dinner decorations for over a week, collecting the necessary stray ribbon and pinecones in her room. Anne felt it was far more comfortable to play hostess to your loved ones than be the guest, however perhaps that was merely her proclivity to hospitality rearing its head. 
But then she remembered the sweet laughter of baby Delphine and the fact that it likely had been many years since Mary had the chance to host a Christmas dinner for a full sized family. 
“Well?” Gilbert asked. Anne crossed her arms across her chest and pursed her lips.
“I tentatively accept on a few conditions,” she stated firmly. Gilbert cocked a brow but nodded for her to continue. “My first is that Matthew and Marilla must agree.”
“That’s a given.” 
“My next is that Mary absolutely let us bring a dish or two.”
“Alri-” Anne cut him off.
“ And I’d like to help Mary cook and decorate,” she concluded. Then remembering her manners, quickly added, “Only if it isn’t an imposition on her. I think it would be so lovely to spend time with her that way, especially since she’ll need an extra pair of hands to cook and take care of Delphine.” 
“You act like Bash and I don’t know how to take care of the baby,” Gilbert bristled, though not genuinely offended. Anne couldn’t help but smile warmly as she slid her tray of sugar cookies into the oven. 
“Oh, I’d never. Between the three of you and my family, that little girl will grow up with more love than she’ll know what to do with.” 
An unreadable expression crossed Anne’s face, but Gilbert noticed it before she could hide it completely. Maybe she was remembering the childhood of another little girl who never knew such an abundance. A sigh slipped through his lips. Things were different for Anne now, but if he could go back and provide all the love she’d been lacking, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
Lost in his thoughts, Gilbert did not notice Anne dip her finger into the flour and walk up to him. With a dramatic flourish, she tapped his nose with the powdery substance.
“Do you accept my conditions or not, Mr. Blythe?” she asked playfully. Any hints of her past haunting her were gone now, but the ache in his chest that urged him to merely love her was still overwhelming. Gilbert rubbed his sleeve across his nose and smirked at her.
“I accept your conditions and offer one last offering of my own.” 
Anne nodded, eagerly awaiting whatever he had in store. She was too busy staring into his forest hued eyes that she didn’t flinch when he took a step closer. With the stealth of a storybook hero, Gilbert reached behind her into a small pile of flour and swiped it across her cheek. The white streak made it that much more endearing when she beamed up at him, but her smile turned heavy when his fingers lingered on her skin. For half a second, she felt his fingers move ever-so-slightly against her cheek to hold it, then-
“Why! Gilbert Blythe is here!” 
Anne and Gilbert jolted back a few steps, the latter wiping excess flour onto the sleeve of his coat with heated cheeks. Marilla took no notice of the tension she’d walked into, or if she did, she was kind enough to spare Anne any indication.
“Gilbert invited us to Christmas dinner with his family. Isn’t that positively grand?” Anne said, enthusiasm barely masking her distress. Surprise lit up Marilla’s countenance. 
“That’s awful kind of you, we’d be delighted!” Marilla said. 
“Wonderful! Bash and Mary will be thrilled to hear it,” Gilbert replied. He pulled his scarf from the hook and began to wrap himself back up, as neat as a Christmas package. “I ought to be heading back. I promised Mary I’d collect a few things for her in town so she can get a headstart. Anne, I’ll speak with her about you assisting her with the cooking.” 
Anne’s face was still the same color as her hair, but she nodded with a tight smile. He was halfway out the door when he turned back, sending her a look so intense with adoration that she shivered down to the soles of her feet.
“Until then,” he said softly. Then he was off back into the flurry of Avonlea snowfall, a figure of warmth amongst the blanketed crystal field. 
December 1907.
Initially, Gilbert thought it might be interesting to see what it was like to have the house entirely to himself, but all he felt was a dull loneliness in the background of his mind. Without work or Anne to distract him, he found himself keenly aware of a thousand oddities he’d never noticed before. There was a spot on his collar that was oddly itchy. A weird stain looked like a shadow of a spider above the kitchen stove. The tiny apron tied around his waist, which he borrowed from his ever-generous wife, constricted him like a snake skin, but was resolved to keep flour off of his pants and waistcoat.
Gilbert peered down at the countertop before him, analyzing the sticky dough he had just mixed together. Anne’s never looked quite like that. Maybe if he kneaded it more, it would take a more familiar shape? Clapping his floury hands together resolutely, a tiny cloud of flour exploded into his face. He coughed, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand and began to fold the dough over on itself. 
That was how Anne found him ten minutes later, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, kneading biscuit dough with all of his manly strength. Under his breath, he sang a song that was too quiet for her to hear. Icing sugar was smeared across his cheek and his forehead, making Anne bite her lip. 
When the door closed behind her, his gaze shot up to hers. In all of her glory, Anne S. C. Blythe stared upon her husband with appreciative eyes, a bundle of firewood in her arms and dirt on the knees of her trousers. The sight of her broad shouldered and confident made Gilbert swallow, but his face was contorted in confliction. 
“Welcome home, my love,” he said, with controlled evenness.
“Thank you, darling,” she replied sweetly, wiping her snowy feet on the doormat. She made no move to rid herself of the logs tucked in her bicep. Gilbert’s brows knit together at the sight. “Charlottetown was positively rife with christmas spirit! Usually those townspeople are so dreadfully-”
Anne paused, noticing the somewhat pained look on her husband’s face. 
“Alright, out with it, Gilbert Blythe,” she ordered. Gilbert set down his dough and tried to look nonchalant, but only succeeded in appearing hesitant. Slowly he began to explain himself. 
“As your doctor, I logically know without a doubt that you are more than capable of lifting a few fire logs without any sort of danger to your health,” he began.
“Uh huh,” Anne drawled, amused. It wasn’t often Gilbert was so bunched up.
“And you know I respect your desire for us to do equal parts of all the work in the house, and return that desire.   I recognize that you specifically asked not to be coddled.” 
Gilbert’s resolve melted away as he unburdened himself.
“But as your doting husband - who, by the way, loves you more than anything and anyone - it positively kills me to see you doing heavy lifting. What are husbands for if not to wait on you hand and foot so that you don’t need to lift a finger?” he exasperated.
With a patient sigh, Anne dropped the logs next to the stove and came to stand by her husband’s side, arms wrapping comfortably around his neck. Gilbert’s hands immediately cradled the bump on her stomach, rubbing the tiny spot where a growing baby could just barely be noticed. A print of his strong hands was left on the soft fabric of her dress in white flour, sending a chuckle through Anne’s throat. 
“Oh Gilbert Blythe, you have no idea how much I appreciate that you care for me to such extremes,” she murmured, pressing her lips to the spot on his cheek where the icing sugar was smeared. “I’d be lying if I pretended to be completely unaware that my, as you say, heavy lifting would bother you. But I’m just so anxious to get everything ready in time for when our families arrive, that when I saw the logs at the side of the house, I figured I’d knock one more thing off our to-do list.” 
