#definitely experimented with the colouring
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amutamika · 3 days ago
Shang Qinghua had spend a week producing and perfecting the talisman that now concealed Mobei Jun‘s demonic features and also made it nearly impossible for anyone else to remember his features after they passed on by. All this trouble just so his sect siblings wouldn’t ask so many questions if they happened to see them walking together through the bustling streets of a nearby town during the summer festival.
Neither Mobei Jun nor Shang Qinghua liked crowded places like this, but they both had wanted to visit the festival. Shang Qinghua wanted to show Mobei Jun around and give him the full experience of humans. He wanted to show him more than just his little room. On the other hand, Mobei Jun wanted to take Shang Qinghua on a date. He had heard that dates were something humans liked, even though he wasn‘t quite sure what exactly made a date different from a normal meeting.
And now they were going side by side through the bustling streets. Both trying really hard to not lose the other in this crowd. Which was definitely easier for Shang Qinghua, with the ice demon prince being tall enough to spot him from afar even in this crowd. All around them were chatter and laughter, the street vendors calling to get the attention from passer-by’s, street performers singing, dancing an playing on instruments so that the cheerful people around them might be lured into opening their wallets. Every street was colourful and filled with the warm light of hundreds of lanterns, while the warm summer night slowly descended upon them turning the sky into an inky black, with thousands of little sparkles adorning it.
They had eaten spicy hot pot at one stand, savouring the hearty flavours while chatting about mundane things. It would have felt so incredibly normal if not for this glint in Mobei Jun‘s eyes, showing how exciting and new everything was for him. Shang Qinghua had nearly lost himself in those dark eyes, that usually were as still as a frozen lake but now gleamed with warmth and curiosity, on several occasion. And now they were walking side by side, close enough so that there body’s grazed each other itch every step. It made Shang Qinghua feel warm and giddy being so close to Mobei Jun.
They had become comfortable around each other, easing up and even starting to trust one another. Since this one mission where he had to till the field and help with repairs for a the better part of a whole moon, their relationship had changed. There weren‘t merely spy and king anymore. But that was a thing that happened long before that mission. And so Shang Qinghua was unsure what their relationship really was. Were they friends? Or maybe… He quickly abandoned that thought, banishing it to the back of his mind.
Mobei Jun had also felt the change. If it had been a weird and sometimes even unpleasant feeling having someone so close, Mobei Jun felt uneasy now when his spy wasn‘t by his side or if he hadn’t seen him for a while. He yearned for his touch, his smile, his laugh, his gently eyes, and his curly hair every time he had to leave An Ding Peak. The demon prince knew that those rising feelings were complicated, and that he shouldn’t indulge in them, but where was the harm as long as no one knew. Why shouldn’t he enjoy these sweet moments? Not even the recipient of his tender feelings knew about them, so why shouldn’t he indulge himself just a little?
“Wait a second,“ Shang Qinghua said and vanished from the demon prince‘s side without further explanation. Just to appear just as suddenly as he had left with two sticks of fruits covered in clear sugar in his hands. He handed on of the tanghulu to Mobei Jun with a smile. “Try this. It is incredibly delicious even though it is just fruits with extra sugar.“ Shang Qinghua had already stuffed his cheeks with a first bite. The hardened sugar glaze cracking under his teeth, letting the sweet and fresh fruit juice graze his taste buds. For a moment, he closed his eyes relishing in the mix of incredible sweetness and acidic freshness. Mobei Jun couldn‘t help looking at this smaller man‘s lips, that were glazed with sugar and fruit juice, tinted in a soft red. They looked even tastier than the tanghulu in his hands, these blush petals more enticing than the fresh berries on the stick. He instinctively leaned down a bit, drawn in by the soft curve of these plumb lips.
But as Shang Qinghua opened his eyes again, the magic was broken and he quickly straightened his back again, his ears flushed in a bright red. Luckily for him the shine of the lanterns hid the redness of his ears from the human man. Needing to distract his mind he bit into the tanghulu in his hand. It was really tasty. But he couldn’t enjoy the taste as much as Shang Qinghua had done, his mind way to occupied with the question if the young mans mouth would have the same taste now, or if it was much sweeter and addicting than the sugar and the fruits.
„Shan Qinghua?“ a voice asked out of the crowed with confusion clearly noticeable in it. Shang Qinghua‘s face froze. They had actually been spotted by someone from his sect. Without thinking - and also forgetting that no one would recognise Mobei Jun - he grabbed the wrist of the demon next to him and bolted to a narrow alley not far from them. Dragging Mobei Jun behind him, he tried to escape from the voice that had now become quite a few. But just vanishing in a side alley didn‘t help because for some reason the voices perused them. Shang Qinghua ran with Mobei Jun in tow from one alley to the next, still holding his wrist tight in his hand, until he thought they had finally gotten rid of these pesky sect siblings of his.
He was out of breath and his chest was raising heavily, meanwhile Mobei Jun didn‘t seem affected at all. „Sorry… I panicked,“ he admitted with an awkward smile. “It‘s okay. I understand your fear of getting found out,“ Mobei Jun reassured him with a soft smile, countering the awkwardness of the smile across from him. Shang Qinghua blushed profusely and just opened his mouth to respond as…
„I think, they went this way,“ a voice, clearly one of An Ding‘s disciples, echoed through the alley. And for. Second time this evening Shang Qinghua panicked. Using the wrist he was still holding he pulled Mobei Jun close. But he miscalculated his strength or Mobei Jun’s willingness to get dragged again by him, because instead of just pulling him closer, Mobei Jun’s body crashed against his, pressing him against the wall behind him. Shang Qinghua gulped and wanted to push Mobei Jun gently away again, but the demon prince towered over him, imprisoning the human between the wall and his body. He leaned down, his in black hair falling around them and concealing their faces.
