#deity dossier
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Help with Deity Dossier?
I did the wonderful Deity Dossier spread by @thiscrookedcrown a few days ago, and while I already have an idea who this entity could be, I would really appreciate a second opinion.
Thank you so much in advance!

Here are the cards I drew (plus some of my notes):
1. The Entity: The Emperor
This represents the spirit, deity, or being in question. The card can be drawn or selected, depending on if you know the nature of the spirit or a card that could represent them.
Masculine power
Father figure, boss, older brother, teacher, patriarch
Mind over heart, clear thinking
2. Their History: Temperance
These are past deeds or dealings the spirit has had with either other people or you that you should know about.
Management of resources
Testing the water
Two choices, two people, two sides of a conflict
3. Underlying Influences & Past Experiences: Four of Swords
Similar to Past, this represents influences that could be important to know. This may be an emotional thing rather than a past action. (Example: if previously betrayed by humans, a spirit is less likely to want to deal with humans.)
Inner reflection
Solid foundations
Taking a break
4. Personality, Attitudes & Opinions: Four of Cups
General personality and/or how they think.
Turning inward
Lack of vision
Not seeing life's blessings and opportunities
Discouraged, bored, dissatisfied, apathetic, unmotivated, weary
Having to find new motivation
Breaking the routine
5. Their Current Status: The Moon
Their current status. If a spirit is in trouble, this information would appear here.
Artistic breakthrough
Losing your way
Inner wisdom
Lack of focus
6. Their Health Overall: Page of Swords
The health of the spirit, deity, or being. (Example: A land spirit could be ill or ailing due to pollution.)
Intellectual abilities
Fresh outlook
Cut to the problem
New phase in your life
New opportunity
Speaking up
Healing from past illness or injuries
Mental clarity to overcome challenges you face
7. Their Mental Health: Six of Pentacles
Their mental health or, possibly, their overall mood.
Community giving
Sharing what you have with others
Needing help or offering it to others
Reaching out for help
8. What They Like To Do & Have Done For Them: Knight of Pentacles
This could be things they like to do for others, part of their sphere of influence, and/or things that could be used to connect with them or honor them. Think of this like hobbies or likes.
Long-term plans
Slow progress
Financially conservative
Serious, dependable, experienced, mature
Love of animals
Financial success
Providing for others
9. Physical Manifestation: Four of Wands
Their physical health or how they could physically manifest. This is especially useful for finding out what deity is contacting you.
New life, new success
Marriage, partnership
Completion of a project
Solidity, stability, security
Inviting, welcoming, sociable
10. What To Know: The Lovers
Things that are imperative for you to know. This could be used to see how working with this being could affect you in the future.
11. What To Avoid: King of Wands
Things that are imperative for you to avoid doing. Example: If a spirit hates blood, don’t give blood offerings. This could also be used to see how the spirit could negatively affect you in the future.
Being a bad leader
12. Positive Influences, Friends or Experiences: Six of Wands
What is helpful? What will help your relationship with them? This can be something that is not in the spirit or deity’s sphere of influence but still influences them. A deity might be one of fertility but their sibling could be a deity of war. That will somewhat play into how the spirit acts. Another example would be a spirit becoming powerful because a nearby coven is worshiping it.
Being noticed
13. Negative Influences, Enemies or Experiences: Five of Cups
Exactly as above, but the more negative side of things. What isn’t helping this spirit? What will not help your relationship with them? Do they feel used or not appreciated? The examples above also apply.
Negative thinking
Inclination to focus on the bad
Trouble letting go of the past
Former hardship, pain or heartbreak
14. Conscious Desires & Thoughts: The Hanged Man
What they want. This could be offerings or a general goal. This may be what they want from you. If they have an agenda they’ll admit to, it will be here.
Potential growth
Letting go
15. Unconscious Desires & Thoughts: Nine of Cups
This is what they want but won’t admit to or what they don’t know they want. If they have a hidden agenda, it will be here.
Good luck
Bonuses and promotions
Attainment of things they desire
16. Hopes: Nine of Swords
This can be a general list of hopes, a overall hope for the future, or what they hope to get from you.
Old wounds that have not healed
17. Fears: The Devil
This can be a general list of fears, what they fear for the future, or what they’re concerned about in regards to you or your life.
Harmful attachments, bonds and impulses
Bad habits
#deity dossier#deity identification#deity identification reading#deity identification spread#deity work#deity worship#divination#tarot#hellenic polytheism#norse polytheism#kemetic polytheism#celtic polytheism#gaelic polytheism#irish polytheism#welsh polytheism#roman polytheism#slavic polytheism#gaulish polytheism#spirit work#pagan#paganblr#polytheism
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Character Dossier
Full name: H-0434
Known aliases:Honey Suckle Reject, Mead florere rejecto
Age: 3,219
Gender: Female presenting or Demi-Female (uses she/her pronouns)
Birthcreationdate: April 1st
Heritage: Gladen
Religion: Polytheistic considering gods and deities are real
Sexual and Romantic orientation: Demi/pan sexual and panromantic
Status: Currently a free monster, court officer, in the Miracle territory
Residencies: In the Reject Estate located in Kevin the forever forest
Highest level of education: Greek Gymn school, monster quality assurance training, The Nursery, Godly and royal etiquette training, Greek monster and spartan training
Occupation: Public servant, court officer (she's their lie detector for sentencing)
Physical examination
Facial features: Round eyebrows. Rounded goat nose, tusks protruding from mouth, four sets of eyes (White pupils, usually red and green), 6 distinctive facial stripes
Face-claim: Herself. I draw all my own stuff
Voice: She has a (more mild now) scottish accent and a deep, feminine voice
Voice claim: Bronagh; Sound of the Sea
Eyes: She can have up to 8. All looking like colored rings, in the following colors:
Hair: Old burgandy, dark brown hair with a slightly redish-purple hue
Body type: She is a curvier, larger women with wider hips, and fat deposits on her body (shes had many kids)
Distinguishable Marks: double stripes on her shoulders, a serial number fur pattern in her fur, and 6 stripe markings on her face
weight: 285 lbs give or take
Height: Fluctuates, but remains around 5'7" for the sake of being approachable to most species
Mental Evaluation
Mental illness: PTSD, Hypervigilance around others, Not technically DID but she is a single body housing many creatures mentally, emotional affluency
Psychological profile: ESFJ
Positive traits: Empathetic, perceives needs, practical, caring
Negative traits: Detached, self deprecating, Assigns values based on usefulness
Alignment type: She can not perceive morality but based on action alone, True neutrual or lawful neutrual
Meyer-Briggs Personality type: (S/N)
Phobias: Afraid of technology, Frogs
Mannerisms: One set of eyes will avoid eye contact, one set will stare. Finger taps. Tail buzzing. Frog blinking.
Hobbies and Interests: Horticulture, Potion craft, baking, weaving, national parks, child rearing (yes), Tailoring.
Strategic analysis
Combat style: She avoids fighting at most costs, and if she does get into one (Not relating to damage mitigation or calming down a rampaging friend). Her motto is destroy them, everything they hold dear, and 5 generations of their blood line. Or pawn the problem off on someone else (still usually resulting in death) Since fighting is looked unfavorably upon. But other wise, mid to long ranged attacks with close range hand to hand being for when you want to get messy
Weapon of choice: She personally is a pole arms user, spears and pole axes when its not her magic or body as a weapon
Hand to hand Combat efficiency: Extremely competent considering she spent actual decades in a spartan military against other monsters
Tactical strength: Reconnaissance and small precise strike teams (herself and her parts). Honorable mention being honey potting or espionage
Tactical weakness: Lack of external leader ship, the cold, salt water, lead (lead is the only thing that works on the whole body and not an individual part
Signature technique: Plant, fungus, and moss roots forming spell circles underground and releasing a powerful (long set up) attack without the enemy ever knowing it was being set up.
Pain tolerance: Extremely high to everything but ice and lead. And even then she's willing to turn pain receptors off. (And risk not even registering when her body is beyond the point of no return)
Defensive skills: Classical shield training, turning big, using more hard wood and fiber plants. Running away
Relationships and affiliations
Family: She has 31 siblings. But the most notable are Nectar (the sphinx), Pollen (eastern loong), Heat (Chimera), Rika (Daughter. 100% honey's, but biologically black dragon)
Allies and associates: I haven't discussed relationships with muns that much. I know that shes on familial standing with some muses, but as far as allies or associates. No one really has her loyalty nor do I really have mains like that or overlapping canons with other muns. But from story canon there Persephone, and Queen Mab.
Rivalries: Honey has no one she's in competition with
Enemies: Honey has no one she despises or is on sight with
Romantic histories: Honey has no explicit ships or romantic history with any muses with active blogs. (Like puppy crushes are different from a bonafide ship). But from her Story canon, theres Cerberus, Rika's father, and a few other monsters from history (at least sexually. Romance is stretching it)
Notable friends: Alex, Hax & Eath, Gritt, Hook & terrance, Olgan, Frost, Crowley & Mack, Rachel, Kairi, Heiron, The fizz bots, and I'm sure others I can't think of.
Habits and life style
Daily routine: Honey Wakes up at sunrise regardless of when she went to bed, especially because Rika is Nocturnal and Is going to bed at that time. She makes herself tea and breakfast by 6:00 am or at least an hour after she's woken up which ever is earlier. She'll check on all of her Nymphs and forest creatures. Then she'll go into town to check on her neighbors. Then she'll go into work doing essentially odd jobs for the colony because they haven't had need for the court in ages. Then its the daily shenanigan with what ever muse she's seeing that day, and usually shes back home in time to wake up Rika, feed her, help her with homework and send her off to her training.
Diet and nutrition: She's Vegetarian. And won't eat meat. being part plant. She consumes alot of sugar and needs access to sunlight to feel okay
Exercise habits: most of her exercise comes from Sparring woth some of her coworkers and physical labor.
Grooming habits: She tries to bath no less then once a day. But considering how often shes running for her life or in someones shenanigan it's at a different time each day. Every day her horns and fangs grow to a point so she'll file them down back to being round and non threatening. As well as pluck any flowers Alluria sprouted out of her skin.
Substance use: She doesn't. Unless she's at like a party. But 9 times out of 10. Straight edge.
Sleep patterns: She doesn't unless something puts her to sleep.
Personal aesthetic: Cottage core, little house on the prairie, dark academia
Favorite book: Before the law by Franz Kafka, Frankenstein by Mary shelly
Favorite music genre: Blue grass folk
Favorite Art/Architecture: neo-classical
tagged by: @feelinsheepish and technically @xxlordalexanderxx
Tagging: anyone
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Character Dossier
Full name: Hriob Riebe Zagel
Known aliases: Robert, Rob, Hiro, John, Krakonoš, Rübezahl, Lord of Fantastic Weather, Prince of Gnomes, King under the Mountain, The Brewer of God-Booze, the Lonely Forest Sage, Herr Erlkönig, Humbaba of the Cedar Forest, Thor, Vǫlundr, Fergus MacRoich, ‘Oh God Not You Again’, ’(the) Creep’, ‘Robby’, Yestuuv Mewl-Keeza (Ancient Tengu for ‘Storm-Barrel’)
Age: Unknown, at least 2,000
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Birth Adoption date: December 15th
Heritage: German/Polish/Czech [Fae]
Religion: Technical-Agnostic (non-worshipping but accepting of many deities, pantheons, and belief systems co-existing)
Sexual and Romantic orientation: Demi/Heterosexual/Romantic. Can be polyamorous depending on timeline, but is usually set for single-relationships only.
Status: Between worlds and 'missions', on standby
Residencies: The Halls of the Mountain King, situated below the Forest of Lost Fae
Highest level of education: Self-Taught in multiple schools of logic, magic, science, and philosophy but roughly on par with college degrees for most subjects - trained to high proficiency in swordsmanship and pole-arm-wielding.
Occupation: Archivist, Woodsman, Nature Preservationist, Agent of Gaia, Enchanter, Shaman (non-denominational), Druid, Moonshiner/Craft Brewer
Physical examination
Facial features: Large nose, strong brows, with a number of prominent scars on his face; one over his left eye, one on either cheek, and one over his adam's apple on his throat. His ears have very faint points to them, and his nose has a raised arch to it.
Face-claim: Himself. I rely on art, typically commissions
Voice: His voice is deep, low baritone that nears bass in tone, often kept low and faintly breathy, but capable of being loud and 'booming' if excited or angered. He has a roughly, but not perfectly, 'Germanic' accent, however faint, when he speaks in English.
Voice claim: Vincent 'Jake' Jones of Aether Realm
Eyes: Dark Grey, can light up with other colors - mainly azure - depending on magic use/attenuation.
Hair: Dark Brownish-Red hair, typically the color of drying blood but can appear more faded (towards a pale brunet) according to local conditions
Body type: He is a large, heavily built but fit man, well-muscled but not especially toned ('working' muscle as opposed to 'gym' muscle), reminiscent of the 'Strongman' body type with a decent amount of body hair evenly spread throughout.
Distinguishable Marks: Myriad scars across almost all of his body, mostly from very old slash and/or stab wounds.
weight: 529lb approximately
Height: 7'11" at last measure
Mental Evaluation
Mental illness: PTSD, Hyper-vigilance, Hyper-Fixation, Anxiety, Insomnia (mainly from Night Terrors), varying levels of paranoia, acute self-image/body-image issues due to body-wide scarring.
Psychological profile: Shows signs of being on the Autism Spectrum, albeit subtly, either due to successful masking strategies or having more 'manageable' traits overall, if not a combination of the two. Strongly values moral and ethical behaviors in others and self, but is not against using duplicity and deception in order to help himself and/or others.
Positive traits: Empathetic, determined, nurturing, goal-oriented and self-organizing, humorous, capable of extremely deep connections and understandings with others in one-on-one settings, self-aware enough to recognize and work on improving his failings.
Negative traits: Self-critical, self-sacrificing and overworking to a fault, restless without a given direction or goal, easily overwhelmed senses when in large crowds or loud public places, prone to hypocrisy and biting sarcasm, often values self based off utility or capability rather than intrinsic worth.
Alignment type: Despite his optimism and strong personal morals, he is most accurately described as 'True Neutral' due to his disillusionment concerning 'heroics' and those who 'do the right thing for the wrong reasons'. While well-intentioned is prone to varying levels of manipulation of those around him, be they 'friend' or 'foe'.
Meyer-Briggs Personality type: INTJ - ‘The Tactitian’
Phobias: Proditiophobia (betrayal), Tomophobia (surgery), Enochlophobia (large crowds), formerly had fears of fire and sharp objects as a child (Pyrophobia and Aichmophobia, respectively).
Mannerisms: Often makes notable body language to show his interest or disinterest in something, such as pinching the bridge of his nose and rolling his eyes. Often uses body language and posture that reduces his size and volume, either out of a desire to remain unnoticed or appear less imposing, be it due to his large and scar-ridden stature or his potentially deep, booming voice.
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking (especially baking and brewing), woodworking, metalworking, leather-working, reading, writing, alchemic and magical crafting, hiking, ethical debate, metaphysical theory-crafting, babysitting, teaching.