“That’s what I’m here for!” Gilbert argued gently. “I’m baking your favorite cookies from Mary’s recipe, I cut down that tree you said you liked, set it up in the living room, and brought down the candles and ornaments. I’ve even started decorating the house.” 
With a hand running through his hair, Anne scanned over the house. Gilbert’s heart lifted in relief when an impressed smile filled her face. There were candelabras in the windows with sprigs of winter flowers underneath them and a garland of pine was placed on the mantle. Gilbert had channeled Anne’s artistic soul as he adorned it with pinecones, ribbon, and holly. 
“I left the table centerpiece and the wreath untouched so you could decorate them. I know how you love it so,” he explained. “I thought we could do the tree together, just like last year.” 
Anne held his face lovingly, nuzzling his nose with with hers before planting a soft kiss on his lips. The second she pulled back, something caught her eye. Above the fireplace,  Gilbert had hung not two, but three stockings - two adult sized, and one tiny one. Stepping away, she neared the stocking with a growing lump in her throat. With the stocking completely in sight, she noticed one word embroidered across the red fabric with an unskilled hand: Jem. 
“Gilbert…” she muttered with a bittersweet heart. “You don’t even know if the baby will be a boy, yet.” 
Anne relaxed when she felt her husband’s strong arms wrap around her waist, his  lips in her hair. 
“That’s why I put Jem instead of James. Even if the baby is a girl, she’ll still be our little gem. Joyce’s stocking is on the tree, up near the star.” 
Anne’s throat was too thick to say anything. She held Gilbert’s arms close to her and leaned her head back on his chest. It would be her first Christmas since she’d lost her first baby, but her and Gilbert had decided it wasn’t going to be a sad time. They’d make sure it was bright, peaceful, hopeful. That was why had invited the Lacroixs and the Cuthberts to their home this Christmas - to bring family near, to prove that they were alright. 
“I’m sorry I worried you,” Anne said quietly, spinning in his arms until there was hardly any room between their lips. “Since you’ve respected my wishes, I’ll respect yours and resolve to be slightly more relaxed.”  
Gilbert pressed his lips to the spot underneath her ear that made her shiver, and nodded against her skin. When he pulled back, he glanced at the clock. 
“Our families will be here in a few hours. Will you please help me salvage the gingerbread cookies? I fear I missed a step.”  
With a burst of laughter, Anne caressed Gilbert’s cheek. How wonderfully dependable he was, this husband of hers. She couldn’t remember what Christmas looked like without him by her side, and cherished the future of many, many more holidays spent together. In a few hours, they’d reveal the impending arrival of their family’s newest addition, but for now, Anne was quite content to bake biscuits with the man she loved and smear icing sugar along his lips for her to kiss. 
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gstqaobc · 5 years ago
CBC NEWS The Royal Fascinator Feb. 7, 2020 Hello, royal watchers and all those intrigued by what’s going on inside the House of Windsor. This is your biweekly dose of royal news and analysis. Reading this online? Sign up here to get this delivered to your inbox. Janet Davison Janet Davison Royal Expert
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Who will step up for Meghan and Harry?
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(Lefteris Pitarakis/The Associated Press)
It was a striking image that day in June of 2012 — just six people on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, sending a signal widely interpreted to foreshadow a slimmed-down future for the House of Windsor.
It was the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee marking her 60 years as monarch, and joining her on the balcony were her eldest son and heir, Prince Charles; his wife, Camilla; Charles’s two sons, Princes William and Harry; and William’s wife, Kate. (The Queen’s husband, Prince Philip, was in hospital at the time and it would be four years before Harry met his wife, Meghan.)
Charles has long been thought to favour a core group of senior family members to carry the House of Windsor forward in the next reign.
But Harry and Meghan’s departure from the upper echelons of the family leaves a big hole in that plan.
"I think [Charles] envisaged having Harry as part of that,” Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, said via email.
Seward said that along with William and Kate, Charles saw his sister, Princess Anne, and his brother, Prince Edward, as part of the plan.
Harry’s departure “really blows a hole into Charles’s well-thought-out plan for a slimmed-down monarchy based on the core family,” royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith
told Vanity Fair
Even though Harry is now down to sixth in the line of succession, he would still have been expected to carry out more senior duties for several years because numbers three, four and five in the succession (William and Kate’s young children, George, Charlotte and Louis) are up to two decades away from being active royals.
“So Charles and William have been counting on Harry to be, in effect, third in line to the throne and that’s all out the window, too,” said Bedell Smith.
Harry and Meghan have been staying out of sight for the past couple of weeks and are thought to be on Vancouver Island, where they were over Christmas before making their seismic departure announcement.
In the meantime in the U.K., it’s been royal business as usual for everyone from the Queen on down. Elizabeth was out and about twice this week —
and reminisced about her father and his corgis
— as her regular winter stay at her Sandringham estate, north of London, draws to a close.
Charles and Camilla were at a reception for the British Asian Trust and other engagements. William, who has a new role as Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and Kate were at the British version of the Oscars and did a day trip to Wales.
Observers have been trying to figure out whether there’s any evidence of Harry and Meghan’s departure affecting what other senior members of the family are doing.
But in many ways, that seems to be a stretch — at least for now.
“As official engagements are usually fixed some months in advance and Harry and Meghan’s official departure is not until the spring, I don’t think we have yet seen much direct evidence,” Seward said.
“The crux will come on family occasions and none are scheduled in the immediate future. The future of Harry’s military appointments is obviously under consideration and will be announced as soon as it is decided.”
Still, it all leaves many open questions about how other members of the family may step up their roles. One person seen by many as likely to gain more prominence is Edward’s wife, Sophie, the Countess of Wessex.
“I think Sophie will take on a lot more royal duties and patronages,” said Seward.
And then there are Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, daughters of Prince Andrew, who has stepped down from public duties in the wake of fallout from his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and a disastrous BBC interview related to that.
“I am not sure about Beatrice and Eugenie,” Seward said. “Before all this happened, I know Andrew was keen for them both to have royal roles, but Charles was not.”
