#dek mai
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ruumhitzies · 2 years ago
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chanya mclory herself loved it🥺
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quirkedupkicks · 6 months ago
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pretty risky plan, but yeah ..
panel redraw/ode to the hero killer arc 💙 no shade version + the ref pic that saved me ->
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cultsfy · 3 months ago
Media: ‘Evil dead rise (2023); doctor sleep (2019); Penny dreadful (2014); Black Swan (2010); possessor (2020; ahs asylum(2012); kinds of kindness (2024); ahs apocalypse (2018); Carrie (1976); Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010); reflexões de um liquidificador (2010); Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009); Talk to me (2022); Dek Mai - The Series (2018-); gone girl (2014)’.
🎙️‘skychaser - 104.5 sky fm’
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yemme · 3 months ago
Thailand be doin' it and doin' it and doin' it well... virus is seriu
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Am I really going to watch another MFlow series?
Yes. Yes, I am.
Because I love torturing myself.
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idryna · 1 year ago
Disini saya mahu memaparkan pengalaman sex aku . Cicha ialah nama manja aku dan sudah berkahwin selama 5 tahun . sedikit tentang perawakan diriku bertubuh seksi , kulit putih , bontot tonggek .
Ini kerana bentuk tubuhku serta rupa wajahku mirip perempuan Jepun yanng kecil molek , berambut lurus serta berkulit putih kemerahan . Perkahwinan kami amat membahgiakan diriku pada mulanya . suami aku jauh lebih tua dariku dan perbezaan umur ialah 19 tahun .
saya dilimpahkan dgn berbagai bagai kemewahan serta kehidupan yanng serba lengkap. Segala – galanya yanng saya idami dan impikan dapat ku perolehi dalam masa yanng singkat . Shoping dan bercuti diluar negeri boleh dikatakan setiap 2 bulan sekali tempat yanng saya minati ialah di Venice .
Udara yanng nyaman serta cuaca yanng sentiasa redup dan menyegarkan . Tetapi. Tetapi saya sungguh kesunyian kerana suami aku sentiasa jer sibuk dan pergi ke luar negeri hampir setiap bulan dan biasanya memakan masa berbulan bulan baru dia kembali.
Cicha Abang akan ke London besok flight abang pukul 8 di klia ujar suami aku sambil mula menarik selimut . saya baru jer habis mandi ketika itu dgn berkemban dan sedang mengeringkan rambutku.
Abang nak pergi lagie kan baru 4 hari lepas Abang balik dari Hanoi dah nak pergi lagie tanyaku. Ala Cicha nie kan tugas Abang jadi terpaksalah Abang pergi lagie ada mesyuarat penting yanng Abang kena hadiri Tanganku mencapai gaun tidur pink yanng nipis dan terus menyarungkan ketubuhku .
saya merapati katil serta terus mendakap dada suami aku . Abang Cicha bosanlah tinggal sorang nihujarku sambil mengusap dada suami aku dgn tanganku yanng halus. Nanti Abang belikan souvenir untukk Cicha dari London nanti ya suami aku membelek tanganku dan terus mendakap tubuhku kemas .
Abang Cicha belum habis lepas rindu kat Abang lagie tau tapi Abang dah nak pergi lagie rengeku manja . suami aku mula meramas ramas bahuku dan dgn perlahan melucutkan tali gaun tidurku menyerlahkan payu daraku yanng membonjol .
Em Abang suka tengok urat urat yanng timbul kat payudara you nilah Cicha suami aku berkata kata dgn nada geram . Ehk Abang nih takan nak tengok jer suaraku lunak manja .
Harapanku dapatlah agar suami aku mengairi lurah nikmatku yanng sudah lama tidak mendapat habuan . “Cicha mai sini isaplah Abang nyer nih” suara suami aku agak bergetar meminta .
Ku bangun dan melepaskan dakapan suami aku serta menundukkan kepalaku kearah kemaluanya . Kuusap batang kote dia dgn tangan kiriku dan kupandu batang kote nya kearah bibirku . Bibirku menjamah batang penis nya dan terus kusedut sedut serta terus kenyonyot nyonyot hujung kepala kote nya .
Lidahku terus menjilat disekeliling kepala takuk dia yanng sedikit kehitam hitaman . “Ish em Cicha sedapnya ” sambil tanganya meramas ramas rambutku. Tumpuanku terus kujukan kearah hujung kepala kote nya .
Berdecup cedup bunyi sedutanku dan saya semakin melajukan isapanku . “ Oui ouuih Cicha arrgh jangan kuat sangat Abang tak tahan nih” suami aku agak mengigil menyuarkan kesadapan hasil dari nyonyotan bibirku di batang kote nya .
“Cicha Oh arrgh tak tahan sangat ni” saya terus jg menghisap dan menyonyot dgn sepenuh tumpuan kerana nafsu ku sendiri sudah semakin bergelora . saya suka terhadap kote yanng tegak dan utuh kerana saya suka posisi on top .
Dengan posisi ini saya dapat menghenjut dan sehingga saya mencapai klimaks . “Argh Cicha ” . kurasakan kedua belah kaki suami aku kejang dan batang kote ya sudahpun memuntahkan sperma dia terus kedalam mulutku .
saya cepat cepat menarik keluar batang kote suami aku . Ishk Abang nihh napa cepat sangat ujarku dgn nada geram . “ Ala Cicha kita buat second round lahh ok ? Abang janji second round mesti best punya ” “Cicha isaplah lagie yer please ” Nafsuku masih lagie bergelora dan pepek ku sudah mula basah .
saya akur dan sekali lagie menundukan kepalaku jari jariku mengengam batang suami aku yanng mula mengendur dek pancutan yanng pertama tadi . Sementara itu di sebuah CyberCafe , Kalid bersama seorang lagie teman dia Aniel berkongsi satu komputer .
Aniel kau tengok tuh saya dah on dgn awek yanng pakai nick Istrikehausan nih. Kalid bersuara sambil tersengih kegembiraan . Oi bagus tuhh saya nak tumpang sekaki Mon , mari kita kerjakan cukup cukup Aniel menambah serta menepuk nepuk bahu Kalid .
Aniel saya takut laa , saya ajak dia pergi makan jer tengahari besok Kalid agak risau menyuarakan pendapatnya . Apalah kau nie Mon takkan nak makan jer macam tuh tak girik la beb kalau nak on biar betul betul on baru puas .
Ok Aniel kalau macam tuh saya pergi jumpa besok bawak dia pergi keluar lunch lepas tuh saya try usha bawak dia pergi rumah sewa kita Very good macam tulah kawan , saya tunggu kat rumah besok , kau usha baik punya dulu bila awek tuhh dah ready saya joint sekali alright .
Aniel saya takat ringan ringan biasalah tapi yanng heavy intercourse nih saya tak biasalah nanti ko mulakan dulu yeah sebab saya tak nak yanng tak cun lahh Aniel.
Apalah kau nie kau bring her to our house , nanti pandailah saya mengerjakanya kalau kau tak nak Aniel tersenyum sinis . Begitulah perancangan yanng mereka berdua rancangkan . Kalid mmg budak College tapi Aniel sudahpun bekerja maka memanglah Aniel lebih berpengalaman jika dibandingkan.
Cicha masuk kebilik semula stelah berpuas hati dgn temujanji untukk keesokan harinya. Cicha tersenyum puas sambil cuba memejamkan matanya. Dia bertekad akan pergi bershopping esok dgn bertemankan Kalid yanng baru jer dia temui di chat room sebentar tadi.
Cicha melakukannya semata mata untukk memenuhi kesepian yanng sering kali ditinggalkan oleh suaminya yanng sentiasa sibuk sepanjang masa . Itu sahaja tujuanya tidak lebih dari itu . Pagi Rabu tersebut suami Cicha bersiap dan berkemas untukk bertolak ke London .
Cicha memandu kereta nya untukk menghantar suaminya ke airport . Ai Cicha you face shines a lot to dayujar suaminya . Eh ye ker biasa aje , takkan lah pulak nak bermuram dan bersedih aje Cicha membalas serta terus menumpukan perhatian terhadap jalan raya tanpa memandang kearah suaminya .
Sesampai diruang departure Cicha cuma memberhentikan diruang menunggu jer . dia tak pun turun dari kereta. Nanti Abang call Cicha bila dah sampai ye. suaminya berlalu sambil melambai lambai.
Cicha memecutkan keretanya kearah Kuala Lumpur, sejak dari bangun tidur dia hanye menumpukan perhatian terhadap lunch date nyer . Mereka sepatutnya bertemu di Mid Valley MegaMall . Cicha menelefon Kalid dan menyatakan yanng dia free saat ini dan meminta berjumpa dgn dia pada pukul 10 lebih.
Cicha memberikan alasan dia ada urusan lain masa tengahari nanti. Sebenarnyanya dia sendiri sudah tidak sabar untukk berjumpa dgn Kalid budak college yanng bersama sama chatting denganya semalam .