Strategic analysis
Combat style: Extremely flexible combatant at all nearly all ranges, capable of analyzing, countering, and suppressing attackers at most all ranges. While capable of maintaining high-impact offensive melee when required, He prefers taking a more calculating, reactive fighting style that focuses on counters, parries, endurance, and defensive posturing until an opportunity to strike decisively and lock down his attacker(s) presents itself.
Weapon of choice: He interchangeably uses most staves and polearms with extreme proficiency, with a personal preference for halberds, glaives, bardiches, and the like. In regards to magic, while capable in many schools he prefers a combination of Lightning and Wind elemental techniques to simultaneously attack, defend, and control terrain over a large area regardless of the number of targets. As a backup, he is more than capable, though not ridiculously proficient, with most swords and throwing weapons, including daggers and 'cards' of his own design.
Hand to hand Combat efficiency: Extremely competent due to a combination of extensive training, regular exercise, and highly focused reflexes. Prefers to use a customized combination of Savate, Judo, and grapple-based basic CQC techniques. However, his unarmed techniques are stance-focused and meant to supplement his skill with weapons rather than replace or supersede them.
Tactical strength: Counter-Magical combat and Stategic/Tactical outmaneuvering of singular enemy combatant. Especially focused on subduing extremely dangerous single opponents with focused, dedicated targeting or exploitation of their given weaknesses wherever possible. Is unusually skilled and capable of planning and preparing countermeasures/trump cards against enemies he has sufficient prior knowledge of to vastly increase his chances of success. Reaction time and mental alacrity are both high enough to make accurate split-second decisions to adapt and adjust plans according to current condition 'on the fly'. When fighting on behalf of the Planet/World-spirit/Biosphere, has increased power reserves proportional to the scale of the (perceived) threat.
Tactical weakness: Defensive skills have diminishing returns and greater difficulties against Fire-Element, Demonic or Eldritch-based magical attacks. Defensive counters to magic are more finely tuned in combat against 'simple-but-powerful' attacks rather than 'complex-but-low-impact' ones such as curses or hexes. High density and strength does not diminish personal reflexes but does greatly impact agility when moving due to high bodily inertia. Physical Health/Durability/Strength/Vitality is directly tied to ambient/local magical/life energies - trapping him in an 'Anti-Magic' field or 'Dead Zone' will quickly lead to pronounced frailty, organ failure, and eventually death. While not afraid of taking life, will often prefer and try to avoid taking life wherever possible, even if it would lead to greater/extended suffering on one or both sides of the conflict or increase the risk of losing the fight.
Signature technique: Combining extremely dense amounts of both Wind and Lightning elemental energies into a singular point to recreate stellar-grade fusion at small scale over his palm, before releasing the resulting nuclear conflagration on the target when they have been rendered immobile.
Pain tolerance: Extremely high baseline, is capable of numbing or otherwise fully ignoring his own body's pain response for short periods if over-focused or determined.
Defensive skills: Above-average Parkour skills and mobile evasion, extremely talented with using polearms for deflecting and parrying enemy (melee) attacks, is especially skilled at attuning himself to incoming/enemy magical attacks to absorb, process, and redirect or reuse the incoming energies to his advantage.
Relationships and affiliations
Family: To his knowledge, he has no blood relatives. That being said, he has both been adopted and adopted others into his family many times over his long life, and treats these 'chosen' relations just as importantly as any would-be blood bond.
Allies and associates: This varies greatly depending on the timeline, but at baseline he has a large collection of friends and allies, largely met through or due to his found family, that he often checks in on and tries to assist, but otherwise leaves be if he feels he is 'not needed'.
Rivalries: While he does not have any standing rivalries at the moment, Hriob is not immune to being competitive with his friends and allies... and if he is not careful taking said rivalries and competition too far if not called out for it.
Enemies: Hriob does his best to remain professional about his conflicts with others, but depending on their actions he is fully capable of holding grudges and taking things personally to a vicious, unhealthy degree. This is doubly so if those he loves and/or considers family are targeted or otherwise threatened by said would-be enemies.
Romantic histories: Hriob does not fall in love easily, but when he does he falls hard and fast enough that he does not always realize it until he is already 'in deep'. While not completely incapable of having more transactional, friends-with-benefits style relationships, he far more prefers and longs for more fully open, involved romances built on trust, affection, mutual support and caring rather than simple lust or tit-for-tat agreements.
Notable friends: Solita Raiser, Otto von Braun, Chiasa, Honey S. R., Yarbert Godfrey, and others.
Habits and life style
Daily routine: While he does not maintain a perfectly uniform or predictable routine, Hriob regularly blends regular of meditation, stretching, jogging, hiking, and gymnastic exercise in irregular, varying order whenever he is not occupying himself with a long-term project. This 'routine' is easily overtaken by his hyper-focus if a particularly difficult, important, or otherwise particularly engaging in some other manner. Due to his difficulties with sleep, he almost always wakes early and gets to bed late- if at all - on a daily basis, unless he has literally nothing to occupy his time otherwise.
Diet and nutrition: Hriob prescribes to a wide and varied, if notably rustic, omnivorous diet with a balance of nuts, berries, cheeses, baked goods, wild game, herbs in the form of both teas and spices, and responsible amounts of alcohol - especially mead and ale. While his diet is rather balanced overall, it is almost an afterthought for him unless he is somehow injured or ill - he gets most of his actual caloric intake through metaphysical symbiosis with surrounding plant life rather than through actual food for the most part. While his culinary skills allow him to experiment and try new dishes often enough, he is comfortable with his basic diet unless entertaining guests.
Exercise habits: Hriob maintains a regular mixed regimen of combat training, manual labor maintaining his home, and hiking through the forests he inspects and patrols. While he does not put much stock in toning his muscles or reducing his weight, he maintains a strong balance between cardio, endurance, and top muscular output with his regimen that maintains his physical fitness.
Grooming habits: While he does not seem to excessively care for his appearance overall, he does bathe regularly (every other day if not twice a day, depending on recent exertion) in natural hot springs, as much for their medicinal and psychological relaxation benefits as to actually maintain his cleanliness - especially in light of his regular extended manual labor. He has a preference for using natural fragrances such as Pine, Lavender, Sage, Frankincense, and other earthy plant-based tones.
Substance use: While he has a history of alcohol abuse, he has successfully, if somewhat reluctantly, managed to maintain a healthy relationship with hard beverages for a long time now... though it should be noted that it is due to his body's growing immunity to the effects of alcohol and not any true desire to reduce his intake that resulted in this net-positive lifestyle change.
Sleep patterns: He sleeps very intermittently and fitfully, if at all, unless exhaustion takes him - normally managing at most four hours at a time without external help every 48 hours. While he is able to maintain decent health with meditation and prolonged metaphysical attenuation to ambient plant life, this is not feasible to maintain in more urban or lifeless environments. If trying to sleep with others he trusts nearby, he has been known to 'sleepwalk' over to said closest individual, grab them, and use them as a 'teddy bear' without realizing it - if allowed to do so his sleep will far more closely resemble a healthy sleep average in both duration and stability.
Personal aesthetic: Tolkeincore, Wizardcore, Druidcore, dark academia
Favorite book: Dragonology: the Complete Book of Dragons.
Favorite music genre: Historical Folk music, Folk Metal
Favorite Art/Architecture: Art-Deco, Early Gothic, Impressionism
tagged by: @sweet-chimera by technicality (thank you)
Tagging: @nostomannia @housofmisfits @automaton-otto @oflostinfound @heroesxdemons @rxdhairxdsirxns @green-x-reaper @risingshine @arcanescholxr @aonokumura @demonicdiligence @paleobird @muppeteyes1001
#ooc#about hriob#ooc dash games#dash games#JESUS CHRIST THIS WAS BIGGER THAN I'D THOUGHT IT'D BE-#automatically readmored for length
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Oracle Operator Dossier:
Name: Uthorim Kacper Haakonson
Nicknames: Uth, Blue, tbd
Codename: Chernobog
ID number: (unsure)
Date of Birth: December 31, 10,000 BCE
Nationality: Polish
Ethnicity: Polish/Slavic
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/It
Sexuality: Pan
Species: : "Old God"/Primordial
From what Uthorim has told us, he awoke in a snow covered field with no memory or true sense of self. Uthorims theory is that when humanity emerged and began forming belief he was formed from that power. Uthorim would embrace this worship and bless those who called out to him. His powers are vast but primarily deal with life and death, unlike most deities in mythos his powers extend to those energies in all their complexities. If it lives, dies, or exists in unlife Uthorim has some connection to it. In more recent times he has even claimed to feel the beginnings of digital life. Uthorim migrated to the U.S. after the second world war with many other refugees and people looking for a new beginning. Never living in any of the large cities he stayed quiet and away from public eyes. Helping those in need as he saw fit.
@callsignbaphomet because <3
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◯ LEGAL NAME | Jenevelle Hallowleaf Shadowheart
◯ MOST KNOWN AS | Shadowheart
◯ NICKNAMES | Shart , Shadow , Shads , Shadsy , The Fringe , Princess , Squirrelheart , Jenny , Jen
◯ DATE OF BIRTH | Eleasis 13 , 1444 DR
◯ SEX | cis - female , she / her
◯ CURRENTLY LIVING | formerly House of Grief , presently nomadic
◯ SPOKEN LANGUAGES | Common , Elvish , Celestial , Infernal , Undercommon
◯ EDUCATION | Shadowheart was taught extensive history pertaining to religion . She is extremely well versed in Sharran culture , being raised and trained by the House of Grief , and all of her education stems from what she learned in the cloister . After saving the city , if without a partner , she will travel to Waterdeep to explore the largest Temple of Selûne North of Amn to learn more of the goddess .
◯ HAIR COLOR | Dyed stark white , formerly inky black
◯ EYE COLOR | Jade green with flecks of gold on the outside
◯ SCARS | She has an incurable Sharran wound on her right hand , but it no longer flares up . Her betrayal of Shar caused the veins surrounding the wound to become a corrupted purple color, similar to varicose veins, that climb up her forearm . She has several scars across her face, the most notable being a clean slash over her right cheek that crosses the bridge of her nose from a Sharran weapon during her time in the cloister . Most of the scars on her face are from her time in the cloister , and all of the ones on her back are from beatings and whippings administered by the Mother Superior . Her wrists and palms are scarred from cuts , due to countless blood offerings for Shar before rituals .
◯ HEIGHT | 5'7" , 170 cm
◯ WEIGHT | 150 lbs , 68 kg
Arnell Hallowleaf [ Father , Deceased ]
Emmeline Hallowleaf [ Mother , Deceased ]
Viconia DeVir [ Adopted Mother , Unknown ]
Shar [ Former Deity ]
Selûne [ Complicated ]
◯ SEXUAL ORIENTATION | pansexual , female preference
Tagged by : @valiantthearts
Tagging : @fiendishfinesse , @amatistafey , @whomuses , @rubistella , and you !
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Beyond the cards: Iris's Readings
Hello friends! I am Lady Iris, I have been a reader for almost 10 years when it comes to scrying and casting things! I've been reading cartomancy for 5-6 years now! I have methods ranging from bibliomancy, candle scrying, auric readings, and more! Currently, I have hit a bit of a rough spot financially because of increasing health problems, family issues, and more. I currently work 3 jobs but I may have to take on a fourth SO I would rather it be something I love!!
With that said: I specialize in spiritual readings which can include Spirit and Deity Dossier, and shadow readings. I also am really good at real-world readings like spelling ideas, real-world guidance, relationship and love forecasts, and forecast readings! I also am willing to do the down-and-dirty readings however It's by consultation, I reserve the right to deny any reading I don't feel I would make a good match in, however, I can refer you to someone who will!
For paid readings, I am always open and ready to fit you into my books! I have Paypal, Zelle, and can accept gift cards as well if needed! Pricing is done via consultation because all spreads are handmade by me, but it avg about ~$2 USD a card and you get a paragraph per card as it relates to the question which averages between 6-8 sentences!
Divination Methods I offer
Playing Cards
Bibliomancy - Divination by Books
Ouija/Spirit Board
Physiognomy - Body/Face readings
Iridology - Iris Readings
Scrying (smoke, fire, water, and crystal)
Dream Interpretations
Automatic Writing/Channeling
Auric Readings
Astral Scans
Energy Center Readings
Tasseography - Tea Leaf readings
Botanomancy - Divination by Plants
Wax Readings
Internal Omen Casting
Cleromancy - Casting Lots/Crystal Casting
Abacomancy - Casting dust or soot
Shufflemancy - Divination through music
Xylomancy - Divination by wood
Astragalomancy - Divination by Dice
Ornithomancy - Divination by Birds
And many many more!
For more information:
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) Divination specialties: Cartomancy of all types (Tarot, oracle, Lemerand, etc), Scrying and trance work, Numerology, Astral Scans, Nature based readings (Ornithomancy, Abacomancy, etc), Internal Omen Casting, Runes, list goes on so feel free to ask for a specific divination! I have most likely used it within 6 months Types of readings you prefer: Simple or complex, spiritual or non spiritual, its all good to me! Just see me for a consultation! Types of readings you won't do: Closed practices (I will send a list if needed of guidelines I follow), most of my guidelines will have to come from a consultation and I reserve the right to deny service under any grounds! So come ask me first, and we can make a plan, even if I wouldn't be a good fit as a reader! Experience level: I don't exactly like putting a label on it because some methods I've done for 15 years, some for only 1, In any case I do account this into the pricings of all my divination methods to insure you are getting a good deal! When are you open for readings?: For paid readings I will always be open, sometimes I will have flash sales, or open up my free offers when trying something new! Feel free to reach out whenever and I can see what I can do! :D Contacts: If you want to shoot me a Message on tumblr I can set up more ways to contact me! I have a discord handle that we can move too, or I can set up spaces to communicate! For my privacy I wont share any of my other social media's unless asked!
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Zagreus, Heir to Olympus
Okay, so I wanted to write about Zagreus because while I haven't been working with him for very long, he's already given me quite a bit of detail and I want to share it, since there's not many people who work with him and I'm all about freedom of information! I know I come here a lot when I'm just looking for the basic dossier on a new deity, so if someone has Zagreus pull up to their practice, here's what I can tell you.
He's not exactly the god OF something, like the other gods. I call him Heir to Olympus because of stories from the Orphic Hymns and Mysteries. (You can find details on all of that with all the sources cited here. This page is your best friend.)
He's the son of Zeus and Persephone, and after he was brutally murdered by the Titans he took up residence in the Underworld (so his soul's presence doesn't conflict with Dionysus).
He popped up for me as both Infernal and Greek when I was doing my confirmation reading, so if you're getting some noncommittal vibes from trying to figure it out, or you get Dionysus and you think that's not the whole story, he might be reaching out to you!
He's a warm presence, which isn't necessarily what I was expecting. He can feel like a weighted blanket when he's in your space.