Another spring wedding
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One thing that is sure for Beatrice — she has a confirmed wedding date and venue. Buckingham Palace said this morning she and fiancé Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi will marry May 29 at the Chapel Royal at St. James’s Palace in central London. The Queen will host a reception just up the road, in the gardens behind Buckingham Palace. After a flurry of royal weddings in Windsor over the past couple of years, this promises to be a lower-profile, smaller and more intimate affair — perhaps not surprising given the controversy surrounding Beatrice’s father, Andrew. St. James’s Palace does, however, have a rich royal history. Other weddings that have taken place there include that of Queen Victoria in 1840. It’s also been the scene of several christenings, including Beatrice herself in December 1988, and more recently Prince George in 2013 and Prince Louis in 2018. Andrew and the FBI — what's going on? Prince Andrew was the focus of more attention recently after the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York told a news conference held outside Epstein’s former mansion that Andrew had given “zero co-operation” to the inquiry into the convicted sex offender.Immediately after that, sources close to Andrew were reported as saying he was angry and “bewildered” by the claims he had been unco-operative, and that he hadn’t received any request to speak to the FBI.A lawyer for a victim of Epstein also urged Andrew to co-operate with the FBI.Seward said until an approach is made by the FBI through official channels, “nothing will happen.”“This doesn’t lessen the potential wrong, but he can’t answer anything until his lawyers are contacted, and then they don’t have to answer straight away,” Seward said. “I think he will help the investigation, but has probably been advised to wait until such time as all the necessary evidence as to where he was and what he was doing has been gathered.”Andrew has said he did not see or suspect any sex crimes during the time he spent with Epstein. He has also denied any inappropriate relations with a woman who has said she was forced to have sex with him three times between 1999 and 2002. Andrew has said he has no recollection of meeting her..
Royal angst — beyond the House of WindsorOther royal families have also seen their share of controversy and high-profile headlines in the last little while.The public prosecutor in Luxembourg has launched a probe after reports of physical violence toward staff who work for the tiny European country’s royal family.It was only the latest headline there, coming about a week after Grand Duke Henri issued a statement to defend his wife, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, against allegations of a “hostile working environment” at the palace.“Why attack a woman? A woman who speaks up for other women? A woman who is not even being given the right to defend herself?” Henri said in his statement.Next door, in Belgium, former King Albert II admitted he fathered a child during an extramarital affair half a century ago.The acknowledgement came after a court-ordered DNA test found that the 85-year-old, who abdicated in 2013, is Delphine Boël’s biological father.Boël had been engaged in a longstanding court fight to prove that she is his biological daughter.
Royally quotable
"Yet in 2020, and not for the first time in the last few years, we find ourselves talking again about the need to do more to ensure diversity in the sector and in the awards process – [a lack of diversity] simply cannot be right in this day and age."
—  Prince William
speaks during the British Academy Film Awards
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Fans of the Netflix drama The Crown will have to content themselves with just five seasons, rather than the six everyone had been expecting. Creator Peter Morgan had said he’d planned on six seasons of the show focusing on Queen Elizabeth’s reign, but the other day he nixed that idea and said five seems like the “perfect time and place to stop.” The way the series is going, that should take viewers up to around the year 2000. Given some of the higher-profile royal controversies of late, perhaps it’s understandable why Morgan is content to stop at that point. “I think there’s concerns the closer you get to the present day, in terms of how much dramatic licence can you ethically take about events that are unfolding,” said Toronto-based royal historian and author Carolyn Harris. “And also, the show would become more controversial if it was speaking about events that are in many ways still unfolding at this time, and imagining conversations behind palace doors.” Season 5 will see another actor take on the role of Elizabeth. Imelda Staunton, who’d long been rumoured for the part, will follow Claire Foy (seasons 1 and 2) and Olivia Colman (seasons 3 and 4).
Royal reads
1. A century before Harry and Meghan, an Italian noble family
sought refuge in B.C. — and stayed
. [CBC]
2. The RCMP and U.K. security officials are
discussing how best to protect Harry and Meghan
while they are in Canada, and who will ultimately pay for their security. [CBC]
3. Harry
lost a press complaint
he filed against a newspaper over a story it published about photos of African wildlife he has posted on Instagram. [BBC]
4. To mark the 200th anniversary of King George III’s death, his
massive collection of military maps
has been made available online, offering insight into global conflicts from the 16th to 18th centuries. Also going back in time,
a vest worn by Charles I at his execution
is going on display.  [The Guardian, BBC]  
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. Problems with the newsletter? Please let me know about any typos, errors or glitches.
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pauline-lewis · 4 years ago
Well, silence is a bore
Quelques jours après avoir dit au micro de Manon que j’étais bloquée pré-2010 musicalement, voilà que la sélection musicale de Chiens de Faïence pour Section26 et qu’un tweet de Beggars me mènent tout droit down the rabbit hole et me voilà prête à réécouter The Purple Bottle d’Animal Collective et Coronado de Deerhunter en boucle. Je déplie ces deux chansons comme des origamis et je retrouve plein de choses, les cafés pas bons au RU à Brest, les marches sous la pluie, les longues heures à attendre dans le couloir assise près du distributeur de bonbons — et puis la première année à Paris, la solitude, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf et les larmes dans les toilettes après un exposé sur Djuna Barnes. Ça ressurgit dans une note, une inflexion, et c’est drôle d’avoir tellement de machines à remonter le temps.
Peut-être que ça me rassure, alors que je fonctionne en vase clos, de revisiter le passé à défaut de pouvoir errer dans les rues ? Dans le rythme de The Purple Bottle il y aura toujours un peu de Brest, même si je n’y suis pas. Peut-être que je vais concrétiser ce projet d’écrire un zine sur 2007, à force de citer cette année arbitrairement. Anyways.
Golden Eighties, Chantal Akerman, 1986
La semaine dernière j’ai découvert Golden Eighties de Chantal Akerman, qui a ravi mon cœur de fan de comédies musicales. Akerman y raconte l’histoire d’un centre commercial, de la vie des employées d’un salon de coiffure à celle de la famille qui tient le magasin de vêtements. Il y a des histoires d’amour, d’adultères, de retrouvailles avec d’anciens amants. Mais aussi des histoires liées à cette période particulière des années 80 : l’envie d’agrandir toujours plus son magasin, de faire du centre commercial le symbole de cette société que l’on pousse à toujours plus consommer.
J’ai adoré la manière dont Chantal Akerman joue avec la légèreté, qui n’empêche jamais la tristesse de percer. Je me dis toujours que les comédies musicales sont les vraies incarnations de ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de nous, parce que je suis sûre que si je pouvais vraiment faire tout ce que je veux je me mettrais à chanter dans la rue. Chantal Akerman, comme Jacques Demy, joue vraiment avec ça, elle en est consciente et l’utilise.
Il y a ces garçons dont les chœurs ponctuent les amourettes des personnages, mais il y a surtout ces grands moments de profondeur où Delphine Seyrig chante son besoin de faire l’amour et où l’on déclame des odes à des amoureux disparus dans la nature lointaine. Et le spectre de la guerre et des camps de concentration qui n’est jamais loin. Cet équilibre entre l’esthétique très pop, les chansons up tempo, l’humour et les secrets et tristesses que cachent les personnage est vraiment très émouvant et percutant.