Sementara itu Kalid semakin girang menerima panggilan Cicha dan mengetahui Cicha mempercepatkan masa untukk mereka berjumpa. Kalid terus mengejutkan Aniel. Aniel ada change of plan bangunlah mari saya cerita plan baru nih.
Setelah meletaka kereta dibasement Megaamall yanng berdekatan dgn tempat letak kereta Hotel Cititel , Cicha terus jer bergegas ke Delifrance Megamall. dia siap sedia terus order makanan kerana dari pagi dia mmg tidak mangambil sarapan.
Waktu itu Cicha sedang memilih tempat duduk tiba tiba ada seseorang menepuk bahunya . You ini Cicha kan sapa seorang pemuda tinggi lampai berpakain kemas . Er ye saya Cicha Hai I Kalid lahh kita chat berdua semalam sambil pemuda itu menghulurkan tangan untukk berjabat tangan .
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Cicha meletakan tray makanan tadi diatas meja bulat dan menyambut salam Kalid . Kalid mengengam kuat tangan Cicha yanng halus lagie putih itu . Mereka berdua berbual kosong biasalah pertama kali berjumpa Cicha berasa agak gugup.
Selama ini Cicha mmg biasanya hanye berani buat cybersex dan phonesex jer dgn chatter tapi inilah kali pertama dia berjumpa face to face dgn chatters di Internet .
Sungguhpun begitu Kalid pandai menyesuaikan keadaan sehinggakan Cicha tidak lagie berasa kekok stelah setengah jam mereka berbual . Cicha jom kita tengok wayang , ada cerita best lahRamon mengajak dgn selamba .
Walaupun berusia muda Kalid mmg terkenal dicollegenya dgn gelaran casanova. Serta pengalamanya itu tidak dia sia siakan untukk menarik minat Cicha supaya berasa comfortable bila disisinya . Ok jugak tu good idea I mmg dah lama tak tengok movie especialy the latest movie lah .
Asyik tengok kat Astro jerr boring jugak Cicha bangun dan mengambil beg tanganya. kami menaiki lif yanng berdekatan dgn Delifrance dan terus ke tingkat 3 dimana pawagam terletak .
Semasa menaiki lif Kalid memegang erat tanganku yanng herannya saya sedikitpun tidak merasa janggal . suami aku sendiri sejak akhir akhir ini jarang sekali memegang tanganku bila jer kami keluar bersama.
saya amat merindui saat saat manis semasa kami berdua bercinta di us dulu . saya membayarkan tiket untukk menonton wayang serta kami bergegas ke panggung nombor 8 untukk menonton cerita Matrix.
Kebetulan pada masa itu tidak ramai yanng menonton tayangan yanng pertama tersebut . Cicha mmg jarang menonton Sci Fi movie dipawagam, dia selalunya minat menonton cerita yanng bercorak romantik komedi.
Tapi hari itu dia menyerahkan hal pemilihan cerita kepada Kalid ternyata Cicha amat senang sekali bersama Kalid . Mereka mendapat tempat duduk yanng paling belakang dan berada ditengah tengah.
Kalid tak henti henti menceritakan asal usul cerita Matrix, Cicha hanye diam mendengar dan . Cicha kulit you nih sungguh halus dan licin sambil Kalid membilik bilik tangan Cicha yanng sejak dari tadi tak lepas oleh sentuhan Kalid .
Mana ada you nie pandai jelah Kalid , ujar Cicha yanng mula kagum atas pujian pujian Kalid . Cicha please panggil I Mon jer ok and I panggil you Cicha instead of Cicha your full name sambil Kalid meguntum senyum.
Mon terus jer menarik tangan Cicha dan menciumnya. Sambil diurut urut perlahan hujung jari Cicha . Cicha sendiri terperanjat dgn perlakuan Kalid mengucup tanganya tapi dia tidak pula berusaha menarik tanganya.
Melihatkan Cicha diam jer Mon semakin berani . Mon melepaskan tangan Cicha dan mula merangkul bahu Cicha dgn perlahan . Mon makin lama makin mendekatkan mukanya kemuka Cicha dan .
Satu kucupan hinggap di bibir Cicha . Cicha lansung berasa serba salah dia hanye pasrah. Kalid terus menggunakan peluang itu untukk menjamah bibir mungil Cicha . Perasaan Cicha bercampur antara merelakan dgn tidak .
Walaupun dia memerlukan belaian kasih sayang tetapi dia belum lagie bersedia untukk mengadakan hubungan seksual terhadap lelaki lain selain dari suaminya sendiri . Mon semakin galak menyonyot bibir Cicha sementara tanganya mula menjalar dibahagian leher Cicha .
t Shirt Cicha mmg mempunyai bukaan koler yanng agak luas dan ini makin memudahkan Mon menyusupkan tangan dia terus keanak baju Cicha . Perlahan tetapi dgn tekanan yanng beransur kuat Mon meramas payudara Cicha .
Memang bra Cicha masih menajadi penghalang antara jari Mon degan puting payudara Cicha yanng semakin mengeras itu, tapi Mon tidak mahu bersikap gelojoh dan mengambil cara step by step bagi menaikan syahwat Cicha .
Agak lama jg bibir mereka bertaut rapat sehinggakan Cicha termengah mengah mengambil nafas . Mon , Cicha . Cicha mula bersuara didalam cahaya samar samar panggung itu . Oh maaf Cicha , Mon mmg tak dapat menahan diri er did I accidently bite you Cicha Mon cuba menukar topic .
Mon bukan , Cicha malulah dekat public nih La bukannya ada orang yanng nampak pun kan kat sini gelap Disudut hati Cicha mmg merasakan keenakan yanng sukar digambarkan sebentar tadi dia dia dikucup dgn begitu hangat oleh seorang lelaki.
Cicha mmg mempunyai fantasi untukk melakukan seks dgn seseorang yanng kacak dan lebih muda . Tidak seperti berasmara dgn suaminya yanng sudahpun menjangkau usia dan hanye mementingkan kepuasan dirinya sendiri sahaja .
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Kerapkali sejak kebelakangan ini Cicha hanye dijadikan bahan seks object suaminya dan apabila puas dia akan terus menarik selimut dan tidur dgn lenyaklah membiarkan Cicha masih lagie dalam keadaan berahi .
Cicha you are so attractive , I nak sangat see more of you , Its ok I faham kalau you tak berapa suka kat public jom kita check in kat hotel cititel nih.
Kalid mengusap usap rambut Cicha sambil berbisik pada Cicha . Hati kecil Cicha bersorak mendengarkan kata kata Mon tadi tapi fikiranya mula membayangkan rasa takut untukk menunaikan permintaan Mon yanng baru jer beberapa jam yanng lalu mereka mengenali antara satu sama lain .
Mon terus bangun walaupun cerita wayang masih lagie belum selesai penayanganya . Mon menarik tangan Cicha membuatkan Cicha tidak mempunyai pilihan lansung untukk mengatakan tidak . Pintu pawagam dikuak dgn girang oleh Mon .
Cicha tunggu sekejap kat sini ya Mon nak pergi ketandas Hati kecil Cicha mula menduga kehendak Kalid yanng mengajaknya keluar dari panggung tersebut . Walaupun naluri wanita Cicha telahpun menduga perkara yanng akan berlaku seterusnya tetapi dia sendiri tidak pula cuba mengelak dari ajakan dia .
Setiba ditandas Mon cepat cepat menelefon Aniel. Hoi Aniel saya nak bawak dia pegi hotel Cititel seperti yanng telah kita rancangkan . Nanti saya sms kau nombor bilik hotel alright.
Aniel you owe me this time saya nak awek Cina kau tu lepas nih ok. Cicha masih lagie megepit beg tanganya bila Kalid keluar dari tandas untukk berjumpanya .
Kalid terus memimpin tangan Cicha menuju kepintu keluar . Mon you nak pergi mana nie Cicha bertanya . Cicha jom kita pergi hotel kat sebelah nie Hotel Cititel Kalid bersuara dgn bersahaja tanpa memandang wajah Cicha .
Ishkk Mon napa pulak nak pergi hotel tu Cicha mula menarik tanganya . Come on Cicha I lebih suka berterus terang ok , sejak dari malam tadi mmg I have the intention to have you ! Cicha I guarranty you that you are going to be satisfied to the fullest if you let me sleep with you .
Kalid memandang tepat kearah mata Cicha . Renungan tajam Kalid membuatkan Cicha tersipu dan pada masa yanng sama Cicha merasakan kehangatan yanng bergelora dan dia merasa bagaikan anak dara sunti yanng baru pertama kali dikucupi mesra oleh seorang teruna.
Perasaan Cicha sendiri bertekad untukk mengikuti jer kehendak naluri nafsunya sendiri . dia sudah jemu hanye menjadi objek pemuas nafsu suaminya sendiri sejak sudah beberapa lama berkahwin . Usahkan cumbu rayu bahkan suaminya hanyalah mementingkan kepuasan kepala penis nya sahaja , asalkan jer dia berjaya memancutkan sperma nya mmg sudah kebiasaan suami Cicha akan terus jer berdengkur # Last Batang kote Kalid yanng masih lagie terbenam ditarik keluar oleh dia dan dgn itu meleleh keluar yanng sejak dari tadi bertakung dilohong pepek Cicha .