As the pursuers turned into the alley, they nearly stumbled over each other. From what they were seeing, a pair was intimately intertwined with each other. There was no way that that was their antisocial head disciple Shang Qinghua. They stumbled backwards, their faces blushing. „How indecent,“ one of them muttered before they all fled from the this openly shown demonstration of affection.
Not that Shang Qinghua would have noticed, because all he could think about was this ice cold body pressed against his way too hot one. They were so close that their breaths tangled between them. The inky waterfall of hair had shut the world outside out and right there, right now, there were only the two of them. Shang Qinghua‘s heart was drumming against his ribcage, trying to flee from it‘s prison and to nestle itself in Mobei Jun‘s hands where it belonged. His mind was blank as he opened his mouth to say something, find another excuse. To do something just to break this loaded silence. But not even a single sound escaped his lips.
Mobei Jun, too, didn‘t know what to do, nor what he was actually doing, pressing Shang Qinghua against the wall like that. He just knew that he didn‘t want this moment to end. Shan Qinghua looked like panicked prey, his eyes racing. But the blush on his cheeks made Mobei Jun hope that he didn‘t dislike this situation. His breath turned heavy and hot. Every hair of his body stood in alert. If he could just lean in, get even closer. It was then that Shang Qinghua opened his mouth without uttering a word. His lips looked even more enticing in the dim light of this small world behind his hair.
Mobei Jun couldn‘t hold back anymore. He leaned down, catching those soft petals between his. He never had kissed anyone before, so he didn‘t close his eyes as he leaned down. So he saw how Shang Qinghua‘s eyes widened, before they closed and his body relaxed. The tanghulu stick sliding out of Shang Qinghua‘s hand, falling to the ground. But neither of them paid their mind to that. The only thing they both could think about was the other. He really tastes sweeter than the tanghulu, was what Mobei Jun was thinking as he closed his own eyes to engulf himself completely in the moment. Shang Qinghua had opened his mouth some more, practically asking Mobei Jun to deepen the kiss. Without further ado, he let his tongue join with Shang Qinghua‘s, pressing against it and drawing a sweetheart whimper from the smaller man‘s throat. Their teeth crashed into each other, but they both didn‘t care. Shang Qinghua had wrapped his arms around Mobei Jun‘s neck, while the demon prince had grabbed the human‘s waist so firmly that he surely left red marks on the delicate skin beneath his robed.
It was a kind of clumsy kiss, both of them inexperienced and awkward. So it didn‘t last long before they had to break the kiss to catch their breath. They were both heaving, their faces burning, while their eyes searched for the other‘s filled with uncertainty what exactly had happened. But neither of them could hold the exe contact, so they both looked away in a bashful manner.
Mobei Jun was the first one to clear his throat, stepping back to give Shang Qinghua space. With that the drape of hair gave them free, reminding both of them that there was a world outside. A word where a human and a demon weren‘t supposed to kiss in an alleyway during a summer festival.
„I…“ they both started at the same time. It made Shang Qinghua giggle. “Well, that was a good idea to get them off our backs. They really would never imagine me, kissing such a beauty in broad,“ he stopped for a second before continuing with a crooked grin on his face, „… in broad night light.“ It seemed that even Mobei Jun found that joke so bad that he had to chuckle. They didn‘t have to talk about the kiss, the implications that it brought or if it had consequences. They could just use the excuse of using it as a method of distraction. Neither of them was mad about the fact, that the other just took this excuse and ran with it. They were just teenage boys. Mobei Jun wasn‘t quite sure about what exactly he was feeling. And Shang Qinghua wasn‘t sure if his favourite character really was interested in him or just acted in the spur of the moment. Either way, he felt just happy that he had the chance to kiss him.
They didn‘t bring the kiss up ever again. It felt more like a sweet dream in a warm summer night laced with the fresh taste of fruits and the sound of a bustling festival in the background. They didn‘t kiss either for a long, long time. But after that night, they grew even closer, the touches they shared filled with such tender care and the gazes they exchanged where embellished with feelings they didn‘t dare to speak out loud. Not that these two young man noticed these things about the other. They were way to concerned about their own hearts and feelings to catch the growing fondness of the other.
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A loooong continuation
TW medical injuries and shit from Danny being experimented on and being a teen hero with no support. Also I shit talk superman because that's something I do
Tim: Danny?
Danny, looking up from the tech he snagged when everyone's back was turned: Hm?
Tim: You said you were vivisected. Can I check on your wounds?
Danny, shrugging and setting aside his new toy: Sure, there's not much you can do for them. My blood eats through most things
Tim: That's concerning, but I'd still like to see for myself. I can also get whatever you need
Kon, chuckling across the room: He's basically our sugar daddy
Bernard, from the kitchen: Damn right! And we deserve it!
Tim, pouting: I'm not a sugar daddy, I just want you to have whatever I can give you. I know I'm a hard person to get along with...
Kon, warning: Tim. If you keep talking bad about yourself, me and Bernard are going to be aggressively affectionate til you stop. Danny will be so embarrassed by the PDA
Bernard: We should sound proof the apartment. I doubt Danny wants to hear us in private either
Danny, disgruntled and grossed out: Superhearing does such when your parents have an active sex life. I tried to sneak out and get across town anytime the Fentons finally left their lab for ... I don't even want to think it
Tim, typing something on his phone: We'll try not to traumatize you more than you already are. I'll have ours and your room soundproofed before the end of next week.