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Journal, Julie Delporte (editions Pow Pow, 2020)
Après avoir lu Moi aussi je voulais l’emporter j’ai décidé de continuer à creuser cette toute nouvelle obsession pour le travail de Julie Delporte avec son Journal, rédigé et dessiné par l’autrice entre février 2011 et octobre 2012. Je l’ai lu d’une traite un dimanche après-midi dans mon lit et encore une fois son travail m’a complètement bouleversée et m’a parlé à un niveau vraiment très intime. Peut-être que c’est sa manière de dire en une phrase ce que j’ai ressenti des années. En tous cas, quelque chose dans sa sincérité me renverse. Elle me donne vraiment l’impression que nous ne faisons pas fausse route en écrivant ce que nous voulons, même si c’est intime, même si cela semble peut-être trop personnel et dérisoire. Elle me donne le sentiment qu’il ne faut peut-être pas comparer ce que nous avons envie de dire avec ce que disent les autres. Que toute impulsion peut donner de la littérature.
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Ce Journal raconte une rupture et tout ce qu’elle a fait vivre à l’autrice. Le besoin de trouver sa propre personnalité, d’abandonner certaines habitudes. Et surtout cette nécessité d’apprendre à se considérer comme une artiste (ou de déconstruire cette injonction), de sortir de ses doutes. C’est assez méta finalement puisque tout ce journal n’est qu’un long chemin pour en arriver à cette conclusion : ce Journal est une œuvre d’art, il mérite d’exister. Et graphiquement c’est encore une fois sublime, son usage de la couleur, son écriture, ses collages, tout ça me transporte vraiment.
Journal est aussi rempli de références culturelles qui se mêlent à sa vie (franchement je me demande pourquoi je me reconnais tellement dans son travail, euhm euhm). On y croise des films d’Ingmar Bergman, la pochette de Rain Dogs de Tom Waits (j’ai cru tellement longtemps que Tom Waits apparaissait sur cette pochette alors qu’en fait pas du tout, c’est une photo du photographe Anders Petersen — je l’ai appris en allant voir une expo en sa présence à Paris il y a quelques années).
Bref c’est sensible, profond, doux et douloureux, vraiment je ne sais plus quoi dire pour vous convaincre de lire Julie Delporte, mais je crois bien qu’elle a un peu changé ma vie.
(si vous possédez Je vois des antennes partout et que vous voulez me le revendre, call me, je ne le trouve pas !)
Ce plan de Losing Ground de Kathleen Collins est franchement sublime :
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J’en ai déjà parlé sur Instagram mais ce plan de Losing Ground de Kathleen Collins (1982) revient me hanter (joyeusement). C’est un beau film sur l’art vs l’intelligence universitaire, sur l’inspiration. Et il y a aussi de très belles scènes musicales qui interviennent comme une ponctuation dans le film, qui capturent aussi très bien l’esprit et la profondeur des comédies musicales. 
We’ll always have movies.
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years ago
Hallows Eve ○ Z.B
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A/N it's not halloween yet lol but it's my favourite holiday and I literally just watched this episode yesterday so here it goes x
Y/N wasn't like most children, she loved her leather jackets and doc Martins from a young age and grew up on the classics like AC/DC, Black Sabbath & Iron Maiden. Oh and she was a witch... yep you heard that correctly. Y/N arrived at Miss Robichaux's Academy at a younger age then most and it was a bigger adjustment too, you see the y/s/c girl was from the UK. There weren't really any 'school's' like this back home unless you counted hogwarts but sadly that was just fictional. You see witches were a dying breed as most who knew they carried the bloodline just simply refuse to reproduce. So at the age of 10 Y/N was sent away after setting fire to her belittling and abusive father which in turn sent the whole house ablaze. It was a pretty big story in the press at the time because the firemen couldn't find any cause of the fire, nor could it be explained how a small girl managed to survive it without even a scrape or bruise...well of any sort of mark really.
Now even though a couple of years had past the small girl was now a teenager and was just as sarcastic and dark as she was when she first stepped foot into the building much to Cordelia's dismay. Over the years Cordelia had become like a mother to the girl hoping she would open up and to give her the life of any other young girl. However Y/N found it a lot more fun to hex people into letting her do things she shouldn't. Mainly to see horror films that she was not old enough to watch even if she did have Delia's permission (which would never have been an option anyway). So the night of Halloween (or hallows eve if you want) Y/N had no costume just a big pile of movies to get through before dawn and believe me she would. Well she would of if she hadn't been interrupted while watching Scream by well a scream, when the screaming didn't stop and only quietened to small breathless whimpers the y/h/c girl simply huffed pausing the movie and decided to investigate.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON!" The british Teen yelled stomping down the stairs to find Zoe, Nan and Luke stood behind the new maid (clearly Delphine LaLaurie) with shards of glass and candy strewn all over the floor. "Aw did some little kids scare you lady?" Y/N questioned mockingly leaning against the banister of the grand staircase, turning swiftly to the group of teens Madame LaLaurie simply shook her head "All hell has opened up on our doorstep." Thinking the crazy old bat was just being dramatic Y/N simply rolled her eyes as Queenie came to join the gathering crowd, however when the banging didn't cease "Right I'll get my bat" the youngster stated to the room before restomping up the stairs.
When the girl returned the group had disappeared and like a scene in the horror movies she loved the front door loomed ahead creaking just loudly enough to be audible in the subtle wind. With an artist like flare Y/N sighed swinging her beloved bat with nails over her shoulder.
The scene outside was simply carnage, body parts laid here and there like the devil had kicked his toys out the pram and had a temper tantrum. Zoe held two pots in her hands hoping to distract the zombies from Nan and Luke while screaming at the top of her lungs. "What an idiot" Y/N hissed what was Zoe thinking... actually take that back she clearly wasn't! There was only one way this was going to end if Y/N didn't help and she was sure Zoe didn't want her final words to literally be shit. Grabbing the pale girls wrist Y/N took off running dragging the poor girl behind her to the semi safety of the  Cordelia's old garden shed, while the English girl knew the door wouldn't hold them back for long maybe just maybe it would be long enough to come up with some sort of plan. Frantically looking around for a weapon of some sort her eyes landed on a chainsaw. It was a tad rusty and had peeling paint but they weren't exactly looking for something with aesthetic, silently she thrusted the heap of rusting metal to her friend "Ready to kick some arse?" The leather clad girl questioned looking for some form of sign the Zoe was ok and ready to fight, only getting a small nod in return Y/N simply grinned like a mad woman before kicking the door down. Zoe was normally a shy girl but even Y/N had to admit the American look hot welding a chainsaw that just seemed to sing after not being used for so long, so she told her exactly that before swing her bat into the head of a decaying corpse smashing it like a coconut at the fête.