Favorite Crystals: Bloodstone, Dragon's Blood Jasper, Smoky Quartz
Colors: Black, red, green
Favorite offerings (so far): Pomegranate seeds, milk or dark chocolate, golden rum, whiskey, red wine. I'm told he also likes poetry, but I am notoriously not very good at poetry myself.
Scents: mahogany teakwood (I have a scented candle from Bath and Body Works), sandalwood, parchment, cinnamon.
Overall, he's a very chill god, but he wants you to have standards for yourself and your practice. He's great at helping define boundaries in your practice, your energy, and your life.
More about devotion and other fun facts will be in subsequent posts! Thank you for reading, and all hail the wonderful son of Persephone!
#deity work#zagreus#chthonic deities#zagreus deity#zagreus devotee#hellenic polytheism#chthonic gods
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Character Bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character part 1:
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: King/Queen Kana’i Akana or Atami Latu/Ataahua Akana or Alisi Latu:
Real Names:
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names: Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atamai Latu/Alisi Latu.
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau
South American Indigenous Ameridian name: Cauã/Ceci Amaru Juruna
Asian name: Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei.
Afro-Latine name: Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa.
American/English name: Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.
Alien extraterrestrial name: Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin.
Demigod/Deity name: Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Ethnicity: Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native.
Racial Identity:
A mixed East Asian Japanese, American English, East Asian Chinese, and European British person of color
A South American Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean Afro Latine person of color.
Cultural Identity:
A Polynesian Hawaiian, Samoan, Marquesan, and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika of Oceania.
South American Baniwa and Embera Indigenous Ameridian of Colombia and Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina.
A Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Oceanic demigod
The Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character is born a demigod/demigoddess and is later given divinity to become a god/goddess/mahu deity. As a demigod they only had power over a few elements thanks to family bloodline. Only when they were given divinity did they unlock most of the elements to use as a deity. They were chosen by Tiʻitiʻi to be his champion and chosen one as a hero.
Descendent of Namaka a Polynesian Hawaiian water goddess, Polynesian Hawaiian Pele goddess of fire and volcanos, Polynesian Hawaiian God Kanaloa god of the underworld, Ku Hawaiian God of War, an unknown Tongan god (rediscovered after reconnecting after post cultural genocide), Polynesian Samoan God Mafuiʻe god of earthquakes, Chinese goddess Nu Wa, Chinese god Hou Yi, Chinese goddess Chang’E, Japanese god Fujin, Japanese god Susanoo, Japanese god Inari, Japanese goddess Izanami, Japanese god Izanagi, and Amaterasu a Japanese sky goddess.
Even as a demigod and alien hybrid they needed to prove worthy as a champion and hero. They underwent tests. The demigod trial was a physical and spiritual trial. The alien hybrid trial was an emotional and intellectual trial. During these trials they still had their powers. Trials are difficult and made harder than normal since they are a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman superhero.
The divine trials they go through as a demigod to be given divinity as a hero and champion. Their valor, heroism, and selflessness was tested. The reason they go through as an alien hybrid was they want to see where the hybrid is in regards to life. It was a logic vs morality debate. After the demigod trial they were given divinity and a new power. After the alien hybrid trial the reward given to them was a shield, armor, and weapon. Their quick thinking, adaptability, peace making, & intelligence was tested. After the tests and trials they learned a lot about themselves as a person and grew as a person. Even as a hero they had to learn about their powers and why they were given them.
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu or Kalani the fakaleiti or mahu deity. They are usually laughing as a trickster, comedian, & jokester. They were born as a mahu demigod with power over air, mist, smoke, fog, water, snow, & ice and demigoddess with power over earth, wood, stone, metal, fire, magma, lava, lightning, thunder, & storms. After being chosen as a champion of a more senior god/goddess and underwent trials as a hero. It was trials hard for even a metahuman and superhuman cuz divinity to them should not be easily given in this world.
They are a mahu demigod of the art and sciences. They are a new era demigod/goddess of the elements.
They are a god of philosophy, business, and law and goddess of magic, dreams, resurrection, and prophecy. They are divinely beautiful. They have dark brown skin the color of polished oak, brown eyes the color of new forged copper, & short black hair color of the night sky. They are very tall, broad shouldered, & very muscular. They wear stylized gold and ruby colored chainmail, metal, and leather full plate armor. They usually wear a hooded cloak that is dyed gray-blue over their full plated armor.
In the divine form the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character’s existence as a deity itself is its own inherent magic foci. Rather than the person, it’s the space they occupy within a pantheon that acts as the foci. And the manifestation of magic from that foci borrows from their dominion over air, mist, smoke, fog, water, snow, & ice as a demigod and power over earth, wood, stone, metal, fire, magma, lava, lightning, thunder, & storms as a demigoddess. This is from their demigod hood of the arts, the elements, and sciences.
They are a titan and titaness associated with friendship, brotherhood, valor, honor, and strength. They are associated with weapons, armor, and shields. Their followers who are magic users are distinguished by the shrines they have in their homes and the charms they wear on their armor. Their followers who are magic users are distinguished by their magical tattoos and the robes they wear. There are a respectable amount of offerings of food, water, tea, incense, and liquor to them on islands. There are a large number of statues of him/her/them in most villages.
They are many myths about their polyamorous relationship with Diona Artemis Megalos (the daughter of Ares and Athena), Mary O'Brien (Irish Celtic demigod child of the Morrigan), Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of Amphitrite a goddess of the ocean), Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi), Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya), and Carina Bellona Ragorio (the daughter of Mars and Venus).
They have other Indigenous, Indigenous Pasifika, Black, and non native poc demigod partners/spouses from Amerindian (Central and South American Indigenous), Asian, Oceanic, & African pantheons. Such as Fangying Shen (Chinese demigod child of Erlang Shen), Farah Kader (Black African West Asian Egyptian demigod child of Neith), Hiro Suzuki (Japanese Demigod child of Benzaiten), Siza-Ocllo Yacupaico (Quechua demigod child of Pachamama), Huemac Itzmoyotl (Náhuatl demigod child of Coyolxāuhqui), Meztli Dzal (Maya demigod child of Ixchel).
They are known to sometimes place obstacles in the way of villains as a demigod of fog and mist. They are known to challenge mortal warriors. There are myths involving their enduring friendship with certain mortal artists and storytellers. They as a demigod granted full godhood divinity and immortality.
An alien Iuyamanian and Etanxiian extraterrestrial hybrid. They are a shapeshifter as an alien hybrid. They are queer and trans as someone Indigenous third gender. Their masculine, feminine, nonbinary genderless, and androgynous gender forms reflect that.
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid. Iuyumanians are warm blooded mammal aliens with orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped fur. Etanxiians are cold blooded reptilian and amphibian aliens with reptilian scales and avian feathers. Etanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this.
When he/she/they are in his/her/their transformed alien form without clothes or worn armor the reptilian/amphibious aspect of their heritage lets his/her/their male and female external genitalia become internal and his/her/their other genitalia merge with other aspects of himself to form a cloaca. The mammalian aspects of his/her/their heritage and fur highlight and define his/her/their body while at the same time providing discreet concealment. The reptilian aspect of his/her/their heritage provides him with natural armor as a result of scaled skin with a slightly iridescent sheen.
They as an alien hybrid received their powers naturally as a mutant through biological or genetic mutation.
Alien hybrid mutant with being a shapeshifter as mutation
Mutant who got other mutant powers through chemical mutation because of a super soldier serum injection with red, blue, green, & purple ooze in vials.
His alien hybrid mother and alien hybrid aunts and uncles as mutants received their mutant powers through temporal, esoteric, spacial, chaos, quantum, dimensional, or reality mutations.
As mutants they are immune to further mutations so chemical or biological weapons or infestation like Zerg, Flood, or Tyranids
Bionic/Cyborg as someone with firmware and software implants and bionic and cybernetic implants and enhancements.
Regular Human Height:
Depends on gender and gender identity.
He/she/they have transformed gender forms and untransformed gender forms.
He/she/they have a 5’10” and 5’11” male masculine untransformed form that identifies with he/him pronouns.
He/she/they have a 6’0” and 6’1” female feminine untransformed form that identifies with she/her pronouns.
He/she/they have a 6’2” and 6’3” nonbinary genderless untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of they/them.
He/she/they have a 6’4” and 6’5” nonbinary androgynous untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of xer/xers.
Super soldier height:
As a super soldier after experimentation and enhancement of the super soldier program:
Masc form: 6 feet
Femme form: 7 feet
In power armor:
Masc form: 7 feet
Femme form: 8 feet
Demigod Height:
Masc: 7 feet
Femme: 8 feet
Alien Form Height:
Masc: 9 feet
Femme: 10 feet tall
God/goddess true form: Tallest mountains or volcanoes with armor and weapons the size of skyscrapers.
Depends on gender and gender identity. 180 to 200+
Deity form: Metric tons.
Body Type:
Lean, tone, & athletic body type
Athletic, fit, graceful, lean, lithe, nimble, slim, slender, toned, willowy. Masculine alien hybrid form
Herculean, muscular, stocky, strapping, tall, towering, toned. Feminine alien hybrid form
Strongman physique for masc kane divine form
Built, muscular, statuesque, imposing, buff, & strong body type for wahine/vahine femme divine form
B,H,W or Bust, waist, hip measurement:
5’10” to 5’11”: 38/32/38
6'0” to 6'5”: 40/34/40
Human Form:
He/she/they like short hair styles.
He/she/they like the pompadour, clipper cut, pixie cut, or crew cut.
He/she/they like medium to long hairstyles
Afrocentric hairstyles of braids, twists, & dreadlocks
Fade haircut
Afro Hawk haircut
He/she/they have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is a sacred geometrical alien extraterrestrial symbol. The locs are braided with alien metal braids as an alien hybrid superhuman. The locs are beaded with divine wooden beads as a divine demigod metahuman. Some parts of the locs are dyed red, blue, purple, or green.
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when shapeshifting as a metamorph, changeling, or shapeshifter. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with alien metal bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads.
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with divine silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with divine bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads.
Hair texture: Fine, lush, luxuriant
Hair look/state: Brushed, voluminous, shiny
Alien Form:
Bundles of tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair similar to Yautja Predators or Zerg infested Sarah Kerrigan that are tied together in a long ponytail. His/her/their bioluminescent cord, tentacle, or tendril-like hair help with telepathy and empathy. They help them breathe, see, hear, & taste. These tendril-like hairs are braided with alien metal and divine wooden beads. This alien hair is an important link to their alien extraterrestrial culture. The tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair comes out of a head crest of his/her/their alien skull.
Hair color:
When not transformed: Black.
When transformed: white, red, gold, blue, green, or purple.
He/she/they have light brown, to dark brown, to black hair in his/her/their untransformed form
Facial hair: Permanently clean shaven cuz of an accident using an alien laser (from their alien hybrid mom’s alien grandmother) as a shaving razor as a teenager
Body hair:
Color: Black
Chest: none
Back: none
Arms: a lot
Legs: a lot
Eye color:
When not transformed: Dark Brown.
When transformed: white, gold, blue, green, red, or purple.
He/she/they have dark brown to black colored eyes.
Skin color: When not transformed: As an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native their skin tone is terra cotta, russet, ochre, sepia, or umber. Kissed by the sun.
When transformed: gold, blue, green, red, & purple.
Their bioluminescent skin absorbs solar radiation, lunar energy, cosmic energy, & natural energy to give them superhuman and supernatural strength, perception, endurance, speed, lifespan, intelligence, agility, senses, durability, reflexes, and flexibility. The absorbed solar radiation, cosmic energy, and lunar energy also powers their optic blasts, energy blasts, breath blasts, & flight as an alien hybrid
Middle aged. Has longevity as a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman with a supernatural and superhuman lifespan.
Born in the 22nd Century. Currently alive in the 60th century as a metahuman and superhuman
Libra Dog
Shoe Size: Depending on gender form size men’s 11 to 20 or women’s 10 to 20
Scar marks:
Healed scars from experimentation. Healed scars from torture and interrogation. Healed scars from self harm caused by mental illnesses.
Extra features:
Alien Form:
His/her/their transformed form has alien hair, skin, & eyes.
His/her/their transformed form’s body is covered in mammalian fur with stripes, avian feathers, and reptilian and amphibian scales (that covers his/her/their chest, back, arms, & legs).
His/her/their transformed form has webbed clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and webbed clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes.
His/her/their transformed form has a prehensile chimera tail that is covered in avian feathers and reptilian scales.
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid.
Iuyumanians are bipedal warm blooded mammalian aliens. Iuyamanians have orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped mammalian fur. Iuyumanians have clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. Iuyamians have a prehensile tail. Iuyamanians have a lion-like mane, dire wolf-like lupine canines, lupine gray wolf-like ears, dire wolf-like snout, kitsune nine tailed fox demon-like whiskers, & retractable smilodon-like saber teeth. They have four eyes. They are bipedal and quadrupedal and are capable of running faster on four legs. They can reach speeds of up to 120 miles per hour and can run 80 miles per hour for hours.
Etanxiians are bipedal cold blooded
reptilian, avian, & amphibian aliens with avian feathers, reptilian scales, and amphibian scales. They have reptilian scales, non-corporeal ethereal avian feathered wings that allows them to fly at 350 miles per hour. Etanxiians have webbed clawed reptilian hands and webbed clawed feet. Ethanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. Etanxiians have a reptilian prehensile lizard tail. They have three eyes. Etanxiians when in reptilian form have reptilian retractable serpentine fangs and forked tongue. When in avian form Etanxiians have a avian raptor beak, avian eyes that see near 360 degree vision, and avian raptor clawed feet with talons.
His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this.
Reactive Adaptation: They adapt constantly and get stronger when either pushed to the brink of death. They then heal after life threatening injuries thanks to their healing factor, superhuman healing, constitution, and durability. They are often revived after dying. They adapt constantly and get stronger when fighting someone equal or beyond their level. They adapt very quickly whether it be magical or energy based attacks. They steadily grow more powerful and efficient the more they struggle. They recover quickly from injuries. They adapt quickly when learning their opponents movements, strengths, strategies, weaknesses, and attack patterns. They then can read their next attack minutes or seconds ahead.
Dominant, potent, or latent genetics. The First Born or Scions or Etanxiians or Iuyamians. A race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics. They were advanced by a tier zero or tier one species of alien humanoids called the Titans, Primordials or First Ones who experimented with their dna or genetics on a species wide scale. The Iuyumanians and Ethanxiians can create offspring with other humanoid races. Those hybrid children can become just as powerful, if not more powerful, than their full alien humanoid parents. They are compatible with other alien humanoids, alien hybrids, divine beings, demigods, cyborgs or bionics, and augmented and enhanced humans.
Species Creation Story:
Uplifted from primitive origins by the First Ones, Primordials, Creators, Progenitors, or Titans. They are highly social. They went through several periods of advancement, stagnation, & regression. Several similar humanoid species that united to one alien species after allying and interbreeding with each other. Each species has several races and many cultural identities. They united themselves into tribes and clans of nations or kingdoms of confederations, empires, federations, and factions.