Kon, also disgruntled and grossed out: Man, I wished Lois and Clark did that
Tim, putting his phone away: Now. We got off topic. Show me your wounds. I need to know if they're healing properly with my own two eyes or I'm not going to be able to sleep
Bernard, stepping into the doorway, huffing: He barely sleeps as it is
Danny is still disgruntled, but complies by taking his sweater off. Timberkon are surprised and mortified by the number of scars littering his paler than health skin and disturbed by the half healed surgical wounds. Most are small, obviously sampling and testing, but the worst ones are the Y and I autopsy incisions, the roughness of them telling of how Danny was definitely wake and not sedated when they happened. Tim instantly starts checking them over, careful to explain everything he does as he cleans and bandages them. The green tint had made the adults panic, thinking the wounds were infected, but Tim quickly realizes that's normal and Kon and Bernard calm when Tim calms. Danny doesn't know what to do with an adult being so panicked over him, so he just lets it happen to see what happens.
Tim: I'm guessing the green is normal for you?
Danny, carefully patting his shiny new bandages: Hm? Oh! Yeah, ectoplasum is usually green. It can technically be other colours, but it's much rarer. Mine actually got even greener when I became King-
Bernard: You're a king? Of where?? How did that happen??
Danny, awkwardly putting his sweater back on: I fist fought the old king and won to save my town... I didn't know that's how the Infinity Realms chooses a king
Tim: That.... you know what? I can see it. You seem completely like the type to accidentally become a king.
Danny, blushing: I uh actually accidentally became sort of a baby god? I'm only considered to be 2 y/o by other infinity realm people
Danny, suddenly looks scared of himself: I don't even count as a toddler. My powers are only going to continue to grow. If my Kryptonian half dies, I don't know what would happen. I can barely control myself now! I-I-I-
Kon, zooms over to Danny: Hug?
Danny nods and leans into Kon's open arms. As Tim and Bernard start soothingly rubbing his back and petting his wild hair, the adults are mildly amused that they're already falling into a pattern when it comes to comforting Danny. Danny is just melting to be getting affection after years of neglect and worse when it comes to adults who are suppose to care for him. Danny wants to be pissed at CW for depriving him those adults who care, but ultimately is too tired to even try, especially when he knows he wouldn't be who he is now without living the life he did. So Danny gives CW a pass because he gets it and knows the Ancient of Time does care about him in his own way.
Kon, once Danny has calmed down: I'm proud of you, kid. You have had an unfair lot in life, with way too much responsibility for a 2 or 16 y/o, but you're doing your best.
Tim: And we'll help you as long as you want us to. Kon and I have plenty of hero connections to help you train and control your powers.
Bernard: What... um, you don't have to tell us, but what are your weaknesses you know about?We all occasionally get dragged into occult stuff and it'd be good to know what we need to keep far away from you. I accidentally made both of these guys have an allergic reaction towards the beginning of our relationship because I came home and didn't know I needed to decontaminate before trying to hug or kiss them.
Tim, explains at Danny's bewildered expression: Kon has an allergic to kryptonite and I'm not actually allergic to anything, I'm just missing my spleen and could die if you expose me to too many germs.
Kon, chuckles: He nearly sent Tim to the hospital because he didn't shower after chasing leads all day in the worst parts of town, which he should have done anyways because that's gross. AND he came home with a shard of kryptonite made into a necklace once
Bernard, weakly protests: I didn't know!
Kon: He really didn't. He was given it by an occultist who didn't tell him what it was, nor did he think too hard about it because he didn't know I was a kryptonian at the time. Probably one of the worst ways to be outed, especially when we only just started to try out our relationship.
Tim: My dad has the necklace under lock and key now.
Bernard: And I don't even touch green jewelry now. And sanitize myself after an outing. I'm pretty paranoid about it now, actually...
Kon and Tim both kiss Bernard on the cheeks while Danny is starstruck, but also awkward because he's still in Kon's arms. Danny ducks his head to not stare and also debate on how much to say.
Danny: I... I don't know what kryptonite is, but it sounds like ectoranium? Ectoraniam is also green? It tries to break down any "ghost" it comes in contact with and makes using your powers impossible. I also have an extreme allergic reaction to a type of rose? It's called blood blossom back home? There's a bunch of myths about it being ghost repellent, but it only "repells" ghosts because if they stay near it, it ENDS them like a slow moving powerful and painful acid. Magic works on me if it's for the dead and I also have PTSD involving electricity... It's how I ... It's how I died.
Tim: I also have PTSD involving electricity
Kon: And I'm weak to magic in general, the fact only death magic works on you is actually a step up
Bernard: Which is why me and Tim deal with the occult instead of him. No one wants another mind controlled kryptonian... Again
Danny, huffs: Mind control is the worst!
Tim: You were mind controlled?
Danny, frowning hard: Yeah, by this stupid circus ringleader. I have an intense hatred for clowns now.
Tim, grins: We'll make a proper Gothamite of you yet! We all hate clowns here!
Bernard, nods: There's a homicidal clown that gets loose every other month and makes our lives miserable.
Tim, huffs: And we're not allowed to make him "disappear" or my dad will be upset and make our lives hell in response
Bernard, waves off Danny's confused looks: It's a long story. Now, I've made dinner, let's continue talking at the table.
Once everyone is served and seated at a small little breakfast table, conversation starts again.
Danny, hesitately: Kon?... Why did you... How did you accept me so fast?