The next morning was spent clearing up the mess and destruction, still somewhat hyped the foreign minor chucked mangled limbs onto the bonfire "Last night was some real Shaun of the dead kinda shit" she stated to the other two girls helping clean up. Turning to Zoe Y/N winked at the girl while wiping her gloved hands "Still think you looked hot as fuck with that saw" Before walking away.
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stevetervet · 4 years ago
The wow that’s happening now
Children’s television is full of inanities, as every parent reading this will know. For example, who else questioned Madame Gazelle’s qualifications as an early years teacher after she decided the best way to introduce Peppa Pig’s French friend Delphine Donkey to the English language was a rendition of ‘bong-bing-boo, bing-bong-bing, bing-bong-bingly-bongly-boo’? I dread to think what Ofsted would make of such garbage.
But, hidden far beneath the surface, there lurk pearls of wisdom.
The star of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is often reminded to “enjoy the wow that’s happening now” and while we in turn sing it back to Ivy when the situation demands, it’s a mantra that applies just as much to us adults, too.
It’s in our nature, mine certainly, to want to plan ahead and shape the narrative of the next year or so. That might be getting a steer on what’s happening at work, booking a holiday, working out travel plans or other, more personal, issues. And with COVID-19 having taken much of that control out of our hands in 2020, a year which for many of us can’t end soon enough, it’s even more tempting to wish the time away until we can do all those things we’ve been deprived of during this annus horribilis.
But with a nod to Daniel Tiger, there are definitely positives aplenty when you put down the binoculars and pop on the reading glasses to refocus on what’s closer at hand. For one thing, we’re fortunate here in NSW to be enjoying far greater freedom than the Victorians just down the road, while those in Melbourne have been doing it even tougher still.
Looking back a year to our arrival in Australia, I was feeling frustrated at driving down dead ends in search of jobs that weren’t there or pay for work that wasn’t forthcoming. Admittedly I am still a sports journalist unemployed in that particular sphere but taking on a new full-time role at Albury North Public School has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Originally there one day a week to produce the school newsletter, my remit has expanded into more of a PR position with self-taught video production thrown into the mix. It’s such a vibrant environment, being around 200+ kids every day with a fantastic staff to bounce off (not literally, although football at recess can get quite involved) and a real feeling of job satisfaction and making a difference. Much like the newsroom, no two days are the same. Last term I ended up interviewing the Mayor of Albury, producing a last-minute COVID-19 pull-out, presenting the possibility of a new school uniform - complete with a student debate - and liaising with the local media. Having been on the other side of that particular fence, flagging up the story of a swimming champion in Year 6 felt fairly routine but it was a different matter when our NSW/VIC pen pal scheme hit the headlines. There was heaps of interest straight away and I spent a day co-ordinating visits from TV crews and radio reporters, with further interviews taking place throughout the week. Talk about feeling alive; it was so good to see the kids and teachers getting the platform their hard work deserves.
Another unexpected ‘wow’ was a week’s holiday in Jervis Bay, about 200km south of Sydney. We’d been due to fly interstate, like so many others, but COVID put the kibosh on that and forced a rethink. So a place we’d never thought of visiting turned out to be the most fantastic base for our few days there, with Callala Beach every bit the relaxing hideout we’d hoped for. With the sea literally a stone’s throw away from our door, we were there every day with Ivy rather happier to brave the chilly waters than her parents. One kayaking incident aside, our beach experience was terrific. Huskisson was our launching point for a whale watching cruise which delivered not only close-up encounters with the behemoth and its calf but the chance to glide alongside a school of dolphins closer to the shore, away from the huge ocean swell. You couldn’t beat Tilbury Cove, Culburra Beach for shell-collecting or sandcastle-building or Greenwell Point for fish & chips, where the pelicans behaved like seagulls waiting for the foolish tourist to throw them a morsel.
We spent a day up the coast in Kiama, where the spectacular blowhole and company of some dear friends made our crawl through the Princes Highway roadworks worthwhile. The road to Currarong, by comparison, was almost deserted, but drama of a different kind lay ahead. As we entered the tiny seaside town, plumes of black smoke from a hazard reduction burn - crucial ahead of the fire season - filled the sky and swirled through some of the back streets. “This is a stress-free area” insisted the lady serving behind the counter of the convenience store as she confidently assured us everything was under control. But not so, it turned out, as we discovered after exploring the rock pools and getting back on the road. Having traversed the 10km gravel road to and from the imposing Point Perpendicular Lighthouse, atop cliffs overlooking the spot where we had seen the whales, security personnel at the gatehouse warned us against returning to Currarong as the fire was now out of control.
For all the beauty of the coast, one of our favourite stops was inland at the Shoalhaven Zoo in Nowra. Nestled between the river and a sheer rock face, it’s uncomplicated and unpretentious but with a cracking selection of animals including a farm section for the little ‘uns. Ivy just loved patting the kangaroos. When in Rome...
Eventually it was time to leave the coast behind - for another 10 weeks, at least. Our route back took us through the mighty Kangaroo Valley, down a series of steep hairpin bends and up even more on the other side. We passed a group of cyclists next to the historic Hampden Bridge. The looming ascent must have looked to them as the Grand Colombier had to an ailing Egan Bernal in the Tour de France just days earlier.
So, one term left in this year of years as we approach the the run-in to Christmas and the powerful heat of summer. One eye on planning for next year, that’s for sure, but also accepting the challenges of today.
Watching our friend Naomi Mitchell run the race of her life to finish 14th at the London Marathon has inspired me to start running again. I’ve been out three of the last four days, further each time, and, coupled with some healthy eating, I’m starting to feel the benefits - physical and mental - already. I’m determined to keep pushing myself and get into shape. It’s not something I’ve enjoyed that much before but if Naomi can do 26.2 miles in two-and-a-half hours, I can get to 5k and beyond.
Positive change is in the air. Who knows, I might learn a new language too.
All together now...
Bong-bing-boo, bing-bong-bing, bing-bong-bingly-bongly-boo!
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o-daintyduck · 5 years ago
AWAE 3.08 Reaction feat. MY FREAKOUT
The synopsis is giving me hope kinda.. We’ll see Ka'kwet but she’ll still be at the school so more weeping, Aunt Jo visits and brings a devious scheme,.. is it about Diana?? Will she or won’t she have to go to Paris? But why is it devious? And what about shirbert?????
Here we go.
Bruh Anne looks gorgeous in this still photo. All that fire just accentuates her looks!!!
Like an animal??? I’m angry already.
Mr. Avery is back!!! They’ve certainly hatched a plan of some sorts… But I guess it won’t be successful *sighs*
I knew she was in the barrel… Lol everyone knew that.. prolly.
How long will she hold her breath.. and will that poor boy hold the nun without giving anything away.. she’s going to hit him, isn’t she? WTF
Omg Mr. Avery is a beacon of light in this scene… he’s so pure.