Kalid terus mencapai tuala dibirai katil and pergi menyapa Aniel. Hai Aniel dah sampai pun ko Ishkk mestilah , saya pun sudah banyak sabar nie Mon ujar Aniel sambil mula membuka butang kemeja dia satu persatu dan tersenyum lebar .
Cicha terus menarik selimut bagi menutupi tubuhnya yanng masih lagie berbogel itu . Cicha semakin keheranan melihatkan Kalid menyambut baik kedatangan seorang Bai Aniel yanng baru memasuki bilik hotel mereka.
Perasaan keheranan dan terperanjat Cicha semakin meningkat apabila Kalid seakan tidak mengendahkan kewujudan diri dia yanng baru sembentar tadi menjadi tempat bagi Kalid melampaiskan nafsu jantanya. Hey Mon siapa nih yanng berani masuk dalam bilik ini ? Cicha mula menyuarakan rasa tak puas hati dia dgn nada yanng agak tinggi.
Ehh Cicha apa yanng you terjerit jerit ni, ini cuma kawan I , I yanng ajak dia datang kat sini , Relaxlah tak payah kecoh kecohlah Cicha ok Kalid berkata sambil mencapai sebatang rokok didalam poket seluar dia yanng tergantung diatas almari baju .
Yalah Cicha ini kawan saya jugak Kalid heheheh kami mmg berkongsi duduk itu satu rumah Amboi Cicha punya badan banyak lawalah saya mahu rasa boleh ? kelihatan anak mata Aniel semakin meliar merenung tubuh Cicha yanng masih lagie dibaluti selimut putih tersebut .
Cicha mula merasakan perasaan yanng tidak menyenankan apatah lagie melihat cara Aniel merenung tubuh dia . Serta merta Cicha mula merasakan ketakutan menjalar di lubuk hatinya . Aniel mula duduk dibirai katil sambil tanganya mencapai hujung kaki Cicha yanng tertutup litup dgn selimut putih .
Jari kematu Aniel mula meramas ramas hujung jari kaki Cicha . Cicha cuba menarik kakinya agak Aniel tidak dapat menunaikan hajatnya. Usaha Cicha cepat dipantau oleh Aniel, tangan Aniel yanng besar lagie berbulu Aniel cepat – cepat menekup buku lali Cicha menghalang pergerakan Cicha .
Oui sakitnya tempik Cicha bila jer tangan ganas Aniel mencengkam kuat kaki dia . Sekarang Aniel telahpun mengapai kaki Cicha yanng sebelah lagie dan dgn sekali rentap kain selimut terlerai dan menyerlahkan kulit Cicha yanng putih mulus .
Aniel terpegun melihatkan tubuh Cicha yanng kecil molek dan sungguh putih bersih lagie gebu itu . Nyata tubuh Cicha masih lagie basah dgn keringat akibat dirogol oleh Kalid baru jer beberapa minit tadi dan rungan pepek Cicha masih lagie dalam keadaan yanng berlendir dan berlengas campuran sperma Kalid yanng berdas das dilepaskan terus kedalam ruang rahimnya .
Hm apa lagie Aniel takkan kau nak tengok jer , puki Cicha tu depan mata kau jer ? tegur Kalid yanng sedari tadi ashik memerhatikan gelegat Aniel diatas katil .
Kalid masih lagie mengepit rokok dicelah jari telunjuknya kini menghisap rokoknya dalam dalam sambil Aniel sudahpun memanjat naik tubuh bogel Cicha . Kalid terus jer merapatkan kursi yanng dia duduki ke katil dimana pergelutan antara Aniel dan Cicha akan berlaku sebentar lg.
“Mon tolong I Mon apa nih tolonglah jangan buat I macam nie Mon ” Cicha mula menyedari apa yanng sangat sangat dtakuti kini mmg akan berlaku sebebntar lg, namun begitu dia masih lagie berharap Kalid dapat menyelamatkan tubuhnya dari dirogol oleh Aniel.
“Az please tolong I Mon , ” Cicha terus terusan berteriak agar dapat belas kasihan dari Kalid yanng masih lagie berselamba menghisap rokok . Kalid bingkas bangun dari kerusi dan kali ini dia membuka beg galas yanng dibawa oleh Aniel sebentar tadi.
Kalid menarik keluar Camera Digital Video dan terus mengacukan lensnya ke arah Aniel dan Cicha diatas katil . Hm dengar sini Cicha , mulai dari sekarang segala aksi aksi yanng ko lakukan akan dirakam oleh kamera ini Mon memadamkan rokoknya yanng hampir habis dihisapnya dan mula menumpukan perhatiannya kearah lcd camera bagi mendapatkan angle yanng terbaik.
Cicha jika kau ingkar saya akan hantarkan gambar video ini terus kepejabat suami kau hehehehehehehehe Kalid tergelak sambil disambut oleh Aniel yanng kini sudahpun menindih badan Cicha .
Cicha sini mari hisap saya punya batang . Aniel melucutkan jeansnya dan terpancullah batang nyer yanng semakin menegang . Batang Aniel kini sudah pun mencapai 7 inci lebih sedangkan dia belum lagie mengalami ereksi sepenuhnya .
Kalid bersuara “ Cicha baik kau turutkan kehendak Aniel tu cepat ! “ . Dalam keadaan terpaksa Cicha membuka mulutnya dan dgn satu hentakan Aniel terus jer merodok batang kote nya yanng berkulup itu kedalam mulut Cicha .
Mmpph mph mpphkedengaran Cicha menghadapi kesukaran untukk bernafas . Batang kote Aniel ternyata memenuhi segenak ruang mulutnya dan bukan itu jer batang Aniel jg amat panjang dan menerjah masuk jauh hingga sampai keanak tekaknya .
Batang kote Aniel yanng berwarna coklat kehitaman terus jer semakin mengembang dan mengeras bila ianya dirodok di dinding pipi Cicha yanng hanye mampu membeliakan matanya – Cicha hanye mampu memejamkan matanya dan berharap Aniel akan cepat mencapai ejakulasinya.
Cicha sudah semakin tidak menahan bau hanyir batang kote Aniel yanng sangat kuat menusuk lubang hidung dia , bukan itu jer malah Cicha baru menyadari batang kote Aniel mempunyai tindik di hujung kulit kulupnya.
Sejenis logam yanng berbentuk cincin itu terus jer merobek robek langit langit Cicha setiap kali Aniel menjolok masuk kote nya kedalam mulut Cicha yanng semakin menjadi lenguh dek menampung batang Aniel yanng besar dan tegang mengeras .
Setelah lebih kurang 20 minit Aniel mengubah posisi dia . Kedua tangan berbulu Aniel dgn pantas mencekup dan memegang keras pinggang Cicha dan memaksa Cicha berada didalam posisi menonggeng .
Belum sempat Cicha membetulkan kedudukan dia Aniel dgn sekali tujahan merodok pepek Cicha yanng sudah sekian lama berlumuran lendir hasil pancutan sperma Kalid baru jer sebentar tadi.
” Auw urrgh isshhk” Cicha bertempik dgn satu laungan yanng kuat dan nyaring. Aniel terus jer merodok dan menyumbatkan batang kote dia sehinggakan pantat Cicha kelihatan penuh dan sendat ditonyoh dan dihenjut oleh Aniel semahu mahunya .
Wah Kamu banyak bising ya , Saya suka kamu punya suara banyak stim tujah Aniel sambil terus memegang kemas kedua dua jubur Cicha . Cicha mencengkam erat panel board katil dihotel tersebut serta pandanganya kini semakin kabur .
Lubang Pantat Isteri Dihenjut 2 Batang Orang Lain Cerita lucah video blue
dia hanye memikirkan nasib pepek nya yanng sedang dipacu laju oleh Aniel yanng pastinya akan mempunyai ruang perbezaan yanng besar selepas ini . Ini sudah tentu kerana suami Cicha sendiri mempunyai batang kote yanng pendek dan tidak munkin dapat menandingi kehebatan dan kemantapan batang Aniel yanng sekarang masih lagie mengganas dilubang pantat Cicha .
Kalid baru jer memadamkan rokok yanng baru setengah dihisapnya sedari tadi. Kalid sudah merasakan tengananya pulih kembali dan melihatkan Cicha teresak esak mendengus menahan setiap tujahan dan rodokan dari batang kote Aniel .
Mon bingkas bangun dan berdiri betul betul didepan muka Cicha yanng masih lagie didalam posisi menonggeng . Mon mengenggam rambut Cicha dan menariknya supaya muka Cicha terdongak keatas.
Hmphh maii sini saya puaskan penis saya nih Cicha Kalid bersuara dgn nada perintah . Cicha cuba membantah dgn terus tunduk dan menyembamkan mukanya di bantal . Kalid mula naik berang atas tindakan Cicha .