Kon, smiles sad: There's a couple of things that made it easier for me. I don't know if you know this, but you weren't the only clone Tim made during that time
Tim, distancely: I tried a hundred times... none of them showed signs of life, but Kon was dead and I was in a dark place... I needed a piece of him, but nothing worked..
Kon, flashes Tim a smile while both he and Bernard give him affectionate, understanding touches: I used to daydream about if even one of you survived. We were only 17, but I knew I would have tried my best to be there for you. How could I turn you away as an adult when I wanted you even as a teen?
Tim, fake cough: Clark
Kon, rolls his eyes: And that's the other reason. How could I do to you as Clark did to me? Being rejected by the guy I was the clone of sucked ass, especially when you factor in I was years younger than I looked at the time and was just a little kid wanting family. I wasn't going to do the same thing to any clone that seemed like it could be rationalized, mine or otherwise.
Tim: Seriously, if there was a bad example on what to do when faced with a clone, Superman was the textbook example. He was seriously awful towards Kon for years
Kon, sighs: He's doing much better now and we're closer, but we will never have the relationship I desperately wanted as a kid
Danny: How old was he?
Tim: About our age now, now that I think about it...
Danny: Did you try to kill him?
Kon, blinks: No?
Danny: Then he's a pussy. Dani was created AND tried to kill me when I was 14, but I still adopted her as my little sister and took care of her the best I could.
Kon, bursting into disbelieving giggles: Well, when you put it like that..
Danny, stares at his food: I would have snuck her into my adoptive parents' house if I didn't think they'd flip out and try to kill her... sucks I was right ... I miss her.. and Jazz and my friends... but I can't go back. Dani is dead and Jazz and Sam and Tucker are safer with me gone.
Bernard: Who are Jazz, Sam, and Tucker?
Danny, smiles a little: Sam and Tucker are my best friends. They're complete opposites. Sam is an ultra-recyclo-vegatarian and goth. She's optionated and also can use some plant magic because of being possessed by a plant god basically. Tucker is a complete geek who's basically married to his electronics and would only eat meat if he could. He's also the reincarnation of a pharaoh? Unclear on that, but he's get some wacky powers because of this thing that happened. Doesn't really matter. We all met in 2nd grade and the town freaks had to stick together so we did
Tim, frowning: People thought you would a freak in 2nd grade?
Danny, grimaces: The Fentons had a way of attracting all of the wrong attention. Being associated with them at all was social suicide. Sam wanted to be my friend specifically because it would piss her parents off and be a big fuck you to the popular kids who only wanted to be friends with her because she's rich. I don't actually remember how me a Tucker met, but we were both picked on nerdy kids so we became inseparable.
Bernard: And Jazz?
Danny, smiles proudly, but sadly: She's the best big sister I could have asked for. She made sure we were as healthy and well adjusted as we could be. She was more of a parent to me than the Fentons were if I'm honest, which was completely unfair to her. She's only 2 years older than me... She moved out of that hell hole a month before I was captured. She's always been obsessed with psychology and finally escaped to college. I.. I'm so proud of her.. even if she's annoying
Tim, smiles: I get that. Almost every in my family is adopted. The youngest anyone joined the family was 9, so you can imagine how chaotic it is to go from being an only child to being one of... legally six
Tim: Yes, legally, because B's emotionally adopted about 3 dozen more. It's hard to keep track, but you roll with it. There's no escape
Bernard: Rich coming from the guy who girl bossed his way into that family and refused to leave even when they tried to force you out
Tim, smugly: Skill issue on their part, without me B would be dead or stuck in the time stream. That family needs my ass and would fall apart without me
Bernard: They totally would. Though speaking of them, we'll need to tell them of Danny soon. They're nosey enough to find out, but dumb enough to jump to conclusions instead of asking
Tim: UGH I hate that you're so right
Kon, watching Danny yawn and blink in a way that screams he's trying not to sleep: How about we discuss this more in depth tomorrow? Danny looks ready to pass out and I want him to be part of this conversation
Tim: I'll do the dishes while you put the kid to bed
Bernard: I'll get him something to sleep in
Kon: Alright, we have a game plan
Clone Danny Fenton amuses me so here's another dumb crossover idea: Danny is one of the "failed" clones of Kon that Tim tried to make, but clockwork snatched his lifeless baby corpse before Tim could dispose of it (Tim just assumed he did when it disappeared, writing it off as he did it while too sleep deprived to remember clearly or something) and CW uses the pit to revive it before dropping him off with the Fentons in a completely different dimension.
Danny knows he's adopted and realizes he's not normal fairly early on, but doesn't manifest the more noticeable of his powers til after his accident, so he blames it all on his halfa status and not the alien heritage he has no way of knowing about. Once shit hits the fan and his dimension is no longer safe for him to live in, CW sits him down and explains both his alien (in more ways than one) and clone statuses. CW then offers Danny the chance to meet his maker and template, which Danny agrees to because why not? He's got nothing to lose. Danny's injured 16 y/o ass is then dropped a short distance from a timberkon (who are now in their early 30s because that'd how time works) date/hangout and Danny just plops himself at their table and steals some of Tim and Kon's food before literally any words are exchanged.
Kon, freaking out because this kid looks like him???: Uhhhh??? Kid??
Tim, bewildered: Who?? What?? Kid, wtf??? Do we know you??
Danny, swallowing his mouthful of stolen food: Yes and no.
Danny, points lazily at Tim: Creator.
Danny, equally lazy point to Kon: Template.
Danny, blinking slowly at Bernard: I don't think you had anything to do with HOW I'm here, but as you clearly are part of this now, surprise, it's a scientific freak of nature.