Oh my Gods!! Did the plan actually work? She’s holding on it…
Anne is so happy!! Is she lying to Marilla tho? Lol 
Wait did they make up??? Moira won’t let me de clown in the Dianne fight too!! Insufferable… But I’m so happy at the same time.. Wait is Anne imagining this?
Well I figured it out before “Diana” ran away, cut me some slack guys… Normally I’m not this stupid..
Gilbert sure loves to think out loud,“ the printing press can’t just up and walk away by itself!!”
Yep the fault of small minds…
Man I really miss the schoolhouse… I’m weeping already..5 minutes in..
Miss Stacy is so hurt… the memories i can’t...
Rachel’s gonna throw a fit too!!! Rachel had memories in the school too.. I can’t -
Yass things will not be the same… I said it once and say it again.. Rachel will go rogue by the serie ends… And I’m living for it!!!
I still can’t believe Ka'kwet actually fled that place… So proud of her!!! And anxious too rn.
Ahhhh Bash’s mom is here!!!!!!!!!!!! I already love her… Finally some of that mother’s love for Bash that he missed and Gilbert too!!!!
It’s a diff actress maybe but don’t care … It’s Bash’s mom y'all!!!!!
Yass someone to keep Bash in check too.. love it!! *chef’s kiss*
Lol Anne and Gilbert talking sooo loud!!! And nobody seems to care… Lol
Okay petition for a new gc name– “Can I borrow your pen?”
Okay so the shirbert scene just ended like for the 5th time… And I was gaping all along… Wtf
I really need to meet that kid of Rachel’s… Such chaotic energy to have burned down the shed multiple times.
Was this how Marilla and Rachel behaved when they lived together in the books??? I know the discussion is serious but so precious at the same time.
Lol Bash’s mom definitely is going through a “cultural shock” atm I CAN’T. Two white women cleaning his house while he was away *no offense* but so so hilarious…
Bash’s face says it all..
This first meeting of Grand mamma- Delli is too much for me too handle… Gonna go hug my Nana..
Wait Hazel is fine!! Mom still thinks that she was only summoned for childcare… Welp
Ruby couldn’t speak in front of Gil b4 if her life depended on it.. but oh look now with the crush gone- she’s a new person!!! And the things she saying have me jumping up the roof!!!!
Well ruby I trusted you too much, didn’t I? Aren’t Anne and Gilbert enough on there for bringing up Winnie and now you too!
Gilbert peeked at Anne, I mean how can a boy be so stupid.. no I’m not saying ooc calm your spears,people. my heart is breaking for Anne I can hear it almost.
Diana is going to fight with Jerry too, isn’t she?
LEAVE JERRY ALONE!! he deserves to be happy!!! Not hating on Diana… But he deserves better ..better than this.
My fav gal Aunt Jo!!! Diana wrote to Cole, maybe..and he told her.
Lol its not even been 15 minutes and I’ve written an essay already!!!
I’m confusion.. why does Diana have no choice??
Bash’s Mom lived all her life like this.. it will take her some time to break free from that. But until then, welp
Bash teasing Gilbert is out of this world!!!! And have you heard that Delphine is cho cho cute.. i cringed myself typing this.
I swear Anne is me!!! Had to take a test just today!!! And I was cramming until the last moment.. Matthew and Marilla are so proud.. and jittery too
Diana looks like she’s holding back a flood of tears even while eating.. ohhhh she gonna take the test!!!!!!! YAYYY
Aunt Jo’s happiness and pride knows no bound (mine too)
Moody dude, in the words of the ever so great Taylor Swift, you need to calm down.. Diana hasn’t studied nothing think of her..
Where is Gilbert ?? The gc needs to renamed to may I borrow your pen… To commemorate another one of Gilbert’s shenanigans. Ehh called it ! He didn’t take the test..
I’m all for bromance bw Miss Stacy and Bash but nothing more than that please….
This is the 4th (and presumably last) appearance of Winifred… I want her to remain involved, shes too cool, but just can’t figure her out even now…
Here it is!!! An advantageous marriage.. very few people could have called it b4 the season.. but it is canon.. I’m not worried about shirbert.. but just how far Gilbert is willing to go for his ambitions.
Okay the kids are wasted!!
A drunk Anne and somewhat sober Gilbert, the perfect combo!!!!!! I have read atleast 5 fics head canoning this…*another chef’s kiss for the fic writers*
Okay nobody imagined this …I take that back… That look Gilbert is giving her made my stomach to leap a mile…
What’s holding you back? Ahh the question of the ages… I’m gushing at this so much,like this is serious but the first person Gil wanted to ask was Anne about all of this.. and she’s so drunk but at the same time utterly heartbroken, still encourages him to do it…. Slow burn madafuka.
Okay the PROPOSAL just happened !!!
And I’m freaking out just every bit as Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m really not okay and they had to show Ka'kwet feeding off of berries… The poor girl *cries yet again*
They are searching the letters, aren’t they???
No, the dictionary and a wedding ring… And here I go weeping again…
I really went outside to scream at the sky a second ago… But need to scream again!!!! I’ll not be okay this week or this year at all.
Anne needs her bosom friend now… She’s just been PROPOSED!!!!!!! I know it’s gonna go haywire any second now but please let me live this for now… I can’t even imagine this is happening..
Aunt Jo with the best advice… Just hope Anne takes it as we want her to..
Bash has his mother with him.. i’m just happy for him.
He’s gonna propose Anne and I too need to get up for this again…. BASH IS THE WHOLE FANDOM RIGHT ABOUT NOW.
And that’s how you shatter a million hearts!!! “Now I can be happy with Winnie”.. I’m still happy that they didn’t stretch this till the finale atleast.. the heartache would have been unbearable.
Marilla is onto something. Now Rachel has full reign over these old hacks.
Go Rachel Go go Go Rachel!!! They just got vetoed!!! And I love it… Other 2 women will have to be Muriel and Marilla..
And in her mother’s arms!! Is it too late to give those nuns and that whole school HELL
Poor Minnie May and Diana.. atleast she’ll understand now that she always has a choice to be herself no matter what anybody says…
I love that They’ve made up!!! They are made for each other… #DianneForever
“I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe!”
Aren’t we all? Anne.
It took me 3 hours to watch this episode because i was freaking out so much, tell me if this was comprehensible at all if you came this far…
This episode was different for so many reasons but the proposal...oh the proposal... excuse me gotta scream again..
And “Anne rejected” him... i guess Moira couldn’t stray far from og on this one.
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lemans-collectif-citoyen · 4 years ago
Élections municipales LE MANS / second tour.