Cicha terus merintih dgn harapan dapat belas kasihan dari Kalid . Cepat saya nak kau hisap kulum batang saya nihh , bukannya susah sangat kalau kau masih ingkar jugak saya akan buat lebih dari itu bentak Kalid dgn suara yanng bengis.
Akibat tamparan Kalid , Cicha terus jer akur dgn perintah dia . Cicha dgn terketar ketar mendongak dan perlahan lahan membuka mulutnya . Kalid tidak berlengah lagih terus jer menyumbatkan mulut Cicha yanng comel itu dgn batang kote nya yanng berurat urat .
Perasaan takut mula menyelinap dan menhantui Cicha dan dia masih lagie merasakan kesakitan dipipi. Cicha mmg tidak tahan akan kesakitan tamparan sulung Kalid dan dia mengambil keputusan menurutkan jer kehendak Kalid .
Sementara itu dibelakang Cicha , Aniel masih lagie memantakan batang kote dia jauh kedalam lubang pantat Cicha yanng semakin lama semakin longgar akibat di rogol dgn begitu gelojoh sekali oleh Aniel .
Kedua dua tangan Aniel mencengkam pinggang Cicha berbekas kemerah merahan. Tangan Aniel mula menjalar kearah payudara Cicha yanng kecil molek tapi mengkal. Aniel tidak membuang masa dan terus memicit micit payudara Cicha dgn kuat dan kasar.
Kalid jg tidak melepaskan kesempatan yanng ada , dia mencapai protable camcorder yanng dibawa oleh Aniel sebentar tadi dan terus menekan butang recording . Kalid mengambil merakamkan gambar Cicha sedang menghisap batanya yanng mula mengeras dan mengembang .
Hm bagus macam tulah, kulum kuat lg , teruskan lagie isap kuat lagie yeah lagi Kalid mula . Cicha sememangnya tidak mempunya pilihan lansung melainkan cuba menyesuaikan dirinya disetubuhi oleh dua orang lelaki yanng baru jer dikenalinya .
Kini Cicha mula merasakan tubuh badanya menikmati perlakuan seks rakus dua pemuda yanng sekarang sedang ghairah mengecapi setiap inci tubuh badanya . Cicha mula membuka matanya yanng sejak dari tadi terpejam menahan kepedihan pepek nya dihenyak tanpa henti oleh Kalid dan Aniel .
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virtualtadpole · 2 months ago
Thailand's "cute boy" craze: an explainer
Here's another repost from Reddit, originally from 2022. Since Perfect 10 Liners is currently airing with the "cute boy" page as a key plot point, this seems as good a time as any to re-share (remember that the original novel was first released in 2018). Sorry this one is a wall of text, I wasn't sure it'd be a good idea to include example photos involving people who weren't really public figures at the time.
Those of you following Thai BL will probably have come across this concept of "cute boy" social media fan pages, and might have wondered whether they're an actual thing. Or you may have heard of actors being one of their university's cute boys before joining the industry, and wondered what exactly that meant. Here's my attempt at an explanation.
The roots of the phenomenon go back at least to the popular Thai web forums of the 2000s, especially the youth-oriented Dek-D.com, one of Thailand's biggest and oldest web communities (also known as the web fiction platform which launched many BL novels). Dek-D's forums had a picture-sharing section, with a subsection dedicated to photos of cute guys and girls. It was still the early days of digital cameras and camera phones, and these posts were popular among the site's teen users. A few (mostly girls) who became noticed from these posts became Thailand's first "net idols", many of whom went on to join the entertainment industry.
The arrival of social networking sites around 2007 (first Hi5, then Facebook a few years later) helped facilitate these posts, as publicly posted photos became more easily accessible. The issue of privacy wasn't really on most people's minds then, and most of it was done in a light-hearted spirit. Being featured in these posts meant a boost in followers and online popularity, enabling more teens to become recognized as net idols, but it would be a few more years before this really meant anything. On the other hand, the social networking sites themselves would eventually bypass the traditional forums as a central venue for such posts, and an increasing number of Facebook pages (followed by dedicated Instagram and Twitter accounts) would be created to offer a curated experience instead.
The actual trend of "cute boy" pages took off in 2012, around the same time as the explosive growth of Instagram. Teens flocking to the platform (escaping Facebook, which was now full of parents) filled their public profiles with selfies and portraits of themselves, generating a steady stream of material that these pages could pick up to post and promote. This in turn gave the kids likes and followers, a mutually beneficial arrangement for most thanks to the platform's like-seeking culture.
Of course, not all of these proliferating pages featured teen boys. "Cute girl" pages have their share of followers, though they don't seem to be as visible or talked about, perhaps due to a combination of factors including the way society doesn't consider it as creepy for girls to openly ogle after boys compared to the opposite.
As competition grew, these pages diversified into several niches, including those covering specific schools and universities. Most of the school ones aren't that unusual, given that it's quite natural for students to talk about the popular boys and girls at school, and this had been a trend in school forums long before then. Most of them didn't last long though, as page administrators soon graduated and moved on.
However, things were different for certain high-profile schools, particularly the country's four oldest boys' schools, which participate in the biennial Jaturamitr football competition: Suankularb (SK), Debsirin (DS), Assumption (AC) and Bangkok Christian (BCC). The schools had always been well known, but the Instagram era launched an unprecedented wave of interest in their good-looking students, many of whom attracted huge numbers of followers just by being on Instagram. AC especially stands out in this regard, as Instagram allowed outsiders to glimpse into this exclusive boys' world that served as the basis of Love Sick, the source novel of which was begun in 2008.
Not only were cute boy pages created dedicated to these schools (some by outsiders), some of the boys became minor celebrities in their own right, with fans (mostly sao Y (the Thai term for fujoshi), and also some queer folk) meeting up with and photographing them in real life, especially at school events such as AC's Christmas fair and the Jaturamitr competition. And they were serious about it, coming equipped with professional DLSR cameras and huge telephoto lenses. The schools' student bodies leaned into this popularity, having the popular boys promote fundraising events and selling merchandise to their fans.
The relationship between the boys and their fans seemed to be mostly good, the boys appreciating the positive attention and the fans getting to stan someone much more accessible than the mainstream celebrity. And if they later became famous, then there's the pride of having known them before everyone else. These being sao Y, there sometimes is a bit of shipping, though mostly jokingly. Of course, this was not limited to boys from AC and the other Jaturamitr schools, but they were much more prominent.
This was the backdrop against which Love Sick launched its casting calls in 2014, which generated a huge amount of online buzz throughout the cute boy pages and fan Twitter. There's a reason the series featured such a huge cast with so many minor roles - to provide ample opportunity for fans to latch onto the actors and the show.
In some ways, the cute boy label served as a distancing from the previous term net idol, which by 2014 had begun to develop into a negative stereotype of people using their online fame to sell beauty products for easy profit, especially those livestreaming on emerging platforms such as Socialcam and Bigo Live and whose followers tended to be less sophisticated as opposed to the urban middle-class. Which is why most people appearing on cute boy pages tended to come from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, and much more attention was given to those focusing on elite schools and universities.
At the university level, cute boy (or other similarly named) pages associated with the country's top universities became very prominent online and also offline, often collaborating with the universities' student bodies to promote events and sometimes also assisting in the universities' PR for prospective students. Many universities already had a pageant culture in one form or another, with which these pages tied in well. Most prominent among the pages were Chula Cute Boy and TU Sexy Boy of Chulalongkorn and Thammasat, the country's two oldest universities. The two universities have an annual traditional football match, which the Cute Boy and Sexy Boy pages played large parts promoting in recent years, and is another event that attracts many fangirls.
Some have argued that the net idol phenomenon serves as a democratization of the entertainment industry, opening up opportunities for aspirants to directly connect to audiences as opposed to the traditional model where everything depended on one being picked up by an agency. But it benefits the traditional model as well. While in the old days talent scouts would look for teens hanging out at Siam Square, today they only have to scan the cute boy pages. Many BL actors were discovered this way. Inn Sarin was a long-time favourite of Chula Cute Boy, and Up and Mix first became widely known from there as well. Many others have likewise previously been featured in various cute boy pages, and practically all of the younger actors who joined the industry more recently probably had strong followings before their debut.
But the craze might be coming to an end. While there have long been concerns over today's youth's obsession with looks, and the university cute boy pages have from the beginning been criticized for promoting shallow images of their universities at the expense of academic aspects, they didn't really have any effect on the trend. But this began to change in 2020, when a widespread youth protest movement swept through school and university campuses and liberal progressive ideas rose to the fore. The issue of "beauty privilege" became one of many perpetual topics of discussion, and many began calling for an end to university cute boy pages. Thammasat, long regarded as the university with the strongest student activism, saw the TU Sexy Boy page shutting down (though the admin cited personal reasons and it was never confirmed whether this was in response to the criticism). Many people seem to have stopped tweeting cute boy pictures since then.