Species with vast superhuman abilities like superhuman: strength, perception, awareness, intelligence, endurance, stamina, constitution, agility, dexterity, flexibility, and speed. Have vast psionic and biotic powers including natural telekinesis, empathy, teleportation, forcefield, time control, & telepathy. They can run several parallel thoughts and scenarios simultaneously in seconds.
The First Ones, Titans, or Primordials were an ancient, technologically and psychically advanced intelligent species of humanoid alien beings. They established an interstellar empire across the Andromeda Galaxy, Antennae Galaxy, Bode’s, Cartwheel, Circinus, Condor, Eye of God, Fireworks, Milky Way Galaxy, Needle, Pinwheel, Sombrero, Spider, Sunflower, Spider, & Whirlpool Galaxy tens of millions of Terran years ago. The Primordials ruled over the universe before the development of most of the other sentient species of the multiverse. This empire or federation was later given to the Iuyamnians and Etanxiians. The Primordials had been the first species to attain sentience in the galaxy and the first species to cross the galaxy making them also the first star-faring species in galactic history.
A humanoid species that can sustain themselves on only solar radiation, light, lunar rays, air, spiritual energy, water, natural energy, and oxygen. A peaceful and benevolent species who were busy with studying and propagating sentient evolution within the universe. Even death was no barrier. For when the First Ones, Primordials, or Titans spirits eventually left their nigh mortal bodies. They dissolved peacefully back into the cosmos to be reborn again in new forms.
The Titans or Primordials possessed extremely advanced technology, superhuman powers, supernatural lifespan, and potent psychic or psionic powers. A gentle and benevolent sentient species, the Primordials or Titans, wished to nurture the younger, sentient species of the galaxy and spread life and intelligence across the universe. On their travels, the Primordials, Titans, or First Ones seeded many worlds across the multiverse with life. They also encouraged the development and advancement of indigenous intelligent life. Some of them chose to experiment on these species on a galactic scale creating the psionically powerful Iuyumanians, Yuganians, and Etanxxians.
The Primordials or Titans believed that all life was useful and had value. They are known to have brought about the rise of numerous new sentient species. They impregnated millions of worlds with new life which they made their own. Only a Precursor, Celestial, Necrons, Forerunner, Ancient Human, or Xelnaga comes close to their power and technology.
They were capable of extracting an individual's complete mental and emotional thoughts, biological patterns. and memories. That could then be encoded in either another biological body, in an inorganic (like a robot or synthetic), or stored as data on a terminal. An individual's pattern could also be imprinted over another body in a clone. They had the technology to reproduce entire individuals from encoded DNA/RNA protein samples in data streams.
They utilized various camouflaging technologies, which generated visual, textile, & auditory delusions and distortions that could effectively hide the user or users from even starship's sensors.
Their sensors were capable of instantaneous scanning and detection across interstellar distances. The sensors were also highly accurate. They were capable of providing a detailed analysis of a planet's geological and ecological composition from lightyears away. They used an advanced form of communications, allowing instant data transfer over vast distances. These communications were routed over encryption protocols which could be used to track the source or destination of the communication.
Their warships could be enormous in scale. From around a hundred to even several kilometers in length. They explore the universe in world ship-sized artificial starships the size of planets to colonize and terraform moons, comets, asteroids, planetoids, & planets.
They created a network of slipspace portals for high-traffic slipspace transit across the galaxy. They had slip space and warp drive faster than light drives to travel through star systems, realities, galaxies, dimensions, universes, timelines, & multiverses in the omniverse. They had mastered many other methods of higher-dimensional manipulation. They were capable of altering the fabric of time and space. They created a nexus of gateway of interconnected portals to go anyway in the star system, galaxy, nebula, in universe, multiverse, & omniverse no matter the timeline, reality, or dimension.
They had an unparalleled knowledge of quantum science, which enabled them much of their sophisticated technology. Even after billions of years, First Ones, Ancient Ones, Titans, or Primordials technology still advanced at a comparatively rapid rate. With a number of new breakthroughs and developments occurring within even a single decade, century, or millennium.
They had mastered the use of various energy fields. From fields to manipulate gravity and magnetic fields. To fields used to restrain individuals to even armies. Fields used to block the movement of entire fleets or armadas of ships. To the containment and collection fields they used to harness entire stars for energy production. Entire planets could be made habitable even in conditions of lethal stellar radiation with planetary shields.
Their technological achievements were without parallel in the known universe. They managed to create solidified surfaces out of light with hard light. They could use slipspace to teleport between locations almost instantaneously across the galaxy.
They were able to travel across the star systems in seconds, across galaxies in minutes, or across the universe in hours through the development of transdimensional warp space or slipspace technology. They were also able to travel through the multiverse through a network of interconnected warp gates that instantaneously connected their far-flung outer rim interstellar colonies throughout the galaxy.
They could create numerous forms of advanced machinery. With the surrounding materials with the use of advanced robotic humanoid androids, synthetics, or robots. They built world ships to colonize and terraform the stars. They constructed artificial planets and star systems. They terraformed planetoids, asteroids, comets, & planets.
They were behind the creation and advancement of several sentient species. They monitored the evolution of other sentient species throughout the universe. Intervening in ways that ensured their civilizations would follow paths of peace free of conflict ending rampant militarism, ending wars (proxy wars, global wars, civil wars, and intergalactic warfare), stopping climate catastrophe, ending rampant capitalism (of global billionaires and intergalactic trillionaires), ending famine, ending planetary hunger, stopping genocide, building infrastructure, & helping education.
Their technology is remarkably resilient, being able to remain intact for over a hundred millennia. They are inherently patient as a species. Even before attempting to journey out into interstellar space of their star system or galaxy. They made an extensive study of astronomy, quantum mechanics, physics, and astrophysics.
The technology of their species rivals that of the Xel'naga, Old Ones, Forerunners, Oans, New Gods, Kryptonian, Eldari, Protoss, Tamaraneans, Martians, Necrons, & Thanagarians. Responsible for creation and advancement of several alien species. Exiting their home solar system after colonizing and terraforming their home solar system. After discovering faster than light travel and warp technology left their solar system.
They started to procreate with other sentient technologically advanced species in the cosmos integrating their civilization with theirs joining each other in an intergalactic empire or federation with the Iuyamians chief among them as their defenders. For millennia their technology was sophisticated and their empire thrived. They entered the sphere of fantasy and science fiction.
They are an ancient and highly advanced species of humanoid aliens whose vast empire federation, confederation, or empire of planets extends the width and breadth of a known galaxy.
They terraformed settlements on other planets in the universe. They built colossal space stations and giant mobile planets. They built an intergalactic flotilla of naval dreadnoughts, battleships, carriers, and battlecruisers the size of world ships shielding their intergalactic empire or federation.
Eons ago, in a period of growth their species reached out amid the cosmos in search of new planets, solar systems, & galaxies to inhabit. They fabricated colonies on other planets, solar systems, & galaxies and made colossal technology to terraform them. For epochs their species prospered fulfilling phenomenon never seen before.
They are armed with ballistic, hard light weaponry. They use walking tanks, battle walkers, mecha suits and powered armor suits. They created simple and dumb AIs and advanced complex AIs. They created hover vehicles. They live on advanced planets and have technology and resources that far exceeds futuristic earth's and Terran federations technology. They command a federation or empire or several humanoid species. This is an alliance of individually advanced alien species.
Is Lord/Lady Nex the omnipresent, omnipotent, omni powerful, & omniscient primordial being a First Born, First One, Ancient One, or Titan?
They were at war with another species. The Corpse Makers. A highly advanced alien race of extremely powerful and militaristic humanoids. The ruling species of the empire. They are considered to be intergalactic conquerors and have colonized and conquered millions of worlds to expand their empire. They want to expand their empire by conquering other terraformed and colonized asteroids, planetoids, comets, planets. They wish to rule the entire universe. They are known and feared across the multiverse as a merciless and ruthless militaristic and capitalistic species. They are endowed with superhuman superpowers, powerful psionics, and aided by advanced technology. They are ruled by an intergalactic emperor and empress. Each planet is ruled by an emperor and empress or high king and high queen. They are similar to Viltrumites or Saiyans. They demand loyalty and obedience from their subjects. They would try to conquer with full scale invasion or through machinations and intrigue or their high command. If species didn’t join their empire willingly they were exterminated with intergalactic genocide. Either by global genocide or by obliteration of their home planet itself with a super weapon. They are the enemy of the Iuymanians, Yuganians, and Etanxiians.
Aquatic Form:
They have an aquatic bipedal form for swimming underwater that looks like a were shark. This form has mako shark skin on their body, magical elemental hair made out of seawater, mako shark fins on their body, great white shark fin on their back, webbed clawed feet, webbed clawed hands, seven inch megalodon like teeth in their mouth, bull shark gills on their neck and chest, tiger shark stripes on their arms and legs, glowing blue eyes, kaluga fish fins on their face, blue and green sturgeon like fish scales on their body, a great white shark tail, whale shark spots on their chest and back, & a humanoid merfolk or triton like face. They have glowing bioluminescent skin. They have glowing ethereal Atlantean tattoos and Atlantean characters on their bodies.
They have Indigenous Pasifika tattoos on their face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. They wear Indigenous Pasifika jewelry such as bracelets, rings, & necklaces. They wear shark tooth necklaces. They wear Atlantean steel combat armor decorated with sea turtle, manta ray, shark, & dolphin designs. Their weapons are Atlantean swords, axes, spears, clubs, & war hammer made out of atlantean steel. They rule with a five pronged quident made out of Atlantean steel and a circlet of power made out of precious metals and decorated with gemstones. These weapons are enchanted with arcane elemental magical water and serrated with seven inches long megalodon shark teeth. They can swim up to 200 miles per hour.
As a Bionic/Cyborg:
Cybernetic Implants:
Bionic Enhancements:
Cybernetic and bionic implants for superhuman senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, & sight
Electromagnetic spectrum for superhuman vision including ability to sense gamma radiation, microwaves, x rays, & radio waves
Weapons implanted in a bionic arm or leg
Sensors for biometric analysis for lie detection
A built in net connection at any location that has wifi
Storage compartments in a bionic limb
Built in armor around vital organs
Ballistic, plasma, energy, laser: bullet and arrow dodging through a sensor detects incoming projectiles
Cooling or heat radiating mechanism that allows the implantee better heat or cold resistance
Sensors that can pick up RF or electrical activity
Configurable vocal tract that can emulate the voices of others well enough to fool voice print recognition systems.
Voice synthesizer to imitate another's voice and/or other sounds.
Computer riding shotgun in the visual cortex that looks for patterns and movements humans don't easily notice that functions as a counter to most forms of camouflage.
Internal oxygen supply with hours of breath in an oxygen deprived area. Refills using the implantee's breaths at the same rate as usage.
A targeting computer that can fire a weapon much more quickly and accurately.
The ability to plug in a micro-manipulator arm that can perform very delicate repairs
The ability to plug into a powerful exoskeleton of power armor or frame of a mech suit
Replacement nervous system is immune to the effects of electric shocks
Has many mod slots for upgrading and customizing nano machines, cyberware, cybernetic implants, & bionic enhance
Brain computer interface that allow uploading and downloading data
Can plug in to hack holographic computers, holographic smartphones, holographic televisions, & other electronics through cybernetic and bionic fingers
Transfer their consciousness to another suitably equipped body
Co-processor built in computer with software that can carry out numerical computations. Other domain-specific AI (e.g. voice recognition, pattern recognition) that can carry out much better than an unmodified brain can.
Hive consciousness: brain can tap into a network of other, similarly equipped brains (where reception is available) and can share skills or knowledge in some manner.
Human metal and alien metal enhanced and augmented skeleton for supernatural strength, endurance, and durability. Almost impossible to break bones. Combined with other cybernetic and bionic enhancements.
Carbon nanotube bone augmentation for near unbreakable bones.
Metal reinforced joints for supernatural agility, flexibility, speed, & reflexes
Nanorobot muscle cell augmentation
Muscle reinforcement and enhancement for increased strength, reflexes, stamina, durability, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility
Microchip implants that allow fast diagnosis and monitors health in real time
Ability to grow metal claws over their biological claws
Has nanomachines for supernatural healing
Holographic Skin that can change elements of appearance: skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.
Active Camouflage for invisibility by bending light with a field of energy. Active camo that is able to render the user invisible or nearly invisible, to the naked eye. Also works against many forms of electronic scanning. The active camouflage warps light around the user's body in such a fashion that surfaces behind the user are visible through the user's body.
Smart camo that blends in with the environment with camouflage that after coming into contact with almost any surface replicate both its pattern and texture. Multiple surfaces could be mimicked at the same time. Works against thermal scanning.
Cybernetic eyes with Cortical Implant with night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision, ultraviolet vision, etc.
Internal Weapon Bay with compartments for hidden weapons.
Neural interface to download information from a digital store.
Cyber and bionic brain with implanted external memory
Modified brain to have a better sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste, & touch.
Enhanced legs with greater speed, agility, flexibility, & stealth capabilities.
Sub-dermal plating with armor that protects against tissue damage.
Dermal carbon nanotube to make skin highly resistant to damages.
Increased density of fast-twitch muscles to increase reaction time
Increased nerve density to grant better body control and higher degree of dexterity.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories with stimulants, drugs, medicine, etc.
Bionic heart with increased endurance, stamina, constitution.
Bionic liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. with immunity to most poisons, drugs, & alcohol.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell and taste
Ultrasound sonar to aid vision and let the user see inside things.
Tiny magnetic crystals attached to neurons so the user can feel magnetic and electric fields like a shark.
Subdermal micro machines that can restructure the user's face making them look like anyone they want at will.
Extra rods and cones to allow for greater perception of color, modified rods and cones to see into the infrared or ultraviolet, reflective layer at the back of the eyes (like cats) for user to have better night vision.
Small mechanical heart that kicks in at full power during times of stress/exertion
Modified ears to hear better.
Shockskin. It's a layer of capacitors and conductors implanted just under the skin. It is arrayed in a lattice over prosthetics. It administers an electrical shock to people they touch with it if activated.
Shock nodes on legs, knees, knuckles, & elbows for unarmed combat
Increased clotting to help staunch wounds
Decreased pain sensitivity
Prosthetic cybernetic or bionic eyes with immunity to over-stimulation from bright lights or stun weapons like flashbangs
Prosthetic eyes capable of linking up with a "smart-link" weapon scope
Bionic and cybernetic enhanced brain capable of “full immersion diving" while on the internet, computers, or brain hacking.
Bionic and cybernetic brain capable of bio scans with upgraded firewalls to prevent brain hacks
Bionic brain with upgrades to enhance any type of hacking/brain hacking
Blood/organ nanites to help the immune system and help repair damaged cells, tissue, & organs as necessary.
Nano technology allows a faster and safer healing process and an enhanced immune system.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories (combat stimulants, medicine, stimpacks, pain suppressants, etc.).
Internal bladders of drugs to be released on mental command, ranging from painkillers, to insulin, to berserker combat enhancers.