Archive d’un texte publié le 23/06/2020
Candidat·e·s issu·e·s de la société civile et non représentant·e·s de partis politiques, nous avons pleinement participé à la démarche de la liste « Vers Le Mans en Commun ». Nous avons défendu des idées et valeurs municipalistes fondées sur l'écologie sociale pour redonner aux mancelles et aux manceaux les clés de leur ville.
Les conditions de la mobilisation des électrices et des électeurs, notamment de celles et ceux qui vivent difficilement, menacé·e·s dans leur emploi, fragiles face à la santé, inquiet·e·s pour leur avenir, n’étaient pas réunies  pour permettre l’expression démocratique la plus juste lors de ce 1er tour.
Nous ne pouvons justifier le score de « Vers le mans en commun » (5,51%) par ce seul argument. Notre démarche citoyenne n’a pas suscité l’engouement espéré, c’est pour nous une très grande déception. Nous ne saurions donc nous projeter vers l'avenir sans tirer notre propre bilan de la période précédente et notamment de cette élection municipale à laquelle nous avons participé.
Nous actons la fin de notre participation au cadre « Vers Le Mans en Commun » car nous sommes convaincu·e·s que notre action doit continuer indépendamment de toute association partisane afin de laisser toute sa place à la démocratie citoyenne en dehors des agendas nationaux.
Nous souhaitons mener un travail de veille municipale et de lanceurs d'alertes sur l'exercice du pouvoir au cours de la prochaine mandature. Nous souhaitons consulter largement les actrices et acteurs de notre ville, organiser des temps de réflexions et fédérer avec toutes celles et ceux qui se retrouvent dans notre volonté de changement pour Le Mans.
Cette action se fera sur les bases que nous avons toujours défendues : l'écologie, la solidarité et la démocratie.
Nous croyons, en effet, en une démocratie réelle qui permette d’impliquer les habitant·e·s dans les réflexions et les prises de décisions concernant leur ville, leur vie.
Nous croyons en la richesse du monde associatif, de l’économie sociale et solidaire et de la vie culturelle pour construire et animer les politiques publiques en partant des besoins des habitant·e·s.Nous pensons qu'il est possible d'associer largement habitant.e.s et associations pour agir sur l'urgence sociale, pour organiser une démocratie réelle et une écologie pratique.
Nous en appelons à la création d'une force citoyenne d'appui aux initiatives de transformation sociale et écologique, de veille démocratique et de solidarité.
Pour ce second tour, chaque électrice et électeur se prononcera en toute conscience. Face au maire sortant, porte-parole du catastrophique quinquennat Hollande, la seule liste encore en course est celle « Pour Le Mans » conduite par Mme Karamanli, députée de la Sarthe, soutien de ces mêmes politiques, menées par les gouvernements Ayrault et Valls, que nous avons combattues. Il nous faut être lucide et composer avec cette situation.
Nous restons persuadé·e·s que M. Le Foll n'a pas les clés pour faire du Mans cette ville résiliente, culturelle, écologique, créatrice d’emplois de qualité, que nous voulons. Nous dénonçons encore et toujours sa connivence avec les promoteurs immobiliers, son PLUi (Plan Local d’Urbanisme intercommunal) qui bétonne jusqu'à 800ha de terres agricoles et son obsession de la métropolisation qui n'est qu'une mise en concurrence des villes entres elles. Nous dénonçons la non suspension du projet de centre commercial à Béner et le choix du sécuritaire au détriment d’actions sociales, éducatives et solidaires.
Dimanche, pour ce second tour, certain·e·s d'entre nous voteront pour la liste conduite par Mme Karamanli, d'autres voteront blanc ou feront le choix de s'abstenir. En ce qui nous concerne, le seul bulletin de vote exclu est celui de M. Le Foll.
Au-delà de ces élections, la force d’appui citoyenne que nous appelons à se construire saura faire entendre sa voix et porter celle des mancelles et manceaux qui se retrouvent dans notre démarche.
Nom des signataires :
Vincent BLIN
Damien FABRE
Ludovic MAMDY
Valentine PETIT
Delphine ROOY
Gilles ROUBY
Nous invitons celles et ceux qui se retrouvent dans cette démarche citoyenne et qui voudraient nous rejoindre à nous contacter sur : 
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leblogdebrillante · 5 years ago
“La pénétration entre femmes, ça c’est subversif !”
Entretien avec Marie-Jo Bonnet dans Charlie Hebdo, 11 avril 2018. Propos recueillis par Laure Daussy. (Photo de la page)
Marie-Jo Bonnet fait partie de ces féministes dites “historiques” qui ont marqué le Mouvement de libération des femmes dans les années 1970. Historienne, elle livre dans Mon MLF (Albin Michel) un récit passionnant de son parcours personnel au sein d’un grand mouvement collectif.
Le livre de Marie-Jo Bonnet nous plonge dans ce bouillonnement subversif, parfois brouillon, toujours audacieux, qui voulait mettre à bas le patriarcat. Marie-Jo Bonnet a été contestée ces dernières années en raison de ses prises de position, en tant que lesbienne, contre le mariage pour tous et contre la PMA, mais elle reste une des figures incontournables du MLF.
CHARLIE HEBDO : On associe souvent immédiatement Mai 68 et le féminisme. En réalité, c’est plus compliqué : cela a été un véritable combat, ce MLF... > Marie-Jo Bonnet : Je dirais que le MLF, c’est le refoulé de Mai 68. On croyait avoir tout dit en Mai 68, et on s’est aperçu qu’on avait oublié la moitié de la population. Mai 68, c’est une porte qui s’ouvre et nous allons nous y engouffrer. Les militantes de Mai 68 ont été reléguées au deuxième plan. Les femmes, c’était les petites amies des chefs, celles qui tapaient les tracts, qui servaient le café. C’était toujours les hommes qui prenaient la parole dans les AG, et ils n’écoutaient pas les femmes. Il n’y avait aucune femme parmi les porte-parole de Mai 68. C’est de cette expérience d’effacement qu’est devenue évidente l’idée de faire un mouvement non-mixte.
Les militants de 68 n’avaient pas déconstruit la domination masculine. Attention, le mot “déconstruction” est un concept actuel. Notre mot-clé, c’était la libération des femmes. La libération, c’est un processus qui se déploie dans le temps, dans un mouvement collectif et individuel. Le MLF n’est pas une organisation politique, c’est une expérience commune, une envie d’agir, de se voir tous les jours. Il y avait un plaisir à être ensemble. C’est ça, la clé, l’énergie du MLF. On voulait mettre à bas la “société mâle”. Les analyses, le programme, tout ça est venu petit à petit. On a réussi à faire un mouvement efficace sans structure ni hiérarchie, parce qu’on a libéré le pouvoir d’initiative des femmes.