On top of the political mood, the pandemic's disruption of normal school life also interrupted the cute boy momentum, as many photo opportunities dried up. Long-time page admins and fans outgrowing the topic and losing interest might also be a factor. The Chula Cute Boy page has also been inactive since late 2020, for undisclosed reasons.
The future seems at best unclear for now. There are still many active pages out there, but on the whole, from what I've seen, there does seem to be a loss of interest. If younger netizens are indeed disinclined to craze after them the same way, the era of cute boy pages might very well soon be over.
Or maybe they've just moved onto TikTok, and I haven't found out how.
In the above original post, I neglected to go into the phenomenon of real-people shipping, so I'm attaching this comment from later as an addendum:
Regarding real-people shipping, there are probably two lines of origin that influenced the practice. First is the rise of K-pop and the shipping culture that came with it, which led to a proliferation of online fanfiction in dedicated Thai web communities and a shipping culture forming around the reality singing competitions which were the talk-of-the-town entertainment programs in the 2000s. One of the first really famous shipped pairs was Nat and Tol from Academy Fantasia season 4 in 2007. (That is Nat Sakdatorn, whom you may recognize as the uncle from Never Let Me Go, among many other roles.)
The other origin is the rise of "net idols", which followed the arrival of social media sites (in Thailand this was led by Hi5 in 2006). I covered this in more detail in my post on Thailand's "cute boy" craze, but didn't really touch upon the shipping aspect. Indeed, a significant shipping culture did form (a few years later) around net idols/cute boys. At first this focused more on (people who were believed to be) real-life couples, like Both and Newyear, who became famous in 2012. From there, manufactured/imaginary couples naturally followed in hopes of cashing in on the popularity of such shipped pairs.
I'm a bit hazy on when the shipping of actors as couples actually became a regular thing in the BL industry. While the practice of fanservice moments on the promotion circuit go back at least to The Love of Siam, I don't think there was significant shipping of the actors' real-life persona, and the same seemed to be the case with Love Sick, especially after the series ended. The first actor pair to become shipped as such was probably Krist and Singto from SOTUS, and the practice quite definitely became a thing after that.
Postscript: Thanks for reading, and sorry the writing in this one isn't as good as the other posts I've shared. If you're interested in further reading on the topic, I can recommend the article The Yaoi Phenomenon in Thailand and Fan/Industry Interaction. (2019). Plaridel, 16(2), 63–89 by Assoc. Prof. Natthanai Prasannam, one of the leading Thai academics on BL/Y culture in Thailand.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year ago
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: July 2023 ~  
🕶️ Happy August!!! 🌻
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Be Mine SuperStar - July 3rd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - July 5th (Japan)  
🌟 Stay by My Side - July 7th (Taiwan)
🌟 Stay With Me - July 7th (China, censored) 
🌟 Senior Love Me? (short film) - July 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Low Frequency - July 8th (Thailand)
🌟 Hidden Agenda - July 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Bump Up Business - July 9th (South Korea) 
🌟 Laws of Attraction - July 15th (Thailand)
🌟 The Star Season 2 - July 15th (Myanmar) 
🌟 Wedding Plan - July 19th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 After Sundown - July 20th (Thailand, cinema-release)
🌟 Jun and Jun - July 20th (South Korea)  
🌟 Monochrome (short film) - July 25th (Thailand) 
🌟 Papa, What Is Love? Season 2 - July 28th (Philippines) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Be Mine Superstar - once in a while a trashy low budget show comes along and hits just the right spot - this is that show lmao. I was looking forward to seeing JaFirst again but I did not expect to like it this much lol. It’s ridiculous but the kind that makes me laugh a lot. JaFirst completely reversing their roles has me rolling and is working extremely well. Love Stage vibes all around. I love it so far. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Night Dream - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 I Love You I Kill You (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Beyond The Duo (short film) - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 UniverSad (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Iridescent love - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Nai Hia Bok Mai Chop Dek - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Hell Guards (Hey Don't Mess With My Heart) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Even If I Try To Fall In Love With You (君となら恋をしてみても, manga adaption) - Date TBA (Japan) 
🎥 Wishing Upon the Shooting Stars - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Bad Guy My Boss - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The following BL productions & actors won at this year’s Asia Top Awards 2023:
Ohm Thitiwat: Best Actor (609 Bedtime Story)
Tar Atiwat: Rising Star (I Will Knock You)
PeeTitle: Popularity Award (La Pluie)
Gun Napat: Best Performance in a BL (Luminous Solution) 
Mew Suppasit: Best Serial Actor (Love Me Again) 
KinnPorsche: Most Popular BL Series
❗️ Former StarHunter actor Bas Suradet (2Moons, Gen Y) has joined Studio WabiSabi, along with 4 other new faces in their New Generation Lineup. 
❗️ The novel ไหนเฮียบอกไม่ชอบเด็ก will be adapted into a series by MFlow Entertainment. Auditions are currently being held. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BL Cherry Magic released its pilot trailer after an 8 month delay due to copyright issues. Workshops are currently happening. The show will likely air in early 2024.  
❗️ GMMTV announced that GeminiFourth will no longer be part of the upcoming BL/GL drama 23.5 due to changes in storylines & characters. They have been replaced by View Benyapa and June Wanwimol who will play the roles of Aylin & Luna, making it a GL-only drama. Further cast additions include Ciize Rutricha and others. 
❗️ Actor Tul Pakorn (Together With Me, Manner of Death) announced his retirement from acting as he is pursuing a career in real estate in New York after getting his master’s degree. 
❗️ The upcoming Domundi BL Middleman's Love has started workshops. The show will likely air towards the end of the year. 
❗️ The Japanese BL Ossan's Love is rumored to get a third season which will likely premiere in January 2024. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The Norwegian web series SKAM (2015-2017) will get a Korean adaption called Skam Korea. The series has a total of 7 remakes from 6 European countries + the US. Auditions are currently being held. 
❗️ GeminiFourth announced that they will be starring in another BL series which will be a novel adaption. Further details are unknown. 
Upcoming series & movies for August
👉🏻 Stay Still - August 1st (Hong Kong) 
👉🏻 Sing My Crush - August 2nd (South Korea) 
👉🏻 The New Employee (movie version) - August 3rd (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Love in Translation - August 5th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 My Personal Weatherman - August 11th (Japan) 
👉🏻 Love Class Season 2 - August 11th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Only Friends - August 12th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Friend. Boy Friend - August 19th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Lucky Love - August 20th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 My Universe - August 20th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Kiseki: Dear to Me - August 22nd (Taiwan) 
👉🏻 Why R U? Korean Remake - August 24th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Crazy Handsome Rich - August TBA (Thailand) 
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talonabraxas · 9 months ago
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Planetary Conjuration of Jupiter ♃ The Spirit World—The Fifth Element (Akasha)
by Talon Abraxas
JOPHIEL, JOPHIEL, JOPHIEL, JOPHIEL (joh-fee-EL). Come unto me, thou bright intelligence of TZEDEQ (tzeh-DEK), in the name of SACHIEL (sash-ee-EL) thy lord. Compel the spirit HISMAEL (his-may-EL) who is under thy dominion to manifest within this Table of Art, and thereafter attend to my behest.
The Planetary Work - Jupiter:
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gnomey22 · 9 months ago
Random Failtopia thoughts
(Some of these are new, some of these are not, most aren't canon)
"Pyrotechnic" is a perfectly viable ship name for Lanchi.
Orion struggled to differentiate between Slapo's autism and Shrimp's ADHD, hence the brick for a gift.
Bill being the Cat class initially is never explained, but we know he met Chat right before his first onscreen appearance, and they're obsessed with a man in the Cat class, so the dots connect for it to be Chat who convinced Bill to take up the class.
Chi's illiteracy in S1 probably means she didn't know how to spell anyone's name, especially Pirahnyawn's.
Not one person ever questions the massive circles, grey skin, and complete lack of eye contact that make up Bo's face, because Miitopia faces are usually that fucked-up.
The reason the Dark Lord needed a ghost specifically to assassinate Mar was because the Chef himself is a ghost (Dark Curse), and only a ghost can kill another ghost.
Erica studies anatomy regularly in S2, which means she knows that a regular person begins dying at 25, her current age, so it's no wonder she always has death on her mind.
Bo and Rose being immediate family is impossible, but Rose being a descendant of Bo is not, under the assumption that despite not having children herself, Bo's bloodline didn't die with her.
The only three characters to have a canonical dynamic with Slapo are Orion, Mar, and Bo.
All we know about Chat's backstory is that they came from the Otherworld, and are obsessed with Failboat. The only big thing Failboat did in the Otherworld was the S1 final boss fight, which ended in a huge explosion. It's entirely possible that this explosion is what disrupted the Otherworld faces, to the point they formed Chat.
Erica likes to cut things short, but when she's around Bo, she keeps launching into long rambles about how great she is. These are the only times she feels like she can let her thoughts loose, since Bo did just that in the greenhouse by revealing her darkest secret.
On a similar note, Erica's past keeps being thrown back in her face, while Bo can never get her past back, no matter how hard she tries.