Homing devices for tracking targets
Extra metal limbs. Other than summoning extra magical ethereal limbs to hold several weapons in combat. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and or interface using high speed wireless. They have extra metal limbs for faster inventing or lab testing as a scientist. When out of power armor they can interface with extra metal limbs by wireless connections for combat or to help when inventing, engineering, science, creating etc.
Metal wings. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and interface using high speed wireless.
Super soldier (ways super soldiers are made in the cyberpunk science fiction near future and far future: cybernetic implants, bionic enhancements, alien plants, nanites, growth hormones, organs harvested from aliens, & super soldier serums)
Assigned female at birth or AFAB
Non Binary
Mahu/Fakaleiti/Fa'afafine Indigenous Pasifika Third Gender of Oceania
Third gender of Amerindian Indigenous people of South America
Gender Identity:
Nonbinary Bigender or Genderfluid
Has both male and female genitalia
Sexual Orientation:
Regular pronouns: He/him, She/her, they/them. Neopronouns: Xer/xers. Ze/hir. Indigenous Pasifika: Oña
South American Indigenous Colombian spirituality
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika pagan.
Jaothean alien polytheistic pagan religion
Autistic as someone with autism
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu is a recovering addict and alcoholic. They used to use alien and magical drugs and alcohol as a metahuman and superhuman to deal with abuse and trauma. He/she/they is a former alcoholic who drank magical alcohol meant for demigods, gods/goddesses, & titans. He/she/they used magical drugs meant for magical spellcasters. They used magical alcohol meant for magical humanoids such as fae elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblinoids, & giantkin. He/she/they drank Spirit, Myth, & Devil’s Tongue. He/she/they were a former addict who used alien drugs meant for metahumans and superhumans. He/she/they used drugs meant for cyborgs and bionics. He/she/they used alcohol meant for alien hybrids and aliens. He/she/they were addicted to Blaze, Nitro, Supernova, Nightfall, Burnout, & Light Speed.
ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder, & hyperlexia.
He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war.
Disfigured by a hard-light sword wielded by a female alien super soldier who fought for the Earth Space Military
Later had their right arm replaced with a bionic and cybernetic prosthetic arm
Later had his/her/their left eye replaced with a cybernetic and bionic prosthetic eye.
He/she/they have a hard light and plasma burn scar from the top of his/her/their eyebrow to the bottom of his/her/their cheek.
Mental Illnesses:
Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, schizophrenia, BD or bipolar disorder, BPD or borderline personality disorder, DID or dissociative identity disorder, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Hypersexual as a result of the trauma being a survivor of rape, abuse, assault, & domestic violence at the hands of three abusive exes (four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei) who were their ex fiances. Want to reclaim autonomy so they have sex on their own terms.
As a result of abuse and trauma:
It was similar to what happened to Indigenous Pasifika in those haole sanctioned schools in Oceania and Indigenous people in the residential schools in turtle island
Kidnapped in front of their childhood friends as their friends ran to call the aid of their Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid parents.
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped, exploited, and enslaved from their indigenous lands) from their home in Polynesia
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped exploited and enslaved from their indigenous lands) by metahuman and superhuman traffickers
Blackbirded and forced to mine alien ore on colonized terraformed planetoids, asteroids, and comets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Blackbirded and forced to pick alien planets on alien crop plantations on colonized terraformed alien moons and planets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Human and alien non native settlers took advantage of their illiteracy of certain alien languages as a demigod and alien hybrid child.
They were forced to pray to their gods instead of their own
They were captured and taken to a place where metahumans and superhumans like them were forcibly assimilated by human and alien traffickers for the illegal space black market
They were forced to speak their tongue instead of their own language
Their long hair as a Afro Latine and Asian Pasifika was forcibly cut and they were forced to wear unfamiliar and uncomfortable clothes to condition them
Generational trauma of Samoan, Tongan, and Hawaiian ancestors and Amerindian Indigenous of South America who went through similar things on earth because of English and Spanish settlers
Experimented on by the scientists of the settler colonizer government of earth as part of a black project on a black site to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier till they were a young adult
They were denied food and water to break them and to discourage others from rebelling against them as he/she/they were seen as the leader and protector of the others as the oldest
When rebellion and escape was thwarted they were interrogated and tortured
Gladiatorial pit fighter that fought magical and alien humanoids, beasts, creatures, animals, & monsters for the enjoyment of rich human and alien elite on an alien planet
Escaped and became a rebel soldier later rebel leader who fought against terra government once they learned Earth was responsible
Captured and tortured by Earth and Terra government
Brainwashed and mind controlled to become a metahuman and superhuman super soldier for the Terran Dominion space military to conquer worlds to expand earth’s dominion and hegemony over several solar systems and a few galaxies
Fought in proxy wars across Asia, Europe, Africa Oceania, Australia, and the Americas as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a child until they were a preteen
Fought in proxy wars in many planets, several star systems, and a few galaxies as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a teenager until they were a young adult
Fought against Earth and the Terran Dominion after they were free through telepaths and empaths of the rebel army from the mind control and brainwashing (by human and alien telepaths and empaths of the Terran military)
Is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result and repercussion of him/her/them leading the rebellion, revolution, civil war, and insurrection against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. Most were able to escape Earth, seek asylum in neighboring solar systems, or go into hiding in outer rim galaxies.
Unfortunately the consequences for Valeria Garcia, Joanna Jacobson, & Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu, the leaders (of the insurrection, revolution, civil war, and rebellion) unfortunately are more severe.
He/she/they were told if they returned home to Oceania or South America as an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native they would be assassinated (by spec ops and black ops paramilitary operatives or military supersoldiers) or captured (and imprisoned on a black site prison planet) by the occupying settler government of Earth.
After the creation of the Federation composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems most were allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Confederation.
Brainwashed, conditioned, & mind controlled to become a supervillain without their consent
Became an antihero out necessity yet didn’t agree with the current superhero ideology
Chose to become a superhero out of their own choice and agency
As a demigod and alien hybrid he/she/they went through many demanding and grueling trials even for a metahuman and superhuman to become a champion and hero. After completing them once they died as a mortal they were given divinity and became a full god/goddess/third gender deity
Died several times. Few as a demigod. Few as an alien hybrid. Resurrected a few times.
Died stopping a super weapon from being fired stopping the Terrran Hegemony from committing intergalactic genocide. The reason they died stopping the super weapon is. The super weapon was going to be fired by the Terran hegemony/dominion/empire to commit intergalactic genocide to get a few star systems or a galaxy to surrender to them. They were sent to destroy it by a self-destruct button on a console deep inside the facility of the super weapon. The terran dominion/empire got wind of this and sent an agent to destroy it. Making them destroy it manually with a bomb. They died weaponizing the warhead and destroying the super weapon. Died stopping the Galaxy Buster.
When they died they were buried in a metal coffin to be shot out into space after a military funeral as a former super soldier. One of their alien spouses and partners who can fly using solar radiation picks up the coffin after using a star fighter. She flies out to the star system (of her home giant planet) that has a few suns, several moons orbiting each planet, & many planets orbiting the suns. She puts the spacecraft on autopilot and sets a flight path around the orbits of the stars, moons, & planets. She puts them inside a power armor with a jetpack. She proceeds to take them out of the coffin and opens up the cargo bay. She then has them absorb solar radiation, lunar rays, & cosmic energy from her star system to revive him/her/them by inputting the orbit to the ai of their personal power armor suit.
After absorbing all these rays, energy, & radiation they are revived but also dangerously supercharged from all the excess energy and radiation. Like a few hundred percent more than normal as a demigod and alien hybrid. They were like a mini star about to go supernova. Their hair, eyes, skin, hands, feet, & mouth were blazing with energy. Optic blasts from their eyes, breath blasts from their mouth, & energy blasts from their hands were radiating with power. The power armor suit was able to absorb some of the excess energy to overcharge the defense and offense abilities of the suit but not enough to absorb all of the excess energy. Thinking that an enemy force comes to fight them, seeing them, their alien spouse and partner, & knowing some parts of their alien hybrid ancestry as a result of being an enemy of their alien hybrid mothers people. And the revived demigod and alien hybrid proceeds to fight them to burn the rest of this energy.
Died from stopping a large meteorite from destroying a space frigate. Kanaloa Hawaiian God of the Underworld in some more modern reimaginings. He is a student of Milu. He revived him/her/them. He/she/they met him in a metaphysical trial since he is a god of the underworld. It was a trial of reflection since he asked him/her/them to be introspective in this trial.
Died fighting for the rebel army against them once they were freed by allies that the ship cruiser frigate corvette or battle cruiser they were on was shot by plasma or laser batteries or cannons that shot them out into space and they died from lack of oxygen. The power armor suit was locked by the AI and it wasn’t permanent death but it does count as they were clinically dead for several minutes. Also has consequences on them physically mentally and emotionally after since death shouldn’t be a simple thing even for a demigod and alien hybrid character. A dream-like trial occurs in the afterlife before they come back to life. Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of birth, talks to them in the afterlife to help their rebirth.
They were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods and goddesses. The being was sent to destroy a county by enemy gods and goddesses upon hearing their demigod existence. It was sent by the Norse as a rival pantheon. It was sent as a result of Odin, old king of the Norse gods, learning the relationship between the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid and their Norse demigod partners. The partners being Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) and Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya). He/she/they sacrificed themselves by overloading their alien hybrid and demigod powers to destroy the monster to save a county in a colony of indigenous and citizens of color that were targeted when it was sent to find him/her/them.
They were revived by being placed in a healing vat or regeneration tank full of blue, purple, & green liquids that healed them as an alien hybrid. The healing vat also had nanites that repaired, upgraded, & customized their cybernetic and bionic implants and enhancements.
They were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metals in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor. The power armor’s weak point was exposed by an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. The javelin was thrown from across the battlefield. After it pierced their armor it exploded. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil.
When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them when they were alive, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life.
Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, and magic when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
Main System:
Kana’i Akana or Atamai Latu/Ataahua Akana or Alisi Latu
Plural Systems:
Goes his/her/their South American Indigenous Ameridian name:
Cauã/Ceci Juruna
Goes by his/her/their Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names:
Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atami Latu/Alisi Latu.
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau
Goes by his/her/their Asian name:
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei.
Goes by his/her/their Afro Latine name:
Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa.
Goes by an English name:
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.
Goes by an Alien name:
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin .
Goes by demigod and later god/goddess name:
Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Some of these are reclaimed words that they use to take away power from those who discriminate them like marginalized communities with certain slurs
As an alien hybrid superhuman:
Gene snatcher, xeno
As a demigod metahuman:
False ones, half breed, cast off, outcast.
As a bionic/cyborg:
Rust dick, bolt brain, tin man’s bitch, cyber bastard, oil bag, socket fucker, bot, toaster, clicker, beeper, tin man, can opener, assisted, chip head, half fleshbag, scrap ass, tin tits, augmented, Siri, beep boop, Cortana, gear boy/girl, computer, calculator, toy soldier, clanker, wind up, scrap heap, cog, nuts and bolts, chrome dick, metal mind, chrome dome, droid, & wire head
#indigenous#indigenous artist#indigenous writer#indigenous creator#indigenous rep#indigenous character#indigenous art#queer creator#queer character#queer writer#queer representation#queer artist#disabled creator#disabled artist#disabled representation#native artist#native art#native character#native representation#trans character#trans creator#trans writer#trans representation
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 : melinöe , goddess of ghosts & nightmares
overview: loosely based on the orphic myths, melinöe is a goddess of ghosts, nightmares & madness. she is known as the formless one for her shapeshifting abilities, the propitiated one by those who pray she does not visit them at night with her train of revengeful ghosts, and also as a crossroads deity, capable of infiltrating any realm so long as the sun is down. she is the daughter of hades & persephone, stolen at birth, and who remains estranged after discovering this. her domain is in the river of wailing, where she offers an alternative option to the souls who were not given proper burial, endured a violent death, and/or did not have the toll to pay the ferryman. rather than spend the hundred years wandering in the banks, they're given the chance to join her retinue in a nightly exodus to haunt in her name. melinöe herself often pays personal visits to the sleeping, invading and manipulating the dreams laid out by morpheus by taking the shape of their worst nightmares.
✧ main : going off the greek myths here, but can be applied to various settings & fantasy crossovers. she can be the entity associated with whatever boogeyman or nightmare figure applies. the background here is that melinöe was born formless (thus difficult to identify), so echidna stole her away to raise as her own, shaped her into the frightful and formidable deity she is currently, and used her as a force against house hades during the gigantomachy. after discovering that she wasn't echidna's daughter (default is that hekate unearthed this), she turned against the gigantes, but remained estranged to house hades all the same. she prefers her solitude and being spooky, so will avoid anything that may compromise that.
✧ supergiant's hades : same background here applies until i get more info on what they plan to do with mel's background, but this is the primary verse where i will play around with mel being more anti-heroine skewed. she was the one who unleashed kronus, the titan of time, and her grandfather, who took hades hostage. after discovering her true parentage, she begrudgingly agrees to train with hekate and save her father (as a debt she feels she owes, not out of love). [alt. adjacent verse] slaying the titan of time ultimately opens up some crossover plots where she's the new time anchor capable of traveling across timelines in the multiverse.
✧ dragon age : my favorite verse for her !! it writes itself besties !! she's the formless one (aka the last surviving forbidden one after da:i), which i'm establishing to be a fear demon, and also the nightmare demon in inquisition who commands the demons in alignment with corypheus. (it's good food she needs no other reason). she was once a spirit of hope who absorbed the fears of others, but in time this corrupted her and turned her into the first fear demon, essentially a mirror of whatever horror plagues the collective. at this time she's a nightmare demon who primarily embodies with the blight because that's the most prevalent existential dread, but being the formless one means she can evolve to encapsulate something else.
✧ modern : this is my playdough verse for non-fantasy settings, used more for modern horror stories. melinöe is still a goddess of ghosts and nightmares, but she will have fun being a living nightmare, meaning she can also be whomever in a creepy town or hotel or shop who seems normal during a first encounter, but is not really there, and then the haunting horrors will persist.
name. melinöe epithets. the formless one, phantom queen, dark-mind, propitiation-minded pronouns. she/her age. immortal pantheon. hellenistic polytheism etymology. chthonic goddess sexuality. pansexual alignment. chaotic evil / neutral
relations. hades (father), persephone (mother), echidna (mother), zagreus (@oddyseas, brother), makaria (sister), bianca di angelo ( @infernocte, sister), aya akazwa (@serenaderain, sister), hekate (matron), morpheus (🔪)
height. 5'7" build. she will usually present herself as a nebulous shadow with only her eyes as a discernible feature, but her base form is lithe and toned. she has a white phantom forearm (left) that she keeps gloved. it's very bright, the only heavenly thing about her, but it is also translucent and exposes her ethereal skeleton. hair. ghostly white, typically short and slicked in streaks down her skull, but can sometimes be long and floating around chaotically, if the horror calls for it. eyes. varies. they could be cloudy grey and rotted, black like that chair in in the corner of your room when the lights are off, yellow like spider guts, or burning pits distinguishing markers. dogs barking at night, radio silence, a sudden drop in temperature, a dark face in the back of your eyelids, the sound of mourning criesscents. burning sage, saffron, grave dirt, the a&f store? idk whatever u loathe
abilities / skillset. * shape-shfting. less focused on concrete shapes than obscure and terrifying figures; however, this ability is also very much reflective of her environment and the person she is haunting. if their worst nightmare involves another person, she will embody that shape.