Danny, ignoring the devastated looks on his "parents'" faces and steals more food while continuing: He/him pronouns and I go by Danny. AND ONLY Danny, not Daniel, not Danno, and certainly not Dan.
Tim, slowly takes a deep breath and slides most of his meal towards the clearly starving child: Danny... You're NOT a freak, kiddo
Danny, seems to beam without changing his expression when he's got the food in his hands before processing how his comment must have sounded without context: Oh-ho! But I am! Finding out I was a half human alien clone was just the icing on the cake, really! I had an accident that I'm pretty sure destroyed all my flimsy human dna. I'm now half something else, that hilariously has a lot of crossover powers so I just assumed my accident gave me all of them before the dude that cradle robbed my dead baby corpse from the evil mastermind lab my creator.. has? Had? Meh. Who cares. But baby me was very dead and then he did something and I wasn't. This is where I inform you I grew up in a different dimension and know jack shit about this one.
Bernard: Okay, I have so many questions
Kon: Me too! What's your other half? What's your dimension like? Why did you seek us out now? What's your favourite colour? Any food restrictions? Do you have a place to stay? Why is your heart rate so slow? What's that buzzing sound coming from your chest? What-
Tim: KON! Let the kid actually tell you answers!
Bernard, sliding some of his food over to Danny while eyeing the subtily stiff way Danny is moving: Plus, the more pressing question is, how hurt are you, Danny?
Kon: You're HURT???
Danny, frowns at Bernard ratting him out before turning his attention back to the food in front of him: I got vivisected, it's fine, it's healing
The adults all suck in a sharp breath before sharing a look. They agree this is their kid now and people can take him from them over their cold dead bodies.
Danny feels 3 shiny new parental bonds snap into place, startling the shit out of him. He didn't think they'd want him tbh, AND he didn't think they'd have enough ectoplasum to even do a claiming like that. He nearly starts crying, BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE WANT HIM.
Tim, concerned: Danny? What's wrong?
Danny, blinking wetly: You're liminals?
Bernard: "Liminals"?
Danny: Human with ectoplasum in their system. I just.. you want me?
Kon, sacrificing what's left of his food to Danny: I don't know what that means. AND of course we want you. You're family now.
Tim, nodding: There's no escape.
The adults all giggles, thinking of different situations with supers or bats or both. It only lasts a second because Danny bursts into tears, just completely overwhelmed by the situation. The adults instinctively get closer, but don't touch, unsure if it would help or worsen Danny's state.
Tim: Danny?
Kon: Would you like a hug-oof!
Danny dives into Kon's side and desperately clings to him with enough force to break a human's ribs. Tim and Bernard crowd closer and rub his back in soothing motions.
Bernard: What's wrong, kiddo?
Danny: Dani should have been here too!
Tim: Danny? I thought your name was Dani?
Danny: She was Dani with one n and an I. I'm Danny with two n's and a y. She- She was my clone, but...
Bernard: You don't have to tell us
Danny: ...She wasn't super stable. I'd help her restabilize every time she started to destabilize, but... but I got caught! She came for help and got caught too! I watched her melt in that shitty lab! There was so much- I wanted- SHE'S GONE!
The adults are devastated. Kon squeezes Danny tightly.
Kon, softly: tell us about her?
And so Danny does. Explaining how she came to be, their first interactions, her strong and independent personality, the little souvenirs she brought him while she traveled to figure herself out, how her condition always worried him, but she wouldn't-couldn't stay with him, and how he wanted to talk about finding her a new name because she deserved to have her own name, not something that reminds her she's a defective clone, but he never got the chance. He has a messy breakdown while explaining her final moments and how his bindings, power suppression cuffs chained to the floor and a muzzle, prevented him from giving her comfort and how SHE apologized to HIM. He thought he was going to die with her in that moment, his core cracking at her loss.
This leads to a short explanation of his ghost biology and how dangerous a cracked core is. And by then, he's flagging, so the adults start persuading the kid to crash in their guest room, with the promise of dinner.
Thus begins the process of timberkon convincing Danny to stay with them. Teaching the kid about his original dimension and the many heroes. They get him so MANY books about space and alien civilizations once they find out his obsession (literally) with that kind of thing. Danny still misses his sisters and friends like an amputated arm, but he slowly rebuilds, letting himself gain a new family and new friends.
His introduction to both the Bats and Supers could have gone better.
He's suspicious and wary of Clark the whole time he was meeting the Kents because of how Clark has treated his own clones in the past. Danny doesn't understand him, and Clark doesn't truly understand, but is more sad than anything about it and accepts he made his bed, now he must lay in it. He warms up to the rest fairly quickly. He's also introduced to Bizarro and Clara eventually and that goes well.
With the Bats, Danny, Bruce, and Dick verbally pace around each other. Bruce deep throating his foot, and Dick not being much better while trying to keep the peace. The rest watch on with amusement before the show is a cut short by Damian of all people intervening. The problem is Damian snuck up behind (unintentionally), grabbed his shoulder while calling Danny "Daniel" (something he was informed to NOT do), and Danny's brain went "VLAD FOUND ME??" (despite there being no way, CW will not let him find Danny) and reacts with violence. Damian barely escaped having any broken bones, that being said, where Danny grabbed to literally throw Damian has DEEP bruising, that arm was dislocated, he has more bruising from hitting the floor, and gained a concussion. Danny apologizing profusely while scolding this 28 y/o man about sneaking up on him AND using a name he specifically told everyone NOT to use. Damian is man enough to apologize while Alfred patches him up. Meeting Duke and Cass is nice, he's unsure about Steph (because how rambunctious she is) and Alfred, Barbara makes him homesick for Jazz, and Jason is funny til he gets a heart attack in the form of Danny offering to eat the corrupt ectoplasum (Lazarus waters) out of him. There's chaos after that, but it eventually calms down, especially since timberkon are protective of their baby and Tim looks like he's about to go super villain on them the moment "tests" are brought up. Danny is embarrassed and pleased as his Creator (he never stops calling jokingly calling Tim that, Kon gets Template, and Bernard is Human, when they aren't just called their name. Eventually he calls them all dad, though Bernard is sometimes called mom) threatens to ruin their everything if they continue. Threats they take seriously because they know Tim will follow through. After that it goes well.