Due to Zone having both pink and black appearances, there may or may not be two Zones. That, or Friend's a good enough hat maker to alter Zone's colouring themselves. Considering her passion for his clothing, it's probably the latter.
Were it not for the S2 Greenhorne Arc, Hank would probably have a similar amount of screentime to Slapo.
Marion is a semi-canon ship, by the definition of one party canonically having romantic feelings toward the other, but whether Orion returns Mar's feelings is made comedically unclear.
Chi has inconsistent opinions on spicy food throughout the series, maybe because her fire obsession gets to the point that she has extremely high standards for what's spicy enough.
Rose holds her fan in the specific way she does to hide the mole on her face, something she's grown to hate because it sets her apart from the image of Rosalina.
"Deko" is not his real name, he was probably given Izuku Midoriya at birth, but his new name had to come from somewhere. That place may have been the lab where he was experimented on. The project name may have been along the lines of "DEK-0".
The lab experiment thing also makes it really funny that the only two people he really bonds with are the Scientists of the series.
Shrimp's in-universe fandom could very well be toxic. There are definitely people who are a little too interested in finding out where that 'mysterious' chip on her tooth came from.
Bill is the only character who consistently calls out Chat for their reckless behaviour. In other words, he's the one who moderates Chat.
If Kronkui didn't control who joined the team, TFFM would be down six members (Bob, Smuk, Deko, Rose, Yawn, Joker). TI, on the other hand, would only be down three members (Orion, Failboat, Chat).
Chi gets very protective when enemies are close to her allies in S1, and in parallel, Erica gets very protective when enemies are close to her allies in S2, especially if that ally is Chi.
Despite Failica being everything that they aren't, the first ship ever concocted in Failtopia was Smukle Bob.
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smashorpass50plus · 14 days ago
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Roles under cut
Accel World - Additional Voices.
Attack on Titan - Mitabi Jarnach.
Baki the Grappler - Hanayama, Vladimir.
Bleach - Sōsuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Metastacia.
Blood Lad - Dek.
Blue Dragon - Gilliam, Legolas.
Blue Exorcist - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Blue Gender - Sgt. Robert Bradley, Seno Miyagi.
Buso Renkin - Sekima Hiwatari, Kinjou.
Case Closed - Vodka.
D.Gray-man - Georg.
Darker than Black - Reiji Kikuchi.
Digimon Data Squad - Belphemon.
Digimon Fusion - Dorulumon, Ballistamon, Greymon, Piddomon.
Dragon Ball series - Son Gohan (Adult/Future/Gt. Saiyaman), Pikkon, Narrator, Announcer, Various.
Durarara!! - Horada, Taro Tanaka (screen name of Mikado Ryugamine), Setton (screen name of Celty Sturluson), and Kanra (screen name of Izaya Orihara).
Ergo Proxy - MCQ.
Eureka Seven - Ken-Goh (Ep. 29).
Fate/zero - Berserker.
Freedom Project - Gosche.
Fruits Basket - Makoto Takei.
Fullmetal Alchemist series - Vato Falman.
Ghost Slayers Ayashi- Hozaburo Ogasawara.
Gunslinger Girl - Mario Bossi.
Gurren Langann - Kamina.
Hell Girl - Yoshiyuki Kusuno.
Honey and Clover - Ippei Matsumoto.
Initial D: First Stage - Keiichi Tsuchiya.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Noriaki Kakyoin.
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple - Tsukuba.
MAR - Peta.
Marvel Anime: Iron Man - Ho Yinsen.
Mega Man Star Force - Omega-Xis.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Yonem Kirks, Watts Stepney.
Monster - Fritz Vardemann.
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit - Jiguro Musa.
Naruto series - Kiba Inuzuka, Mozuku, Inoichi Yamanaka, Ebizo, Akatsuchi, Okisuke, Kiji (Shippuden Ep. 224), Mozuku (Shippuden Ep. 231).
One Piece - Nefertari Cobra.
Ouran High School Host Club - Kazukiyo Soga.
Persona 4: The Animation - Mitsuo Kubo.
Pokémon Origins - Professor Oak.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Tomohisa Kaname.
Rumbling Hearts - Hiro.
Sailor Moon - Priest/Boxy (Ep. 26, Viz Dub)
Samurai 7 - Mosuke.
Shigurui: Death Frenzy - Naotsugu Andou.
Soul Eater - Masamune Nakatsukasa.
Space Dandy - Ferdinand (Ep. 21).
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry - Mechanic.
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind - Ryu.
Sword Art Online - Kains (Eps. 5-6, 25), Godfrey (Ep. 10), Patrick (Ep. 16).
Tenkai Knights - Beag, Eurus.
Tiger & Bunny - Mr. Legend, Eric Lyle.
Higurashi: When They Cry - Jirō Tomitake.
YuYu Hakusho - Karasu.
Zatch Bell! - John Owen.
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher - Cain.
Bleach: Memories of Nobody - Bau.
Blue Exorcist: The Movie - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - Gohan, Ox-King, Narrator.
Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess - Cannon.
Lupin III: The Columbus Files - Burton.
Lupin III: Dead or Alive - General Headhunter.
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure - Goering.
Lupin III: The Spirit of Twilight Gemini - Butrakari.
(IMDb)Magnum Farce - Blivit, the sniper - Gov. Arnold Schwartzenhertzen-Geldengrubber.
Manborg - #1 Man (voice).
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow -Mizore Fuyukuma.
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel - Kahiko.
Naruto Shippuden 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire - Kiba Inuzuka.
One Piece the Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates' Adventures in Alabasta - Nefertari Cobra.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie - Tomohisa Kaname.
Tekken: Blood Vengeance - Kazuya Mishima.
Wreck-It Ralph - Ryu.
Video Games
Street Fighter 4, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Street Fighter X Tekken - Ryu.
League of Legends - Ezreal, Jarvan, Graves.
Resident Evil 6 - submarine computer, BSAA soldier, BSAA agent, Umbrella Juavo, refugee.
Guild Wars 2 - Hamar, Great Ginz, Ogron.
Xmen Arcade - all male voices for PS3/XBOX/mobile versions.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Algalon the Observer.
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Blood Elf
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World - Richter Abend, Dirk the Dwarf.
Sonic: Colors (DS) - Big the Cat
Dynasty Warriors 6, 7, Strike Force, Next - Sima Yi.
Soul Calibur V - Cold Assassin (custom voice).
Devil May Cry 4 - Bael/Dagon.
Persona 4 (PS2) - Mitsuo.
Lollipop Chainsaw - Basketballer, Geek Zombie.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Arumat, Crow.
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - Dias Flac, Jophiel.
Fire Emblem Awakening - Frederick, Validar.
Dragonball Z - Narrator, Teen/Adult Gohan, Ox King, Pikkon, General White.
Naruto - Kiba, Inoichi, Akatsuchi, Manda, Ebizo, Shinga.
Bleach - Sosuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Kaein Shiba.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny - Gerard, Goblin Captain, Belzagor.
Saints Row the Third - Tough Guy White Male, White Bum.
Marvel Pinball “Vengeance and Virtue table - Odin, Juggernaut.
Marvel Pinball “Avengers Chronicles” table - Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Odin.
James Cameron’s Avatar - Rai’Uk.
Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2: Clan of Champions -Narrator, various.
Resident Evil 5 - Majini.
Resident Evil 6 - Submarine computer, BSAA soldier, Umbrella Juavo, Refugee, BSAA agent.
Mugen Souls - Soul.
Ar Tonelico Qoga - Hikari Gojo.
Gods Eater Burst - Lindow.
Desperate Housewives - Carlos Solis.
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland - Guid.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked - Naoya.
Time Crisis: Razing Storm - O’Neal.
Zettai Hero Project PSP - Pirohiko.
Comic Jumper - Benny, security guards, villagers.
Wolfenstein - Hans Grosse, PA Voice (Xbox/PS3).
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight - Xaviax.
Mad World - Big Bull Crocker, Scissors Man, Ninja.
Wild Arms 5 - Volsung.
Baroque - Archangel.
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles - Narrator, Nose Demon.
Riviera: The Promised Land - Ledah.
Armored Core: The Answer: Otsdara/Thermidor
Tenchu - Kurogawa, Ninja.
Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 - Cocoon inhabitants, various.
Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor - various.
Skylanders: Giants - various stadium attendees.
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - Thomas Mason.
Red Alert 3 - Imperial Nanocore, Allied Mobile Construction, Allief IFV.
Chocobo’s Dungeon - Marris the Fishmonger.
Guilty Gear 2 - Blade, Roller.
The Last Remnant - Zuido.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament - Karasu, M2.
Everquest II - Voidman, Stone Golem, Skeleton, Ogre, Werewolf.
Growlanser: Heritage of War - Zeikwalt.
Dawn of Mana - Masked Guru.
Infinite Undiscovery - Sigmond, Held.
Watchmen: The End is Nigh - thugs.
Golden Axe: Beastrider - beasts.
Bloodrayne 2 - demons.
Enchanted Arms - various.