* dimensional travel. a very stealthy ghoul! there is nowhere you can hide if it's night and you are sleeping without protection. that's the in miss boogey woman needs to find you. however, she can also travel the axis mundi aka "the crossroads" between realms in the greek pantheon without restrictions and take others through those roads so long as they accompany her throughout. otherwise, they could get stuck in limbo there. (in her alt. sg hades verse she'll ultimately be able to travel the multiverse this way)
* possession. again, without protective measures or if someone is frightened enough to slip past the defense of their will, she and/or one of her ghosts can possess them and live within the confines of their mind like a parasite.
* combat skills. while stunning or deceiving enemies through visions and torturous encounters is her go-to method, melinöe is also a very capable fighter. you can consider her more of a rogue. she's a dual wielder and her weapons are usually a pair of crescent shaped sickles.
* magic phantom arm. allows her to shoot blasts of burning ectoplasm and cast simple entropy spells. it'll usually be gloved which dampens the effect, but when it isn't, and given enough time to boot it, she can nuke something. restrictions. * sensitivity to sunlight. she is incapable of being in the sun without extensive damage. it won't kill her, but she will be in agony and incapacitated, and hella pissed if she escapes. rooms with bright lights are also very annoying, she'll find a way to shut them off or dim them to scare someone, but also for her own comfort.
* protective tokens & practices. salt rings or salt along thresholds will keep her and her ghosts barred from entering a home, but melinöe may still be able to sneak in from a sleeping mind within that home, unless you have protective bells that will stir when she's near and wake them before she's found her way through. protective crystals and sage may also keep her from finding someone or dampen/cleanse her influence, but won't stop her from entering a room.
* combat. without her abilities at her disposal, she's more vulnerable to being overcome in combat. she won't be easy to take down, as she is fast and very precise, but in terms of the damage that she can take before being subdued, this is low and her weakest point.
themes. paint it black, ciara / boogie woogie wu, insane clown posse / bury a friend, billie eilish / mercy street, fever ray
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DOSSIER CHEAT SHEET. [ let's do this one last time . . . ]
LEGAL NAME : jesoluba jesiah amal eze [ a very religious yoruba name that he is extremely protective and secretive of . his first two names mean ' jesus is king ' and ' the lord exists ' , respectfully . he hasn't told anyone his full real name since adopting his moniker as a high school freshmen . he never plans to again due to a combination of how seriously he takes his faith , his culture and the ridicule he suffered from racially ignorant school children and communities growing up as a black / yoruba young man in london ] . NICKNAME[S] : kulta [ primary nickname , a chosen moniker that he exclusively goes by in friendly and even professional environments . it is a finnish name that means ' gold ' ] . king kulta / kulta king [ his chosen name / moniker in full ] . eshu-elegba [ literally do not ever call him this or even utter this name in his presence . this is the name of the yoruba crossroads deity that he made a deal with to gain his powers and fame . he is very strict about the fact that he is not the crossroads deity , but merely taking their place and paying back a debt . kulta can be summoned at the crossroads by this name , but again , being so religious , he believes saying it will summon the original deity and bring on some wicked onslaught ] . SPIDER TRICKSTER / CROSSROADS SPIDER / DEMON SPIDER [ " you rang ? " ] . jj / jay - jay [ in reference to his real name . exclusively for his parents , uncle and those bastard cousins that wanna claim him after his come up ] . DATE OF BIRTH : the twenty - fourth of october [ it should be mentioned that kulta follows the yoruba calendar and doesn't believe in western zodiacs or birth charts . instead , he recognizes his birth month as being dedicated to Ṣìgìdì - Òrìṣà of Òrún-Apadi, the realm of the unsettled spirits and the ghosts of the dead that have left Aye and are forsaken of Òrún-Rere (Heaven) ] . GENDER : cis man . PLACE OF BIRTH : london , england in the queens borough . [ his london has been split into boroughs similar to new york named after the monarchy ] . CURRENTLY LIVING : inter dimensional traveling tour bus . SPOKEN LANGUAGES : yoruba [ first language ] , fon , bariba , dendi , french , german [ conversational , taken in school ] , and english . EDUCATION : high school . HAIR COLOR : black . EYE COLOR : light brown . HEIGHT : 6'1" / 185.4 cm . WEIGHT : 168 lbs / 76.2 kg .
SIBLING[S] : none . PARENT[S] : anuoluwapo " anu " tiwa eze [ mother , alive ] . adebiyi amal eze [ father , alive ] . RELATIVE[S] : bamidele adisa eze [ paternal uncle , missing ] . CHILDREN : none . PET[S] : there's an orange cat with zero braincells that lives on the tour bus . kulta refuses to name it because he keeps telling his band they're not keeping it . it's been there for two years now .
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : he hates you , don't worry . RELATIONSHIP STATUS : as multiship as it gets but he's mean and noncommittal . SINCE WHEN : " you tryin t' marry me or something ? issa nice day for a white wedding , innit ? "
tagged by : @hatethepm + @fangwebs [ TY. KISSES FOR MY FRIENDS ] .
tagging : mostly everyone i know has been tagged , but if you haven't and you see this , i'm tagging you ! [ jk , special tag for the love of my life , @spidersiren ] .
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Scales of Eidolon - Session Eight
Fence briefly revisits with Ilvaia on the Burnished Mire, only to be met with arguments breaking out in the Inn. Ilvaia is able to quickly relay what she needs from you: Seek out her contact - a blue dragon - on the Sterling Reach and hand them a dossier she provides. She explains his name is Glaros and he would be studying Tuskarr customs to record for the Azure Archives.
Fence is rushed out the door as a cloaked figure descends the stairs into the Inn and the arguments start up again on departure.
Sterling Reach seemed to be bustling with unusual activity as Fence arrived, warmly welcomed by the Qayassiq Nation Leader, Elder Piheq.
She informed the Fence Macabre that they’ve arrived just in time for a special celebration to Karkut, a deity of Death they honor and respect. They learn the Kalu’ak also share in the same traditions!
Elder Piheq touched on the history of some of their traditions and beliefs - Karkut’s importance to the Tuskarr of guiding souls so they may not be lost, the crowded shrines of villagers and visitors paying respects, the excitement of young ones on the cusp of adulthood that get to choose their lifelong ice bear companion, the history of their culture adapting to the preservation and companionship of the island’s ice bears, and the ceremony of sparring to honor Karkut.
Fence is honored and pleased to join in the festivities as they are led to the top of the island to a ring set in front of a large monument to Karkut.
It is here that Fence gets fully into the ceremony - participating in sparring matches in the ring till first blood. The results end with Sylendrea winning against Royalle, Neil winning against Kavard, and Charlotte winning against Ilyssae.
It is shortly after the final match that Fence notices a tall Taunka in blue garb is standing in the back of the crowd, taking notes. It’s Glaros - the contact! Upon approach and some chatter, the Taunka gets skittish and flighty as he flees down the hill toward the Gleamcove.
Fence Macabre is quick to pursue where they find the Gleamcove filled with glistening gems that have even changed the very makeup of the wildlife living inside - in this case, being a few porcupines.
Eventually, Glaros is calmed and the dossier is handed over. The taunka apologizes and asks the Fence to join him for the final ceremony at the top of the island.
Approaching, everyone can hear all around the island as Fence witnesses the Qayassiq and their reunited Kalu’ak cousins joining together in song, lifting their voices to the aurora, the sky, and the ocean. The voices harmonize, singing together in their language as the beautiful melody makes hearts swell and eyes well. The joy, the sorrow, the hope in Tuskarr’s hearts are carried out into the night, to the ocean.
May peace be widespread, May the sea glisten Like greenstone And may the shimmer of light guide you. May peace be widespread Be widespread Now and forever more
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Lore Dossier #01: The Purpose of a Runeblade
The objective of this post, and others that I intend to add in the future, is to add coherent definitions to terms you'll see me use on my blog. This post in particular will focus on Runeblades: their history, their purpose, and just what about it is relevant to the way my character is written. While most of this information is taken directly from MapleStory 2's canon, a decent chunk of it is supplemented by headcanon. Think of it as my attempt to fill in the blanks for completely underdeveloped lore that had very interesting potential.
You may notice that I only sometimes capitalize Runeblade. It takes on a different context depending on whether or not it's being used as a proper noun. When using runeblade, without capitalization, I am referring to it as I would any other character class. While capitalized, however, Runeblade refers specifically to a member of Terrun Calibre.
So! What is Terrun Calibre? Simply put, it's the organization that the overwhelming majority of runeblades belong to (although not all-- note the lowercase!) It is both the heart of Calibre Island's military and the face of one of the two branches of its religion. Therefore, its leader is of great importance to the entire country and holds considerable political power.
Terrun Calibre is further broken up into two sects: those who follow the teachings of Jibricia, a shaman who is said to have perfected the knowledge of rune magic handed down to them by the gods, and those who follow the teachings of Pelgia, a legendary swordsman who developed sacred blade magic. The two joined together to found Terrun Calibre, a rallying cry and guardian force to watch over Calibre Island.
From the very beginning, they intended for their methods to become one. However, it's nearly impossible for the human body to withstand the full power of both rune magic and blade magic. The vast majority of those who attempt to master both are utterly destroyed. Therefore, all runeblades focus their training around one, and simply cover the basics of the other. There is a small genetic component to this, as many are born with a natural aptitude in one direction or the other. It's likely that only those with said aptitude have the ability to truly master either sect's teachings at all.
There are exceedingly rare few who are able to surpass this mortal limit and master both forms of magic. These extraordinary individuals are known formally as Rune Sages, although their incredible rarity sees them defined as mythology and nothing more.
Rune Sages are capable of fulfilling the original duties intended for Runeblades. Their otherworldly power allows them to commune directly with the divine and control ancient weapons capable of unfathomable devastation.
Instead of divine messengers, Runeblades are explicitly the custodians of their ancestors, known as the Baaz. While much of their influence has been lost over the centuries for various reasons (not least of which is the diminished and now isolated presence of the people of Calibre Island) their words and deeds are still seen as sacred, and the resting places of even the recently deceased are treated with extreme respect. Only a chosen few are even allowed to set foot into certain areas sanctified for or by the Baaz.
The other main branch of Calibre Island's religion, therefore, are the Rune Shaman who maintain their connection with the gods. Although their power pales significantly to that of the fabled Rune Sages, especially within the last century or so, their existence remains among the most ancient of Calibre Island's cultural identities. Their sacred charge is as important, if not more so, than that of the Runeblades. Through communion with the gods, they determine direction and policy for the entirety of the island. These gods can be thought of as powerful spirits rather than omnipotent deities, and their dominion ranges from spirits of the home, of paths, or luck, all the way to embodying the souls of mountains, oceans, and the sun itself.
It is entirely possible for those who have been trained in these deeply spiritual roles to forsake their duties or defect entirely. It's especially common for runeblades to become unaffiliated, as many who join Terrun Calibre do so in order to gain personal power. The promise of prestige as Calibre Island's elite military forces, as opposed to "standard" soldiers, calls more loudly to them than does the responsibility that comes with it. For these individuals, the potential strength of a runeblade's unique abilities often leaves them feeling frustrated and stagnant in their growth, as much of that power is derived directly from reverence of the Baaz. It's suggested that those who follow Jibricia's teachings are more likely to obtain that power, and Jibricia's origin as a shaman is likely involved. Historically, less Jibrician Runeblades abandon their duties, although there are also less Jibrician Runeblades to begin with.
Over the centuries, a bitter rivalry has sprung up between the Pelgian and Jibrician sects, and Jibricia's followers-- whether they follow that path by choice or by natural inclination-- tend to be looked down on and mistrusted by even those of the wider society. Whatever reasons exist for this, as is always the case for prejudice, none are valid. There have been movements in recent days to bridge the gap and restore equality, but the road has been difficult.
#Lore;#really long post. apologies.#Thank you for your consideration!#I've written this as much for myself as I have for others who might be interested.#note to self: edit later to include more details on the rune temple; runicta; rune titan; the first relic
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NICKNAME[S]: ito , mal , malo , wolf .
DATE OF BIRTH: the FIRST of NOVEMBER ( he shares a birthdate with the christian / catholic solemnity recognized as ALL SAINTS DAY . also referred to as ALL HALLOWS' DAY , the FEAST OF ALL SAINTS , the FEAST OF ALL HALLOWS , the SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS and HALLOWMAS . all saints day is a date where christians and catholics around the world honor all saints of the church deemed to have attained heaven . as a catholic nahua man , he doesn't celebrate his birthday out of both respect and superstition ) .
GENDER: cis man . uses he / him .
SPECIES: were - hound / hellhound hybrid .
PLACE OF BIRTH: cotija , michoacán , mexico .
ETHNICITY: afro - nahua and thai .
CURRENTLY LIVING: verse dependent . in his main / original verse , he lives in a ranch on his own five acres of land in his hometown . he also has a barn on his land that is currently unoccupied as he decides what kind of animals he wants to house .
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: nahuatl ( native language , preferred ) , spanish ( fluent , secondary ) , thai ( conversational / near fluent ) , english ( fluent , thick accent ) .
EDUCATION: home schooled from primary to high school . trade school . tattoo apprentice ( verse dependent ) .
RELIGION: catholic with some pagan traditions . believes in god , but is reconnecting with the nahua religion including the polytheism or worship of a pantheon of deities .
HAIR COLOR: black .
EYE COLOR: hazel .
HEIGHT: 6'9" / 206 cm — 7'2" / 219 cm .
WEIGHT: 310 lbs / 140.6 kg
SIBLING[S]: calyx ( half - brother , shared father ) .
PARENT[S]: malo xical ( mother ) , northern wind ( father ) .
RELATIVE[S]: expanded on in another post .
CHILDREN: none .
PET[S]: seven " dogs " ( wolfdogs / hellhounds ) . arturo ( male , age seven ) . fairuza ( female , age six ) . eva ( female , age five ) . feliz ( male , age three ) . fortuna ( female , age three ) . lourdes ( male , age two ) . lupe ( female , age six months ) .
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: verse dependent .
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short story i randomly made up just now
Slayer of the Court. It is an epic moniker, one that evokes gasps of awe and shrieks of 'the one who beguiles all before their ceaseless wit and grandeur!!!' from fellow nobles whenever the words slip from my mouth; stunning the masses into pure undulated terror. Like a puppet pulled by the machinations of an all-powerful deity, just the mention of his name alone is enough to divide the court in two; much like the Heavens and the Earth itself.
The whispers encircling my rather exasperated form from merely enquiring as to the true cadence of the noble who managed to acquire such a influential identity resulted in endless looks of disapproval and scorn. It is of the utmost reverence that I must give to one whom is able to withstand such withering glares for simply acquiring such a powerful status within the court.