Vous dites dans le livre que vous n’interprétez pas de la même manière la notion de libération sexuelle. Vous ne revendiquez pas le slogan “jouir sans entraves”. Pourquoi ? On n’avait pas le même rapport à la sexualité. Les revendications des garçons, gays ou hétéros, c’était de “plus jouir”. Les gays se libéraient de la répression sexuelle, avec le FHAR, le Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire, qui ressemblait beaucoup au MLF. Pour nous les femmes, lesbiennes et hétéros, il s’agissait de réaliser notre totalité d’être humain. On voulait avoir des relations amoureuses égalitaires, retrouver l’amour de soi et l’amour des autres femmes. C’est la première fois qu’on se positionnait en tant que femmes, qu’on s’alliait entre hétéros et lesbiennes. C’est dans cette alliance que nous avons trouvé le courage et l’énergie de contester la “société mâle”.
Être lesbienne, c’était d’une certaine manière encore plus subversif dans le MLF ? On n’avait rien à perdre, on était le fer de lance du féminisme. Ça suscitait une grande peur, car des hétéros sont tombées amoureuses de femmes, mais ne se considéraient pas lesbiennes pour autant. Alors il y avait les “lesbiennes de toujours” et celles qui le devenaient “par choix politique”, ou par levée de censure sur leurs désirs. Le plus difficile étant de s’accepter comme on est dans une société qui nous rejette. J’avais besoin de dire que j’étais lesbienne, j’avais trop souffert du silence. J’ai vécu un moment extraordinaire à la Mutualité, au Tribunal de dénonciation des crimes contre les femmes, quand j’ai pu dire pour la première fois devant 3000 femmes que j’étais lesbienne. Ça s’est passé sans préméditation, dans la joie collective.
Dès le départ, le MLF est multiple, avec plusieurs groupes différents. Vous-même, vous étiez dans plusieurs de ces groupes ? Absolument, on se cherchait, on n’avait pas de programme politique. Il y a eu le Fhar, mais il y avait des gays misogynes, alors on a créé les Gouines rouges, mais ça ne nous empêchait pas d’aller aux manifs avec le Fhar ! Il y a eu les Féministes révolutionnaires. Il y a eu la Spirale, un groupe de méditations, puis, en 1975, le Groupe d’études féministes de Paris 7. Je suis même allée voir un avortement chez Delphine Seyrig, car nous étions solidaires avec les hétéros. C’était une vie interne. Tous les soirs, ou presque, on avait une réunion. Tout m’intéressait. Il y avait différents niveaux de subversion au MLF. Du rejet de la société mâle à la dissolution des anciennes identités sexuelles, chacune allant ensuite vers sa propre quête. On ne se prenait pas au sérieux. On avait des slogans drôles. Aujourd’hui, je trouve que les féministes manquent d’humour.
Ah ! les féministes manquent d’humour, c’est souvent le discours sexiste qui dit ça... Que voulez-vous dire exactement ? À part le collectif la Barbe, les actions des féministes furent trop sérieuses. Même la campagne Osez le clito ! était sérieuse. Chaque génération redécouvre le clito. Parler de pénétration entre femmes, ça c’est subversif. Pas besoin de pénis ! Ça c’est subversif !
Aujourd’hui, on assiste à un mouvement sans précédent de la libération de la parole des femmes avec MeToo. Quel est votre regard sur ce mouvement ? J’ai participé à MeToo sur les réseaux sociaux, et ça m’a fait du bien. Pour moi, ce mouvement est de même nature que le Manifeste des 343 femmes qui ont déclaré avoir avorté illégalement. Même les femmes puissantes, connues, admirées sont harcelées et parfois violées par leur employeur. Comme pour les 343, quand des femmes connues et des anonymes ont signé, ça a libéré la parole et l’énergie des femmes. On subit encore la loi masculine, le corps des femmes est à leur disposition dans une espace public insécure pour les femmes. Nous avons encore besoin de développer la confiance en soi et la capacité de dire non. Le collectif doit pouvoir aider, protéger, donner le courage de se défendre et de porter plainte.
Vous avez écrit un chapitre sur le soutien du philosophe Michel Foucault à la révolution iranienne. Pourquoi était-ce important pour vous de l’évoquer dans un livre sur le MLF ? Foucault n’a pas vu le danger d’une révolution islamique. Ce danger était pourtant évident : à partir du moment où le pouvoir religieux oblige les femmes à porter le voile, ce n’est plus émancipateur. De même, il n’a pas vu les manifestations de femmes, tête nue, à Téhéran. Il a été victime du syndrome du tchador, qui efface les femmes de la révolution.
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redevenir · 5 years ago
hiiii !! idk if u are taking a break or not but just wanted to check in and see how you are ? and if you feel like it , for the mission ; then vs now your fav movies, music + tv shows . hope you’re doing well and eat lots!! - carat anon
Hello !! I am not taking a break but there's much to do with the house and times flies !! I had to chop wood all day because apparently That's the life I've chosen ! But thank you for asking I really appreciate it 😄 I cooked and ate pizza tonight so you see I'm eating well ! Tomorrow is vegetable lasagnas ♥ didn't you see my previous answer to you ? (With the pictures of the dogs if I remember correctly ?) I'll check if Tumblr actually did post it or not, because it sometimes happens 😡
Then & Now
I !! Don't remember so many things about my childhood it's all very foggy but I'll do my best !!
Movies : probably Mononoke ?? It made a huge impression on me and well that was it haha. Also Azur and Asmar !!! The story is so-so but the esthetic is beautiful ! It deserves to be watched just for how beautiful it is ! Also the music ! And the female characters !!! The little princess will win your heart in 10 seconds ! VS ... I don't know !! Everytime I see a movie it becomes a new favorite I guess ? Last time I told you about Little Women, but there's also Alien and, well it's so hard to pick something !!
Music : I honestly don't remember at all I guess I just listened to the radio ? So Rihanna, Lady Gaga were my fav I assume. VS Now I still love them, But I'd throw in Loreena McKennit, which I already mentioned in your previous ask, A-WA 😍, Mashrou Leila, Delphine Coutant ( I recommend Vinaigre and Grands Chevaux if you want to give it a try 👀) also Bat for Lashes songs to my heart (her song Laura has made me cry so many many many times, I actually plan on writing something about it)
TV shows : probably Malcolm ?? Also something that was call Martin Mystère which Martin Mystery in the original version! I think it aired on sunday mornings here and it was everything I loved !! Basically anything involving monsters was a huge yes for me as a kiddo !! VS Kingdom is the last showed I watched and I still constantly in awe ! But my favorite is probably His Dark Material even tho there's only one season for now ! But what a season my dear !!! There's everything in it ! Also if you want something that has ended but still recent I strongly recommend The Man in the High Castle, which was mind blowing and honestly way better than the novel.
Thank you a lot for asking me these !!!! What are you favorites nowadays sweet anon ? Do you think our tastes may match ? Or not at all ? Are you judging me ?
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