Baten Kaitos: Origins - Juwar.
Summon Night: Twin Age - various.
Rondo of Swords - various.
.hack GU Part 2-3 - Krewhaha, Skumumu.
Magna Carta 2 - various.
Wordchums - zombie, cat, pig, alien.
Battle High 2 - Jiro.
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kiealer · 2 months ago
( I saw a parallel and decided to jump for it. If it's too familiar, retreading ground already covered, or even if you're just not feeling it, feel free to ignore 💙 )
Drawn in from the conversation, Dek lingers. Their expression is difficult to place, though 'troubled' may begin to describe it.
When quiet comes, they approach Ninazu.
"I don't know you, or the one you've taken in by anything but reputation. I claim little knowledge of your critics, as well... but in you, and your quarry, I see something familiar."
Miles above, their home vessel drifted in Earth's orbit, aboard which a certain infamous insect awaited their return. They saw his progress; the subtle ways in which his interests shifted, and his personality evolved. Many others did not.
"You've taken on quite a responsibility. The effort alone is commendable... and I suspect you've already gathered that it will also be thankless. Those critics will not be your last, should your situation grow any more public. At times, it will be grueling. Maybe even hopeless."
"... I am not here to condescend you when I say this. I know the labor of working towards an outcome everyone else believes is impossible. I only ask because I believe it is the one question you must have an answer for, in a position like that which you've taken."
"If, despite everything you have done, your efforts come to nothing, and he threatens the world once more, do you have a plan... and the will to see it through to the end?"
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Where she ought to be alarmed, she isn't. The unfamiliar ki should be a sign of danger, but she feels no urgency. Faced with by all means a stranger, she doesn't act -- merely listens. Her eyes widen upon their words, feeling a spark of what might be hope that someone understands. It takes all her willpower not to sob on the spot, the strain of this emotional weight far too much.
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❝I know,❞ she speaks with great effort. ❝I knew this would happen from the moment I made the decision. I expected as much. I just… I guess I just didn't expect it to be so intense. I didn't think I'd have a hard time handling it. He truly has changed. Just… no one's seen it. No one wants to. I understand the bitterness and the cynicism, but… why throw away the progress of someone who's actually changed? Who's trying? Call me stupid, I don't care, but I… feel bad for him. I want to give him the best chance I can at becoming better.❞ She goes quiet, intent on hearing more of their spiel. They have an inquiry, it seems. For some reason, she finds herself tensing -- nervous. Her heart beats a little faster at the thought at what might leave their mouth.
The question causes her jaw to drop, whether to speak or because of shock, even she isn't sure. The possibility has always loomed over her, that everything she's built will be for nothing, and it will come crumbling down along with the rest of her hope. There's clear pain in her face as she contemplates. The thoughts that cross her mind, she doesn't wish to impart. Conflicts of all manner circle incessantly, but in truth, she does know her answer in an instant. Her once firm stare turns hesitant, and she withdraws that gaze. She carries a heavy burden, indeed. The weight of the world, and more.
❝I think if it came down to it… If nothing I did amounted to anything… I don't have a concise plan, but... ❞ Her fingers curl a little tighter into her palm, jaw clenching. ❝I'd want the final blow. Put an end to it all myself. Fight tooth and nail until it's all over.❞ Her voice wavers, indicative of the tears threatening to breach. ❝My ego isn't worth the lives of everyone else. I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. If that were to happen, I'd accept the consequences, no matter what comes with them.❞ A solemn reply, but a necessary one, as much as her heart tugs her in another direction. She is soft by nature, to impose any other kind on her would be impossible. Though, she knows to be made of steel when the situation calls for it, no matter how it harms her.
She stares at the stranger for a long moment, but something has changed.
❝… Thank you,❞ she sighs, as if a ton of weight has left along with it. ❝I don't know who you are, either, but… I appreciate this. Let's both be a little bit of solace for each other, yeah? Believe that what we're doing isn't worthless.❞ Finally, she smiles. ❝I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavor.❞
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christiansorrell · 1 year ago
Play Report: Tacticians of Ahm #1
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Tonight, I ran a playtest of the first portion of an upcoming starter Tacticians of Ahm adventure I'm hoping to get out in the February update. So, here's a play report!
In their final semester at the Academy and after months of training and studying, the Tacticians begin their final exams: 2 weeks of field exercises held in the regions surrounding the Academy.
Joined by their advisor Professor Dekkin Von Lopesbane, an aging and boisterous hippofolk professor (and graduate of the First Class of Tacticians) led Quablin, a Blobish Mage and Helios, the Flame-Touched Cleric of Solara, through their trials.
First, they were put in a equal footing fight against several Imperial Army troops who had traveled from the White-Walled City of Ahm as part of an annual rivalry contest between the groups. The Tacticians pride themselves on winning (more often than not).
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Over 4 Rounds, Helios and Quablin managed to take out the soldiers, 1 Archer and 1 Spearman (both EL1 enemies), but Helios was nearly brought down and Quablin was tapped out of good combat options by the end. A challenging fight, especially with no healing abilities between the two of them.
The duo took 1 XP for the successful battle, but had fought rather disjointed and did not receive any RP for teamwork during the fight. The two were definitely an odd, not completely happy with one another duo at this point, with various barbs being thrown by Helios especially during the fight.
Next, Von Lopesbane brought the group to Penelope Thunderberry, a broad and muscular dwarven woman and one of the Academy's esteemed Beastmasters, who summoned a number of wolves for the two of them and other groups of nearby Tacticians to fight in a simulated nighttime attack.
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Over 2 high damage Rounds, Helios and Quablin took out the Wolf (EL2) but only through smart use of their shields, clever backstabs, and an ideal Stupor by Quablin. Otherwise, either would have been taken out in a single hit given the wolf's penchant for backstabs due to its high speed.
The duo took their 2nd point of XP and advanced to Level 2. They also took 1 RP due to their Stupor and spear Backstab combo that greatly shifted the fight in their favor. After the first battle's barbs, this time the duo learned to play to each other's strengths as varied as they may be.
As the advisors were bringing out a midday lunch spread, a pair of huge Griffins (EL5) swooped down, attempting to feed off the field full of students and professors. Chaos broke out and Von Lopesbane, with a mouthful of melon, was hauled up by one griffin and carried off, towards the northern horizon!
Next session: The Search For Dekking Von Lopesbane!
[GM/Designer Notes: This adventure is intended to act as a tutorial for, first, the combat and then, second, exploration, interacting with the world and NPCs, and more intense combat which will be coming in the next session(s). The battles here were crafted in line with the equivalent EL to CL guidance using rules as currently written but were varied by equal combatants in the first and one very strong (comparatively to the Tacticians) combatant but with the Tacticians having a numbers advantage. I definitely took a solid handful of notes for new areas to tweak and clarify the rules to help dodge some confusing situations.]
Tacticians of Ahm is itchfunding now! You can get the early access rulebook used to create and run this adventure at its lowest price and get all upcoming monthly updates as the game grows into its final form
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little-emmita · 6 months ago
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Uyy uy
Soc mai dek🗣️🗣️
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sonennou · 10 months ago
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A pa oan-me bihan ma zad 'doa ma maget 'Soñjal pa 'v'hen bet bras 'm be' bet eñ sikouret./ Mes bremañ pand on bras, me 'lâr hag a-dra-sur, A davarn da davarn emañ ma flijadur./ A davarn da davarn emañ ma flijadur, Doc'h splannder ar gouloù e tebran toud ma zraoù./ Ur vrav a vaouez (1) am eus èl ne vez ket gwelet ; N'eo ket lâret dezhi he deus ma anavet./ Bugale vrav am eus ; Doue en deus int roet din, 'Lakan ket kalz a boan da sikour o magiñ./ Ar verc'hig yaouankañ 'lâras d'he mamm un deiz : « Men 'mañ aet ma zad-me, n'er gwelan ket dre-mañ ?/ ‒ Ho tad-c'hwi, ma c'hrouadur, 'deus ket james sentet Na din-me, doc'h hani, na doc'h den 'bet er bed./ » Ho tad-c'hwi ma c'hrouadur a zo e Fontainebleau Ha nend eo ket sur ma day ket ken er vro./ » Ho tad-c'hwi ma c'hrouadur 'deus dek vlez a brizon, Ha ma da ken er gêr e vo 'n den a-feson. »
(Transcription : Sonennoù projet)
FR. LE BAMBOCHARD. Quand j'étais petit, mon père m'avait élevé en pensant qu'une fois devenu grand je l'aurais aidé. / Mais à présent que je suis adulte, je le dis, je l'avoue : (aller) de taverne en taverne est mon plaisir. / Aller de taverne en taverne est mon plaisir ; À la lueur d'une lampe je dépense tout mon bien. / J'ai une belle femme comme on n'en voit guère ; on ne dirait pas qu'elle m'a rencontré. / J'ai de beaux enfants ; Dieu me les a donnés ; Je ne fais pas beaucoup d'effort pour les élever. / La plus jeune fille dit à sa mère, un jour : « Où est allé mon père, je ne le vois pas par ici ? / - Votre père, mon enfant, n'a jamais obéi, ni à moi, à personne, à personne au monde. / » Votre père, mon enfant, est à Fontainebleau et ce n'est pas sur qu'il revienne un jour. / » Votre père, mon enfant, a eu dix ans de prison, et si jamais il revient à la maison, ce sera quelqu'un de bien. »
EN. THE REVELLER. When I was little, my father raised me thinking that when I grew up I would help him. / But now that I'm an adult, I say it, I admit it: (going) from tavern to tavern is my pleasure…
(1) <vwez>
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sonofthekinglula · 11 months ago
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𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔢𝔯 𝔲𝔭 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔢𝔪𝔬 𝔨𝔦𝔡.