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otomeorangejuice · 2 days ago
The last post I reblogged sent me on a spiral so here's how all the LADS LIs are nerds.
Zayne: He's a surgeon, that went through med school. Next.
Jk. Definitely the kinda guy to tell you random facts about the body, forgetting how gross some of them are and getting really embarrassed when his medical nerd talk puts you off your dinner. Loves explaining things whether it's his job or weird things about the human body. Tbh if he wasn't a doctor he'd probs be a teacher. Also ik it's his job but the lab coat SCREAMS nerd.
Caleb: military pilot with gravity powers, NERD. His fave subjects in school were probably physics and maths. Can name pretty much any aircraft at a glance and will yap to you about physics theories and the inner working of his favourite planes if you let him.
Everybody except those closest to him thinks he's just smart and cool but MC, Zayne and Gideon know that he's a chronic nerd that shows his affection by yapping at you about how cool planes are.
Rafayel: Art nerd. Now I don't think he'd care much about human art history overall, although I do feel he'd have a soft spot for the likes of Impressionism. But he's a nerd about the craft, the materials. He canonically creates his own pigments from seashells and such (which as a fellow art nerd I find so cool) but I personally believe he's probably experimented with trying to get natural pigments from all sorts of things.
This man is a colour theory girlie and he will ramble on to anyone about specific pigments and how he's aiming to achieve them. Thomas can pretty much rattle off the way he works by memory and sometimes finds himself looking at different things and wondering if that will give Rafayel the shade he's looking for. He low-key hates it but he tells himself it's for the good of the exhibitions and the art scene at the end of the day.
Sylus: Now I know we all joke that he's an old man but personally I think he's both a music and tech nerd. Like every person who knows about technology only trusts it so much (Catch him hating how much AI junk is infecting our lives ATM) plus Mephisto exists, like I think his tech parts are Sylus' doing. He's also a nerd about weapons and mostly collects them for fun only having a few that he actually uses for combat while overall preferring to use his fists and his evol.
Now he can't play music to save his life but he has the best audio systems money can buy, he has several record players, some vintage, some modern and he collects all sorts of vintage music paraphernalia. (Catch him having one of Eddie Van Halen's guitars on display). He canonically likes the Beatles (there's a pile of records as a decoration for his room on one of them is labeled Beatles) so I think he'd be a classic rock fan (Fits his vibe) but he still enjoys classical and opera
Xavier: Now Xavier is the only one who I don't think is a nerd. He's worse. This man is a gamer. From old school Nintendo to the newest VR releases he's played a good mix of everything. Personally I feel like he leans towards cozy games, has the cutest animal crossing island and the most impressive farm on stardew valley. Has definitely made himself and MC in the Sims (and then made Charlie and removed the ladder while he was in the pool). But he's also a god at the likes of the Bloodborne series. If he's feeling particularly jealous or pent up a few rounds of bashing bosses on Elden Ring will make him feel better. Also don't try playing a fighting game with him, he'll wreck you at Street Fighter.
And there we are the nerd (and gamer) squad.
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bubbless-s · 1 day ago
Hey! Can you do anything else(It really doesnt matter what it is) with our favorite hero boys?
·.·´¯`·.·★ Shopping with our favourite hero boys ★·.·´¯`·.·˚ ༘⋆🛍️。˚
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- ʚɞ genre: fluff
- ʚɞ warning: OOC and delusional
- ʚɞ a/n: slowly getting back into writing ( devider )
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Ben Tennyson
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⟡ Ben doesn’t like shopping at all, but for you he would try to calm down his impatience.
⟡ Wants only to check out the aisle which have something to do with the sumo slammers. He’s not doing it on purpose—or atleast he swears so, your choice whether to trust him or not.
⟡ If you’re a reader who uses makeup Ben would have fun testing out the makeup testers with you. Or choosing the ugliest colour of lipstick and saying it would suit you.
⟡ Hates waiting for you when you’re trying something in the changing room—don’t worry his sulking is gone if you peck his cheek.
⟡ Gets disgustingly hungry while shopping and has to munch on something. Ben usually doesn’t bring anything so he kind of relies on what he finds in your bag.
⟡ Absolutely loves junk food and offers to stop by a nearby restaurant to get you and him chili fries. (“So we have a better shopping experience.” -Ben says not because he has an obsession with the fries.)
⟡ His smug immature ass would not admit he had fun because ew shopping.
⟡ The day ends with multiple shopping bags scattered across Bens room, him off to do hero work, and you sleeping soundly on the soft bed.
Lloyd Garmadon
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⟡ Lloyd doesn’t really mind shopping. Its not that he dislikes it but he doesn’t like it that much either.
⟡ He would try to be supportive and stuff, even tease you a little for not being able to carry the shopping bags, then right after offer to carry them for you.