However, when I managed to finally secure a brief encounter with the infamous Slayer himself- whose glimmering, expensive silken robes wager war with a rather economical approach to accessorizing - their blasé response of 'let's just say i got that from actually asking the needs of touchstarved nobles, is all. its nothing much' is of the utmost surprise.
How could the roots behind such a fearsome reputation be attributed to one of such an even temperament? How will I be able to unearth the legacy hiding behind such this alleged 'sorcerer of the heart'; when his very nature juxtaposes such a misleading and deceitful title- with him being the utmost paragon of humility, virtue and respect.
In this rather paltry-if not unfortunately, rather meager and dim-witted- 'dossier' of mine, I shall discuss...
#personal#writeblr#creative writing#im just saying . what if someone whose like a historical equivalent of 'gets bitches' had someone write a dossier of them#WHAT IS GOIN ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN#special archive
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multimuse roleplay (19+) & fanfic repository featuring original characters & fandom chars such as : ( call of duty : konig, soap, ghost, price ) ( hannibal : hannibal lecter ) ( dragon age : garrett hawke )
- tormented by deity
#call of duty rp#cod rp#hannibal rp#hannibal roleplay#indie fandomless rp#multimuse rp#dragon age rp#fantasy rp#indie horror rp#gothic lit rp#[ promo : self ]
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Character Bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character Part 1:
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: King/Queen Kana’i Akana or Atami Latu/Ataahua Akana:
Real Names:
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names:
Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atamai Latu/Alisi Latu.
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau
South American Indigenous Ameridian name: Cauã/Ceci Amaru Juruna
Asian name: Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei.
Afro-Latine name: Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa.
American/English name: Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.
Alien extraterrestrial name: Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin.
Demigod/Deity name: Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Ethnicity: Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native.
Racial Identity:
A mixed East Asian Japanese, American English, East Asian Chinese, and European British person of color
A South American Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean Afro Latine person of color.
Cultural Identity:
A Polynesian Hawaiian, Samoan, Marquesan, and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika of Oceania.
South American Baniwa and Embera Indigenous Ameridian of Colombia. South American Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina. South American Aymara Indigenous of Argentina, Bolivia, & Chile. South American Diaguita Indigenous of Chile and Argentina.
A Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Oceanic demigod
An alien Iuyamanian and Etanxiian extraterrestrial hybrid. They are a shapeshifter as an alien hybrid. They are queer and trans as someone Indigenous third gender. Their masculine, feminine, nonbinary genderless, and androgynous gender forms reflect that.
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid. Iuyumanians are warm blooded mammal aliens with orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped fur. Etanxiians are cold blooded reptilian and amphibian aliens with reptilian scales and avian feathers. Etanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this.
When he/she/they are in his/her/their transformed alien form without clothes or worn armor the reptilian/amphibious aspect of their heritage lets his/her/their male and female external genitalia become internal and his/her/their other genitalia merge with other aspects of himself to form a cloaca. The mammalian aspects of his/her/their heritage and fur highlight and define his/her/their body while at the same time providing discreet concealment. The reptilian aspect of his/her/their heritage provides him with natural armor as a result of scaled skin with a slightly iridescent sheen.
They as an alien hybrid received their powers naturally as a mutant through biological or genetic mutation.
Alien hybrid mutant with being a shapeshifter as mutation
Mutant who got other mutant powers through chemical mutation because of a super soldier serum injection with red, blue, green, & purple ooze in vials.
His alien hybrid mother and alien hybrid aunts and uncles as mutants received their mutant powers through temporal, esoteric, spacial, chaos, quantum, dimensional, or reality mutations.
As mutants they are immune to further mutations so chemical or biological weapons or infestation like Zerg, Flood, or Tyranids
Bionic/Cyborg as someone with firmware and software implants and bionic and cybernetic implants and enhancements.
Regular Human Height:
Depends on gender and gender identity.
He/she/they have transformed gender forms and untransformed gender forms.
He/she/they have a 5’10” and 5’11” male masculine untransformed form that identifies with he/him pronouns.
He/she/they have a 6’0” and 6’1” female feminine untransformed form that identifies with she/her pronouns.
He/she/they have a 6’2” and 6’3” nonbinary genderless untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of they/them.
He/she/they have a 6’4” and 6’5” nonbinary androgynous untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of xer/xers.
Super soldier height:
As a super soldier after experimentation and enhancement of the super soldier program:
Masc form: 6 feet
Femme form: 7 feet
In power armor:
Masc form: 7 feet
Femme form: 8 feet
Demigod Height:
Masc: 7 feet
Femme: 8 feet
Alien Form Height:
Masc: 9 feet
Femme: 10 feet tall
God/goddess true form: Tallest mountains or volcanoes with armor and weapons the size of skyscrapers.
Depends on gender and gender identity. 180 to 200+
Deity form: Metric tons.
Body Type:
Lean, tone, & athletic body type
Athletic, fit, graceful, lean, lithe, nimble, slim, slender, toned, willowy. Masculine alien hybrid form
Herculean, muscular, stocky, strapping, tall, towering, toned. Feminine alien hybrid form
Strongman physique for masc kane divine form
Built, muscular, statuesque, imposing, buff, & strong body type for wahine/vahine femme divine form
B,H,W or Bust, waist, hip measurement:
5’10” to 5’11”: 38/32/38
6'0” to 6'5”: 40/34/40
Human Form:
He/she/they like short hair styles.
He/she/they like the pompadour, clipper cut, pixie cut, or crew cut.
He/she/they like medium to long hairstyles
Afrocentric hairstyles of braids, twists, & dreadlocks
Fade haircut
Afro Hawk haircut
He/she/they have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is a sacred geometrical alien extraterrestrial symbol. The locs are braided with alien metal braids as an alien hybrid superhuman. The locs are beaded with divine wooden beads as a divine demigod metahuman. Some parts of the locs are dyed red, blue, purple, or green.
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when shapeshifting as a metamorph, changeling, or shapeshifter. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with alien metal bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads.
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with divine silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with divine bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads.
Hair texture: Fine, lush, luxuriant
Hair look/state: Brushed, voluminous, shiny
Alien Form:
Bundles of tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair similar to Yautja Predators or Zerg infested Sarah Kerrigan that are tied together in a long ponytail. His/her/their bioluminescent cord, tentacle, or tendril-like hair help with telepathy and empathy. They help them breathe, see, hear, & taste. These tendril-like hairs are braided with alien metal and divine wooden beads. This alien hair is an important link to their alien extraterrestrial culture. The tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair comes out of a head crest of his/her/their alien skull.
Hair color:
When not transformed: Black.
When transformed: white, red, gold, blue, green, or purple.
He/she/they have light brown, to dark brown, to black hair in his/her/their untransformed form
Facial hair: Permanently clean shaven cuz of an accident using an alien laser (from their alien hybrid mom’s alien grandmother) as a shaving razor as a teenager
Body hair:
Color: Black
Chest: none
Back: none
Arms: a lot
Legs: a lot
Eye color:
When not transformed: Dark Brown.
When transformed: white, gold, blue, green, red, or purple.
He/she/they have dark brown to black colored eyes.
Skin color: When not transformed: As an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native their skin tone is terra cotta, russet, ochre, sepia, or umber. Kissed by the sun.
When transformed: gold, blue, green, red, & purple.
Their bioluminescent skin absorbs solar radiation, lunar energy, cosmic energy, & natural energy to give them superhuman and supernatural strength, perception, endurance, speed, lifespan, intelligence, agility, senses, durability, reflexes, and flexibility. The absorbed solar radiation, cosmic energy, and lunar energy also powers their optic blasts, energy blasts, breath blasts, & flight as an alien hybrid
Middle aged. Has longevity as a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman with a supernatural and superhuman lifespan.
Born in the 22nd Century. Currently alive in the 60th century as a metahuman and superhuman
Libra Dog
Shoe Size: Depending on gender form size men’s 11 to 20 or women’s 10 to 20
Scar marks:
Healed scars from experimentation. Healed scars from torture and interrogation. Healed scars from self harm caused by mental illnesses.
Extra features:
Alien Form:
His/her/their transformed form has alien hair, skin, & eyes.
His/her/their transformed form’s body is covered in mammalian fur with stripes, avian feathers, and reptilian and amphibian scales (that covers his/her/their chest, back, arms, & legs).
His/her/their transformed form has webbed clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and webbed clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes.
His/her/their transformed form has a prehensile chimera tail that is covered in avian feathers and reptilian scales.
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Etanxiian alien hybrid.
Iuyumanians are bipedal warm blooded mammalian aliens. Iuyamanians have orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped mammalian fur. Iuyumanians have clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. Iuyamians have a prehensile tail. Iuyamanians have a lion-like mane, dire wolf-like lupine canines, lupine gray wolf-like ears, dire wolf-like snout, kitsune nine tailed fox demon-like whiskers, & retractable smilodon-like saber teeth. They have four eyes. They are bipedal and quadrupedal and are capable of running faster on four legs. They can reach speeds of up to 120 miles per hour and can run 80 miles per hour for hours.
Etanxiians are bipedal cold blooded reptilian, avian, & amphibian aliens with avian feathers, reptilian scales, and amphibian scales. They have reptilian scales, non-corporeal ethereal avian feathered wings that allows them to fly at 350 miles per hour. Etanxiians have webbed clawed reptilian hands and webbed clawed feet. Ethanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. Etanxiians have a reptilian prehensile lizard tail. They have three eyes. Etanxiians when in reptilian form have reptilian retractable serpentine fangs and forked tongue. When in avian form Etanxiians have a avian raptor beak, avian eyes that see near 360 degree vision, and avian raptor clawed feet with talons.
His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this.
Reactive Adaptation: They adapt constantly and get stronger when either pushed to the brink of death. They then heal after life threatening injuries thanks to their healing factor, superhuman healing, constitution, and durability. They are often revived after dying. They adapt constantly and get stronger when fighting someone equal or beyond their level. They adapt very quickly whether it be magical or energy based attacks. They steadily grow more powerful and efficient the more they struggle. They recover quickly from injuries. They adapt quickly when learning their opponents movements, strengths, strategies, weaknesses, and attack patterns. They then can read their next attack minutes or seconds ahead.
Dominant, potent, or latent genetics. The First Born or Scions or Etanxiians or Iuyamians. A race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics. They were advanced by a tier zero or tier one species of alien humanoids called the Titans, Primordials or First Ones who experimented with their dna or genetics on a species wide scale. The Iuyumanians and Ethanxiians can create offspring with other humanoid races. Those hybrid children can become just as powerful, if not more powerful, than their full alien humanoid parents. They are compatible with other alien humanoids, alien hybrids, divine beings, demigods, cyborgs or bionics, and augmented and enhanced humans.
Aquatic Form:
They have an aquatic bipedal form for swimming underwater that looks like a were shark. This form has mako shark skin on their body, magical elemental hair made out of seawater, mako shark fins on their body, great white shark fin on their back, webbed clawed feet, webbed clawed hands, seven inch megalodon like teeth in their mouth, bull shark gills on their neck and chest, tiger shark stripes on their arms and legs, glowing blue eyes, kaluga fish fins on their face, blue and green sturgeon like fish scales on their body, a great white shark tail, whale shark spots on their chest and back, & a humanoid merfolk or triton like face. They have glowing bioluminescent skin. They have glowing ethereal Atlantean tattoos and Atlantean characters on their bodies.
They have Indigenous Pasifika tattoos on their face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. They wear Indigenous Pasifika jewelry such as bracelets, rings, & necklaces. They wear shark tooth necklaces. They wear Atlantean steel combat armor decorated with sea turtle, manta ray, shark, & dolphin designs. Their weapons are Atlantean swords, axes, spears, clubs, & war hammer made out of atlantean steel. They rule with a five pronged quident made out of Atlantean steel and a circlet of power made out of precious metals and decorated with gemstones. These weapons are enchanted with arcane elemental magical water and serrated with seven inches long megalodon shark teeth. They can swim up to 200 miles per hour.
As a Bionic/Cyborg:
Cybernetic Implants:
Bionic Enhancements:
Cybernetic and bionic implants for superhuman senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, & sight
Electromagnetic spectrum for superhuman vision including ability to sense gamma radiation, microwaves, x rays, & radio waves
Weapons implanted in a bionic arm or leg
Sensors for biometric analysis for lie detection
A built in net connection at any location that has wifi
Storage compartments in a bionic limb
Built in armor around vital organs
Ballistic, plasma, energy, laser: bullet and arrow dodging through a sensor detects incoming projectiles
Cooling or heat radiating mechanism that allows the implantee better heat or cold resistance
Sensors that can pick up RF or electrical activity
Configurable vocal tract that can emulate the voices of others well enough to fool voice print recognition systems.
Voice synthesizer to imitate another's voice and/or other sounds.
Computer riding shotgun in the visual cortex that looks for patterns and movements humans don't easily notice that functions as a counter to most forms of camouflage.
Internal oxygen supply with hours of breath in an oxygen deprived area. Refills using the implantee's breaths at the same rate as usage.
A targeting computer that can fire a weapon much more quickly and accurately.
The ability to plug in a micro-manipulator arm that can perform very delicate repairs
The ability to plug into a powerful exoskeleton of power armor or frame of a mech suit
Replacement nervous system is immune to the effects of electric shocks
Has many mod slots for upgrading and customizing nano machines, cyberware, cybernetic implants, & bionic enhancements
Brain computer interface that allow uploading and downloading data
Can plug in to hack holographic computers, holographic smartphones, holographic televisions, & other electronics through cybernetic and bionic fingers
Transfer their consciousness to another suitably equipped body
Co-processor built in computer with software that can carry out numerical computations. Other domain-specific AI (e.g. voice recognition, pattern recognition) that can carry out much better than an unmodified brain can.
Hive consciousness: brain can tap into a network of other, similarly equipped brains (where reception is available) and can share skills or knowledge in some manner.
Human metal and alien metal enhanced and augmented skeleton for supernatural strength, endurance, and durability. Almost impossible to break bones. Combined with other cybernetic and bionic enhancements.
Carbon nanotube bone augmentation for near unbreakable bones.
Metal reinforced joints for supernatural agility, flexibility, speed, & reflexes
Nanorobot muscle cell augmentation
Muscle reinforcement and enhancement for increased strength, reflexes, stamina, durability, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility
Microchip implants that allow fast diagnosis and monitors health in real time
Ability to grow metal claws over their biological claws
Has nanomachines for supernatural healing
Holographic Skin that can change elements of appearance: skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.
Active Camouflage for invisibility by bending light with a field of energy. Active camo that is able to render the user invisible or nearly invisible, to the naked eye. Also works against many forms of electronic scanning. The active camouflage warps light around the user's body in such a fashion that surfaces behind the user are visible through the user's body.
Smart camo that blends in with the environment with camouflage that after coming into contact with almost any surface replicate both its pattern and texture. Multiple surfaces could be mimicked at the same time. Works against thermal scanning.
Cybernetic eyes with Cortical Implant with night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision, ultraviolet vision, etc.
Internal Weapon Bay with compartments for hidden weapons.