Ei! Você viu o Derek McQuiston? Você sabe, aquele alune da graduação que tem 35 e se parece muito com Enzo Vogrincic. Acho que ele formou com especialização em psicanálise e em 2014 se parecia muito com Jacob Elordi. Dizem que ele era The Pretender e toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dele, ouvia "Human" de Rag'n'Bone Man tocando pela porta. Todos que o conhecem dizem que ele costuma ser carismático, mas também poderia ser insensível. Será que em 2024 ele ainda é assim?
Derek, durante seus anos de faculdade em 2014, era conhecido por sua personalidade mimada e arrogante. Ele usava sua aparência e charme para quebrar corações e manipular as pessoas ao seu redor. Sempre buscando a atenção e a admiração dos outros, ele muitas vezes agia de forma egoísta e insensível, sem se importar com os sentimentos alheios. Seu apelido, "The Pretender", refletia sua tendência de se fingir de algo que não era, mascarando suas inseguranças por trás de uma fachada de confiança exagerada. Nos corredores da universidade, ele era visto como alguém que sempre buscava o centro das atenções, muitas vezes às custas dos outros. Ele não tinha medo de pisar em quem quer que fosse para alcançar seus objetivos, seja acadêmicos, sociais ou românticos. Sua arrogância era evidente em suas interações, e ele frequentemente se via envolvido em conflitos e confrontos com seus colegas. Apesar de suas falhas, Derek ainda mantinha uma aura de carisma, o que o tornava atraente para muitos, mas aqueles que o conheciam verdadeiramente sabiam que por trás da fachada havia um indivíduo profundamente inseguro e carente de validação.
Após uma década de crescimento pessoal e amadurecimento, Derek se transformou em um indivíduo totalmente diferente daquele que era em sua época de faculdade. Sua personalidade mimada, quebradora de corações e arrogante deu lugar a alguém mais maduro, empático e carismático. Com sua formação em psicanálise, Derek encontrou sua vocação na área da saúde mental, tornando-se um psicoterapeuta e psicólogo clínico. Ele utiliza sua própria jornada de crescimento pessoal como base para ajudar os outros a superar seus desafios e alcançar seu pleno potencial. Seu estilo de vida agora é equilibrado e centrado, focado no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional contínuo. Ele investe tempo e energia em seu próprio bem-estar emocional e físico, bem como em suas relações interpessoais. Derek busca conexões genuínas e significativas em seus relacionamentos, valorizando a empatia, a compreensão e o apoio mútuo. Ele aprendeu com os erros de seu passado e está comprometido em ser uma pessoa melhor, tanto para si mesmo quanto para aqueles ao seu redor. Em resumo, Derek se tornou uma versão aprimorada e mais completa de si mesmo, abraçando a maturidade e o crescimento pessoal que vieram com a passagem do tempo.
˚ 。 ㅤ   𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀.
apelidos: Eric, D-dog, Daddy,  Derry,  Dek.
zodiac sign: leão.
gênero e pronomes: cis, ele/dele.
sexualidade: bissexual. 
mbti: ESTP (Extrovertido, Sensorial, Pensamento, Perceptivo)
Futebol Americano, Cheerleading Governo Estudantil, Clube de Xadrez.
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ranseltoska · 1 year ago
"I kinda think I am becoming the adults in the little prince book. Living a mundane life and mediocre one, not having any dreams, sparks, or passion at all, don't even know where to go and what to look for. Such a walking shell without a soul."
This is my entry when I turned older on my birthday last week. I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to expect, I don't know what will change. I just feel like I always in this staying a float phase, not flying and trying to not drowning myself. But as I go through my personal memories last year, I feel like whatever phase I am in I am doing quite a good life, somehow.
Starting the year with exo performing together again, win a giveaway to eat at gelora baik for free, go to solo to spend day with alifa, trying new place like bakmi gandhok, bakmi bersahadja 77, warung bahtera. Solo trip with mbak flos. Watching someday or another day and reading gadis kretek. Learning english translation seriously.
On february, trying new places again; ceria cafe, cinema bakery, wm berdikari, dragon hot pot. Watching jalan yang jauh jangan lupa pulang with ilak. Coming to arin's wedding with andri. Strolling around prawirotaman; tjemara noodle, art and craft space, tirtodipuran link, kebun buku, lawson. Having my first job ever. Moving from my favorite place on earth.
The march, going to pasar wiguna and reunited with isma. Watching suzume. Meet kak fira, mas danish, and dek al. Trying por aqui and the iconic.
Fourth month, trying to open jastip. Bukber with cece. Trying gudeg bromo, ayam gulai, golden geisha, nanamia pizzeria, tous ler jous. Going home. Spending ramadhan with people at home. Celebrating eid with extended family. Meet geng8. Vacation to Malaysia with ayah, bunda, kak qi, and adek. Seventeen release FML album.
May. Going back to jogja. Start journaling for fun. Trying sophie's sunset sunset library, cuena coffee, bungah, nasi teri gejayan. xyz coffee. Going to jogja beauty fest with mbak flos. Watching spiderman across the spiderverse.
The next month, join noraebang with mbak flos. Meet aliya, oma, and tante erna. Visited by mom and dad. Trip around jogja, solo, and pacitan with them. Meet kak fira's family again. Celebrating eid adha. Going to dongeng kopi and watching staar syndrom, onde mande, elemental force, the childe.
July would be a month full of reconnecting. Attending kak dika's wedding. Meeting firda in solo; going to loske, tfp, uma yumcha dimsum, pasar gede. Visiting alifa; patjar merah and lokananta. Having a day off; trying mie sapi banteng, dongeng kopi, warung yanto, cosan. Going to bantul to try sena cafe, meet sagita at jnm bloc, eat kazu ramen. EXO's comeback. Going to rumah miguni with mbak flos. Celebrating wonwoo's birthday. Watching barbie, my precious, and smugglers.
August. I am becoming the full timer in my work place. Going to toko buku nathan and trying ness donut. Watching the moon and head over heels towards do kyungsoo. Parting ways with some friends. Having a barbecue party with team.
This is the special month. I am coming home and gathering with families. Having spirited journey and doing umroh. Cutting of all the connection with real world, praying, worshiping, spending time with my favourite support system in Allah's house. Spending a week at Turkiye, road trip all over it. Spending time with myself and my loved ones. Listening over and over to Pengantar Purifikasi Pikir and Expectation. Reading Loki Tua
October, coming back to jogja and working again. Watching petualangan sherina, iu's golden hour, killers of the flower moon, and cobweb. Noraebang here and there with mbak flos. Seeing blooming season in this city.
November. Getting closer to farah. Reuniting with ilak. Going to bakmie 88, sintesis, kedai ketjil, fore, gyoza sutra, roti jala tanah melayu, baked me to the moon. Watching budi pekerti, love reset, past lives. Learning making beads with farah. Attending JAFF. Meeting lots of cool people. Watching lots of good movies; la luna, sugarland, jatuh cinta seperti di film-film, perfect days, gadis kretek talkshow, women from rote island, and monster.
The last month, my favourite December. Ending JAFF; watching Fallen Angels, attending the closing ceremony with Andri, watching 13 Bom di Jakarta. Evaluation with the team. Going to mie ayam grabyas, hotway chicken, homeground crsl, makmur chicken. Taking a day off to explore prawirotaman; my little warung, house of zaw, kebun buku, lakaey, and walking around kota baru. Finishing reading what you are looking for is in the library and watching the boy and the heron. Meet vika, trying kopitiam, journaling together. Watching live viewing seventeen follow the tour in cinema. Early christmas and birthday dinner with mbak flos at francis pizza and cheese cake cafe. Working in a very packed store during christmas till new year's eve. Celebrating my birthday; cleaning the room, going to periplus to buy a gift for myself, visiting dear eleanor to taking picture of my older self, journaling. Spending the last day of the year in work with a full heart. Meeting mbak flos' warm and beautiful family.
See, it's not a bad year after all. Of course, there are lots of tears, mental breakdown, fears, worries, and hurting myself and people around me. But you gotta experience lots of things, spend your days with your loved ones, going to places you never go before, eating lots of good food. Making connection with people. Buying and collecting lots of cute stuff. Enjoying lots of good films, music, books, and another form of art. So maybe this mundane and mediocre life, is good enough.
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