⟡ If you drag him into the dressing room Lloyd would get flustered a ton, as if you guys haven’t been dating for a good while.
⟡ Please hold this guys hand he loves any kind of physical affection. No no he isn’t touch starved what are you talking about?
⟡ Sees one of those cringe matching couple shirts and spends almost all day wondering how he will ask you if you want to match with him.
⟡ Would definitely offer you to piggyback on his back if you get tired from walking or if your shoes are uncomfortable Lloyd would offer his shoes to you with an akward smile.
⟡ Let’s say both of you are tired or something and you want to check out one last shop, you wouldn’t have to pester Lloyd about it, just one second of puppy eyes has got him back on his feet with a slight blush.
⟡ After getting home, Lloyd would give your legs a nice massage which makes you fall asleep.
Damian Wayne
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⟡ Given Damians serious nature you thought he wouldn’t agree to go out shopping. Surprise surprise this guy would kill someone for you.
⟡ With Damian there’s no such thing as “I wonder if I should buy this its kind of expensive-“ you want he buys.
⟡ What whats wrong with spoiling your lover? (Bruce wondering how Damian spend over 5k in a day, after seeing Damian helping out with the shopping bags everything becomes clear.)
⟡ Nobody would have thought Damian would be keen on matching rings? I mean they’re pretty impractical—but seeing a smile on your face as he gives out the idea to buy the rings is worth the world (and the impracticality of the ring)
⟡ Gives out the best advice, you know those shopping assistants that go “this brings out your eyes” Damian is the same but with a little hint of complimenting.
⟡ If you can’t find an item you want, worry not, Damian browse and find it for you so fast that it leaves you wondering how.
⟡ He would want to check out the pet stores to see if he can get any kind of treats for his pets.
⟡ Doesn’t really want to do something else after shopping only cuddles.
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pattishapta · 5 months ago
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jack and joker ep.7 haunts me
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anomaliex · 25 days ago
I think Gorgug grows up trying to take up as little space as possible.
I think that as a child, before he was all that conscious of his own decisions, he broke a lot of stuff. That's fine, small children do that and his parents have had him since he was a baby. A huge baby, especially for gnomes. A huge baby that grew into a toddler the size of his parents who's (again, normal and okay) tantrums did actual property damage because he's an orc. They were never mad at him for it, they'd never be mad at a child experiencing big emotions and not yet able to process them or understand consequences, but we know how their families reacted to that. We know that they always saw him as something that would grow up to be a threat.
I think that pretty much as soon as he develops a sense of it Gorgug starts feeling ashamed. He's ashamed of how nothing ever fits right, and of how loud he gets when he's upset, and of how the other kids in the neighbourhood (because it's a small folk neighbourhood!!) get scared of him sometimes, and of how when he has bad dreams he breaks his bed and is unable to control himself, like a baby. There was probably a time where he thought he was really clumsy and he was ashamed of that too, but by the time he turns like twelve Gorgug kind of understands that he's not more clumsy than the average kid, it's just that every time he drops something or bumps into a shelf it'll do so much more damage than if anyone else he lives around were to do the same.
(And his parents are talented tinkerers but sometimes their work is so delicate and all he ever does is wreck things. He doesn't dare touch it no matter how much they try to share this passion with him — eventually they assume he just doesn't like it and they would never force him to do something he doesn't want. Gorgug doesn't let himself discover how much he enjoys it until sophomore year. I wonder if he regrets all those years he spent fearing the possibility of ruining things and depriving himself of something he ended up loving.)
(And he was never "stupid", it's just that all he ever thought himself of was a brute so he never entertained the possibility of his own intelligence until faced with it. He didn't know he could thrive academically so it wasn't something he ever considered committing to. He literally just played bloodrush because he was good at it, not because he liked it. He just thought he had to, and he thought math is something he couldn't possibly do. Why try?)
Entering Highschool Gorgug is very shy, and he doesn't really have friends. Adults always like to blame the latter on the first, but sometimes it's the other way around and sometimes it's a vicious cycle. Sometimes you're six years old and none of the kids in your elementary school class are anything like you but you desperately try to fit in until you slip up and show them how much of a freak you are one time (I think he got mad. I think he broke a table. I think someone cried. I think maybe there was a teacher who was so much smaller than him and looked at him as if he were something to be feared. I think that in that moment he decided that he is. Or at least his rage, maybe.) and then you never get to have friends again and you shrink in on yourself and you don't understand how anyone else does it — it's not even that you're scared you just don't understand, and maybe you just want to be alone. And then a happy outspoken child grows into a shy teenager because they don't have any friends.
I think Gorgug is careful. He is so gentle and empathetic and kind and he is so careful because every time he isn't something breaks. And every time he raises his voice someone is scared of him and all he ever wants is people to not be afraid. So he hunches over, and he stands in the corner, and he scoots to the very edge of the bench so you don't have to sit too close to him, and he takes every insult to his face without fighting back lest he'll get upset and despite all his fucking efforts all it takes is one asshole to take it too far and he feels himself snap and all he wants to do is break something and hurt and twist and kill. And that scares him. He doesn't allow himself to be angry (and as wonderful as Digby and Wilma are they don't understand. They don't understand that he has to be, that he has to let it out some time.) so he bottles it up and every time it explodes out of him he doesn't know how to handle it other than to swing his axe and kill maul bite snarl kill.
But then, his adventuring party seems to not mind his rage, or his size, or his freakish strength. If anything they seem to like it, or at least respect him for it. He's never considered doing something like music before because that's for talented people and it's art and he doesn't do art because his hands are only good for destruction, not creation. Right? He does the music anyway. It's nice because there he's allowed to be angry on the drums and no one thinks it's weird.