Neural interface to download information from a digital store.
Cyber and bionic brain with implanted external memory
Modified brain to have a better sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste, & touch.
Enhanced legs with greater speed, agility, flexibility, & stealth capabilities.
Sub-dermal plating with armor that protects against tissue damage.
Dermal carbon nanotube to make skin highly resistant to damages.
Increased density of fast-twitch muscles to increase reaction time
Increased nerve density to grant better body control and higher degree of dexterity.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories with stimulants, drugs, medicine, etc.
Bionic heart with increased endurance, stamina, constitution.
Bionic liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. with immunity to most poisons, drugs, & alcohol.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell.
Chemical sensors to give targeted ultra sensitive smell and taste
Ultrasound sonar to aid vision and let the user see inside things.
Tiny magnetic crystals attached to neurons so the user can feel magnetic and electric fields like a shark.
Subdermal micro machines that can restructure the user's face making them look like anyone they want at will.
Extra rods and cones to allow for greater perception of color, modified rods and cones to see into the infrared or ultraviolet, reflective layer at the back of the eyes (like cats) for user to have better night vision.
Small mechanical heart that kicks in at full power during times of stress/exertion
Modified ears to hear better.
Shockskin. It's a layer of capacitors and conductors implanted just under the skin. It is arrayed in a lattice over prosthetics. It administers an electrical shock to people they touch with it if activated.
Shock nodes on legs, knees, knuckles, & elbows for unarmed combat
Increased clotting to help staunch wounds
Decreased pain sensitivity
Prosthetic cybernetic or bionic eyes with immunity to over-stimulation from bright lights or stun weapons like flashbangs
Prosthetic eyes capable of linking up with a "smart-link" weapon scope
Bionic and cybernetic enhanced brain capable of “full immersion diving" while on the internet, computers, or brain hacking.
Bionic and cybernetic brain capable of bio scans with upgraded firewalls to prevent brain hacks
Bionic brain with upgrades to enhance any type of hacking/brain hacking
Blood/organ nanites to help the immune system and help repair damaged cells, tissue, & organs as necessary.
Nano technology allows a faster and safer healing process and an enhanced immune system.
Auto-releasing implanted drug suppositories (combat stimulants, medicine, stimpacks, pain suppressants, etc.).
Internal bladders of drugs to be released on mental command, ranging from painkillers, to insulin, to berserker combat enhancers.
Homing devices for tracking targets
Extra metal limbs. Other than summoning extra magical ethereal limbs to hold several weapons in combat. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and or interface using high speed wireless. They have extra metal limbs for faster inventing or lab testing as a scientist. When out of power armor they can interface with extra metal limbs by wireless connections for combat or to help when inventing, engineering, science, creating etc.
Metal wings. There are a wide variety of additional limbs you can interface with. It has the same selection as prosthetics. They are especially of use to those who want to have the benefit of cybernetics or bionics but wouldn't give an arm and a leg for it. They are attached usually in a non-invasive manner. With harnesses and electro-adhesive pads, and interface using high speed wireless.
Super soldier (ways super soldiers are made in the cyberpunk science fiction near future and far future: cybernetic implants, bionic enhancements, alien plants, nanites, growth hormones, organs harvested from aliens, & super soldier serums)
Assigned female at birth or AFAB
Non Binary
Mahu/Fakaleiti/Fa'afafine Indigenous Pasifika Third Gender of Oceania
Third gender of Amerindian Indigenous people of South America
Gender Identity:
Nonbinary Bigender or Genderfluid
Has both male and female genitalia
Sexual Orientation:
Regular pronouns: He/him, She/her, they/them. Neopronouns: Xer/xers. Ze/hir. Indigenous Pasifika: Oña
South American Indigenous Colombian spirituality
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika pagan.
Jaothean alien polytheistic pagan religion
Autistic as someone with autism
ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder, & hyperlexia.
Addiction Disorders:
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu is a recovering addict and alcoholic. They used to use alien and magical drugs and alcohol as a metahuman and superhuman to deal with abuse and trauma. He/she/they is a former alcoholic who drank magical alcohol meant for demigods, gods/goddesses, & titans. He/she/they used magical drugs meant for magical spellcasters. They used magical alcohol meant for magical humanoids such as fae elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblinoids, & giantkin. He/she/they drank Spirit, Myth, & Devil’s Tongue. He/she/they were a former addict who used alien drugs meant for metahumans and superhumans. He/she/they used drugs meant for cyborgs and bionics. He/she/they used alcohol meant for alien hybrids and aliens. He/she/they were addicted to Blaze, Nitro, Supernova, Nightfall, Burnout, & Light Speed.
Chronic Illnesses:
They have several chronic illnesses. The main character for the near future and far future cyberpunk science fiction superhero character has real world chronic illnesses that affect their superpowers. They also have alien chronic illnesses and mystical chronic illnesses that affect them as a demigod and alien hybrid. They have chronic illnesses that affect their skin or eczema. They have gastro intestinal chronic illness of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc. They have a neurological chronic illness of epilepsy. They were diagnosed as a child, preteen, and or teenager. Was hospitalized, diagnosed, and treated when it first happened. Took magical fantasy medication to treat conditions. Based on magical versions of our western and eastern medicine. They take medication for their chronic illnesses regularly every day in the morning, noon, & at night after eating breakfast, lunch, & dinner. They drink a lot of water daily to combat medications' side effects and to regulate their body. Their chronic illnesses was inactive for a while. They have had several remissions throughout life. They see several human and alien specialist doctors throughout the year a few times a month annually. They dropped out of college when the chronic illness remission got severe and their medical condition got bad. They left school to deal with disabilities of autism, neurodivergence, chronic illness, mental illness affected by said illness, & their prosthetic limbs. Went back to school to finish degrees after medical conditions got better. Affects their daily life as a superhero. Their autism, neurodivergence, chronic illnesses, mental illnesses, and prosthetic limbs affect their daily life.
Mental Illnesses:
Depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, schizophrenia, BD or bipolar disorder, BPD or borderline personality disorder, DID or dissociative identity disorder, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war.
Disfigured by a hard-light sword wielded by a female alien super soldier who fought for the Earth Space Military
Later had their right arm replaced with a bionic and cybernetic prosthetic arm
Later had his/her/their left eye replaced with a cybernetic and bionic prosthetic eye.
He/she/they have a hard light and plasma burn scar from the top of his/her/their eyebrow to the bottom of his/her/their cheek.
Hypersexual as a result of the trauma being a survivor of rape, abuse, assault, & domestic violence at the hands of three abusive exes (four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei) who were their ex fiances. Want to reclaim autonomy so they have sex on their own terms.
As a result of abuse and trauma:
It was similar to what happened to Indigenous Pasifika in those haole sanctioned schools in Oceania and Indigenous people in the residential schools in turtle island
Kidnapped in front of their childhood friends as their friends ran to call the aid of their Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid parents.
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped, exploited, and enslaved from their indigenous lands) from their home in Polynesia
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped exploited and enslaved from their indigenous lands) by metahuman and superhuman traffickers
Blackbirded and forced to mine alien ore on colonized terraformed planetoids, asteroids, and comets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Blackbirded and forced to pick alien planets on alien crop plantations on colonized terraformed alien moons and planets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Human and alien non native settlers took advantage of their illiteracy of certain alien languages as a demigod and alien hybrid child.
They were forced to pray to their gods instead of their own
They were captured and taken to a place where metahumans and superhumans like them were forcibly assimilated by human and alien traffickers for the illegal space black market
They were forced to speak their tongue instead of their own language
Their long hair as a Afro Latine and Asian Pasifika was forcibly cut and they were forced to wear unfamiliar and uncomfortable clothes to condition them
Generational trauma of Samoan, Tongan, and Hawaiian ancestors and Amerindian Indigenous of South America who went through similar things on earth because of English and Spanish settlers
Experimented on by the scientists of the settler colonizer government of earth as part of a black project on a black site to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier till they were a young adult
They were denied food and water to break them and to discourage others from rebelling against them as he/she/they were seen as the leader and protector of the others as the oldest
When rebellion and escape was thwarted they were interrogated and tortured
Gladiatorial pit fighter that fought magical and alien humanoids, beasts, creatures, animals, & monsters for the enjoyment of rich human and alien elite on an alien planet
Escaped and became a rebel soldier later rebel leader who fought against terra government once they learned Earth was responsible
Captured and tortured by Earth and Terra government
Brainwashed and mind controlled to become a metahuman and superhuman super soldier for the Terran Dominion space military to conquer worlds to expand earth’s dominion and hegemony over several solar systems and a few galaxies
Fought in proxy wars across Asia, Europe, Africa Oceania, Australia, and the Americas as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a child until they were a preteen
Fought in proxy wars in many planets, several star systems, and a few galaxies as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a teenager until they were a young adult
Fought against Earth and the Terran Dominion after they were free through telepaths and empaths of the rebel army from the mind control and brainwashing (by human and alien telepaths and empaths of the Terran military)
Is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result and repercussion of him/her/them leading the rebellion, revolution, civil war, and insurrection against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. Most were able to escape Earth, seek asylum in neighboring solar systems, or go into hiding in outer rim galaxies.
Unfortunately the consequences for Valeria Garcia, Joanna Jacobson, & Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu, the leaders (of the insurrection, revolution, civil war, and rebellion) unfortunately are more severe.
He/she/they were told if they returned home to Oceania or South America as an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native they would be assassinated (by spec ops and black ops paramilitary operatives or military supersoldiers) or captured (and imprisoned on a black site prison planet) by the occupying settler government of Earth.
After the creation of the Federation composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems most were allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Confederation.
Brainwashed, conditioned, & mind controlled to become a supervillain without their consent
Became an antihero out necessity yet didn’t agree with the current superhero ideology
Chose to become a superhero out of their own choice and agency
As a demigod and alien hybrid he/she/they went through many demanding and grueling trials even for a metahuman and superhuman to become a champion and hero. After completing them once they died as a mortal they were given divinity and became a full god/goddess/third gender deity
Died several times. Few as a demigod. Few as an alien hybrid. Resurrected a few times.
Died stopping a super weapon from being fired stopping the Terrran Hegemony from committing intergalactic genocide. The reason they died stopping the super weapon is. The super weapon was going to be fired by the Terran hegemony/dominion/empire to commit intergalactic genocide to get a few star systems or a galaxy to surrender to them. They were sent to destroy it by a self-destruct button on a console deep inside the facility of the super weapon. The terran dominion/empire got wind of this and sent an agent to destroy it. Making them destroy it manually with a bomb. They died weaponizing the warhead and destroying the super weapon. Died stopping the Galaxy Buster.
When they died they were buried in a metal coffin to be shot out into space after a military funeral as a former super soldier.
One of their alien spouses and partners who can fly using solar radiation picks up the coffin after using a star fighter. She flies out to the star system (of her home giant planet) that has a few suns, several moons orbiting each planet, & many planets orbiting the suns. She puts the spacecraft on autopilot and sets a flight path around the orbits of the stars, moons, & planets. She puts them inside a power armor with a jetpack. She proceeds to take them out of the coffin and opens up the cargo bay. She then has them absorb solar radiation, lunar rays, & cosmic energy from her star system to revive him/her/them by inputting the orbit to the ai of their personal power armor suit.
After absorbing all these rays, energy, & radiation they are revived but also dangerously supercharged from all the excess energy and radiation. Like a few hundred percent more than normal as a demigod and alien hybrid. They were like a mini star about to go supernova. Their hair, eyes, skin, hands, feet, & mouth were blazing with energy. Optic blasts from their eyes, breath blasts from their mouth, & energy blasts from their hands were radiating with power. The power armor suit was able to absorb some of the excess energy to overcharge the defense and offense abilities of the suit but not enough to absorb all of the excess energy. Thinking that an enemy force comes to fight them, seeing them, their alien spouse and partner, & knowing some parts of their alien hybrid ancestry as a result of being an enemy of their alien hybrid mothers people. And the revived demigod and alien hybrid proceeds to fight them to burn the rest of this energy.
Died from stopping a large meteorite from destroying a space frigate. Kanaloa Hawaiian God of the Underworld in some more modern reimaginings. He is a student of Milu. He revived him/her/them. He/she/they met him in a metaphysical trial since he is a god of the underworld. It was a trial of reflection since he asked him/her/them to be introspective in this trial.
Died fighting for the rebel army against them once they were freed by allies that the ship cruiser frigate corvette or battle cruiser they were on was shot by plasma or laser batteries or cannons that shot them out into space and they died from lack of oxygen. The power armor suit was locked by the AI and it wasn’t permanent death but it does count as they were clinically dead for several minutes. Also has consequences on them physically mentally and emotionally after since death shouldn’t be a simple thing even for a demigod and alien hybrid character. A dream-like trial occurs in the afterlife before they come back to life. Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of birth, talks to them in the afterlife to help their rebirth.
They were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods and goddesses. The being was sent to destroy a county by enemy gods and goddesses upon hearing their demigod existence. It was sent by the Norse as a rival pantheon. It was sent as a result of Odin, old king of the Norse gods, learning the relationship between the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid and their Norse demigod partners. The partners being Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) and Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya). He/she/they sacrificed themselves by overloading their alien hybrid and demigod powers to destroy the monster to save a county in a colony of indigenous and citizens of color that were targeted when it was sent to find him/her/them.
They were revived by being placed in a healing vat or regeneration tank full of blue, purple, & green liquids that healed them as an alien hybrid. The healing vat also had nanites that repaired, upgraded, & customized their cybernetic and bionic implants and enhancements.
They were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metals in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor. The power armor’s weak point was exposed by an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. The javelin was thrown from across the battlefield. After it pierced their armor it exploded. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil.
When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them when they were alive, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life.
Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, and magic when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
Main System:
Kana’i Akana or Atamai Latu/Ataahua Akana or Alisi Latu
Plural Systems:
Goes his/her/their South American Indigenous Ameridian name:
Cauã/Ceci Juruna
Goes by his/her/their Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika names:
Hawaiian name: Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana
Tongan name: Atami Latu/Alisi Latu.
Samoan name: Enele/Fiva Tofilau
Goes by his/her/their Asian name:
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei.
Goes by his/her/their Afro Latine name:
Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa.
Goes by an English name:
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.
Goes by an Alien name:
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin .
Goes by demigod and later god/goddess name:
Makoa Kalani/Kamalani Kalani.
Some of these are reclaimed words that they use to take away power from those who discriminate them like marginalized communities with certain slurs
As an alien hybrid superhuman:
Gene snatcher, xeno
As a demigod metahuman:
False ones, half breed, cast off, outcast.
As a bionic/cyborg:
Rust dick, bolt brain, tin man’s bitch, cyber bastard, oil bag, socket fucker, bot, toaster, clicker, beeper, tin man, can opener, assisted, chip head, half fleshbag, scrap ass, tin tits, augmented, Siri, beep boop, Cortana, gear boy/girl, computer, calculator, toy soldier, clanker, wind up, scrap heap, cog, nuts and bolts, chrome dick, metal mind, chrome dome, droid, & wire head
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