He meets a girl that finds his rage attractive and he was scared that he'd scared her but he didn't. Ragh becomes one of his dearest friends and maybe for the first time Gorgug looks at a raging (half-)orc — all snarling and panting and bearing his teeth and twitching at any sound or scent — and doesn't find himself appalled because all he sees is someone that's fighting to keep him and his friends safe. And oh, maybe it's okay to be enraged.
I think he grows into a young man that doesn't love being angry but stops hating it too. He likes, in a way, that he gets angry over the right things, and he likes that being angry enables him to protect those he cares for. In the end his rage is a survival instinct and it's good to be alive. That leads to him, for a while, only accepting his rage as something that's fine to express in combat, and if it's outside of combat then only to his friends. There's still this need to make himself palatable, to tone himself down so everyone stays comfortable around him, but that also fades eventually.
During junior year he does finally come out of his shell enough to just express his anger the second he feels it. I think it is liberating and it's also the scariest thing he's ever done, and he went through a forest that made him confront his deepest fears already. (And that's exactly what it was. The inconvenience to his parents, the fear it strikes in others, the rejection it brings, the way it seems to reduce him to a weapon or maybe a wild animal and to some people including parts of him means he absolutely cannot be an intelligent or loveworthy person. He's always been afraid of his own rage.)
I think that if a younger Gorgug could see his older self snarl at one of his friends for making a joke about his parents' lawnmower, with his tusks fully grown out and muscle finally starting to fill out his clothes a little, so strong and so dangerous and so unashamed of it, he'd feel no relief and only horror. I think acceptance is something that feels alien to him right up until he suddenly achieves it.
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kkoct-ik · 6 months ago
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i can finally post my silly little two-part wallpaper / blog banner merch pieces i made for the @hotguycomiczine !!
phone wallpaper ver. & some cursed hgc universe doodles under cut
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one discussion on offbrand hotguy & cuteguy merchandise really captured me.
i wish they were real ...
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1captainjordan4 · 2 years ago
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I was rooting for Joel to win…. But atleast his death was awesome!!
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butterflysweety · 3 months ago
Thinking of you, is a poison i drink often. -Atticus
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venomous-qwille · 2 years ago
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[ID: An inkbrush style image of Virus!Sun standing with both hands splayed looking at the viewer, he is bisected by a diagonal slash of shadow. The colours are heavily saturated with purple, yellow and red that clash in an unnerving way. /End ID]
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jerswayman · 11 months ago
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i think we all know it's you who never wants to leave brando
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endoferasandallthings · 9 months ago
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bridgerton season 3 // stupid for you by waterparks alt version
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azurityarts · 2 years ago
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uhhh i don't really have a title for this lol
Just wanted to have another go at colouring and shading since I haven't done either in a while!
also while working on this I accidentally turned off the wrong layer and
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ngl my guy don't look too bad
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loopyarts · 9 months ago
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How did I get roped into doing another painterly piece with Ichiji and completely line-less no less. Not that I am mad about it because it was overall an enjoyable challenge to do and while not perfect I had fun making this piece. :3c
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sciderman · 10 months ago
(Idk if someone asked this already) since we’re on the topic of gender
sci what is gender to you and how do you see it in you and how you express it in your art?? (Just a young queer artist who wants some light shined upon them 🥺)
i 'unno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#gender is soup#sci speaks#i'm so sorry i know you might hope for something profound but... i think when i'm put on the spot like this i can't say anything really#i think whatever i am is definitely pervasive in everything i write#but like.. gender means something different to wade than it does for peter.#just like it'll be different for everybody. we make different associations based on our experiences and our trauma.#like.. wade associates femininity with love. because of his mother. associates masculinity with violence. because of his father.#peter associates masculinity with responsibility. because of uncle ben. associates femininity with confidence. because of aunt may.#i think there's all kinds of reasons why we choose to present the way we do. and what gender means to us.#just like we'll associate a colour with something. or a smell with a memory. it's complicated.#i don't think i'm some kind of expert on gender things but... i just find it interesting to explore. the psychology of it.#i don't think it's supernatural. it doesn't come from nowhere. but it should be a playground.#i don't think anyone in this world should be restricted to a certain role to play. i want to try all the roles and see how it fits.#see how well i can play them.#maybe because i haven't found one that quite fits. so i want the opportunity to try whatever i can. see what feels right.#i think it would be fun to be a wife. i think it would be fun to be a husband. i think it would be fun to be a firefighter. i think it wo#shrugs. different outfits for every day. different roles to play.#today i'd like to try...#i think it's like kids learning how to be adults by playing pretend. by playing roles.#i'm learning more about myself and other people and fitting into the world by trying on different roles.#kids playing house. you be the mom. i'll be the dad. yadda yadda.#i still feel like a bit of a kid who hasn't figured out how to be an adult yet. so i'm still trying out roles to see what fits.
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vvirtue · 2 months ago
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desperately trying to remember the graphic part of graphic design (full drawing below cut!)
introducing my pop disaster, Marnie Williams Daydream! she's upbeat and cheery on stage but a nervous wreck behind the scenes, pining after her manager and wishing things could go back to how they used to be with her ex-best-friend... oh honey, you've got a big storm coming.
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this was meant to just be a quick sketch to unwind so I started out using a base by @/albanenechi but then decided I wanted to change what the arms and feetsies were doing :3 then I realised that the sketch was actually pretty good already so I cleaned it up and went straight to colouring. I love skipping the lineart stage so much.
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